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#!../libguile/guile \
-e main -s
;;;; guile-benchmark --- run the Guile benchmark suite
;;;; Adapted from code by Jim Blandy <[email protected]> --- May 1999
;;;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this software; see the file COPYING.LESSER.
;;;; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
;;;; Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;;; Usage: [guile -e main -s] guile-benchmark [OPTIONS] [BENCHMARK ...]
;;;; Run benchmarks from the Guile benchmark suite. Report timing
;;;; results to the standard output, along with a summary of all
;;;; the results. Record each reported benchmark outcome in the log
;;;; file, `benchmarks.log'.
;;;; Normally, guile-benchmark scans the benchmark directory, and
;;;; executes all files whose names end in `.bm'. (It assumes they contain
;;;; Scheme code.) However, you can have it execute specific benchmarks by
;;;; listing their filenames on the command line.
;;;; The option `--benchmark-suite' can be given to specify the benchmark
;;;; directory. If no such option is given, the benchmark directory is
;;;; taken from the environment variable BENCHMARK_SUITE_DIR (if defined),
;;;; otherwise a default directory that is hardcoded in this file is
;;;; used (see "Installation" below).
;;;; If present, the `--iteration-factor FACTOR' option tells
;;;; `guile-benchmark' to multiply the number of iterations given with
;;;; each single benchmark by the value of FACTOR. This allows to
;;;; reduce or increase the total time for benchmarking.
;;;; If present, the `--log-file LOG' option tells `guile-benchmark' to put
;;;; the log output in a file named LOG.
;;;; If present, the `--debug' option will enable a debugging mode.
;;;; Installation:
;;;; If you change the #! line at the top of this script to point at
;;;; the Guile interpreter you want to run, you can call this script
;;;; as an executable instead of having to pass it as a parameter to
;;;; guile via "guile -e main -s guile-benchmark". Further, you can edit
;;;; the definition of default-benchmark-suite to point to the parent
;;;; directory of the `benchmarks' tree, which makes it unnecessary to set
;;;; the environment variable `BENCHMARK_SUITE_DIR'.
;;;; Shortcomings:
;;;; At the moment, due to a simple-minded implementation, benchmark files
;;;; must live in the benchmark directory, and you must specify their names
;;;; relative to the top of the benchmark directory. If you want to send
;;;; me a patch that fixes this, but still leaves sane benchmark names in
;;;; the log file, that would be great. At the moment, all the benchmarks
;;;; I care about are in the benchmark directory, though.
;;;; It would be nice if you could specify the Guile interpreter you
;;;; want to benchmark on the command line. As it stands, if you want to
;;;; change which Guile interpreter you're benchmarking, you need to edit
;;;; the #! line at the top of this file, which is stupid.
;;; User configurable settings:
(define default-benchmark-suite
(string-append (getenv "HOME") "/bogus-path/benchmark-suite"))
(use-modules (benchmark-suite lib)
(ice-9 getopt-long)
(ice-9 and-let-star)
(ice-9 rdelim))
;;; Variables that will receive their actual values later.
(define benchmark-suite default-benchmark-suite)
(define tmp-dir #f)
;;; General utilities, that probably should be in a library somewhere.
;;; Enable debugging
(define (enable-debug-mode)
(write-line %load-path)
(set! %load-verbosely #t)
(debug-enable 'backtrace 'debug))
;;; Traverse the directory tree at ROOT, applying F to the name of
;;; each file in the tree, including ROOT itself. For a subdirectory
;;; SUB, if (F SUB) is true, we recurse into SUB. Do not follow
;;; symlinks.
(define (for-each-file f root)
;; A "hard directory" is a path that denotes a directory and is not a
;; symlink.
(define (file-is-hard-directory? filename)
(eq? (stat:type (lstat filename)) 'directory))
(let visit ((root root))
(let ((should-recur (f root)))
(if (and should-recur (file-is-hard-directory? root))
(let ((dir (opendir root)))
(let loop ()
(let ((entry (readdir dir)))
((eof-object? entry) #f)
((or (string=? entry ".")
(string=? entry "..")
(string=? entry "CVS")
(string=? entry "RCS"))
(visit (string-append root "/" entry))
;;; The benchmark driver.
;;; Localizing benchmark files and temporary data files.
(define (data-file-name filename)
(in-vicinity tmp-dir filename))
(define (benchmark-file-name benchmark)
(in-vicinity benchmark-suite benchmark))
;;; Return a list of all the benchmark files in the benchmark tree.
(define (enumerate-benchmarks benchmark-dir)
(let ((root-len (+ 1 (string-length benchmark-dir)))
(benchmarks '()))
(for-each-file (lambda (file)
(if (string-suffix? ".bm" file)
(let ((short-name
(substring file root-len)))
(set! benchmarks (cons short-name benchmarks))))
;; for-each-file presents the files in whatever order it finds
;; them in the directory. We sort them here, so they'll always
;; appear in the same order. This makes it easier to compare benchmark
;; log files mechanically.
(sort benchmarks string<?)))
(define (main args)
(let ((options (getopt-long args
(single-char #\t)
(value #t))
(single-char #\t)
(value #t))
(single-char #\l)
(value #t))
(single-char #\d))))))
(define (opt tag default)
(let ((pair (assq tag options)))
(if pair (cdr pair) default)))
(if (opt 'debug #f)
(set! benchmark-suite
(or (opt 'benchmark-suite #f)
(set! iteration-factor
(string->number (opt 'iteration-factor "1")))
;; directory where temporary files are created.
(set! tmp-dir (getcwd))
(let* ((benchmarks
(let ((foo (opt '() '())))
(if (null? foo)
(enumerate-benchmarks benchmark-suite)
(opt 'log-file "benchmarks.log")))
;; Open the log file.
(let ((log-port (open-output-file log-file)))
;; Register some reporters.
(register-reporter (make-log-reporter log-port))
(register-reporter user-reporter)
;; Run the benchmarks.
(for-each (lambda (benchmark)
(with-benchmark-prefix benchmark
(load (benchmark-file-name benchmark))))
(close-port log-port)))))
;;; Local Variables:
;;; mode: scheme
;;; End: