{ "domain" : "dishes", "version" : "V2", "question_clusters" : {"Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_84": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_85": { "source": "dish", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_86": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_87": { "source": "cake", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_88": { "source": "confection", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_89": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_inv_90": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Battenberg cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Battenberg cake'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Battenberg cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Battenberg cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_100": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Beef Stroganoff", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Beef Stroganoff'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_101": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "beefsteak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'beefsteak' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'beefsteak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'beefsteak'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'beefsteak' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_91": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_92": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_93": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Beetroot sallad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Beetroot sallad'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_94": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_95": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'bean soup' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'bean soup'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'bean soup' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'bean soup' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_96": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_97": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_98": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_no_99": { "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "Beef Manhattan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a type of 'Beef Manhattan'", "not every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_77": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "foam cake", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_78": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_79": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_80": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "cake", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_81": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_82": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "sponge cake", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'sponge cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_edge_yes_83": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_hierarchy_102": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg cake", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'sponge cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_property_hierarchy_103": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg_cake", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Battenberg cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Battenberg cake has component beaten egg whites'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites'? " ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'Battenberg cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Battenberg cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' " ] }, "Battenberg_cake_property_hierarchy_104": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Battenberg_cake", "questions": [ "is 'Battenberg cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Battenberg cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Battenberg cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Battenberg cake has component flour' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component flour' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Battenberg cake has component flour'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour'? " ], "statements": [ "'Battenberg cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Battenberg cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Battenberg cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'Battenberg cake has component flour' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Battenberg cake has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_368": { "source": "dish", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_369": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_370": { "source": "cake", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_371": { "source": "confection", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_372": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_373": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_inv_374": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Boston cream pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Boston cream pie' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Boston cream pie' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Boston cream pie'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Boston cream pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_375": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "BLT", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'BLT' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'BLT' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'BLT dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'BLT' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'BLT' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'BLT'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'BLT dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'BLT' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_376": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Boerenkool stamppot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_377": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Bosnian pot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Bosnian pot'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_378": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Blackberry pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Blackberry pie'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_379": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Blodpalt", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Blodpalt'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_380": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Bosna", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Bosna' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Bosna' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Bosna' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Bosna' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Bosna'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Bosna' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_381": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Bissara", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Bissara' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Bissara' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Bissara' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Bissara' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Bissara'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Bissara' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_382": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Bolacha Piedade", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Bolacha Piedade' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Bolacha Piedade' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Bolacha Piedade dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Bolacha Piedade' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Bolacha Piedade' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Bolacha Piedade'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Bolacha Piedade dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Bolacha Piedade' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_no_383": { "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "Bolo do caco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'Bolo do caco' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'Bolo do caco' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'Bolo do caco' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'Bolo do caco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is not a subconcept of 'Bolo do caco' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a type of 'Bolo do caco'", "not every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'Bolo do caco' ", "'Boston cream pie' is not a subcategory of 'Bolo do caco' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_361": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_362": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_363": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "cake", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_364": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_365": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "sponge cake", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'sponge cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_366": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_edge_yes_367": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "target": "foam cake", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_hierarchy_384": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston cream pie", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'sponge cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_property_hierarchy_385": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston_cream_pie", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Boston cream pie has component beaten egg whites' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Boston cream pie has component beaten egg whites'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites'? " ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'Boston cream pie has component beaten egg whites' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Boston cream pie has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' " ] }, "Boston_cream_pie_property_hierarchy_386": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Boston_cream_pie", "questions": [ "is 'Boston cream pie' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Boston cream pie' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Boston cream pie has component flour' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component flour' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Boston cream pie has component flour'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour'? " ], "statements": [ "'Boston cream pie' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Boston cream pie dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Boston cream pie' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'Boston cream pie has component flour' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Boston cream pie has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_inv_213": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Bourbon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Bourbon chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_inv_214": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Bourbon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Bourbon chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_inv_215": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Bourbon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Bourbon chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_inv_216": { "source": "dish", "target": "Bourbon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Bourbon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Bourbon chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Bourbon chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Bourbon chicken' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_217": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_218": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Belokranjska povitica", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Belokranjska povitica' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Belokranjska povitica' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Belokranjska povitica dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Belokranjska povitica' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Belokranjska povitica' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Belokranjska povitica'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Belokranjska povitica dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Belokranjska povitica' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_219": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Berlingozzo", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Berlingozzo' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Berlingozzo' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Berlingozzo dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Berlingozzo' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Berlingozzo' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Berlingozzo'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Berlingozzo dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Berlingozzo' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_220": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Berner Honiglebkuchen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Berner Honiglebkuchen' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_221": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Big Mac Bao", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Big Mac Bao' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Big Mac Bao' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Big Mac Bao dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Big Mac Bao' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Big Mac Bao' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Big Mac Bao'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Big Mac Bao dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Big Mac Bao' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_222": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_223": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Bhatkali biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Bhatkali biryani' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Bhatkali biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bhatkali biryani dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Bhatkali biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Bhatkali biryani' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Bhatkali biryani'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Bhatkali biryani dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Bhatkali biryani' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_224": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Berner Haselnusslebkuchen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Berner Haselnusslebkuchen' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_225": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Bicky Burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Bicky Burger' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Bicky Burger' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bicky Burger dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Bicky Burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Bicky Burger' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Bicky Burger'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Bicky Burger dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Bicky Burger' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_226": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Bici bici", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Bici bici' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Bici bici' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bici bici dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Bici bici' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Bici bici' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Bici bici'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Bici bici dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Bici bici' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_no_227": { "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_yes_209": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_yes_210": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_yes_211": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_edge_yes_212": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_hierarchy_228": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon chicken", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_property_hierarchy_229": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Bourbon chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Bourbon chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Bourbon chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Bourbon chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_property_hierarchy_230": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Bourbon chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Bourbon chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Bourbon chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Bourbon chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "Bourbon_chicken_property_hierarchy_231": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Bourbon_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Bourbon chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Bourbon chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Bourbon chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Bourbon chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Bourbon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Bourbon chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Bourbon chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Bourbon chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_inv_391": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Buffalo wings", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Buffalo wings'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_inv_392": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Buffalo wings", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Buffalo wings'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_inv_393": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Buffalo wings", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Buffalo wings'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_inv_394": { "source": "dish", "target": "Buffalo wings", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Buffalo wings' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Buffalo wings' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Buffalo wings'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Buffalo wings' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_395": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Cachupa", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Cachupa' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Cachupa' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Cachupa dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Cachupa' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Cachupa' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Cachupa'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Cachupa dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Cachupa' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_396": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_397": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_398": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_399": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_400": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_401": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_402": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_no_403": { "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_yes_387": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_yes_388": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_yes_389": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_edge_yes_390": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo wings", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_hierarchy_404": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo wings", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_property_hierarchy_405": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo_wings", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Buffalo wings has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Buffalo wings has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Buffalo wings has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Buffalo wings has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_property_hierarchy_406": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo_wings", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Buffalo wings has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Buffalo wings has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Buffalo wings has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Buffalo wings has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "Buffalo_wings_property_hierarchy_407": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Buffalo_wings", "questions": [ "is 'Buffalo wings' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Buffalo wings' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Buffalo wings has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Buffalo wings has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Buffalo wings' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Buffalo wings dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Buffalo wings' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Buffalo wings has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Buffalo wings has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_inv_497": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Chicken parmigiana", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Chicken parmigiana'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_inv_498": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Chicken parmigiana", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Chicken parmigiana'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_inv_499": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Chicken parmigiana", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Chicken parmigiana'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_inv_500": { "source": "dish", "target": "Chicken parmigiana", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Chicken parmigiana' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Chicken parmigiana'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Chicken parmigiana' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_501": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_502": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_503": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_504": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_505": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_506": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_507": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_508": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_509": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_no_510": { "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_yes_493": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_yes_494": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_yes_495": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_edge_yes_496": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_hierarchy_511": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken parmigiana", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_property_hierarchy_512": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken_parmigiana", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Chicken parmigiana has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Chicken parmigiana has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Chicken parmigiana has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Chicken parmigiana has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_property_hierarchy_513": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken_parmigiana", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Chicken parmigiana has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Chicken parmigiana has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Chicken parmigiana has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Chicken parmigiana has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "Chicken_parmigiana_property_hierarchy_514": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Chicken_parmigiana", "questions": [ "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Chicken parmigiana' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Chicken parmigiana has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Chicken parmigiana has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Chicken parmigiana dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Chicken parmigiana' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Chicken parmigiana has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Chicken parmigiana has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_inv_634": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "General Tsos chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'General Tsos chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_inv_635": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "General Tsos chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'General Tsos chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_inv_636": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "General Tsos chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'General Tsos chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_inv_637": { "source": "dish", "target": "General Tsos chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'General Tsos chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'General Tsos chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'General Tsos chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'General Tsos chicken' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_638": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_639": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_640": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_641": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_642": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_643": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_644": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_645": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_646": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_no_647": { "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_yes_630": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_yes_631": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_yes_632": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_edge_yes_633": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General Tsos chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'General Tso's chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_hierarchy_648": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General Tsos chicken", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_property_hierarchy_649": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General_Tsos_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'General Tsos chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'General Tsos chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'General Tsos chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'General Tsos chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_property_hierarchy_650": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General_Tsos_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'General Tsos chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'General Tsos chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'General Tsos chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'General Tsos chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "General_Tsos_chicken_property_hierarchy_651": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "General_Tsos_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'General Tsos chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'General Tsos chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'General Tsos chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'General Tsos chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'General Tsos chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'General Tsos chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'General Tsos chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'General Tsos chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_712": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_713": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_714": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_715": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_716": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_717": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_718": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_719": { "source": "Paella", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "Paella_edge_no_720": { "source": "Paella", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of '' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'Paella' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of '' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'Paella' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "Paella_hierarchy_721": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Paella", "questions": [ "is 'Paella' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Paella' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Paella' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Paella' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Paella' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Paella' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Paella' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_inv_842": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Sofrito", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Sofrito' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Sofrito' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Sofrito'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Sofrito' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_inv_843": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Sofrito", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Sofrito' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Sofrito' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Sofrito'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Sofrito' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_inv_844": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Sofrito", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Sofrito' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Sofrito' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Sofrito'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Sofrito' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_inv_845": { "source": "dish", "target": "Sofrito", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Sofrito' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Sofrito' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Sofrito' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Sofrito'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Sofrito dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Sofrito' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_846": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Cachupa", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Cachupa' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Cachupa' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Cachupa dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Cachupa' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Cachupa' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Cachupa'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Cachupa dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Cachupa' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_847": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Bakewell tart", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Bakewell tart'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_848": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "baklava", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'baklava' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'baklava' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'baklava dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'baklava' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'baklava' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'baklava'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'baklava dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'baklava' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_849": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Bakewell pudding", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Bakewell pudding' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Bakewell pudding' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell pudding dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Bakewell pudding' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell pudding' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Bakewell pudding'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell pudding dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell pudding' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_850": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Baconator", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Baconator' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Baconator' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Baconator' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Baconator' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Baconator'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Baconator' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_851": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Baked