<gh_stars>0 # ============================================================================ # FILE: # AUTHOR: <NAME> <<EMAIL> at g<EMAIL>> # License: MIT license # ============================================================================ import re import typing from denite.util import echo, error, clearmatch, regex_convert_py_vim from denite.util import Nvim, UserContext, Candidates, Candidate from denite.parent import SyncParent class Default(object): @property def is_async(self) -> bool: return self._is_async def __init__(self, vim: Nvim) -> None: self._vim = vim self._denite: typing.Optional[SyncParent] = None self._selected_candidates: typing.List[int] = [] self._candidates: Candidates = [] self._cursor = 0 self._entire_len = 0 self._result: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] self._context: UserContext = {} self._bufnr = -1 self._winid = -1 self._winrestcmd = '' self._initialized = False self._winheight = 0 self._winwidth = 0 self._winminheight = -1 self._is_multi = False self._is_async = False self._matched_pattern = '' self._displayed_texts: typing.List[str] = [] self._statusline_sources = '' self._titlestring = '' self._ruler = False self._prev_action = '' self._prev_status: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} self._prev_curpos: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] self._save_window_options: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {} self._sources_history: typing.List[typing.Any] = [] self._previous_text = '' self._floating = False self._filter_floating = False self._updated = False self._timers: typing.Dict[str, int] = {} self._matched_range_id = -1 self._matched_char_id = -1 self._check_matchdelete = bool( 'denite#util#check_matchdelete')) def start(self, sources: typing.List[typing.Any], context: UserContext) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: if not self._denite: # if hasattr(self._vim, 'run_coroutine'): # self._denite = ASyncParent(self._vim) # else: self._denite = SyncParent(self._vim) self._result = [] context['sources_queue'] = [sources] self._start_sources_queue(context) return self._result def do_action(self, action_name: str, command: str = '', is_manual: bool = False) -> None: if is_manual: candidates = self._get_selected_candidates() elif self._get_cursor_candidate(): candidates = [self._get_cursor_candidate()] else: candidates = [] if not self._denite or not candidates or not action_name: return self._prev_action = action_name action = self._denite.get_action( self._context, action_name, candidates) if not action: return post_action = self._context['post_action'] is_quit = action['is_quit'] or post_action == 'quit' if is_quit: self.quit() self._denite.do_action(self._context, action_name, candidates) self._result = candidates if command != '': self._vim.command(command) if is_quit and post_action == 'open': # Re-open denite buffer prev_cursor = self._cursor cursor_candidate = self._get_cursor_candidate() self._init_buffer() self.redraw(False) if cursor_candidate == self._get_candidate(prev_cursor): # Restore the cursor self._move_to_pos(prev_cursor) # Disable quit flag is_quit = False if not is_quit and is_manual: self._selected_candidates = [] self.redraw(action['is_redraw']) if is_manual and self._context['sources_queue']: self._context['input'] = '' self._context['quick_move'] = '' self._start_sources_queue(self._context) return def redraw(self, is_force: bool = True) -> None: self._context['is_redraw'] = is_force if is_force: self._gather_candidates() if self._update_candidates(): self._update_buffer() else: self._update_status() self._context['is_redraw'] = False def quit(self) -> None: if self._denite: self._denite.on_close(self._context) self._quit_buffer() self._result = [] return def _restart(self) -> None: self._context['input'] = '' self._quit_buffer() self._init_denite() self._gather_candidates() self._init_buffer() self._update_candidates() self._update_buffer() def _start_sources_queue(self, context: UserContext) -> None: if not context['sources_queue']: return self._sources_history.append({ 'sources': context['sources_queue'][0], 'path': context['path'], }) self._start(context['sources_queue'][0], context) if context['sources_queue']: context['sources_queue'].pop(0) context['path'] = self._context['path'] def _start(self, sources: typing.List[typing.Any], context: UserContext) -> None: from import do_map self._vim.command('silent! autocmd! denite') if'\[Command Line\]$', # Ignore command line window. return resume = self._initialized and context['resume'] if resume: # Skip the initialization update = ('immediately', 'immediately_1', 'cursor_pos', 'prev_winid', 'start_filter', 'quick_move') for key in update: self._context[key] = context[key] self._check_move_option() if self._check_do_option(): return self._init_buffer() if context['refresh']: self.redraw() self._move_to_pos(self._cursor) else: if self._context != context: self._context.clear() self._context.update(context) self._context['sources'] = sources self._context['is_redraw'] = False self._is_multi = len(sources) > 1 if not sources: # Ignore empty sources. error(self._vim, 'Empty sources') return self._init_denite() self._gather_candidates() self._update_candidates() self._init_cursor() self._check_move_option() if self._check_do_option(): return self._init_buffer() self._update_displayed_texts() self._update_buffer() self._move_to_pos(self._cursor) if self._context['quick_move'] and do_map(self, 'quick_move', []): return if self._context['start_filter']: do_map(self, 'open_filter_buffer', []) def _init_buffer(self) -> None: self._prev_status = dict() self._displayed_texts = [] self._prev_bufnr = self._vim.current.buffer.number self._prev_curpos ='getcurpos') self._prev_wininfo = self._get_wininfo() self._prev_winid = self._context['prev_winid'] self._winrestcmd ='winrestcmd') self._ruler = self._vim.options['ruler'] self._switch_buffer() self._bufnr = self._vim.current.buffer.number self._winid ='win_getid') self._resize_buffer(True) self._winheight = self._vim.current.window.height self._winwidth = self._vim.current.window.width self._bufvars = self._vim.current.buffer.vars self._bufvars['denite'] = { 'buffer_name': self._context['buffer_name'], } self._bufvars['denite_statusline'] = {} self._vim.vars['denite#_previewed_buffers'] = {} self._save_window_options = {} window_options = { 'colorcolumn', 'concealcursor', 'conceallevel', 'cursorcolumn', 'cursorline', 'foldcolumn', 'foldenable', 'list', 'number', 'relativenumber', 'signcolumn', 'spell', 'winfixheight', 'wrap', } for k in window_options: self._save_window_options[k] = self._vim.current.window.options[k] # Note: Have to use setlocal instead of "current.window.options" # "current.window.options" changes global value instead of local in # neovim. self._vim.command('setlocal colorcolumn=') self._vim.command('setlocal conceallevel=3') self._vim.command('setlocal concealcursor=inv') self._vim.command('setlocal nocursorcolumn') self._vim.command('setlocal nofoldenable') self._vim.command('setlocal foldcolumn=0') self._vim.command('setlocal nolist') self._vim.command('setlocal nonumber') self._vim.command('setlocal norelativenumber') self._vim.command('setlocal nospell') self._vim.command('setlocal winfixheight') self._vim.command('setlocal nowrap') if self._context['prompt']: self._vim.command('setlocal signcolumn=yes') else: self._vim.command('setlocal signcolumn=auto') if self._context['cursorline']: self._vim.command('setlocal cursorline') options = self._vim.current.buffer.options if self._floating: # Disable ruler self._vim.options['ruler'] = False options['buftype'] = 'nofile' options['bufhidden'] = 'delete' options['swapfile'] = False options['buflisted'] = False options['modeline'] = False options['modifiable'] = False options['filetype'] = 'denite' if'exists', '#WinEnter'): self._vim.command('doautocmd WinEnter') if'exists', '#BufWinEnter'): self._vim.command('doautocmd BufWinEnter') if not'has', 'nvim'): # In Vim8, FileType autocmd is not fired after set filetype option. self._vim.command('silent doautocmd FileType denite') if self._context['auto_action']: self._vim.command('autocmd denite ' 'CursorMoved <buffer> ' 'call denite#call_map("auto_action")') self._init_syntax() def _switch_buffer(self) -> None: split = self._context['split'] if (split != 'no' and self._winid > 0 and'win_gotoid', self._winid)): if split != 'vertical' and not self._floating: # Move the window to bottom self._vim.command('wincmd J') self._winrestcmd = '' return self._floating = split in [ 'floating', 'floating_relative_cursor', 'floating_relative_window', ] self._filter_floating = False if self._vim.current.buffer.options['filetype'] != 'denite': self._titlestring = self._vim.options['titlestring'] command = 'edit' if split == 'tab': self._vim.command('tabnew') elif self._floating: self._split_floating(split) elif self._context['filter_split_direction'] == 'floating': self._filter_floating = True elif split != 'no': command = self._get_direction() command += ' vsplit' if split == 'vertical' else ' split' bufname = '[denite]-' + self._context['buffer_name'] if'exists', '*bufadd'): bufnr ='bufadd', bufname) vertical = 'vertical' if split == 'vertical' else '' command = ( 'buffer' if split in ['no', 'tab', 'floating', 'floating_relative_window', 'floating_relative_cursor'] else 'sbuffer') self._vim.command( 'silent keepalt %s %s %s %s' % ( self._get_direction(), vertical, command, bufnr, ) ) else: 'denite#util#execute_path', f'silent keepalt {command}', bufname) def _get_direction(self) -> str: direction = str(self._context['direction']) if direction == 'dynamictop' or direction == 'dynamicbottom': self._update_displayed_texts() winwidth ='winwidth', 0) is_fit = not [x for x in self._displayed_texts if'strwidth', x) > winwidth] if direction == 'dynamictop': direction = 'aboveleft' if is_fit else 'topleft' else: direction = 'belowright' if is_fit else 'botright' return direction def _get_wininfo(self) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: return [ self._vim.options['columns'], self._vim.options['lines'],'win_getid'),'tabpagebuflist') ] def _switch_prev_buffer(self) -> None: if (self._prev_bufnr == self._bufnr or self._vim.buffers[self._prev_bufnr].name == ''): self._vim.command('enew') else: self._vim.command('buffer ' + str(self._prev_bufnr)) def _init_syntax(self) -> None: self._vim.command('syntax case ignore') self._vim.command('highlight default link deniteInput ModeMsg') self._vim.command('highlight link deniteMatchedRange ' + self._context['highlight_matched_range']) self._vim.command('highlight link deniteMatchedChar ' + self._context['highlight_matched_char']) self._vim.command('highlight default link ' + 'deniteStatusLinePath Comment') self._vim.command('highlight default link ' + 'deniteStatusLineNumber LineNR') self._vim.command('highlight default link ' + 'deniteSelectedLine Statement') if self._floating: self._vim.current.window.options['winhighlight'] = ( 'Normal:' + self._context['highlight_window_background'] ) self._vim.command(('syntax match deniteSelectedLine /^[%s].*/' + ' contains=deniteConcealedMark') % ( self._context['selected_icon'])) self._vim.command(('syntax match deniteConcealedMark /^[ %s]/' + ' conceal contained') % ( self._context['selected_icon'])) if self._denite: self._denite.init_syntax(self._context, self._is_multi) def _update_candidates(self) -> bool: if not self._denite: return False [self._is_async, pattern, statuses, self._entire_len, self._candidates] = self._denite.filter_candidates(self._context) prev_displayed_texts = self._displayed_texts self._update_displayed_texts() prev_matched_pattern = self._matched_pattern self._matched_pattern = pattern prev_statusline_sources = self._statusline_sources self._statusline_sources = ' '.join(statuses) if self._is_async: self._start_timer('update_candidates') else: self._stop_timer('update_candidates') updated = (self._displayed_texts != prev_displayed_texts or self._matched_pattern != prev_matched_pattern or self._statusline_sources != prev_statusline_sources) if updated: self._updated = True self._start_timer('update_buffer') if self._context['search'] and self._context['input']:'setreg', '/', self._context['input']) return self._updated def _update_displayed_texts(self) -> None: candidates_len = len(self._candidates) if not self._is_async and self._context['auto_resize']: winminheight = self._context['winminheight'] max_height = min(self._context['winheight'], self._get_max_height()) if (winminheight != -1 and candidates_len < winminheight): self._winheight = winminheight elif candidates_len > max_height: self._winheight = max_height elif candidates_len != self._winheight: self._winheight = candidates_len max_source_name_len = 0 if self._candidates: max_source_name_len = max([ len(self._get_display_source_name(x['source_name'])) for x in self._candidates]) self._context['max_source_name_len'] = max_source_name_len self._context['max_source_name_format'] = ( '{:<' + str(self._context['max_source_name_len']) + '}') self._displayed_texts = [ self._get_candidate_display_text(i) for i in range(0, candidates_len) ] def _update_buffer(self) -> None: is_current_buffer = self._bufnr == self._vim.current.buffer.number self._update_status() if self._check_matchdelete and self._context['match_highlight']: matches = [x['id'] for x in'getmatches', self._winid)] if self._matched_range_id in matches:'matchdelete', self._matched_range_id, self._winid) self._matched_range_id = -1 if self._matched_char_id in matches:'matchdelete', self._matched_char_id, self._winid) self._matched_char_id = -1 if self._matched_pattern != '': self._matched_range_id = 'matchadd', 'deniteMatchedRange', r'\c' + regex_convert_py_vim(self._matched_pattern), 10, -1, {'window': self._winid}) matched_char_pattern = '[{}]'.format(re.sub( r'([\[\]\\^-])', r'\\\1', self._context['input'].replace(' ', '') )) self._matched_char_id = 'matchadd', 'deniteMatchedChar', matched_char_pattern, 10, -1, {'window': self._winid}) prev_linenr ='line', '.') prev_candidate = self._get_cursor_candidate() buffer = self._vim.buffers[self._bufnr] buffer.options['modifiable'] = True self._vim.vars['denite#_candidates'] = [ x['word'] for x in self._candidates] buffer[:] = self._displayed_texts buffer.options['modifiable'] = False self._previous_text = self._context['input'] self._resize_buffer(is_current_buffer) is_changed = (self._context['reversed'] or (is_current_buffer and self._previous_text != self._context['input'])) if self._updated and is_changed: if not is_current_buffer: save_winid ='win_getid')'win_gotoid', self._winid) self._init_cursor() self._move_to_pos(self._cursor) if not is_current_buffer:'win_gotoid', save_winid) elif is_current_buffer:'cursor', [prev_linenr, 0]) if is_current_buffer: if (self._context['auto_action'] and prev_candidate != self._get_cursor_candidate()): self.do_action(self._context['auto_action']) self._updated = False self._stop_timer('update_buffer') def _update_status(self) -> None: inpt = '' if self._context['input']: inpt = self._context['input'] + ' ' if self._context['error_messages']: inpt = '[ERROR] ' + inpt path = '[' + self._context['path'] + ']' status = { 'input': inpt, 'sources': self._statusline_sources, 'path': path, # Extra 'buffer_name': self._context['buffer_name'], 'line_total': len(self._candidates), } if status == self._prev_status: return self._bufvars['denite_statusline'] = status self._prev_status = status linenr = "printf('%'.(len(line('$'))+2).'d/%d',line('.'),line('$'))" if self._context['statusline']: if self._floating or self._filter_floating: self._vim.options['titlestring'] = ( "%{denite#get_status('input')}%* " + "%{denite#get_status('sources')} " + " %{denite#get_status('path')}%*" + "%{" + linenr + "}%*") else: winnr ='win_id2win', self._winid)'setwinvar', winnr, '&statusline', ( "%#deniteInput#%{denite#get_status('input')}%* " + "%{denite#get_status('sources')} %=" + "%#deniteStatusLinePath# %{denite#get_status('path')}%*" + "%#deniteStatusLineNumber#%{" + linenr + "}%*")) def _get_display_source_name(self, name: str) -> str: source_names = self._context['source_names'] if not self._is_multi or source_names == 'hide': source_name = '' else: short_name = (re.sub(r'([a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z]+', r'\1', name) if'[^a-zA-Z]', name) else name[:2]) source_name = short_name if source_names == 'short' else name return source_name def _get_candidate_display_text(self, index: int) -> str: source_names = self._context['source_names'] candidate = self._candidates[index] terms = [] if self._is_multi and source_names != 'hide': terms.append(self._context['max_source_name_format'].format( self._get_display_source_name(candidate['source_name']))) encoding = self._context['encoding'] abbr = candidate.get('abbr', candidate['word']).encode( encoding, errors='replace').decode(encoding, errors='replace') terms.append(abbr[:int(self._context['max_candidate_width'])]) return (str(self._context['selected_icon']) if index in self._selected_candidates else ' ') + ' '.join(terms).replace('\n', '') def _get_max_height(self) -> int: return int(self._vim.options['lines']) if not self._floating else ( int(self._vim.options['lines']) - int(self._context['winrow']) - int(self._vim.options['cmdheight'])) def _resize_buffer(self, is_current_buffer: bool) -> None: split = self._context['split'] if (split == 'no' or split == 'tab' or'winnr', '$') == 1): return winheight = max(self._winheight, 1) winwidth = max(self._winwidth, 1) is_vertical = split == 'vertical' if not is_current_buffer: restore ='win_getid')'win_gotoid', self._winid) if not is_vertical and self._vim.current.window.height != winheight: if self._floating: wincol = self._context['winrow'] row = wincol if split == 'floating': if self._context['auto_resize'] and row > 1: row += self._context['winheight'] row -= self._winheight'nvim_win_set_config', self._winid, { 'relative': 'editor', 'row': row, 'col': self._context['wincol'], 'width': winwidth, 'height': winheight, }) filter_row = 0 if wincol == 1 else row + winheight filter_col = self._context['wincol'] else: init_pos ='nvim_win_get_config', self._winid)'nvim_win_set_config', self._winid, { 'relative': 'win', 'win': init_pos['win'], 'row': init_pos['row'], 'col': init_pos['col'], 'width': winwidth, 'height': winheight, }) filter_col = init_pos['col'] if init_pos['anchor'] == 'NW': winpos ='nvim_win_get_position', self._winid) filter_row = winpos[0] + winheight filter_winid = self._vim.vars['denite#_filter_winid'] self._context['filter_winrow'] = row if'win_id2win', filter_winid) > 0:'nvim_win_set_config', filter_winid, { 'relative': 'editor', 'row': filter_row, 'col': filter_col, }) self._vim.command('resize ' + str(winheight)) if self._context['reversed']: self._vim.command('normal! zb') elif is_vertical and self._vim.current.window.width != winwidth: self._vim.command('vertical resize ' + str(winwidth)) if not is_current_buffer:'win_gotoid', restore) def _check_do_option(self) -> bool: if self._context['do'] != '': self._do_command(self._context['do']) return True elif (self._candidates and self._context['immediately'] or len(self._candidates) == 1 and self._context['immediately_1']): self._do_immediately() return True return not (self._context['empty'] or self._is_async or self._candidates) def _check_move_option(self) -> None: if self._context['cursor_pos'].isnumeric(): self._cursor = int(self._context['cursor_pos']) + 1 elif re.match(r'\+\d+', self._context['cursor_pos']): for _ in range(int(self._context['cursor_pos'][1:])): self._move_to_next_line() elif re.match(r'-\d+', self._context['cursor_pos']): for _ in range(int(self._context['cursor_pos'][1:])): self._move_to_prev_line() elif self._context['cursor_pos'] == '$': self._move_to_last_line() def _do_immediately(self) -> None: goto = self._winid > 0 and 'win_gotoid', self._winid) if goto: # Jump to denite window self._init_buffer() self.do_action('default') candidate = self._get_cursor_candidate() if not candidate: return echo(self._vim, 'Normal', '[{}/{}] {}'.format( self._cursor, len(self._candidates), candidate.get('abbr', candidate['word']))) if goto: # Move to the previous window self._vim.command('wincmd p') def _do_command(self, command: str) -> None: self._init_cursor() cursor = 1 while cursor < len(self._candidates): self.do_action('default', command) self._move_to_next_line() self._quit_buffer() def _cleanup(self) -> None: self._stop_timer('update_candidates') self._stop_timer('update_buffer') if self._vim.current.buffer.number == self._bufnr: self._cursor ='line', '.') # Note: Close filter window before preview window'denite#filter#_close_filter_window') if not self._context['has_preview_window']: self._vim.command('pclose!') # Clear previewed buffers for bufnr in self._vim.vars['denite#_previewed_buffers'].keys(): if not'win_findbuf', bufnr): self._vim.command('silent bdelete ' + str(bufnr)) self._vim.vars['denite#_previewed_buffers'] = {} self._vim.command('highlight! link CursorLine CursorLine') if self._floating or self._filter_floating: self._vim.options['titlestring'] = self._titlestring self._vim.options['ruler'] = self._ruler def _close_current_window(self) -> None: if'winnr', '$') == 1: self._vim.command('buffer #') else: self._vim.command('close!') def _quit_buffer(self) -> None: self._cleanup() if'bufwinnr', self._bufnr) < 0: # Denite buffer is already closed return winids ='win_findbuf', self._vim.vars['denite#_filter_bufnr']) if winids: # Quit filter buffer'win_gotoid', winids[0]) self._close_current_window() # Move to denite window'win_gotoid', self._winid) # Restore the window if self._context['split'] == 'no': self._switch_prev_buffer() for k, v in self._save_window_options.items(): self._vim.current.window.options[k] = v else: if self._context['split'] == 'tab': self._vim.command('tabclose!') if self._context['split'] != 'tab': self._close_current_window()'win_gotoid', self._prev_winid) # Restore the position'setpos', '.', self._prev_curpos) if self._get_wininfo() and self._get_wininfo() == self._prev_wininfo: # Note: execute restcmd twice to restore layout properly self._vim.command(self._winrestcmd) self._vim.command(self._winrestcmd) clearmatch(self._vim) def _get_cursor_candidate(self) -> Candidate: return self._get_candidate(self._cursor) def _get_candidate(self, pos: int) -> Candidate: if not self._candidates or pos > len(self._candidates): return {} return self._candidates[pos - 1] def _get_selected_candidates(self) -> Candidates: if not self._selected_candidates: return [self._get_cursor_candidate() ] if self._get_cursor_candidate() else [] return [self._candidates[x] for x in self._selected_candidates] def _init_denite(self) -> None: if self._denite: self._denite.start(self._context) self._denite.on_init(self._context) self._initialized = True self._winheight = self._context['winheight'] self._winwidth = self._context['winwidth'] def _gather_candidates(self) -> None: self._selected_candidates = [] if self._denite: self._denite.gather_candidates(self._context) def _init_cursor(self) -> None: if self._context['reversed']: self._move_to_last_line() else: self._move_to_first_line() def _move_to_pos(self, pos: int) -> None:'cursor', pos, 0) self._cursor = pos if self._context['reversed']: self._vim.command('normal! zb') def _move_to_next_line(self) -> None: if self._cursor < len(self._candidates): self._cursor += 1 def _move_to_prev_line(self) -> None: if self._cursor >= 1: self._cursor -= 1 def _move_to_first_line(self) -> None: self._cursor = 1 def _move_to_last_line(self) -> None: self._cursor = len(self._candidates) def _start_timer(self, key: str) -> None: if key in self._timers: return if key == 'update_candidates': self._timers[key] = 'denite#helper#_start_update_candidates_timer', self._bufnr) elif key == 'update_buffer': self._timers[key] = 'denite#helper#_start_update_buffer_timer', self._bufnr) def _stop_timer(self, key: str) -> None: if key not in self._timers: return'timer_stop', self._timers[key]) # Note: After timer_stop is called, self._timers may be removed if key in self._timers: self._timers.pop(key) def _split_floating(self, split: str) -> None: # Use floating window if split == 'floating': 'nvim_open_win','bufnr', '%'), True, { 'relative': 'editor', 'row': self._context['winrow'], 'col': self._context['wincol'], 'width': self._context['winwidth'], 'height': self._context['winheight'], }) elif split == 'floating_relative_cursor': opened_pos = ('nvim_win_get_position', 0)[0] +'winline') - 1) if self._context['auto_resize']: height = max(self._winheight, 1) width = max(self._winwidth, 1) else: width = self._context['winwidth'] height = self._context['winheight'] if opened_pos + height + 3 > self._vim.options['lines']: anchor = 'SW' row = 0 self._context['filter_winrow'] = row + opened_pos else: anchor = 'NW' row = 1 self._context['filter_winrow'] = row + height + opened_pos 'nvim_open_win','bufnr', '%'), True, { 'relative': 'cursor', 'row': row, 'col': 0, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'anchor': anchor, }) elif split == 'floating_relative_window': 'nvim_open_win','bufnr', '%'), True, { 'relative': 'win', 'row': self._context['winrow'], 'col': self._context['wincol'], 'width': self._context['winwidth'], 'height': self._context['winheight'], })
<filename>examples/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 """ For the last column, print only the first character. Usage: $ printf "100,200\n0,\n" | python3 Should print "100,2\n0," """ import csv from sys import stdin, stdout def main(): reader = csv.reader(stdin) writer = csv.writer(stdout) for row in reader: try: row[-1] = row[-1][0] except IndexError: # Python: Better to ask forgiveness than permission # Alternative: Look before you leap pass writer.writerow(row) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from .models import User from .twitter import vectorize_tweet def predict_user(user1_name, user2_name, tweet_text): """ Determine and return which user is more likely to say a given Tweet. Example: predict_user('ausen', 'elonmusk', 'Lambda School Rocks!') Returns 1 corresponding to 1st user passed in, or 0 for second. """ user1 = User.query.filter( == user1_name).one() user2 = User.query.filter( == user2_name).one() user1_vect = np.array([tweet.vect for tweet in user1.tweets]) user2_vect = np.array([tweet.vect for tweet in user2.tweets]) vects = np.vstack([user1_vect, user2_vect]) labels = np.concatenate([np.ones(len(user1.tweets)), np.zeros(len(user2.tweets))]) log_reg = LogisticRegression().fit(vects, labels) # We've done the model fitting, now to predict... hypo_tweet_vect = vectorize_tweet(tweet_text) return log_reg.predict(np.array(hypo_tweet_vect).reshape(1,-1))
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== # pylint: disable=unused-import """Import names of Tensor Flow standard Ops.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import platform as _platform import sys as _sys from tensorflow.python import autograph from import loss_scaling_gradient_tape # pylint: disable=g-bad-import-order # Imports the following modules so that @RegisterGradient get executed. from tensorflow.python.ops import array_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import cudnn_rnn_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import manip_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import math_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import random_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import state_grad from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_array_grad # go/tf-wildcard-import # pylint: disable=wildcard-import from tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops import * # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from tensorflow.python.ops.check_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.clip_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.special_math_ops import * # TODO(vrv): Switch to import * once we're okay with exposing the module. from tensorflow.python.ops.confusion_matrix import confusion_matrix from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import Assert from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import case from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import cond from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import group from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import no_op from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import tuple # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin # pylint: enable=redefined-builtin from tensorflow.python.eager import wrap_function from tensorflow.python.ops.control_flow_ops import while_loop from tensorflow.python.ops.batch_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.critical_section_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.data_flow_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.functional_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.gradients import * from tensorflow.python.ops.histogram_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.io_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.logging_ops import Print from tensorflow.python.ops.logging_ops import get_summary_op from tensorflow.python.ops.logging_ops import timestamp from tensorflow.python.ops.lookup_ops import initialize_all_tables from tensorflow.python.ops.lookup_ops import tables_initializer from tensorflow.python.ops.manip_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops import * # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from tensorflow.python.ops.numerics import * from tensorflow.python.ops.parsing_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.partitioned_variables import * from tensorflow.python.ops.proto_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_dispatch as _ragged_dispatch from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_operators as _ragged_operators from tensorflow.python.ops.random_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.script_ops import py_func from tensorflow.python.ops.session_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.sort_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.sparse_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import assign from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import assign_add from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import assign_sub from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import count_up_to from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_add from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_div from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_mul from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_sub from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_min from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_max from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_update from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_nd_add from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_nd_sub # TODO(simister): Re-enable once binary size increase due to scatter_nd # ops is under control. # from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_nd_mul # from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_nd_div from tensorflow.python.ops.state_ops import scatter_nd_update from tensorflow.python.ops.stateless_random_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.string_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.template import * from tensorflow.python.ops.tensor_array_ops import * from tensorflow.python.ops.variable_scope import * # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from tensorflow.python.ops.variables import * from tensorflow.python.ops.parallel_for.control_flow_ops import vectorized_map # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top if _platform.system() == "Windows": from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert_windows as trt else: from tensorflow.python.compiler.tensorrt import trt_convert as trt # pylint: enable=g-import-not-at-top # pylint: enable=wildcard-import # pylint: enable=g-bad-import-order # These modules were imported to set up RaggedTensor operators and dispatchers: del _ragged_dispatch, _ragged_operators
import numpy as np from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3 from keras.initializers import RandomNormal from keras.layers import (BatchNormalization, Conv2D, Conv2DTranspose, Conv3D, Cropping2D, Dense, Flatten, GlobalAveragePooling2D, Input, Lambda, MaxPooling2D, Reshape, UpSampling2D, ZeroPadding2D, ZeroPadding3D, add, concatenate) from keras.layers.advanced_activations import ELU, LeakyReLU from keras.models import Model # Parameterized 2D Block Model def BlockModel2D(input_shape, filt_num=16, numBlocks=3): """Creates a Block CED model for segmentation problems Args: input shape: a list or tuple of [rows,cols,channels] of input images filt_num: the number of filters in the first and last layers This number is multipled linearly increased and decreased throughout the model numBlocks: number of processing blocks. The larger the number the deeper the model output_chan: number of output channels. Set if doing multi-class segmentation regression: Whether to have a continuous output with linear activation Returns: An unintialized Keras model Example useage: SegModel = BlockModel2D([256,256,1],filt_num=8) Notes: Using rows/cols that are powers of 2 is recommended. Otherwise, the rows/cols must be divisible by 2^numBlocks for skip connections to match up properly """ use_bn = True # check for input shape compatibility rows, cols = input_shape[0:2] assert rows % 2**numBlocks == 0, "Input rows and number of blocks are incompatible" assert cols % 2**numBlocks == 0, "Input cols and number of blocks are incompatible" # calculate size reduction startsize = np.max(input_shape[0:2]) minsize = (startsize-np.sum(2**np.arange(1, numBlocks+1)))/2**numBlocks assert minsize > 4, "Too small of input for this many blocks. Use fewer blocks or larger input" # input layer lay_input = Input(shape=input_shape, name='input_layer') # contracting blocks x = lay_input skip_list = [] for rr in range(1, numBlocks+1): x1 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (1, 1), padding='same', name='Conv1_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x1 = BatchNormalization()(x1) x1 = ELU(name='elu_x1_{}'.format(rr))(x1) x3 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='Conv3_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x3 = BatchNormalization()(x3) x3 = ELU(name='elu_x3_{}'.format(rr))(x3) x51 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='Conv51_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x51 = BatchNormalization()(x51) x51 = ELU(name='elu_x51_{}'.format(rr))(x51) x52 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='Conv52_{}'.format(rr))(x51) if use_bn: x52 = BatchNormalization()(x52) x52 = ELU(name='elu_x52_{}'.format(rr))(x52) x = concatenate([x1, x3, x52], name='merge_{}'.format(rr)) x = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (1, 1), padding='valid', name='ConvAll_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_all_{}'.format(rr))(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1), name='PrePad_{}'.format(rr))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (4, 4), padding='valid', strides=(2, 2), name='DownSample_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_downsample_{}'.format(rr))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='ConvClean_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_clean_{}'.format(rr))(x) skip_list.append(x) # expanding blocks expnums = list(range(1, numBlocks+1)) expnums.reverse() for dd in expnums: if dd < len(skip_list): x = concatenate([skip_list[dd-1], x], name='skip_connect_{}'.format(dd)) x1 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (1, 1), padding='same', name='DeConv1_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x1 = BatchNormalization()(x1) x1 = ELU(name='elu_Dx1_{}'.format(dd))(x1) x3 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConv3_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x3 = BatchNormalization()(x3) x3 = ELU(name='elu_Dx3_{}'.format(dd))(x3) x51 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConv51_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x51 = BatchNormalization()(x51) x51 = ELU(name='elu_Dx51_{}'.format(dd))(x51) x52 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConv52_{}'.format(dd))(x51) if use_bn: x52 = BatchNormalization()(x52) x52 = ELU(name='elu_Dx52_{}'.format(dd))(x52) x = concatenate([x1, x3, x52], name='Dmerge_{}'.format(dd)) x = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (1, 1), padding='valid', name='DeConvAll_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_Dall_{}'.format(dd))(x) x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name='UpSample_{}'.format(dd))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConvClean1_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_Dclean1_{}'.format(dd))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConvClean2_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_Dclean2_{}'.format(dd))(x) # classifier lay_out = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid', name='output_layer')(x) return Model(lay_input, lay_out) # Parameterized 2D Block Model def BlockModel_Classifier(input_shape, filt_num=16, numBlocks=3): """Creates a Block model for pretraining on classification task Args: input shape: a list or tuple of [rows,cols,channels] of input images filt_num: the number of filters in the first and last layers This number is multipled linearly increased and decreased throughout the model numBlocks: number of processing blocks. The larger the number the deeper the model output_chan: number of output channels. Set if doing multi-class segmentation regression: Whether to have a continuous output with linear activation Returns: An unintialized Keras model Example useage: SegModel = BlockModel2D([256,256,1],filt_num=8) Notes: Using rows/cols that are powers of 2 is recommended. Otherwise, the rows/cols must be divisible by 2^numBlocks for skip connections to match up properly """ use_bn = True # check for input shape compatibility rows, cols = input_shape[0:2] assert rows % 2**numBlocks == 0, "Input rows and number of blocks are incompatible" assert cols % 2**numBlocks == 0, "Input cols and number of blocks are incompatible" # calculate size reduction startsize = np.max(input_shape[0:2]) minsize = (startsize-np.sum(2**np.arange(1, numBlocks+1)))/2**numBlocks assert minsize > 4, "Too small of input for this many blocks. Use fewer blocks or larger input" # input layer lay_input = Input(shape=input_shape, name='input_layer') # contracting blocks x = lay_input skip_list = [] for rr in range(1, numBlocks+1): x1 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (1, 1), padding='same', name='Conv1_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x1 = BatchNormalization()(x1) x1 = ELU(name='elu_x1_{}'.format(rr))(x1) x3 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='Conv3_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x3 = BatchNormalization()(x3) x3 = ELU(name='elu_x3_{}'.format(rr))(x3) x51 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='Conv51_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x51 = BatchNormalization()(x51) x51 = ELU(name='elu_x51_{}'.format(rr))(x51) x52 = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='Conv52_{}'.format(rr))(x51) if use_bn: x52 = BatchNormalization()(x52) x52 = ELU(name='elu_x52_{}'.format(rr))(x52) x = concatenate([x1, x3, x52], name='merge_{}'.format(rr)) x = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (1, 1), padding='valid', name='ConvAll_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_all_{}'.format(rr))(x) x = ZeroPadding2D(padding=(1, 1), name='PrePad_{}'.format(rr))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (4, 4), padding='valid', strides=(2, 2), name='DownSample_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_downsample_{}'.format(rr))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*rr, (3, 3), padding='same', name='ConvClean_{}'.format(rr))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_skip_{}'.format(rr))(x) # average pooling x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) # classifier lay_out = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='output_layer')(x) return Model(lay_input, lay_out) def ConvertEncoderToCED(model): # Returns a model with frozen encoder layers # and complimentary, unfrozen decoder layers # get input layer # model must be compiled again after using this function lay_input = model.input # get skip connection layer outputs skip_list = [l.output for l in model.layers if 'skip' in] numBlocks = len(skip_list) filt_num = int(skip_list[0].shape[-1]) x = model.layers[-3].output # freeze encoder layers for layer in model.layers: layer.trainable = False use_bn = True # make expanding blocks expnums = list(range(1, numBlocks+1)) expnums.reverse() for dd in expnums: if dd < len(skip_list): x = concatenate([skip_list[dd-1], x], name='skip_connect_{}'.format(dd)) x1 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (1, 1), padding='same', name='DeConv1_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x1 = BatchNormalization()(x1) x1 = ELU(name='elu_Dx1_{}'.format(dd))(x1) x3 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConv3_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x3 = BatchNormalization()(x3) x3 = ELU(name='elu_Dx3_{}'.format(dd))(x3) x51 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConv51_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x51 = BatchNormalization()(x51) x51 = ELU(name='elu_Dx51_{}'.format(dd))(x51) x52 = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConv52_{}'.format(dd))(x51) if use_bn: x52 = BatchNormalization()(x52) x52 = ELU(name='elu_Dx52_{}'.format(dd))(x52) x = concatenate([x1, x3, x52], name='Dmerge_{}'.format(dd)) x = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (1, 1), padding='valid', name='DeConvAll_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_Dall_{}'.format(dd))(x) x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2), name='UpSample_{}'.format(dd))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConvClean1_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_Dclean1_{}'.format(dd))(x) x = Conv2D(filt_num*dd, (3, 3), padding='same', name='DeConvClean2_{}'.format(dd))(x) if use_bn: x = BatchNormalization()(x) x = ELU(name='elu_Dclean2_{}'.format(dd))(x) # classifier lay_out = Conv2D(1, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid', name='output_layer')(x) return Model(lay_input, lay_out) def Inception_model(input_shape=(299, 299, 3)): incep_model = InceptionV3( include_top=False, weights=None, input_shape=input_shape, pooling='avg') input_layer = incep_model.input incep_output = incep_model.output # x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='relu')(incep_output) # x = Flatten()(x) x = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(incep_output) return Model(inputs=input_layer, outputs=x)
# <NAME> 170401038 import math import random r = 3271 def egcd(a,b): if(a == 0): return(b,0,1) else: c,d,e = egcd(b % a, a) return(c, e - (b // a) * d, d) def modInvert(a,b): c,d,e = egcd(a,b) if c != 1: raise Exception('moduler ters bulunamadi') else: return d % b def randomInteger(n): return random.randrange(2 ** (n-1), 2 ** n) | 1 def RabinMiller(f): s = 5 if(f == 2): return 1 if not (f & 1): return 0 p = f-1 u = 0 r = f-1 while (r%2 == 0): r >>= 1 u+=1 def Control(a): z = pow(a, r, f) if z == 1: return 0 for i in range(u): z = pow(a, (2**i) * r, f-1) if z == p: return 0 return 1 for i in range(s): a = random.randrange(2, p-2) if Control(a): return 0 return 1 def Keygen(n): while True: p = randomInteger(n//2) if (p - 1) % r == 0 and RabinMiller(p) and math.gcd(r, int((p - 1) / r)) == 1: break while True: q = randomInteger(n//2) if RabinMiller(q) and math.gcd(r, int(q - 1)) == 1: break N = p * q phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1) while True: y = random.randrange(1, N) if math.gcd(y, N) == 1: x = pow(y, phi * modInvert(r, N) % N, N) if x != 1: break publicKeyFile = open("publickey.txt", "w+") publicKeyFile.write(str(N) + "\n" + str(y)) publicKeyFile.close() privateKeyFile = open("privatekey.txt", "w+") privateKeyFile.write(str(phi) + "\n" + str(x) + "\n" + str(N)) privateKeyFile.close() def encrypt(plaintext, publickeytxt): try: open(publickeytxt, "r") except FileNotFoundError: print("Anahtar çiftleri oluşturulmadan şifrelme işlemi yapılamaz. Lütfen önce Keygen fonksiyonunu çalıştırın.") else: publicKeyFile = open(publickeytxt, "r") N, y ="\n") N = int(N) y = int(y) publicKeyFile.close() plainTextFile = open(plaintext, "r") plainCopy = int("\n")[0]) plainTextFile.close() while True: u = random.randrange(1, int(N)) if math.gcd(y, N) == 1: break cipherText = pow(y, plainCopy, N) * pow(u, r, N) % N cipherTextFile = open("ciphertext.txt", "w+") cipherTextFile.write(str(cipherText)) cipherTextFile.close() def decrypt(ciphertext, privatekeytxt): try: open(privatekeytxt, "r") except FileNotFoundError: print("Anahtar çiftleri oluşturulmadan deşifreleme işlemi yapılamz. Lütfen önce Keygen fonksiyonunu çalıştırın.") else: privateKeyFile = open(privatekeytxt, "r") phi, x, N ="\n") phi, x, N = int(phi), int(x), int(N) privateKeyFile.close() cipherTextFile = open(ciphertext, "r") cipherCopy = int( a = pow(cipherCopy, (phi * modInvert(r, N)) % N, N) for i in range(r -1): if(pow(x, i, N) == a): break plainText2File = open("plaintext2.txt", "w+") plainText2File.write(str(i)) plainText2File.close() plain2File = open("plaintext2.txt", "r") plain1File = open("plaintext.txt", "r") plain1 ="\n")[0] plain2 ="\n")[0] if plain1 == plain2: print("Dosyalar Özdeştir..") else: print("Dosyalar özdeş değildir..") n = int(input("Oluşturulmak istenen anahtar çiftlerinin bit uzunluğunu girin: ")) Keygen(n) encrypt("plaintext.txt","publickey.txt") decrypt("ciphertext.txt", "privatekey.txt")
<filename>python3_module_template/subproject/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @file @brief This the documentation of this module (myexampleb). """ class myclass: """ This is the documentation for this class. **example with a sphinx directives** It works everywhere in the documentation. .. exref:: :title: an example of use Just for documentation purpose. :: m = myclass(0) The old way: @example(an old example of use) This only works from the code, not inserted in a RST file. The source documentation is parsed and every such example is collected and placed in a page ``all_examples.rst`` (look at the source). @code m = myclass(0) @endcode @endexample **FAQ** .. faqref:: :title: How to add a question ? Just look a this section. Look also :ref:`l-FAQ2`. .. faqref:: :title: Add a label :lid: label1 Look also :ref:`l-FAQ2`. **BLOC** .. blocref:: :title: How to add a bloc :tag: aaaa Just look a this bloc. Look also :ref:`l-FAQ2`. An accent, é, to check it is working. A link to github source: :githublink:`source|py`. """ def __init__(self, pa): """ documentation for the constructor @param pa first parameter """ = pa def get_value(self, mul): """ returns the parameter multiplied by a value @param mul a float @return a float """ return * mul
import os import sys if sys.version_info[0] == 2: _ENCODE = sys.getfilesystemencoding() def path_join(*args): bin_args = map(lambda a: a.decode(_ENCODE), args) return os.path.join(*bin_args).encode(_ENCODE) def str_join(s, l): bin_args = map(lambda a: a.decode(_ENCODE), l) b = s.decode(_ENCODE) return b.join(bin_args).encode(_ENCODE) logfile_open = open else: path_join = os.path.join str_join = str.join def logfile_open(*args): return open(*args, errors='replace')
<filename>cinder/tests/unit/ # Copyright 2016 EMC Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_versionedobjects import fields from cinder import objects from cinder.tests.unit import fake_constants as fake def fake_db_group_snapshot(**updates): db_group_snapshot = { 'id': fake.GROUP_SNAPSHOT_ID, 'name': 'group-1', 'status': 'available', 'user_id': fake.USER_ID, 'project_id': fake.PROJECT_ID, 'group_type_id': fake.GROUP_TYPE_ID, 'group_id': fake.GROUP_ID, } for name, field in objects.GroupSnapshot.fields.items(): if name in db_group_snapshot: continue if field.nullable: db_group_snapshot[name] = None elif field.default != fields.UnspecifiedDefault: db_group_snapshot[name] = field.default else: raise Exception('fake_db_group_snapshot needs help with %s.' % name) if updates: db_group_snapshot.update(updates) return db_group_snapshot def fake_group_snapshot_obj(context, **updates): return objects.GroupSnapshot._from_db_object( context, objects.GroupSnapshot(), fake_db_group_snapshot(**updates))
