{ "domain": "medical specialties", "version": "V2", "question_clusters":{ "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_1": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_2": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_3": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "orthopedian", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedian'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedian' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_4": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "orthopedic surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_5": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_6": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "pediatrician", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_7": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_8": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_9": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_10": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_11": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_12": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_13": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_14": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_15": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "venereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'venereologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'venereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of venereology' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_16": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of comparative medicine' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_17": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "veterinary epidemiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of epizootiology' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_18": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "veterinary parasitologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'veterinary parasitologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'veterinary parasitologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'veterinary parasitologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'veterinary parasitologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'veterinary parasitologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'veterinary parasitologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'veterinary parasitologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'veterinary parasitologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of veterinary parasitology' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_19": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "veterinary pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'veterinary pathologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'veterinary pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'veterinary pathologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'veterinary pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'veterinary pathologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'veterinary pathologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'veterinary pathologist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'veterinary pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of veterinary pathology' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_20": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "veterinary specialist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of veterinary specialty' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_21": { "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "target": "vascular surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'vascular surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'vascular surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'vascular surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'vascular surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'vascular surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'vascular surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'vascular surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'vascular surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of vascular surgery' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_hierarchy_22": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedian'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_hierarchy_23": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_hierarchy_24": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_hierarchy_25": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_26": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedian'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_27": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedic surgery' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_28": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_29": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_30": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_31": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' " ] }, "orthopedic_pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_32": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_33": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "implantologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'implantologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'implantologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'implantologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'implantologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'implantologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'implantologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of implantology' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_34": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "infection control physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'infection control physician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'infection control physician'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'infection control physician' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of infection control' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_35": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "infectious disease physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'infectious disease physician'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of infectious diseases' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_36": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "intensivist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'intensivist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'intensivist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'intensivist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'intensivist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'intensivist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'intensivist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of intensive care medicine' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_37": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "internist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'internist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'internist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_38": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "interventional cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'interventional cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of interventional cardiology' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_39": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "venereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'venereologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'venereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of venereology' " ] }, "medical_occupation_edge_no_40": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'medical occupation' is not a type of 'veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'medical occupation' is not a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical occupation works on the field of comparative medicine' " ] }, "medical_occupation_hierarchy_41": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'medical occupation' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'medical occupation' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'medical occupation' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_yes_42": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "medical specialist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'medical specialist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'medical specialist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_inv_43": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "medical specialist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'medical specialist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_44": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dental practitioner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_45": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dental practitioner without formal qualifications", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_46": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of oral surgery' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_47": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_48": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_49": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dermatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dermatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of dermatology' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_50": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of dermatovenerology' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_51": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "diabetologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'diabetologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'diabetologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'diabetologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of diabetology' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_52": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "school dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'school dentist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'school dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'school dentist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'school dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'school dentist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'school dentist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'school dentist' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'school dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical specialist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "medical_specialist_edge_no_53": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "school physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'school physician' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'school physician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'school physician' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'school physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not a subconcept of 'school physician' ", "'medical specialist' is not a type of 'school physician'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'school physician' ", "'medical specialist' is not a subcategory of 'school physician' " ] }, "medical_specialist_hierarchy_54": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'medical specialist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'medical specialist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'medical specialist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_yes_55": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedian", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthopedian' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthopedian' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_yes_56": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedian", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedian' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedian' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_inv_57": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "orthopedian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedian'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedian' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_inv_58": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "orthopedian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedian'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedian' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_59": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "balneologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'balneologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'balneologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'balneologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'balneologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'balneologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'balneologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of balneology' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_60": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "bariatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'bariatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_61": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "behaviour therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'behaviour therapist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of behavior therapy' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_62": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "bullfighting surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'bullfighting surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of Tauro-Traumatology' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_63": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "burn surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'burn surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of burn surgery' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_64": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of gastroenterology' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_65": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "gastrointestinal endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_66": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "geriatric oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'geriatric oncologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of geriatric oncology' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_67": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "geriatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'geriatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'geriatrician'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'geriatrician' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of geriatrics' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_68": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "gerodontologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'gerodontologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of geriatric dentistry' " ] }, "orthopedian_edge_no_69": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "government veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ", "'orthopedian' is not a type of 'government veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ", "'orthopedian' is not a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] }, "orthopedian_hierarchy_70": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedian", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedian' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedian' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedian' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedian' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedian' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedian' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_yes_71": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_yes_72": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_yes_73": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "orthopedian", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedian'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedian' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_yes_74": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_inv_75": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "orthopedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_inv_76": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "orthopedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_inv_77": { "source": "orthopedian", "target": "orthopedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedian' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedian' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedian' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedian' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedian' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedian' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_inv_78": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "orthopedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'orthopedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthopedic surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_79": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dental practitioner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dental practitioner'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_80": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dental practitioner without formal qualifications", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_81": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of oral surgery' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_82": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_83": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_84": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dermatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dermatologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of dermatology' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_85": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of dermatovenerology' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_86": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "diabetologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'diabetologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'diabetologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'diabetologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of diabetology' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_87": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_edge_no_88": { "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_hierarchy_89": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedian'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_hierarchy_90": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_property_hierarchy_91": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'orthopedian' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'orthopedian' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'orthopedian'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'orthopedian' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'orthopedian' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of orthopedics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedian works on the field of orthopedics' " ] }, "orthopedic_surgeon_property_hierarchy_92": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthopedic surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'orthopedic surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'orthopedic surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'orthopedic surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthopedic surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_93": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_94": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_95": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "pediatrician", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_yes_96": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_97": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_98": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_99": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_inv_100": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_101": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "balneologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'balneologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'balneologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'balneologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'balneologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'balneologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'balneologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of balneology' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_102": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "bariatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'bariatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_103": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "behaviour therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'behaviour therapist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of behavior therapy' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_104": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "bullfighting surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'bullfighting surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of Tauro-Traumatology' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_105": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "burn surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'burn surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of burn surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_106": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of gastroenterology' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_107": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "gastrointestinal endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_108": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "geriatric oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'geriatric oncologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of geriatric oncology' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_109": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "geriatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'geriatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'geriatrician'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'geriatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of geriatrics' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_110": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "gerodontologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'gerodontologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of geriatric dentistry' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_edge_no_111": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "government veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a type of 'government veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_hierarchy_112": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_hierarchy_113": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_114": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_115": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' " ] }, "pediatric_surgeon_property_hierarchy_116": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_yes_117": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatrician", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatrician' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatrician' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_yes_118": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatrician", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatrician' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatrician' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_inv_119": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "pediatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatrician'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatrician' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_inv_120": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "pediatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatrician'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatrician' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_121": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "family therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'family therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'family therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'family therapist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'family therapist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'family therapist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'family therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of family therapy' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_122": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "flight surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'flight surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_123": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "food in ancient Rome", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'food in ancient Rome'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_124": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "forensic pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'forensic pathologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of forensic pathology' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_125": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "forensic psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'forensic psychiatrist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'forensic psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'forensic psychiatrist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'forensic psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of forensic psychiatry' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_126": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "forest pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'forest pathologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'forest pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'forest pathologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'forest pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'forest pathologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'forest pathologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'forest pathologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'forest pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of forest pathology' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_127": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "pain physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'pain physician' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'pain physician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'pain physician' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'pain physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'pain physician' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'pain physician'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'pain physician' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'pain physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pain management' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_128": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "paleohistologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'paleohistologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'paleohistologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'paleohistologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'paleohistologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'paleohistologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'paleohistologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'paleohistologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'paleohistologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of paleohistology' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_129": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "paleopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'paleopathologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'paleopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'paleopathologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'paleopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'paleopathologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'paleopathologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'paleopathologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'paleopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of paleopathology' " ] }, "pediatrician_edge_no_130": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "pancreatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'pancreatologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'pancreatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'pancreatologist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'pancreatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not a subconcept of 'pancreatologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a type of 'pancreatologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'pancreatologist' ", "'pediatrician' is not a subcategory of 'pancreatologist' " ] }, "pediatrician_hierarchy_131": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatrician", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatrician' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatrician' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatrician' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatrician' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatrician' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatrician' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_yes_132": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_yes_133": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_inv_134": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_inv_135": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_136": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dental practitioner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dental practitioner'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_137": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dental practitioner without formal qualifications", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_138": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of oral surgery' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_139": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_140": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_141": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dermatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dermatologist'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of dermatology' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_142": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of dermatovenerology' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_143": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "diabetologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'diabetologist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'diabetologist'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'diabetologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of diabetology' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_144": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "venereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'venereologist'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'venereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of venereology' " ] }, "surgeon_edge_no_145": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'surgeon' is not a type of 'veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of comparative medicine' " ] }, "surgeon_hierarchy_146": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_147": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_148": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_149": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "neurologist", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_150": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_151": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_152": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "pediatrician", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_yes_153": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_154": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_155": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_156": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_157": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_158": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_159": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_inv_160": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_161": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_162": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_163": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_164": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_165": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_166": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_167": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_168": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_169": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_170": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_edge_no_171": { "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_hierarchy_172": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_hierarchy_173": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_hierarchy_174": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_hierarchy_175": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_176": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology' ", "is the following statement true? 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of neurology'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology' ", "the following statement is true 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_177": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery' ", "the following statement is true 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurosurgery' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_178": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_179": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of childhood disease'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_180": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatrics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' " ] }, "pediatric_neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_181": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_yes_182": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'neurologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'neurologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_yes_183": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_inv_184": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "neurologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'neurologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neurologist' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_inv_185": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "neurologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'neurologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neurologist' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_186": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_187": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_188": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_189": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_190": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_191": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_192": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_193": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_194": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_195": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "neurologist_edge_no_196": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'neurologist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "neurologist_hierarchy_197": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurologist", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neurologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'neurologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neurologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_yes_198": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_yes_199": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_yes_200": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "neurologist", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_yes_201": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_inv_202": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_inv_203": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_inv_204": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not necessarily a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is necessarily a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'neurologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_inv_205": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "neurosurgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'neurosurgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'neurosurgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neurosurgeon' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_206": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "ecotoxicologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'ecotoxicologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'ecotoxicologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'ecotoxicologist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'ecotoxicologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'ecotoxicologist' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_207": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "embryologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'embryologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'embryologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'embryologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'embryologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'embryologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'embryologist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'embryologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'embryologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of embryology' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_208": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "emergency physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'emergency physician' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'emergency physician' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'emergency physician' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'emergency physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'emergency physician' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'emergency physician'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'emergency physician' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'emergency physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of emergency medicine' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_209": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "endocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'endocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of endocrinology' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_210": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "endodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'endodontist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'endodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'endodontist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'endodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'endodontist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'endodontist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'endodontist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'endodontist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of endodontics' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_211": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'endoscopist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'endoscopist' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_212": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "environmental toxicologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'environmental toxicologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'environmental toxicologist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of environmental toxicology' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_213": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "epileptologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'epileptologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'epileptologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'epileptologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'epileptologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'epileptologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'epileptologist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'epileptologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'epileptologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of epileptology' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_214": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "equine dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'equine dentist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'equine dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'equine dentist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'equine dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'equine dentist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'equine dentist'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'equine dentist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'equine dentist' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_edge_no_215": { "source": "neurosurgeon", "target": "eye surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'eye surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is not a subconcept of 'eye surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a type of 'eye surgeon'", "not every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'eye surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is not a subcategory of 'eye surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of eye surgery' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_hierarchy_216": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_hierarchy_217": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_218": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology' ", "is the following statement true? 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of neurology'? " ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' ", "the following statement is true 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology' ", "the following statement is true 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of neurology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' " ] }, "neurosurgeon_property_hierarchy_219": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neurosurgeon", "questions": [ "is 'neurosurgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neurosurgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'neurosurgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'neurosurgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'neurosurgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'neurosurgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neurosurgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_yes_220": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_yes_221": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_yes_222": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_yes_223": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "pediatric surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_yes_224": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "pediatrician", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_yes_225": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_inv_226": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_inv_227": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_inv_228": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_inv_229": { "source": "pediatric surgeon", "target": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'pediatric surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_inv_230": { "source": "pediatrician", "target": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatrician' a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatrician' also a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatrician' a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatrician' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'pediatrician' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_inv_231": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'pediatric visceral surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_232": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_233": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of hepatology' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_234": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of histology' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_235": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of histopathology' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_236": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "human entomophagy", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'human entomophagy'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_237": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "human nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'human nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'human nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'human nutrition'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'human nutrition' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'human nutrition' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_238": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "hypertensiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'hypertensiologist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of hypertensiology' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_239": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "hypnotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'hypnotherapist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of hypnotherapy' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_240": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "family therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'family therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'family therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'family therapist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'family therapist'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'family therapist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'family therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of family therapy' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_241": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "flight surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'flight surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_edge_no_242": { "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "target": "food in ancient Rome", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a type of 'food in ancient Rome'", "not every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_hierarchy_243": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_hierarchy_244": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_hierarchy_245": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_property_hierarchy_246": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_property_hierarchy_247": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatric surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatric surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric surgeon works on the field of pediatric surgery' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_property_hierarchy_248": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of childhood disease'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of childhood disease' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of childhood disease' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_property_hierarchy_249": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'pediatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'pediatrician' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is the following statement true? 