apple", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Baked apple' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Baked apple' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Baked apple dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Baked apple' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Baked apple' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Baked apple'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Baked apple dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Baked apple' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_852": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Awara broth", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Awara broth' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Awara broth' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Awara broth dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Awara broth' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Awara broth' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Awara broth'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Awara broth dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Awara broth' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_853": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Bacon Deluxe", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Bacon Deluxe dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Bacon Deluxe' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Bacon Deluxe'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Bacon Deluxe dish' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Bacon Deluxe' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_no_854": { "source": "Sofrito", "target": "Bacon soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'Bacon soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is not a subconcept of 'Bacon soup' ", "'Sofrito' is not a type of 'Bacon soup'", "not every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'Bacon soup' ", "'Sofrito' is not a subcategory of 'Bacon soup' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_yes_838": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_yes_839": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_yes_840": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "Sofrito_edge_yes_841": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Sofrito_hierarchy_855": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Sofrito_property_hierarchy_856": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Sofrito has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Sofrito has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Sofrito has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Sofrito has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "Sofrito_property_hierarchy_857": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Sofrito has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Sofrito has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Sofrito has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Sofrito has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "Sofrito_property_hierarchy_858": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Sofrito", "questions": [ "is 'Sofrito' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Sofrito dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'Sofrito' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Sofrito has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Sofrito has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'Sofrito' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'Sofrito dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'Sofrito' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'Sofrito has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Sofrito has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1019": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1020": { "source": "dish", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1021": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1022": { "source": "cake", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1023": { "source": "confection", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1024": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'sponge cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_inv_1025": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Victoria sponge", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Victoria sponge' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Victoria sponge' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Victoria sponge'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Victoria sponge' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1026": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1027": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1028": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1029": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1030": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1031": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1032": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_no_1033": { "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1012": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "foam cake", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1013": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1014": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1015": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "cake", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1016": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1017": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "sponge cake", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'sponge cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_edge_yes_1018": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_hierarchy_1034": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria sponge", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'sponge cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_property_hierarchy_1035": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria_sponge", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Victoria sponge has component beaten egg whites' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Victoria sponge has component beaten egg whites'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites'? " ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'Victoria sponge has component beaten egg whites' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Victoria sponge has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' " ] }, "Victoria_sponge_property_hierarchy_1036": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Victoria_sponge", "questions": [ "is 'Victoria sponge' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'Victoria sponge' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Victoria sponge has component flour' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component flour' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Victoria sponge has component flour'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour'? " ], "statements": [ "'Victoria sponge' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'Victoria sponge dish' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'Victoria sponge' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'Victoria sponge has component flour' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Victoria sponge has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_inv_1041": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Watermelon salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'fruit salad' is not necessarily a type of 'Watermelon salad'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is necessarily a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'fruit salad' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_inv_1042": { "source": "dish", "target": "Watermelon salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'Watermelon salad'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_inv_1043": { "source": "salad", "target": "Watermelon salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'salad' is not necessarily a type of 'Watermelon salad'", "not every kind of 'salad' is necessarily a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'salad' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_inv_1044": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "Watermelon salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'dessert salad' is not necessarily a type of 'Watermelon salad'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is necessarily a kind of 'Watermelon salad' ", "'dessert salad' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'Watermelon salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1045": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1046": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1047": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1048": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1049": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1050": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1051": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1052": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1053": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_no_1054": { "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_yes_1037": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "fruit salad", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'fruit salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'fruit salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'fruit salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_yes_1038": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_yes_1039": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "salad", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_edge_yes_1040": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Watermelon salad", "target": "dessert salad", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'dessert salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'dessert salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'dessert salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'dessert salad' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_hierarchy_1055": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Watermelon salad", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'fruit salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'dessert salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'fruit salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'dessert salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'dessert salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "Watermelon_salad_property_hierarchy_1056": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "Watermelon_salad", "questions": [ "is 'Watermelon salad' a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a type of 'fruit salad' ?", "is every kind of 'Watermelon salad' also a kind of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'Watermelon salad' a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ?", "is the following statement true? 'Watermelon salad has component fruit' ", "is the following statement true? 'fruit salad has component fruit' ", "is it accurate to say that 'Watermelon salad has component fruit'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fruit salad has component fruit'? " ], "statements": [ "'Watermelon salad' is a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a type of 'fruit salad'", "every kind of 'Watermelon salad' is also a kind of 'fruit salad' ", "'Watermelon salad' is a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ", "the following statement is true 'Watermelon salad has component fruit' ", "the following statement is true 'fruit salad has component fruit' ", "it is accurate to say that 'Watermelon salad has component fruit' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fruit salad has component fruit' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_inv_127": { "source": "dish", "target": "bakers' confection", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'bakers' confection'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_inv_128": { "source": "confection", "target": "bakers' confection", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'bakers' confection'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_inv_129": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "bakers' confection", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'bakers' confection'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_130": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Aguadito de pollo", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Aguadito de pollo' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Aguadito de pollo' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Aguadito de pollo dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Aguadito de pollo' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Aguadito de pollo' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Aguadito de pollo'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Aguadito de pollo dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Aguadito de pollo' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_131": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Aam papad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Aam papad' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Aam papad' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Aam papad dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Aam papad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Aam papad' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Aam papad'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Aam papad dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Aam papad' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_132": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Aligot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Aligot' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Aligot' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Aligot dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Aligot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Aligot' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Aligot'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Aligot dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Aligot' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_133": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_134": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_135": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Albuquerque turkey", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Albuquerque turkey' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Albuquerque turkey' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Albuquerque turkey dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Albuquerque turkey' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Albuquerque turkey' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Albuquerque turkey'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Albuquerque turkey dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Albuquerque turkey' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_136": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_137": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_138": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Aji fry", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Aji fry' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Aji fry' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Aji fry dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Aji fry' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Aji fry' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Aji fry'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Aji fry dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Aji fry' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_no_139": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "Aloo pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'Aloo pie' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'Aloo pie' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'Aloo pie dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'Aloo pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not a subconcept of 'Aloo pie' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a type of 'Aloo pie'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'Aloo pie dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is not a subcategory of 'Aloo pie' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_yes_124": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_yes_125": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'bakers' confection' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_edge_yes_126": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "bakers'_confection_hierarchy_140": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'bakers' confection' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'bakers' confection' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'bakers' confection' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_inv_5": { "source": "dish", "target": "bamboo chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'bamboo chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_inv_6": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "bamboo chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'bamboo chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_inv_7": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "bamboo chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'bamboo chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_inv_8": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "bamboo chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'bamboo chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'bamboo chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'bamboo chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'bamboo chicken' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_10": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_11": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_12": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_13": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_14": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_15": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_16": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_17": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_18": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_no_9": { "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_yes_1": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_yes_2": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_yes_3": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_edge_yes_4": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_hierarchy_19": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo chicken", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_property_hierarchy_20": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'bamboo chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'bamboo chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'bamboo chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'bamboo chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_property_hierarchy_21": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'bamboo chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'bamboo chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'bamboo chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'bamboo chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "bamboo_chicken_property_hierarchy_22": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "bamboo_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'bamboo chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'bamboo chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'bamboo chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'bamboo chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'bamboo chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'bamboo chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'bamboo chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'bamboo chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'bamboo chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_inv_236": { "source": "dish", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_inv_237": { "source": "biryani", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'biryani' is not necessarily a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'biryani' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_inv_238": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_inv_239": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_240": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_241": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_242": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_243": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_244": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_245": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_246": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_no_247": { "source": "beef biryani", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'beef biryani' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'beef biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_yes_232": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef biryani", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_yes_233": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef biryani", "target": "biryani", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'biryani'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'biryani' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_yes_234": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef biryani", "target": "mixed rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' " ] }, "beef_biryani_edge_yes_235": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef biryani", "target": "rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' " ] }, "beef_biryani_hierarchy_248": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef biryani", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'biryani'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'biryani' ", "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beef_biryani_property_hierarchy_249": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef_biryani", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beef biryani has component egg as food' ", "is the following statement true? 'biryani has component egg as food' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef biryani has component egg as food'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'biryani has component egg as food'? " ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'biryani'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'biryani' ", "the following statement is true 'beef biryani has component egg as food' ", "the following statement is true 'biryani has component egg as food' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef biryani has component egg as food' ", "it is accurate to say that 'biryani has component egg as food' " ] }, "beef_biryani_property_hierarchy_250": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef_biryani", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beef biryani has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef biryani has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beef biryani has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef biryani has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "beef_biryani_property_hierarchy_251": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef_biryani", "questions": [ "is 'beef biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'beef biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beef biryani has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef biryani has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'beef biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'beef biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'beef biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beef biryani has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef biryani has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_inv_576": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "beef curry", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'beef curry' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'beef curry' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef curry' ", "'beef dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef curry'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef curry dish' ", "'beef dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef curry' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_inv_577": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "beef curry", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'beef curry' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'beef curry' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef curry' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef curry'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef curry dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef curry' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_inv_578": { "source": "dish", "target": "beef curry", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'beef curry' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'beef curry' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef curry' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef curry'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef curry dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef curry' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_579": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_580": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_581": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_582": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_583": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_584": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_585": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_586": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_587": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_no_588": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'beef curry' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'beef curry' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_yes_573": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef curry", "target": "beef dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'beef dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_yes_574": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef curry", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "beef_curry_edge_yes_575": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef curry", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beef_curry_hierarchy_589": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef curry", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'beef dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beef_curry_property_hierarchy_590": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef_curry", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beef curry has component beef' ", "is the following statement true? 'beef dish has component beef' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef curry has component beef'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef dish has component beef'? " ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'beef dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'beef dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beef curry has component beef' ", "the following statement is true 'beef dish has component beef' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef curry has component beef' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef dish has component beef' " ] }, "beef_curry_property_hierarchy_591": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef_curry", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beef curry has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef curry has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'beef curry dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'beef curry' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beef curry has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef curry has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_inv_559": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_inv_560": { "source": "dish", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_561": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chakhokhbili", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chakhokhbili' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chakhokhbili' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chakhokhbili dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chakhokhbili' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chakhokhbili' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chakhokhbili'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chakhokhbili dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chakhokhbili' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_562": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chanakhi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chanakhi' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chanakhi' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chanakhi dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chanakhi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chanakhi' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chanakhi'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chanakhi dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chanakhi' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_563": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chiburekki", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chiburekki' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chiburekki' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chiburekki dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chiburekki' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chiburekki' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chiburekki'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chiburekki dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chiburekki' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_564": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chelsea bun", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chelsea bun' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chelsea bun' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chelsea bun dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chelsea bun' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chelsea bun' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chelsea bun'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chelsea bun dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chelsea bun' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_565": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chateaubriand steak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chateaubriand steak' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chateaubriand steak' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chateaubriand steak dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chateaubriand steak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chateaubriand steak' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chateaubriand steak'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chateaubriand steak dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chateaubriand steak' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_566": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Cha-Cha", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Cha-Cha' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Cha-Cha' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Cha-Cha dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Cha-Cha' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Cha-Cha' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Cha-Cha'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Cha-Cha dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Cha-Cha' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_567": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chacarero", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chacarero' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chacarero' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chacarero dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chacarero' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chacarero' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chacarero'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chacarero dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chacarero' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_568": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Cheese and pickle sandwich", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_569": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "Chicken fillet roll", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'Chicken fillet roll' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'Chicken fillet roll' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'Chicken fillet roll dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'Chicken fillet roll' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'Chicken fillet roll' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'Chicken fillet roll'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'Chicken fillet roll dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'Chicken fillet roll' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_no_570": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'cheeseburger' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not a subconcept of 'cheeseburger' ", "'beef dish' is not a type of 'cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'cheeseburger dish' ", "'beef dish' is not a subcategory of 'cheeseburger' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_yes_557": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef dish", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "beef_dish_edge_yes_558": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beef dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beef dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beef_dish_hierarchy_571": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beef dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beef dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beef_dish_property_hierarchy_572": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beef_dish", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beef dish has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef dish has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'beef dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'beef dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beef dish has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_inv_300": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "beluga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beluga caviar'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_inv_301": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "beluga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beluga caviar'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_inv_302": { "source": "dish", "target": "beluga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'beluga caviar'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_inv_303": { "source": "caviar", "target": "beluga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'beluga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'beluga caviar' ", "'caviar' is not necessarily a type of 'beluga caviar'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is necessarily a kind of 'beluga caviar dish' ", "'caviar' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'beluga caviar' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_304": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_305": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_306": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_307": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_308": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_309": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_310": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_no_311": { "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_yes_296": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_yes_297": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_yes_298": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_edge_yes_299": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga caviar", "target": "caviar", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'caviar'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'caviar' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_hierarchy_312": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga caviar", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'caviar'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'caviar' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_property_hierarchy_313": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga_caviar", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beluga caviar has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beluga caviar has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beluga caviar has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beluga caviar has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "beluga_caviar_property_hierarchy_314": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "beluga_caviar", "questions": [ "is 'beluga caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'beluga caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'beluga caviar has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'beluga caviar has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'beluga caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'beluga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'beluga caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'beluga caviar has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beluga caviar has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "biryani_edge_inv_255": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'biryani'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'biryani' " ] }, "biryani_edge_inv_256": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'biryani'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'biryani' " ] }, "biryani_edge_inv_257": { "source": "dish", "target": "biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'biryani'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'biryani' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_258": { "source": "biryani", "target": "Croissan'Wich", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'Croissan'Wich' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'Croissan'Wich' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'Croissan'Wich dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'Croissan'Wich' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Croissan'Wich' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'Croissan'Wich'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Croissan'Wich dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Croissan'Wich' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_259": { "source": "biryani", "target": "Deep fried Oreo", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'Deep fried Oreo' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'Deep fried Oreo' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'Deep fried Oreo dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'Deep fried Oreo' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Deep fried Oreo' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'Deep fried Oreo'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Deep fried Oreo dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Deep fried Oreo' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_260": { "source": "biryani", "target": "Daube", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'Daube' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'Daube' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'Daube dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'Daube' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Daube' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'Daube'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Daube dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Daube' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_261": { "source": "biryani", "target": "croissant", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'croissant' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'croissant' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'croissant dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'croissant' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'croissant' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'croissant'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'croissant dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'croissant' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_262": { "source": "biryani", "target": "Cuca", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'Cuca' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'Cuca' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'Cuca dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'Cuca' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Cuca' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'Cuca'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Cuca dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Cuca' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_263": { "source": "biryani", "target": "cupcake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'cupcake' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'cupcake' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'cupcake' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'cupcake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'cupcake' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'cupcake'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'cupcake' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'cupcake' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_264": { "source": "biryani", "target": "Delhi biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'Delhi biryani' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'Delhi biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'Delhi biryani dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'Delhi biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Delhi biryani' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'Delhi biryani'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Delhi biryani dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Delhi biryani' " ] }, "biryani_edge_no_265": { "source": "biryani", "target": "Death by Chocolate", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'Death by Chocolate' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'Death by Chocolate' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'Death by Chocolate dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'Death by Chocolate' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Death by Chocolate' ", "'biryani' is not a type of 'Death by Chocolate'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Death by Chocolate dish' ", "'biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Death by Chocolate' " ] }, "biryani_edge_yes_252": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "biryani", "target": "mixed rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' " ] }, "biryani_edge_yes_253": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "biryani", "target": "rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' " ] }, "biryani_edge_yes_254": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "biryani", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "biryani_hierarchy_266": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "biryani", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "biryani_property_hierarchy_267": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "biryani", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'biryani has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'biryani has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'biryani has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'biryani has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "biryani_property_hierarchy_268": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "biryani", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'biryani has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'biryani has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'biryani has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'biryani has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "cake_edge_inv_145": { "source": "dish", "target": "cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'cake'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "cake_edge_inv_146": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a type of 'cake'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is necessarily a kind of 'cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "cake_edge_inv_147": { "source": "confection", "target": "cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'cake'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "cake_edge_inv_148": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'cake'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_149": { "source": "cake", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_150": { "source": "cake", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_151": { "source": "cake", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_152": { "source": "cake", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_153": { "source": "cake", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_154": { "source": "cake", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_155": { "source": "cake", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_156": { "source": "cake", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_157": { "source": "cake", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "cake_edge_no_158": { "source": "cake", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'cake' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'cake' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "cake_edge_yes_141": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cake", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "cake_edge_yes_142": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cake", "target": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "cake_edge_yes_143": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cake", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "cake_edge_yes_144": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cake", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "cake_hierarchy_159": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cake", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ", "'cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_inv_412": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "cashew chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'cashew chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_inv_413": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "cashew chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'cashew chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_inv_414": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "cashew chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'cashew chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_inv_415": { "source": "dish", "target": "cashew chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'cashew chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'cashew chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'cashew chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'cashew chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'cashew chicken' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_416": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_417": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_418": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "Beetroot sallad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'Beetroot sallad'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_419": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'bean soup' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'bean soup'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'bean soup' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'bean soup' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_420": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_421": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_422": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_423": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "Beef Manhattan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'Beef Manhattan'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_424": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "Beef Stroganoff", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'Beef Stroganoff'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_no_425": { "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "beefsteak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'beefsteak' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'beefsteak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is not a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a type of 'beefsteak'", "not every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is not a subcategory of 'beefsteak' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_yes_408": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_yes_409": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_yes_410": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_edge_yes_411": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_hierarchy_426": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew chicken", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_property_hierarchy_427": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'cashew chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'cashew chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'cashew chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'cashew chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_property_hierarchy_428": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'cashew chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'cashew chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'cashew chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'cashew chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "cashew_chicken_property_hierarchy_429": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "cashew_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'cashew chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'cashew chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'cashew chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'cashew chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'cashew chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'cashew chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'cashew chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'cashew chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'cashew chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "caviar_edge_inv_345": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'caviar'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'caviar' " ] }, "caviar_edge_inv_346": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'caviar'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'caviar' " ] }, "caviar_edge_inv_347": { "source": "dish", "target": "caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'caviar'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'caviar' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_348": { "source": "caviar", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_349": { "source": "caviar", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_350": { "source": "caviar", "target": "Beetroot sallad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'Beetroot sallad'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_351": { "source": "caviar", "target": "bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'bean soup' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'bean soup'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'bean soup' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'bean soup' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_352": { "source": "caviar", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_353": { "source": "caviar", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_354": { "source": "caviar", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_355": { "source": "caviar", "target": "Beef Manhattan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'Beef Manhattan'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_356": { "source": "caviar", "target": "Beef Stroganoff", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'Beef Stroganoff'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' " ] }, "caviar_edge_no_357": { "source": "caviar", "target": "beefsteak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'beefsteak' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'beefsteak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ", "'caviar' is not a type of 'beefsteak'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ", "'caviar' is not a subcategory of 'beefsteak' " ] }, "caviar_edge_yes_342": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "caviar", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "caviar_edge_yes_343": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "caviar", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "caviar_edge_yes_344": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "caviar", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "caviar_hierarchy_358": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "caviar", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "caviar_property_hierarchy_359": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "caviar", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'caviar has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'caviar has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'caviar has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'caviar has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "caviar_property_hierarchy_360": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "caviar", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'caviar has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'caviar has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'caviar has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'caviar has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_inv_478": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "chicken Kyiv", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken Kyiv'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_inv_479": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "chicken Kyiv", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken Kyiv'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_inv_480": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "chicken Kyiv", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken Kyiv'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_inv_481": { "source": "dish", "target": "chicken Kyiv", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'chicken Kyiv' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken Kyiv' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken Kyiv'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken Kyiv' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_482": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "Bosna", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'Bosna' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'Bosna' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'Bosna' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'Bosna' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'Bosna'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'Bosna' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_483": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "Bissara", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'Bissara' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'Bissara' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'Bissara' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'Bissara' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'Bissara'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'Bissara' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_484": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "BLT", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'BLT' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'BLT' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'BLT dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'BLT' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'BLT' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'BLT'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'BLT dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'BLT' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_485": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "Boerenkool stamppot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_486": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "Bosnian pot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'Bosnian pot'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_487": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "Blackberry pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'Blackberry pie'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_no_488": { "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "Blodpalt", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a type of 'Blodpalt'", "not every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is not a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_yes_474": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_yes_475": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_yes_476": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_edge_yes_477": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken Kyiv", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_hierarchy_489": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken Kyiv", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_property_hierarchy_490": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_Kyiv", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken Kyiv has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken Kyiv has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken Kyiv has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken Kyiv has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_property_hierarchy_491": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_Kyiv", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken Kyiv has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken Kyiv has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken Kyiv has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken Kyiv has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "chicken_Kyiv_property_hierarchy_492": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_Kyiv", "questions": [ "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken Kyiv' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken Kyiv has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken Kyiv has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken Kyiv' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken Kyiv dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken Kyiv' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken Kyiv has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken Kyiv has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_inv_434": { "source": "biryani", "target": "chicken biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'biryani' a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is 'biryani' a type of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'biryani dish' also a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ?", "is 'biryani' a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'biryani' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ", "'biryani' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken biryani'", "not every kind of 'biryani dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ", "'biryani' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_inv_435": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "chicken biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken biryani'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_inv_436": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "chicken biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken biryani'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_inv_437": { "source": "dish", "target": "chicken biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'chicken biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken biryani' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken biryani'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken biryani dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken biryani' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_438": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Cendol", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Cendol' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Cendol' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Cendol dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Cendol' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Cendol' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Cendol'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Cendol dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Cendol' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_439": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Bakewell tart", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Bakewell tart'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_440": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "baklava", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'baklava' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'baklava' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'baklava dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'baklava' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'baklava' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'baklava'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'baklava dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'baklava' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_441": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_442": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Bakewell pudding", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Bakewell pudding' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Bakewell pudding' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell pudding dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Bakewell pudding' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell pudding' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Bakewell pudding'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell pudding dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell pudding' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_443": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Baconator", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Baconator' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Baconator' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Baconator' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Baconator' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Baconator'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Baconator' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_444": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Baked apple", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Baked apple' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Baked apple' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Baked apple dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Baked apple' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Baked apple' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Baked apple'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Baked apple dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Baked apple' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_445": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Awara broth", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Awara broth' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Awara broth' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Awara broth dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Awara broth' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Awara broth' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Awara broth'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Awara broth dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Awara broth' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_446": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Bacon Deluxe", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Bacon Deluxe dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Bacon Deluxe' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Bacon Deluxe'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Bacon Deluxe dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Bacon Deluxe' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_no_447": { "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "Bacon soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'Bacon soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is not a subconcept of 'Bacon soup' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a type of 'Bacon soup'", "not every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'Bacon soup' ", "'chicken biryani' is not a subcategory of 'Bacon soup' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_yes_430": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "biryani", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'biryani'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'biryani' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_yes_431": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "mixed rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_yes_432": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_edge_yes_433": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken biryani", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_hierarchy_448": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken biryani", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'biryani'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'biryani' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_property_hierarchy_449": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_biryani", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'biryani' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'biryani dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'biryani' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken biryani has component egg as food' ", "is the following statement true? 