26 values
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ABCC2 has a mutation status of D623D, The gene ADCY2 has a mutation status of F736C, The gene CD86 has a mutation status of P117R, The gene EPHB4 has a mutation status of R305S, The gene FOXC2 has a mutation status of N23K, The gene GBF1 has a mutation status of L192V, The gene GLMN has a mutation status of G592G, The gene GNAI1 has a mutation status of K277K, The gene GOLGA4 has a mutation status of A699T, The gene GPR182 has a mutation status of L111L, The gene IRF2 has a mutation status of I136M, The gene KIF1B has a mutation status of A219T, The gene LAS1L has a mutation status of E237*, The gene MYH11 has a mutation status of A746D, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of D465D, The gene NOS1 has a mutation status of N1445D, The gene PPARD has a mutation status of T218T, The gene ROS1 has a mutation status of G764G, The gene RTN3 has a mutation status of E660Q, The gene SAMD9 has a mutation status of E291A, The gene SMAD1 has a mutation status of I382M, The gene SP110 has a mutation status of V412A, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of P222R, The gene ST6GALNAC2 has a mutation status of R104H, The gene TMEM176B has a mutation status of P17R
The cancer type is SARC. The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of T1115M, The gene ATRX has a mutation status of L1854fs, The gene DTX1 has a mutation status of R36H, The gene FN3K has a mutation status of R69Q, The gene GPR182 has a mutation status of A372T, The gene HELZ2 has a mutation status of A1690V, The gene INCENP has a mutation status of P276P, The gene ITGA3 has a mutation status of G692fs, The gene KLF5 has a mutation status of C375fs, The gene MDM2 has a mutation status of Q34Q, The gene PLG has a mutation status of P266Q, The gene PPM1B has a mutation status of L268L, The gene SLIT2 has a mutation status of L400L, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of M237I, The gene TSC2 has a mutation status of K1585M, The gene USP18 has a mutation status of R238H, The gene WRN has a mutation status of G1298G
The cancer type is SKCM. The gene A2M has a mutation status of R895R, The gene ABCB11 has a mutation status of T426T, The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of D655N, The gene ABL1 has a mutation status of I489I, The gene ACTC1 has a mutation status of E318K, The gene ACTN2 has a mutation status of E386K, The gene ADAM15 has a mutation status of N276N, The gene ADAMDEC1 has a mutation status of F384F, The gene ADCY1 has a mutation status of L629L, The gene ANKH has a mutation status of S269S, The gene ARAP3 has a mutation status of R985R, The gene ARHGAP10 has a mutation status of S748F, The gene ATP1A3 has a mutation status of W95*, The gene BANK1 has a mutation status of P614P, The gene BDKRB2 has a mutation status of D16N, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of P606S, The gene BTC has a mutation status of R149C, The gene CAMK1D has a mutation status of A131A, The gene CBR3 has a mutation status of C226G, The gene CCNT1 has a mutation status of S603S, The gene CDH6 has a mutation status of D691N, The gene CDH8 has a mutation status of Q110*, The gene CDK5RAP2 has a mutation status of H1772H, The gene CEP192 has a mutation status of F1557F, The gene CES1 has a mutation status of R435W, The gene CHKA has a mutation status of F449F, The gene CLEC5A has a mutation status of E94K, The gene CNDP2 has a mutation status of L77L, The gene CNOT4 has a mutation status of A637V, The gene COL1A1 has a mutation status of P1009S, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of S1639S, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of G685R, The gene COL5A3 has a mutation status of P556S, The gene DPYD has a mutation status of I168I, The gene DSC1 has a mutation status of E399K, The gene DSC3 has a mutation status of E725K, The gene EIF4EBP1 has a mutation status of R56Q, The gene ENO2 has a mutation status of A108V, The gene ENPEP has a mutation status of P714S, The gene F2RL1 has a mutation status of I266I, The gene F7 has a mutation status of V377M, The gene FABP1 has a mutation status of G66G, The gene FBLN5 has a mutation status of P102S, The gene FLNC has a mutation status of F1433F, The gene FOXO4 has a mutation status of S404F, The gene GAL3ST1 has a mutation status of Q363Q, The gene GRID2 has a mutation status of Y648H, The gene GRM8 has a mutation status of A858V, The gene HELLS has a mutation status of L168F, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of R132C, The gene IGSF1 has a mutation status of E665K, The gene INHA has a mutation status of L202F, The gene IRS1 has a mutation status of P890S, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of G385G, The gene ITGB5 has a mutation status of Q369* I368N, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of D538N, The gene KIF22 has a mutation status of P141S, The gene KRT5 has a mutation status of G104R, The gene KRT8 has a mutation status of G471E, The gene LAD1 has a mutation status of E448K, The gene LAMB3 has a mutation status of S622S G827R, The gene LDB3 has a mutation status of A637A, The gene LEFTY2 has a mutation status of E123K, The gene LIFR has a mutation status of V277M, The gene LOX has a mutation status of F323C, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of D85N, The gene LPIN1 has a mutation status of P415L, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of E960G, The gene MAPK8 has a mutation status of Y266N, The gene ME1 has a mutation status of G308G, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of E412K R1800C, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of F492F, The gene MYLK has a mutation status of P948P, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of T342I, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of E638K, The gene NCAPH2 has a mutation status of R527Q, The gene NLRP3 has a mutation status of I39I, The gene NOS1 has a mutation status of D1328N, The gene NOTCH1 has a mutation status of I2109I, The gene NOTCH2 has a mutation status of P2219S, The gene NPHS1 has a mutation status of L830L, The gene NPTX2 has a mutation status of L281L, The gene NPY1R has a mutation status of S83F, The gene NR1H4 has a mutation status of L222P, The gene NTNG1 has a mutation status of R263K, The gene NUP205 has a mutation status of K201E, The gene PAK3 has a mutation status of G54E, The gene PCDHB1 has a mutation status of D270N, The gene PEX6 has a mutation status of R343W, The gene PLEK has a mutation status of N305Y, The gene PRKCB has a mutation status of V356V, The gene PTCH1 has a mutation status of G1443V, The gene QDPR has a mutation status of S97F, The gene RABEPK has a mutation status of H296Y, The gene RAF1 has a mutation status of N161K, The gene RB1 has a mutation status of Q257*, The gene RBBP8 has a mutation status of V72V, The gene RELN has a mutation status of L212R, The gene RHAG has a mutation status of G99E, The gene RNF19A has a mutation status of C301*, The gene RPS3A has a mutation status of L99P, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of D3546V G3739G, The gene SAMD9 has a mutation status of P187S, The gene SCG3 has a mutation status of E106K, The gene SERPINA10 has a mutation status of S28L, The gene SGMS1 has a mutation status of R387*, The gene SLC16A3 has a mutation status of F276F, The gene SOD3 has a mutation status of F97F, The gene SPR has a mutation status of E249K, The gene TAOK2 has a mutation status of P928S, The gene TF has a mutation status of E370K, The gene TGIF2 has a mutation status of P188S, The gene TNC has a mutation status of A368V E646K, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of L117L, The gene TRIM29 has a mutation status of E147K, The gene USH1C has a mutation status of D547N, The gene VCPIP1 has a mutation status of A1104A, The gene VWF has a mutation status of R698K, The gene WNT16 has a mutation status of K244K
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene EGFR has a mutation status of L838M, The gene EIF4G2 has a mutation status of E197*, The gene F5 has a mutation status of E1297E, The gene LAMB3 has a mutation status of P128P, The gene SLC4A4 has a mutation status of F617S, The gene TPH1 has a mutation status of T176T, The gene ZEB1 has a mutation status of Y904H
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of E1479V, The gene ALOX15B has a mutation status of R145R, The gene C8B has a mutation status of P62S, The gene CACNA1H has a mutation status of D2283D, The gene CAD has a mutation status of K684R, The gene CALCR has a mutation status of R420C, The gene CASP9 has a mutation status of V109L, The gene CCNA2 has a mutation status of A25V, The gene CHRM4 has a mutation status of A263T, The gene DEPDC1 has a mutation status of S359S, The gene DIABLO has a mutation status of T85T, The gene DSC2 has a mutation status of K528N, The gene DST has a mutation status of S1478S, The gene EDC4 has a mutation status of G797G, The gene ERCC5 has a mutation status of P441L, The gene FAP has a mutation status of S435I, The gene GPC3 has a mutation status of F111L, The gene KNTC1 has a mutation status of G21G, The gene MPZL1 has a mutation status of S86A, The gene MVP has a mutation status of R600H, The gene MYH7 has a mutation status of T446P, The gene MYOM1 has a mutation status of R947C, The gene NFKB2 has a mutation status of P88S, The gene NR4A1 has a mutation status of S485N, The gene NUDT21 has a mutation status of D143G, The gene PCDHB1 has a mutation status of S443S, The gene PLAT has a mutation status of E453A, The gene PRSS36 has a mutation status of D721G, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of M239R, The gene PTGER4 has a mutation status of T79T, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of L523L, The gene TNFSF9 has a mutation status of D6D, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of M246R, The gene WEE1 has a mutation status of R581P
The cancer type is STES. The gene AADAT has a mutation status of S27N, The gene ABCA6 has a mutation status of L303L, The gene ABCC2 has a mutation status of C166Y, The gene ABL1 has a mutation status of T117T, The gene ACADL has a mutation status of E91G, The gene ACOX2 has a mutation status of R327W, The gene ACP2 has a mutation status of D287N, The gene ACRBP has a mutation status of P403P, The gene ACSM1 has a mutation status of R8W, The gene ACSS1 has a mutation status of Q246Q, The gene ACTN2 has a mutation status of S892S, The gene ADAM9 has a mutation status of C447R, The gene ADAMTS1 has a mutation status of C521Y R258R, The gene ADAR has a mutation status of K1201fs, The gene ADCY9 has a mutation status of G273R V155A, The gene AKAP10 has a mutation status of Q596*, The gene ALDH1A2 has a mutation status of L191L, The gene ALDH3A1 has a mutation status of F336L I71T, The gene AMACR has a mutation status of R171H, The gene ANO1 has a mutation status of I758S P700fs, The gene APAF1 has a mutation status of C704Y, The gene ARFGEF1 has a mutation status of I358V, The gene ARHGEF7 has a mutation status of P414P, The gene ATAD2 has a mutation status of R155H, The gene ATP2A1 has a mutation status of P820fs, The gene ATP6V1B1 has a mutation status of T292T, The gene ATP8B1 has a mutation status of W729C, The gene AXIN1 has a mutation status of R797H, The gene AXIN2 has a mutation status of I777I, The gene BCAN has a mutation status of R107H E468E, The gene BIRC2 has a mutation status of S14L, The gene BMPR2 has a mutation status of T829A, The gene BTRC has a mutation status of T364T, The gene BUB3 has a mutation status of L122P, The gene C8A has a mutation status of L159M, The gene CAB39L has a mutation status of F277fs, The gene CAPG has a mutation status of R153W, The gene CASP2 has a mutation status of T267T, The gene CCR2 has a mutation status of F24fs, The gene CD2AP has a mutation status of V29A, The gene CDH13 has a mutation status of P156S, The gene CEP72 has a mutation status of T344M, The gene CERCAM has a mutation status of T185fs, The gene CIDEA has a mutation status of R135G, The gene CLDN16 has a mutation status of Y299H, The gene CLEC4A has a mutation status of H86H, The gene CMTR1 has a mutation status of V451M, The gene CNDP2 has a mutation status of M165V, The gene COL16A1 has a mutation status of A714V, The gene COL17A1 has a mutation status of G993G, The gene COL3A1 has a mutation status of F580fs, The gene COL4A1 has a mutation status of G688D, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of G627S, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of G520S, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of P595P, The gene COX4I1 has a mutation status of R5R, The gene CP has a mutation status of P876P, The gene CPT1A has a mutation status of V488I, The gene CR1 has a mutation status of L49F, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of V206fs, The gene CUL3 has a mutation status of A239V, The gene CUL5 has a mutation status of S257S, The gene CXXC1 has a mutation status of E268G, The gene DGKA has a mutation status of P724fs, The gene DHX16 has a mutation status of A394V, The gene DIAPH3 has a mutation status of Q924* P44P, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of L61P, The gene DLG1 has a mutation status of G240*, The gene DOCK2 has a mutation status of R1364H, The gene DSCC1 has a mutation status of R274*, The gene ECD has a mutation status of D634N, The gene ECT2 has a mutation status of I470T, The gene EDC4 has a mutation status of M69I, The gene EDEM1 has a mutation status of G307G, The gene EDN1 has a mutation status of L195L, The gene EFNA5 has a mutation status of S107F, The gene EGR3 has a mutation status of Q134H, The gene EHHADH has a mutation status of Y603H, The gene EIF2AK3 has a mutation status of F356Y, The gene ENPP2 has a mutation status of K496E, The gene EPB41L2 has a mutation status of R724H, The gene EPHA2 has a mutation status of P642P, The gene EPHX1 has a mutation status of T275A, The gene ERBB3 has a mutation status of A232V, The gene ERN1 has a mutation status of K329K, The gene ESR1 has a mutation status of A13T, The gene ESR2 has a mutation status of F173fs, The gene EWSR1 has a mutation status of P621A, The gene EXT1 has a mutation status of A594T, The gene F9 has a mutation status of K387R, The gene FBLN5 has a mutation status of C27C, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of Q1854H, The gene FECH has a mutation status of Y191H, The gene FLII has a mutation status of V749M, The gene FLNC has a mutation status of A457fs, The gene FMOD has a mutation status of V103I, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of V1335A, The gene FOSB has a mutation status of V94I, The gene G3BP2 has a mutation status of R424L, The gene GAD1 has a mutation status of K318fs, The gene GLI1 has a mutation status of E625K, The gene GNAI3 has a mutation status of C305C, The gene GNPDA1 has a mutation status of R158C, The gene GOT2 has a mutation status of V80I, The gene GPD1 has a mutation status of K68E, The gene GRB2 has a mutation status of K26E, The gene GREB1 has a mutation status of T924T, The gene HDAC9 has a mutation status of L99L N825N, The gene HDLBP has a mutation status of R529G, The gene HNF4A has a mutation status of V242fs, The gene HOXD11 has a mutation status of V58M, The gene HSD17B4 has a mutation status of L35L, The gene HSPA8 has a mutation status of E591E, The gene HTATIP2 has a mutation status of E40E, The gene IGF1 has a mutation status of G164W, The gene IL4R has a mutation status of L29L, The gene INHBE has a mutation status of L108P, The gene INPPL1 has a mutation status of P1067fs, The gene IPCEF1 has a mutation status of R331*, The gene IRF2 has a mutation status of K64T N167fs, The gene ISCU has a mutation status of S56F, The gene ITPR2 has a mutation status of R1837fs, The gene JAK2 has a mutation status of Y435fs N193fs, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of Q1624Q, The gene KCNH2 has a mutation status of G149A, The gene KCNJ2 has a mutation status of A178S, The gene KCNMA1 has a mutation status of S504S, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of P652fs, The gene KIF11 has a mutation status of N539N, The gene KIF13B has a mutation status of R345R, The gene KIF3B has a mutation status of S528R, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of P2206fs, The gene KPTN has a mutation status of D167N, The gene LAMA2 has a mutation status of R2200C, The gene LAMC2 has a mutation status of Y202C, The gene LAYN has a mutation status of F93L, The gene LCK has a mutation status of N392N, The gene LGMN has a mutation status of M281L, The gene LONP1 has a mutation status of A481A, The gene LOX has a mutation status of A309T, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of T266A, The gene LTBP1 has a mutation status of E1721K, The gene MADD has a mutation status of A822T, The gene MAGI2 has a mutation status of R115*, The gene MAOB has a mutation status of G13fs, The gene MAP3K8 has a mutation status of E366E, The gene MAST4 has a mutation status of C780C, The gene MATN2 has a mutation status of T132T, The gene MATN3 has a mutation status of S459I, The gene MCM4 has a mutation status of R797W, The gene MFHAS1 has a mutation status of A721T, The gene MGST3 has a mutation status of R97*, The gene MKNK1 has a mutation status of L55F, The gene MLF1 has a mutation status of H22H G49W, The gene MMP2 has a mutation status of G179G A408A, The gene MSH2 has a mutation status of S738S, The gene MSRA has a mutation status of Q124H, The gene MTRR has a mutation status of V160I, The gene MYBBP1A has a mutation status of G1236G, The gene MYC has a mutation status of K413fs, The gene MYF6 has a mutation status of G17fs, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of V239M, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of V378I, The gene MYO9B has a mutation status of T881I, The gene MYOF has a mutation status of V1849A, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of G1281fs, The gene NASP has a mutation status of K159fs, The gene NAV2 has a mutation status of T787M, The gene NET1 has a mutation status of N419N, The gene NFASC has a mutation status of N1234D, The gene NFKBIB has a mutation status of D328N, The gene NIN has a mutation status of E2030K, The gene NLRC5 has a mutation status of Q1269*, The gene NMT1 has a mutation status of M456V, The gene NMU has a mutation status of V124V, The gene NR1H4 has a mutation status of V428A, The gene NRP2 has a mutation status of S366N, The gene NUP153 has a mutation status of S1031A, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of V1226I, The gene ONECUT1 has a mutation status of R344Q, The gene PALLD has a mutation status of R255C, The gene PAOX has a mutation status of S269S T286T, The gene PAX6 has a mutation status of P375fs, The gene PCBP1 has a mutation status of A316V, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of K4187K, The gene PDE6B has a mutation status of A192A, The gene PDLIM5 has a mutation status of V169I, The gene PELI1 has a mutation status of A351V, The gene PEX6 has a mutation status of H553Y, The gene PFKL has a mutation status of A416A, The gene PGK2 has a mutation status of C50C, The gene PHB2 has a mutation status of I136V, The gene PHTF2 has a mutation status of C472C, The gene PIAS3 has a mutation status of V274M L226fs, The gene PIK3CB has a mutation status of W582R, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of I1839I, The gene PLXNB1 has a mutation status of S1023P, The gene POLQ has a mutation status of R359*, The gene PRKCH has a mutation status of E660D, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of S1160S, The gene PRPF3 has a mutation status of D312G, The gene PSIP1 has a mutation status of K220R, The gene PTBP2 has a mutation status of A152G, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of L265fs, The gene PTGIS has a mutation status of Y73H, The gene PTP4A3 has a mutation status of S143N, The gene PTPRC has a mutation status of G391G, The gene PTPRJ has a mutation status of P743H, The gene PTPRR has a mutation status of N300D, The gene RABGAP1 has a mutation status of Q419H, The gene RAD50 has a mutation status of S1137G, The gene RAPGEF5 has a mutation status of T108T, The gene RASAL2 has a mutation status of I855M, The gene RBPJ has a mutation status of G325G, The gene REV3L has a mutation status of Y2576F F1486F, The gene RHOBTB3 has a mutation status of S372S T480T, The gene ROS1 has a mutation status of G1778*, The gene RPS2 has a mutation status of L273L, The gene RPS3A has a mutation status of R43H, The gene RPTOR has a mutation status of Y674H V814F, The gene RXRB has a mutation status of G294fs, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of P3589P, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of L1177L S2073F, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of C256C, The gene SCN8A has a mutation status of L319L, The gene SCUBE1 has a mutation status of T549A, The gene SERPINA6 has a mutation status of W163R, The gene SERPINB5 has a mutation status of S75S, The gene SF3A3 has a mutation status of G434D, The gene SGCG has a mutation status of A115T, The gene SIPA1L1 has a mutation status of S399N, The gene SLAMF7 has a mutation status of G87C, The gene SLC25A17 has a mutation status of R158H, The gene SLC2A2 has a mutation status of F144F, The gene SLC2A6 has a mutation status of R37fs, The gene SLC6A9 has a mutation status of Y219C, The gene SLC7A2 has a mutation status of E88K, The gene SMAD5 has a mutation status of A345V, The gene SMC3 has a mutation status of E315G, The gene SNRPA has a mutation status of R106H, The gene SP110 has a mutation status of N510N, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of G2741G, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of H1360Y, The gene ST3GAL6 has a mutation status of M301L, The gene STAT2 has a mutation status of M156I, The gene SUCLG2 has a mutation status of F196F, The gene SUN2 has a mutation status of G237G, The gene SUV39H1 has a mutation status of G216R, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of A2724T, The gene SYNPO has a mutation status of R812C, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of R1103C, The gene TG has a mutation status of G1195R, The gene THBD has a mutation status of G448G, The gene THBS2 has a mutation status of P48P, The gene THBS3 has a mutation status of R916H, The gene TIAL1 has a mutation status of M132T, The gene TIMM10 has a mutation status of G66C, The gene TMPRSS3 has a mutation status of A37V, The gene TNFAIP2 has a mutation status of A614T, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of A139T, The gene TRA2B has a mutation status of R271H, The gene TRIM25 has a mutation status of E256*, The gene TRIM26 has a mutation status of E395E, The gene TUBGCP6 has a mutation status of V383I, The gene WASL has a mutation status of T262fs, The gene XDH has a mutation status of A1278T, The gene XRCC6 has a mutation status of K114K, The gene YWHAB has a mutation status of D240D, The gene ZMIZ1 has a mutation status of Y326S, The gene ZNF707 has a mutation status of T154T
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene BRPF3 has a mutation status of N902S, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of N345K, The gene RUNX1 has a mutation status of D96fs, The gene TEX15 has a mutation status of G368G
The cancer type is THCA. The gene PGR has a mutation status of R766R
The cancer type is LIHC. The gene IQGAP2 has a mutation status of H490Y, The gene LRIG1 has a mutation status of A910V, The gene MYH9 has a mutation status of L749L, The gene NOTCH3 has a mutation status of W1425R, The gene PENK has a mutation status of S93N, The gene RNF11 has a mutation status of Y121H, The gene SORBS1 has a mutation status of S20C, The gene ST3GAL5 has a mutation status of A130A, The gene TSC1 has a mutation status of V610A
The cancer type is STES. The gene BDNF has a mutation status of S213L, The gene C8A has a mutation status of S274*, The gene DOCK2 has a mutation status of A454A, The gene GAL has a mutation status of I91T, The gene GBF1 has a mutation status of P1292S, The gene GPRC5B has a mutation status of I175I, The gene GRID2 has a mutation status of R710W, The gene HR has a mutation status of R1066C, The gene ITGB8 has a mutation status of G271R, The gene ITGBL1 has a mutation status of R229*, The gene ITIH5 has a mutation status of D565N, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of A1331V, The gene NCSTN has a mutation status of I656I, The gene OAS3 has a mutation status of R102W, The gene P2RY1 has a mutation status of Y237Y, The gene PCNT has a mutation status of A947A, The gene PTPRM has a mutation status of P675S, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of R2205H, The gene SLIT2 has a mutation status of A673A, The gene TG has a mutation status of L953V
The cancer type is STES. The gene CHST6 has a mutation status of S126I, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of G34R, The gene FYN has a mutation status of V84V, The gene HYAL2 has a mutation status of S155*, The gene SPTAN1 has a mutation status of P3Q, The gene XRCC3 has a mutation status of R300R
The cancer type is HNSC. The gene ADAM2 has a mutation status of F381L, The gene APC has a mutation status of L1029I, The gene GBP4 has a mutation status of F276F, The gene HELLS has a mutation status of R224Q, The gene HEXA has a mutation status of F73F, The gene HOOK3 has a mutation status of L289L, The gene IL13 has a mutation status of V37V, The gene KCNA3 has a mutation status of I179N, The gene KLHL24 has a mutation status of E341Q, The gene LEPR has a mutation status of E65*, The gene MATN2 has a mutation status of C365F, The gene MCM4 has a mutation status of A436A, The gene MGP has a mutation status of F43F, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of K1634N, The gene MLLT10 has a mutation status of P850S, The gene MMP2 has a mutation status of F492F, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of N869H, The gene PEX1 has a mutation status of P549L, The gene PKD1 has a mutation status of L566L, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of L1401L, The gene RAPGEF5 has a mutation status of S152Y, The gene RPS6KA1 has a mutation status of E490V, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of E1815K S4028S, The gene SLC23A2 has a mutation status of G302G, The gene SMPDL3A has a mutation status of E245D, The gene TAF10 has a mutation status of S101G, The gene THBS1 has a mutation status of N207S, The gene TM4SF1 has a mutation status of S195F, The gene TROAP has a mutation status of G280D, The gene ZNF112 has a mutation status of H711P, The gene ZNFX1 has a mutation status of R115C, The gene ZNRF4 has a mutation status of S219S
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene BACH1 has a mutation status of G662V, The gene CHST4 has a mutation status of H91Y, The gene COL5A2 has a mutation status of GD693fs, The gene HSPA8 has a mutation status of T211T, The gene LAMA1 has a mutation status of N2334Y, The gene MAK has a mutation status of P367fs, The gene MAST3 has a mutation status of G143G, The gene ME1 has a mutation status of D268N, The gene ME2 has a mutation status of L107F, The gene NGLY1 has a mutation status of Q22Q, The gene PCK1 has a mutation status of R226fs, The gene PML has a mutation status of F662L, The gene SVIL has a mutation status of D47A, The gene ZNFX1 has a mutation status of SGL1823fs
The cancer type is PAAD. The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of D685D, The gene CPB1 has a mutation status of M309I, The gene FCER1G has a mutation status of R45*, The gene IFITM3 has a mutation status of A98A, The gene IL18RAP has a mutation status of I491V, The gene NOD2 has a mutation status of R439C, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of A814V, The gene PODXL has a mutation status of T39T, The gene PTPRE has a mutation status of G633V, The gene SLC12A4 has a mutation status of R787W, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of V101V, The gene SYBU has a mutation status of R331R, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of S269fs, The gene VCL has a mutation status of R433H
The cancer type is SKCM. The gene ABCA1 has a mutation status of F157L S1042F, The gene ABCA5 has a mutation status of V420I, The gene ABCB8 has a mutation status of A158A, The gene ABCC3 has a mutation status of T1062I, The gene ABCC5 has a mutation status of P1183S, The gene ABI3BP has a mutation status of G86R, The gene ACAA1 has a mutation status of S124L, The gene ACOX2 has a mutation status of Q176Q, The gene ACOX3 has a mutation status of Q145*, The gene ACSS1 has a mutation status of S409S, The gene ACTG1 has a mutation status of E241K, The gene ACTL7B has a mutation status of S58S, The gene ADAM15 has a mutation status of A525A, The gene AGER has a mutation status of P202S, The gene AGO2 has a mutation status of R126C, The gene AGRN has a mutation status of R1461W, The gene AIFM3 has a mutation status of G124S, The gene ALAS1 has a mutation status of V523V, The gene ALDH7A1 has a mutation status of P316S, The gene ALDOC has a mutation status of G303R, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of R4091C, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of E1116K, The gene ANPEP has a mutation status of S169S, The gene AOX1 has a mutation status of G444E, The gene APH1A has a mutation status of P262L, The gene ARPC2 has a mutation status of L116L, The gene ASL has a mutation status of E399K, The gene ATF3 has a mutation status of E138K, The gene ATF5 has a mutation status of P194L, The gene ATP1B1 has a mutation status of K65R, The gene ATXN2 has a mutation status of E326E, The gene AXL has a mutation status of R667R, The gene BCAN has a mutation status of A273T, The gene BCAR1 has a mutation status of T81A, The gene BCKDHB has a mutation status of F154F, The gene BCL11B has a mutation status of D724N, The gene BCL6 has a mutation status of L533L, The gene BCR has a mutation status of F1181F, The gene BMP2 has a mutation status of R31R P211P, The gene C1QA has a mutation status of R114K, The gene C1S has a mutation status of L52L P431L, The gene C2 has a mutation status of R205C, The gene C5 has a mutation status of R1476G, The gene C8A has a mutation status of G392E, The gene CA6 has a mutation status of F278F, The gene CACNA1H has a mutation status of V1499G F1676F, The gene CALCB has a mutation status of F108F, The gene CAPN3 has a mutation status of L677F, The gene CCR8 has a mutation status of A39V, The gene CD96 has a mutation status of L192F, The gene CDC14B has a mutation status of P164L, The gene CDC7 has a mutation status of K126K, The gene CDCP1 has a mutation status of L260Q, The gene CDH16 has a mutation status of R339C, The gene CDH8 has a mutation status of P453S, The gene CELSR2 has a mutation status of S2514F, The gene CEP72 has a mutation status of L422R, The gene CFTR has a mutation status of V470V, The gene CHEK2 has a mutation status of P90S, The gene CHGA has a mutation status of N182S, The gene CHPF2 has a mutation status of R567Q, The gene CIDEA has a mutation status of D140N, The gene CLN5 has a mutation status of M182I, The gene CLSTN3 has a mutation status of T375T, The gene CLU has a mutation status of E189K, The gene COL11A1 has a mutation status of R762R, The gene COL15A1 has a mutation status of E396K, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of G252E, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of G336E, The gene COL6A1 has a mutation status of G999C, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of G1572G, The gene COQ9 has a mutation status of S215F, The gene COX15 has a mutation status of F144F, The gene CPM has a mutation status of I121I, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of K1327*, The gene CS has a mutation status of I128I, The gene CSAD has a mutation status of P49L, The gene CSF2RB has a mutation status of G724E, The gene CTHRC1 has a mutation status of L208L, The gene CYP27A1 has a mutation status of F526F, The gene CYP4B1 has a mutation status of R482R, The gene CYP8B1 has a mutation status of F420F, The gene CYTH2 has a mutation status of A215A, The gene DCC has a mutation status of H104Y, The gene DGKG has a mutation status of T92T, The gene DHX15 has a mutation status of P449L, The gene DLGAP5 has a mutation status of F449F, The gene DLK2 has a mutation status of G69S L213L, The gene DMD has a mutation status of P3172S, The gene DOCK10 has a mutation status of V425V, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of R1132C, The gene DPYD has a mutation status of L135F, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of F2059F A1365V, The gene ECH1 has a mutation status of Q129*, The gene EFEMP2 has a mutation status of F239F, The gene EIF2S3 has a mutation status of L378Y, The gene ELN has a mutation status of G716G, The gene ENPP2 has a mutation status of T210T, The gene EPHB2 has a mutation status of R750C, The gene ERBB3 has a mutation status of L446L S1178F, The gene ESPL1 has a mutation status of L1640F, The gene EXT2 has a mutation status of R322C, The gene EZR has a mutation status of P297L L111F, The gene FCGR1A has a mutation status of G205R, The gene FKBP5 has a mutation status of H171Y, The gene FLNB has a mutation status of E1488E S2284F, The gene FMO1 has a mutation status of R223Q, The gene FOXO1 has a mutation status of R314C, The gene FTCD has a mutation status of D211N, The gene FUS has a mutation status of G486G, The gene FZD1 has a mutation status of S417S, The gene GBF1 has a mutation status of V1174M, The gene GCG has a mutation status of N156S, The gene GLDC has a mutation status of V668L, The gene GLMN has a mutation status of P551L, The gene GPAM has a mutation status of P602S, The gene GPD1L has a mutation status of F163F, The gene GPR182 has a mutation status of A158V, The gene GPR65 has a mutation status of P68L, The gene GRID2 has a mutation status of L905L P904L, The gene GYPB has a mutation status of A26T, The gene GYPE has a mutation status of S12L, The gene HK2 has a mutation status of R195R, The gene HKDC1 has a mutation status of D725N, The gene HR has a mutation status of A365A, The gene HRC has a mutation status of D229N, The gene HSD17B2 has a mutation status of Q261*, The gene HSD3B1 has a mutation status of Y254Y, The gene HSPA2 has a mutation status of L312L, The gene IFI44 has a mutation status of G226E, The gene IGFBP5 has a mutation status of S145S, The gene IL2RB has a mutation status of G297E, The gene IL4R has a mutation status of P51S, The gene IMP4 has a mutation status of I202I, The gene INHBA has a mutation status of P342L, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of P784L, The gene ITGA5 has a mutation status of Y189C, The gene ITGB4 has a mutation status of G1051E, The gene ITPA has a mutation status of R139W, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of T1120I, The gene KAT2B has a mutation status of L190L, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of G340E, The gene KCNJ8 has a mutation status of P253L, The gene KIF13B has a mutation status of V857V, The gene KIF15 has a mutation status of R60W, The gene KIF3C has a mutation status of S717S, The gene KLHDC8A has a mutation status of R80Q, The gene KLK7 has a mutation status of P140S, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of F2538F, The gene LAPTM5 has a mutation status of L81L, The gene LCT has a mutation status of D1229N G1402K, The gene LEPR has a mutation status of M867I G820E, The gene LHX9 has a mutation status of E384K, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of P164S, The gene LPIN1 has a mutation status of P617S, The gene LPL has a mutation status of T213I, The gene MADD has a mutation status of S615F, The gene MAPKAPK3 has a mutation status of P211S, The gene MARCO has a mutation status of E227K D449N, The gene MAST2 has a mutation status of G727V, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of V478M, The gene MDH1 has a mutation status of F288F, The gene MET has a mutation status of P1329L, The gene MMP2 has a mutation status of R161Q, The gene MPO has a mutation status of R622R, The gene MTIF2 has a mutation status of F200F, The gene MXRA5 has a mutation status of G1797K S1983F, The gene MYBPH has a mutation status of D240D, The gene MYF6 has a mutation status of R95Q, The gene MYH11 has a mutation status of P399S, The gene MYH3 has a mutation status of Q646*, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of L620L, The gene MYH9 has a mutation status of S1340S 1529_1530AL>AL, The gene MYLK has a mutation status of E703K, The gene MYOF has a mutation status of R1733R F1168F, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of G716E, The gene NCK1 has a mutation status of E124*, The gene NEUROD1 has a mutation status of E72K, The gene NFAT5 has a mutation status of P959S, The gene NFE2 has a mutation status of G358E, The gene NGB has a mutation status of G100S, The gene NIN has a mutation status of L224L, The gene NOL8 has a mutation status of K524K, The gene NOS1 has a mutation status of R48C F1192F, The gene NPHS1 has a mutation status of T305I, The gene NPY4R has a mutation status of P374S, The gene NPY5R has a mutation status of F27F, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of T1525T, The gene NUMA1 has a mutation status of R1885C, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of P1451S, The gene OLFML3 has a mutation status of R89C, The gene OXTR has a mutation status of R232R, The gene PABPC1 has a mutation status of R604C, The gene PC has a mutation status of P533L, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of P1731S E1231fs, The gene PCOLCE2 has a mutation status of T18T, The gene PDLIM4 has a mutation status of P136S, The gene PDLIM5 has a mutation status of L487F, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of S773L, The gene PFKP has a mutation status of V530V, The gene PGR has a mutation status of P103P, The gene PHEX has a mutation status of L378F, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of G300R, The gene PKP1 has a mutation status of S617F, The gene PLAG1 has a mutation status of P431S, The gene PLPPR4 has a mutation status of D493D, The gene PMEPA1 has a mutation status of G103K, The gene POLE has a mutation status of F1708F, The gene PPP2R2C has a mutation status of N217S, The gene PRIM2 has a mutation status of E221*, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of F3896F, The gene PROC has a mutation status of W444*, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of S519L, The gene PTGIS has a mutation status of V309D, The gene PTPRC has a mutation status of F1218F, The gene PTPRE has a mutation status of W515*, The gene RAB3GAP1 has a mutation status of S703L, The gene RASGRP1 has a mutation status of G642S, The gene RB1 has a mutation status of G449E A562E, The gene REL has a mutation status of R219C, The gene RELN has a mutation status of Q1588Q, The gene RGS1 has a mutation status of T167A, The gene RNASEL has a mutation status of A128V, The gene ROS1 has a mutation status of E527K, The gene RPL9 has a mutation status of I105I, The gene RPS9 has a mutation status of R109R, The gene RRP12 has a mutation status of T528K, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of E3433K, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of E3642K, The gene SAMD9L has a mutation status of D1311N, The gene SBNO2 has a mutation status of L973fs, The gene SCG2 has a mutation status of D109D, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of P665S, The gene SDC1 has a mutation status of T61T, The gene SERPINA3 has a mutation status of I192I, The gene SERPINB2 has a mutation status of H104Y, The gene SERPING1 has a mutation status of D420N, The gene SFMBT1 has a mutation status of L483L, The gene SGMS1 has a mutation status of E188K, The gene SH2B3 has a mutation status of A5V, The gene SHE has a mutation status of E466K, The gene SLA has a mutation status of P17S, The gene SLC24A3 has a mutation status of S584F, The gene SLC29A2 has a mutation status of G408N, The gene SLC2A6 has a mutation status of G167R, The gene SLC46A3 has a mutation status of W148*, The gene SLC6A6 has a mutation status of T379S, The gene SLCO1A2 has a mutation status of E152K, The gene SMC1A has a mutation status of A487A, The gene SORBS2 has a mutation status of F513F H641Y P913L, The gene SPAG5 has a mutation status of P423L, The gene SRD5A3 has a mutation status of F145F, The gene SREBF2 has a mutation status of H577H, The gene STARD4 has a mutation status of E47K, The gene SYCP1 has a mutation status of R882K E379K, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of S8232F K5495K N8070N, The gene SYT13 has a mutation status of L340L, The gene TACR3 has a mutation status of S448F, The gene TAL1 has a mutation status of G297E, The gene TAOK2 has a mutation status of R590C I1194I, The gene TAS2R4 has a mutation status of G173S, The gene TAT has a mutation status of E92K, The gene TCF7L1 has a mutation status of D166N, The gene TCL1A has a mutation status of T38T, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of S440L, The gene TEX15 has a mutation status of S1565F, The gene TG has a mutation status of P2491L, The gene TGFBRAP1 has a mutation status of V30V, The gene THEG has a mutation status of L324L, The gene TIAM1 has a mutation status of P1583L, The gene TLE4 has a mutation status of R329Q, The gene TMCC2 has a mutation status of P61S, The gene TMPRSS3 has a mutation status of G94R, The gene TNFRSF11B has a mutation status of R144K, The gene TNFRSF21 has a mutation status of S224S, The gene TNS1 has a mutation status of I1636I, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R196*, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of S180S D100N, The gene TSC1 has a mutation status of F507F, The gene TSHB has a mutation status of R33R, The gene UGT2B17 has a mutation status of V479I, The gene VWF has a mutation status of P514L, The gene WASL has a mutation status of I445I, The gene WIZ has a mutation status of L1272F, The gene WNT7A has a mutation status of T297P, The gene WRN has a mutation status of G677A
