<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from IPython.display import Image, HTML, display root = "images" butions = dict(attributions) def show_image(image_path): display(Image(image_path)) image_rel = image_path.replace(root,'') caption = "Image " + ' - '.join(attributions[image_rel].split(' - ')[:-1]) display(HTML("<div>%s</div>" % caption))
import logging from google.appengine.api import memcache from mlabns.db import model from mlabns.util import constants def get_nagios_config(): """Retrieves nagios config info. First checks memcache, then datastore. Returns: Nagios model instance """ nagios = memcache.get(constants.DEFAULT_NAGIOS_ENTRY) if not nagios: nagios = model.Nagios.get_by_key_name(constants.DEFAULT_NAGIOS_ENTRY) if nagios: memcache.set(constants.DEFAULT_NAGIOS_ENTRY, nagios) else: logging.error('Datastore does not have the Nagios credentials.') return nagios
<reponame>RuFalcon/password_generator from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QWidget, QSlider, QLabel, QApplication, QMainWindow, QCheckBox, QLineEdit) from PyQt5 import uic from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon import sys import random import string class Window(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() uic.loadUi('password.ui', self) self.setGeometry(200, 200, 800, 553) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon('images/password.svg')) self.setFixedHeight(553) self.setFixedWidth(800) self.lowcase_letters = string.ascii_lowercase self.upcase_letters = string.ascii_uppercase self.digits = string.digits self.punctuation = string.punctuation self.password_characters = self.lowcase_letters + \ self.upcase_letters + self.digits self.check_lowcase = self.findChild(QCheckBox, "check_lowcase") self.state_changed(self.check_lowcase) self.check_upcase = self.findChild(QCheckBox, "check_upcase") self.state_changed(self.check_upcase) self.check_numbers = self.findChild(QCheckBox, "check_numbers") self.state_changed(self.check_numbers) self.check_symbols = self.findChild(QCheckBox, "check_symbols") self.state_changed(self.check_symbols) self.slider = self.findChild(QSlider, "horizontalSlider") self.slider.valueChanged.connect(self.changed_slider) self.password = self.findChild(QLineEdit, "password") self.password_length = self.findChild(QLabel, "password_length") self.get_random_password(int(self.password_length.text())) def state_changed(self, checkbox): """Отслеживаем изменения нажатия чекбоксов и вызываем функцию change_password""" return checkbox.stateChanged.connect(self.change_password) def changed_slider(self): """Отслеживаем значение слайдера и пересобираем пароль с такой же длиной""" value = self.slider.value() self.password_length.setText(str(value)) self.get_random_password(value) def get_random_password(self, length): """Собираем пароль с заданной длиной""" password = ''.join(random.choice(self.password_characters) for i in range(length)) self.password.setText(str(password)) def change_password(self): """Меняем пароль в зависимости от включенных чекбоксов""" self.password_characters = 'x' if self.check_lowcase.isChecked(): self.password_characters += self.lowcase_letters if self.check_upcase.isChecked(): self.password_characters += self.upcase_letters if self.check_numbers.isChecked(): self.password_characters += self.digits if self.check_symbols.isChecked(): self.password_characters += self.punctuation self.get_random_password(int(self.password_length.text())) app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = Window() sys.exit(app.exec_())
<filename>src/posts/migrations/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by Django 1.9 on 2017-03-27 10:06 from __future__ import unicode_literals import datetime from django.db import migrations, models from django.utils.timezone import utc class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('posts', '0002_auto_20170326_1643'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='post', name='publish', field=models.DateField(default=datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 27, 10, 6, 44, 221000, tzinfo=utc)), ), ]
