'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createDictionaryTransformer = undefined; var _dictionaries = require('../../dictionaries'); class DictionaryTransformer { constructor(dictionaries) { this.dictionaries = dictionaries; } isSatisfiedBy(prefix) { return 'd:' === prefix; } transform(value) { const splittedValue = value.split(':'); return this.dictionaries.getMappedValue(splittedValue[0], splittedValue[1]); } } const createDictionaryTransformer = exports.createDictionaryTransformer = (dicts = _dictionaries.dictionaries) => new DictionaryTransformer(dicts);
module.exports = { grant_type: 'client_credential', appid: 'wx36963a5a84d5ca4d', secret: '', noncestr: 'Wm3WZYTPz0wzccnW', accessTokenUrl: '', ticketUrl: '', cache_duration: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, };
/* * jquery.layout 1.2.0 * * Copyright (c) 2008 * <NAME> ( * <NAME> ( * * Dual licensed under the GPL ( * and MIT ( licenses. * * $Date: 2008-12-27 02:17:22 +0100 (sab, 27 dic 2008) $ * $Rev: 203 $ * * NOTE: For best code readability, view this with a fixed-space font and tabs equal to 4-chars */ (function($) { $.fn.layout = function (opts) { /* * ########################### * WIDGET CONFIG & OPTIONS * ########################### */ // DEFAULTS for options var prefix = "ui-layout-" // prefix for ALL selectors and classNames , defaults = { // misc default values paneClass: prefix + "pane" // ui-layout-pane , resizerClass: prefix + "resizer" // ui-layout-resizer , togglerClass: prefix + "toggler" // ui-layout-toggler , togglerInnerClass: prefix + "" // ui-layout-open / ui-layout-closed , buttonClass: prefix + "button" // ui-layout-button , contentSelector: "." + prefix + "content"// ui-layout-content , contentIgnoreSelector: "." + prefix + "ignore" // ui-layout-mask } ; // DEFAULT PANEL OPTIONS - CHANGE IF DESIRED var options = { name: "" // FUTURE REFERENCE - not used right now , scrollToBookmarkOnLoad: true // after creating a layout, scroll to bookmark in URL (.../page.htm#myBookmark) , defaults: { // default options for 'all panes' - will be overridden by 'per-pane settings' applyDefaultStyles: false // apply basic styles directly to resizers & buttons? If not, then stylesheet must handle it , closable: true // pane can open & close , resizable: true // when open, pane can be resized , slidable: true // when closed, pane can 'slide' open over other panes - closes on mouse-out //, paneSelector: [ ] // MUST be pane-specific! , contentSelector: defaults.contentSelector // INNER div/element to auto-size so only it scrolls, not the entire pane! , contentIgnoreSelector: defaults.contentIgnoreSelector // elem(s) to 'ignore' when measuring 'content' , paneClass: defaults.paneClass // border-Pane - default: 'ui-layout-pane' , resizerClass: defaults.resizerClass // Resizer Bar - default: 'ui-layout-resizer' , togglerClass: defaults.togglerClass // Toggler Button - default: 'ui-layout-toggler' , buttonClass: defaults.buttonClass // CUSTOM Buttons - default: 'ui-layout-button-toggle/-open/-close/-pin' , resizerDragOpacity: 1 // option for ui.draggable //, resizerCursor: "" // MUST be pane-specific - cursor when over resizer-bar , maskIframesOnResize: true // true = all iframes OR = iframe-selector(s) - adds masking-div during resizing/dragging //, size: 100 // inital size of pane - defaults are set 'per pane' , minSize: 0 // when manually resizing a pane , maxSize: 0 // ditto, 0 = no limit , spacing_open: 6 // space between pane and adjacent panes - when pane is 'open' , spacing_closed: 6 // ditto - when pane is 'closed' , togglerLength_open: 50 // Length = WIDTH of toggler button on north/south edges - HEIGHT on east/west edges , togglerLength_closed: 50 // 100% OR -1 means 'full height/width of resizer bar' - 0 means 'hidden' , togglerAlign_open: "center" // top/left, bottom/right, center, OR... , togglerAlign_closed: "center" // 1 => nn = offset from top/left, -1 => -nn == offset from bottom/right , togglerTip_open: "Close" // Toggler tool-tip (title) , togglerTip_closed: "Open" // ditto , resizerTip: "Resize" // Resizer tool-tip (title) , sliderTip: "Slide Open" // resizer-bar triggers 'sliding' when pane is closed , sliderCursor: "pointer" // cursor when resizer-bar will trigger 'sliding' , slideTrigger_open: "click" // click, dblclick, mouseover , slideTrigger_close: "mouseout" // click, mouseout , hideTogglerOnSlide: false // when pane is slid-open, should the toggler show? , togglerContent_open: "" // text or HTML to put INSIDE the toggler , togglerContent_closed: "" // ditto , showOverflowOnHover: false // will bind allowOverflow() utility to pane.onMouseOver , enableCursorHotkey: true // enabled 'cursor' hotkeys //, customHotkey: "" // MUST be pane-specific - EITHER a charCode OR a character , customHotkeyModifier: "SHIFT" // either 'SHIFT', 'CTRL' or 'CTRL+SHIFT' - NOT 'ALT' // NOTE: fxSss_open & fxSss_close options (eg: fxName_open) are auto-generated if not passed , fxName: "slide" // ('none' or blank), slide, drop, scale , fxSpeed: null // slow, normal, fast, 200, nnn - if passed, will OVERRIDE fxSettings.duration , fxSettings: {} // can be passed, eg: { easing: "easeOutBounce", duration: 1500 } , initClosed: false // true = init pane as 'closed' , initHidden: false // true = init pane as 'hidden' - no resizer or spacing /* callback options do not have to be set - listed here for reference only , onshow_start: "" // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Show - BEFORE onopen/onhide_start , onshow_end: "" // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Shown - AFTER onopen/onhide_end , onhide_start: "" // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Close - BEFORE onclose_start , onhide_end: "" // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Closed - AFTER onclose_end , onopen_start: "" // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Open , onopen_end: "" // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Opened , onclose_start: "" // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Close , onclose_end: "" // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Closed , onresize_start: "" // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to be ***MANUALLY*** Resized , onresize_end: "" // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Resized ***FOR ANY REASON*** */ } , north: { paneSelector: "." + prefix + "north" // default = .ui-layout-north , size: "auto" , resizerCursor: "n-resize" } , south: { paneSelector: "." + prefix + "south" // default = .ui-layout-south , size: "auto" , resizerCursor: "s-resize" } , east: { paneSelector: "." + prefix + "east" // default = .ui-layout-east , size: 200 , resizerCursor: "e-resize" } , west: { paneSelector: "." + prefix + "west" // default = .ui-layout-west , size: 200 , resizerCursor: "w-resize" } , center: { paneSelector: "." + prefix + "center" // default = .ui-layout-center } }; var effects = { // LIST *PREDEFINED EFFECTS* HERE, even if effect has no settings slide: { all: { duration: "fast" } // eg: duration: 1000, easing: "easeOutBounce" , north: { direction: "up" } , south: { direction: "down" } , east: { direction: "right"} , west: { direction: "left" } } , drop: { all: { duration: "slow" } // eg: duration: 1000, easing: "easeOutQuint" , north: { direction: "up" } , south: { direction: "down" } , east: { direction: "right"} , west: { direction: "left" } } , scale: { all: { duration: "fast" } } }; // STATIC, INTERNAL CONFIG - DO NOT CHANGE THIS! var config = { allPanes: "north,south,east,west,center" , borderPanes: "north,south,east,west" , zIndex: { // set z-index values here resizer_normal: 1 // normal z-index for resizer-bars , pane_normal: 2 // normal z-index for panes , mask: 4 // overlay div used to mask pane(s) during resizing , sliding: 100 // applied to both the pane and its resizer when a pane is 'slid open' , resizing: 10000 // applied to the CLONED resizer-bar when being 'dragged' , animation: 10000 // applied to the pane when being animated - not applied to the resizer } , resizers: { cssReq: { position: "absolute" , padding: 0 , margin: 0 , fontSize: "1px" , textAlign: "left" // to counter-act "center" alignment! , overflow: "hidden" // keep toggler button from overflowing , zIndex: 1 } , cssDef: { // DEFAULT CSS - applied if: options.PANE.applyDefaultStyles=true background: "#DDD" , border: "none" } } , togglers: { cssReq: { position: "absolute" , display: "block" , padding: 0 , margin: 0 , overflow: "hidden" , textAlign: "center" , fontSize: "1px" , cursor: "pointer" , zIndex: 1 } , cssDef: { // DEFAULT CSS - applied if: options.PANE.applyDefaultStyles=true background: "#AAA" } } , content: { cssReq: { overflow: "auto" } , cssDef: {} } , defaults: { // defaults for ALL panes - overridden by 'per-pane settings' below cssReq: { position: "absolute" , margin: 0 , zIndex: 2 } , cssDef: { padding: "10px" , background: "#FFF" , border: "1px solid #BBB" , overflow: "auto" } } , north: { edge: "top" , sizeType: "height" , dir: "horz" , cssReq: { top: 0 , bottom: "auto" , left: 0 , right: 0 , width: "auto" // height: DYNAMIC } } , south: { edge: "bottom" , sizeType: "height" , dir: "horz" , cssReq: { top: "auto" , bottom: 0 , left: 0 , right: 0 , width: "auto" // height: DYNAMIC } } , east: { edge: "right" , sizeType: "width" , dir: "vert" , cssReq: { left: "auto" , right: 0 , top: "auto" // DYNAMIC , bottom: "auto" // DYNAMIC , height: "auto" // width: DYNAMIC } } , west: { edge: "left" , sizeType: "width" , dir: "vert" , cssReq: { left: 0 , right: "auto" , top: "auto" // DYNAMIC , bottom: "auto" // DYNAMIC , height: "auto" // width: DYNAMIC } } , center: { dir: "center" , cssReq: { left: "auto" // DYNAMIC , right: "auto" // DYNAMIC , top: "auto" // DYNAMIC , bottom: "auto" // DYNAMIC , height: "auto" , width: "auto" } } }; // DYNAMIC DATA var state = { // generate random 'ID#' to identify layout - used to create global namespace for timers id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) , container: {} , north: {} , south: {} , east: {} , west: {} , center: {} }; var altEdge = { top: "bottom" , bottom: "top" , left: "right" , right: "left" } , altSide = { north: "south" , south: "north" , east: "west" , west: "east" } ; /* * ########################### * INTERNAL HELPER FUNCTIONS * ########################### */ /* * isStr * * Returns true if passed param is EITHER a simple string OR a 'string object' - otherwise returns false */ var isStr = function (o) { if (typeof o == "string") return true; else if (typeof o == "object") { try { var match = o.constructor.toString().match(/string/i); return (match !== null); } catch (e) { } } return false; }; /* * str * * Returns a simple string if the passed param is EITHER a simple string OR a 'string object', * else returns the original object */ var str = function (o) { if (typeof o == "string" || isStr(o)) return $.trim(o); // trim converts 'String object' to a simple string else return o; }; /* * min / max * * Alias for Math.min/.max to simplify coding */ var min = function (x, y) { return Math.min(x, y); }; var max = function (x, y) { return Math.max(x, y); }; /* * transformData * * Processes the options passed in and transforms them into the format used by layout() * Missing keys are added, and converts the data if passed in 'flat-format' (no sub-keys) * In flat-format, pane-specific-settings are prefixed like: north__optName (2-underscores) * To update effects, options MUST use nested-keys format, with an effects key * * @callers initOptions() * @params JSON d Data/options passed by user - may be a single level or nested levels * @returns JSON Creates a data struture that perfectly matches 'options', ready to be imported */ var transformData = function (d) { var json = { defaults:{fxSettings:{}}, north:{fxSettings:{}}, south:{fxSettings:{}}, east:{fxSettings:{}}, west:{fxSettings:{}}, center:{fxSettings:{}} }; d = d || {}; if (d.effects || d.defaults || d.north || d.south || d.west || d.east || json = $.extend(json, d); // already in json format - add to base keys else // convert 'flat' to 'nest-keys' format - also handles 'empty' user-options $.each(d, function (key, val) { a = key.split("__"); json[ a[1] ? a[0] : "defaults" ][ a[1] ? a[1] : a[0] ] = val; }); return json; }; /* * setFlowCallback * * Set an INTERNAL callback to avoid simultaneous animation * Runs only if needed and only if all callbacks are not 'already set'! * * @param String action Either 'open' or 'close' * @pane String pane A valid border-pane name, eg 'west' * @pane Boolean param Extra param for callback (optional) */ var setFlowCallback = function (action, pane, param) { var cb = action + "," + pane + "," + (param ? 1 : 0) , cP, cbPane ; $.each(c.borderPanes.split(","), function (i, p) { if (c[p].isMoving) { bindCallback(p); // TRY to bind a callback return false; // BREAK } }); function bindCallback(p, test) { cP = c[p]; if (!cP.doCallback) { cP.doCallback = true; cP.callback = cb; } else { // try to 'chain' this callback cpPane = cP.callback.split(",")[1]; // 2nd param is 'pane' if (cpPane != p && cpPane != pane) // callback target NOT 'itself' and NOT 'this pane' bindCallback(cpPane, true); // RECURSE } } }; /* * execFlowCallback * * RUN the INTERNAL callback for this pane - if one exists * * @param String action Either 'open' or 'close' * @pane String pane A valid border-pane name, eg 'west' * @pane Boolean param Extra param for callback (optional) */ var execFlowCallback = function (pane) { var cP = c[pane]; // RESET flow-control flaGs c.isLayoutBusy = false; delete cP.isMoving; if (!cP.doCallback || !cP.callback) return; cP.doCallback = false; // RESET logic flag // EXECUTE the callback var cb = cP.callback.split(",") , param = (cb[2] > 0 ? true : false) ; if (cb[0] == "open") open(cb[1], param); else if (cb[0] == "close") close(cb[1], param); if (!cP.doCallback) cP.callback = null; // RESET - unless callback above enabled it again! }; /* * execUserCallback * * Executes a Callback function after a trigger event, like resize, open or close * * @param String pane This is passed only so we can pass the 'pane object' to the callback * @param String v_fn Accepts a function name, OR a comma-delimited array: [0]=function name, [1]=argument */ var execUserCallback = function (pane, v_fn) { if (!v_fn) return; var fn; try { if (typeof v_fn == "function") fn = v_fn; else if (typeof v_fn != "string") return; else if (v_fn.indexOf(",") > 0) { // function name cannot contain a comma, so must be a function name AND a 'name' parameter var args = v_fn.split(",") , fn = eval(args[0]) ; if (typeof fn == "function" && args.length > 1) return fn(args[1]); // pass the argument parsed from 'list' } else // just the name of an external function? fn = eval(v_fn); if (typeof fn == "function") // pass data: pane-name, pane-element, pane-state, pane-options, and layout-name return fn(pane, $Ps[pane], $.extend({}, state[pane]), $.extend({}, options[pane]),; } catch (ex) { } }; /* * cssNum * * Returns the 'current CSS value' for an element - returns 0 if property does not exist * * @callers Called by many methods * @param jQuery $Elem Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed * @param String property The name of the CSS property, eg: top, width, etc. * @returns Variant Usually is used to get an integer value for position (top, left) or size (height, width) */ var cssNum = function ($E, prop) { var val = 0 , hidden = false , visibility = "" ; if (!$.browser.msie) { // IE CAN read dimensions of 'hidden' elements - FF CANNOT if ($.curCSS($E[0], "display", true) == "none") { hidden = true; visibility = $.curCSS($E[0], "visibility", true); // SAVE current setting $E.css({ display: "block", visibility: "hidden" }); // show element 'invisibly' so we can measure it } } val = parseInt($.curCSS($E[0], prop, true), 10) || 0; if (hidden) { // WAS hidden, so put back the way it was $E.css({ display: "none" }); if (visibility && visibility != "hidden") $E.css({ visibility: visibility }); // reset 'visibility' } return val; }; /* * cssW / cssH / cssSize * * Contains logic to check boxModel & browser, and return the correct width/height for the current browser/doctype * * @callers initPanes(), sizeMidPanes(), initHandles(), sizeHandles() * @param Variant elem Can accept a 'pane' (east, west, etc) OR a DOM object OR a jQuery object * @param Integer outerWidth/outerHeight (optional) Can pass a width, allowing calculations BEFORE element is resized * @returns Integer Returns the innerHeight of the elem by subtracting padding and borders * * @TODO May need to add additional logic to handle more browser/doctype variations? */ var cssW = function (e, outerWidth) { var $E; if (isStr(e)) { e = str(e); $E = $Ps[e]; } else $E = $(e); // a 'calculated' outerHeight can be passed so borders and/or padding are removed if needed if (outerWidth <= 0) return 0; else if (!(outerWidth > 0)) outerWidth = isStr(e) ? getPaneSize(e) : $E.outerWidth(); if (!$.boxModel) return outerWidth; else // strip border and padding size from outerWidth to get CSS Width return outerWidth - cssNum($E, "paddingLeft") - cssNum($E, "paddingRight") - ($.curCSS($E[0], "borderLeftStyle", true) == "none" ? 0 : cssNum($E, "borderLeftWidth")) - ($.curCSS($E[0], "borderRightStyle", true) == "none" ? 0 : cssNum($E, "borderRightWidth")) ; }; var cssH = function (e, outerHeight) { var $E; if (isStr(e)) { e = str(e); $E = $Ps[e]; } else $E = $(e); // a 'calculated' outerHeight can be passed so borders and/or padding are removed if needed if (outerHeight <= 0) return 0; else if (!(outerHeight > 0)) outerHeight = (isStr(e)) ? getPaneSize(e) : $E.outerHeight(); if (!$.boxModel) return outerHeight; else // strip border and padding size from outerHeight to get CSS Height return outerHeight - cssNum($E, "paddingTop") - cssNum($E, "paddingBottom") - ($.curCSS($E[0], "borderTopStyle", true) == "none" ? 0 : cssNum($E, "borderTopWidth")) - ($.curCSS($E[0], "borderBottomStyle", true) == "none" ? 0 : cssNum($E, "borderBottomWidth")) ; }; var cssSize = function (pane, outerSize) { if (c[pane].dir == "horz") // pane = north or south return cssH(pane, outerSize); else // pane = east or west return cssW(pane, outerSize); }; /* * getPaneSize * * Calculates the current 'size' (width or height) of a border-pane - optionally with 'pane spacing' added * * @returns Integer Returns EITHER Width for east/west panes OR Height for north/south panes - adjusted for boxModel & browser */ var getPaneSize = function (pane, inclSpace) { var $P = $Ps[pane] , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , oSp = (inclSpace ? o.spacing_open : 0) , cSp = (inclSpace ? o.spacing_closed : 0) ; if (!$P || s.isHidden) return 0; else if (s.isClosed || (s.isSliding && inclSpace)) return cSp; else if (c[pane].dir == "horz") return $P.outerHeight() + oSp; else // dir == "vert" return $P.outerWidth() + oSp; }; var setPaneMinMaxSizes = function (pane) { var d = cDims , edge = c[pane].edge , dir = c[pane].dir , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , $P = $Ps[pane] , $altPane = $Ps[ altSide[pane] ] , paneSpacing = o.spacing_open , altPaneSpacing = options[ altSide[pane] ].spacing_open , altPaneSize = (!$altPane ? 0 : (dir == "horz" ? $altPane.outerHeight() : $altPane.outerWidth())) , containerSize = (dir == "horz" ? d.innerHeight : d.innerWidth) // limitSize prevents this pane from 'overlapping' opposite pane - even if opposite pane is currently closed , limitSize = containerSize - paneSpacing - altPaneSize - altPaneSpacing , minSize = s.minSize || 0 , maxSize = Math.min(s.maxSize || 9999, limitSize) , minPos, maxPos // used to set resizing limits ; switch (pane) { case "north": minPos = d.offsetTop + minSize; maxPos = d.offsetTop + maxSize; break; case "west": minPos = d.offsetLeft + minSize; maxPos = d.offsetLeft + maxSize; break; case "south": minPos = d.offsetTop + d.innerHeight - maxSize; maxPos = d.offsetTop + d.innerHeight - minSize; break; case "east": minPos = d.offsetLeft + d.innerWidth - maxSize; maxPos = d.offsetLeft + d.innerWidth - minSize; break; } // save data to pane-state $.extend(s, { minSize: minSize, maxSize: maxSize, minPosition: minPos, maxPosition: maxPos }); }; /* * getPaneDims * * Returns data for setting the size/position of center pane. Date is also used to set Height for east/west panes * * @returns JSON Returns a hash of all dimensions: top, bottom, left, right, (outer) width and (outer) height */ var getPaneDims = function () { var d = { top: getPaneSize("north", true) // true = include 'spacing' value for p , bottom: getPaneSize("south", true) , left: getPaneSize("west", true) , right: getPaneSize("east", true) , width: 0 , height: 0 }; d.width = cDims.innerWidth - left - right; d.height = cDims.innerHeight - bottom - top; // now add the 'container border/padding' to get final positions - relative to the container +=; d.bottom += cDims.bottom; d.left += cDims.left; d.right += cDims.right; return d; }; /* * getElemDims * * Returns data for setting size of an element (container or a pane). * * @callers create(), onWindowResize() for container, plus others for pane * @returns JSON Returns a hash of all dimensions: top, bottom, left, right, outerWidth, innerHeight, etc */ var getElemDims = function ($E) { var d = {} // dimensions hash , e, b, p // edge, border, padding ; $.each("Left,Right,Top,Bottom".split(","), function () { e = str(this); b = d["border" + e] = cssNum($E, "border" + e + "Width"); p = d["padding" + e] = cssNum($E, "padding" + e); d["offset" + e] = b + p; // total offset of content from outer edge // if BOX MODEL, then 'position' = PADDING (ignore borderWidth) if ($E == $Container) d[e.toLowerCase()] = ($.boxModel ? p : 0); }); d.innerWidth = d.outerWidth = $E.outerWidth(); d.innerHeight = d.outerHeight = $E.outerHeight(); if ($.boxModel) { d.innerWidth -= (d.offsetLeft + d.offsetRight); d.innerHeight -= (d.offsetTop + d.offsetBottom); } return d; }; var setTimer = function (pane, action, fn, ms) { var Layout = window.layout = window.layout || {} , Timers = Layout.timers = Layout.timers || {} , name = "layout_" + + "_" + pane + "_" + action // UNIQUE NAME for every layout-pane-action ; if (Timers[name]) return; // timer already set! else Timers[name] = setTimeout(fn, ms); }; var clearTimer = function (pane, action) { var Layout = window.layout = window.layout || {} , Timers = Layout.timers = Layout.timers || {} , name = "layout_" + + "_" + pane + "_" + action // UNIQUE NAME for every layout-pane-action ; if (Timers[name]) { clearTimeout(Timers[name]); delete Timers[name]; return true; } else return false; }; /* * ########################### * INITIALIZATION METHODS * ########################### */ /* * create * * Initialize the layout - called automatically whenever an instance of layout is created * * @callers NEVER explicity called * @returns An object pointer to the instance created */ var create = function () { // initialize config/options initOptions(); // initialize all objects initContainer(); // set CSS as needed and init state.container dimensions initPanes(); // size & position all panes initHandles(); // create and position all resize bars & togglers buttons initResizable(); // activate resizing on all panes where resizable=true sizeContent("all"); // AFTER panes & handles have been initialized, size 'content' divs if (options.scrollToBookmarkOnLoad) if (self.location.hash) replace(self.location.hash); // scrollTo Bookmark // bind hotkey function - keyDown - if required initHotkeys(); // bind resizeAll() for 'this layout instance' to window.resize event $(window).resize(function () { var timerID = "timerLayout_" +; if (window[timerID]) clearTimeout(window[timerID]); window[timerID] = null; if (true || $.browser.msie) // use a delay for IE because the resize event fires repeatly window[timerID] = setTimeout(resizeAll, 100); else // most other browsers have a built-in delay before firing the resize event resizeAll(); // resize all layout elements NOW! }); }; /* * initContainer * * Validate and initialize container CSS and events * * @callers create() */ var initContainer = function () { try { // format html/body if this is a full page layout if ($Container[0].tagName == "BODY") { $("html").css({ height: "100%" , overflow: "hidden" }); $("body").css({ position: "relative" , height: "100%" , overflow: "hidden" , margin: 0 , padding: 0 // TODO: test whether body-padding could be handled? , border: "none" // a body-border creates problems because it cannot be measured! }); } else { // set required CSS - overflow and position var CSS = { overflow: "hidden" } // make sure container will not 'scroll' , p = $Container.css("position") , h = $Container.css("height") ; // if this is a NESTED layout, then outer-pane ALREADY has position and height if (!$Container.hasClass("ui-layout-pane")) { if (!p || "fixed,absolute,relative".indexOf(p) < 0) CSS.position = "relative"; // container MUST have a 'position' if (!h || h == "auto") CSS.height = "100%"; // container MUST have a 'height' } $Container.css(CSS); } } catch (ex) { } // get layout-container dimensions (updated when necessary) cDims = state.container = getElemDims($Container); // update data-pointer too }; /* * initHotkeys * * Bind layout hotkeys - if options enabled * * @callers create() */ var initHotkeys = function () { // bind keyDown to capture hotkeys, if option enabled for ANY pane $.each(c.borderPanes.split(","), function (i, pane) { var o = options[pane]; if (o.enableCursorHotkey || o.customHotkey) { $(document).keydown(keyDown); // only need to bind this ONCE return false; // BREAK - binding was done } }); }; /* * initOptions * * Build final CONFIG and OPTIONS data * * @callers create() */ var initOptions = function () { // simplify logic by making sure passed 'opts' var has basic keys opts = transformData(opts); // update default effects, if case user passed key if (opts.effects) { $.extend(effects, opts.effects); delete opts.effects; } // see if any 'global options' were specified $.each("name,scrollToBookmarkOnLoad".split(","), function (idx, key) { if (opts[key] !== undefined) options[key] = opts[key]; else if (opts.defaults[key] !== undefined) { options[key] = opts.defaults[key]; delete opts.defaults[key]; } }); // remove any 'defaults' that MUST be set 'per-pane' $.each("paneSelector,resizerCursor,customHotkey".split(","), function (idx, key) { delete opts.defaults[key]; } // is OK if key does not exist ); // now update options.defaults $.extend(options.defaults, opts.defaults); // make sure required sub-keys exist //if (typeof options.defaults.fxSettings != "object") options.defaults.fxSettings = {}; // merge all config & options for the 'center' pane = $.extend(true, {}, c.defaults,; $.extend(,; // Most 'default options' do not apply to 'center', so add only those that DO var o_Center = $.extend(true, {}, options.defaults, opts.defaults,; // TEMP data $.each("paneClass,contentSelector,contentIgnoreSelector,applyDefaultStyles,showOverflowOnHover".split(","), function (idx, key) {[key] = o_Center[key]; } ); var defs = options.defaults; // create a COMPLETE set of options for EACH border-pane $.each(c.borderPanes.split(","), function(i, pane) { // apply 'pane-defaults' to CONFIG.PANE c[pane] = $.extend(true, {}, c.defaults, c[pane]); // apply 'pane-defaults' + user-options to OPTIONS.PANE o = options[pane] = $.extend(true, {}, options.defaults, options[pane], opts.defaults, opts[pane]); // make sure we have base-classes if (!o.paneClass) o.paneClass = defaults.paneClass; if (!o.resizerClass) o.resizerClass = defaults.resizerClass; if (!o.togglerClass) o.togglerClass = defaults.togglerClass; // create FINAL fx options for each pane, ie: options.PANE.fxName/fxSpeed/fxSettings[_open|_close] $.each(["_open","_close",""], function (i, n) { var sName = "fxName" + n , sSpeed = "fxSpeed" + n , sSettings = "fxSettings" + n ; // recalculate fxName according to specificity rules o[sName] = opts[pane][sName] // opts.west.fxName_open || opts[pane].fxName // opts.west.fxName || opts.defaults[sName] // opts.defaults.fxName_open || opts.defaults.fxName // opts.defaults.fxName || o[sName] // options.west.fxName_open || o.fxName // options.west.fxName || defs[sName] // options.defaults.fxName_open || defs.fxName // options.defaults.fxName || "none" ; // validate fxName to be sure is a valid effect var fxName = o[sName]; if (fxName == "none" || !$.effects || !$.effects[fxName] || (!effects[fxName] && !o[sSettings] && !o.fxSettings)) fxName = o[sName] = "none"; // effect not loaded, OR undefined FX AND fxSettings not passed // set vars for effects subkeys to simplify logic var fx = effects[fxName] || {} // effects.slide , fx_all = fx.all || {} // effects.slide.all , fx_pane = fx[pane] || {} // effects.slide.west ; // RECREATE the fxSettings[_open|_close] keys using specificity rules o[sSettings] = $.extend( {} , fx_all // effects.slide.all , fx_pane // effects.slide.west , defs.fxSettings || {} // options.defaults.fxSettings , defs[sSettings] || {} // options.defaults.fxSettings_open , o.fxSettings // options.west.fxSettings , o[sSettings] // options.west.fxSettings_open , opts.defaults.fxSettings // opts.defaults.fxSettings , opts.defaults[sSettings] || {} // opts.defaults.fxSettings_open , opts[pane].fxSettings // opts.west.fxSettings , opts[pane][sSettings] || {} // opts.west.fxSettings_open ); // recalculate fxSpeed according to specificity rules o[sSpeed] = opts[pane][sSpeed] // opts.west.fxSpeed_open || opts[pane].fxSpeed // opts.west.fxSpeed (pane-default) || opts.defaults[sSpeed] // opts.defaults.fxSpeed_open || opts.defaults.fxSpeed // opts.defaults.fxSpeed || o[sSpeed] // options.west.fxSpeed_open || o[sSettings].duration // options.west.fxSettings_open.duration || o.fxSpeed // options.west.fxSpeed || o.fxSettings.duration // options.west.fxSettings.duration || defs.fxSpeed // options.defaults.fxSpeed || defs.fxSettings.duration// options.defaults.fxSettings.duration || fx_pane.duration // effects.slide.west.duration || fx_all.duration // effects.slide.all.duration || "normal" // DEFAULT ; // DEBUG: if (pane=="east") debugData( $.extend({}, {speed: o[sSpeed], fxSettings_duration: o[sSettings].duration}, o[sSettings]), pane+"."+sName+" = "+fxName ); }); }); }; /* * initPanes * * Initialize module objects, styling, size and position for all panes * * @callers create() */ var initPanes = function () { // NOTE: do north & south FIRST so we can measure their height - do center LAST $.each(c.allPanes.split(","), function() { var pane = str(this) , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , fx = s.fx , dir = c[pane].dir // if o.size is not > 0, then we will use MEASURE the pane and use that as it's 'size' , size = o.size == "auto" || isNaN(o.size) ? 0 : o.size , minSize = o.minSize || 1 , maxSize = o.maxSize || 9999 , spacing = o.spacing_open || 0 , sel = o.paneSelector , isIE6 = ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) , CSS = {} , $P, $C ; $Cs[pane] = false; // init if (sel.substr(0, 1) === "#") // ID selector // NOTE: elements selected 'by ID' DO NOT have to be 'children' $P = $Ps[pane] = $Container.find(sel + ":first"); else { // class or other selector $P = $Ps[pane] = $Container.children(sel + ":first"); // look for the pane nested inside a 'form' element if (!$P.length) $P = $Ps[pane] = $Container.children("form:first").children(sel + ":first"); } if (!$P.length) { $Ps[pane] = false; // logic return true; // SKIP to next } // add basic classes & attributes $P .attr("pane", pane)// add pane-identifier .addClass(o.paneClass + " " + o.paneClass + "-" + pane) // default = "ui-layout-pane ui-layout-pane-west" - may be a dupe of 'paneSelector' ; // init pane-logic vars, etc. if (pane != "center") { s.isClosed = false; // true = pane is closed s.isSliding = false; // true = pane is currently open by 'sliding' over adjacent panes s.isResizing = false; // true = pane is in process of being resized s.isHidden = false; // true = pane is hidden - no spacing, resizer or toggler is visible! s.noRoom = false; // true = pane 'automatically' hidden due to insufficient room - will unhide automatically // create special keys for internal use c[pane].pins = []; // used to track and sync 'pin-buttons' for border-panes } CSS = $.extend({ visibility: "visible", display: "block" }, c.defaults.cssReq, c[pane].cssReq); if (o.applyDefaultStyles) $.extend(CSS, c.defaults.cssDef, c[pane].cssDef); // cosmetic defaults $P.css(CSS); // add base-css BEFORE 'measuring' to calc size & position CSS = {}; // reset var // set css-position to account for container borders & padding switch (pane) { case "north": =; CSS.left = cDims.left; CSS.right = cDims.right; break; case "south": CSS.bottom = cDims.bottom; CSS.left = cDims.left; CSS.right = cDims.right; break; case "west": CSS.left = cDims.left; // top, bottom & height set by sizeMidPanes() break; case "east": CSS.right = cDims.right; // ditto break; case "center": // top, left, width & height set by sizeMidPanes() } if (dir == "horz") { // north or south pane if (size === 0 || size == "auto") { $P.css({ height: "auto" }); size = $P.outerHeight(); } size = max(size, minSize); size = min(size, maxSize); size = min(size, cDims.innerHeight - spacing); CSS.height = max(1, cssH(pane, size)); s.size = size; // update state // make sure minSize is sufficient to avoid errors s.maxSize = maxSize; // init value s.minSize = max(minSize, size - CSS.height + 1); // = pane.outerHeight when css.height = 1px // handle IE6 //if (isIE6) CSS.width = cssW($P, cDims.innerWidth); $P.css(CSS); // apply size & position } else if (dir == "vert") { // east or west pane if (size === 0 || size == "auto") { $P.css({ width: "auto", "float": "left" }); // float = FORCE pane to auto-size size = $P.outerWidth(); $P.css({ "float": "none" }); // RESET } size = max(size, minSize); size = min(size, maxSize); size = min(size, cDims.innerWidth - spacing); CSS.width = max(1, cssW(pane, size)); s.size = size; // update state s.maxSize = maxSize; // init value // make sure minSize is sufficient to avoid errors s.minSize = max(minSize, size - CSS.width + 1); // = pane.outerWidth when css.width = 1px $P.css(CSS); // apply size - top, bottom & height set by sizeMidPanes sizeMidPanes(pane, null, true); // true = onInit } else if (pane == "center") { $P.css(CSS); // top, left, width & height set by sizeMidPanes... sizeMidPanes("center", null, true); // true = onInit } // close or hide the pane if specified in settings if (o.initClosed && o.closable) { $P.hide().addClass("closed"); s.isClosed = true; } else if (o.initHidden || o.initClosed) { hide(pane, true); // will be completely invisible - no resizer or spacing s.isHidden = true; } else $P.addClass("open"); // check option for auto-handling of pop-ups & drop-downs if (o.showOverflowOnHover) $P.hover(allowOverflow, resetOverflow); /* * see if this pane has a 'content element' that we need to auto-size */ if (o.contentSelector) { $C = $Cs[pane] = $P.children(o.contentSelector + ":first"); // match 1-element only if (!$C.length) { $Cs[pane] = false; return true; // SKIP to next } $C.css(c.content.cssReq); if (o.applyDefaultStyles) $C.css(c.content.cssDef); // cosmetic defaults // NO PANE-SCROLLING when there is a content-div $P.css({ overflow: "hidden" }); } }); }; /* * initHandles * * Initialize module objects, styling, size and position for all resize bars and toggler buttons * * @callers create() */ var initHandles = function () { // create toggler DIVs for each pane, and set object pointers for them, eg: $R.north = north toggler DIV $.each(c.borderPanes.split(","), function() { var pane = str(this) , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , rClass = o.resizerClass , tClass = o.togglerClass , $P = $Ps[pane] ; $Rs[pane] = false; // INIT $Ts[pane] = false; if (!$P || (!o.closable && !o.resizable)) return; // pane does not exist - skip var edge = c[pane].edge , isOpen = $":visible") , spacing = (isOpen ? o.spacing_open : o.spacing_closed) , _pane = "-" + pane // used for classNames , _state = (isOpen ? "-open" : "-closed") // used for classNames , $R, $T ; // INIT RESIZER BAR $R = $Rs[pane] = $("<span></span>"); if (isOpen && o.resizable) { } // this is handled by initResizable else if (!isOpen && o.slidable) $R.attr("title", o.sliderTip).css("cursor", o.sliderCursor); $R // if paneSelector is an ID, then create a matching ID for the resizer, eg: "#paneLeft" => "paneLeft-resizer" .attr("id", (o.paneSelector.substr(0, 1) == "#" ? o.paneSelector.substr(1) + "-resizer" : "")) .attr("resizer", pane)// so we can read this from the resizer .css(c.resizers.cssReq)// add base/required styles // POSITION of resizer bar - allow for container border & padding .css(edge, cDims[edge] + getPaneSize(pane)) // ADD CLASSNAMES - eg: class="resizer resizer-west resizer-open" .addClass(rClass + " " + rClass + _pane + " " + rClass + _state + " " + rClass + _pane + _state) .appendTo($Container) // append DIV to container ; // ADD VISUAL STYLES if (o.applyDefaultStyles) $R.css(c.resizers.cssDef); if (o.closable) { // INIT COLLAPSER BUTTON $T = $Ts[pane] = $("<div></div>"); $T // if paneSelector is an ID, then create a matching ID for the resizer, eg: "#paneLeft" => "paneLeft-toggler" .attr("id", (o.paneSelector.substr(0, 1) == "#" ? o.paneSelector.substr(1) + "-toggler" : "")) .css(c.togglers.cssReq)// add base/required styles .attr("title", (isOpen ? o.togglerTip_open : o.togglerTip_closed)) .click(function(evt) { toggle(pane); evt.stopPropagation(); }) .mouseover(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); })// prevent resizer event // ADD CLASSNAMES - eg: class="toggler toggler-west toggler-west-open" .addClass(tClass + " " + tClass + _pane + " " + tClass + _state + " " + tClass + _pane + _state) .appendTo($R) // append SPAN to resizer DIV ; // ADD INNER-SPANS TO TOGGLER if (o.togglerContent_open) // ui-layout-open $("<span>" + o.togglerContent_open + "</span>") .addClass("content content-open") .css("display", s.isClosed ? "none" : "block") .appendTo($T) ; if (o.togglerContent_closed) // ui-layout-closed $("<span>" + o.togglerContent_closed + "</span>") .addClass("content content-closed") .css("display", s.isClosed ? "block" : "none") .appendTo($T) ; // ADD BASIC VISUAL STYLES if (o.applyDefaultStyles) $T.css(c.togglers.cssDef); if (!isOpen) bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable if state.PANE.isSliding = true } }); // SET ALL HANDLE SIZES & LENGTHS sizeHandles("all", true); // true = onInit }; /* * initResizable * * Add resize-bars to all panes that specify it in options * * @dependancies $.fn.resizable - will abort if not found * @callers create() */ var initResizable = function () { var draggingAvailable = (typeof $.fn.draggable == "function") , minPosition, maxPosition, edge // set in start() ; $.each(c.borderPanes.split(","), function() { var pane = str(this) , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] ; if (!draggingAvailable || !