The cancer type is OV. The gene ART3 has a mutation status of Y51Y, The gene COPS5 has a mutation status of A42A, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of D837V, The gene GSN has a mutation status of F756S, The gene INHBA has a mutation status of I411fs, The gene KLF6 has a mutation status of E76E, The gene MCM4 has a mutation status of R428H, The gene MYH10 has a mutation status of K947fs, The gene PNPLA8 has a mutation status of L313V
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ABCA4 has a mutation status of C886G, The gene ATP6V0A1 has a mutation status of S332S, The gene CDH16 has a mutation status of V80M, The gene CDON has a mutation status of E73V, The gene CELSR2 has a mutation status of N701Y, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of G712S, The gene EDIL3 has a mutation status of G185*, The gene IKZF4 has a mutation status of E379fs, The gene LXN has a mutation status of P4L, The gene NTRK3 has a mutation status of R735H, The gene PHLDB1 has a mutation status of M18I, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of E4243*, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of E3871D, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of Q6554R, The gene TG has a mutation status of V2461V, The gene TP53INP1 has a mutation status of P139H, The gene TTK has a mutation status of D590A
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene VHL has a mutation status of V74fs
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene B3GNT3 has a mutation status of V258V
The cancer type is PRAD. The gene AKT1 has a mutation status of E17K, The gene CD83 has a mutation status of S81Y, The gene ITGAL has a mutation status of G402G, The gene MTOR has a mutation status of S1893S, The gene SIRT1 has a mutation status of I347K, The gene SLC23A2 has a mutation status of G116S, The gene STAU1 has a mutation status of S477C, The gene TYMS has a mutation status of I227N
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of E4060D
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene HSP90AB1 has a mutation status of P77P, The gene LIFR has a mutation status of R713H, The gene MET has a mutation status of E168D, The gene NFE2L1 has a mutation status of R25W, The gene PEX19 has a mutation status of R247H, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of Q546R, The gene PRC1 has a mutation status of P482P, The gene SPTBN2 has a mutation status of V1187M, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of D281Y, The gene TRIM25 has a mutation status of P86P
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene ADCY6 has a mutation status of R641W, The gene ALB has a mutation status of V283F, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of A2956P E2966Q, The gene AOX1 has a mutation status of E1160K, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of R149W, The gene NUDT11 has a mutation status of G59G, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of A156V, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of VL317fs, The gene SNAP91 has a mutation status of A812V, The gene SPAG5 has a mutation status of L739V, The gene XRCC5 has a mutation status of S335L
The cancer type is LAML. The gene CBL has a mutation status of T730T, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of R1918C, The gene HOOK3 has a mutation status of T351S, The gene PRKAA2 has a mutation status of R227*, The gene RUNX1 has a mutation status of R174*
The cancer type is COAD. The gene ABCA8 has a mutation status of A1329V, The gene ABCB11 has a mutation status of G458G E135K, The gene ABCC1 has a mutation status of P1283L, The gene ABCC5 has a mutation status of T966A, The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of R1538*, The gene ABCD1 has a mutation status of G512S, The gene ABCG4 has a mutation status of G27R, The gene ACE has a mutation status of P1228P, The gene ACVR1B has a mutation status of H333R, The gene ADAMTS1 has a mutation status of T197M, The gene ADAMTS5 has a mutation status of P228P, The gene ADAR has a mutation status of P225P, The gene ADCY6 has a mutation status of R132H, The gene ADCY9 has a mutation status of D1276D A929A, The gene ADD2 has a mutation status of P644P, The gene AGPAT3 has a mutation status of T178M, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of H2593H N3975N, The gene AOX1 has a mutation status of D602D, The gene AP2M1 has a mutation status of L184F, The gene APLP1 has a mutation status of R408C, The gene ARHGAP27 has a mutation status of Q873P, The gene ARHGEF2 has a mutation status of R908C, The gene ARL3 has a mutation status of G104G, The gene ARL8A has a mutation status of R58C, The gene ATP6V0D1 has a mutation status of A337T L277F, The gene ATP6V1B1 has a mutation status of R38H, The gene ATP8B1 has a mutation status of R1199C, The gene ATRN has a mutation status of A1115V, The gene ATXN1 has a mutation status of M184V, The gene AUTS2 has a mutation status of R69Q P964P, The gene BATF2 has a mutation status of R234H, The gene BCAP31 has a mutation status of S124S, The gene BPHL has a mutation status of I179I, The gene BRAF has a mutation status of V600E, The gene C3 has a mutation status of L537L, The gene C5 has a mutation status of Q381*, The gene C5AR1 has a mutation status of A108T, The gene CALML5 has a mutation status of D91N, The gene CASP10 has a mutation status of S216S, The gene CASP9 has a mutation status of R193H, The gene CCNE1 has a mutation status of P407L, The gene CD55 has a mutation status of I236N, The gene CDC25A has a mutation status of S317S, The gene CDH6 has a mutation status of I674I, The gene CDK5RAP2 has a mutation status of Q1247Q, The gene CDKAL1 has a mutation status of P36P, The gene CELSR1 has a mutation status of P624fs, The gene CENPF has a mutation status of Q2804Q, The gene CEP192 has a mutation status of Q338* R1868*, The gene CFI has a mutation status of N478N, The gene CFP has a mutation status of G250S, The gene CKAP5 has a mutation status of I1665T, The gene CKM has a mutation status of V72M, The gene CLTC has a mutation status of S267N, The gene COL12A1 has a mutation status of Q1495Q, The gene COL1A1 has a mutation status of G482fs, The gene COL1A2 has a mutation status of T7M, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of D1244D, The gene COL5A2 has a mutation status of R1471H, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of V702I L210L, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of P760S, The gene CTSC has a mutation status of N97N, The gene CUL5 has a mutation status of V258I, The gene CXCL11 has a mutation status of I8V, The gene CYLD has a mutation status of T514T, The gene CYP46A1 has a mutation status of Q137Q, The gene DCAF11 has a mutation status of R133*, The gene DIAPH3 has a mutation status of T881T, The gene DMPK has a mutation status of F358F, The gene DNM1L has a mutation status of S563R, The gene DNMT1 has a mutation status of A554P, The gene DNTTIP2 has a mutation status of S92P, The gene DPYSL2 has a mutation status of R268W, The gene DUSP6 has a mutation status of G169fs, The gene DVL2 has a mutation status of V256I, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of D1292D, The gene DYRK3 has a mutation status of C420Y, The gene EBP has a mutation status of R171C, The gene EEF2 has a mutation status of T482M, The gene EGR1 has a mutation status of W150*, The gene EGR3 has a mutation status of L153I, The gene EIF3D has a mutation status of R106H, The gene ENPP2 has a mutation status of T294A, The gene EPB41L3 has a mutation status of R432C D299E A22V, The gene EPHB4 has a mutation status of V420I, The gene EPS8L2 has a mutation status of T469fs, The gene F5 has a mutation status of T1437I, The gene FAM120A has a mutation status of P550P, The gene FBLN1 has a mutation status of R562H, The gene FLNA has a mutation status of D535fs, The gene FLNB has a mutation status of G614G S1384G, The gene GABBR1 has a mutation status of R923H, The gene GALK1 has a mutation status of S98S, The gene GALK2 has a mutation status of R248Q, The gene GGA2 has a mutation status of T278M, The gene GNA14 has a mutation status of R177C, The gene GOLGA4 has a mutation status of R95Q, The gene GPC4 has a mutation status of M324V, The gene GPHN has a mutation status of I621M, The gene GPRC5B has a mutation status of G94D S25S, The gene GSG1 has a mutation status of E115E, The gene GTF2B has a mutation status of V183I, The gene HAX1 has a mutation status of D262D, The gene HEBP1 has a mutation status of R152C, The gene HK1 has a mutation status of I118I R910Q, The gene HLA-F has a mutation status of N195S, The gene HMOX1 has a mutation status of Y97Y, The gene HSD17B14 has a mutation status of E100D, The gene HSPA4 has a mutation status of E418E, The gene HSPA8 has a mutation status of M61T, The gene HSPA9 has a mutation status of G430S, The gene HTR5A has a mutation status of R152C, The gene HYOU1 has a mutation status of R992Q, The gene IDH3G has a mutation status of A208V, The gene IDS has a mutation status of R172*, The gene IFNGR1 has a mutation status of I374R, The gene IL18R1 has a mutation status of V186M, The gene IL4R has a mutation status of R405W, The gene IPO4 has a mutation status of A262V, The gene ITGB2 has a mutation status of R188Q, The gene ITIH5 has a mutation status of A198T, The gene JAG1 has a mutation status of E1003K G763G, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of G423W, The gene KHNYN has a mutation status of G153R, The gene KIF1B has a mutation status of E998Q Q1758Q, The gene KLRK1 has a mutation status of A193V, The gene KNTC1 has a mutation status of H202H, The gene KRT13 has a mutation status of R272R, The gene KRT18 has a mutation status of A378S, The gene KRT4 has a mutation status of D267D, The gene LATS1 has a mutation status of T710T, The gene LIG1 has a mutation status of H577H, The gene LIPE has a mutation status of D446D, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of D1837D, The gene LRP10 has a mutation status of R526H, The gene LY6E has a mutation status of P131H, The gene MADD has a mutation status of M1083I, The gene MAP1S has a mutation status of R1005C, The gene MAP3K1 has a mutation status of S1108S, The gene MAP3K6 has a mutation status of A927T, The gene MAPK8 has a mutation status of I231V, The gene MAPKAPK2 has a mutation status of I120I, The gene MARK2 has a mutation status of R364H, The gene MARK3 has a mutation status of V711M, The gene MASP2 has a mutation status of A484V, The gene MAST4 has a mutation status of P348L, The gene MCCC1 has a mutation status of D594Y, The gene MGAT1 has a mutation status of E307A, The gene MIOX has a mutation status of R14*, The gene MPO has a mutation status of G501S, The gene MRPS11 has a mutation status of R118Q, The gene MTOR has a mutation status of R53Q, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of A1917A, The gene MYH9 has a mutation status of A1436T, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of A2A, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of M810I, The gene NCAM1 has a mutation status of T477M, The gene NCOR2 has a mutation status of Q499Q, The gene NDUFAB1 has a mutation status of Y85Y, The gene NDUFS1 has a mutation status of V270M, The gene NEDD9 has a mutation status of A316T, The gene NET1 has a mutation status of V416V, The gene NIPBL has a mutation status of R2646W, The gene NOTCH2 has a mutation status of T637T, The gene NPR2 has a mutation status of R745W, The gene NR1I2 has a mutation status of R255fs, The gene NSDHL has a mutation status of Y297D, The gene NTRK3 has a mutation status of R153Q, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of G13fs, The gene NXF1 has a mutation status of V245I, The gene OAS3 has a mutation status of A181V, The gene ONECUT1 has a mutation status of G81G, The gene OPN3 has a mutation status of R142R, The gene P4HA2 has a mutation status of T185T, The gene PAXIP1 has a mutation status of P799S, The gene PGM1 has a mutation status of I113V, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of H1047R, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of V274I, The gene PLPPR4 has a mutation status of E74K, The gene PMS2 has a mutation status of C331C, The gene POLG2 has a mutation status of K12N, The gene POU2F1 has a mutation status of A733A, The gene PPARD has a mutation status of R361R, The gene PPAT has a mutation status of P167T, The gene PPFIA4 has a mutation status of S894S, The gene PPM1A has a mutation status of I142V, The gene PPP1R15A has a mutation status of E283D, The gene PPP2R5B has a mutation status of Y189C, The gene PRAF2 has a mutation status of A117A, The gene PREP has a mutation status of H680H, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of R2908Q, The gene PSMB9 has a mutation status of P56L, The gene PTK2 has a mutation status of T1049M R824H, The gene PTPN21 has a mutation status of R390H, The gene PTPRJ has a mutation status of P563L, The gene RAD1 has a mutation status of F64L, The gene RCE1 has a mutation status of C273C, The gene RETSAT has a mutation status of R369C, The gene REV3L has a mutation status of P2864T, The gene RHCE has a mutation status of L337L, The gene RNF123 has a mutation status of R177H, The gene RPA1 has a mutation status of Y498C, The gene RTN1 has a mutation status of R514W, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of E4909K, The gene SCAF4 has a mutation status of R879H, The gene SCD has a mutation status of A22A A329T, The gene SCN8A has a mutation status of C722C, The gene SEMA4D has a mutation status of R252Q, The gene SERP1 has a mutation status of G65V, The gene SFPQ has a mutation status of E489K, The gene SFRP1 has a mutation status of S139S, The gene SFRP4 has a mutation status of A16A, The gene SHMT2 has a mutation status of G175S, The gene SIAH2 has a mutation status of D295N, The gene SIDT2 has a mutation status of A778T, The gene SIK1 has a mutation status of N124N, The gene SIPA1L1 has a mutation status of R58Q, The gene SKP1 has a mutation status of K137N, The gene SLC19A1 has a mutation status of G280S, The gene SLC25A12 has a mutation status of R414W, The gene SLC25A23 has a mutation status of G196G, The gene SLC35A3 has a mutation status of V44A, The gene SLC35B2 has a mutation status of R232R, The gene SLC46A3 has a mutation status of N240fs, The gene SLIT1 has a mutation status of R537H, The gene SMC1A has a mutation status of R693W, The gene SMC4 has a mutation status of R705H, The gene SORBS2 has a mutation status of T498T G82R, The gene SP110 has a mutation status of C574C, The gene SPOCK1 has a mutation status of L106M, The gene SPOP has a mutation status of A277V, The gene SPRY4 has a mutation status of A79T, The gene SRSF10 has a mutation status of R62C, The gene SSR1 has a mutation status of V56L, The gene ST3GAL4 has a mutation status of N125N, The gene STAG3 has a mutation status of P849S, The gene STAM2 has a mutation status of G473G, The gene STC1 has a mutation status of H201Q, The gene STEAP3 has a mutation status of V190M, The gene STS has a mutation status of T180M, The gene TAP2 has a mutation status of I534V, The gene TBRG4 has a mutation status of G157C, The gene TCIRG1 has a mutation status of A417T, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of T1610I R1725Q, The gene TEX15 has a mutation status of M1861T, The gene THEM4 has a mutation status of L59R, The gene TLK1 has a mutation status of A30T, The gene TNC has a mutation status of R900R, The gene TRIM14 has a mutation status of R259*, The gene TRIM58 has a mutation status of W385L, The gene TRO has a mutation status of V1073I, The gene USP16 has a mutation status of R708C, The gene VEGFB has a mutation status of K129fs, The gene VIPR1 has a mutation status of T71T, The gene WAS has a mutation status of A139V, The gene WDR74 has a mutation status of K117K, The gene WEE1 has a mutation status of P517P, The gene WNK4 has a mutation status of R270Q, The gene ZC2HC1C has a mutation status of G381S, The gene ZNF112 has a mutation status of H575N, The gene ZNF292 has a mutation status of G528*, The gene ZNFX1 has a mutation status of T1904M
The cancer type is STES. The gene AIFM1 has a mutation status of A458T, The gene AOC3 has a mutation status of G80fs, The gene APLP1 has a mutation status of P560H, The gene ATRX has a mutation status of D1349E, The gene BRAF has a mutation status of K601T, The gene CDCP1 has a mutation status of L121R, The gene CENPE has a mutation status of S2642S, The gene CLN8 has a mutation status of W184G, The gene EFEMP1 has a mutation status of N136T, The gene ERGIC3 has a mutation status of R183W, The gene F8 has a mutation status of L107R, The gene GABBR1 has a mutation status of M720V, The gene GABRA3 has a mutation status of S159S, The gene GP1BA has a mutation status of L14V, The gene GYS2 has a mutation status of R3Q, The gene HSPA4L has a mutation status of R374G, The gene ITGB7 has a mutation status of G526G, The gene LDHB has a mutation status of V27M, The gene MERTK has a mutation status of W938*, The gene MET has a mutation status of V626V, The gene MYH11 has a mutation status of D1416E, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of F80V, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of I110I, The gene NEFH has a mutation status of G414S, The gene NFASC has a mutation status of R534R, The gene NLRP3 has a mutation status of K619T, The gene NUP93 has a mutation status of L262R, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of Y182H, The gene PYGL has a mutation status of F354F, The gene RANBP9 has a mutation status of V325V, The gene RHOA has a mutation status of R5W, The gene SGCG has a mutation status of R116C, The gene SLC16A6 has a mutation status of G343R, The gene SLC4A4 has a mutation status of D422N, The gene SNRPA has a mutation status of Q36R, The gene SOCS5 has a mutation status of E309G, The gene STAG3 has a mutation status of P1103P, The gene TGFB2 has a mutation status of P58P, The gene TNC has a mutation status of A1065T, The gene TUBB2B has a mutation status of P61S, The gene VWF has a mutation status of Q2562P, The gene WRN has a mutation status of K382T, The gene ZFPM2 has a mutation status of H399Y
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene GINS2 has a mutation status of ES178fs, The gene PDE6B has a mutation status of A711V, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of E545K, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of Y4494Y, The gene SLC23A2 has a mutation status of P411fs, The gene SULF2 has a mutation status of R394Q
The cancer type is THCA. The gene BRAF has a mutation status of V600E, The gene CKAP4 has a mutation status of S302S
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene CPN1 has a mutation status of R93H, The gene POLE has a mutation status of D368D, The gene PPOX has a mutation status of G89E
The cancer type is SKCM. The gene ABCB1 has a mutation status of R395K, The gene ABCD3 has a mutation status of P446F, The gene ACO2 has a mutation status of R56C, The gene ACTA1 has a mutation status of P114L, The gene ACTA2 has a mutation status of N117D, The gene ADD1 has a mutation status of V237V, The gene ALDH1L1 has a mutation status of G385E, The gene ALDH3A1 has a mutation status of P139L, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of P2281L, The gene AMPH has a mutation status of T516I, The gene APLNR has a mutation status of G45D, The gene ARID4B has a mutation status of E715K, The gene ATP1A3 has a mutation status of P826L, The gene ATP4A has a mutation status of T166P, The gene B4GALNT2 has a mutation status of P213S, The gene BACH1 has a mutation status of S50S, The gene BAIAP2 has a mutation status of S263S, The gene BCAR1 has a mutation status of F643F, The gene BPGM has a mutation status of E163E, The gene C3AR1 has a mutation status of L178F, The gene C8A has a mutation status of A32T, The gene CACNA1B has a mutation status of F2213F, The gene CADM3 has a mutation status of P319P, The gene CBL has a mutation status of V67V, The gene CDH8 has a mutation status of H401Y, The gene CLPS has a mutation status of I4I, The gene COL5A3 has a mutation status of G806E, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of I1882I P1410L, The gene CR1 has a mutation status of G2246E, The gene CYP11B2 has a mutation status of P322S, The gene CYP1A2 has a mutation status of D490N, The gene CYP2S1 has a mutation status of V80I, The gene DECR1 has a mutation status of P267S, The gene DRC1 has a mutation status of R653C, The gene DSC1 has a mutation status of G740R, The gene DSC3 has a mutation status of R203C, The gene DST has a mutation status of F1229F, The gene DTX1 has a mutation status of Q84Q, The gene EOMES has a mutation status of A587T, The gene ERN1 has a mutation status of S570F, The gene ESR2 has a mutation status of S112L, The gene FBLN2 has a mutation status of L661L, The gene FLNB has a mutation status of V2185V, The gene FZD5 has a mutation status of I429I, The gene GBE1 has a mutation status of N19I, The gene GLDC has a mutation status of R149R, The gene GPC4 has a mutation status of R373H, The gene GPRC5C has a mutation status of F382F, The gene HLA-G has a mutation status of T118T, The gene ICOSLG has a mutation status of A89A, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of R132C, The gene IL10RB has a mutation status of P284L, The gene IL18RAP has a mutation status of E299K, The gene IL7R has a mutation status of S413N, The gene ILF3 has a mutation status of A280V, The gene IPCEF1 has a mutation status of E158K, The gene IRF7 has a mutation status of C481R, The gene ITGA2 has a mutation status of R272Q, The gene ITGA4 has a mutation status of P510S, The gene ITGA6 has a mutation status of W213*, The gene JAG1 has a mutation status of R984R, The gene KAT2A has a mutation status of F337F, The gene KCNN4 has a mutation status of I265I, The gene KEL has a mutation status of A430T, The gene LAD1 has a mutation status of M378I, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of G3074G, The gene LAMC2 has a mutation status of L790L, The gene LFNG has a mutation status of H219L, The gene LIFR has a mutation status of R692*, The gene LTBP2 has a mutation status of G320G, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of R67*, The gene MEP1A has a mutation status of R745R, The gene MERTK has a mutation status of D990N, The gene MFN2 has a mutation status of I577I, The gene MTNR1A has a mutation status of L254L, The gene MXRA5 has a mutation status of R617R, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of E987E, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of E1558K, The gene MYO9B has a mutation status of V434G, The gene NAV2 has a mutation status of L621L, The gene NCOA6 has a mutation status of L1356P, The gene NCOR2 has a mutation status of T1691I, The gene NEK2 has a mutation status of S131N, The gene NFASC has a mutation status of I746I, The gene NLRC5 has a mutation status of F1314F, The gene NLRP3 has a mutation status of L331L, The gene NT5C3A has a mutation status of T87T, The gene NTRK3 has a mutation status of G623E, The gene OLFML3 has a mutation status of R367C, The gene OSMR has a mutation status of E137K, The gene PAX4 has a mutation status of F169F, The gene PCDH1 has a mutation status of S1054F, The gene PCDHB1 has a mutation status of D800N F710F, The gene PDCD4 has a mutation status of P141S, The gene PDGFB has a mutation status of F104F, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of G1486R E539K, The gene PGM2 has a mutation status of E90K, The gene PHKA2 has a mutation status of G708V, The gene PIK3R5 has a mutation status of P814P, The gene PLA2G7 has a mutation status of E256K, The gene PLEKHG2 has a mutation status of D793N E1369K, The gene POLQ has a mutation status of S37S, The gene POP4 has a mutation status of G197G, The gene PPARA has a mutation status of H159Y, The gene PPFIA4 has a mutation status of P702L, The gene PRDM1 has a mutation status of G783R, The gene PRKAA2 has a mutation status of V230V, The gene PRSS36 has a mutation status of P596L, The gene PTGFR has a mutation status of P301S, The gene RAPGEF5 has a mutation status of V531V, The gene RASAL2 has a mutation status of P268L, The gene RELN has a mutation status of G3296R L675L, The gene RPL18 has a mutation status of L51L, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of R1976R, The gene SAMD9L has a mutation status of E575K, The gene SGCG has a mutation status of E94K, The gene SLC12A4 has a mutation status of I156I, The gene SLC4A1 has a mutation status of E257K, The gene SLC5A6 has a mutation status of Q335*, The gene SMURF2 has a mutation status of S473F, The gene SPTAN1 has a mutation status of Y1792Y, The gene SREBF2 has a mutation status of Q322H, The gene STAG3 has a mutation status of G557R, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of E130K, The gene TIAM1 has a mutation status of S1411Y, The gene TRIM26 has a mutation status of P524S, The gene TUBGCP6 has a mutation status of I595M, The gene USP11 has a mutation status of N647N, The gene VWA5A has a mutation status of R562K, The gene XDH has a mutation status of P1003S G174G, The gene ZNFX1 has a mutation status of F703F
The cancer type is ACC. The gene ARAP3 has a mutation status of R1376R, The gene BMPR2 has a mutation status of R179C, The gene CACNA1A has a mutation status of G914E, The gene CDH15 has a mutation status of K584Q, The gene CRMP1 has a mutation status of A37A, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of S45P, The gene DES has a mutation status of F18F, The gene DLL1 has a mutation status of R259H, The gene ERCC2 has a mutation status of D312N, The gene GOT2 has a mutation status of R407H, The gene KLRK1 has a mutation status of T208T, The gene LAMC1 has a mutation status of C182C, The gene MYO9B has a mutation status of L842L, The gene NEFH has a mutation status of P655P, The gene NLGN2 has a mutation status of A755V, The gene PGS1 has a mutation status of A5G, The gene PLCB2 has a mutation status of R926R, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of A2113A L1321L, The gene PTGIR has a mutation status of V53V, The gene SAMM50 has a mutation status of D110G, The gene SLC1A5 has a mutation status of T356M, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of A2099P, The gene STARD3 has a mutation status of T246T, The gene TNNC2 has a mutation status of T128T
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene GNPAT has a mutation status of R397W, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of R132H, The gene IGF1R has a mutation status of D555G, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of V3163M, The gene PAX4 has a mutation status of P300S, The gene RANBP9 has a mutation status of P10Q, The gene SEMA4D has a mutation status of A702A, The gene SLIT1 has a mutation status of N79S, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R273C
The cancer type is HNSC. The gene APC has a mutation status of I887F, The gene ASNS has a mutation status of D422N, The gene ATP2C1 has a mutation status of I852L, The gene BCAR3 has a mutation status of S648*, The gene CENPJ has a mutation status of D1258E, The gene CEP250 has a mutation status of G172R, The gene CHPT1 has a mutation status of P20L, The gene DLST has a mutation status of G374E, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of V1686V, The gene ECT2 has a mutation status of S406L, The gene HSPA1L has a mutation status of K389R, The gene ITGAV has a mutation status of F51F, The gene LCK has a mutation status of D11N D31Y, The gene MCCC2 has a mutation status of E305K, The gene MPI has a mutation status of S290L, The gene MRPL9 has a mutation status of E143*, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of S2271Y, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of H1354Q, The gene PPAN has a mutation status of M351I, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of T111N, The gene RNH1 has a mutation status of E451Q, The gene ROS1 has a mutation status of G2148V, The gene SCN9A has a mutation status of Q595Q, The gene SEMA3C has a mutation status of R165R, The gene SKAP2 has a mutation status of Q112Q, The gene SLC12A2 has a mutation status of E134D, The gene SLC22A12 has a mutation status of P334S, The gene TBRG4 has a mutation status of I68fs, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of E298*, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of S184L, The gene UNC13B has a mutation status of E1506K, The gene XPOT has a mutation status of Q417E
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene ARID5B has a mutation status of S5A, The gene BCL6 has a mutation status of G159C, The gene CENPE has a mutation status of R199K, The gene CSF2RB has a mutation status of P842L, The gene F7 has a mutation status of C151*, The gene LUM has a mutation status of F112F, The gene NDUFV2 has a mutation status of V29A, The gene PRKCD has a mutation status of R569R, The gene SFPQ has a mutation status of N281K, The gene TGFBR2 has a mutation status of W521C
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene ABCA8 has a mutation status of L405L, The gene ACADS has a mutation status of R330H, The gene ACTR2 has a mutation status of P268L, The gene CCNG2 has a mutation status of R275C, The gene CMKLR1 has a mutation status of V145I, The gene COL15A1 has a mutation status of E1041K, The gene HIF1A has a mutation status of C337*, The gene IQGAP2 has a mutation status of K227K, The gene ITIH4 has a mutation status of L379H, The gene KLF9 has a mutation status of R74L, The gene L3MBTL4 has a mutation status of P264R, The gene LMNA has a mutation status of L309L, The gene PABPC1 has a mutation status of R493C, The gene PNO1 has a mutation status of I241M, The gene PRKCB has a mutation status of L454L, The gene RIPK1 has a mutation status of V146V, The gene SLC23A1 has a mutation status of N483H, The gene STIL has a mutation status of F1093I, The gene TEX15 has a mutation status of A1340T, The gene TGFB2 has a mutation status of S269F, The gene VHL has a mutation status of -148fs
The cancer type is PRAD. The gene CAD has a mutation status of P160P, The gene DAAM1 has a mutation status of R6S, The gene NCOA4 has a mutation status of A243A S267*
The cancer type is LGG. The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of R132H, The gene MFHAS1 has a mutation status of P1034L, The gene MTIF2 has a mutation status of D253G, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of Y1369fs, The gene PHB2 has a mutation status of R131Q, The gene PIK3R5 has a mutation status of E678K, The gene RHOD has a mutation status of I107T, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of P278L