<reponame>nihui/gen-ncnn-models #! /usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import configparser import numpy as np import re,sys,os from graph import MyGraph from collections import OrderedDict def unique_config_sections(config_file): """Convert all config sections to have unique names. Adds unique suffixes to config sections for compability with configparser. """ from collections import defaultdict import io section_counters = defaultdict(int) output_stream = io.StringIO() with open(config_file) as fin: for line in fin: if line.startswith('['): section = line.strip().strip('[]') _section = section + '_' + str(section_counters[section]) section_counters[section] += 1 line = line.replace(section, _section) output_stream.write(line) return output_stream def getFilters(mydict, name): #print('find filters for ', name) if hasattr(mydict[name], 'filters'): return mydict[name].filters else: assert len(mydict[name].input) >= 1 return getFilters(mydict, mydict[name].input[0]) def readfile(f, len, msg): print(" %s read %d bytes" % (msg, len)) return def buildGraph(config_path, weights_path): unique_config_file = unique_config_sections(config_path) cfg_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() cfg_parser.read_file(unique_config_file) weights_file = open(weights_path, 'rb') # read out major, minor, revision, net.seen readfile(weights_file, (4*4), 'head') mydict = OrderedDict() # record the output of the original layer mylist = [] count = 4 import queue for _section in cfg_parser.sections(): sec_q = queue.Queue(0) sec_q.put(cfg_parser[_section]) while not sec_q.empty(): sec = sec_q.get() section = print('Parsing section {}'.format(section)) # this section will can be a subsection if section.startswith('activation') or section.endswith('activation'): activation = sec.get('activation', fallback = 'logistic') if activation == 'linear': pass elif activation == 'linear' or activation == 'leaky' or activation == 'relu': node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'Leaky' if activation == 'linear': node.slope = 1 elif activation == 'leaky': node.slope = 0.1 elif activation == 'relu': node.slope = 0 node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input #node.attr = [] mydict[] = node prev_output = # prev_layer_filters no change else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown activation function `{}` in section {}'.format( activation, section)) if section.startswith('activation'): mylist.append(section) elif re.match(r'^(convolutional|depthwise|groupwise)_\d+$', section): if section.startswith('convolutional'): conv = 'conv' filters = sec.getint('filters', fallback = 1) groups = 1 op = 'Conv2D' elif section.startswith('depthwise'): conv = 'dconv' filters = prev_layer_filters multiplier = sec.getint('multiplier', fallback = 1) assert multiplier == 1 groups = filters op = 'DepthwiseConv2dNative' elif section.startswith('groupwise'): conv = 'gconv' filters = sec.getint('filters', fallback=1) groups = sec.getint('groups', fallback = 1) op = 'DepthwiseConv2dNative' size = sec.getint('size', fallback = 1) stride = sec.getint('stride', fallback = 1) pad = sec.getint('pad', fallback = 0) padding = sec.getint('padding', fallback = 0) activation = sec.get('activation', fallback = 'logistic') batch_normalize = sec.getint('batch_normalize', 0) # padding='same' is equivalent to Darknet pad=1 # padding = 'same' if pad == 1 else 'valid' if pad: padding = size//2 # Setting weights. # Darknet serializes convolutional weights as: # [bias/beta, [gamma, mean, variance], conv_weights] #prev_layer_shape = prev_layer.shape # TODO: This assumes channel last dim_ordering. if conv == 'conv': weights_shape = (size, size, prev_layer_filters, filters) idx_tf2darknet = [0, 1, 2, 3] elif conv == 'dconv': weights_shape = (size, size, filters) idx_tf2darknet = [0, 1, 2] elif conv == 'gconv': weights_shape = (size, size, prev_layer_filters//groups, filters//groups, groups) idx_tf2darknet = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] idxmap = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(idx_tf2darknet)} idx_dartnet2tf = [idxmap[i] for i in range(len(idxmap))] weights_size = np.product(weights_shape) print(' ' + conv, 'bn' if batch_normalize else ' ', activation, weights_shape) conv_bias = np.ndarray( shape=(filters, ), dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (filters * 4), section+'-bias')) count += filters if batch_normalize: bn_weights = np.ndarray( shape=(3, filters), dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (filters * 12), section+'-batchnorm')) count += 3 * filters # TODO: Keras BatchNormalization mistakenly refers to var # as std. bn_weight_list = [ bn_weights[0], # scale gamma conv_bias, # shift beta bn_weights[1], # running mean bn_weights[2] # running var ] conv_weights = np.ndarray( shape=[weights_shape[i] for i in idx_tf2darknet], dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (weights_size * 4), section+'-weights')) count += weights_size # DarkNet conv_weights are serialized Caffe-style: # (out_dim, in_dim, height, width) # We would like to set these to Tensorflow order: # (height, width, in_dim, out_dim) # TODO: Add check for Theano dim ordering. #print("the darknet shape is ", conv_weights.shape) conv_weights = np.transpose(conv_weights, idx_dartnet2tf) #print("the tf shape is ", conv_weights.shape) conv_weights = [conv_weights] if batch_normalize else [ conv_weights, conv_bias ] # Create nodes #conv_layer = np.zeros([1, 1, filters], dtype = np.float32) node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = op node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.kernel = conv_weights[0] node.padding = padding node.strides = [1,stride,stride,1] node.groups = groups node.filters = filters mydict[] = node prev_output = prev_layer_filters = filters if batch_normalize: node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section + '_batch_normalize' node.op = 'FusedBatchNorm' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input #node.attr = [] node.gamma = bn_weights[0] node.beta = conv_bias node.mean = bn_weights[1] node.variance = bn_weights[2] mydict[] = node prev_output = # prev_layer_filters no change else: node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section + '_bias' node.op = 'BiasAdd' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input #node.attr = [] node.bias = conv_bias mydict[] = node prev_output = if activation == 'linear': mylist.append(prev_output) else: tmp_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() name = section + '_activation' tmp_parser.add_section(name) tmp_parser.set(name, 'activation', activation) sec_q.put(tmp_parser[name]) mylist.append(name) elif section.startswith('shuffle'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'Shuffle' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.groups = int(cfg_parser[section]['groups']) mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) elif re.match(r'^(pooling|maxpool|avgpool)_\d+$', section): node = MyGraph.MyNode() node.stride = sec.getint('stride', fallback = 1) node.size = sec.getint('size', node.stride) node.padding = sec.getint('padding', fallback = (node.size-1)//2) if section.startswith('pooling'): node.mode = str(cfg_parser[section]['mode']) node.global_pooling = 0 elif section.startswith('maxpool'): node.mode = 'max' node.global_pooling = 0 elif section.startswith('avgpool'): node.mode = 'avg' node.global_pooling = 1 = section node.op = 'Pooling' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input mydict[] = node prev_output = #print('pooling ', vars(node)) mylist.append(section) elif section.startswith('route'): ids = [int(i) for i in cfg_parser[section]['layers'].split(',')] node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'NCNNConcat' node.input = [mylist[i] for i in ids] #print('mylist is ', mylist, 'the ids is ', ids, 'node input is ', node.input) node.input_norm = node.input node.axis = 0 node.filters = sum([getFilters(mydict, mylist[i]) for i in ids]) mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) prev_layer_filters = node.filters elif section.startswith('reorg'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'DarknetReorg' node.input = [prev_output] node.stride = sec.getint('stride', fallback = 1) node.input_norm = node.input node.filters = getFilters(mydict, node.input[0]) * node.stride * node.stride mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) prev_layer_filters = node.filters elif re.match(r'^(shortcut)_\d+$', section): activation = sec.get('activation', fallback = 'logistic') from_ = sec.getint('from') node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'BinaryOp' node.op_type = 0 node.input = [prev_output, mylist[from_]] #print('mylist is ', mylist, 'the from_ is ', from_, 'node input is ', node.input) node.input_norm = node.input mydict[] = node prev_output = if activation == 'linear': mylist.append(prev_output) else: tmp_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() name = section + '_activation' tmp_parser.add_section(name) tmp_parser.set(name, 'activation', activation) sec_q.put(tmp_parser[name]) # NOTE: this section has relative reference mylist.append(name) elif section.startswith('connected'): activation = sec.get('activation', fallback='linear') filters = sec.getint('output', 2) bias_data = np.ndarray( shape=[filters], dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (filters * 4), section+'-bias')) fc_data = np.ndarray( shape=[prev_layer_filters, filters], dtype=np.float32, buffer=readfile(weights_file, (prev_layer_filters * filters * 4), section+'-weight')) node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'MatMul' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.multiplier = fc_data mydict[] = node prev_output = prev_layer_filters = filters node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section + '_bias' node.op = 'BiasAdd' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input # node.attr = [] node.bias = bias_data mydict[] = node prev_output = if activation == 'linear': mylist.append(prev_output) else: tmp_parser = configparser.ConfigParser() name = section + '_activation' tmp_parser.add_section(name) tmp_parser.set(name, 'activation', activation) sec_q.put(tmp_parser[name]) mylist.append(name) elif section.startswith('net'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'DarknetNet' node.input = [] node.input_norm = [] node.width = int(cfg_parser['net_0']['width']) node.height = int(cfg_parser['net_0']['height']) node.channels = int(cfg_parser['net_0']['channels']) node.filters = node.channels # print(vars(node)) # node.attr = [] mydict[] = node # start here prev_output = prev_layer_filters = node.channels mylist.append(section) elif section.startswith('region'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'DarknetRegion' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input node.classes = int(cfg_parser[section]['classes']) node.num = int(cfg_parser[section]['num']) node.softmax = int(cfg_parser[section]['softmax']) node.anchors = [float(i) for i in re.split(r',', cfg_parser[section]['anchors'])] #print(vars(node)) #node.attr = [] mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) elif section.startswith('softmax'): node = MyGraph.MyNode() = section node.op = 'Softmax' node.input = [prev_output] node.input_norm = node.input mydict[] = node prev_output = mylist.append(section) pass elif section.startswith('cost'): pass # Configs not currently handled during model definition. else: raise ValueError( 'Unsupported section header type: {}'.format(section)) print(' out filters ', prev_layer_filters) print('loaded {} bytes in weights file'.format(count*4)) mygraph = MyGraph(mydict) mygraph.type = 'darknet' return mygraph if __name__ == '__main__': config_path = sys.argv[1] weights_path = sys.argv[2] mygraph = buildGraph(config_path, weights_path) # 定义子图所需要的输出节点,输入节点,终止节点 outputNodes = ['region_0', 'softmax_0'] stopNodes = [] inputNodes = ['darknet_0'] mygraph.extractSubGraph(inputNodes, outputNodes, stopNodes) mygraph.generateDot('') # 生成子图对应的代码 mygraph.generateSource('YoloV2', os.path.split(config_path)[1]+'.ncnn', os.path.split(weights_path)[1] + '.ncnn')
from .grandexchange import GrandExchange, GameItemNotFound, GameItemParseError from .item import Item from .priceinfo import PriceInfo from .pricetrend import PriceTrend
<filename>tests/components/mysensors/ """Provide common mysensors fixtures.""" from __future__ import annotations from import AsyncGenerator, Callable, Generator import json from typing import Any from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, MagicMock, patch from mysensors import BaseSyncGateway from mysensors.persistence import MySensorsJSONDecoder from mysensors.sensor import Sensor import pytest from homeassistant.components.device_tracker.legacy import Device from homeassistant.components.mqtt import DOMAIN as MQTT_DOMAIN from homeassistant.components.mysensors.config_flow import DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE from homeassistant.components.mysensors.const import ( CONF_BAUD_RATE, CONF_DEVICE, CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE, CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE_SERIAL, CONF_VERSION, DOMAIN, ) from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant from homeassistant.setup import async_setup_component from tests.common import MockConfigEntry, load_fixture @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def device_tracker_storage(mock_device_tracker_conf: list[Device]) -> list[Device]: """Mock out device tracker known devices storage.""" devices = mock_device_tracker_conf return devices @pytest.fixture(name="mqtt") def mock_mqtt_fixture(hass: HomeAssistant) -> None: """Mock the MQTT integration.""" hass.config.components.add(MQTT_DOMAIN) @pytest.fixture(name="is_serial_port") def is_serial_port_fixture() -> Generator[MagicMock, None, None]: """Patch the serial port check.""" with patch("") as is_device: is_device.side_effect = lambda device: device yield is_device @pytest.fixture(name="gateway_nodes") def gateway_nodes_fixture() -> dict[int, Sensor]: """Return the gateway nodes dict.""" return {} @pytest.fixture(name="serial_transport") async def serial_transport_fixture( gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], is_serial_port: MagicMock, ) -> AsyncGenerator[dict[int, Sensor], None]: """Mock a serial transport.""" with patch( "mysensors.gateway_serial.AsyncTransport", autospec=True ) as transport_class, patch("mysensors.task.OTAFirmware", autospec=True), patch( "mysensors.task.load_fw", autospec=True ), patch( "mysensors.task.Persistence", autospec=True ) as persistence_class: persistence = persistence_class.return_value mock_gateway_features(persistence, transport_class, gateway_nodes) yield transport_class def mock_gateway_features( persistence: MagicMock, transport_class: MagicMock, nodes: dict[int, Sensor] ) -> None: """Mock the gateway features.""" async def mock_schedule_save_sensors() -> None: """Load nodes from via persistence.""" gateway = transport_class.call_args[0][0] gateway.sensors.update(nodes) persistence.schedule_save_sensors = AsyncMock( side_effect=mock_schedule_save_sensors ) # For some reason autospeccing does not recognize these methods. persistence.safe_load_sensors = MagicMock() persistence.save_sensors = MagicMock() async def mock_connect() -> None: """Mock the start method.""" transport.connect_task = MagicMock() gateway = transport_class.call_args[0][0] gateway.on_conn_made(gateway) transport = transport_class.return_value transport.connect_task = None transport.connect.side_effect = mock_connect @pytest.fixture(name="transport") def transport_fixture(serial_transport: MagicMock) -> MagicMock: """Return the default mocked transport.""" return serial_transport @pytest.fixture def transport_write(transport: MagicMock) -> MagicMock: """Return the transport mock that accepts string messages.""" return transport.return_value.send @pytest.fixture(name="serial_entry") async def serial_entry_fixture(hass: HomeAssistant) -> MockConfigEntry: """Create a config entry for a serial gateway.""" entry = MockConfigEntry( domain=DOMAIN, data={ CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE: CONF_GATEWAY_TYPE_SERIAL, CONF_VERSION: "2.3", CONF_DEVICE: "/test/device", CONF_BAUD_RATE: DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE, }, ) return entry @pytest.fixture(name="config_entry") def config_entry_fixture(serial_entry: MockConfigEntry) -> MockConfigEntry: """Provide the config entry used for integration set up.""" return serial_entry @pytest.fixture(name="integration") async def integration_fixture( hass: HomeAssistant, transport: MagicMock, config_entry: MockConfigEntry ) -> AsyncGenerator[MockConfigEntry, None]: """Set up the mysensors integration with a config entry.""" config: dict[str, Any] = {} config_entry.add_to_hass(hass) with patch("homeassistant.components.mysensors.device.UPDATE_DELAY", new=0): await async_setup_component(hass, DOMAIN, config) await hass.async_block_till_done() yield config_entry @pytest.fixture def receive_message( transport: MagicMock, integration: MockConfigEntry ) -> Callable[[str], None]: """Receive a message for the gateway.""" def receive_message_callback(message_string: str) -> None: """Receive a message with the transport. The message_string parameter is a string in the MySensors message format. """ gateway = transport.call_args[0][0] # node_id;child_id;command;ack;type;payload\n gateway.logic(message_string) return receive_message_callback @pytest.fixture(name="gateway") def gateway_fixture( transport: MagicMock, integration: MockConfigEntry ) -> BaseSyncGateway: """Return a setup gateway.""" return transport.call_args[0][0] def load_nodes_state(fixture_path: str) -> dict: """Load mysensors nodes fixture.""" return json.loads(load_fixture(fixture_path), cls=MySensorsJSONDecoder) def update_gateway_nodes( gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], nodes: dict[int, Sensor] ) -> dict: """Update the gateway nodes.""" gateway_nodes.update(nodes) return nodes @pytest.fixture(name="gps_sensor_state", scope="session") def gps_sensor_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the gps sensor state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/gps_sensor_state.json") @pytest.fixture def gps_sensor(gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], gps_sensor_state: dict) -> Sensor: """Load the gps sensor.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, gps_sensor_state) node = nodes[1] return node @pytest.fixture(name="power_sensor_state", scope="session") def power_sensor_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the power sensor state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/power_sensor_state.json") @pytest.fixture def power_sensor(gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], power_sensor_state: dict) -> Sensor: """Load the power sensor.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, power_sensor_state) node = nodes[1] return node @pytest.fixture(name="energy_sensor_state", scope="session") def energy_sensor_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the energy sensor state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/energy_sensor_state.json") @pytest.fixture def energy_sensor( gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], energy_sensor_state: dict ) -> Sensor: """Load the energy sensor.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, energy_sensor_state) node = nodes[1] return node @pytest.fixture(name="sound_sensor_state", scope="session") def sound_sensor_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the sound sensor state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/sound_sensor_state.json") @pytest.fixture def sound_sensor(gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], sound_sensor_state: dict) -> Sensor: """Load the sound sensor.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, sound_sensor_state) node = nodes[1] return node @pytest.fixture(name="distance_sensor_state", scope="session") def distance_sensor_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the distance sensor state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/distance_sensor_state.json") @pytest.fixture def distance_sensor( gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], distance_sensor_state: dict ) -> Sensor: """Load the distance sensor.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, distance_sensor_state) node = nodes[1] return node @pytest.fixture(name="temperature_sensor_state", scope="session") def temperature_sensor_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the temperature sensor state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/temperature_sensor_state.json") @pytest.fixture def temperature_sensor( gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], temperature_sensor_state: dict ) -> Sensor: """Load the temperature sensor.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, temperature_sensor_state) node = nodes[1] return node @pytest.fixture(name="text_node_state", scope="session") def text_node_state_fixture() -> dict: """Load the text node state.""" return load_nodes_state("mysensors/text_node_state.json") @pytest.fixture def text_node(gateway_nodes: dict[int, Sensor], text_node_state: dict) -> Sensor: """Load the text child node.""" nodes = update_gateway_nodes(gateway_nodes, text_node_state) node = nodes[1] return node
import logging import os from flask import Flask from flask_cors import CORS from app.extensions import api from app.extensions.database import db from app.extensions.schema import ma from app.views import albums, artists, hello, tracks def create_app(config, **kwargs): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) app = Flask(__name__, **kwargs) CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) app.config.from_object(config) # app.url_map.strict_slashes = False with app.app_context(): api.init_app(app) db.init_app(app) db.create_all() ma.init_app(app) api.register_blueprint(hello.blp) api.register_blueprint(artists.blp) api.register_blueprint(albums.blp) api.register_blueprint(tracks.blp) try: os.makedirs(app.instance_path) except OSError: pass return app
import argparse from collections import defaultdict import csv from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum, unique, auto import os import sys import tempfile import yaml import zipfile import gffutils from google.protobuf import json_format from ncbi.datasets.v1alpha1 import dataset_catalog_pb2 from ncbi.datasets.v1alpha1.reports import assembly_pb2 from ncbi.datasets.reports.report_reader import DatasetsReportReader def retrieve_assembly_report(zip_in, catalog, assm_acc: str) -> assembly_pb2.AssemblyDataReport: report_files = get_catalog_files_for_assembly(catalog, dataset_catalog_pb2.File.FileType.DATA_REPORT, assm_acc) for path in report_files: yaml = rpt_rdr = DatasetsReportReader() return rpt_rdr.assembly_report(yaml) def retrieve_data_catalog(zip_in) -> dataset_catalog_pb2.Catalog: catalog_json ='ncbi_dataset/data/dataset_catalog.json') return json_format.Parse(catalog_json, dataset_catalog_pb2.Catalog()) def get_catalog_files_for_assembly(catalog: dataset_catalog_pb2.Catalog, desired_filetype: dataset_catalog_pb2.File.FileType, assm_acc: str): report_files = get_catalog_files(catalog, desired_filetype, assm_acc) filepaths = [] for assm_acc, paths in report_files.items(): filepaths.extend(paths) return filepaths def get_catalog_files(catalog: dataset_catalog_pb2.Catalog, desired_filetype: dataset_catalog_pb2.File.FileType, assm_acc: str = None): files = defaultdict(list) for assm in catalog.assemblies: acc = assm.accession if assm_acc and assm_acc != acc: continue for f in assm.files: filepath = os.path.join('ncbi_dataset', 'data', f.file_path) if f.file_type == desired_filetype: files[acc].append(filepath) return files def get_zip_file_for_acc(acc, path): fname = os.path.join(path, f'{acc}.zip') if os.path.isfile(fname): return fname return None @dataclass class Gene: id: str feat_type: str name: str chrom: str strand: str range_start: int range_stop: int protein_accession: str = "" def get_fields(self): return [self.feat_type,, self.range_start, self.range_stop, self.protein_accession] def name_val(self): return self.protein_accession if self.protein_accession else def find_genes_by_loc(gff3_db, csvout, assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, extra_fields): found_genes = [] feat_types = ('gene', 'pseudogene') for gene in gff3_db.region(seqid=seq_acc, start=start, end=stop, featuretype=feat_types, completely_within=False): gene_name = gene.attributes.get('Name', None)[0] prot_acc = "" if gene.attributes['gene_biotype'][0] == 'protein_coding': cds = list(gff3_db.children(gene, featuretype='CDS')) prot_acc = cds[0].attributes.get('protein_id', None)[0] geneobj = Gene(, gene.featuretype, gene_name, gene.chrom, gene.strand, gene.start, gene.stop, prot_acc, ) csvout.writerow([assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, *extra_fields, *geneobj.get_fields()]) found_genes.append(geneobj) return found_genes class FindGenesByLoc: default_packages_dir = os.path.join('var', 'data', 'packages') def __init__(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--packages-dir', type=str, default=self.default_packages_dir, help=f'root of input data directory [{self.default_packages_dir}]') parser.add_argument('--locs', type=str, help='file containing genomic locations') self.args = parser.parse_args() self.writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, dialect='excel-tab') def read_data(self): for row in csv.reader(iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''), dialect='excel-tab'): yield row def run(self): for assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, *extra in self.read_data(): self.find_all_for_location(assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, extra) def process_loc_for_gff(self, zin, gff_fname, assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, extra_fields): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile: tmpfile.write( db = gffutils.create_db(, dbfn=':memory:', force=True, keep_order=True, merge_strategy='merge', sort_attribute_values=True ) find_genes_by_loc(db, self.writer, assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, extra_fields) def find_all_for_location(self, assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, extra_fields): zip_file = get_zip_file_for_acc(assm_acc, self.args.packages_dir) try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, 'r') as zin: catalog = retrieve_data_catalog(zin) gff_files = get_catalog_files(catalog, dataset_catalog_pb2.File.FileType.GFF3) for assm_acc, gff_files in gff_files.items(): report = retrieve_assembly_report(zin, catalog, assm_acc) for gff_fname in gff_files: self.process_loc_for_gff(zin, gff_fname, assm_acc, seq_acc, start, stop, extra_fields) except zipfile.BadZipFile: print(f'{zip_file} is not a zip file') if __name__ == '__main__': FindGenesByLoc().run()
############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ Unit tests for DirectoryView module. """ import sys import unittest import warnings from os import mkdir from os import remove from os.path import join from tempfile import mktemp from App.config import getConfiguration from . import _globals from .base.dummy import DummyFolder from .base.testcase import FSDVTest from .base.testcase import WritableFSDVTest class DirectoryViewPathTests(unittest.TestCase): """ These test that, no matter what is stored in their dirpath, FSDV's will do their best to find an appropriate skin and only do nothing in the case where an appropriate skin can't be found. """ def setUp(self): from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import addDirectoryViews from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerDirectory registerDirectory('fake_skins', _globals) self.ob = DummyFolder() addDirectoryViews(self.ob, 'fake_skins', _globals) def test__generateKey(self): from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import _generateKey key = _generateKey('Products.CMFCore', 'tests') self.assertEqual(key.split(':')[0], 'Products.CMFCore') subkey = _generateKey('Products.CMFCore', 'tests\foo') self.assertTrue(subkey.startswith(key)) def test__findProductForPath(self): from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import _findProductForPath cmfpath = sys.modules['Products.CMFCore'].__path__[0] self.assertEqual(_findProductForPath(cmfpath), ('Products.CMFCore', '')) cmfpath = join(cmfpath, 'tests') self.assertEqual(_findProductForPath(cmfpath), ('Products.CMFCore', 'tests')) def test_getDirectoryInfo(self): skin = self.ob.fake_skin skin.manage_properties('Products.CMFCore.tests:fake_skins/fake_skin') self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin, 'test1'), self.ob.fake_skin.getDirPath()) # Test we do nothing if given a really wacky path def test_UnhandleableExpandPath(self): file = mktemp() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter('always') self.ob.fake_skin.manage_properties(file) self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.objectIds(), []) # Check that a warning was raised. self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning)) text = ('DirectoryView fake_skin refers to a non-existing path %r' % file) self.assertTrue(text in str(w[-1].message)) # this test tests that registerDirectory creates keys in the right format. def test_registerDirectoryKeys(self): from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import _dirreg dirs = _dirreg._directories self.assertTrue('Products.CMFCore.tests:fake_skins/fake_skin' in dirs, dirs.keys()) self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.getDirPath(), 'Products.CMFCore.tests:fake_skins/fake_skin') class DirectoryViewTests(FSDVTest): def setUp(self): FSDVTest.setUp(self) self._registerDirectory(self) def test_addDirectoryViews(self): # Test addDirectoryViews # also test registration of directory views doesn't barf pass def test_DirectoryViewExists(self): # Check DirectoryView added by addDirectoryViews # appears as a DirectoryViewSurrogate due # to Acquisition hackery. from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import DirectoryViewSurrogate self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.ob.fake_skin, DirectoryViewSurrogate)) def test_DirectoryViewMethod(self): # Check if DirectoryView method works self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.test1(), 'test1') def test_properties(self): # Make sure the directory view is reading properties self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.testPT.title, 'Zope Pope') def test_ignored(self): # Test that "artifact" files and dirs are ignored for name in '#test1', 'CVS', '.test1', 'test1~': self.assertTrue(name not in self.ob.fake_skin.objectIds(), '%s not ignored' % name) def test_surrogate_writethrough(self): # CMF Collector 316: It is possible to cause ZODB writes because # setting attributes on the non-persistent surrogate writes them # into the persistent DirectoryView as well. This is bad in situations # where you only want to store markers and remove them before the # transaction has ended - they never got removed because there was # no equivalent __delattr__ on the surrogate that would clean up # the persistent DirectoryView as well. fs = self.ob.fake_skin test_foo = 'My Foovalue' = test_foo self.assertEqual(, test_foo) self.assertEqual(fs.__dict__['_real'].foo, test_foo) del self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, fs, 'foo') self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, fs.__dict__['_real'], 'foo') class DirectoryViewIgnoreTests(FSDVTest): def setUp(self): FSDVTest.setUp(self) self.manual_ign = ('CVS', 'SVN', '') self._registerDirectory(self, ignore=self.manual_ign) def test_ignored(self): # Test that "artifact" files and dirs are ignored, # even when a custom ignore list is used; and that the # custom ignore list is also honored auto_ign = ('#test1', '.test1', 'test1~') must_ignore = self.manual_ign + auto_ign + ('test_manual_ignore',) visible = self.ob.fake_skin.objectIds() for name in must_ignore: self.assertFalse(name in visible) class DirectoryViewFolderTests(FSDVTest): def setUp(self): FSDVTest.setUp(self) self._registerDirectory(self) def tearDown(self): from Products.CMFCore import DirectoryView # This is nasty, but there is no way to unregister anything # right now... metatype_registry = DirectoryView._dirreg._meta_types if 'FOLDER' in metatype_registry: del metatype_registry['FOLDER'] FSDVTest.tearDown(self) def test_DirectoryViewMetadata(self): # Test to determine if metadata shows up correctly on a # FSDV that has a corresponding .metadata file testfolder = self.ob.fake_skin.test_directory self.assertEqual(testfolder.title, 'test_directory Title') def test_DirectoryViewMetadataOnPropertyManager(self): # Test to determine if metadata shows up correctly on a # FSDV that has a corresponding .metadata file testfolder = self.ob.fake_skin.test_directory self.assertEqual(testfolder.getProperty('title'), 'test_directory Title') def test_DirectoryViewFolderDefault(self): # Test that a folder inside the fake skin really is of type # DirectoryViewSurrogate from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import DirectoryViewSurrogate testfolder = self.ob.fake_skin.test_directory self.assertTrue(isinstance(testfolder, DirectoryViewSurrogate)) def test_DirectoryViewFolderCustom(self): # Now we register a different class under the fake meta_type # "FOLDER" and test again... from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import DirectoryView from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerMetaType class DummyDirectoryViewSurrogate: pass class DummyDirectoryView(DirectoryView): def __of__(self, parent): return DummyDirectoryViewSurrogate() registerMetaType('FOLDER', DummyDirectoryView) # In order to regenerate the FSDV data we need to remove and # register again, that way the newly registered meta_type is used self.ob._delObject('fake_skin') self._registerDirectory(self) testfolder = self.ob.fake_skin.test_directory self.assertTrue(isinstance(testfolder, DummyDirectoryViewSurrogate)) class DebugModeTests(WritableFSDVTest): def setUp(self): from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import _dirreg WritableFSDVTest.setUp(self) self.saved_cfg_debug_mode = getConfiguration().debug_mode getConfiguration().debug_mode = True # initialise skins self._registerDirectory(self) # add a method to the fake skin folder self._writeFile('', "return 'test2'") # edit the test1 method self._writeFile('', "return 'new test1'") # add a new folder mkdir(join(self.skin_path_name, 'test3')) info = _dirreg.getDirectoryInfo(self.ob.fake_skin._dirpath) info.reload() self.use_dir_mtime = info.use_dir_mtime def tearDown(self): getConfiguration().debug_mode = self.saved_cfg_debug_mode WritableFSDVTest.tearDown(self) def test_AddNewMethod(self): # See if a method added to the skin folder can be found self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.test2(), 'test2') def test_EditMethod(self): # See if an edited method exhibits its new behaviour self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.test1(), 'new test1') def test_DeleteMethod(self): # Make sure a deleted method goes away remove(join(self.skin_path_name, '')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin, 'test2')) def test_DeleteAddEditMethod(self): # Check that if we delete a method, then add it back, # then edit it, the DirectoryView notices. # This exercises yet another Win32 mtime weirdity. remove(join(self.skin_path_name, '')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin, 'test2')) # add method back to the fake skin folder self._writeFile('', "return 'test2.2'", self.use_dir_mtime) # check self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.test2(), 'test2.2') # edit method self._writeFile('', "return 'test2.3'", self.use_dir_mtime) # check self.assertEqual(self.ob.fake_skin.test2(), 'test2.3') def test_NewFolder(self): # See if a new folder shows up self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin, 'test3')) def test_DeleteFolder(self): # Make sure a deleted folder goes away self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin, 'test_directory')) # It has a file, which we need to delete first. self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin.test_directory, 'README.txt')) self._deleteFile(join('test_directory', 'README.txt'), self.use_dir_mtime) self._deleteDirectory('test_directory', self.use_dir_mtime) self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.ob.fake_skin, 'test_directory')) def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DirectoryViewPathTests)) suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DirectoryViewTests)) suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DirectoryViewIgnoreTests)) suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DirectoryViewFolderTests)) suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(DebugModeTests)) return suite
<gh_stars>100-1000 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms # handle normal mixing or premixing def getHcalDigitizer(process): if hasattr(process,'mixData'): return process.mixData if hasattr(process,'mix') and hasattr(process.mix,'digitizers') and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hcal'): return process.mix.digitizers.hcal return None def getHGCalDigitizer(process,section): if hasattr(process,'mix') and hasattr(process.mix,'digitizers'): if section == 'EE' and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hgceeDigitizer'): return process.mix.digitizers.hgceeDigitizer elif section == 'FH' and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hgchefrontDigitizer'): return process.mix.digitizers.hgchefrontDigitizer elif section == 'BH' and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hgchebackDigitizer'): return process.mix.digitizers.hgchebackDigitizer elif section == 'HFNose' and hasattr(process.mix.digitizers,'hfnoseDigitizer'): return process.mix.digitizers.hfnoseDigitizer return None # change assumptions about lumi rate def setScenarioHLLHC(module,scenarioHLLHC): if scenarioHLLHC=="nominal": from CalibCalorimetry.HcalPlugins.HBHEDarkening_cff import _years_LHC, _years_HLLHC_nominal module.years = _years_LHC + _years_HLLHC_nominal elif scenarioHLLHC=="ultimate": from CalibCalorimetry.HcalPlugins.HBHEDarkening_cff import _years_LHC, _years_HLLHC_ultimate module.years = _years_LHC + _years_HLLHC_ultimate return module # turnon = True enables default, False disables # recalibration and darkening always together def ageHB(process,turnon,scenarioHLLHC): if turnon: from CalibCalorimetry.HcalPlugins.HBHEDarkening_cff import HBDarkeningEP process.HBDarkeningEP = HBDarkeningEP process.HBDarkeningEP = setScenarioHLLHC(process.HBDarkeningEP,scenarioHLLHC) hcaldigi = getHcalDigitizer(process) if hcaldigi is not None: hcaldigi.HBDarkening = cms.bool(turnon) if hasattr(process,'es_hardcode'): process.es_hardcode.HBRecalibration = cms.bool(turnon) return process def ageHE(process,turnon,scenarioHLLHC): if turnon: from CalibCalorimetry.HcalPlugins.HBHEDarkening_cff import HEDarkeningEP process.HEDarkeningEP = HEDarkeningEP process.HEDarkeningEP = setScenarioHLLHC(process.HEDarkeningEP,scenarioHLLHC) hcaldigi = getHcalDigitizer(process) if hcaldigi is not None: hcaldigi.HEDarkening = cms.bool(turnon) if hasattr(process,'es_hardcode'): process.es_hardcode.HERecalibration = cms.bool(turnon) return process def ageHF(process,turnon): hcaldigi = getHcalDigitizer(process) if hcaldigi is not None: hcaldigi.HFDarkening = cms.bool(turnon) if hasattr(process,'es_hardcode'): process.es_hardcode.HFRecalibration = cms.bool(turnon) return process def agedHFNose(process,algo=0): from SimCalorimetry.HGCalSimProducers.hgcalDigitizer_cfi import HFNose_setEndOfLifeNoise process = HFNose_setEndOfLifeNoise(process,byDose=True,byDoseAlgo=algo) return process def agedHGCal(process,algo=0): from SimCalorimetry.HGCalSimProducers.hgcalDigitizer_cfi import HGCal_setEndOfLifeNoise process = HGCal_setEndOfLifeNoise(process,byDose=True,byDoseAlgo=algo) return process def realisticHGCalStartup(process): from SimCalorimetry.HGCalSimProducers.hgcalDigitizer_cfi import HGCal_setRealisticStartupNoise process = HGCal_setRealisticStartupNoise(process) return process # needs lumi to set proper ZS thresholds (tbd) def ageSiPM(process,turnon,lumi): process.es_hardcode.hbUpgrade.doRadiationDamage = turnon process.es_hardcode.heUpgrade.doRadiationDamage = turnon # todo: determine ZS threshold adjustments # adjust PF thresholds for increased noise # based on: hcal_lumis = [300, 1000, 3000, 4500, 1e10] hcal_thresholds = { 300: { "seed": [0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.75], "rec": [0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6], }, 1000: { "seed": [1.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5], "rec": [0.8, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2], }, 3000: { "seed": [1.25, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5], "rec": [1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0], }, 4500: { "seed": [1.5, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0], "rec": [1.25, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5], }, } ctmodules = ['calotowermaker','caloTowerForTrk','caloTowerForTrkPreSplitting','towerMaker','towerMakerWithHO'] for ilumi, hcal_lumi in enumerate(hcal_lumis[:-1]): if lumi >= hcal_lumi and lumi < hcal_lumis[ilumi+1]: if hasattr(process,'particleFlowClusterHBHE'): process.particleFlowClusterHBHE.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector[0].seedingThreshold = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["seed"] process.particleFlowClusterHBHE.initialClusteringStep.thresholdsByDetector[0].gatheringThreshold = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"] process.particleFlowClusterHBHE.pfClusterBuilder.recHitEnergyNorms[0].recHitEnergyNorm = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"] process.particleFlowClusterHBHE.pfClusterBuilder.positionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector[0].logWeightDenominator = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"] process.particleFlowClusterHBHE.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector[0].logWeightDenominator = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"] if hasattr(process,'particleFlowClusterHCAL'): process.particleFlowClusterHCAL.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector[0].logWeightDenominator = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"] if hasattr(process,'particleFlowRecHitHBHE'): process.particleFlowRecHitHBHE.producers[0].qualityTests[0].cuts[0].threshold = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"] for ctmod in ctmodules: if hasattr(process,ctmod): getattr(process,ctmod).HBThreshold1 = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"][0] getattr(process,ctmod).HBThreshold2 = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"][1] getattr(process,ctmod).HBThreshold = hcal_thresholds[hcal_lumi]["rec"][-1] break return process def ageHcal(process,lumi,instLumi,scenarioHLLHC): hcaldigi = getHcalDigitizer(process) if hcaldigi is not None: hcaldigi.DelivLuminosity = cms.double(float(lumi)) # integrated lumi in fb-1 # these lines need to be further activated by turning on 'complete' aging for HF if hasattr(process,'g4SimHits'): process.g4SimHits.HCalSD.InstLuminosity = cms.double(float(instLumi)) process.g4SimHits.HCalSD.DelivLuminosity = cms.double(float(lumi)) # recalibration and darkening always together if hasattr(process,'es_hardcode'): process.es_hardcode.iLumi = cms.double(float(lumi)) # functions to enable individual subdet aging process = ageHB(process,True,scenarioHLLHC) process = ageHE(process,True,scenarioHLLHC) process = ageHF(process,True) process = ageSiPM(process,True,lumi) return process def turn_on_HB_aging(process): process = ageHB(process,True,"") return process def turn_off_HB_aging(process): process = ageHB(process,False,"") return process def turn_on_HE_aging(process): process = ageHE(process,True,"") return process def turn_off_HE_aging(process): process = ageHE(process,False,"") return process def turn_on_HF_aging(process): process = ageHF(process,True) return process def turn_off_HF_aging(process): process = ageHF(process,False) return process def turn_off_SiPM_aging(process): process = ageSiPM(process,False,0.0) return process def hf_complete_aging(process): if hasattr(process,'g4SimHits'): process.g4SimHits.HCalSD.HFDarkening = cms.untracked.bool(True) hcaldigi = getHcalDigitizer(process) if hcaldigi is not None: hcaldigi.HFDarkening = cms.untracked.bool(False) return process def ageEcal(process,lumi,instLumi): if hasattr(process,'g4SimHits'): #these lines need to be further activiated by tuning on 'complete' aging for ecal process.g4SimHits.ECalSD.InstLuminosity = cms.double(instLumi) process.g4SimHits.ECalSD.DelivLuminosity = cms.double(float(lumi)) # available conditions ecal_lumis = [300,1000,3000,4500] ecal_conditions = [ ['EcalIntercalibConstantsRcd','EcalIntercalibConstants_TL{:d}_upgrade_8deg_v2_mc'], ['EcalIntercalibConstantsMCRcd','EcalIntercalibConstantsMC_TL{:d}_upgrade_8deg_v2_mc'], ['EcalLaserAPDPNRatiosRcd','EcalLaserAPDPNRatios_TL{:d}_upgrade_8deg_mc'], ['EcalPedestalsRcd','EcalPedestals_TL{:d}_upgradeTIA_8deg_mc'], ['EcalTPGLinearizationConstRcd','EcalTPGLinearizationConst_TL{:d}_upgrade_8deg_mc'], ] # update PF thresholds, based on ecal_thresholds = { 300 : 0.103, 1000 : 0.175, 3000 : 0.435, 4500 : 0.707, } ecal_seed_multiplier = 2.5 # try to get conditions if int(lumi) in ecal_lumis: if not hasattr(process.GlobalTag,'toGet'): process.GlobalTag.toGet=cms.VPSet() for ecal_condition in ecal_conditions: process.GlobalTag.toGet.append(cms.PSet( record = cms.string(ecal_condition[0]), tag = cms.string(ecal_condition[1].format(int(lumi))), connect = cms.string("frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS") ) ) if hasattr(process,"particleFlowClusterECALUncorrected"): _seeds = process.particleFlowClusterECALUncorrected.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector for iseed in range(0,len(_seeds)): if _seeds[iseed].detector.value()=="ECAL_BARREL": _seeds[iseed].seedingThreshold = cms.double(ecal_thresholds[int(lumi)]*ecal_seed_multiplier) _clusters = process.particleFlowClusterECALUncorrected.initialClusteringStep.thresholdsByDetector for icluster in range(0,len(_clusters)): if _clusters[icluster].detector.value()=="ECAL_BARREL": _clusters[icluster].gatheringThreshold = cms.double(ecal_thresholds[int(lumi)]) return process def ecal_complete_aging(process): if hasattr(process,'g4SimHits'): process.g4SimHits.ECalSD.AgeingWithSlopeLY = cms.untracked.bool(True) if hasattr(process,'ecal_digi_parameters'): process.ecal_digi_parameters.UseLCcorrection = cms.untracked.bool(False) return process def customise_aging_300(process): process=ageHcal(process,300,5.0e34,"nominal") process=ageEcal(process,300,5.0e34) return process def customise_aging_1000(process): process=ageHcal(process,1000,5.0e34,"nominal") process=turn_off_HE_aging(process) #avoid conflict between HGCal and Hcal in phase2 geom configuration process=ageEcal(process,1000,5.0e34) return process def customise_aging_3000(process): process=ageHcal(process,3000,5.0e34,"nominal") process=turn_off_HE_aging(process) #avoid conflict between HGCal and Hcal in phase2 geom configuration process=ageEcal(process,3000,5.0e34) process=agedHGCal(process) process=agedHFNose(process) return process def customise_aging_3000_ultimate(process): process=ageHcal(process,3000,7.5e34,"ultimate") process=turn_off_HE_aging(process) #avoid conflict between HGCal and Hcal in phase2 geom configuration process=ageEcal(process,3000,7.5e34) process=agedHGCal(process) process=agedHFNose(process) return process def customise_aging_4500_ultimate(process): process=ageHcal(process,4500,7.5e34,"ultimate") process=turn_off_HE_aging(process) #avoid conflict between HGCal and Hcal in phase2 geom configuration process=ageEcal(process,4500,7.5e34) process=agedHGCal(process) process=agedHFNose(process) return process
import time import datetime import contextlib @contextlib.contextmanager def patch(obj, **attrs): "Monkey patch an object's attributes, restoring them after the block." stored = {} for name in attrs: stored[name] = getattr(obj, name) setattr(obj, name, attrs[name]) try: yield finally: for name in stored: setattr(obj, name, stored[name]) @contextlib.contextmanager def timed(msg='', threshold=0): "Print elapsed time of a block, if over optional threshold." start = time.time() try: yield finally: elapsed = time.time() - start if elapsed >= threshold: print datetime.timedelta(seconds=elapsed), msg
# Test definitions for Lit, the LLVM test runner. # # This is reusing the LLVM Lit test runner in the interim until the new build # rules are upstreamed. # TODO(b/136126535): remove this custom rule. """Lit runner globbing test """ load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "filegroup") load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths") load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_test", "tf_native_cc_binary", "tf_copts") # Default values used by the test runner. _default_test_file_exts = ["mlir", ".pbtxt", ".td"] _default_driver = "@llvm-project//" _default_size = "small" _default_tags = [] # These are patterns which we should never match, for tests, subdirectories, or # test input data files. _ALWAYS_EXCLUDE = [ "**/LICENSE.txt", "**/README.txt", "**/lit.local.cfg", # Exclude input files that have spaces in their names, since bazel # cannot cope with such "targets" in the srcs list. "**/* *", "**/* */**", ] def _run_lit_test(name, test_file, data, size, tags, driver, features, exec_properties): """Runs lit on all tests it can find in `data` under tensorflow/compiler/mlir. Note that, due to Bazel's hermetic builds, lit only sees the tests that are included in the `data` parameter, regardless of what other tests might exist in the directory searched. Args: name: str, the name of the test, including extension. data: [str], the data input to the test. size: str, the size of the test. tags: [str], tags to attach to the test. driver: str, label of the driver shell script. Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported and specifying a default driver will abort the tests. features: [str], list of extra features to enable. """ name_without_suffix = test_file[0].split('.')[0] local_test_files = name + ".test_files" filegroup( name = local_test_files, srcs = native.glob([ "data/" + name_without_suffix + "*.mlir", ]), ) tf_cc_test( name = name, srcs = test_file, size = size, deps = [ "//tensorflow/compiler/mlir/disc/tests:mlir_feature_test", "//tensorflow/core:test", "//tensorflow/core:test_main", "//tensorflow/core:testlib", ], data = [":" + local_test_files] + data + [ "//tensorflow/compiler/mlir/disc:disc_compiler_main", "//tensorflow/compiler/mlir:tf-mlir-translate", "//tensorflow/compiler/mlir:tf-opt", ], ) def glob_op_tests( exclude = [], test_file_exts = _default_test_file_exts, default_size = _default_size, size_override = {}, data = [], per_test_extra_data = {}, default_tags = _default_tags, tags_override = {}, driver = _default_driver, features = [], exec_properties = {}): """Creates all plausible Lit tests (and their inputs) under this directory. Args: exclude: [str], paths to exclude (for tests and inputs). test_file_exts: [str], extensions for files that are tests. default_size: str, the test size for targets not in "size_override". size_override: {str: str}, sizes to use for specific tests. data: [str], additional input data to the test. per_test_extra_data: {str: [str]}, extra data to attach to a given file. default_tags: [str], additional tags to attach to the test. tags_override: {str: str}, tags to add to specific tests. driver: str, label of the driver shell script. Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported and specifying a default driver will abort the tests. features: [str], list of extra features to enable. exec_properties: a dictionary of properties to pass on. """ # Ignore some patterns by default for tests and input data. exclude = _ALWAYS_EXCLUDE + exclude tests = native.glob( ["*." + ext for ext in test_file_exts], exclude = exclude, ) # Run tests individually such that errors can be attributed to a specific # failure. for i in range(len(tests)): curr_test = tests[i] # Instantiate this test with updated parameters. lit_test( name = curr_test, data = data + per_test_extra_data.get(curr_test, []), size = size_override.get(curr_test, default_size), tags = default_tags + tags_override.get(curr_test, []), driver = driver, features = features, exec_properties = exec_properties, ) def lit_test( name, data = [], size = _default_size, tags = _default_tags, driver = _default_driver, features = [], exec_properties = {}): """Runs test files under lit. Args: name: str, the name of the test. data: [str], labels that should be provided as data inputs. size: str, the size of the test. tags: [str], tags to attach to the test. driver: str, label of the driver shell script. Note: use of a custom driver is not currently supported and specifying a default driver will abort the tests. features: [str], list of extra features to enable. """ _run_lit_test(name + ".test", [name], data, size, tags, driver, features, exec_properties)
import datetime from fastapi import APIRouter router = APIRouter() @router.get("", tags=["health"]) async def get_health(): return { "results": [], "status": "success", "timestamp": }