'biryani has component egg as food' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken biryani has component egg as food'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'biryani has component egg as food'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'biryani' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'biryani'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'biryani dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'biryani' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken biryani has component egg as food' ", "the following statement is true 'biryani has component egg as food' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken biryani has component egg as food' ", "it is accurate to say that 'biryani has component egg as food' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_property_hierarchy_450": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_biryani", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken biryani has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken biryani has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken biryani has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken biryani has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "chicken_biryani_property_hierarchy_451": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_biryani", "questions": [ "is 'chicken biryani' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'chicken biryani' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken biryani has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken biryani has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken biryani' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'chicken biryani dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'chicken biryani' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken biryani has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken biryani has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_inv_26": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "chicken dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken dish'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_inv_27": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "chicken dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken dish'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_inv_28": { "source": "dish", "target": "chicken dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_29": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Bosna", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Bosna' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Bosna' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Bosna' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bosna' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Bosna'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bosna' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_30": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Bissara", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Bissara' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Bissara' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Bissara' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bissara' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Bissara'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bissara' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_31": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "BLT", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'BLT' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'BLT' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'BLT dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'BLT' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'BLT' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'BLT'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'BLT dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'BLT' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_32": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Boerenkool stamppot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_33": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_34": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Bosnian pot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Bosnian pot'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_35": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Blackberry pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Blackberry pie'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_no_36": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "Blodpalt", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ", "'chicken dish' is not a type of 'Blodpalt'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_yes_23": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken dish", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_yes_24": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken dish", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_edge_yes_25": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_hierarchy_37": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_dish_property_hierarchy_38": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "chicken_dish_property_hierarchy_39": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken dish' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_inv_456": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "chicken fingers", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken fingers'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_inv_457": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "chicken fingers", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken fingers'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_inv_458": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "chicken fingers", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken fingers'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_inv_459": { "source": "dish", "target": "chicken fingers", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'chicken fingers' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'chicken fingers' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'chicken fingers'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'chicken fingers dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'chicken fingers' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_460": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_461": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_462": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_463": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_464": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_465": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_466": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_467": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_468": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_no_469": { "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_yes_452": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_yes_453": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_yes_454": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_edge_yes_455": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken fingers", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_hierarchy_470": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken fingers", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_property_hierarchy_471": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_fingers", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken fingers has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken fingers has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken fingers has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken fingers has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_property_hierarchy_472": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_fingers", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken fingers has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken fingers has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken fingers has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken fingers has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "chicken_fingers_property_hierarchy_473": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "chicken_fingers", "questions": [ "is 'chicken fingers' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'chicken fingers' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'chicken fingers has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken fingers has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'chicken fingers' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'chicken fingers dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'chicken fingers' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken fingers has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken fingers has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "confection_edge_inv_162": { "source": "dish", "target": "confection", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'confection'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'confection' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "confection_edge_inv_163": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "confection", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'confection'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'confection' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_164": { "source": "confection", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_165": { "source": "confection", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_166": { "source": "confection", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_167": { "source": "confection", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_168": { "source": "confection", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_169": { "source": "confection", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_170": { "source": "confection", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'confection' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'confection' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "confection_edge_no_171": { "source": "confection", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'confection' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'confection' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "confection_edge_yes_160": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "confection", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'confection' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'confection' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "confection_edge_yes_161": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "confection", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'confection' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'confection' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "confection_hierarchy_172": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'confection' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'confection' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'confection' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'confection' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'confection' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'confection' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_inv_519": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "crispy fried chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'crispy fried chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_inv_520": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "crispy fried chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'crispy fried chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_inv_521": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "crispy fried chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'crispy fried chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_inv_522": { "source": "dish", "target": "crispy fried chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'crispy fried chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'crispy fried chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'crispy fried chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'crispy fried chicken' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_523": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chakhokhbili", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chakhokhbili' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chakhokhbili' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chakhokhbili dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chakhokhbili' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chakhokhbili' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chakhokhbili'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chakhokhbili dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chakhokhbili' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_524": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chanakhi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chanakhi' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chanakhi' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chanakhi dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chanakhi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chanakhi' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chanakhi'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chanakhi dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chanakhi' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_525": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chiburekki", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chiburekki' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chiburekki' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chiburekki dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chiburekki' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chiburekki' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chiburekki'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chiburekki dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chiburekki' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_526": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chelsea bun", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chelsea bun' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chelsea bun' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chelsea bun dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chelsea bun' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chelsea bun' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chelsea bun'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chelsea bun dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chelsea bun' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_527": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_528": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chateaubriand steak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chateaubriand steak' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chateaubriand steak' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chateaubriand steak dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chateaubriand steak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chateaubriand steak' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chateaubriand steak'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chateaubriand steak dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chateaubriand steak' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_529": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Cha-Cha", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Cha-Cha' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Cha-Cha' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Cha-Cha dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Cha-Cha' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Cha-Cha' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Cha-Cha'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Cha-Cha dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Cha-Cha' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_530": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chacarero", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chacarero' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chacarero' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chacarero dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chacarero' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chacarero' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chacarero'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chacarero dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chacarero' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_531": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Cheese and pickle sandwich", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Cheese and pickle sandwich' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_no_532": { "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "Chicken fillet roll", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'Chicken fillet roll' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'Chicken fillet roll' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'Chicken fillet roll dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'Chicken fillet roll' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Chicken fillet roll' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a type of 'Chicken fillet roll'", "not every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Chicken fillet roll dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Chicken fillet roll' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_yes_515": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_yes_516": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_yes_517": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_edge_yes_518": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy fried chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_hierarchy_533": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy fried chicken", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_property_hierarchy_534": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy_fried_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'crispy fried chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'crispy fried chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'crispy fried chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'crispy fried chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_property_hierarchy_535": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy_fried_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'crispy fried chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'crispy fried chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'crispy fried chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'crispy fried chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "crispy_fried_chicken_property_hierarchy_536": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "crispy_fried_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'crispy fried chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'crispy fried chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'crispy fried chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'crispy fried chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'crispy fried chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'crispy fried chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'crispy fried chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'crispy fried chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_inv_541": { "source": "dish", "target": "curry beef brisket", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'curry beef brisket'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_inv_542": { "source": "beef dish", "target": "curry beef brisket", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef dish' a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is 'beef dish' a type of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is every kind of 'beef dish' also a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ?", "is 'beef dish' a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ", "'beef dish' is not necessarily a type of 'curry beef brisket'", "not every kind of 'beef dish' is necessarily a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ", "'beef dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_inv_543": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "curry beef brisket", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'curry beef brisket'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_inv_544": { "source": "beef curry", "target": "curry beef brisket", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'beef curry' a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is 'beef curry' a type of 'curry beef brisket' ?", "is every kind of 'beef curry dish' also a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ?", "is 'beef curry' a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' ?" ], "statements": [ "'beef curry' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'curry beef brisket' ", "'beef curry' is not necessarily a type of 'curry beef brisket'", "not every kind of 'beef curry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' ", "'beef curry' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'curry beef brisket' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_545": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "clam dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'clam dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'clam dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'clam dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'clam dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'clam dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'clam dish'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'clam dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'clam dish' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_546": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "Bosna", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'Bosna' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'Bosna' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'Bosna' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'Bosna' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'Bosna'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'Bosna' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_547": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "Bissara", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'Bissara' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'Bissara' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'Bissara' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'Bissara' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'Bissara'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'Bissara' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_548": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "BLT", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'BLT' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'BLT' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'BLT dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'BLT' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'BLT' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'BLT'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'BLT dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'BLT' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_549": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "Boerenkool stamppot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_550": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "Bosnian pot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'Bosnian pot'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_551": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "Blackberry pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'Blackberry pie'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_no_552": { "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "Blodpalt", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is not a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a type of 'Blodpalt'", "not every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is not a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_yes_537": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_yes_538": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "beef dish", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'beef dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_yes_539": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_edge_yes_540": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry beef brisket", "target": "beef curry", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'beef curry' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'beef curry' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'beef curry' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'beef curry'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'beef curry' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_hierarchy_553": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry beef brisket", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'beef curry' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'beef curry' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'beef curry'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'beef curry' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'beef dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_property_hierarchy_554": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry_beef_brisket", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'curry beef brisket has component beef' ", "is the following statement true? 'beef dish has component beef' ", "is it accurate to say that 'curry beef brisket has component beef'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef dish has component beef'? " ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'beef dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'beef dish' ", "the following statement is true 'curry beef brisket has component beef' ", "the following statement is true 'beef dish has component beef' ", "it is accurate to say that 'curry beef brisket has component beef' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef dish has component beef' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_property_hierarchy_555": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry_beef_brisket", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'curry beef brisket has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'curry beef brisket has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'curry beef brisket has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'curry beef brisket has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "curry_beef_brisket_property_hierarchy_556": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "curry_beef_brisket", "questions": [ "is 'curry beef brisket' a subconcept of 'beef curry' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a type of 'beef curry' ?", "is every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ?", "is 'curry beef brisket' a subcategory of 'beef curry' ?", "is the following statement true? 'curry beef brisket has component Sylheti Beef' ", "is the following statement true? 'beef curry has component Sylheti Beef' ", "is it accurate to say that 'curry beef brisket has component Sylheti Beef'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'beef curry has component Sylheti Beef'? " ], "statements": [ "'curry beef brisket' is a subconcept of 'beef curry' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a type of 'beef curry'", "every kind of 'curry beef brisket dish' is also a kind of 'beef curry dish' ", "'curry beef brisket' is a subcategory of 'beef curry' ", "the following statement is true 'curry beef brisket has component Sylheti Beef' ", "the following statement is true 'beef curry has component Sylheti Beef' ", "it is accurate to say that 'curry beef brisket has component Sylheti Beef' ", "it is accurate to say that 'beef curry has component Sylheti Beef' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_inv_1086": { "source": "dish", "target": "dessert salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'dessert salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'dessert salad'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'dessert salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dessert salad' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_inv_1087": { "source": "salad", "target": "dessert salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'dessert salad' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ", "'salad' is not necessarily a type of 'dessert salad'", "not every kind of 'salad' is necessarily a kind of 'dessert salad' ", "'salad' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'dessert salad' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1088": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1089": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1090": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1091": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1092": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1093": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1094": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_no_1095": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'dessert salad' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'dessert salad' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_yes_1084": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dessert salad", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'dessert salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'dessert salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "dessert_salad_edge_yes_1085": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dessert salad", "target": "salad", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'dessert salad' is a type of 'salad'", "every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'salad' ", "'dessert salad' is a subcategory of 'salad' " ] }, "dessert_salad_hierarchy_1096": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dessert salad", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'dessert salad' is a type of 'salad'", "every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'salad' ", "'dessert salad' is a subcategory of 'salad' ", "'dessert salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'dessert salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'dessert salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'dessert salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_66": { "source": "dish", "target": "Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Balsamic Roasted Turkey Salad' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_67": { "source": "dish", "target": "Bastani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Bastani' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Bastani' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Bastani dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Bastani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bastani' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Bastani'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Bastani dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bastani' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_68": { "source": "dish", "target": "B.C. roll", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'B.C. roll' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'B.C. roll' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'B.C. roll dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'B.C. roll' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'B.C. roll' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'B.C. roll'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'B.C. roll dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'B.C. roll' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_69": { "source": "dish", "target": "baked beans", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'baked beans' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'baked beans' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'baked beans' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'baked beans' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'baked beans' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'baked beans'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'baked beans' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'baked beans' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_70": { "source": "dish", "target": "Baghrir", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Baghrir' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Baghrir' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Baghrir dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Baghrir' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Baghrir' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Baghrir'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Baghrir dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Baghrir' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_71": { "source": "dish", "target": "Barazek", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Barazek' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Barazek' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Barazek dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Barazek' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Barazek' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Barazek'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Barazek dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Barazek' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_72": { "source": "dish", "target": "Baik kut kyee kaik", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Baik kut kyee kaik' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Baik kut kyee kaik' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Baik kut kyee kaik dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Baik kut kyee kaik' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Baik kut kyee kaik' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Baik kut kyee kaik'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Baik kut kyee kaik dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Baik kut kyee kaik' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_73": { "source": "dish", "target": "Bakewell tart", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Bakewell tart'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_74": { "source": "dish", "target": "Bannu Pulao", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Bannu Pulao' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Bannu Pulao' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Bannu Pulao dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Bannu Pulao' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bannu Pulao' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Bannu Pulao'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Bannu Pulao dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bannu Pulao' " ] }, "dish_edge_no_75": { "source": "dish", "target": "Bamba", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'Bamba' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'Bamba' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'Bamba dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'Bamba' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bamba' ", "'dish' is not a type of 'Bamba'", "not every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of 'Bamba dish' ", "'dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bamba' " ] }, "dish_hierarchy_76": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of '' ?", "is 'dish' a type of '' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of '' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of '' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is a subconcept of '' ", "'dish' is a type of ''", "every kind of 'dish' is also a kind of '' ", "'dish' is a subcategory of '' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_inv_317": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "fish dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fish