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatrics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'pediatrician'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'pediatrician' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'pediatrician' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of pediatrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatrician works on the field of pediatrics' " ] }, "pediatric_visceral_surgeon_property_hierarchy_250": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pediatric visceral surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'pediatric visceral surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'pediatric visceral surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'pediatric visceral surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pediatric visceral surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_yes_251": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_yes_252": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_yes_253": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_inv_254": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_inv_255": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_inv_256": { "source": "surgeon", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'surgeon' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'surgeon' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'surgeon' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "not every kind of 'surgeon' is necessarily a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'surgeon' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_257": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "aesthetic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'aesthetic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of cosmetic surgery' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_258": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "alcohologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'alcohologist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'alcohologist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'alcohologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of alcohology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_259": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "allergist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'allergist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'allergist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'allergist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'allergist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'allergist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'allergist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'allergist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'allergist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of allergology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_260": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "anatomical pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'anatomical pathologist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of anatomical pathology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_261": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "andrologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'andrologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'andrologist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'andrologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'andrologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'andrologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'andrologist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'andrologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'andrologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of andrology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_262": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "anesthesiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'anesthesiologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'anesthesiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'anesthesiologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'anesthesiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'anesthesiologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'anesthesiologist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'anesthesiologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'anesthesiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of anaesthesiology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_263": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "angiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'angiologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'angiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'angiologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'angiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'angiologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'angiologist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'angiologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'angiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of angiology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_264": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "animal nutrition science", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'animal nutrition science' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'animal nutrition science' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'animal nutrition science' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'animal nutrition science' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'animal nutrition science' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'animal nutrition science'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'animal nutrition science' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'animal nutrition science' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_265": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "animal nutritionist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'animal nutritionist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'animal nutritionist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'animal nutritionist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'animal nutritionist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'animal nutritionist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'animal nutritionist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'animal nutritionist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'animal nutritionist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of animal nutrition science' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_edge_no_266": { "source": "abdominal surgeon", "target": "avian pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'avian pathologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'avian pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'avian pathologist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'avian pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'avian pathologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a type of 'avian pathologist'", "not every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'avian pathologist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'avian pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of avian pathology' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_hierarchy_267": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "abdominal surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "abdominal_surgeon_property_hierarchy_268": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "abdominal surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'abdominal surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'abdominal surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'abdominal surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'abdominal surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'abdominal surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_yes_269": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "target": "gastroenterologist", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_yes_270": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "target": "internist", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_yes_271": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_yes_272": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_inv_273": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not necessarily a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is necessarily a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'hepatologist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_inv_274": { "source": "internist", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is necessarily a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'hepatologist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_inv_275": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'hepatologist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_inv_276": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'hepatologist' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_277": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_278": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of histology' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_279": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of histopathology' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_280": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "human entomophagy", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'human entomophagy'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_281": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "human nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'human nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'human nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'human nutrition'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'human nutrition' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'human nutrition' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_282": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "hypertensiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'hypertensiologist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of hypertensiology' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_283": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "hypnotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'hypnotherapist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of hypnotherapy' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_284": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "radiation oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'radiation oncologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'radiation oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'radiation oncologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'radiation oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'radiation oncologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'radiation oncologist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'radiation oncologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'radiation oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of radiation oncology' " ] }, "hepatologist_edge_no_285": { "source": "hepatologist", "target": "radiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'radiologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'radiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'radiologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'radiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is not a subconcept of 'radiologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a type of 'radiologist'", "not every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'radiologist' ", "'hepatologist' is not a subcategory of 'radiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of medical imaging' " ] }, "hepatologist_hierarchy_286": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "hepatologist_property_hierarchy_287": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'hepatologist works on the field of gastroenterology' ", "is the following statement true? 'gastroenterologist works on the field of gastroenterology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of gastroenterology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of gastroenterology'? " ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "the following statement is true 'hepatologist works on the field of gastroenterology' ", "the following statement is true 'gastroenterologist works on the field of gastroenterology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of gastroenterology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of gastroenterology' " ] }, "hepatologist_property_hierarchy_288": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "hepatologist", "questions": [ "is 'hepatologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'hepatologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'hepatologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'hepatologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of internal medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'hepatologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'hepatologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'hepatologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "the following statement is true 'hepatologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'hepatologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_yes_289": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "internist", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_yes_290": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_yes_291": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_inv_292": { "source": "internist", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is necessarily a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_inv_293": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_inv_294": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_295": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_296": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of histology' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_297": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of histopathology' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_298": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "human entomophagy", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'human entomophagy'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_299": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "human nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'human nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'human nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'human nutrition'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'human nutrition' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'human nutrition' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_300": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "hypertensiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'hypertensiologist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of hypertensiology' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_301": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "hypnotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'hypnotherapist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of hypnotherapy' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_302": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "vascular surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'vascular surgeon' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'vascular surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'vascular surgeon' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'vascular surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'vascular surgeon' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'vascular surgeon'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'vascular surgeon' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'vascular surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of vascular surgery' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_303": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "venereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'venereologist'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'venereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of venereology' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_edge_no_304": { "source": "gastroenterologist", "target": "veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is not a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a type of 'veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'gastroenterologist' is not a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of comparative medicine' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_hierarchy_305": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gastroenterologist", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "gastroenterologist_property_hierarchy_306": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gastroenterologist", "questions": [ "is 'gastroenterologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'gastroenterologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'gastroenterologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'gastroenterologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of internal medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'gastroenterologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'gastroenterologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'gastroenterologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "the following statement is true 'gastroenterologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'gastroenterologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "internist_edge_yes_307": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "internist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'internist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'internist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "internist_edge_yes_308": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "internist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'internist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'internist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "internist_edge_inv_309": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "internist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'internist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'internist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'internist' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_310": { "source": "internist", "target": "gastrointestinal endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_311": { "source": "internist", "target": "geriatric oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'geriatric oncologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of geriatric oncology' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_312": { "source": "internist", "target": "geriatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'geriatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'geriatrician'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'geriatrician' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of geriatrics' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_313": { "source": "internist", "target": "gerodontologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'gerodontologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of geriatric dentistry' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_314": { "source": "internist", "target": "government veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'government veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_315": { "source": "internist", "target": "group therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'group therapist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'group therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'group therapist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'group therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'group therapist' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'group therapist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'group therapist' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'group therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of group psychotherapy' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_316": { "source": "internist", "target": "gynaecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'gynaecologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of gynaecology' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_317": { "source": "internist", "target": "gynecological surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'gynecological surgeon' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'gynecological surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'gynecological surgeon' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'gynecological surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'gynecological surgeon' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'gynecological surgeon'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'gynecological surgeon' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'gynecological surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of gynecological surgery' " ] }, "internist_edge_no_318": { "source": "internist", "target": "mammographist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'mammographist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'mammographist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'mammographist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'mammographist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not a subconcept of 'mammographist' ", "'internist' is not a type of 'mammographist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'mammographist' ", "'internist' is not a subcategory of 'mammographist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of mammography' " ] }, "internist_hierarchy_319": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "internist", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'internist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'internist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'internist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'internist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'internist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'internist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_yes_320": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "dermatologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'dermatologist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'dermatologist' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_yes_321": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_yes_322": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_yes_323": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "venereologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'venereologist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'venereologist' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_inv_324": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not necessarily a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is necessarily a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_inv_325": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_inv_326": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'venereologist' is not necessarily a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is necessarily a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'venereologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_327": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "dental practitioner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_328": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "dental practitioner without formal qualifications", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_329": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of oral surgery' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_330": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_331": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_332": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "diabetologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'diabetologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'diabetologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'diabetologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of diabetology' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_333": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "family therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'family therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'family therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'family therapist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'family therapist'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'family therapist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'family therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of family therapy' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_334": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "flight surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'flight surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_edge_no_335": { "source": "dermatovenereologist", "target": "food in ancient Rome", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a type of 'food in ancient Rome'", "not every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is not a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_hierarchy_336": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'dermatologist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_hierarchy_337": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'venereologist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_property_hierarchy_338": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of dermatology' ", "is the following statement true? 'dermatologist works on the field of dermatology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of dermatology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of dermatology'? " ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'dermatologist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "the following statement is true 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of dermatology' ", "the following statement is true 'dermatologist works on the field of dermatology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of dermatology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of dermatology' " ] }, "dermatovenereologist_property_hierarchy_339": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatovenereologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'dermatovenereologist' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of venereology' ", "is the following statement true? 