<filename>withdrawal/<gh_stars>10-100 from decimal import Decimal from .abc import WithdrawalStrategy # Bengen's Floor-to-Ceiling, as described in McClung's Living Off Your Money class FloorCeiling(WithdrawalStrategy): def __init__(self, portfolio, harvest_strategy, rate=.05, floor=.9, ceiling=1.25): super().__init__(portfolio, harvest_strategy) self.floor = Decimal(floor) self.ceiling = Decimal(ceiling) self.rate = Decimal(rate) def start(self): amount = self.rate * self.portfolio.value self.initial_amount = amount return amount def next(self): amount = self.rate * self.portfolio.value initial_amount_inflation_adjusted = self.initial_amount * self.cumulative_inflation floor = initial_amount_inflation_adjusted * self.floor ceiling = initial_amount_inflation_adjusted * self.ceiling amount = max(amount, floor) amount = min(amount, ceiling) return amount
<filename>ding/hpc_rl/ import importlib from ditk import logging from collections import OrderedDict from functools import wraps import ding ''' Overview: `hpc_wrapper` is the wrapper for functions which are supported by hpc. If a function is wrapped by it, we will search for its hpc type and return the function implemented by hpc. We will use the following code as a sample to introduce `hpc_wrapper`: ``` @hpc_wrapper(shape_fn=shape_fn_dntd, namedtuple_data=True, include_args=[0,1,2,3], include_kwargs=['data', 'gamma', 'v_min', 'v_max'], is_cls_method=False) def dist_nstep_td_error( data: namedtuple, gamma: float, v_min: float, v_max: float, n_atom: int, nstep: int = 1, ) -> torch.Tensor: ... ``` Parameters: - shape_fn (:obj:`function`): a function which return the shape needed by hpc function. In fact, it returns all args that the hpc function needs. - nametuple_data (:obj:`bool`): If True, when hpc function is called, it will be called as hpc_function(*nametuple). If False, nametuple data will remain its `nametuple` type. - include_args (:obj:`list`): a list of index of the args need to be set in hpc function. As shown in the sample, include_args=[0,1,2,3], which means `data`, `gamma`, `v_min` and `v_max` will be set in hpc function. - include_kwargs (:obj:`list`): a list of key of the kwargs need to be set in hpc function. As shown in the sample, include_kwargs=['data', 'gamma', 'v_min', 'v_max'], which means `data`, `gamma`, `v_min` and `v_max` will be set in hpc function. - is_cls_method (:obj:`bool`): If True, it means the function we wrap is a method of a class. `self` will be put into args. We will get rid of `self` in args. Besides, we will use its classname as its fn_name. If False, it means the function is a simple method. Q&A: - Q: Is `include_args` and `include_kwargs` need to be set at the same time? - A: Yes. `include_args` and `include_kwargs` can deal with all type of input, such as (data, gamma, v_min=v_min, v_max=v_max) and (data, gamma, v_min, v_max). - Q: What is `hpc_fns`? - A: Here we show a normal `hpc_fns`: ``` hpc_fns = { 'fn_name1': { 'runtime_name1': hpc_fn1, 'runtime_name2': hpc_fn2, ... }, ... } ``` Besides, `per_fn_limit` means the max length of `hpc_fns[fn_name]`. When new function comes, the oldest function will be popped from `hpc_fns[fn_name]`. ''' hpc_fns = {} per_fn_limit = 3 def register_runtime_fn(fn_name, runtime_name, shape): fn_name_mapping = { 'gae': ['hpc_rll.rl_utils.gae', 'GAE'], 'dist_nstep_td_error': ['', 'DistNStepTD'], 'LSTM': ['', 'LSTM'], 'ppo_error': ['hpc_rll.rl_utils.ppo', 'PPO'], 'q_nstep_td_error': ['', 'QNStepTD'], 'q_nstep_td_error_with_rescale': ['', 'QNStepTDRescale'], 'ScatterConnection': ['', 'ScatterConnection'], 'td_lambda_error': ['', 'TDLambda'], 'upgo_loss': ['hpc_rll.rl_utils.upgo', 'UPGO'], 'vtrace_error': ['hpc_rll.rl_utils.vtrace', 'VTrace'], } fn_str = fn_name_mapping[fn_name] cls = getattr(importlib.import_module(fn_str[0]), fn_str[1]) hpc_fn = cls(*shape).cuda() if fn_name not in hpc_fns: hpc_fns[fn_name] = OrderedDict() hpc_fns[fn_name][runtime_name] = hpc_fn while len(hpc_fns[fn_name]) > per_fn_limit: hpc_fns[fn_name].popitem(last=False) # print(hpc_fns) return hpc_fn def hpc_wrapper(shape_fn=None, namedtuple_data=False, include_args=[], include_kwargs=[], is_cls_method=False): def decorate(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if ding.enable_hpc_rl: shape = shape_fn(args, kwargs) if is_cls_method: fn_name = args[0].__class__.__name__ else: fn_name = fn.__name__ runtime_name = '_'.join([fn_name] + [str(s) for s in shape]) if fn_name not in hpc_fns or runtime_name not in hpc_fns[fn_name]: hpc_fn = register_runtime_fn(fn_name, runtime_name, shape) else: hpc_fn = hpc_fns[fn_name][runtime_name] if is_cls_method: args = args[1:] clean_args = [] for i in include_args: if i < len(args): clean_args.append(args[i]) nouse_args = list(set(list(range(len(args)))).difference(set(include_args))) clean_kwargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in include_kwargs: if k == 'lambda_': k = 'lambda' clean_kwargs[k] = v nouse_kwargs = list(set(kwargs.keys()).difference(set(include_kwargs))) if len(nouse_args) > 0 or len(nouse_kwargs) > 0: logging.warn( 'in {}, index {} of args are dropped, and keys {} of kwargs are dropped.'.format( runtime_name, nouse_args, nouse_kwargs ) ) if namedtuple_data: data = args[0] # args[0] is a namedtuple return hpc_fn(*data, *clean_args[1:], **clean_kwargs) else: return hpc_fn(*clean_args, **clean_kwargs) else: return fn(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorate
<reponame>plojyon/resolwe<gh_stars>10-100 """.. Ignore pydocstyle D400. ======= Resolwe ======= Open source enterprise dataflow engine in Django. """ from resolwe.__about__ import ( # noqa: F401 __author__, __copyright__, __email__, __license__, __summary__, __title__, __url__, __version__, )
from __future__ import division, print_function __author__ = 'saeedamen' # <NAME> / <EMAIL> # # Copyright 2017 Cuemacro Ltd. - http// / @cuemacro # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # ## Web server components import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import base64 import os ## Date/time components import pandas as pd import datetime from datetime import timedelta from collections import OrderedDict from pandas.tseries.offsets import * from tcapy.vis.layoutdash import LayoutDash ######################################################################################################################## class LayoutDashImplGen(LayoutDash): """This implements the LayoutDash abstract class, to create the web based GUI for the tcapy application. It creates two web pages - detailed_page - for doing detailed tcapy analysis for a specific currency pair - aggregated_page - for more aggregated style analysis across multiple currency pairs and over multiple time periods """ def __init__(self, app=None, constants=None, url_prefix=''): super(LayoutDashImplGen, self).__init__(app=app, constants=constants, url_prefix=url_prefix) available_dates = pd.date_range( - timedelta(days=self._constants.gui_lookback_window),, freq=BDay()) times = pd.date_range("0:00", "23:59", freq="15min") ### create the possible values for drop down boxes on both pages # Reverse date list (for both detailed and aggregated pages) self.available_dates = [ for x in available_dates[::-1]] # For detailed page only self.available_times = [t.strftime("%H:%M") for t in times] self.available_tickers = self._constants.available_tickers_dictionary['All'] self.available_venues = self._constants.available_venues_dictionary['All'] self.available_brokers = self._constants.available_brokers_dictionary['All'] self.available_algos = self._constants.available_algos_dictionary['All'] self.available_market_data = self._constants.available_market_data self.available_order_plot_lines = ['candlestick', 'mid', 'bid', 'ask', 'arrival', 'twap', 'vwap', 'buy trade', 'sell trade'] self.available_execution_plot_lines = ['candlestick', 'mid', 'bid', 'ask', 'buy trade', 'sell trade'] self.available_slippage_bounds = ['0.25', '0.5', '1.0', '1.25', '1.5', '2.0', 'bid/ask'] # For aggregated page only self.available_grouped_tickers = self._flatten_dictionary(self._constants.available_tickers_dictionary) self.available_grouped_venues = self._flatten_dictionary(self._constants.available_venues_dictionary) self.available_grouped_brokers = self._flatten_dictionary(self._constants.available_brokers_dictionary) self.available_grouped_algos = self._flatten_dictionary(self._constants.available_algos_dictionary) self.available_event_types = self._constants.available_event_types self.available_metrics = self._constants.available_metrics self.available_reload = ['no', 'yes'] self.available_visualization = ['yes', 'no'] self.construct_layout() def _flatten_dictionary(self, dictionary): available = dictionary['All'] available_groups = self._util_func.dict_key_list(dictionary.keys()) return self.flatten_list_of_strings([available_groups, available]) def construct_layout(self): self.page_content = html.Div([ dcc.Location(id='url', refresh=False), html.Div(id='page-content') ]) link_bar_dict = {'Detailed' : 'detailed', 'Aggregated' : 'aggregated', 'Compliance' : 'compliance'} trade_outliers_cols = ['Date', 'ticker', 'side', 'notional cur', 'benchmark', 'exec not', 'exec not in rep cur', 'slippage'] broker_cols = ['Date', 'by broker notional (rep cur)'] # Main page for detailed analysing of (eg. over the course of a few days) self.pages['detailed'] = html.Div([ self._sc.header_bar('FX: Detailed - Trader Analysis', img='logo.png'), self._sc.link_bar(link_bar_dict), self._sc.width_row_cell(html.B("Status: ok", id='detailed-status'), margin_left=5), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), # Dropdown selection boxes html.Div([ self._sc.drop_down(caption='Start Date', id={'start-date-val' : self.available_dates, 'start-time-val' : self.available_times}, prefix_id='detailed'), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Finish Date', id=OrderedDict([('finish-date-val', self.available_dates), ('finish-time-val', self.available_times)]), prefix_id='detailed'), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Ticker', id='ticker-val', prefix_id='detailed', drop_down_values=self.available_tickers), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Broker', id='broker-val', prefix_id='detailed', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_brokers), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Algo', id='algo-val', prefix_id='detailed', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_algos), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Venue', id='venue-val', prefix_id='detailed', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_venues), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Market Data', id='market-data-val', prefix_id='detailed', drop_down_values=self.available_market_data), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Metric', id='metric-val', prefix_id='detailed', drop_down_values=self.available_metrics) ]), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.button(caption='Calculate', id='calculation-button', prefix_id='detailed'), # self.button(caption = 'Print PDF', id = 'detailed-print-pdf-button', className = 'no-print'), # Orders self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.plot(caption='Orders: Timeline', id='order-candle-timeline-plot', prefix_id='detailed', element_add=self._sc.timeline_dropdown('detailed-order-candle-timeline-plot', self.available_order_plot_lines), downloadplot_caption='Download CSV', downloadplot_tag='order-candle-timeline-download-link', download_file='download_order_candle_timeline', height=500), self._sc.plot(caption='Orders: Markout', id='order-markout-plot', prefix_id='detailed', height=500), self._sc.plot(caption='Orders: Histogram vs PDF fit', id='order-dist-plot', prefix_id='detailed', height=500), # Execution trades self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.plot(caption='Executions: Timeline', id='execution-candle-timeline-plot', prefix_id='detailed', element_add=self._sc.timeline_dropdown('detailed-execution-candle-timeline-plot', self.available_execution_plot_lines), downloadplot_caption='Download CSV', downloadplot_tag='execution-candle-timeline-download-link', download_file='download_execution_candle_timeline.csv', height=500), self._sc.plot(caption='Executions: Markout', id='execution-markout-plot', prefix_id='detailed', height=500), self._sc.plot(caption='Executions: Histogram vs PDF fit', id='execution-dist-plot', prefix_id='detailed', height=500), # Detailed tcapy markout table for executions html.Div([ html.H3('Executions: Markout Table'), html.Div(id='detailed-execution-table') ], style={'width': '1000px', 'display': 'inline-block', 'marginBottom': 5, 'marginTop': 5, 'marginLeft': 5, 'marginRight': 5}), ], style={'width': '1000px', 'marginRight': 'auto', 'marginLeft': 'auto'}) ################################################################################################################ # Secondary page for analysing aggregated statistics over long periods of time, eg. who is the best broker? self.pages['aggregated'] = html.Div([ self._sc.header_bar('FX: Aggregated - Trader Analysis', img='logo.png'), self._sc.link_bar(link_bar_dict), self._sc.width_row_cell(html.B("Status: ok", id='aggregated-status'), margin_left=5), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), # dropdown selection boxes html.Div([ self._sc.drop_down(caption='Start Date', id='start-date-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_dates), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Finish Date', id='finish-date-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_dates), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Ticker', id='ticker-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_tickers, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Broker', id='broker-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_brokers, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Algo', id='algo-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_algos, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Venue', id='venue-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_venues, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Reload', id='reload-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_reload), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Market Data', id='market-data-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_market_data), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Event Type', id='event-type-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_event_types), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Metric', id='metric-val', prefix_id='aggregated', drop_down_values=self.available_metrics), ]), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.button(caption='Calculate', id='calculation-button', prefix_id='aggregated'), # , msg_id='aggregated-status'), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), # self.date_picker_range(caption='Start/Finish Dates', id='aggregated-date-val', offset=[-7,-1]), self._sc.plot(caption='Aggregated Trader: Summary', id=['execution-by-ticker-bar-plot', 'execution-by-venue-bar-plot'], prefix_id='aggregated', height=500), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.plot(caption='Aggregated Trader: Timeline', id='execution-by-ticker-timeline-plot', prefix_id='aggregated', height=500), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.plot(caption='Aggregated Trader: PDF fit (' + self._constants.reporting_currency + ' notional)', id=['execution-by-ticker-dist-plot', 'execution-by-venue-dist-plot'], prefix_id='aggregated', height=500), self._sc.horizontal_bar() ], style={'width': '1000px', 'marginRight': 'auto', 'marginLeft': 'auto'}) ################################################################################################################ self.pages['compliance'] = html.Div([ self._sc.header_bar('FX: Compliance Analysis', img='logo.png'), self._sc.link_bar(link_bar_dict), self._sc.width_row_cell(html.B("Status: ok", id='compliance-status'), margin_left=5), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), # Dropdown selection boxes html.Div([ self._sc.drop_down(caption='Start Date', id='start-date-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_dates), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Finish Date', id='finish-date-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_dates), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Ticker', id='ticker-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_tickers, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Broker', id='broker-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_brokers, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Algo', id='algo-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_algos, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Venue', id='venue-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_grouped_venues, multiselect=True), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Reload', id='reload-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_reload), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Market Data', id='market-data-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_market_data), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Filter by Time', id='filter-time-of-day-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_reload), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Start Time of Day', id='start-time-of-day-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_times), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Finish Time of Day', id='finish-time-of-day-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_times), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Slippage to Mid (bp)', id='slippage-bounds-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_slippage_bounds), self._sc.drop_down(caption='Visualization', id='visualization-val', prefix_id='compliance', drop_down_values=self.available_visualization) ]), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), html.Div([ self._sc.button(caption='Calculate', id='calculation-button', prefix_id='compliance'), # self.date_picker(caption='Start Date', id='start-date-dtpicker', prefix_id='compliance'), # self.date_picker(caption='Finish Date', id='finish-date-dtpicker', prefix_id='compliance'), ]), self._sc.horizontal_bar(), self._sc.table(caption='Compliance: Trade Outliers', id='execution-by-anomalous-table', prefix_id='compliance', columns=trade_outliers_cols, downloadplot_caption='Trade outliers CSV', downloadplot_tag='execution-by-anomalous-download-link', download_file='download_execution_by_anomalous.csv'), self._sc.table(caption='Compliance: Totals by Broker', id='summary-by-broker-table', prefix_id='compliance', columns=broker_cols, downloadplot_caption='Download broker CSV', downloadplot_tag='summary-by-broker-download-link', download_file='download_broker.csv' ), self._sc.horizontal_bar() ], style={'width': '1000px', 'marginRight': 'auto', 'marginLeft': 'auto'}) # ID flags self.id_flags = { # Detailed trader page # 'timeline_trade_orders' : {'client-orders': 'order', 'executions': 'trade'}, # 'markout_trade_orders' : {'client-orders': 'order_df', 'executions': 'trade_df'}, 'detailed_candle_timeline_trade_order': {'execution': 'sparse_market_trade_df', 'order': 'sparse_market_order_df'}, 'detailed_markout_trade_order': {'execution': 'trade_df', 'order': 'order_df'}, 'detailed_table_trade_order': {'execution': 'table_trade_df_markout_by_all'}, 'detailed_dist_trade_order': {'execution': 'dist_trade_df_by/pdf/side', 'order': 'dist_order_df_by/pdf/side'}, 'detailed_download_link_trade_order': {'execution-candle-timeline': 'sparse_market_trade_df', 'order-candle-timeline': 'sparse_market_order_df'}, # Aggregated trader page 'aggregated_bar_trade_order': {'execution-by-ticker': 'bar_trade_df_by/mean/ticker', 'execution-by-venue': 'bar_trade_df_by/mean/venue'}, 'aggregated_timeline_trade_order': {'execution-by-ticker': 'timeline_trade_df_by/mean_date/ticker', 'execution-by-venue': 'timeline_trade_df_by/mean_date/venue'}, 'aggregated_dist_trade_order': {'execution-by-ticker': 'dist_trade_df_by/pdf/ticker', 'execution-by-venue': 'dist_trade_df_by/pdf/venue'}, # Compliance page 'compliance_metric_table_trade_order': {'execution-by-anomalous': 'table_trade_df_slippage_by_worst_all', 'summary-by-broker': 'bar_trade_df_executed_notional_in_reporting_currency_by_broker_id'}, 'compliance_download_link_trade_order': {'execution-by-anomalous': 'table_trade_df_slippage_by_worst_all', 'summary-by-broker': 'bar_trade_df_executed_notional_in_reporting_currency_by_broker_id'}, }
<filename>geolucidate/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from decimal import Decimal, setcontext, ExtendedContext from import google_maps_link from import MapLink from geolucidate.parser import parser_re setcontext(ExtendedContext) def _cleanup(parts): """ Normalize up the parts matched by :obj:`parser.parser_re` to degrees, minutes, and seconds. >>> _cleanup({'latdir': 'south', 'longdir': 'west', ... 'latdeg':'60','latmin':'30', ... 'longdeg':'50','longmin':'40'}) ['S', '60', '30', '00', 'W', '50', '40', '00'] >>> _cleanup({'latdir': 'south', 'longdir': 'west', ... 'latdeg':'60','latmin':'30', 'latdecsec':'.50', ... 'longdeg':'50','longmin':'40','longdecsec':'.90'}) ['S', '60', '30.50', '00', 'W', '50', '40.90', '00'] """ latdir = (parts['latdir'] or parts['latdir2']).upper()[0] longdir = (parts['longdir'] or parts['longdir2']).upper()[0] latdeg = parts.get('latdeg') longdeg = parts.get('longdeg') latmin = parts.get('latmin', '00') or '00' longmin = parts.get('longmin', '00') or '00' latdecsec = parts.get('latdecsec', '') longdecsec = parts.get('longdecsec', '') if (latdecsec and longdecsec): latmin += latdecsec longmin += longdecsec latsec = '00' longsec = '00' else: latsec = parts.get('latsec', '') or '00' longsec = parts.get('longsec', '') or '00' return [latdir, latdeg, latmin, latsec, longdir, longdeg, longmin, longsec] def _convert(latdir, latdeg, latmin, latsec, longdir, longdeg, longmin, longsec): """ Convert normalized degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees. Quantize the converted value based on the input precision and return a 2-tuple of strings. >>> _convert('S','50','30','30','W','50','30','30') ('-50.508333', '-50.508333') >>> _convert('N','50','27','55','W','127','27','65') ('50.459167', '-127.460833') """ if (latsec != '00' or longsec != '00'): precision = Decimal('0.000001') elif (latmin != '00' or longmin != '00'): precision = Decimal('0.001') else: precision = Decimal('1') latitude = Decimal(latdeg) latmin = Decimal(latmin) latsec = Decimal(latsec) longitude = Decimal(longdeg) longmin = Decimal(longmin) longsec = Decimal(longsec) if latsec > 59 or longsec > 59: # Assume that 'seconds' greater than 59 are actually a decimal # fraction of minutes latitude += (latmin + (latsec / Decimal('100'))) / Decimal('60') longitude += (longmin + (longsec / Decimal('100'))) / Decimal('60') else: latitude += (latmin + (latsec / Decimal('60'))) / Decimal('60') longitude += (longmin + (longsec / Decimal('60'))) / Decimal('60') if latdir == 'S': latitude *= Decimal('-1') if longdir == 'W': longitude *= Decimal('-1') lat_str = str(latitude.quantize(precision)) long_str = str(longitude.quantize(precision)) return (lat_str, long_str) def replace(string, sub_function=google_maps_link()): """ Replace detected coordinates with a map link, using the given substitution function. The substitution function will be passed a :class:`~.MapLink` instance, and should return a string which will be substituted by :func:`re.sub` in place of the detected coordinates. >>> replace("58147N/07720W") '<a href="" title="58147N/07720W (58.235278, -77.333333)">58147N/07720W</a>' >>> replace("5814N/07720W", google_maps_link('satellite')) '<a href="" title="5814N/07720W (58.233, -77.333)">5814N/07720W</a>' >>> from import bing_maps_link >>> replace("58N/077W", bing_maps_link('map')) '<a href="" title="58N/077W (58, -77)">58N/077W</a>' """ def do_replace(match): original_string = (latitude, longitude) = _convert(*_cleanup(match.groupdict())) return sub_function(MapLink(original_string, latitude, longitude)) return parser_re.sub(do_replace, string) def get_replacements(string, sub_function=google_maps_link()): """ Return a dict whose keys are instances of :class:`re.Match` and whose values are the corresponding replacements. Use :func:`get_replacements` when the replacement cannot be performed through ordinary string substitution by :func:`re.sub`, as in :func:`replace`. >>> get_replacements("4630 NORTH 5705 WEST 58147N/07720W") ... #doctest: +ELLIPSIS {<re.Match object...>: '<a href="..." title="...">4630 NORTH 5705 WEST</a>', <re.Match object...>: '<a href="..." title="...">58147N/07720W</a>'} >>> test_string = "4630 NORTH 5705 WEST 58147N/07720W" >>> replacements = get_replacements(test_string) >>> offset = 0 >>> out = bytearray(test_string, encoding="ascii", errors="replace") >>> for (match, link) in replacements.items(): ... start = match.start() + offset ... end = match.end() + offset ... out[start:end] = bytearray(link, encoding="ascii", errors="replace") ... offset += (len(link) - len( >>> out.decode(encoding="ascii") == replace(test_string) True """ substitutions = {} matches = parser_re.finditer(string) for match in matches: (latitude, longitude) = _convert(*_cleanup(match.groupdict())) substitutions[match] = sub_function(MapLink(, latitude, longitude)) return substitutions
from django.db import models from utils.models import BaseModel from users.models import User, Address from goods.models import GoodsSKU # Create your models here. class OrderInfo(BaseModel): """订单信息""" PAY_METHOD = ['1', '2'] PAY_METHOD_CHOICES = ( (1, "货到付款"), (2, "支付宝"), ) ORDER_STATUS_CHOICES = ( (1, "待支付"), (2, "待发货"), (3, "待收货"), (4, "待评价"), (5, "已完成"), ) """---------订单信息------------------------""" PAY_METHODS = { 1: "货到付款", 2: "支付宝", } ORDER_STATUS = { 1: "待支付", 2: "待发货", 3: "待收货", 4: "待评价", 5: "已完成", } PAY_METHODS_ENUM = { "CASH": 1, "ALIPAY": 2 } ORDER_STATUS_ENUM = { "UNPAID": 1, "UNSEND": 2, "UNRECEIVED": 3, "UNCOMMENT": 4, "FINISHED": 5 } order_id = models.CharField(max_length=64, primary_key=True, verbose_name="订单号") user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="下单用户") address = models.ForeignKey(Address, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="收获地址") total_count = models.IntegerField(default=1, verbose_name="商品总数") total_amount = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, verbose_name="商品总金额") trans_cost = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, verbose_name="运费") pay_method = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=PAY_METHOD_CHOICES, default=1, verbose_name="支付方式") status = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=ORDER_STATUS_CHOICES, default=1, verbose_name="订单状态") trade_id = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name="支付编号") class Meta: db_table = "df_order_info" class OrderGoods(BaseModel): """订单商品""" order = models.ForeignKey(OrderInfo, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="订单") sku = models.ForeignKey(GoodsSKU, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name="订单商品") count = models.IntegerField(default=1, verbose_name="数量") price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, verbose_name="单价") comment = models.TextField(default="", verbose_name="评价信息") class Meta: db_table = "df_order_goods"
<gh_stars>0 import inspect from math import hypot, sin, asin, cos, radians, degrees from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from random import randint, choice from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union class Agent(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Class to represent an agent in an agent-based model. """ _id = 0 colors = ['blue', 'brown', 'cyan', 'gray', 'green', 'magenta', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'red', 'yellow'] def __init__(self, world, coords: Tuple = None): self._id = Agent._id Agent._id += 1 = world self.coords = coords or (randint(0, - 1), randint(0, - 1)) self.direction = 90 self.breed = self.__class__.__name__.lower() self.icon = '.' self.color = choice(self.colors) def die(self): """ Remove the agent from the world. """ del[self._id][self.coords]['agents'].remove(self) del self def hatch(self): """ Creates an agent and initializes it with the same parameters as oneself. """ sig = inspect.signature(self.__init__) filter_keys = [ for param in sig.parameters.values() if param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD] filtered_dict = {filter_key: self.__dict__[filter_key] for filter_key in filter_keys} return self.__class__(**filtered_dict) def move_to(self, coords: Tuple): """ Places the agent in a different cell of the world grid. """ self.coords = coords def cell_here(self, layer = None): """ Returns the value of a layer in the model's grid for the cell where the agent is. If no layer is specified, the values of all layers are returned. """ if layer is not None: return[self.coords][layer] else: return[self.coords] def get_distance(self, coords: Tuple) -> int: """ Returns the distance (in cells) from the agent to a pair of coordinates. """ x, y = coords return round(hypot((x - self.coords[0]), (y - self.coords[1]))) def cells_in_radius(self, radius: int) -> Dict: """ Returns all cells and respective attributes within a distance of the agent. """ if neighborhood = {, y)):[, y))] for x in range(self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[0] + radius + 1) for y in range(self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[1] + radius + 1) if self.get_distance((x, y)) <= radius} else: neighborhood = {(x, y):[(x, y)] for x in range(self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[0] + radius + 1) for y in range(self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[1] + radius + 1) if (self.get_distance((x, y)) <= radius and (x, y) in} return neighborhood def empty_cells_in_radius(self, radius: int) -> Dict: """ Returns all empty cells (with no agents on them) and respective attributes within a distance of the agent. """ if neighborhood = {, y)):[, y))] for x in range(self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[0] + radius + 1) for y in range(self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[1] + radius + 1) if (self.get_distance((x, y)) <= radius and not[, y))] ['agents'])} else: neighborhood = {(x, y):[(x, y)] for x in range(self.coords[0] - radius, self.coords[0] + radius + 1) for y in range(self.coords[1] - radius, self.coords[1] + radius + 1) if (self.get_distance((x, y)) <= radius and (x, y) in and not[(x, y)]['agents'])} return neighborhood def nearest_cell(self, cells: Union[List, Dict]) -> Tuple: """ Given a list or dictionary of cells, returns the coordinates of the cell that is nearest to the agent. """ dists = {cell: self.get_distance(cell) for cell in cells} return min(dists, key=dists.get) def agents_in_radius(self, radius: int): """ Returns all agents within a distance of oneself. """ neighborhood = self.cells_in_radius(radius) neighbors = [agent for coords in neighborhood for agent in[coords]['agents'] if agent is not self] return neighbors def agents_here(self) -> List: """ Returns all agents located on the same cell as oneself. """ return [agent for agent in[self.coords]['agents'] if agent is not self] def nearest_agent(self, agents: List = None): """ Given a list of agents, returns the agent that is nearest to oneself. If no list is provided, all agents are evaluated. """ if agents is None: agents = [[_id] for _id in] dists = {agent: self.get_distance(agent.coords) for agent in agents if agent is not self} return min(dists, key=dists.get) def turn_right(self, angle: int = 90): """ Rotates the agent's direction a number of degrees to the right. """ self.direction = round((self.direction - angle) % 360) def turn_left(self, angle: int = 90): """ Rotates the agent's direction a number of degrees to the left. """ self.direction = round((self.direction + angle) % 360) def forward(self, n_steps: int = 1): """ Moves the agent a number of cells forward in the direction it is currently facing. """ x = round(self.coords[0] + cos(radians(self.direction)) * n_steps) y = round(self.coords[1] + sin(radians(self.direction)) * n_steps) if self.move_to(, y))) elif (x, y) in self.move_to((x, y)) def face_towards(self, coords: Tuple): """ Turns the agent's direction towards a given pair of coordinates. """ if coords != self.coords: xdif = coords[0] - self.coords[0] ydif = coords[1] - self.coords[1] dist = hypot(xdif, ydif) angle = degrees(asin(ydif / dist)) if xdif < 0: self.direction = round(180 - angle) else: self.direction = round((360 + angle) % 360) def random_walk(self, n_steps: int = 1): """ Moves the agent one cell forward in a random direction for a number of times. """ for i in range(n_steps): self.turn_right(randint(0, 360)) self.forward() @abstractmethod def step(self): """ Methods to be performed by the agent at each step of the simulation. """ raise NotImplementedError
import datetime import os import subprocess import base64 from pathlib import Path import shutil import pandas as pd import signal import requests from import load_env from import status, create_tables, drop_tables from social_tornado.models import TornadoStorage from skyportal.models import init_db, Base, DBSession, Source, User from skyportal.model_util import setup_permissions, create_token from skyportal.tests import api from import verify_server_availability if __name__ == "__main__": """Insert test data""" env, cfg = load_env() basedir = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / ".." with status(f"Connecting to database {cfg['database']['database']}"): init_db(**cfg["database"]) with status("Dropping all tables"): drop_tables() with status("Creating tables"): create_tables() for model in Base.metadata.tables: print(" -", model) with status(f"Creating permissions"): setup_permissions() with status(f"Creating dummy users"): super_admin_user = User( username="<EMAIL>", role_ids=["Super admin"] ) group_admin_user = User( username="<EMAIL>", role_ids=["Super admin"] ) full_user = User(username="<EMAIL>", role_ids=["Full user"]) view_only_user = User( username="<EMAIL>", role_ids=["View only"] ) DBSession().add_all( [super_admin_user, group_admin_user, full_user, view_only_user] ) for u in [super_admin_user, group_admin_user, full_user, view_only_user]: DBSession().add( TornadoStorage.user.create_social_auth(u, u.username, "google-oauth2") ) with status("Creating token"): token = create_token( [ "Manage groups", "Manage sources", "Upload data", "Comment", "Manage users", ],, "load_demo_data token", ) def assert_post(endpoint, data): response_status, data = api("POST", endpoint, data, token) if not response_status == 200 and data["status"] == "success": raise RuntimeError( f'API call to {endpoint} failed with status {status}: {data["message"]}' ) return data with status("Launching web app & executing API calls"): try: response_status, data = api("GET", "sysinfo", token=token) app_already_running = True except requests.ConnectionError: app_already_running = False web_client = subprocess.Popen( ["make", "run"], cwd=basedir, preexec_fn=os.setsid ) server_url = f"http://localhost:{cfg['']}" print() print(f"Waiting for server to appear at {server_url}...") try: verify_server_availability(server_url) print("App running - continuing with API calls") with status("Creating dummy group & adding users"): data = assert_post( "groups", data={ "name": "Stream A", "group_admins": [ super_admin_user.username, group_admin_user.username, ], }, ) group_id = data["data"]["id"] for u in [view_only_user, full_user]: data = assert_post( f"groups/{group_id}/users/{u.username}", data={"admin": False} ) with status("Creating dummy instruments"): data = assert_post( "telescope", data={ "name": "Palomar 1.5m", "nickname": "P60", "lat": 33.3633675, "lon": -116.8361345, "elevation": 1870, "diameter": 1.5, "group_ids": [group_id], }, ) telescope1_id = data["data"]["id"] data = assert_post( "instrument", data={ "name": "P60 Camera", "type": "phot", "band": "optical", "telescope_id": telescope1_id, }, ) instrument1_id = data["data"]["id"] data = assert_post( "telescope", data={ "name": "Nordic Optical Telescope", "nickname": "NOT", "lat": 28.75, "lon": 17.88, "elevation": 1870, "diameter": 2.56, "group_ids": [group_id], }, ) telescope2_id = data["data"]["id"] data = assert_post( "instrument", data={ "name": "ALFOSC", "type": "both", "band": "optical", "telescope_id": telescope2_id, }, ) with status("Creating dummy sources"): SOURCES = [ { "id": "14gqr", "ra": 353.36647, "dec": 33.646149, "redshift": 0.063, "group_ids": [group_id], "comments": [ "No source at transient location to R>26 in LRIS imaging", "Strong calcium lines have emerged.", ], }, { "id": "16fil", "ra": 322.718872, "dec": 27.574113, "redshift": 0.0, "group_ids": [group_id], "comments": ["Frogs in the pond", "The eagle has landed"], }, ] (basedir / "static/thumbnails").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for source_info in SOURCES: comments = source_info.pop("comments") data = assert_post("sources", data=source_info) assert data["data"]["id"] == source_info["id"] for comment in comments: data = assert_post( "comment", data={"source_id": source_info["id"], "text": comment}, ) phot_file = basedir / "skyportal/tests/data/phot.csv" phot_data = pd.read_csv(phot_file) data = assert_post( "photometry", data={ "source_id": source_info["id"], "time_format": "iso", "time_scale": "utc", "instrument_id": instrument1_id, "observed_at": phot_data.observed_at.tolist(), "mag": phot_data.mag.tolist(), "e_mag": phot_data.e_mag.tolist(), "lim_mag": phot_data.lim_mag.tolist(), "filter": phot_data["filter"].tolist(), }, ) spec_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "skyportal", "tests", "data", "spec.csv", ) spec_data = pd.read_csv(spec_file) for i, df in spec_data.groupby("instrument_id"): data = assert_post( "spectrum", data={ "source_id": source_info["id"], "observed_at": str(datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 24)), "instrument_id": 1, "wavelengths": df.wavelength.tolist(), "fluxes": df.flux.tolist(), }, ) for ttype in ["new", "ref", "sub"]: fname = f'{source_info["id"]}_{ttype}.png' fpath = basedir / f"skyportal/tests/data/{fname}" thumbnail_data = base64.b64encode( open(os.path.abspath(fpath), "rb").read() ) data = assert_post( "thumbnail", data={ "source_id": source_info["id"], "data": thumbnail_data, "ttype": ttype, }, ) source = Source.query.get(source_info["id"]) source.add_linked_thumbnails() finally: if not app_already_running: print("Terminating web app") os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM)
from calendar import month_name class Tools: def __init__(self): self.output = "" def formatDate(self, date): elements = date.split("-") return f"{elements[2]}. {month_name[int(elements[1])]} {elements[0]}" def shortenText(self, string, n): #return first n sentences from string first = string.find(".") for _ in range(n - 1): if not string.find(".", first + 1) == -1: first = string.find(".", first + 1) return f"{string[:first-len(string)]}." def tupleUnpack(self, tup): self.output = "" for item in tup: self.output += f"{item} " return self.output[:-1] def joinList(self, list): self.output = "" for item in list: self.output += f"{item}, " return self.output[:-2] #remove last ', ' def partialJoin(self, list, n): self.output = "" i = 0 for item in list: self.output += f"{item}, " i += 1 if i >= n: break return self.output[:-2] def processFilmography(self, list, n): self.output = "" i = 0 for item in list: if 'year' in item: self.output += f"{item['title']} ({item['year']}), " else: self.output += f"{item['title'].replace(' ()', '')}, " i += 1 if i >= n: break return self.output[:-2] def convertTime(self, runtime): time = int(runtime) mins = time % 60 hours = int(time / 60) if hours >= 1: return f"{hours} h {mins} min" else: return f"{mins} min"
<filename>tests/<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python """ Tests for Pyclipper wrapper library. """ from __future__ import print_function from unittest2 import TestCase, main import sys if sys.version_info < (3,): integer_types = (int, long) else: integer_types = (int,) import pyclipper # Example polygons from PATH_SUBJ_1 = [[180, 200], [260, 200], [260, 150], [180, 150]] # square, orientation is False PATH_SUBJ_2 = [[215, 160], [230, 190], [200, 190]] # triangle PATH_CLIP_1 = [[190, 210], [240, 210], [240, 130], [190, 130]] # square PATH_SIGMA = [[300, 400], [100, 400], [200, 300], [100, 200], [300, 200]] # greek letter sigma PATTERN = [[4, -6], [6, -6], [-4, 6], [-6, 6]] INVALID_PATH = [[1, 1], ] # less than 2 vertices class TestPyclipperModule(TestCase): def test_has_classes(self): self.assertTrue(hasattr(pyclipper, 'Pyclipper')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(pyclipper, 'PyclipperOffset')) def test_has_namespace_methods(self): for method in ('Orientation', 'Area', 'PointInPolygon', 'SimplifyPolygon', 'SimplifyPolygons', 'CleanPolygon', 'CleanPolygons', 'MinkowskiSum', 'MinkowskiSum2', 'MinkowskiDiff', 'PolyTreeToPaths', 'ClosedPathsFromPolyTree', 'OpenPathsFromPolyTree', 'ReversePath', 'ReversePaths'): self.assertTrue(hasattr(pyclipper, method)) class TestNamespaceMethods(TestCase): def setUp(self): pyclipper.SCALING_FACTOR = 1 def test_orientation(self): self.assertFalse(pyclipper.Orientation(PATH_SUBJ_1)) self.assertTrue(pyclipper.Orientation(PATH_SUBJ_1[::-1])) def test_area(self): # area less than 0 because orientation is False area_neg = pyclipper.Area(PATH_SUBJ_1) area_pos = pyclipper.Area(PATH_SUBJ_1[::-1]) self.assertLess(area_neg, 0) self.assertGreater(area_pos, 0) self.assertEqual(abs(area_neg), area_pos) def test_point_in_polygon(self): # on polygon self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((180, 200), PATH_SUBJ_1), -1) # in polygon self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((200, 180), PATH_SUBJ_1), 1) # outside of polygon self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((500, 500), PATH_SUBJ_1), 0) def test_minkowski_sum(self): solution = pyclipper.MinkowskiSum(PATTERN, PATH_SIGMA, False) self.assertGreater(len(solution), 0) def test_minkowski_sum2(self): solution = pyclipper.MinkowskiSum2(PATTERN, [PATH_SIGMA], False) self.assertGreater(len(solution), 0) def test_minkowski_diff(self): solution = pyclipper.MinkowskiDiff(PATH_SUBJ_1, PATH_SUBJ_2) self.assertGreater(len(solution), 0) def test_reverse_path(self): solution = pyclipper.ReversePath(PATH_SUBJ_1) manualy_reversed = PATH_SUBJ_1[::-1] self.check_reversed_path(solution, manualy_reversed) def test_reverse_paths(self): solution = pyclipper.ReversePaths([PATH_SUBJ_1]) manualy_reversed = [PATH_SUBJ_1[::-1]] self.check_reversed_path(solution[0], manualy_reversed[0]) def check_reversed_path(self, path_1, path_2): if len(path_1) is not len(path_2): return False for i in range(len(path_1)): self.assertEqual(path_1[i][0], path_2[i][0]) self.assertEqual(path_1[i][1], path_2[i][1]) def test_simplify_polygon(self): solution = pyclipper.SimplifyPolygon(PATH_SUBJ_1) self.assertEqual(len(solution), 1) def test_simplify_polygons(self): solution = pyclipper.SimplifyPolygons([PATH_SUBJ_1]) solution_single = pyclipper.SimplifyPolygon(PATH_SUBJ_1) self.assertEqual(len(solution), 1) self.assertEqual(len(solution), len(solution_single)) _do_solutions_match(solution, solution_single) def test_clean_polygon(self): solution = pyclipper.CleanPolygon(PATH_CLIP_1) self.assertEqual(len(solution), len(PATH_CLIP_1)) def test_clean_polygons(self): solution = pyclipper.CleanPolygons([PATH_CLIP_1]) self.assertEqual(len(solution), 1) self.assertEqual(len(solution[0]), len(PATH_CLIP_1)) class TestFilterPyPolyNode(TestCase): def setUp(self): tree = pyclipper.PyPolyNode() tree.Contour.append(PATH_CLIP_1) tree.IsOpen = True child = pyclipper.PyPolyNode() child.IsOpen = False child.Parent = tree child.Contour = PATH_SUBJ_1 tree.Childs.append(child) child = pyclipper.PyPolyNode() child.IsOpen = True child.Parent = tree child.Contour = PATH_SUBJ_2 tree.Childs.append(child) child2 = pyclipper.PyPolyNode() child2.IsOpen = False child2.Parent = child child2.Contour = PATTERN child.Childs.append(child2) # empty contour should not # be included in filtered results child2 = pyclipper.PyPolyNode() child2.IsOpen = False child2.Parent = child child2.Contour = [] child.Childs.append(child2) self.tree = tree def test_polytree_to_paths(self): paths = pyclipper.PolyTreeToPaths(self.tree) self.check_paths(paths, 4) def test_closed_paths_from_polytree(self): paths = pyclipper.ClosedPathsFromPolyTree(self.tree) self.check_paths(paths, 2) def test_open_paths_from_polytree(self): paths = pyclipper.OpenPathsFromPolyTree(self.tree) self.check_paths(paths, 2) def check_paths(self, paths, expected_nr): self.assertEqual(len(paths), expected_nr) self.assertTrue(all((len(path) > 0 for path in paths))) class TestPyclipperAddPaths(TestCase): def setUp(self): pyclipper.SCALING_FACTOR = 1 self.pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() def test_add_path(self): # should not raise an exception self.pc.AddPath(PATH_CLIP_1, poly_type=pyclipper.PT_CLIP) def test_add_paths(self): # should not raise an exception self.pc.AddPaths([PATH_SUBJ_1, PATH_SUBJ_2], poly_type=pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT) def test_add_path_invalid_path(self): self.assertRaises(pyclipper.ClipperException, self.pc.AddPath, INVALID_PATH, pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True) def test_add_paths_invalid_path(self): self.assertRaises(pyclipper.ClipperException, self.pc.AddPaths, [INVALID_PATH, INVALID_PATH], pyclipper.PT_CLIP, True) try: self.pc.AddPaths([INVALID_PATH, PATH_CLIP_1], pyclipper.PT_CLIP) self.pc.AddPaths([PATH_CLIP_1, INVALID_PATH], pyclipper.PT_CLIP) except pyclipper.ClipperException:"add_paths raised ClipperException when not all paths were invalid") class TestClassProperties(TestCase): def check_property_assignment(self, pc, prop_name, values): for val in values: setattr(pc, prop_name, val) self.assertEqual(getattr(pc, prop_name), val) def test_pyclipper_properties(self): pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() for prop_name in ('ReverseSolution', 'PreserveCollinear', 'StrictlySimple'): self.check_property_assignment(pc, prop_name, [True, False]) def test_pyclipperoffset_properties(self): for factor in range(6): pyclipper.SCALING_FACTOR = 10 ** factor pc = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() for prop_name in ('MiterLimit', 'ArcTolerance'): self.check_property_assignment(pc, prop_name, [2.912, 132.12, 12, -123]) class TestPyclipperExecute(TestCase): def setUp(self): pyclipper.SCALING_FACTOR = 1 self.pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() self.add_default_paths(self.pc) self.default_args = [pyclipper.CT_INTERSECTION, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD] @staticmethod def add_default_paths(pc): pc.AddPath(PATH_CLIP_1, pyclipper.PT_CLIP) pc.AddPaths([PATH_SUBJ_1, PATH_SUBJ_2], pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT) @staticmethod def add_paths(pc, clip_path, subj_paths, addend=None, multiplier=None): pc.AddPath(_modify_vertices(clip_path, addend=addend, multiplier=multiplier), pyclipper.PT_CLIP) for subj_path in subj_paths: pc.AddPath(_modify_vertices(subj_path, addend=addend, multiplier=multiplier), pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT) def test_get_bounds(self): bounds = self.pc.GetBounds() self.assertIsInstance(bounds, pyclipper.PyIntRect) self.assertEqual(bounds.left, 180) self.assertEqual(bounds.right, 260) self.assertEqual(, 130) self.assertEqual(bounds.bottom, 210) def test_execute(self): solution = self.pc.Execute(*self.default_args) self.assertEqual(len(solution), 2) def test_execute2(self): solution = self.pc.Execute2(*self.default_args) self.assertIsInstance(solution, pyclipper.PyPolyNode) self.check_pypolynode(solution) def test_execute_empty(self): pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() with self.assertRaises(pyclipper.ClipperException): pc.Execute(pyclipper.CT_UNION, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO, pyclipper.PFT_NONZERO) def test_clear(self): self.pc.Clear() with self.assertRaises(pyclipper.ClipperException): self.pc.Execute(*self.default_args) def test_exact_results(self): """ Test whether coordinates passed into the library are returned exactly, if they are not affected by the operation. """ pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() # Some large triangle. path = [[[0, 1], [0, 0], [15 ** 15, 0]]] pc.AddPaths(path, pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT, True) result = pc.Execute(pyclipper.PT_CLIP, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD, pyclipper.PFT_EVENODD) assert result == path def check_pypolynode(self, node): self.assertTrue(len(node.Contour) == 0 or len(node.Contour) > 2) # check vertex coordinate, should not be an iterable (in that case # that means that node.Contour is a list of paths, should be path if node.Contour: self.assertFalse(hasattr(node.Contour[0][0], '__iter__')) for child in node.Childs: self.check_pypolynode(child) class TestPyclipperOffset(TestCase): def setUp(self): pyclipper.SCALING_FACTOR = 1 @staticmethod def add_path(pc, path): pc.AddPath(path, pyclipper.JT_ROUND, pyclipper.ET_CLOSEDPOLYGON) def test_execute(self): pc = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() self.add_path(pc, PATH_CLIP_1) solution = pc.Execute(2.0) self.assertIsInstance(solution, list) self.assertEqual(len(solution), 1) def test_execute2(self): pc = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() self.add_path(pc, PATH_CLIP_1) solution = pc.Execute2(2.0) self.assertIsInstance(solution, pyclipper.PyPolyNode) self.assertEqual(len(pyclipper.OpenPathsFromPolyTree(solution)), 0) self.assertEqual(len(pyclipper.ClosedPathsFromPolyTree(solution)), 1) def test_clear(self): pc = pyclipper.PyclipperOffset() self.add_path(pc, PATH_CLIP_1) pc.Clear() solution = pc.Execute(2.0) self.assertIsInstance(solution, list) self.assertEqual(len(solution), 0) class TestScalingFactorWarning(TestCase): def setUp(self): pyclipper.SCALING_FACTOR = 2. self.pc = pyclipper.Pyclipper() def test_orientation(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): pyclipper.Orientation(PATH_SUBJ_1) def test_area(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): pyclipper.Area(PATH_SUBJ_1) def test_point_in_polygon(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): self.assertEqual(pyclipper.PointInPolygon((180, 200), PATH_SUBJ_1), -1) def test_minkowski_sum(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): pyclipper.MinkowskiSum(PATTERN, PATH_SIGMA, False) def test_minkowski_sum2(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): pyclipper.MinkowskiSum2(PATTERN, [PATH_SIGMA], False) def test_minkowski_diff(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): pyclipper.MinkowskiDiff(PATH_SUBJ_1, PATH_SUBJ_2) def test_add_path(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): self.pc.AddPath(PATH_CLIP_1, poly_type=pyclipper.PT_CLIP) def test_add_paths(self): with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning): self.pc.AddPaths([PATH_SUBJ_1, PATH_SUBJ_2], poly_type=pyclipper.PT_SUBJECT) class TestScalingFunctions(TestCase): scale = 2 ** 31 path = [(0, 0), (1, 1)] paths = [path] * 3 def test_value_scale_to(self): value = 0.5 res = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(value, self.scale) assert isinstance(res, integer_types) assert res == int(value * self.scale) def test_value_scale_from(self): value = 1000000000000 res = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(value, self.scale) assert isinstance(res, float) # Convert to float to get "normal" division in Python < 3. assert res == float(value) / self.scale def test_path_scale_to(self): res = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(self.path) assert len(res) == len(self.path) assert all(isinstance(i, list) for i in res) assert all(isinstance(j, integer_types) for i in res for j in i) def test_path_scale_from(self): res = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(self.path) assert len(res) == len(self.path) assert all(isinstance(i, list) for i in res) assert all(isinstance(j, float) for i in res for j in i) def test_paths_scale_to(self): res = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(self.paths) assert len(res) == len(self.paths) assert all(isinstance(i, list) for i in res) assert all(isinstance(j, list) for i in res for j in i) assert all(isinstance(k, integer_types) for i in res for j in i for k in j) def test_paths_scale_from(self): res = pyclipper.scale_from_clipper(self.paths) assert len(res) == len(self.paths) assert all(isinstance(i, list) for i in res) assert all(isinstance(j, list) for i in res for j in i) assert all(isinstance(k, float) for i in res for j in i for k in j) class TestNonStandardNumbers(TestCase): def test_sympyzero(self): try: from sympy import Point2D from sympy.core.numbers import Zero except ImportError: self.skipTest("Skipping, sympy not available") path = [(0,0), (0,1)] path = [Point2D(v) for v in [(0,0), (0,1)]] assert type(path[0].x) == Zero path = pyclipper.scale_to_clipper(path) assert path == [[0, 0], [0, 2147483648]] def _do_solutions_match(paths_1, paths_2, factor=None): if len(paths_1) != len(paths_2): return False paths_1 = [_modify_vertices(p, multiplier=factor, converter=round if factor else None) for p in paths_1] paths_2 = [_modify_vertices(p, multiplier=factor, converter=round if factor else None) for p in paths_2] return all(((p_1 in paths_2) for p_1 in paths_1)) def _modify_vertices(path, addend=0.0, multiplier=1.0, converter=None): path = path[:] def convert_coordinate(c): if multiplier is not None: c *= multiplier if addend is not None: c += addend if converter: c = converter(c) return c return [[convert_coordinate(c) for c in v] for v in path] def run_tests(): main() if __name__ == '__main__': run_tests()