The cancer type is LUSC. The gene ACHE has a mutation status of L258M, The gene ARHGEF2 has a mutation status of K536E, The gene ATAD2 has a mutation status of S509T, The gene CD8B has a mutation status of I118I, The gene CDH16 has a mutation status of P351L, The gene CDKAL1 has a mutation status of T293I, The gene CGRRF1 has a mutation status of A175S, The gene CTSF has a mutation status of E243K, The gene CTTN has a mutation status of G528R, The gene DEF6 has a mutation status of Y71C, The gene DIO2 has a mutation status of E121*, The gene DMPK has a mutation status of T362S, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of P350L, The gene F8 has a mutation status of R1667W, The gene FBXW7 has a mutation status of G517E, The gene GAD2 has a mutation status of I484I, The gene GNAS has a mutation status of P335Q, The gene HGF has a mutation status of T49T, The gene KRT13 has a mutation status of R326H, The gene LATS1 has a mutation status of R854K, The gene LCT has a mutation status of N1639D, The gene LDHC has a mutation status of S249F, The gene LTBP2 has a mutation status of C1386C, The gene MCM4 has a mutation status of I598F, The gene MEP1A has a mutation status of W388C, The gene MLLT10 has a mutation status of P791P, The gene MTHFD2 has a mutation status of P222S, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of R198G, The gene NCAPD2 has a mutation status of L1137L, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of M1981V, The gene NPR2 has a mutation status of R557H, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of G448A, The gene PPARD has a mutation status of R419Q, The gene PRKAR2B has a mutation status of G188G, The gene PTPN11 has a mutation status of S302S, The gene RPTOR has a mutation status of R330Q, The gene SCAMP1 has a mutation status of N310Y, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of L1554L, The gene SERPINA3 has a mutation status of V54G, The gene SLC28A2 has a mutation status of V202V, The gene SLC2A5 has a mutation status of A260V, The gene SLC3A2 has a mutation status of R613P, The gene SLC6A3 has a mutation status of A119S, The gene SNRPA has a mutation status of P181S, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of R1617H, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of E328E, The gene SPTBN1 has a mutation status of K784M, The gene SRD5A3 has a mutation status of S83P, The gene TBCD has a mutation status of R476C, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of E1601K, The gene TFPI2 has a mutation status of C86Y, The gene TNC has a mutation status of K27N, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R196*, The gene UBA2 has a mutation status of T390S, The gene WDR43 has a mutation status of D446D, The gene XRCC5 has a mutation status of M84I
The cancer type is LUSC. The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of V1546M, The gene ARHGAP29 has a mutation status of F535V, The gene ASB7 has a mutation status of R185*, The gene ATP4A has a mutation status of C367C, The gene CACNA1A has a mutation status of W291R, The gene CDH16 has a mutation status of T729N, The gene CDK5RAP2 has a mutation status of S339F, The gene CEP250 has a mutation status of I2374I, The gene CHRNA1 has a mutation status of I265I, The gene CPB1 has a mutation status of G151V, The gene FLT4 has a mutation status of S1350Y, The gene FRK has a mutation status of R484L, The gene GCG has a mutation status of D43N, The gene GSR has a mutation status of S221S, The gene HSPA8 has a mutation status of P468P, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of E1701D, The gene INMT has a mutation status of P151P, The gene KCND1 has a mutation status of R261R, The gene LCT has a mutation status of S321N, The gene LIG1 has a mutation status of R874W, The gene LSS has a mutation status of T341A, The gene MED24 has a mutation status of G722C, The gene MFHAS1 has a mutation status of P999A, The gene MYH1 has a mutation status of L777P, The gene NAP1L2 has a mutation status of E126K, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of R1180R R913L, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of R38L, The gene PIK3CD has a mutation status of A141V, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of W212C, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of T3646T, The gene PLOD2 has a mutation status of I300V, The gene PRDM1 has a mutation status of G627E, The gene PRDX6 has a mutation status of L143L, The gene PRF1 has a mutation status of A159A, The gene PSMD3 has a mutation status of L159L, The gene RPS9 has a mutation status of D190D, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of V4298M, The gene SLC4A1 has a mutation status of G172V, The gene TJP1 has a mutation status of V1632L, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of D281Y, The gene TRO has a mutation status of L13V
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene AMOT has a mutation status of T212K, The gene CALB2 has a mutation status of D148V, The gene CENPF has a mutation status of Q416K, The gene DHRS2 has a mutation status of T196A, The gene ENO3 has a mutation status of P146L, The gene GNPAT has a mutation status of L383W, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of D221N, The gene ITIH4 has a mutation status of E148D, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of S90fs, The gene UCK2 has a mutation status of K202*
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ABCB1 has a mutation status of G604G, The gene CDH6 has a mutation status of T609M, The gene CNOT2 has a mutation status of M140I, The gene FGA has a mutation status of T555A, The gene MERTK has a mutation status of LLYSRLE683fs, The gene NID2 has a mutation status of M1092I, The gene STARD4 has a mutation status of Q183E, The gene SUCLA2 has a mutation status of V348G, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of R68C, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R273C, The gene USP15 has a mutation status of C809Y, The gene XPOT has a mutation status of Q44Q
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene AADAT has a mutation status of N130D, The gene ABCC4 has a mutation status of L402L, The gene ABI3BP has a mutation status of K808K, The gene ACOX2 has a mutation status of M81I, The gene ACSM3 has a mutation status of A475A, The gene ADCY1 has a mutation status of R716H, The gene ADCY6 has a mutation status of A744T, The gene AIFM1 has a mutation status of H598Y, The gene AR has a mutation status of Q58L, The gene ATP2C1 has a mutation status of I836N, The gene ATP7A has a mutation status of V41V, The gene BATF2 has a mutation status of S179S, The gene BRF2 has a mutation status of Q70Q, The gene CALD1 has a mutation status of Q61R, The gene CCND1 has a mutation status of L244I, The gene CCNG1 has a mutation status of E110D, The gene CDC7 has a mutation status of A423D, The gene CDCP1 has a mutation status of H444Y, The gene CDH11 has a mutation status of R709W, The gene CLTC has a mutation status of L1299P, The gene CRLF1 has a mutation status of S142N, The gene CSTF2 has a mutation status of A434A, The gene CTCF has a mutation status of H312R, The gene DAPP1 has a mutation status of A161S, The gene DCC has a mutation status of Y561Y, The gene DIO1 has a mutation status of L82P, The gene DMPK has a mutation status of T362T, The gene DST has a mutation status of A4058V, The gene DTNA has a mutation status of R166*, The gene DUSP3 has a mutation status of D146D, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of R4213Q, The gene ERCC1 has a mutation status of G73R, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of P1944L, The gene GAB2 has a mutation status of V109V, The gene GLI1 has a mutation status of P440T, The gene GNAS has a mutation status of G73V, The gene GNGT1 has a mutation status of K65K, The gene GPR65 has a mutation status of L36L, The gene HDAC5 has a mutation status of E140E, The gene HDAC6 has a mutation status of S790S, The gene HELZ2 has a mutation status of S2261N, The gene HERC3 has a mutation status of T1038T, The gene HGFAC has a mutation status of G434W, The gene HMGCL has a mutation status of A269V, The gene HNF4A has a mutation status of L412F, The gene IDS has a mutation status of P185S, The gene IL12RB2 has a mutation status of H380H, The gene IL16 has a mutation status of S81S, The gene IL4I1 has a mutation status of G66fs, The gene INHBB has a mutation status of K191fs, The gene IPCEF1 has a mutation status of R31W, The gene JAG1 has a mutation status of N1120fs, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of L886I, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of R767Q, The gene KIF18B has a mutation status of T338T, The gene KLF1 has a mutation status of G317V, The gene KLF4 has a mutation status of A37T, The gene LAMC2 has a mutation status of R933K, The gene LHX9 has a mutation status of E106G, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of C231C, The gene MASP2 has a mutation status of R56H, The gene MED13L has a mutation status of M2207L, The gene MFN2 has a mutation status of L710P, The gene MKRN1 has a mutation status of Q114*, The gene MMP9 has a mutation status of G15D V159V, The gene MPZL1 has a mutation status of W19R, The gene MRPL40 has a mutation status of T111T, The gene MRPS31 has a mutation status of W375R, The gene MSRB1 has a mutation status of I187I, The gene MYCN has a mutation status of P44L, The gene MYH3 has a mutation status of L228L, The gene MYO9B has a mutation status of V511V, The gene NARF has a mutation status of T332A, The gene NDRG1 has a mutation status of S362R, The gene NDST1 has a mutation status of W288*, The gene NDUFV1 has a mutation status of G321S, The gene NFAT5 has a mutation status of Q880Q, The gene NOP16 has a mutation status of A31A, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of S137S, The gene OXTR has a mutation status of V299I, The gene PEX13 has a mutation status of V286I, The gene PIGQ has a mutation status of L465M, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of R93Q Y1021C, The gene PLA2G4A has a mutation status of A34A, The gene PLEKHG2 has a mutation status of H1010R, The gene PLPPR4 has a mutation status of R724H, The gene PLXNB2 has a mutation status of R166R E140G, The gene PMP22 has a mutation status of A114A, The gene POLD1 has a mutation status of V700I, The gene POLL has a mutation status of A232T, The gene PPP1R8 has a mutation status of N89K, The gene PROC has a mutation status of G156G, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of L724V Y931F, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of R130G V369fs, The gene PTGER4 has a mutation status of P74L, The gene PTPN14 has a mutation status of R949Q, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of D1248D, The gene RAD21 has a mutation status of R437H, The gene RAN has a mutation status of M179I, The gene RELB has a mutation status of E391E, The gene RER1 has a mutation status of V45V, The gene RRM1 has a mutation status of D225D, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of H2584Y, The gene SEC24D has a mutation status of C853Y, The gene SLC22A12 has a mutation status of G541D, The gene SLC37A1 has a mutation status of Y213Y, The gene SLC7A5 has a mutation status of L274L, The gene SMC4 has a mutation status of S117C, The gene STIP1 has a mutation status of Y248Y, The gene SUPT5H has a mutation status of R198H, The gene TACR1 has a mutation status of Y99C, The gene TCIRG1 has a mutation status of I721T, The gene TGFBRAP1 has a mutation status of V556V, The gene TMPRSS6 has a mutation status of A683T, The gene TNRC6B has a mutation status of A353V, The gene TOM1L1 has a mutation status of L424L, The gene TUBG1 has a mutation status of D206D, The gene TUBGCP5 has a mutation status of L706F T734A, The gene UBA2 has a mutation status of G18G, The gene VEGFB has a mutation status of C72C, The gene VWA5A has a mutation status of H759R, The gene XDH has a mutation status of Q158*, The gene XIAP has a mutation status of T103T, The gene YIPF6 has a mutation status of A14V, The gene ZBTB16 has a mutation status of D270D, The gene ZC3H14 has a mutation status of S274S, The gene ZNF707 has a mutation status of A184V H368H
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene CACYBP has a mutation status of Q7*, The gene CLN8 has a mutation status of L207Q, The gene FBN2 has a mutation status of E1163V, The gene FGL2 has a mutation status of S11S, The gene HSD3B1 has a mutation status of E45D, The gene IP6K2 has a mutation status of L40M, The gene KIF1B has a mutation status of E1327K, The gene LAMA2 has a mutation status of P756L, The gene LIPE has a mutation status of A158A, The gene MAP4K3 has a mutation status of T120fs, The gene NEDD4 has a mutation status of C147C, The gene NFX1 has a mutation status of T873A, The gene PFKL has a mutation status of V494M, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of T669T, The gene RAB3GAP1 has a mutation status of P956T, The gene SF3A1 has a mutation status of E427Q, The gene SMC3 has a mutation status of G823A I824F, The gene ST3GAL5 has a mutation status of L322V, The gene TRIM5 has a mutation status of T179S, The gene VHL has a mutation status of P45S K159*
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene COL15A1 has a mutation status of A1345A, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of R132H, The gene ITIH3 has a mutation status of R678H, The gene SLC23A1 has a mutation status of L493P, The gene SYNJ1 has a mutation status of F685F
The cancer type is ACC. The gene ADRA1B has a mutation status of I312I, The gene ANGPT1 has a mutation status of E53E, The gene ARID4A has a mutation status of S863T, The gene ATF1 has a mutation status of S122S, The gene AVPR1A has a mutation status of S182I, The gene CASP8 has a mutation status of C164fs, The gene CCNL1 has a mutation status of FV237fs, The gene CMPK2 has a mutation status of C153C, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of P1441L, The gene COPB2 has a mutation status of F798Y, The gene CROT has a mutation status of R73G, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of G34V, The gene DDX18 has a mutation status of E67*, The gene DOCK2 has a mutation status of E72Q, The gene DST has a mutation status of S7023F, The gene EDC4 has a mutation status of H1346N, The gene ERCC2 has a mutation status of D312N, The gene FLT4 has a mutation status of D600N, The gene GBP4 has a mutation status of R168M, The gene HNF4A has a mutation status of H386N, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of V2313G, The gene IFI44L has a mutation status of L202*, The gene IRS4 has a mutation status of L43L, The gene ISL1 has a mutation status of H39P, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of I730L, The gene LONP2 has a mutation status of E274E, The gene LRIG1 has a mutation status of L24V, The gene MCCC1 has a mutation status of Q704*, The gene ME2 has a mutation status of -59fs, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of T3072A, The gene NMUR1 has a mutation status of L47L, The gene NTNG1 has a mutation status of F6L, The gene OGFR has a mutation status of P534P E556K S557T, The gene PCSK2 has a mutation status of G136V, The gene PDE4B has a mutation status of S47T, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of G2184V, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of A2113A A2106A K2047*, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of R415*, The gene RNF19B has a mutation status of A514V, The gene RORA has a mutation status of S283S, The gene SCAF8 has a mutation status of V295fs, The gene SLC2A5 has a mutation status of T14M, The gene SMC1A has a mutation status of Q1008Q, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of A783P, The gene SQLE has a mutation status of I273M, The gene SYNCRIP has a mutation status of K566E, The gene TNC has a mutation status of A1987V, The gene VWF has a mutation status of L1282V
The cancer type is LUAD. The gene ABL1 has a mutation status of A1051A, The gene AMMECR1 has a mutation status of G58V, The gene ATP1A1 has a mutation status of A746T, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of G994fs, The gene CP has a mutation status of F351L, The gene CPT1A has a mutation status of R89P, The gene DNAJA4 has a mutation status of K131fs, The gene DST has a mutation status of C6798Y A368A, The gene EPHX1 has a mutation status of P133fs, The gene HSP90AB1 has a mutation status of D256V, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of R3070L V3008L R1676R, The gene IL4R has a mutation status of N49S, The gene LCT has a mutation status of L1481L, The gene NR3C1 has a mutation status of C302F, The gene OAS2 has a mutation status of P218T, The gene PAX6 has a mutation status of M357L, The gene PHEX has a mutation status of T396I, The gene PLCB1 has a mutation status of S607S, The gene POLA1 has a mutation status of V607L, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of Y2743N, The gene SOX10 has a mutation status of R177R, The gene SPRR3 has a mutation status of I131L, The gene TACC3 has a mutation status of A791A, The gene TNFRSF21 has a mutation status of K379R, The gene UTP20 has a mutation status of A103fs, The gene ZFP36L1 has a mutation status of D301V
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ATP6V0A4 has a mutation status of L767V, The gene CFH has a mutation status of D522E, The gene DNTT has a mutation status of R17Q, The gene EIF3B has a mutation status of F481F, The gene KLF4 has a mutation status of K409Q, The gene MADD has a mutation status of P533L, The gene PAPOLB has a mutation status of E289E, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of H1047R
The cancer type is SKCM. The gene A2M has a mutation status of E1462K, The gene AADAT has a mutation status of E66K, The gene ABCB1 has a mutation status of L216F, The gene ABCC5 has a mutation status of S272S, The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of P1198S, The gene ACE has a mutation status of G411G, The gene ACSL3 has a mutation status of E206fs, The gene ACSM1 has a mutation status of W40*, The gene ACTL7B has a mutation status of CG342fs, The gene ACTN4 has a mutation status of E520fs, The gene ADAM9 has a mutation status of F703F, The gene ADCY2 has a mutation status of I745V, The gene ADD2 has a mutation status of P231L, The gene AGXT has a mutation status of S221S, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of S2118S M4461fs, The gene AKAP12 has a mutation status of E1311fs, The gene AKR1B10 has a mutation status of F138S, The gene ALB has a mutation status of S363L, The gene AMOT has a mutation status of A992A, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of D359N, The gene AP1G1 has a mutation status of EM133fs, The gene APBB2 has a mutation status of I250I, The gene APC has a mutation status of E425K, The gene APLNR has a mutation status of A161T, The gene ARHGAP29 has a mutation status of V844V, The gene ARHGEF7 has a mutation status of T703I, The gene ARID4B has a mutation status of E1268E, The gene ATP1A1 has a mutation status of T781T, The gene ATP6V0A4 has a mutation status of W442*, The gene ATRX has a mutation status of S925F, The gene B4GALT4 has a mutation status of Q39*, The gene BARD1 has a mutation status of R21L, The gene BIRC2 has a mutation status of M237fs, The gene BMP1 has a mutation status of V439V, The gene BPGM has a mutation status of P231H, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of S1792F, The gene BRPF3 has a mutation status of A777V, The gene C2 has a mutation status of D119N, The gene C5AR1 has a mutation status of I225I R228W, The gene C8B has a mutation status of V216V F182F, The gene CACNA1A has a mutation status of G260E S1590fs, The gene CACNA2D2 has a mutation status of V364M, The gene CADM2 has a mutation status of P411L, The gene CASP8 has a mutation status of E145fs, The gene CCNB2 has a mutation status of A112A, The gene CDC42EP1 has a mutation status of D201D, The gene CDH13 has a mutation status of T364P, The gene CDH15 has a mutation status of Q67*, The gene CDH6 has a mutation status of D314N, The gene CELSR1 has a mutation status of P1691P, The gene CEP57 has a mutation status of L217L, The gene CFB has a mutation status of R605Q, The gene CHKA has a mutation status of F418F, The gene CHRNA5 has a mutation status of F295F E418D, The gene CHST3 has a mutation status of Y24*, The gene CLNS1A has a mutation status of G217G, The gene CLSTN3 has a mutation status of P571L, The gene CMPK2 has a mutation status of R407C, The gene CNDP2 has a mutation status of T412I, The gene CNOT4 has a mutation status of F408F, The gene CNTRL has a mutation status of A1161V, The gene COG2 has a mutation status of F264L, The gene COL11A1 has a mutation status of G694G, The gene COL12A1 has a mutation status of P2791L, The gene COL17A1 has a mutation status of G567R, The gene COL1A1 has a mutation status of G1127A, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of G997R, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of S384F S651F, The gene COL5A3 has a mutation status of P1002L, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of R1881C R97C, The gene CP has a mutation status of I366I, The gene CPB2 has a mutation status of E138K, The gene CR1 has a mutation status of S2199S H186Y, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of W515*, The gene CX3CL1 has a mutation status of G166R, The gene CYP11B2 has a mutation status of F280F, The gene CYP2C18 has a mutation status of L458L, The gene CYP4F11 has a mutation status of Q57Q, The gene CYP4F2 has a mutation status of P94P, The gene CYP8B1 has a mutation status of D476N, The gene DDB1 has a mutation status of R129R V861fs, The gene DHX16 has a mutation status of A343A, The gene DLAT has a mutation status of Q26Q, The gene DNTTIP2 has a mutation status of V234fs, The gene DOCK4 has a mutation status of P1401P, The gene DONSON has a mutation status of P94L, The gene DRC1 has a mutation status of E608K, The gene DSC3 has a mutation status of K381K L383F, The gene DYRK3 has a mutation status of P166L, The gene ECD has a mutation status of P214S, The gene EGR1 has a mutation status of P537S, The gene EI24 has a mutation status of L122F, The gene EIF2AK2 has a mutation status of D505fs, The gene ELL2 has a mutation status of P329S, The gene EPHX1 has a mutation status of D342N, The gene EPHX2 has a mutation status of L127L, The gene ERCC1 has a mutation status of A61V, The gene ERN1 has a mutation status of L147F, The gene EWSR1 has a mutation status of G617G, The gene F8 has a mutation status of G2287G R546R, The gene F9 has a mutation status of G442R, The gene FASLG has a mutation status of F5F, The gene FBLN1 has a mutation status of S563F, The gene FBLN2 has a mutation status of E419K, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of R2554R V427V, The gene FCGR1A has a mutation status of G172E, The gene FDXR has a mutation status of A324T, The gene FECH has a mutation status of L89F, The gene FLOT2 has a mutation status of L150L, The gene GABRA3 has a mutation status of R83Q P422P, The gene GALK2 has a mutation status of S167F, The gene GALNT3 has a mutation status of N151I, The gene GOLGA4 has a mutation status of E834fs, The gene GPR87 has a mutation status of I291I, The gene GSTK1 has a mutation status of P56L, The gene GTF2B has a mutation status of P64L, The gene GYS2 has a mutation status of F327F, The gene HAS2 has a mutation status of R333*, The gene HAX1 has a mutation status of R227W, The gene HGFAC has a mutation status of K195K, The gene HIPK2 has a mutation status of Q478*, The gene HIRA has a mutation status of E388E, The gene HK1 has a mutation status of A830V, The gene HLA-DQA1 has a mutation status of E51K, The gene HNRNPR has a mutation status of L77fs, The gene HOOK3 has a mutation status of E550K, The gene HSPA1L has a mutation status of A150A, The gene HTR5A has a mutation status of F218F M147I, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of L3634F, The gene HYOU1 has a mutation status of K686fs, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of P33S, The gene IL13RA1 has a mutation status of K212K, The gene IL7R has a mutation status of G23G, The gene INPPL1 has a mutation status of Q63fs, The gene IPO4 has a mutation status of P789P, The gene ITGA4 has a mutation status of F900F, The gene ITGAL has a mutation status of E773*, The gene ITGB5 has a mutation status of E167E, The gene KDM3A has a mutation status of S445F, The gene KDM4B has a mutation status of F952F, The gene KEL has a mutation status of G658E, The gene KLHDC8A has a mutation status of T219I, The gene KLK3 has a mutation status of W202R, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of F204F, The gene KNTC1 has a mutation status of S672S, The gene KRT13 has a mutation status of A206V E230K, The gene KRT17 has a mutation status of I342I, The gene KYNU has a mutation status of T406P, The gene LAMC1 has a mutation status of G491G, The gene LAPTM5 has a mutation status of M167I, The gene LCAT has a mutation status of H310H, The gene LCK has a mutation status of P442L, The gene LCT has a mutation status of D704N, The gene LEPR has a mutation status of F1013F, The gene LIG3 has a mutation status of K54E, The gene LLGL2 has a mutation status of E794K, The gene LONP2 has a mutation status of P801L, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of E2806E, The gene LTBP2 has a mutation status of P319A, The gene MADD has a mutation status of S826fs, The gene MAP3K1 has a mutation status of T949fs, The gene MAP4K1 has a mutation status of L731L, The gene MARCO has a mutation status of G250E, The gene MAST4 has a mutation status of S2523F, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of T2594fs, The gene MMD has a mutation status of R229Q, The gene MMP1 has a mutation status of W13*, The gene MMP13 has a mutation status of G197A, The gene MOCOS has a mutation status of L634L, The gene MYBBP1A has a mutation status of P996S, The gene MYC has a mutation status of S67F, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of D312N, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of Q628E, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of E1499K, The gene MYO1C has a mutation status of A949V, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of Y43D, The gene NARF has a mutation status of L82F, The gene NCK1 has a mutation status of Y268D, The gene NCL has a mutation status of E185fs, The gene NCOA4 has a mutation status of G155R, The gene NCOA6 has a mutation status of P1063L, The gene NDUFS3 has a mutation status of E85K, The gene NDUFS4 has a mutation status of P120S, The gene NDUFS6 has a mutation status of H123Q, The gene NEFH has a mutation status of E658K, The gene NFAT5 has a mutation status of C566C, The gene NFKB2 has a mutation status of A196A G560K, The gene NFX1 has a mutation status of S1050fs, The gene NPTX2 has a mutation status of I391I, The gene NR3C1 has a mutation status of E94fs, The gene NUP205 has a mutation status of S696S, The gene OASL has a mutation status of G144R, The gene ODF1 has a mutation status of D14N, The gene OPA1 has a mutation status of S682F, The gene OSGIN1 has a mutation status of P99F, The gene P2RY14 has a mutation status of G328E, The gene PARP14 has a mutation status of L1050L, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of S3615F S1996P P2699S V3610I, The gene PCSK1 has a mutation status of W551*, The gene PDIA6 has a mutation status of S375S, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of E1278D, The gene PGAM2 has a mutation status of Q18*, The gene PGK2 has a mutation status of E202K, The gene PIK3CD has a mutation status of F932C, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of F991V, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of R111K, The gene PITPNC1 has a mutation status of A244T, The gene PKD1 has a mutation status of P2809S, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of S1566F, The gene PKP2 has a mutation status of T229S, The gene PLAT has a mutation status of E397K, The gene PLCB2 has a mutation status of P441S, The gene PLCL1 has a mutation status of S467F, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of H211Y, The gene PLK4 has a mutation status of L952S, The gene PPARG has a mutation status of E219E, The gene PPP1R15B has a mutation status of F303F, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of F1383Y, The gene PRLR has a mutation status of P39S, The gene PSMC3 has a mutation status of E287Q, The gene PTK2B has a mutation status of F140F, The gene PTPN21 has a mutation status of S1170I, The gene PTPRG has a mutation status of G658R, The gene PTRH2 has a mutation status of L159L, The gene RASA1 has a mutation status of P130L S509N, The gene RASGRP1 has a mutation status of K116K, The gene RHBDF2 has a mutation status of P106L, The gene RPS6KA1 has a mutation status of L116L, The gene RXRB has a mutation status of L507fs, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of V1614V S4800S, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of E263K, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of R1263* D1796N R1782Q, The gene SCUBE1 has a mutation status of G391E, The gene SERPINB2 has a mutation status of T381A, The gene SHC1 has a mutation status of R136R, The gene SHE has a mutation status of L454L, The gene SHOX2 has a mutation status of K194N, The gene SLC20A1 has a mutation status of P270P, The gene SLC25A12 has a mutation status of L568L, The gene SLC25A37 has a mutation status of T203M, The gene SLC27A5 has a mutation status of T554I, The gene SLC2A1 has a mutation status of F86F, The gene SLC5A6 has a mutation status of F261F, The gene SLCO1A2 has a mutation status of F264F, The gene SLIT2 has a mutation status of S402S, The gene SMC6 has a mutation status of D441H, The gene SNAP91 has a mutation status of P825S, The gene SORD has a mutation status of A153T, The gene SPAG5 has a mutation status of S660G, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of G1058G, The gene SPTBN1 has a mutation status of I609I, The gene ST14 has a mutation status of V770A, The gene STAB1 has a mutation status of G2217N V551V, The gene STRN has a mutation status of F760F, The gene SULF2 has a mutation status of R176W, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of P258S, The gene SYNJ1 has a mutation status of I974I, The gene TCF7 has a mutation status of R87R, The gene TGFBI has a mutation status of V212fs, The gene TGM1 has a mutation status of P80F, The gene THSD4 has a mutation status of G410S, The gene THY1 has a mutation status of S149S, The gene TIAM1 has a mutation status of S418S, The gene TJP3 has a mutation status of P540P, The gene TMCC2 has a mutation status of S222F, The gene TMPRSS2 has a mutation status of N155S, The gene TOP2A has a mutation status of S756F, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of D48N, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of E677K, The gene TRIO has a mutation status of E273K, The gene TSPAN8 has a mutation status of G70G, The gene TTK has a mutation status of V812I, The gene TULP2 has a mutation status of S336Y, The gene TXNRD1 has a mutation status of T118T, The gene UPB1 has a mutation status of P88L, The gene UTP20 has a mutation status of I2532fs, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of A3084T, The gene VCL has a mutation status of R132C, The gene VIM has a mutation status of P57R, The gene WDR33 has a mutation status of Q794*, The gene WNK4 has a mutation status of E449E, The gene ZFPM2 has a mutation status of F328F R842Q
The cancer type is STES. The gene ACHE has a mutation status of F503F, The gene AFAP1L2 has a mutation status of R498H, The gene AOC3 has a mutation status of G80fs, The gene CACNA1H has a mutation status of V1309I, The gene CASP2 has a mutation status of R397W, The gene CMTR1 has a mutation status of I562T, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of M1329V, The gene IFIT2 has a mutation status of A345T, The gene IL11 has a mutation status of G191R, The gene ISG20L2 has a mutation status of K178K, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of N3058N, The gene LTBP1 has a mutation status of R1508*, The gene MAST4 has a mutation status of C780C, The gene P2RX4 has a mutation status of L107L, The gene PPP2R2C has a mutation status of R391Q, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of R480L A1542V, The gene SSRP1 has a mutation status of Y214C, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of A2724T
The cancer type is LUSC. The gene ABI3BP has a mutation status of H262D, The gene ACKR1 has a mutation status of W174L, The gene ACOT2 has a mutation status of R101L, The gene AFF1 has a mutation status of A613A, The gene AKAP13 has a mutation status of G1093W, The gene AMPH has a mutation status of H238Q, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of L17L, The gene CD37 has a mutation status of S180Y, The gene CLCA2 has a mutation status of L453M, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of G530G, The gene CYP4F11 has a mutation status of F286S, The gene ELL has a mutation status of R445H, The gene EXOC4 has a mutation status of Y150Y, The gene FGD6 has a mutation status of D785G, The gene FGG has a mutation status of D167E, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of E565Q, The gene GREB1 has a mutation status of R1332L, The gene HAX1 has a mutation status of P22S, The gene IFNG has a mutation status of R65T, The gene IL1R2 has a mutation status of L354L, The gene IMMT has a mutation status of E504D, The gene ISCU has a mutation status of L118L, The gene ITPR2 has a mutation status of C1961*, The gene MMP14 has a mutation status of W421R, The gene MSN has a mutation status of E334E, The gene MYH1 has a mutation status of H1528N, The gene NIPBL has a mutation status of Q1045E, The gene NT5E has a mutation status of I229I, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of T2577A, The gene PGS1 has a mutation status of A421S, The gene PIAS2 has a mutation status of T354S, The gene PLCB4 has a mutation status of P895S, The gene PSMC2 has a mutation status of G137E, The gene PSMD12 has a mutation status of E76E, The gene PTPRC has a mutation status of Q1119Q, The gene RTN1 has a mutation status of P519T, The gene SAMHD1 has a mutation status of T434I, The gene SELE has a mutation status of Q42E, The gene SELP has a mutation status of G663fs, The gene SLC25A37 has a mutation status of K168*, The gene SMPDL3A has a mutation status of T55A, The gene SOCS5 has a mutation status of R429L, The gene SYCP1 has a mutation status of N297K, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of V6397I, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of E271*, The gene TRIM28 has a mutation status of S727S, The gene TUBA3C has a mutation status of A294G, The gene UBE2N has a mutation status of C87C, The gene USH1C has a mutation status of M360V, The gene VWA5A has a mutation status of T440I, The gene WSB1 has a mutation status of R312P, The gene ZMIZ1 has a mutation status of H964Q
The cancer type is ACC. The gene AVPR1A has a mutation status of R78Q, The gene BCR has a mutation status of P774A, The gene CAPN2 has a mutation status of L541F, The gene CD8B has a mutation status of L9L, The gene CHEK2 has a mutation status of S372S, The gene CYP17A1 has a mutation status of Y432fs, The gene ECSIT has a mutation status of V390G, The gene EEF2 has a mutation status of D823H, The gene FXN has a mutation status of P18P, The gene INHBA has a mutation status of K262M, The gene LAD1 has a mutation status of K323E, The gene LRIG1 has a mutation status of L26V L24V, The gene MAP1S has a mutation status of S411C, The gene MSX1 has a mutation status of A40G, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of W718G, The gene NPY4R has a mutation status of T126M, The gene PGLS has a mutation status of L45L, The gene PNN has a mutation status of S607Y, The gene PREP has a mutation status of V706I, The gene PTGIR has a mutation status of V53V, The gene RREB1 has a mutation status of G783V, The gene SOD3 has a mutation status of L71L, The gene SOS1 has a mutation status of R65R, The gene SOWAHC has a mutation status of L42L, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of L1605I, The gene SUN2 has a mutation status of Q608Q, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of R1876Q, The gene THEM4 has a mutation status of L17R, The gene TIMP1 has a mutation status of F124F, The gene TMPRSS6 has a mutation status of V736A, The gene TRIB1 has a mutation status of S68S
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ABHD2 has a mutation status of P283L, The gene ARAP3 has a mutation status of P129A, The gene CACNA2D2 has a mutation status of E1003K, The gene CAD has a mutation status of D728H, The gene CYB5R1 has a mutation status of Q299L, The gene DPP4 has a mutation status of G741E, The gene EPHB3 has a mutation status of R649P, The gene MYLK has a mutation status of V1800I, The gene OSBP2 has a mutation status of G899S, The gene OSMR has a mutation status of L103L, The gene POLR2C has a mutation status of I150I, The gene UROS has a mutation status of L4F
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene VHL has a mutation status of W88*
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene ABCB6 has a mutation status of G367E, The gene ACADS has a mutation status of R330H, The gene ITGAM has a mutation status of K247K R309H, The gene ITSN1 has a mutation status of Q1264Q, The gene MAP4K2 has a mutation status of L200L, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of A466V, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of T321fs, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of R414C, The gene SLC22A5 has a mutation status of A451A, The gene TACR3 has a mutation status of V403M, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of R1354H, The gene TG has a mutation status of S18S, The gene TNC has a mutation status of E1897K, The gene TNS1 has a mutation status of H771Y