$Ps[pane] || !o.resizable) { o.resizable = false; return true; // skip to next } var rClass = o.resizerClass // 'drag' classes are applied to the ORIGINAL resizer-bar while dragging is in process , dragClass = rClass + "-drag" // resizer-drag , dragPaneClass = rClass + "-" + pane + "-drag" // resizer-north-drag // 'dragging' class is applied to the CLONED resizer-bar while it is being dragged , draggingClass = rClass + "-dragging" // resizer-dragging , draggingPaneClass = rClass + "-" + pane + "-dragging" // resizer-north-dragging , draggingClassSet = false // logic var , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] ; if (!s.isClosed) $R .attr("title", o.resizerTip) .css("cursor", o.resizerCursor) // n-resize, s-resize, etc ; $R.draggable({ containment: $Container[0] // limit resizing to layout container , axis: (c[pane].dir == "horz" ? "y" : "x") // limit resizing to horz or vert axis , delay: 200 , distance: 1 // basic format for helper - style it using class: .ui-draggable-dragging , helper: "clone" , opacity: o.resizerDragOpacity //, iframeFix: o.draggableIframeFix // TODO: consider using when bug is fixed , zIndex: c.zIndex.resizing , start: function (e, ui) { // onresize_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false // TODO: CONFIRM that dragging can be cancelled like this??? if (false === execUserCallback(pane, o.onresize_start)) return false; s.isResizing = true; // prevent pane from closing while resizing clearTimer(pane, "closeSlider"); // just in case already triggered $R.addClass(dragClass + " " + dragPaneClass); // add drag classes draggingClassSet = false; // reset logic var - see drag() // SET RESIZING LIMITS - used in drag() var resizerWidth = (pane == "east" || pane == "south" ? o.spacing_open : 0); setPaneMinMaxSizes(pane); // update pane-state s.minPosition -= resizerWidth; s.maxPosition -= resizerWidth; edge = (c[pane].dir == "horz" ? "top" : "left"); // MASK PANES WITH IFRAMES OR OTHER TROUBLESOME ELEMENTS $(o.maskIframesOnResize === true ? "iframe" : o.maskIframesOnResize).each(function() { $('<div class="ui-layout-mask"/>') .css({ background: "#fff" , opacity: "0.001" , zIndex: 9 , position: "absolute" , width: this.offsetWidth + "px" , height: this.offsetHeight + "px" }) .css($(this).offset())// top & left .appendTo(this.parentNode) // put div INSIDE pane to avoid zIndex issues ; }); } , drag: function (e, ui) { if (!draggingClassSet) { // can only add classes after clone has been added to the DOM $(".ui-draggable-dragging") .addClass(draggingClass + " " + draggingPaneClass)// add dragging classes .children().css("visibility", "hidden") // hide toggler inside dragged resizer-bar ; draggingClassSet = true; // draggable bug!? RE-SET zIndex to prevent E/W resize-bar showing through N/S pane! if (s.isSliding) $Ps[pane].css("zIndex", c.zIndex.sliding); } // CONTAIN RESIZER-BAR TO RESIZING LIMITS if (ui.position[edge] < s.minPosition) ui.position[edge] = s.minPosition; else if (ui.position[edge] > s.maxPosition) ui.position[edge] = s.maxPosition; } , stop: function (e, ui) { var dragPos = ui.position , resizerPos , newSize ; $R.removeClass(dragClass + " " + dragPaneClass); // remove drag classes switch (pane) { case "north": resizerPos =; break; case "west": resizerPos = dragPos.left; break; case "south": resizerPos = cDims.outerHeight - - $R.outerHeight(); break; case "east": resizerPos = cDims.outerWidth - dragPos.left - $R.outerWidth(); break; } // remove container margin from resizer position to get the pane size newSize = resizerPos - cDims[ c[pane].edge ]; sizePane(pane, newSize); // UN-MASK PANES MASKED IN drag.start $("div.ui-layout-mask").remove(); // Remove iframe masks s.isResizing = false; } }); }); }; /* * ########################### * ACTION METHODS * ########################### */ /* * hide / show * * Completely 'hides' a pane, including its spacing - as if it does not exist * The pane is not actually 'removed' from the source, so can use 'show' to un-hide it * * @param String pane The pane being hidden, ie: north, south, east, or west */ var hide = function (pane, onInit) { var o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] ; if (!$P || s.isHidden) return; // pane does not exist OR is already hidden // onhide_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false if (false === execUserCallback(pane, o.onhide_start)) return; s.isSliding = false; // just in case // now hide the elements if ($R) $R.hide(); // hide resizer-bar if (onInit || s.isClosed) { s.isClosed = true; // to trigger open-animation on show() s.isHidden = true; $P.hide(); // no animation when loading page sizeMidPanes(c[pane].dir == "horz" ? "all" : "center"); execUserCallback(pane, o.onhide_end || o.onhide); } else { s.isHiding = true; // used by onclose close(pane, false); // adjust all panes to fit //s.isHidden = true; - will be set by close - if not cancelled } }; var show = function (pane, openPane) { var o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] ; if (!$P || !s.isHidden) return; // pane does not exist OR is not hidden // onhide_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false if (false === execUserCallback(pane, o.onshow_start)) return; s.isSliding = false; // just in case s.isShowing = true; // used by onopen/onclose //s.isHidden = false; - will be set by open/close - if not cancelled // now show the elements if ($R && o.spacing_open > 0) $; if (openPane === false) close(pane, true); // true = force else open(pane); // adjust all panes to fit }; /* * toggle * * Toggles a pane open/closed by calling either open or close * * @param String pane The pane being toggled, ie: north, south, east, or west */ var toggle = function (pane) { var s = state[pane]; if (s.isHidden) show(pane); // will call 'open' after unhiding it else if (s.isClosed) open(pane); else close(pane); }; /* * close * * Close the specified pane (animation optional), and resize all other panes as needed * * @param String pane The pane being closed, ie: north, south, east, or west */ var close = function (pane, force, noAnimation) { var $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] , $T = $Ts[pane] , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , doFX = !noAnimation && !s.isClosed && (o.fxName_close != "none") , edge = c[pane].edge , rClass = o.resizerClass , tClass = o.togglerClass , _pane = "-" + pane // used for classNames , _open = "-open" , _sliding = "-sliding" , _closed = "-closed" // transfer logic vars to temp vars , isShowing = s.isShowing , isHiding = s.isHiding ; // now clear the logic vars delete s.isShowing; delete s.isHiding; if (!$P || (!o.resizable && !o.closable)) return; // invalid request else if (!force && s.isClosed && !isShowing) return; // already closed if (c.isLayoutBusy) { // layout is 'busy' - probably with an animation setFlowCallback("close", pane, force); // set a callback for this action, if possible return; // ABORT } // onclose_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false // SKIP if just 'showing' a hidden pane as 'closed' if (!isShowing && false === execUserCallback(pane, o.onclose_start)) return; // SET flow-control flags c[pane].isMoving = true; c.isLayoutBusy = true; s.isClosed = true; // update isHidden BEFORE sizing panes if (isHiding) s.isHidden = true; else if (isShowing) s.isHidden = false; // sync any 'pin buttons' syncPinBtns(pane, false); // resize panes adjacent to this one if (!s.isSliding) sizeMidPanes(c[pane].dir == "horz" ? "all" : "center"); // if this pane has a resizer bar, move it now if ($R) { $R .css(edge, cDims[edge])// move the resizer bar .removeClass(rClass + _open + " " + rClass + _pane + _open) .removeClass(rClass + _sliding + " " + rClass + _pane + _sliding) .addClass(rClass + _closed + " " + rClass + _pane + _closed) ; // DISABLE 'resizing' when closed - do this BEFORE bindStartSlidingEvent if (o.resizable) $R .draggable("disable") .css("cursor", "default") .attr("title", "") ; // if pane has a toggler button, adjust that too if ($T) { $T .removeClass(tClass + _open + " " + tClass + _pane + _open) .addClass(tClass + _closed + " " + tClass + _pane + _closed) .attr("title", o.togglerTip_closed) // may be blank ; } sizeHandles(); // resize 'length' and position togglers for adjacent panes } // ANIMATE 'CLOSE' - if no animation, then was ALREADY shown above if (doFX) { lockPaneForFX(pane, true); // need to set left/top so animation will work $P.hide(o.fxName_close, o.fxSettings_close, o.fxSpeed_close, function () { lockPaneForFX(pane, false); // undo if (!s.isClosed) return; // pane was opened before animation finished! close_2(); }); } else { $P.hide(); // just hide pane NOW close_2(); } // SUBROUTINE function close_2() { bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable if state.PANE.isSliding = true // onclose callback - UNLESS just 'showing' a hidden pane as 'closed' if (!isShowing) execUserCallback(pane, o.onclose_end || o.onclose); // onhide OR onshow callback if (isShowing) execUserCallback(pane, o.onshow_end || o.onshow); if (isHiding) execUserCallback(pane, o.onhide_end || o.onhide); // internal flow-control callback execFlowCallback(pane); } }; /* * open * * Open the specified pane (animation optional), and resize all other panes as needed * * @param String pane The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west */ var open = function (pane, slide, noAnimation) { var $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] , $T = $Ts[pane] , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , doFX = !noAnimation && s.isClosed && (o.fxName_open != "none") , edge = c[pane].edge , rClass = o.resizerClass , tClass = o.togglerClass , _pane = "-" + pane // used for classNames , _open = "-open" , _closed = "-closed" , _sliding = "-sliding" // transfer logic var to temp var , isShowing = s.isShowing ; // now clear the logic var delete s.isShowing; if (!$P || (!o.resizable && !o.closable)) return; // invalid request else if (!s.isClosed && !s.isSliding) return; // already open // pane can ALSO be unhidden by just calling show(), so handle this scenario if (s.isHidden && !isShowing) { show(pane, true); return; } if (c.isLayoutBusy) { // layout is 'busy' - probably with an animation setFlowCallback("open", pane, slide); // set a callback for this action, if possible return; // ABORT } // onopen_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false if (false === execUserCallback(pane, o.onopen_start)) return; // SET flow-control flags c[pane].isMoving = true; c.isLayoutBusy = true; // 'PIN PANE' - stop sliding if (s.isSliding && !slide) // !slide = 'open pane normally' - NOT sliding bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // will set isSliding=false s.isClosed = false; // update isHidden BEFORE sizing panes if (isShowing) s.isHidden = false; // Container size may have changed - shrink the pane if now 'too big' setPaneMinMaxSizes(pane); // update pane-state if (s.size > s.maxSize) // pane is too big! resize it before opening $P.css(c[pane].sizeType, max(1, cssSize(pane, s.maxSize))); bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false); // remove trigger event from resizer-bar if (doFX) { // ANIMATE lockPaneForFX(pane, true); // need to set left/top so animation will work $, o.fxSettings_open, o.fxSpeed_open, function() { lockPaneForFX(pane, false); // undo if (s.isClosed) return; // pane was closed before animation finished! open_2(); // continue }); } else {// no animation $; // just show pane and... open_2(); // continue } // SUBROUTINE function open_2() { // NOTE: if isSliding, then other panes are NOT 'resized' if (!s.isSliding) // resize all panes adjacent to this one sizeMidPanes(c[pane].dir == "vert" ? "center" : "all"); // if this pane has a toggler, move it now if ($R) { $R .css(edge, cDims[edge] + getPaneSize(pane))// move the toggler .removeClass(rClass + _closed + " " + rClass + _pane + _closed) .addClass(rClass + _open + " " + rClass + _pane + _open) .addClass(!s.isSliding ? "" : rClass + _sliding + " " + rClass + _pane + _sliding) ; if (o.resizable) $R .draggable("enable") .css("cursor", o.resizerCursor) .attr("title", o.resizerTip) ; else $R.css("cursor", "default"); // n-resize, s-resize, etc // if pane also has a toggler button, adjust that too if ($T) { $T .removeClass(tClass + _closed + " " + tClass + _pane + _closed) .addClass(tClass + _open + " " + tClass + _pane + _open) .attr("title", o.togglerTip_open) // may be blank ; } sizeHandles("all"); // resize resizer & toggler sizes for all panes } // resize content every time pane opens - to be sure sizeContent(pane); // sync any 'pin buttons' syncPinBtns(pane, !s.isSliding); // onopen callback execUserCallback(pane, o.onopen_end || o.onopen); // onshow callback if (isShowing) execUserCallback(pane, o.onshow_end || o.onshow); // internal flow-control callback execFlowCallback(pane); } }; /* * lockPaneForFX * * Must set left/top on East/South panes so animation will work properly * * @param String pane The pane to lock, 'east' or 'south' - any other is ignored! * @param Boolean doLock true = set left/top, false = remove */ var lockPaneForFX = function (pane, doLock) { var $P = $Ps[pane]; if (doLock) { $P.css({ zIndex: c.zIndex.animation }); // overlay all elements during animation if (pane == "south") $P.css({ top: + cDims.innerHeight - $P.outerHeight() }); else if (pane == "east") $P.css({ left: cDims.left + cDims.innerWidth - $P.outerWidth() }); } else { if (!state[pane].isSliding) $P.css({ zIndex: c.zIndex.pane_normal }); if (pane == "south") $P.css({ top: "auto" }); else if (pane == "east") $P.css({ left: "auto" }); } }; /* * bindStartSlidingEvent * * Toggle sliding functionality of a specific pane on/off by adding removing 'slide open' trigger * * @callers open(), close() * @param String pane The pane to enable/disable, 'north', 'south', etc. * @param Boolean enable Enable or Disable sliding? */ var bindStartSlidingEvent = function (pane, enable) { var o = options[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] , trigger = o.slideTrigger_open ; if (!$R || !o.slidable) return; // make sure we have a valid event if (trigger != "click" && trigger != "dblclick" && trigger != "mouseover") trigger = "click"; $R // add or remove trigger event [enable ? "bind" : "unbind"](trigger, slideOpen) // set the appropriate cursor & title/tip .css("cursor", (enable ? o.sliderCursor : "default")) .attr("title", (enable ? o.sliderTip : "")) ; }; /* * bindStopSlidingEvents * * Add or remove 'mouseout' events to 'slide close' when pane is 'sliding' open or closed * Also increases zIndex when pane is sliding open * See bindStartSlidingEvent for code to control 'slide open' * * @callers slideOpen(), slideClosed() * @param String pane The pane to process, 'north', 'south', etc. * @param Boolean isOpen Is pane open or closed? */ var bindStopSlidingEvents = function (pane, enable) { var o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , trigger = o.slideTrigger_close , action = (enable ? "bind" : "unbind") // can't make 'unbind' work! - see disabled code below , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] ; s.isSliding = enable; // logic clearTimer(pane, "closeSlider"); // just in case // raise z-index when sliding $P.css({ zIndex: (enable ? c.zIndex.sliding : c.zIndex.pane_normal) }); $R.css({ zIndex: (enable ? c.zIndex.sliding : c.zIndex.resizer_normal) }); // make sure we have a valid event if (trigger != "click" && trigger != "mouseout") trigger = "mouseout"; // when trigger is 'mouseout', must cancel timer when mouse moves between 'pane' and 'resizer' if (enable) { // BIND trigger events $P.bind(trigger, slideClosed); $R.bind(trigger, slideClosed); if (trigger = "mouseout") { $P.bind("mouseover", cancelMouseOut); $R.bind("mouseover", cancelMouseOut); } } else { // UNBIND trigger events // TODO: why does unbind of a 'single function' not work reliably? //$P[action](trigger, slideClosed ); $P.unbind(trigger); $R.unbind(trigger); if (trigger = "mouseout") { //$P[action]("mouseover", cancelMouseOut ); $P.unbind("mouseover"); $R.unbind("mouseover"); clearTimer(pane, "closeSlider"); } } // SUBROUTINE for mouseout timer clearing function cancelMouseOut(evt) { clearTimer(pane, "closeSlider"); evt.stopPropagation(); } }; var slideOpen = function () { var pane = $(this).attr("resizer"); // attr added by initHandles if (state[pane].isClosed) { // skip if already open! bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, true); // pane is opening, so BIND trigger events to close it open(pane, true); // true = slide - ie, called from here! } }; var slideClosed = function () { var $E = $(this) , pane = $E.attr("pane") || $E.attr("resizer") , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] ; if (s.isClosed || s.isResizing) return; // skip if already closed OR in process of resizing else if (o.slideTrigger_close == "click") close_NOW(); // close immediately onClick else // trigger = mouseout - use a delay setTimer(pane, "closeSlider", close_NOW, 300); // .3 sec delay // SUBROUTINE for timed close function close_NOW() { bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // pane is being closed, so UNBIND trigger events if (!s.isClosed) close(pane); // skip if already closed! } }; /* * sizePane * * @callers initResizable.stop() * @param String pane The pane being resized - usually west or east, but potentially north or south * @param Integer newSize The new size for this pane - will be validated */ var sizePane = function (pane, size) { // TODO: accept "auto" as size, and size-to-fit pane content var edge = c[pane].edge , dir = c[pane].dir , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] ; // calculate 'current' min/max sizes setPaneMinMaxSizes(pane); // update pane-state // compare/update calculated min/max to user-options s.minSize = max(s.minSize, o.minSize); if (o.maxSize > 0) s.maxSize = min(s.maxSize, o.maxSize); // validate passed size size = max(size, s.minSize); size = min(size, s.maxSize); s.size = size; // update state // move the resizer bar and resize the pane $R.css(edge, size + cDims[edge]); $P.css(c[pane].sizeType, max(1, cssSize(pane, size))); // resize all the adjacent panes, and adjust their toggler buttons if (!s.isSliding) sizeMidPanes(dir == "horz" ? "all" : "center"); sizeHandles(); sizeContent(pane); execUserCallback(pane, o.onresize_end || o.onresize); }; /* * sizeMidPanes * * @callers create(), open(), close(), onWindowResize() */ var sizeMidPanes = function (panes, overrideDims, onInit) { if (!panes || panes == "all") panes = "east,west,center"; var d = getPaneDims(); if (overrideDims) $.extend(d, overrideDims); $.each(panes.split(","), function() { if (!$Ps[this]) return; // NO PANE - skip var pane = str(this) , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] , hasRoom = true , CSS = {} ; if (pane == "center") { d = getPaneDims(); // REFRESH Dims because may have just 'unhidden' East or West pane after a 'resize' CSS = $.extend({}, d); // COPY ALL of the paneDims CSS.width = max(1, cssW(pane, CSS.width)); CSS.height = max(1, cssH(pane, CSS.height)); hasRoom = (CSS.width > 1 && CSS.height > 1); /* * Extra CSS for IE6 or IE7 in Quirks-mode - add 'width' to NORTH/SOUTH panes * Normally these panes have only 'left' & 'right' positions so pane auto-sizes */ if ($.browser.msie && (!$.boxModel || $.browser.version < 7)) { if ($Ps.north) $Ps.north.css({ width: cssW($Ps.north, cDims.innerWidth) }); if ($Ps.south) $Ps.south.css({ width: cssW($Ps.south, cDims.innerWidth) }); } } else { // for east and west, set only the height =; CSS.bottom = d.bottom; CSS.height = max(1, cssH(pane, d.height)); hasRoom = (CSS.height > 1); } if (hasRoom) { $P.css(CSS); if (s.noRoom) { s.noRoom = false; if (s.isHidden) return; else show(pane, !s.isClosed); /* OLD CODE - keep until sure line above works right! if (!s.isClosed) $; // in case was previously hidden due to NOT hasRoom if ($R) $; */ } if (!onInit) { sizeContent(pane); execUserCallback(pane, o.onresize_end || o.onresize); } } else if (!s.noRoom) { // no room for pane, so just hide it (if not already) s.noRoom = true; // update state if (s.isHidden) return; if (onInit) { // skip onhide callback and other logic onLoad $P.hide(); if ($R) $R.hide(); } else hide(pane); } }); }; var sizeContent = function (panes) { if (!panes || panes == "all") panes = c.allPanes; $.each(panes.split(","), function() { if (!$Cs[this]) return; // NO CONTENT - skip var pane = str(this) , ignore = options[pane].contentIgnoreSelector , $P = $Ps[pane] , $C = $Cs[pane] , e_C = $C[0] // DOM element , height = cssH($P); // init to pane.innerHeight ; $P.children().each(function() { if (this == e_C) return; // Content elem - skip var $E = $(this); if (!ignore || !$ height -= $E.outerHeight(); }); if (height > 0) height = cssH($C, height); if (height < 1) $C.hide(); // no room for content! else $C.css({ height: height }).show(); }); }; /* * sizeHandles * * Called every time a pane is opened, closed, or resized to slide the togglers to 'center' and adjust their length if necessary * * @callers initHandles(), open(), close(), resizeAll() */ var sizeHandles = function (panes, onInit) { if (!panes || panes == "all") panes = c.borderPanes; $.each(panes.split(","), function() { var pane = str(this) , o = options[pane] , s = state[pane] , $P = $Ps[pane] , $R = $Rs[pane] , $T = $Ts[pane] ; if (!$P || !$R || (!o.resizable && !o.closable)) return; // skip var dir = c[pane].dir , _state = (s.isClosed ? "_closed" : "_open") , spacing = o["spacing" + _state] , togAlign = o["togglerAlign" + _state] , togLen = o["togglerLength" + _state] , paneLen , offset , CSS = {} ; if (spacing == 0) { $R.hide(); return; } else if (!s.noRoom && !s.isHidden) // skip if resizer was hidden for any reason $; // in case was previously hidden // Resizer Bar is ALWAYS same width/height of pane it is attached to if (dir == "horz") { // north/south paneLen = $P.outerWidth(); $R.css({ width: max(1, cssW($R, paneLen)) // account for borders & padding , height: max(1, cssH($R, spacing)) // ditto , left: cssNum($P, "left") }); } else { // east/west paneLen = $P.outerHeight(); $R.css({ height: max(1, cssH($R, paneLen)) // account for borders & padding , width: max(1, cssW($R, spacing)) // ditto , top: + getPaneSize("north", true) //, top: cssNum($Ps["center"], "top") }); } if ($T) { if (togLen == 0 || (s.isSliding && o.hideTogglerOnSlide)) { $T.hide(); // always HIDE the toggler when 'sliding' return; } else $; // in case was previously hidden if (!(togLen > 0) || togLen == "100%" || togLen > paneLen) { togLen = paneLen; offset = 0; } else { // calculate 'offset' based on options.PANE.togglerAlign_open/closed if (typeof togAlign == "string") { switch (togAlign) { case "top": case "left": offset = 0; break; case "bottom": case "right": offset = paneLen - togLen; break; case "middle": case "center": default: offset = Math.floor((paneLen - togLen) / 2); // 'default' catches typos } } else { // togAlign = number var x = parseInt(togAlign); // if (togAlign >= 0) offset = x; else offset = paneLen - togLen + x; // NOTE: x is negative! } } var $TC_o = (o.togglerContent_open ? $T.children(".content-open") : false) , $TC_c = (o.togglerContent_closed ? $T.children(".content-closed") : false) , $TC = (s.isClosed ? $TC_c : $TC_o) ; if ($TC_o) $TC_o.css("display", s.isClosed ? "none" : "block"); if ($TC_c) $TC_c.css("display", s.isClosed ? "block" : "none"); if (dir == "horz") { // north/south var width = cssW($T, togLen); $T.css({ width: max(0, width) // account for borders & padding , height: max(1, cssH($T, spacing)) // ditto , left: offset // TODO: VERIFY that toggler positions correctly for ALL values }); if ($TC) // CENTER the toggler content SPAN $TC.css("marginLeft", Math.floor((width - $TC.outerWidth()) / 2)); // could be negative } else { // east/west var height = cssH($T, togLen); $T.css({ height: max(0, height) // account for borders & padding , width: max(1, cssW($T, spacing)) // ditto , top: offset // POSITION the toggler }); if ($TC) // CENTER the toggler content SPAN $TC.css("marginTop", Math.floor((height - $TC.outerHeight()) / 2)); // could be negative } } // DONE measuring and sizing this resizer/toggler, so can be 'hidden' now if (onInit && o.initHidden) { $R.hide(); if ($T) $T.hide(); } }); }; /* * resizeAll * * @callers window.onresize(), callbacks or custom code */ var resizeAll = function () { var oldW = cDims.innerWidth , oldH = cDims.innerHeight ; cDims = state.container = getElemDims($Container); // UPDATE container dimensions var checkH = (cDims.innerHeight < oldH) , checkW = (cDims.innerWidth < oldW) , s, dir ; if (checkH || checkW) // NOTE special order for sizing: S-N-E-W $.each(["south","north","east","west"], function(i, pane) { s = state[pane]; dir = c[pane].dir; if (!s.isClosed && ((checkH && dir == "horz") || (checkW && dir == "vert"))) { setPaneMinMaxSizes(pane); // update pane-state // shrink pane if 'too big' to fit if (s.size > s.maxSize) sizePane(pane, s.maxSize); } }); sizeMidPanes("all"); sizeHandles("all"); // reposition the toggler elements }; /* * keyDown * * Capture keys when enableCursorHotkey - toggle pane if hotkey pressed * * @callers document.keydown() */ function keyDown(evt) { if (!evt) return true; var code = evt.keyCode; if (code < 33) return true; // ignore special keys: ENTER, TAB, etc var PANE = { 38: "north" // Up Cursor , 40: "south" // Down Cursor , 37: "west" // Left Cursor , 39: "east" // Right Cursor } , isCursorKey = (code >= 37 && code <= 40) , ALT = evt.altKey // no worky! , SHIFT = evt.shiftKey , CTRL = evt.ctrlKey , pane = false , s, o, k, m, el ; if (!CTRL && !SHIFT) return true; // no modifier key - abort else if (isCursorKey && options[PANE[code]].enableCursorHotkey) // valid cursor-hotkey pane = PANE[code]; else // check to see if this matches a custom-hotkey $.each(c.borderPanes.split(","), function(i, p) { // loop each pane to check its hotkey o = options[p]; k = o.customHotkey; m = o.customHotkeyModifier; // if missing or invalid, treated as "CTRL+SHIFT" if ((SHIFT && m == "SHIFT") || (CTRL && m == "CTRL") || (CTRL && SHIFT)) { // Modifier matches if (k && code == (isNaN(k) || k <= 9 ? k.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) : k)) { // Key matches pane = p; return false; // BREAK } } }); if (!pane) return true; // no hotkey - abort // validate pane o = options[pane]; // get pane options s = state[pane]; // get pane options if (!o.enableCursorHotkey || s.isHidden || !$Ps[pane]) return true; // see if user is in a 'form field' because may be 'selecting text'! el = || evt.srcElement; if (el && SHIFT && isCursorKey && (el.tagName == "TEXTAREA" || (el.tagName == "INPUT" && (code == 37 || code == 39)))) return true; // allow text-selection // SYNTAX NOTES // use "returnValue=false" to abort keystroke but NOT abort function - can run another command afterwards // use "return false" to abort keystroke AND abort function toggle(pane); evt.stopPropagation(); evt.returnValue = false; // CANCEL key return false; } ; /* * ########################### * UTILITY METHODS * called externally only * ########################### */ function allowOverflow(elem) { if (this && this.tagName) elem = this; // BOUND to element var $P; if (typeof elem == "string") $P = $Ps[elem]; else { if ($(elem).attr("pane")) $P = $(elem); else $P = $(elem).parents("div[pane]:first"); } if (!$P.length) return; // INVALID var pane = $P.attr("pane") , s = state[pane] ; // if pane is already raised, then reset it before doing it again! // this would happen if allowOverflow is attached to BOTH the pane and an element if (s.cssSaved) resetOverflow(pane); // reset previous CSS before continuing // if pane is raised by sliding or resizing, or it's closed, then abort if (s.isSliding || s.isResizing || s.isClosed) { s.cssSaved = false; return; } var newCSS = { zIndex: (c.zIndex.pane_normal + 1) } , curCSS = {} , of = $P.css("overflow") , ofX = $P.css("overflowX") , ofY = $P.css("overflowY") ; // determine which, if any, overflow settings need to be changed if (of != "visible") { curCSS.overflow = of; newCSS.overflow = "visible"; } if (ofX && ofX != "visible" && ofX != "auto") { curCSS.overflowX = ofX; newCSS.overflowX = "visible"; } if (ofY && ofY != "visible" && ofY != "auto") { curCSS.overflowY = ofX; newCSS.overflowY = "visible"; } // save the current overflow settings - even if blank! s.cssSaved = curCSS; // apply new CSS to raise zIndex and, if necessary, make overflow 'visible' $P.css(newCSS); // make sure the zIndex of all other panes is normal $.each(c.allPanes.split(","), function(i, p) { if (p != pane) resetOverflow(p); }); } ; function resetOverflow(elem) { if (this && this.tagName) elem = this; // BOUND to element var $P; if (typeof elem == "string") $P = $Ps[elem]; else { if ($(elem).hasClass("ui-layout-pane")) $P = $(elem); else $P = $(elem).parents("div[pane]:first"); } if (!$P.length) return; // INVALID var pane = $P.attr("pane") , s = state[pane] , CSS = s.cssSaved || {} ; // reset the zIndex if (!s.isSliding && !s.isResizing) $P.css("zIndex", c.zIndex.pane_normal); // reset Overflow - if necessary $P.css(CSS); // clear var s.cssSaved = false; } ; /* * getBtn * * Helper function to validate params received by addButton utilities * * @param String selector jQuery selector for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" * @param String pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. * @returns If both params valid, the element matching 'selector' in a jQuery wrapper - otherwise 'false' */ function getBtn(selector, pane, action) { var $E = $(selector) , err = "Error Adding Button \n\nInvalid " ; if (!$E.length) // element not found alert(err + "selector: " + selector); else if (c.borderPanes.indexOf(pane) == -1) // invalid 'pane' sepecified alert(err + "pane: " + pane); else { // VALID var btn = options[pane].buttonClass + "-" + action; $E.addClass(btn + " " + btn + "-" + pane); return $E; } return false; // INVALID } ; /* * addToggleBtn * * Add a custom Toggler button for a pane * * @param String selector jQuery selector for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" * @param String pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. */ function addToggleBtn(selector, pane) { var $E = getBtn(selector, pane, "toggle"); if ($E) $E .attr("title", state[pane].isClosed ? "Open" : "Close") .click(function (evt) { toggle(pane); evt.stopPropagation(); }) ; } ; /* * addOpenBtn * * Add a custom Open button for a pane * * @param String selector jQuery selector for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .open-button" * @param String pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. */ function addOpenBtn(selector, pane) { var $E = getBtn(selector, pane, "open"); if ($E) $E .attr("title", "Open") .click(function (evt) { open(pane); evt.stopPropagation(); }) ; } ; /* * addCloseBtn * * Add a custom Close button for a pane * * @param String selector jQuery selector for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .close-button" * @param String pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. */ function addCloseBtn(selector, pane) { var $E = getBtn(selector, pane, "close"); if ($E) $E .attr("title", "Close") .click(function (evt) { close(pane); evt.stopPropagation(); }) ; } ; /* * addPinBtn * * Add a custom Pin button for a pane * * Four classes are added to the element, based on the paneClass for the associated pane... * Assuming the default paneClass and the pin is 'up', these classes are added for a west-pane pin: * - ui-layout-pane-pin * - ui-layout-pane-west-pin * - ui-layout-pane-pin-up * - ui-layout-pane-west-pin-up * * @param String selector jQuery selector for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .ui-layout-pin" * @param String pane Name of the pane the pin is for: 'north', 'south', etc. */ function addPinBtn(selector, pane) { var $E = getBtn(selector, pane, "pin"); if ($E) { var s = state[pane]; $ (evt) { setPinState($(this), pane, (s.isSliding || s.isClosed)); if (s.isSliding || s.isClosed) open(pane); // change from sliding to open else close(pane); // slide-closed evt.stopPropagation(); }); // add up/down pin attributes and classes setPinState($E, pane, (!s.isClosed && !s.isSliding)); // add this pin to the pane data so we can 'sync it' automatically // PANE.pins key is an array so we can store multiple pins for each pane c[pane].pins.push(selector); // just save the selector string } } ; /* * syncPinBtns * * INTERNAL function to sync 'pin buttons' when pane is opened or closed * Unpinned means the pane is 'sliding' - ie, over-top of the adjacent panes * * @callers open(), close() * @params pane These are the params returned to callbacks by layout() * @params doPin True means set the pin 'down', False means 'up' */ function syncPinBtns(pane, doPin) { $.each(c[pane].pins, function (i, selector) { setPinState($(selector), pane, doPin); }); } ; /* * setPinState * * Change the class of the pin button to make it look 'up' or 'down' * * @callers addPinBtn(), syncPinBtns() * @param Element $Pin The pin-span element in a jQuery wrapper * @param Boolean doPin True = set the pin 'down', False = set it 'up' * @param String pinClass The root classname for pins - will add '-up' or '-down' suffix */ function setPinState($Pin, pane, doPin) { var updown = $Pin.attr("pin"); if (updown && doPin == (updown == "down")) return; // already in correct state var root = options[pane].buttonClass , class1 = root + "-pin" , class2 = class1 + "-" + pane , UP1 = class1 + "-up" , UP2 = class2 + "-up" , DN1 = class1 + "-down" , DN2 = class2 + "-down" ; $Pin .attr("pin", doPin ? "down" : "up")// logic .attr("title", doPin ? "Un-Pin" : "Pin") .removeClass(doPin ? UP1 : DN1) .removeClass(doPin ? UP2 : DN2) .addClass(doPin ? DN1 : UP1) .addClass(doPin ? DN2 : UP2) ; } ; /* * ########################### * CREATE/RETURN BORDER-LAYOUT * ########################### */ // init global vars var $Container = $(this).css({ overflow: "hidden" }) // Container elem , $Ps = {} // Panes x4 - set in initPanes() , $Cs = {} // Content x4 - set in initPanes() , $Rs = {} // Resizers x4 - set in initHandles() , $Ts = {} // Togglers x4 - set in initHandles() // object aliases , c = config // alias for config hash , cDims = state.container // alias for easy access to 'container dimensions' ; // create the border layout NOW create(); // return object pointers to expose data & option Properties, and primary action Methods return { options: options // property - options hash , state: state // property - dimensions hash , panes: $Ps // property - object pointers for ALL panes: panes.north, , toggle: toggle // method - pass a 'pane' ("north", "west", etc) , open: open // method - ditto , close: close // method - ditto , hide: hide // method - ditto , show: show // method - ditto , resizeContent: sizeContent // method - ditto , sizePane: sizePane // method - pass a 'pane' AND a 'size' in pixels , resizeAll: resizeAll // method - no parameters , addToggleBtn: addToggleBtn // utility - pass element selector and 'pane' , addOpenBtn: addOpenBtn // utility - ditto , addCloseBtn: addCloseBtn // utility - ditto , addPinBtn: addPinBtn // utility - ditto , allowOverflow: allowOverflow // utility - pass calling element , resetOverflow: resetOverflow // utility - ditto , cssWidth: cssW , cssHeight: cssH }; } })(jQuery);
'use strict' const { AsyncResource } = require('async_hooks') const proxyquire = require('proxyquire') const platform = require('../../packages/dd-trace/src/platform') const node = require('../../packages/dd-trace/src/platform/node') const benchmark = require('../benchmark') platform.use(node) const suite = benchmark('scope (AsyncLocalStorage)') const spanStub = require('../stubs/span') const Scope = proxyquire('../../packages/dd-trace/src/scope/async_local_storage', { '../platform': platform }) const scope = new Scope({ experimental: {} }) function activateResource (name) { return scope.activate(spanStub, () => { return new AsyncResource(name, { requireManualDestroy: true }) }) } suite .add('Scope#activate', { fn () { const resource = activateResource('test') resource.runInAsyncScope(() => {}) resource.emitDestroy() } }) .add('Scope#activate (nested)', { fn () { const outer = activateResource('outer') let middle let inner outer.runInAsyncScope(() => { middle = activateResource('middle') }) outer.emitDestroy() middle.runInAsyncScope(() => { inner = activateResource('middle') }) middle.emitDestroy() inner.runInAsyncScope(() => {}) inner.emitDestroy() } }) .add('Scope#activate (async)', { defer: true, fn (deferred) { scope.activate(spanStub, () => { queueMicrotask(() => { deferred.resolve() }) }) } }) .add('Scope#activate (promise)', { defer: true, fn (deferred) { scope.activate(spanStub, () => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { deferred.resolve() }) }) } }) .add('Scope#activate (async/await)', { defer: true, async fn (deferred) { await scope.activate(spanStub, () => { return Promise.resolve() }) deferred.resolve() } }) .add('Scope#active', { fn () { } })
const Command = require("./Command"); /* TODO: Define a prefix (or list of prefixes) TODO: Prefix handling when a message is consumed. */ class CommandManager { constructor(options = {}) { this.commands = [] // Add a command for displaying information on help. if (options.allow_help == true) { } // Add a command for querying the usage of a specific command. if (options.allow_usage == true) { } } register(pattern, fn) { var cmd = new Command(pattern, fn); this.commands.push(cmd); return cmd; } register_command(cmd) { this.commands.push(cmd) return cmd; } consume(message, context={}) { this.commands.forEach(item => { var matches =; if (!matches) return; item.fn(matches.slice(1, matches.length), context); }); } } module.exports = CommandManager;