dish'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_inv_318": { "source": "dish", "target": "fish dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fish dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_319": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_320": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_321": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_322": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_323": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_324": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_325": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_326": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_no_327": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'fish dish' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_yes_315": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fish dish", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "fish_dish_edge_yes_316": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fish dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fish dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fish dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fish_dish_hierarchy_328": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fish dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fish dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fish_dish_property_hierarchy_329": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fish_dish", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fish dish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_inv_110": { "source": "dish", "target": "foam cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'foam cake'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_inv_111": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "foam cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a type of 'foam cake'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is necessarily a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_inv_112": { "source": "cake", "target": "foam cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a type of 'foam cake'", "not every kind of 'cake' is necessarily a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_inv_113": { "source": "confection", "target": "foam cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'foam cake'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_inv_114": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "foam cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'foam cake'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_115": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_116": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_117": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_118": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_119": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_120": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_121": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_no_122": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "Afghan biscuit", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'Afghan biscuit' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'Afghan biscuit' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'Afghan biscuit dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'Afghan biscuit' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not a subconcept of 'Afghan biscuit' ", "'foam cake' is not a type of 'Afghan biscuit'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'Afghan biscuit dish' ", "'foam cake' is not a subcategory of 'Afghan biscuit' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_yes_105": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "foam cake", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_yes_106": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "foam cake", "target": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_yes_107": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "foam cake", "target": "cake", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_yes_108": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "foam cake", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "foam_cake_edge_yes_109": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "foam cake", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "foam_cake_hierarchy_123": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "foam cake", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'cake' ", "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ", "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'foam cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'foam cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'foam cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'foam cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_inv_616": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "fried fish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'fried fish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'fried fish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'fried fish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried fish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried fish'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried fish dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried fish' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_inv_617": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "fried fish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'fried fish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'fried fish' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'fried fish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried fish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried fish'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried fish dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried fish' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_inv_618": { "source": "dish", "target": "fried fish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'fried fish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'fried fish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'fried fish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried fish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried fish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried fish dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried fish' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_619": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_620": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_621": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_622": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_623": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_624": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_625": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_no_626": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'fried fish' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'fried fish' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_yes_613": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried fish", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_yes_614": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried fish", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "fried_fish_edge_yes_615": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried fish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fried_fish_hierarchy_627": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried fish", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fried_fish_property_hierarchy_628": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried_fish", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'fried fish has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'fried fish has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'fried fish has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fried fish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "fried_fish_property_hierarchy_629": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried_fish", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'fried fish has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'fried fish has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fried fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried fish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'fried fish has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fried fish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_inv_596": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "fried whitefish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried whitefish'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_inv_597": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "fried whitefish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried whitefish'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_inv_598": { "source": "dish", "target": "fried whitefish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried whitefish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_inv_599": { "source": "fried fish", "target": "fried whitefish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried fish' a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a type of 'fried whitefish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried fish dish' also a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ?", "is 'fried fish' a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried fish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fried whitefish' ", "'fried fish' is not necessarily a type of 'fried whitefish'", "not every kind of 'fried fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fried whitefish dish' ", "'fried fish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fried whitefish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_600": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_601": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_602": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_603": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_604": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_605": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_606": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_607": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_608": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_no_609": { "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_yes_592": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_yes_593": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_yes_594": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_edge_yes_595": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried whitefish", "target": "fried fish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'fried fish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'fried fish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'fried fish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'fried fish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'fried fish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'fried fish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_hierarchy_610": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried whitefish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'fried fish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'fried fish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'fried fish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'fried fish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'fried fish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'fried fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'fried fish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_property_hierarchy_611": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried_whitefish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'fried whitefish has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'fried whitefish has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'fried whitefish has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fried whitefish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "fried_whitefish_property_hierarchy_612": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fried_whitefish", "questions": [ "is 'fried whitefish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'fried whitefish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'fried whitefish has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'fried whitefish has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'fried whitefish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'fried whitefish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'fried whitefish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'fried whitefish has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fried whitefish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_inv_1060": { "source": "dish", "target": "fruit salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'fruit salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'fruit salad'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'fruit salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fruit salad' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_inv_1061": { "source": "salad", "target": "fruit salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'fruit salad' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ", "'salad' is not necessarily a type of 'fruit salad'", "not every kind of 'salad' is necessarily a kind of 'fruit salad' ", "'salad' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fruit salad' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_inv_1062": { "source": "dessert salad", "target": "fruit salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dessert salad' a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a type of 'fruit salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dessert salad' also a kind of 'fruit salad' ?", "is 'dessert salad' a subcategory of 'fruit salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dessert salad' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'fruit salad' ", "'dessert salad' is not necessarily a type of 'fruit salad'", "not every kind of 'dessert salad' is necessarily a kind of 'fruit salad' ", "'dessert salad' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'fruit salad' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1063": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1064": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1065": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1066": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1067": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1068": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1069": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1070": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1071": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_no_1072": { "source": "fruit salad", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'fruit salad' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'fruit salad' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_yes_1057": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fruit salad", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fruit salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fruit salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_yes_1058": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fruit salad", "target": "salad", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a type of 'salad'", "every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a subcategory of 'salad' " ] }, "fruit_salad_edge_yes_1059": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fruit salad", "target": "dessert salad", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'dessert salad' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a type of 'dessert salad'", "every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'dessert salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a subcategory of 'dessert salad' " ] }, "fruit_salad_hierarchy_1073": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "fruit salad", "questions": [ "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'dessert salad' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'salad' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fruit salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'fruit salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fruit salad' is a subconcept of 'dessert salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a type of 'dessert salad'", "every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'dessert salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a subcategory of 'dessert salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a type of 'salad'", "every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a subcategory of 'salad' ", "'fruit salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'fruit salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'fruit salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'fruit salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_inv_656": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "grilled chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'grilled chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_inv_657": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "grilled chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'grilled chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_inv_658": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "grilled chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'grilled chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_inv_659": { "source": "dish", "target": "grilled chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'grilled chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'grilled chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'grilled chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'grilled chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'grilled chicken' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_660": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_661": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_662": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_663": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_664": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_665": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_666": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_no_667": { "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_yes_652": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_yes_653": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_yes_654": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_edge_yes_655": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_hierarchy_668": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled chicken", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_property_hierarchy_669": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'grilled chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'grilled chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'grilled chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'grilled chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_property_hierarchy_670": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'grilled chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'grilled chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'grilled chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'grilled chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "grilled_chicken_property_hierarchy_671": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "grilled_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'grilled chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'grilled chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'grilled chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'grilled chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'grilled chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'grilled chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'grilled chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'grilled chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'grilled chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_inv_676": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "lemon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'lemon chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_inv_677": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "lemon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'lemon chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_inv_678": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "lemon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'lemon chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_inv_679": { "source": "dish", "target": "lemon chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'lemon chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'lemon chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'lemon chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'lemon chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'lemon chicken' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_680": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_681": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_682": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_683": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_684": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_685": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_686": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_no_687": { "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_yes_672": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_yes_673": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_yes_674": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_edge_yes_675": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_hierarchy_688": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon chicken", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_property_hierarchy_689": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'lemon chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'lemon chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'lemon chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'lemon chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_property_hierarchy_690": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'lemon chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'lemon chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'lemon chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'lemon chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "lemon_chicken_property_hierarchy_691": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "lemon_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'lemon chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'lemon chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'lemon chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'lemon chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'lemon chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'lemon chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'lemon chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'lemon chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'lemon chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_inv_41": { "source": "dish", "target": "meat dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'meat dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_42": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_43": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_44": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_45": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_46": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_47": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_48": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_49": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_no_50": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'meat dish' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'meat dish' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "meat_dish_edge_yes_40": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "meat dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'meat dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'meat dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "meat_dish_hierarchy_51": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'meat dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'meat dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'meat dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_inv_271": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "mixed rice dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is necessarily a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'rice dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_inv_272": { "source": "dish", "target": "mixed rice dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'mixed rice dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'mixed rice dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'mixed rice dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_273": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_274": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_275": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "Beetroot sallad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'Beetroot sallad'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_276": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'bean soup' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'bean soup'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'bean soup' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'bean soup' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_277": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_278": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_279": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "Beef Manhattan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'Beef Manhattan'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_280": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "Beef Stroganoff", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'Beef Stroganoff'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_no_281": { "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "beefsteak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'beefsteak' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'beefsteak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a type of 'beefsteak'", "not every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'beefsteak' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_yes_269": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_edge_yes_270": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "mixed rice dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_hierarchy_282": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "mixed rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "mixed_rice_dish_property_hierarchy_283": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "mixed_rice_dish", "questions": [ "is 'mixed rice dish' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'mixed rice dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'mixed rice dish' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "is the following statement true? 'rice dish has component rice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice'? " ], "statements": [ "'mixed rice dish' is a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a type of 'rice dish'", "every kind of 'mixed rice dish' is also a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'mixed rice dish' is a subcategory of 'rice dish' ", "the following statement is true 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "the following statement is true 'rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'mixed rice dish has component rice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rice dish has component rice' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_inv_948": { "source": "dish", "target": "noodle dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'noodle dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'noodle dish' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_949": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_950": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_951": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_952": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_953": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_954": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_955": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_no_956": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'noodle dish' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "noodle_dish_edge_yes_947": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'noodle dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'noodle dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "noodle_dish_hierarchy_957": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle dish", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'noodle dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'noodle dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'noodle dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_inv_961": { "source": "soup", "target": "noodle soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a type of 'noodle soup'", "not every kind of 'soup' is necessarily a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'noodle soup' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_inv_962": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "noodle soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a type of 'noodle soup'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is necessarily a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'noodle soup' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_inv_963": { "source": "dish", "target": "noodle soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'noodle soup'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'noodle soup' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_964": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Cendol", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Cendol' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Cendol' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Cendol dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Cendol' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Cendol' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Cendol'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Cendol dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Cendol' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_965": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_966": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_967": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_968": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_969": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_970": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_971": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_972": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_no_973": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'noodle soup' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_yes_958": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle soup", "target": "soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'soup' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_yes_959": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle soup", "target": "noodle dish", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' " ] }, "noodle_soup_edge_yes_960": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle soup", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "noodle_soup_hierarchy_974": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "noodle_soup_hierarchy_975": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "noodle_soup_property_hierarchy_976": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle_soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component broth' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component broth' ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component broth'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component broth'? " ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component broth' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component broth' " ] }, "noodle_soup_property_hierarchy_977": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle_soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle' " ] }, "noodle_soup_property_hierarchy_978": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle_soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component spice' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component spice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component spice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component spice'? " ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component spice' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component spice' " ] }, "noodle_soup_property_hierarchy_979": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle_soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component vegetable' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component vegetable' ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component vegetable'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable'? " ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component vegetable' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable' " ] }, "noodle_soup_property_hierarchy_980": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "noodle_soup", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component liquid' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component liquid' ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component liquid'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid'? " ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'noodle soup' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'noodle soup' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component liquid' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_inv_696": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "orange chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'orange chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'orange chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'orange chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orange chicken' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_inv_697": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "orange chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'orange chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'orange chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'orange chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orange chicken' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_inv_698": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "orange chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'orange chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'orange chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'orange chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orange chicken' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_inv_699": { "source": "dish", "target": "orange chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'orange chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'orange chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'orange chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'orange chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'orange chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'orange chicken' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_700": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_701": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_702": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_703": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_704": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_705": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_706": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_no_707": { "source": "orange chicken", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'orange chicken' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'orange chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_yes_692": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_yes_693": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_yes_694": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "orange_chicken_edge_yes_695": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "orange_chicken_hierarchy_708": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange chicken", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "orange_chicken_property_hierarchy_709": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orange chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orange chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'orange chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orange chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "orange_chicken_property_hierarchy_710": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orange chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orange chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'orange chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orange chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "orange_chicken_property_hierarchy_711": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "orange_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'orange chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'orange chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'orange chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'orange chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'orange chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'orange chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'orange chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'orange chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'orange chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'orange chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_inv_54": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "poultry dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'poultry dish'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_inv_55": { "source": "dish", "target": "poultry dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'poultry dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_56": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_57": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_58": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_59": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_60": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_61": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_62": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_no_63": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'poultry dish' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_yes_52": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "poultry dish", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "poultry_dish_edge_yes_53": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "poultry dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "poultry_dish_hierarchy_64": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "poultry_dish_property_hierarchy_65": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "poultry_dish", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'poultry dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'poultry dish' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "ramen_edge_inv_916": { "source": "soup", "target": "ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a type of 'ramen'", "not every kind of 'soup' is necessarily a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'ramen' " ] }, "ramen_edge_inv_917": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a type of 'ramen'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is necessarily a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'ramen' " ] }, "ramen_edge_inv_918": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a type of 'ramen'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is necessarily a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'ramen' " ] }, "ramen_edge_inv_919": { "source": "dish", "target": "ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'ramen'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'ramen' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_920": { "source": "ramen", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_921": { "source": "ramen", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_922": { "source": "ramen", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_923": { "source": "ramen", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_924": { "source": "ramen", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_925": { "source": "ramen", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_926": { "source": "ramen", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'ramen' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "ramen_edge_no_927": { "source": "ramen", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'ramen' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "ramen_edge_yes_912": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "target": "soup", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' " ] }, "ramen_edge_yes_913": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "target": "noodle dish", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' " ] }, "ramen_edge_yes_914": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "target": "noodle soup", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' " ] }, "ramen_edge_yes_915": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "ramen_hierarchy_928": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "ramen_hierarchy_929": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "ramen_property_hierarchy_930": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component broth' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component broth' ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component broth'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component broth'? " ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component broth' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component broth' " ] }, "ramen_property_hierarchy_931": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle' " ] }, "ramen_property_hierarchy_932": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle' " ] }, "ramen_property_hierarchy_933": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component spice' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component spice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component spice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component spice'? " ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component spice' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component spice' " ] }, "ramen_property_hierarchy_934": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component vegetable' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component vegetable' ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component vegetable'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable'? " ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component vegetable' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable' " ] }, "ramen_property_hierarchy_935": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component liquid' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component liquid' ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component liquid'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid'? " ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component liquid' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_inv_801": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "raw fish dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'raw fish dish'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'raw fish dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_inv_802": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "raw fish dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'raw fish dish'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'raw fish dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_inv_803": { "source": "dish", "target": "raw fish dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'raw fish dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'raw fish dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_804": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_805": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_806": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_807": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_808": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_809": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_810": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_811": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_812": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Arrabbiata sauce", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Arrabbiata sauce' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Arrabbiata sauce'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Arrabbiata sauce dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Arrabbiata sauce' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_no_813": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "Anna's torte", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'Anna's torte' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not a subconcept of 'Anna's torte' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a type of 'Anna's torte'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'Anna's torte dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not a subcategory of 'Anna's torte' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_yes_798": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_yes_799": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_edge_yes_800": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_hierarchy_814": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "raw fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_property_hierarchy_815": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "raw_fish_dish", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'raw fish dish has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'raw fish dish has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'raw fish dish has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'raw fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "raw_fish_dish_property_hierarchy_816": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "raw_fish_dish", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'raw fish dish has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'raw fish dish has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'raw fish dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'raw fish dish has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'raw fish dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_inv_726": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "red caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'red caviar' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'red caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'red caviar dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'red caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'red caviar' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'red caviar'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'red caviar dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'red caviar' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_inv_727": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "red caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'red caviar' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'red caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'red caviar dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'red caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'red caviar' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'red caviar'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'red caviar dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'red caviar' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_inv_728": { "source": "dish", "target": "red caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'red caviar' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'red caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'red caviar dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'red caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'red caviar' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'red caviar'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'red caviar dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'red caviar' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_inv_729": { "source": "caviar", "target": "red caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'red caviar' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'red caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'red caviar dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'red caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'red caviar' ", "'caviar' is not necessarily a type of 'red caviar'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is necessarily a kind of 'red caviar dish' ", "'caviar' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'red caviar' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_730": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_731": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_732": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_733": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_734": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_735": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_736": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_no_737": { "source": "red caviar", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'red caviar' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'red caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_yes_722": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red caviar", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_yes_723": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red caviar", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_yes_724": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red caviar", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "red_caviar_edge_yes_725": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red caviar", "target": "caviar", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'caviar'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'caviar' " ] }, "red_caviar_hierarchy_738": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red caviar", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'caviar'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'caviar' ", "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "red_caviar_property_hierarchy_739": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red_caviar", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'red caviar has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'red caviar has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'red caviar has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'red caviar has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "red_caviar_property_hierarchy_740": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "red_caviar", "questions": [ "is 'red caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'red caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'red caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'red caviar has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'red caviar has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'red caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'red caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'red caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'red caviar has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'red caviar has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_inv_285": { "source": "dish", "target": "rice dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'rice dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'rice dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'rice dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'rice dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'rice dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'rice dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'rice dish' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_286": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_287": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_288": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_289": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_290": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_291": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_292": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_293": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_no_294": { "source": "rice dish", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'rice dish' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'rice dish' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "rice_dish_edge_yes_284": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rice dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'rice dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'rice dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "rice_dish_hierarchy_295": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rice dish", "questions": [ "is 'rice dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rice dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'rice dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rice dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'rice dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'rice dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'rice dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_inv_745": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "roast chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'roast chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'roast chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'roast chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'roast chicken' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_inv_746": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "roast chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'roast chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'roast chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'roast chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'roast chicken' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_inv_747": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "roast chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'roast chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'roast chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'roast chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'roast chicken' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_inv_748": { "source": "dish", "target": "roast chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'roast chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'roast chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'roast chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'roast chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'roast chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'roast chicken' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_749": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_750": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_751": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_752": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_753": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_754": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_755": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_no_756": { "source": "roast chicken", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'roast chicken' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'roast chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_yes_741": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_yes_742": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_yes_743": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "roast_chicken_edge_yes_744": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "roast_chicken_hierarchy_757": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast chicken", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "roast_chicken_property_hierarchy_758": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'roast chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'roast chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'roast chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'roast chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "roast_chicken_property_hierarchy_759": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'roast chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'roast chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'roast chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'roast chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "roast_chicken_property_hierarchy_760": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "roast_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'roast chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'roast chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'roast chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'roast chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'roast chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'roast chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'roast chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'roast chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'roast chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'roast chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_inv_765": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "rotisserie chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'rotisserie chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_inv_766": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "rotisserie chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'rotisserie chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_inv_767": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "rotisserie chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'rotisserie chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_inv_768": { "source": "dish", "target": "rotisserie chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'rotisserie chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'rotisserie chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'rotisserie chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'rotisserie chicken' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_769": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_770": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_771": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_772": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_773": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_774": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_775": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_no_776": { "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_yes_761": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_yes_762": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_yes_763": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_edge_yes_764": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_hierarchy_777": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie chicken", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_property_hierarchy_778": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'rotisserie chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'rotisserie chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'rotisserie chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rotisserie chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_property_hierarchy_779": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'rotisserie chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'rotisserie chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'rotisserie chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rotisserie chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "rotisserie_chicken_property_hierarchy_780": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "rotisserie_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'rotisserie chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'rotisserie chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'rotisserie chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'rotisserie chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'rotisserie chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'rotisserie chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'rotisserie chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'rotisserie chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "salad_edge_inv_1075": { "source": "dish", "target": "salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'salad' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'salad' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'salad' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'salad'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'salad' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'salad' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1076": { "source": "salad", "target": "Bosna", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Bosna' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Bosna' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Bosna' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'Bosna' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'Bosna'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'Bosna dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'Bosna' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1077": { "source": "salad", "target": "Bissara", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Bissara' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Bissara' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Bissara' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'Bissara' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'Bissara'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'Bissara dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'Bissara' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1078": { "source": "salad", "target": "BLT", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'BLT' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'BLT' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'BLT dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'BLT' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'BLT' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'BLT'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'BLT dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'BLT' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1079": { "source": "salad", "target": "Boerenkool stamppot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'Boerenkool stamppot' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'Boerenkool stamppot'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'Boerenkool stamppot dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'Boerenkool stamppot' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1080": { "source": "salad", "target": "Bosnian pot", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Bosnian pot' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'Bosnian pot' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'Bosnian pot'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'Bosnian pot dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'Bosnian pot' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1081": { "source": "salad", "target": "Blackberry pie", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Blackberry pie' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'Blackberry pie' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'Blackberry pie'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'Blackberry pie dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'Blackberry pie' " ] }, "salad_edge_no_1082": { "source": "salad", "target": "Blodpalt", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'Blodpalt' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is not a subconcept of 'Blodpalt' ", "'salad' is not a type of 'Blodpalt'", "not every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'Blodpalt dish' ", "'salad' is not a subcategory of 'Blodpalt' " ] }, "salad_edge_yes_1074": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "salad", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "salad_hierarchy_1083": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "salad", "questions": [ "is 'salad' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'salad' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'salad' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'salad' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'salad' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'salad' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'salad' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'salad' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_inv_785": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "sashimi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'sashimi' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'sashimi' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'sashimi dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'sashimi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sashimi' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sashimi'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sashimi dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sashimi' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_inv_786": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "sashimi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'sashimi' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'sashimi' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'sashimi dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'sashimi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sashimi' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sashimi'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sashimi dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sashimi' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_inv_787": { "source": "raw fish dish", "target": "sashimi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'raw fish dish' a subconcept of 'sashimi' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a type of 'sashimi' ?", "is every kind of 'raw fish dish' also a kind of 'sashimi dish' ?", "is 'raw fish dish' a subcategory of 'sashimi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'raw fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sashimi' ", "'raw fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sashimi'", "not every kind of 'raw fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sashimi dish' ", "'raw fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sashimi' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_inv_788": { "source": "dish", "target": "sashimi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'sashimi' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'sashimi' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'sashimi dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'sashimi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sashimi' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sashimi'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sashimi dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sashimi' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_no_789": { "source": "sashimi", "target": "Court-bouillon", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'Court-bouillon' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'Court-bouillon' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'Court-bouillon dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'Court-bouillon' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is not a subconcept of 'Court-bouillon' ", "'sashimi' is not a type of 'Court-bouillon'", "not every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'Court-bouillon dish' ", "'sashimi' is not a subcategory of 'Court-bouillon' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_no_790": { "source": "sashimi", "target": "Cobb salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'Cobb salad' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'Cobb salad' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'Cobb salad' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'Cobb salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is not a subconcept of 'Cobb salad' ", "'sashimi' is not a type of 'Cobb salad'", "not every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'Cobb salad' ", "'sashimi' is not a subcategory