'venereologist works on the field of venereology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of venereology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of venereology'? " ], "statements": [ "'dermatovenereologist' is a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a type of 'venereologist'", "every kind of 'dermatovenereologist' is also a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'dermatovenereologist' is a subcategory of 'venereologist' ", "the following statement is true 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of venereology' ", "the following statement is true 'venereologist works on the field of venereology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dermatovenereologist works on the field of venereology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of venereology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_yes_340": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'dermatologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'dermatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_yes_341": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_inv_342": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "dermatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'dermatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dermatologist' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_343": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of abdominal surgery' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_344": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "aesthetic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'aesthetic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of cosmetic surgery' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_345": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "alcohologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'alcohologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'alcohologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'alcohologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of alcohology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_346": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "allergist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'allergist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'allergist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'allergist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'allergist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'allergist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'allergist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'allergist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'allergist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of allergology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_347": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "anatomical pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'anatomical pathologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of anatomical pathology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_348": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "andrologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'andrologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'andrologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'andrologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'andrologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'andrologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'andrologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'andrologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'andrologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of andrology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_349": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "anesthesiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'anesthesiologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'anesthesiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'anesthesiologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'anesthesiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'anesthesiologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'anesthesiologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'anesthesiologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'anesthesiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of anaesthesiology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_350": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "angiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'angiologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'angiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'angiologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'angiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'angiologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'angiologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'angiologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'angiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of angiology' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_351": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "animal nutrition science", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'animal nutrition science' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'animal nutrition science' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'animal nutrition science' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'animal nutrition science' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'animal nutrition science' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'animal nutrition science'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'animal nutrition science' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'animal nutrition science' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_352": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "animal nutritionist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'animal nutritionist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'animal nutritionist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'animal nutritionist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'animal nutritionist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'animal nutritionist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'animal nutritionist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'animal nutritionist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'animal nutritionist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of animal nutrition science' " ] }, "dermatologist_edge_no_353": { "source": "dermatologist", "target": "avian pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'avian pathologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'avian pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'avian pathologist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'avian pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is not a subconcept of 'avian pathologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a type of 'avian pathologist'", "not every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'avian pathologist' ", "'dermatologist' is not a subcategory of 'avian pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dermatologist works on the field of avian pathology' " ] }, "dermatologist_hierarchy_354": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dermatologist", "questions": [ "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dermatologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dermatologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dermatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'dermatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dermatologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'dermatologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dermatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_yes_355": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "venereologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'venereologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'venereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_yes_356": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "venereologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'venereologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'venereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_inv_357": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "venereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'venereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'venereologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'venereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'venereologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'venereologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'venereologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'venereologist' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_358": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "leprologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'leprologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'leprologist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'leprologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'leprologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'leprologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'leprologist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'leprologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'leprologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of leprology' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_359": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "lipidologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'lipidologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'lipidologist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'lipidologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'lipidologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'lipidologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'lipidologist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'lipidologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'lipidologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of lipidology' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_360": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "lithotomist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'lithotomist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'lithotomist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'lithotomist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'lithotomist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'lithotomist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'lithotomist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'lithotomist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'lithotomist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of lithotomy' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_361": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "logotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'logotherapist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'logotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'logotherapist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'logotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'logotherapist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'logotherapist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'logotherapist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'logotherapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of logotherapy' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_362": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "pain physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'pain physician' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'pain physician' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'pain physician' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'pain physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'pain physician' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'pain physician'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'pain physician' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'pain physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of pain management' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_363": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "paleohistologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'paleohistologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'paleohistologist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'paleohistologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'paleohistologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'paleohistologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'paleohistologist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'paleohistologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'paleohistologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of paleohistology' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_364": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "paleopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'paleopathologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'paleopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'paleopathologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'paleopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'paleopathologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'paleopathologist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'paleopathologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'paleopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of paleopathology' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_365": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "pancreatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'pancreatologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'pancreatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'pancreatologist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'pancreatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'pancreatologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'pancreatologist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'pancreatologist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'pancreatologist' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_366": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "panel dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'panel dentist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'panel dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'panel dentist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'panel dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'panel dentist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'panel dentist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'panel dentist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'panel dentist' " ] }, "venereologist_edge_no_367": { "source": "venereologist", "target": "pathobiochemist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'pathobiochemist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'pathobiochemist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'pathobiochemist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'pathobiochemist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is not a subconcept of 'pathobiochemist' ", "'venereologist' is not a type of 'pathobiochemist'", "not every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'pathobiochemist' ", "'venereologist' is not a subcategory of 'pathobiochemist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'venereologist works on the field of pathobiochemistry' " ] }, "venereologist_hierarchy_368": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "venereologist", "questions": [ "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'venereologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'venereologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'venereologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'venereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'venereologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'venereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'venereologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'venereologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'venereologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'venereologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_yes_369": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "target": "gynaecologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'gynaecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_yes_370": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_yes_371": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_yes_372": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "target": "obstetrician", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_yes_373": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "target": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_inv_374": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "perinatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'perinatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'perinatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not necessarily a type of 'perinatologist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is necessarily a kind of 'perinatologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'perinatologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_inv_375": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "perinatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'perinatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'perinatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'perinatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'perinatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'perinatologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_inv_376": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "perinatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'perinatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'perinatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'perinatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'perinatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'perinatologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_inv_377": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "perinatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'perinatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'perinatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not necessarily a type of 'perinatologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is necessarily a kind of 'perinatologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'perinatologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_inv_378": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "perinatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'perinatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'perinatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'perinatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'perinatologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not necessarily a type of 'perinatologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is necessarily a kind of 'perinatologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'perinatologist' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_379": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dental practitioner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_380": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dental practitioner without formal qualifications", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_381": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of oral surgery' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_382": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_383": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_384": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dermatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dermatologist'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of dermatology' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_385": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of dermatovenerology' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_386": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "diabetologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'diabetologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'diabetologist'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'diabetologist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of diabetology' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_387": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "family therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'family therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'family therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'family therapist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'family therapist'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'family therapist' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'family therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of family therapy' " ] }, "perinatologist_edge_no_388": { "source": "perinatologist", "target": "flight surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is not a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ", "'perinatologist' is not a type of 'flight surgeon'", "not every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ", "'perinatologist' is not a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' " ] }, "perinatologist_hierarchy_389": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'gynaecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "perinatologist_hierarchy_390": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "perinatologist_property_hierarchy_391": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'perinatologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "is the following statement true? 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of gynaecology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology'? " ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'gynaecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ", "the following statement is true 'perinatologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "the following statement is true 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology' " ] }, "perinatologist_property_hierarchy_392": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics' ", "is the following statement true? 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics'? " ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ", "the following statement is true 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics' ", "the following statement is true 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics' " ] }, "perinatologist_property_hierarchy_393": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "perinatologist", "questions": [ "is 'perinatologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'perinatologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'perinatologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology' ", "is the following statement true? 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology'? " ], "statements": [ "'perinatologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "every kind of 'perinatologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'perinatologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "the following statement is true 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology' ", "the following statement is true 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'perinatologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics and gynaecology' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_yes_394": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'gynaecologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'gynaecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_yes_395": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'gynaecologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'gynaecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_inv_396": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "gynaecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'gynaecologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_inv_397": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "gynaecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'gynaecologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_398": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "implantologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'implantologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'implantologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'implantologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'implantologist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'implantologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'implantologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of implantology' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_399": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "infection control physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'infection control physician' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'infection control physician'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'infection control physician' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of infection control' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_400": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "infectious disease physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'infectious disease physician'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of infectious diseases' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_401": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "intensivist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'intensivist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'intensivist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'intensivist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'intensivist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'intensivist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'intensivist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of intensive care medicine' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_402": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "internist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'internist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'internist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_403": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "interventional cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'interventional cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of interventional cardiology' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_404": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of abdominal surgery' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_405": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "aesthetic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'aesthetic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of cosmetic surgery' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_406": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "alcohologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'alcohologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'alcohologist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'alcohologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of alcohology' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_407": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "allergist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'allergist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'allergist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'allergist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'allergist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'allergist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'allergist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'allergist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'allergist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of allergology' " ] }, "gynaecologist_edge_no_408": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "anatomical pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a type of 'anatomical pathologist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of anatomical pathology' " ] }, "gynaecologist_hierarchy_409": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "gynaecologist", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'gynaecologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'gynaecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'gynaecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'gynaecologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'gynaecologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'gynaecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_yes_410": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'obstetrician' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'obstetrician' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_yes_411": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_inv_412": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "obstetrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'obstetrician'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'obstetrician' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_inv_413": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "obstetrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'obstetrician'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'obstetrician' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_414": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_415": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of