<filename>YouTube/CursoEmVideo/python/<gh_stars>0 a = float(input('Qual é o preço do produto? R$')) d = a - (a * 23 / 100) print('O produto que custava R${:.2f}, na promoção de 23% de desconto vai custar: R${:.2f}' .format(a, d))
<filename>shutTheBox/ import random numbers_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] game_won = False game_completed = False #Stats games_played = 0 games_won = 0 games_lost = 0 average_score = 0 total_score = 0 def welcome(): welcome_message = "Welcome to shut the box" print(welcome_message) i = 0 result = "" while i < len(numbers_list): if i < len(numbers_list)-1: result += str(numbers_list[i]) + " " else: result += str(numbers_list[i]) i+=1 print(result) def dice_roll(amount): total = 0 i = 0 while i < amount: total += random.randint(1, 6) i+=1 return total def choose_dice_amount(): amount = 0 while True: try: amount = int(input("You choose to roll one or two dice. Please enter either '1' or '2': ")) except ValueError: print("INVALID ENTRY PLEASE TRY AGAIN") continue if amount == 1 or amount == 2: return amount else: print("INVALID ENTRY PLEASE TRY AGAIN!") continue return amount def choose_number_to_drop(target_amount): entered = 0 goal = target_amount entered_numbers = list() while goal != 0: try: print("Available numbers: " + str(numbers_list) + " to get to " + str(target_amount)) entered = int(input("Please enter a number that is available: ")) except ValueError: print("Invalid Entry, please try again") continue if entered not in numbers_list or entered in entered_numbers: print("Invalid Entry, please try again") continue else: goal -= entered entered_numbers.append(entered) if goal < 0: goal = target_amount entered_numbers = list() i = 0 while i < len(entered_numbers): numbers_list.remove(entered_numbers[i]) i += 1 def check_lost_game(rolled): value = True if rolled not in numbers_list: i = 0 while i < len(numbers_list): j = i+1 while j< len(numbers_list): if numbers_list[i] + numbers_list[j] == rolled: return False k = j+1 while k < len(numbers_list): if numbers_list[i] + numbers_list[j] + numbers_list[k] == rolled: return False l = k+1 while l < len(numbers_list): if numbers_list[i] + numbers_list[j] + numbers_list[k] + numbers_list[l] == rolled: return False l+=1 k+=1 j+=1 i +=1 else: value = False return value def end_game(): game_completed = True return game_completed def win_game(): game_won = True return game_won def score_game(): score = 0 i = 0 while i < len(numbers_list): score += numbers_list[i] i+=1 return score def all_less_than_7(): less_than_7 = True i = 0 while i < len(numbers_list): if numbers_list[i] > 6: less_than_7 = False i += 1 return less_than_7 def keep_playing_input(): while True: try: continue_playing = (input("Do you wish to keep playing? y or n: ")) except ValueError: print("Invalid choice; please try again") continue if continue_playing.lower == "y": return True else: return False keep_playing = True while keep_playing: numbers_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] welcome() roll_total = 0 while roll_total < 55: dice_amount = 2 if all_less_than_7(): dice_amount = choose_dice_amount() dice_total = dice_roll(dice_amount) print("Your roll is: " + str(dice_total)) if check_lost_game(dice_total): print("It is impossible to continue the game with this roll") break choose_number_to_drop(dice_total) roll_total += dice_total if roll_total == 55: game_won = win_game() if game_won: print("Congrats you won!!!!") games_played +=1 games_won +=1 else: print("You lose, your score is " + str(score_game())) print("Numbers remaining: " + str(numbers_list)) games_played += 1 games_lost += 1 total_score += score_game() average_score = total_score/games_played game_won = False print("STATS:\n Games Played: " + str(games_played) + "\nGames Won: " + str(games_won) + "\nGames Lost: " + str(games_lost) + "\nAverage Score: " + str(average_score) + "\nTotal Score: " + str(total_score)) keep_playing_input()
#!/usr/bin/python from mod_pywebsocket import msgutil import time def web_socket_do_extra_handshake(request): pass # Always accept. def web_socket_transfer_data(request): time.sleep(3) msgutil.send_message(request, "line")
n = int(input()) coelho = rato = sapo = contador = 0 for i in range(0, n): q, t = input().split(' ') t = t.upper() q = int(q) if 1 <= q <= 15: contador += q if t == 'C': coelho += q elif t == 'R': rato += q elif t == 'S': sapo += q porccoelho = (coelho * 100) / contador porcrato = (rato * 100) / contador porcsapo = (sapo * 100) / contador print(f'Total: {contador} cobaias') print(f'Total de coelhos: {coelho}') print(f'Total de ratos: {rato}') print(f'Total de sapos: {sapo}') print(f'Percentual de coelhos: {porccoelho:.2f} %') print(f'Percentual de ratos: {porcrato:.2f} %') print(f'Percentual de sapos: {porcsapo:.2f} %')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Script Name: Author: <NAME>/Jimmy - 3D artist. Description: """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Import """ import os from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QFrame, QStyle, QAbstractItemView, QSizePolicy, QLineEdit, QPlainTextEdit, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QRubberBand, QCalendarWidget, ) from PySide2.QtCore import QEvent, QSettings, QSize, Qt, QDateTime from PySide2.QtGui import QColor, QPainter, QFont, QTextCursor SingleSelection = QCalendarWidget.SingleSelection NoSelection = QCalendarWidget.NoSelection SingleLetterDay = QCalendarWidget.SingleLetterDayNames ShortDay = QCalendarWidget.ShortDayNames LongDay = QCalendarWidget.LongDayNames NoHoriHeader = QCalendarWidget.NoHorizontalHeader NoVertHeader = QCalendarWidget.NoVerticalHeader IsoWeekNum = QCalendarWidget.ISOWeekNumbers SelectMode = QCalendarWidget.SelectionMode HoriHeaderFm = QCalendarWidget.HorizontalHeaderFormat VertHeaderFm = QCalendarWidget.VerticalHeaderFormat DayOfWeek = Qt.DayOfWeek Sunday = Qt.Sunday Monday = Qt.Monday Tuesday = Qt.Tuesday Wednesday = Qt.Wednesday Thursday = Qt.Thursday Friday = Qt.Friday Saturday = Qt.Saturday ICONSIZE = 32 ICONBUFFER = -1 BTNTAGSIZE = QSize(87, 20) TAGBTNSIZE = QSize(87-1, 20-1) BTNICONSIZE = QSize(ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE) ICONBTNSIZE = QSize(ICONSIZE+ICONBUFFER, ICONSIZE+ICONBUFFER) DAMG_LOGO_COLOR = QColor(0, 114, 188, 255) # Basic color GlobalColor = Qt.GlobalColor WHITE = QColor(Qt.white) LIGHTGRAY = QColor(Qt.lightGray) GRAY = QColor(Qt.gray) DARKGRAY = QColor(Qt.darkGray) BLACK = QColor( RED = QColor( GREEN = QColor( BLUE = QColor( DARKRED = QColor(Qt.darkRed) DARKGREEN = QColor(Qt.darkGreen) DARKBLUE = QColor(Qt.darkBlue) CYAN = QColor(Qt.cyan) MAGENTA = QColor(Qt.magenta) YELLOW = QColor(Qt.yellow) DARKCYAN = QColor(Qt.darkCyan) DARKMAGENTA = QColor(Qt.darkMagenta) DARKYELLOW = QColor(Qt.darkYellow) # Dark Palette color Color_BACKGROUND_LIGHT = QColor('#505F69') COLOR_BACKGROUND_NORMAL = QColor('#32414B') COLOR_BACKGROUND_DARK = QColor('#19232D') COLOR_FOREGROUND_LIGHT = QColor('#F0F0F0') COLOR_FOREGROUND_NORMAL = QColor('#AAAAAA') COLOR_FOREGROUND_DARK = QColor('#787878') COLOR_SELECTION_LIGHT = QColor('#148CD2') COLOR_SELECTION_NORMAL = QColor('#1464A0') COLOR_SELECTION_DARK = QColor('#14506E') # Nice color blush = QColor(246, 202, 203, 255) petal = QColor(247, 170, 189, 255) petunia = QColor(231, 62, 151, 255) deep_pink = QColor(229, 2, 120, 255) melon = QColor(241, 118, 110, 255) pomegranate = QColor(178, 27, 32, 255) poppy_red = QColor(236, 51, 39, 255) orange_red = QColor(240, 101, 53, 255) olive = QColor(174, 188, 43, 255) spring = QColor(227, 229, 121, 255) yellow = QColor(255, 240, 29, 255) mango = QColor(254, 209, 26, 255) cantaloupe = QColor(250, 176, 98, 255) tangelo = QColor(247, 151, 47, 255) burnt_orange = QColor(236, 137, 36, 255) bright_orange = QColor(242, 124, 53, 255) moss = QColor(176, 186, 39, 255) sage = QColor(212, 219, 145, 255) apple = QColor(178, 215, 140, 255) grass = QColor(111, 178, 68, 255) forest = QColor(69, 149, 62, 255) peacock = QColor(21, 140, 167, 255) teal = QColor(24, 157, 193, 255) aqua = QColor(153, 214, 218, 255) violet = QColor(55, 52, 144, 255) deep_blue = QColor(15, 86, 163, 255) hydrangea = QColor(150, 191, 229, 255) sky = QColor(139, 210, 244, 255) dusk = QColor(16, 102, 162, 255) midnight = QColor(14, 90, 131, 255) seaside = QColor(87, 154, 188, 255) poolside = QColor(137, 203, 225, 255) eggplant = QColor(86, 5, 79, 255) lilac = QColor(222, 192, 219, 255) chocolate = QColor(87, 43, 3, 255) blackout = QColor(19, 17, 15, 255) stone = QColor(125, 127, 130, 255) gravel = QColor(181, 182, 185, 255) pebble = QColor(217, 212, 206, 255) sand = QColor(185, 172, 151, 255) ignoreARM = Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio scrollAsNeed = Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded scrollOff = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff scrollOn = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn SiPoMin = QSizePolicy.Minimum # Size policy SiPoMax = QSizePolicy.Maximum SiPoExp = QSizePolicy.Expanding SiPoPre = QSizePolicy.Preferred SiPoIgn = QSizePolicy.Ignored frameStyle = QFrame.Sunken | QFrame.Panel center = Qt.AlignCenter # Alignment right = Qt.AlignRight left = Qt.AlignLeft top = Qt.AlignTop bottom = Qt.AlignBottom hori = Qt.Horizontal vert = Qt.Vertical dockL = Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea # Docking area dockR = Qt.RightDockWidgetArea dockT = Qt.TopDockWidgetArea dockB = Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea dockAll = Qt.AllDockWidgetAreas datetTimeStamp = QDateTime.currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm - dd MMMM yy") # datestamp PRS = dict(password = QLineEdit.Password, center = center , left = left , right = right, spmax = SiPoMax , sppre = SiPoPre, spexp = SiPoExp, spign = SiPoIgn, expanding = QSizePolicy.Expanding, spmin = SiPoMin,) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Event """ NO_WRAP = QPlainTextEdit.NoWrap NO_FRAME = QPlainTextEdit.NoFrame ELIDE_RIGHT = Qt.ElideRight ELIDE_NONE = Qt.ElideNone # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Window state """ StateNormal = Qt.WindowNoState StateMax = Qt.WindowMaximized StateMin = Qt.WindowMinimized State_Selected = QStyle.State_Selected # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Nodegraph setting variables """ ASPEC_RATIO = Qt.KeepAspectRatio SMOOTH_TRANS = Qt.SmoothTransformation SCROLLBAROFF = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff # Scrollbar SCROLLBARON = Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn SCROLLBARNEED = Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded WORD_WRAP = Qt.TextWordWrap INTERSECT_ITEM_SHAPE = Qt.IntersectsItemShape CONTAIN_ITEM_SHAPE = Qt.ContainsItemShape MATCH_EXACTLY = Qt.MatchExactly DRAG_ONLY = QAbstractItemView.DragOnly # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ UI flags """ ITEMENABLE = Qt.ItemIsEnabled ITEMMOVEABLE = QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable ITEMSENDGEOCHANGE = QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges ITEMSCALECHANGE = QGraphicsItem.ItemScaleChange ITEMPOSCHANGE = QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange DEVICECACHE = QGraphicsItem.DeviceCoordinateCache SELECTABLE = QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable MOVEABLE = QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable FOCUSABLE = QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable PANEL = QGraphicsItem.ItemIsPanel NOINDEX = QGraphicsScene.NoIndex # Scene RUBBER_DRAG = QGraphicsView.RubberBandDrag # Viewer RUBBER_REC = QRubberBand.Rectangle POS_CHANGE = QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionChange NODRAG = QGraphicsView.NoDrag NOFRAME = QGraphicsView.NoFrame ANCHOR_NO = QGraphicsView.NoAnchor ANCHOR_UNDERMICE = QGraphicsView.AnchorUnderMouse ANCHOR_CENTER = QGraphicsView.AnchorViewCenter CACHE_BG = QGraphicsView.CacheBackground UPDATE_VIEWRECT = QGraphicsView.BoundingRectViewportUpdate UPDATE_FULLVIEW = QGraphicsView.FullViewportUpdate UPDATE_SMARTVIEW = QGraphicsView.SmartViewportUpdate UPDATE_BOUNDINGVIEW = QGraphicsView.BoundingRectViewportUpdate UPDATE_MINIMALVIEW = QGraphicsView.MinimalViewportUpdate STAY_ON_TOP = Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint STRONG_FOCUS = Qt.StrongFocus SPLASHSCREEN = Qt.SplashScreen FRAMELESS = Qt.FramelessWindowHint CUSTOMIZE = Qt.CustomizeWindowHint CLOSEBTN = Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint MINIMIZEBTN = Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint AUTO_COLOR = Qt.AutoColor # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Drawing """ ANTIALIAS = QPainter.Antialiasing # Painter ANTIALIAS_TEXT = QPainter.TextAntialiasing ANTIALIAS_HIGH_QUALITY = QPainter.HighQualityAntialiasing SMOOTH_PIXMAP_TRANSFORM = QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform NON_COSMETIC_PEN = QPainter.NonCosmeticDefaultPen NO_BRUSH = Qt.NoBrush # Brush NO_PEN = Qt.NoPen # Pen ROUND_CAP = Qt.RoundCap ROUND_JOIN = Qt.RoundJoin PATTERN_SOLID = Qt.SolidPattern # Pattern LINE_SOLID = Qt.SolidLine # Line LINE_DASH = Qt.DashLine LINE_DOT = Qt.DotLine LINE_DASH_DOT = Qt.DashDotDotLine TRANSPARENT = Qt.transparent TRANSPARENT_MODE = Qt.TransparentMode # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Meta Object """ QUEUEDCONNECTION = Qt.QueuedConnection # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Keyboard and cursor """ TEXT_BOLD = QFont.Bold TEXT_NORMAL = QFont.Normal MONO_SPACE = QFont.Monospace TEXT_MENEOMIC = Qt.TextShowMnemonic KEY_PRESS = QEvent.KeyPress KEY_RELEASE = QEvent.KeyRelease KEY_ALT = Qt.Key_Alt KEY_DEL = Qt.Key_Delete KEY_TAB = Qt.Key_Tab KEY_SHIFT = Qt.Key_Shift KEY_CTRL = Qt.Key_Control KEY_BACKSPACE = Qt.Key_Backspace KEY_ENTER = Qt.Key_Enter KEY_RETURN = Qt.Key_Return KEY_F = Qt.Key_F KEY_S = Qt.Key_S ALT_MODIFIER = Qt.AltModifier CTRL_MODIFIER = Qt.ControlModifier SHIFT_MODIFIER = Qt.ShiftModifier NO_MODIFIER = Qt.NoModifier CLOSE_HAND_CUSOR = Qt.ClosedHandCursor SIZEF_CURSOR = Qt.SizeFDiagCursor windows = = 'nt' DMK = Qt.AltModifier if windows else CTRL_MODIFIER MOUSE_LEFT = Qt.LeftButton MOUSE_RIGHT = Qt.RightButton MOUSE_MIDDLE = Qt.MiddleButton NO_BUTTON = Qt.NoButton ARROW_NONE = Qt.NoArrow # Cursor CURSOR_ARROW = Qt.ArrowCursor CURSOR_SIZEALL = Qt.SizeAllCursor MOVE_OPERATION = QTextCursor.MoveOperation MOVE_ANCHOR = QTextCursor.MoveMode.MoveAnchor KEEP_ANCHOR = QTextCursor.MoveMode.KeepAnchor ACTION_MOVE = Qt.MoveAction # Action ignoreARM = Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Set number """ RELATIVE_SIZE = Qt.RelativeSize # Size INI = QSettings.IniFormat NATIVE = QSettings.NativeFormat INVALID = QSettings.InvalidFormat SYS_SCOPE = QSettings.SystemScope USER_SCOPE = QSettings.UserScope # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Created by <NAME> on 5/6/2020 - 3:13 AM # © 2017 - 2020 DAMGteam. All rights reserved
<reponame>ymontilla/WebScrapingCatastro # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # + ## Utilidades comunes entre places y OSM. # + import csv import ast import codecs from math import cos, asin, sqrt # + def read_csv_with_encoding(filename, delimiter="|", encoding="iso-8859-1"): with, encoding=encoding) as fp: reader = csv.reader(fp, delimiter=delimiter) csvFile = list(reader) return pd.DataFrame(csvFile[1:], columns=csvFile[0]) def read_json_with_encoding(filename, encoding="iso-8859-1"): with, encoding=encoding) as a: l = json_file = ast.literal_eval(l) return json_file # - import pandas as pd def distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): """ El resultado de la medición de distancia esta en kilometros. """ p = 0.017453292519943295 #Pi/180 a = 0.5 - cos((lat2 - lat1) * p)/2 + cos(lat1 * p) * cos(lat2 * p) * (1 - cos((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2 return 12742 * asin(sqrt(a)) def build_center_point(df): lat = df["latitude"].mean() lon = df["longitude"].mean() return pd.DataFrame({'fid': [777], 'latitude': [lat], 'longitude': [lon]}) """ El proceso es muy pesado y no es posible hacer el ananlisis con toda la data de bogotá, el número de registros es demasiado grande para caber en memoria. El uso correcto es filtrar los datos antes de hacer el cross join. """ def compute_cross_distances(location_df, interest_points_df=None): condition_latitude = ~location_df["latitude"].isna() condition_longitude = ~location_df["longitude"].isna() location_df_complete = location_df.loc[condition_latitude & condition_longitude] results = [] for i in location_df_complete.index: for j in interest_points_df.index: results.append([ location_df_complete.loc[i, "fid"], distance(location_df_complete.loc[i, "latitude"], location_df_complete.loc[i, "longitude"], float(interest_points_df.loc[j, "lat"]), float(interest_points_df.loc[j, "lon"])), location_df_complete.loc[i, "latitude"], location_df_complete.loc[i, "longitude"], interest_points_df.loc[j, "lat"], interest_points_df.loc[j, "lon"], interest_points_df.loc[j, "amenity"], interest_points_df.loc[j, "name"] ]) final = list(zip(*results)) return pd.DataFrame({'fid': final[0], 'distance': final[1], 'p_lat': final[2], 'p_lon': final[3], 'i_lat': final[4], 'i_lon': final[5], 'amenity': final[6], 'name': final[7]})
# Generated by Django 3.1.2 on 2020-10-29 09:04 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('wishes', '0004_auto_20201029_0857'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='gallery', name='image', field=models.FilePathField(path='/images'), ), ]
import torch import json import numpy as np from torch.autograd import Variable import gzip import yaml from re import split from matplotlib import pyplot def showImg( im ): pyplot.imshow( im ) def myOpen( fname, mode ): return open( fname, mode, encoding="utf-8" ) def readFile( fname ): opener, mode = (, 'rt' ) if fname[-3:] == '.gz' else ( open, 'r' ) with opener( fname, mode ) as f: return def readLines( fname ): return split('[\r\n]', readFile( fname ) ) def readJson( fname ): with myOpen( fname, 'r' ) as f: return json.load( f ) def writeFile( fname, contents ): with myOpen( fname, 'w' ) as f: f.write( contents ) def writeJson( fname, data ): with myOpen( fname, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) def readYaml( fname ): with myOpen(fname, 'r') as fp: return yaml.load( fp ) config = readYaml('./config.yaml') class averager(object): """Compute average for `torch.Variable` and `torch.Tensor`. """ def __init__(self): self.reset() def add(self, v): if isinstance(v, Variable): count = v = elif isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): count = v.numel() v = v.sum() self.n_count += count self.sum += v def reset(self): self.n_count = 0 self.sum = 0 def val(self): res = 0 if self.n_count != 0: res = self.sum / float(self.n_count) return res def loadTrainedModel( model, opt ): """Load a pretrained model into given model""" print('loading pretrained model from %s' % opt.crnn) if( opt.cuda ): stateDict = torch.load(opt.crnn ) else: stateDict = torch.load(opt.crnn, map_location={'cuda:0': 'cpu'} ) # Handle the case of some old torch version. It will save the data as module.<xyz> . Handle it if( list( stateDict.keys() )[0][:7] == 'module.' ): for key in list(stateDict.keys()): stateDict[ key[ 7:] ] = stateDict[key] del stateDict[ key ] model.load_state_dict( stateDict ) print('Completed loading pre trained model')
import torch import torch.nn as nn import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # NOT -> ParameterModule # NOT -> children_and_parameters # NOT -> flatten_model # NOT -> lr_range # NOT -> scheduling functions # NOT -> SmoothenValue # YES -> lr_find # NOT -> plot_lr_find # NOT TO BE MODIFIED class ParameterModule(nn.Module): "Register a lone parameter 'p' in a module" def __init__(self, p:nn.Parameter): super().__init__() self.val = p def forward(self, x): return x # NOT TO BE MODIFIED # To be used to flatten_model def children_and_parameters(m:nn.Module): "Return the children of `m` and its direct parameters not registered in modules." children = list(m.children()) children_p = sum([[id(p) for p in c.parameters()] for c in m.children()],[]) for p in m.parameters(): if id(p) not in children_p: children.append(ParameterModule(p)) return children # NOT TO BE MODIFIED flatten_model = lambda m: sum(map(flatten_model,children_and_parameters(m)),[]) if len(list(m.children())) else [m] # NOT TO BE MODIFIED def lr_range(model, lr): """ Build differential learning rate from lr. It will give you the Arguments: model :- torch.nn.Module lr :- float or slice Returns: Depending upon lr """ if not isinstance(lr, slice): return lr num_layer = len([nn.Sequential(*flatten_model(model))]) if lr.start: mult = lr.stop / lr.start step = mult**(1/(num_layer-1)) res = np.array([lr.start*(step**i) for i in range(num_layer)]) else: res = [lr.stop/10.]*(num_layer-1) + [lr.stop] return np.array(res) # NOT TO BE MODIFIED # These are the functions that would give us the values of lr. Liks for linearly # increasing lr we would use annealing_linear. # You can add your own custom function, for producing lr. # By defualt annealing_exp is used for both lr and momentum def annealing_no(start, end, pct:float): "No annealing, always return `start`." return start def annealing_linear(start, end, pct:float): "Linearly anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0." return start + pct * (end-start) def annealing_exp(start, end, pct:float): "Exponentially anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0." return start * (end/start) ** pct def annealing_cos(start, end, pct:float): "Cosine anneal from `start` to `end` as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0." cos_out = np.cos(np.pi * pct) + 1 return end + (start-end)/2 * cos_out def do_annealing_poly(start, end, pct:float, degree): return end + (start-end) * (1-pct)**degree # NOT TO BE MODIFIED class Stepper(): """ Used to step from start, end ('vals') over 'n_iter' iterations on a schedule. We will create a stepper object and then use one of the above annelaing functions, to step from start lr to end lr. """ def __init__(self, vals, n_iter:int, func=None): self.start, self.end = (vals[0], vals[1]) if isinstance(vals, tuple) else (vals,0) self.n_iter = max(1, n_iter) if func is None: self.func = annealing_linear if isinstance(vals, tuple) else annealing_no else: self.func = func self.n = 0 def step(self): "Return next value along annealed schedule" self.n += 1 return self.func(self.start, self.end, self.n/self.n_iter) @property def is_done(self)->bool: "Return 'True' if schedule completed" return self.n >= self.n_iter # NOT TO BE MODIFIED class SmoothenValue(): "Create a smooth moving average for a value (loss, etc) using `beta`." def __init__(self, beta:float): self.beta,self.n,self.mov_avg = beta,0,0 def add_value(self, val:float)->None: "Add `val` to calculate updated smoothed value." self.n += 1 self.mov_avg = self.beta * self.mov_avg + (1 - self.beta) * val self.smooth = self.mov_avg / (1 - self.beta ** self.n) # TO BE MODIFIED IN SOME CASES def lr_find(data_loader, model, loss_fn, opt, wd:int=0, start_lr:float=1e-7, end_lr:float=10, num_it:int=100, stop_div:bool=True, smooth_beta:float=0.98, use_gpu:bool=True, device=torch.device('cuda'), anneal_func=annealing_exp): """ The main function that you will call to plot learning_rate vs losses graph. It is the only function from that you will call. By default it will use GPU. It assumes your model is already on GPU if you use use_gpu. Arguments:- data_loader :- model :- torch.nn.Module loss_fn :- torch.nn.LossFunction opt :- torch.optim.Optimizer wd :- weight decay (default=0). start_lr :- The learning rate from where to start in lr_find (default=1e-7) end_lr :- The learning rate at which to end lr_find (default=10) num_it :- Number of iterations for lr_find (default=100) stop_div :- If the loss diverges, then stop early (default=True) smooth_beta :- The beta value to smoothen the running avergae of the loss function (default=0.98) use_gpu :- True (train on GPU) else CPU anneal_func :- The step function you want to use (default exp) device :- Torch device to use for training model (default GPU) Returns: losses :- list of smoothened version of losses lrs :- list of all lrs that we test """ model.train() stop = False flag = False best_loss = 0. iteration = 0 losses = [] lrs = [] lrs.append(start_lr) start_lr = lr_range(model, start_lr) start_lr = np.array(start_lr) if isinstance(start_lr, (tuple, list)) else start_lr end_lr = lr_range(model, end_lr) end_lr = np.array(end_lr) if isinstance(end_lr, (tuple, list)) else end_lr sched = Stepper((start_lr, end_lr), num_it, anneal_func) smoothener = SmoothenValue(smooth_beta) epochs = int(np.ceil(num_it/len(data_loader))) # save model_dict model_state = model.state_dict() opt_state = opt.state_dict() # Set optimizer learning_rate = start_lr for group in opt.param_groups: group['lr'] = sched.start for i in range(epochs): for data in data_loader: opt.zero_grad() ################### TO BE MODIFIED ################### # Depending on your model, you will have to modify your # data pipeline and how you give inputs to your model. inputs, labels = data if use_gpu: inputs = labels = outputs = model(inputs) loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels) ##################################################### if use_gpu: smoothener.add_value(loss.detach().cpu()) else: smoothener.add_value(loss.detach()) smooth_loss = smoothener.smooth losses.append(smooth_loss) loss.backward() ################### TO BE MODIFIED ################### # For AdamW. If you want to use Adam, comment these lines for group in opt.param_groups: for param in group['params']: = * group['lr'], ##################################################### opt.step() # Change lr new_lr = sched.step() lrs.append(new_lr) for group in opt.param_groups: group['lr'] = new_lr ################### TO BE MODIFIED ################### # You necessarily don't want to change it. But in cases # when you are maximizing the loss, then you will have # to change it. if iteration == 0 or smooth_loss < best_loss: best_loss = smooth_loss iteration += 1 if sched.is_done or (stop_div and (smooth_loss > 4*best_loss or torch.isnan(loss))): flag = True break ##################################################### if iteration%10 == 0: print(f'Iteration: {iteration}') if flag: break # Load state dict model.load_state_dict(model_state) opt.load_state_dict(opt_state) lrs.pop() print(f'LR Finder is complete.') return losses, lrs # NOT TO BE MODIFIED def plot_lr_find(losses, lrs, skip_start:int=10, skip_end:int=5, suggestion:bool=False, return_fig:bool=None): """ It will take the losses and lrs returned by lr_find as input. Arguments:- skip_start -> It will skip skip_start lrs from the start skip_end -> It will skip skip_end lrs from the end suggestion -> If you want to see the point where the gradient changes most return_fig -> True then get the fig in the return statement """ lrs = lrs[skip_start:-skip_end] if skip_end > 0 else lrs[skip_start:] losses = losses[skip_start:-skip_end] if skip_end > 0 else losses[skip_start:] losses = [x.item() for x in losses] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot(lrs, losses) ax.set_ylabel("Loss") ax.set_xlabel("Learning Rate") ax.set_xscale('log') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%.0e')) if suggestion: try: mg = (np.gradient(np.array(losses))).argmin() except: print("Failed to compute the gradients, there might not be enough points.") return print(f"Min numerical gradient: {lrs[mg]:.2E}") ax.plot(lrs[mg], losses[mg], markersize=10, marker='o', color='red') if return_fig is not None: return fig
<reponame>James19stack/instagram-copy_cat<filename>instagram/ from django.contrib import admin from .models import Images,Comments,Profile # Register your models here. class CommentInline(admin.TabularInline): model=Comments extra=3 class ImageInline(admin.ModelAdmin): fieldsets=[ (None,{'fields':['image']}), (None,{'fields':['image_name']}), (None,{'fields':['image_caption']}), (None,{'fields':['likes']}), ] inlines=[CommentInline]'InstaPost Admin''InstaPost Admin Dashboard',ImageInline)
<reponame>xihuaiwen/chinese_bert # Copyright 2019 Graphcore Ltd. from models.resnet_base import ResNet import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import tensorflow.contrib as contrib from tensorflow.python.ipu import normalization_ops # This is all written for: NHWC class TensorflowResNet(ResNet): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.dtype = tf.float16 super(TensorflowResNet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_variable(self, name, shape, init): return tf.get_variable(name, shape, initializer=init, dtype=self.dtype) def residual(self, x, shortcut, out_filters, stride, type='B'): in_shape = shortcut.get_shape() pad = int(x.get_shape()[3] - in_shape[3]) if pad != 0 or type == 'C': if type == 'A': shortcut = tf.strided_slice(shortcut, [0, 0, 0, 0], in_shape, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1]) shortcut = tf.pad(shortcut, paddings=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, pad]]) else: shortcut = self.conv(shortcut, 1, stride, out_filters) shortcut = self.norm(shortcut) x = shortcut + x x = self.relu(x) return x def relu(self, x): return tf.nn.relu(x) def conv(self, x, ksize, stride, filters_out, bias=True): filters_in = x.get_shape()[-1] wshape = [ksize, ksize, filters_in, filters_out] w_init = contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(dtype=self.dtype) weights = self._get_variable('weights', shape=wshape, init=w_init) x = tf.nn.conv2d(x, weights, [1, stride, stride, 1], padding='SAME') if bias: bshape = [filters_out] b_init = tf.zeros_initializer() biases = self._get_variable('biases', shape=bshape, init=b_init) x = x + biases return x def norm(self, x, type='BATCH', groups=32, training=False): if type == 'BATCH': # Perhaps use tf.nn.fused_batch_norm instead. x = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x, fused=True, center=True, scale=True, training=training, trainable=training, momentum=0.997, epsilon=1e-5) elif type == 'GROUP': x = normalization_ops.group_norm(x, groups=groups, center=True, scale=True, training=training, trainable=training, channels_axis=-1, reduction_axes=[-3, -2]) return x def fc(self, x, num_units_out): num_units_in = x.get_shape()[1] w_init = contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(dtype=self.dtype) b_init = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) with self.namescope('fc'): weights = self._get_variable('weights', shape=[num_units_in, num_units_out], init=w_init) biases = self._get_variable('biases', shape=[num_units_out], init=b_init) x = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(x, weights, biases) return x def reduce_mean(self, x, indices=(1, 2)): x = tf.reduce_mean(x, reduction_indices=indices) return x def maxpool(self, x): x = tf.nn.max_pool( x, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME') return x def namescope(self, debug_string): return tf.variable_scope(debug_string)
# This file is part of Scapy # See for more information # Copyright (C) <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # This program is published under a GPLv2 license """ Implementation of the configuration object. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import functools import os import re import time import socket import sys from scapy import VERSION, base_classes from scapy.consts import DARWIN, WINDOWS, LINUX, BSD, SOLARIS from scapy.error import log_scapy, warning, ScapyInvalidPlatformException from scapy.modules import six from scapy.themes import NoTheme, apply_ipython_style ############ # Config # ############ class ConfClass(object): def configure(self, cnf): self.__dict__ = cnf.__dict__.copy() def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): s = "" keys = self.__class__.__dict__.copy() keys.update(self.__dict__) keys = sorted(keys) for i in keys: if i[0] != "_": r = repr(getattr(self, i)) r = " ".join(r.split()) wlen = 76 - max(len(i), 10) if len(r) > wlen: r = r[:wlen - 3] + "..." s += "%-10s = %s\n" % (i, r) return s[:-1] class Interceptor(object): def __init__(self, name=None, default=None, hook=None, args=None, kargs=None): = name self.intname = "_intercepted_%s" % name self.default = default self.hook = hook self.args = args if args is not None else [] self.kargs = kargs if kargs is not None else {} def __get__(self, obj, typ=None): if not hasattr(obj, self.intname): setattr(obj, self.intname, self.default) return getattr(obj, self.intname) @staticmethod def set_from_hook(obj, name, val): int_name = "_intercepted_%s" % name setattr(obj, int_name, val) def __set__(self, obj, val): setattr(obj, self.intname, val) self.hook(, val, *self.args, **self.kargs) def _readonly(name): default = Conf.__dict__[name].default Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, name, default) raise ValueError("Read-only value !") ReadOnlyAttribute = functools.partial( Interceptor, hook=(lambda name, *args, **kwargs: _readonly(name)) ) ReadOnlyAttribute.__doc__ = "Read-only class attribute" class ProgPath(ConfClass): universal_open = "open" if DARWIN else "xdg-open" pdfreader = universal_open psreader = universal_open svgreader = universal_open dot = "dot" display = "display" tcpdump = "tcpdump" tcpreplay = "tcpreplay" hexedit = "hexer" tshark = "tshark" wireshark = "wireshark" ifconfig = "ifconfig" class ConfigFieldList: def __init__(self): self.fields = set() self.layers = set() @staticmethod def _is_field(f): return hasattr(f, "owners") def _recalc_layer_list(self): self.layers = {owner for f in self.fields for owner in f.owners} def add(self, *flds): self.fields |= {f for f in flds if self._is_field(f)} self._recalc_layer_list() def remove(self, *flds): self.fields -= set(flds) self._recalc_layer_list() def __contains__(self, elt): if isinstance(elt, base_classes.Packet_metaclass): return elt in self.layers return elt in self.fields def __repr__(self): return "<%s [%s]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, " ".join(str(x) for x in self.fields)) # noqa: E501 class Emphasize(ConfigFieldList): pass class Resolve(ConfigFieldList): pass class Num2Layer: def __init__(self): self.num2layer = {} self.layer2num = {} def register(self, num, layer): self.register_num2layer(num, layer) self.register_layer2num(num, layer) def register_num2layer(self, num, layer): self.num2layer[num] = layer def register_layer2num(self, num, layer): self.layer2num[layer] = num def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, base_classes.Packet_metaclass): return self.layer2num[item] return self.num2layer[item] def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, base_classes.Packet_metaclass): return item in self.layer2num return item in self.num2layer def get(self, item, default=None): return self[item] if item in self else default def __repr__(self): lst = [] for num, layer in six.iteritems(self.num2layer): if layer in self.layer2num and self.layer2num[layer] == num: dir = "<->" else: dir = " ->" lst.append((num, "%#6x %s %-20s (%s)" % (num, dir, layer.__name__, layer._name))) for layer, num in six.iteritems(self.layer2num): if num not in self.num2layer or self.num2layer[num] != layer: lst.append((num, "%#6x <- %-20s (%s)" % (num, layer.__name__, layer._name))) lst.sort() return "\n".join(y for x, y in lst) class LayersList(list): def __init__(self): list.__init__(self) self.ldict = {} def __repr__(self): return "\n".join("%-20s: %s" % (l.__name__, for l in self) def register(self, layer): self.append(layer) if layer.__module__ not in self.ldict: self.ldict[layer.__module__] = [] self.ldict[layer.__module__].append(layer) def layers(self): result = [] # This import may feel useless, but it is required for the eval below import scapy # noqa: F401 for lay in self.ldict: doc = eval(lay).__doc__ result.append((lay, doc.strip().split("\n")[0] if doc else lay)) return result class CommandsList(list): def __repr__(self): s = [] for l in sorted(self, key=lambda x: x.__name__): doc = l.__doc__.split("\n")[0] if l.__doc__ else "--" s.append("%-20s: %s" % (l.__name__, doc)) return "\n".join(s) def register(self, cmd): self.append(cmd) return cmd # return cmd so that method can be used as a decorator def lsc(): """Displays Scapy's default commands""" print(repr(conf.commands)) class CacheInstance(dict, object): __slots__ = ["timeout", "name", "_timetable", "__dict__"] def __init__(self, name="noname", timeout=None): self.timeout = timeout = name self._timetable = {} def flush(self): self.__init__(, timeout=self.timeout) def __getitem__(self, item): if item in self.__slots__: return object.__getattribute__(self, item) val = dict.__getitem__(self, item) if self.timeout is not None: t = self._timetable[item] if time.time() - t > self.timeout: raise KeyError(item) return val def get(self, item, default=None): # overloading this method is needed to force the dict to go through # the timetable check try: return self[item] except KeyError: return default def __setitem__(self, item, v): if item in self.__slots__: return object.__setattr__(self, item, v) self._timetable[item] = time.time() dict.__setitem__(self, item, v) def update(self, other): for key, value in six.iteritems(other): # We only update an element from `other` either if it does # not exist in `self` or if the entry in `self` is older. if key not in self or self._timetable[key] < other._timetable[key]: dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) self._timetable[key] = other._timetable[key] def iteritems(self): if self.timeout is None: return six.iteritems(self.__dict__) t0 = time.time() return ((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout) # noqa: E501 def iterkeys(self): if self.timeout is None: return six.iterkeys(self.__dict__) t0 = time.time() return (k for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout) # noqa: E501 def __iter__(self): return six.iterkeys(self.__dict__) def itervalues(self): if self.timeout is None: return six.itervalues(self.__dict__) t0 = time.time() return (v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout) # noqa: E501 def items(self): if self.timeout is None: return dict.items(self) t0 = time.time() return [(k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout] # noqa: E501 def keys(self): if self.timeout is None: return dict.keys(self) t0 = time.time() return [k for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout] # noqa: E501 def values(self): if self.timeout is None: return list(six.itervalues(self)) t0 = time.time() return [v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout] # noqa: E501 def __len__(self): if self.timeout is None: return dict.__len__(self) return len(self.keys()) def summary(self): return "%s: %i valid items. Timeout=%rs" % (, len(self), self.timeout) # noqa: E501 def __repr__(self): s = [] if self: mk = max(len(k) for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__)) fmt = "%%-%is %%s" % (mk + 1) for item in six.iteritems(self.__dict__): s.append(fmt % item) return "\n".join(s) class NetCache: def __init__(self): self._caches_list = [] def add_cache(self, cache): self._caches_list.append(cache) setattr(self,, cache) def new_cache(self, name, timeout=None): c = CacheInstance(name=name, timeout=timeout) self.add_cache(c) def __delattr__(self, attr): raise AttributeError("Cannot delete attributes") def update(self, other): for co in other._caches_list: if hasattr(self, getattr(self, else: self.add_cache(co.copy()) def flush(self): for c in self._caches_list: c.flush() def __repr__(self): return "\n".join(c.summary() for c in self._caches_list) def _version_checker(module, minver): """Checks that module has a higher version that minver. params: - module: a module to test - minver: a tuple of versions """ # We could use LooseVersion, but distutils imports imp which is deprecated version_regexp = r'[a-z]?((?:\d|\.)+\d+)(?:\.dev[0-9]+)?' version_tags = re.match(version_regexp, module.__version__) if not version_tags: return False version_tags =".") version_tags = tuple(int(x) for x in version_tags) return version_tags >= minver def isCryptographyValid(): """ Check if the cryptography library is present, and if it is recent enough for most usages in scapy (v1.7 or later). """ try: import cryptography except ImportError: return False return _version_checker(cryptography, (1, 7)) def isCryptographyRecent(): """ Check if the cryptography library is recent (2.0 and later) """ try: import cryptography except ImportError: return False return _version_checker(cryptography, (2, 0)) def isCryptographyAdvanced(): """ Check if the cryptography library is present, and if it supports X25519, ChaCha20Poly1305 and such (v2.0 or later). """ try: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import X25519PrivateKey # noqa: E501 X25519PrivateKey.generate() except Exception: return False else: return True def isPyPy(): """Returns either scapy is running under PyPy or not""" try: import __pypy__ # noqa: F401 return True except ImportError: return False def _prompt_changer(attr, val): """Change the current prompt theme""" try: sys.ps1 = conf.color_theme.prompt(conf.prompt) except Exception: pass try: apply_ipython_style(get_ipython()) except NameError: pass def _set_conf_sockets(): """Populate the conf.L2Socket and conf.L3Socket according to the various use_* parameters """ from scapy.main import _load if conf.use_bpf and not BSD: Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, "use_bpf", False) raise ScapyInvalidPlatformException("BSD-like (OSX, *BSD...) only !") if not conf.use_pcap and SOLARIS: Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, "use_pcap", True) raise ScapyInvalidPlatformException( "Scapy only supports libpcap on Solaris !" ) # we are already in an Interceptor hook, use Interceptor.set_from_hook if conf.use_pcap or conf.use_dnet: try: from scapy.arch.pcapdnet import L2pcapListenSocket, L2pcapSocket, \ L3pcapSocket except (OSError, ImportError): warning("No libpcap provider available ! pcap won't be used") Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, "use_pcap", False) else: conf.L3socket = L3pcapSocket conf.L3socket6 = functools.partial(L3pcapSocket, filter="ip6") conf.L2socket = L2pcapSocket conf.L2listen = L2pcapListenSocket # Update globals _load("scapy.arch.pcapdnet") return if conf.use_bpf: from scapy.arch.bpf.supersocket import L2bpfListenSocket, \ L2bpfSocket, L3bpfSocket conf.L3socket = L3bpfSocket conf.L3socket6 = functools.partial(L3bpfSocket, filter="ip6") conf.L2socket = L2bpfSocket conf.L2listen = L2bpfListenSocket # Update globals _load("scapy.arch.bpf") return if LINUX: from scapy.arch.linux import L3PacketSocket, L2Socket, L2ListenSocket conf.L3socket = L3PacketSocket conf.L3socket6 = functools.partial(L3PacketSocket, filter="ip6") conf.L2socket = L2Socket conf.L2listen = L2ListenSocket # Update globals _load("scapy.arch.linux") return if WINDOWS: from import _NotAvailableSocket from import L3WinSocket, L3WinSocket6 conf.L3socket = L3WinSocket conf.L3socket6 = L3WinSocket6 conf.L2socket = _NotAvailableSocket conf.L2listen = _NotAvailableSocket # No need to update globals on Windows return from scapy.supersocket import L3RawSocket from scapy.layers.inet6 import L3RawSocket6 conf.L3socket = L3RawSocket conf.L3socket6 = L3RawSocket6 def _socket_changer(attr, val): if not isinstance(val, bool): raise TypeError("This argument should be a boolean") dependencies = { # Things that will be turned off "use_pcap": ["use_bpf"], "use_bpf": ["use_pcap"], } restore = {k: getattr(conf, k) for k in dependencies} del restore[attr] # This is handled directly by _set_conf_sockets if val: # Only if True for param in dependencies[attr]: Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, param, False) try: _set_conf_sockets() except (ScapyInvalidPlatformException, ImportError) as e: for key, value in restore.items(): Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, key, value) if isinstance(e, ScapyInvalidPlatformException): raise def _loglevel_changer(attr, val): """Handle a change of conf.logLevel""" log_scapy.setLevel(val) class Conf(ConfClass): """This object contains the configuration of Scapy. session : filename where the session will be saved interactive_shell : can be "ipython", "python" or "auto". Default: Auto stealth : if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...) checkIPID: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and ICMP IP citation received # noqa: E501 if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped equals (bug in some IP stacks) # noqa: E501 if 2, strictly checks that they are equals checkIPsrc: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match (bug in some NAT stacks) # noqa: E501 checkIPinIP: if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do not check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer check_TCPerror_seqack: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the ones in ICMP citation # noqa: E501 iff : selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp(). default:"eth0") # noqa: E501 verb : level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose) promisc : default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you spoof on a lan) # noqa: E501 sniff_promisc : default mode for sniff() filter : bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic from analysis # noqa: E501 histfile : history file padding : includes padding in disassembled packets except_filter : BPF filter for packets to ignore debug_match : when 1, store received packet that are not matched into debug.recv # noqa: E501 route : holds the Scapy routing table and provides methods to manipulate it warning_threshold : how much time between warnings from the same place ASN1_default_codec: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects mib : holds MIB direct access dictionary resolve : holds list of fields for which resolution should be done noenum : holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string should NOT be done # noqa: E501 AS_resolver: choose the AS resolver class to use extensions_paths: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for contribs : a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local configuration # noqa: E501 debug_tls:When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed. recv_poll_rate: how often to check for new packets. Defaults to 0.05s. """ version = ReadOnlyAttribute("version", VERSION) session = "" interactive = False interactive_shell = "" stealth = "not implemented" iface = None iface6 = None layers = LayersList() commands = CommandsList() dot15d4_protocol = None # Used in logLevel = Interceptor("logLevel", log_scapy.level, _loglevel_changer) checkIPID = False checkIPsrc = True checkIPaddr = True checkIPinIP = True check_TCPerror_seqack = False verb = 2 prompt = Interceptor("prompt", ">>> ", _prompt_changer) promisc = True sniff_promisc = 1 raw_layer = None raw_summary = False default_l2 = None l2types = Num2Layer() l3types = Num2Layer() L3socket = None L3socket6 = None L2socket = None L2listen = None BTsocket = None USBsocket = None min_pkt_size = 60 bufsize = 2**16 histfile = os.getenv('SCAPY_HISTFILE', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".scapy_history")) padding = 1 except_filter = "" debug_match = False debug_tls = False wepkey = "" cache_iflist = {} route = None # Filed by route6 = None # Filed by auto_fragment = True debug_dissector = False color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", NoTheme(), _prompt_changer) warning_threshold = 5 prog = ProgPath() resolve = Resolve() noenum = Resolve() emph = Emphasize() use_pypy = ReadOnlyAttribute("use_pypy", isPyPy()) use_pcap = Interceptor( "use_pcap", os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_PCAPDNET", "").lower().startswith("y"), _socket_changer ) # XXX use_dnet is deprecated use_dnet = os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_PCAPDNET", "").lower().startswith("y") use_bpf = Interceptor("use_bpf", False, _socket_changer) use_npcap = False ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6 extensions_paths = "." stats_classic_protocols = [] stats_dot11_protocols = [] temp_files = [] netcache = NetCache() geoip_city = None # can, tls, http are not loaded by default load_layers = ['bluetooth', 'bluetooth4LE', 'dhcp', 'dhcp6', 'dns', 'dot11', 'dot15d4', 'eap', 'gprs', 'hsrp', 'inet', 'inet6', 'ipsec', 'ir', 'isakmp', 'l2', 'l2tp', 'llmnr', 'lltd', 'mgcp', 'mobileip', 'netbios', 'netflow', 'ntp', 'ppi', 'ppp', 'pptp', 'radius', 'rip', 'rtp', 'sctp', 'sixlowpan', 'skinny', 'smb', 'snmp', 'tftp', 'vrrp', 'vxlan', 'x509', 'zigbee'] contribs = dict() crypto_valid = isCryptographyValid() crypto_valid_recent = isCryptographyRecent() crypto_valid_advanced = crypto_valid_recent and isCryptographyAdvanced() fancy_prompt = True auto_crop_tables = True recv_poll_rate = 0.05 def __getattr__(self, attr): # Those are loaded on runtime to avoid import loops if attr == "manufdb": from import MANUFDB return MANUFDB if attr == "ethertypes": from import ETHER_TYPES return ETHER_TYPES if attr == "protocols": from import IP_PROTOS return IP_PROTOS if attr == "services_udp": from import UDP_SERVICES return UDP_SERVICES if attr == "services_tcp": from import TCP_SERVICES return TCP_SERVICES return object.__getattr__(self, attr) if not Conf.ipv6_enabled: log_scapy.warning("IPv6 support disabled in Python. Cannot load Scapy IPv6 layers.") # noqa: E501 for m in ["inet6", "dhcp6"]: if m in Conf.load_layers: Conf.load_layers.remove(m) conf = Conf() def crypto_validator(func): """ This a decorator to be used for any method relying on the cryptography library. # noqa: E501 Its behaviour depends on the 'crypto_valid' attribute of the global 'conf'. """ def func_in(*args, **kwargs): if not conf.crypto_valid: raise ImportError("Cannot execute crypto-related method! " "Please install python-cryptography v1.7 or later.") # noqa: E501 return func(*args, **kwargs) return func_in
<reponame>PuAnysh/UFPMP-Det from .spp import * from .unified_foreground_packing import * __all__ = [ 'phsppog', 'UnifiedForegroundPacking' ]