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene ABCA9 has a mutation status of R1490*, The gene ABI1 has a mutation status of T55T, The gene ACACA has a mutation status of R2336L, The gene ACTN2 has a mutation status of K427N, The gene AGO2 has a mutation status of Y857C, The gene AHCY has a mutation status of V308I, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of G5245C, The gene ALDH18A1 has a mutation status of N191K, The gene AMOT has a mutation status of R770W, The gene APC has a mutation status of E477* I2661I, The gene ARHGEF2 has a mutation status of A96A, The gene ARID4A has a mutation status of L1009L, The gene ARID5B has a mutation status of S199S, The gene ARRB2 has a mutation status of S321A, The gene ATRN has a mutation status of Y442H, The gene ATXN1 has a mutation status of G625D Y334Y, The gene AXL has a mutation status of K439N, The gene BCAN has a mutation status of Y834fs, The gene BMP2K has a mutation status of L169L, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of G2584C, The gene BRPF3 has a mutation status of P266P, The gene CCR8 has a mutation status of T282T, The gene CDH11 has a mutation status of N598N, The gene CDK5R1 has a mutation status of T172T, The gene CENPF has a mutation status of A1625V, The gene CNOT6 has a mutation status of Y201C, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of T1583M, The gene COPB1 has a mutation status of N295D, The gene CROCC has a mutation status of L682L, The gene CSRNP2 has a mutation status of A96A, The gene CYFIP1 has a mutation status of E434E, The gene CYP39A1 has a mutation status of C236C, The gene DBF4 has a mutation status of S282S, The gene DGCR8 has a mutation status of S59S, The gene DST has a mutation status of A6647T, The gene EDC4 has a mutation status of T64T, The gene EGR1 has a mutation status of S494S, The gene EIF3A has a mutation status of E231K, The gene ENPP1 has a mutation status of Y737Y, The gene EPB42 has a mutation status of L136L, The gene ERBB3 has a mutation status of E273D K329T, The gene ERCC3 has a mutation status of S367P, The gene ERN1 has a mutation status of S24N, The gene ESPL1 has a mutation status of R1922C, The gene FAM120A has a mutation status of S442S, The gene FBL has a mutation status of G67S, The gene FBXO6 has a mutation status of D123E, The gene FOSL2 has a mutation status of P225A, The gene FZD7 has a mutation status of F346F, The gene GCK has a mutation status of V338L, The gene GMPS has a mutation status of A450D, The gene GP2 has a mutation status of P515P, The gene GPC3 has a mutation status of R387G, The gene GUCY2D has a mutation status of A608A, The gene GZMK has a mutation status of P260P, The gene HDAC2 has a mutation status of P295L, The gene HTR7 has a mutation status of T470A, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of R3071H, The gene IDO1 has a mutation status of V109F, The gene IGF2R has a mutation status of G880D, The gene IGSF1 has a mutation status of S268S, The gene IL6ST has a mutation status of Y116*, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of E1224*, The gene KCNJ2 has a mutation status of S256N, The gene KCNMA1 has a mutation status of V837A, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of G1589C, The gene LAMA1 has a mutation status of L1767L, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of R1878C, The gene LCLAT1 has a mutation status of N13S, The gene LCT has a mutation status of R689R, The gene LIPE has a mutation status of V937I A94T, The gene LYN has a mutation status of K295R, The gene MAP3K6 has a mutation status of C189Y, The gene MAP4K3 has a mutation status of K835*, The gene MFSD6 has a mutation status of L88P, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of T1664fs, The gene MMP14 has a mutation status of R345M, The gene MPHOSPH10 has a mutation status of T332T, The gene MRAP has a mutation status of E160E, The gene MRPL3 has a mutation status of T133M, The gene MRPL35 has a mutation status of V123M, The gene MYH9 has a mutation status of G312W, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of P318H, The gene NCAPD2 has a mutation status of R997C, The gene NDST1 has a mutation status of S307S, The gene NEFH has a mutation status of P733P, The gene NFAT5 has a mutation status of A227T T787A, The gene NFX1 has a mutation status of G627D, The gene NLGN2 has a mutation status of A250T, The gene NOS1 has a mutation status of R19R, The gene NPC1 has a mutation status of F120V, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of C743R, The gene NUSAP1 has a mutation status of E318K, The gene PALLD has a mutation status of R1006Q, The gene PDE6G has a mutation status of R33Q, The gene PDP1 has a mutation status of Y26H, The gene PHLDB1 has a mutation status of G545G, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of V344A C604R, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of G1860D, The gene PIPOX has a mutation status of L36L, The gene PLK2 has a mutation status of G526D, The gene PNPLA8 has a mutation status of R382G, The gene POP7 has a mutation status of N40D, The gene PPOX has a mutation status of G102G, The gene PPP3R1 has a mutation status of G78G, The gene PPRC1 has a mutation status of R373R, The gene PROP1 has a mutation status of A87V, The gene PSEN1 has a mutation status of K239K, The gene PTBP2 has a mutation status of Q353R, The gene PTCD3 has a mutation status of G644G, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of R130L, The gene RIPK2 has a mutation status of P194P, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of S793S, The gene SAMD9 has a mutation status of I1055S, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of I1610I R1268W, The gene SCUBE2 has a mutation status of G789V, The gene SDCCAG8 has a mutation status of Q546R, The gene SDHA has a mutation status of R585Q, The gene SLC20A1 has a mutation status of E329fs, The gene SLC25A13 has a mutation status of S664L, The gene SLC2A4 has a mutation status of GE13fs, The gene SNRPD3 has a mutation status of G96S, The gene SNX14 has a mutation status of S448F, The gene STAG1 has a mutation status of G1066R, The gene STEAP4 has a mutation status of A122fs, The gene STX3 has a mutation status of R261Q, The gene SUN2 has a mutation status of R693R R121C, The gene SVIL has a mutation status of R959R, The gene SYNJ1 has a mutation status of T582A, The gene TBK1 has a mutation status of K65E, The gene TF has a mutation status of H44H A539T, The gene TGIF1 has a mutation status of S6S, The gene TKTL1 has a mutation status of R445Q, The gene TMEM164 has a mutation status of R58W, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of S240G, The gene USH1C has a mutation status of H395Y, The gene UTP20 has a mutation status of K286N, The gene WWP1 has a mutation status of ES304fs, The gene XPC has a mutation status of A746D
The cancer type is PRAD. The gene IFI30 has a mutation status of S57Y, The gene ITGB5 has a mutation status of C401S, The gene MMP3 has a mutation status of D297D, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of A1713T, The gene SYNPO has a mutation status of R800H, The gene TRIM28 has a mutation status of L376L
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene CA2 has a mutation status of Q248H, The gene GALNT1 has a mutation status of K107R, The gene GBE1 has a mutation status of D481V, The gene MAML2 has a mutation status of M956I, The gene NCOA7 has a mutation status of G801V, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of A2851T, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of E545K, The gene RREB1 has a mutation status of A798A
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene CYP26B1 has a mutation status of A266T, The gene DHX15 has a mutation status of Y499N, The gene PSMD1 has a mutation status of V42fs, The gene RAD54L has a mutation status of H708Q, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of C645C
The cancer type is STES. The gene ABCA2 has a mutation status of G1432R C1201Y, The gene ABCA5 has a mutation status of I1079I, The gene ABCA6 has a mutation status of L306fs, The gene ABCA8 has a mutation status of P1404P, The gene ABCB6 has a mutation status of F311L, The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of F1573F, The gene ABCE1 has a mutation status of R252C, The gene ABLIM1 has a mutation status of R600Q, The gene ACACA has a mutation status of R1325R, The gene ACLY has a mutation status of T99K, The gene ACSL5 has a mutation status of H464H, The gene ACVR1B has a mutation status of V208I, The gene ACVR2A has a mutation status of K437fs, The gene ADAD1 has a mutation status of S385S R517Q, The gene ADAM15 has a mutation status of L711L, The gene ADAM23 has a mutation status of H778fs, The gene ADAMDEC1 has a mutation status of Q378H, The gene ADCY2 has a mutation status of D295G, The gene ADCY6 has a mutation status of L728L, The gene ADCY9 has a mutation status of G1010R P745P, The gene ADH7 has a mutation status of R381R, The gene ADM has a mutation status of A175fs, The gene AGL has a mutation status of W1398L, The gene ALDH1A3 has a mutation status of L281fs, The gene ALDH1L1 has a mutation status of R712*, The gene ALG1 has a mutation status of T284T D308D, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of S957S, The gene AMACR has a mutation status of H349Y, The gene AMFR has a mutation status of A606A, The gene ANXA9 has a mutation status of R49S, The gene AP3B1 has a mutation status of K923fs, The gene APAF1 has a mutation status of Q997Q, The gene APBB1 has a mutation status of V468I, The gene APC has a mutation status of S331S, The gene APLNR has a mutation status of V203V, The gene APRT has a mutation status of L151L, The gene ARFGEF1 has a mutation status of R1743C, The gene ASF1A has a mutation status of G82V, The gene ATAD2 has a mutation status of K118fs, The gene ATF6 has a mutation status of W74C, The gene ATP1A1 has a mutation status of R61W K162fs, The gene ATP2A1 has a mutation status of V744I, The gene ATP2B1 has a mutation status of P688H, The gene ATP2B4 has a mutation status of V855M, The gene ATP6V0A4 has a mutation status of P652Q A609T, The gene ATRX has a mutation status of T1535N, The gene ATXN2 has a mutation status of S809T, The gene AXL has a mutation status of F126F P291fs, The gene B2M has a mutation status of FY82fs Y83F, The gene B4GALT2 has a mutation status of R313C, The gene BAIAP2 has a mutation status of P224P, The gene BATF has a mutation status of A66V, The gene BAX has a mutation status of M38fs, The gene BAZ2A has a mutation status of R1831Q P1299T, The gene BCL2L2 has a mutation status of F190fs, The gene BDH2 has a mutation status of P50T, The gene BMP2 has a mutation status of V109M, The gene BMPR2 has a mutation status of M806V, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of M124V, The gene C3 has a mutation status of G1009C P890fs, The gene C5AR1 has a mutation status of T336T, The gene C8A has a mutation status of L491L, The gene CACNA1F has a mutation status of P197S, The gene CACNA1H has a mutation status of F147fs, The gene CAD has a mutation status of M1180fs, The gene CAMKK2 has a mutation status of Q17fs, The gene CAPG has a mutation status of P309fs A308T, The gene CASP5 has a mutation status of L383I, The gene CBX8 has a mutation status of S315fs L231P, The gene CCNF has a mutation status of V411V A454A, The gene CCNL1 has a mutation status of K469fs, The gene CCSER2 has a mutation status of D492E, The gene CD160 has a mutation status of R39*, The gene CD36 has a mutation status of T92T, The gene CD3G has a mutation status of K71fs, The gene CD46 has a mutation status of K66fs A194V, The gene CD79A has a mutation status of P130fs, The gene CDC42BPA has a mutation status of R1198C P675T, The gene CDC45 has a mutation status of R357H, The gene CDC7 has a mutation status of M9I L246L, The gene CDKAL1 has a mutation status of E258*, The gene CELF2 has a mutation status of P48P E124fs, The gene CELSR2 has a mutation status of T2357M, The gene CEP131 has a mutation status of E962K, The gene CES1 has a mutation status of H140H, The gene CHAF1A has a mutation status of SL255fs, The gene CHGA has a mutation status of I36I, The gene CHPF2 has a mutation status of A189P C607F Y742H, The gene CHST12 has a mutation status of S253S, The gene CHST3 has a mutation status of H409H, The gene CHUK has a mutation status of G644G, The gene CLASP1 has a mutation status of P1203S A498D, The gene CLIP2 has a mutation status of Q747H, The gene CLN6 has a mutation status of A267T, The gene CLN8 has a mutation status of F265F, The gene CLP1 has a mutation status of R356W, The gene CLSTN3 has a mutation status of S846S, The gene CLVS1 has a mutation status of R70C, The gene CNTRL has a mutation status of R2242C, The gene COL11A1 has a mutation status of G545fs, The gene COL3A1 has a mutation status of G864C, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of G648V, The gene COL5A2 has a mutation status of T1264M, The gene COL6A2 has a mutation status of C6F R149H, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of Q2550K, The gene COL9A1 has a mutation status of P280L, The gene COPA has a mutation status of R1030C, The gene COPB1 has a mutation status of P772P, The gene CPB1 has a mutation status of R152C, The gene CR1 has a mutation status of R2194*, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of CL197fs, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of N681fs, The gene CROCC has a mutation status of T1896I, The gene CRYAB has a mutation status of R123Q, The gene CSF2RB has a mutation status of R364*, The gene CSF3R has a mutation status of R269C, The gene CTNS has a mutation status of G197R, The gene CYFIP1 has a mutation status of S405fs, The gene CYFIP2 has a mutation status of G193W, The gene CYP11B2 has a mutation status of E361K I289I, The gene CYP46A1 has a mutation status of R260H, The gene DDAH1 has a mutation status of S263Y, The gene DDC has a mutation status of R347W, The gene DHX16 has a mutation status of R211H, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of L460L, The gene DLG4 has a mutation status of A647T, The gene DLGAP5 has a mutation status of N581fs, The gene DLL1 has a mutation status of R570W, The gene DMC1 has a mutation status of T55I, The gene DNAJA1 has a mutation status of G155C P309S, The gene DOCK10 has a mutation status of T84K, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of F1334fs, The gene DSC1 has a mutation status of T823T, The gene DST has a mutation status of A1637A, The gene DUSP5 has a mutation status of D232G, The gene DVL2 has a mutation status of E730K, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of R3078W, The gene DYRK1A has a mutation status of V493A, The gene EBI3 has a mutation status of H110fs, The gene ECM1 has a mutation status of R219C, The gene ECSIT has a mutation status of A79V, The gene EDIL3 has a mutation status of A234V, The gene EEF2 has a mutation status of R409W, The gene EFEMP2 has a mutation status of R403Q, The gene EGLN2 has a mutation status of G325S, The gene ELOVL2 has a mutation status of T139fs, The gene ELP4 has a mutation status of L103L, The gene ENO1 has a mutation status of N109N, The gene EOMES has a mutation status of F316F, The gene EPHA5 has a mutation status of R36*, The gene EPHB2 has a mutation status of K966fs, The gene ERBB2 has a mutation status of A241V V777L, The gene ERBB3 has a mutation status of R1127R, The gene EXOC4 has a mutation status of A383S, The gene EXOSC10 has a mutation status of A635V, The gene F2R has a mutation status of V125I, The gene F8 has a mutation status of R355Q, The gene FARP1 has a mutation status of P422L, The gene FASN has a mutation status of G1821G P636fs, The gene FBN2 has a mutation status of E2617G C1959C G28S, The gene FBXO6 has a mutation status of E199G, The gene FBXW7 has a mutation status of R505C, The gene FERMT2 has a mutation status of K152fs, The gene FLII has a mutation status of G964G, The gene FOXN3 has a mutation status of S69N, The gene GAA has a mutation status of R168L, The gene GAL3ST1 has a mutation status of N312N A20T, The gene GAPDHS has a mutation status of L321L, The gene GATA3 has a mutation status of G267fs, The gene GBE1 has a mutation status of G430fs, The gene GBF1 has a mutation status of V1483M, The gene GFPT2 has a mutation status of M312V, The gene GLS2 has a mutation status of R20R, The gene GNAI2 has a mutation status of S229S, The gene GPNMB has a mutation status of G540V, The gene GPR18 has a mutation status of T219M, The gene GPR183 has a mutation status of R321M, The gene GPR83 has a mutation status of H20N, The gene GPR87 has a mutation status of G148fs, The gene GPRC5B has a mutation status of L48M, The gene GREB1 has a mutation status of R1328Q, The gene GRK5 has a mutation status of G193*, The gene GZMK has a mutation status of V80V, The gene HAX1 has a mutation status of G142fs, The gene HDAC11 has a mutation status of IP95fs, The gene HDAC3 has a mutation status of V292M, The gene HDAC6 has a mutation status of G935V, The gene HDLBP has a mutation status of D869G, The gene HELLS has a mutation status of L611fs, The gene HGFAC has a mutation status of P87fs, The gene HIF1A has a mutation status of V690M, The gene HLA-DMB has a mutation status of Y42C, The gene HMGB2 has a mutation status of G119G, The gene HMOX1 has a mutation status of R123H, The gene HOOK3 has a mutation status of R198K, The gene HPCAL4 has a mutation status of T146M S23R, The gene HSD17B4 has a mutation status of S609F, The gene HSD3B1 has a mutation status of K70N, The gene HSPA2 has a mutation status of R538Q, The gene HSPH1 has a mutation status of P449P, The gene HTATIP2 has a mutation status of G93G, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of E3092D R2545H, The gene IDH3B has a mutation status of G378S, The gene IDO1 has a mutation status of R317H, The gene IFI44 has a mutation status of G442fs, The gene IFNB1 has a mutation status of L42M, The gene IGF1R has a mutation status of L402fs, The gene IGF2 has a mutation status of G35R, The gene IGF2R has a mutation status of Y1758H, The gene IL15RA has a mutation status of P89H, The gene IL16 has a mutation status of P1204S, The gene IL1RL1 has a mutation status of K107fs, The gene IL1RL2 has a mutation status of S456S, The gene IPO4 has a mutation status of S502S, The gene IRS1 has a mutation status of E91G R89Q, The gene IRS2 has a mutation status of P1127P A563V, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of H307R, The gene ITGA2 has a mutation status of T828M, The gene ITGA4 has a mutation status of R334S, The gene ITGB4 has a mutation status of R554*, The gene ITPR2 has a mutation status of P2070T, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of R24C, The gene KAT2B has a mutation status of A238S, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of R693Q, The gene KDM6B has a mutation status of R306W, The gene KIF13B has a mutation status of G264G, The gene KIF20B has a mutation status of E1130fs, The gene KIF3B has a mutation status of D231N, The gene KIT has a mutation status of G93G, The gene KLF3 has a mutation status of IK104fs I104fs R133R, The gene LAD1 has a mutation status of G300fs, The gene LAMA1 has a mutation status of S2856I A2515T R256C, The gene LAMC2 has a mutation status of P453P, The gene LATS1 has a mutation status of D1086V, The gene LBR has a mutation status of R512R, The gene LLGL2 has a mutation status of D502Y, The gene LMNA has a mutation status of R453Q, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of R98Q, The gene LPAR1 has a mutation status of R36R, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of G4478G, The gene LRP10 has a mutation status of R526H, The gene LTBP2 has a mutation status of G706G, The gene LYAR has a mutation status of H21R, The gene LYN has a mutation status of G192D, The gene MAD2L1 has a mutation status of T138T, The gene MADD has a mutation status of A909A, The gene MAGI2 has a mutation status of G835D, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of R1664*, The gene MAP3K6 has a mutation status of S912N, The gene MAP3K7 has a mutation status of G433R, The gene MAPKAP1 has a mutation status of S200S, The gene MAPRE3 has a mutation status of A179fs, The gene MARK4 has a mutation status of R451Q, The gene MAST2 has a mutation status of D881Y, The gene MCM2 has a mutation status of R779C, The gene MED13L has a mutation status of R1903H, The gene MED24 has a mutation status of L597M, The gene MFN2 has a mutation status of C390Y, The gene MIOS has a mutation status of C21C, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of S2901N A2041V, The gene MMP9 has a mutation status of A400T, The gene MPPED2 has a mutation status of P279L, The gene MRAP has a mutation status of A108A, The gene MRPL15 has a mutation status of E155*, The gene MSN has a mutation status of K313N, The gene MSX1 has a mutation status of R173C, The gene MTHFD2L has a mutation status of L147S, The gene MVK has a mutation status of P139fs, The gene MVP has a mutation status of I575I, The gene MYH11 has a mutation status of T367K, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of L1024P F10fs, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of R540H, The gene MYO1C has a mutation status of R96C, The gene MYOM1 has a mutation status of D734fs, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of L729P G1281fs, The gene NAMPT has a mutation status of G185C, The gene NAV2 has a mutation status of V62G, The gene NBN has a mutation status of R551fs, The gene NCAPD2 has a mutation status of R537*, The gene NCL has a mutation status of A101A, The gene NCOA3 has a mutation status of Q1261Q, The gene NCOA6 has a mutation status of P186fs, The gene NCOR2 has a mutation status of S1009S, The gene NDST1 has a mutation status of D506Y, The gene NDUFC2 has a mutation status of F69fs, The gene NEK2 has a mutation status of Y41H, The gene NELFE has a mutation status of P6fs, The gene NEUROG3 has a mutation status of C156C, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of V533I, The gene NFKB1 has a mutation status of A836A, The gene NFKBIB has a mutation status of H296H, The gene NKD1 has a mutation status of C126C, The gene NOL8 has a mutation status of S833L, The gene NOP14 has a mutation status of S443L, The gene NOTCH4 has a mutation status of A1729V P686T, The gene NPHP1 has a mutation status of D658G, The gene NPR2 has a mutation status of R23W, The gene NQO1 has a mutation status of A94V, The gene NR4A2 has a mutation status of G545fs P252P, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of A334T, The gene NTRK3 has a mutation status of G487S, The gene NUB1 has a mutation status of L93fs, The gene OAS2 has a mutation status of Q424fs, The gene ONECUT1 has a mutation status of P111P, The gene OPRK1 has a mutation status of R170C, The gene OPTN has a mutation status of P25fs, The gene PA2G4 has a mutation status of K373fs, The gene PAN2 has a mutation status of V426M, The gene PARP12 has a mutation status of S333Y, The gene PCDH1 has a mutation status of R731C, The gene PCDH7 has a mutation status of A10A, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of S49S, The gene PCNT has a mutation status of S3249fs, The gene PCSK9 has a mutation status of R303C, The gene PDE4B has a mutation status of I641M, The gene PDGFRB has a mutation status of R256R, The gene PDLIM4 has a mutation status of G285S, The gene PDS5B has a mutation status of P1387fs, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of G1338V, The gene PEMT has a mutation status of T161T, The gene PER1 has a mutation status of A938T R246Q, The gene PEX1 has a mutation status of V734I, The gene PEX14 has a mutation status of T31T, The gene PFKL has a mutation status of A491T, The gene PGK2 has a mutation status of C108C, The gene PHF3 has a mutation status of P1134fs, The gene PHKG2 has a mutation status of P208P, The gene PHTF2 has a mutation status of L250P F569fs, The gene PIAS1 has a mutation status of V241L R245L, The gene PIGQ has a mutation status of V32F, The gene PIK3CB has a mutation status of I264S, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of D1021E, The gene PINK1 has a mutation status of R492Q A504T, The gene PKD1 has a mutation status of R2453H, The gene PLAGL1 has a mutation status of T308T, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of Q3334*, The gene PLOD1 has a mutation status of A169V, The gene PLOD2 has a mutation status of W706G, The gene PLVAP has a mutation status of Q81R, The gene PLXNB1 has a mutation status of R1581R G180fs, The gene PLXNB2 has a mutation status of L881fs A329T, The gene POLE has a mutation status of A31E, The gene POLQ has a mutation status of P1219P, The gene POLR1C has a mutation status of I176fs R289L, The gene POSTN has a mutation status of P137P, The gene PPARG has a mutation status of K185fs, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of F3903F, The gene PRODH has a mutation status of S139S, The gene PROZ has a mutation status of G372V, The gene PRSS36 has a mutation status of A360V, The gene PSMB9 has a mutation status of S189S, The gene PSMC4 has a mutation status of P198fs, The gene PSMD1 has a mutation status of M376I, The gene PSPH has a mutation status of P89H, The gene PTCH1 has a mutation status of P1318L, The gene PTGFR has a mutation status of G224*, The gene PTH1R has a mutation status of R390W, The gene PTK2B has a mutation status of P484P, The gene PTPN1 has a mutation status of V375fs A423T, The gene PTPN14 has a mutation status of S354S, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of S1297S, The gene PTPRE has a mutation status of T639A, The gene PYGL has a mutation status of R243C, The gene PYGM has a mutation status of A154T, The gene RAB40C has a mutation status of Q193H, The gene RABGAP1 has a mutation status of A1060V, The gene RAD50 has a mutation status of L719fs K933fs, The gene RAE1 has a mutation status of G9C, The gene RALA has a mutation status of E181E, The gene RAN has a mutation status of P49T T54N, The gene RB1 has a mutation status of K96fs K94K A538S, The gene RBBP8 has a mutation status of G810V, The gene RDH11 has a mutation status of H122H, The gene RET has a mutation status of E238K, The gene REV3L has a mutation status of S282N, The gene RICTOR has a mutation status of Q958fs, The gene RNASEL has a mutation status of L40M, The gene RNF213 has a mutation status of T3867T, The gene RNMT has a mutation status of D248Y, The gene RPA1 has a mutation status of A401V, The gene RPL22 has a mutation status of K16fs, The gene RPS27L has a mutation status of L96fs L96I, The gene RTN3 has a mutation status of K1030fs, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of L2031L, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of A3696S, The gene SAMD9 has a mutation status of N1138N N232D, The gene SAT1 has a mutation status of K119fs, The gene SCD has a mutation status of K62N, The gene SCN8A has a mutation status of D836D, The gene SCUBE2 has a mutation status of R586H, The gene SDHD has a mutation status of G78C, The gene SEC14L2 has a mutation status of G287G, The gene SEC24D has a mutation status of R157R, The gene SERPINB2 has a mutation status of R166fs, The gene SHE has a mutation status of R105C, The gene SHROOM2 has a mutation status of R478Q R1011Q, The gene SIPA1L1 has a mutation status of A461T, The gene SIRT6 has a mutation status of R164W, The gene SLC11A2 has a mutation status of S232N, The gene SLC12A3 has a mutation status of A797A, The gene SLC19A1 has a mutation status of R264W, The gene SLC1A4 has a mutation status of G517fs, The gene SLC23A2 has a mutation status of C401R Y241H N64N, The gene SLC25A23 has a mutation status of R91Q, The gene SLC26A2 has a mutation status of V283M, The gene SLC29A1 has a mutation status of Q8R, The gene SLC29A3 has a mutation status of F165fs, The gene SLC39A6 has a mutation status of R234R, The gene SLC6A6 has a mutation status of E197*, The gene SLCO2A1 has a mutation status of F278fs, The gene SLIT2 has a mutation status of I531T P1365fs, The gene SMURF2 has a mutation status of C20Y, The gene SNAPC4 has a mutation status of H485fs, The gene SNCG has a mutation status of R96L, The gene SOCS3 has a mutation status of R71C, The gene SOCS5 has a mutation status of A441T, The gene SORBS2 has a mutation status of S9P, The gene SP1 has a mutation status of V462I, The gene SP110 has a mutation status of C537C, The gene SPAG4 has a mutation status of G372W, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of P2232fs, The gene SPOCK1 has a mutation status of A105T, The gene SPOCK2 has a mutation status of C180Y, The gene SPP1 has a mutation status of N212N, The gene SPTBN1 has a mutation status of S2197L, The gene SPTBN2 has a mutation status of R1793Q H1288H P256H, The gene SRSF6 has a mutation status of R161C, The gene ST14 has a mutation status of G797G, The gene STAB1 has a mutation status of G352E, The gene STAT5A has a mutation status of A630T, The gene STIL has a mutation status of E549K, The gene STXBP1 has a mutation status of W522*, The gene SUN2 has a mutation status of R307H, The gene SUV39H1 has a mutation status of D306D, The gene SVIL has a mutation status of S668S, The gene SYBU has a mutation status of L388P, The gene SYCP1 has a mutation status of R964fs, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of H2723N, The gene SYNJ1 has a mutation status of F910fs, The gene SYNPO has a mutation status of A151A, The gene TACR3 has a mutation status of G154G, The gene TAF1C has a mutation status of P454fs, The gene TAF6 has a mutation status of R284C, The gene TAOK2 has a mutation status of V42I, The gene TAP1 has a mutation status of T352T, The gene TBRG4 has a mutation status of T291T, The gene TCEA1 has a mutation status of R123Q, The gene TCF7L2 has a mutation status of L557L, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of R1509C R484M, The gene TG has a mutation status of P977L, The gene TGFBR2 has a mutation status of E125fs E125fs, The gene TGM2 has a mutation status of Y50Y, The gene THBS3 has a mutation status of R872W, The gene TIAM1 has a mutation status of T1272T, The gene TIMM13 has a mutation status of R90L, The gene TLE1 has a mutation status of H449H, The gene TM7SF3 has a mutation status of E525fs, The gene TMEM50A has a mutation status of W16fs, The gene TMPO has a mutation status of T96fs, The gene TNC has a mutation status of S593S, The gene TNFAIP3 has a mutation status of D756fs, The gene TNNC2 has a mutation status of T2T, The gene TNPO2 has a mutation status of A271D, The gene TPD52 has a mutation status of K164fs, The gene TPSAB1 has a mutation status of R91Q, The gene TRAF2 has a mutation status of V475I, The gene TRIO has a mutation status of N1673N, The gene TRIP10 has a mutation status of E189K D491fs, The gene TSC1 has a mutation status of R715Q, The gene TSC2 has a mutation status of R917Q, The gene TSSK2 has a mutation status of P275fs, The gene TTC39A has a mutation status of A396T, The gene TTK has a mutation status of R256Q E851fs R854G, The gene TUBGCP2 has a mutation status of V218V P38P, The gene TYK2 has a mutation status of E822K, The gene TYRO3 has a mutation status of C283F, The gene U2AF1 has a mutation status of N100N, The gene UBE2C has a mutation status of G46G, The gene UNC13B has a mutation status of R1049W, The gene UNC5C has a mutation status of Q491fs, The gene UQCRC1 has a mutation status of S431S, The gene UTP20 has a mutation status of F130fs E1571*, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of A125A, The gene WASF2 has a mutation status of K169N, The gene WASL has a mutation status of K421fs, The gene WDR90 has a mutation status of D939D R1329C, The gene WNT16 has a mutation status of A96T, The gene WRAP73 has a mutation status of R387R, The gene XPOT has a mutation status of E116E, The gene XRCC5 has a mutation status of R178I, The gene XYLT2 has a mutation status of A135V Y526fs, The gene ZAP70 has a mutation status of R385R, The gene ZNF277 has a mutation status of R256I, The gene ZNF292 has a mutation status of E2046fs
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene CASP5 has a mutation status of R11fs, The gene CEP192 has a mutation status of H1816P, The gene CFTR has a mutation status of K716N, The gene CYFIP2 has a mutation status of M1020R, The gene CYP46A1 has a mutation status of L143P, The gene CYP7A1 has a mutation status of L413L, The gene FSCN1 has a mutation status of P140S, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of A571A, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of L4483L, The gene MAGEE1 has a mutation status of E514*, The gene MTHFD1 has a mutation status of I68N, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of E682Q, The gene NOD2 has a mutation status of A432V, The gene PAIP1 has a mutation status of M217K, The gene PER1 has a mutation status of I742F, The gene PTPRC has a mutation status of Y548fs, The gene RABGAP1L has a mutation status of T366I, The gene RXRG has a mutation status of R168G, The gene SLC12A4 has a mutation status of L960L, The gene SOS1 has a mutation status of S1103N, The gene SPDEF has a mutation status of R289W, The gene USP8 has a mutation status of E236E, The gene VHL has a mutation status of F136V, The gene ZFPM2 has a mutation status of S388S
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene CENPJ has a mutation status of E886E, The gene CFH has a mutation status of R175W, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of G34E, The gene DCTN4 has a mutation status of Q246Q, The gene GBF1 has a mutation status of G1446G, The gene HNRNPU has a mutation status of G362V, The gene HOMER1 has a mutation status of R111L, The gene HSP90B1 has a mutation status of DY407fs, The gene NFE2L2 has a mutation status of R34G, The gene NUMA1 has a mutation status of G385V, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of Q546K, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of E16K, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of R130* R233*, The gene RAB3GAP1 has a mutation status of L79P, The gene SERPINA6 has a mutation status of I147N, The gene TKTL1 has a mutation status of F62L, The gene WLS has a mutation status of R261*, The gene ZBTB16 has a mutation status of D147G
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene COL15A1 has a mutation status of S146S, The gene NUP153 has a mutation status of L760L, The gene RPS3 has a mutation status of E89A, The gene SKAP2 has a mutation status of L214R, The gene TLR8 has a mutation status of G105E
The cancer type is KIRC. The gene AMPD3 has a mutation status of E438Q, The gene BIRC3 has a mutation status of F455C, The gene CLTC has a mutation status of W1587G, The gene COL11A1 has a mutation status of I225T, The gene DCN has a mutation status of M199I, The gene DPYSL2 has a mutation status of A402fs, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of R4638Q, The gene EIF2AK3 has a mutation status of L827*, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of S1050N, The gene GSG1 has a mutation status of S155P, The gene IL27RA has a mutation status of P279S, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of L1375L, The gene LATS1 has a mutation status of I785I, The gene PRKCD has a mutation status of S299S, The gene RBM14 has a mutation status of A325fs, The gene SPAG5 has a mutation status of D733H, The gene SPTAN1 has a mutation status of D468Y, The gene TOP2A has a mutation status of V928I, The gene VHL has a mutation status of G127fs
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ABCD3 has a mutation status of S312L, The gene AFF1 has a mutation status of E1006fs, The gene ATP2B1 has a mutation status of G269G, The gene BRPF3 has a mutation status of D635N, The gene CYLD has a mutation status of G596D, The gene DRAM1 has a mutation status of G236G, The gene KCNE2 has a mutation status of Y47F, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of R1598H, The gene SYNCRIP has a mutation status of Q28Q, The gene TOR1AIP2 has a mutation status of W216C, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of V122fs, The gene VCL has a mutation status of R460*
The cancer type is OV. The gene ABCA1 has a mutation status of E1253K, The gene CAD has a mutation status of T1176M, The gene DSC3 has a mutation status of S735L, The gene TLR7 has a mutation status of I240T, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of D259Y
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene CYP11B2 has a mutation status of R87R, The gene MAP3K1 has a mutation status of D1040fs, The gene NLGN3 has a mutation status of Y827S, The gene PLEKHG2 has a mutation status of I124F, The gene PNPLA8 has a mutation status of I253V, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of I860V, The gene TIPARP has a mutation status of T262T
The cancer type is KIPAN.