// @flow import { push } from 'connected-react-router'; import { actionTypes as editEventSelectorActionTypes, } from '../../EditEvent/EditEventSelector/EditEventSelector.actions'; import { actionTypes as viewEventSelectorActionTypes, } from '../../ViewEvent/ViewEventSelector/ViewEventSelector.actions'; import { actionTypes as mainPageSelectorActionTypes } from '../../MainPage/MainPageSelector/MainPageSelector.actions'; const getArguments = (programId: string, orgUnitId: string) => { const argArray = []; if (programId) { argArray.push(`programId=${programId}`); } if (orgUnitId) { argArray.push(`orgUnitId=${orgUnitId}`); } return argArray.join('&'); }; export const openNewEventPageLocationChangeEpic = (action$: InputObservable, store: ReduxStore) => // $FlowSuppress action$.ofType( editEventSelectorActionTypes.OPEN_NEW_EVENT, viewEventSelectorActionTypes.OPEN_NEW_EVENT, mainPageSelectorActionTypes.OPEN_NEW_EVENT, ) .map(() => { const state = store.getState(); const { programId, orgUnitId } = state.currentSelections; const args = getArguments(programId, orgUnitId); return push(`/newEvent/${args}`); });
const test = require('ava') const util = require('../../dist/server/util') test('get score static', t => { const score = util.scores.getScore('static', 100, 100, 20), 100) }) test('get score dynamic', t => { const score = util.scores.getScore('dynamic', 100, 500, 20), 484) })
module.exports = (temperatureModel) => { class Temperature { async create(params) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { // validacion: if (! throw new Error('El km es obligatorio') //params.creationDate = this.formatDate(params.creationDate) let model = new temperatureModel(params) let response = await resolve(response) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }) } async get() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let list = await temperatureModel.find() resolve(list) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }) } async get_by_id(id) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let list if (id.length == 24) list = await temperatureModel.findById(id) else list = await temperatureModel.findOne({ serial: id }) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }) } formatDate(date) { return new Date(date) } async update(id, params) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let list if (id.length == 24) list = await temperatureModel.findByIdAndUpdate(id, params) else list = await temperatureModel.findOneAndUpdate({ serial: id }, params) resolve(doc) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }) } async delete(id) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if (id.length == 24) doc = await temperatureModel.findByIdAndDelete(id) else doc = await temperatureModel.findOneAndDelete({ serial: id }) resolve(doc) } catch (e) { reject(e) } }) } } return new Temperature() }
import React, { createContext, useState } from "react"; export const ThemeContext = createContext(); const ThemeLight = { palette: { primary: "#239b56", secondary: "#7e5109", ligth: "#DBC2AF", cancel: "#e70012", }, }; export const ThemeProvider = ({ children }) => { const [theme, setTheme] = useState(ThemeLight); return ( <ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, }} > {children} </ThemeContext.Provider> ); };
$(function() { // Setup leaflet map var map = new L.Map('map'); var basemapLayer = new L.TileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=<KEY>'); let json = window.trekker.filter(d => d.time).map(d => ({ time: d.time * 1000, lat: Number(, lng: Number(d.lng) })) // Center map and default zoom level map.setView([json[0].lat, json[0].lng], 17); // Adds the background layer to the map map.addLayer(basemapLayer); // ===================================================== // =============== Playback ============================ // ===================================================== // Playback options var playbackOptions = { playControl: true, dateControl: true, sliderControl: true }; let coordinates = => [coord.lng,]); let times = => coord.time); const data = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": coordinates }, "properties": { "time": times } } // Initialize playback var playback = new L.Playback(map, data, null, playbackOptions); });
// Schemas const EnrollmentRequestSchema = require('../../schemas/enrollmentrequest.schema'); const BundleSchema = require('../../schemas/bundle.schema'); // Arguments const EnrollmentRequestArgs = require('../../parameters/enrollmentrequest.parameters'); const CommonArgs = require('../../parameters/common.parameters'); // Resolvers const { enrollmentrequestResolver, enrollmentrequestListResolver, enrollmentrequestInstanceResolver } = require('./resolver'); // Scope Utilities const { scopeInvariant } = require('../../../../utils/scope.utils'); let scopeOptions = { name: 'EnrollmentRequest', action: 'read', version: '1_0_2' }; /** * @name exports.EnrollmentRequestQuery * @summary EnrollmentRequest Query. */ module.exports.EnrollmentRequestQuery = { args: Object.assign({}, CommonArgs, EnrollmentRequestArgs), description: 'Query for a single EnrollmentRequest', resolve: scopeInvariant(scopeOptions, enrollmentrequestResolver), type: EnrollmentRequestSchema }; /** * @name exports.EnrollmentRequestListQuery * @summary EnrollmentRequestList Query. */ module.exports.EnrollmentRequestListQuery = { args: Object.assign({}, CommonArgs, EnrollmentRequestArgs), description: 'Query for multiple EnrollmentRequests', resolve: scopeInvariant(scopeOptions, enrollmentrequestListResolver), type: BundleSchema }; /** * @name exports.EnrollmentRequestInstanceQuery * @summary EnrollmentRequestInstance Query. */ module.exports.EnrollmentRequestInstanceQuery = { description: 'Get information about a single EnrollmentRequest', resolve: scopeInvariant(scopeOptions, enrollmentrequestInstanceResolver), type: EnrollmentRequestSchema };
/* eslint-disable no-undef, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ const browserEnv = require('browser-env'); browserEnv(); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); window.fetch = global.fetch = fetch; const leaflet = require('leaflet'); window.L = global.L = leaflet;
const ns = require('../../');'demo.sketch').then(sketch => sketch.saveDir('demo'));
export const MONTH = { january: 1, may: 5, september: 9, october: 10, november: 11, }; export const ONE_WEEK = 7;
function Camera(x, y) { this.position = {x: x, y: y}; this.direction = {x: -1, y: 0}; this.plane = {x: 0, y:1}; } Camera.prototype.update = function (dt) { } module.exports = Camera;
const router = require('express').Router(); const Issues = require('./issues-model'); router.get('/', (req, res) => { Issues.get() .then(issues => { res.status(200).json(issues) }) .catch(err => { console.log(err) res.status(500).json({message: 'Failed to get issues' }) }) }) router.get('/:id', (req, res) => { const {id} = req.params; Issues.getById(id) .then(issue => { if(issue) { res.status(200).json(issue) } else { res.status(404).json({ message: 'Failed to find issue with given ID' }) } }) .catch(err => { console.log(err) res.status(500).json({message: 'Failed to get issue' }) }) }) module.exports = router;
/* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. */ import { AccountID, Address } from './account.js'; import { BlockProxy, parseBlockID, } from './block.js'; import { NETWORKS } from './config.js'; import { KeyStore } from './key_store.js'; import { Err, Ok } from './prelude.js'; import { SubmitResult, FunctionCallArgs, GetStorageAtArgs, InitCallArgs, NewCallArgs, ViewCallArgs, FungibleTokenMetadata, TransactionStatus, WrappedSubmitResult, } from './schema.js'; import { TransactionID } from './transaction.js'; import { base58ToBytes } from './utils.js'; import { defaultAbiCoder } from '@ethersproject/abi'; import { arrayify as parseHexString } from '@ethersproject/bytes'; import { parse as parseRawTransaction } from '@ethersproject/transactions'; import { toBigIntBE, toBufferBE } from 'bigint-buffer'; import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import * as NEAR from 'near-api-js'; export { getAddress as parseAddress } from '@ethersproject/address'; export { arrayify as parseHexString } from '@ethersproject/bytes'; export class AddressState { constructor(address, nonce = BigInt(0), balance = BigInt(0), code, storage = new Map()) { this.address = address; this.nonce = nonce; this.balance = balance; this.code = code; = storage; } } export var EngineStorageKeyPrefix; (function (EngineStorageKeyPrefix) { EngineStorageKeyPrefix[EngineStorageKeyPrefix["Config"] = 0] = "Config"; EngineStorageKeyPrefix[EngineStorageKeyPrefix["Nonce"] = 1] = "Nonce"; EngineStorageKeyPrefix[EngineStorageKeyPrefix["Balance"] = 2] = "Balance"; EngineStorageKeyPrefix[EngineStorageKeyPrefix["Code"] = 3] = "Code"; EngineStorageKeyPrefix[EngineStorageKeyPrefix["Storage"] = 4] = "Storage"; })(EngineStorageKeyPrefix || (EngineStorageKeyPrefix = {})); export class EngineState { constructor(storage = new Map()) { = storage; } } const DEFAULT_NETWORK_ID = 'local'; export class Engine { constructor(near, keyStore, signer, networkID, contractID) { this.near = near; this.keyStore = keyStore; this.signer = signer; this.networkID = networkID; this.contractID = contractID; } static async connect(options, env) { const networkID = || (env && env.NEAR_ENV) || DEFAULT_NETWORK_ID; const network = NETWORKS.get(networkID); // TODO: error handling const contractID = AccountID.parse(options.contract || (env && env.AURORA_ENGINE) || network.contractID).unwrap(); const signerID = AccountID.parse(options.signer || (env && env.NEAR_MASTER_ACCOUNT)).unwrap(); // TODO: error handling const keyStore = KeyStore.load(networkID, env); const near = new NEAR.Near({ deps: { keyStore }, networkId: networkID, nodeUrl: options.endpoint || (env && env.NEAR_URL) || network.nearEndpoint, }); const signer = await near.account(signerID.toString()); return new Engine(near, keyStore, signer, networkID, contractID); } async install(contractCode) { const contractAccount = (await this.getAccount()).unwrap(); const result = await contractAccount.deployContract(contractCode); return Ok(TransactionID.fromHex(result.transaction.hash)); } async upgrade(contractCode) { return await this.install(contractCode); } async initialize(options) { const newArgs = new NewCallArgs(parseHexString(defaultAbiCoder.encode(['uint256'], [options.chain || 0])), options.owner || '', options.bridgeProver || '', new BN(options.upgradeDelay || 0)); const default_ft_metadata = FungibleTokenMetadata.default(); const given_ft_metadata = options.metadata || default_ft_metadata; const ft_metadata = new FungibleTokenMetadata(given_ft_metadata.spec || default_ft_metadata.spec, ||, given_ft_metadata.symbol || default_ft_metadata.symbol, given_ft_metadata.icon || default_ft_metadata.icon, given_ft_metadata.reference || default_ft_metadata.reference, given_ft_metadata.reference_hash || default_ft_metadata.reference_hash, given_ft_metadata.decimals || default_ft_metadata.decimals); // default values are the testnet values const connectorArgs = new InitCallArgs(options.prover || 'prover.ropsten.testnet', options.ethCustodian || '9006a6D7d08A388Eeea0112cc1b6b6B15a4289AF', ft_metadata); // TODO: this should be able to be a single transaction with multiple actions, // but there doesn't seem to be a good way to do that in `near-api-js` presently. const tx = await this.promiseAndThen(this.callMutativeFunction('new', newArgs.encode()), (_) => this.callMutativeFunction('new_eth_connector', connectorArgs.encode())); return{ id }) => id); } // Like Result.andThen, but wrapped up in Promises async promiseAndThen(p, f) { const r = await p; if (r.isOk()) { const t = r.unwrap(); return await f(t); } else { return Err(r.unwrapErr()); } } async getAccount() { return Ok(await this.near.account(this.contractID.toString())); } async getBlockHash() { const contractAccount = (await this.getAccount()).unwrap(); const state = (await contractAccount.state()); return Ok(state.block_hash); } async getBlockHeight() { const contractAccount = (await this.getAccount()).unwrap(); const state = (await contractAccount.state()); return Ok(state.block_height); } async getBlockInfo() { return Ok({ hash: '', coinbase:, timestamp: 0, number: 0, difficulty: 0, gasLimit: 0, }); } async getBlockTransactionCount(blockID) { try { const provider = this.near.connection.provider; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const block = (await provider.block(parseBlockID(blockID))); const chunk_mask = block.header.chunk_mask; const requests = block.chunks .filter((_, index) => chunk_mask[index]) .map(async (chunkHeader) => { if (chunkHeader.tx_root == '11111111111111111111111111111111') { return 0; // no transactions in this chunk } else { const chunk = await provider.chunk(chunkHeader.chunk_hash); return chunk.transactions.length; } }); const counts = (await Promise.all(requests)); return Ok(counts.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)); } catch (error) { //console.error('Engine#getBlockTransactionCount', error); return Err(error.message); } } async getBlock(blockID, options) { const provider = this.near.connection.provider; return await BlockProxy.fetch(provider, blockID, options); } async hasBlock(blockID) { const provider = this.near.connection.provider; return await BlockProxy.lookup(provider, blockID); } async getCoinbase() { return Ok(; // TODO } async getVersion(options) { return (await this.callFunction('get_version', undefined, options)).map((output) => output.toString()); } async getOwner(options) { return (await this.callFunction('get_owner', undefined, options)).andThen((output) => AccountID.parse(output.toString())); } async getBridgeProvider(options) { return (await this.callFunction('get_bridge_provider', undefined, options)).andThen((output) => AccountID.parse(output.toString())); } async getChainID(options) { const result = await this.callFunction('get_chain_id', undefined, options); return; } // TODO: getUpgradeIndex() // TODO: stageUpgrade() // TODO: deployUpgrade() async deployCode(bytecode) { const args = parseHexString(bytecode); const outcome = await this.callMutativeFunction('deploy_code', args); return{ output }) => { const result = SubmitResult.decode(Buffer.from(output)); return Address.parse(Buffer.from(result.output().unwrap()).toString('hex')).unwrap(); }); } async call(contract, input) { const args = new FunctionCallArgs(contract.toBytes(), this.prepareInput(input)); return (await this.callMutativeFunction('call', args.encode())).map(({ output }) => output); } async submit(input) { try { const inputBytes = this.prepareInput(input); try { const rawTransaction = parseRawTransaction(inputBytes); // throws Error if (rawTransaction.gasLimit.toBigInt() < 21000n) { // See: return Err('ERR_INTRINSIC_GAS'); } } catch (error) { //console.error(error); // DEBUG return Err('ERR_INVALID_TX'); } return (await this.callMutativeFunction('submit', inputBytes)).map(({ output, gasBurned, tx }) => { return new WrappedSubmitResult(SubmitResult.decode(Buffer.from(output)), gasBurned, tx); }); } catch (error) { //console.error(error); // DEBUG return Err(error.message); } } // TODO: metaCall() async view(sender, address, amount, input, options) { const args = new ViewCallArgs(sender.toBytes(), address.toBytes(), toBufferBE(BigInt(amount), 32), this.prepareInput(input)); const result = await this.callFunction('view', args.encode(), options); return => { const status = TransactionStatus.decode(output); if (status.success !== undefined) return status.success.output; else if (status.revert !== undefined) return status.revert.output; else if (status.outOfGas !== undefined) return Err(status.outOfGas); else if (status.outOfFund !== undefined) return Err(status.outOfFund); else if (status.outOfOffset !== undefined) return Err(status.outOfOffset); else if (status.callTooDeep !== undefined) return Err(status.callTooDeep); else return Err('Failed to retrieve data from the contract'); }); } async getCode(address, options) { const args = address.toBytes(); if (typeof options === 'object' && options.block) { options.block = (options.block + 1); } return await this.callFunction('get_code', args, options); } async getBalance(address, options) { const args = address.toBytes(); const result = await this.callFunction('get_balance', args, options); return; } async getNonce(address, options) { const args = address.toBytes(); const result = await this.callFunction('get_nonce', args, options); return; } async getStorageAt(address, key, options) { const args = new GetStorageAtArgs(address.toBytes(), parseHexString(defaultAbiCoder.encode(['uint256'], [key]))); const result = await this.callFunction('get_storage_at', args.encode(), options); return; } async getAuroraErc20Address(nep141, options) { const args = Buffer.from(, 'utf-8'); const result = await this.callFunction('get_erc20_from_nep141', args, options); return => { return Address.parse(output.toString('hex')).unwrap(); }); } async getNEP141Account(erc20, options) { const args = erc20.toBytes(); const result = await this.callFunction('get_nep141_from_erc20', args, options); return => { return AccountID.parse(output.toString('utf-8')).unwrap(); }); } // TODO: beginChain() // TODO: beginBlock() async getStorage() { const result = new Map(); const contractAccount = (await this.getAccount()).unwrap(); const records = await contractAccount.viewState('', { finality: 'final' }); for (const record of records) { const record_type = record.key[0]; if (record_type == EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Config) continue; // skip EVM metadata const key = record_type == EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Storage ? record.key.subarray(1, 21) : record.key.subarray(1); const address = Buffer.from(key).toString('hex'); if (!result.has(address)) { result.set(address, new AddressState(Address.parse(address).unwrap())); } const state = result.get(address); switch (record_type) { case EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Config: break; // unreachable case EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Nonce: state.nonce = toBigIntBE(record.value); break; case EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Balance: state.balance = toBigIntBE(record.value); break; case EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Code: state.code = record.value; break; case EngineStorageKeyPrefix.Storage: {, toBigIntBE(record.value)); break; } } } return Ok(result); } async callFunction(methodName, args, options) { const result = await this.signer.connection.provider.query({ request_type: 'call_function', account_id: this.contractID.toString(), method_name: methodName, args_base64: this.prepareInput(args).toString('base64'), finality: options?.block === undefined || options?.block === null ? 'final' : undefined, block_id: options?.block !== undefined && options?.block !== null ? options.block : undefined, }); if (result.logs && result.logs.length > 0) console.debug(result.logs); // TODO return Ok(Buffer.from(result.result)); } async callMutativeFunction(methodName, args) { this.keyStore.reKey(); const gas = new BN('300000000000000'); // TODO? try { const result = await this.signer.functionCall(this.contractID.toString(), methodName, this.prepareInput(args), gas); if (typeof result.status === 'object' && typeof result.status.SuccessValue === 'string') { const transactionId = result?.transaction_outcome?.id; return Ok({ id: TransactionID.fromHex(result.transaction.hash), output: Buffer.from(result.status.SuccessValue, 'base64'), tx: transactionId, gasBurned: await this.transactionGasBurned(transactionId), }); } return Err(result.toString()); // FIXME: unreachable? } catch (error) { //assert(error instanceof ServerTransactionError); switch (error?.type) { case 'FunctionCallError': { const transactionId = error?.transaction_outcome?.id; const details = { tx: transactionId, gasBurned: await this.transactionGasBurned(transactionId), }; const errorKind = error?.kind?.ExecutionError; if (errorKind) { const errorCode = errorKind.replace('Smart contract panicked: ', ''); return Err(this.errorWithDetails(errorCode, details)); } return Err(this.errorWithDetails(error.message, details)); } case 'MethodNotFound': return Err(error.message); default: console.debug(error); return Err(error.toString()); } } } prepareInput(args) { if (typeof args === 'undefined') return Buffer.alloc(0); if (typeof args === 'string') return Buffer.from(parseHexString(args)); return Buffer.from(args); } errorWithDetails(message, details) { return `${message}|${JSON.stringify(details)}`; } async transactionGasBurned(id) { try { const transactionStatus = await this.near.connection.provider.txStatus(base58ToBytes(id), this.contractID.toString()); const receiptsGasBurned = transactionStatus.receipts_outcome.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value.outcome.gas_burnt, 0); const transactionGasBurned = transactionStatus.transaction_outcome.outcome.gas_burnt || 0; return receiptsGasBurned + transactionGasBurned; } catch (error) { return 0; } } }
'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View, Text, TouchableOpacity, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Image, TextInput } from 'react-native'; import px from '../utils/px' import TopHeader from '../component/header' import toast from '../utils/toast' import { NavigationActions } from 'react-navigation'; export default class extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { valid: false, isRegShow: 0, tel: '', sent: false }; this.isPass = true; } render() { return <View style={styles.container}> {/*顶部组件*/} <TopHeader title='登录' navigation={this.props.navigation} /> {/*Logo*/} <Image source={{ uri: require('../images/logo_new') }} style={{ width: px(220), height: px(130), marginTop: px(170), marginLeft: px(50), marginBottom: px(80) }} /> {/*手机号输入框*/} <View style={[styles.input, { marginBottom: px(12) }]}> <TextInput style={styles.inputTxt} placeholder='请输入手机号' placeholderTextColor="#b2b3b5" maxlength={11} keyboardType="numeric" clearButtonMode='while-editing' onChangeText={(v) => this.setState({ tel: v })} underlineColorAndroid="transparent" /> </View> {/*短信验证码*/} <View style={[styles.input, { marginBottom: px(62) }]}> <TextInput style={styles.inputTxt} placeholder='请输入验证码' placeholderTextColor="#b2b3b5" maxLength={10} keyboardType="numeric" onChangeText={(v) => this.setState({ code: v })} underlineColorAndroid="transparent" /> <Text allowFontScaling={false} style={this.state.sent ? styles.sent : styles.send} onPress={() => this.sendCode()}> {this.state.sent ? `重新获取${this.state.timeout}S` : `获取验证码` } </Text> </View> {/*登录按钮*/} <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={() => this.submit()}> <View style={[styles.btn, { backgroundColor: '#d0648f' }]}> <Text allowFontScaling={false} style={{ fontSize: px(30), color: '#fff' }}> 登录</Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> {/*微信登录*/} <View style={{ position: 'absolute', bottom: px(80) }}> <TouchableOpacity style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }} activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={() => this.loginWeChat()}> <Image source={{ uri: require('../images/icon-wechat') }} style={{ width: px(38), height: px(38), marginRight: px(13) }} /> <Text allowFontScaling={false} style={{ color: '#679d5e', fontSize: px(28) }}>微信登录</Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </View> } //发送验证码 sendCode() { if (this.state.sent) { return; } if (! || != 11) { toast('请输入正确的手机号'); return; } this.startTimer(); } //倒计时 startTimer() { this.setState({ 'sent':, 'timeout': 60 }); this.timer = setInterval(() => { let elapsed = Math.ceil(( - this.state.sent) / 1000); if (elapsed > 60) { this.setState({ 'sent': null, 'timeout': null }); clearInterval(this.timer); delete this.timer; } else { this.setState({ 'timeout': 60 - elapsed }); } }, 100); } //调起微信登录 loginWeChat() { } //短信登录 submit() { toast('登录成功'); this.goTabPage(); } goTabPage() { this.props.navigation.dispatch(NavigationActions.reset({ index: 0, actions: [ NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Tabs' }) ] })) } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', alignItems: 'center' }, 'input': { width: px(580), height: px(80), borderBottomWidth: px(1), borderBottomColor: '#e5e5e5', paddingLeft: px(12), paddingRight: px(12), justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }, 'inputTxt': { fontSize: px(26), color: '#252426', flex: 1 }, 'send': { color: '#d0648f', fontSize: px(26), marginLeft: px(30) }, 'sent': { color: '#b2b5b5', fontSize: px(26), marginLeft: px(30) }, 'btn': { width: px(580), height: px(80), alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', borderRadius: px(40) }, })
export { default } from 'ember-material/components/tab-bar-item';
import http from 'http'; import SocketIO from ''; import App from './config/express'; // dynamo: prod // import './config/dynamo'; // mongodb: dev import './config/mongo'; // if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // require('babel-register'); // require('babel-polyfill'); // } const app =; const server = http.Server(app); const io = SocketIO(server); const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3030; io.on('connection', socket => { console.log('Client Connected'); socket.on('new__post', post => { console.log('posts - broadcasting new post'); socket.broadcast.emit('new__posts', post); }); }); server.listen(PORT, err => { if (err) throw new Error; else console.log('successfully connected to posts server:', PORT); }); export default app;
import React from 'react'; import Navbar from '../components/navbar'; import AppScreens from './../images/AppScreens/user-wallet.png'; import TheTeam from './../components/TheTeam'; import Playstore from './../components/Playstore'; function About() { return ( <> <Navbar /> <br /> <br /> <div className="tile is-ancestor"> <div className="tile is vertical is-10 is-clearfix columns" id="tile"> <div className="column"> <div className="column is-pulled-right"> <img id="appscreens" src={AppScreens} alt="appscreens" /> </div> </div> <div className="column is-three-fifths"> <p className="title">Meet the Team</p> <br /> <TheTeam /> <br /> <p className="subtitle"><strong>Download our app</strong></p> <div className="columns"> <Playstore /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <br /> </> ); } export default About;
import * as types from 'constants/ActionTypes'; export function saveFuelSavings(settings) { return { type: types.SAVE_FUEL_SAVINGS, settings }; } export function calculateFuelSavings(settings, fieldName, value) { return { type: types.CALCULATE_FUEL_SAVINGS, settings, fieldName, value }; }
import {createLoaders, r} from '../src/server/models/' import { sleep } from '../src/workers/lib' export async function setupTest() { createLoaders() let i = 0 while (i++ < 4) { const results = [await r.knex.schema.hasTable('assignment'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('campaign'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('campaign_contact'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('canned_response'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('interaction_step'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('invite'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('job_request'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('log'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('message'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('migrations'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('opt_out'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('organization'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('pending_message_part'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('question_response'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('user'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('user_cell'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('user_organization'), await r.knex.schema.hasTable('zip_code')] if (results.some((element) => !element)) { await sleep(i * 1000) } else { break } } } export async function cleanupTest() { // Drop tables in an order that drops foreign keys before dependencies await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('log') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('zip_code') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('message') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('user_cell') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('user_organization') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('canned_response') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('invite') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('job_request') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('migrations') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('opt_out') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('question_response') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('interaction_step') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('campaign_contact') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('assignment') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('campaign') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('organization') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('pending_message_part') await r.knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('user') } export function getContext(context) { return { ...context, req: {}, loaders: createLoaders(), } }
import React from 'react'; import './App.css'; import TechList from './components/TechList'; function App() { return <TechList /> } export default App;
var HeroOption = require("./HeroOption"); var heroOptionsArray = {}; var init = function (heroData) { heroOptionsArray.items = []; for (var h in heroData) { heroOptionsArray.items.push(new HeroOption(h.replace('npc_dota_hero_', ''), heroData[h].displayname)); } return heroOptionsArray.items; } heroOptionsArray.init = init; module.exports = heroOptionsArray;
import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Text, View, TextInput, StyleSheet, Alert } from "react-native"; import Tabs from "./Tabs"; import Main from "./Main"; import { StackNavigator } from "react-navigation"; import { getTransactionByCode, confirmTransaction } from "../api"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import actions from "../redux/actions"; class SendPage extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { values: [null, null, null, null], text: "", user: "", coins: "", hash: "" }; this.showAlert = this.showAlert.bind(this); } inputs = []; confirmRequest = async () => { const response = await confirmTransaction(this.state.hash); if (response.success) { this.setState({ text: "You sent brownies!", values: [null, null, null, null] }); } else { this.setState({ text: "Something went wrong!" }); } }; showAlert() { Alert.alert( "Confirmation window", `Do you want send ${this.state.coins}$ to ${this.state.user}`, [ { text: "Cancel", onPress: () => console.log("Cancel Pressed"), style: "cancel" }, { text: "OK", onPress: this.confirmRequest } ] ); } handleTextInputChange = (value, index) => { if (!value) return; const currentValues = [...this.state.values]; currentValues[index] = value; this.setState( { values: currentValues }, async () => { if (index !== 3) { this.inputs[index + 1].focus(); } else { this.inputs[index].blur(); console.log(currentValues); const code = currentValues.reduce((string, input) => { return string + input; }, ""); const response = await getTransactionByCode(code); console.log(response); if (response.request) { this.setState({ text: `Send ${response.request.amount}$ to ${ response.request.userid } `, user: response.request.userid, coins: response.request.amount, hash: code }); } else { this.setState({ text: `The code is wrong! ` }); } } } ); }; render() { return ( <View style={styles.mainView}> <Text style={styles.balance}>{`${this.props.balance} $`}</Text> <View style={styles.view1}> <View style={styles.inputContainer}> <TextInput editable={true} ref={ref => this.inputs.push(ref)} maxLength={1} onChangeText={code => this.handleTextInputChange(code, 0)} style={styles.input} value={this.state.values[0]} /> <TextInput editable={true} ref={ref => this.inputs.push(ref)} maxLength={1} onChangeText={code => this.handleTextInputChange(code, 1)} style={styles.input} value={this.state.values[1]} /> <TextInput editable={true} ref={ref => this.inputs.push(ref)} maxLength={1} onChangeText={code => this.handleTextInputChange(code, 2)} style={styles.input} value={this.state.values[2]} /> <TextInput editable={true} ref={ref => this.inputs.push(ref)} maxLength={1} onChangeText={code => this.handleTextInputChange(code, 3)} style={styles.input} value={this.state.values[3]} /> </View> <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.text}</Text> </View> <Tabs names={["Back", "Confirm"]} pages={["Back", this.showAlert]} navigation={this.props.navigation} /> </View> ); } } const mapStateToProps = store => ({ user: store.user, balance: store.balance, requests: store.requests }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SendPage); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ text: { color: "#663300", fontSize: 35, fontWeight: "bold" }, view1: { flex: 1, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, mainView: { flex: 1, flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center" }, balance: { color: "#663300", fontSize: 50, fontWeight: "bold", alignSelf: "flex-end" }, input: { borderColor: "#000000", borderWidth: 1, width: 70, height: 70, padding: 10, margin: 5, borderRadius: 4, fontSize: 50, textAlign: "center" }, inputContainer: { height: 80, flexDirection: "row" } });
'use strict'; const summarizer = require('../../lib/summarizer.js'); /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */ describe('summarizer', () => { const summarizeFnErrMsg = 'SummarizeFn error'; let sandbox; let summaryFunction; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); summaryFunction = sandbox.stub().throws(new Error(summarizeFnErrMsg)); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); sandbox.reset(); }); describe('summarizeWindowElement', () => { context('when summary function errors', () => { const windowElement = {}; it('returns summary 0', () => { expect( summarizer.summarizeWindowElement( sandbox.any, windowElement, summaryFunction, sandbox.any, sandbox.any ) ).to.deep.equal({ summary: 0 }); }); }); }); describe('summarizeMetric', () => { context('when summary function errors', () => { let chargePlanMetric; beforeEach(() => { chargePlanMetric = summarizer.summarizeMetric(sandbox.any, sandbox.any, summaryFunction); }); it('throws', (done) => { chargePlanMetric({ metric: 'metric' }, (err) => { expect(err).to.exist; expect(err.message).to.equal(summarizeFnErrMsg); done(); }); }); }); }); });
function AllData(){ const ctx = React.useContext(UserContext); const userAccounts = ctx.users; return ( <div> {, i){ return ( <table className="ui celled table"> <thead bgcolor="success"> <tr> <th>Email</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Password</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr key={i}> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> <td>{user.password}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>) })} </div> ); };
import React, { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from "react"; import DelayLink from 'react-delay-link'; // @material-ui/core components import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles"; import Gallery from 'react-photo-gallery'; import Carousel, { Modal, ModalGateway } from "react-images"; import photos from "../GalleryPage/components/photo"; import Home from "@material-ui/icons/Home"; const useStyles = makeStyles({ container: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }, navBar: { position: 'fixed', top: '0px', left: '0px', height: '6vh', width: '100vw', backgroundColor: 'white', display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-around' }, mainCard: { marginTop: '8vh', width: '92vw' }, title: { fontSize: '2em', color: '#fc4267' }, brand: { fontFamily: 'nordi', fontSize: '2em', color: '#fc4267', }, load1: { position: 'fixed', height: '120vh', width: '50vw', backgroundColor: '#bababa', zIndex: '1000000', transition: '2s ease-in-out', }, load2: { position: 'fixed', height: '120vh', width: '50vw', backgroundColor: '#bababa', zIndex: '1000000', transition: '2s ease-in-out', }, load3: { position: 'fixed', height: '120vh', marginLeft: '50vw', width: '50vw', backgroundColor: '#454545', zIndex: '1000000', transition: '2s ease-in-out', }, }); export default function GalleryPage(props) { const classes = useStyles(); const [currentImage, setCurrentImage] = useState(0); const [viewerIsOpen, setViewerIsOpen] = useState(false); const openLightbox = useCallback((event, { photo, index }) => { setCurrentImage(index); setViewerIsOpen(true); }, []); const closeLightbox = () => { setCurrentImage(0); setViewerIsOpen(false); }; useEffect(() => { setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('load1').style.width = '0px'; document.getElementById('load2').style.height = '0px'; }, 2000); setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('load3').style.height = '0px'; }, 3000); }); return ( <div> <div id="load1" className={classes.load1}> </div> <div id="load2" className={classes.load2}> </div> <div id="load3" className={classes.load3}> </div> <div className={classes.navBar}> <DelayLink delay={1800} to="/" clickAction={() => { document.getElementById('load1').style.width = '50vw'; document.getElementById('load2').style.height = '120vh'; setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('load3').style.height = '120vh'; }, 500); }}> <Home style={{ fontSize: '2em', color: "#fc4267" }} /> </DelayLink> <div className={classes.title}> Gallery </div> <DelayLink delay={1800} to="/" clickAction={() => { document.getElementById('load1').style.width = '50vw'; document.getElementById('load2').style.height = '120vh'; setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('load3').style.height = '120vh'; }, 500); }}> <div className={classes.brand}> rudra </div> </DelayLink> </div> <div className={classes.container}> <div className={classes.mainCard}> <Gallery margin={7} photos={photos} onClick={openLightbox} /> <ModalGateway> {viewerIsOpen ? ( <Modal onClose={closeLightbox}> <Carousel currentIndex={currentImage} views={ => ({ ...x, srcset: x.srcSet, caption: x.title }))} /> </Modal> ) : null} </ModalGateway> </div> </div> </div > ); }