import argparse import numpy as np from .._helpers import read, reader_map from ._helpers import _get_version_text def info(argv=None): # Parse command line arguments. parser = _get_info_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) # read mesh data mesh = read(args.infile, file_format=args.input_format) print(mesh) # check if the cell arrays are consistent with the points is_consistent = True for cells in mesh.cells: if np.any( > mesh.points.shape[0]): print("\nATTENTION: Inconsistent mesh. Cells refer to nonexistent points.") is_consistent = False break # check if there are redundant points if is_consistent: point_is_used = np.zeros(mesh.points.shape[0], dtype=bool) for cells in mesh.cells: point_is_used[] = True if np.any(~point_is_used): print("ATTENTION: Some points are not part of any cell.") def _get_info_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("Print mesh info."), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument("infile", type=str, help="mesh file to be read from") parser.add_argument( "--input-format", "-i", type=str, choices=sorted(list(reader_map.keys())), help="input file format", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--version", "-v", action="version", version=_get_version_text(), help="display version information", ) return parser
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 __author__ = 'whoami' """ @version: 1.0 @author: whoami @license: Apache Licence 2.0 @contact: <EMAIL> @site: @software: PyCharm Community Edition @file: @time: 2015-11-28 下午1:52 """ from linux import cpu,disk,iostats,loadavg,memory,netstats,swap def get_load_info(): return loadavg.monitor() def get_cpu_status(): return cpu.monitor() def get_memory_info(): return memory.monitor() def get_swap_info(): return swap.monitor() def get_disk_info(): return disk.monitor() def get_network_info(): return netstats.monitor() def get_iostats_info(): return iostats.monitor()
<filename>zerver/management/commands/<gh_stars>0 import sys from typing import Any from argparse import ArgumentParser from zerver.models import Realm from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """List realms in the server and it's configuration settings(optional). Usage examples: ./ list_realms ./ list_realms --all""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument("--all", dest="all", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print all the configuration settings of the realms.") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realms = Realm.objects.all() outer_format = "%-5s %-40s %-40s" inner_format = "%-40s %s" deactivated = False if not options["all"]: print(outer_format % ("id", "string_id", "name")) print(outer_format % ("--", "---------", "----")) for realm in realms: if realm.deactivated: print( % (, realm.string_id, deactivated = True else: print(outer_format % (, realm.string_id, if deactivated: print("\nRed rows represent deactivated realms.")) sys.exit(0) # The remaining code path is the --all case. identifier_attributes = ["id", "name", "string_id"] for realm in realms: # Start with just all the fields on the object, which is # hacky but doesn't require any work to maintain. realm_dict = realm.__dict__ # Remove a field that is confusingly useless del realm_dict['_state'] # Fix the one bitfield to display useful data realm_dict['authentication_methods'] = str(realm.authentication_methods_dict()) for key in identifier_attributes: if realm.deactivated: print( % (key, realm_dict[key]))) deactivated = True else: print(inner_format % (key, realm_dict[key])) for key, value in sorted(realm_dict.iteritems()): if key not in identifier_attributes: if realm.deactivated: print( % (key, value))) else: print(inner_format % (key, value)) print("-" * 80) if deactivated: print("\nRed is used to highlight deactivated realms."))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.db import models class KeyConstructorUserProperty(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) class Meta: app_label = 'tests_app' class KeyConstructorUserModel(models.Model): property = models.ForeignKey(KeyConstructorUserProperty) class Meta: app_label = 'tests_app'
""" For backwards-compatibility. keep this file. (Many people are going to have key bindings that rely on this file.) """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from .app import * __all__ = [ # Old names. 'HasArg', 'HasCompletions', 'HasFocus', 'HasSelection', 'HasValidationError', 'IsDone', 'IsReadOnly', 'IsMultiline', 'RendererHeightIsKnown', 'InEditingMode', 'InPasteMode', 'ViMode', 'ViNavigationMode', 'ViInsertMode', 'ViInsertMultipleMode', 'ViReplaceMode', 'ViSelectionMode', 'ViWaitingForTextObjectMode', 'ViDigraphMode', 'EmacsMode', 'EmacsInsertMode', 'EmacsSelectionMode', 'IsSearching', 'HasSearch', 'ControlIsSearchable', ] # Keep the original classnames for backwards compatibility. HasValidationError = lambda: has_validation_error HasArg = lambda: has_arg IsDone = lambda: is_done RendererHeightIsKnown = lambda: renderer_height_is_known ViNavigationMode = lambda: vi_navigation_mode InPasteMode = lambda: in_paste_mode EmacsMode = lambda: emacs_mode EmacsInsertMode = lambda: emacs_insert_mode ViMode = lambda: vi_mode IsSearching = lambda: is_searching HasSearch = lambda: is_searching ControlIsSearchable = lambda: control_is_searchable EmacsSelectionMode = lambda: emacs_selection_mode ViDigraphMode = lambda: vi_digraph_mode ViWaitingForTextObjectMode = lambda: vi_waiting_for_text_object_mode ViSelectionMode = lambda: vi_selection_mode ViReplaceMode = lambda: vi_replace_mode ViInsertMultipleMode = lambda: vi_insert_multiple_mode ViInsertMode = lambda: vi_insert_mode HasSelection = lambda: has_selection HasCompletions = lambda: has_completions IsReadOnly = lambda: is_read_only IsMultiline = lambda: is_multiline HasFocus = has_focus # No lambda here! (Has_focus is callable that returns a callable.) InEditingMode = in_editing_mode
from pyinstrument import Profiler p = Profiler(use_signal=False) p.start() def func(num): if num == 0: return b = 0 for x in range(1,100000): b += x return func(num - 1) func(900) p.stop() print(p.output_text()) with open('overflow_out.html', 'w') as f: f.write(p.output_html())
from django.db import models # Create your models here. class Schema(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) description = models.TextField() class Code(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) description = models.TextField() active_instances = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) schema = models.ForeignKey(Schema, related_name="codes") code_type = models.IntegerField(default=0) def __unicode__(self): if self.description: return "%s/%s (%d): %s" % (self.schema_id,,, self.description) else: return "%s/%s (%d)" % (self.schema_id,, class DataSet(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) created = models.DateTimeField() class Session(models.Model): set = models.ForeignKey(DataSet) started = models.DateTimeField() ended = models.DateTimeField() def __unicode__(self): return "%d (%s - %s)" % (, str(self.started), str(self.ended)) class Participant(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) description = models.TextField() def __unicode__(self): return class Message(models.Model): session = models.ForeignKey(Session) idx = models.IntegerField() time = models.DateTimeField() type = models.IntegerField() participant = models.ForeignKey(Participant, related_name='messages') message = models.TextField() codes = models.ManyToManyField(Code, through='CodeInstance') @classmethod def get_between(cls, start, end): """ Get messages that are inclusively between the two messages, or two dates. Takes into account the exact ordering of messages, meaning that you won't get messages at the same time but after the last message, for example. """ if isinstance(start, Message): after_first = ~models.Q(session=start.session) | models.Q(idx__gte=start.idx) after_first = models.Q(time__gte=start.time) & after_first else: after_first = models.Q(time__gte=start) if isinstance(end, Message): before_last = ~models.Q(session=end.session) | models.Q(idx__lte=end.idx) before_last = models.Q(time__lte=end.time) & before_last else: before_last = models.Q(time__lte=end) return cls.objects.filter(after_first, before_last) @property def text(self): return self.message @property def user_name(self): return @property def created_at(self): return self.time class User(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) full_name = models.CharField(max_length=250) email = models.CharField(max_length=250) def __unicode__(self): return class AbstractCodeInstance(models.Model): class Meta: abstract = True code = models.ForeignKey(Code) message = models.ForeignKey(Message) added = models.DateTimeField() class CodeInstance(AbstractCodeInstance): user = models.ForeignKey(User) task_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() intensity = models.FloatField() flag = models.IntegerField()
<filename>clip/ import os import argparse from pathlib import Path CLIP_FILE = os.path.join(Path.home(), '.clip') TEMP_FILE = '.TEMP_FILE' def add_text(key, text): if os.path.exists(CLIP_FILE): open_mode = 'a' else: open_mode = 'w+' with open(CLIP_FILE, open_mode) as clip_file: clip_file.write(key + ": " + text + "\n") def list_texts(): with open(CLIP_FILE, 'r') as clip_file: for text in'\n'): print(text) def get_text(key): with open(CLIP_FILE, 'r') as clip_file: for text in'\n'): key_val = text.split(':') if key_val[0].strip() == key: print(key_val[1].strip(), end='') def delete_text(key): exists = False with open(TEMP_FILE, 'w+') as temp_file: with open(CLIP_FILE, 'r') as clip_file: for text in'\n'): if text.strip() == "": continue key_val = text.split(':') if key_val[0].strip() != key: temp_file.write(text+"\n") else: exists = True if not exists: print("key:", key, "was not found in the clip store") try: os.rename(TEMP_FILE, CLIP_FILE) except Exception as ex: os.remove(TEMP_FILE) print('remove text failed.', ex) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='clips and saves texts from the command line') parser.add_argument('-a', '--add', nargs=2) parser.add_argument('-g', '--get', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete', nargs=1) parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.add: key, value = args.add[0], args.add[1] add_text(key, value) elif args.list: list_texts() elif args.get: key = args.get[0] get_text(key) elif args.delete: key = args.delete[0] delete_text(key) else: parser.print_usage() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>noironetworks/heat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import itertools from heat.api.openstack.v1 import util from heat.api.openstack.v1.views import views_common from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api _collection_name = 'stacks' basic_keys = ( rpc_api.STACK_ID, rpc_api.STACK_NAME, rpc_api.STACK_DESCRIPTION, rpc_api.STACK_STATUS, rpc_api.STACK_STATUS_DATA, rpc_api.STACK_CREATION_TIME, rpc_api.STACK_DELETION_TIME, rpc_api.STACK_UPDATED_TIME, rpc_api.STACK_OWNER, rpc_api.STACK_PARENT, rpc_api.STACK_USER_PROJECT_ID, rpc_api.STACK_TAGS, ) def format_stack(req, stack, keys=None, include_project=False): def transform(key, value): if keys and key not in keys: return if key == rpc_api.STACK_ID: yield ('id', value['stack_id']) yield ('links', [util.make_link(req, value)]) if include_project: yield ('project', value['tenant']) elif key == rpc_api.STACK_ACTION: return elif (key == rpc_api.STACK_STATUS and rpc_api.STACK_ACTION in stack): # To avoid breaking API compatibility, we join RES_ACTION # and RES_STATUS, so the API format doesn't expose the # internal split of state into action/status yield (key, '_'.join((stack[rpc_api.STACK_ACTION], value))) else: # TODO(zaneb): ensure parameters can be formatted for XML # elif key == rpc_api.STACK_PARAMETERS: # return key, json.dumps(value) yield (key, value) return dict(itertools.chain.from_iterable( transform(k, v) for k, v in stack.items())) def collection(req, stacks, count=None, include_project=False): keys = basic_keys formatted_stacks = [format_stack(req, s, keys, include_project) for s in stacks] result = {'stacks': formatted_stacks} links = views_common.get_collection_links(req, formatted_stacks) if links: result['links'] = links if count is not None: result['count'] = count return result
import argparse import os import torch import yaml DEFAULT_DEVICE = 'cuda:0' def load_config(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='UNet3D training') parser.add_argument('--config', type=str, help='Path to the YAML config file', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() config = _load_config_yaml(args.config) # Get a device to train on device = config.get('device', DEFAULT_DEVICE) config['device'] = torch.device(device if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") return config def _load_config_yaml(config_file): return yaml.load(open(config_file, 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
<filename>cmake/utils/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os import subprocess parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce a dep file from ninja.') parser.add_argument( '--build-dir', help='The build directory.', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--base-dir', help='The directory for which dependencies are rewriten.', required=True) parser.add_argument('--ninja', help='The ninja executable to use.') parser.add_argument( 'base_target', help="The target from the base's perspective.") parser.add_argument( 'targets', nargs='+', help='The target for which dependencies are extracted.') parser.add_argument( '--extra-deps', nargs='+', help='Extra dependencies.') args = parser.parse_args() build_dir = os.path.abspath(args.build_dir) base_dir = os.path.abspath(args.base_dir) ninja = base_target = args.base_target targets = args.targets extra_deps = args.extra_deps # Make sure we operate in the right folder. os.chdir(build_dir) if ninja is None: ninja = subprocess.check_output(['command', '-v', 'ninja'])[:-1] # Construct the set of all targets all_targets = set() doto_targets = set() for t in subprocess.check_output([ninja, '-t', 'targets', 'all']).splitlines(): t, r = t.split(b':') all_targets.add(t) if r[:13] == b' C_COMPILER__' or r[:15] == b' CXX_COMPILER__': doto_targets.add(t) def parse_ninja_query(query): deps = dict() lines = query.splitlines() while len(lines): line = lines.pop(0) if line[0] == ord(' '): continue # We have a new target target = line.split(b':')[0] assert lines.pop(0)[:8] == b' input:' inputs = set() while True: i = lines.pop(0) if i[:4] != b' ': break ''' ninja has 3 types of input: 1. Explicit dependencies, no prefix; 2. Implicit dependencies, | prefix. 3. Order only dependencies, || prefix. Order only dependency do not require the target to be rebuilt and so we ignore them. ''' i = i[4:] if i[0] == ord('|'): if i[1] == ord('|'): # We reached the order only dependencies. break i = i[2:] inputs.add(i) deps[target] = inputs return deps def extract_deps(workset): # Recursively extract the dependencies of the target. deps = dict() while len(workset) > 0: query = subprocess.check_output([ninja, '-t', 'query'] + list(workset)) target_deps = parse_ninja_query(query) deps.update(target_deps) workset = set() for d in target_deps.values(): workset.update(t for t in d if t in all_targets and t not in deps) # Extract build time dependencies. bt_targets = [t for t in deps if t in doto_targets] if len(bt_targets) == 0: return deps ndeps = subprocess.check_output( [ninja, '-t', 'deps'] + bt_targets, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) lines = ndeps.splitlines() while len(lines) > 0: line = lines.pop(0) t, m = line.split(b':') if m == b' deps not found': continue inputs = set() while True: i = lines.pop(0) if i == b'': break assert i[:4] == b' ' inputs.add(i[4:]) deps[t] = inputs return deps base_dir = base_dir.encode() def rebase_deps(deps): rebased = dict() cache = dict() def rebase(path): if path in cache: return cache[path] abspath = os.path.abspath(path) newpath = path if path == abspath else os.path.relpath( abspath, base_dir) cache[path] = newpath return newpath for t, s in deps.items(): rebased[rebase(t)] = set(rebase(d) for d in s) return rebased deps = extract_deps(set(targets)) deps = rebase_deps(deps) def dump(deps): for t, d in deps.items(): if len(d) == 0: continue str = t.decode() + ": \\\n " str += " \\\n ".join(sorted(map((lambda x: x.decode()), d))) print(str) # Collapse everything under the base target. basedeps = set() if extra_deps is None else set(d.encode() for d in extra_deps) for d in deps.values(): basedeps.update(d) base_target = base_target.encode() basedeps.discard(base_target) dump({base_target: basedeps})
<reponame>tohugaby/pur_beurre_web<gh_stars>1-10 """ substitute_finder app custom templatetags module """ from django import template register = template.Library() @register.filter def range_tag(value, min_value=0): """ tag that return a range """ if value: return range(min_value, value) return range(min_value)
""" Period benchmarks that rely only on tslibs. See benchmarks.period for Period benchmarks that rely on other parts fo pandas. """ from pandas import Period from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset class PeriodProperties: params = ( ["M", "min"], [ "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "is_leap_year", "quarter", "qyear", "week", "daysinmonth", "dayofweek", "dayofyear", "start_time", "end_time", ], ) param_names = ["freq", "attr"] def setup(self, freq, attr): self.per = Period("2012-06-01", freq=freq) def time_property(self, freq, attr): getattr(self.per, attr) class PeriodUnaryMethods: params = ["M", "min"] param_names = ["freq"] def setup(self, freq): self.per = Period("2012-06-01", freq=freq) def time_to_timestamp(self, freq): self.per.to_timestamp() def time_now(self, freq): def time_asfreq(self, freq): self.per.asfreq("A") class PeriodConstructor: params = [["D"], [True, False]] param_names = ["freq", "is_offset"] def setup(self, freq, is_offset): if is_offset: self.freq = to_offset(freq) else: self.freq = freq def time_period_constructor(self, freq, is_offset): Period("2012-06-01", freq=freq)
import torch.nn as nn import math import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo import torch.nn.functional as F import torch import numpy as np import cv2 import pdb def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)) def norm_angle(angle): norm_angle = sigmoid(10 * (abs(angle) / 0.7853975 - 1)) return norm_angle def conv3x3(in_planes, out_planes, stride=1): "3x3 convolution with padding" return nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False) class BasicBlock(nn.Module): expansion = 1 def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None): super(BasicBlock, self).__init__() self.conv1 = conv3x3(inplanes, planes, stride) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.downsample = downsample self.stride = stride def forward(self, x): residual = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.bn1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.bn2(out) if self.downsample is not None: residual = self.downsample(x) out += residual out = self.relu(out) return out class Bottleneck(nn.Module): expansion = 4 def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None): super(Bottleneck, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inplanes, planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes * 4, kernel_size=1, bias=False) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * 4) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.downsample = downsample self.stride = stride def forward(self, x): residual = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.bn1(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.bn2(out) out = self.relu(out) out = self.conv3(out) out = self.bn3(out) if self.downsample is not None: residual = self.downsample(x) out = out + residual out = self.relu(out) return out ###''' self-attention; relation-attention ''' class ResNet_AT(nn.Module): def __init__(self, block, layers, num_classes=1000, end2end=True, at_type=''): self.inplanes = 64 self.end2end = end2end super(ResNet_AT, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0]) self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2) self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, layers[2], stride=2) self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, layers[3], stride=2) self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5) self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(0.6) self.alpha = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(512, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.beta = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1024, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.pred_fc1 = nn.Linear(512, 7) self.pred_fc2 = nn.Linear(1024, 7) self.at_type = at_type for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels, math.sqrt(2. / n)) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1): downsample = None if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion: downsample = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion), ) layers = [] layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample)) self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion for i in range(1, blocks): layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes)) return nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x='', phrase='train', AT_level='first_level',vectors='',vm='',alphas_from1='',index_matrix=''): vs = [] alphas = [] assert phrase == 'train' or phrase == 'eval' assert AT_level == 'first_level' or AT_level == 'second_level' or AT_level == 'pred' if phrase == 'train': num_pair = 3 for i in range(num_pair): f = x[:, :, :, :, i] # x[128,3,224,224] f = self.conv1(f) f = self.bn1(f) f = self.relu(f) f = self.maxpool(f) f = self.layer1(f) f = self.layer2(f) f = self.layer3(f) f = self.layer4(f) f = self.avgpool(f) f = f.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) # f[1, 512, 1, 1] ---> f[1, 512] # MN_MODEL(first Level) vs.append(f) alphas.append(self.alpha(self.dropout(f))) vs_stack = torch.stack(vs, dim=2) alphas_stack = torch.stack(alphas, dim=2) if self.at_type == 'self-attention': vm1 = vs_stack.mul(alphas_stack).sum(2).div(alphas_stack.sum(2)) if self.at_type == 'self_relation-attention': vm1 = vs_stack.mul(alphas_stack).sum(2).div(alphas_stack.sum(2)) betas = [] for i in range(len(vs)): vs[i] =[vs[i], vm1], dim=1) betas.append(self.beta(self.dropout(vs[i]))) cascadeVs_stack = torch.stack(vs, dim=2) betas_stack = torch.stack(betas, dim=2) output = cascadeVs_stack.mul(betas_stack * alphas_stack).sum(2).div((betas_stack * alphas_stack).sum(2)) if self.at_type == 'self-attention': vm1 = self.dropout(vm1) pred_score = self.pred_fc1(vm1) if self.at_type == 'self_relation-attention': output = self.dropout2(output) pred_score = self.pred_fc2(output) return pred_score if phrase == 'eval': if AT_level == 'first_level': f = self.conv1(x) f = self.bn1(f) f = self.relu(f) f = self.maxpool(f) f = self.layer1(f) f = self.layer2(f) f = self.layer3(f) f = self.layer4(f) f = self.avgpool(f) f = f.squeeze(3).squeeze(2) # f[1, 512, 1, 1] ---> f[1, 512] # MN_MODEL(first Level) alphas = self.alpha(self.dropout(f)) return f, alphas if AT_level == 'second_level': assert self.at_type == 'self_relation-attention' vms = index_matrix.permute(1, 0).mm(vm) # [381, 21783] -> [21783,381] * [381,512] --> [21783, 512] vs_cate =[vectors, vms], dim=1) betas = self.beta(self.dropout(vs_cate)) ''' keywords: mean_fc ; weight_sourcefc; sum_alpha; weightmean_sourcefc ''' ''' alpha * beta ''' weight_catefc = vs_cate.mul(alphas_from1) # [21570,512] * [21570,1] --->[21570,512] alpha_beta = alphas_from1.mul(betas) sum_alphabetas = # [380,21570] * [21570,1] -> [380,1] weightmean_catefc = weightmean_catefc = self.dropout2(weightmean_catefc) pred_score = self.pred_fc2(weightmean_catefc) return pred_score if AT_level == 'pred': if self.at_type == 'self-attention': pred_score = self.pred_fc1(self.dropout(vm)) return pred_score ''' self-attention; relation-attention ''' def resnet18_at(pretrained=False, **kwargs): # Constructs base a ResNet-18 model. model = ResNet_AT(BasicBlock, [2, 2, 2, 2], **kwargs) return model
<filename> from salts_lib.pyjsparser.pyjsparserdata import * REGEXP_SPECIAL_SINGLE = {'\\', '^', '$', '*', '+', '?', '.'} NOT_PATTERN_CHARS = {'^', '$', '\\', '.', '*', '+', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '|'} # what about '{', '}', ??? CHAR_CLASS_ESCAPE = {'d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W'} CONTROL_ESCAPE_CHARS = {'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v'} CONTROL_LETTERS = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'} def SpecialChar(char): return {'type': 'SpecialChar', 'content': char} def isPatternCharacter(char): return char not in NOT_PATTERN_CHARS class JsRegExpParser: def __init__(self, source, flags): self.source = source self.flags = flags self.index = 0 self.length = len(source) self.lineNumber = 0 self.lineStart = 0 def parsePattern(self): '''Perform sctring escape - for regexp literals''' return {'type': 'Pattern', 'contents': self.parseDisjunction()} def parseDisjunction(self): alternatives = [] while True: alternatives.append(self.parseAlternative()) if not self.isEOF(): self.expect_character('|') else: break return {'type': 'Disjunction', 'contents': alternatives} def isEOF(self): if self.index>=self.length: return True return False def expect_character(self, character): if self.source[self.index]!=character: self.throwUnexpected(character) self.index += 1 def parseAlternative(self): contents = [] while not self.isEOF() and self.source[self.index]!='|': contents.append(self.parseTerm()) return {'type': 'Alternative', 'contents': contents} def follows(self, chars): for i, c in enumerate(chars): if self.index+i>=self.length or self.source[self.index+i] != c: return False return True def parseTerm(self): assertion = self.parseAssertion() if assertion: return assertion else: return {'type': 'Term', 'contents': self.parseAtom()} # quantifier will go inside atom! def parseAssertion(self): if self.follows('$'): content = SpecialChar('$') self.index += 1 elif self.follows('^'): content = SpecialChar('^') self.index += 1 elif self.follows('\\b'): content = SpecialChar('\\b') self.index += 2 elif self.follows('\\B'): content = SpecialChar('\\B') self.index += 2 elif self.follows('(?='): self.index += 3 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = {'type': 'Lookached', 'contents': dis, 'negated': False} elif self.follows('(?!'): self.index += 3 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = {'type': 'Lookached', 'contents': dis, 'negated': True} else: return None return {'type': 'Assertion', 'content': content} def parseAtom(self): if self.follows('.'): content = SpecialChar('.') self.index += 1 elif self.follows('\\'): self.index += 1 content = self.parseAtomEscape() elif self.follows('['): content = self.parseCharacterClass() elif self.follows('(?:'): self.index += 3 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = 'idk' elif self.follows('('): self.index += 1 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = 'idk' elif isPatternCharacter(self.source[self.index]): content = self.source[self.index] self.index += 1 else: return None quantifier = self.parseQuantifier() return {'type': 'Atom', 'content': content, 'quantifier': quantifier} def parseQuantifier(self): prefix = self.parseQuantifierPrefix() if not prefix: return None greedy = True if self.follows('?'): self.index += 1 greedy = False return {'type': 'Quantifier', 'contents': prefix, 'greedy': greedy} def parseQuantifierPrefix(self): if self.isEOF(): return None if self.follows('+'): content = '+' self.index += 1 elif self.follows('?'): content = '?' self.index += 1 elif self.follows('*'): content = '*' self.index += 1 elif self.follows('{'): # try matching otherwise return None and restore the state i = self.index self.index += 1 digs1 = self.scanDecimalDigs() # if no minimal number of digs provided then return no quantifier if not digs1: self.index = i return None # scan char limit if provided if self.follows(','): self.index += 1 digs2 = self.scanDecimalDigs() else: digs2 = '' # must be valid! if not self.follows('}'): self.index = i return None else: self.expect_character('}') content = int(digs1), int(digs2) if digs2 else None else: return None return content def parseAtomEscape(self): ch = self.source[self.index] if isDecimalDigit(ch) and ch!=0: digs = self.scanDecimalDigs() elif ch in CHAR_CLASS_ESCAPE: self.index += 1 return SpecialChar('\\' + ch) else: return self.parseCharacterEscape() def parseCharacterEscape(self): ch = self.source[self.index] if ch in CONTROL_ESCAPE_CHARS: return SpecialChar('\\' + ch) if ch=='c': 'ok, fuck this shit.' def scanDecimalDigs(self): s = self.index while not self.isEOF() and isDecimalDigit(self.source[self.index]): self.index += 1 return self.source[s:self.index] a = JsRegExpParser('a(?=x)', '') print(a.parsePattern())
<filename>src/py_scripts/ from pypeflow.common import * from import PypeLocalFile, makePypeLocalFile, fn from pypeflow.task import PypeTask, PypeThreadTaskBase, PypeTaskBase from pypeflow.controller import PypeWorkflow, PypeThreadWorkflow from falcon_kit.FastaReader import FastaReader import subprocess, shlex import os, re cigar_re = r"(\d+)([MIDNSHP=X])" def make_het_call(self): bam_fn = fn(self.bam_file) ctg_id = self.parameters["ctg_id"] ref_seq = self.parameters["ref_seq"] base_dir = self.parameters["base_dir"] vmap_fn = fn(self.vmap_file) vpos_fn = fn(self.vpos_file) q_id_map_fn = fn(self.q_id_map_file) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("samtools view %s %s" % (bam_fn, ctg_id) ), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pileup = {} q_id_map = {} q_max_id = 0 q_id = 0 q_name_to_id = {} try: os.makedirs("%s/%s" % (base_dir, ctg_id)) except OSError: pass vmap = open(vmap_fn, "w") vpos = open(vpos_fn, "w") for l in p.stdout: l = l.strip().split() if l[0][0] == "@": continue QNAME = l[0] if QNAME not in q_name_to_id: q_id = q_max_id q_name_to_id[QNAME] = q_id q_max_id += 1 q_id = q_name_to_id[QNAME] q_id_map[q_id] = QNAME FLAG = int(l[1]) RNAME = l[2] POS = int(l[3]) - 1 # convert to zero base CIGAR = l[5] SEQ = l[9] rp = POS qp = 0 skip_base = 0 total_aln_pos = 0 for m in re.finditer(cigar_re, CIGAR): adv = int( total_aln_pos += adv if == "S": skip_base += adv if 1.0 - 1.0 * skip_base / total_aln_pos < 0.1: continue if total_aln_pos < 2000: continue for m in re.finditer(cigar_re, CIGAR): adv = int( if == "S": qp += adv if == "M": matches = [] for i in range(adv): matches.append( (rp, SEQ[qp]) ) rp += 1 qp += 1 matches = matches[1:-1] for pos, b in matches: pileup.setdefault(pos, {}) pileup[pos].setdefault(b, []) pileup[pos][b].append(q_id) elif == "I": for i in range(adv): qp += 1 elif == "D": for i in range(adv): rp += 1 pos_k = pileup.keys() pos_k.sort() th = 0.25 for pos in pos_k: if pos < POS: if len(pileup[pos]) < 2: del pileup[pos] continue base_count = [] total_count = 0 for b in ["A", "C", "G", "T"]: count = len(pileup[pos].get(b,[])) base_count.append( (count, b) ) total_count += count if total_count < 10: del pileup[pos] continue base_count.sort() base_count.reverse() p0 = 1.0 * base_count[0][0] / total_count p1 = 1.0 * base_count[1][0] / total_count if p0 < 1.0 - th and p1 > th: b0 = base_count[0][1] b1 = base_count[1][1] ref_base = ref_seq[pos] print >> vpos, pos+1, ref_base, total_count, " ".join(["%s %d" % (x[1], x[0]) for x in base_count]) for q_id_ in pileup[pos][b0]: print >> vmap, pos+1, ref_base, b0, q_id_ for q_id_ in pileup[pos][b1]: print >> vmap, pos+1, ref_base, b1, q_id_ del pileup[pos] q_id_map_f = open(q_id_map_fn, "w") for q_id, q_name in q_id_map.items(): print >> q_id_map_f, q_id, q_name def generate_association_table(self): vmap_fn = fn(self.vmap_file) atable_fn = fn(self.atable_file) ctg_id = self.parameters["ctg_id"] base_dir = self.parameters["base_dir"] vmap = {} v_positions = [] with open(vmap_fn) as f: for l in f: l = l.strip().split() pos = int(l[0]) ref_b = l[1] v_b = l[2] q_id = int(l[3]) if (pos, ref_b) not in vmap: v_positions.append( (pos, ref_b) ) vmap.setdefault( (pos, ref_b), {} ) vmap[ (pos, ref_b) ].setdefault(v_b, []) vmap[ (pos, ref_b) ][v_b].append( q_id ) #xary = [] #yary = [] with open(atable_fn, "w") as out_f: for i1 in xrange(len(v_positions)): link_count = 0 for i2 in xrange(i1+1, len(v_positions)): pos1, rb1 = v_positions[i1] pos2, rb2 = v_positions[i2] if pos2 - pos1 > (1 << 16): continue ct = {} p1table = [] p2table = [] s1 = 0 list1 = vmap[ (pos1, rb1) ].items() for b1, qids1 in list1: p1table.append( (b1, len(qids1) ) ) s1 += len(qids1) s2 = 0 list2 = vmap[ (pos2, rb2) ].items() for b2, qids2 in list2: p2table.append( (b2, len(qids2) ) ) s2 += len(qids2) total_s = 0 for b1, qids1 in list1: for b2, qids2 in list2: s = len(set(qids1) & set(qids2)) ct[(b1,b2)] = s total_s += s if total_s < 6: continue b11 = p1table[0][0] b12 = p1table[1][0] b21 = p2table[0][0] b22 = p2table[1][0] print >> out_f, pos1, b11, b12, pos2, b21, b22, ct[(b11,b21)], ct[(b11,b22)], ct[(b12,b21)], ct[(b12,b22)] #xary.append(pos1) #yary.append(pos2) link_count += 1 if link_count > 500: break def get_score( c_score, pos1, pos2, s1, s2 ): if pos1 > pos2: pos1, pos2 = pos2, pos1 s1, s2 = s2, s1 b11, b12 = s1 b21, b22 = s2 return c_score[ (pos1, pos2) ][ (b11+b21, b12+b22) ] def get_phased_blocks(self): vmap_fn = fn(self.vmap_file) atable_fn = fn(self.atable_file) p_variant_fn = fn(self.phased_variant_file) left_connect = {} right_connect = {} c_score = {} states = {} positions = set() ref_base = {} with open(vmap_fn) as f: for l in f: l = l.strip().split() pos = int(l[0]) ref_b = l[1] v_b = l[2] q_id = int(l[3]) ref_base[pos] = ref_b with open(atable_fn) as f: for l in f: l = l.strip().split() pos1, b11, b12, pos2, b21, b22, s11, s12, s21, s22 = l s11, s12, s21, s22 = int(s11), int(s12), int(s21), int(s22) if abs(s11+s22-s12-s21) < 6: continue pos1 = int(pos1) pos2 = int(pos2) positions.add(pos1) positions.add(pos2) right_connect.setdefault(pos1, []) right_connect[pos1].append(pos2) left_connect.setdefault(pos2, []) left_connect[pos2].append(pos1) c_score[ (pos1, pos2) ] = { (b11+b21, b12+b22): s11 + s22, (b12+b22, b11+b21): s11 + s22, (b12+b21, b11+b22): s12 + s21, (b11+b22, b12+b21): s12 + s21 } if pos1 not in states: st1 = (b11, b12) st2 = (b12, b11) score1 = 0 score2 = 0 for pp in left_connect.get(pos1,[]): if pp in states: st0 = states[pp] else: continue score1 += get_score( c_score, pp, pos1, st0, st1 ) score2 += get_score( c_score, pp, pos1, st0, st2 ) for pp in right_connect.get(pos1,[]): if pp in states: st0 = states[pp] else: continue score1 += get_score( c_score, pos1, pp, st1, st0 ) score2 += get_score( c_score, pos1, pp, st2, st0 ) if score1 >= score2: states[pos1] = st1 else: states[pos1] = st2 if pos2 not in states: st1 = (b21, b22) st2 = (b22, b21) score1 = 0 score2 = 0 for pp in left_connect.get(pos2,[]): if pp in states: st0 = states[pp] else: continue score1 += get_score( c_score, pp, pos2, st0, st1 ) score2 += get_score( c_score, pp, pos2, st0, st2 ) for pp in right_connect.get(pos2,[]): if pp in states: st0 = states[pp] else: continue score1 += get_score( c_score, pos2, pp, st1, st0 ) score2 += get_score( c_score, pos2, pp, st2, st0 ) if score1 >= score2: states[pos2] = st1 else: states[pos2] = st2 positions = list(positions) positions.sort() iter_count = 0 while 1: iter_count += 1 if iter_count > 10: break update_count = 0 for p in positions: b1, b2 = states[p] st1 = (b1, b2) st2 = (b2, b1) score1 = 0 score2 = 0 for pp in left_connect.get(p,[]): st0 = states[pp] score1 += get_score( c_score, pp, p, st0 ,st1) score2 += get_score( c_score, pp, p, st0, st2) #for pp in right_connect.get(p,[]): # st0 = states[pp] # score1 += get_score( c_score, p, pp, st1 ,st0) # score2 += get_score( c_score, p, pp, st2, st0) if score1 >= score2: states[p] = st1 else: states[p] = st2 update_count += 1 if update_count == 0: break right_extent = {} right_score = {} left_extent = {} left_score = {} for p in positions: left_extent[p] = p left_score[p] = 0 if p in left_connect: left = p st0 = states[p] st0_ = st0[1], st0[0] for pp in left_connect[p]: st1 = states[pp] s = get_score( c_score, pp, p, st1, st0) s_ = get_score( c_score, pp, p, st1, st0_) left_score[p] += s - s_ if s - s_ > 0 and pp < left: left = pp left_extent[p] = left right_extent[p] = p right_score[p] = 0 if p in right_connect: right = p st0 = states[p] st0_ = st0[1], st0[0] for pp in right_connect[p]: st1 = states[pp] s = get_score( c_score, p, pp, st0, st1) s_ = get_score( c_score, p, pp, st0_, st1) right_score[p] += s - s_ if s - s_ > 0 and pp > right: right = pp right_extent[p] = right phase_block_id = 1 phase_blocks = {} pb = [] max_right_ext = 0 for p in positions: if right_score[p] < 10 or left_score[p] < 10: continue b1, b2 = states[p] if max_right_ext < left_extent[p]: if len(pb) > 3: phase_blocks[phase_block_id] = pb phase_block_id += 1 pb = [] pb.append( (p, b1, b2) ) if right_extent[p] > max_right_ext: max_right_ext = right_extent[p] if len(pb) > 3: phase_blocks[phase_block_id] = pb else: phase_block_id -= 1 with open(p_variant_fn, "w") as out_f: for pid in xrange(1, phase_block_id+1): if len(phase_blocks[pid]) == 0: continue min_ = min( [x[0] for x in phase_blocks[pid]] ) max_ = max( [x[0] for x in phase_blocks[pid]] ) print >>out_f, "P", pid, min_, max_, max_ - min_, len(phase_blocks[pid]), 1.0 * (max_-min_)/len(phase_blocks[pid]) for p, b1, b2 in phase_blocks[pid]: rb = ref_base[p] print >>out_f, "V", pid, p, "%d_%s_%s" % (p,rb,b1), "%d_%s_%s" % (p,rb,b2), left_extent[p], right_extent[p], left_score[p], right_score[p] def get_phased_reads(self): q_id_map_fn = fn(self.q_id_map_file) vmap_fn = fn(self.vmap_file) p_variant_fn = fn(self.phased_variant_file) ctg_id = parameters["ctg_id"] phased_read_fn = fn(self.phased_read_file) rid_map = {} with open(q_id_map_fn) as f: for l in f: l = l.strip().split() rid_map[int(l[0])] = l[1] read_to_variants = {} variant_to_reads = {} with open(vmap_fn) as f: for l in f: l = l.strip().split() variant = "_".join(l[:3]) read_id = int(l[3]) read_to_variants.setdefault(read_id, set()) read_to_variants[read_id].add(variant) variant_to_reads.setdefault(variant, set()) variant_to_reads[variant].add(read_id) variant_to_phase = {} with open(p_variant_fn) as f: for l in f: """line format example: V 1 6854 6854_A_A 6854_A_G 6854 22781""" l = l.strip().split() if l[0] != "V": continue pb_id = int(l[1]) variant_to_phase[ l[3] ] = (pb_id, 0) variant_to_phase[ l[4] ] = (pb_id, 1) with open(phased_read_fn, "w") as out_f: for r in read_to_variants: vl = {} pl = set() for v in list( read_to_variants[r] ): if v in variant_to_phase: p = variant_to_phase[v] vl[ p ] = vl.get(p, 0) + 1 pl.add(p[0]) pl = list(pl) pl.sort() for p in pl: if vl.get( (p,0), 0) - vl.get( (p,1), 0) > 1: print >> out_f, r, ctg_id, p, 0, vl.get( (p,0), 0), vl.get( (p,1), 0), rid_map[r] elif vl.get( (p,1), 0) - vl.get( (p,0), 0) > 1: print >> out_f, r, ctg_id, p, 1, vl.get( (p,0), 0), vl.get( (p,1), 0), rid_map[r] if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import re parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='phasing variants and reads from a bam file') # we can run this in parallel mode in the furture #parser.add_argument('--n_core', type=int, default=4, # help='number of processes used for generating consensus') parser.add_argument('--bam', type=str, help='path to sorted bam file', required=True) parser.add_argument('--fasta', type=str, help='path to the fasta file of contain the contig', required=True) parser.add_argument('--ctg_id', type=str, help='contig identifier in the bam file', required=True) parser.add_argument('--base_dir', type=str, default="./", help='the output base_dir, default to current working directory') args = parser.parse_args() bam_fn = args.bam fasta_fn = args.fasta ctg_id = args.ctg_id base_dir = args.base_dir ref_seq = "" for r in FastaReader(fasta_fn): rid =[0] if rid != ctg_id: continue ref_seq = r.sequence.upper() PypeThreadWorkflow.setNumThreadAllowed(1, 1) wf = PypeThreadWorkflow() bam_file = makePypeLocalFile(bam_fn) vmap_file = makePypeLocalFile( os.path.join(base_dir, ctg_id, "variant_map") ) vpos_file = makePypeLocalFile( os.path.join(base_dir, ctg_id, "variant_pos") ) q_id_map_file = makePypeLocalFile( os.path.join(base_dir, ctg_id, "q_id_map") ) parameters = {} parameters["ctg_id"] = ctg_id parameters["ref_seq"] = ref_seq parameters["base_dir"] = base_dir make_het_call_task = PypeTask( inputs = { "bam_file": bam_file }, outputs = { "vmap_file": vmap_file, "vpos_file": vpos_file, "q_id_map_file": q_id_map_file }, parameters = parameters, TaskType = PypeThreadTaskBase, URL = "task://localhost/het_call") (make_het_call) wf.addTasks([make_het_call_task]) atable_file = makePypeLocalFile( os.path.join(base_dir, ctg_id, "atable") ) parameters = {} parameters["ctg_id"] = ctg_id parameters["base_dir"] = base_dir generate_association_table_task = PypeTask( inputs = { "vmap_file": vmap_file }, outputs = { "atable_file": atable_file }, parameters = parameters, TaskType = PypeThreadTaskBase, URL = "task://localhost/g_atable") (generate_association_table) wf.addTasks([generate_association_table_task]) phased_variant_file = makePypeLocalFile( os.path.join(base_dir, ctg_id, "phased_variants") ) get_phased_blocks_task = PypeTask( inputs = { "vmap_file": vmap_file, "atable_file": atable_file }, outputs = { "phased_variant_file": phased_variant_file }, TaskType = PypeThreadTaskBase, URL = "task://localhost/get_phased_blocks") (get_phased_blocks) wf.addTasks([get_phased_blocks_task]) phased_read_file = makePypeLocalFile( os.path.join(base_dir, ctg_id, "phased_reads") ) get_phased_reads_task = PypeTask( inputs = { "vmap_file": vmap_file, "q_id_map_file": q_id_map_file, "phased_variant_file": phased_variant_file }, outputs = { "phased_read_file": phased_read_file }, parameters = {"ctg_id": ctg_id}, TaskType = PypeThreadTaskBase, URL = "task://localhost/get_phased_reads") (get_phased_reads) wf.addTasks([get_phased_reads_task]) wf.refreshTargets() #with open("", "w") as f: # print >>f, wf.graphvizDot