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene AGO4 has a mutation status of D457N, The gene APPBP2 has a mutation status of A337V, The gene BID has a mutation status of R168H, The gene CCR7 has a mutation status of Q206*, The gene CD9 has a mutation status of V3D, The gene CFTR has a mutation status of L1253S, The gene CNTRL has a mutation status of Q2259E, The gene CSF3R has a mutation status of R118P, The gene DCC has a mutation status of V883I, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of A102D, The gene ELN has a mutation status of G237D, The gene EPB41L3 has a mutation status of F151S, The gene EPHB4 has a mutation status of V406I, The gene EXT2 has a mutation status of D547E, The gene F5 has a mutation status of S1067L, The gene FCN1 has a mutation status of L56L, The gene HTR5A has a mutation status of C192F, The gene LEPR has a mutation status of V115I, The gene MAN1A1 has a mutation status of L638P, The gene MKRN1 has a mutation status of F432I, The gene MYBL2 has a mutation status of S616Y, The gene MYOM1 has a mutation status of E1281Q, The gene NIPBL has a mutation status of F1422fs, The gene NR6A1 has a mutation status of R66H, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of R237T, The gene RPTOR has a mutation status of T401S, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of V2281V Q4201H, The gene SEMA3C has a mutation status of A134I, The gene SHE has a mutation status of A432V, The gene SLC30A1 has a mutation status of S33L, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of D347Y, The gene SPTBN1 has a mutation status of A1227G, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of V7096L, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R213*
The cancer type is OV. The gene ACACA has a mutation status of L2175L, The gene ADCY9 has a mutation status of R1310S, The gene ANLN has a mutation status of E994Q, The gene COL5A3 has a mutation status of T1730T, The gene CYP4A11 has a mutation status of N427K, The gene EHD1 has a mutation status of I243F, The gene EIF2AK2 has a mutation status of A2G, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of V654L, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of N941N, The gene KCNJ8 has a mutation status of L132P, The gene KLKB1 has a mutation status of Q103K, The gene LYAR has a mutation status of N7S, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of LIILDTL84fs, The gene QDPR has a mutation status of K79N, The gene RAB3GAP1 has a mutation status of L963L, The gene RB1 has a mutation status of RCEHRI552fs, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of E4906V, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of R1856G, The gene TKTL1 has a mutation status of D315N, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of V274D, The gene TPRKB has a mutation status of R30R, The gene WDR43 has a mutation status of D543H
The cancer type is LGG. The gene ALDH1A1 has a mutation status of G458D, The gene CDKN3 has a mutation status of R172*, The gene CLDN16 has a mutation status of R129H, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of R132H, The gene NOTCH1 has a mutation status of C467F, The gene PHF3 has a mutation status of R202*
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ABCA3 has a mutation status of T761T, The gene CROCC has a mutation status of R774W, The gene NTHL1 has a mutation status of A213A, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of E542K, The gene PLK3 has a mutation status of L529M, The gene SLC35B2 has a mutation status of K111fs L110Q
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene A2M has a mutation status of K289T, The gene ABCA1 has a mutation status of S824L R130I, The gene ABCA3 has a mutation status of D551Y, The gene ABCA4 has a mutation status of T1537M D462Y F135L, The gene ABCA5 has a mutation status of K30N, The gene ABCA8 has a mutation status of S1270S, The gene ABCA9 has a mutation status of S1187Y, The gene ABCB1 has a mutation status of G872V G763V S644S V345V E273*, The gene ABCB6 has a mutation status of T679I E472K, The gene ABCC2 has a mutation status of L138F S191* D304E Q577H S1098S, The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of D879N, The gene ABCE1 has a mutation status of F596L, The gene ABCG2 has a mutation status of L405M L140V, The gene ABI1 has a mutation status of K445N, The gene ABLIM1 has a mutation status of F672F M324L, The gene ACACA has a mutation status of V882V, The gene ACADM has a mutation status of F252F L409R, The gene ACADSB has a mutation status of E110* F265F I428I, The gene ACKR1 has a mutation status of T300T, The gene ACLY has a mutation status of K336K, The gene ACOT8 has a mutation status of R86W, The gene ACP5 has a mutation status of F73L, The gene ACRV1 has a mutation status of R257Q, The gene ACSL1 has a mutation status of R579Q G342R R11*, The gene ACSL6 has a mutation status of Q585H E571D, The gene ACSM3 has a mutation status of K342T, The gene ACTN2 has a mutation status of S663I, The gene ACVRL1 has a mutation status of C389C, The gene ADAD1 has a mutation status of F86C, The gene ADAM17 has a mutation status of V545M I378I, The gene ADAM2 has a mutation status of D378Y, The gene ADAM9 has a mutation status of R256Q, The gene ADAMDEC1 has a mutation status of L41F K134N E169*, The gene ADAMTS1 has a mutation status of H739N, The gene ADAMTS5 has a mutation status of G372E, The gene ADAR has a mutation status of E21E, The gene ADCY1 has a mutation status of I683L, The gene ADCY2 has a mutation status of R383C E705D, The gene ADCY6 has a mutation status of L649M, The gene ADCY9 has a mutation status of E391K, The gene ADD3 has a mutation status of I250M, The gene ADH7 has a mutation status of R381*, The gene ADIPOR2 has a mutation status of R373H, The gene AGGF1 has a mutation status of P262P, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of I3721I I1855I P1053P A619V E473E, The gene AHR has a mutation status of E488K F700C, The gene AIFM3 has a mutation status of D467N, The gene AK1 has a mutation status of I161I, The gene AKAP10 has a mutation status of A569V, The gene AKAP12 has a mutation status of L81I D541Y, The gene AKAP13 has a mutation status of E1151* E1723D L2259V, The gene AKAP4 has a mutation status of E226K, The gene AKR1C3 has a mutation status of P230P, The gene AKT3 has a mutation status of R367Q, The gene ALDH1A1 has a mutation status of R321* R156K, The gene ALDH1A2 has a mutation status of G159G L133M, The gene ALDH1A3 has a mutation status of R89C, The gene ALDH3A1 has a mutation status of V110V, The gene ALDH6A1 has a mutation status of T513N, The gene ALDH9A1 has a mutation status of L424I, The gene ALDOA has a mutation status of A264T, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of F2710C F2816V V3760V, The gene ALOX12B has a mutation status of E663D, The gene ALOX15 has a mutation status of F414S, The gene ALS2 has a mutation status of Y847Y N687H, The gene AMBN has a mutation status of F29L E93*, The gene AMPH has a mutation status of I512T F39F, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of S656S R33I, The gene ANKH has a mutation status of V416M, The gene ANKRD2 has a mutation status of D286D, The gene ANPEP has a mutation status of E636K, The gene ANTXR2 has a mutation status of A320T, The gene ANXA10 has a mutation status of H261N, The gene AP1G1 has a mutation status of R793Q R46Q, The gene AP3B1 has a mutation status of R912*, The gene AP4B1 has a mutation status of R130W, The gene APAF1 has a mutation status of D378Y, The gene APBB2 has a mutation status of P758S, The gene APC has a mutation status of E136* E761* E1544* P2170T, The gene APOD has a mutation status of K73N, The gene APP has a mutation status of N571K S206L, The gene AQP9 has a mutation status of P154P, The gene ARAP3 has a mutation status of P866T, The gene ARFGEF1 has a mutation status of E1841G R1231I L817I, The gene ARFIP1 has a mutation status of R271H, The gene ARG2 has a mutation status of F181L, The gene ARHGAP10 has a mutation status of K132N F204V, The gene ARHGAP29 has a mutation status of E592*, The gene ARHGEF12 has a mutation status of E251E R317I D482Y E654*, The gene ARHGEF2 has a mutation status of E64G, The gene ARHGEF7 has a mutation status of E335*, The gene ARID4B has a mutation status of R1059R R924*, The gene ARID5B has a mutation status of I420V P783P, The gene ARL8A has a mutation status of S181S, The gene ASS1 has a mutation status of Q78Q V409V, The gene ATAD2 has a mutation status of E1091* S886*, The gene ATF6 has a mutation status of I205T, The gene ATP1A3 has a mutation status of L853F, The gene ATP1B3 has a mutation status of E92K, The gene ATP2B4 has a mutation status of I1104I, The gene ATP2C1 has a mutation status of E690K, The gene ATP4A has a mutation status of R280H, The gene ATP6V1G1 has a mutation status of E54*, The gene ATRN has a mutation status of E692* R1246C R1318*, The gene ATRX has a mutation status of D1383A D846Y Q42H, The gene AURKB has a mutation status of I126I, The gene AUTS2 has a mutation status of E153D, The gene AVPR1A has a mutation status of S404L I296I F133F, The gene AXIN2 has a mutation status of D745N, The gene AXL has a mutation status of V459M, The gene B4GALNT2 has a mutation status of R344Q, The gene B4GALT7 has a mutation status of E106K, The gene BAG1 has a mutation status of F186V, The gene BARD1 has a mutation status of S142*, The gene BAZ2A has a mutation status of R553C, The gene BCAM has a mutation status of Q438H, The gene BCKDHB has a mutation status of G335G, The gene BGN has a mutation status of F205F, The gene BHLHE40 has a mutation status of I111T, The gene BIRC2 has a mutation status of F335L, The gene BMP2K has a mutation status of Y313F K710N, The gene BMPR1A has a mutation status of D208Y, The gene BNIP3 has a mutation status of R186C, The gene BPHL has a mutation status of F282S, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of E510* L759I E897* E2476*, The gene BRDT has a mutation status of V192L E282* E370K V439V E743*, The gene BRS3 has a mutation status of F225L, The gene BTRC has a mutation status of S266Y, The gene C1S has a mutation status of S339S, The gene C3 has a mutation status of R669Q, The gene C3AR1 has a mutation status of E206D, The gene C8A has a mutation status of I8I, The gene CA1 has a mutation status of H120N, The gene CACNA1A has a mutation status of F563F I346I, The gene CACNA1B has a mutation status of K1260N W1535C S2322L, The gene CACNA1F has a mutation status of V1187V, The gene CACNA2D2 has a mutation status of S182Y, The gene CAD has a mutation status of E411* F1162F F2066F, The gene CADM3 has a mutation status of E92K L123L, The gene CALCR has a mutation status of V89I, The gene CALD1 has a mutation status of E335D R388H, The gene CAMK1D has a mutation status of G32E E369K, The gene CAP1 has a mutation status of E216*, The gene CAPN3 has a mutation status of R147Q, The gene CAPN9 has a mutation status of E78*, The gene CASP8 has a mutation status of R68Q I128I K353T, The gene CASQ1 has a mutation status of Y185*, The gene CCDC88A has a mutation status of S1865Y S1769Y S1574Y E1222* R994C E383D R316*, The gene CCND1 has a mutation status of F232L, The gene CCNE1 has a mutation status of K48T, The gene CCNL1 has a mutation status of I182I, The gene CCNT1 has a mutation status of K481N, The gene CCP110 has a mutation status of N1008H, The gene CCR4 has a mutation status of F305C, The gene CD1D has a mutation status of P111L E244E, The gene CD207 has a mutation status of I154I, The gene CD209 has a mutation status of S296I, The gene CD302 has a mutation status of A100A, The gene CD4 has a mutation status of K33*, The gene CD47 has a mutation status of G211D, The gene CD8B has a mutation status of I52I, The gene CD96 has a mutation status of R541I, The gene CDC27 has a mutation status of S566L, The gene CDC42BPA has a mutation status of K1254T F1035L E495K, The gene CDC45 has a mutation status of L36L K550R, The gene CDC5L has a mutation status of Q95R, The gene CDH1 has a mutation status of T227T, The gene CDH16 has a mutation status of Y674*, The gene CDH2 has a mutation status of L671I S620*, The gene CDH3 has a mutation status of R103Q, The gene CDH8 has a mutation status of E794A L573I A376A, The gene CDK13 has a mutation status of R421K, The gene CDK5R1 has a mutation status of K37T T79T, The gene CDK5RAP2 has a mutation status of E790D D500Y, The gene CDKAL1 has a mutation status of E206* P295L, The gene CDKN2AIP has a mutation status of K322E, The gene CELF2 has a mutation status of R11I, The gene CENPE has a mutation status of S859L, The gene CENPF has a mutation status of Y1496C, The gene CENPM has a mutation status of L133L, The gene CETN2 has a mutation status of K65N R18I, The gene CFI has a mutation status of E479K, The gene CFLAR has a mutation status of I257I, The gene CFTR has a mutation status of E585*, The gene CGRRF1 has a mutation status of I187M, The gene CHEK2 has a mutation status of E275*, The gene CHUK has a mutation status of S325Y, The gene CIT has a mutation status of E98K, The gene CKAP5 has a mutation status of R200I, The gene CLCA2 has a mutation status of S784Y, The gene CLCN3 has a mutation status of K186T, The gene CLDN15 has a mutation status of F146L, The gene CLDN18 has a mutation status of S210Y, The gene CLGN has a mutation status of F220L, The gene CLIP1 has a mutation status of E1147E, The gene CLPB has a mutation status of R417R, The gene CLTC has a mutation status of E1265*, The gene CLVS1 has a mutation status of D134Y I170L D291N, The gene CNOT2 has a mutation status of R13I, The gene CNOT4 has a mutation status of S574Y F523L N319T, The gene CNTN1 has a mutation status of L645I, The gene COCH has a mutation status of F545L, The gene COG2 has a mutation status of S330L, The gene COIL has a mutation status of R164I, The gene COL11A1 has a mutation status of R642I G445*, The gene COL12A1 has a mutation status of E2671* E2493K E1342K R1235K D910Y E283*, The gene COL17A1 has a mutation status of R145*, The gene COL1A2 has a mutation status of P857L L1166V E1230*, The gene COL2A1 has a mutation status of G1179*, The gene COL3A1 has a mutation status of F259L R326* P1040T S1254Y, The gene COL4A1 has a mutation status of R1668I G85E, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of E948K, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of D365N D1367Y S1666S, The gene COL5A2 has a mutation status of G867*, The gene COL6A2 has a mutation status of T731T, The gene COPA has a mutation status of F1029C, The gene CPA2 has a mutation status of E132*, The gene CPE has a mutation status of E342K, The gene CPT1A has a mutation status of K148N, The gene CR1 has a mutation status of F323L R1939*, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of S129Y D367Y, The gene CROT has a mutation status of T418K, The gene CRTAM has a mutation status of E346D, The gene CS has a mutation status of E223K, The gene CSE1L has a mutation status of S503L, The gene CTCF has a mutation status of T123A E179*, The gene CTNS has a mutation status of F345F, The gene CTPS1 has a mutation status of E582K, The gene CTSC has a mutation status of R250*, The gene CTSE has a mutation status of F79F, The gene CTSF has a mutation status of L114L, The gene CUL3 has a mutation status of E407*, The gene CUL4A has a mutation status of E423*, The gene CXCL13 has a mutation status of S5L, The gene CYBB has a mutation status of V423V, The gene CYFIP2 has a mutation status of I613I, The gene CYLD has a mutation status of Q716H, The gene CYP1A1 has a mutation status of Y207C, The gene CYP2J2 has a mutation status of R371I E284*, The gene CYP46A1 has a mutation status of V55I, The gene CYP4A11 has a mutation status of Q179H, The gene CYP7A1 has a mutation status of M435V, The gene D2HGDH has a mutation status of A420T, The gene DAAM1 has a mutation status of E750K R798C, The gene DAPP1 has a mutation status of A147T, The gene DCAF10 has a mutation status of R346I L404I, The gene DCAF11 has a mutation status of R133Q, The gene DCBLD2 has a mutation status of N201S, The gene DCC has a mutation status of S569F, The gene DCN has a mutation status of E95K, The gene DCP1A has a mutation status of L95I, The gene DCP2 has a mutation status of F225C, The gene DCT has a mutation status of I207I F8F, The gene DCTN4 has a mutation status of Q211H, The gene DDC has a mutation status of R356I, The gene DDX18 has a mutation status of K109N, The gene DDX21 has a mutation status of S239S, The gene DDX4 has a mutation status of R536Q, The gene DDX60 has a mutation status of R431I, The gene DECR1 has a mutation status of F43L E327*, The gene DEK has a mutation status of G138*, The gene DGCR8 has a mutation status of L437L, The gene DGKA has a mutation status of F34F K353K, The gene DGKH has a mutation status of E555K, The gene DHCR7 has a mutation status of I474I, The gene DIAPH3 has a mutation status of K707N, The gene DIO1 has a mutation status of R241C, The gene DKC1 has a mutation status of R110Q, The gene DLAT has a mutation status of G168G, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of D1145D R347* R338C, The gene DLL1 has a mutation status of E181K, The gene DMD has a mutation status of L3412R T2443N F2216I R1967* Q884Q G618G L553I, The gene DMP1 has a mutation status of E209K, The gene DMRT1 has a mutation status of K276N, The gene DNM1L has a mutation status of R456Q, The gene DNMBP has a mutation status of D1354N S324Y R190Q, The gene DNTTIP2 has a mutation status of Y504H, The gene DOCK10 has a mutation status of I1371I R1191* S1000L L597R, The gene DOCK2 has a mutation status of V180V, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of L474I, The gene DPEP3 has a mutation status of D291Y, The gene DPYD has a mutation status of G731G, The gene DPYSL3 has a mutation status of D88Y, The gene DRC1 has a mutation status of D624Y, The gene DSC1 has a mutation status of E536* E470A, The gene DSC2 has a mutation status of E785K, The gene DST has a mutation status of A7152V K2906N R1726I Q1688H K1765T S1339S L406I R53Q, The gene DTNA has a mutation status of A380A L408I S501Y, The gene DTNB has a mutation status of E288E M162I, The gene DUSP6 has a mutation status of L246I, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of E97* I437I F3599L, The gene E2F5 has a mutation status of K211N, The gene E2F8 has a mutation status of E34D, The gene ECD has a mutation status of K342N, The gene ECM2 has a mutation status of S381Y, The gene EFHC1 has a mutation status of R27K F440L, The gene EGF has a mutation status of D492Y E1103*, The gene EIF1 has a mutation status of R34I, The gene EIF2AK1 has a mutation status of R446I E425*, The gene EIF2AK3 has a mutation status of R826Q E228K, The gene EIF2S2 has a mutation status of K215N, The gene EIF3A has a mutation status of R335H, The gene EIF4A3 has a mutation status of T294T, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of R183*, The gene EIF4G3 has a mutation status of E156* Q84*, The gene ELF1 has a mutation status of N581S, The gene ELL2 has a mutation status of R541R, The gene ELN has a mutation status of G340G, The gene ENDOD1 has a mutation status of E277D, The gene ENPEP has a mutation status of E711K, The gene ENPP2 has a mutation status of F313L S142S E110*, The gene ENTPD7 has a mutation status of F232F, The gene EPB41L3 has a mutation status of T809T, The gene EPHA5 has a mutation status of A433T, The gene EPHB2 has a mutation status of I597I, The gene ERAP2 has a mutation status of L244R, The gene ERCC1 has a mutation status of E62K, The gene ERCC3 has a mutation status of D395N, The gene ERCC5 has a mutation status of L478F F892L, The gene ERMAP has a mutation status of L444V, The gene ETFDH has a mutation status of N602K, The gene ETV1 has a mutation status of F312F A245V, The gene EXOC2 has a mutation status of I294M, The gene EXOSC9 has a mutation status of E314*, The gene EXT1 has a mutation status of S459*, The gene EZH1 has a mutation status of E325*, The gene EZH2 has a mutation status of E740K, The gene F11 has a mutation status of E341K E465*, The gene F13A1 has a mutation status of D197N R6K, The gene F13B has a mutation status of K591N, The gene F2RL1 has a mutation status of V250V, The gene F3 has a mutation status of L44*, The gene F5 has a mutation status of V1181V E793A F34L, The gene F8 has a mutation status of K1211T F555F, The gene F9 has a mutation status of R298Q, The gene FABP1 has a mutation status of L24M, The gene FANCC has a mutation status of A440T E417K, The gene FAP has a mutation status of F350L Q182H, The gene FARP1 has a mutation status of S383L F959L, The gene FAS has a mutation status of C63C, The gene FBLN1 has a mutation status of F202F, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of E2841* K2387N R1523* I1239I E1018* G819* R743C, The gene FBN2 has a mutation status of N2013N R999C T952M R590Q P215P, The gene FBXO34 has a mutation status of D557Y, The gene FBXO7 has a mutation status of D389Y, The gene FBXO9 has a mutation status of R47Q, The gene FBXW7 has a mutation status of D135Y, The gene FDFT1 has a mutation status of F230L, The gene FERMT2 has a mutation status of F115L, The gene FETUB has a mutation status of E213*, The gene FGD4 has a mutation status of R275Q, The gene FGD6 has a mutation status of R321Q, The gene FGFR1 has a mutation status of D320N, The gene FGG has a mutation status of L12I, The gene FGL2 has a mutation status of W268* D243G R222I, The gene FH has a mutation status of D179N, The gene FKBP1A has a mutation status of R58Q, The gene FLNA has a mutation status of V2156I, The gene FLNB has a mutation status of K2244T, The gene FLNC has a mutation status of K1299N, The gene FLT4 has a mutation status of F1087F, The gene FMO1 has a mutation status of L515I, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of R1112I V977V R784Q R290C, The gene FN3K has a mutation status of E119D, The gene FOXJ2 has a mutation status of F241L, The gene FOXN3 has a mutation status of S408Y, The gene FOXO1 has a mutation status of L374I, The gene FPR1 has a mutation status of F93F, The gene FST has a mutation status of S279L, The gene FTL has a mutation status of E138D, The gene FUT8 has a mutation status of I214V R516Q, The gene FYN has a mutation status of F353L, The gene FZD2 has a mutation status of R442H, The gene G3BP2 has a mutation status of R361C, The gene GABARAPL1 has a mutation status of R67I, The gene GABBR1 has a mutation status of R285Q, The gene GALNT1 has a mutation status of F23F S422Y, The gene GAPVD1 has a mutation status of E249* S892Y, The gene GBP6 has a mutation status of K51R, The gene GC has a mutation status of N26T, The gene GCDH has a mutation status of E365D, The gene GCKR has a mutation status of I403I, The gene GCLC has a mutation status of L141L, The gene GFI1 has a mutation status of R412Q, The gene GFRA1 has a mutation status of L425I, The gene GGA2 has a mutation status of R105C, The gene GJA1 has a mutation status of R101*, The gene GLA has a mutation status of E251E, The gene GLCE has a mutation status of D392N, The gene GLDC has a mutation status of D742Y F434L, The gene GLI1 has a mutation status of E694D G953*, The gene GLMN has a mutation status of F87V, The gene GLRX has a mutation status of R72Q, The gene GMCL1 has a mutation status of F506L, The gene GMPR has a mutation status of R39Q, The gene GNA14 has a mutation status of R243C, The gene GNAS has a mutation status of P518L, The gene GNG12 has a mutation status of S33L, The gene GOLGA4 has a mutation status of V513I R835I I924M K948T, The gene GP1BA has a mutation status of E197D, The gene GPR183 has a mutation status of F309L I99I, The gene GPR65 has a mutation status of F98V, The gene GPR87 has a mutation status of S347S, The gene GREB1 has a mutation status of L1918L, The gene GRK5 has a mutation status of K547N S566L, The gene GRM8 has a mutation status of K382N E365D T31A, The gene GSG1 has a mutation status of F23V, The gene GSK3B has a mutation status of I228I E53K, The gene GSTA3 has a mutation status of I121L G42E E32D, The gene GTF2H1 has a mutation status of R89Q S403Y, The gene GTF2H3 has a mutation status of K290N, The gene GYS2 has a mutation status of I413S T76I, The gene GZMA has a mutation status of P37H, The gene GZMB has a mutation status of T184S, The gene HACL1 has a mutation status of L512V F137L, The gene HAS2 has a mutation status of F6L, The gene HCLS1 has a mutation status of E214*, The gene HDAC6 has a mutation status of F297F, The gene HERC3 has a mutation status of E468D N773H L981I, The gene HERC6 has a mutation status of F705C V866I, The gene HHEX has a mutation status of E206*, The gene HIF1A has a mutation status of K328N E633K, The gene HKDC1 has a mutation status of D142Y I334I, The gene HLA-DMA has a mutation status of E207K, The gene HMBS has a mutation status of E73D, The gene HMGB2 has a mutation status of C106*, The gene HMGB3 has a mutation status of T22A, The gene HMGCL has a mutation status of A157A, The gene HMGCR has a mutation status of K42T K257E R300I, The gene HNRNPD has a mutation status of K242N, The gene HNRNPU has a mutation status of K635T R347R H298H, The gene HOMER1 has a mutation status of V242L E101*, The gene HOOK3 has a mutation status of E588* R616H, The gene HOXC10 has a mutation status of F289C, The gene HRG has a mutation status of T65N F147L, The gene HS2ST1 has a mutation status of F347L, The gene HSD11B1 has a mutation status of E254*, The gene HSD17B2 has a mutation status of E76*, The gene HSP90B1 has a mutation status of S501S E799A, The gene HSPA1L has a mutation status of S581S D12N, The gene HSPA4L has a mutation status of F428C F781L, The gene HSPA5 has a mutation status of D410Y, The gene HSPH1 has a mutation status of F656L, The gene HTR1B has a mutation status of P47T, The gene HUS1 has a mutation status of V201V, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of D593Y, The gene HYOU1 has a mutation status of E147D, The gene IDE has a mutation status of F522C, The gene IDH1 has a mutation status of I251I, The gene IFI44 has a mutation status of R331*, The gene IFNAR1 has a mutation status of N507H, The gene IFNAR2 has a mutation status of F193V, The gene IFNG has a mutation status of K57N, The gene IFT88 has a mutation status of N155H, The gene IGF1R has a mutation status of R471C V721V, The gene IGF2R has a mutation status of T342T L564L, The gene IL10RB has a mutation status of Y140Y, The gene IL12B has a mutation status of I8I, The gene IL12RB2 has a mutation status of S516Y, The gene IL13RA1 has a mutation status of K169Q, The gene IL16 has a mutation status of C318Y R1186*, The gene IL18RAP has a mutation status of L167I, The gene IL1R2 has a mutation status of R227H, The gene IL2RA has a mutation status of E204K G44*, The gene IL2RB has a mutation status of F167F, The gene IL33 has a mutation status of S111*, The gene IL3RA has a mutation status of H231N, The gene IL4 has a mutation status of E50K, The gene IL5 has a mutation status of R41Q, The gene IL6ST has a mutation status of E534K, The gene ILVBL has a mutation status of E530K, The gene IMMT has a mutation status of E120* K101N, The gene INPP4B has a mutation status of S290Y L238*, The gene INPP5F has a mutation status of E156D, The gene IPCEF1 has a mutation status of P383P S267R, The gene IQGAP2 has a mutation status of K855T R1405R, The gene IRF2 has a mutation status of A84P I36I, The gene IRF4 has a mutation status of D86N, The gene IRF5 has a mutation status of E410D, The gene ISG20L2 has a mutation status of A96A V67V, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of L526M, The gene ITGA2 has a mutation status of R1161I, The gene ITGA5 has a mutation status of P429H, The gene ITGA6 has a mutation status of E897*, The gene ITGA9 has a mutation status of S932L, The gene ITGAL has a mutation status of D468D P1132P, The gene ITGAM has a mutation status of V704V, The gene ITGB3 has a mutation status of E752*, The gene ITGB4 has a mutation status of R554*, The gene ITIH1 has a mutation status of E84K R457I, The gene ITIH5 has a mutation status of R44R, The gene ITPA has a mutation status of K39N, The gene ITPR2 has a mutation status of L2065I R1813*, The gene ITSN1 has a mutation status of I521T K596Q K681Q, The gene JAG1 has a mutation status of D1037N, The gene JAK1 has a mutation status of K616T, The gene JAK2 has a mutation status of T514T E987D, The gene JAM3 has a mutation status of I131I, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of S24Y R1231* I1059I, The gene KATNA1 has a mutation status of R207* R113I, The gene KAZN has a mutation status of F385F, The gene KCNA3 has a mutation status of I532I Y485H, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of E719*, The gene KCNMA1 has a mutation status of E669*, The gene KDM3A has a mutation status of K122N E169* T319I, The gene KHNYN has a mutation status of G584C, The gene KIF15 has a mutation status of K432N T826T, The gene KIF18B has a mutation status of F149F, The gene KIF20A has a mutation status of S7Y, The gene KIF20B has a mutation status of E74* K925N R1815Q, The gene KIF23 has a mutation status of K523N, The gene KIF3B has a mutation status of E447D, The gene KIF3C has a mutation status of S182P, The gene KIF4A has a mutation status of K614N, The gene KIF5C has a mutation status of R943*, The gene KIFAP3 has a mutation status of S372S, The gene KIT has a mutation status of I789I R956W, The gene KLF7 has a mutation status of K215N E52E, The gene KLK8 has a mutation status of A72V, The gene KLKB1 has a mutation status of E547*, The gene KNTC1 has a mutation status of S237Y, The gene KPNB1 has a mutation status of R88* N704N, The gene L1CAM has a mutation status of S1064S, The gene LALBA has a mutation status of K118T, The gene LAMA1 has a mutation status of E2319D, The gene LAMA2 has a mutation status of S659* S733S L1583L T1702A E2198* A3014T, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of F1780L, The gene LAMA4 has a mutation status of R1080*, The gene LAMC1 has a mutation status of F386L, The gene LATS1 has a mutation status of R744*, The gene LCLAT1 has a mutation status of F182F, The gene LCP2 has a mutation status of R345I K67T K37K, The gene LCT has a mutation status of E1034D F893F, The gene LDHA has a mutation status of K22N, The gene LEPR has a mutation status of K897N S1023Y, The gene LHX9 has a mutation status of R150Q, The gene LIFR has a mutation status of E348* E319K E129*, The gene LIG1 has a mutation status of E684D, The gene LIG3 has a mutation status of S363Y, The gene LIPA has a mutation status of N271K, The gene LIPE has a mutation status of G627D, The gene LMAN1 has a mutation status of G146D, The gene LONP1 has a mutation status of E281K, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of K225T, The gene LPIN2 has a mutation status of F114L, The gene LRIG1 has a mutation status of V890I E535*, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of I300I, The gene LRPPRC has a mutation status of N794H A338A F179L, The gene LUM has a mutation status of E240K, The gene MAGI2 has a mutation status of P1270T L450M I357I E161*, The gene MALL has a mutation status of L68I, The gene MAML1 has a mutation status of E265*, The gene MAML2 has a mutation status of Q658H S401L, The gene MAOA has a mutation status of Y419Y, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of I328F T948I D1568N, The gene MAP2K6 has a mutation status of R224I, The gene MAP3K1 has a mutation status of R289I E1283D, The gene MAP4K3 has a mutation status of R753*, The gene MAPK1 has a mutation status of E345*, The gene MAPKAP1 has a mutation status of R15Q, The gene MAPKAPK3 has a mutation status of N106D, The gene MAPT has a mutation status of D735N, The gene MARK3 has a mutation status of E120K, The gene MASP2 has a mutation status of F258L, The gene MAST2 has a mutation status of S1078Y, The gene MATN2 has a mutation status of K54T K106N T169I, The gene MCM6 has a mutation status of R529Q, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of T259T, The gene MDH2 has a mutation status of F277F, The gene MDK has a mutation status of K137N, The gene MED13L has a mutation status of R388I, The gene MED24 has a mutation status of S855S, The gene MEF2C has a mutation status of E442*, The gene MEFV has a mutation status of L367I, The gene MELK has a mutation status of K434N, The gene MEP1B has a mutation status of N187T, The gene MERTK has a mutation status of E27K, The gene MET has a mutation status of S717* E1012*, The gene MFAP5 has a mutation status of E87D, The gene MFSD6 has a mutation status of A338A, The gene MGAT1 has a mutation status of F324F, The gene MIOS has a mutation status of F221L R580Q, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of E2611* R2179R S1672I H1419P E940*, The gene MMD has a mutation status of K4N, The gene MMP1 has a mutation status of L455V, The gene MMP13 has a mutation status of F443L, The gene MMP2 has a mutation status of P514S, The gene MMP8 has a mutation status of I59I, The gene MMS22L has a mutation status of S596*, The gene MON2 has a mutation status of F155L, The gene MPO has a mutation status of V530V F336F, The gene MPP1 has a mutation status of Q152H, The gene MRPL9 has a mutation status of R247I, The gene MRPS30 has a mutation status of E260*, The gene MSH2 has a mutation status of S498R E561*, The gene MSN has a mutation status of R435L, The gene MSR1 has a mutation status of H6H, The gene MSRB2 has a mutation status of S41Y, The gene MTHFD2 has a mutation status of H280H, The gene MTHFD2L has a mutation status of E72E, The gene MTHFR has a mutation status of R52Q, The gene MTMR10 has a mutation status of D113N, The gene MTNR1A has a mutation status of I64I, The gene MTOR has a mutation status of E1531*, The gene MTRR has a mutation status of R552Q, The gene MVP has a mutation status of E530K, The gene MX2 has a mutation status of G439* G540G, The gene MXRA5 has a mutation status of E372* R59I, The gene MYC has a mutation status of S298Y, The gene MYH10 has a mutation status of R108H, The gene MYH11 has a mutation status of N682D T545T, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of D1456N E209*, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of D548A S401Y, The gene MYH7 has a mutation status of R1588C N1486N I1207I S578Y R403W, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of E1087* R1048* K954N, The gene MYH9 has a mutation status of E271*, The gene MYLK has a mutation status of L761L A616T, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of L686I R434R, The gene MYO9B has a mutation status of F1420L, The gene MYOF has a mutation status of T543I, The gene MYOM1 has a mutation status of R500*, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of V874V T1141T M1260I F1306F, The gene MYOZ1 has a mutation status of E21K, The gene NADSYN1 has a mutation status of Q14P, The gene NAP1L1 has a mutation status of R77Q, The gene NAV2 