// @flow import { type Theme } from '../utils/type.flow'; import theme, { fontFamily } from '../utils/theme'; const { color: { grayLight, grayBase, grayDark, warning, primary, success, black, white, }, }: Theme = theme; const axisCommon = { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: grayBase, }, }, axisTick: { show: false, }, axisLabel: { textStyle: { fontSize: 12, color: grayDark, }, interval: 0, }, splitLine: { show: false, }, splitArea: { show: false, }, nameGap: 15, nameTextStyle: { color: grayDark, }, }; export default { // Note: Global font style textStyle: { color: black, fontSize: 14, fontFamily, }, // Note: SVG container padding grid: { left: '8%', right: '3%', }, color: [warning, primary, success], legend: { textStyle: { padding: [2, 0, 0, 0], }, itemHeight: 14, itemWidth: 14, itemGap: 10, inactiveColor: grayBase, x: 'right', padding: [0, 15, 0, 0], }, dataZoom: { showDataShadow: true, height: 20, handleSize: '100%', backgroundColor: '#F2F2F2', dataBackground: { lineStyle: { color: grayDark, opacity: 0.2, }, areaStyle: { color: grayBase, opacity: 0.2, }, }, fillerColor: 'rgba(53, 54, 48, 0.05)', handleColor: 'rgba(53, 54, 48, 0.2)', borderColor: grayBase, textStyle: { color: grayDark, }, }, tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', backgroundColor: grayLight, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: grayBase, padding: 10, textStyle: { color: black, }, axisPointer: { type: 'line', lineStyle: { color: grayBase, }, label: { backgroundColor: grayDark, color: white, margin: 5, }, }, extraCssText: 'box-shadow: 0 1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 3px;', }, timeAxis: axisCommon, logAxis: axisCommon, valueAxis: axisCommon, categoryAxis: axisCommon, };
const path = require('path') const RuleTester = require('eslint').RuleTester const { baseEslintSettings, configsPath, getExampleEslintConfigsForOtherLibs, loadJsonFile, bigNumberRules, filter, map, flow, tryCatch } = require('./common') const suites = [ require('./arithmetic'), require('./assignment'), require('./is-nan'), require('./math'), require('./number'), require('./parse-float'), require('./rounding') ] let errorCode = 0 function main() { loadJsonFile(path.join(configsPath, 'default.json')) .then(testAllSuitesAgainstEslintConfig) .then(logWhenDoneWith()) .then(runTestSuitesAgainstCustomEslintConfigs) .finally(() => { console.log(new Date().toTimeString()) process.exit(errorCode) }) } function testAllSuitesAgainstEslintConfig(customEslintSettings) { const eslintSettings = { ...baseEslintSettings, ...customEslintSettings } const ruleTester = new RuleTester(eslintSettings) const config = bigNumberRules(eslintSettings) const suitesOpts = suites .map(({ makeTest }) => makeTest(config)) .map(({ invalidTests: invalid, validTests: valid, }) => ({ testCases: { valid, invalid }, })) const ruleTestersToRun = => runRuleTester({ ruleTester, config, ...opts }) ) return Promise.allSettled(ruleTestersToRun) .then(filter(result => result.status === 'rejected')) .then(map(result => result.reason)) .then(errors => { if (errors.length) { errorCode = 1 } errors.forEach(console.error) }) } function runRuleTester({ ruleTester, config, name, rule, testCases }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => tryCatch(() =>, rule, testCases)).fold( flow( error => [error, config.construct, name, JSON.stringify(rule, null, 2)], ([$1, $2, $3, $4]) => `${$1}\n\\_ ${$2} // ${$3}\nrule: ${$4}\n`, reject ), resolve ) ) } function runTestSuitesAgainstCustomEslintConfigs() { return getExampleEslintConfigsForOtherLibs().then(runTestsAgainstAll) function runTestsAgainstAll(configs) { return Promise.all( } function runTestsAgainstThis(config) { return testAllSuitesAgainstEslintConfig(config).finally( logWhenDoneWith(config) ) } } function logWhenDoneWith(config) { const { construct = 'DEFAULT' } = config?.settings['big-number-rules'] || {} const message = `Tests finished using: ${construct}` return () => console.log(message) } main()
var structs_mail_node__t = [ [ "msg", "structs_mail_node__t.html#adc525266dacc05e195c3b72d140b6b05", null ], [ "next", "structs_mail_node__t.html#a67cb14019eb48bc46327bcafa0cff740", null ] ];
import React from "react" import { Helmet } from "react-helmet" import Layout from "../components/layout" import img0 from '../images/screenshots/connus-banner.png' import img1 from '../images/screenshots/connus-1.png' import img2 from '../images/screenshots/connus-2.png' import img3 from '../images/screenshots/connus-3.png' const IndexPage = () => ( <Layout> <Helmet> <meta charSet="utf-8" /> <title>Orbit DevStudio | KidOk-kit</title> <meta name="description" content="Datavisualisatie voor Vlugmoor UGent."/> <meta name="keywords" content="web, development, webdesign, website, freelance, app, application, datavisualisatie, data" /> <meta name="author" content="<NAME>" /> </Helmet> <div className="project-container"> <div className="container"> <a href="/#projects">Terug naar overzicht</a> <h1>Mijn projecten</h1> <h2>KidOk-kit</h2> </div> <div className="container"> <div className="row"> <div className="col-12 col-md-6"> <h3>Project</h3> <p>Open Poortje is een opvang voor kinderen die om eender welke reden thuis niet meer terecht kunnen. Zij gebruiken de KidOk-kit: een papieren bundel fiches die worden ingevuld samen met het kind om zijn/haar proces in Open Poortje op te volgen. Onze briefing was het ontwikkelen van een digitale versie van de KidOk-kit met een focus op animatie en interactiviteit. Design door <NAME>, <NAME> en <NAME>. Animatie door Stijn Stevens. Front-end door <NAME>, <NAME> en <NAME>. Backend door Hans Vertriest.</p> </div> <div className="col-12 col-md-6"> <h3>Technologieën</h3> <p>ReactJS, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB</p> <h3>Eigen inbreng</h3> <p>Backend en integratie ervan in de frontend</p> </div> <div className="col-12 col-md-6"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> </Layout> ) export default IndexPage
const chai = require('chai'); const should = chai.should(); const config = require('../../app/helpers/config'); describe('Mysql config test', function() { it('Should give all required properties for mysql', function() { const keyToCheck = [ 'host', 'dbname', 'username', 'password', 'prefix' ]; keyToCheck.forEach(val => { config.getSetting(`mysql.${val}`)'string'); }); }); });
export default () => { const element = document.createElement("h2"); element.textContent = "Hello world"; element.addEventListener("click", () => { alert("Hello webpack"); }); return element; };
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import React from 'react'; import CommentBox from './components/CommentBox'; import '../css/style.css'; ReactDOM.render(<CommentBox />, document.getElementById('root'));
'use strict'; const nt = require('./number-theory.js'); /** * Generates the sequence of perfect cubes. * * @generator * @name cubes * @memberof math * @api public * * @param {number} n - The first perfect cube. * @yields {number} The next perfect cube. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.cubes(); * * // Returns next perfect cube. * console.log(; */ exports.cubes = function*(n=0) { while (true) { yield n * n * n; n++; } }; /** * Generates the sequence of even numbers. * * @generator * @name evens * @memberof math * @api public * * @yields {number} The next even number, beginning at 0. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.evens(); * * // Returns next even number. * console.log(; */ exports.evens = function*() { let n = 0; while (true) { yield n; n += 2; } }; /** * Generates the sequence of odd numbers. * * @generator * @name odds * @memberof math * @api public * * @yields {number} The next odd number, beginning at 1. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.odds(); * * // Returns next odd number. * console.log(; */ exports.odds = function*() { let n = 1; while (true) { yield n; n += 2; } }; /** * Generates the Fibonacci sequence. * * @generator * @name fibonaccis * @memberof math * @api public * * @yields {number} The next Fibonacci number. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.fibonaccis(); * * // Returns next Fibonacci number. * console.log(; */ exports.fibonaccis = function*() { let a = 0; let b = 1; let tmp = 0; while (true) { yield a; tmp = a; a = b; b = b + tmp; } }; /** * Generates the hailstone sequence for n. * * @generator * @name hailstone * @memberof math * @api public * * @param {number} n - The starting number of the hailstone sequence. * @yields {number} The next number in the hailstone sequence for n. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.hailstone(27); * * // Prints 82. * console.log(; */ exports.hailstone = function*(n) { if (n === undefined || n === null || typeof n === 'boolean' || typeof n === 'string' || Number.isNaN(n)) { return null; } let m = n; // First time. if (m < 1) { return 0; } else if (m === 1) { return m; } else { yield m; } // Sequence generation. while (true) { if (m === 1) { return m; } else if (m % 2 === 0) { m = m / 2; } else { m = 3 * m + 1; } yield m; } }; /** * Generates the pentagonal sequence. * * @generator * @name pentagonal * @memberof math * @api public * * @yields {number} n - The next number in the pentagonal sequence. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.pentagonal(); * * // Prints 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 15, 20, ... * console.log(; */ exports.pentagonal = function*() { let k = 1; while (true) { yield (k * (3 * k - 1) / 2); k = -k; yield (k * (3 * k - 1) / 2); k = -k; k++; } }; /** * Generates prime numbers. * * @generator * @name primes * @memberof math * @api public * * @param {number} [n=2] - The number to start searching for primes. * @yields {number} The next prime number. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.primes(); * * // Returns next prime. * console.log(; */ exports.primes = function*(n=2) { let i = n; while (true) { if (nt.isPrime(i)) { yield i; } i++; } }; /** * Generates the sequence of perfect squares. * * @generator * @name squares * @memberof math * @api public * * @param {number} n - The first perfect square. * @yields {number} The next perfect square. * * @example * const generator = relue.math.squares(); * * // Returns next perfect square. * console.log(; */ exports.squares = function*(n=0) { while (true) { yield n * n; n++; } };
'use strict'; var should = require('chai').should(); var bitcore = require('../../..'); var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; var PrivateKey = bitcore.PrivateKey; describe('PublicKeyInput', function() { var utxo = { txid: '7f3b688cb224ed83e12d9454145c26ac913687086a0a62f2ae0bc10934a4030f', vout: 0, address: 'yjA6k167XHU4FqZbFWpSLTe5ivngfiJhKc', scriptPubKey: '2103c9594cb2ebfebcb0cfd29eacd40ba012606a197beef76f0269ed8c101e56ceddac', amount: 50, confirmations: 104, spendable: true }; var privateKey = PrivateKey.fromWIF('<KEY>'); var address = privateKey.toAddress(); utxo.address.should.equal(address.toString()); var destKey = new PrivateKey(); it('will correctly sign a publickey out transaction', function() { var tx = new Transaction(); tx.from(utxo);, 10000); tx.sign(privateKey); tx.inputs[0].script.toBuffer(); }); it('count can count missing signatures', function() { var tx = new Transaction(); tx.from(utxo);, 10000); var input = tx.inputs[0]; input.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); tx.sign(privateKey); input.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); }); it('it\'s size can be estimated', function() { var tx = new Transaction(); tx.from(utxo);, 10000); var input = tx.inputs[0]; input._estimateSize().should.equal(73); }); it('it\'s signature can be removed', function() { var tx = new Transaction(); tx.from(utxo);, 10000); var input = tx.inputs[0]; tx.sign(privateKey); input.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); input.clearSignatures(); input.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); }); it('returns an empty array if private key mismatches', function() { var tx = new Transaction(); tx.from(utxo);, 10000); var input = tx.inputs[0]; var signatures = input.getSignatures(tx, new PrivateKey(), 0); signatures.length.should.equal(0); }); });
// Copyright 2019 BlueCat Networks. All rights reserved. $(document).ready(function() { $("#file").prop("disabled", false); $("#submit").prop("disabled", false); });
module.exports = { init: function (app, webSection) { if (webSection != 'orders') { return; } this.ares.init(app); }, ares: { init: function () { $('input#ico').change(this.icoFilled.bind(this)); }, icoFilled: function (e) { var t = $(; if (t.val() == '') { return; } if (t.val().match(/^[0-9]{4,8}$/) == null) { toastr.error(CzechitasApp.config('orders.notFoundMsg')); return; } var url = CzechitasApp.config('orders.aresUrl'); if (!url) { console.log('Missing route for ARES'); return; } this.inputsDisabled(true); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: { ico: t.val() }, success: this.dataReceived.bind(this), error: this.dataError.bind(this), complete: this.inputsDisabled.bind(this, false), }); }, dataReceived: function (data) { $('#address').val(data.address); $('#client').val(; toastr.success(CzechitasApp.config('orders.successMsg')); }, dataError: function (jqXHR) { toastr.error(CzechitasApp.config(jqXHR.status == 404 ? 'orders.notFoundMsg' : 'orders.errorMsg')); }, inputsDisabled: function (disable) { var placeholder = disable ? CzechitasApp.config('orders.ares_searching') : ''; $('#address, #client').prop('disabled', disable).attr('placeholder', placeholder); }, }, };
/************************************************************************************** Write a function `wordSandwich(outerWord, innerWord)` that takes in two strings and returns a string representing a word sandwich. See the examples below. Examples: wordSandwich('bread', 'cheese'); // => 'BREADcheeseBREAD' wordSandwich('BREAD', 'CHEESE'); // => 'BREADcheeseBREAD' wordSandwich('HeLLo', 'worLD'); // => 'HELLOworldHELLO' Difficulty: Easy *************************************************************************************/ function wordSandwich(outerWord, innerWord) { } /******************** DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE *************************/ module.exports = wordSandwich;
"use strict"; import {getColors, getColorsList} from "../data/DataHandler.js"; import {ViewController} from "../view/ViewController.js"; /** * controller for colors * @author <NAME> */ export class ColorService { constructor() { } /** * shows the color options for a type * @param type */ populateColors(type) { let viewController = new ViewController(); let colorsList = getColorsList( document.querySelector("input[name='species']:checked").value, document.querySelector("input[name='subspecies']:checked").value, document.querySelector("input[name='variant']:checked").value, type ); let selection = ""; let count = colorsList.length; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { let color = colorsList[i]; let hexCode = "#fefefe"; if (Array.isArray(color)) { color = color[0]; } if (typeof color === 'object' && color[0] !== null) { if ( !== null) hexCode =; } else hexCode = color; selection += viewController.buildHeart(type, i, hexCode); } document.getElementById(type).innerHTML = selection; document.querySelector("input[name='" + type + "']").checked = true; } /** * the user changed the color for skin, ears or eyes */ changeColors() { let style = ".skins0 {fill:none; stroke:#000; stroke-width:2px;} " + ".skins1,.skins2,.skins3,.ears0,.ears1,.ears2,.ears3 {fill:none;}"; let mask = ""; let defs = ""; let types = ["skins", "ears", "eyes"]; for (const type in types) { let fieldId = types[type]; let colors = getColors( document.querySelector("input[name='species']:checked").value, document.querySelector("input[name='subspecies']:checked").value, document.querySelector("input[name='variant']:checked").value, fieldId, document.querySelector("input[name='" + fieldId + "']:checked").value ); if (!Array.isArray(colors)) { colors = [colors, "none", "none"]; } let data = colors[0]; if (data == null || typeof data !== "object") { style += this.colorValues(colors, fieldId); } else { let keys = Object.keys(data); for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j++) { if (keys[j] === "style") { style +=; } else if (keys[j] === "mask") { mask += data.mask; } else { defs += data.defs; } } } } let styles = "<style id='svgStyle'>" + style + "</style>"; document.getElementById("svgDefs").innerHTML = styles + defs; } /** * get the colors from an array of hex values * @param colors * @param fieldId * @returns {string} */ colorValues(colors, fieldId) { let style = ""; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let data; if (i < colors.length) { data = colors[i]; } else { data = "none"; } style += "." + fieldId + i + "{fill: " + data + "} "; } return style; } }
~function () { window.SIMPLE_VUE = window.SIMPLE_VUE || {}; var loader = window.SIMPLE_VUE.loader; var common = {name: 'page-common', template: '<router-view class="page-common">Loading...</router-view>'} window.SIMPLE_VUE.routes = [{ path: '/', name: '', redirect: '/home', }, { path: '/home', component: loader, name: 'home', meta: { nav: '首页', html: 'pages/home/home.html', js: 'pages/home/home.js', css: 'pages/home/home.css' } }, { path: '/todo', component: loader, name: 'todo', meta: { nav: 'TODO', vue: 'pages/todo.vue' } }, { path: '/about', component: loader, name: 'about', meta: { nav: '关于', html: 'pages/about/about.html', css: 'pages/about/about.css' } }, { path: '/post', component: common, name: '', meta: { nav: '日志' }, children: [ { path: '', component: loader, name: 'post-list', meta: { nav: '日志列表', html: 'pages/post/post-list.html', js: 'pages/post/post-list.js', css: 'pages/post/post.css' } }, { path: ':id', component: loader, name: 'post-detail', meta: { nav: '日志正文', html: 'pages/post/post-detail.html', js: 'pages/post/post-detail.js', css: 'pages/post/post.css' } } ] }, { path: '/404', component: loader, name: '404', meta: { html: 'pages/404.html' } }, { path: '*', redirect: { path: '/404' } } ]; }();
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import ReactFlow, { Handle, ReactFlowProvider, Background, Controls, } from 'react-flow-renderer'; import TeaserFlow from 'components/TeaserFlow'; import { baseColors } from 'themes'; const NodeWrapper = styled.div` background: ${(p) => p.theme.colors.silverLighten30}; padding: 8px 10px; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 4px; input { font-size: 12px; border: 1px solid ${(p) => p.theme.colors.violetLighten60}; width: 100%; border-radius: 2px; max-width: 100px; } .react-flow__handle { background: ${(p) => p.theme.colors.violetLighten60}; } `; const InputLabel = styled.div` color: ${(p) => p.theme.colors.violetLighten60}; `; const InputNode = ({ id, data }) => { return ( <NodeWrapper> <InputLabel>{data.label}:</InputLabel> <input className="nodrag" value={data.value} onChange={(event) => data.onChange(event, id)} /> <Handle type="source" position="bottom" /> </NodeWrapper> ); }; const ResultNode = ({ data }) => { return ( <NodeWrapper> <div>{data.value}</div> <Handle type="target" position="top" id="a" style={{ left: '40%' }} /> <Handle type="target" position="top" id="b" style={{ left: '60%' }} /> </NodeWrapper> ); }; const nodeTypes = { nameinput: InputNode, result: ResultNode, }; const onLoad = (rf) => setTimeout(() => rf.fitView({ padding: 0.1 }), 1); const findNodeById = (id) => (n) => === id; export default () => { const [elements, setElements] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const onChange = (event, id) => { setElements((els) => { const nextElements = => { if ( !== id) { return e; } const value =; return { ...e, data: {, value, }, }; }); const forname = nextElements.find(findNodeById('1')).data.value; const lastname = nextElements.find(findNodeById('2')).data.value; const result = `${forname} ${lastname}`; const resultNode = nextElements.find((n) => n.type === 'result'); = {, value: !forname && !lastname ? '*please enter a name*' : result, }; return nextElements; }); }; const initialElements = [ { id: '1', type: 'nameinput', position: { x: 0, y: 200, }, data: { label: 'Forename', value: 'React', onChange, }, }, { id: '2', type: 'nameinput', position: { x: 400, y: 200, }, data: { label: 'Lastname', value: 'Flow', onChange, }, }, { id: '3', type: 'result', position: { x: 200, y: 400, }, data: { value: 'React Flow', }, }, { id: 'e1', source: '1', target: '3__a', animated: true, }, { id: 'e2', source: '2', target: '3__b', animated: true, }, ]; setElements(initialElements); }, []); return ( <TeaserFlow title="Customizable" description="You can create your own node and edge types or just pass a custom style. You can implement custom UIs inside your nodes and add functionality to your edges." textPosition="right" fitView isDark > <ReactFlowProvider> <ReactFlow elements={elements} nodeTypes={nodeTypes} onLoad={onLoad} zoomOnScroll={false} > <Background color={baseColors.silverDarken60} gap={15} /> <Controls showInteractive={false} /> </ReactFlow> </ReactFlowProvider> </TeaserFlow> ); };
/** * Copyright 2018 SPARKL Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import Vue from 'vue' import _ from 'lodash' import Tree from '../../util/tree' import Type from '../../util/type' import store from '../index' var createMissingService = function (nodes, rootId, op) { var service = { tag: 'service', attr: { name: op.attr.service } } var services = Tree.searchUp(nodes,, service, {limit: 1}) if (services.length === 0) { service = Vue.util.extend(service, { parent_id: rootId, is_ghost: true }) store.commit('createStruct', service) return true } return false } var mutations = { createStruct (state, payload) { var nodes = state.nodes var node = Tree.create(nodes, payload, {append: true}) if (payload.hasOwnProperty('$position')) { Tree.parent(nodes, node, node.parent_id, { position: payload.$position }) } }, updateStruct (state, {id, partial}) { var node = state.nodes[id] if (node) { _.merge(node, partial) Vue.set(state.nodes, id, node) } }, moveStruct (state, {id, to, at}) { if (to) { const node = state.nodes[id] const parentId = node.parent_id const type = Tree.parent(state.nodes, id, to, {position: at}) if (type === 'operation' && node.attr.service) { createMissingService(state.nodes, state.rootId, node) } if (type === 'service') { const serviceName = const operations = [] Tree.traverse(state.nodes, parentId, (child, params) => { const type = if (type === 'operation' && child.attr.service === serviceName) { operations.push(child) return window.TRAVERSE.CONTINUE } /* If service with such name exists, stop traversion in the child folders */ if (type === 'service' && === serviceName) { return window.TRAVERSE.STOP_BRANCH } }) for (let i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { const op = operations[i] /* Create a service if it is not an ancestor of the operations. Also there is no need to iterate futher, because service is created in the root */ if (!Tree.isAncestorOf(state.nodes, node, op)) { var created = createMissingService(state.nodes, state.rootId, op) console.log('Created referenced service for ' + if (created) { break } } } } if (type === 'field') { const operations = [] const fieldId = const fieldName = Tree.traverse(state.nodes, parentId, (child, params) => { var childType = if (childType === 'field' && === fieldName) { return window.TRAVERSE.STOP_BRANCH } if (childType === 'operation' && child.attr.fields) { var index = child.attr.fields.indexOf(fieldId) if (index !== -1) { /* Caching operation object and index in "fields" array */ operations.push({ index: index, op: child }) } } }) var field = null for (let i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { const {op, index} = operations[i] const isAncestor = Tree.isAncestorOf(state.nodes, fieldId, op) if (!isAncestor) { if (!field) { field = Tree.create(state.nodes, { tag: 'field', attr: { name: fieldName }, is_ghost: true, parent_id: state.rootId }, {append: true}) } op.attr.fields.splice(index, 1, } } } } else { console.error('Please, specifiy the target for ' + id) } }, deleteStruct (state, id) { Tree.remove(state.nodes, id) if (state.selectedId === id && !state.nodes[id]) { state.selectedId = null } }, selectStruct (state, id) { if (state.selectedId) { store.commit('unselectStruct') } state.selectedId = id }, unselectStruct (state) { if (state.selectedId) { var selected = state.nodes[state.selectedId] var isOperation = === 'operation' if (isOperation && selected.attr.service) { createMissingService(state.nodes, state.rootId, selected) } state.selectedId = null } } } export default mutations
import { bufferedRender } from "discourse-common/lib/buffered-render"; export default Ember.Component.extend( bufferedRender({ tagName: "span", rerenderTriggers: ["count", "suffix"], buildBuffer(buffer) { buffer.push( I18n.t(this.get("key") + (this.get("suffix") || ""), { count: this.get("count") }) ); } }) );
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { updateKeyword, resetKeyword, filterEmojis } from '../../store/ActionCreators'; import './SearchBox.css'; class SearchBox extends Component { handleResetKeyword() { this.props.dispatch(resetKeyword()); this.props.dispatch(filterEmojis()); } handleChangeKeyword(e) { this.props.dispatch(updateKeyword(; this.props.dispatch(filterEmojis()); } render() { let removeButton = null; if(this.props.keyword != '') { removeButton = <button className="btn" onClick={ () => this.handleResetKeyword() }><i className="fas fa-times-circle btn-remove"></i></button>; } return ( <header className="search-box"> <input type="text" placeholder={ 'Search ' + this.props.filteredEmojis.length + ' emojis for...' } value={ this.props.keyword } onChange={ (e) => this.handleChangeKeyword(e) } /> { removeButton } </header> ); } } function mapStateToProps(state) { return { keyword: state.keyword, filteredEmojis: state.filteredEmojis } } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SearchBox);
/*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*/ /* filename : rockfish_client_web.js /* author : devsunset (<EMAIL>) /* desc : rockfish client web (ajax module) /*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*/ // PARAMETER 평문 설정 var ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_PLAIN = "ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_PLAIN"; // PARAMETER 암호화 설정 var ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_ENCRYPT = "ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_ENCRYPT"; // RSA 암호화 공개 키 ■■■ TO-DO set up 한 공개 key 값 으로 치환 필요 var ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='<KEY>'; ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE+='-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'; var ROCKFISH_RSA_JSENCRYPT = new JSEncrypt(); ROCKFISH_RSA_JSENCRYPT.setPublicKey(ROCKFISH_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_VALUE); /** * <pre> * rockfish ajax Common call function * </pre> * @param service : 호출 service target * @param data : 호출 parameter * @param encdata : 암호화 설정 값 * ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_PLAIN (전체 평문) * ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_ENCRYPT (전체 암호화) * Array() field value (암호화 하고자 하는 field) * @param callback : success callback 함수 * @param errorcallback : error callback 함수 * @param loadingbar : 공통으로 progress bar 등을 사용하는 경우 호출 Action에 따라 표시 유무 설정 * @param async : 동기화 여부 설정 기본은 true * @param attachField : 첨부파일 Array Field * @param attachFile : 첨부파일 Array Object * @param downolad : 다운로드 호출 설정 * * ■■■ TO-DO 표시 항목에 대해서는 사용자가 요건에 맞게 정의 하여 사용 ■■■ * */ function rockfishAjax(service, data, encdata, callback, errorcallback, loadingbar, async, attachField , attachFile, downolad){ if(service === undefined || service === null || service.trim() == ""){ alert("error : service value is empty"); return; } // TO-DO ROCKFISH URL (http,https - https://localhost:9999) // HTTPS 사용시 self-sign에 따른 오류 발생 - 공인 인증서 사용하면 HTTPS 사용 가능 //var url = "https://localhost:9999/rockfishController"; //var url = "http://localhost:8888/rockfishController"; //var downloadurl = "http://localhost:8888/rockfishDownloadController"; // TEST용 (서버 IP 동적 설정) var url = "http://"+$("#IPPORT").val()+"/rockfishController"; var downloadurl = "http://"+$("#IPPORT").val()+"/rockfishDownloadController"; var rockfishSendType = "G"; // G : General M : Multipart D : Download if(typeof async === undefined){ async = true; } if(typeof downolad === undefined){ downolad = false; } var paramData = null; var encryptParameter = ""; if(ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_PLAIN === encdata){ paramData = data; }else if (ROCKFISH_PARAMETER_ENCRYPT === encdata){ if(data !== null && data !== undefined){ for(var fidx = 0;fidx <data.length;fidx++){ encryptParameter += data[fidx].name +"|^|"; data[fidx].value = rockfishRsaEncrypt(data[fidx].value); } paramData = data; } }else{ if( encdata ) === '[object Array]' ) { if(encdata !==null && encdata.length > 0){ for(var fidx = 0;fidx <data.length;fidx++){ if($.inArray(data[fidx].name, encdata) != -1){ encryptParameter += data[fidx].name +"|^|"; data[fidx].value = rockfishRsaEncrypt(data[fidx].value); } } paramData = data; }else{ paramData = data; } }else{ paramData = data; } } if(attachField !== null && typeof attachField !== 'undefined' && attachFile !== null && typeof attachFile !== 'undefined' && attachField.length == attachFile.length){ rockfishSendType = "M"; if (window.File && window.FileList && window.Blob && window.FileReader && window.FormData) { var formData = new FormData(); if(paramData !=null && paramData.length > 0){ for(var fidx = 0;fidx <paramData.length;fidx++){ formData.append(paramData[fidx].name,paramData[fidx].value); } } for(var fileIdx = 0 ;fileIdx < attachFile.length; fileIdx++){ if([fileIdx]) === '[object File]' ){ formData.append(attachField[fileIdx],attachFile[fileIdx]); }else{ alert("object is not file object"); return; } } paramData = formData; } else { alert("browser doesn't supports File API"); return; } } if(downolad){ rockfishSendType = "D"; } if(rockfishSendType == "G"){ $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : url, async : async, cache : false, data : paramData, crossDomain : true, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success : function(response, status, request) { callback(response); }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { /* ROCKFISH CUSTMOMER HEADER*/ xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_session_key", rockfishGetStorge("rockfish_session_key")); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_access_id", rockfishGetStorge("rockfish_access_id")); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_ip", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_mac", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_phone", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_device", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_imei", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os", "BROWSER"); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os_version", rockfishBrowserType()); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os_version_desc", navigator.userAgent); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_target_service", service); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_client_app", "Rockfish"); // TO-DO Client App xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_client_app_version", "1.0"); // TO-DO Client App Version xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_send_type", "G"); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_encrypt_parameter", encryptParameter); // TO-DO COMMON PROGRESS START (EX : PROGRESSING BAR LOADING) loadingbar true : false }, complete: function() { // TO-DO COMMON PROGRESS END (EX : PROGRESSING BAR CLOASE) loadingbar true : false }, error : function(request, status, error) { if(errorcallback !== null && typeof errorcallback !== "undefined"){ errorcallback(status,error); }else{ // TO-DO customer define var errorMsg = 'status(code) : ' + request.status + '\n'; errorMsg += 'statusText : ' + request.statusText + '\n'; errorMsg += 'responseText : ' + request.responseText + '\n'; errorMsg += 'textStatus : ' + status + '\n'; errorMsg += 'errorThrown : ' + error; alert(errorMsg); } } }); }else if(rockfishSendType == "M"){ $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : url, async : async, cache : false, processData : false, data : paramData, crossDomain : true, contentType: false, success : function(response, status, request) { callback(response); }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { /* ROCKFISH CUSTMOMER HEADER*/ xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_session_key", rockfishGetStorge("rockfish_session_key")); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_access_id", rockfishGetStorge("rockfish_access_id")); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_ip", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_mac", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_phone", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_device", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_imei", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os", "BROWSER"); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os_version", rockfishBrowserType()); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os_version_desc", navigator.userAgent); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_target_service", service); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_client_app", "Rockfish"); // TO-DO Client App xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_client_app_version", "1.0"); // TO-DO Client App Version xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_send_type", "M"); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_encrypt_parameter", encryptParameter); // TO-DO COMMON PROGRESS START (EX : PROGRESSING BAR LOADING) loadingbar true : false }, complete: function() { // TO-DO COMMON PROGRESS END (EX : PROGRESSING BAR CLOASE) loadingbar true : false }, error : function(request, status, error) { if(errorcallback !== null && typeof errorcallback !== "undefined"){ errorcallback(status,error); }else{ // TO-DO customer define var errorMsg = 'status(code) : ' + request.status + '\n'; errorMsg += 'statusText : ' + request.statusText + '\n'; errorMsg += 'responseText : ' + request.responseText + '\n'; errorMsg += 'textStatus : ' + status + '\n'; errorMsg += 'errorThrown : ' + error; alert(errorMsg); } } }); }else{ $.ajax({ type : "POST", url : url, async : async, cache : false, data : paramData, crossDomain : true, success : function(response, status, request) { rockfishAjaxDownload(downloadurl,response.ROCKFISH_RESULT_JSON); /* var contTypeDisposition = request.getResponseHeader ("Content-Disposition"); if (contTypeDisposition && contTypeDisposition.indexOf("=") !== -1) { var filename = contTypeDisposition.substring(contTypeDisposition.indexOf("=")+1,contTypeDisposition.length); var blob = new Blob([response], {type: "octet/stream"}); var link=document.createElement('a'); link.href=window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);;; } */ }, beforeSend: function(xhr) { /* ROCKFISH CUSTMOMER HEADER*/ xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_session_key", rockfishGetStorge("rockfish_session_key")); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_access_id", rockfishGetStorge("rockfish_access_id")); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_ip", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_mac", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_phone", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_device", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_imei", rockfishRsaEncrypt("")); // Ignore Web Client xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os", "BROWSER"); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os_version", rockfishBrowserType()); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_os_version_desc", navigator.userAgent); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_target_service", service); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_client_app", "Rockfish"); // TO-DO Client App xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_client_app_version", "1.0"); // TO-DO Client App Version xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_send_type", "D"); xhr.setRequestHeader("rockfish_encrypt_parameter", encryptParameter); // TO-DO COMMON PROGRESS START (EX : PROGRESSING BAR LOADING) loadingbar true : false }, complete: function() { // TO-DO COMMON PROGRESS END (EX : PROGRESSING BAR CLOASE) loadingbar true : false }, error : function(request, status, error) { if(errorcallback !== null && typeof errorcallback !== "undefined"){ errorcallback(status,error); }else{ // TO-DO customer define var errorMsg = 'status(code) : ' + request.status + '\n'; errorMsg += 'statusText : ' + request.statusText + '\n'; errorMsg += 'responseText : ' + request.responseText + '\n'; errorMsg += 'textStatus : ' + status + '\n'; errorMsg += 'errorThrown : ' + error; alert(errorMsg); } } }); } }; /** * <pre> * rsa encrypt * </pre> * @param toEncrypt : encrypt value * */ function rockfishRsaEncrypt(toEncrypt){ if(toEncrypt === null || toEncrypt === "" || toEncrypt === undefined){ return ""; }else{ return ROCKFISH_RSA_JSENCRYPT.encrypt(toEncrypt); } } /** * <pre> * set localStorge * </pre> * @param cName : storge key * @param cValue : storge value * */ function rockfishSetStorge(cName, cValue){ if( ('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null) { localStorage.setItem(cName, cValue); }else{ alert("현재 브라우저는 WebStorage를 지원하지 않습니다") } } /** * <pre> * set localStorge * </pre> * @param cName : storge key * @param cValue : storge value * */ function rockfishSetEncryptStorge(cName, cValue){ if( ('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null) { localStorage.setItem(cName, rockfishRsaEncrypt(cValue)); }else{ alert("현재 브라우저는 WebStorage를 지원하지 않습니다") } } /** * <pre> * localStorge clear * </pre> * */ function rockfishClearStorge(){ if( ('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null) { localStorage.clear(); }else{ alert("현재 브라우저는 WebStorage를 지원하지 않습니다") } } /** * <pre> * get localStorge * </pre> * @param cName : storge key * */ function rockfishGetStorge(cName) { if( ('localStorage' in window) && window['localStorage'] !== null) { if(localStorage.getItem(cName) == null){ return ""; }else{ return localStorage.getItem(cName); } }else{ alert("현재 브라우저는 WebStorage를 지원하지 않습니다") return ""; } } /** * <pre> * get browser type * </pre> */ function rockfishBrowserType(){ var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var name = navigator.appName; var browser = "Etc"; // MS 계열 브라우저를 구분하기 위함. if(name === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' || agent.indexOf('trident') > -1 || agent.indexOf('edge/') > -1) { browser = 'ie'; if(name === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { // IE old version (IE 10 or Lower) agent = /msie ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.exec(agent); browser += parseInt(agent[1]); } else { // IE 11+ if(agent.indexOf('trident') > -1) { // IE 11 browser += 11; } else if(agent.indexOf('edge/') > -1) { // Edge browser = 'edge'; } } } else if(agent.indexOf('safari') > -1) { // Chrome or Safari if(agent.indexOf('opr') > -1) { // Opera browser = 'opera'; } else if(agent.indexOf('chrome') > -1) { // Chrome browser = 'chrome'; } else { // Safari browser = 'safari'; } } else if(agent.indexOf('firefox') > -1) { // Firefox browser = 'firefox'; } return browser; } /** * <pre> * download action * </pre> * @param url : download url * @param data : json object * */ function rockfishAjaxDownload(url, data) { //To-Do (개선 필요) location.href = url+"?ROCKFISH_TEMP_FILE="+encodeURIComponent(rockfishRsaEncrypt(data.ROCKFISH_TEMP_FILE))+"&ROCKFISH_REAL_FILE="+encodeURIComponent(rockfishRsaEncrypt(data.ROCKFISH_REAL_FILE)); /* var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ( (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' &&'Trident') != -1) || (agent.indexOf("msie") != -1) ) { var url= url+"?ROCKFISH_TEMP_FILE="+encodeURIComponent(rockfishRsaEncrypt(data.ROCKFISH_TEMP_FILE))+"&ROCKFISH_REAL_FILE="+encodeURIComponent(rockfishRsaEncrypt(data.ROCKFISH_REAL_FILE)); var $form = $('<form></form>'); $form.attr('action', url); $form.attr('method', 'POST'); $form.attr('target', '_blank'); $form.appendTo('body'); $form.submit(); }else{ var $iframe; var iframe_doc; var iframe_html; if (($iframe = $('#download_iframe')).length === 0) { $iframe = $("<iframe id='download_iframe'" + " style='display: none' src='about:blank'></iframe>" ).appendTo("body"); } iframe_doc = $iframe[0].contentWindow || $iframe[0].contentDocument; if (iframe_doc.document) { iframe_doc = iframe_doc.document; } iframe_html = "<html><head></head><body><form method='POST' action='" + url +"'>"; Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key){ iframe_html += "<input type='hidden' name='"+key+"' value='"+rockfishRsaEncrypt(data[key])+"'>"; }); iframe_html +="</form></body></html>";; iframe_doc.write(iframe_html); $(iframe_doc).find('form').submit(); } */ }