<reponame>hrshishym/ExtractPinFunctionFromLibertySource<filename> #!/usr/bin/env python ### Setting cell_attributes = ["clock_gating_integrated_cell"] ff_attributes = [] pin_attributes = ["direction", "clock", "function", "state_function"] import os import sys import re sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'modules')) import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("input") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() from liberty.parser import parse_liberty tdata = re.sub("\\\\\n", "", open(args.input).read()) tlib = parse_liberty(tdata) if args.debug: import pprint pprint.pprint(tlib) # library (sxlib013) { print("library ({}) {{".format(tlib.args[0])) for eachlib in tlib.groups: if eachlib.group_name != "cell": continue cellname = eachlib.args[0] # cell(a2_x2) { /* 2008-01-10:21h05 */ print("cell({}) {{".format(cellname)) if args.debug: print("==") pprint.pprint(eachlib) print("==") pprint.pprint(eachlib.attributes) print("==") ### Print cell attributes for eachattr in eachlib.attributes: for eachattr in cell_attributes: if eachattr in eachlib.attributes.keys(): print(" {} : {} ;".format(eachattr, eachlib.attributes[eachattr])) ### Print sub group for eachgroup in eachlib.groups: if args.debug: print("====") pprint.pprint(eachgroup) print("====") if eachgroup.group_name == "ff": # ff print(" ff({}) {{ ".format(",".join(eachgroup.args))) for eachkey in eachgroup.attributes.keys(): print(" {} : {} ;".format(eachkey, eachgroup.attributes[eachkey])) print(" }") elif eachgroup.group_name == "pin": ## pin print(" pin({}) {{".format(eachgroup.args[0])) for eachattr in pin_attributes: if eachattr in eachgroup.attributes.keys(): print(" {} : {} ;".format(eachattr, eachgroup.attributes[eachattr])) print(" }") elif eachgroup.group_name == "statetable": ## statetable tarr = [] for i in eachgroup.args: tarr.append(str(i)) print(" statetable( {} ) {{".format(" , ".join(tarr))) if "table" in eachgroup.attributes.keys(): print(" {} : {} ;".format("table", re.sub(",", ", \\\n", str(eachgroup.attributes["table"])))) print(" }") print("}") print("}")
<filename>mergeMetadata/modules/utils/<gh_stars>1-10 class NotCreatedDescribeLog( Exception ): '''Exception launched when describe.log didn´t exist on the specific folder''' ERROR_CODE = 117 def __init__( self, pathDescribe ): super().__init__( f'Describe log didnt exist, please place it on {pathDescribe}' ) class NoFullNameError( Exception ): def __init__( self, tagName ): super().__init__( f'No tag found for {tagName}' )
<gh_stars>0 # Definition for singly-linked list. # class ListNode: # def __init__(self, x): # self.val = x # = None class Solution: def removeNthFromEnd(self, head, n): """ :type head: ListNode :type n: int :rtype: ListNode """ f, s, fi, si = head, head, 0, 0 while f: f = fi += 1 if fi - n > si + 1: si += 1 s = if s == head and n == fi-si: head = elif n < fi-si: = return head
from datetime import datetime from core.modules.output_mod import output def greet(master): hour = if 5 <= hour < 12: output(f"Good morning {master}") elif 12 <= hour < 18: output(f"Good afternoon {master}") else: output(f"Good evening {master}")
<reponame>abhishekgahlot/flexx<gh_stars>1-10 # License: consider this public domain """ Show the list of available commands, or details on a command. * python make help - show list of commands * python make help foo - show details on command "foo" """ import os import sys from make import THIS_DIR, NAME def help(command=''): if not command: # List all commands fnames = [fname for fname in os.listdir(THIS_DIR) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, fname)) and fname.endswith('.py') and fname.count('.') == 1 and not fname.startswith('_')] print('Developer tools for project %s\n' % NAME.capitalize()) print(' python make <command> [arg]\n') for fname in sorted(fnames): modname = fname[:-3] doc = get_doc_for_file(fname) summary = doc.split('\n', 1)[0] if doc else '' print(modname.ljust(15) + ' ' + summary) else: # Give more detailed info on command fname = command + '.py' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, fname)): sys.exit('Not a known command: %r' % command) doc = get_doc_for_file(fname) or '' print('\n%s - %s\n' % (command, doc)) def get_doc_for_file(fname): """ Get the module docstring of the given file. Returns string with quotes and whitespace stripped, and only LF newlines. """ # Read code try: code = open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, fname), 'rt').read() except Exception as err: return 'Error: could not read %r: %s' % (fname, str(err)) # Search for closes multiline string qsingle, qdouble = "'''", '"""' ii = [(code.find(needle), needle) for needle in (qsingle, qdouble)] ii = [(i, needle) for i, needle in ii if i >= 0] ii.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # Find where it ends if ii: i1, needle = ii[0] i2 = code.find(needle, i1+3) if i2 > 0: doc = code[i1:i2].strip('"\'').strip() return doc.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