<gh_stars>0 """ Combinatorial maps This module provides a decorator that can be used to add semantic to a Python method by marking it as implementing a *combinatorial map*, that is a map between two :class:`enumerated sets <EnumeratedSets>`:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map sage: class MyPermutation(object): ....: @combinatorial_map() ....: def reverse(self): ....: ''' ....: Reverse the permutation ....: ''' ....: # ... code ... By default, this decorator is a no-op: it returns the decorated method as is:: sage: MyPermutation.reverse <function MyPermutation.reverse at ...> See :func:`combinatorial_map_wrapper` for the various options this decorator can take. Projects built on top of Sage are welcome to customize locally this hook to instrument the Sage code and exploit this semantic information. Typically, the decorator could be used to populate a database of maps. For a real-life application, see the project `FindStat <>`. As a basic example, a variant of the decorator is provided as :func:`combinatorial_map_wrapper`; it wraps the decorated method, so that one can later use :func:`combinatorial_maps_in_class` to query an object, or class thereof, for all the combinatorial maps that apply to it. .. NOTE:: Since decorators are evaluated upon loading Python modules, customizing :obj:`combinatorial map` needs to be done before the modules using it are loaded. In the examples below, where we illustrate the customized ``combinatorial_map`` decorator on the :mod:`sage.combinat.permutation` module, we resort to force a reload of this module after dynamically changing ``sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map``. This is good enough for those doctests, but remains fragile. For real use cases, it is probably best to just edit this source file statically (see below). """ # **************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2011 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) # # **************************************************************************** def combinatorial_map_trivial(f=None, order=None, name=None): r""" Combinatorial map decorator See :ref:`sage.combinat.combinatorial_map` for a description of this decorator and its purpose. This default implementation does nothing. INPUT: - ``f`` -- (default: ``None``, if combinatorial_map is used as a decorator) a function - ``name`` -- (default: ``None``) the name for nicer outputs on combinatorial maps - ``order`` -- (default: ``None``) the order of the combinatorial map, if it is known. Is not used, but might be helpful later OUTPUT: - ``f`` unchanged EXAMPLES:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map_trivial as combinatorial_map sage: class MyPermutation(object): ....: @combinatorial_map ....: def reverse(self): ....: ''' ....: Reverse the permutation ....: ''' ....: # ... code ... ....: @combinatorial_map(name='descent set of permutation') ....: def descent_set(self): ....: ''' ....: The descent set of the permutation ....: ''' ....: # ... code ... sage: MyPermutation.reverse <function MyPermutation.reverse at ...> sage: MyPermutation.descent_set <function MyPermutation.descent_set at ...> """ if f is None: return lambda f: f else: return f def combinatorial_map_wrapper(f=None, order=None, name=None): r""" Combinatorial map decorator (basic example). See :ref:`sage.combinat.combinatorial_map` for a description of the ``combinatorial_map`` decorator and its purpose. This implementation, together with :func:`combinatorial_maps_in_class` illustrates how to use this decorator as a hook to instrument the Sage code. INPUT: - ``f`` -- (default: ``None``, if combinatorial_map is used as a decorator) a function - ``name`` -- (default: ``None``) the name for nicer outputs on combinatorial maps - ``order`` -- (default: ``None``) the order of the combinatorial map, if it is known. Is not used, but might be helpful later OUTPUT: - A combinatorial map. This is an instance of the :class:`CombinatorialMap`. EXAMPLES: We define a class illustrating the use of this implementation of the :obj:`combinatorial_map` decorator with its various arguments:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map_wrapper as combinatorial_map sage: class MyPermutation(object): ....: @combinatorial_map() ....: def reverse(self): ....: ''' ....: Reverse the permutation ....: ''' ....: pass ....: @combinatorial_map(order=2) ....: def inverse(self): ....: ''' ....: The inverse of the permutation ....: ''' ....: pass ....: @combinatorial_map(name='descent set of permutation') ....: def descent_set(self): ....: ''' ....: The descent set of the permutation ....: ''' ....: pass ....: def major_index(self): ....: ''' ....: The major index of the permutation ....: ''' ....: pass sage: MyPermutation.reverse Combinatorial map: reverse sage: MyPermutation.descent_set Combinatorial map: descent set of permutation sage: MyPermutation.inverse Combinatorial map: inverse One can now determine all the combinatorial maps associated with a given object as follows:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_maps_in_class sage: X = combinatorial_maps_in_class(MyPermutation); X # random [Combinatorial map: reverse, Combinatorial map: descent set of permutation, Combinatorial map: inverse] The method ``major_index`` defined about is not a combinatorial map:: sage: MyPermutation.major_index <function MyPermutation.major_index at ...> But one can define a function that turns ``major_index`` into a combinatorial map:: sage: def major_index(p): ....: return p.major_index() sage: major_index <function major_index at ...> sage: combinatorial_map(major_index) Combinatorial map: major_index """ if f is None: return lambda f: CombinatorialMap(f, order=order, name=name) else: return CombinatorialMap(f, order=order, name=name) ############################################################################## # Edit here to customize the combinatorial_map hook ############################################################################## combinatorial_map = combinatorial_map_trivial # combinatorial_map = combinatorial_map_wrapper class CombinatorialMap(object): r""" This is a wrapper class for methods that are *combinatorial maps*. For further details and doctests, see :ref:`sage.combinat.combinatorial_map` and :func:`combinatorial_map_wrapper`. """ def __init__(self, f, order=None, name=None): """ Constructor for combinatorial maps. EXAMPLES:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map_wrapper as combinatorial_map sage: def f(x): ....: "doc of f" ....: return x sage: x = combinatorial_map(f); x Combinatorial map: f sage: x.__doc__ 'doc of f' sage: x.__name__ 'f' sage: x.__module__ '__main__' """ import types if not isinstance(f, types.FunctionType): raise ValueError("Only plain functions are supported") self._f = f self._order = order self._name = name if hasattr(f, "__doc__"): self.__doc__ = f.__doc__ if hasattr(f, "__name__"): self.__name__ = f.__name__ else: self.__name__ = "..." if hasattr(f, "__module__"): self.__module__ = f.__module__ def __repr__(self): """ EXAMPLES:: sage: sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map = sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map_wrapper sage: from importlib import reload sage: _ = reload(sage.combinat.permutation) sage: p = Permutation([1,3,2,4]) sage: p.left_tableau.__repr__() 'Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted insertion tableau' """ return "Combinatorial map: %s" % def _sage_src_lines_(self): r""" Return the source code location for the wrapped function. EXAMPLES:: sage: sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map = sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map_wrapper sage: from importlib import reload sage: _ = reload(sage.combinat.permutation) sage: p = Permutation([1,3,2,4]) sage: cm = p.left_tableau; cm Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted insertion tableau sage: (src, lines) = cm._sage_src_lines_() sage: src[0] " @combinatorial_map(name='Robinson-Schensted insertion tableau')\n" sage: lines # random 2653 """ from sage.misc.sageinspect import sage_getsourcelines return sage_getsourcelines(self._f) def __get__(self, inst, cls=None): """ Bounds the method of self to the given instance. EXAMPLES:: sage: sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map = sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map_wrapper sage: from importlib import reload sage: _ = reload(sage.combinat.permutation) sage: p = Permutation([1,3,2,4]) sage: p.left_tableau #indirect doctest Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted insertion tableau """ self._inst = inst return self def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Calls the combinatorial map. EXAMPLES:: sage: sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map = sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map_wrapper sage: from importlib import reload sage: _ = reload(sage.combinat.permutation) sage: p = Permutation([1,3,2,4]) sage: cm = type(p).left_tableau; cm Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted insertion tableau sage: cm(p) [[1, 2, 4], [3]] sage: cm(Permutation([4,3,2,1])) [[1], [2], [3], [4]] """ if self._inst is not None: return self._f(self._inst, *args, **kwds) else: return self._f(*args, **kwds) def unbounded_map(self): r""" Return the unbounded version of ``self``. You can use this method to return a function which takes as input an element in the domain of the combinatorial map. See the example below. EXAMPLES:: sage: sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map = sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map_wrapper sage: from importlib import reload sage: _ = reload(sage.combinat.permutation) sage: from sage.combinat.permutation import Permutation sage: pi = Permutation([1,3,2]) sage: f = pi.reverse sage: F = f.unbounded_map() sage: F(pi) [2, 3, 1] """ return self._f def order(self): """ Returns the order of ``self``, or ``None`` if the order is not known. EXAMPLES:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map sage: class CombinatorialClass: ....: @combinatorial_map(order=2) ....: def to_self_1(): pass ....: @combinatorial_map() ....: def to_self_2(): pass sage: CombinatorialClass.to_self_1.order() 2 sage: CombinatorialClass.to_self_2.order() is None True """ return self._order def name(self): """ Returns the name of a combinatorial map. This is used for the string representation of ``self``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_map sage: class CombinatorialClass: ....: @combinatorial_map(name='map1') ....: def to_self_1(): pass ....: @combinatorial_map() ....: def to_self_2(): pass sage: 'map1' sage: 'to_self_2' """ if self._name is not None: return self._name else: return self._f.__name__ def combinatorial_maps_in_class(cls): """ Return the combinatorial maps of the class as a list of combinatorial maps. For further details and doctests, see :ref:`sage.combinat.combinatorial_map` and :func:`combinatorial_map_wrapper`. EXAMPLES:: sage: sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map = sage.combinat.combinatorial_map.combinatorial_map_wrapper sage: from importlib import reload sage: _ = reload(sage.combinat.permutation) sage: from sage.combinat.combinatorial_map import combinatorial_maps_in_class sage: p = Permutation([1,3,2,4]) sage: cmaps = combinatorial_maps_in_class(p) sage: cmaps # random [Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted insertion tableau, Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted recording tableau, Combinatorial map: Robinson-Schensted tableau shape, Combinatorial map: complement, Combinatorial map: descent composition, Combinatorial map: inverse, ...] sage: p.left_tableau in cmaps True sage: p.right_tableau in cmaps True sage: p.complement in cmaps True """ result = set() for method in dir(cls): entry = getattr(cls, method) if isinstance(entry, CombinatorialMap): result.add(entry) return list(result)
<filename>contrib/opencensus-ext-django/opencensus/ext/django/ # Copyright 2017, OpenCensus Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Django middleware helper to capture and trace a request.""" import logging from opencensus.ext.django.config import (settings, convert_to_import) from opencensus.trace import attributes_helper from opencensus.trace import execution_context from opencensus.trace import span as span_module from opencensus.trace import tracer as tracer_module from opencensus.trace import utils from opencensus.trace.samplers import probability try: from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER MiddlewareMixin = object HTTP_METHOD = attributes_helper.COMMON_ATTRIBUTES['HTTP_METHOD'] HTTP_URL = attributes_helper.COMMON_ATTRIBUTES['HTTP_URL'] HTTP_STATUS_CODE = attributes_helper.COMMON_ATTRIBUTES['HTTP_STATUS_CODE'] REQUEST_THREAD_LOCAL_KEY = 'django_request' SPAN_THREAD_LOCAL_KEY = 'django_span' BLACKLIST_PATHS = 'BLACKLIST_PATHS' GCP_EXPORTER_PROJECT = 'GCP_EXPORTER_PROJECT' SAMPLING_RATE = 'SAMPLING_RATE' TRANSPORT = 'TRANSPORT' SERVICE_NAME = 'SERVICE_NAME' ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME = 'ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME' ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_HOST_NAME = 'ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_HOST_NAME' ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_PORT = 'ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_PORT' ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_PROTOCOL = 'ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_PROTOCOL' JAEGER_EXPORTER_HOST_NAME = 'JAEGER_EXPORTER_HOST_NAME' JAEGER_EXPORTER_PORT = 'JAEGER_EXPORTER_PORT' JAEGER_EXPORTER_AGENT_HOST_NAME = 'JAEGER_EXPORTER_AGENT_HOST_NAME' JAEGER_EXPORTER_AGENT_PORT = 'JAEGER_EXPORTER_AGENT_PORT' JAEGER_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME = 'JAEGER_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME' OCAGENT_TRACE_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT = 'OCAGENT_TRACE_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT' BLACKLIST_HOSTNAMES = 'BLACKLIST_HOSTNAMES' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _DjangoMetaWrapper(object): """ Wrapper class which takes HTTP header name and retrieve the value from Django request.META """ def __init__(self, meta=None): self.meta = meta or _get_django_request().META def get(self, key): return self.meta.get('HTTP_' + key.upper().replace('-', '_')) def _get_django_request(): """Get Django request from thread local. :rtype: str :returns: Django request. """ return execution_context.get_opencensus_attr(REQUEST_THREAD_LOCAL_KEY) def _get_django_span(): """Get Django span from thread local. :rtype: str :returns: Django request. """ return execution_context.get_opencensus_attr(SPAN_THREAD_LOCAL_KEY) def _get_current_tracer(): """Get the current request tracer.""" return execution_context.get_opencensus_tracer() def _set_django_attributes(span, request): """Set the django related attributes.""" django_user = getattr(request, 'user', None) if django_user is None: return user_id = try: user_name = django_user.get_username() except AttributeError: # AnonymousUser in some older versions of Django doesn't implement # get_username return # User id is the django autofield for User model as the primary key if user_id is not None: span.add_attribute('', str(user_id)) if user_name is not None: span.add_attribute('', str(user_name)) class OpencensusMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin): """Saves the request in thread local""" def __init__(self, get_response=None): # One-time configuration and initialization. self.get_response = get_response self._sampler = settings.SAMPLER self._exporter = settings.EXPORTER self._propagator = settings.PROPAGATOR self._blacklist_paths = settings.params.get(BLACKLIST_PATHS) # Initialize the sampler if self._sampler.__name__ == 'ProbabilitySampler': _rate = settings.params.get( SAMPLING_RATE, probability.DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE) self.sampler = self._sampler(_rate) else: self.sampler = self._sampler() # Initialize the exporter transport = convert_to_import(settings.params.get(TRANSPORT)) if self._exporter.__name__ == 'GoogleCloudExporter': _project_id = settings.params.get(GCP_EXPORTER_PROJECT, None) self.exporter = self._exporter( project_id=_project_id, transport=transport) elif self._exporter.__name__ == 'ZipkinExporter': _service_name = self._get_service_name(settings.params) _zipkin_host_name = settings.params.get( ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_HOST_NAME, 'localhost') _zipkin_port = settings.params.get( ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_PORT, 9411) _zipkin_protocol = settings.params.get( ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_PROTOCOL, 'http') self.exporter = self._exporter( service_name=_service_name, host_name=_zipkin_host_name, port=_zipkin_port, protocol=_zipkin_protocol, transport=transport) elif self._exporter.__name__ == 'TraceExporter': _service_name = self._get_service_name(settings.params) _endpoint = settings.params.get( OCAGENT_TRACE_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT, None) self.exporter = self._exporter( service_name=_service_name, endpoint=_endpoint, transport=transport) elif self._exporter.__name__ == 'JaegerExporter': _service_name = settings.params.get( JAEGER_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME, self._get_service_name(settings.params)) _jaeger_host_name = settings.params.get( JAEGER_EXPORTER_HOST_NAME, None) _jaeger_port = settings.params.get( JAEGER_EXPORTER_PORT, None) _jaeger_agent_host_name = settings.params.get( JAEGER_EXPORTER_AGENT_HOST_NAME, 'localhost') _jaeger_agent_port = settings.params.get( JAEGER_EXPORTER_AGENT_PORT, 6831) self.exporter = self._exporter( service_name=_service_name, host_name=_jaeger_host_name, port=_jaeger_port, agent_host_name=_jaeger_agent_host_name, agent_port=_jaeger_agent_port, transport=transport) else: self.exporter = self._exporter(transport=transport) self.blacklist_hostnames = settings.params.get( BLACKLIST_HOSTNAMES, None) # Initialize the propagator self.propagator = self._propagator() def process_request(self, request): """Called on each request, before Django decides which view to execute. :type request: :class:`~django.http.request.HttpRequest` :param request: Django http request. """ # Do not trace if the url is blacklisted if utils.disable_tracing_url(request.path, self._blacklist_paths): return # Add the request to thread local execution_context.set_opencensus_attr( REQUEST_THREAD_LOCAL_KEY, request) execution_context.set_opencensus_attr( 'blacklist_hostnames', self.blacklist_hostnames) try: # Start tracing this request span_context = self.propagator.from_headers( _DjangoMetaWrapper(_get_django_request().META)) # Reload the tracer with the new span context tracer = tracer_module.Tracer( span_context=span_context, sampler=self.sampler, exporter=self.exporter, propagator=self.propagator) # Span name is being set at process_view span = tracer.start_span() span.span_kind = span_module.SpanKind.SERVER tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span( attribute_key=HTTP_METHOD, attribute_value=request.method) tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span( attribute_key=HTTP_URL, attribute_value=str(request.path)) # Add the span to thread local # in some cases (exceptions, timeouts) currentspan in # response event will be one of a child spans. # let's keep reference to 'django' span and # use it in response event execution_context.set_opencensus_attr( SPAN_THREAD_LOCAL_KEY, span) except Exception: # pragma: NO COVER log.error('Failed to trace request', exc_info=True) def process_view(self, request, view_func, *args, **kwargs): """Process view is executed before the view function, here we get the function name add set it as the span name. """ # Do not trace if the url is blacklisted if utils.disable_tracing_url(request.path, self._blacklist_paths): return try: # Get the current span and set the span name to the current # function name of the request. tracer = _get_current_tracer() span = tracer.current_span() = utils.get_func_name(view_func) except Exception: # pragma: NO COVER log.error('Failed to trace request', exc_info=True) def process_response(self, request, response): # Do not trace if the url is blacklisted if utils.disable_tracing_url(request.path, self._blacklist_paths): return response try: span = _get_django_span() span.add_attribute( attribute_key=HTTP_STATUS_CODE, attribute_value=str(response.status_code)) _set_django_attributes(span, request) tracer = _get_current_tracer() tracer.end_span() tracer.finish() except Exception: # pragma: NO COVER log.error('Failed to trace request', exc_info=True) finally: return response def _get_service_name(self, params): _service_name = params.get( SERVICE_NAME, None) if _service_name is None: _service_name = params.get( ZIPKIN_EXPORTER_SERVICE_NAME, 'my_service') return _service_name
<gh_stars>0 # default_exp core #hide from nbdev.showdoc import * from fastcore.test import * # export import os import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from import DataLoader import warnings import torchvision from torchvision.datasets import MNIST, ImageFolder from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor, Resize, Compose, CenterCrop, Normalize import pytorch_lightning as pl # from pytorch_lightning.metrics.functional import classification, f1 from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger import import # from import ImageDataLoaders # from import Resize #export class ImageFolderDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): def __init__(self, data_dir, batch_size, transform): super().__init__() self.data_dir = data_dir self.batch_size = batch_size self.transform = transform # Compose([ # Resize(256, interpolation=2), # CenterCrop(224), # ToTensor(), # # TODO: check whether normalize is the same for imagenet and fractalDB # Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], # std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) # ]) def prepare_data(self, stage=None): pass def setup(self, stage=None): data_dir = self.data_dir transform = self.transform self.dls =, self.trainset = ImageFolder(os.path.join(data_dir, 'train'), transform) self.valset = ImageFolder(os.path.join(data_dir, 'valid'), transform) def train_dataloader(self): return DataLoader(self.trainset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True) def val_dataloader(self): return DataLoader(self.valset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=False) def test_dataloader(self): pass data_dir = 'Datasets/cifar10' transform = Compose([ Resize(256, interpolation=2), CenterCrop(224), ToTensor(), Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) ]) dm = ImageFolderDataModule(data_dir, 128, transform) dm.setup() for x,y in dm.train_dataloader(): test_eq(type(x), torch.Tensor) test_eq(type(y), torch.Tensor) break #export class CNNModule(pl.LightningModule): def __init__(self, model=None, pretrained=False, freeze_extractor=False, log_level=10, num_classes=None, weight_path=None): super().__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.pretrained = pretrained self.freeze_extractor = freeze_extractor assert model is not None, 'Select model from torchvision' assert num_classes is not None, 'Must configure number of classes with num_classes' if not model.startswith('resnet'): warnings.warn('models other than resnet variants may need different setup for finetuning to work.') # Prepare model for finetuning if weight_path is not None: param = torch.load(weight_path) backbone = eval(f'torchvision.models.{model}(pretrained={False})') backbone.load_state_dict(param) else: backbone = eval(f'torchvision.models.{model}(pretrained={pretrained})') num_filters = backbone.fc.in_features layers = list(backbone.children())[:-1] self.feature_extractor = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers) self.classifier = nn.Linear(num_filters, num_classes) def forward(self, x): if self.freeze_extractor: self.feature_extractor.eval() with torch.no_grad(): representations = self.feature_extractor(x).flatten(1) else: representations = self.feature_extractor(x).flatten(1) y = self.classifier(representations) return y def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) outputs = self.calculate_metrics(y_hat=y_hat, y=y) return outputs def training_epoch_end(self, outputs): avg_metrics = {} for metric in outputs[0].keys(): val = torch.stack([x[metric] for x in outputs]).mean() self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f"{metric}/train", val, self.current_epoch) avg_metrics[metric] = val # epoch_dictionary = {'loss': avg_metrics['loss']} def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): x, y = batch y_hat = self(x) outputs = self.calculate_metrics(y_hat=y_hat, y=y) return outputs def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): avg_metrics = {} for metric in outputs[0].keys(): val = torch.stack([x[metric] for x in outputs]).mean() self.logger.experiment.add_scalar(f"{metric}/validation", val, self.current_epoch) avg_metrics[metric] = val def configure_optimizers(self): return torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=0.02, weight_decay=1e-04) # > return torch.optim.SGF(self.parameters(),, aldsfk'a) def calculate_metrics(self, y, y_hat): loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y) y_pred = y_hat.argmax(dim=1) acc = classification.accuracy(y_pred, y) f1_score = f1(y_pred, y, self.num_classes) return { "loss":loss, "acc": acc, "f1": f1_score } def on_sanity_check_start(self): self.logger.disable() def on_sanity_check_end(self): self.logger.enable() modelname = 'resnet18' logger = TensorBoardLogger('tb_logs', name=modelname) trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=1, checkpoint_callback=False, logger=logger, fast_dev_run=5) model = CNNModule(modelname, pretrained=True, num_classes=len(dm.trainset.classes)) test_eq(, dm), 1) weight_path = 'FractalDB-1000_resnet50_epoch90.pth' modelname = 'resnet50' logger = TensorBoardLogger('tb_logs', name=modelname) trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=1, checkpoint_callback=False, logger=logger, fast_dev_run=5) model = CNNModule(modelname, pretrained=True, num_classes=len(dm.trainset.classes), weight_path=weight_path) test_eq(, dm), 1)
<reponame>fernandozanutto/PyNES from addressing import * from instructions.base_instructions import SetBit, ClearBit from instructions.generic_instructions import Instruction from status import Status # set status instructions class Sec(SetBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0x38]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.carry class Sei(SetBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0x78]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.interrupt class Sed(SetBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0xF8]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.decimal # clear status instructions class Cld(ClearBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0xD8]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.decimal class Clc(ClearBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0x18]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.carry class Clv(ClearBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0xB8]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.overflow class Cli(ClearBit): identifier_byte = bytes([0x58]) bit = Status.StatusTypes.interrupt class Bit(Instruction): @classmethod def get_data(cls, cpu, memory_address, data_bytes) -> Optional[int]: return cpu.bus.read_memory(memory_address) @classmethod def apply_side_effects(cls, cpu, memory_address, value): and_result = cpu.a_reg & value cpu.status_reg.bits[] = not and_result cpu.status_reg.bits[Status.StatusTypes.overflow] = ( value & (1 << 6)) > 0 cpu.status_reg.bits[Status.StatusTypes.negative] = ( value & (1 << 7)) > 0 class BitZeroPage(ZeroPageAddressing, Bit): identifier_byte = bytes([0x24]) class BitAbsolute(AbsoluteAddressing, Bit): identifier_byte = bytes([0x2C]) class Brk(ImplicitAddressing, Instruction): identifier_byte = bytes([0x00]) @classmethod def get_data(cls, cpu, memory_address, data_bytes) -> Optional[int]: return super().get_data(cpu, memory_address, data_bytes) @classmethod def write(cls, cpu, memory_address, value): cpu.push_to_stack(cpu.pc_reg + 1, 2) cpu.push_to_stack(cpu.status_reg.to_int() | (1 << 4), 1) @classmethod def apply_side_effects(cls, cpu, memory_address, value): cpu.status_reg.bits[Status.StatusTypes.interrupt] = 1 cpu.running = False @classmethod def get_cycles(cls): return 7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Sep 7 10:59:00 2020 @author: user """ import numpy as np import multiprocessing as mp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import itertools import ctypes def formfactor(args): # with AL_dist_flat_glo.get_lock: AL_dist_flat_glo_r = np.frombuffer(AL_dist_flat_glo.get_obj()) AL_dist_flat_glo_s = AL_dist_flat_glo_r.reshape((n_glo.value,m_glo.value)) # ffq = np.sum(np.cos(,3,100)[args[0]]*np.array([1,0,0]), # np.subtract(AL_dist_flat_glo_s[args[1]], AL_dist_flat_glo_s[1+args[1]:]).T))) qr = np.logspace(-2,3,100)[args[0]] rvec = np.subtract(AL_dist_flat_glo_s[args[1]], AL_dist_flat_glo_s[1+args[1]:]).T cosx = np.cos(*np.array([1,0,0]), rvec)) cosy = np.cos(*np.array([0,1,0]), rvec)) cosz = np.cos(*np.array([0,0,1]), rvec)) # cosxy = np.cos(*np.array([0.707,0.707,0]), rvec)) # cosyz = np.cos(*np.array([0,0.707,0.707]), rvec)) # cosxz = np.cos(*np.array([0.707,0,0.707]), rvec)) # cosxyz = np.cos(*np.array([0.577,0.577,0.577]), rvec)) ffq = np.sum(np.mean(np.array([cosx, cosy, cosz]), axis=0)) return ffq def parallelinit(AL_dist_flat_glo_, n_glo_, m_glo_): global AL_dist_flat_glo, n_glo, m_glo AL_dist_flat_glo = AL_dist_flat_glo_ n_glo = n_glo_ m_glo = m_glo_ if __name__ == '__main__': AL_dist_flat = np.load(r'./AL_dist_flat.npy') n = np.shape(AL_dist_flat)[0] m = np.shape(AL_dist_flat)[1] q_range = np.logspace(-2,3,100) # r_x = np.array([1, 0, 0]) # q_range_glo = mp.Array(ctypes.c_double, q_range) AL_dist_flat_glo = mp.Array(ctypes.c_double, AL_dist_flat.flatten()) n_glo = mp.Value(ctypes.c_int, n) m_glo = mp.Value(ctypes.c_int, m) # r_x_glo = mp.Array(ctypes.c_double, r_x) paramlist = list(itertools.product(range(100), range(n))) pool = mp.Pool(20, initializer=parallelinit, initargs=(AL_dist_flat_glo, n_glo, m_glo)) t1 = time.time() results =, paramlist) pool.close() t2 = time.time() print(t2-t1)'./AL_results.npy', results) Pq = 2*np.divide(np.sum(np.array(results).reshape(100, n), axis=1), n) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) # plt.plot(q_range, Pq, lw=3, color='tab:orange') # plt.xscale('log') # plt.xlabel('$q$', fontsize=15) # plt.ylabel('$P(q)$', fontsize=15) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(r'./AL_form_factor.pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6)) plt.plot(q_range, Pq, lw=3, color='tab:orange') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('$q$', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('$P(q)$', fontsize=15) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(r'./AL_form_factor_log.pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.lang.builder import Builder from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.core.window import Window from import MDApp import kivymd import kivy print( ) def version(): kivy.require('2.0.0') print( )
from time import sleep debug_mode = False time_to_exit = False exiting = False exit_code = 0 def get_debug_mode(): return debug_mode def trigger_exit(_exit_code): global time_to_exit, exit_code exit_code = _exit_code time_to_exit = True sleep(0.1)
Python X/Dictionaries in
{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# dictionaries, look-up tables & key-value pairs\n", "# d = {} OR d = dict()\n", "# e.g. d = {\"George\": 24, \"Tom\": 32}\n", "\n", "d = {}\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "d[\"George\"] = 24" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "d[\"Tom\"] = 32\n", "d[\"Jenny\"] = 16" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'George': 24, 'Tom': 32, 'Jenny': 16}\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(d)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "ename": "NameError", "evalue": "name 'Jenny' is not defined", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[0;32m<ipython-input-5-0bdfff196d23>\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m<module>\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 1\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0md\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mJenny\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'Jenny' is not defined" ] } ], "source": [ "print(d[Jenny])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "32\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(d[\"Tom\"])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "d[\"Jenny\"] = 20" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "20\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(d[\"Jenny\"])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# keys are strings or numbers \n", "\n", "d[10] = 100" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "100\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(d[10])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# how to iterate over key-value pairs" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "key:\n", "George\n", "value:\n", "24\n", "\n", "key:\n", "Tom\n", "value:\n", "32\n", "\n", "key:\n", "Jenny\n", "value:\n", "20\n", "\n", "key:\n", "10\n", "value:\n", "100\n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ " for key, value in d.items():\n", " print(\"key:\")\n", " print(key)\n", " print(\"value:\")\n", " print(value)\n", " print(\"\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.7.6" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }
<gh_stars>10-100 import numpy as np import math import logging as log import sys from tqdm import tqdm from common.feature_distance import calc_features_similarity from common.common_objects import DetectedObject, validate_detected_object, Bbox from common.common_objects import get_bbox_center, get_dist, calc_bbox_area from common.find_best_assignment import solve_assignment_problem from common.annotation import AnnotationObject, AnnotationStorage class Track: __next_track_id = 0 def __init__(self, first_obj): self.objects = [] self._track_id = Track.__next_track_id Track.__next_track_id += 1 self.objects.append(first_obj) def _validate(self): assert len(self.objects) > 0 for o in self.objects: validate_detected_object(o) for i in range(len(self.objects) - 1): self.objects[i].frame_index < self.objects[i+1].frame_index def add_object(self, o): self._validate() validate_detected_object(o) last_frame_index = self.objects[-1].frame_index if not last_frame_index < o.frame_index: raise RuntimeError("Add object={} to track with the last_frame_index={}".format(o, last_frame_index)) self.objects.append(o) def last(self): return self.objects[-1] def get_id(self): return self._track_id def get_bbox_for_frame(self, cur_frame_ind): """Finds bbox for frame index using linear approximation""" self._validate() i_found = None for i, o in enumerate(self.objects): if o.frame_index == cur_frame_ind: return o.bbox if o.frame_index > cur_frame_ind: i_found = i break if i_found is None: # cur_frame_ind after the last frame_index in track return None if i_found == 0: # cur_frame_ind before the first frame_index in track return None log.debug("using linear approximation for track id={}, frame_index={}".format(self._track_id, cur_frame_ind)) o1 = self.objects[i_found-1] o2 = self.objects[i_found] assert o1.frame_index < cur_frame_ind < o2.frame_index dindex = o2.frame_index - o1.frame_index d_cur_index1 = cur_frame_ind - o1.frame_index d_cur_index2 = o2.frame_index - cur_frame_ind bbox1 = o1.bbox bbox2 = o2.bbox res_bbox = [None, None, None, None] for k in range(4): # linear approximation for all bbox fields res_bbox[k] = (bbox1[k] * d_cur_index2 + bbox2[k] * d_cur_index1) / dindex res_bbox = Bbox(res_bbox[0], res_bbox[1], res_bbox[2], res_bbox[3]) return res_bbox class Tracker: def __init__(self, num_frames_to_remove_track, num_objects_to_make_track_valid, affinity_threshold): self.tracks = [] self.track_archive = [] self.num_frames_to_remove_track = num_frames_to_remove_track self.num_objects_to_make_track_valid = num_objects_to_make_track_valid self.affinity_threshold = affinity_threshold def add_objects(self, det_objs): log.debug("begin: handling {} objects".format(len(det_objs))) if len(det_objs) == 0: return frame_index = det_objs[0].frame_index assert all(o.frame_index == frame_index for o in det_objs), "All det_objs should have the same frame_index" affinity_matrix = self._build_affinity_matrix(det_objs) self._validate_affinity_matrix(affinity_matrix, len(self.tracks), len(det_objs)) self._log_affinity_matrix(affinity_matrix) decision, best_affinity = self._solve_assignment_problem(affinity_matrix) self._log_decision(decision, best_affinity, det_objs, frame_index) self._apply_decision(decision, det_objs, frame_index) self._move_obsolete_tracks_to_archive(frame_index) log.debug("end: handling {} objects".format(len(det_objs))) @staticmethod def _validate_affinity_matrix(affinity_matrix, num_tracks, num_det_objs): assert isinstance(affinity_matrix, list) assert len(affinity_matrix) == num_tracks for affinity_row in affinity_matrix: assert isinstance(affinity_row, list) assert len(affinity_row) == num_det_objs assert all(isinstance(v, float) for v in affinity_row) assert all(v >= 0 for v in affinity_row) def _build_affinity_matrix(self, det_objs): affinity_matrix = [] for t in self.tracks: affinity_row = [] for o in det_objs: cur_affinity = self._calc_affinity(t, o) affinity_row.append(cur_affinity) affinity_matrix.append(affinity_row) return affinity_matrix def _calc_affinity(self, track, obj): affinity_appearance = self._calc_affinity_appearance(track, obj) affinity_position = self._calc_affinity_position(track, obj) affinity_shape = self._calc_affinity_shape(track, obj) return affinity_appearance * affinity_position * affinity_shape def _calc_affinity_appearance(self, track, obj): raise NotImplementedError("The function _calc_affinity_appearance  is not implemented -- implement it by yourself") def _calc_affinity_position(self, track, obj): raise NotImplementedError("The function _calc_affinity_position is not implemented -- implement it by yourself") def _calc_affinity_shape(self, track, obj): raise NotImplementedError("The function _calc_affinity_shape is not implemented -- implement it by yourself") @staticmethod def _log_affinity_matrix(affinity_matrix): with np.printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True, threshold=sys.maxsize, linewidth=sys.maxsize): log.debug("Affinity matrix =\n{}".format(np.array(affinity_matrix))) def _solve_assignment_problem(self, affinity_matrix): decision, best_affinity = solve_assignment_problem(affinity_matrix, self.affinity_threshold) return decision, best_affinity def _log_decision(self, decision, best_affinity, det_objs, frame_index): log.debug("Logging decision for frame index={}".format(frame_index)) num_tracks = len(self.tracks) for track_index in range(num_tracks): assert track_index in decision obj_index = decision[track_index] # index of the object assigned to the track if obj_index is not None: assert 0 <= obj_index < len(det_objs) obj_bbox = det_objs[obj_index].bbox else: obj_bbox = None cur_best_affinity = best_affinity[track_index] if cur_best_affinity is not None: best_affinity_str = "{:.3f}".format(cur_best_affinity) else: best_affinity_str = str(cur_best_affinity) log.debug("track_index={}, track id={}, last_bbox={}, decision={}, best_affinity={} => {}".format( track_index, self.tracks[track_index].get_id(), self.tracks[track_index].last().bbox, decision[track_index], best_affinity_str, obj_bbox)) def _apply_decision(self, decision, det_objs, frame_index): set_updated_tracks_indexes = set() num_det_objs = len(det_objs) num_tracks = len(self.tracks) object_indexes_not_mapped_to_tracks = set(range(num_det_objs)) # all indexes from 0 to num_det_objs-1 for track_index in range(num_tracks): assert track_index in decision obj_index = decision[track_index] # index of the object assigned to the track if obj_index is None: # no objects are mapped for this track continue assert 0 <= obj_index < num_det_objs if obj_index not in object_indexes_not_mapped_to_tracks: raise RuntimeError("ERROR: Algorithm assigned the object {} to several tracks".format(obj_index)) object_indexes_not_mapped_to_tracks.remove(obj_index) o = det_objs[obj_index] self.tracks[track_index].add_object(o) # create new tracks for all the objects not mapped to tracks for obj_index in object_indexes_not_mapped_to_tracks: o = det_objs[obj_index] self._create_new_track(o) def _create_new_track(self, o): new_track = Track(o) self.tracks.append(new_track) log.debug("created new track: id={} object: frame_index={}, {}".format( new_track.get_id(), o.frame_index, o.bbox)) def _move_obsolete_tracks_to_archive(self, frame_index): new_tracks = [] for t in self.tracks: last_frame_index = t.last().frame_index if frame_index - last_frame_index >= self.num_frames_to_remove_track: log.debug("Move the track id={} to archive: the current frame_index={}, " "the last frame_index in track={}".format( t.get_id(), frame_index, last_frame_index)) self.track_archive.append(t) else: new_tracks.append(t) self.tracks = new_tracks def is_track_valid(self, track): assert isinstance(track, Track) return len(track.objects) > self.num_objects_to_make_track_valid def get_all_valid_tracks(self): res = [] for t in self.track_archive: if self.is_track_valid(t): res.append(t) for t in self.tracks: if self.is_track_valid(t): res.append(t) return res def convert_tracks_to_annotation_storage(tracks): ann_objects_by_frame_index = {} for cur_track in tqdm(tracks, desc="Converting"): track_id = cur_track.get_id() first_frame_index = cur_track.objects[0].frame_index last_frame_index = cur_track.objects[-1].frame_index for frame_index in range(first_frame_index, last_frame_index+1): bbox = cur_track.get_bbox_for_frame(frame_index) tl_x = math.floor(bbox.tl_x) tl_y = math.floor(bbox.tl_y) br_x = math.ceil(bbox.br_x) br_y = math.ceil(bbox.br_y) detect_obj = DetectedObject(frame_index=frame_index, bbox=Bbox(tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y), appearance_feature=[]) ann_obj = AnnotationObject(detect_obj=detect_obj, track_id=track_id) if frame_index not in ann_objects_by_frame_index: ann_objects_by_frame_index[frame_index] = {} ann_objects_by_frame_index[frame_index][track_id] = ann_obj annotation_objects = [] for frame_index in sorted(ann_objects_by_frame_index.keys()): cur_ann_objects = ann_objects_by_frame_index[frame_index] for track_id in sorted(cur_ann_objects.keys()): annotation_objects.append(cur_ann_objects[track_id]) annotation_storage = AnnotationStorage.create_annotation_storage_from_list(annotation_objects) return annotation_storage
<reponame>Zoufalc/qiskit-machine-learning<filename>qiskit_machine_learning/algorithms/regressors/ # This code is part of Qiskit. # # (C) Copyright IBM 2021. # # This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may # obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory # of this source tree or at # # Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this # copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating # that they have been altered from the originals. """ Neural network regressor """ from typing import Union import numpy as np from qiskit.algorithms.optimizers import Optimizer from ...exceptions import QiskitMachineLearningError from ...neural_networks import NeuralNetwork from ...utils.loss_functions import (Loss, L1Loss, L2Loss, CrossEntropyLoss, CrossEntropySigmoidLoss) class NeuralNetworkRegressor: """ Quantum neural network regressor""" def __init__(self, neural_network: NeuralNetwork, loss: Union[str, Loss] = 'l2', optimizer: Optimizer = None, warm_start: bool = False): """ Args: neural_network: An instance of an quantum neural network. If the neural network has a one-dimensional output, i.e., `neural_network.output_shape=(1,)`, then it is expected to return values in [-1, +1] and it can only be used for binary classification. If the output is multi-dimensional, it is assumed that the result is a probability distribution, i.e., that the entries are non-negative and sum up to one. Then there are two options, either one-hot encoding or not. In case of one-hot encoding, each probability vector resulting a neural network is considered as one sample and the loss function is applied to the whole vector. Otherwise, each entry of the probability vector is considered as an individual sample and the loss function is applied to the index and weighted with the corresponding probability. loss: A target loss function to be used in training. Default is `l2`, i.e. L2 loss. Can be given either as a string for 'l1', 'l2', 'cross_entropy', 'cross_entropy_sigmoid', or as a loss function implementing the Loss interface. optimizer: An instance of an optimizer to be used in training. warm_start: Use weights from previous fit to start next fit. Raises: QiskitMachineLearningError: unknown loss, invalid neural network """ self._neural_network = neural_network if len(neural_network.output_shape) > 1: raise QiskitMachineLearningError('Invalid neural network output shape!') if isinstance(loss, Loss): self._loss = loss else: if loss.lower() == 'l1': self._loss = L1Loss() elif loss.lower() == 'l2': self._loss = L2Loss() elif loss.lower() == 'cross_entropy': self._loss = CrossEntropyLoss() elif loss.lower() == 'cross_entropy_sigmoid': self._loss = CrossEntropySigmoidLoss() else: raise QiskitMachineLearningError(f'Unknown loss {loss}!') self._optimizer = optimizer self._warm_start = warm_start self._fit_result = None @property def neural_network(self): """ Returns the underlying neural network.""" return self._neural_network @property def loss(self): """ Returns the underlying neural network.""" return self._loss @property def warm_start(self) -> bool: """ Returns the warm start flag.""" return self._warm_start @warm_start.setter def warm_start(self, warm_start: bool) -> None: """ Sets the warm start flag.""" self._warm_start = warm_start def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Fit the model to data matrix X and target(s) y. Args: X: The input data. y: The target values. Returns: self: returns a trained classifier. Raises: QiskitMachineLearningError: In case of invalid data (e.g. incompatible with network) """ if self._neural_network.output_shape == (1,): # TODO: we should add some reasonable compatibility checks and raise meaningful errors. def objective(w): predict = self._neural_network.forward(X, w) target = np.array(y).reshape(predict.shape) value = np.sum(self._loss(predict, target)) return value def objective_grad(w): # TODO should store output from forward pass (implement loss interface?) # TODO: need to be able to turn off input grads if not needed. output = self._neural_network.forward(X, w) _, weights_grad = self._neural_network.backward(X, w) grad = np.zeros((1, self._neural_network.num_weights)) for i in range(len(X)): grad += self._loss.gradient(output[i][0], y[i]) * weights_grad[i] return grad else: def objective(w): val = 0.0 probs = self._neural_network.forward(X, w) for i in range(len(X)): for y_predict, prob in enumerate(probs[i]): val += prob * self._loss(y_predict, y[i]) return val def objective_grad(w): num_classes = self._neural_network.output_shape[0] grad = np.zeros((1, self._neural_network.num_weights)) for x, y_target in zip(X, y): # TODO: do batch eval _, weight_prob_grad = self._neural_network.backward(x, w) for i in range(num_classes): grad += weight_prob_grad[ 0, i, :].reshape(grad.shape) * self._loss(i, y_target) return grad if self._warm_start and self._fit_result is not None: initial_point = self._fit_result[0] else: initial_point = np.random.rand(self._neural_network.num_weights) self._fit_result = self._optimizer.optimize(self._neural_network.num_weights, objective, objective_grad, initial_point=initial_point) return self def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Predict using the network specified to the regression. Args: X: The input data. Raises: QiskitMachineLearningError: Model needs to be fit to some training data first Returns: The predicted values. """ if self._fit_result is None: raise QiskitMachineLearningError('Model needs to be fit to some training data first!') # TODO: proper handling of batching return self._neural_network.forward(X, self._fit_result[0]) def score(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> int: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Return R-squared on the given test data and targeted values. Args: X: Test samples. y: True target values given `X`. Raises: QiskitMachineLearningError: Model needs to be fit to some training data first Returns: R-squared value. """ if self._fit_result is None: raise QiskitMachineLearningError('Model needs to be fit to some training data first!') predict = self.predict(X) # Compute R2 for score ss_res = sum(map(lambda k: (k[0] - k[1]) ** 2, zip(y, predict))) ss_tot = sum([(k - np.mean(y)) ** 2 for k in y]) score = 1 - (ss_res / ss_tot) if len(np.array(score).shape) > 0: return score[0] else: return score
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2019 The Edward2 Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Parses real and synthetic datasets. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import google_type_annotations from __future__ import print_function import collections import tensorflow as tf NPRegressionDescription = collections.namedtuple( "NPRegressionDescription", ("context_x", "context_y", "target_x", "target_y")) class GPCurvesReader(object): """Generates curves using a Gaussian Process (GP). Supports vector inputs (x) and vector outputs (y). Kernel is mean-squared exponential, using the x-value l2 coordinate distance scaled by some factor chosen randomly in a range. Outputs are independent gaussian processes. """ def __init__(self, batch_size, max_num_context, x_size=1, y_size=1, l1_scale=0.6, sigma_scale=1.0, random_kernel_parameters=False, testing=False): """Creates a regression dataset of functions sampled from a GP. Args: batch_size: An integer. max_num_context: The max number of observations in the context. x_size: Integer >= 1 for length of "x values" vector. y_size: Integer >= 1 for length of "y values" vector. l1_scale: Float; typical scale for kernel distance function. sigma_scale: Float; typical scale for variance. random_kernel_parameters: If `True`, the kernel parameters (l1 and sigma) are sampled uniformly within [0.1, l1_scale] and [0.1, sigma_scale]. testing: Boolean that indicates whether we are testing. If so there are more targets for visualization. """ self._batch_size = batch_size self._max_num_context = max_num_context self._x_size = x_size self._y_size = y_size self._l1_scale = l1_scale self._sigma_scale = sigma_scale self._random_kernel_parameters = random_kernel_parameters self._testing = testing def _gaussian_kernel(self, xdata, l1, sigma_f, sigma_noise=2e-2): """Applies the Gaussian kernel to generate curve data. Args: xdata: Tensor of shape [B, num_total_points, x_size] with the values of the x-axis data. l1: Tensor of shape [B, y_size, x_size], the scale parameter of the Gaussian kernel. sigma_f: Tensor of shape [B, y_size], the magnitude of the std. sigma_noise: Float, std of the noise that we add for stability. Returns: The kernel, a float tensor of shape [B, y_size, num_total_points, num_total_points]. """ num_total_points = tf.shape(xdata)[1] # Expand and take the difference xdata1 = tf.expand_dims(xdata, axis=1) # [B, 1, num_total_points, x_size] xdata2 = tf.expand_dims(xdata, axis=2) # [B, num_total_points, 1, x_size] diff = xdata1 - xdata2 # [B, num_total_points, num_total_points, x_size] # [B, y_size, num_total_points, num_total_points, x_size] norm = tf.square(diff[:, None, :, :, :] / l1[:, :, None, None, :]) norm = tf.reduce_sum( norm, -1) # [B, data_size, num_total_points, num_total_points] # [B, y_size, num_total_points, num_total_points] kernel = tf.square(sigma_f)[:, :, None, None] * tf.exp(-0.5 * norm) # Add some noise to the diagonal to make the cholesky work. kernel += (sigma_noise**2) * tf.eye(num_total_points) return kernel def generate_curves(self, num_context=None): """Builds the op delivering the data. Generated functions are `float32` with x values between -2 and 2. Args: num_context: Number of context points. If None, chosen randomly. Returns: A `CNPRegressionDescription` namedtuple. """ if num_context is None: num_context = tf.random_uniform( shape=[], minval=3, maxval=self._max_num_context, dtype=tf.int32) # If we are testing we want to have more targets and have them evenly # distributed in order to plot the function. if self._testing: num_target = 400 num_total_points = num_target x_values = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(-2., 2., 1. / 100, dtype=tf.float32), axis=0), [self._batch_size, 1]) x_values = tf.expand_dims(x_values, axis=-1) # During training the number of target points and their x-positions are # selected at random else: num_target = tf.random_uniform(shape=(), minval=0, maxval=self._max_num_context - num_context, dtype=tf.int32) num_total_points = num_context + num_target x_values = tf.random_uniform( [self._batch_size, num_total_points, self._x_size], -2, 2) # Set kernel parameters # Either choose a set of random parameters for the mini-batch if self._random_kernel_parameters: l1 = tf.random_uniform([self._batch_size, self._y_size, self._x_size], 0.1, self._l1_scale) sigma_f = tf.random_uniform([self._batch_size, self._y_size], 0.1, self._sigma_scale) # Or use the same fixed parameters for all mini-batches else: l1 = tf.ones(shape=[self._batch_size, self._y_size, self._x_size]) * self._l1_scale sigma_f = tf.ones(shape=[self._batch_size, self._y_size]) * self._sigma_scale # Pass the x_values through the Gaussian kernel # [batch_size, y_size, num_total_points, num_total_points] kernel = self._gaussian_kernel(x_values, l1, sigma_f) # Calculate Cholesky, using double precision for better stability: cholesky = tf.cast(tf.cholesky(tf.cast(kernel, tf.float64)), tf.float32) # Sample a curve # [batch_size, y_size, num_total_points, 1] y_values = tf.matmul( cholesky, tf.random_normal([self._batch_size, self._y_size, num_total_points, 1])) # [batch_size, num_total_points, y_size] y_values = tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(y_values, 3), [0, 2, 1]) if self._testing: # Select the targets target_x = x_values target_y = y_values # Select the observations idx = tf.random_shuffle(tf.range(num_target)) context_x = tf.gather(x_values, idx[:num_context], axis=1) context_y = tf.gather(y_values, idx[:num_context], axis=1) else: # Select the targets which will consist of the context points as well as # some new target points target_x = x_values[:, :num_target + num_context, :] target_y = y_values[:, :num_target + num_context, :] # Select the observations context_x = x_values[:, :num_context, :] context_y = y_values[:, :num_context, :] return NPRegressionDescription( context_x=context_x, context_y=context_y, target_x=target_x, target_y=target_y)
<gh_stars>0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools from oslo_log import log as logging from heat.tests.convergence.framework import reality from heat.tests.convergence.framework import scenario_template LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def verify(test, reality, tmpl): for name in tmpl.resources: rsrc_count = len(reality.resources_by_logical_name(name)) test.assertEqual(1, rsrc_count, 'Found %d copies of resource "%s"' % (rsrc_count, name)) all_rsrcs = reality.all_resources() for name, defn in tmpl.resources.items(): phys_rsrc = reality.resources_by_logical_name(name)[0] for prop_name, prop_def in real_value = reality.resource_properties(phys_rsrc, prop_name) if isinstance(prop_def, scenario_template.GetAtt): targs = reality.resources_by_logical_name(prop_def.target_name) att_value = targs[0].properties_data[prop_def.attr] test.assertEqual(att_value, real_value) elif isinstance(prop_def, scenario_template.GetRes): targs = reality.resources_by_logical_name(prop_def.target_name) test.assertEqual(targs[0].nova_instance, real_value) else: test.assertEqual(prop_def, real_value) test.assertEqual(len(, len(phys_rsrc.properties_data)) test.assertEqual(len(tmpl.resources), len(all_rsrcs)) def scenario_globals(procs, testcase): return { 'test': testcase, 'reality': reality.reality, 'verify': functools.partial(verify, testcase, reality.reality), 'Template': scenario_template.Template, 'RsrcDef': scenario_template.RsrcDef, 'GetRes': scenario_template.GetRes, 'GetAtt': scenario_template.GetAtt, 'engine': procs.engine, 'worker': procs.worker, }