export default String('\n\ uniform vec3 diffuse;\n\ uniform float opacity;\n\ \n\ uniform float dashSize;\n\ uniform float totalSize;\n\ \n\ varying float vLineDistance;\n\ \n\ #include <common>\n\ #include <color_pars_fragment>\n\ #include <fog_pars_fragment>\n\ #include <logdepthbuf_pars_fragment>\n\ #include <clipping_planes_pars_fragment>\n\ \n\ void main() {\n\ \n\ #include <clipping_planes_fragment>\n\ \n\ if ( mod( vLineDistance, totalSize ) > dashSize ) {\n\ \n\ discard;\n\ \n\ }\n\ \n\ vec3 outgoingLight = vec3( 0.0 );\n\ vec4 diffuseColor = vec4( diffuse, opacity );\n\ \n\ #include <logdepthbuf_fragment>\n\ #include <color_fragment>\n\ \n\ outgoingLight = diffuseColor.rgb; // simple shader\n\ \n\ gl_FragColor = vec4( outgoingLight, diffuseColor.a );\n\ \n\ #include <premultiplied_alpha_fragment>\n\ #include <tonemapping_fragment>\n\ #include <encodings_fragment>\n\ #include <fog_fragment>\n\ \n\ }\n\ ').replace( /[ \t]*\/\/.*\n/g, '' ).replace( /[ \t]*\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g, '' ).replace( /\n{2,}/g, '\n' );
/** * This is a controller * */ (function () { angular.module('App').controller('FeatureController', FeatureController); FeatureController.$inject = ['$scope', 'logger', 'resolvedValue']; function FeatureController($scope, logger, resolvedValue) { var vm = this; // Scope vars vm.variable = 'value'; // Methods vm.aMethod = aMethod; activate(); //////////// /** * controller activation */ function activate() { logger.log('FeatureController', 'starting'); vm.variable =; } /** * This is a method * @param param */ function aMethod(param) { vm.variable = param; } /** * Watch a variable with $watch */ $scope.$watch('vm.variable', watchVariable); function watchVariable(newValue) { logger.log('FeatureController', 'variable=' + newValue); } } })(); /** * This is a service, preferably it should be stateless but it's not mandatory * */ (function () { angular.module('App').factory('SimpleService', SimpleService); SimpleService.$inject = ['logger']; function SimpleService(logger) { var aVar; // A variable internal to the service init(); return { aMethod: aMethod, anotherMethod: anotherMethod }; //////////// /** * Init */ function init() { } /** * A simple method */ function aMethod(v) { aVar = v; } /** * Another simple method */ function anotherMethod() { return aVar; } } })(); /** * * This shared model is used among various collaborating controllers to share data * It's a lightweight object useful to hold shareable data * */ (function () { angular.module('App').service('sharedModel', sharedModel); sharedModel.$inject = []; function sharedModel() { var _this = this; // Properties _this.aVar = null; _this.anotherVar = ''; } })(); /** * This is a router config * */ (function () { angular.module('App').config(config); config.$inject = ['$routeProvider']; function config($routeProvider) { $routeProvider.when('/path/:id', { controller: 'FeatureController', controllerAs: 'vm', templateUrl: 'views/theview.html', resolve: { resolvedValue: ['$route', 'AService', function ($route, AService) { return AService.get($; }] } }); } })(); /** * This is a typical server-side API HTTP invocation. * Please notice the function returns the promise object coming from $http service invocation. * We prefer letting callers decide what to do with the promise. * * Ideally, this should be better placed in a service, as controllers and directives should not perform API calls directly. * @param params A JSON object representing the parameters to send * @returns {HttpPromise} */ function apiCallExample(params) { return $http({ method: 'GET', // Or POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. url: theUrl, data: params }); }
module.exports = function(grunt) { 'use strict'; grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jasmine'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-exec'); grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), meta: { project: 'bootstrap-timepicker', version: '0.2.3' }, exec: { dump: { command: 'grunt jshint; grunt uglify; grunt exec:deleteAssets; grunt less:production;' }, copyAssets: { command: 'git checkout gh-pages -q; git checkout master css/bootstrap-timepicker.min.css; git checkout master js/bootstrap-timepicker.min.js;' }, deleteAssets: { command: 'rm -rf css/bootstrap-timepicker.css; rm -rf css/bootstrap-timepicker.min.css; rm -rf js/bootstrap-timepicker.min.js;' } }, jasmine: { build: { src : ['spec/js/libs/jquery/jquery.min.js', 'spec/js/libs/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js', 'spec/js/libs/autotype/index.js', 'js/bootstrap-timepicker.js'], options: { specs : 'spec/js/*Spec.js', helpers : 'spec/js/helpers/*.js', timeout : 100 } } }, jshint: { options: { browser: true, camelcase: true, curly: true, eqeqeq: true, eqnull: true, immed: true, indent: 2, latedef: true, newcap: true, noarg: true, quotmark: true, sub: true, strict: true, trailing: true, undef: true, unused: true, white: false, globals: { jQuery: true, $: true, expect: true, it: true, beforeEach: true, afterEach: true, describe: true, loadFixtures: true, console: true, module: true } }, files: ['js/bootstrap-timepicker.js', 'Gruntfile.js', 'package.json', 'spec/js/*Spec.js'] }, less: { development: { options: { paths: ['css'] }, files: { 'css/bootstrap-timepicker.css': 'less/*.less' } }, production: { options: { paths: ['css'], yuicompress: true }, files: { 'css/bootstrap-timepicker.min.css': ['less/*.less'] } } }, uglify: { options: { banner: '/*! <%= meta.project %> v<%= meta.version %> \n' + '* \n' + '* Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> <NAME> \n' + '* MIT License \n' + '*/' }, build: { src: ['<banner:meta.banner>','js/<%= %>.js'], dest: 'js/<%= %>.min.js' } } }); grunt.registerTask('default', ['jasmine','jshint','uglify','less:production']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['jasmine','lint']); grunt.registerTask('copy', ['exec:copyAssets']); };
// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // See LICENSE.txt for license information. import React, {PureComponent} from 'react'; import {Alert, Text, View} from 'react-native'; import {intlShape} from 'react-intl'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Markdown from '@components/markdown'; import {makeStyleSheetFromTheme} from '@utils/theme'; import {tryOpenURL} from '@utils/url'; export default class AttachmentTitle extends PureComponent { static propTypes = { link: PropTypes.string, theme: PropTypes.object.isRequired, value: PropTypes.string, }; static contextTypes = { intl: intlShape.isRequired, }; openLink = () => { const {link} = this.props; const {intl} = this.context; if (link) { const onError = () => { Alert.alert( intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: 'Error', }), intl.formatMessage({ id: '', defaultMessage: 'Unable to open the link.', }), ); }; tryOpenURL(link, onError); } }; render() { const { link, value, theme, } = this.props; if (!value) { return null; } const style = getStyleSheet(theme); let title; if (link) { title = ( <Text style={[style.title, Boolean(link) &&]} onPress={this.openLink} > {value} </Text> ); } else { title = ( <Markdown isEdited={false} isReplyPost={false} disableHashtags={true} disableAtMentions={true} disableChannelLink={true} disableGallery={true} autolinkedUrlSchemes={[]} mentionKeys={[]} theme={theme} value={value} baseTextStyle={style.title} textStyles={{link:}} /> ); } return ( <View style={style.container}> {title} </View> ); } } const getStyleSheet = makeStyleSheetFromTheme((theme) => { return { container: { marginTop: 3, flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', }, title: { color: theme.centerChannelColor, fontWeight: '600', marginBottom: 5, fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 20, }, link: { color: theme.linkColor, }, }; });
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react"; import { Typography, Grid } from "@material-ui/core"; import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import PostCard from "../../PostCard"; import { connect } from "react-redux"; import LoadingSpinner from "../../Common/LoadingSpinner" import {getChallenges} from "./actions" const Challenges = (props) => { const classes = useStyles(); const [challenges, setChallenges] = useState([]); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); const { user, userId } = props; useEffect(() => { if(!!userId) { getChallenges({ 'user_id': userId }) .then((res) => { console.log('res', res) setChallenges( setIsLoading(false); }) .catch((err) => { console.log('err', err); setIsLoading(false); }) } else if (!!user) { getChallenges({ 'user_id': }) .then((res) => { console.log('res', res) setChallenges( setIsLoading(false); }) .catch((err) => { console.log('err', err); setIsLoading(false); }) } }, [user]) return ( <> { isLoading && ( <LoadingSpinner loading={isLoading} text="Fetching Challenges..." size="large" /> ) } {challenges.length ?, index) => { return ( <Grid key={index}> <PostCard post={challenge} /> </Grid> ) }) : "No Pools Present" } </> ) } const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({ moreText: { margin: theme.spacing(6, 0, 6, 0), textAlign: 'center' } }) ) function mapStateToProps(state) { return { user: state.user, }; } export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Challenges);
import { MY_CUSTOMERS_FETCH_SUCCESS, LAST_PURCHASES_FETCH_SUCCESS, BUSINESS_STAMPS_CARDS_FETCH_SUCCESS, STAMP_PRICE_CHANGED, TOTAL_STAMPS_CHANGED, DISCOUNT_CHANGED, STAMPS_CARD_CREATION_FAIL, STAMPS_CARD_CREATION_SUCCESS, STAMPS_CARD_CREATION_STARTS } from '../actions/types'; const INITIAL_STATE = { error: '', loading: false, stampsCard: null, stampPrice: '', totalStamps: '', discount: '', showToast: false }; export default(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) => { switch (action.type) { case MY_CUSTOMERS_FETCH_SUCCESS: return { myCustomers: action.payload.myCustomers }; case LAST_PURCHASES_FETCH_SUCCESS: return { lastPurchases: action.payload.lastPurchases }; case BUSINESS_STAMPS_CARDS_FETCH_SUCCESS: return { stampsCards: action.payload.stampsCards }; case STAMP_PRICE_CHANGED: return { ...state, loading: true, error: '', showToast: false, stampPrice: action.payload }; case TOTAL_STAMPS_CHANGED: return { ...state, loading: true, error: '', showToast: false, totalStamps: action.payload }; case DISCOUNT_CHANGED: return { ...state, loading: true, error: '', showToast: false, discount: action.payload }; case STAMPS_CARD_CREATION_STARTS: return { ...state, loading: true, error: '', showToast: false }; case STAMPS_CARD_CREATION_FAIL: return { ...state, error: 'The stamps card could not be created.', loading: false, showToast: true }; case STAMPS_CARD_CREATION_SUCCESS: return { ...state, stampsCard: action.payload, loading: false, error: '', showToast: false }; default: return state; } };
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('zxcvbn', []) .directive('zxcvbn', function () { return { scope: { password: '=', extras: '=?', data: '=?' }, restrict: 'E', template: '{{ display.crack_times_display }}', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.$watch('password', function (newVal) { if (angular.isString(newVal)) { if (scope.extras) scope.timeToCrack = zxcvbn(newVal, scope.extras); else scope.timeToCrack = zxcvbn(newVal); if (('data' in attrs) && scope.timeToCrack) = angular.copy(scope.timeToCrack); scope.display = angular.copy(scope.timeToCrack); } }); } }; }); })();
const yaml = require("js-yaml"); /** * path this handler will serve */ function path() { return "/admin/uploadRepositoryBuild"; } /** * http method this handler will serve */ function method() { return "post"; } /** * if the route requires admin */ function requiresAdmin() { return true; } /** * handle index * @param {*} req * @param {*} res * @param {*} dependencies */ async function handle(req, res, dependencies) { const owner = req.body.owner; const repository = req.body.repository; let repositoryAdminURL = "/admin/repositoryAdmin?owner=" + owner + "&repository=" + repository; if (req.files != null) { const uploadData = req.files.uploadFile; try { const buildInfo = yaml.safeLoad(; if (buildInfo != null) { await dependencies.cache.repositoryBuilds.updateRepositoryBuild( owner, repository, buildInfo ); } } catch (e) { repositoryAdminURL += "&uploadError=Invalid build file"; } } res.writeHead(301, { Location: repositoryAdminURL, }); res.end(); } module.exports.path = path; module.exports.method = method; module.exports.requiresAdmin = requiresAdmin; module.exports.handle = handle;
/** * 表单基本信息浮层(目前是标题和描述) * @props: visible(popover是否显示) formData(当前的配置数据) formDataChangeHandler(数据变换处理回调方法) visibleChangeHandler(popover的onVisibleChange处理器) */ import React, {PureComponent} from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import {Popover} from 'antd'; import XForm from 'scalable-form-antd'; import './index.less'; import {getMessageId} from '../../i18n/localeMessages'; export default class BaseFormConfigPopover extends PureComponent { static propTypes = { messages: PropTypes.object.isRequired, popupContainer: PropTypes.func.isRequired, children: PropTypes.element.isRequired, visible: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, formData: PropTypes.shape({ formTitle: PropTypes.string, formDesc: PropTypes.string }).isRequired, formDataChangeHandler: PropTypes.func.isRequired, visibleChangeHandler: PropTypes.func.isRequired }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.renderPopoverContent = this.renderPopoverContent.bind(this); } renderPopoverContent() { const {messages, formData, formDataChangeHandler} = this.props; return ( <div className="base-config-wrapper"> <p className="popover-title">{messages[getMessageId('xformBaseConfigPopoverTitle')]}</p> <XForm formItemLayout={{ labelCol: {span: 3}, wrapperCol: {span: 21} }} alignType="vertical" onChange={(formData) => { formDataChangeHandler(formData); }} jsonSchema={{ type: 'object', title: '', properties: { formTitle: { title: messages[getMessageId('xformBaseConfigFormTitleLabel')], type: 'string', maxLength: 20 }, formDesc: { title: messages[getMessageId('xformBaseConfigFormDescLabel')], type: 'string', maxLength: 200 } } }} uiSchema={{ formTitle: { 'ui:options': { placeholder: messages[getMessageId('xformBaseConfigFormTitlePlaceholder')] } }, formDesc: { 'ui:widget': 'textarea', 'ui:options': { placeholder: messages[getMessageId('xformBaseConfigFormDescPlaceholder')] } } }} formData={{...formData}} /> </div> ); } render() { const {children, visible, visibleChangeHandler, popupContainer} = this.props; return ( <Popover title="" content={this.renderPopoverContent()} visible={visible} onVisibleChange={visibleChangeHandler} trigger="click" placement="bottomLeft" overlayClassName="app-xform-builder-base-config-popover" getPopupContainer={popupContainer} > {children} </Popover> ); } }
import {useControlledState as $vhjCi$useControlledState, clamp as $vhjCi$clamp, snapValueToStep as $vhjCi$snapValueToStep} from "@react-stately/utils"; import {NumberFormatter as $vhjCi$NumberFormatter, NumberParser as $vhjCi$NumberParser} from "@internationalized/number"; import {useState as $vhjCi$useState, useMemo as $vhjCi$useMemo, useCallback as $vhjCi$useCallback, useRef as $vhjCi$useRef} from "react"; function $parcel$export(e, n, v, s) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, {get: v, set: s, enumerable: true, configurable: true}); } var $de67e98908f0c6ee$exports = {}; $parcel$export($de67e98908f0c6ee$exports, "useNumberFieldState", () => $de67e98908f0c6ee$export$7f629e9dc1ecf37c); function $de67e98908f0c6ee$export$7f629e9dc1ecf37c(props) { let { minValue: minValue , maxValue: maxValue , step: step , formatOptions: formatOptions , value: value1 , defaultValue: defaultValue , onChange: onChange , locale: locale , isDisabled: isDisabled , isReadOnly: isReadOnly } = props; let [numberValue, setNumberValue] = $vhjCi$useControlledState(value1, isNaN(defaultValue) ? NaN : defaultValue, onChange); let [inputValue, setInputValue] = $vhjCi$useState(()=>isNaN(numberValue) ? '' : new $vhjCi$NumberFormatter(locale, formatOptions).format(numberValue) ); let numberParser = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>new $vhjCi$NumberParser(locale, formatOptions) , [ locale, formatOptions ]); let numberingSystem = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>numberParser.getNumberingSystem(inputValue) , [ numberParser, inputValue ]); let formatter = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>new $vhjCi$NumberFormatter(locale, { ...formatOptions, numberingSystem: numberingSystem }) , [ locale, formatOptions, numberingSystem ]); let intlOptions = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>formatter.resolvedOptions() , [ formatter ]); let format = $vhjCi$useCallback((value)=>isNaN(value) ? '' : formatter.format(value) , [ formatter ]); let clampStep = !isNaN(step) ? step : 1; if ( === 'percent' && isNaN(step)) clampStep = 0.01; // Update the input value when the number value or format options change. This is done // in a useEffect so that the controlled behavior is correct and we only update the // textfield after prop changes. let prevValue = $vhjCi$useRef(numberValue); let prevLocale = $vhjCi$useRef(locale); let prevFormatOptions = $vhjCi$useRef(formatOptions); if (!, prevValue.current) || locale !== prevLocale.current || formatOptions !== prevFormatOptions.current) { setInputValue(format(numberValue)); prevValue.current = numberValue; prevLocale.current = locale; prevFormatOptions.current = formatOptions; } // Store last parsed value in a ref so it can be used by increment/decrement below let parsedValue = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>numberParser.parse(inputValue) , [ numberParser, inputValue ]); let parsed = $vhjCi$useRef(0); parsed.current = parsedValue; let commit = ()=>{ // Set to empty state if input value is empty if (!inputValue.length) { setNumberValue(NaN); setInputValue(value1 === undefined ? '' : format(numberValue)); return; } // if it failed to parse, then reset input to formatted version of current number if (isNaN(parsed.current)) { setInputValue(format(numberValue)); return; } // Clamp to min and max, round to the nearest step, and round to specified number of digits let clampedValue; if (isNaN(step)) clampedValue = $vhjCi$clamp(parsed.current, minValue, maxValue); else clampedValue = $vhjCi$snapValueToStep(parsed.current, minValue, maxValue, step); clampedValue = numberParser.parse(format(clampedValue)); setNumberValue(clampedValue); // in a controlled state, the numberValue won't change, so we won't go back to our old input without help setInputValue(format(value1 === undefined ? clampedValue : numberValue)); }; let safeNextStep = (operation, minMax)=>{ let prev = parsed.current; if (isNaN(prev)) { // if the input is empty, start from the min/max value when incrementing/decrementing, // or zero if there is no min/max value defined. let newValue = isNaN(minMax) ? 0 : minMax; return $vhjCi$snapValueToStep(newValue, minValue, maxValue, clampStep); } else { // otherwise, first snap the current value to the nearest step. if it moves in the direction // we're going, use that value, otherwise add the step and snap that value. let newValue = $vhjCi$snapValueToStep(prev, minValue, maxValue, clampStep); if (operation === '+' && newValue > prev || operation === '-' && newValue < prev) return newValue; return $vhjCi$snapValueToStep($de67e98908f0c6ee$var$handleDecimalOperation(operation, prev, clampStep), minValue, maxValue, clampStep); } }; let increment = ()=>{ let newValue = safeNextStep('+', minValue); // if we've arrived at the same value that was previously in the state, the // input value should be updated to match // ex type 4, press increment, highlight the number in the input, type 4 again, press increment // you'd be at 5, then incrementing to 5 again, so no re-render would happen and 4 would be left in the input if (newValue === numberValue) setInputValue(format(newValue)); setNumberValue(newValue); }; let decrement = ()=>{ let newValue = safeNextStep('-', maxValue); if (newValue === numberValue) setInputValue(format(newValue)); setNumberValue(newValue); }; let incrementToMax = ()=>{ if (maxValue != null) setNumberValue($vhjCi$snapValueToStep(maxValue, minValue, maxValue, clampStep)); }; let decrementToMin = ()=>{ if (minValue != null) setNumberValue(minValue); }; let canIncrement = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>!isDisabled && !isReadOnly && (isNaN(parsedValue) || isNaN(maxValue) || $vhjCi$snapValueToStep(parsedValue, minValue, maxValue, clampStep) > parsedValue || $de67e98908f0c6ee$var$handleDecimalOperation('+', parsedValue, clampStep) <= maxValue) , [ isDisabled, isReadOnly, minValue, maxValue, clampStep, parsedValue ]); let canDecrement = $vhjCi$useMemo(()=>!isDisabled && !isReadOnly && (isNaN(parsedValue) || isNaN(minValue) || $vhjCi$snapValueToStep(parsedValue, minValue, maxValue, clampStep) < parsedValue || $de67e98908f0c6ee$var$handleDecimalOperation('-', parsedValue, clampStep) >= minValue) , [ isDisabled, isReadOnly, minValue, maxValue, clampStep, parsedValue ]); let validate = (value)=>numberParser.isValidPartialNumber(value, minValue, maxValue) ; return { validate: validate, increment: increment, incrementToMax: incrementToMax, decrement: decrement, decrementToMin: decrementToMin, canIncrement: canIncrement, canDecrement: canDecrement, minValue: minValue, maxValue: maxValue, numberValue: parsedValue, setInputValue: setInputValue, inputValue: inputValue, commit: commit }; } function $de67e98908f0c6ee$var$handleDecimalOperation(operator, value1, value2) { let result = operator === '+' ? value1 + value2 : value1 - value2; // Check if we have decimals if (value1 % 1 !== 0 || value2 % 1 !== 0) { const value1Decimal = value1.toString().split('.'); const value2Decimal = value2.toString().split('.'); const value1DecimalLength = value1Decimal[1] && value1Decimal[1].length || 0; const value2DecimalLength = value2Decimal[1] && value2Decimal[1].length || 0; const multiplier = Math.pow(10, Math.max(value1DecimalLength, value2DecimalLength)); // Transform the decimals to integers based on the precision value1 = Math.round(value1 * multiplier); value2 = Math.round(value2 * multiplier); // Perform the operation on integers values to make sure we don't get a fancy decimal value result = operator === '+' ? value1 + value2 : value1 - value2; // Transform the integer result back to decimal result /= multiplier; } return result; } export {$de67e98908f0c6ee$export$7f629e9dc1ecf37c as useNumberFieldState}; //#
/* Snapshot by TEMPLATED @templatedco Released for free under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license ( */ (function($) { skel.breakpoints({ xlarge: '(max-width: 1680px)', large: '(max-width: 1280px)', medium: '(max-width: 980px)', small: '(max-width: 736px)', xsmall: '(max-width: 480px)' }); $(function() { var $window = $(window), $body = $('body'); // Disable animations/transitions until the page has loaded. $body.addClass('is-loading'); $window.on('load', function() { window.setTimeout(function() { $body.removeClass('is-loading'); }, 100); }); // Fix: Placeholder polyfill. $('form').placeholder(); // Prioritize "important" elements on medium. skel.on('+medium -medium', function() { $.prioritize( '.important\\28 medium\\29', skel.breakpoint('medium').active ); }); // Scrolly. $('.scrolly').scrolly(); // Gallery. $('.gallery').each(function() { var $gallery = $(this), $content = $gallery.find('.content'); // // Poptrox. // $content.poptrox({ // usePopupCaption: true // }); // Tabs. $gallery.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $tabs = $this.find('.tabs a'), $media = $this.find('.media'); $tabs.on('click', function(e) { var $this = $(this), tag = $'tag'); // Prevent default. e.preventDefault(); // Remove active class from all tabs. $tabs.removeClass('active'); // Reapply active class to current tab. $this.addClass('active'); // Hide media that do not have the same class as the clicked tab. $media .fadeOut('fast') .each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass(tag)) $this .fadeOut('fast') .delay(200) .queue(function(next) { $this.fadeIn(); next(); }); }); }); }); }); }); })(jQuery);
const { merge } = require('webpack-merge'); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const common = require('./webpack.common.js'); module.exports = merge(common, { entry: { playground: './playground/app.ts', }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ title: 'TruePlayer...', template: './playground/index.html', favicon: './playground/favicon.png', }), ], devtool: 'inline-source-map', });
/** * Test case for dir. * Runs with mocha. */ 'use strict' const dir = require('../lib/dir.js') const assert = require('assert') const coz = require('coz') describe('dir', function () { this.timeout(3000) before(async () => { }) after(async () => { }) it('Dir', async () => { const bud = dir({ dirname: __dirname, name: 'foo', description: 'hoge', default: 'dddd' }) bud.path = `${__dirname}/../tmp/testing-dir/index.mjs` bud.mkdirp = true await coz.render(bud) }) it('CJS', async () => { const bud = dir({ dirname: __dirname, name: 'foo', description: 'hoge', default: 'dir_test', cjs: true }) bud.path = `${__dirname}/../tmp/testing-dir/index.js` bud.mkdirp = true await coz.render(bud) }) }) /* global describe, before, after, it */
import general from "./general.json"; import landing from "./landing.json"; import cheatsheet from "./cheatsheet.json"; import learn from "./learn.json"; const messages = { ...general, ...landing, ...cheatsheet, ...learn } export default messages;
'use strict'; /* jshint ignore:start */ /** * This code was generated by * \ / _ _ _| _ _ * | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_ v1.0.0 * / / */ /* jshint ignore:end */ var _ = require('lodash'); /* jshint ignore:line */ var AccountContext = require('./v2010/account').AccountContext; var AccountList = require('./v2010/account').AccountList; var Version = require('../../base/Version'); /* jshint ignore:line */ /* jshint ignore:start */ /** * Initialize the V2010 version of Api * * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountList} accounts - accounts resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext} account - account resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.AddressList} addresses - * addresses resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.ApplicationList} applications - * applications resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.AuthorizedConnectAppList} authorizedConnectApps - * authorizedConnectApps resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.AvailablePhoneNumberCountryList} availablePhoneNumbers - * availablePhoneNumbers resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.BalanceList} balance - * balance resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.CallList} calls - calls resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.ConferenceList} conferences - * conferences resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.ConnectAppList} connectApps - * connectApps resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.IncomingPhoneNumberList} incomingPhoneNumbers - * incomingPhoneNumbers resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.KeyList} keys - keys resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.MessageList} messages - * messages resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.NewKeyList} newKeys - * newKeys resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.NewSigningKeyList} newSigningKeys - * newSigningKeys resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.NotificationList} notifications - * notifications resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.OutgoingCallerIdList} outgoingCallerIds - * outgoingCallerIds resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.QueueList} queues - queues resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.RecordingList} recordings - * recordings resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.SigningKeyList} signingKeys - * signingKeys resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.SipList} sip - sip resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.ShortCodeList} shortCodes - * shortCodes resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.TokenList} tokens - tokens resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.TranscriptionList} transcriptions - * transcriptions resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.UsageList} usage - usage resource * @property {Twilio.Api.V2010.AccountContext.ValidationRequestList} validationRequests - * validationRequests resource * * @param {Twilio.Api} domain - The twilio domain */ /* jshint ignore:end */ function V2010(domain) {, domain, '2010-04-01'); // Resources this._accounts = undefined; this._account = undefined; } _.extend(V2010.prototype, Version.prototype); V2010.prototype.constructor = V2010; Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'accounts', { get: function() { this._accounts = this._accounts || new AccountList(this); return this._accounts; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'account', { get: function() { if (!this._account) { this._account = new AccountContext(this, this._domain.twilio.accountSid); } return this._account; }, set: function(accountContext) { this._account = accountContext; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'addresses', { get: function() { return this.account.addresses; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'applications', { get: function() { return this.account.applications; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'authorizedConnectApps', { get: function() { return this.account.authorizedConnectApps; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'availablePhoneNumbers', { get: function() { return this.account.availablePhoneNumbers; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'balance', { get: function() { return this.account.balance; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'calls', { get: function() { return this.account.calls; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'conferences', { get: function() { return this.account.conferences; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'connectApps', { get: function() { return this.account.connectApps; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'incomingPhoneNumbers', { get: function() { return this.account.incomingPhoneNumbers; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'keys', { get: function() { return this.account.keys; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'messages', { get: function() { return this.account.messages; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'newKeys', { get: function() { return this.account.newKeys; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'newSigningKeys', { get: function() { return this.account.newSigningKeys; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'notifications', { get: function() { return this.account.notifications; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'outgoingCallerIds', { get: function() { return this.account.outgoingCallerIds; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'queues', { get: function() { return this.account.queues; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'recordings', { get: function() { return this.account.recordings; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'signingKeys', { get: function() { return this.account.signingKeys; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'sip', { get: function() { return this.account.sip; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'shortCodes', { get: function() { return this.account.shortCodes; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'tokens', { get: function() { return this.account.tokens; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'transcriptions', { get: function() { return this.account.transcriptions; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'usage', { get: function() { return this.account.usage; } }); Object.defineProperty(V2010.prototype, 'validationRequests', { get: function() { return this.account.validationRequests; } }); module.exports = V2010;
/*: * @target MZ * @plugindesc アイテム・スキル一覧ソート * @url * @url * @author kuroudo119 (くろうど) * * @help # KRD_MZ_ItemSort.js アイテム・スキル一覧ソート ## 権利表記 (c) 2021 kuroudo119 (くろうど) ## 利用規約 このプラグインはMITライセンスです。 ## 仕様 ### アイテム・スキルの並び順 使用可能時、ダメージタイプ、範囲の順。 ### 武器の並び順 武器タイプ順。 ### 防具の並び順 装備タイプ、防具タイプの順。 ## 更新履歴 - ver.0.0.1 (2021/02/23) 非公開版完成 - ver.0.1.0 (2022/03/08) 武器防具タイプソートに変更 - ver.0.2.0 (2022/03/10) 範囲・使用可能時でのソートに変更 - ver.1.0.0 (2022/03/17) 公開 * * */ (() => { "use strict"; //-------------------------------------- // アイテムリストのソート const KRD_Window_ItemList_makeItemList = Window_ItemList.prototype.makeItemList; Window_ItemList.prototype.makeItemList = function() { KRD_Window_ItemList_makeItemList.apply(this, arguments); if (this._data && this._data.length > 0) { if (DataManager.isItem(this._data[0])) { this._data.sort(compareItems); } else if (DataManager.isWeapon(this._data[0])) { this._data.sort(compareWeapons); } else if (DataManager.isArmor(this._data[0])) { this._data.sort(compareArmors); } } }; const compareItems = function(a, b) { if (!a || !b) { return 0; } if (a.occasion === b.occasion) { if (a.damage.type === b.damage.type) { return forSortScope(a.scope) - forSortScope(b.scope); } else { return forSortDamageType(a.damage.type) - forSortDamageType(b.damage.type); } } else { return forSortOccasion(a.occasion) - forSortOccasion(b.occasion); } }; const forSortOccasion = function(base) { return base === 1 || base === 3 ? base + 100 : base; } const forSortScope = function(base) { const isForOpponent = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14]; const isForFriend = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]; if (isForFriend.includes(base)) { return base; } else if (isForOpponent.includes(base)) { return base + 100; } return base; } const forSortDamageType = function(base) { return base === 3 || base === 4 ? base : base + 100; }; const compareWeapons = function(a, b) { if (!a || !b) { return 0; } return a.wtypeId - b.wtypeId; }; const compareArmors = function(a, b) { if (!a || !b) { return 0; } if (a.etypeId === b.etypeId) { return a.atypeId - b.atypeId; } else { return a.etypeId - b.etypeId; } }; //-------------------------------------- // スキルリストのソート const KRD_Window_SkillList_makeItemList = Window_SkillList.prototype.makeItemList; Window_SkillList.prototype.makeItemList = function() { KRD_Window_SkillList_makeItemList.apply(this, arguments); if (this._data && this._data.length > 0) { this._data.sort(compareSkills); } }; const compareSkills = function(a, b) { return compareItems(a, b); }; //-------------------------------------- })();
var searchData= [ ['spin',['spin',['../class_u_a_r_t_servo.html#a26bde11d848366a45a6b8adfe846ef6a',1,'UARTServo']]], ['stop',['stop',['../class_u_a_r_t_servo.html#aad804d5e1994fffd3ed07d8f579d7289',1,'UARTServo']]] ];
var path = require('path'); var fs = require('graceful-fs'); var msee = require('msee'); var template = require('string-template'); function printHelp(opts) { opts = opts || {}; var loc = path.join(__dirname, ''); var content = fs.readFileSync(loc, 'utf8'); content = template(content, { cmd: opts.cmd || 'npm-shrinkwrap' }); if (opts.h) { content = content.split('##')[0]; } var text = msee.parse(content, { paragraphStart: '\n' }); return console.log(text); } module.exports = printHelp;
const testUtils = require('../testUtils.js') test('should update chart name', async () => { const { client, user } = await testUtils.createTestUserAndClient() const categories = [{ key: 1, label: 'Category 1', color: '#aaaaaa', accessible: false }] const chart = await client.charts.create(null, null, categories) await client.charts.update(chart.key, 'aChart') const retrievedChart = await client.charts.retrievePublishedVersion(chart.key) expect('aChart') expect(retrievedChart.categories.list).toEqual(categories) }) test('should update chart categories', async () => { const { client, user } = await testUtils.createTestUserAndClient() const chart = await client.charts.create('aChart') const categories = [{ key: 1, label: 'Category 1', color: '#aaaaaa', accessible: false }, { key: 2, label: 'Category 2', color: '#bbbbbb', accessible: true }] await client.charts.update(chart.key, null, categories) const retrievedChart = await client.charts.retrievePublishedVersion(chart.key) expect('aChart') expect(retrievedChart.categories.list).toEqual(categories) })