hepatology' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_416": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of histology' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_417": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of histopathology' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_418": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "human entomophagy", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'human entomophagy'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_419": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "human nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'human nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'human nutrition' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'human nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'human nutrition' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'human nutrition'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'human nutrition' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'human nutrition' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_420": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "hypertensiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'hypertensiologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'hypertensiologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'hypertensiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of hypertensiology' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_421": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "hypnotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'hypnotherapist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'hypnotherapist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'hypnotherapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of hypnotherapy' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_422": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of gastroenterology' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_423": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "gastrointestinal endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' " ] }, "obstetrician_edge_no_424": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "geriatric oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a type of 'geriatric oncologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of geriatric oncology' " ] }, "obstetrician_hierarchy_425": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'obstetrician' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'obstetrician' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'obstetrician' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_yes_426": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "gynaecologist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'gynaecologist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_yes_427": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_yes_428": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_yes_429": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "obstetrician", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'obstetrician'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_inv_430": { "source": "gynaecologist", "target": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'gynaecologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'gynaecologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'gynaecologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'gynaecologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not necessarily a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "not every kind of 'gynaecologist' is necessarily a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'gynaecologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_inv_431": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_inv_432": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_inv_433": { "source": "obstetrician", "target": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician' a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician' also a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician' a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not necessarily a type of 'obstetrician-gynecologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician' is necessarily a kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' ", "'obstetrician' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_434": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "family therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'family therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'family therapist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'family therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'family therapist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'family therapist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'family therapist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'family therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of family therapy' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_435": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "flight surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'flight surgeon' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'flight surgeon'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'flight surgeon' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'flight surgeon' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_436": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "food in ancient Rome", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'food in ancient Rome'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'food in ancient Rome' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'food in ancient Rome' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_437": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "forensic pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'forensic pathologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of forensic pathology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_438": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "forensic psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'forensic psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'forensic psychiatrist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'forensic psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'forensic psychiatrist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'forensic psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of forensic psychiatry' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_439": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "forest pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'forest pathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'forest pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'forest pathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'forest pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'forest pathologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'forest pathologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'forest pathologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'forest pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of forest pathology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_440": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_441": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of hepatology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_442": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of histology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_443": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of histopathology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_edge_no_444": { "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "target": "human entomophagy", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a type of 'human entomophagy'", "not every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is not a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_hierarchy_445": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'gynaecologist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_hierarchy_446": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'obstetrician'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_property_hierarchy_447": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "is the following statement true? 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of gynaecology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology'? " ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'gynaecologist'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ", "the following statement is true 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "the following statement is true 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of gynaecology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'gynaecologist works on the field of gynaecology' " ] }, "obstetrician-gynecologist_property_hierarchy_448": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "obstetrician-gynecologist", "questions": [ "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a type of 'obstetrician' ?", "is every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' also a kind of 'obstetrician' ?", "is 'obstetrician-gynecologist' a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ?", "is the following statement true? 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics' ", "is the following statement true? 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics' ", "is it accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics'? " ], "statements": [ "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subconcept of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a type of 'obstetrician'", "every kind of 'obstetrician-gynecologist' is also a kind of 'obstetrician' ", "'obstetrician-gynecologist' is a subcategory of 'obstetrician' ", "the following statement is true 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics' ", "the following statement is true 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'obstetrician-gynecologist works on the field of obstetrics' ", "it is accurate to say that 'obstetrician works on the field of obstetrics' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_yes_449": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "target": "histologist", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'histologist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'histologist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_yes_450": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_yes_451": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_yes_452": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "target": "pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_inv_453": { "source": "histologist", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'histologist' is not necessarily a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'histologist' is necessarily a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'histologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histopathologist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_inv_454": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histopathologist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_inv_455": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histopathologist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_inv_456": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'pathologist' is not necessarily a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is necessarily a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'pathologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histopathologist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_457": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_458": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_459": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_460": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_461": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_462": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_463": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_464": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_465": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_466": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "histopathologist_edge_no_467": { "source": "histopathologist", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'histopathologist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "histopathologist_hierarchy_468": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'histologist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "histopathologist_property_hierarchy_469": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'histopathologist works on the field of histology' ", "is the following statement true? 'histologist works on the field of histology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of histology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of histology'? " ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'histologist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "the following statement is true 'histopathologist works on the field of histology' ", "the following statement is true 'histologist works on the field of histology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of histology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of histology' " ] }, "histopathologist_property_hierarchy_470": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histopathologist", "questions": [ "is 'histopathologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histopathologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histopathologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'histopathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "is the following statement true? 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of pathology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of pathology'? " ], "statements": [ "'histopathologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'histopathologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'histopathologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' ", "the following statement is true 'histopathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "the following statement is true 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'histopathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' " ] }, "histologist_edge_yes_471": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "histologist_edge_yes_472": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "histologist_edge_yes_473": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histologist", "target": "pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' " ] }, "histologist_edge_inv_474": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'histologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histologist' " ] }, "histologist_edge_inv_475": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'histologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histologist' " ] }, "histologist_edge_inv_476": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'pathologist' is not necessarily a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is necessarily a kind of 'histologist' ", "'pathologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'histologist' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_477": { "source": "histologist", "target": "mammographist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'mammographist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'mammographist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'mammographist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'mammographist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 'mammographist' ", "'histologist' is not a type of 'mammographist'", "not every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'mammographist' ", "'histologist' is not a subcategory of 'mammographist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of mammography' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_478": { "source": "histologist", "target": "mastologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'mastologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'mastologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'mastologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'mastologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 'mastologist' ", "'histologist' is not a type of 'mastologist'", "not every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'mastologist' ", "'histologist' is not a subcategory of 'mastologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of mastology' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_479": { "source": "histologist", "target": "medical examiner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'histologist' is not a type of 'medical examiner'", "not every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'histologist' is not a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of forensic medicine' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_480": { "source": "histologist", "target": "medical microbiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'medical microbiologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'medical microbiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'medical microbiologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'medical microbiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 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'medical psychotherapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of psychotherapy' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_482": { "source": "histologist", "target": "school dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'school dentist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'school dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'school dentist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'school dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 'school dentist' ", "'histologist' is not a type of 'school dentist'", "not every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'school dentist' ", "'histologist' is not a subcategory of 'school dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_483": { "source": "histologist", "target": "school physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'school physician' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'school physician' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'school physician' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'school physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 'school physician' ", "'histologist' is not a type of 'school physician'", "not every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'school physician' ", "'histologist' is not a subcategory of 'school physician' " ] }, "histologist_edge_no_484": { "source": "histologist", "target": "specialist registrar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'specialist registrar' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'specialist registrar' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'specialist registrar' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'specialist registrar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is not a subconcept of 'specialist registrar' ", "'histologist' is not a type of 'specialist registrar'", "not every kind of 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'pathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "histologist_property_hierarchy_487": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "histologist", "questions": [ "is 'histologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'histologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'histologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'histologist works on the field of pathology' ", "is the following statement true? 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of pathology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of pathology'? " ], "statements": [ "'histologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'histologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'histologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' ", "the following statement is true 'histologist works on the field of pathology' ", "the following statement is true 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'histologist works on the field of pathology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_yes_488": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pathologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'pathologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_yes_489": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pathologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_inv_490": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'pathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pathologist' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_inv_491": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'pathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'pathologist' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_492": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "implantologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'implantologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'implantologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'implantologist' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'implantologist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'implantologist' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'implantologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of implantology' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_493": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "infection control physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'infection control physician' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'infection control physician'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'infection control physician' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of infection control' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_494": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "infectious disease physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'infectious disease physician'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of infectious diseases' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_495": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "intensivist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'intensivist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'intensivist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'intensivist' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'intensivist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'intensivist' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'intensivist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of intensive care medicine' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_496": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "internist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'internist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'internist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_497": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "interventional cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'interventional cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of interventional cardiology' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_498": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "balneologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'balneologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'balneologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'balneologist' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'balneologist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'balneologist' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'balneologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of balneology' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_499": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "bariatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'bariatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_500": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "behaviour therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'behaviour therapist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of behavior therapy' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_501": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "bullfighting surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'bullfighting surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of Tauro-Traumatology' " ] }, "pathologist_edge_no_502": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "burn surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ", "'pathologist' is not a type of 'burn surgeon'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ", "'pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of burn surgery' " ] }, "pathologist_hierarchy_503": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'pathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pathologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_yes_504": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "dentist", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'dentist' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_yes_505": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_yes_506": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_yes_507": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "stomatologist", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_yes_508": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_inv_509": { "source": "dentist", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'dentist' is not necessarily a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is necessarily a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'dentist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_inv_510": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_inv_511": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is necessarily a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_512": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "implantologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'implantologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'implantologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'implantologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'implantologist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'implantologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'implantologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of implantology' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_513": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "infection control physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'infection control physician' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'infection control physician'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'infection control physician' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of infection control' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_514": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "infectious disease physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'infectious disease physician'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of infectious diseases' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_515": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "intensivist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'intensivist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'intensivist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'intensivist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'intensivist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'intensivist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'intensivist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of intensive care medicine' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_516": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "internist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'internist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'internist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_517": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "interventional cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'interventional cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of interventional cardiology' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_518": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "abdominal surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'abdominal surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'abdominal surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of abdominal surgery' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_519": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "aesthetic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'aesthetic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'aesthetic surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of cosmetic surgery' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_520": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "alcohologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'alcohologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'alcohologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'alcohologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'alcohologist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'alcohologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'alcohologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of alcohology' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_521": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "allergist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'allergist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'allergist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'allergist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'allergist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'allergist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'allergist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'allergist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'allergist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of allergology' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_edge_no_522": { "source": "dental surgeon", "target": "anatomical pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is not a subconcept of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a type of 'anatomical pathologist'", "not every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is not a subcategory of 'anatomical pathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of anatomical pathology' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_hierarchy_523": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_hierarchy_524": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_property_hierarchy_525": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dental surgeon works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "is the following statement true? 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of Dental practice activities'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities'? " ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "the following statement is true 'dental surgeon works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "the following statement is true 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_property_hierarchy_526": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dental surgeon works on the field of dentistry' ", "is the following statement true? 'dentist works on the field of dentistry' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of dentistry'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of dentistry'? " ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "the following statement is true 'dental surgeon works on the field of dentistry' ", "the following statement is true 'dentist works on the field of dentistry' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of dentistry' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_property_hierarchy_527": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dental surgeon works on the field of oral medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of oral medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ", "the following statement is true 'dental surgeon works on the field of oral medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of oral medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' " ] }, "dental_surgeon_property_hierarchy_528": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dental surgeon", "questions": [ "is 'dental surgeon' a subconcept of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a type of 'surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dental surgeon' also a kind of 'surgeon' ?", "is 'dental surgeon' a subcategory of 'surgeon' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dental surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is the following statement true? 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of surgery'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery'? " ], "statements": [ "'dental surgeon' is a subconcept of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a type of 'surgeon'", "every kind of 'dental surgeon' is also a kind of 'surgeon' ", "'dental surgeon' is a subcategory of 'surgeon' ", "the following statement is true 'dental surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "the following statement is true 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dental surgeon works on the field of surgery' ", "it is accurate to say that 'surgeon works on the field of surgery' " ] }, "dentist_edge_yes_529": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dentist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "dentist_edge_yes_530": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dentist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_yes_531": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dentist", "target": "stomatologist", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_inv_532": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'dentist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dentist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_inv_533": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is necessarily a kind of 'dentist' ", "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dentist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_534": { "source": "dentist", "target": "ecotoxicologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'ecotoxicologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'ecotoxicologist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'ecotoxicologist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'ecotoxicologist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'ecotoxicologist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_535": { "source": "dentist", "target": "embryologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'embryologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'embryologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'embryologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'embryologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'embryologist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'embryologist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'embryologist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'embryologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of embryology' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_536": { "source": "dentist", "target": "emergency physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'emergency physician' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'emergency physician' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'emergency physician' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'emergency physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'emergency physician' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'emergency physician'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'emergency physician' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'emergency physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of emergency medicine' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_537": { "source": "dentist", "target": "endocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'endocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of endocrinology' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_538": { "source": "dentist", "target": "endodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'endodontist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'endodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'endodontist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'endodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'endodontist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'endodontist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'endodontist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'endodontist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of endodontics' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_539": { "source": "dentist", "target": "endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'endoscopist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'endoscopist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_540": { "source": "dentist", "target": "environmental toxicologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'environmental toxicologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'environmental toxicologist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of environmental toxicology' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_541": { "source": "dentist", "target": "epileptologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'epileptologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'epileptologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'epileptologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'epileptologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'epileptologist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'epileptologist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'epileptologist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'epileptologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of epileptology' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_542": { "source": "dentist", "target": "equine dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'equine dentist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'equine dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'equine dentist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'equine dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'equine dentist' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'equine dentist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'equine dentist' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'equine dentist' " ] }, "dentist_edge_no_543": { "source": "dentist", "target": "eye surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'eye surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not a subconcept of 'eye surgeon' ", "'dentist' is not a type of 'eye surgeon'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'eye surgeon' ", "'dentist' is not a subcategory of 'eye surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of eye surgery' " ] }, "dentist_hierarchy_544": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dentist", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "dentist_property_hierarchy_545": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dentist", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'dentist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of oral medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'dentist' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'dentist' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ", "the following statement is true 'dentist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_yes_546": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "stomatologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'stomatologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'stomatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_yes_547": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "stomatologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'stomatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'stomatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_inv_548": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "stomatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'stomatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'stomatologist' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_inv_549": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "stomatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'stomatologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'stomatologist' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_550": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "balneologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'balneologist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'balneologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'balneologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'balneologist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'balneologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'balneologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of balneology' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_551": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "bariatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'bariatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_552": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "behaviour therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'behaviour therapist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of behavior therapy' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_553": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "bullfighting surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'bullfighting surgeon'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of Tauro-Traumatology' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_554": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "burn surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'burn surgeon'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of burn surgery' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_555": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of gastroenterology' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_556": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "gastrointestinal endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_557": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "geriatric oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'geriatric oncologist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of geriatric oncology' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_558": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "geriatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'geriatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'geriatrician'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'geriatrician' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of geriatrics' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_559": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "gerodontologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'gerodontologist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of geriatric dentistry' " ] }, "stomatologist_edge_no_560": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "government veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ", "'stomatologist' is not a type of 'government veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ", "'stomatologist' is not a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] }, "stomatologist_hierarchy_561": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "stomatologist", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'stomatologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'stomatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'stomatologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'stomatologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'stomatologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'stomatologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_yes_562": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "target": "dentist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'dentist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_yes_563": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_yes_564": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_yes_565": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "target": "stomatologist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_inv_566": { "source": "dentist", "target": "orthodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dentist' a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'dentist' a type of 'orthodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'dentist' also a kind of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'dentist' a subcategory of 'orthodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dentist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ", "'dentist' is not necessarily a type of 'orthodontist'", "not every kind of 'dentist' is necessarily a kind of 'orthodontist' ", "'dentist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthodontist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_inv_567": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "orthodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'orthodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'orthodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'orthodontist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'orthodontist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthodontist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_inv_568": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "orthodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'orthodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'orthodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'orthodontist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'orthodontist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthodontist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_inv_569": { "source": "stomatologist", "target": "orthodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'stomatologist' a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a type of 'orthodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'stomatologist' also a kind of 'orthodontist' ?", "is 'stomatologist' a subcategory of 'orthodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orthodontist' ", "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a type of 'orthodontist'", "not every kind of 'stomatologist' is necessarily a kind of 'orthodontist' ", "'stomatologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orthodontist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_570": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_571": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_572": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_573": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_574": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_575": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_576": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_577": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_578": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_579": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "orthodontist_edge_no_580": { "source": "orthodontist", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'orthodontist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "orthodontist_hierarchy_581": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "orthodontist_property_hierarchy_582": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthodontist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "is the following statement true? 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of Dental practice activities'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "the following statement is true 'orthodontist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "the following statement is true 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of Dental practice activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "orthodontist_property_hierarchy_583": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthodontist works on the field of dentistry' ", "is the following statement true? 'dentist works on the field of dentistry' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of dentistry'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of dentistry'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'dentist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "the following statement is true 'orthodontist works on the field of dentistry' ", "the following statement is true 'dentist works on the field of dentistry' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of dentistry' ", "it is accurate to say that 'dentist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "orthodontist_property_hierarchy_584": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orthodontist", "questions": [ "is 'orthodontist' a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a type of 'stomatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'orthodontist' also a kind of 'stomatologist' ?", "is 'orthodontist' a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orthodontist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of oral medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'orthodontist' is a subconcept of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a type of 'stomatologist'", "every kind of 'orthodontist' is also a kind of 'stomatologist' ", "'orthodontist' is a subcategory of 'stomatologist' ", "the following statement is true 'orthodontist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orthodontist works on the field of oral medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'stomatologist works on the field of oral medicine' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_yes_585": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "endocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'endocrinologist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_yes_586": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "internist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_yes_587": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_yes_588": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_yes_589": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "neurologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_inv_590": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "neuroendocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not necessarily a type of 'neuroendocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is necessarily a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_inv_591": { "source": "internist", "target": "neuroendocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a type of 'neuroendocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is necessarily a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_inv_592": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "neuroendocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'neuroendocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_inv_593": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "neuroendocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'neuroendocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_inv_594": { "source": "neurologist", "target": "neuroendocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neurologist' a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a type of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neurologist' also a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?", "is 'neurologist' a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neurologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'neurologist' is not necessarily a type of 'neuroendocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'neurologist' is necessarily a kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' ", "'neurologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'neuroendocrinologist' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_595": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "balneologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'balneologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'balneologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'balneologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'balneologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'balneologist'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'balneologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'balneologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of