has a mutation status of K1013N, The gene NCAN has a mutation status of R1299H, The gene NCAPD2 has a mutation status of R390Q, The gene NCOA4 has a mutation status of R609Q, The gene NCOA6 has a mutation status of E1765* P1069S, The gene NCOA7 has a mutation status of R333L E369D, The gene NCR1 has a mutation status of A253V, The gene NDRG1 has a mutation status of E38D, The gene NDUFS1 has a mutation status of R501W, The gene NEDD4L has a mutation status of R20R R124Q, The gene NEFH has a mutation status of E748D, The gene NEGR1 has a mutation status of S171Y, The gene NEK7 has a mutation status of F101L, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of R1509C E1583* R2450*, The gene NF2 has a mutation status of I546I, The gene NFASC has a mutation status of R740I, The gene NFIB has a mutation status of S379L, The gene NFKB2 has a mutation status of Q539Q, The gene NID2 has a mutation status of G887G, The gene NIN has a mutation status of S1161S, The gene NIPBL has a mutation status of R154R D1044Y T1747I, The gene NLRP3 has a mutation status of K289N, The gene NMU has a mutation status of S109S, The gene NOLC1 has a mutation status of T418T, The gene NOS1 has a mutation status of R731W, The gene NOS2 has a mutation status of Q448H, The gene NOTCH2 has a mutation status of E798*, The gene NOTCH4 has a mutation status of S743Y, The gene NPC1 has a mutation status of K138N, The gene NPHS1 has a mutation status of R777I, The gene NPM1 has a mutation status of V99A, The gene NPY1R has a mutation status of D380Y I227T, The gene NPY5R has a mutation status of S355Y, The gene NR1H4 has a mutation status of L426I, The gene NR3C1 has a mutation status of I357T, The gene NRAP has a mutation status of E421*, The gene NRCAM has a mutation status of E1249* R455Q, The gene NRP2 has a mutation status of F648F, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of G570E, The gene NT5C3A has a mutation status of V249A, The gene NTF3 has a mutation status of I254I, The gene NTRK3 has a mutation status of E598*, The gene NUDT12 has a mutation status of N246T, The gene NUDT21 has a mutation status of Q26Q, The gene NUMA1 has a mutation status of R1484H, The gene NUP153 has a mutation status of P517P R379Q, The gene NUP205 has a mutation status of R84Q A143A K1219N E1382D, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of G419E, The gene OAS2 has a mutation status of F242V, The gene OAS3 has a mutation status of R692*, The gene OAZ3 has a mutation status of E53K, The gene OCRL has a mutation status of R616W, The gene OMD has a mutation status of E344*, The gene OPA1 has a mutation status of S64Y R101C S263F, The gene OPHN1 has a mutation status of E558K K37T, The gene ORC2 has a mutation status of R273H, The gene OSMR has a mutation status of P842Q, The gene OSTC has a mutation status of E2E, The gene OXSR1 has a mutation status of R497*, The gene P2RX7 has a mutation status of G326G, The gene P2RY1 has a mutation status of D248Y, The gene P4HA2 has a mutation status of E332K, The gene PAK1 has a mutation status of N326H, The gene PAM has a mutation status of S395F, The gene PAN2 has a mutation status of E774* K138N, The gene PARN has a mutation status of S399Y I27I, The gene PARP14 has a mutation status of K1158N, The gene PARP2 has a mutation status of N422S, The gene PARP9 has a mutation status of L604V, The gene PAX4 has a mutation status of H158H, The gene PCDH1 has a mutation status of F168F, The gene PCGF5 has a mutation status of F255F, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of K3225E R2978* K2442T S2161S S1396Y E1163* K172T, The gene PCM1 has a mutation status of R439K Q567P K1651T K1779T, The gene PCSK1 has a mutation status of R89I, The gene PCSK2 has a mutation status of L66L, The gene PDCD2L has a mutation status of E218*, The gene PDE4B has a mutation status of I352I, The gene PDE4DIP has a mutation status of R1912Q R1504R R460* E190*, The gene PDE6B has a mutation status of I357I, The gene PDHX has a mutation status of A311V, The gene PDIA6 has a mutation status of S315Y, The gene PDK4 has a mutation status of F102V, The gene PDLIM5 has a mutation status of E443*, The gene PDPN has a mutation status of I144I, The gene PDS5B has a mutation status of S1433Y, The gene PEF1 has a mutation status of K165N, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of R1274I H791N S777F S403L, The gene PELI1 has a mutation status of H9N, The gene PER1 has a mutation status of D247D, The gene PEX12 has a mutation status of L351M, The gene PEX13 has a mutation status of N166H, The gene PEX2 has a mutation status of R125Q, The gene PEX5 has a mutation status of R344Q, The gene PGD has a mutation status of F182F F450F, The gene PGK2 has a mutation status of S4Y, The gene PGM2 has a mutation status of E198D, The gene PHF3 has a mutation status of K1706N Q1740Q E1936*, The gene PHF7 has a mutation status of E212*, The gene PIAS1 has a mutation status of D539N, The gene PIAS2 has a mutation status of S519L E59*, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of S576Y T1025A, The gene PIK3CB has a mutation status of V369I R321Q K290N, The gene PIK3CD has a mutation status of T818T P864L, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of G996G, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of K703N R782Q K1249N, The gene PKD2 has a mutation status of E187*, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of S3911S V2935L E2915K N2509H N226H, The gene PLAUR has a mutation status of A266T, The gene PLCB2 has a mutation status of D222Y, The gene PLCB4 has a mutation status of K215N E513K R739Q, The gene PLCL1 has a mutation status of K91K K1019Q E1050*, The gene PLIN2 has a mutation status of D117Y, The gene PLK1 has a mutation status of F304V, The gene PLK2 has a mutation status of R446Q, The gene PLOD2 has a mutation status of G70G, The gene PLPPR4 has a mutation status of S365I, The gene PNPT1 has a mutation status of R749Q F620C, The gene POLA2 has a mutation status of N308S, The gene POLB has a mutation status of L125I, The gene POLD2 has a mutation status of P296T, The gene POLE has a mutation status of S1930* F1907L P286R, The gene POLH has a mutation status of H654N, The gene POLQ has a mutation status of K1581N K236N, The gene POLR1C has a mutation status of R78Q, The gene POLR2E has a mutation status of I104I, The gene POLR3G has a mutation status of N217T, The gene PPARGC1A has a mutation status of N615T, The gene PPAT has a mutation status of I194M, The gene PPM1D has a mutation status of F288C E525*, The gene PPRC1 has a mutation status of S1144S, The gene PRDM2 has a mutation status of K1640T, The gene PREX1 has a mutation status of E1246K, The gene PRG2 has a mutation status of D71Y, The gene PRKCA has a mutation status of F305F, The gene PRKCB has a mutation status of G262G, The gene PRKCH has a mutation status of R286*, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of E3519* F2460F K999N, The gene PRKG2 has a mutation status of E580* R187I E34D, The gene PRMT3 has a mutation status of A278A, The gene PROS1 has a mutation status of P76P, The gene PROZ has a mutation status of R84L P183P, The gene PRSS36 has a mutation status of L740L, The gene PSEN1 has a mutation status of F411F, The gene PSIP1 has a mutation status of R314*, The gene PSMA1 has a mutation status of F99F, The gene PSMC2 has a mutation status of G313A, The gene PSMD1 has a mutation status of S10Y F213L L386I, The gene PSMD7 has a mutation status of S51S, The gene PTCD3 has a mutation status of M397I, The gene PTCH1 has a mutation status of S1425S F1152L, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of R130Q E201* I300I, The gene PTGFR has a mutation status of W295*, The gene PTGIS has a mutation status of N287D, The gene PTK2 has a mutation status of Y5*, The gene PTPRC has a mutation status of R1109R, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of V1284L S431L, The gene PTPRE has a mutation status of D488Y, The gene PTPRM has a mutation status of I743S, The gene PYGL has a mutation status of K507K, The gene QSOX1 has a mutation status of M253I, The gene RAB3GAP1 has a mutation status of R526G, The gene RABEP1 has a mutation status of G164D K752E, The gene RABGAP1 has a mutation status of R495C, The gene RABGAP1L has a mutation status of F660F, The gene RAD50 has a mutation status of S557H R1093* D1294N, The gene RAF1 has a mutation status of I419V, The gene RALA has a mutation status of R176*, The gene RANBP9 has a mutation status of K296N, The gene RAPGEF5 has a mutation status of M354I, The gene RAPGEF6 has a mutation status of R1041I, The gene RASA1 has a mutation status of E429*, The gene RASA2 has a mutation status of R310Q, The gene RASAL2 has a mutation status of L129L S615S, The gene RBBP7 has a mutation status of N342H, The gene RBL1 has a mutation status of E890*, The gene RBM4 has a mutation status of R19C R95*, The gene RBPJ has a mutation status of V405I, The gene RCAN1 has a mutation status of F117L, The gene RCL1 has a mutation status of I115T, The gene REL has a mutation status of K290E, The gene RELN has a mutation status of F2722L L2595I F2182L F2043C E1967*, The gene RET has a mutation status of I657S E1006D, The gene REV3L has a mutation status of L1673F R1584Q R273I, The gene RFC1 has a mutation status of R515I, The gene RFC4 has a mutation status of S171S, The gene RFC5 has a mutation status of R298Q, The gene RIPK2 has a mutation status of R123C, The gene RNF19A has a mutation status of T703T, The gene RNF213 has a mutation status of D2261Y D2717N, The gene RNF31 has a mutation status of E984*, The gene ROCK1 has a mutation status of D358N, The gene ROS1 has a mutation status of K1804N G1546E R466Q, The gene RPL22 has a mutation status of K89T, The gene RPS3A has a mutation status of F84L, The gene RRM2 has a mutation status of R298W, The gene RRM2B has a mutation status of F323L, The gene RTP4 has a mutation status of Q94H, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of R1016Q H1200H E3758D F3898L E4540K F4576L, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of A1311T L1875L I2062I P2533S E2570*, The gene SAMD9 has a mutation status of S1263Y D1218A P1183P F1017L I973I, The gene SAMD9L has a mutation status of K673T, The gene SAMHD1 has a mutation status of L89P, The gene SATB1 has a mutation status of R400I, The gene SCAF8 has a mutation status of R74Q D1161N, The gene SCGN has a mutation status of E109D, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of T1365T K414N, The gene SCN8A has a mutation status of F106C S158L R931* F1474F F1873F, The gene SCN9A has a mutation status of E1967D E498D I413M R277Q E203*, The gene SCP2 has a mutation status of H108N, The gene SCUBE2 has a mutation status of D272N, The gene SDCCAG8 has a mutation status of I613I, The gene SEC24D has a mutation status of R310Q, The gene SELENBP1 has a mutation status of R195Q, The gene SELP has a mutation status of R429W, The gene SEMA3C has a mutation status of K584R, The gene SEMA4D has a mutation status of N754D S178S, The gene SERBP1 has a mutation status of H212H, The gene SERINC1 has a mutation status of I434I, The gene SERPINA3 has a mutation status of D326N, The gene SERPINB2 has a mutation status of R143Q E316*, The gene SERPING1 has a mutation status of I174I, The gene SFMBT1 has a mutation status of K340N, The gene SFPQ has a mutation status of E385*, The gene SFRP1 has a mutation status of E215* E206K, The gene SFRP4 has a mutation status of R232Q R172C, The gene SGCB has a mutation status of D165Y, The gene SGMS2 has a mutation status of L192L, The gene SH2B1 has a mutation status of F528F, The gene SH2B3 has a mutation status of V464V, The gene SH3BGR has a mutation status of Q84H, The gene SHH has a mutation status of D83N, The gene SHMT1 has a mutation status of D438N, The gene SIDT1 has a mutation status of H178N D252A, The gene SIDT2 has a mutation status of F129L P683P, The gene SIPA1L1 has a mutation status of E1312K, The gene SIRT1 has a mutation status of E520*, The gene SKAP2 has a mutation status of S313Y, The gene SLAMF7 has a mutation status of R76C, The gene SLC11A2 has a mutation status of D440A, The gene SLC16A6 has a mutation status of F342F V73L L6V, The gene SLC16A7 has a mutation status of F267L, The gene SLC19A2 has a mutation status of I145T, The gene SLC20A1 has a mutation status of P593L, The gene SLC22A1 has a mutation status of K308N, The gene SLC22A5 has a mutation status of F174F, The gene SLC24A3 has a mutation status of V197V, The gene SLC25A13 has a mutation status of R585C, The gene SLC25A17 has a mutation status of A2T, The gene SLC27A5 has a mutation status of I428I, The gene SLC29A3 has a mutation status of S285L, The gene SLC2A3 has a mutation status of G179G, The gene SLC35A3 has a mutation status of G34*, The gene SLC39A6 has a mutation status of L357I, The gene SLC46A3 has a mutation status of R168Q F140C, The gene SLC4A1 has a mutation status of R344*, The gene SLC6A14 has a mutation status of D422A, The gene SLC6A3 has a mutation status of S190L N93K, The gene SLC7A2 has a mutation status of R282W, The gene SLIT1 has a mutation status of K563T, The gene SLIT2 has a mutation status of E1027D, The gene SMARCC1 has a mutation status of R491Q, The gene SMURF1 has a mutation status of R494Q, The gene SNAI2 has a mutation status of I28S, The gene SOCS2 has a mutation status of E98K, The gene SOCS5 has a mutation status of F142C R429Q, The gene SORBS1 has a mutation status of R731Q F570L S84N, The gene SORBS2 has a mutation status of D155N, The gene SORBS3 has a mutation status of R363Q, The gene SOX3 has a mutation status of R196C, The gene SPARCL1 has a mutation status of S282L, The gene SPATA6 has a mutation status of F313F, The gene SPC25 has a mutation status of A7T, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of A1135E R3196Q, The gene SPOCK1 has a mutation status of E219K, The gene SPOP has a mutation status of D140N, The gene SPRED2 has a mutation status of D143Y, The gene SPRR3 has a mutation status of Y146C, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of T2235A R1158W E868K R425L E149D D78N, The gene SPTAN1 has a mutation status of R1065H, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of F2014L I1608I R677C, The gene SPTBN1 has a mutation status of A343T D1411Y C2262C, The gene SREBF2 has a mutation status of E352K K639N, The gene SRPK1 has a mutation status of F478V, The gene SRSF6 has a mutation status of R145*, The gene SSH2 has a mutation status of S922*, The gene SSRP1 has a mutation status of N135D R22Q, The gene STAG1 has a mutation status of R766G R35I, The gene STAG3 has a mutation status of D342N, The gene STAT2 has a mutation status of F851L, The gene STAT4 has a mutation status of R297I, The gene STAU1 has a mutation status of E516K, The gene STEAP3 has a mutation status of I149S, The gene STK39 has a mutation status of E410K I347L R156Q, The gene STRBP has a mutation status of E71K, The gene STS has a mutation status of F230L L502L, The gene STX12 has a mutation status of D204Y, The gene STX5 has a mutation status of R121C, The gene SUCLA2 has a mutation status of E256*, The gene SUCLG1 has a mutation status of E241*, The gene SULT1B1 has a mutation status of D59Y, The gene SUPT5H has a mutation status of D118Y F840F, The gene SUPV3L1 has a mutation status of Y221*, The gene SVIL has a mutation status of I2156M E817K, The gene SYBU has a mutation status of E377K, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of R7999Q I7747V N7486D Q7399H E6719K R6053* A5199V K4559N F3821L V2560V I1285I L123I, The gene SYNJ1 has a mutation status of E1317* V862V R709Q F685F, The gene SYNJ2 has a mutation status of K1495N, The gene SYT13 has a mutation status of G197E, The gene SYTL2 has a mutation status of E29K, The gene TACR3 has a mutation status of S408S, The gene TAGLN has a mutation status of P84P, The gene TAT has a mutation status of D269N, The gene TBCD has a mutation status of G540S, The gene TCF7L2 has a mutation status of S509L, The gene TCHH has a mutation status of L634L R46W, The gene TDRD7 has a mutation status of N239H T453T R830C R1013Q, The gene TEKT2 has a mutation status of T261A, The gene TES has a mutation status of S226Y, The gene TEX15 has a mutation status of S2647Y Y2611Y L2139R I1992R E1603* S1435F S1236Y F1040L, The gene TFB2M has a mutation status of A347V, The gene TFCP2L1 has a mutation status of R237I, The gene TFPI has a mutation status of R285I, The gene TFPI2 has a mutation status of A33T, The gene TFRC has a mutation status of V392A, The gene TG has a mutation status of P215S D1382Y, The gene TGFBI has a mutation status of E679E, The gene TGFBR3 has a mutation status of D468Y, The gene THBS2 has a mutation status of T1085T, The gene TIAM1 has a mutation status of R460M K167E, The gene TIMP3 has a mutation status of T115M F172F, The gene TIPIN has a mutation status of K117N, The gene TLR2 has a mutation status of D219Y, The gene TLR3 has a mutation status of D857A, The gene TLR7 has a mutation status of L232I K647N H782Y, The gene TLR8 has a mutation status of S565*, The gene TMEM164 has a mutation status of E232K, The gene TMEM176A has a mutation status of G65G, The gene TMPRSS2 has a mutation status of E395*, The gene TNC has a mutation status of I744I F553V, The gene TNFAIP6 has a mutation status of L9F, The gene TNFAIP8 has a mutation status of R87M, The gene TNFRSF11B has a mutation status of T216M, The gene TNFRSF8 has a mutation status of R417W E455*, The gene TNFSF11 has a mutation status of F280L, The gene TNNT2 has a mutation status of R265Q, The gene TNNT3 has a mutation status of F67F, The gene TNRC6B has a mutation status of G393V R1115*, The gene TNS1 has a mutation status of E883D, The gene TOB1 has a mutation status of P46S, The gene TOP1 has a mutation status of F278L, The gene TOP2A has a mutation status of S1483L, The gene TOPBP1 has a mutation status of V777V, The gene TPH1 has a mutation status of E14G, The gene TPI1 has a mutation status of T213N, The gene TPX2 has a mutation status of K182N R496*, The gene TRAK2 has a mutation status of R176*, The gene TRIM10 has a mutation status of Q339H, The gene TRIM21 has a mutation status of R234* N71S, The gene TRIM33 has a mutation status of S694N, The gene TRIM5 has a mutation status of E204D, The gene TRIO has a mutation status of E211K R1276* L1950I E2074K, The gene TRIP10 has a mutation status of F213F, The gene TRO has a mutation status of E713E V937V F1377L, The gene TSSK2 has a mutation status of F56V, The gene TTK has a mutation status of D22Y S677R, The gene TTPA has a mutation status of R134Q L95L, The gene TUBA4A has a mutation status of R123C, The gene TUBGCP3 has a mutation status of R803Q R619Q Q479P, The gene TUBGCP5 has a mutation status of I68I, The gene TXNRD1 has a mutation status of L40L, The gene TYK2 has a mutation status of S559S, The gene TYR has a mutation status of F269V, The gene UBC has a mutation status of L451F, The gene UCHL5 has a mutation status of R280I, The gene UNC119 has a mutation status of R160H, The gene UNC13B has a mutation status of T626A D922G, The gene UQCRC2 has a mutation status of Y14D K159Q, The gene USP12 has a mutation status of F128L, The gene USP15 has a mutation status of T297A, The gene USP16 has a mutation status of L581V S687Y, The gene USP18 has a mutation status of D33Y, The gene USP8 has a mutation status of E492D, The gene UTP20 has a mutation status of F431L F1574F L2359L, The gene VBP1 has a mutation status of K146N, The gene VCAM1 has a mutation status of E667*, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of K533N F721L G3102D, The gene VDAC3 has a mutation status of P105P, The gene VDR has a mutation status of R158C, The gene VIP has a mutation status of D118Y, The gene VLDLR has a mutation status of D141G, The gene VPS45 has a mutation status of I69S, The gene VWF has a mutation status of V1537I C265Y, The gene WDR1 has a mutation status of F173L, The gene WIPI1 has a mutation status of P58L, The gene WLS has a mutation status of S520L, The gene WNK4 has a mutation status of S242S, The gene WNT16 has a mutation status of R312C, The gene WRN has a mutation status of D322Y, The gene WWP1 has a mutation status of D675N, The gene XPC has a mutation status of R293Q, The gene XPNPEP1 has a mutation status of E68K, The gene XPO1 has a mutation status of E571K, The gene XPO7 has a mutation status of R558C, The gene XRCC6 has a mutation status of D266Y, The gene YTHDC1 has a mutation status of D541Y R116H, The gene YWHAB has a mutation status of S145S, The gene ZAP70 has a mutation status of E553K R594*, The gene ZBTB10 has a mutation status of V312V F584C, The gene ZC3H14 has a mutation status of S135L, The gene ZEB1 has a mutation status of L532I, The gene ZFPM2 has a mutation status of A432A, The gene ZNF112 has a mutation status of K862T L318L, The gene ZNF292 has a mutation status of E1936* K2344N, The gene ZNFX1 has a mutation status of F1111L, The gene ZW10 has a mutation status of E529G
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene ADAM8 has a mutation status of N494N, The gene ALDH18A1 has a mutation status of A184A, The gene ATXN2 has a mutation status of Q1160*, The gene CBFA2T3 has a mutation status of E518K, The gene CHAF1A has a mutation status of P303Q, The gene CYP46A1 has a mutation status of R138Q, The gene DOCK2 has a mutation status of R1800R, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of G63K, The gene ESPL1 has a mutation status of G72G, The gene FOXJ2 has a mutation status of S424G, The gene HES1 has a mutation status of Y155S, The gene LAMC1 has a mutation status of A1201T, The gene MYH9 has a mutation status of A1360T, The gene PLEKHG2 has a mutation status of A760T, The gene ST14 has a mutation status of R607W, The gene VNN1 has a mutation status of F431F
The cancer type is SKCM. The gene A2M has a mutation status of I175F, The gene ABCA2 has a mutation status of R1688C, The gene ABCA6 has a mutation status of R1227Q, The gene ABL1 has a mutation status of V797V, The gene ACE has a mutation status of D926N, The gene ACHE has a mutation status of E481K, The gene ACSL3 has a mutation status of P524L, The gene ACTC1 has a mutation status of I77I, The gene ADAM15 has a mutation status of F249F, The gene ADH4 has a mutation status of I66I, The gene ADRA2B has a mutation status of S218S, The gene AFAP1L2 has a mutation status of D200N, The gene AKR1B10 has a mutation status of L97F, The gene AKT1S1 has a mutation status of T166I, The gene ALB has a mutation status of F43F, The gene ALDH2 has a mutation status of G498E, The gene ALOX15B has a mutation status of K43K, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of S1015F F1276F, The gene ANPEP has a mutation status of S341L, The gene APAF1 has a mutation status of V1205V, The gene ARHGAP29 has a mutation status of G961E N797D, The gene ARHGAP4 has a mutation status of S217F, The gene ARHGEF6 has a mutation status of E467K, The gene ATP6V0A1 has a mutation status of S619F, The gene BCL6 has a mutation status of F555F, The gene BMP1 has a mutation status of H959Y, The gene BMP2K has a mutation status of K375K, The gene BRAF has a mutation status of G469R, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of F883F, The gene BRMS1L has a mutation status of T73I, The gene CA2 has a mutation status of *261* K45E, The gene CAMK2B has a mutation status of R633C, The gene CAPZB has a mutation status of A165V, The gene CBS has a mutation status of D129N, The gene CCL11 has a mutation status of W80*, The gene CCT3 has a mutation status of L402L, The gene CD209 has a mutation status of S333L, The gene CDC5L has a mutation status of E150K, The gene CDH11 has a mutation status of L767L, The gene CDH16 has a mutation status of S593S, The gene CDH4 has a mutation status of S224F, The gene CDK7 has a mutation status of P301S, The gene CDO1 has a mutation status of V33M, The gene CELSR1 has a mutation status of P923L, The gene CENPJ has a mutation status of A1293V, The gene CFHR2 has a mutation status of P152F, The gene CFI has a mutation status of T560T, The gene CHRM4 has a mutation status of S15S, The gene CIDEA has a mutation status of G214N, The gene CLTC has a mutation status of L463L, The gene CLU has a mutation status of F124I, The gene CMTR1 has a mutation status of P757P, The gene COL4A1 has a mutation status of G200E, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of G456R, The gene COL5A2 has a mutation status of A83V, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of G1265D, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of R843Q E1768K, The gene COL9A1 has a mutation status of P366S, The gene COPA has a mutation status of R467*, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of E422K, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of I416V, The gene CRLF2 has a mutation status of R215W, The gene CRMP1 has a mutation status of F164F, The gene CSF1 has a mutation status of L119L, The gene CXCL6 has a mutation status of P94S, The gene CYFIP1 has a mutation status of P742L, The gene CYFIP2 has a mutation status of E905V, The gene CYP4F11 has a mutation status of Q238Q, The gene DCBLD2 has a mutation status of V111A, The gene DCC has a mutation status of S1202N, The gene DCP2 has a mutation status of P206S, The gene DMD has a mutation status of R2348R D1832N, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of V749V, The gene DPYD has a mutation status of E1012K D96N, The gene DSC2 has a mutation status of P514L, The gene DSC3 has a mutation status of P827S, The gene EDN1 has a mutation status of E128K, The gene EGF has a mutation status of D864N, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of I715I, The gene EIF4H has a mutation status of D90N, The gene ELN has a mutation status of L715L, The gene ENPEP has a mutation status of E815K, The gene EPHB3 has a mutation status of M752I, The gene ERN1 has a mutation status of I705I, The gene FBLN2 has a mutation status of E186K, The gene FCGR1A has a mutation status of G300E, The gene FEN1 has a mutation status of L275L, The gene FGA has a mutation status of T357T, The gene FGF9 has a mutation status of G113E, The gene FMO1 has a mutation status of G9E, The gene FOXC2 has a mutation status of T499T, The gene GABRA3 has a mutation status of K418T, The gene GATA1 has a mutation status of P401S, The gene GFPT2 has a mutation status of R160K, The gene GNAS has a mutation status of P552L, The gene GP1BA has a mutation status of I51I, The gene GPC4 has a mutation status of S402F, The gene GPHN has a mutation status of E536E, The gene GZMK has a mutation status of L218L, The gene HADHB has a mutation status of P413L, The gene HAO1 has a mutation status of L54L, The gene HAS1 has a mutation status of F414F, The gene HERC3 has a mutation status of P456S, The gene HGF has a mutation status of S165S, The gene HIRA has a mutation status of R999*, The gene HLA-DMA has a mutation status of G170R G93R, The gene HLA-G has a mutation status of G131E, The gene HR has a mutation status of F1175F, The gene HSD11B1 has a mutation status of G248E, The gene HSD3B7 has a mutation status of P160L, The gene HSPA4 has a mutation status of L432F, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of S3906S, The gene IFNG has a mutation status of W59*, The gene IGSF1 has a mutation status of Y294Y, The gene IGSF3 has a mutation status of E1019D, The gene INCENP has a mutation status of S894F, The gene IRS2 has a mutation status of P333fs, The gene ITGA4 has a mutation status of D522N, The gene ITGAE has a mutation status of S328F, The gene ITGB1BP2 has a mutation status of E127K, The gene ITGB4 has a mutation status of K915K, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of E981K, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of V191V, The gene KLKB1 has a mutation status of H158Y, The gene KRT31 has a mutation status of T147T, The gene L3MBTL4 has a mutation status of D126N, The gene LALBA has a mutation status of L71L, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of R1331C A2244V, The gene LCK has a mutation status of P440S, The gene LUC7L3 has a mutation status of I200fs, The gene LUM has a mutation status of R74R, The gene LY75 has a mutation status of W382*, The gene LYSMD2 has a mutation status of S201N, The gene MAOB has a mutation status of F185F, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of E864K, The gene MARK3 has a mutation status of P273L, The gene MASP2 has a mutation status of S209F, The gene MCM4 has a mutation status of L543F, The gene MCM7 has a mutation status of R150W, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of K480K, The gene MEP1A has a mutation status of I739I, The gene MGLL has a mutation status of V143I, The gene MIOX has a mutation status of R14R, The gene MMP2 has a mutation status of W541*, The gene MOV10 has a mutation status of 142_143RL>RL, The gene MPP1 has a mutation status of S37L, The gene MSR1 has a mutation status of P286S E122E, The gene MSX1 has a mutation status of P277L, The gene MTHFD2L has a mutation status of L340L, The gene MTMR10 has a mutation status of S507Y, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of M1016I F492F M1745I, The gene MYH8 has a mutation status of E878K I1579I, The gene NCAN has a mutation status of P1218S, The gene NCOR2 has a mutation status of S261F, The gene NDUFV1 has a mutation status of L314L, The gene NGLY1 has a mutation status of R258S, The gene NID2 has a mutation status of G418E T115T, The gene NLRP3 has a mutation status of F650F, The gene NMT1 has a mutation status of H313Y, The gene NOS1 has a mutation status of E283K, The gene NOTCH2 has a mutation status of C1235C, The gene NOTCH4 has a mutation status of P521L, The gene NPR2 has a mutation status of E281K, The gene NPTXR has a mutation status of A438V P474L, The gene NR4A3 has a mutation status of T144T, The gene NRAP has a mutation status of R215Q, The gene OSMR has a mutation status of P124S A668T G83G, The gene OXA1L has a mutation status of P58S, The gene PAK4 has a mutation status of P259S, The gene PAM has a mutation status of G516E, The gene PDE4DIP has a mutation status of G1893S S1595F E1036K, The gene PDLIM4 has a mutation status of P227L, The gene PDX1 has a mutation status of S231F, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of V1399M E1352K, The gene PIPOX has a mutation status of L209L, The gene PKD1 has a mutation status of G960G S961*, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of P81L, The gene PKLR has a mutation status of M377I, The gene PLA2G4A has a mutation status of E589E, The gene PLCB1 has a mutation status of E279K, The gene PLCB4 has a mutation status of S691F, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of 4510_4511AL>AL, The gene PLEKHG2 has a mutation status of P451L H244Y, The gene POLD1 has a mutation status of K807K, The gene POLG2 has a mutation status of V332A, The gene PPRC1 has a mutation status of P175Q, The gene PRAF2 has a mutation status of S19L, The gene PRKAA2 has a mutation status of D315N, The gene PROS1 has a mutation status of S369S, The gene PRSS23 has a mutation status of L14L, The gene PSEN2 has a mutation status of F289F, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of Y29S, The gene PTGFR has a mutation status of G80S, The gene PTPRC has a mutation status of E351K, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of E390K E1832E, The gene PTPRR has a mutation status of G612E, The gene RAD9A has a mutation status of S131F, The gene RBCK1 has a mutation status of M438T, The gene RELN has a mutation status of L1980L M3398I, The gene REV3L has a mutation status of I224M, The gene RHAG has a mutation status of L22I, The gene RHOB has a mutation status of K6K, The gene RNF19B has a mutation status of P635N, The gene RNF4 has a mutation status of I180I, The gene ROS1 has a mutation status of E2298K, The gene RPS6KA3 has a mutation status of I679I, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of P3475P D4808N, The gene SAMD9L has a mutation status of S79S, The gene SCAMP3 has a mutation status of P77L, The gene SEC31A has a mutation status of R254C, The gene SFRP1 has a mutation status of K274K, The gene SGMS2 has a mutation status of T53T, The gene SIPA1L1 has a mutation status of E1774E, The gene SLC25A12 has a mutation status of Q155*, The gene SLC27A5 has a mutation status of Y432C, The gene SLC46A3 has a mutation status of R377C, The gene SLC6A14 has a mutation status of P406L G377E, The gene SLIT3 has a mutation status of G373R, The gene SMAD3 has a mutation status of P161L, The gene SNAP25 has a mutation status of E183K, The gene SNRPB has a mutation status of E75K, The gene SPRED2 has a mutation status of P169S, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of S1444L Q1129*, The gene SPTBN2 has a mutation status of E1063K, The gene SRSF6 has a mutation status of S326S, The gene STX16 has a mutation status of L184L, The gene SUN2 has a mutation status of K44K, The gene SYCP1 has a mutation status of E731K, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of E836K, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of P1716S, The gene TGFB2 has a mutation status of P119L, The gene TGFBRAP1 has a mutation status of L320H, The gene TH has a mutation status of D473N, The gene TJP1 has a mutation status of I574I, The gene TJP3 has a mutation status of S289L, The gene TKTL1 has a mutation status of K68E, The gene TLR3 has a mutation status of I668I, The gene TLR6 has a mutation status of V794V N214S, The gene TLR8 has a mutation status of E56K, The gene TMCC2 has a mutation status of P425P, The gene TMEM45A has a mutation status of R174W, The gene TNFRSF18 has a mutation status of P95S P95P, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of N662S, The gene TPH1 has a mutation status of E215K, The gene TRIM5 has a mutation status of R437C, The gene TSPYL2 has a mutation status of R402R, The gene TUBA4A has a mutation status of E415D, The gene USP8 has a mutation status of P703S, The gene VCAM1 has a mutation status of P55L, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of E1239K, The gene WFS1 has a mutation status of F884F, The gene WWP1 has a mutation status of T350I