of 'Cobb salad' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_no_791": { "source": "sashimi", "target": "Cow cod soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'Cow cod soup' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'Cow cod soup' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'Cow cod soup' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'Cow cod soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is not a subconcept of 'Cow cod soup' ", "'sashimi' is not a type of 'Cow cod soup'", "not every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'Cow cod soup' ", "'sashimi' is not a subcategory of 'Cow cod soup' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_no_792": { "source": "sashimi", "target": "Creme de papaya", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'Creme de papaya' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'Creme de papaya' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'Creme de papaya dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'Creme de papaya' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is not a subconcept of 'Creme de papaya' ", "'sashimi' is not a type of 'Creme de papaya'", "not every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'Creme de papaya dish' ", "'sashimi' is not a subcategory of 'Creme de papaya' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_no_793": { "source": "sashimi", "target": "Cordon bleu", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'Cordon bleu' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'Cordon bleu' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'Cordon bleu dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'Cordon bleu' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is not a subconcept of 'Cordon bleu' ", "'sashimi' is not a type of 'Cordon bleu'", "not every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'Cordon bleu dish' ", "'sashimi' is not a subcategory of 'Cordon bleu' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_yes_781": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_yes_782": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_yes_783": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "target": "raw fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'raw fish dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' " ] }, "sashimi_edge_yes_784": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sashimi_hierarchy_794": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'raw fish dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sashimi_property_hierarchy_795": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sashimi has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sashimi has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'sashimi has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sashimi has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "sashimi_property_hierarchy_796": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sashimi has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sashimi has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'sashimi has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sashimi has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "sashimi_property_hierarchy_797": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sashimi", "questions": [ "is 'sashimi' a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a type of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sashimi dish' also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is 'sashimi' a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sashimi has component raw fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'raw fish dish has component raw fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sashimi has component raw fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'raw fish dish has component raw fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'sashimi' is a subconcept of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a type of 'raw fish dish'", "every kind of 'sashimi dish' is also a kind of 'raw fish dish' ", "'sashimi' is a subcategory of 'raw fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'sashimi has component raw fish' ", "the following statement is true 'raw fish dish has component raw fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sashimi has component raw fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'raw fish dish has component raw fish' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_inv_331": { "source": "dish", "target": "seafood dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'seafood dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_332": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Aplets & Cotlets", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aplets & Cotlets' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Aplets & Cotlets'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Aplets & Cotlets confection' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aplets & Cotlets' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_333": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Assidat zgougou", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Assidat zgougou' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Assidat zgougou' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Assidat zgougou'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Assidat zgougou dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Assidat zgougou' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_334": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Anello di Monaco", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Anello di Monaco' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Anello di Monaco' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Anello di Monaco'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Anello di Monaco dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Anello di Monaco' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_335": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Aush", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Aush' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Aush' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Aush dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Aush' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Aush' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Aush'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Aush dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Aush' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_336": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Amish preaching soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Amish preaching soup'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Amish preaching soup' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Amish preaching soup' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_337": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Arroz junto", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Arroz junto' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Arroz junto'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Arroz junto' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Arroz junto' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_338": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Ashure", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Ashure' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Ashure' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Ashure' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Ashure' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Ashure'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Ashure dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Ashure' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_339": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "American goulash", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'American goulash' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'American goulash' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'American goulash' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'American goulash' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'American goulash'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'American goulash dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'American goulash' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_no_340": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "Andong jjimdak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'Andong jjimdak' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not a subconcept of 'Andong jjimdak' ", "'seafood dish' is not a type of 'Andong jjimdak'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'Andong jjimdak dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not a subcategory of 'Andong jjimdak' " ] }, "seafood_dish_edge_yes_330": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "seafood dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'seafood dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'seafood dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "seafood_dish_hierarchy_341": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'seafood dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'seafood dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'seafood dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_inv_821": { "source": "fish dish", "target": "sevruga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'fish dish' a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is 'fish dish' a type of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'fish dish' also a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ?", "is 'fish dish' a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sevruga caviar'", "not every kind of 'fish dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ", "'fish dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_inv_822": { "source": "seafood dish", "target": "sevruga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'seafood dish' a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a type of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'seafood dish' also a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ?", "is 'seafood dish' a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sevruga caviar'", "not every kind of 'seafood dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ", "'seafood dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_inv_823": { "source": "dish", "target": "sevruga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sevruga caviar'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_inv_824": { "source": "caviar", "target": "sevruga caviar", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'caviar' a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is 'caviar' a type of 'sevruga caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'caviar dish' also a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ?", "is 'caviar' a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'caviar' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sevruga caviar' ", "'caviar' is not necessarily a type of 'sevruga caviar'", "not every kind of 'caviar dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' ", "'caviar' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sevruga caviar' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_825": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Bananas Foster bread pudding", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster bread pudding' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_826": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Barros Jarpa", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Barros Jarpa' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Barros Jarpa' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Barros Jarpa dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Barros Jarpa' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Barros Jarpa' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Barros Jarpa'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Barros Jarpa dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Barros Jarpa' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_827": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Avgolemono", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Avgolemono' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Avgolemono' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Avgolemono dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Avgolemono' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Avgolemono' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Avgolemono'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Avgolemono dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Avgolemono' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_828": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Bananas Foster", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Bananas Foster' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Bananas Foster dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Bananas Foster'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Bananas Foster dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_829": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Baconator", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Baconator' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Baconator' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Baconator' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Baconator' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Baconator'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Baconator' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_830": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Barbajuan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Barbajuan' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Barbajuan' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Barbajuan dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Barbajuan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Barbajuan' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Barbajuan'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Barbajuan dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Barbajuan' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_831": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Bananas Foster cheesecake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster cheesecake' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_832": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Banglar Rosogolla", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Banglar Rosogolla' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Banglar Rosogolla' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Banglar Rosogolla confection' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Banglar Rosogolla' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Banglar Rosogolla' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Banglar Rosogolla'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Banglar Rosogolla confection' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Banglar Rosogolla' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_833": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Ayam pansuh", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Ayam pansuh' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Ayam pansuh' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Ayam pansuh' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Ayam pansuh' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Ayam pansuh' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Ayam pansuh'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Ayam pansuh' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Ayam pansuh' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_no_834": { "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "Ayam goreng", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'Ayam goreng' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'Ayam goreng' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'Ayam goreng dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'Ayam goreng' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is not a subconcept of 'Ayam goreng' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a type of 'Ayam goreng'", "not every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'Ayam goreng dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is not a subcategory of 'Ayam goreng' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_yes_817": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "fish dish", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_yes_818": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "seafood dish", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_yes_819": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_edge_yes_820": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga caviar", "target": "caviar", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'caviar'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'caviar' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_hierarchy_835": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga caviar", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'caviar' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'caviar' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'caviar dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'caviar' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'caviar' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'caviar'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'caviar dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'caviar' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_property_hierarchy_836": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga_caviar", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'fish dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'fish dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'fish dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sevruga caviar has component fish' ", "is the following statement true? 'fish dish has component fish' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sevruga caviar has component fish'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish'? " ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'fish dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'fish dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'fish dish' ", "the following statement is true 'sevruga caviar has component fish' ", "the following statement is true 'fish dish has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sevruga caviar has component fish' ", "it is accurate to say that 'fish dish has component fish' " ] }, "sevruga_caviar_property_hierarchy_837": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sevruga_caviar", "questions": [ "is 'sevruga caviar' a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a type of 'seafood dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' also a kind of 'seafood dish' ?", "is 'sevruga caviar' a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sevruga caviar has component seafood' ", "is the following statement true? 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sevruga caviar has component seafood'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood'? " ], "statements": [ "'sevruga caviar' is a subconcept of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a type of 'seafood dish'", "every kind of 'sevruga caviar dish' is also a kind of 'seafood dish' ", "'sevruga caviar' is a subcategory of 'seafood dish' ", "the following statement is true 'sevruga caviar has component seafood' ", "the following statement is true 'seafood dish has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sevruga caviar has component seafood' ", "it is accurate to say that 'seafood dish has component seafood' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_inv_986": { "source": "ramen", "target": "shoyu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'ramen' is not necessarily a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is necessarily a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'ramen' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_inv_987": { "source": "soup", "target": "shoyu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "not every kind of 'soup' is necessarily a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_inv_988": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "shoyu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is necessarily a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_inv_989": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "shoyu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is necessarily a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_inv_990": { "source": "dish", "target": "shoyu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_1000": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Beef Manhattan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Beef Manhattan'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_1001": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Beef Stroganoff", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Beef Stroganoff'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_991": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_992": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_993": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_994": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_995": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Beetroot sallad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Beetroot sallad'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_996": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'bean soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'bean soup'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'bean soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'bean soup' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_997": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_998": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_no_999": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_yes_981": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_yes_982": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "soup", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_yes_983": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "noodle dish", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_yes_984": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "noodle soup", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_edge_yes_985": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_hierarchy_1002": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_hierarchy_1003": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1004": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component broth' ", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component broth' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component broth'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component broth'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component broth' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component broth' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1005": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component broth' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component broth' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component broth'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component broth'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component broth' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component broth' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1006": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1007": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1008": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1009": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component spice' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component spice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component spice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component spice'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component spice' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component spice' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1010": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component vegetable' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component vegetable' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component vegetable'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component vegetable' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable' " ] }, "shoyu_ramen_property_hierarchy_1011": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "shoyu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component liquid' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component liquid' ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component liquid'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid'? " ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'shoyu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component liquid' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid' " ] }, "soup_edge_inv_937": { "source": "dish", "target": "soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'soup'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'soup' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'soup' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_938": { "source": "soup", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_939": { "source": "soup", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_940": { "source": "soup", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_941": { "source": "soup", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_942": { "source": "soup", "target": "Amaretti di Sassello", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretti di Sassello' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'Amaretti di Sassello'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'Amaretti di Sassello dish' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretti di Sassello' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_943": { "source": "soup", "target": "Amaretto macaron", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'Amaretto macaron' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'Amaretto macaron' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'Amaretto macaron'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'Amaretto macaron dish' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'Amaretto macaron' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_944": { "source": "soup", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'soup' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'soup' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "soup_edge_no_945": { "source": "soup", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'soup' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'soup' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "soup_edge_yes_936": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "soup", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'soup' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'soup' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "soup_hierarchy_946": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "soup", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'soup' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'soup' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'soup' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_inv_179": { "source": "foam cake", "target": "sponge cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'foam cake' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'foam cake' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'foam cake' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a type of 'sponge cake'", "not every kind of 'foam cake' is necessarily a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'foam cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_inv_180": { "source": "dish", "target": "sponge cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sponge cake'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_inv_181": { "source": "bakers' confection", "target": "sponge cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'bakers' confection' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'bakers' confection' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'bakers' confection' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a type of 'sponge cake'", "not every kind of 'bakers' confection' is necessarily a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'bakers' confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_inv_182": { "source": "cake", "target": "sponge cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'cake' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'cake' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'cake' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'cake' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'cake' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a type of 'sponge cake'", "not every kind of 'cake' is necessarily a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'cake' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_inv_183": { "source": "confection", "target": "sponge cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'confection' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'confection' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'confection' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'confection' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'confection' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a type of 'sponge cake'", "not every kind of 'confection' is necessarily a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'confection' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_inv_184": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "sponge cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'sponge cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'sponge cake' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'sponge cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sponge cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sponge cake'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sponge cake' ", "'sweet dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sponge cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_185": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Christmas cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Christmas cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Christmas cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Christmas cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Christmas cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Christmas cake' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Christmas cake'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Christmas cake' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Christmas cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_186": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Chilaquiles", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Chilaquiles' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Chilaquiles' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Chilaquiles' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Chilaquiles' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Chilaquiles' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Chilaquiles'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Chilaquiles' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Chilaquiles' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_187": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Chilean salad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Chilean salad' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Chilean salad' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Chilean salad' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Chilean salad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Chilean salad' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Chilean salad'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Chilean salad' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Chilean salad' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_188": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Chorrillana", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Chorrillana' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Chorrillana' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Chorrillana dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Chorrillana' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Chorrillana' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Chorrillana'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Chorrillana dish' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Chorrillana' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_189": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Cioppino", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Cioppino' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Cioppino' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Cioppino dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Cioppino' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Cioppino' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Cioppino'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Cioppino dish' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Cioppino' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_190": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Chiffon cake", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Chiffon cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Chiffon cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Chiffon cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Chiffon cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Chiffon cake' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Chiffon cake'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Chiffon cake' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Chiffon cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_191": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Bratwurst", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Bratwurst' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Bratwurst' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Bratwurst dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Bratwurst' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Bratwurst' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Bratwurst'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Bratwurst dish' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Bratwurst' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_no_192": { "source": "sponge cake", "target": "Chinese almond biscuit", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'Chinese almond biscuit' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'Chinese almond biscuit' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'Chinese almond biscuit dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'Chinese almond biscuit' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is not a subconcept of 'Chinese almond biscuit' ", "'sponge cake' is not a type of 'Chinese almond biscuit'", "not every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'Chinese almond biscuit dish' ", "'sponge cake' is not a subcategory of 'Chinese almond biscuit' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_yes_173": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "target": "foam cake", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_yes_174": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_yes_175": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "target": "bakers' confection", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_yes_176": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "target": "cake", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'cake' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'cake' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_yes_177": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "target": "confection", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' " ] }, "sponge_cake_edge_yes_178": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "target": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "sponge_cake_hierarchy_193": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge cake", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'confection' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'confection' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'cake'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'bakers' confection'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'bakers' confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'confection'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'confection' ", "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'sweet dish'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sponge_cake_property_hierarchy_194": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge_cake", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sponge cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sponge cake has component beaten egg whites'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites'? " ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'sponge cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sponge cake has component beaten egg whites' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component beaten egg whites' " ] }, "sponge_cake_property_hierarchy_195": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sponge_cake", "questions": [ "is 'sponge cake' a subconcept of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a type of 'foam cake' ?", "is every kind of 'sponge cake' also a kind of 'foam cake' ?", "is 'sponge cake' a subcategory of 'foam cake' ?", "is the following statement true? 