balneology' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_596": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "bariatric surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'bariatric surgeon'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'bariatric surgeon' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'bariatric surgeon' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_597": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "behaviour therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'behaviour therapist'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'behaviour therapist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'behaviour therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of behavior therapy' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_598": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "bullfighting surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'bullfighting surgeon'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'bullfighting surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of Tauro-Traumatology' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_599": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "burn surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'burn surgeon' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'burn surgeon'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'burn surgeon' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'burn surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of burn surgery' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_600": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "radiation oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'radiation oncologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'radiation oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'radiation oncologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'radiation oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'radiation oncologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'radiation oncologist'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'radiation oncologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'radiation oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of radiation oncology' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_601": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "radiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'radiologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'radiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'radiologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'radiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'radiologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'radiologist'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'radiologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'radiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of medical imaging' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_edge_no_602": { "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "target": "relationship therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'relationship therapist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'relationship therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'relationship therapist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'relationship therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'relationship therapist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a type of 'relationship therapist'", "not every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'relationship therapist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'relationship therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of couples therapy' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_hierarchy_603": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_hierarchy_604": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'endocrinologist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_property_hierarchy_605": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology' ", "is the following statement true? 'endocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology'? " ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'endocrinologist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ", "the following statement is true 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology' ", "the following statement is true 'endocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of endocrinology' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_property_hierarchy_606": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "the following statement is true 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "neuroendocrinologist_property_hierarchy_607": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "neuroendocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subconcept of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a type of 'neurologist' ?", "is every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' also a kind of 'neurologist' ?", "is 'neuroendocrinologist' a subcategory of 'neurologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of neurology' ", "is the following statement true? 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of neurology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of neurology'? " ], "statements": [ "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a type of 'neurologist'", "every kind of 'neuroendocrinologist' is also a kind of 'neurologist' ", "'neuroendocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'neurologist' ", "the following statement is true 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of neurology' ", "the following statement is true 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neuroendocrinologist works on the field of neurology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'neurologist works on the field of neurology' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_yes_608": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "internist", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_yes_609": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_yes_610": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_inv_611": { "source": "internist", "target": "endocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'internist' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'internist' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'internist' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'internist' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'internist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a type of 'endocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'internist' is necessarily a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'internist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_inv_612": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "endocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'endocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_inv_613": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "endocrinologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'endocrinologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'endocrinologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'endocrinologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'endocrinologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'endocrinologist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_614": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "ecotoxicologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'ecotoxicologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'ecotoxicologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'ecotoxicologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'ecotoxicologist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'ecotoxicologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'ecotoxicologist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_615": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "embryologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'embryologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'embryologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'embryologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'embryologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'embryologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'embryologist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'embryologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'embryologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of embryology' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_616": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "emergency physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'emergency physician' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'emergency physician' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'emergency physician' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'emergency physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'emergency physician' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'emergency physician'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'emergency physician' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'emergency physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of emergency medicine' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_617": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "endodontist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'endodontist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'endodontist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'endodontist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'endodontist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'endodontist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'endodontist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'endodontist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'endodontist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of endodontics' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_618": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'endoscopist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'endoscopist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_619": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "environmental toxicologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'environmental toxicologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'environmental toxicologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'environmental toxicologist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'environmental toxicologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of environmental toxicology' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_620": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "epileptologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'epileptologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'epileptologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'epileptologist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'epileptologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'epileptologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'epileptologist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'epileptologist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'epileptologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of epileptology' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_621": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "equine dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'equine dentist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'equine dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'equine dentist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'equine dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'equine dentist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'equine dentist'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'equine dentist' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'equine dentist' " ] }, "endocrinologist_edge_no_622": { "source": "endocrinologist", "target": "eye surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'eye surgeon' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'eye surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is not a subconcept of 'eye surgeon' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a type of 'eye surgeon'", "not every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'eye surgeon' ", "'endocrinologist' is not a subcategory of 'eye surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of eye surgery' " ] }, "endocrinologist_hierarchy_623": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "endocrinologist_property_hierarchy_624": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endocrinologist", "questions": [ "is 'endocrinologist' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'endocrinologist' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'endocrinologist' a subcategory of 'internist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'endocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'endocrinologist' is a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a type of 'internist'", "every kind of 'endocrinologist' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'endocrinologist' is a subcategory of 'internist' ", "the following statement is true 'endocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'endocrinologist works on the field of internal medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'internist works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_yes_625": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endoscopist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'endoscopist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'endoscopist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_yes_626": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endoscopist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'endoscopist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'endoscopist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_inv_627": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'endoscopist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'endoscopist' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_inv_628": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'endoscopist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'endoscopist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'endoscopist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'endoscopist' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_629": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endoscopist works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_630": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endoscopist works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_631": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endoscopist works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_632": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_633": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_634": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_635": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endoscopist works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_636": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_637": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_638": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endoscopist works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "endoscopist_edge_no_639": { "source": "endoscopist", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'endoscopist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'endoscopist works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "endoscopist_hierarchy_640": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "endoscopist", "questions": [ "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'endoscopist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'endoscopist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'endoscopist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'endoscopist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'endoscopist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'endoscopist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'endoscopist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'endoscopist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'endoscopist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_yes_641": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "medical examiner", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical examiner'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical examiner' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_yes_642": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_yes_643": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_yes_644": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_inv_645": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "forensic pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not necessarily a type of 'forensic pathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is necessarily a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_inv_646": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "forensic pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'forensic pathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_inv_647": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "forensic pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'forensic pathologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_inv_648": { "source": "pathologist", "target": "forensic pathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'pathologist' a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a type of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'pathologist' also a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ?", "is 'pathologist' a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'pathologist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'pathologist' is not necessarily a type of 'forensic pathologist'", "not every kind of 'pathologist' is necessarily a kind of 'forensic pathologist' ", "'pathologist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'forensic pathologist' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_649": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dental practitioner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_650": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dental practitioner without formal qualifications", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental practitioner without formal qualifications' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of dentistry' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_651": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dental surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dental surgeon' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dental surgeon'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dental surgeon' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dental surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of oral surgery' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_652": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dentist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dentist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dentist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dentist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dentist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dentist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dentist'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dentist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dentist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of Dental practice activities' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_653": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dentofacial orthopaedic surgeon' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_654": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dermatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dermatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dermatologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dermatologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dermatologist'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dermatologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dermatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of dermatology' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_655": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "dermatovenereologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'dermatovenereologist'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'dermatovenereologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of dermatovenerology' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_656": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "diabetologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'diabetologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'diabetologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'diabetologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'diabetologist'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'diabetologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'diabetologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of diabetology' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_657": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_edge_no_658": { "source": "forensic pathologist", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is not a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is not a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of hepatology' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_hierarchy_659": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical examiner'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_hierarchy_660": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_property_hierarchy_661": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?", "is the following statement true? 'forensic pathologist works on the field of forensic medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'medical examiner works on the field of forensic medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of forensic medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of forensic medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical examiner'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ", "the following statement is true 'forensic pathologist works on the field of forensic medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'medical examiner works on the field of forensic medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of forensic medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of forensic medicine' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_property_hierarchy_662": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?", "is the following statement true? 'forensic pathologist works on the field of medical jurisprudence' ", "is the following statement true? 'medical examiner works on the field of medical jurisprudence' ", "is it accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of medical jurisprudence'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of medical jurisprudence'? " ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'medical examiner'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ", "the following statement is true 'forensic pathologist works on the field of medical jurisprudence' ", "the following statement is true 'medical examiner works on the field of medical jurisprudence' ", "it is accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of medical jurisprudence' ", "it is accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of medical jurisprudence' " ] }, "forensic_pathologist_property_hierarchy_663": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "forensic pathologist", "questions": [ "is 'forensic pathologist' a subconcept of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a type of 'pathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'forensic pathologist' also a kind of 'pathologist' ?", "is 'forensic pathologist' a subcategory of 'pathologist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'forensic pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "is the following statement true? 