The cancer type is STES. The gene A2M has a mutation status of D533D, The gene ABCA4 has a mutation status of C1140*, The gene ABCB1 has a mutation status of G54R, The gene ABCB4 has a mutation status of S339fs, The gene ABCC4 has a mutation status of I1219fs, The gene ABCD2 has a mutation status of E738K, The gene ABLIM1 has a mutation status of L617L, The gene ABR has a mutation status of V827I, The gene ACAT1 has a mutation status of S54fs, The gene ACOX3 has a mutation status of R328H, The gene ACVR2A has a mutation status of A344T K437fs, The gene ADAD1 has a mutation status of H536R, The gene ADAM19 has a mutation status of Q193R, The gene ADAM23 has a mutation status of HP778fs, The gene ADH7 has a mutation status of R324C, The gene AGL has a mutation status of K1302fs, The gene AIMP2 has a mutation status of T203M, The gene AKAP7 has a mutation status of K79fs, The gene AKT1 has a mutation status of G33D, The gene ALDOB has a mutation status of N169N, The gene ALOX12B has a mutation status of A504V, The gene ANKH has a mutation status of A143T, The gene APOH has a mutation status of P53L, The gene ATAD2 has a mutation status of F530fs, The gene ATP2A2 has a mutation status of P503S, The gene BIN1 has a mutation status of Q184fs, The gene BLVRA has a mutation status of K234N, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of Q1782fs, The gene BTRC has a mutation status of R187Q, The gene CACNA1B has a mutation status of R1140H, The gene CAP2 has a mutation status of S137S, The gene CCNA1 has a mutation status of T315T, The gene CCNT1 has a mutation status of A401V, The gene CCT7 has a mutation status of T371A L464L, The gene CDH11 has a mutation status of D596N A551T, The gene CDK8 has a mutation status of P434H, The gene CELSR1 has a mutation status of G615fs, The gene CELSR2 has a mutation status of P2214fs, The gene CENPE has a mutation status of S203F, The gene CFI has a mutation status of R336Q, The gene CIDEA has a mutation status of T184M, The gene CLASP1 has a mutation status of S1270S, The gene CLIP2 has a mutation status of S329S, The gene COL11A1 has a mutation status of G545fs, The gene COL12A1 has a mutation status of D2126D, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of G579R, The gene CORO1A has a mutation status of N154N, The gene COX10 has a mutation status of T304T, The gene CPEB2 has a mutation status of R439Q, The gene CRAT has a mutation status of G165fs, The gene CRMP1 has a mutation status of Y145H, The gene CSF3 has a mutation status of T31fs, The gene CTSC has a mutation status of K63fs, The gene CYP27A1 has a mutation status of R119W, The gene DCC has a mutation status of Q410H, The gene DENND5A has a mutation status of N1117S, The gene DGCR8 has a mutation status of P405L, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of G931R, The gene DLD has a mutation status of P317H, The gene DLG5 has a mutation status of P1173P, The gene DMTN has a mutation status of S92fs, The gene DST has a mutation status of G7140G, The gene DTX2 has a mutation status of I414I, The gene EDC4 has a mutation status of R1197H, The gene EDIL3 has a mutation status of R454R, The gene EEF2 has a mutation status of I46V, The gene EFNA1 has a mutation status of L11M, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of R574W, The gene ENO1 has a mutation status of T85A, The gene ESRP2 has a mutation status of N636K, The gene EWSR1 has a mutation status of R455fs, The gene EXOSC8 has a mutation status of D84E, The gene FAP has a mutation status of Y451C, The gene FASN has a mutation status of T898T, The gene FBLN2 has a mutation status of A1109T, The gene FETUB has a mutation status of S143fs, The gene FLNC has a mutation status of R2641Q, The gene FLOT2 has a mutation status of E48*, The gene FMOD has a mutation status of P310fs, The gene GAA has a mutation status of F564L, The gene GPD2 has a mutation status of C285C, The gene GPER1 has a mutation status of A174T, The gene GSR has a mutation status of K300fs, The gene GYS2 has a mutation status of L343V, The gene HCCS has a mutation status of N89I, The gene HDAC9 has a mutation status of S292P, The gene HELZ2 has a mutation status of R2206fs A1520A, The gene HEY2 has a mutation status of T228M, The gene HLA-G has a mutation status of A313V, The gene HMMR has a mutation status of K666fs, The gene HSD11B1 has a mutation status of V149fs, The gene HSP90B1 has a mutation status of E799fs, The gene HTR1B has a mutation status of S295S, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of E3184K, The gene ICAM5 has a mutation status of A360A, The gene IFI44 has a mutation status of G442fs, The gene IL2RG has a mutation status of S94L, The gene INPP5F has a mutation status of K155N, The gene IRF9 has a mutation status of P130P, The gene IRS1 has a mutation status of H598fs, The gene ITGA6 has a mutation status of TF225fs, The gene ITGAM has a mutation status of G796G, The gene ITGAV has a mutation status of R559fs, The gene ITIH5 has a mutation status of K673fs, The gene JAK1 has a mutation status of K860fs, The gene JAK2 has a mutation status of R133R, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of G1209A, The gene KCNMA1 has a mutation status of V353I, The gene KCNN1 has a mutation status of R425H, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of P411fs, The gene KHNYN has a mutation status of R485C, The gene KIF20B has a mutation status of I1547M, The gene KIF5C has a mutation status of R722Q, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of R5179H, The gene KNTC1 has a mutation status of E393K, The gene LAMA1 has a mutation status of G2159G, The gene LDLRAP1 has a mutation status of S202fs, The gene LIG3 has a mutation status of G552fs, The gene LONP2 has a mutation status of T252A, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of A2222V P4190fs, The gene MADCAM1 has a mutation status of P319L, The gene MAOB has a mutation status of G13fs, The gene MAP3K11 has a mutation status of R172H, The gene MARCO has a mutation status of K279E, The gene MAST2 has a mutation status of Q1278R L1630I, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of S408G, The gene MDM2 has a mutation status of P289fs, The gene MED13L has a mutation status of K1769K, The gene MET has a mutation status of A327T, The gene METTL3 has a mutation status of R295C, The gene MMP9 has a mutation status of N224N, The gene MOV10 has a mutation status of G719D, The gene MPP2 has a mutation status of P399L, The gene MPZL1 has a mutation status of A81G, The gene MRPL9 has a mutation status of G68fs, The gene MTHFD2 has a mutation status of R221C, The gene MYBL1 has a mutation status of N420fs, The gene NCL has a mutation status of E157D, The gene NCOA6 has a mutation status of P186fs, The gene NCOR2 has a mutation status of V699V, The gene NDUFB7 has a mutation status of R71H, The gene NFYA has a mutation status of V187fs, The gene NKD1 has a mutation status of P286fs, The gene NLRC5 has a mutation status of N1754N, The gene NOD2 has a mutation status of R439C, The gene NOLC1 has a mutation status of Q278fs, The gene NOTCH1 has a mutation status of DC1520fs E1294*, The gene NRIP2 has a mutation status of H78N, The gene PAXIP1 has a mutation status of F100fs, The gene PDLIM7 has a mutation status of Q432P, The gene PDX1 has a mutation status of G211G, The gene PER1 has a mutation status of P150P, The gene PHLDB1 has a mutation status of R494C, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of A314S, The gene PINK1 has a mutation status of E546D, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of F525L, The gene PLXNB1 has a mutation status of G179fs, The gene PML has a mutation status of L593I, The gene POR has a mutation status of A43fs, The gene PPFIA4 has a mutation status of E10fs, The gene PRDM1 has a mutation status of P565P, The gene PRG2 has a mutation status of C197Y, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of G1228fs, The gene PRNP has a mutation status of R25C, The gene PRSS36 has a mutation status of P815P L680fs, The gene PSMD1 has a mutation status of E114G, The gene PSMD12 has a mutation status of S389S, The gene PSME2 has a mutation status of C5R, The gene PTCH1 has a mutation status of P1202fs, The gene PTGDS has a mutation status of A99V, The gene REV3L has a mutation status of S1525C, The gene RNF19A has a mutation status of R401H, The gene RNF213 has a mutation status of L4934I, The gene RNF31 has a mutation status of R710W, The gene RPL22 has a mutation status of K16fs, The gene RPS6KA5 has a mutation status of S448fs, The gene RUNX1 has a mutation status of G190R, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of P234T, The gene SBNO2 has a mutation status of A316V, The gene SCARB1 has a mutation status of A309D, The gene SCUBE2 has a mutation status of R193M, The gene SEC14L1 has a mutation status of V555M, The gene SF3B3 has a mutation status of Q600L, The gene SIK1 has a mutation status of R344Q, The gene SLC29A1 has a mutation status of V456V, The gene SLC2A6 has a mutation status of A329V, The gene SOCS5 has a mutation status of R267G, The gene SORBS1 has a mutation status of R975Q, The gene SORBS2 has a mutation status of D848G, The gene SPEG has a mutation status of N1140I, The gene SQLE has a mutation status of G186V, The gene SRPK1 has a mutation status of R302fs, The gene SURF1 has a mutation status of S282fs, The gene SYMPK has a mutation status of L824L, The gene TAF1C has a mutation status of Q534fs, The gene TBC1D30 has a mutation status of M739T, The gene TCN2 has a mutation status of V295I, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of Y2347C, The gene TFRC has a mutation status of R719C, The gene TGFBR2 has a mutation status of E125fs, The gene TOMM22 has a mutation status of Q110Q, The gene TOPBP1 has a mutation status of F24fs, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R282W Y220C, The gene TRIM33 has a mutation status of I179R, The gene TSC2 has a mutation status of K1262E, The gene TUBGCP6 has a mutation status of G1757G G1757fs, The gene UBE2E1 has a mutation status of K30N, The gene UPF1 has a mutation status of P583H, The gene VAV2 has a mutation status of R114R, The gene VCAM1 has a mutation status of L400I, The gene VEGFC has a mutation status of Q194fs, The gene WRN has a mutation status of H113H, The gene ZEB1 has a mutation status of V675V, The gene ZW10 has a mutation status of A56V
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene DMD has a mutation status of A2061E, The gene EFEMP1 has a mutation status of L12L, The gene LAMA1 has a mutation status of A693S, The gene OCRL has a mutation status of K545N, The gene RNF123 has a mutation status of S1238F, The gene SHOX2 has a mutation status of P111P, The gene SIAH1 has a mutation status of T29A, The gene SKIL has a mutation status of K407E, The gene TMEM8B has a mutation status of G422C, The gene WSB1 has a mutation status of R312G, The gene XDH has a mutation status of K343M
The cancer type is LUSC. The gene ABCA1 has a mutation status of K1522N, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of E3441A, The gene ALOX12B has a mutation status of P522P, The gene AMOT has a mutation status of G1072*, The gene ANO1 has a mutation status of W509L, The gene APC has a mutation status of L1393I, The gene ARHGEF11 has a mutation status of S1018C, The gene CAP1 has a mutation status of I138T, The gene CBL has a mutation status of E111E, The gene CDKN2A has a mutation status of D108G, The gene CLDN9 has a mutation status of G207C, The gene COL12A1 has a mutation status of T2740K, The gene COX6B1 has a mutation status of M5I, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of H2384Q, The gene CTTN has a mutation status of S417*, The gene DSC3 has a mutation status of V420V, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of Y1990*, The gene EIF3A has a mutation status of S751*, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of E1251D, The gene ELF1 has a mutation status of G265R, The gene ELL has a mutation status of A610T, The gene FGGY has a mutation status of Q480H, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of M1597I, The gene IL1R2 has a mutation status of D164D, The gene MAP4K1 has a mutation status of R541R R527R E519Q, The gene MBL2 has a mutation status of E21*, The gene MEP1B has a mutation status of I434T, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of D2632V, The gene NRP1 has a mutation status of K509N, The gene NUP205 has a mutation status of R1483*, The gene PNPT1 has a mutation status of A331A, The gene PRKAA2 has a mutation status of R72H, The gene PRLR has a mutation status of E381K, The gene SLC6A14 has a mutation status of S290S, The gene SYNPO has a mutation status of L353L, The gene THBS2 has a mutation status of G1121A, The gene TNRC6B has a mutation status of S154*
The cancer type is PRAD. The gene CAD has a mutation status of I632M, The gene CCR2 has a mutation status of W198C, The gene CD8B has a mutation status of I113S, The gene ETV1 has a mutation status of F165F, The gene F8 has a mutation status of N1074fs, The gene MYH1 has a mutation status of A1607S, The gene PEX2 has a mutation status of T256I, The gene SPOP has a mutation status of Y87S
The cancer type is SKCM. The gene ACSL5 has a mutation status of P247L, The gene ADAMDEC1 has a mutation status of E112K, The gene ADCY2 has a mutation status of S428F, The gene ALDH3A2 has a mutation status of Q176R, The gene ALDH6A1 has a mutation status of G493A, The gene ALOX15B has a mutation status of F309F, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of L1389F, The gene ARRB2 has a mutation status of G287S, The gene ATF1 has a mutation status of G22E, The gene ATF4 has a mutation status of S50S, The gene ATP2B1 has a mutation status of T97T, The gene ATRN has a mutation status of S672L, The gene AUH has a mutation status of K122N, The gene BBOX1 has a mutation status of F86F, The gene BCAR3 has a mutation status of S78F, The gene BDKRB1 has a mutation status of L109L, The gene C5AR1 has a mutation status of G210G, The gene CACNA1A has a mutation status of L462L, The gene CACNA1F has a mutation status of F1917F G1050E, The gene CBFA2T3 has a mutation status of L206L, The gene CCK has a mutation status of R76Q, The gene CD96 has a mutation status of E24D, The gene CDH11 has a mutation status of E162K, The gene CDH13 has a mutation status of G186R T670T, The gene CDH6 has a mutation status of E603K, The gene CHST4 has a mutation status of S288F, The gene COL3A1 has a mutation status of P1090P, The gene COL4A2 has a mutation status of G1632E F1684L, The gene COL5A3 has a mutation status of P1146S, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of P80S, The gene CUL4A has a mutation status of V413M, The gene CYFIP2 has a mutation status of E359K F1126F, The gene CYP4F11 has a mutation status of A521A, The gene DCAF11 has a mutation status of S388S, The gene DDX39A has a mutation status of S152F, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of H848Y, The gene DYRK2 has a mutation status of P506L, The gene EFHD1 has a mutation status of E206K, The gene ENPP1 has a mutation status of I820I, The gene ENTPD5 has a mutation status of S325S, The gene ETS2 has a mutation status of P41S, The gene EXOSC9 has a mutation status of P177S, The gene F10 has a mutation status of G173G, The gene F13B has a mutation status of T496T, The gene F2 has a mutation status of A194A, The gene F5 has a mutation status of P1042S, The gene FBLN2 has a mutation status of C869C, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of C1663C, The gene FCGR1A has a mutation status of G117E, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of E949E, The gene FOXA2 has a mutation status of G52S, The gene GABRA3 has a mutation status of I398I, The gene GLDC has a mutation status of R216R, The gene GPAM has a mutation status of F313F, The gene GPC4 has a mutation status of E372*, The gene GUSB has a mutation status of L214L, The gene GZMK has a mutation status of P78L, The gene HADHB has a mutation status of H225H, The gene HK1 has a mutation status of N287N, The gene HLA-DRA has a mutation status of R75Q, The gene HSD11B1 has a mutation status of T92P, The gene HSD3B1 has a mutation status of L206L, The gene IL18R1 has a mutation status of E243K E253K, The gene IL18RAP has a mutation status of P102S, The gene IL1R1 has a mutation status of E491K, The gene IL2RG has a mutation status of G20A, The gene IPO4 has a mutation status of F296F, The gene ITGB7 has a mutation status of S780K, The gene KAT2A has a mutation status of S361S, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of S858S, The gene KIT has a mutation status of P363S, The gene LAMA2 has a mutation status of D1688N, The gene LAYN has a mutation status of H155Y, The gene LTBP1 has a mutation status of M947I, The gene MAF has a mutation status of R339C, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of D1752N, The gene MATN2 has a mutation status of G735E, The gene MCM2 has a mutation status of P525L, The gene MEF2C has a mutation status of R457K, The gene METTL7B has a mutation status of G181E, The gene MXRA5 has a mutation status of L2234F, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of L305L, The gene MYL3 has a mutation status of F133F, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of K94K, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of S19S, The gene NFE2L2 has a mutation status of G345S, The gene NOTCH4 has a mutation status of P1966L, The gene NPC1 has a mutation status of S809S, The gene NPTX2 has a mutation status of I351I, The gene NR3C2 has a mutation status of S246F, The gene NUB1 has a mutation status of L591L, The gene PARP14 has a mutation status of F57F, The gene PCK1 has a mutation status of D186N L552L, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of P2592L G564R, The gene PDHB has a mutation status of E48*, The gene PDLIM1 has a mutation status of P184L, The gene PEG3 has a mutation status of R819C, The gene PICK1 has a mutation status of E96*, The gene PLCL1 has a mutation status of N1008D, The gene PLEK has a mutation status of F241F, The gene PSMD3 has a mutation status of F361F, The gene PTGER2 has a mutation status of S63F, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of M467I R561Q, The gene QSOX1 has a mutation status of F234F, The gene RABGAP1L has a mutation status of R584C, The gene RET has a mutation status of A741T, The gene RRP12 has a mutation status of R1106W, The gene RYR2 has a mutation status of G2289W E2169K S1398R, The gene SELP has a mutation status of P626S, The gene SIT1 has a mutation status of S37S, The gene SLAMF7 has a mutation status of G68D, The gene SLC22A1 has a mutation status of R402S, The gene SLC24A3 has a mutation status of I487I, The gene SLC5A5 has a mutation status of R516Q, The gene SLPI has a mutation status of C57G, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of V146I, The gene ST8SIA4 has a mutation status of H315Y, The gene TENM2 has a mutation status of P1264P, The gene TG has a mutation status of F501F, The gene TJP3 has a mutation status of L745L, The gene TSC2 has a mutation status of P768L M1326I, The gene TYK2 has a mutation status of S522F, The gene UPF1 has a mutation status of V701G, The gene ZNF277 has a mutation status of D16N
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ABCB7 has a mutation status of R711H, The gene ALDOA has a mutation status of K111R, The gene CACNA1A has a mutation status of V1376I, The gene CELSR2 has a mutation status of R2060R, The gene COL16A1 has a mutation status of R811Q, The gene CTSF has a mutation status of G73G, The gene GDA has a mutation status of I298T, The gene HAS1 has a mutation status of E150K, The gene IL1R2 has a mutation status of V165M, The gene ITGB4 has a mutation status of T393T, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of D1729G, The gene NR0B2 has a mutation status of S27S, The gene RAF1 has a mutation status of I28T, The gene SERPINA10 has a mutation status of R154H, The gene SLC25A5 has a mutation status of F82I, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of G293G, The gene STARD7 has a mutation status of R154W, The gene TAL1 has a mutation status of T256N, The gene TPH1 has a mutation status of L345P, The gene USP8 has a mutation status of L776P, The gene VAPA has a mutation status of P212P
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene ACVR1B has a mutation status of V323M R484L, The gene ADAM17 has a mutation status of N103N, The gene AGL has a mutation status of T625K, The gene AGO2 has a mutation status of P489S, The gene AKAP12 has a mutation status of E1645D, The gene ALMS1 has a mutation status of E3920A, The gene ARPP21 has a mutation status of Q87*, The gene C3AR1 has a mutation status of W88*, The gene CAPN3 has a mutation status of R493W, The gene CCNL1 has a mutation status of R431C, The gene CDH4 has a mutation status of H808Y, The gene COPB1 has a mutation status of I198V, The gene CR1 has a mutation status of A2404A, The gene CROCC has a mutation status of E796K, The gene CTNND1 has a mutation status of R820*, The gene CYP4F11 has a mutation status of V301V, The gene DHCR7 has a mutation status of P329P, The gene E2F1 has a mutation status of R166H, The gene ENTPD7 has a mutation status of R434H, The gene EXOC2 has a mutation status of S817F, The gene FLNA has a mutation status of R1831W, The gene GALK1 has a mutation status of S205S, The gene GREB1 has a mutation status of R312C, The gene GSTO1 has a mutation status of L157P, The gene HDAC5 has a mutation status of I932I, The gene IGFBP2 has a mutation status of R280C, The gene IL17RB has a mutation status of M167I, The gene IL9R has a mutation status of W326G, The gene IRF2 has a mutation status of S228F, The gene KCNH2 has a mutation status of R1134*, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of R70H, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of P2570T, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of G311R, The gene LRIG1 has a mutation status of A254A, The gene MAPRE3 has a mutation status of R130Q, The gene MCM5 has a mutation status of G592R, The gene MPI has a mutation status of D131N, The gene MSH2 has a mutation status of T724T, The gene MYB has a mutation status of S257G, The gene NFASC has a mutation status of A594T, The gene NOTCH1 has a mutation status of C144C, The gene PES1 has a mutation status of Y227Y, The gene PLCB1 has a mutation status of V1125L, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of H2996H, The gene PLXNB2 has a mutation status of A1780A, The gene PTAFR has a mutation status of V75I, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of P96A, The gene PTPN14 has a mutation status of E626K, The gene PTPN21 has a mutation status of V603M, The gene RASAL2 has a mutation status of L517M, The gene RNF213 has a mutation status of V4073V, The gene SESN1 has a mutation status of T232I, The gene SMS has a mutation status of C347C, The gene SMURF1 has a mutation status of A665V, The gene SOX3 has a mutation status of P142T, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of W2002G, The gene SREBF2 has a mutation status of R773W, The gene STC2 has a mutation status of A237T, The gene STEAP4 has a mutation status of R272Q, The gene SWAP70 has a mutation status of EE572fs, The gene TBCD has a mutation status of A735T, The gene TEAD4 has a mutation status of R77Q, The gene TNPO2 has a mutation status of N814N, The gene TOP2A has a mutation status of L1016S, The gene USP15 has a mutation status of R429*, The gene WWP1 has a mutation status of R595H, The gene ZFP36L1 has a mutation status of S81fs
The cancer type is LAML. The gene PRPF3 has a mutation status of I373T, The gene SMC1A has a mutation status of R96H, The gene TRA2B has a mutation status of R74G
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ABCE1 has a mutation status of Y290C, The gene FLT4 has a mutation status of T287A, The gene MARCO has a mutation status of L463M, The gene MED24 has a mutation status of G258S E234Q E193D, The gene NQO2 has a mutation status of S190T, The gene PRDM1 has a mutation status of E31K, The gene RAP1GDS1 has a mutation status of I505M, The gene TANK has a mutation status of A192V
The cancer type is GBMLGG. The gene BACH1 has a mutation status of L456fs, The gene BCR has a mutation status of S876S, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of E84V, The gene HSPA13 has a mutation status of G227G, The gene KIF1B has a mutation status of T915M, The gene PGM3 has a mutation status of Q333K, The gene PSMC6 has a mutation status of E44G, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of P248fs, The gene RNF19A has a mutation status of R276C
The cancer type is OV. The gene APC has a mutation status of L852S, The gene CLP1 has a mutation status of V65V, The gene COPB1 has a mutation status of T468T, The gene GRB2 has a mutation status of V185V, The gene ITPR2 has a mutation status of I405V, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of N1524D, The gene KLK7 has a mutation status of C211*, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of S163S, The gene LAMA4 has a mutation status of S971S, The gene MTCH2 has a mutation status of G81G, The gene PKIA has a mutation status of T17T, The gene PPOX has a mutation status of T145I, The gene RRAD has a mutation status of F281L, The gene TGM2 has a mutation status of L567L, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of C124fs, The gene TRAF1 has a mutation status of F265V, The gene XPO7 has a mutation status of R812C
The cancer type is STES. The gene ABCC8 has a mutation status of L1466L, The gene ADAM23 has a mutation status of K605E, The gene COCH has a mutation status of V272L, The gene DCT has a mutation status of D291D, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of A1201A, The gene EIF2S3 has a mutation status of H65Y, The gene ESPL1 has a mutation status of E563*, The gene GTF2A2 has a mutation status of V75E, The gene HTATIP2 has a mutation status of S20S, The gene KCNJ8 has a mutation status of C353Y, The gene KRT13 has a mutation status of S440F, The gene LRRC15 has a mutation status of R435C, The gene MARCO has a mutation status of L70L, The gene MIOX has a mutation status of F207L, The gene NOTCH1 has a mutation status of N304fs, The gene PLG has a mutation status of T359M, The gene PRKG2 has a mutation status of T386K, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of L840I, The gene SCUBE1 has a mutation status of R506Q, The gene SLCO1A2 has a mutation status of F189S, The gene SRPK1 has a mutation status of DS412fs, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of P278H
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene CD8B has a mutation status of H17H, The gene GATA3 has a mutation status of K346*, The gene GUSB has a mutation status of Y320C, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of A814T, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of P366R D939G
The cancer type is PRAD. The gene AAAS has a mutation status of P130H, The gene ABCA4 has a mutation status of P868T, The gene ABCB11 has a mutation status of G278V, The gene ABCG8 has a mutation status of G421V, The gene ABHD2 has a mutation status of P197P, The gene ACKR1 has a mutation status of P301P, The gene ACRV1 has a mutation status of G171V, The gene ACSM3 has a mutation status of G460V, The gene ADAM12 has a mutation status of P700H P320T, The gene ADD1 has a mutation status of P646T, The gene AGGF1 has a mutation status of P496H, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of P4767T P3089T R2490S P2335T P2035T, The gene AKAP13 has a mutation status of L2461M, The gene ALAS1 has a mutation status of P373H, The gene ALDH18A1 has a mutation status of G766W, The gene ALDH1A2 has a mutation status of R85C, The gene ANXA13 has a mutation status of G282W, The gene ARFGEF1 has a mutation status of G263V, The gene ARID5B has a mutation status of P459T, The gene ATL2 has a mutation status of P334T, The gene ATP1A1 has a mutation status of G188V P283T, The gene ATP1A3 has a mutation status of K184N, The gene ATP2A2 has a mutation status of K460N, The gene ATXN2 has a mutation status of P1240Q, The gene AVL9 has a mutation status of P38P, The gene BAZ2A has a mutation status of R1069S, The gene BCAM has a mutation status of P55T, The gene BEST1 has a mutation status of P471P, The gene BPNT1 has a mutation status of G73V, The gene BRAF has a mutation status of G758V, The gene CANT1 has a mutation status of G152V, The gene CBX5 has a mutation status of R115R, The gene CD48 has a mutation status of G167V, The gene CD74 has a mutation status of G160W, The gene CDC34 has a mutation status of L130I, The gene CDC45 has a mutation status of V507V, The gene CDH2 has a mutation status of P618H, The gene CEP72 has a mutation status of P299T, The gene CNOT4 has a mutation status of P698T, The gene CNTROB has a mutation status of P859P, The gene COL12A1 has a mutation status of G876W, The gene COL1A1 has a mutation status of D1211N, The gene COL3A1 has a mutation status of K662N, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of P1922H P1687H, The gene COPA has a mutation status of P1165H G685W, The gene CORO1A has a mutation status of P91Q, The gene CPEB3 has a mutation status of P547H, The gene CSF1 has a mutation status of P436P, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of G397W, The gene DCLRE1B has a mutation status of R498S, The gene DCP2 has a mutation status of E385D, The gene DDX18 has a mutation status of P167P, The gene DENND5A has a mutation status of G778W P693T, The gene DLG4 has a mutation status of P257P, The gene DNMBP has a mutation status of R480S, The gene DNMT1 has a mutation status of G789W, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of G440W, The gene DPYSL3 has a mutation status of L137M, The gene DST has a mutation status of G2324V, The gene DTNA has a mutation status of P503P, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of P1848H G3505V, The gene ECM2 has a mutation status of G243V P231T, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of P366Q, The gene ERRFI1 has a mutation status of P93P, The gene ESYT1 has a mutation status of G252V P475T P676H, The gene ETF1 has a mutation status of P373P, The gene EXOSC1 has a mutation status of V67V, The gene EXT2 has a mutation status of P309Q, The gene FBN2 has a mutation status of K1345N, The gene FGG has a mutation status of G429G, The gene FKBP14 has a mutation status of G45V, The gene G3BP1 has a mutation status of P8P, The gene GAA has a mutation status of V230L, The gene GFPT1 has a mutation status of P656P, The gene GGA2 has a mutation status of P204H, The gene GOLGA4 has a mutation status of M2187I, The gene GPHN has a mutation status of G572V, The gene GPR83 has a mutation status of P12H, The gene HAS2 has a mutation status of W463C, The gene HBB has a mutation status of K83N, The gene HDAC11 has a mutation status of P96H, The gene HLA-DMB has a mutation status of A166S, The gene HNRNPR has a mutation status of P200P, The gene HOXB1 has a mutation status of P33Q, The gene HSD17B11 has a mutation status of K81N, The gene IFIT1 has a mutation status of P205P, The gene IL12RB2 has a mutation status of P716T, The gene ILF3 has a mutation status of P861T, The gene INHBE has a mutation status of R125S, The gene INPPL1 has a mutation status of P1008T, The gene IPO7 has a mutation status of G76V, The gene ITSN1 has a mutation status of P1397T, The gene JAG1 has a mutation status of P1135H, The gene KLF4 has a mutation status of G452W, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of P5524P, The gene LAMA2 has a mutation status of G2339W L3109M, The gene LAMC2 has a mutation status of R78M, The gene LAP3 has a mutation status of P276P, The gene LAT2 has a mutation status of G122W, The gene LBR has a mutation status of P201T, The gene LIFR has a mutation status of G998V, The gene LPIN2 has a mutation status of P626P, The gene LRIG1 has a mutation status of G132W, The gene LSR has a mutation status of G228W, The gene LSS has a mutation status of G600W, The gene LTF has a mutation status of R243M, The gene LYN has a mutation status of L105I, The gene MADD has a mutation status of P215H G376V, The gene MAML1 has a mutation status of P420T, The gene MAPK9 has a mutation status of R192L, The gene MEIS2 has a mutation status of G389V, The gene MET has a mutation status of P1300T, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of P21P, The gene MMP1 has a mutation status of P361H, The gene MMP13 has a mutation status of L290I P275H, The gene MRPL40 has a mutation status of P170H, The gene MYO1E has a mutation status of W332C, The gene MYOM1 has a mutation status of G859W, The gene NAP1L1 has a mutation status of G365V, The gene NAV2 has a mutation status of G1445V P1882T, The gene NCAN has a mutation status of P433T, The gene NCAPD2 has a mutation status of P1342P, The gene NF2 has a mutation status of P252H, The gene NIN has a mutation status of T23T, The gene NNT has a mutation status of G512W, The gene NRAP has a mutation status of P141H, The gene NRP1 has a mutation status of G868V, The gene NRP2 has a mutation status of P46P, The gene NRXN2 has a mutation status of G788W, The gene ONECUT1 has a mutation status of P311Q, The gene P4HA1 has a mutation status of G295V, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of P3860P, The gene PDE4DIP has a mutation status of K1079N, The gene PECR has a mutation status of W216C, The gene PGM2 has a mutation status of G132W, The gene PHEX has a mutation status of L414I, The gene PHLDB1 has a mutation status of G629G, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of Q1228K, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of L3362L G2073V, The gene PLCB1 has a mutation status of P1183T, The gene PLOD1 has a mutation status of G440W, The gene POLE has a mutation status of P1157Q, The gene POLR3C has a mutation status of P283P, The gene PPP1R15B has a mutation status of Q69K, The gene PRKCB has a mutation status of P188H, The gene PRLR has a mutation status of P404H, The gene PROS1 has a mutation status of G308V, The gene PRSS3 has a mutation status of L109I, The gene PTAFR has a mutation status of P290H, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of G372V, The gene PTPRR has a mutation status of G351W, The gene PYGM has a mutation status of A130A, The gene RAB17 has a mutation status of P14T, The gene RABGAP1 has a mutation status of P442P, The gene RAD52 has a mutation status of E67D, The gene RAPGEFL1 has a mutation status of P423P, The gene RASA2 has a mutation status of P193H, The gene RBL1 has a mutation status of P1042T P610P, The gene RBPJ has a mutation status of G366V, The gene REL has a mutation status of G29W G379V, The gene RPE has a mutation status of G146W, The gene RPTOR has a mutation status of P308P, The gene RRM1 has a mutation status of P403T P518H, The gene RRP12 has a mutation status of P591P, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of P4083P, The gene SCD has a mutation status of P39P, The gene SCN8A has a mutation status of P737H, The gene SCN9A has a mutation status of P532T, The gene SDHA has a mutation status of P332T, The gene SELE has a mutation status of E463D, The gene SERPINA10 has a mutation status of K146N, The gene SHMT1 has a mutation status of P304P, The gene SIDT1 has a mutation status of P154P, The gene SLIT1 has a mutation status of G175V, The gene SMC4 has a mutation status of P851T, The gene SNRPG has a mutation status of P36P, The gene SPHK2 has a mutation status of V271V, The gene SPTB has a mutation status of G2143V, The gene SRPRB has a mutation status of L80R, The gene SSH2 has a mutation status of P1284T G935W, The gene STAB1 has a mutation status of P1120P, The gene STAT2 has a mutation status of G391W, The gene STAT3 has a mutation status of A651A, The gene STIL has a mutation status of G514W, The gene SYNCRIP has a mutation status of G549W, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of P2759P, The gene TACR3 has a mutation status of P415H, The gene TEKT2 has a mutation status of P205H, The gene TGM1 has a mutation status of R208L, The gene TLE3 has a mutation status of P157H, The gene TNFAIP2 has a mutation status of L650I, The gene TNFRSF4 has a mutation status of L116M, The gene TRAFD1 has a mutation status of P531T, The gene TRIM10 has a mutation status of P55T, The gene UBE2D1 has a mutation status of P118H, The gene USP1 has a mutation status of L208F, The gene VAV3 has a mutation status of P615P, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of P1406T, The gene VPS37B has a mutation status of P64P, The gene WDR33 has a mutation status of R1121M, The gene XPNPEP1 has a mutation status of P479T, The gene YBX2 has a mutation status of P352T, The gene ZFP36L1 has a mutation status of P286T, The gene ZFPM2 has a mutation status of P299H P1076P, The gene ZNF292 has a mutation status of E187D