"""change admin to boolean Revision ID: e86dd3bc539c Revises: <KEY> Create Date: 2020-11-11 22:32:00.707936 """ from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'e86dd3bc539c' down_revision = '<KEY>' branch_labels = None depends_on = None def upgrade(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('email_address', sa.Column('active', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False)) op.add_column('email_address', sa.Column('email_password', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False)) op.add_column('email_address', sa.Column('last_mailbox_size', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('email_address', sa.Column('last_updated', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('email_address', sa.Column('phishing_mail_detected', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('user', sa.Column('is_active', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False)) op.add_column('user', sa.Column('is_admin', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)) op.add_column('user', sa.Column('last_logged_in', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True)) # ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_column('user', 'last_logged_in') op.drop_column('user', 'is_admin') op.drop_column('user', 'is_active') op.drop_column('email_address', 'phishing_mail_detected') op.drop_column('email_address', 'last_updated') op.drop_column('email_address', 'last_mailbox_size') op.drop_column('email_address', 'email_password') op.drop_column('email_address', 'active') # ### end Alembic commands ###
<reponame>Rog3rSm1th/PolyglotOfCode #!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from itertools import combinations def solve(packages, groups): total = sum(packages) result = 9999999999999999 # we should use `for i in range(1, len(packages) - 2)` but it would # make the computation significantly slower for i in range(1, 7): for c in combinations(packages, i): if sum(c) == total / groups: quantum_entanglement = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, list(c)) result = min(result, quantum_entanglement) return result packages = [int(num) for num in open('input.txt')] print(solve(packages, 3))
# Generated by Django 2.2.5 on 2019-10-05 23:22 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Password', fields=[ ('id', models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, serialize=False, unique=True)), ('website', models.CharField(max_length=128)), ('username', models.CharField(max_length=128)), ('pwd', models.CharField(max_length=128)), ('time_add', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True)), ('time_modify', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)), ], options={ 'db_table': 'password_tab', }, ), ]
# Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from mock import Mock, patch from packaging import version import pytest from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow REGION = "us-west-2" ENV_INPUT = {"env_key1": "env_val1", "env_key2": "env_val2", "env_key3": "env_val3"} @pytest.fixture() def sagemaker_session(): return Mock(name="sagemaker_session", boto_region_name=REGION) def _build_tf(sagemaker_session, **kwargs): return TensorFlow( sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session, entry_point="", role="dummy-role", instance_count=1, instance_type="ml.c4.xlarge", **kwargs, ) @patch("sagemaker.fw_utils.python_deprecation_warning") def test_estimator_py2_deprecation_warning(warning, sagemaker_session): estimator = _build_tf(sagemaker_session, framework_version="2.1.1", py_version="py2") assert estimator.py_version == "py2" warning.assert_called_with("tensorflow", "2.1.1") def test_py2_version_deprecated(sagemaker_session): with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as e: _build_tf(sagemaker_session, framework_version="2.1.2", py_version="py2") msg = ( "Python 2 containers are only available with 2.1.1 and lower versions. " "Please use a Python 3 container." ) assert msg in str(e.value) def test_py2_version_is_not_deprecated(sagemaker_session): estimator = _build_tf(sagemaker_session, framework_version="1.15.0", py_version="py2") assert estimator.py_version == "py2" estimator = _build_tf(sagemaker_session, framework_version="2.0.0", py_version="py2") assert estimator.py_version == "py2" def test_framework_name(sagemaker_session): tf = _build_tf(sagemaker_session, framework_version="1.15.2", py_version="py3") assert tf._framework_name == "tensorflow" def test_tf_add_environment_variables(sagemaker_session): tf = _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version="1.15.2", py_version="py3", environment=ENV_INPUT, ) assert tf.environment == ENV_INPUT def test_tf_miss_environment_variables(sagemaker_session): tf = _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version="1.15.2", py_version="py3", environment=None, ) assert not tf.environment def test_enable_sm_metrics(sagemaker_session): tf = _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version="1.15.2", py_version="py3", enable_sagemaker_metrics=True, ) assert tf.enable_sagemaker_metrics def test_disable_sm_metrics(sagemaker_session): tf = _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version="1.15.2", py_version="py3", enable_sagemaker_metrics=False, ) assert not tf.enable_sagemaker_metrics def test_disable_sm_metrics_if_fw_ver_is_less_than_1_15( sagemaker_session, tensorflow_training_version, tensorflow_training_py_version ): if version.Version(tensorflow_training_version) > version.Version("1.14"): pytest.skip("This test is for TF 1.14 and lower.") tf = _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version=tensorflow_training_version, py_version=tensorflow_training_py_version, image_uri="old-image", ) assert tf.enable_sagemaker_metrics is None def test_enable_sm_metrics_if_fw_ver_is_at_least_1_15( sagemaker_session, tensorflow_training_version, tensorflow_training_py_version ): if version.Version(tensorflow_training_version) < version.Version("1.15"): pytest.skip("This test is for TF 1.15 and higher.") tf = _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version=tensorflow_training_version, py_version=tensorflow_training_py_version, ) assert tf.enable_sagemaker_metrics def test_require_image_uri_if_fw_ver_is_less_than_1_11( sagemaker_session, tensorflow_training_version, tensorflow_training_py_version ): if version.Version(tensorflow_training_version) > version.Version("1.10"): pytest.skip("This test is for TF 1.10 and lower.") with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: _build_tf( sagemaker_session, framework_version=tensorflow_training_version, py_version=tensorflow_training_py_version, ) expected_msg = ( "TF {version} supports only legacy mode. Please supply the image URI directly with " "'image_uri=520713654638.dkr.ecr.{region}" "sagemaker-tensorflow:{version}-cpu-py2' and set 'model_dir=False'. If you are using any " "legacy parameters (training_steps, evaluation_steps, checkpoint_path, requirements_file), " "make sure to pass them directly as hyperparameters instead." ).format(version=tensorflow_training_version, region=REGION) assert expected_msg in str(e.value)
<filename>output/models/nist_data/list_pkg/decimal/schema_instance/nistschema_sv_iv_list_decimal_pattern_2_xsd/ from output.models.nist_data.list_pkg.decimal.schema_instance.nistschema_sv_iv_list_decimal_pattern_2_xsd.nistschema_sv_iv_list_decimal_pattern_2 import NistschemaSvIvListDecimalPattern2 __all__ = [ "NistschemaSvIvListDecimalPattern2", ]
<reponame>tefra/xsdata-w3c-tests<filename>output/models/ms_data/regex/re_l32_xsd/<gh_stars>1-10 from output.models.ms_data.regex.re_l32_xsd.re_l32 import ( Regex, Doc, ) __all__ = [ "Regex", "Doc", ]
<filename><gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python import sys from subprocess import call print " ListOfDivsumFiles\n" try: files = sys.argv[1] except: files = raw_input("Introduce RepeatMasker's list of Divsum files with library size (tab separated): ") files = open(files).readlines() to_join = [] header = "Coverage for each repeat class and divergence (Kimura)\n" results = {} for line in files: line = line.split("\t") file = line[0] size = int(line[1]) data = open(file).readlines() matrix_start = data.index(header) matrix = data[matrix_start+1:] li= [] names_line = matrix[0] info = names_line.split() for fam in info: li.append([fam]) info_len = len(li) for line in matrix[1:]: info = line.split() for i in range(0,info_len): li[i].append(info[i]) out = open(file+".counts","w") out.write("Sequence\tAbundance\n") stats = open(file+".stats","w") stats.write("Sequence\tDivergence\tTotalAbundance\tMaxAbundance\tMaxPeak\tRPS\tDIVPEAK\n") for el in li[1:]: numbers = el[1:] numbers = [int(x) for x in numbers] numbers_prop = [1.0*x/size for x in numbers] prop_dict = {} prop_li = [] for prop in range(0,len(numbers_prop)): prop_dict[prop] = numbers_prop[prop] prop_li.append(numbers_prop[prop]) prop_dict_sorted = sorted(prop_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) total = sum(numbers_prop) top = prop_dict_sorted[0] top_div = top[0] top_ab = top[1] peak = [] if top_div >= 2: for div in range(top_div-2,top_div+3): peak.append(prop_dict[div]) else: for div in range(0,5): peak.append(prop_dict[div]) sum_peak = sum(peak) rps = sum_peak/total divpeak = top_div out.write(el[0]+"\t"+str(sum(numbers))+"\n") all_divs = [] for d in li[0][1:]: all_divs.append(int(d)+0.5) div_sumproduct = 0 for x,y in zip(all_divs,prop_li): div_sumproduct += x * y divergence = div_sumproduct/total data = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (el[0],str(divergence),str(total),str(top_ab),str(sum_peak),str(rps),str(divpeak)) stats.write(data) data2 = "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (file, str(divergence),str(total),str(top_ab),str(sum_peak),str(rps),str(divpeak)) if el[0] in results: results[el[0]].append(data2) else: results[el[0]] = [data2] out.close() stats.close() to_join.append(file+".counts") out = open("results.txt", "w") for el in sorted(results): info = results[el] out.write("%s\tDivergence\tTotalAbundance\tMaxAbundance\tMaxPeak\tRPS\tDIVPEAK\n" % (el)) for i in info: out.write(i) out.write("\n\n\n") out.close() call(" %s" % (" ".join(to_join)), shell=True)
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import getopt import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def processVendors(outFile, vendors): outFile.writelines(["\nconstexpr std::array<std::string_view, ", str( len(vendors)), "> vendors = {{\n"]) for vendor in vendors: outFile.writelines([' \"', vendor.tag, '\",\n']) outFile.write('}};\n') def processEnumValue(outFile, enum, value): if not value.get('value') is None: # Spitting out plain values outFile.write(value.get('value')) elif not value.get('bitpos') is None: # Bitflag outFile.writelines( ['0x', format(1 << int(value.get('bitpos')), '08X')]) elif not value.get('alias') is None: processEnumValue(outFile, enum, enum.find(value.get('alias'))) def processEnums(outFile, enums, vendors, first, last): for enum in enums: # Skip VkResult if enum.tag == 'VkResult': continue # Skip if there's no values, MSVC can't do zero-sized arrays if len(enum.findall('./')) == 0: continue outFile.writelines( ['\nconstexpr EnumValueSet ', enum.tag, 'Sets[] = {\n']) # Determine how much to chop off the front strName = enum.tag typeDigit = '' # Determine if type ends with vendor tag vendorName = '' for vendor in vendors: if strName.endswith(vendor.tag): vendorName = vendor.tag strName = strName[:-len(vendorName)] if strName[-1].isdigit(): typeDigit = strName[-1] strName = strName[:-1] if strName.endswith('FlagBits'): strName = strName[:-8] # Construct most likely enum prefix mainPrefix = '' for char in strName: if mainPrefix == '': mainPrefix += char elif char.isupper(): mainPrefix += '_' mainPrefix += char.upper() else: mainPrefix += char.upper() mainPrefix += '_' if typeDigit != '': mainPrefix += typeDigit mainPrefix += '_' current = first while current <= last: for value in enum.findall('./'): if int(value.get('first')) != current: continue outFile.write(" {\"") valueStr = value.tag if valueStr.startswith(mainPrefix): valueStr = valueStr[len(mainPrefix):] if vendorName != '' and valueStr.endswith(vendorName): valueStr = valueStr[:-len(vendorName)-1] if valueStr.endswith('_BIT'): valueStr = valueStr[:-4] outFile.write(valueStr) outFile.write("\", ") processEnumValue(outFile, enum, value) outFile.write("},\n") current += 1 outFile.write('};\n') def main(argv): inputFile = '' outputFile = '' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'i:o:', []) except getopt.GetoptError: print('Error parsing options') sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-i': inputFile = arg elif opt == '-o': outputFile = arg if(inputFile == ''): print("Error: No Vulkan XML file specified") sys.exit(1) if(outputFile == ''): print("Error: No output file specified") sys.exit(1) try: dataXml = ET.parse(inputFile) dataRoot = dataXml.getroot() except: print("Error: Could not open input file: ", inputFile) sys.exit(1) firstVersion = int(dataRoot.get('first')) lastVersion = int(dataRoot.get('last')) outFile = open(outputFile, "w") # Common Header with open("common_header.txt") as fd: outFile.write( outFile.write('\n') # outFile.write("""#ifndef VK_VALUE_SERIALIZATION_HPP #define VK_VALUE_SERIALIZATION_HPP /* USAGE: To use, include this header where the declarations for the boolean checks are required. On *ONE* compilation unit, include the definition of `#define VK_VALUE_SERIALIZATION_CONFIG_MAIN` so that the definitions are compiled somewhere following the one definition rule. */ #include <vulkan/vulkan.h> #include <string> #include <string_view> """) # Static Asserts outFile.writelines(["\nstatic_assert(VK_HEADER_VERSION >= ", str( firstVersion), ", \"VK_HEADER_VERSION is from before the supported range.\");\n"]) outFile.writelines(["static_assert(VK_HEADER_VERSION <= ", str( lastVersion), ", \"VK_HEADER_VERSION is from after the supported range.\");\n"]) # Function Declarataions outFile.write(""" /** * @brief Macro that automatically stringifies the given Vulkan type for serialization * @param VKTYPE Actual Vulkan type * @param VALUE Value to be serialized * @param STRPTR Pointer to the string to store the serialization in. Only modified if true is * returned. * @return True if serialization was successful. False otherwise. */ #define VK_SERIALIZE(VKTYPE, VALUE, STRPTR) vk_serialize<VKTYPE>(#VKTYPE, VALUE, STRPTR) /** * @brief Macro that automatically stringifies the given Vulkan type for parsing * @param VKTYPE Actual Vulkan type * @param STRING String to be parsed * @param VALPTR Pointer to the value to store the parsed value in. Only modified if true is * returned. * @return True if serialization was successful. False otherwise. */ #define VK_PARSE(VKTYPE, STRING, VALPTR) vk_parse<VKTYPE>(#VKTYPE, STRING, VALPTR) /** * @brief Serializes a Vulkan enumerator/flag type (32-bit) * @param vkType Name of the Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @param vkValue Value being serialized * @param pString Pointer to a string that will be modified with the serialized value. Only modified * if true is returned. * @return True the value was successfully serialized. False otherwise. */ bool vk_serialize(std::string_view vkType, uint32_t vkValue, std::string *pString); /** * @brief Parses a Vulkan enumerator/flag serialized string (32-bit) * @param vkType Name of the Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @param vkString String being parsed * @param pValue Pointer to a value that will be modified with the parsed value. Only modified if * true is returned. * @return True the value was successfully serialized. False otherwise. */ bool vk_parse(std::string_view vkType, std::string vkString, uint32_t *pValue); /** * @brief Serializes a Vulkan enumerator/flag type (64-bit) * @param vkType Name of the Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @param vkValue Value being serialized * @param pString Pointer to a string that will be modified with the serialized value. Only modified * if true is returned. * @return True the value was successfully serialized. False otherwise. */ bool vk_serialize(std::string_view vkType, uint64_t vkValue, std::string *pString); /** * @brief Parses a Vulkan enumerator/flag serialized string (64-bit) * @param vkType Name of the Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @param vkString String being parsed * @param pValue Pointer to a value that will be modified with the parsed value. Only modified if * true is returned. * @return True the value was successfully serialized. False otherwise. */ bool vk_parse(std::string_view vkType, std::string vkString, uint64_t *pValue); /** * @brief Serializes a Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @tparam Vulkan type being serialized * @param vkType Name of the Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @param vkValue Value being serialized * @param pString Pointer to a string that will be modified with the serialized value. Only modified * if true is returned. * @return True the value was successfully serialized. False otherwise. */ template <typename T> bool vk_serialize(std::string_view vkType, T vkValue, std::string *pString) { return vk_serialize(vkType, static_cast<uint32_t>(vkValue), pString); } /** * @brief Parses a Vulkan enumerator/flag serialized string * @tparam Vulkan type being parsed * @param vkType Name of the Vulkan enumerator/flag type * @param vkString String being parsed * @param pValue Pointer to a value that will be modified with the parsed value. Only modified if * true is returned. * @return True the value was successfully serialized. False otherwise. */ template <typename T> bool vk_parse(std::string_view vkType, std::string vkString, T *pValue) { uint32_t retVal = 0; auto found = vk_parse(vkType, vkString, &retVal); if (found) { *pValue = static_cast<T>(retVal); } return found; } """) # Definition Start outFile.write("\n#ifdef VK_VALUE_SERIALIZATION_CONFIG_MAIN\n") outFile.write("\n#include <algorithm>\n") outFile.write("#include <array>\n") outFile.write("#include <cstring>\n") outFile.write("\nnamespace {\n") # Vendors vendors = dataRoot.findall('vendors/') processVendors(outFile, vendors) # EnumSet Declaration outFile.write("\nstruct EnumValueSet {\n") outFile.write(" std::string_view name;\n") outFile.write(" int64_t value;\n") outFile.write("};\n") # Enums enums = dataRoot.findall('enums/') processEnums(outFile, enums, vendors, firstVersion, lastVersion) # Enum Type Declaration outFile.write("\nstruct EnumType {\n") outFile.write(" std::string_view name;\n") outFile.write(" EnumValueSet const* data;\n") outFile.write(" uint32_t count;\n") outFile.write(" bool allowEmpty;\n") outFile.write("};\n") # Enum Pointer Array outFile.writelines(["\nconstexpr std::array<EnumType, ", str( len(enums)-1), "> enumTypes = {{\n"]) # -1 for not doing VkResult for enum in enums: if enum.tag == 'VkResult': continue valueCount = len(enum.findall('./')) if valueCount == 0: outFile.writelines( [" {\"", str(enum.tag), "\", nullptr, 0, true},\n"]) else: allowEmpty = "true" for enumVal in enum.findall('./'): if enumVal.get('first') == enum.get('first'): allowEmpty = "false" outFile.writelines([" {\"", str(enum.tag), "\", ", str( enum.tag), "Sets, ", str(valueCount), ", ", allowEmpty, "},\n"]) outFile.write('}};\n') # Function definitions outFile.write(""" /** * @brief Removes a vendor tag from the end of the given string view * @param view String view to remove the vendor tag from * @return A string_view without the vendor tag, if it was suffixed */ std::string_view stripVendor(std::string_view view) { for (auto const &it : vendors) { // Don't strip if it's all that's left if (view == it) break; if (strncmp( + view.size() - it.size(),, it.size()) == 0) { view = view.substr(0, view.size() - it.size()); break; } } return view; } /** * @brief Strips '_BIT' from the end of a string, if there */ std::string_view stripBit(std::string_view view) { if (view.size() > strlen("_BIT")) { if (view.substr(view.size() - strlen("_BIT")) == "_BIT") { return view.substr(0, view.size() - strlen("_BIT")); } } return view; } bool getEnumType(std::string_view vkType, EnumValueSet const **ppStart, EnumValueSet const **ppEnd, bool *pAllowEmpty) { // Check for a conversion from Flags -> FlagBits std::string localString; if (vkType.rfind("Flags") != std::string::npos) { localString = vkType; auto it = localString.rfind("Flags"); localString = localString.replace(it, strlen("Flags"), "FlagBits"); vkType = localString; } // Try the original name for (auto const &it : enumTypes) { if (vkType == std::string_view{}) { *ppStart =; *ppEnd = + it.count; *pAllowEmpty = it.allowEmpty; return true; } } // Try a vendor-stripped name vkType = stripVendor(vkType); for (auto const &it : enumTypes) { if (vkType == std::string_view{}) { *ppStart =; *ppEnd = + it.count; *pAllowEmpty = it.allowEmpty; return true; } } return false; } /** * @brief Converts a Vulkan Flag typename into the prefix that is used for it's enums * @param typeName Name of the type to generate the Vk enum prefix for * @return Generated prefix string * * Any capitalized letters except for the first has an underscore inserted before it, an underscore * is added to the end, and all characters are converted to upper case. * * It also removed the 'Flags' or 'FlagBits' suffixes. */ std::string processEnumPrefix(std::string_view typeName) { // Flag Bits std::size_t flagBitsSize = strlen("FlagBits"); if (typeName.size() > flagBitsSize) { if (strncmp( + typeName.size() - flagBitsSize, "FlagBits", flagBitsSize) == 0) { typeName = typeName.substr(0, typeName.size() - strlen("FlagBits")); } } // Flags std::size_t flagsSize = strlen("Flags"); if (typeName.size() > flagsSize) { if (strncmp( + typeName.size() - flagsSize, "Flags", flagsSize) == 0) { typeName = typeName.substr(0, typeName.size() - strlen("Flags")); } } std::string retStr; for (auto it = typeName.begin(); it != typeName.end(); ++it) { if (it == typeName.begin()) { retStr += ::toupper(*it); } else if (::isupper(*it)) { retStr += '_'; retStr += *it; } else { retStr += toupper(*it); } } retStr += '_'; return retStr; } bool findValue(std::string_view findValue, std::string_view prefix, uint64_t *pValue, EnumValueSet const *start, EnumValueSet const *end) { // Remove the vendor tag suffix if it's on the value findValue = stripVendor(findValue); if (findValue[findValue.size() - 1] == '_') findValue = findValue.substr(0, findValue.size() - 1); // Remove '_BIT' if it's there findValue = stripBit(findValue); // Iterate until we find the value while (start != end) { if (findValue == start->name) { *pValue |= start->value; return true; } std::string prefixedName{prefix}; prefixedName += start->name; if (findValue == prefixedName) { *pValue |= start->value; return true; } ++start; } return false; } /** * @brief Takes a given string and formats it for use with parsing * @param str The string to format * @return Formatted string * * First, any non alphanumeric characters are trimmed from both ends of the string. * After than, any spaces are replaced with underscores, and finally all the characters are * capitalized. This will generate the string closest to the original ones found in the XML spec. */ std::string formatString(std::string str) { // Trim left std::size_t cutOffset = 0; for (auto c : str) { if (::isalnum(c)) break; else ++cutOffset; } str = str.substr(cutOffset); // Trim right cutOffset = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { if (::isalnum(str[i])) cutOffset = i + 1; } str = str.substr(0, cutOffset); std::replace(str.begin(), str.end(), ' ', '_'); std::for_each(str.begin(), str.end(), [](char &c) { c = ::toupper(c); }); return str; } bool serializeBitmask(EnumValueSet const *end, EnumValueSet const *start, bool allowEmpty, uint64_t vkValue, std::string *pString) { --end; --start; if(start == end) { // If this is a non-existing bitmask, then return an empty string *pString = {}; return true; } std::string retStr; while (start != end) { if(vkValue == 0 && !retStr.empty()) { break; } if ((start->value & vkValue) == start->value) { // Found a compatible bit mask, add it if (!retStr.empty()) { retStr += " | "; } retStr += start->name; vkValue = vkValue ^ start->value; } --start; } if (vkValue != 0 || (retStr.empty() && !allowEmpty)) { // Failed to find a valid bitmask for the value return false; } *pString = retStr; return true; } bool serializeEnum(EnumValueSet const *start, EnumValueSet const *end, uint64_t vkValue, std::string *pString) { while (start != end) { if (start->value == vkValue) { *pString = start->name; return true; } ++start; } return false; } bool parseBitmask(std::string_view vkString, EnumValueSet const *start, EnumValueSet const *end, std::string_view prefix, uint64_t *pValue) { uint64_t retVal = 0; auto startCh = vkString.begin(); auto endCh = startCh; for (; endCh != vkString.end(); ++endCh) { if (*endCh == '|') { std::string token(startCh, endCh); token = formatString(token); bool foundVal = findValue(token, prefix, &retVal, start, end); if (!foundVal) return false; startCh = endCh + 1; } } if (startCh != endCh) { std::string token(startCh, endCh); token = formatString(token); bool foundVal = findValue(token, prefix, &retVal, start, end); if (!foundVal) return false; } *pValue = retVal; return true; } bool parseEnum(std::string_view vkString, EnumValueSet const *start, EnumValueSet const *end, std::string_view prefix, uint64_t *pValue) { uint64_t retVal = 0; std::string token = formatString(std::string{vkString}); bool found = findValue(token, prefix, &retVal, start, end); if (found) { *pValue = retVal; } return found; } } // namespace bool vk_serialize(std::string_view vkType, uint64_t vkValue, std::string *pString) { if (vkType.empty()) { return false; } EnumValueSet const *start, *end; bool allowEmpty; if (!getEnumType(vkType, &start, &end, &allowEmpty)) { return false; } if (vkType.find("Flags") != std::string::npos || vkType.find("FlagBits") != std::string::npos) { return serializeBitmask(start, end, allowEmpty, vkValue, pString); } return serializeEnum(start, end, vkValue, pString); } bool vk_serialize(std::string_view vkType, uint32_t vkValue, std::string *pString) { return vk_serialize(vkType, static_cast<uint64_t>(vkValue), pString); } bool vk_parse(std::string_view vkType, std::string vkString, uint64_t *pValue) { if (vkType.empty()) { return false; } EnumValueSet const *start, *end; bool allowEmpty; if (!getEnumType(vkType, &start, &end, &allowEmpty)) { return false; } if (vkString.empty()) { if (allowEmpty) { *pValue = 0; return true; } else { return false; } } std::string prefix = processEnumPrefix(stripVendor(vkType)); if (vkType.find("Flags") != std::string::npos || vkType.find("FlagBits") != std::string::npos) { return parseBitmask(vkString, start, end, prefix, pValue); } return parseEnum(vkString, start, end, prefix, pValue); } bool vk_parse(std::string_view vkType, std::string vkString, uint32_t *pValue) { uint64_t tempValue; if (vk_parse(vkType, vkString, &tempValue)) { *pValue = static_cast<uint32_t>(tempValue); return true; } return false; } """) # endif outFile.write("\n#endif // VK_VALUE_SERIALIZATION_CONFIG_MAIN\n") outFile.write("#endif // VK_VALUE_SERIALIZATION_HPP\n") outFile.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])
<reponame>TwrFyr/ import urllib.request import os from typing import List from util.n_util import NUser from util.n_util import get_n_entry import time import threading from util.array_util import slice_array delay: float = 2.5 class ProgressWrapper: """The progress wrapper keeps track of the progress of a operation by wrapping a current number and a total number. It also wraps an optional function, which uses the current values and has to have the form 'func(current, total)'.""" def __init__(self, start, total, update): self.current = start = total self.update_callback = update def update(self): if self.update_callback is not None: self.update_callback(self.current, def download_images(lock, file_url_list: List[str], path: str, progress=None): for file_url in file_url_list: filename = os.path.join(path, file_url.split('/')[-1]) print('writing {} to {}'.format(file_url, filename)) urllib.request.urlretrieve(file_url, filename) if progress is not None: with lock: progress.current += 1 progress.update() def save_files_to_dir(file_url_list: List[str], path: str, update=None, thread_count: int = 1) -> None: """Saves all files represented by a list of url resources to the folder specified. The files are being named after the last part of the url. The number of threads can be increased to use more threads for the downloading of the images.""" # pretend to be normal user # opener=urllib.request.build_opener() # opener.addheaders=[('User-Agent','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1941.0 Safari/537.36')] # urllib.request.install_opener(opener) progress = ProgressWrapper(0, len(file_url_list), update) progress.update() if thread_count < 1 or thread_count > 16: print(f'invalid thread count: {thread_count} not in [1, 16]') return else: lock = threading.Lock() threads = [] for i in range(thread_count): slices = slice_array(file_url_list, thread_count) t = threading.Thread(target=download_images, kwargs=dict(lock=lock, file_url_list=slices[i], path=path, progress=progress), daemon=True) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() def download_all_favorites(n_user: NUser, base_dir: str, update_entry=None, update_page=None, thread_count=1) -> None: """Downloads all entries favorited by `n_user` using the number of `thread_count` threads.""" print('downloading {}\'s {} favorites...'.format(n_user.username, n_user.fav_count)) current_entry = 1 total_entries = n_user.fav_count for min_entry in n_user.favorite_list: if update_entry is not None: update_entry(current_entry=min_entry, current=current_entry, total=total_entries) # get entry data print('downloading entry with id {}'.format(min_entry.n_id)) entry = get_n_entry(min_entry.n_id) if entry is None: print('no connection possible, skipping...') current_entry += 1 continue # check directory is valid if not os.path.exists(base_dir): print('base directory does not exist, aborting...') break save_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, entry.digits) if os.path.exists(save_dir): print('entry already exists, skipping...') current_entry += 1 continue else: os.mkdir(save_dir) # download images save_files_to_dir(entry.image_url_list, save_dir, update=update_page, thread_count=thread_count) print('waiting for {} seconds...'.format(delay)) time.sleep(delay) current_entry += 1 if update_entry is not None: update_entry(current_entry=None, current=current_entry, total=total_entries) print('download finished')
# Written by <NAME> and <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Copyright (c) 2016, Emlid Limited # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, # with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, # OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. def create_security(proto, key_mgmt, group): if not proto: return 'open' if not key_mgmt: if "wep" in group: return 'wep' else: return None else: if "wpa-psk" in key_mgmt: if proto == "WPA": return "wpapsk" elif proto == "RSN": return "wpa2psk" else: return None elif "wpa-eap" in key_mgmt: return 'wpaeap' else: return None def convert_to_wpas_network(network): return dict(WpasNetworkConverter(network)) def convert_to_wificontrol_network(network, current_network): wifinetwork = dict(WifiControlNetworkConverter(network)) try: if wifinetwork['ssid'] == current_network['ssid']: wifinetwork.update(current_network) wifinetwork["connected"] = True except TypeError: pass finally: return wifinetwork class WpasNetworkConverter(object): def __init__(self, network_dict): def rawUtf8(s): return "{}".format(s.encode('utf-8'))[2:-1] = network_dict.get('security') = rawUtf8(network_dict.get('ssid', '')) self.password = rawUtf8(network_dict.get('password', '')) self.identity = rawUtf8(network_dict.get('identity', '')) def __iter__(self): if ( == 'open'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "NONE" elif ( == 'wep'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "NONE" yield "group", "WEP104 WEP40" yield "wep_key0", "{}".format(self.password) elif ( == 'wpapsk'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK" yield "pairwise", "CCMP TKIP" yield "group", "CCMP TKIP" yield "eap", "TTLS PEAP TLS" yield "psk", "{}".format(self.password) elif ( == 'wpa2psk'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "proto", "RSN" yield "key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK" yield "pairwise", "CCMP TKIP" yield "group", "CCMP TKIP" yield "eap", "TTLS PEAP TLS" yield "psk", "{}".format(self.password) elif ( == 'wpaeap'): yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "key_mgmt", "WPA-EAP" yield "pairwise", "CCMP TKIP" yield "group", "CCMP TKIP" yield "eap", "TTLS PEAP TLS" yield "identity", "{}".format(self.identity) yield "password", <PASSWORD>(self.password) yield "phase1", "peaplable=0" else: yield "ssid", "{}".format( yield "psk", "{}".format(self.password) class WifiControlNetworkConverter(object): def __init__(self, network_dict): = network_dict.get('ssid') self.key_mgmt = network_dict.get('key_mgmt') self.proto = network_dict.get('proto') = network_dict.get('group') def __iter__(self): if (self.key_mgmt == 'NONE'): if not yield "ssid", yield "security", "Open" else: yield "ssid", yield "security", "WEP" elif (self.key_mgmt == 'WPA-PSK'): if not self.proto: yield "ssid", yield "security", "WPA-PSK" else: yield "ssid", yield "security", "WPA2-PSK" elif (self.key_mgmt == 'WPA-EAP'): yield "ssid", yield "security", "WPA-EAP" else: yield "ssid", yield "security", "NONE" yield "connected", False if __name__ == '__main__': network = {'ssid': "MySSID", 'password': "<PASSWORD>", 'security': "wpaeap", 'identity': "<EMAIL>"} conv = convert_to_wpas_network(network) reconv = convert_to_wificontrol_network(conv) print(conv, reconv)
<filename>poi_mining/biz/LSA/ #!/usr/bin/env python # encoding:utf-8 # ############################################################################## # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) [2015] [] # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################## """ 生成LogEntropy矩阵并筛选出合适的词汇 """ import glob import collections import pandas from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer import math class LogEntropy(object): """计算logentropy, 得到类别关键字""" def __init__(self): self.fnames = glob.glob('data/segs/names.*') def extract_segs(self): """分词文件中获取分词结果""" idx = [] words = [] for f in self.fnames: lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(open(f)): if i % 2 == 1: non_int = '\t'.join([e for e in line.decode('GBK').rstrip('\n').split('\t') \ if not e.isdigit()]) lines.append(non_int) words.append('\t'.join(lines)) idx.append(f.split('.')[1][1:]) return words, idx def mk_document_term_matrix(self): """生成TDM矩阵""" words, idx = self.extract_segs() countvec = CountVectorizer() dtm = pandas.DataFrame(countvec.fit_transform(words).toarray(), columns=countvec.get_feature_names(), index=idx) """ canting faguo riben zhongwen 1001 1 0 0 1 991 1 0 1 0 203 1 1 0 0 """ return dtm def global_weighting(self, dtm): """ 1 - Entropy(words) / log(N) """ # normalized entropy for word pdtm = (dtm / dtm.sum(axis=0)) ndocs = pdtm.shape[0] gw = 1 + (pdtm.applymap(lambda x: x * math.log(x) if x != 0 else 0).sum() / math.log(ndocs)) """ canting 2.220446e-16 faguo 1.000000e+00 riben 1.000000e+00 zhongwen 1.000000e+00 """ return gw def local_weighting(self, dtm): """ math.log(freq + 1)""" lw = dtm.applymap(lambda freq: math.log(freq + 1)) """ canting faguo riben zhongwen 1001 0.693147 0.000000 0.000000 0.693147 991 0.693147 0.000000 0.693147 0.000000 203 0.693147 0.693147 0.000000 0.000000 """ return lw def logEntropyWeighting(self): """计算最终的logentropy得分""" dtm = self.mk_document_term_matrix() """ canting faguo riben zhongwen 1001 1.539096e-16 0.000000 0.000000 0.693147 991 1.539096e-16 0.000000 0.693147 0.000000 203 1.539096e-16 0.693147 0.000000 0.000000 """ logEntro = (self.global_weighting(dtm.copy()) * self.local_weighting(dtm)).applymap( lambda x: 0 if x < 0.001 else x ) logEntro.T.to_csv('data/keyWords.cates', sep='\t', encoding='UTF-8') if __name__ == '__main__': lsaEntropy = LogEntropy() lsaEntropy.logEntropyWeighting()
""" Simple IoC containers that provide direct access to various Keras providers """ class ModelSavers: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import model_saving save_hdf5 = model_saving.save_keras_hdf5 save_tensorflow_graph = model_saving.save_tensorflow_graph save_tensorrt_pbtxt_config = model_saving.save_tensorrt_pbtxt_config save_tensorrt_json_config = model_saving.save_tensorrt_json_config save_labels_txt = model_saving.save_labels_txt save_tensorflow_serving_predict_signature_def = model_saving.save_tensorflow_serving_predict_signature_def class ModelLoaders: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import model_loading load_hdf5 = model_loading.load_hdf5_model class LossFunctionFetchers: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import loss_function_fetching get_keras_loss = loss_function_fetching.get_keras_loss get_custom_loss = loss_function_fetching.get_custom_loss class OptimizerFetchers: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import optimizer_fetching get_keras_optimizer = optimizer_fetching.get_keras_optimizer class ModelCompilers: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import model_compilation compile_model = model_compilation.compile_model class ModelFitters: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import model_fitting fit = fit_generator = model_fitting.fit_generator class ModelDefinitions: from mercury_ml.keras.providers.model_definition import conv_simple, mlp_simple # these are just two small example model definitions. Users should define their own models # to use as follows: # >>> ModelDefinitions.my_model = my_model_module.define_model define_conv_simple = conv_simple.define_model define_mlp_simple = mlp_simple.define_model class GeneratorPreprocessingFunctionGetters: from mercury_ml.keras.providers.generator_preprocessors import get_random_eraser get_random_eraser = get_random_eraser class CallBacks: from mercury_ml.keras.providers.model_callbacks import TensorBoardProvider, \ BaseLoggerProvider, EarlyStoppingProvider, ModelCheckpointProvider, TerminateOnNaNProvider, \ ProgbarLoggerProvider, RemoteMonitorProvider, LearningRateSchedulerProvider, ReduceLROnPlateauProvider, \ CSVLoggerProvider tensorboard = TensorBoardProvider base_logger = BaseLoggerProvider terminate_on_nan = TerminateOnNaNProvider progbar_logger = ProgbarLoggerProvider model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpointProvider early_stopping = EarlyStoppingProvider remote_monitor = RemoteMonitorProvider learning_rate_scheduler = LearningRateSchedulerProvider reduce_lr_on_plateau = ReduceLROnPlateauProvider csv_logger = CSVLoggerProvider class ModelEvaluators: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import model_evaluation evaluate = model_evaluation.evaluate evaluate_generator = model_evaluation.evaluate_generator class PredictionFunctions: from mercury_ml.keras.providers import prediction predict = prediction.predict predict_generator = prediction.predict_generator
""" Django settings for city-infrastructure-platform project. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ import os import environ import sentry_sdk from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from helusers.defaults import SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE # noqa: F401 from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration from .utils import git_version # Set up .env file checkout_dir = environ.Path(__file__) - 2 assert os.path.exists(checkout_dir("")) parent_dir = checkout_dir.path("..") if parent_dir() != "/" and os.path.isdir(parent_dir("etc")): env_file = parent_dir("etc/env") default_var_root = parent_dir("var") else: env_file = checkout_dir(".env") default_var_root = checkout_dir("var") BASE_DIR = checkout_dir() env = environ.Env( DEBUG=(bool, False), TIER=(str, "dev"), # one of: prod, qa, stage, test, dev SECRET_KEY=(str, ""), VAR_ROOT=(str, default_var_root), ALLOWED_HOSTS=(list, []), TRUST_X_FORWARDED_HOST=(bool, False), DATABASE_URL=( str, "postgis:///city-infrastructure-platform", ), CACHE_URL=(str, "locmemcache://"), EMAIL_URL=(str, "consolemail://"), SENTRY_DSN=(str, ""), AZURE_DEPLOYMENT=(bool, False), AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY=(str, False), AZURE_CONTAINER=(str, False), AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME=(str, False), OIDC_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED=(bool, True), SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_KEY=(str, None), SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_SECRET=(str, None), OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH_AUDIENCE=(str, None), OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH_ISSUER=(str, None), TOKEN_AUTH_MAX_TOKEN_AGE=(int, 600), OIDC_ENDPOINT=(str, None), HELUSERS_ADGROUPS_CLAIM=(str, "groups"), LOGGING_AUTH_DEBUG=(bool, False), OVERLAY_SOURCE_URL=(str, ""), BASEMAP_SOURCE_URL=(str, ""), STATIC_URL=(str, "/static/"), MEDIA_URL=(str, "/media/"), ) if os.path.exists(env_file): env.read_env(env_file) SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_KEY = env("SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_KEY") SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_SECRET = env("SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_SECRET") HELUSERS_ADGROUPS_CLAIM = env("HELUSERS_ADGROUPS_CLAIM") SOCIAL_AUTH_ID_TOKEN_IN_END_SESSION = False if env("OIDC_ENDPOINT"): SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_OIDC_ENDPOINT = env("OIDC_ENDPOINT") OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH = { "AUDIENCE": env("OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH_AUDIENCE"), "ISSUER": env("OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH_ISSUER"), } # General settings DEBUG = env("DEBUG") OIDC_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED = env("OIDC_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED") TIER = env("TIER") SECRET_KEY = env("SECRET_KEY") if DEBUG and not SECRET_KEY: SECRET_KEY = "xxx" ALLOWED_HOSTS = env("ALLOWED_HOSTS") if OIDC_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED and ( not SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_KEY or not SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_SECRET or not OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH["AUDIENCE"] or not OIDC_API_TOKEN_AUTH["ISSUER"] ): raise ImproperlyConfigured("Authentication not configured properly") CACHES = {"default": env.cache()} vars().update(env.email_url()) # EMAIL_BACKEND etc. # Logging LOGGING = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "formatters": { "timestamped_named": { "format": "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", }, }, "handlers": { "console": { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "timestamped_named", }, # Just for reference, not used "blackhole": {"class": "logging.NullHandler"}, }, "loggers": { "django": {"handlers": ["console"], "level": "INFO"}, "helusers": { "handlers": ["console"], "level": "DEBUG" if env("LOGGING_AUTH_DEBUG") else "INFO", "propagate": False, }, }, } # Application definition DJANGO_APPS = [ "helusers", "social_django", "helusers.apps.HelusersAdminConfig", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.gis", ] THIRD_PARTY_APPS = [ "django_extensions", "rest_framework", "rest_framework.authtoken", "corsheaders", "drf_yasg", "django_filters", "auditlog", ] LOCAL_APPS = [ "users.apps.UsersConfig", "traffic_control.apps.TrafficControlConfig", "map.apps.MapConfig", ] INSTALLED_APPS = DJANGO_APPS + THIRD_PARTY_APPS + LOCAL_APPS AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( "helusers.tunnistamo_oidc.TunnistamoOIDCAuth", "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend", ) AUTH_USER_MODEL = "users.User" LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/admin/" LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = "/admin/login/" SOCIAL_AUTH_TUNNISTAMO_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {"ui_locales": "fi"} WAGTAIL_SITE_NAME = _("City Infrastructure Platform") SESSION_SERIALIZER = "django.contrib.sessions.serializers.PickleSerializer" MIDDLEWARE = [ "deployment.middleware.HealthCheckMiddleware", "azure_client_ip.middleware.AzureClientIPMiddleware", "corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware", "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", "django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware", "auditlog.middleware.AuditlogMiddleware", ] ROOT_URLCONF = "city-infrastructure-platform.urls" TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [checkout_dir("templates"), checkout_dir("map-view/build")], "APP_DIRS": True, "OPTIONS": { "context_processors": [ "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", ] }, } ] WSGI_APPLICATION = "city-infrastructure-platform.wsgi.application" # Database # DATABASES = {"default": env.db("DATABASE_URL")} DATABASES["default"]["ATOMIC_REQUESTS"] = True # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator" }, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator"}, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator"}, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator"}, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = "fi" LANGUAGES = [("fi", _("Finnish")), ("en", _("English"))] TIME_ZONE = "Europe/Helsinki" USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # var_root = env.path("VAR_ROOT") STATIC_ROOT = var_root("static") MEDIA_ROOT = var_root("media") STATIC_URL = env("STATIC_URL") MEDIA_URL = env("MEDIA_URL") STATICFILES_STORAGE = "" STATICFILES_DIRS = [checkout_dir("map-view/build/static")] # Whether to trust X-Forwarded-Host headers for all purposes # where Django would need to make use of its own hostname # fe. generating absolute URLs pointing to itself # Most often used in reverse proxy setups USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = env("TRUST_X_FORWARDED_HOST") # Django REST Framework REST_FRAMEWORK = { "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES": [ "helusers.oidc.ApiTokenAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication", ], "DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS": "rest_framework.pagination.LimitOffsetPagination", "DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS": ["django_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend"], "PAGE_SIZE": 20, "OIDC_LEEWAY": env("TOKEN_AUTH_MAX_TOKEN_AGE"), "GROUP_CLAIM_NAME": "groups", } # django-cors if DEBUG: CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True # Azure CLIENT_IP middleware AZURE_DEPLOYMENT = env.bool("AZURE_DEPLOYMENT") if AZURE_DEPLOYMENT: AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY = env.str("AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY") AZURE_CONTAINER = env.str("AZURE_CONTAINER") AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME = env.str("AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME") DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "storages.backends.azure_storage.AzureStorage" # Sentry-SDK SENTRY_DSN = env.str("SENTRY_DSN") VERSION = git_version() if SENTRY_DSN: sentry_sdk.init(dsn=SENTRY_DSN, integrations=[DjangoIntegration()], release=VERSION) # Custom settings SRID = 3879 # the spatial reference id used for geometries OVERLAY_SOURCE_URL = env.str("OVERLAY_SOURCE_URL") BASEMAP_SOURCE_URL = env.str("BASEMAP_SOURCE_URL") LOCALE_PATHS = [ "./templates/locale", ]
cookietemple/create/templates/cli/cli_python/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug_no_hyphen }}/tests/
<gh_stars>100-1000 """Test suite for the {{ cookiecutter.project_slug_no_hyphen }} package."""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import api,points from api.bottle import * II_PATH=os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.' TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0,II_PATH) @route('/list.txt') def list_txt(): response.set_header ('content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8') lst = api.load_echo(False)[1:] if request.query.n: return '\n'.join([t[0] for t in lst]) else: return '\n'.join(['%s:%s:%s' % t for t in lst]) @route('/blacklist.txt') def blacklist_txt(): response.set_header ('content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8') return'blacklist.txt') @route('/u/m/<h:path>') def jt_outmsg(h): response.set_header ('content-type','text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1') lst = [x for x in h.split('/') if len(x) == 20] return '\n'.join( [api.mk_jt(x,api.raw_msg(x)) for x in lst] ) @route('/u/e/<names:path>') def index_list(names): response.set_header ('content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8') return api.echoareas(names.split('/')) def _point_msg(pauth,tmsg): msgfrom, addr = points.check_hash(pauth) if not addr: return 'auth error!' cfg = api.load_echo(False) mo = api.toss(msgfrom,'%s,%s' % (cfg[0][1],addr),tmsg.strip()) if mo.msg.startswith('@repto:'): tmpmsg = mo.msg.splitlines() mo.repto = tmpmsg[0][7:] mo.msg = '\n'.join(tmpmsg[1:]) # а ещё лучше - засунуть это в api.toss if len(mo.msg.encode('utf-8')) < 64100: h = api.point_newmsg(mo) if h: return 'msg ok:%s: <a href="/%s">%s</a>' % (h, mo.echoarea, mo.echoarea) else: return 'error:unknown' else: return 'msg big!' @route('/u/point/<pauth>/<tmsg:path>') def point_msg_get(pauth,tmsg): return _point_msg(pauth,tmsg) @post('/u/point') def point_msg_get(): return _point_msg(request.POST['pauth'],request.POST['tmsg']) @route('/m/<msg>') def get_msg(msg): response.set_header ('content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8') return api.raw_msg(msg) @route('/e/<echoarea>') def get_echolist(echoarea): response.set_header ('content-type','text/plain; charset=utf-8') return api.get_echoarea(echoarea,True) import iitpl iitpl.II_PATH=II_PATH run(host='',port=62220,debug=False)