from django.db import transaction from rest_framework import viewsets from .serializers import TaskSerializer, CreateTaskSerializer from .models import Task class TaskViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): queryset = Task.objects.all() serializer_class = TaskSerializer def get_serializer(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs): if getattr(self, 'creating', False): return CreateTaskSerializer(data=data) return super().get_serializer(data, *args, **kwargs) def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.creating = True with transaction.atomic(): return super().create(request, *args, **kwargs)
<filename> import math import random import bpy import bmesh from mathutils import Color from .lightfield import LightfieldPropertyGroup from .camera_position import CameraPosition class LightfieldPlane(LightfieldPropertyGroup): def construct(self): visuals = self.default_construct() self.lf_type = 'PLANE' self.obj_empty.empty_display_type = 'PLAIN_AXES' # Update lightfield references self.obj_visuals.add().obj_visual = visuals[0] self.obj_visuals.add().obj_visual = visuals[1] self.obj_visuals.add().obj_visual = visuals[2] self.obj_grid = visuals[0] self.set_camera_to_first_view() def construct_visuals(self, collection): grid = self.create_grid() space = self.create_space() front = self.create_front() # Add to lightfield collection return [grid, space, front] def create_space(self): """ Create visual that represents the space the lightfield is occupying. :return: Object. """ name = self.construct_names()['space'] bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=(0, 0, 0)) p1 = bpy.context.object dumped_mesh = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=(0, 0, 0)) space = bpy.context.object = name p1.select_set(True) bpy.ops.object.join() space.scale = [0.5] * 3 space.rotation_euler[0] = 0.5 * math.pi # Remove mesh-data created by p1 which is not necessary anymore = name # Unlink the object from its current collection space.users_collection[0].objects.unlink(space) space_mat = col = Color() col.hsv = (random.random(), 1.0, 0.8) space_mat.diffuse_color = col[:] + (0.1,) space.show_wire = True space.hide_render = True return space @staticmethod def construct_names(): base = "LFPlane" return {'lightfield': base, 'camera': "{}_Camera".format(base), 'grid': "{}_Grid".format(base), 'space': "{}_Space".format(base), 'front': "{}_Front".format(base)} def position_generator(self): cube = self.cube_camera for y in range(self.num_cams_y): for x in range(self.num_cams_x): # TODO: implement cube_camera in plane lightfield yield self.get_camera_pos(x, y) def get_camera_pos(self, x, y): base_x = 1 / (self.num_cams_x - 1) base_y = 1 / (self.num_cams_y - 1) return CameraPosition("view_{:04d}f".format(y * self.num_cams_x + x), -0.5 + x * base_x, 0.0, 0.5 - y * base_y, alpha=0.5*math.pi)
import json from unittest.mock import Mock from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from illumideskdummyauthenticator.authenticator import IllumiDeskDummyAuthenticator from illumideskdummyauthenticator.validators import IllumiDeskDummyValidator from tornado.web import RequestHandler @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_authenticator_returns_auth_state(make_dummy_authentication_request_args): """ Ensure we get a valid authentication dictionary. """ with patch.object( IllumiDeskDummyValidator, "validate_login_request", return_value=True ): authenticator = IllumiDeskDummyAuthenticator() handler = Mock( spec=RequestHandler, get_secure_cookie=Mock(return_value=json.dumps(["key", "secret"])), request=Mock( arguments=make_dummy_authentication_request_args(), headers={}, items=[], ), ) result = await authenticator.authenticate(handler, None) expected = { "name": "foobar", "auth_state": { "assignment_name": "lab101", "course_id": "intro101", "lms_user_id": "abc123", "user_role": "Student", }, } assert result == expected
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Created by Ross on 19-1-24 def solve(array: list): if not array: return None start = 0 end = len(array) - 1 while start <= end: mid = (start + end) >> 1 if array[mid] == mid: return mid elif array[mid] < mid: start = mid + 1 else: end = mid - 1 return None if __name__ == '__main__': print(solve([-6, -3, -1, 3, 5, 6, 7])) print(solve([-6, -3, -1, 88, 5, 6, 7])) print(solve([0, 2, 5, 7, 83])) print(solve([-1, 0, 2]))
import psutil, os p = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) for dll in p.memory_maps(): print(dll.path)
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter, ChannelNameRouter import cost_claimer.routing import cost_claimer.consumers application = ProtocolTypeRouter({ 'websocket': AuthMiddlewareStack( URLRouter( cost_claimer.routing.websocket_urlpatterns ) ), "channel": ChannelNameRouter({ "user_action": cost_claimer.consumers.GroupCostWorker, }), })