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene AP3B1 has a mutation status of N444S, The gene APEX1 has a mutation status of G5A, The gene CD7 has a mutation status of A175fs, The gene CYP27A1 has a mutation status of N128N, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of K1020fs, The gene LAMB3 has a mutation status of R245H, The gene PDCD1 has a mutation status of V110M, The gene RUNX1 has a mutation status of D96fs, The gene SPOCK1 has a mutation status of V420M, The gene TNFSF15 has a mutation status of L140L, The gene TTC39B has a mutation status of C607C, The gene ZFPM2 has a mutation status of L528M
The cancer type is BRCA. The gene ABCC4 has a mutation status of L911P, The gene ADAM10 has a mutation status of I571S, The gene ANGPTL4 has a mutation status of E254D, The gene CCR2 has a mutation status of E235V, The gene COPA has a mutation status of I524V, The gene CRMP1 has a mutation status of I279V, The gene DOCK9 has a mutation status of V862V, The gene DTX4 has a mutation status of G268G, The gene DYRK3 has a mutation status of V240V, The gene EFNA3 has a mutation status of S216I, The gene EGF has a mutation status of R1195S, The gene F5 has a mutation status of R2215P, The gene FOSB has a mutation status of D328N, The gene GABBR1 has a mutation status of I408I E328*, The gene GAPVD1 has a mutation status of A1372P, The gene ITGB7 has a mutation status of E469D, The gene L1CAM has a mutation status of T536P, The gene MEP1B has a mutation status of Q631Q, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of F566L, The gene NNMT has a mutation status of T112T, The gene PCSK2 has a mutation status of E425K, The gene PDS5B has a mutation status of D285Y, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of R662L, The gene PLXNB1 has a mutation status of T1545I, The gene PSEN2 has a mutation status of R29H, The gene PSMB10 has a mutation status of L6P, The gene RAF1 has a mutation status of S605F, The gene SCARB1 has a mutation status of P186S, The gene SCN10A has a mutation status of A247S, The gene SCUBE1 has a mutation status of T244T, The gene SDC3 has a mutation status of G359D, The gene SIRT1 has a mutation status of D481N, The gene USP11 has a mutation status of V167F
The cancer type is LUSC. The gene ACKR1 has a mutation status of G240D, The gene ADAMTS5 has a mutation status of *931*, The gene AREG has a mutation status of Y33C, The gene BCL2A1 has a mutation status of T161S, The gene BRS3 has a mutation status of A49A, The gene CAPN9 has a mutation status of 355_356QG>H*, The gene CASP4 has a mutation status of R121fs, The gene CD3D has a mutation status of I55N, The gene CD8A has a mutation status of N49D, The gene CFLAR has a mutation status of L194L, The gene CLN8 has a mutation status of G183G, The gene COL17A1 has a mutation status of K581*, The gene COL5A3 has a mutation status of S1710C, The gene CP has a mutation status of N486N, The gene CR2 has a mutation status of P155P, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of G777G, The gene CYP7B1 has a mutation status of G481V I480L, The gene DAB2 has a mutation status of S332I, The gene DLC1 has a mutation status of V175I, The gene DOCK4 has a mutation status of W152C, The gene DYRK2 has a mutation status of D216V, The gene EGFR has a mutation status of L861Q, The gene EPB41L3 has a mutation status of A882E, The gene ERBB3 has a mutation status of R1120G, The gene EVI5 has a mutation status of T326T, The gene FBN2 has a mutation status of G1598E, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of P300T, The gene GAD2 has a mutation status of G243G, The gene GGH has a mutation status of P161L, The gene GP2 has a mutation status of W171R, The gene HDAC9 has a mutation status of K938N, The gene HK2 has a mutation status of R243L, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of G790G, The gene JAG2 has a mutation status of E576K, The gene KCNH1 has a mutation status of C667R, The gene LAMA2 has a mutation status of P1396P, The gene LAPTM5 has a mutation status of L96P, The gene LY75 has a mutation status of G128V, The gene MEF2A has a mutation status of P99S, The gene MEFV has a mutation status of S6G, The gene MPO has a mutation status of S340T, The gene MRPL34 has a mutation status of G65A, The gene MYH2 has a mutation status of I460M, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of R1479H, The gene NCAN has a mutation status of C1052*, The gene NFASC has a mutation status of A1057E, The gene NOTCH2 has a mutation status of P6fs, The gene NPC1 has a mutation status of I1126M, The gene NR1H4 has a mutation status of S31R, The gene NUFIP1 has a mutation status of Y441F, The gene NXF1 has a mutation status of E210K, The gene PARN has a mutation status of Y512Y, The gene PDLIM1 has a mutation status of T214T, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of G2951R, The gene PLCB4 has a mutation status of C424*, The gene PRLR has a mutation status of E485*, The gene SELP has a mutation status of C262Y, The gene SMTN has a mutation status of R58L, The gene SVIL has a mutation status of Y976*, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of 348_349LE>F*, The gene TPM3 has a mutation status of E178*, The gene TSPAN7 has a mutation status of R239R, The gene TSSK2 has a mutation status of E288fs, The gene TYRO3 has a mutation status of V260L, The gene VASP has a mutation status of Q37K I62I, The gene VAV2 has a mutation status of R304G A121A
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ACACA has a mutation status of Q1873R, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of P2054L, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of M2927I, The gene EXOSC7 has a mutation status of V242G, The gene HLA-C has a mutation status of V100E, The gene HRC has a mutation status of R298Q, The gene LCT has a mutation status of F453L, The gene MEIS2 has a mutation status of Q394H, The gene NLGN3 has a mutation status of G375G, The gene PFKP has a mutation status of G599G, The gene PPP4R2 has a mutation status of N128K, The gene PTPN14 has a mutation status of N647D, The gene RETSAT has a mutation status of S492F, The gene RYR1 has a mutation status of E438G, The gene SASS6 has a mutation status of E440Q, The gene SCAF4 has a mutation status of N1007N, The gene TKT has a mutation status of R318H, The gene TNP2 has a mutation status of S55S
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ABCA2 has a mutation status of G1383G Q261*, The gene AGRN has a mutation status of R1529C S504S, The gene AHNAK has a mutation status of S4986S, The gene AK2 has a mutation status of K181N, The gene ALG1 has a mutation status of D289D, The gene AMH has a mutation status of C55C, The gene APOBEC3G has a mutation status of R256H, The gene ARFGAP3 has a mutation status of R77*, The gene ARHGEF2 has a mutation status of P734L, The gene ARRB1 has a mutation status of V220I, The gene ATP2B1 has a mutation status of A1141T, The gene ATRX has a mutation status of R1661H, The gene BCL3 has a mutation status of P444L, The gene BIRC3 has a mutation status of S393G, The gene BRF2 has a mutation status of R71Q, The gene BSG has a mutation status of H169R, The gene BUB1 has a mutation status of S459P, The gene C1R has a mutation status of G545R, The gene CACNA1B has a mutation status of R1140C C490C, The gene CDC42BPA has a mutation status of V28A, The gene CDK6 has a mutation status of R220C, The gene CELSR1 has a mutation status of R1643Q, The gene CENPM has a mutation status of L100L, The gene CEP250 has a mutation status of E33A, The gene CHAF1A has a mutation status of P251P, The gene CHEK2 has a mutation status of R406H, The gene CHST3 has a mutation status of D458D, The gene CIT has a mutation status of T1540A, The gene CKB has a mutation status of D54D, The gene CLCN2 has a mutation status of R408H, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of Q1497H, The gene COX15 has a mutation status of R222H, The gene CPEB3 has a mutation status of P86P, The gene CPT1A has a mutation status of E611G, The gene CROCC has a mutation status of A655A, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of R212H, The gene CYFIP1 has a mutation status of R1110C, The gene DAB2 has a mutation status of P581P, The gene DCUN1D1 has a mutation status of S101S, The gene DDB1 has a mutation status of R567H, The gene DECR1 has a mutation status of A50V, The gene DGKG has a mutation status of R296C, The gene DLG1 has a mutation status of V793I, The gene DMTN has a mutation status of S16S, The gene DNMBP has a mutation status of R107*, The gene DNMT1 has a mutation status of Q1557R, The gene DOCK4 has a mutation status of P1900P, The gene DPYSL2 has a mutation status of P562P, The gene DST has a mutation status of T7109M, The gene DTNB has a mutation status of A276A, The gene DYRK2 has a mutation status of A499V, The gene EIF4G1 has a mutation status of T223T, The gene ENPP2 has a mutation status of G358R R247*, The gene ERBB3 has a mutation status of V89M, The gene ESPL1 has a mutation status of R161W Y1859Y, The gene F11 has a mutation status of E613K, The gene FAM120A has a mutation status of R1104H, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of S2832S A1728A, The gene FFAR2 has a mutation status of L291L, The gene FLT4 has a mutation status of R461Q, The gene GAL3ST1 has a mutation status of A157T, The gene GFPT1 has a mutation status of G196R, The gene GLCE has a mutation status of S44I, The gene GPR65 has a mutation status of R211Q, The gene GRB7 has a mutation status of R248C, The gene GRM8 has a mutation status of F777L, The gene GSTM2 has a mutation status of R78W, The gene GTF3C5 has a mutation status of T136T, The gene GYS1 has a mutation status of S593S, The gene HAS1 has a mutation status of G440G, The gene HDAC9 has a mutation status of T942I, The gene HELZ2 has a mutation status of R222W, The gene HGFAC has a mutation status of G239D, The gene HLA-B has a mutation status of P129P, The gene HOMER2 has a mutation status of N166S, The gene HOOK3 has a mutation status of T675A, The gene HR has a mutation status of R518W, The gene HS3ST1 has a mutation status of R42R, The gene HSPD1 has a mutation status of A450T, The gene HUWE1 has a mutation status of T1534M, The gene ICAM4 has a mutation status of A111T, The gene IGSF3 has a mutation status of R367H, The gene IKBKB has a mutation status of R606Q, The gene IL13RA1 has a mutation status of R340H, The gene IL1R1 has a mutation status of S299L, The gene IL2RA has a mutation status of C152C, The gene ILF3 has a mutation status of Y677Y, The gene INCENP has a mutation status of A386A, The gene ITGA7 has a mutation status of R592C, The gene ITGAE has a mutation status of L740L, The gene ITGB5 has a mutation status of V508M, The gene ITPR2 has a mutation status of T2258T, The gene ITSN1 has a mutation status of V1710A, The gene JAM3 has a mutation status of S36* S36Y, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of A44S, The gene KCNH2 has a mutation status of H703H, The gene KCNQ2 has a mutation status of T359T, The gene KDELR3 has a mutation status of R94C, The gene KIF18B has a mutation status of V787I, The gene KIF4A has a mutation status of R601C, The gene KRT15 has a mutation status of D190N, The gene KRT5 has a mutation status of C407C, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of G1837G, The gene LAT2 has a mutation status of R30C, The gene LCT has a mutation status of A1794V, The gene LIFR has a mutation status of K276K, The gene LONP1 has a mutation status of E342K, The gene LOXL2 has a mutation status of G540R V528M, The gene LPCAT3 has a mutation status of R233C, The gene LYPD3 has a mutation status of A334A, The gene MALL has a mutation status of A46S, The gene MAML1 has a mutation status of S261S, The gene MAP3K7 has a mutation status of R274C, The gene MAP4K1 has a mutation status of M553V, The gene MAST2 has a mutation status of T666M, The gene MATN2 has a mutation status of R128W, The gene MCM2 has a mutation status of A778V, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of R466W, The gene MICB has a mutation status of A300V, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of T2869M, The gene MMP1 has a mutation status of E201G, The gene MMP9 has a mutation status of P465P, The gene MRPS30 has a mutation status of R276W R230Q, The gene MYH11 has a mutation status of L1442L, The gene MYO15A has a mutation status of S2288L, The gene MYOF has a mutation status of R235R, The gene MYOM2 has a mutation status of R537H, The gene NCOA7 has a mutation status of A481A, The gene NDC80 has a mutation status of T571M, The gene NF1 has a mutation status of C1682R, The gene NIN has a mutation status of R151H, The gene NIPBL has a mutation status of E1959K P1151L, The gene NLRP3 has a mutation status of R157H, The gene NNT has a mutation status of A73A, The gene NOG has a mutation status of W217*, The gene NOP14 has a mutation status of L462L, The gene NOTCH3 has a mutation status of R640C, The gene NR3C1 has a mutation status of D742N, The gene NR4A1 has a mutation status of Q320Q, The gene NTHL1 has a mutation status of A213A, The gene NTRK3 has a mutation status of R814Q, The gene NUDT12 has a mutation status of N40N, The gene NUP205 has a mutation status of T1044M, The gene OAS1 has a mutation status of R130C, The gene OPRK1 has a mutation status of V164M, The gene OVOL2 has a mutation status of R132C, The gene PARP14 has a mutation status of H876H, The gene PBK has a mutation status of R130Q, The gene PCDH1 has a mutation status of R1143C, The gene PDE4DIP has a mutation status of S1411N, The gene PER1 has a mutation status of G1256G, The gene PIKFYVE has a mutation status of T1799I, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of G2748C, The gene PLCG1 has a mutation status of Y977C, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of G2951G, The gene PLIN2 has a mutation status of T120M, The gene PLXNB1 has a mutation status of R648C, The gene PLXNB2 has a mutation status of D1076D S523S, The gene PMEPA1 has a mutation status of A125T, The gene PML has a mutation status of Y339Y, The gene POLE has a mutation status of V437M, The gene POM121 has a mutation status of H904P, The gene POR has a mutation status of T91M, The gene PPAT has a mutation status of R248C, The gene PPM1B has a mutation status of R118H, The gene PPP4R2 has a mutation status of E76K, The gene PRDM1 has a mutation status of S405S, The gene PRDM2 has a mutation status of P978P, The gene PRKAG1 has a mutation status of R299Q, The gene PRKCB has a mutation status of H79R, The gene PRNP has a mutation status of V203I, The gene PRODH has a mutation status of A203T, The gene PSME2 has a mutation status of A13V, The gene PTGER4 has a mutation status of C207C, The gene PTPN21 has a mutation status of A614A, The gene PTPRD has a mutation status of T998T R540H, The gene QSOX1 has a mutation status of A93A, The gene RABEPK has a mutation status of R100H, The gene RAPGEFL1 has a mutation status of R160W, The gene RARA has a mutation status of P457P, The gene RB1 has a mutation status of F684fs Q685fs, The gene RBCK1 has a mutation status of D110V, The gene RNF213 has a mutation status of L2923L P2194P, The gene ROCK1 has a mutation status of R1343W, The gene RPS6KA5 has a mutation status of S436R, The gene RREB1 has a mutation status of T1099M A1386V, The gene RSU1 has a mutation status of V33I, The gene S100A4 has a mutation status of A83T, The gene SBNO2 has a mutation status of T577M G573G, The gene SCNN1A has a mutation status of L270M, The gene SELENBP1 has a mutation status of F171F, The gene SLC12A4 has a mutation status of R787W, The gene SLC25A6 has a mutation status of A217V, The gene SLC2A3 has a mutation status of G152G, The gene SLC2A8 has a mutation status of V414I, The gene SLC7A1 has a mutation status of E609K, The gene SLIT2 has a mutation status of R539H, The gene SLIT3 has a mutation status of G1440G, The gene SMAD3 has a mutation status of Q58*, The gene SNRPB has a mutation status of R236H, The gene SPAG4 has a mutation status of A352T, The gene SPTAN1 has a mutation status of R28C, The gene SPTBN1 has a mutation status of V1755M, The gene STAB1 has a mutation status of V1585V, The gene STAT1 has a mutation status of G467S, The gene SULF2 has a mutation status of N80N, The gene SYBU has a mutation status of T449A, The gene TACC3 has a mutation status of A793A, The gene TAF10 has a mutation status of N104N, The gene TAT has a mutation status of A407T, The gene TCF7L1 has a mutation status of R400W, The gene TG has a mutation status of R1691C, The gene TJP1 has a mutation status of R1156W, The gene TM4SF1 has a mutation status of R87*, The gene TMEM176B has a mutation status of M196I, The gene TMPO has a mutation status of K203N, The gene TNC has a mutation status of R1911W, The gene TNPO2 has a mutation status of R770H, The gene TNRC6B has a mutation status of R1689*, The gene TOMM40 has a mutation status of V210I, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R196*, The gene TP63 has a mutation status of H138H, The gene TPSAB1 has a mutation status of T141T, The gene TRIM25 has a mutation status of G215R, The gene TRIM58 has a mutation status of I269T, The gene TSKU has a mutation status of F31F, The gene TSPO has a mutation status of A68V, The gene TTK has a mutation status of D758N, The gene TUBGCP6 has a mutation status of V574M, The gene TYK2 has a mutation status of I200T, The gene UCP2 has a mutation status of R88H, The gene UNC13B has a mutation status of R1090*, The gene UPP1 has a mutation status of T4M, The gene UQCRC2 has a mutation status of R84H, The gene USP14 has a mutation status of A234V, The gene VCAM1 has a mutation status of T79M, The gene VDR has a mutation status of R18W, The gene VWF has a mutation status of R2535*, The gene WASL has a mutation status of R140H, The gene WDR37 has a mutation status of R478Q, The gene WDR74 has a mutation status of R208C, The gene WNT2 has a mutation status of A354T, The gene WRAP73 has a mutation status of S426S, The gene WRN has a mutation status of R196C, The gene ZBP1 has a mutation status of D331D, The gene ZFP36 has a mutation status of T238fs
The cancer type is CESC. The gene ABR has a mutation status of K581T, The gene ATP2B4 has a mutation status of D317D, The gene BRCA2 has a mutation status of R1190W, The gene CACNA1H has a mutation status of A768fs, The gene CDC42EP4 has a mutation status of V144V E129D, The gene CELSR2 has a mutation status of R1223H, The gene CKMT2 has a mutation status of W307*, The gene CNTN1 has a mutation status of I547I, The gene COQ3 has a mutation status of E343K, The gene FBN1 has a mutation status of Y2004C S268F, The gene FOSL2 has a mutation status of S244C I249I, The gene HERC6 has a mutation status of S367S, The gene HSPB8 has a mutation status of E84K, The gene IFNGR2 has a mutation status of LK202fs, The gene IL9R has a mutation status of T404T, The gene KPNA2 has a mutation status of G293V, The gene MFSD6 has a mutation status of S187C, The gene NRIP1 has a mutation status of P662L, The gene PAK3 has a mutation status of E196Q, The gene PDE4DIP has a mutation status of R1940Q, The gene PDGFC has a mutation status of Q295*, The gene PHF3 has a mutation status of Q1598*, The gene PMM2 has a mutation status of R190K, The gene SRSF1 has a mutation status of G53E, The gene TYR has a mutation status of Q90Q
The cancer type is UCEC. The gene ACACA has a mutation status of Y425C, The gene ACTB has a mutation status of V139A, The gene ACTG1 has a mutation status of F127V, The gene ACVR1B has a mutation status of C84C, The gene ADAM2 has a mutation status of C616C, The gene ADAMTS1 has a mutation status of I811F, The gene AGO4 has a mutation status of Q768R, The gene AKAP12 has a mutation status of G983G, The gene ALCAM has a mutation status of I68V, The gene ANK1 has a mutation status of T1574A, The gene ARHGEF11 has a mutation status of S8R, The gene ARHGEF6 has a mutation status of G287R, The gene ARID5B has a mutation status of E316D M1116V, The gene ARL2BP has a mutation status of S151P, The gene ATP6V1B1 has a mutation status of G369G, The gene BAK1 has a mutation status of L140L, The gene BAZ2A has a mutation status of L1143L, The gene CA12 has a mutation status of L190L, The gene CASP9 has a mutation status of N268N, The gene CCND1 has a mutation status of C243R, The gene CCNK has a mutation status of T361A, The gene CCR7 has a mutation status of N290S, The gene CD209 has a mutation status of L48I, The gene CDADC1 has a mutation status of G67G, The gene CDC6 has a mutation status of V492A, The gene CEP192 has a mutation status of H931H, The gene CNTROB has a mutation status of R870H, The gene COL15A1 has a mutation status of G1079G, The gene COL5A1 has a mutation status of T1631M, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of P417P, The gene COL7A1 has a mutation status of A893V, The gene COPB1 has a mutation status of A200A, The gene CPEB3 has a mutation status of R438H, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of K1495* A1473fs, The gene CTNNB1 has a mutation status of M688T, The gene CTSH has a mutation status of S187G, The gene CXCL14 has a mutation status of P61P, The gene CYP11B2 has a mutation status of L392P, The gene CYP4F2 has a mutation status of F127F, The gene DCAF10 has a mutation status of R522C, The gene DCT has a mutation status of S346G, The gene DCTN1 has a mutation status of T509M, The gene DECR1 has a mutation status of T197T, The gene DES has a mutation status of I374T, The gene DGKA has a mutation status of R616G L629L, The gene DMD has a mutation status of Q1678P, The gene DYNC1H1 has a mutation status of Q708R, The gene EDC4 has a mutation status of R754R, The gene EHHADH has a mutation status of G474C, The gene EIF1AX has a mutation status of R13H, The gene ELL has a mutation status of G201R, The gene EPHB3 has a mutation status of S143S, The gene ETS1 has a mutation status of Y158C, The gene F11 has a mutation status of V490A, The gene F13B has a mutation status of F554F, The gene F2RL1 has a mutation status of I126V, The gene FABP2 has a mutation status of VK50fs, The gene FLOT2 has a mutation status of N396T, The gene FN1 has a mutation status of V964L, The gene FNTA has a mutation status of T248T, The gene FURIN has a mutation status of L163*, The gene FUS has a mutation status of T78T, The gene GAB2 has a mutation status of H151R, The gene GALK1 has a mutation status of R241H, The gene GBF1 has a mutation status of E1151D, The gene GLDC has a mutation status of S564S F519L, The gene GLS has a mutation status of I339S, The gene GM2A has a mutation status of C106R, The gene GNAS has a mutation status of D189fs, The gene GOLGA4 has a mutation status of L1004P, The gene GPR65 has a mutation status of I322M, The gene GREB1 has a mutation status of Y1463H, The gene GSTK1 has a mutation status of R101H, The gene HDAC6 has a mutation status of A1181V, The gene HDAC9 has a mutation status of G781C, The gene HK2 has a mutation status of V19M, The gene HMGCS1 has a mutation status of I19F, The gene HMOX2 has a mutation status of N18S, The gene HNRNPR has a mutation status of T350A, The gene HSD17B11 has a mutation status of K255R, The gene HSD17B6 has a mutation status of A58T, The gene HSD3B7 has a mutation status of T365M, The gene HSPB8 has a mutation status of V154V, The gene HTRA1 has a mutation status of L332L, The gene IFNAR2 has a mutation status of A254A, The gene IL7R has a mutation status of M238T, The gene INPP4B has a mutation status of L231S, The gene IRS4 has a mutation status of P830S R606C, The gene ITGA10 has a mutation status of RE1161fs, The gene ITGA6 has a mutation status of A987A, The gene ITGB2 has a mutation status of D690D, The gene ITPK1 has a mutation status of R34Q, The gene ITSN1 has a mutation status of S188C, The gene JAK1 has a mutation status of A419V, The gene KALRN has a mutation status of S493P, The gene KAT2A has a mutation status of S665P, The gene KATNA1 has a mutation status of S472S I307I, The gene KCND1 has a mutation status of V187I, The gene KCNIP2 has a mutation status of V77M, The gene KIF1B has a mutation status of D673G, The gene KIF5A has a mutation status of T170A, The gene KLF10 has a mutation status of A41A, The gene KMT2D has a mutation status of G159G, The gene KNTC1 has a mutation status of D943E, The gene KRT17 has a mutation status of L353P, The gene LAMA3 has a mutation status of A1648A, The gene LAMC2 has a mutation status of N774S, The gene LIG1 has a mutation status of T132A, The gene LLGL1 has a mutation status of C505S, The gene LRP1 has a mutation status of F3391S, The gene MAGEE1 has a mutation status of F459F, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of A539A G2139G, The gene MDGA1 has a mutation status of S297P, The gene MEF2D has a mutation status of I6V, The gene MEIS2 has a mutation status of S207F, The gene MKI67 has a mutation status of L624P, The gene MLH1 has a mutation status of V4A, The gene MMP14 has a mutation status of N122H, The gene MPP2 has a mutation status of A463T, The gene MRPL23 has a mutation status of P64P, The gene MX1 has a mutation status of D262D, The gene MYBPC3 has a mutation status of F1246V, The gene MYH10 has a mutation status of V1523M, The gene MYH4 has a mutation status of K1760N E1477E, The gene MYL6B has a mutation status of K19I, The gene NAT1 has a mutation status of I263R, The gene NCAPD2 has a mutation status of T466A K599N, The gene NCOA3 has a mutation status of Q1257Q, The gene NELFB has a mutation status of Y215H, The gene NFAT5 has a mutation status of D223fs, The gene NFIB has a mutation status of R85H, The gene NFYC has a mutation status of I117V, The gene NID2 has a mutation status of R1021C, The gene NIN has a mutation status of E661Q, The gene NIPBL has a mutation status of A1846A, The gene NLRC5 has a mutation status of Q1285R, The gene NOD1 has a mutation status of G719S, The gene NR4A1 has a mutation status of I486V, The gene NUP98 has a mutation status of T1173A, The gene OAT has a mutation status of L340V, The gene OXSR1 has a mutation status of M198T, The gene PAM has a mutation status of P865S, The gene PCLO has a mutation status of V4996A, The gene PCM1 has a mutation status of M1977V, The gene PCNT has a mutation status of L332L D2112G, The gene PFKP has a mutation status of N667N, The gene PGD has a mutation status of S441G, The gene PHTF2 has a mutation status of S134P, The gene PIK3CA has a mutation status of L866W M1043I, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of H3049R F2516L, The gene PNN has a mutation status of E103G, The gene POLE has a mutation status of Y1889C, The gene POLH has a mutation status of K32E, The gene PPAT has a mutation status of R260R, The gene PPP4C has a mutation status of R132C, The gene PREX1 has a mutation status of L1564P, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of H3262H Y423C, The gene PROS1 has a mutation status of P631P, The gene PRPF4B has a mutation status of R577*, The gene PSMA7 has a mutation status of Y145C, The gene PSMB8 has a mutation status of T236T, The gene PTEN has a mutation status of C136* R233*, The gene PTGER4 has a mutation status of S2P, The gene PYGM has a mutation status of V643V, The gene RACGAP1 has a mutation status of I14M, The gene RB1 has a mutation status of I124fs F755I, The gene RBM4 has a mutation status of N243N, The gene RBM5 has a mutation status of Y54C, The gene RFC1 has a mutation status of E425G, The gene RHCG has a mutation status of L307P, The gene RIBC2 has a mutation status of W102R, The gene RORA has a mutation status of D141G, The gene RPA1 has a mutation status of E340E, The gene RPL22 has a mutation status of K16fs, The gene RPS6KA2 has a mutation status of M268V, The gene RRP12 has a mutation status of K1043R, The gene RUNX1 has a mutation status of D133G, The gene SAMHD1 has a mutation status of D16D, The gene SATB1 has a mutation status of H703H, The gene SCGN has a mutation status of D258D, The gene SCNN1A has a mutation status of L31M, The gene SF3B3 has a mutation status of Y989Y, The gene SIRT2 has a mutation status of E203G, The gene SLC11A2 has a mutation status of Y50N, The gene SLC12A4 has a mutation status of Y589C, The gene SLC25A20 has a mutation status of Y52H, The gene SLC25A28 has a mutation status of Y205H, The gene SLC4A4 has a mutation status of E673G, The gene SLC6A6 has a mutation status of Y374H, The gene SMARCC1 has a mutation status of I920S, The gene SMS has a mutation status of Y312N, The gene SNN has a mutation status of Q64R, The gene SPOCK1 has a mutation status of P138S, The gene SPOCK2 has a mutation status of R344Q, The gene SPTA1 has a mutation status of N1268D, The gene SRSF3 has a mutation status of L26V, The gene STAB1 has a mutation status of C2307R, The gene STAG1 has a mutation status of P596P, The gene STAT1 has a mutation status of D575E, The gene STAT3 has a mutation status of Y22H, The gene SUPV3L1 has a mutation status of H632H, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of S6250S, The gene SYT12 has a mutation status of D243D, The gene TAOK2 has a mutation status of T701T V745V, The gene TLR2 has a mutation status of R723H, The gene TLR7 has a mutation status of R376Q, The gene TMEM8B has a mutation status of V284A, The gene TNFAIP2 has a mutation status of S632N, The gene TNRC6B has a mutation status of P1796P, The gene TOPBP1 has a mutation status of I85V, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of R158C, The gene TRAT1 has a mutation status of Y56H, The gene TRIM28 has a mutation status of L300Q, The gene TRIM5 has a mutation status of F129L, The gene TRIM58 has a mutation status of L143P, The gene TRO has a mutation status of T1348T, The gene TSC22D1 has a mutation status of Q501Q, The gene TTK has a mutation status of Q386R R854G, The gene TUBG1 has a mutation status of L337L, The gene UBA2 has a mutation status of D232D, The gene UBC has a mutation status of T207A KE139fs, The gene UCHL5 has a mutation status of I260I, The gene USH1C has a mutation status of G530R, The gene VCAM1 has a mutation status of V592A, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of F635L, The gene VCL has a mutation status of P844P, The gene VEZF1 has a mutation status of Q349Q, The gene VIPR1 has a mutation status of S209S, The gene VNN1 has a mutation status of H244Y, The gene VWF has a mutation status of S1042P, The gene WIPF1 has a mutation status of P347L R117M, The gene XPOT has a mutation status of C676Y, The gene ZEB1 has a mutation status of N423S
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ALDH9A1 has a mutation status of G146G, The gene CAD has a mutation status of A1982G, The gene COL6A3 has a mutation status of S3173R, The gene FBN2 has a mutation status of E2003K, The gene FIS1 has a mutation status of V147M, The gene GALM has a mutation status of N245I, The gene IGF1R has a mutation status of G4G, The gene PC has a mutation status of D1171N, The gene RAD52 has a mutation status of S174fs, The gene SVIL has a mutation status of K2067R, The gene VCAN has a mutation status of A2644V, The gene ZNF707 has a mutation status of L303L
The cancer type is STES. The gene ARHGAP5 has a mutation status of N218S, The gene ARHGEF2 has a mutation status of R653Q, The gene ARRB1 has a mutation status of Y47*, The gene CALR has a mutation status of E341K, The gene CNTN1 has a mutation status of W172R, The gene CREBBP has a mutation status of D1543H, The gene DAAM1 has a mutation status of R339L, The gene DLG1 has a mutation status of Q340E, The gene DNAJC1 has a mutation status of L129L, The gene ESPL1 has a mutation status of R260H, The gene FCGR2B has a mutation status of S79S, The gene FMO1 has a mutation status of E408*, The gene FZD1 has a mutation status of I422fs, The gene FZD7 has a mutation status of L441Q, The gene GPI has a mutation status of G502G, The gene KIF2A has a mutation status of S516C, The gene KLRK1 has a mutation status of P161Q, The gene KPNB1 has a mutation status of L552F, The gene LRPPRC has a mutation status of S558N, The gene LUM has a mutation status of P39T, The gene MAP1B has a mutation status of E988K, The gene MEF2C has a mutation status of L225L, The gene MEF2D has a mutation status of Q388H, The gene NGF has a mutation status of P184P, The gene NOTCH3 has a mutation status of A880T, The gene OSGIN1 has a mutation status of P134H, The gene PIGR has a mutation status of D400E, The gene PRLR has a mutation status of W180*, The gene PROCR has a mutation status of S210L, The gene PSMC4 has a mutation status of K174M, The gene RRP12 has a mutation status of R112C, The gene SDAD1 has a mutation status of N76S, The gene SP110 has a mutation status of T355T, The gene SQSTM1 has a mutation status of S365C, The gene SUPT5H has a mutation status of M378I, The gene SYTL2 has a mutation status of L924L, The gene TP53 has a mutation status of C135fs, The gene ZNF185 has a mutation status of D366Y
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene ARFGEF2 has a mutation status of V788fs KNKMTKEQY789fs N790I Y797*, The gene C5 has a mutation status of S1103F, The gene CYP4F2 has a mutation status of R488C, The gene PKHD1 has a mutation status of P724P, The gene PLEC has a mutation status of P3986Q, The gene SERPINA3 has a mutation status of P25T, The gene SYNE1 has a mutation status of M339T, The gene WNK4 has a mutation status of R738W
The cancer type is KIPAN. The gene CHEK2 has a mutation status of T383T, The gene PIK3CG has a mutation status of P1004T, The gene TAF1C has a mutation status of A655T
The cancer type is PCPG. The gene ING3 has a mutation status of L172L, The gene PRKDC has a mutation status of I166fs