const mainCotroller = require('./../controllers/main.controller'); const authCotroller = require('./../controllers/auth'); const { auth } = require('./../utils'); module.exports = (app) => {'/create/accessory', auth(), mainCotroller.postAccessories); app.get('/create/accessory', auth(), mainCotroller.getAccessories);'/attach/accessory/:id', auth(), mainCotroller.postAttachAccessory); app.get('/attach/accessory/:id', auth(), mainCotroller.getAttachAccessory); app.get('/details/:id', auth(false), mainCotroller.details);'/create', auth(), mainCotroller.postCreate); app.get('/create', auth(), mainCotroller.getCreate);'/edit/:id', auth(), mainCotroller.postEdit); app.get('/edit/:id', auth(), mainCotroller.getEdit);'/delete/:id', auth(), mainCotroller.postDelete); app.get('/delete/:id', auth(), mainCotroller.getDelete); app.get('/about', auth(false), mainCotroller.about);'/login', auth(false), authCotroller.postLogin); app.get('/login', auth(false), authCotroller.getLogin);'/register', auth(false), authCotroller.postRegister); app.get('/register', auth(false), authCotroller.getRegister); app.get('/logout', authCotroller.logout); app.get('/404', auth(false), mainCotroller.notFound);'/', auth(false), mainCotroller.postIndex); app.get('/', auth(false), mainCotroller.getIndex); };
var AppDispatcher = require('../dispatcher/AppDispatcher'); var AppActionConstants = require('../constants/AppActionConstants'); var ActionTypes = AppActionConstants.ActionTypes.alerts; module.exports = { success: function (status, message) { AppDispatcher.dispatch({ type : ActionTypes.ALERT_SUCCESS, message : message, actionOrError : status }); } };
import hexToRgba from './hexToRgba'; const rgbToHsl = (hex, lightness) => { const c255 = 255; let min, max, i, l, s, maxcolor, h, rgb = []; let color; let { r, g, b } = hexToRgba(hex); rgb[0] = r / c255; rgb[1] = g / c255; rgb[2] = b / c255; min = rgb[0]; max = rgb[0]; maxcolor = 0; for (i = 0; i < rgb.length - 1; i++) { if (rgb[i + 1] <= min) { min = rgb[i + 1]; } if (rgb[i + 1] >= max) { max = rgb[i + 1]; maxcolor = i + 1; } } if (maxcolor == 0) { h = (rgb[1] - rgb[2]) / (max - min); } if (maxcolor == 1) { h = 2 + (rgb[2] - rgb[0]) / (max - min); } if (maxcolor == 2) { h = 4 + (rgb[0] - rgb[1]) / (max - min); } if (isNaN(h)) { h = 0; } h = h * 60; if (h < 0) { h = h + 360; } l = (min + max) / 2; if (min == max) { s = 0; } else { if (l < 0.5) { s = (max - min) / (max + min); } else { s = (max - min) / (2 - max - min); } } h = Number(h.toFixed(0)); s = Number(s.toFixed(2)) * 100; l = Number(l.toFixed(2)) * 100; if (lightness) l += lightness; color = { h, s, l, all: `hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${l}%)` }; return color; }; export default rgbToHsl;
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. const admin = require('firebase-admin'); const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const db = admin.initializeApp().firestore(); // Recalculates the total cost of a cart; triggered when there's a change // to any items in a cart. exports.calculateCart = functions .firestore.document("carts/{cartId}/items/{itemId}") .onWrite(async (change, context) => { let totalPrice = 0; let itemCount = 0; try { const cartRef = db.collection("carts").doc(context.params.cartId); const itemsSnap = await cartRef.collection("items").get(); => { const itemData =; if (itemData.price) { // If not specified, the quantity is 1 const quantity = (itemData.quantity) ? itemData.quantity : 1; itemCount += quantity; totalPrice += (itemData.price * quantity); } }); console.log("Cart total successfully recalculated: ", totalPrice); return await cartRef.update({ totalPrice, itemCount }); } catch(err) { if (itemCount === 0) { return; } console.error("Cart could not be recalculated. ", err); } });
/** * @format */ import React, { Component } from 'react' import { // Clipboard, StyleSheet, Text, View, ScrollView, ImageBackground, Dimensions, ActivityIndicator, Image, TouchableOpacity, Switch, } from 'react-native' import Logger from 'react-native-file-log' // @ts-ignore import { Dropdown } from 'react-native-material-dropdown' // @ts-ignore import SwipeVerify from 'react-native-swipe-verify' import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import Big from 'big.js' import wavesBG from '../../assets/images/shock-bg.png' import Nav from '../../components/Nav' import InputGroup from '../../components/InputGroup' import ContactsSearch from '../../components/Search/ContactsSearch' import Suggestion from '../../components/Search/Suggestion' import QRScanner from '../QRScanner' import BitcoinAccepted from '../../assets/images/bitcoin-accepted.png' import * as CSS from '../../res/css' import * as Wallet from '../../services/wallet' import * as API from '../../services/contact-api/index' import { selectContact, resetSelectedContact } from '../../actions/ChatActions' import { resetInvoice, decodePaymentRequest, } from '../../actions/InvoiceActions' import { WALLET_OVERVIEW } from '../WalletOverview' export const SEND_SCREEN = 'SEND_SCREEN' /** * @typedef {import('react-navigation').NavigationScreenProp<{}, {}>} Navigation */ /** * @typedef {import('../../actions/ChatActions').Contact | import('../../actions/ChatActions').BTCAddress} ContactTypes */ /** * @typedef {({ type: 'error', error: Error }|undefined)} DecodeResponse */ /** * @typedef {object} Props * @prop {(Navigation)=} navigation * @prop {import('../../../reducers/ChatReducer').State} chat * @prop {import('../../../reducers/InvoiceReducer').State} invoice * @prop {(contact: ContactTypes) => ContactTypes} selectContact * @prop {() => void} resetSelectedContact * @prop {() => void} resetInvoice * @prop {(invoice: string) => Promise<DecodeResponse>} decodePaymentRequest */ /** * @typedef {object} State * @prop {string} description * @prop {string} unitSelected * @prop {string} amount * @prop {string} contactsSearch * @prop {boolean} sending * @prop {boolean} paymentSuccessful * @prop {boolean} scanningQR * @prop {boolean} sendAll * @prop {Error|null} error */ /** * @augments React.Component<Props, State, never> */ class SendScreen extends Component { state = { description: '', unitSelected: 'gros', amount: '0', contactsSearch: '', paymentSuccessful: false, scanningQR: false, sending: false, sendAll: false, error: null, } amountOptionList = React.createRef() componentDidMount() { this.resetSearchState() } /** * @param {keyof State} key * @returns {(value: any) => void} */ onChange = key => value => { /** * @type {Pick<State, keyof State>} */ // @ts-ignore TODO: fix typing const updatedState = { [key]: value, } this.setState(updatedState) } isFilled = () => { const { amount, sendAll } = this.state const { paymentRequest } = this.props.invoice const { selectedContact } = return ( ((selectedContact?.address?.length > 0 || selectedContact?.type === 'contact') && parseFloat(amount) > 0) || (selectedContact?.type === 'btc' && sendAll) || !!paymentRequest ) } sendBTCRequest = async () => { try { const { selectedContact } = const { amount, sendAll } = this.state if (!selectedContact.address) { return } this.setState({ sending: true, }) const transactionId = await Wallet.sendCoins({ addr: selectedContact.address, amount: sendAll ? parseInt(amount, 10) : undefined, send_all: sendAll, }) Logger.log('New Transaction ID:', transactionId) this.setState({ sending: false, }) if (this.props.navigation) { this.props.navigation.goBack() } } catch (e) { Logger.log(e) this.setState({ sending: false, error: e.message, }) } } payLightningInvoice = async () => { try { const { invoice, navigation } = this.props const { amount } = this.state this.setState({ sending: true, }) await Wallet.CAUTION_payInvoice({ amt: invoice.paymentRequest && invoice.amount && Big(invoice.amount).gt(0) ? undefined : parseInt(amount, 10), payreq: invoice.paymentRequest, }) this.setState({ sending: false, paymentSuccessful: true, }) setTimeout(() => { if (navigation) { navigation.navigate(WALLET_OVERVIEW) } }, 500) } catch (err) { this.setState({ sending: false, error: err, }) } } sendPayment = async () => { try { const { chat } = this.props const { amount, description } = this.state const { selectedContact } = chat await API.Actions.sendPayment(, amount, description) return true } catch (err) { this.setState({ sending: false, error: err, }) return false } } resetSearchState = () => { const { resetSelectedContact, resetInvoice } = this.props resetSelectedContact() resetInvoice() this.setState({ contactsSearch: '', }) } renderContactsSearch = () => { const { chat, invoice } = this.props const { contactsSearch } = this.state if (invoice.paymentRequest) { return ( <Suggestion name={invoice.paymentRequest} onPress={this.resetSearchState} type="invoice" style={styles.suggestion} /> ) } if (!chat.selectedContact) { return ( <ContactsSearch onChange={this.onChange('contactsSearch')} onError={this.onChange('error')} enabledFeatures={['btc', 'invoice', 'contacts']} placeholder="Enter invoice or address..." value={contactsSearch} style={styles.contactsSearch} /> ) } if (chat.selectedContact.type === 'btc') { return ( <Suggestion name={chat.selectedContact.address} onPress={this.resetSearchState} type="btc" style={styles.suggestion} /> ) } return ( <Suggestion name={chat.selectedContact.displayName} avatar={chat.selectedContact.avatar} onPress={this.resetSearchState} style={styles.suggestion} /> ) } getErrorMessage = () => { const { error } = this.state if (!error) { return null } // @ts-ignore Typescript is being crazy here if (error.message) { // @ts-ignore return error.message } return error } toggleQRScreen = () => { const { scanningQR } = this.state this.setState({ scanningQR: !scanningQR, }) } /** * @param {string} address */ sanitizeAddress = address => address.replace(/(.*):/, '').replace(/\?(.*)/, '') /** * @param {string} value */ isBTCAddress = value => { const sanitizedAddress = this.sanitizeAddress(value) const btcTest = /^[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}$/.test(sanitizedAddress) const bech32Test = /^(bc1|[13])[a-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{25,90}$/.test( sanitizedAddress, ) return btcTest || bech32Test } /** * @param {string} value */ isLightningInvoice = value => /^(ln(tb|bc))[0-9][a-z0-9]{180,7089}$/.test(value.toLowerCase()) /** * @param {string} data */ sanitizeQR = data => data.replace(/((lightning:)|(http(s)?:\/\/))/gi, '') onQRRead = async (data = '') => { this.resetSearchState() const { decodePaymentRequest, selectContact } = this.props const sanitizedQR = this.sanitizeQR(data) Logger.log('QR Value:', sanitizedQR) Logger.log('Lightning Invoice?', this.isLightningInvoice(sanitizedQR)) Logger.log('GRS Address?', this.isBTCAddress(sanitizedQR)) this.onChange('error')('') if (this.isLightningInvoice(sanitizedQR)) { const data = await decodePaymentRequest(sanitizedQR) if (data && data.type === 'error') { this.onChange('error')(data.error.message) } } else if (this.isBTCAddress(sanitizedQR)) { selectContact({ address: this.sanitizeAddress(sanitizedQR), type: 'btc' }) } else { this.onChange('error')('Invalid QR Code') } this.toggleQRScreen() } onSwipe = async () => { try { const { invoice, chat } = this.props if (chat.selectedContact?.type === 'contact') { await this.sendPayment() return true } if (invoice.paymentRequest) { await this.payLightningInvoice() return true } await this.sendBTCRequest() return true } catch (err) { return false } } render() { const { description, unitSelected, amount, sending, error, paymentSuccessful, scanningQR, sendAll, } = this.state const { navigation, invoice, chat } = this.props const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window') const editable = !!( invoice.paymentRequest && invoice.amount && Big(invoice.amount).eq(0) ) || !invoice.paymentRequest if (scanningQR) { return ( <View style={CSS.styles.flex}> <QRScanner onQRSuccess={this.onQRRead} toggleQRScreen={this.toggleQRScreen} type="send" /> </View> ) } return ( <ImageBackground source={wavesBG} resizeMode="cover" style={styles.container} > <Nav backButton title="Send" navigation={navigation} /> <View style={[ styles.sendContainer, { width: width - 50, maxHeight: height - 200, }, ]} > <ScrollView> <View style={styles.scrollInnerContent}> {error ? ( <View style={styles.errorRow}> <Text style={styles.errorText}>{this.getErrorMessage()}</Text> </View> ) : null} <TouchableOpacity style={styles.scanBtn} onPress={this.toggleQRScreen} > <Text style={styles.scanBtnText}>SCAN QR</Text> <Ionicons name="md-qr-scanner" color="gray" size={24} /> </TouchableOpacity> {this.renderContactsSearch()} {invoice.paymentRequest ? ( <InputGroup label="Destination" value={invoice.recipientAddress} style={styles.destinationInput} inputStyle={styles.destinationInput} disabled /> ) : null} <View style={styles.amountContainer}> <InputGroup label="Enter Amount" value={!editable ? invoice.amount : amount} onChange={this.onChange('amount')} style={styles.amountInput} disabled={!editable} type="numeric" /> <Dropdown data={[ { value: 'gros', }, { value: 'GRS', }, ]} disabled={!editable} onChangeText={this.onChange('unitSelected')} containerStyle={styles.amountSelect} value={invoice.paymentRequest ? 'gros' : unitSelected} lineWidth={0} inputContainerStyle={styles.amountSelectInput} rippleOpacity={0} pickerStyle={styles.amountPicker} dropdownOffset={{ top: 8, left: 0 }} rippleInsets={{ top: 8, bottom: 0, right: 0, left: 0 }} /> </View> {chat.selectedContact?.type === 'btc' ? ( <View style={styles.toggleContainer}> <Text style={styles.toggleTitle}>Send All</Text> <Switch value={sendAll} onValueChange={this.onChange('sendAll')} /> </View> ) : null} <InputGroup label="Description" value={ invoice.paymentRequest ? invoice.description : description } multiline onChange={this.onChange('description')} inputStyle={styles.descInput} disabled={!!invoice.paymentRequest} /> {sending ? ( <View style={[ styles.sendingOverlay, { width: width - 50, height: height - 194, }, ]} > <ActivityIndicator color={CSS.Colors.FUN_BLUE} size="large" /> <Text style={styles.sendingText}>Sending Transaction...</Text> </View> ) : null} {paymentSuccessful ? ( <View style={[ styles.sendingOverlay, { width: width - 50, height: height - 194, }, ]} > <Ionicons name="md-checkmark-circle-outline" size={60} color={CSS.Colors.FUN_BLUE} /> <Text style={styles.sendingText}> Transaction sent successfully! </Text> </View> ) : null} </View> </ScrollView> </View> <View style={styles.sendSwipeContainer}> {this.isFilled() ? ( <SwipeVerify width="100%" buttonSize={60} height={50} style={styles.swipeBtn} buttonColor={CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_WHITE} borderColor={CSS.Colors.TRANSPARENT} backgroundColor={CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_WHITE} textColor="#37474F" borderRadius={100} swipeColor={CSS.Colors.GOLD} icon={ <Image source={BitcoinAccepted} resizeMethod="resize" resizeMode="contain" style={styles.btcIcon} /> } disabled={!this.isFilled()} onVerified={this.onSwipe} > <Text style={styles.swipeBtnText}>SLIDE TO SEND</Text> </SwipeVerify> ) : null} </View> </ImageBackground> ) } } /** @param {{ invoice: import('../../../reducers/InvoiceReducer').State, chat: import('../../../reducers/ChatReducer').State }} state */ const mapStateToProps = ({ chat, invoice }) => ({ chat, invoice }) const mapDispatchToProps = { selectContact, resetSelectedContact, resetInvoice, decodePaymentRequest, } export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, )(SendScreen) const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { height: 170, flex: 1, justifyContent: 'flex-start', alignItems: 'center', }, contactsSearch: { marginBottom: 20 }, sendContainer: { marginTop: 5, backgroundColor: CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_WHITE, height: 'auto', borderRadius: 40, overflow: 'hidden', }, scrollInnerContent: { height: '100%', width: '100%', paddingVertical: 23, paddingHorizontal: 35, paddingBottom: 0, }, destinationInput: { marginBottom: 10, }, suggestion: { marginVertical: 10 }, sendingOverlay: { position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', backgroundColor: CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_WHITE_TRANSPARENT95, elevation: 10, zIndex: 1000, }, sendingText: { color: CSS.Colors.TEXT_GRAY, fontSize: 14, fontFamily: 'Montserrat-700', marginTop: 10, }, errorRow: { width: '100%', paddingVertical: 5, paddingHorizontal: 15, borderRadius: 100, backgroundColor: CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_RED, alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: 10, }, errorText: { fontFamily: 'Montserrat-700', color: CSS.Colors.TEXT_WHITE, textAlign: 'center', }, scanBtn: { width: '100%', flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_WHITE, paddingVertical: 10, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', borderRadius: 30, marginBottom: 30, elevation: 10, }, scanBtnText: { color: CSS.Colors.GRAY, fontSize: 14, fontFamily: 'Montserrat-700', marginRight: 10, }, amountContainer: { width: '100%', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', alignItems: 'flex-end', marginBottom: 20, }, amountInput: { width: '60%', marginBottom: 0, }, amountSelect: { width: '35%', marginBottom: 0, height: 45, }, amountSelectInput: { borderBottomColor: CSS.Colors.TRANSPARENT, elevation: 4, paddingHorizontal: 15, borderRadius: 100, height: 45, alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: CSS.Colors.BACKGROUND_WHITE, }, amountPicker: { borderRadius: 15 }, toggleContainer: { flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between', }, toggleTitle: { fontFamily: 'Montserrat-700', }, sendSwipeContainer: { width: '100%', height: 70, paddingHorizontal: 35, justifyContent: 'center', marginTop: 10, }, swipeBtn: { marginBottom: 10, }, btcIcon: { height: 30, }, swipeBtnText: { fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'Montserrat-700', color: CSS.Colors.TEXT_GRAY, }, descInput: { height: 90, borderRadius: 15, textAlignVertical: 'top', }, })
(function(h, o, t, j, a, r) { h.hj = h.hj || function() { (h.hj.q = h.hj.q || []).push(arguments); }; h._hjSettings = { hjid: 1958227, hjsv: 6 }; a = o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; r = o.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = t + h._hjSettings.hjid + j + h._hjSettings.hjsv; a.appendChild(r); })(window, document, '', '.js?sv=');
"use strict"; module.exports = function(Chart) { var helpers = Chart.helpers; var defaultConfig = { position: "left", // label settings ticks: { callback: function(value, index, arr) { var remain = value / (Math.pow(10, Math.floor(helpers.log10(value)))); if (remain === 1 || remain === 2 || remain === 5 || index === 0 || index === arr.length - 1) { return value.toExponential(); } else { return ''; } } } }; var LogarithmicScale = Chart.Scale.extend({ determineDataLimits: function() { var me = this; var opts = me.options; var tickOpts = opts.ticks; var chart = me.chart; var data =; var datasets = data.datasets; var getValueOrDefault = helpers.getValueOrDefault; var isHorizontal = me.isHorizontal(); function IDMatches(meta) { return isHorizontal ? meta.xAxisID === : meta.yAxisID ===; } // Calculate Range me.min = null; me.max = null; if (opts.stacked) { var valuesPerType = {}; helpers.each(datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) { var meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); if (chart.isDatasetVisible(datasetIndex) && IDMatches(meta)) { if (valuesPerType[meta.type] === undefined) { valuesPerType[meta.type] = []; } helpers.each(, function(rawValue, index) { var values = valuesPerType[meta.type]; var value = +me.getRightValue(rawValue); if (isNaN(value) ||[index].hidden) { return; } values[index] = values[index] || 0; if (opts.relativePoints) { values[index] = 100; } else { // Don't need to split positive and negative since the log scale can't handle a 0 crossing values[index] += value; } }); } }); helpers.each(valuesPerType, function(valuesForType) { var minVal = helpers.min(valuesForType); var maxVal = helpers.max(valuesForType); me.min = me.min === null ? minVal : Math.min(me.min, minVal); me.max = me.max === null ? maxVal : Math.max(me.max, maxVal); }); } else { helpers.each(datasets, function(dataset, datasetIndex) { var meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); if (chart.isDatasetVisible(datasetIndex) && IDMatches(meta)) { helpers.each(, function(rawValue, index) { var value = +me.getRightValue(rawValue); if (isNaN(value) ||[index].hidden) { return; } if (me.min === null) { me.min = value; } else if (value < me.min) { me.min = value; } if (me.max === null) { me.max = value; } else if (value > me.max) { me.max = value; } }); } }); } me.min = getValueOrDefault(tickOpts.min, me.min); me.max = getValueOrDefault(tickOpts.max, me.max); if (me.min === me.max) { if (me.min !== 0 && me.min !== null) { me.min = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(helpers.log10(me.min)) - 1); me.max = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(helpers.log10(me.max)) + 1); } else { me.min = 1; me.max = 10; } } }, buildTicks: function() { var me = this; var opts = me.options; var tickOpts = opts.ticks; var getValueOrDefault = helpers.getValueOrDefault; // Reset the ticks array. Later on, we will draw a grid line at these positions // The array simply contains the numerical value of the spots where ticks will be var ticks = me.ticks = []; // Figure out what the max number of ticks we can support it is based on the size of // the axis area. For now, we say that the minimum tick spacing in pixels must be 50 // We also limit the maximum number of ticks to 11 which gives a nice 10 squares on // the graph var tickVal = getValueOrDefault(tickOpts.min, Math.pow(10, Math.floor(helpers.log10(me.min)))); while (tickVal < me.max) { ticks.push(tickVal); var exp = Math.floor(helpers.log10(tickVal)); var significand = Math.floor(tickVal / Math.pow(10, exp)) + 1; if (significand === 10) { significand = 1; ++exp; } tickVal = significand * Math.pow(10, exp); } var lastTick = getValueOrDefault(tickOpts.max, tickVal); ticks.push(lastTick); if (!me.isHorizontal()) { // We are in a vertical orientation. The top value is the highest. So reverse the array ticks.reverse(); } // At this point, we need to update our max and min given the tick values since we have expanded the // range of the scale me.max = helpers.max(ticks); me.min = helpers.min(ticks); if (tickOpts.reverse) { ticks.reverse(); me.start = me.max; me.end = me.min; } else { me.start = me.min; me.end = me.max; } }, convertTicksToLabels: function() { this.tickValues = this.ticks.slice();; }, // Get the correct tooltip label getLabelForIndex: function(index, datasetIndex) { return +this.getRightValue([datasetIndex].data[index]); }, getPixelForTick: function(index, includeOffset) { return this.getPixelForValue(this.tickValues[index], null, null, includeOffset); }, getPixelForValue: function(value, index, datasetIndex, includeOffset) { var me = this; var innerDimension; var pixel; var start = me.start; var newVal = +me.getRightValue(value); var range = helpers.log10(me.end) - helpers.log10(start); var paddingTop = me.paddingTop; var paddingBottom = me.paddingBottom; var paddingLeft = me.paddingLeft; if (me.isHorizontal()) { if (newVal === 0) { pixel = me.left + paddingLeft; } else { innerDimension = me.width - (paddingLeft + me.paddingRight); pixel = me.left + (innerDimension / range * (helpers.log10(newVal) - helpers.log10(start))); pixel += paddingLeft; } } else { // Bottom - top since pixels increase downard on a screen if (newVal === 0) { pixel = + paddingTop; } else { innerDimension = me.height - (paddingTop + paddingBottom); pixel = (me.bottom - paddingBottom) - (innerDimension / range * (helpers.log10(newVal) - helpers.log10(start))); } } return pixel; }, getValueForPixel: function(pixel) { var me = this; var offset; var range = helpers.log10(me.end) - helpers.log10(me.start); var value; var innerDimension; if (me.isHorizontal()) { innerDimension = me.width - (me.paddingLeft + me.paddingRight); value = me.start * Math.pow(10, (pixel - me.left - me.paddingLeft) * range / innerDimension); } else { innerDimension = me.height - (me.paddingTop + me.paddingBottom); value = Math.pow(10, (me.bottom - me.paddingBottom - pixel) * range / innerDimension) / me.start; } return value; } }); Chart.scaleService.registerScaleType("logarithmic", LogarithmicScale, defaultConfig); };
// @flow import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Slider, { Handle, createSliderWithTooltip } from 'rc-slider'; import Tooltip from 'rc-tooltip'; import { SketchPicker } from 'react-color'; import throttle from 'lodash/throttle'; import { Checkboard } from 'react-color/lib/components/common'; import { Accordion, Button, Icon, Label, Radio, Dropdown, Container, Statistic, Divider, Checkbox, Grid, List, Message, Popup, Input, } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import styles from './Settings.css'; import stylesPop from '../components/Popup.css'; import { frameCountToMinutes, getCustomFileName, limitRange, sanitizeString, typeInTextarea } from '../utils/utils'; import { CACHED_FRAMES_SIZE_OPTIONS, COLOR_PALETTE_PICO_EIGHT, DEFAULT_ALLTHUMBS_NAME, DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_BACKGROUND_COLOR, DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_COLOR, DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_MARGIN, DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_POSITION, DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_SCALE, DEFAULT_MOVIE_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_MOVIE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_MOVIEPRINT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, DEFAULT_MOVIEPRINT_NAME, DEFAULT_SHOW_FACERECT, DEFAULT_SINGLETHUMB_NAME, DEFAULT_OUTPUT_JPG_QUALITY, DEFAULT_THUMB_FORMAT, DEFAULT_THUMB_JPG_QUALITY, FACE_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, FACE_SIZE_THRESHOLD, FACE_UNIQUENESS_THRESHOLD, FRAMEINFO_POSITION_OPTIONS, MENU_FOOTER_HEIGHT, MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT, MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT, MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT, OUTPUT_FORMAT_OPTIONS, OUTPUT_FORMAT, PAPER_LAYOUT_OPTIONS, SHEET_TYPE, SHOT_DETECTION_METHOD_OPTIONS, THUMB_SELECTION, } from '../utils/constants'; import getScaleValueObject from '../utils/getScaleValueObject'; const SliderWithTooltip = createSliderWithTooltip(Slider); const handle = props => { const { value, dragging, index, ...restProps } = props; return ( <Tooltip prefixCls="rc-slider-tooltip" overlay={value} visible placement="top" key={index}> <Handle value={value} {...restProps} /> </Tooltip> ); }; const getOutputSizeOptions = ( baseSizeArray, file = { width: DEFAULT_MOVIE_WIDTH, height: DEFAULT_MOVIE_HEIGHT, }, columnCountTemp, thumbCountTemp, settings, visibilitySettings, sceneArray, secondsPerRowTemp, isGridView, ) => { const newScaleValueObject = getScaleValueObject( file, settings, visibilitySettings, columnCountTemp, thumbCountTemp, 4096, undefined, 1, undefined, undefined, sceneArray, secondsPerRowTemp, ); // set base size options const moviePrintSize = => { const otherDim = isGridView ? Math.round(item * newScaleValueObject.moviePrintAspectRatioInv) : Math.round(item / newScaleValueObject.timelineMoviePrintAspectRatioInv); return { value: item, otherdim: otherDim, text: isGridView ? `${item}px (×${otherDim}px)` : `${otherDim}px (×${item}px)`, 'data-tid': `${item}-option`, }; }); // add max option if ( isGridView ? newScaleValueObject.moviePrintAspectRatioInv > 1 : newScaleValueObject.timelineMoviePrintAspectRatioInv < 1 ) { const maxDim = isGridView ? Math.round(MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT / newScaleValueObject.moviePrintAspectRatioInv) : Math.round(MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT * newScaleValueObject.timelineMoviePrintAspectRatioInv); // to avoid duplicates due to rounding if (maxDim !== MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT) { moviePrintSize.push({ value: maxDim, otherdim: MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT, text: isGridView ? `${maxDim}px (×${MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT}px)` : `${MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT}px (×${maxDim}px)`, 'data-tid': `other-max-option`, }); } } // filter options const moviePrintSizeArray = moviePrintSize.filter(item => { const useOtherDim = isGridView ? newScaleValueObject.moviePrintAspectRatioInv > 1 : newScaleValueObject.timelineMoviePrintAspectRatioInv < 1; return useOtherDim ? item.otherdim <= MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT : item.value <= MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT_SIZE_LIMIT; }); // console.log(moviePrintSizeArray); return moviePrintSizeArray; }; class SettingsList extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { changeSceneCount: false, showSliders: true, displayColorPicker: { moviePrintBackgroundColor: false, frameninfoBackgroundColor: false, frameinfoColor: false, }, previewMoviePrintName: DEFAULT_MOVIEPRINT_NAME, previewSingleThumbName: DEFAULT_SINGLETHUMB_NAME, previewAllThumbsName: DEFAULT_ALLTHUMBS_NAME, focusReference: undefined, activeIndex: -1, }; this.onChangeDefaultMoviePrintNameThrottled = throttle( value => this.props.onChangeDefaultMoviePrintName(value), 1000, { leading: false }, ); this.onChangeDefaultMoviePrintNameThrottled = this.onChangeDefaultMoviePrintNameThrottled.bind(this); this.onChangeDefaultSingleThumbNameThrottled = throttle( value => this.props.onChangeDefaultSingleThumbName(value), 1000, { leading: false }, ); this.onChangeDefaultSingleThumbNameThrottled = this.onChangeDefaultSingleThumbNameThrottled.bind(this); this.onChangeDefaultAllThumbsNameThrottled = throttle( value => this.props.onChangeDefaultAllThumbsName(value), 1000, { leading: false }, ); this.onChangeDefaultAllThumbsNameThrottled = this.onChangeDefaultAllThumbsNameThrottled.bind(this); // this.onToggleSliders = this.onToggleSliders.bind(this); this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName = this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName.bind(this); this.onShowSliders = this.onShowSliders.bind(this); this.onChangeSceneCount = this.onChangeSceneCount.bind(this); this.onChangePaperAspectRatio = this.onChangePaperAspectRatio.bind(this); this.onChangeShowPaperPreview = this.onChangeShowPaperPreview.bind(this); this.onChangeOutputPathFromMovie = this.onChangeOutputPathFromMovie.bind(this); this.onChangeTimelineViewFlow = this.onChangeTimelineViewFlow.bind(this); this.onChangeDetectInOutPoint = this.onChangeDetectInOutPoint.bind(this); this.onChangeReCapture = this.onChangeReCapture.bind(this); this.onChangeShowHeader = this.onChangeShowHeader.bind(this); this.onChangeShowPathInHeader = this.onChangeShowPathInHeader.bind(this); this.onChangeShowDetailsInHeader = this.onChangeShowDetailsInHeader.bind(this); this.onChangeShowTimelineInHeader = this.onChangeShowTimelineInHeader.bind(this); this.onChangeRoundedCorners = this.onChangeRoundedCorners.bind(this); this.onChangeShowHiddenThumbs = this.onChangeShowHiddenThumbs.bind(this); this.onChangeThumbInfo = this.onChangeThumbInfo.bind(this); this.onChangeOutputFormat = this.onChangeOutputFormat.bind(this); this.onChangeThumbFormat = this.onChangeThumbFormat.bind(this); this.onChangeFrameinfoPosition = this.onChangeFrameinfoPosition.bind(this); this.onChangeCachedFramesSize = this.onChangeCachedFramesSize.bind(this); this.onChangeOverwrite = this.onChangeOverwrite.bind(this); this.onChangeIncludeIndividual = this.onChangeIncludeIndividual.bind(this); this.onChangeEmbedFrameNumbers = this.onChangeEmbedFrameNumbers.bind(this); this.onChangeEmbedFilePath = this.onChangeEmbedFilePath.bind(this); this.onChangeOpenFileExplorerAfterSaving = this.onChangeOpenFileExplorerAfterSaving.bind(this); this.onChangeThumbnailScale = this.onChangeThumbnailScale.bind(this); this.onChangeMoviePrintWidth = this.onChangeMoviePrintWidth.bind(this); this.onChangeShotDetectionMethod = this.onChangeShotDetectionMethod.bind(this); this.onSubmitDefaultMoviePrintName = this.onSubmitDefaultMoviePrintName.bind(this); this.onSubmitDefaultSingleThumbName = this.onSubmitDefaultSingleThumbName.bind(this); this.setFocusReference = this.setFocusReference.bind(this); this.addAttributeIntoInput = this.addAttributeIntoInput.bind(this); this.onSubmitDefaultAllThumbsName = this.onSubmitDefaultAllThumbsName.bind(this); this.onChangeColumnCountViaInput = this.onChangeColumnCountViaInput.bind(this); this.onChangeColumnCountViaInputAndApply = this.onChangeColumnCountViaInputAndApply.bind(this); this.onChangeRowViaInput = this.onChangeRowViaInput.bind(this); this.onChangeTimelineViewSecondsPerRowViaInput = this.onChangeTimelineViewSecondsPerRowViaInput.bind(this); this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { file, sheetName, settings } = this.props; if ( file !== undefined && prevProps.file !== undefined && !== undefined && !== undefined ) { if ( !== || sheetName !== prevProps.sheetName) { const { defaultMoviePrintName = DEFAULT_MOVIEPRINT_NAME, defaultSingleThumbName = DEFAULT_SINGLETHUMB_NAME, defaultAllThumbsName = DEFAULT_ALLTHUMBS_NAME, } = settings; this.setState({ previewMoviePrintName: this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(defaultMoviePrintName), previewSingleThumbName: this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(defaultSingleThumbName), previewAllThumbsName: this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(defaultAllThumbsName), }); } } } // onToggleSliders = () => { // this.setState(state => ({ // showSliders: !state.showSliders // })); // } handleClick = (e, titleProps) => { const { index } = titleProps; const { activeIndex } = this.state; const newIndex = activeIndex === index ? -1 : index; this.setState({ activeIndex: newIndex }); }; onGetPreviewCustomFileName = (customFileName, props = this.props) => { const { file, settings, sheetName } = props; const previewName = getCustomFileName(file !== undefined ? : '', sheetName, `000000`, customFileName); return previewName; }; onShowSliders = (e, { checked }) => { this.setState({ showSliders: !checked, }); }; setFocusReference = e => { const ref =; this.setState({ focusReference: ref, }); }; addAttributeIntoInput = attribute => { const { focusReference } = this.state; if (focusReference !