<gh_stars>0 import psycopg2 import os import re import string import random import logging from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt from flask import redirect, session bcrypt = Bcrypt() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("""%(asctime)s:%(name)s: %(filename)s:%(funcName)s: %(levelname)s:%(message)s""") handler = logging.FileHandler("logs.log") handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(handler) #loading environment variables try: load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) con = psycopg2.connect(host = os.getenv("HOST"), database = os.getenv("DATABASE"), user = os.getenv("USER"), password = os.<PASSWORD>("<PASSWORD>"), port=5432) cur = con.cursor() except RuntimeError("Database credentials error"): logger.exception("Database credentials error") raise class Accounts(): """Manages user accounts, queries data for session module, password changes and recovery""" def __init__(self, email, password): = email.strip(" ") self.password = password.strip(" ") def register(self, username): try: con = psycopg2.connect(host = os.getenv("HOST"), database = os.getenv("DATABASE"), user = os.getenv("USER"), password = os.getenv("db_PASSWORD"), port=5432) cur = con.cursor() except: logger.error(RuntimeError("Database credentials error")) raise RuntimeError("Database credentials error") cur.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email = %s LIMIT 1)", (, )) con.commit() result = cur.fetchall() if result[0][0] != False: return ["Account already exists"] else: try: cur.execute("""INSERT INTO users (username, email, password) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s )""",(username.strip(" "),, bcrypt.generate_password_hash(self.password).decode("utf-8"))) con.commit() con.close() return ["Your account has been successfully created"] except: con.close() return ["Registration failed"] def user_verification(self): cur.execute("SELECT id, username, email, password FROM users WHERE email=%s LIMIT 1", (, )) con.commit() user = cur.fetchall() if user and bcrypt.check_password_hash(user[0][3], self.password): return(True, user) else: return None def delete(self): cur.execute("DELETE FROM users WHERE email=%s", (, )) con.commit() def change_password(self, new_password): cur.execute("UPDATE users SET password=%s WHERE email=%s", (bcrypt.generate_password_hash(new_password).decode("utf-8"), con.commit() def restore_password(self, temp_password_hash, temp_password): if bcrypt.check_password_hash(temp_password_hash, temp_password): cur.execute("UPDATE users SET password=%s WHERE email=%s", (bcrypt.generate_password_hash(self.password).decode("utf-8"), con.commit() return True return None # Generates random password for recovery process def generate_temporary_password(email): cur.execute("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE email = %s LIMIT 1)", (email, )) con.commit() result = cur.fetchall() if result[0][0] != False: chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits size = random.randint(5, 10) temp_password = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size)) password_hash = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(temp_password).decode("utf-8") return password_hash, temp_password return None, "" def input_validation(user_input): #regex form for email validation try: len(user_input) > 1 for i in user_input: if type(i) != str: return ["Invalid data type"] except IndexError: logger.error(IndexError) raise response = [] email_pattern = r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,}\b' punctuation = """[!#$%&'()*+, -./:;"<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~:]""" if not (re.match(email_pattern, user_input[0])): response.append("Invalid email") if (not len(user_input[1]) >= 5 and len(user_input[1]) <= 10 or re.findall(punctuation, user_input[1]) != []): response.append("Password must be 5 to 10 characters long") if len(user_input) == 3: if not user_input[1] == user_input[2] or re.findall(punctuation, user_input[2]) != []: response.append("Passwords do not match") if len(user_input) == 4: if not user_input[2] == user_input[3] or re.findall(punctuation, user_input[3]) != []: response.append("Passwords do not match") return response def login_required(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if session.get("user_id") != None: func(*args, **kwargs) return func(*args, **kwargs) return redirect("/login") return wrapper