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "is it accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of pathology'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of pathology'? " ], "statements": [ "'forensic pathologist' is a subconcept of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a type of 'pathologist'", "every kind of 'forensic pathologist' is also a kind of 'pathologist' ", "'forensic pathologist' is a subcategory of 'pathologist' ", "the following statement is true 'forensic pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "the following statement is true 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'forensic pathologist works on the field of pathology' ", "it is accurate to say that 'pathologist works on the field of pathology' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_yes_664": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "medical examiner", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'medical examiner' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'medical examiner' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_yes_665": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "medical examiner", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical examiner' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical examiner' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_inv_666": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "medical examiner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'medical examiner'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'medical examiner' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_inv_667": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "medical examiner", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'medical examiner' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'medical examiner' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'medical examiner' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'medical examiner' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'medical examiner'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'medical examiner' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'medical examiner' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_668": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_669": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_670": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_671": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_672": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_673": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_674": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_675": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_676": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_677": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "medical_examiner_edge_no_678": { "source": "medical examiner", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'medical examiner' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'medical examiner works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "medical_examiner_hierarchy_679": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "medical examiner", "questions": [ "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'medical examiner' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'medical examiner' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical examiner' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical examiner' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical examiner' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'medical examiner' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'medical examiner' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'medical examiner' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'medical examiner' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_yes_680": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_yes_681": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_yes_682": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "veterinarian", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_yes_683": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "veterinary specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_inv_684": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "veterinary epidemiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_inv_685": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "veterinary epidemiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_inv_686": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "veterinary epidemiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_inv_687": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "veterinary epidemiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary epidemiologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary epidemiologist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_688": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "gastroenterologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'gastroenterologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'gastroenterologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'gastroenterologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of gastroenterology' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_689": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "gastrointestinal endoscopist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'gastrointestinal endoscopist' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_690": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "geriatric oncologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'geriatric oncologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'geriatric oncologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of geriatric oncology' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_691": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "geriatrician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'geriatrician' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'geriatrician' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'geriatrician' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'geriatrician'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'geriatrician' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'geriatrician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of geriatrics' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_692": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "gerodontologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'gerodontologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'gerodontologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'gerodontologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'gerodontologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of geriatric dentistry' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_693": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "government veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'government veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'government veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'government veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'government veterinarian' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_694": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "group therapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'group therapist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'group therapist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'group therapist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'group therapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'group therapist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'group therapist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'group therapist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'group therapist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of group psychotherapy' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_695": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "gynaecologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'gynaecologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'gynaecologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'gynaecologist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'gynaecologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of gynaecology' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_696": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "gynecological surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'gynecological surgeon' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'gynecological surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'gynecological surgeon' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'gynecological surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'gynecological surgeon' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'gynecological surgeon'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'gynecological surgeon' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'gynecological surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of gynecological surgery' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_edge_no_697": { "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "target": "mammographist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'mammographist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'mammographist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'mammographist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'mammographist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subconcept of 'mammographist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a type of 'mammographist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'mammographist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is not a subcategory of 'mammographist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of mammography' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_hierarchy_698": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_property_hierarchy_699": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of comparative medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_property_hierarchy_700": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of neutering' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of neutering'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of neutering' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of neutering' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_property_hierarchy_701": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary activities'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_property_hierarchy_702": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] }, "veterinary_epidemiologist_property_hierarchy_703": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary epidemiologist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary epidemiologist' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary specialty' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary specialty' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary specialty'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary specialty'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary epidemiologist' is also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinary epidemiologist' is a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary specialty' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary specialty' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary epidemiologist works on the field of veterinary specialty' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary specialty' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_yes_704": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinarian", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'veterinarian' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'veterinarian' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_yes_705": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinarian", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_inv_706": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "veterinarian", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinarian'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinarian' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_707": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "implantologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'implantologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'implantologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'implantologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'implantologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'implantologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'implantologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'implantologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of implantology' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_708": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "infection control physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'infection control physician' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'infection control physician' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'infection control physician' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'infection control physician'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'infection control physician' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'infection control physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of infection control' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_709": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "infectious disease physician", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'infectious disease physician'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'infectious disease physician' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'infectious disease physician' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of infectious diseases' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_710": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "intensivist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'intensivist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'intensivist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'intensivist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'intensivist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'intensivist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'intensivist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'intensivist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of intensive care medicine' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_711": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "internist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'internist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'internist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'internist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'internist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'internist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'internist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'internist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'internist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of internal medicine' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_712": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "interventional cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'interventional cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'interventional cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of interventional cardiology' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_713": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "hematologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'hematologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'hematologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'hematologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'hematologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'hematologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'hematologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'hematologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of hematology' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_714": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "hepatologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'hepatologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'hepatologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'hepatologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'hepatologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'hepatologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'hepatologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of hepatology' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_715": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "histologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'histologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'histologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'histologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'histologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'histologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'histologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'histologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'histologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of histology' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_716": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "histopathologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'histopathologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'histopathologist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'histopathologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'histopathologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'histopathologist' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'histopathologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of histopathology' " ] }, "veterinarian_edge_no_717": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "human entomophagy", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not a subconcept of 'human entomophagy' ", "'veterinarian' is not a type of 'human entomophagy'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'human entomophagy' ", "'veterinarian' is not a subcategory of 'human entomophagy' " ] }, "veterinarian_hierarchy_718": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinarian", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'veterinarian' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'veterinarian' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'veterinarian' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_yes_719": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "medical occupation", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'medical occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'medical occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'medical occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'medical occupation' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'medical occupation'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'medical occupation' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'medical occupation' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_yes_720": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "medical specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_yes_721": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "veterinarian", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_inv_722": { "source": "medical occupation", "target": "veterinary specialist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical occupation' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical occupation' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'medical occupation' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "not every kind of 'medical occupation' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'medical occupation' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_inv_723": { "source": "medical specialist", "target": "veterinary specialist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'medical specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'medical specialist' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'medical specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "not every kind of 'medical specialist' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'medical specialist' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_inv_724": { "source": "veterinarian", "target": "veterinary specialist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinarian' a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a type of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinarian' also a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ?", "is 'veterinarian' a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinarian' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is not necessarily a type of 'veterinary specialist'", "not every kind of 'veterinarian' is necessarily a kind of 'veterinary specialist' ", "'veterinarian' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'veterinary specialist' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_725": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "cancer immunologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'cancer immunologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'cancer immunologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'cancer immunologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of cancer immunology' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_726": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "cardiac surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'cardiac surgeon'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiac surgeon' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of cardiac surgery' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_727": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "cardiologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'cardiologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'cardiologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'cardiologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'cardiologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'cardiologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'cardiologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of cardiology' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_728": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "cat nutrition", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'cat nutrition' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'cat nutrition'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'cat nutrition' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'cat nutrition' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_729": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "chief surgeon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'chief surgeon' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'chief surgeon'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'chief surgeon' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'chief surgeon' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_730": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "child and adolescent psychotherapist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'child and adolescent psychotherapist' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_731": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "child psychiatrist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'child psychiatrist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'child psychiatrist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'child psychiatrist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of child and adolescent psychiatry' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_732": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "chirurgien-major", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'chirurgien-major'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'chirurgien-major' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'chirurgien-major' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_733": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "cirujano mayor", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'cirujano mayor'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'cirujano mayor' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'cirujano mayor' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_734": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "clinical biologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical biologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'clinical biologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'clinical biologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical biologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of clinical biology' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_edge_no_735": { "source": "veterinary specialist", "target": "clinical child psychologist", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is not a subconcept of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a type of 'clinical child psychologist'", "not every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is not a subcategory of 'clinical child psychologist' ", "it is not always accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of clinical child psychology' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_hierarchy_736": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'medical specialist' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' ?" ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'medical specialist'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'medical specialist' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'medical_occupation' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'medical_occupation'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'medical_occupation' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'medical_occupation' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_property_hierarchy_737": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary specialist works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of comparative medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary specialist works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of comparative medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of comparative medicine' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_property_hierarchy_738": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary specialist works on the field of neutering' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of neutering'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary specialist works on the field of neutering' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of neutering' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of neutering' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_property_hierarchy_739": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary activities'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary activities' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary activities' " ] }, "veterinary_specialist_property_hierarchy_740": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "veterinary specialist", "questions": [ "is 'veterinary specialist' a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a type of 'veterinarian' ?", "is every kind of 'veterinary specialist' also a kind of 'veterinarian' ?", "is 'veterinary specialist' a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ?", "is the following statement true? 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "is the following statement true? 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary medicine'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine'? " ], "statements": [ "'veterinary specialist' is a subconcept of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a type of 'veterinarian'", "every kind of 'veterinary specialist' is also a kind of 'veterinarian' ", "'veterinary specialist' is a subcategory of 'veterinarian' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "the following statement is true 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinary specialist works on the field of veterinary medicine' ", "it is accurate to say that 'veterinarian works on the field of veterinary medicine' " ] } } }