== undefined) { // console.log(focusReference); const newText = typeInTextarea(focusReference, attribute); const previewName = this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(newText); switch ( { case 'defaultMoviePrintNameInput': this.setState({ previewMoviePrintName: previewName, }); break; case 'defaultSingleThumbNameInput': this.setState({ previewSingleThumbName: previewName, }); break; case 'defaultAllThumbsNameInput': this.setState({ previewAllThumbsName: previewName, }); break; default: } } }; onSubmitDefaultMoviePrintName = e => { const value = sanitizeString(; const previewMoviePrintName = this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(value); this.setState({ previewMoviePrintName, }); this.onChangeDefaultMoviePrintNameThrottled(value); }; onSubmitDefaultSingleThumbName = e => { const value = sanitizeString(; const previewSingleThumbName = this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(value); this.setState({ previewSingleThumbName, }); this.onChangeDefaultSingleThumbNameThrottled(value); }; onSubmitDefaultAllThumbsName = e => { const value = sanitizeString(; const previewAllThumbsName = this.onGetPreviewCustomFileName(value); this.setState({ previewAllThumbsName, }); this.onChangeDefaultAllThumbsNameThrottled(value); }; onChangeColumnCountViaInput = e => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { const value = limitRange(Math.floor(, 1, 100); this.props.onChangeColumn(value); } }; onChangeColumnCountViaInputAndApply = e => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { const value = limitRange(Math.floor(, 1, 100); this.props.onChangeColumnAndApply(value); } }; onChangeRowViaInput = e => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { const value = limitRange(Math.floor(, 1, 100); this.props.onChangeRow(value); } }; onChangeTimelineViewSecondsPerRowViaInput = e => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { const value = limitRange(Math.floor(, 1, 20000); // 1 second to 5 hours this.props.onChangeTimelineViewSecondsPerRow(value); } }; onChangeSceneCount = (e, { checked }) => { this.setState({ changeSceneCount: checked }); }; onChangeTimelineViewFlow = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onTimelineViewFlowClick(checked); }; onChangeShowPaperPreview = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onShowPaperPreviewClick(checked); }; onChangeOutputPathFromMovie = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onOutputPathFromMovieClick(checked); }; onChangePaperAspectRatio = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onPaperAspectRatioClick(value); }; onChangeDetectInOutPoint = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onDetectInOutPointClick(checked); }; onChangeReCapture = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onReCaptureClick(checked); }; onChangeShowHeader = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onToggleHeaderClick(checked); }; onChangeShowPathInHeader = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onShowPathInHeaderClick(checked); }; onChangeShowFaceRect = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onChangeShowFaceRectClick(checked); }; onChangeShowDetailsInHeader = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onShowDetailsInHeaderClick(checked); }; onChangeShowTimelineInHeader = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onShowTimelineInHeaderClick(checked); }; onChangeRoundedCorners = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onRoundedCornersClick(checked); }; onChangeShowHiddenThumbs = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onShowHiddenThumbsClick(checked); }; onChangeThumbInfo = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onThumbInfoClick(value); }; onChangeOutputFormat = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onOutputFormatClick(value); }; onChangeThumbFormat = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onThumbFormatClick(value); }; onChangeFrameinfoPosition = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onFrameinfoPositionClick(value); }; onChangeCachedFramesSize = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onCachedFramesSizeClick(value); }; onChangeOverwrite = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onOverwriteClick(checked); }; onChangeIncludeIndividual = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onIncludeIndividualClick(checked); }; onChangeEmbedFrameNumbers = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onEmbedFrameNumbersClick(checked); }; onChangeEmbedFilePath = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onEmbedFilePathClick(checked); }; onChangeOpenFileExplorerAfterSaving = (e, { checked }) => { this.props.onOpenFileExplorerAfterSavingClick(checked); }; onChangeThumbnailScale = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onThumbnailScaleClick(value); }; onChangeMoviePrintWidth = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onMoviePrintWidthClick(value); }; onChangeShotDetectionMethod = (e, { value }) => { this.props.onShotDetectionMethodClick(value); }; colorPickerHandleClick = (e, id) => { e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ displayColorPicker: { ...this.state.displayColorPicker, [id]: !this.state.displayColorPicker[id], }, }); }; colorPickerHandleClose = (e, id) => { e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ displayColorPicker: { ...this.state.displayColorPicker, [id]: false, }, }); }; colorPickerHandleChange = (colorLocation, color) => { console.log(colorLocation); console.log(color); this.props.onMoviePrintBackgroundColorClick(colorLocation, color.rgb); }; render() { const { columnCountTemp, file, fileScanRunning, isGridView, onApplyNewGridClick, onChangeColumn, onChangeColumnAndApply, onChangeMargin, onChangeOutputJpgQuality, onChangeThumbJpgQuality, onChangeFaceSizeThreshold, onChangeFaceConfidenceThreshold, onChangeFrameinfoMargin, onChangeFrameinfoScale, onChangeMinDisplaySceneLength, onChangeOutputPathClick, onChangeRow, onChangeSceneDetectionThreshold, onChangeTimelineViewWidthScale, onToggleDetectionChart, reCapture, recaptureAllFrames, rowCountTemp, sceneArray, secondsPerRowTemp, settings, sheetType, sheetName, showChart, thumbCount, thumbCountTemp, visibilitySettings, } = this.props; const { activeIndex, displayColorPicker, focusReference, outputSizeOptions, previewMoviePrintName, previewSingleThumbName, previewAllThumbsName, showSliders, } = this.state; const { defaultCachedFramesSize = 0, defaultDetectInOutPoint, defaultEmbedFilePath, defaultEmbedFrameNumbers, defaultShowFaceRect = DEFAULT_SHOW_FACERECT, defaultFaceSizeThreshold = FACE_SIZE_THRESHOLD, defaultFaceConfidenceThreshold = FACE_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, defaultFaceUniquenessThreshold = FACE_UNIQUENESS_THRESHOLD, defaultFrameinfoBackgroundColor = DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_BACKGROUND_COLOR, defaultFrameinfoColor = DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_COLOR, defaultFrameinfoPosition = DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_POSITION, defaultFrameinfoScale = DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_SCALE, defaultFrameinfoMargin = DEFAULT_FRAMEINFO_MARGIN, defaultMarginRatio, defaultOutputJpgQuality = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_JPG_QUALITY, defaultThumbJpgQuality = DEFAULT_THUMB_JPG_QUALITY, defaultMarginSliderFactor, defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor = DEFAULT_MOVIEPRINT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, defaultMoviePrintWidth, defaultOpenFileExplorerAfterSaving, defaultOutputFormat, defaultThumbFormat = DEFAULT_THUMB_FORMAT, defaultOutputPath, defaultOutputPathFromMovie, defaultPaperAspectRatioInv, defaultRoundedCorners, defaultSaveOptionIncludeIndividual, defaultSaveOptionOverwrite, defaultSceneDetectionThreshold, defaultShotDetectionMethod, defaultShowDetailsInHeader, defaultShowHeader, defaultShowPaperPreview, defaultShowPathInHeader, defaultShowTimelineInHeader, defaultThumbInfo, defaultTimelineViewFlow, defaultTimelineViewMinDisplaySceneLengthInFrames, defaultTimelineViewWidthScale, defaultMoviePrintName = DEFAULT_MOVIEPRINT_NAME, defaultSingleThumbName = DEFAULT_SINGLETHUMB_NAME, defaultAllThumbsName = DEFAULT_ALLTHUMBS_NAME, } = settings; const fileFps = file !== undefined ? file.fps : 25; const minutes = file !== undefined ? frameCountToMinutes(file.frameCount, fileFps) : undefined; const minutesRounded = Math.round(minutes); const cutsPerMinuteRounded = Math.round((thumbCountTemp - 1) / minutes); const frameNumberOrTimecode = ['[FN]', '[TC]']; const defaultSingleThumbNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode = frameNumberOrTimecode.some(item => defaultSingleThumbName.includes(item), ); const defaultAllThumbsNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode = frameNumberOrTimecode.some(item => defaultAllThumbsName.includes(item), ); const moviePrintBackgroundColorDependentOnFormat = defaultOutputFormat === OUTPUT_FORMAT.JPG // set alpha only for PNG ? { r: defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.r, g: defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.g, b: defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.b, } : defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor; const moviePrintBackgroundColorDependentOnFormatString = defaultOutputFormat === OUTPUT_FORMAT.JPG // set alpha only for PNG ? `rgb(${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.r}, ${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.g}, ${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.b})` : `rgba(${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.r}, ${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.g}, ${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.b}, ${defaultMoviePrintBackgroundColor.a})`; const frameninfoBackgroundColorString = `rgba(${defaultFrameinfoBackgroundColor.r}, ${defaultFrameinfoBackgroundColor.g}, ${defaultFrameinfoBackgroundColor.b}, ${defaultFrameinfoBackgroundColor.a})`; const frameinfoColorString = `rgba(${defaultFrameinfoColor.r}, ${defaultFrameinfoColor.g}, ${defaultFrameinfoColor.b}, ${defaultFrameinfoColor.a})`; return ( <Container style={{ marginBottom: `${MENU_HEADER_HEIGHT + MENU_FOOTER_HEIGHT}px`, }} > <Grid padded inverted> {!isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={16}> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>{thumbCountTemp}</Statistic.Value> <Statistic.Label>{thumbCountTemp === 1 ? 'Shot' : 'Shots'}</Statistic.Label> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>/</Statistic.Value> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>~{minutesRounded}</Statistic.Value> <Statistic.Label>{minutesRounded === 1 ? 'Minute' : 'Minutes'}</Statistic.Label> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>≈</Statistic.Value> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>{cutsPerMinuteRounded}</Statistic.Value> <Statistic.Label>cut/min</Statistic.Label> </Statistic> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={16}> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>{columnCountTemp}</Statistic.Value> <Statistic.Label>{columnCountTemp === 1 ? 'Column' : 'Columns'}</Statistic.Label> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>×</Statistic.Value> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>{rowCountTemp}</Statistic.Value> <Statistic.Label>{rowCountTemp === 1 ? 'Row' : 'Rows'}</Statistic.Label> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny"> <Statistic.Value>{columnCountTemp * rowCountTemp === thumbCountTemp ? '=' : '≈'}</Statistic.Value> </Statistic> <Statistic inverted size="tiny" color={reCapture ? 'orange' : undefined}> <Statistic.Value>{thumbCountTemp}</Statistic.Value> <Statistic.Label>{reCapture ? 'Count' : 'Count'}</Statistic.Label> </Statistic> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Columns</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> {showSliders && ( <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="columnCountSlider" className={styles.slider} min={1} max={20} defaultValue={columnCountTemp} value={columnCountTemp} marks={{ 1: '1', 20: '20', }} handle={handle} onChange={ sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.INTERVAL && reCapture && isGridView ? onChangeColumn : onChangeColumnAndApply } /> )} {!showSliders && ( <Input type="number" data-tid="columnCountInput" className={styles.input} defaultValue={columnCountTemp} onKeyDown={ reCapture && isGridView ? this.onChangeColumnCountViaInput : this.onChangeColumnCountViaInputAndApply } /> )} </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.INTERVAL && isGridView && reCapture && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Rows</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> {showSliders && ( <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="rowCountSlider" disabled={!reCapture} className={styles.slider} min={1} max={20} defaultValue={rowCountTemp} value={rowCountTemp} {...(reCapture ? {} : { value: rowCountTemp })} marks={{ 1: '1', 20: '20', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeRow} /> )} {!showSliders && ( <Input type="number" data-tid="rowCountInput" className={styles.input} defaultValue={rowCountTemp} onKeyDown={this.onChangeRowViaInput} /> )} </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {!isGridView && ( <> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Minutes per row</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> {showSliders && ( <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="minutesPerRowSlider" className={styles.slider} min={10} max={1800} defaultValue={secondsPerRowTemp} value={secondsPerRowTemp} marks={{ 10: '0.1', 60: '1', 300: '5', 600: '10', 1200: '20', 1800: '30', }} handle={handle} onChange={this.props.onChangeTimelineViewSecondsPerRow} /> )} {!showSliders && ( <Input type="number" data-tid="minutesPerRowInput" className={styles.input} label={{ basic: true, content: 'sec' }} labelPosition="right" defaultValue={secondsPerRowTemp} onKeyDown={this.onChangeTimelineViewSecondsPerRowViaInput} /> )} </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.SCENES && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}></Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Checkbox data-tid="changeTimelineViewFlow" label={<label className={styles.label}>Natural flow</label>} checked={defaultTimelineViewFlow} onChange={this.onChangeTimelineViewFlow} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.SCENES && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Count</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Checkbox data-tid="changeSceneCountCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Change scene count</label>} checked={this.state.changeSceneCount} onChange={this.onChangeSceneCount} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.SCENES && this.state.changeSceneCount && ( <> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Shot detection threshold</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip // data-tid='sceneDetectionThresholdSlider' className={styles.slider} min={3} max={40} defaultValue={defaultSceneDetectionThreshold} marks={{ 3: '3', 15: '15', 30: '30', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeSceneDetectionThreshold} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}></Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Popup trigger={ <Button data-tid="runSceneDetectionBtn" fluid color="orange" loading={fileScanRunning} disabled={fileScanRunning} onClick={() => this.props.runSceneDetection(, file.path, file.useRatio, defaultSceneDetectionThreshold, ) } > Add new MoviePrint </Button> } mouseEnterDelay={1000} on={['hover']} position="bottom center" className={stylesPop.popup} content="Run shot detection with new threshold" /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </> )} </> )} {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.INTERVAL && isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Count</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Checkbox data-tid="changeThumbCountCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Change thumb count</label>} checked={reCapture} onChange={this.onChangeReCapture} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.INTERVAL && isGridView && thumbCount !== thumbCountTemp && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4} /> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Message data-tid="applyNewGridMessage" color="orange" size="mini"> Applying a new grid will overwrite your previously selected thumbs. Don&apos;t worry, this can be undone. </Message> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {sheetType === SHEET_TYPE.INTERVAL && isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4} /> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Popup trigger={ <Button data-tid="applyNewGridBtn" fluid color="orange" disabled={thumbCount === thumbCountTemp} onClick={onApplyNewGridClick} > Apply </Button> } mouseEnterDelay={1000} on={['hover']} position="bottom center" className={stylesPop.popup} content="Apply new grid for MoviePrint" /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={16}> <Accordion inverted className={styles.accordion}> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 0} index={0} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Guide layout </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 0}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4} textAlign="right" verticalAlign="middle"> <Checkbox data-tid="showPaperPreviewCheckbox" checked={defaultShowPaperPreview} onChange={this.onChangeShowPaperPreview} /> </Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="paperLayoutOptionsDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection disabled={!defaultShowPaperPreview} options={PAPER_LAYOUT_OPTIONS} defaultValue={defaultPaperAspectRatioInv} onChange={this.onChangePaperAspectRatio} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Accordion.Content> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 1} index={1} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Styling </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 1}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Grid margin</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip // data-tid='marginSlider' className={styles.slider} min={0} max={20} defaultValue={defaultMarginRatio * defaultMarginSliderFactor} marks={{ 0: '0', 20: '20', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeMargin} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> {!isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Scene width ratio</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="sceneWidthRatioSlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={100} defaultValue={defaultTimelineViewWidthScale} marks={{ 0: '-10', 50: '0', 100: '+10', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeTimelineViewWidthScale} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} {!isGridView && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Min scene width</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="minSceneWidthSlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={10} defaultValue={Math.round( defaultTimelineViewMinDisplaySceneLengthInFrames / (fileFps * 1.0), )} marks={{ 0: '0', 10: '10', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeMinDisplaySceneLength} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Options</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <List> {isGridView && ( <> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="showHeaderCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Show header</label>} checked={defaultShowHeader} onChange={this.onChangeShowHeader} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="showFilePathCheckbox" className={styles.subCheckbox} label={<label className={styles.label}>Show file path</label>} disabled={!defaultShowHeader} checked={defaultShowPathInHeader} onChange={this.onChangeShowPathInHeader} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="showFileDetailsCheckbox" className={styles.subCheckbox} label={<label className={styles.label}>Show file details</label>} disabled={!defaultShowHeader} checked={defaultShowDetailsInHeader} onChange={this.onChangeShowDetailsInHeader} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="showTimelineCheckbox" className={styles.subCheckbox} label={<label className={styles.label}>Show timeline</label>} disabled={!defaultShowHeader} checked={defaultShowTimelineInHeader} onChange={this.onChangeShowTimelineInHeader} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="roundedCornersCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Rounded corners</label>} checked={defaultRoundedCorners} onChange={this.onChangeRoundedCorners} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="showHiddenThumbsCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Show hidden thumbs</label>} checked={visibilitySettings.visibilityFilter === THUMB_SELECTION.ALL_THUMBS} onChange={this.onChangeShowHiddenThumbs} /> </List.Item> </> )} </List> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Divider inverted /> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Frame info</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <List> <List.Item> <Radio data-tid="showFramesRadioBtn" label={<label className={styles.label}>Show frames</label>} name="radioGroup" value="frames" checked={defaultThumbInfo === 'frames'} onChange={this.onChangeThumbInfo} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Radio data-tid="showTimecodeRadioBtn" label={<label className={styles.label}>Show timecode</label>} name="radioGroup" value="timecode" checked={defaultThumbInfo === 'timecode'} onChange={this.onChangeThumbInfo} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Radio data-tid="hideInfoRadioBtn" label={<label className={styles.label}>Hide info</label>} name="radioGroup" value="hideInfo" checked={defaultThumbInfo === 'hideInfo'} onChange={this.onChangeThumbInfo} /> </List.Item> </List> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Font color</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <div> <div className={styles.colorPickerSwatch} onClick={e => this.colorPickerHandleClick(e, 'frameinfoColor')} > <Checkboard /> <div className={`${styles.colorPickerColor} ${styles.colorPickerText}`} style={{ backgroundColor: frameninfoBackgroundColorString, color: frameinfoColorString, }} > 00:00:00:00 </div> </div> {displayColorPicker.frameinfoColor ? ( <div className={styles.colorPickerPopover} // onMouseLeave={(e) => this.colorPickerHandleClose(e, 'frameinfoColor')} > <div className={styles.colorPickerCover} onClick={e => this.colorPickerHandleClose(e, 'frameinfoColor')} /> <SketchPicker color={defaultFrameinfoColor} onChange={color => this.colorPickerHandleChange('frameinfoColor', color)} presetColors={COLOR_PALETTE_PICO_EIGHT} /> </div> ) : null} </div> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Background color</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <div> <div className={styles.colorPickerSwatch} onClick={e => this.colorPickerHandleClick(e, 'frameninfoBackgroundColor')} > <Checkboard /> <div className={styles.colorPickerColor} style={{ backgroundColor: frameninfoBackgroundColorString, }} /> </div> {displayColorPicker.frameninfoBackgroundColor ? ( <div className={styles.colorPickerPopover} // onMouseLeave={(e) => this.colorPickerHandleClose(e, 'frameninfoBackgroundColor')} > <div className={styles.colorPickerCover} onClick={e => this.colorPickerHandleClose(e, 'frameninfoBackgroundColor')} /> <SketchPicker color={defaultFrameinfoBackgroundColor} onChange={color => this.colorPickerHandleChange('frameninfoBackgroundColor', color)} presetColors={COLOR_PALETTE_PICO_EIGHT} /> </div> ) : null} </div> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Position</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="changeFrameinfoPositionDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection options={FRAMEINFO_POSITION_OPTIONS} defaultValue={defaultFrameinfoPosition} onChange={this.onChangeFrameinfoPosition} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Size</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="frameinfoScaleSlider" className={styles.slider} min={1} max={100} defaultValue={defaultFrameinfoScale} marks={{ 1: '1', 10: '10', 100: '100', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeFrameinfoScale} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Margin</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="frameinfoMarginSlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={50} defaultValue={defaultFrameinfoMargin} marks={{ 0: '0', 50: '50', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeFrameinfoMargin} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Accordion.Content> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 2} index={2} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Output </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 2}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>File path</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <List> <List.Item> <div style={{ wordWrap: 'break-word', opacity: defaultOutputPathFromMovie ? '0.5' : '1.0', }} > {defaultOutputPath} </div> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Button data-tid="changeOutputPathBtn" onClick={onChangeOutputPathClick} disabled={defaultOutputPathFromMovie} > Change... </Button> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="showPaperPreviewCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Same as movie file</label>} style={{ marginTop: '8px', }} checked={defaultOutputPathFromMovie} onChange={this.onChangeOutputPathFromMovie} /> </List.Item> </List> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Divider inverted /> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={16}> <h4>MoviePrint</h4> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Size</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="changeMoviePrintWidthDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection options={getOutputSizeOptions( MOVIEPRINT_WIDTH_HEIGHT, file, columnCountTemp, thumbCountTemp, settings, visibilitySettings, sceneArray, secondsPerRowTemp, isGridView, )} defaultValue={defaultMoviePrintWidth} onChange={this.onChangeMoviePrintWidth} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Format</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="changeOutputFormatDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection options={OUTPUT_FORMAT_OPTIONS} defaultValue={defaultOutputFormat} onChange={this.onChangeOutputFormat} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> {defaultOutputFormat === OUTPUT_FORMAT.JPG && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>JPG quality</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="outputJpgQualitySlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={100} defaultValue={defaultOutputJpgQuality} marks={{ 0: '0', 80: '80', 100: '100', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeOutputJpgQuality} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Background color</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <div> <div className={styles.colorPickerSwatch} onClick={e => this.colorPickerHandleClick(e, 'moviePrintBackgroundColor')} > <Checkboard /> <div className={styles.colorPickerColor} style={{ backgroundColor: moviePrintBackgroundColorDependentOnFormatString, }} /> </div> {displayColorPicker.moviePrintBackgroundColor ? ( <div className={styles.colorPickerPopover} // onMouseLeave={(e) => this.colorPickerHandleClose(e, 'moviePrintBackgroundColor')} > <div className={styles.colorPickerCover} onClick={e => this.colorPickerHandleClose(e, 'moviePrintBackgroundColor')} /> <SketchPicker color={moviePrintBackgroundColorDependentOnFormat} onChange={color => this.colorPickerHandleChange('moviePrintBackgroundColor', color)} disableAlpha={defaultOutputFormat === OUTPUT_FORMAT.JPG} presetColors={COLOR_PALETTE_PICO_EIGHT} /> </div> ) : null} </div> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Save options</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <List> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="overwriteExistingCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Overwrite existing</label>} checked={defaultSaveOptionOverwrite} onChange={this.onChangeOverwrite} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="includeIndividualFramesCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Include individual thumbs</label>} checked={defaultSaveOptionIncludeIndividual} onChange={this.onChangeIncludeIndividual} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="embedFrameNumbersCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Embed frameNumbers (only PNG)</label>} checked={defaultEmbedFrameNumbers} onChange={this.onChangeEmbedFrameNumbers} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="embedFilePathCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Embed filePath (only PNG)</label>} checked={defaultEmbedFilePath} onChange={this.onChangeEmbedFilePath} /> </List.Item> <List.Item> <Checkbox data-tid="embedFilePathCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Open File Explorer after saving</label>} checked={defaultOpenFileExplorerAfterSaving} onChange={this.onChangeOpenFileExplorerAfterSaving} /> </List.Item> </List> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Divider inverted /> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={16}> <h4>Thumbs</h4> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Format</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="changeThumbFormatDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection options={OUTPUT_FORMAT_OPTIONS} defaultValue={defaultThumbFormat} onChange={this.onChangeThumbFormat} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> {defaultThumbFormat === OUTPUT_FORMAT.JPG && ( <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>JPG quality</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="thumbJpgQualitySlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={100} defaultValue={defaultThumbJpgQuality} marks={{ 0: '0', 95: '95', 100: '100', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeThumbJpgQuality} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> )} </Grid> </Accordion.Content> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 3} index={3} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Naming scheme </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 3}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={16}> <label>File name when saving a MoviePrint</label> <Input // ref={this.inputDefaultMoviePrintName} data-tid="defaultMoviePrintNameInput" name="defaultMoviePrintNameInput" // needed for addAttributeIntoInput fluid placeholder="MoviePrint name" defaultValue={defaultMoviePrintName} onFocus={this.setFocusReference} onBlur={this.onSubmitDefaultMoviePrintName} onKeyUp={this.onSubmitDefaultMoviePrintName} /> <Label className={styles.previewCustomName}> {previewMoviePrintName}.{defaultOutputFormat} </Label> <Divider hidden className={styles.smallDivider} /> <label>File name of thumb when saving a single thumb</label> <Input // ref={this.inputDefaultSingleThumbName} data-tid="defaultSingleThumbNameInput" name="defaultSingleThumbNameInput" // needed for addAttributeIntoInput fluid placeholder="Name when saving a single thumb" defaultValue={defaultSingleThumbName} onFocus={this.setFocusReference} onBlur={this.onSubmitDefaultSingleThumbName} onKeyUp={this.onSubmitDefaultSingleThumbName} /> <Label className={styles.previewCustomName} color={defaultSingleThumbNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode ? undefined : 'orange'} pointing={defaultSingleThumbNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode ? undefined : true} > {defaultSingleThumbNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode ? undefined : 'The framenumber attribute is missing. This can lead to the thumb being overwritten. | '} {previewSingleThumbName}.jpg </Label> <Divider hidden className={styles.smallDivider} /> <label> File name of thumbs when <em>Include individual thumbs</em> is selected </label> <Input // ref={this.inputDefaultAllThumbsName} data-tid="defaultAllThumbsNameInput" name="defaultAllThumbsNameInput" // needed for addAttributeIntoInput fluid placeholder="Name when including individual thumbs" defaultValue={defaultAllThumbsName} onFocus={this.setFocusReference} onBlur={this.onSubmitDefaultAllThumbsName} onKeyUp={this.onSubmitDefaultAllThumbsName} /> <Label className={styles.previewCustomName} color={defaultAllThumbsNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode ? undefined : 'orange'} pointing={defaultAllThumbsNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode ? undefined : true} > {defaultAllThumbsNameContainsFrameNumberOrTimeCode ? undefined : 'The framenumber attribute is missing. This can lead to the thumb being overwritten. | '} {previewAllThumbsName}.jpg </Label> <h6>Available attributes</h6> <Button data-tid="addAttribute[MN]IntoInputButton" className={styles.attributeButton} onClick={() => this.addAttributeIntoInput('[MN]')} disabled={focusReference === undefined} size="mini" > [MN] Movie name </Button> <Button data-tid="addAttribute[ME]IntoInputButton" className={styles.attributeButton} onClick={() => this.addAttributeIntoInput('[ME]')} disabled={focusReference === undefined} size="mini" > [ME] Movie extension </Button> <Button data-tid="addAttribute[MPN]IntoInputButton" className={styles.attributeButton} onClick={() => this.addAttributeIntoInput('[MPN]')} disabled={focusReference === undefined} size="mini" > [MPN] MoviePrint name </Button> <Button data-tid="addAttribute[FN]IntoInputButton" className={styles.attributeButton} onClick={() => this.addAttributeIntoInput('[FN]')} disabled={focusReference === undefined} size="mini" > [FN] Frame number </Button> <Button data-tid="addAttribute[TC]IntoInputButton" className={styles.attributeButton} onClick={() => this.addAttributeIntoInput('[TC]')} disabled={focusReference === undefined} size="mini" > [TC] Timecode </Button> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Accordion.Content> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 4} index={4} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Face detection </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 4}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Face confidence threshold</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="faceConfidenceThresholdSlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={100} defaultValue={defaultFaceConfidenceThreshold} marks={{ 0: '0', 50: '50', 100: '100', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeFaceConfidenceThreshold} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Face size threshold</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <SliderWithTooltip data-tid="faceSizeThresholdSlider" className={styles.slider} min={0} max={100} defaultValue={defaultFaceSizeThreshold} marks={{ 0: '0', 50: '50', 100: '100', }} handle={handle} onChange={onChangeFaceSizeThreshold} /> <br /> <em>Changes take effect on next face scan.</em> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Accordion.Content> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 5} index={5} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Frame cache </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 5}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Max size</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="changeCachedFramesSizeDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection options={CACHED_FRAMES_SIZE_OPTIONS} defaultValue={defaultCachedFramesSize} onChange={this.onChangeCachedFramesSize} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4} /> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Popup trigger={ <Button data-tid="updateFrameCacheBtn" onClick={recaptureAllFrames}> Update frame cache </Button> } mouseEnterDelay={1000} on={['hover']} position="bottom center" className={stylesPop.popup} content="Recapture all frames and store it in the frame cache (uses max size)" /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Accordion.Content> <Accordion.Title active={activeIndex === 6} index={6} onClick={this.handleClick}> <Icon name="dropdown" /> Experimental </Accordion.Title> <Accordion.Content active={activeIndex === 6}> <Grid padded inverted> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Shot detection method</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Dropdown data-tid="shotDetectionMethodOptionsDropdown" placeholder="Select..." selection options={SHOT_DETECTION_METHOD_OPTIONS} defaultValue={defaultShotDetectionMethod} onChange={this.onChangeShotDetectionMethod} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Detection chart</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Popup trigger={ <Button data-tid="showDetectionChartBtn" // fluid onClick={onToggleDetectionChart} > {showChart ? 'Hide detection chart' : 'Show detection chart'} </Button> } mouseEnterDelay={1000} on={['hover']} position="bottom center" className={stylesPop.popup} content="Show detection chart with mean and difference values per frame" /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Import options</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Checkbox data-tid="automaticDetectionInOutPointCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Automatic detection of In and Outpoint</label>} checked={defaultDetectInOutPoint} onChange={this.onChangeDetectInOutPoint} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> <Grid.Row> <Grid.Column width={4}>Expert</Grid.Column> <Grid.Column width={12}> <Checkbox data-tid="showSlidersCheckbox" label={<label className={styles.label}>Show input field instead of slider</label>} checked={!this.state.showSliders} onChange={this.onShowSliders} /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Accordion.Content> </Accordion> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Container> ); } } SettingsList.contextTypes = { store: PropTypes.object, }; export default SettingsList;
import React from 'react' import renderer from 'react-test-renderer' import { Button, theme } from '..' describe('Button', () => { test('renders', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() }) test('size small sets height and font-size', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button size="small" />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('height', '32px') expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('font-size', '12px') expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('color', theme.colors.white) }) test('size medium sets height and font-size', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button size="medium" />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('height', '40px') expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('font-size', '14px') }) test('size large sets height and font-size', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button size="large" />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('height', '48px') expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('font-size', '16px') }) test('fullWidth prop sets width to 100%', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button fullWidth />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('width', '100%') }) test('disabled prop sets', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button disabled />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', }) test('without disabled prop sets', () => { const json = renderer.create(<Button />).toJSON() expect(json).toMatchSnapshot() expect(json).toHaveStyleRule('background-color', theme.colors.darkBlue, { modifier: ':hover' }) }) })
// import ClassicEditor from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic'; import VEditor from './VEditor.vue' export default VEditor
'use strict'; /** * Dependencies */ const chalk = require('chalk'); const parseConfig = require('./helpers/parse-config'); const getPathsSync = require('./helpers/get-paths-sync'); const getPathsAsync = require('./helpers/get-paths-async'); const replaceSync = require('./helpers/replace-sync'); const replaceAsync = require('./helpers/replace-async'); /** * Replace in file helper */ function replaceInFile(config, cb) { //Parse config try { config = parseConfig(config); } catch (error) { if (cb) { return cb(error, null); } return Promise.reject(error); } //Get config const { files, from, to, encoding, ignore, allowEmptyPaths, disableGlobs, dry, verbose, glob, } = config; //Dry run? //istanbul ignore if: No need to test console logs if (dry && verbose) { console.log(chalk.yellow('Dry run, not making actual changes')); } //Find paths return getPathsAsync(files, ignore, disableGlobs, allowEmptyPaths, glob) //Make replacements .then(paths => Promise.all( => { return replaceAsync(file, from, to, encoding, dry); }))) //Convert results to array of changed files .then(results => { return results .filter(result => result.hasChanged) .map(result => result.file); }) //Success handler .then(changedFiles => { if (cb) { cb(null, changedFiles); } return changedFiles; }) //Error handler .catch(error => { if (cb) { cb(error); } else { throw error; } }); } /** * Sync API */ replaceInFile.sync = function(config) { //Parse config config = parseConfig(config); //Get config, paths, and initialize changed files const { files, from, to, encoding, ignore, disableGlobs, dry, verbose, glob, } = config; const paths = getPathsSync(files, ignore, disableGlobs, glob); const changedFiles = []; //Dry run? //istanbul ignore if: No need to test console logs if (dry && verbose) { console.log(chalk.yellow('Dry run, not making any changes')); } //Process synchronously paths.forEach(path => { if (replaceSync(path, from, to, encoding, dry)) { changedFiles.push(path); } }); //Return changed files return changedFiles; }; //Export module.exports = replaceInFile;
module.exports = new Date(1985, 4, 31)
// ./wildcard-ext/two.js