'sponge cake has component flour' ", "is the following statement true? 'foam cake has component flour' ", "is it accurate to say that 'sponge cake has component flour'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour'? " ], "statements": [ "'sponge cake' is a subconcept of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a type of 'foam cake'", "every kind of 'sponge cake' is also a kind of 'foam cake' ", "'sponge cake' is a subcategory of 'foam cake' ", "the following statement is true 'sponge cake has component flour' ", "the following statement is true 'foam cake has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'sponge cake has component flour' ", "it is accurate to say that 'foam cake has component flour' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_inv_197": { "source": "dish", "target": "sweet dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'sweet dish' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'sweet dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'sweet dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'sweet dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'sweet dish'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'sweet dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'sweet dish' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_198": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Bakewell tart", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Bakewell tart' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell tart' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Bakewell tart'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell tart dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell tart' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_199": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "baklava", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'baklava' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'baklava' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'baklava dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'baklava' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'baklava' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'baklava'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'baklava dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'baklava' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_200": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Bakewell pudding", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Bakewell pudding' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Bakewell pudding' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Bakewell pudding dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Bakewell pudding' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bakewell pudding' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Bakewell pudding'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Bakewell pudding dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bakewell pudding' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_201": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Baconator", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Baconator' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Baconator' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Baconator' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Baconator' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Baconator'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Baconator dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Baconator' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_202": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Baked apple", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Baked apple' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Baked apple' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Baked apple dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Baked apple' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Baked apple' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Baked apple'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Baked apple dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Baked apple' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_203": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Awara broth", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Awara broth' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Awara broth' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Awara broth dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Awara broth' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Awara broth' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Awara broth'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Awara broth dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Awara broth' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_204": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Bacon Deluxe", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Bacon Deluxe dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Bacon Deluxe' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bacon Deluxe' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Bacon Deluxe'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Bacon Deluxe dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bacon Deluxe' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_205": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Bacon soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Bacon soup' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Bacon soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bacon soup' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Bacon soup'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Bacon soup' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bacon soup' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_206": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Bagel toast", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Bagel toast' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Bagel toast' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Bagel toast dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Bagel toast' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bagel toast' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Bagel toast'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Bagel toast dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bagel toast' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_no_207": { "source": "sweet dish", "target": "Bananas Foster", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'Bananas Foster' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'Bananas Foster dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is not a subconcept of 'Bananas Foster' ", "'sweet dish' is not a type of 'Bananas Foster'", "not every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'Bananas Foster dish' ", "'sweet dish' is not a subcategory of 'Bananas Foster' " ] }, "sweet_dish_edge_yes_196": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sweet dish", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sweet dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sweet dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "sweet_dish_hierarchy_208": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "sweet dish", "questions": [ "is 'sweet dish' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'sweet dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'sweet dish' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'sweet dish' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'sweet dish' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'sweet dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'sweet dish' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_inv_863": { "source": "chicken dish", "target": "tandoori chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'chicken dish' a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a type of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'chicken dish' also a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ?", "is 'chicken dish' a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a type of 'tandoori chicken'", "not every kind of 'chicken dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ", "'chicken dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_inv_864": { "source": "meat dish", "target": "tandoori chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'meat dish' a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is 'meat dish' a type of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'meat dish' also a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ?", "is 'meat dish' a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a type of 'tandoori chicken'", "not every kind of 'meat dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ", "'meat dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_inv_865": { "source": "poultry dish", "target": "tandoori chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'poultry dish' a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a type of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'poultry dish' also a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ?", "is 'poultry dish' a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a type of 'tandoori chicken'", "not every kind of 'poultry dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ", "'poultry dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_inv_866": { "source": "dish", "target": "tandoori chicken", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'tandoori chicken' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tandoori chicken' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'tandoori chicken'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tandoori chicken' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_867": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "Big Buford", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'Big Buford' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'Big Buford' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Big Buford' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'Big Buford'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Big Buford dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Big Buford' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_868": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "Befanini", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'Befanini' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'Befanini' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'Befanini' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Befanini' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'Befanini'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Befanini dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Befanini' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_869": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "Beetroot sallad", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'Beetroot sallad'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beetroot sallad' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beetroot sallad' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_870": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'bean soup' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'bean soup' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'bean soup'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'bean soup' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'bean soup' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_871": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "Beary biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'Beary biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beary biryani' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'Beary biryani'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beary biryani dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beary biryani' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_872": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "beef biryani", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'beef biryani' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'beef biryani' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'beef biryani' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'beef biryani'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'beef biryani dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'beef biryani' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_873": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "beef dish", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'beef dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'beef dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'beef dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'beef dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'beef dish'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'beef dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'beef dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_874": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "Beef Manhattan", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'Beef Manhattan' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Manhattan' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'Beef Manhattan'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Manhattan dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Manhattan' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_875": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "Beef Stroganoff", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'Beef Stroganoff' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'Beef Stroganoff'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'Beef Stroganoff dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'Beef Stroganoff' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_no_876": { "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "beefsteak", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'beefsteak' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'beefsteak' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is not a subconcept of 'beefsteak' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a type of 'beefsteak'", "not every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'beefsteak dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is not a subcategory of 'beefsteak' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_yes_859": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "chicken dish", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_yes_860": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "meat dish", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_yes_861": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "poultry dish", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_edge_yes_862": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori chicken", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_hierarchy_877": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori chicken", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_property_hierarchy_878": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'chicken dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'chicken dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tandoori chicken has component chicken meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tandoori chicken has component chicken meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'chicken dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'chicken dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'chicken dish' ", "the following statement is true 'tandoori chicken has component chicken meat' ", "the following statement is true 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tandoori chicken has component chicken meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'chicken dish has component chicken meat' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_property_hierarchy_879": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'meat dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'meat dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'meat dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tandoori chicken has component meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'meat dish has component meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tandoori chicken has component meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'meat dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'meat dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'meat dish' ", "the following statement is true 'tandoori chicken has component meat' ", "the following statement is true 'meat dish has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tandoori chicken has component meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'meat dish has component meat' " ] }, "tandoori_chicken_property_hierarchy_880": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tandoori_chicken", "questions": [ "is 'tandoori chicken' a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a type of 'poultry dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' also a kind of 'poultry dish' ?", "is 'tandoori chicken' a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tandoori chicken has component poultry meat' ", "is the following statement true? 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tandoori chicken has component poultry meat'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat'? " ], "statements": [ "'tandoori chicken' is a subconcept of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a type of 'poultry dish'", "every kind of 'tandoori chicken dish' is also a kind of 'poultry dish' ", "'tandoori chicken' is a subcategory of 'poultry dish' ", "the following statement is true 'tandoori chicken has component poultry meat' ", "the following statement is true 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tandoori chicken has component poultry meat' ", "it is accurate to say that 'poultry dish has component poultry meat' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_inv_887": { "source": "ramen", "target": "tofu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'ramen' a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is 'ramen' a type of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'ramen dish' also a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ?", "is 'ramen' a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'ramen' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ", "'ramen' is not necessarily a type of 'tofu ramen'", "not every kind of 'ramen dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ", "'ramen' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_inv_888": { "source": "soup", "target": "tofu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'soup' a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is 'soup' a type of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'soup' also a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ?", "is 'soup' a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a type of 'tofu ramen'", "not every kind of 'soup' is necessarily a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ", "'soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_inv_889": { "source": "noodle dish", "target": "tofu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle dish' a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a type of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle dish' also a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ?", "is 'noodle dish' a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a type of 'tofu ramen'", "not every kind of 'noodle dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ", "'noodle dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_inv_890": { "source": "noodle soup", "target": "tofu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'noodle soup' a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a type of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'noodle soup' also a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ?", "is 'noodle soup' a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ", "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a type of 'tofu ramen'", "not every kind of 'noodle soup' is necessarily a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ", "'noodle soup' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_inv_891": { "source": "shoyu ramen", "target": "tofu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'shoyu ramen' a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a type of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' also a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ?", "is 'shoyu ramen' a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'shoyu ramen' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not necessarily a type of 'tofu ramen'", "not every kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ", "'shoyu ramen' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_inv_892": { "source": "dish", "target": "tofu ramen", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'dish' a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is 'dish' a type of 'tofu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'dish' also a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ?", "is 'dish' a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'dish' is not necessarily a subconcept of 'tofu ramen' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a type of 'tofu ramen'", "not every kind of 'dish' is necessarily a kind of 'tofu ramen dish' ", "'dish' is not necessarily a subcategory of 'tofu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_893": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'A1 Ultimate Cheeseburger' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_894": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "Afghani burger", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'Afghani burger' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Afghani burger' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'Afghani burger'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Afghani burger dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Afghani burger' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_895": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "almond paste", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'almond paste' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'almond paste' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'almond paste' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'almond paste' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'almond paste'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'almond paste confection' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'almond paste' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_896": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "Almond soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'Almond soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Almond soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'Almond soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Almond soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'Almond soup'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Almond soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Almond soup' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_897": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "15 bean soup", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of '15 bean soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of '15 bean soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of '15 bean soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of '15 bean soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of '15 bean soup'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of '15 bean soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of '15 bean soup' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_898": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "Acquacotta", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'Acquacotta' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Acquacotta' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'Acquacotta'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Acquacotta dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Acquacotta' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_899": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "Agiozoumi", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'Agiozoumi' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Agiozoumi' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'Agiozoumi'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Agiozoumi dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Agiozoumi' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_no_900": { "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "Afghan biscuit", "expected_answer": "no", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'Afghan biscuit' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'Afghan biscuit' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'Afghan biscuit dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'Afghan biscuit' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is not a subconcept of 'Afghan biscuit' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a type of 'Afghan biscuit'", "not every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'Afghan biscuit dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is not a subcategory of 'Afghan biscuit' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_yes_881": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_yes_882": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "soup", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_yes_883": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "noodle dish", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_yes_884": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "noodle soup", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_yes_885": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "shoyu ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_edge_yes_886": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "target": "dish", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_hierarchy_901": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_hierarchy_902": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'dish' ?" ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'dish'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'dish' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_903": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component broth' ", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component broth' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component broth'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component broth'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component broth' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component broth' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_904": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component broth' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component broth' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component broth'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component broth'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component broth' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component broth' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component broth' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_905": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle dish' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle dish'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle dish' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle dish has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle dish has component noodle' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_906": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'noodle soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'noodle soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'noodle soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'noodle soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'noodle soup' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'noodle soup has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'noodle soup has component noodle' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_907": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'ramen' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'ramen has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'ramen' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'ramen has component noodle' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_908": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "is the following statement true? 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'shoyu ramen' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'shoyu ramen'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'shoyu ramen dish' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'shoyu ramen' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "the following statement is true 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component noodle' ", "it is accurate to say that 'shoyu ramen has component noodle' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_909": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component spice' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component spice' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component spice'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component spice'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component spice' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component spice' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component spice' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_910": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component vegetable' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component vegetable' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component vegetable'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component vegetable' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component vegetable' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component vegetable' " ] }, "tofu_ramen_property_hierarchy_911": { "expected_answer": "yes", "source": "tofu_ramen", "questions": [ "is 'tofu ramen' a subconcept of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a type of 'soup' ?", "is every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' also a kind of 'soup' ?", "is 'tofu ramen' a subcategory of 'soup' ?", "is the following statement true? 'tofu ramen has component liquid' ", "is the following statement true? 'soup has component liquid' ", "is it accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component liquid'? ", "is it accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid'? " ], "statements": [ "'tofu ramen' is a subconcept of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a type of 'soup'", "every kind of 'tofu ramen dish' is also a kind of 'soup' ", "'tofu ramen' is a subcategory of 'soup' ", "the following statement is true 'tofu ramen has component liquid' ", "the following statement is true 'soup has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'tofu ramen has component liquid' ", "it is accurate to say that 'soup has component liquid' " ] } } }