import csv import joblib from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score data = [] features = [] targets = [] feature_names = [] users = [] with open('satisfaction_feature_names.csv') as name_file: column_name_file = csv.reader(name_file) feature_names = next(column_name_file)[2:394] with open('cza_satisfaction_train_0922.csv') as data_file: csv_file = csv.reader(data_file) idx = 0 for content in csv_file: idx = idx + 1 if idx <= 10000: continue if idx > 50000: break content = content[:2] + list(map(float, content[2:])) if len(content) != 0: data.append(content) features.append(content[2:394]) targets.append(content[-1]) users.append(content[1]) clf, sorted_feature_scores = joblib.load("cza_rf.pkl") predict_result = clf.predict(features) print(sorted_feature_scores) print(accuracy_score(predict_result, targets)) result = list(zip(users, predict_result)) print(result[:10]) print(sum(predict_result)) print(sum([flag[1] for flag in result])) with open("rf_predict_result.csv", "w", encoding="UTF-8") as w_file: result_file = csv.writer(w_file) for idx, row in enumerate(result): if idx > 10: break row = list(row) row.insert(0, 20200928) result_file.writerow(row)
"""Test module ``plot_profile/``.""" # Standard library import logging # First-party from plot_profile.utils import count_to_log_level def test_count_to_log_level(): assert count_to_log_level(0) == logging.ERROR assert count_to_log_level(1) == logging.WARNING assert count_to_log_level(2) == logging.INFO assert count_to_log_level(3) == logging.DEBUG
<gh_stars>1-10 # Given an integer n, count the total number of digit 1 appearing # in all non-negative integers less than or equal to n. # # For example: # Given n = 13, # Return 6, because digit 1 occurred in the following numbers: # 1, 10, 11, 12, 13. # class Solution: def countDigitOne(self, n): """ :type n: int :rtype: int """ # sum all the '1's inside the n numbers count = 0 for i in range(1, n+1): # count including n count += self.numberOfDigitOne(i) return count def numberOfDigitOne(self, n): """ function to count number of digit ones in a number n. mod by 10 to test if 1st digit is 1; then divide by 10 to get next digit; next test if next digit is 1. """ result = 0 while n: if n % 10 == 1: result += 1 n = n / 10 return result if __name__ == "__main__": print Solution().countDigitOne(13)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0008_grow_owner'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Measurement', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('timestamp', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('air_temperature', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('water_temperature', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('humidity', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('co2', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('ppm', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('tds', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('ec', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('ph', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('lumen', models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)), ('plant', models.ForeignKey(to='core.Plant')), ], ), ]
a = int(input()) for i in range(a): print('* '*(a-a//2)) print(' *'*(a//2))
# statements that used at the start of defenition or in statements without columns defenition_statements = { "DROP": "DROP", "CREATE": "CREATE", "TABLE": "TABLE", "DATABASE": "DATABASE", "SCHEMA": "SCHEMA", "ALTER": "ALTER", "TYPE": "TYPE", "DOMAIN": "DOMAIN", "REPLACE": "REPLACE", "OR": "OR", "CLUSTERED": "CLUSTERED", "SEQUENCE": "SEQUENCE", "TABLESPACE": "TABLESPACE", } common_statements = { "INDEX": "INDEX", "REFERENCES": "REFERENCES", "KEY": "KEY", "ADD": "ADD", "AS": "AS", "CLONE": "CLONE", "DEFERRABLE": "DEFERRABLE", "INITIALLY": "INITIALLY", "IF": "IF", "NOT": "NOT", "EXISTS": "EXISTS", "ON": "ON", "FOR": "FOR", "ENCRYPT": "ENCRYPT", "SALT": "SALT", "NO": "NO", "USING": "USING", # bigquery "OPTIONS": "OPTIONS", } columns_defenition = { "DELETE": "DELETE", "UPDATE": "UPDATE", "NULL": "NULL", "ARRAY": "ARRAY", ",": "COMMA", "DEFAULT": "DEFAULT", "COLLATE": "COLLATE", "ENFORCED": "ENFORCED", "ENCODE": "ENCODE", "GENERATED": "GENERATED", "COMMENT": "COMMENT", } first_liners = { "LIKE": "LIKE", "CONSTRAINT": "CONSTRAINT", "FOREIGN": "FOREIGN", "PRIMARY": "PRIMARY", "UNIQUE": "UNIQUE", "CHECK": "CHECK", "WITH": "WITH", } common_statements.update(first_liners) defenition_statements.update(common_statements) after_columns_tokens = { "PARTITIONED": "PARTITIONED", "PARTITION": "PARTITION", "BY": "BY", # hql "INTO": "INTO", "STORED": "STORED", "LOCATION": "LOCATION", "ROW": "ROW", "FORMAT": "FORMAT", "TERMINATED": "TERMINATED", "COLLECTION": "COLLECTION", "ITEMS": "ITEMS", "MAP": "MAP", "KEYS": "KEYS", "SERDE": "SERDE", "CLUSTER": "CLUSTER", "SERDEPROPERTIES": "SERDEPROPERTIES", "TBLPROPERTIES": "TBLPROPERTIES", "SKEWED": "SKEWED", # oracle "STORAGE": "STORAGE", "TABLESPACE": "TABLESPACE", # mssql "TEXTIMAGE_ON": "TEXTIMAGE_ON", } sequence_reserved = { "INCREMENT": "INCREMENT", "START": "START", "MINVALUE": "MINVALUE", "MAXVALUE": "MAXVALUE", "CACHE": "CACHE", "NO": "NO", } tokens = tuple( set( ["ID", "DOT", "STRING", "DQ_STRING", "LP", "RP", "LT", "RT", "COMMAT"] + list(defenition_statements.values()) + list(common_statements.values()) + list(columns_defenition.values()) + list(sequence_reserved.values()) + list(after_columns_tokens.values()) ) ) symbol_tokens = { ")": "RP", "(": "LP", } symbol_tokens_no_check = {"<": "LT", ">": "RT"}
<filename>jinahub/indexers/storage/PostgreSQLStorage/tests/ import os import time from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pytest from jina import Document, DocumentArray, Executor, Flow from jina.logging.profile import TimeContext from jina_commons.indexers.dump import import_metas, import_vectors from ..postgres_indexer import PostgreSQLStorage from ..postgreshandler import doc_without_embedding @pytest.fixture() def docker_compose(request): os.system( f"docker-compose -f {request.param} --project-directory . up --build -d " f"--remove-orphans" ) time.sleep(5) yield os.system( f"docker-compose -f {request.param} --project-directory . down " f"--remove-orphans" ) d_embedding = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) c_embedding = np.array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]) cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) compose_yml = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_dir, 'docker-compose.yml')) @pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True) def patched_random_port(mocker): used_ports = set() from jina.helper import random_port def _random_port(): for i in range(10): _port = random_port() if _port is not None and _port not in used_ports: used_ports.add(_port) return _port raise Exception('no port available') mocker.patch('jina.helper.random_port', new_callable=lambda: _random_port) def get_documents(chunks, same_content, nr=10, index_start=0, same_tag_content=None): next_chunk_id = nr + index_start for i in range(index_start, nr + index_start): d = Document() = i if same_content: d.text = 'hello world' d.embedding = np.random.random(d_embedding.shape) else: d.text = f'hello world {i}' d.embedding = np.random.random(d_embedding.shape) if same_tag_content: d.tags['field'] = 'tag data' elif same_tag_content is False: d.tags['field'] = f'tag data {i}' for j in range(chunks): c = Document() = next_chunk_id if same_content: c.text = 'hello world from chunk' c.embedding = np.random.random(c_embedding.shape) else: c.text = f'hello world from chunk {j}' c.embedding = np.random.random(c_embedding.shape) if same_tag_content: c.tags['field'] = 'tag data' elif same_tag_content is False: c.tags['field'] = f'tag data {next_chunk_id}' next_chunk_id += 1 d.chunks.append(c) yield d def validate_db_side(postgres_indexer, expected_data): ids, vecs, metas = zip(*expected_data) with postgres_indexer.handler as handler: cursor = handler.connection.cursor() cursor.execute( f'SELECT doc_id, embedding, doc from {postgres_indexer.table} ORDER BY ' f'doc_id::int' ) record = cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(expected_data)): np.testing.assert_equal(ids[i], str(record[i][0])) embedding = np.frombuffer(record[i][1], dtype=postgres_indexer.dump_dtype) np.testing.assert_equal(vecs[i], embedding) np.testing.assert_equal(metas[i], bytes(record[i][2])) def test_config(): ex = Executor.load_config( str(Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'config.yml'), override_with={'dry_run': True} ) assert ex.username == 'postgres' @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) def test_postgres(tmpdir, docker_compose): postgres_indexer = PostgreSQLStorage() NR_DOCS = 10000 original_docs = DocumentArray( list(get_documents(nr=NR_DOCS, chunks=0, same_content=False)) ) postgres_indexer.delete(original_docs, {}) with TimeContext(f'### indexing {len(original_docs)} docs'): postgres_indexer.add(original_docs, {}) np.testing.assert_equal(postgres_indexer.size, NR_DOCS) info_original_docs = [ (, doc.embedding, doc_without_embedding(doc)) for doc in original_docs ] validate_db_side(postgres_indexer, info_original_docs) new_docs = DocumentArray( list(get_documents(chunks=False, nr=10, same_content=True)) ) postgres_indexer.update(new_docs, {}) info_new_docs = [ (, doc.embedding, doc_without_embedding(doc)) for doc in new_docs ] ids, vecs, metas = zip(*info_new_docs) expected_info = [(ids[0], vecs[0], metas[0])] validate_db_side(postgres_indexer, expected_info) postgres_indexer.delete(new_docs, {}) np.testing.assert_equal(postgres_indexer.size, len(original_docs) - len(new_docs)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) def test_mwu_empty_dump(tmpdir, docker_compose): f = Flow().add(uses=PostgreSQLStorage) with f: resp = on='/index', inputs=DocumentArray([Document()]), return_results=True ) print(f'{resp}') dump_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dump') with f: on='/dump', parameters={'dump_path': os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dump'), 'shards': 1}, ) # assert dump contents ids, vecs = import_vectors(dump_path, pea_id='0') assert ids is not None ids, metas = import_metas(dump_path, pea_id='0') assert vecs is not None assert metas is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) def test_return_embeddings(docker_compose): indexer = PostgreSQLStorage() doc = Document(embedding=np.random.random(10)) da = DocumentArray([doc]) query1 = DocumentArray([Document(]) indexer.add(da, parameters={}), parameters={}) assert query1[0].embedding is not None assert query1[0].embedding.shape == (10,) query2 = DocumentArray([Document(]), parameters={"return_embeddings": False}) assert query2[0].embedding is None @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) def test_get_documents(docker_compose): indexer = PostgreSQLStorage() NR = 10 docs = DocumentArray( list( get_documents( nr=NR, chunks=0, same_content=False, ) ) ) indexer.add(docs) assert len(list(indexer.get_document_iterator())) == NR indexer.delete(docs) assert len(list(indexer.get_document_iterator())) == 0 assert indexer.size == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) def test_clear(docker_compose): indexer = PostgreSQLStorage() NR = 10 docs = DocumentArray( list( get_documents( nr=NR, chunks=0, same_content=False, ) ) ) indexer.add(docs) assert len(list(indexer.get_document_iterator())) == NR indexer.clear() assert indexer.size == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('psql_virtual_shards', [44, 128]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('real_shards', [1, 5]) def test_snapshot(docker_compose, psql_virtual_shards, real_shards): postgres_indexer = PostgreSQLStorage(virtual_shards=psql_virtual_shards) def _assert_snapshot_shard_distribution(func, nr_shards, total_docs_expected): total_docs = 0 for i in range(nr_shards): data = func(shard_id=i, total_shards=nr_shards) docs_this_shard = len(list(data)) assert docs_this_shard >= postgres_indexer.virtual_shards // real_shards total_docs += docs_this_shard np.testing.assert_equal(total_docs, total_docs_expected) NR_SHARDS = real_shards NR_DOCS = postgres_indexer.virtual_shards * 2 + 3 original_docs = DocumentArray( list(get_documents(nr=NR_DOCS, chunks=0, same_content=False)) ) NR_NEW_DOCS = 30 new_docs = DocumentArray( list( get_documents( nr=NR_NEW_DOCS, index_start=NR_DOCS, chunks=0, same_content=False ) ) ) # make sure to cleanup if the PSQL instance is kept running postgres_indexer.delete(original_docs, {}) postgres_indexer.delete(new_docs, {}) # indexing the documents postgres_indexer.add(original_docs, {}) np.testing.assert_equal(postgres_indexer.size, NR_DOCS) # create a snapshot postgres_indexer.snapshot() # data added the snapshot will not be part of the export postgres_indexer.add(new_docs, {}) np.testing.assert_equal(postgres_indexer.size, NR_DOCS + NR_NEW_DOCS) np.testing.assert_equal(postgres_indexer.snapshot_size, NR_DOCS) _assert_snapshot_shard_distribution( postgres_indexer.get_snapshot, NR_SHARDS, NR_DOCS ) # create another snapshot postgres_indexer.snapshot() timestamp = postgres_indexer.last_snapshot_timestamp # docs for the delta resolving NR_DOCS_DELTA = 33 docs_delta = DocumentArray( list( get_documents( nr=NR_DOCS_DELTA, index_start=NR_DOCS + NR_NEW_DOCS, chunks=0, same_content=False, ) ) ) time.sleep(3) postgres_indexer.add(docs_delta, {}) np.testing.assert_equal( postgres_indexer.size, NR_DOCS + NR_NEW_DOCS + NR_DOCS_DELTA ) np.testing.assert_equal(postgres_indexer.snapshot_size, NR_DOCS + NR_NEW_DOCS) NR_DOCS_DELTA_DELETED = 10 docs_delta_deleted = DocumentArray( list( get_documents( nr=NR_DOCS_DELTA_DELETED, index_start=0, chunks=0, same_content=False ) ) ) postgres_indexer.delete(docs_delta_deleted, {'soft_delete': True}) _assert_snapshot_shard_distribution( postgres_indexer.get_snapshot, NR_SHARDS, NR_DOCS + NR_NEW_DOCS, ) # we use total_shards=1 in order to guarantee getting all the data in the delta deltas = postgres_indexer.get_delta_updates( shard_id=0, total_shards=1, timestamp=timestamp ) deltas = list(deltas) np.testing.assert_equal(len(deltas), NR_DOCS_DELTA + NR_DOCS_DELTA_DELETED) def test_postgres_shard_distribution(): assert ['0'] == PostgreSQLStorage._vshards_to_get(0, 3, 5) assert ['1'] == PostgreSQLStorage._vshards_to_get(1, 3, 5) assert ['2', '3', '4'] == PostgreSQLStorage._vshards_to_get(2, 3, 5) assert [str(s) for s in range(5)] == PostgreSQLStorage._vshards_to_get(0, 1, 5) with pytest.raises(ValueError): PostgreSQLStorage._vshards_to_get(1, 1, 5) @pytest.mark.parametrize('docker_compose', [compose_yml], indirect=['docker_compose']) def test_save_get_trained_model(docker_compose): postgres_indexer = PostgreSQLStorage() model = np.random.random((100, 5)).tobytes() postgres_indexer.save_trained_model(model, None) trained_model, trained_model_checksum = postgres_indexer.get_trained_model() assert trained_model == model assert trained_model_checksum is None postgres_indexer.save_trained_model(model, 'sha256:hello') trained_model, trained_model_checksum = postgres_indexer.get_trained_model() assert trained_model == model assert trained_model_checksum == 'sha256:hello'
<gh_stars>0 """Tests for graphmode_tensornetwork.""" import builtins import sys import pytest import numpy as np from tensornetwork import connect, contract, Node from tensornetwork.backends.base_backend import BaseBackend from tensornetwork.backends import backend_factory def clean_tensornetwork_modules(): for mod in list(sys.modules.keys()): if mod.startswith('tensornetwork'): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def clean_backend_import(): #never do this outside testing clean_tensornetwork_modules() yield # use as teardown clean_tensornetwork_modules() @pytest.fixture def no_backend_dependency(monkeypatch): import_orig = builtins.__import__ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin def mocked_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level): if name in ['torch', 'tensorflow', 'jax']: raise ImportError() return import_orig(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) monkeypatch.setattr(builtins, '__import__', mocked_import) # Nuke the cache. backend_factory._INSTANTIATED_BACKENDS = dict() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_backend_pytorch_missing_cannot_initialize_backend(): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel with pytest.raises(ImportError): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from tensornetwork.backends.pytorch.pytorch_backend import PyTorchBackend PyTorchBackend() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_backend_tensorflow_missing_cannot_initialize_backend(): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel with pytest.raises(ImportError): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from tensornetwork.backends.tensorflow.tensorflow_backend \ import TensorFlowBackend TensorFlowBackend() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_backend_jax_missing_cannot_initialize_backend(): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel with pytest.raises(ImportError): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from tensornetwork.backends.jax.jax_backend import JaxBackend JaxBackend() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_config_backend_missing_can_import_config(): #not sure why config is imported here? #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=unused-variable import tensornetwork.config with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=unused-variable import torch with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=unused-variable import tensorflow as tf with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=unused-variable import jax @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_import_tensornetwork_without_backends(): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=unused-variable #pylint: disable=reimported import tensornetwork #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import tensornetwork.backends.pytorch.pytorch_backend #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import tensornetwork.backends.tensorflow.tensorflow_backend #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import tensornetwork.backends.jax.jax_backend #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import tensornetwork.backends.numpy.numpy_backend with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=unused-variable import torch with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=unused-variable #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import tensorflow as tf with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=unused-variable #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import jax @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_basic_numpy_network_without_backends(): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=reimported #pylint: disable=unused-variable import tensornetwork a = Node(np.ones((10,)), backend="numpy") b = Node(np.ones((10,)), backend="numpy") edge = connect(a[0], b[0]) final_node = contract(edge) assert final_node.tensor == np.array(10.) with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=unused-variable #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import torch with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=unused-variable #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import tensorflow as tf with pytest.raises(ImportError): #pylint: disable=unused-variable #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import jax @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_backend_dependency') def test_basic_network_without_backends_raises_error(): #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel #pylint: disable=reimported #pylint: disable=unused-variable import tensornetwork with pytest.raises(ImportError): Node(np.ones((2, 2)), backend="jax") with pytest.raises(ImportError): Node(np.ones((2, 2)), backend="tensorflow") with pytest.raises(ImportError): Node(np.ones((2, 2)), backend="pytorch") def test_base_backend_name(): backend = BaseBackend() assert == "base backend" def test_base_backend_tensordot_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.tensordot(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2)), axes=[[0], [0]]) def test_base_backend_reshape_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.reshape(np.ones((2, 2)), (4, 1)) def test_base_backend_transpose_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.transpose(np.ones((2, 2)), [0, 1]) def test_base_backend_slice_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.slice(np.ones((2, 2)), (0, 1), (1, 1)) def test_base_backend_svd_decompositon_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.svd_decomposition(np.ones((2, 2)), 0) def test_base_backend_qr_decompositon_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.qr_decomposition(np.ones((2, 2)), 0) def test_base_backend_rq_decompositon_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.rq_decomposition(np.ones((2, 2)), 0) def test_base_backend_shape_concat_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.shape_concat([np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))], 0) def test_base_backend_shape_tensor_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.shape_tensor(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_shape_tuple_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.shape_tuple(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_shape_prod_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.shape_prod(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_sqrt_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.sqrt(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_diag_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.diag(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_convert_to_tensor_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.convert_to_tensor(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_trace_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.trace(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_outer_product_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.outer_product(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_einsul_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.einsum("ii", np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_norm_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.norm(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_eye_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.eye(2, dtype=np.float64) def test_base_backend_ones_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.float64) def test_base_backend_zeros_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64) def test_base_backend_randn_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.randn((2, 2)) def test_base_backend_random_uniforl_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.random_uniform((2, 2)) def test_base_backend_conj_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.conj(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_eigh_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.eigh(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_eigs_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.eigs(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_eigs_lanczos_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.eigsh_lanczos(lambda x: x, np.ones((2))) def test_base_backend_addition_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.addition(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_subtraction_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.subtraction(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_multiply_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.multiply(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_divide_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.divide(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_index_update_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.index_update(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_inv_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.inv(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_sin_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.sin(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_cos_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.cos(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_exp_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.exp(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_log_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.log(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_expm_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.expm(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_sparse_shape_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.sparse_shape(np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_broadcast_right_multiplication_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.broadcast_right_multiplication(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_base_backend_broadcast_left_multiplication_not_implemented(): backend = BaseBackend() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): backend.broadcast_left_multiplication(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2, 2))) def test_backend_instantiation(backend): backend1 = backend_factory.get_backend(backend) backend2 = backend_factory.get_backend(backend) assert backend1 is backend2
<reponame>aaron-parsons/pymalcolm from mock import Mock from malcolm.testutil import ChildTestCase from malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks import pandablocks_runnable_block class TestADPandABlocksBlocks(ChildTestCase): def test_pandablocks_runnable_block(self): self.create_child_block( pandablocks_runnable_block, Mock(), mri_prefix="mri_prefix", pv_prefix="pv_prefix", config_dir="/tmp")
<filename>validation_tests/analytical_exact/river_at_rest_varying_topo_width/ """Simple water flow example using ANUGA Water driven up a linear slope and time varying boundary, similar to a beach environment """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Import necessary modules #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import sys import anuga from anuga import myid, finalize, distribute from anuga import Domain as Domain from math import cos from numpy import zeros, ones, array, interp, polyval, ones_like, zeros_like from numpy import where, logical_and from time import localtime, strftime, gmtime from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from anuga.geometry.polygon import inside_polygon, is_inside_triangle #from balanced_dev import * #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copy scripts to time stamped output directory and capture screen # output to file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- time = strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S',localtime()) #output_dir = 'varying_width'+time output_dir = '.' output_file = 'varying_width' #anuga.copy_code_files(output_dir,__file__) #start_screen_catcher(output_dir+'_') args = anuga.get_args() alg = args.alg verbose = args.verbose #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup domain #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dx = 1. dy = dx L = 1500. W = 60. #=============================================================================== # Create sequential domain #=============================================================================== if myid == 0: # structured mesh points, vertices, boundary = anuga.rectangular_cross(int(L/dx), int(W/dy), L, W, (0.,-W/2.)) #domain = anuga.Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain = Domain(points, vertices, boundary) domain.set_name(output_file) domain.set_datadir(output_dir) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup Algorithm, either using command line arguments # or override manually yourself #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ domain.set_flow_algorithm(alg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup initial conditions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ domain.set_quantity('friction', 0.0) domain.set_quantity('stage', 12.0) XX = array([0.,50.,100.,150.,250.,300.,350.,400.,425.,435.,450.,470.,475.,500., 505.,530.,550.,565.,575.,600.,650.,700.,750.,800.,820.,900.,950., 1000.,1500.]) ZZ = array([0.,0.,2.5,5.,5.,3.,5.,5.,7.5,8.,9.,9.,9.,9.1,9.,9.,6.,5.5,5.5,5., 4.,3.,3.,2.3,2.,1.2,0.4,0.,0.]) WW = array([40.,40.,30.,30.,30.,30.,25.,25.,30.,35.,35.,40.,40.,40.,45.,45.,50., 45.,40.,40.,30.,40.,40.,5.,40.,35.,25.,40.,40.])/2. depth = interp1d(XX, ZZ) width = interp1d(XX, WW) def bed_elevation(x,y): z = 25.0*ones_like(x) wid = width(x) dep = depth(x) z = where( logical_and(y < wid, y>-wid), dep, z) return z domain.set_quantity('elevation', bed_elevation) else: domain = None #=========================================================================== # Create Parallel domain #=========================================================================== domain = distribute(domain) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup boundary conditions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ from math import sin, pi, exp Br = anuga.Reflective_boundary(domain) # Solid reflective wall #Bt = anuga.Transmissive_boundary(domain) # Continue all values on boundary #Bd = anuga.Dirichlet_boundary([1,0.,0.]) # Constant boundary values # Associate boundary tags with boundary objects domain.set_boundary({'left': Br, 'right': Br, 'top': Br, 'bottom': Br}) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Produce a documentation of parameters #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if myid == 0: parameter_file=open('parameters.tex', 'w') parameter_file.write('\\begin{verbatim}\n') from pprint import pprint pprint(domain.get_algorithm_parameters(),parameter_file,indent=4) parameter_file.write('\\end{verbatim}\n') parameter_file.close() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Evolve system through time #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import time t0 = time.time() for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.1, finaltime = 5.0): #print(domain.timestepping_statistics(track_speeds=True)) if myid == 0 and verbose: print(domain.timestepping_statistics()) #vis.update() if myid == 0 and verbose: print('That took %s sec' % str(time.time()-t0)) domain.sww_merge(delete_old=True) finalize()
1101-1200/1152-Analyze User Website Visit Pattern/1152-Analyze User Website Visit
<filename>1101-1200/1152-Analyze User Website Visit Pattern/1152-Analyze User Website Visit import collections from itertools import combinations from collections import Counter class Solution: def mostVisitedPattern(self, username: List[str], timestamp: List[int], website: List[str]) -> List[str]: visit = collections.defaultdict(list) for t, u, w in sorted(zip(timestamp, username, website)): visit[u].append(w) table = sum([Counter(set(combinations(w, 3))) for w in visit.values()], Counter()) return list(min(table, key=lambda k: (-table[k], k)))
import os # os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"] = "PCI_BUS_ID" # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1" from src.python.baselines import * from pymongo import MongoClient from tqdm import tqdm import tensorflow as tf ### Keras from keras import optimizers from keras.models import Model from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Embedding, Activation from keras.layers import Conv2D, Conv1D from keras.layers import Dropout, BatchNormalization from keras.layers import MaxPooling1D, MaxPooling2D, GlobalMaxPooling1D, GlobalAveragePooling1D from keras.layers import Concatenate, Flatten, Reshape from keras.callbacks import Callback, EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint, LambdaCallback, LearningRateScheduler # from keras.losses import hinge, binary_crossentropy from keras import backend as K from sklearn.metrics import log_loss import math import argparse sess = tf.Session() K.set_session(sess) LR = 0.001 BATCH_SIZE = 32 LONG_EXPOSURE = True t0 = datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0) t1 = datetime(2014, 9, 1, 0, 0) MAX_LENGTH = 2000 MIN_LENGTH = 30 def get_classes(db, onto, start=t0, end=t1): q1 = {'DB': 'UniProtKB', 'Evidence': {'$in': exp_codes}, 'Date': {"$lte": start}, 'Aspect': ASPECT} q2 = {'DB': 'UniProtKB', 'Evidence': {'$in': exp_codes}, 'Date': {"$gt": start, "$lte": end}, 'Aspect': ASPECT} def helper(q): seq2go, _ = GoAnnotationCollectionLoader( db.goa_uniprot.find(q), db.goa_uniprot.count(q), ASPECT).load() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(seq2go.items()): sys.stdout.write("\r{0:.0f}%".format(100.0 * i / len(seq2go))) seq2go[k] = onto.propagate(v) return reduce(lambda x, y: set(x) | set(y), seq2go.values(), set()) return onto.sort(helper(q1) | helper(q2)) def get_training_and_validation_streams(db, limit=None): q_train = {'DB': 'UniProtKB', 'Evidence': {'$in': exp_codes}, 'Date': {"$lte": t0}, 'Aspect': ASPECT} seq2go_trn, _ = GoAnnotationCollectionLoader(db.goa_uniprot.find(q_train), db.goa_uniprot.count(q_train), ASPECT).load() query = {"_id": {"$in": unique(list(seq2go_trn.keys())).tolist()}} count = limit if limit else db.uniprot.count(query) source = db.uniprot.find(query).batch_size(10) if limit: source = source.limit(limit) stream_trn = DataStream(source, count, seq2go_trn) q_valid = {'DB': 'UniProtKB', 'Evidence': {'$in': exp_codes}, 'Date': {"$gt": t0, "$lte": t1}, 'Aspect': ASPECT} seq2go_tst, _ = GoAnnotationCollectionLoader(db.goa_uniprot.find(q_valid), db.goa_uniprot.count(q_valid), ASPECT).load() query = {"_id": {"$in": unique(list(seq2go_tst.keys())).tolist()}} count = limit if limit else db.uniprot.count(query) source = db.uniprot.find(query).batch_size(10) if limit: source = source.limit(limit) stream_tst = DataStream(source, count, seq2go_tst) return stream_trn, stream_tst class DataStream(object): def __init__(self, source, count, seq2go): self._count = count self._source = source self._seq2go = seq2go def __iter__(self): count = self._count source = self._source seq2go = self._seq2go for k, seq in UniprotCollectionLoader(source, count): if not MIN_LENGTH <= len(seq) <= MAX_LENGTH: continue x = [AA.aa2index[aa] for aa in seq] yield k, x, seq2go[k] def __len__(self): return self._count def step_decay(epoch): initial_lrate = LR drop = 0.5 epochs_drop = 1.0 lrate = max(0.0001, initial_lrate * math.pow(drop, math.floor((1 + epoch) / epochs_drop))) return lrate def OriginalIception(inpt, num_channels=64): # tower_0 = Conv1D(num_channels, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_1 = Conv1D(num_channels, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_1 = Conv1D(num_channels, 3, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_1) tower_2 = Conv1D(num_channels, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_2 = Conv1D(num_channels, 5, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_2) # tower_3 = MaxPooling1D(3, padding='same')(inpt) # tower_3 = Conv1D(num_channels, 1, padding='same')(tower_3) return Concatenate(axis=2)([tower_1, tower_2,]) def LargeInception(inpt, num_channels=64): tower_1 = Conv1D(num_channels, 6, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_1 = BatchNormalization()(tower_1) tower_1 = Conv1D(num_channels, 6, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_1) tower_2 = Conv1D(num_channels, 10, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_2 = BatchNormalization()(tower_2) tower_2 = Conv1D(num_channels, 10, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_2) return Concatenate(axis=2)([tower_1, tower_2]) def SmallInception(inpt, num_channels=150): tower_1 = Conv1D(num_channels, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_1 = Conv1D(num_channels, 5, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_1) # tower_1 = BatchNormalization()(tower_1) tower_2 = Conv1D(num_channels, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_2 = Conv1D(num_channels, 15, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_2) # tower_2 = BatchNormalization()(tower_2) return Concatenate(axis=2)([tower_1, tower_2]) def Classifier(inp1d, classes): out = Dense(len(classes))(inp1d) out = BatchNormalization()(out) out = Activation('sigmoid')(out) return out def MotifNet(classes, opt): inpt = Input(shape=(None,)) out = Embedding(input_dim=26, output_dim=23, embeddings_initializer='uniform')(inpt) out = Conv1D(250, 15, activation='relu', padding='valid')(out) out = Dropout(0.2)(out) out = Conv1D(100, 15, activation='relu', padding='valid')(out) out = SmallInception(out) out = Dropout(0.2)(out) out = SmallInception(out) out = Dropout(0.2)(out) out = Conv1D(250, 5, activation='relu', padding='valid')(out) out = Dropout(0.2)(out) out = Classifier(GlobalMaxPooling1D()(out), classes) model = Model(inputs=[inpt], outputs=[out]) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt) return model def Inception(inpt, tower1=6, tower2=10): tower_1 = Conv1D(64, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_1 = Conv1D(64, tower1, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_1) tower_2 = Conv1D(64, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(inpt) tower_2 = Conv1D(64, tower2, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_2) # tower_3 = MaxPooling1D(3, strides=1, padding='same')(inpt) # tower_3 = Conv1D(64, 1, padding='same', activation='relu')(tower_3) return Concatenate(axis=2)([tower_1, tower_2]) def ProteinInception(classes, opt): inpt = Input(shape=(None,)) img = Embedding(input_dim=26, output_dim=23, embeddings_initializer='uniform')(inpt) feats = Inception(Inception(img)) out = Classifier(GlobalMaxPooling1D()(feats), classes) model = Model(inputs=[inpt], outputs=[out]) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt) return model def Features(inpt): feats = Embedding(input_dim=26, output_dim=23, embeddings_initializer='uniform')(inpt) feats = Conv1D(250, 15, activation='relu', padding='valid')(feats) feats = Dropout(0.3)(feats) feats = Conv1D(100, 15, activation='relu', padding='valid')(feats) feats = Dropout(0.3)(feats) feats = Conv1D(100, 15, activation='relu', padding='valid')(feats) feats = Dropout(0.3)(feats) feats = Conv1D(250, 15, activation='relu', padding='valid')(feats) feats = Dropout(0.3)(feats) feats = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(feats) return feats def DeeperSeq(classes, opt): inp = Input(shape=(None,)) out = Classifier(Features(inp), classes) model = Model(inputs=[inp], outputs=[out]) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt) return model def batch_generator(stream, onto, classes): s_cls = set(classes) data = dict() def labels2vec(lbl): y = np.zeros(len(classes)) for go in onto.propagate(lbl, include_root=False): if go not in s_cls: continue y[classes.index(go)] = 1 return y def pad_seq(seq, max_length=MAX_LENGTH): delta = max_length - len(seq) left = [PAD for _ in range(delta // 2)] right = [PAD for _ in range(delta - delta // 2)] seq = left + seq + right return np.asarray(seq) def prepare_batch(sequences, labels): b = max(map(len, sequences)) + 100 Y = np.asarray([labels2vec(lbl) for lbl in labels]) X = np.asarray([pad_seq(seq, b) for seq in sequences]) return X, Y for k, x, y in stream: lx = len(x) if lx in data: data[lx].append([k, x, y]) ids, seqs, lbls = zip(*data[lx]) if len(seqs) == BATCH_SIZE: yield ids, prepare_batch(seqs, lbls) del data[lx] else: data[lx] = [[k, x, y]] for packet in data.values(): ids, seqs, lbls = zip(*packet) yield ids, prepare_batch(seqs, lbls) class LossHistory(Callback): def __init__(self): self.losses = [] def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}): self.losses.append(logs.get('loss')) def train(model, gen_xy, length_xy, epoch, num_epochs, history=LossHistory(), lrate=LearningRateScheduler(step_decay)): pbar = tqdm(total=length_xy) for _, (X, Y) in gen_xy:, y=Y, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=num_epochs if LONG_EXPOSURE else epoch + 1, verbose=0, validation_data=None, initial_epoch=epoch, callbacks=[history]) pbar.set_description("Training Loss:%.5f" % np.mean(history.losses)) pbar.update(len(Y)) pbar.close() def zeroone2oneminusone(vec): return np.add(np.multiply(np.array(vec), 2), -1) def oneminusone2zeroone(vec): return np.divide(np.add(np.array(vec), 1), 2) def calc_loss(y_true, y_pred): return np.mean([log_loss(y, y_hat) for y, y_hat in zip(y_true, y_pred) if np.any(y)]) def predict(model, gen_xy, length_xy, classes): pbar = tqdm(total=length_xy, desc="Predicting...") i, m, n = 0, length_xy, len(classes) ids = list() y_pred, y_true = np.zeros((m, n)), np.zeros((m, n)) for i, (keys, (X, Y)) in enumerate(gen_xy): k = len(Y) ids.extend(keys) y_hat, y = model.predict(X), Y y_pred[i:i + k, ], y_true[i:i + k, ] = y_hat, y pbar.update(k) pbar.close() return ids, y_true, y_pred def evaluate(y_true, y_pred, classes): y_pred = y_pred[~np.all(y_pred == 0, axis=1)] y_true = y_true[~np.all(y_true == 0, axis=1)] prs, rcs, f1s = performance(y_pred, y_true, classes) return calc_loss(y_true, y_pred), prs, rcs, f1s def add_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument("--mongo_url", type=str, default='mongodb://localhost:27017/', help="Supply the URL of MongoDB"), parser.add_argument("--aspect", type=str, choices=['F', 'P', 'C'], default="F", help="Specify the ontology aspect.") parser.add_argument("--init_epoch", type=int, default=0, help="Which epoch to start training the model?") parser.add_argument("--arch", type=str, choices=['deepseq', 'motifnet', 'inception'], default="deepseq", help="Specify the model arch.") parser.add_argument('-r', '--resume', default='', type=str, metavar='PATH', help='path to latest checkpoint (default: none)') if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() ASPECT = args.aspect # default: Molecular Function client = MongoClient(args.mongo_url) db = client['prot2vec'] print("Loading Ontology...") onto = get_ontology(ASPECT) # classes = get_classes(db, onto) classes = onto.classes classes.remove(onto.root) assert onto.root not in classes opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=LR, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8) if args.arch == 'inception': model = ProteinInception(classes, opt) LONG_EXPOSURE = False num_epochs = 200 elif args.arch == 'deepseq': model = DeeperSeq(classes, opt) LONG_EXPOSURE = True num_epochs = 20 elif args.arch == 'motifnet': model = MotifNet(classes, opt) LONG_EXPOSURE = False num_epochs = 200 else: print('Unknown model arch') exit(0) if args.resume: model.load_weights(args.resume) print("Loaded model from disk") model.summary() for epoch in range(args.init_epoch, num_epochs): trn_stream, tst_stream = get_training_and_validation_streams(db) train(model, batch_generator(trn_stream, onto, classes), len(trn_stream), epoch, num_epochs) _, y_true, y_pred = predict(model, batch_generator(tst_stream, onto, classes), len(tst_stream), classes) loss, prs, rcs, f1s = evaluate(y_true, y_pred, classes) i = np.argmax(f1s) f_max = f1s[i] print("[Epoch %d/%d] (Validation Loss: %.5f, F_max: %.3f, precision: %.3f, recall: %.3f)" % (epoch + 1, num_epochs, loss, f1s[i], prs[i], rcs[i])) model_str = '%s-%d-%.5f-%.2f' % (args.arch, epoch + 1, loss, f_max) model.save_weights("checkpoints/%s.hdf5" % model_str) with open("checkpoints/%s.json" % model_str, "w+") as f: f.write(model.to_json())"checkpoints/%s.npy" % model_str, np.asarray(classes))
<filename> import boto3 import json import numpy as np import base64, os, boto3, ast, json endpoint = 'myprojectcapstone' def format_response(message, status_code): return { 'statusCode': str(status_code), 'body': json.dumps(message), 'headers': { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' } } def lambda_handler(event, context): try : body = json.loads(event['body']) image = base64.b64decode(body['data'].replace('data:image/png;base64,', '')) try : runtime = boto3.Session().client(service_name='sagemaker-runtime', region_name='us-east-2') response = runtime.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint, ContentType='application/x-image', Body=image) print(response) try: probs = response['Body'].read() probs = json.loads(probs) #probs = ast.literal_eval(probs) #pred = probs.index(max(probs)) pred = np.argmax( np.array( probs ) ) if pred == 0: resp = 'Animated Nsfw' elif pred == 1: resp = 'Conatins Nudity' elif pred == 2: resp = 'Contains Porn' elif pred == 4: resp = 'Conatins semi Nudity' else : resp = 'Safe For viewing' return format_response(resp, 200) except: return format_response('Ouch! Something went wrong with loading json data from endpoint'+response['Body'].read() , 200) except : return format_response('Ouch! Something went wrong with endpoint' , 200) except : return format_response('Ouch! Something went wrong with decoding' , 200)
import numpy as np import argparse import os.path import plots as plot from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV import time from sklearn import svm from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.externals import joblib from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold def loadData(XPath, yPath): X = np.genfromtxt(XPath, delimiter=",", dtype="float32") y = np.genfromtxt(yPath, delimiter=",", dtype="float32") return (X, y) def convertToClasses(targetVector): return np.argmax(targetVector[:,1:5], axis=1) def standardize(featureVector): scaler = StandardScaler() return scaler.fit_transform(featureVector) # construct the argument parser and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-x", "--xTrain", required = True, help = "path to training feature set") ap.add_argument("-y", "--yTrain", required = True, help = "path to training target set") ap.add_argument("-X", "--xTest", required = True, help = "path to testing feature set") ap.add_argument("-Y", "--yTest", required = True, help = "path to testing target set") ap.add_argument("-o", "--optimize", type = int, default = 0, help = "optomization mode: 0 use default, 1 optomize, 2 use pkl model if possible") ap.add_argument("-m", "--multiClass", type = int, default=1, help = "exclusive multi class or regression") ap.add_argument("-p", "--pickle", default="models/svmModel.pkl", help = "pickle dump of model (output if optomize = 1, input if optomize = 0)") ap.add_argument("-v", "--visualize", type=int, default=0, help = "whether or not to show visualizations after a run") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) (trainX, trainY) = loadData(args["xTrain"], args["yTrain"]) (testX, testY) = loadData(args["xTest"], args["yTest"]) # required scaling for SVM trainX = standardize(trainX) testX = standardize(testX) if (args["multiClass"] == 1): trainY = convertToClasses(trainY) testY = convertToClasses(testY) # check to see if a grid search should be done if args["optimize"] == 1: #configure stratified k-fold cross validation cv = StratifiedKFold(y=trainY, n_folds=4, shuffle=True) # perform a grid search on the 'C' and 'gamma' parameter # of SVM print "SEARCHING SVM" C_range = 2. ** np.arange(-15, 15, step=1) gamma_range = 2. ** np.arange(-15, 15, step=1) param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) start = time.time() gs = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv, n_jobs = -1, verbose = 2), trainY) # print diagnostic information to the user and grab the # best model print "done in %0.3fs" % (time.time() - start) print "best score: %0.3f" % (gs.best_score_) print "SVM PARAMETERS" bestParams = gs.best_estimator_.get_params() # loop over the parameters and print each of them out # so they can be manually set print("Best Estimator: %s" % gs.best_estimator_) #for p in sorted(params.keys()): # print "\t %s: %f" % (p, bestParams[p]) print("Accuracy Score On Validation Set: %s\n" % accuracy_score(testY, gs.predict(testX))) # show a reminder message print "\nIMPORTANT" print "Now that your parameters have been searched, manually set" print "them and re-run this script with --optomize 0" joblib.dump(gs.best_estimator_, args["pickle"]) # otherwise, use the manually specified parameters else: # evaluate using SVM if (os.path.isfile(args["pickle"]) and args["optimize"] == 2): clf = joblib.load(args["pickle"]) else: clf = svm.SVC(), trainY) print "SVM PERFORMANCE" pred = clf.predict(testX) print classification_report(testY, pred) print("Accuracy Score: %s\n" % accuracy_score(testY, pred)) if (args["visualize"] == 1): plot.accuracy(testY, pred, "SVM")
import datetime from django.db import models from django.db.models import signals from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from tagging.fields import TagField class ItemManager(models.Manager): def __init__(self): super(ItemManager, self).__init__() self.models_by_name = {} def create_or_update(self, instance, timestamp=None, url=None, tags="", source="INTERACTIVE", source_id="", **kwargs): """ Create or update an Item from some instace. """ # If the instance hasn't already been saved, save it first. This # requires disconnecting the post-save signal that might be sent to # this function (otherwise we could get an infinite loop). if instance._get_pk_val() is None: try: signals.post_save.disconnect(self.create_or_update, sender=type(instance)) except Exception, err: reconnect = False else: reconnect = True if reconnect: signals.post_save.connect(self.create_or_update, sender=type(instance)) # Make sure the item "should" be registered. if not getattr(instance, "jellyrollable", True): return # Check to see if the timestamp is being updated, possibly pulling # the timestamp from the instance. if hasattr(instance, "timestamp"): timestamp = instance.timestamp if timestamp is None: update_timestamp = False timestamp = else: update_timestamp = True # Ditto for tags. if not tags: for f in instance._meta.fields: if isinstance(f, TagField): tags = getattr(instance, f.attname) break if not url: if hasattr(instance,'url'): url = instance.url # Create the Item object. ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) item, created = self.get_or_create( content_type = ctype, object_id = force_unicode(instance._get_pk_val()), defaults = dict( timestamp = timestamp, source = source, source_id = source_id, tags = tags, url = url, ) ) item.tags = tags item.source = source item.source_id = source_id if update_timestamp: item.timestamp = timestamp # Save and return the item. return item def follow_model(self, model): """ Follow a particular model class, updating associated Items automatically. """ self.models_by_name[model.__name__.lower()] = model signals.post_save.connect(self.create_or_update, sender=model) def get_for_model(self, model): """ Return a QuerySet of only items of a certain type. """ return self.filter(content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)) def get_last_update_of_model(self, model, **kwargs): """ Return the last time a given model's items were updated. Returns the epoch if the items were never updated. """ qs = self.get_for_model(model) if kwargs: qs = qs.filter(**kwargs) try: return qs.order_by('-timestamp')[0].timestamp except IndexError: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)