/*开票信息模拟数据},作者:唐植超,日期:2018-11-27 14:04:59*/ 'use strict'; var Mock = require('mockjs') var Random = Mock.Random; module.exports = { 'POST /api/bill/queryPage': function (req, res, next) { var data = Mock.mock({ 'content|10': [{ id: "@integer(100,200)",//主键 vendor_id: "@integer(100,200)",//供应商 bank: "@word(5,10)",// 开户行 account: "@word(5,10)",// 账号 taxpayer_no: "@word(5,10)",// 纳税人识别号 remark: "@word(5,10)",// 备注 }], 'number': '@integer(100,200)', 'size': 10, 'totalElements': 500, }); setTimeout(function () { res.json(data); }, 500); }, 'POST /api/bill/update': function (req, res, next) { setTimeout(function () { res.json({}); }, 500); }, 'POST /api/bill/save': function (req, res, next) { setTimeout(function () { res.json({}); }, 500); }, 'POST /api/bill/queryList': function (req, res, next) { var data = Mock.mock({ 'content|10': [{ id: "@integer(100,200)",//主键 vendor_id: "@integer(100,200)",//供应商 bank: "@word(5,10)",// 开户行 account: "@word(5,10)",// 账号 taxpayer_no: "@word(5,10)",// 纳税人识别号 remark: "@word(5,10)",// 备注 }] }); setTimeout(function () { res.json(data.content); }, 500); }, 'POST /api/bill/delete': function (req, res, next) { setTimeout(function () { res.json({}); }, 500); }, }
import React from "react"; import { useDispatch } from "react-redux"; import { useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react"; import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form"; import { Form, FormText, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter, Button, FormGroup, Label, Input } from "reactstrap"; import DateTimePicker from "react-widgets/lib/DateTimePicker" import { addProject } from "../../redux-store/projectSlice"; const AddProjectForm = ({ open, setOpen }) => { // set default values for react hook form const defaultValues = { projectTitle: "", projectDescription: "", projectStartDate: new Date(), projectTargetEndDate: null } const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0(); const { register, errors, handleSubmit, control } = useForm({ defaultValues }); function handleClose() { setOpen(false); } async function onSubmit(data) { const token = await getAccessTokenSilently(); const newValues = { token, title: data.projectTitle, description: data.projectDescription, startDate: data.projectStartDate, targetEndDate: data.projectTargetEndDate } dispatch(addProject(newValues)) setOpen(false); } return ( <Modal isOpen={open} toggle={handleClose} backdrop="static"> <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}> <ModalHeader toggle={handleClose}>Add a new project</ModalHeader> <ModalBody> <FormGroup> <Label for="projectTitle">Project Title</Label> <Input type="text" name="projectTitle" innerRef={register({ required: true })} /> <FormText color="muted"> Required </FormText> <p style={{ color: "red" }}>{errors.projectTitle && "Project title is required."}</p> </FormGroup> <FormGroup> <Label for="projectDescription">Project Description</Label> <Input type="text" name="projectDescription" id="projectDescription" innerRef={register({ required: true })} /> <FormText color="muted"> Required </FormText> <p style={{ color: "red" }}>{errors.projectDescription && "Project description is required."}</p> </FormGroup> <FormGroup> <Label for="projectStartDate">Project Start Date</Label> <Controller name="projectStartDate" control={control} register={register({ required: true })} rules={{ required: true }} render={props => <DateTimePicker onChange={(e) => props.onChange(e)} value={props.value} format="MM/DD/YYYY" time={false} /> } /> <FormText color="muted"> Required </FormText> <p style={{ color: "red" }}>{errors.projectStartDate && "Project start date is required."}</p> </FormGroup> <FormGroup> <Label for="projectTargetEndDate">Project Target End Date</Label> <Controller name="projectTargetEndDate" control={control} register={register({ required: true })} rules={{ required: true }} render={props => <DateTimePicker onChange={(e) => props.onChange(e)} value={props.value} format="MM/DD/YYYY" time={false} /> } /> <FormText color="muted"> Required </FormText> <p style={{ color: "red" }}>{errors.projectTargetEndDate && "Project target end date is required."}</p> </FormGroup> </ModalBody> <ModalFooter> <Button color="danger" onClick={handleClose}>Cancel</Button> <Button color="info" type="submit">Submit</Button> </ModalFooter> </Form> </Modal> ); } export default AddProjectForm;
/* eslint jest/expect-expect: ["error", { "assertFunctionNames": ["expect", "assertFilesExist", "assertFilesNotExist"] }] */ const { Project } = require('fixturify-project'); const path = require('path'); const execa = require('execa'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const ROOT = process.cwd(); const EmberCLITargets = ['ember-cli-3-24', 'ember-cli-3-28', 'ember-cli']; // const EmberCLITargets = ['ember-cli']; describe('ember destroy', () => { let fixturifyProject; EmberCLITargets.forEach((target) => { describe(`ember-cli: ${target}`, function () { const cliBinPath = require.resolve(`${target}/bin/ember`); function ember(args) { return execa(cliBinPath, args); } beforeEach(() => { fixturifyProject = new Project('best-ever', '0.0.0', { files: {}, }); fixturifyProject.linkDevDependency('ember-cli', { baseDir: __dirname, resolveName: target, }); addAddon('my-addon', '1.0.0', (addon) => { addon.files.blueprints = { 'my-blueprint': { 'index.js': ` const typescriptBlueprintPolyfill = require('ember-cli-typescript-blueprint-polyfill'); module.exports = { shouldTransformTypeScript: true, init() { this._super && this._super.init.apply(this, arguments); typescriptBlueprintPolyfill(this); } } `, files: { app: { 'my-blueprints': { '__name__.ts': `export default function <%= camelizedModuleName %>(a: string, b: number): string { return a + b; } `, }, }, }, }, }; }); }); afterEach(() => { process.chdir(ROOT); fixturifyProject.dispose(); }); function addAddon(name, version, callback = () => {}) { let addon = fixturifyProject.addDevDependency(name, version, { files: { 'index.js': `module.exports = { name: require("./package").name };`, }, }); addon.pkg.keywords.push('ember-addon'); addon.pkg['ember-addon'] = {}; addon.linkDependency('ember-cli-typescript-blueprint-polyfill', { target: path.join(__dirname, '..'), }); callback(addon); } function assertFilesExist(files) { files.forEach((file) => { expect(fs.pathExistsSync(file)).toBe(true); }); } async function assertFilesNotExist(files) { files.forEach((file) => { expect(fs.pathExistsSync(file)).toBe(false); }); } describe('with flags', () => { beforeEach(() => { fixturifyProject.writeSync(); process.chdir(fixturifyProject.baseDir); }); test('it deletes JS files generated from typescript blueprints and transformed', async () => { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.js']; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesNotExist(files); }); it('deletes TS files generated from typescript blueprints with --typescript', async function () { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.ts']; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesNotExist(files); }); it('deletes TS files generated from typescript blueprints when --typescript is passed', async function () { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.ts']; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesNotExist(files); }); it('does not delete anything if --typescript is passed and there are no TS files', async function () { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.js']; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); }); it('does not delete anything if --no-typescript is passed and there are no JS files', async function () { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.ts']; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--no-typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); }); describe('when JS and TS files are present', function () { it('deletes the TS file when --typescript is passed', async function () { const files = [ 'app/my-blueprints/foo.ts', 'app/my-blueprints/foo.js', ]; const [tsFile, jsFile] = files; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesNotExist([tsFile]); assertFilesExist([jsFile]); }); it('deletes the JS file when --no-typescript flag is passed', async function () { const files = [ 'app/my-blueprints/foo.ts', 'app/my-blueprints/foo.js', ]; const [tsFile, jsFile] = files; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--no-typescript']); assertFilesExist([tsFile]); assertFilesNotExist([jsFile]); }); it('deletes both files when no flags are passed', async function () { const files = [ 'app/my-blueprints/foo.ts', 'app/my-blueprints/foo.js', ]; await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo', '--typescript']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesNotExist(files); }); }); }); describe('with project config', () => { it('deletes TS files generated from typescript blueprints in a typescript project', async function () { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.ts']; fixturifyProject.files['.ember-cli'] = JSON.stringify({ isTypeScriptProject: true, }); fixturifyProject.writeSync(); process.chdir(fixturifyProject.baseDir); await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesNotExist(files); }); it('deletes TS files generated from typescript blueprints when {typescript: true} is present in .ember-cli', async function () { const files = ['app/my-blueprints/foo.ts']; fixturifyProject.files['.ember-cli'] = JSON.stringify({ typescript: true, }); fixturifyProject.writeSync(); process.chdir(fixturifyProject.baseDir); await ember(['generate', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesExist(files); await ember(['destroy', 'my-blueprint', 'foo']); assertFilesNotExist(files); }); }); }); }); });
import React from 'react' const VenusMars = props => ( <svg fill='currentColor' viewBox='0 0 576 512' width='1em' height='1em' {...props} > <path d='M564 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7C422.5 72.1 396.2 64 368 64c-33.7 0-64.6 11.6-89.2 30.9 14 16.7 25 36 32.1 57.1 14.5-14.8 34.7-24 57.1-24 44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80c-22.3 0-42.6-9.2-57.1-24-7.1 21.1-18 40.4-32.1 57.1 24.5 19.4 55.5 30.9 89.2 30.9 79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.4 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 64C64.5 64 0 128.5 0 208c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V400H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144zm0 224c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z' /> </svg> ) export default VenusMars
import express from 'express'; import validate from 'is-express-schema-valid'; import Item from '../../models/Item'; import errors from '../../../utils/errors'; import validateAccessToken from '../../../middleware/validateAccessToken'; import validateUserRole from '../../../middleware/validateUserRole'; import { itemSchema } from './schemas'; export default function () { var router = express.Router();'/', validateAccessToken, validateUserRole('artist'), validate(itemSchema), createItem, returnItem ); router.get('/:id', validateAccessToken, findItemById, returnItem ); router.put('/:id', validateAccessToken, validateUserRole('artist'), validate(itemSchema), findItemById, updateItem, returnItem ); router.delete('/:id', validateAccessToken, validateUserRole('artist'), findItemById, deleteItem ); async function createItem (req, res, next) { try { const itemData = Object.assign({}, req.body, {owner:}); req.item = await Item.create(itemData); next(); } catch (err) { next(err); } } async function findItemById (req, res, next) { try { req.item = await Item.findById(; if (!req.item) { return next(new errors.NotFound('Item not found')); } next(); } catch (err) { next(err); } } async function updateItem (req, res, next) { try { req.item = await Item.update(req.item, req.body); next(); } catch (err) { next(err); } } async function deleteItem (req, res, next) { try { await Item.remove(; res.sendStatus(204); } catch (err) { next(err); } } function returnItem (req, res) { res.json(Item.transformResponse(req.item)); } return router; }
export const c_notification_badge_m_read_after_BorderColor = { "name": "--pf-c-notification-badge--m-read--after--BorderColor", "value": "transparent", "var": "var(--pf-c-notification-badge--m-read--after--BorderColor)" }; export default c_notification_badge_m_read_after_BorderColor;
export const sortingList = [ {sortBy:"created",label:"Created", sortOrder:"asc"}, {sortBy:"priority",label:"Priority", sortOrder:"asc"}, {sortBy:"dueDate",label:"Due date", sortOrder:"asc"}, {sortBy:"assignee",label:"Assignee", sortOrder:"asc"}, {sortBy:"name",label:"Task name", sortOrder:"asc"}, {sortBy:"followUpDate",label:"Follow-up date", sortOrder:"asc"}, ]; export const searchData = [ {"label": "Task Variables", "compares": [">", ">=", "=","!=", "<", "<="]}, {"label": "Process Variables", "compares": [">", ">=", "=","!=", "<", "<="]}, {"label": "Process Definition Name", "compares": ["like", "="], "values": ["processDefinitionNameLike", "processDefinitionName"]}, {"label": "Assignee", "compares": ["like", "="], "values": ["assigneeLike", "assignee"]}, {"label":"Candidate Group", "compares": ["="], "values": ["candidateGroup"]}, {"label":"Candidate User", "compares": ["="], "values": ["candidateUser"]}, {"label":"Name", "compares": ["like", "="], "values": ["nameLike", "name"]}, {"label": "Description","compares": ["like", "="], "values": ["descriptionLike", "description"] }, {"label":"Priority", "compares": ["="], "values": ["priority"]}, {"label":"Due Date", "compares": ["before", "after"], "values": ["due"]}, {"label":"Follow up Date", "compares": ["before", "after"], "values": ["followUp"]}, {"label":"Created", "compares": ["before", "after"], "values": ["created"]}, ] export const Filter_Search_Types = { VARIABLES:"variables", STRING:"string", DATE:"date", NORMAL:"normal" } export const FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES = { EQUAL:"=", LIKE:"like", BEFORE:"before", AFTER:"after" } //TODO update to further constants export const FILTER_COMPARE_OPTIONS = { [Filter_Search_Types.VARIABLES]:[">", ">=", FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL ,"!=", "<", "<=",FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.LIKE], [Filter_Search_Types.DATE]:[FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.BEFORE, FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.AFTER], [Filter_Search_Types.STRING]:[FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL,FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.LIKE], [Filter_Search_Types.NORMAL]:[FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL] }; export const taskFilters = [ {label:"Process Variables",key:"processVariables", operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL, type:Filter_Search_Types.VARIABLES, value:"", name:""}, {label:"Task Variables", key:"taskVariables",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL, type:Filter_Search_Types.VARIABLES, value:"", name:""}, {label:"Process Definition Name",key:"processDefinitionName", operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.LIKE, type:Filter_Search_Types.STRING, value:"" }, {label:"Assignee",key:"assignee",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.LIKE, type:Filter_Search_Types.STRING,value:"", }, {label:"Candidate Group",key:"candidateGroup",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL,type:Filter_Search_Types.NORMAL, value:""}, {label:"Candidate User",key:"candidateUser",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL,type:Filter_Search_Types.NORMAL, value:""}, {label:"Name",key:"name",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.LIKE,type:Filter_Search_Types.STRING,value:""}, {label:"Description",key:"description",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.LIKE,type:Filter_Search_Types.STRING, value:""}, {label:"Priority",key:"priority",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.EQUAL,type:Filter_Search_Types.NORMAL, value:""}, {label:"Due Date",key:"due",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.BEFORE, type:Filter_Search_Types.DATE, value:""}, {label:"Follow up Date",key:"followUp",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.BEFORE, type:Filter_Search_Types.DATE, value:""}, {label:"Created",key:"created",operator:FILTER_OPERATOR_TYPES.BEFORE,type:Filter_Search_Types.DATE, value:"" }, ]; export const ALL_TASKS="All tasks" export const QUERY_TYPES= {ANY:"ANY",ALL:"ALL"};
LightTemperatureSensor/lib/STM32 B_LUX_D_V32/CMSIS/Documentation/Core/html/search/groups_64.js
var searchData= [ ['debug_20access',['Debug Access',['../group___i_t_m___debug__gr.html',1,'']]] ];
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux' import rootReducer from 'shared/reducers/reducer.js' import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga' import rootSaga from 'shared/sagas/root' import { browserHistory } from 'react-router' import { routerMiddleware as createRouterMiddleware } from 'react-router-redux' const routingMiddlewhare = createRouterMiddleware(browserHistory) const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware() const middlewares = [ sagaMiddleware, // used to process routing actions like push() and replace() (navigaiton with redux actions) // it's not required for routing to work with redux if actions are not used routingMiddlewhare ] // use logging middleware only in dev mode if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { const createLogger = require('redux-logger') const logger = createLogger({ diff: false, //diff it adds like 1s overhead for 300-400 events timestamp: false, duration: true, collapsed: true, colors: { title: (action) => '#EEE', prevState: (state) => '#9e9e9e', action: (action) => 'yellowgreen', nextState: (state) => '#98AFC7' } }) middlewares.push(logger) // const reactPerfMiddleware = require('shared/middlewares/react-perf-middleware').default // middlewares.push(reactPerfMiddleware) } const configureStore = (initialState) => { const store = createStore( rootReducer, initialState, compose( applyMiddleware(...middlewares), //logger must be last middleware, // server-side safe enabling of Redux Dev tools typeof window === 'object' && typeof window.devToolsExtension !== 'undefined' ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f ) ) //according to if ( { // Enable Webpack hot module replacement for reducers'shared/reducers/reducer.js', () => { const nextRootReducer = require('shared/reducers/reducer.js').default store.replaceReducer(nextRootReducer) }) } return store } export default configureStore
import template from 'babel-template'; import Path from 'path'; const buildDefine = template(` VARS; sap.ui.define(MODULE_NAME, [SOURCES], FACTORY); `); const buildFactory = template(` (function (PARAMS) { BODY; }) `); exports.default = function({ types: t }) { const ui5ModuleVisitor = { Program: { enter: (path, state) => { const filePath = Path.resolve(path.hub.file.opts.filename); const sourceRootPath = getSourceRoot(path); let relativeFilePath = null; let relativeFilePathWithoutExtension = null; let namespace = null; if (filePath.startsWith(sourceRootPath)) { relativeFilePath = Path.relative(sourceRootPath, filePath); relativeFilePathWithoutExtension = Path.dirname(relativeFilePath) + Path.sep + Path.basename(relativeFilePath, Path.extname(relativeFilePath)); relativeFilePathWithoutExtension = relativeFilePathWithoutExtension.replace(/\\/g, '/'); const parts = relativeFilePath.split(Path.sep); if (parts.length <= 1) { namespace = relativeFilePath; } else { parts.pop(); namespace = parts.join('.'); } } if (!path.state) { path.state = {}; } path.state.ui5 = { filePath, relativeFilePath, relativeFilePathWithoutExtension, namespace, className: null, fullClassName: null, superClassName: null, imports: [], staticMembers: [], returnValue: false }; }, exit(path) { const state = path.state.ui5; const hasUi5 = state.returnValue || state.imports.length; if (hasUi5) { const { node } = path; const factoryBody = => { if (i.isLib) { i.path.remove(); } return t.assignmentExpression('=', t.identifier(, i.tmpName); }); if (state.returnValue) { factoryBody.push(t.returnStatement(state.returnValue)); } const factory = buildFactory({ PARAMS: => i.tmpName), BODY: factoryBody }); let factoryInsertIndex = 0; for (let i = 0, target = node.body; i < target.length; i++) { if (target[i].type !== 'ImportDeclaration') { factoryInsertIndex = i + 1; break; } } const define = buildDefine({ VARS: state.imports .map(i => t.identifier( .map(i => t.variableDeclaration('var', [t.variableDeclarator(i)])), MODULE_NAME: t.stringLiteral(state.relativeFilePathWithoutExtension), SOURCES: => t.stringLiteral(i.src)), FACTORY: factory }); node.body.splice(factoryInsertIndex, 0, ...define); } } }, ImportDeclaration: (path, { opts }) => { const state = path.state.ui5; const node = path.node; const sourceRootPath = getSourceRoot(path); let name = null; let srcRaw = node.source.value; let srcPath = null; if (srcRaw.startsWith('./') || srcRaw.startsWith('../')) { srcPath = Path.normalize(Path.resolve(Path.dirname(state.filePath), srcRaw)); srcRaw = Path.relative(sourceRootPath, srcPath); } const srcNormalized = Path.normalize(srcRaw); const src = srcNormalized.replace(/\\/g, '/'); if (node.specifiers && node.specifiers.length === 1) { name = node.specifiers[0]; } else { const parts = srcNormalized.split(Path.sep); name = parts[parts.length - 1]; } if (node.leadingComments) { state.leadingComments = node.leadingComments; } const testLibs = opts.libs || ['^sap/']; const isLibRE = testLibs.length && new RegExp(`(${testLibs.join('|')})`); const isLib = isLibRE.test(src); const testSrc = (opts.libs || ['^sap/']).concat(opts.files || []); const isUi5SrcRE = testSrc.length && new RegExp(`(${testSrc.join('|')})`); const isUi5Src = isUi5SrcRE.test(src); if (isLib || isUi5Src) { const tmpName = path.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(t.identifier(name)); const imp = { path, name, tmpName, isLib, isUi5Src, src }; state.imports.push(imp); } }, ExportDeclaration: path => { const state = path.state.ui5; if (!path.node.declaration) { return; } const id =; const leadingComments = path.node.leadingComments; if (path.node.declaration.type === 'ClassDeclaration') { state.returnValue = transformClass(path.node.declaration, state); path.remove(); } return; const defineCallArgs = [ t.stringLiteral(state.relativeFilePathWithoutExtension), t.arrayExpression( => t.stringLiteral(i.src))), t.functionExpression( null, => t.identifier(, t.blockStatement([ t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral('use strict')), t.returnStatement(transformClass(path.node.declaration, program, state)) ]) ) ]; const defineCall = t.callExpression(t.identifier('sap.ui.define'), defineCallArgs); if (state.leadingComments) { defineCall.leadingComments = state.leadingComments; } path.replaceWith(defineCall); // Add static members for (let key in state.staticMembers) { const id = t.identifier(state.fullClassName + '.' + key); const statement = t.expressionStatement(t.assignmentExpression('=', id, state.staticMembers[key])); path.insertAfter(statement); } }, CallExpression(path) { const state = path.state.ui5; const node = path.node; if (node.callee.type === 'Super') { if (!state.superClassName) { this.errorWithNode("The keyword 'super' can only used in a derrived class."); } const identifier = t.identifier(state.superClassName + '.apply'); let args = t.arrayExpression(node.arguments); if ( node.arguments.length === 1 && node.arguments[0].type === 'Identifier' && node.arguments[0].name === 'arguments' ) { args = t.identifier('arguments'); } path.replaceWith(t.callExpression(identifier, [t.identifier('this'), args])); } else if (node.callee.object && node.callee.object.type === 'Super') { if (!state.superClassName) { this.errorWithNode("The keyword 'super' can only used in a derrived class."); } const identifier = t.identifier( state.superClassName + '.prototype' + '.' + + '.apply' ); path.replaceWith(t.callExpression(identifier, [t.identifier('this'), t.arrayExpression(node.arguments)])); } } }; function transformClass(node, state) { if (node.type !== 'ClassDeclaration') { return node; } else { resolveClass(node, state); const props = []; node.body.body.forEach(member => { if (member.type === 'ClassMethod') { const func = t.functionExpression(null, member.params, member.body); if (!member.static) { func.generator = member.generator; func.async = member.async; props.push(t.objectProperty(member.key, func)); } else { func.body.body.unshift(t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral('use strict'))); state.staticMembers[] = func; } } else if (member.type == 'ClassProperty') { if (!member.static) { props.push(t.objectProperty(member.key, member.value)); } else { state.staticMembers[] = member.value; } } }); const bodyJSON = t.objectExpression(props); const extendCallArgs = [t.stringLiteral(state.fullClassName), bodyJSON]; const extendCall = t.callExpression(t.identifier(state.superClassName + '.extend'), extendCallArgs); return extendCall; } } function resolveClass(node, state) { state.className =; state.superClassName =; if (state.namespace) { state.fullClassName = state.namespace + '.' + state.className; } else { state.fullClassName = state.className; } } function getSourceRoot(path) { let sourceRootPath = null; if (path.hub.file.opts.sourceRoot) { sourceRootPath = Path.resolve(path.hub.file.opts.sourceRoot); } else { sourceRootPath = Path.resolve('.' + Path.sep); } return sourceRootPath; } return { name: 'transform-ui5', visitor: ui5ModuleVisitor }; }; module.exports = exports.default;
import React from 'react'; import { navigate } from '@reach/router'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import useRequest from '../hooks/useRequest'; const Table = styled.table` border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; `; const Row =` &:hover { background-color: #e4e4e4; cursor: pointer; } `; const Th =` border: 1px solid black; padding: 1rem; `; const Td =` text-align: center; border: 1px solid black; padding: 1rem; `; // A component for dynamically rendering users. const UserTable = ({ data }) => { const { request: startSession } = useRequest({ lazy: true, method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }); return ( <> <Table> <thead> <tr> <Th>Name</Th> <Th>Weight</Th> <Th>Gender</Th> <Th>Total Sessions</Th> <Th>Total Drinks</Th> <Th>Average</Th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> { => { return ( <Row key={} onClick={async () => { // Start a new drinking session when selecting the user. await startSession({ path: `/api/users/${}/session` }); // Navigate to the tracker when the session is created. await navigate(`/tracker/${}`); }} > <Td>{}</Td> <Td>{u.weight}</Td> <Td>{u.gender}</Td> <Td>{u.sessions.length}</Td> <Td> {u.sessions.reduce( (prev, curr) => prev + curr.drinks.length, 0 )} </Td> <Td> {!u.sessions.length ? 0 : Math.round( u.sessions.reduce( (prev, curr) => prev + curr.drinks.length, 0 ) / u.sessions.length )} </Td> </Row> ); })} </tbody> </Table> </> ); }; export default UserTable;
"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.assertFbiPaths = exports.assertFactoryTemplate = void 0; const assert_1 = __importDefault(require("assert")); const assertFactoryTemplate = (factory) => { const assertFailLog = 'fbi factory.template field must one of "micro-main", "micro-react", "micro-vue", "react", "vue"'; const assertIsOk = factory && factory.template && ['micro-main', 'micro-react', 'micro-vue', 'react', 'vue'].includes(factory.template); assert_1.default(assertIsOk, assertFailLog); }; exports.assertFactoryTemplate = assertFactoryTemplate; const assertFbiPaths = () => { const assertFailLog = ''; const assertIsOk = true; assert_1.default(assertIsOk, assertFailLog); }; exports.assertFbiPaths = assertFbiPaths;
var searchData= [ ['checking_5fbox',['Checking_Box',['../struct_checking___box.html',1,'']]], ['checkpath',['checkPath',['../class_o_m_p_l___planner.html#a3e94f89db54c6b2c302b46ea2140d56b',1,'OMPL_Planner']]], ['controller',['Controller',['../classcontroller__turtlebot_1_1_controller.html',1,'controller_turtlebot']]], ['controller',['Controller',['../classcontroller__quadrotor_1_1_controller.html',1,'controller_quadrotor']]] ];
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'vertical' : 'horizontal', slidesPerView: obj.hasClass('sc_scroll') ? 'auto' : 1, mousewheelControl: true, mousewheelAccelerator: 4, // Accelerate mouse wheel in Firefox 4+ scrollContainer: obj.hasClass('sc_scroll_vertical'), scrollbar: { container: '.'+id+'_bar', hide: true, draggable: true } })'settings', {mode: 'horizontal'}); themerex_prepare_slider_navi(obj); } // Slider navigation function themerex_prepare_slider_navi(slider) { // Prev / Next var navi = slider.find('> .sc_slider_controls_wrap, > .sc_scroll_controls_wrap'); if (navi.length == 0) navi = slider.siblings('.sc_slider_controls_wrap,.sc_scroll_controls_wrap'); if (navi.length > 0) { navi.find('.sc_slider_prev,.sc_scroll_prev').click(function(e){ var swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.swiper-slider-container'); if (swiper.length == 0) swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.sc_slider_controls_wrap,.sc_scroll_controls_wrap').siblings('.swiper-slider-container'); var id = swiper.attr('id'); THEMEREX_GLOBALS['swipers'][id].swipePrev(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); navi.find('.sc_slider_next,.sc_scroll_next').click(function(e){ var swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.swiper-slider-container'); if (swiper.length == 0) swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.sc_slider_controls_wrap,.sc_scroll_controls_wrap').siblings('.swiper-slider-container'); var id = swiper.attr('id'); THEMEREX_GLOBALS['swipers'][id].swipeNext(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } // Pagination navi = slider.siblings('.sc_slider_pagination'); if (navi.length > 0) { navi.find('.post_item').click(function(e){ var swiper = jQuery(this).parents('.sc_slider_pagination_area').find('.swiper-slider-container'); var id = swiper.attr('id'); THEMEREX_GLOBALS['swipers'][id].swipeTo(jQuery(this).index()); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } } function themerex_change_active_pagination_in_slider(slider, idx) { var pg = slider.parents('.sc_slider_pagination_area').find('.sc_slider_pagination'); if (pg.length==0) return; pg.find('.post_item').removeClass('active').eq(idx).addClass('active'); var h = pg.height(); var off = pg.find('.active').offset().top - pg.offset().top; var off2 = pg.find('.sc_scroll_wrapper').offset().top - pg.offset().top; var h2 = pg.find('.active').height(); if (off < 0) { pg.find('.sc_scroll_wrapper').css({'transform': 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)', 'transition-duration': '0.3s'}); } else if (h <= off+h2) { pg.find('.sc_scroll_wrapper').css({'transform': 'translate3d(0px, -'+(Math.abs(off2)+off-h/4)+'px, 0px)', 'transition-duration': '0.3s'}); } } // Sliders: Autoheight function themerex_slider_autoheight(slider) { if (slider.hasClass('.sc_slider_height_auto')) { slider.find('.swiper-slide').each(function() { if (jQuery(this).data('height_auto') == undefined) { jQuery(this).attr('data-height_auto', jQuery(this).height()); } }); } } // Skills init function themerex_init_skills(container) { if (arguments.length==0) var container = jQuery('body'); var scrollPosition = jQuery(window).scrollTop() + jQuery(window).height(); container.find('.sc_skills_item:not(.inited)').each(function () { var skillsItem = jQuery(this); var scrollSkills = skillsItem.offset().top; if (scrollPosition > scrollSkills) { skillsItem.addClass('inited'); var skills = skillsItem.parents('.sc_skills').eq(0); var type ='type'); var total = (type=='pie' && skills.hasClass('sc_skills_compact_on')) ? skillsItem.find('.sc_skills_data .pie') : skillsItem.find('.sc_skills_total').eq(0); var start = parseInt('start')); var stop = parseInt('stop')); var maximum = parseInt('max')); var startPercent = Math.round(start/maximum*100); var stopPercent = Math.round(stop/maximum*100); var ed ='ed'); var duration = parseInt('duration')); var speed = parseInt('speed')); var step = parseInt('step')); if (type == 'bar') { var dir ='dir'); var count = skillsItem.find('.sc_skills_count').eq(0); if (dir=='horizontal') count.css('width', startPercent + '%').animate({ width: stopPercent + '%' }, duration); else if (dir=='vertical') count.css('height', startPercent + '%').animate({ height: stopPercent + '%' }, duration); themerex_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed-(dir!='unknown' ? 5 : 0), step, ed, total); } else if (type == 'counter') { themerex_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed - 5, step, ed, total); } else if (type == 'pie') { var steps = parseInt('steps')); var bg_color ='bg_color'); var border_color ='border_color'); var cutout = parseInt('cutout')); var easing ='easing'); var options = { segmentShowStroke: true, segmentStrokeColor: border_color, segmentStrokeWidth: 1, percentageInnerCutout : cutout, animationSteps: steps, animationEasing: easing, animateRotate: true, animateScale: false, }; var pieData = []; total.each(function() { var color = jQuery(this).data('color'); var stop = parseInt(jQuery(this).data('stop')); var stopPercent = Math.round(stop/maximum*100); pieData.push({ value: stopPercent, color: color }); }); if (total.length == 1) { themerex_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, Math.round(1500/steps), step, ed, total); pieData.push({ value: 100-stopPercent, color: bg_color }); } var canvas = skillsItem.find('canvas'); canvas.attr({width: skillsItem.width(), height: skillsItem.width()}).css({width: skillsItem.width(), height: skillsItem.height()}); new Chart(canvas.get(0).getContext("2d")).Doughnut(pieData, options); } } }); } // Skills counter animation function themerex_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed, step, ed, total) { start = Math.min(stop, start + step); total.text(start+ed); if (start < stop) { setTimeout(function () { themerex_animate_skills_counter(start, stop, speed, step, ed, total); }, speed); } } // Skills arc init function themerex_init_skills_arc(container) { if (arguments.length==0) var container = jQuery('body'); container.find('.sc_skills_arc:not(.inited)').each(function () { var arc = jQuery(this); arc.addClass('inited'); var items = arc.find('.sc_skills_data .arc'); var canvas = arc.find('.sc_skills_arc_canvas').eq(0); var legend = arc.find('.sc_skills_legend').eq(0); var w = Math.round(arc.width() - legend.width()); var c = Math.floor(w/2); var o = { random: function(l, u){ return Math.floor((Math.random()*(u-l+1))+l); }, diagram: function(){ var r = Raphael(canvas.attr('id'), w, w), rad = hover = Math.round(w/2/items.length), step = Math.round(((w-20)/2-rad)/items.length), stroke = Math.round(w/9/items.length), speed = 400;, c, Math.round(w/2)).attr({ stroke: 'none', fill: THEMEREX_GLOBALS['theme_skin_bg'] ? THEMEREX_GLOBALS['theme_skin_bg'] : '#ffffff' }); var title = r.text(c, c,'subtitle')).attr({ font: 'lighter '+Math.round(rad*0.7)+'px "'+THEMEREX_GLOBALS['theme_font']+'"', fill: '#888888' }).toFront(); rad -= Math.round(step/2); r.customAttributes.arc = function(value, color, rad){ var v = 3.6 * value, alpha = v == 360 ? 359.99 : v, rand = o.random(91, 240), a = (rand-alpha) * Math.PI/180, b = rand * Math.PI/180, sx = c + rad * Math.cos(b), sy = c - rad * Math.sin(b), x = c + rad * Math.cos(a), y = c - rad * Math.sin(a), path = [['M', sx, sy], ['A', rad, rad, 0, +(alpha > 180), 1, x, y]]; return { path: path, stroke: color } } items.each(function(i){ var t = jQuery(this), color = t.find('.color').val(), value = t.find('.percent').val(), text = t.find('.text').text(); rad += step; var z = r.path().attr({ arc: [value, color, rad], 'stroke-width': stroke }); z.mouseover(function(){ this.animate({ 'stroke-width': hover, opacity: .75 }, 1000, 'elastic'); if (Raphael.type != 'VML') //solves IE problem this.toFront(); title.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, speed, '>', function(){ this.attr({ text: (text ? text + '\n' : '') + value + '%' }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, speed, '<'); }); }).mouseout(function(){ this.stop().animate({ 'stroke-width': stroke, opacity: 1 }, speed*4, 'elastic'); title.stop().animate({ opacity: 0 }, speed, '>', function(){ title.attr({ text:'subtitle') }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, speed, '<'); }); }); }); } } o.diagram(); }); } // Countdown update function themerex_countdown(dt) { var counter = jQuery(this).parent(); for (var i=3; i<dt.length; i++) { var v = (dt[i]<10 ? '0' : '') + dt[i]; counter.find('.sc_countdown_item').eq(i-3).find('.sc_countdown_digits span').addClass('hide'); for (var ch=v.length-1; ch>=0; ch--) { counter.find('.sc_countdown_item').eq(i-3).find('.sc_countdown_digits span').eq(ch+(i==3 && v.length<3 ? 1 : 0)).removeClass('hide').text(v.substr(ch, 1)); } } }
import app from './app'; const port = 3003; app.listen(port, () => { console.log(`Servidor rodando na porta ${port}`); });
// Name of the pck. PHRASE_APP_PCK = 'PhraseApp'; // Create our own pck to avoid gobals that could interfere with the website. window[PHRASE_APP_PCK] = {}; // Create shortcut. holdsport = window[PHRASE_APP_PCK]; // True will display debug messages. holdsport.DEBUG = false; = function(callback){ if(holdsport.DEBUG && callback){ callback(); } return holdsport.DEBUG; } // Auto running once DOM loaded. $(function(){ var consoleDev = function(content){{ console.log(content); }); } consoleDev("PhraseApp AutoTranslate processing"); var translationSuggested = $('.translation-suggest'); consoleDev("There are "+translationSuggested.length+" translations detected to to!"); if(translationSuggested.length > 0){ // We are running in a page where we can autoload suggested translations. for(var i in translationSuggested){ // If the object is clickable, just click on it! if(translationSuggested[i].click){ translationSuggested[i].click(); consoleDev("Starting auto translate phrase "+i); } } } });
import React from 'react'; import {Row, Col} from 'antd'; import 'antd/es/style/index.css' // col & row import 'antd/es/grid/style/index.css' // col & row class MessageLoginFormComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {} } render() { return ( <Row style={{minHeight: '473.5px'}}> <Col span={5}>&nbsp;</Col> <Col span={14} style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> 短信登录暂未制作 </Col> <Col span={5}>&nbsp;</Col> </Row> ) } } export default MessageLoginFormComponent;
import menuMobile from "./menu-mobile.js"; import navCourses from "./nav-cousers.js"; import contador from './contador.js' import dropMenu from './dropMenu.js' menuMobile(); navCourses(); contador(); dropMenu();
import { fachwerk } from ""; fachwerk({ type: 'document', editor: 'none', menu: 'none' })