furrysticker / normalize.toml
k4d3's picture
get real
history blame
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# Tag Normalization Configuration
# Include Filename Regexp: Only file matching this regexp will be treated as
# captions. This is full-match regexps that must match the entire filename.
# Default: r".*?\.(txt|cap.*)$"
include_filename_regexp = ".*?\\.(txt|cap.*)$"
# Exclude Filename Regexp: Files matching this regexp will be excluded.
# Default: ".*samples?-prompts?.*"
exclude_filename_regexp = ".*samples?-prompts?.*"
# Use Underscores: Determines whether to use underscores or spaces in output
# tags.
# Default: false (use spaces)
use_underscores = false
# Keep Implied: Whether to keep implied tags or remove them. Can also be a list
# of tags.
# Default: false (remove implied tags)
keep_implied = false
# Minimum Implication Frequency: tags with a number of e621 posts bellow this
# value cause the tags it implies to be added instead of being removed.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
min_antecedent_freq = 200
# Drop rare implication antecedents: tags with a number of e621 posts bellow
# this values will be dropped if they imply other tags. Must be equal of bellow
# min_antecedent_freq. These implications thus behave like aliases.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
drop_antecedent_freq = 50
# Artist By Prefix: Whether to add "by_" prefix to artist tags
# Default: true
artist_by_prefix = true
# Blacklist: A list of tags to be removed during normalization
# These tags will be completely excluded from the output
# Default: ["invalid tag"]
blacklist = [
"invalid tag",
"by conditional dnp",
"hi res",
"absurd res",
"superabsurd res",
"ambiguous gender",
"translation edit",
"story in description",
"non- balls",
"non- nipples",
"non- breasts",
"feet out of frame",
# Blacklist Regular Expressions: Tags matching these regexps will be removed.
# These are full-match regexps, so they must match the entire tag.
blacklist_regexp = [
"(\\d+s?|\\d+:\\d+)", # Numbers, years and aspect ratio
# Blacklist Implied: Whether to also blacklist tags implied by blacklisted tags
# Default: true
blacklist_implied = true
# Blacklist Categories: Entire categories of tags to be removed
# Common categories include "artist", "character", "copyright", "general", "meta", "species", "pool"
blacklist_categories = ["pool"]
# Keep Underscores: List of tags where underscores should be preserved
# By default, underscores are replaced with spaces unless specified here
keep_underscores = [
# Remove parentheses suffixes that matches the tag's category like _(species) or
# _(character) if it doesn't conflict with another tag
# (when on_alias_conflict="ignore")
# Default: true
remove_parens = true
# On Alias Conflict: How to handle conflicts when creating aliases
# Options: "silent", "overwrite", "overwrite_rarest", "warn", "raise"
# Default: "ignore" meaning do not modify the alias
on_alias_conflict = "ignore"
# Remove Aliases: unregister existing aliases. This can be used to keep tags
# aliased to "invalid tag" or specialize the meaning of an already aliased tag.
remove_aliases = []
# Aliases: Define tag aliases (alternative names for the same tag)
# The key is the alias, and the value is the target tag
explicit = "rating_explicit"
score_explicit = "rating_explicit"
score_safe = "rating_safe"
score_questionable = "rating_questionable"
# Aliases Overrides: Similar to aliases, but can override existing tag meanings
# Use this carefully as it can change the semantics of existing tags
safe = "rating_safe"
questionable = "rating_questionable"
# Renames: Specify tags to be renamed in the output
# This also causes them to be recognized as aliases in the input (for idempotency)
# The key is the original tag name, and the value is the new name
domestic_cat = "cat"
domestic_dog = "dog"