from pykinect2 import PyKinectV2 from pykinect2.PyKinectV2 import * from pykinect2 import PyKinectRuntime import ctypes import _ctypes import pygame import sys import numpy as np import cv2 #if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000: # import _thread as thread #else: # import thread class DepthRuntime(object): def __init__(self): pygame.init() # Used to manage how fast the screen updates self._clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Loop until the user clicks the close button. self._done = False # Used to manage how fast the screen updates self._clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Kinect runtime object, we want only color and body frames self._kinect = PyKinectRuntime.PyKinectRuntime(PyKinectV2.FrameSourceTypes_Depth) # back buffer surface for getting Kinect depth frames, 8bit grey, width and height equal to the Kinect depth frame size self._frame_surface = pygame.Surface((self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height), 0, 24) # here we will store skeleton data self._bodies = None # Set the width and height of the screen [width, height] self._infoObject = pygame.display.Info() self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Width, self._kinect.depth_frame_desc.Height), pygame.HWSURFACE|pygame.DOUBLEBUF|pygame.RESIZABLE, 32) pygame.display.set_caption("Kinect for Windows v2 Depth") #def background_subtraction(self, current_frame, previous_frame): # previousFrame = [0] * 217088 # return frame def draw_depth_frame(self, frame, target_surface): if frame is None: # some usb hub do not provide the infrared image. it works with Kinect studio though return target_surface.lock() f8=np.uint8(frame.clip(1,4000)/16.) frame8bit=np.dstack((f8,f8,f8)) address = self._kinect.surface_as_array(target_surface.get_buffer()) ctypes.memmove(address,, frame8bit.size) del address target_surface.unlock() def run(self): # -------- Main Program Loop ----------- frame = [0] * 217088 frames = [frame] * 5 fgbg = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorKNN() # fgbg = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() # print (len(previousFrames)) # print(previousFrames) while not self._done: # --- Main event loop for event in pygame.event.get(): # User did something if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If user clicked close self._done = True # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: # window resized self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'], pygame.HWSURFACE|pygame.DOUBLEBUF|pygame.RESIZABLE, 32) # --- Getting frames and drawing if self._kinect.has_new_depth_frame(): frame = self._kinect.get_last_depth_frame() fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame) # flattenMask = [] # for item in fgmask: # flattenMask.append(item) flattenMask = [value for element in fgmask for value in element] # print (type(flattenMask[0])) flattenMask = np.array(flattenMask) # flattenMask = np.array(fgmask) # flattenMask = flattenMask / 255 # print ("flattenMask\n",flattenMask) frameMask = [] # frameMask = np.array(frameMask) for val in np.nditer(flattenMask): # i = 0 if val == 255: frameMask.append(1) # val = 1 else: frameMask.append(0) # val = 0 # i += 1 frameMask = np.array(frameMask) # np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) # print("frame\n",frame) # print ("flattenMask\n",flattenMask) # print ("frameMask\n",frameMask) outputFrame = np.multiply(frame, frameMask) # frames.append(outputFrame) # frames.pop(0) # outputFrame2 = [] # cv2.fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(frames, 4, 4, outputFrame2) # outputFrame2 = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(outputFrame) # outputFrame = np.multiply(frame, fgmask) # cv2.imshow('frame',fgmask) self.draw_depth_frame(outputFrame, self._frame_surface) # k = cv2.waitKey(30) & 0xff # if k == 27: # break # frames.append(frame) # frames.pop(0) # outputFrame = np.subtract(frames[0], frames[1]) # self.draw_depth_frame(outputFrame, self._frame_surface) #self.draw_depth_frame(frame, self._frame_surface) #frame = np.average(np.array([frame, previousFrame]), axis=0) #np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) #print(outputFrame) #print(frame.size) # outputFrame = (np.array(previousFrames[0]) + np.array(previousFrames[1]) + np.array(previousFrames[2]) + np.array(previousFrames[3]) + np.array(previousFrames[4])) / 5 # self.draw_depth_frame(outputFrame.astype(int), self._frame_surface) # frame2 = cv.fastNlMeansDenoisingMulti(previousFrames, 2 , 3) frame = None outputFrame = None self._screen.blit(self._frame_surface, (0,0)) pygame.display.update() # --- Go ahead and update the screen with what we've drawn. pygame.display.flip() # --- Limit to 60 frames per second self._clock.tick(60) # Close our Kinect sensor, close the window and quit. self._kinect.close() pygame.quit() __main__ = "Kinect v2 Depth" game =DepthRuntime();;
from pytest_django.asserts import assertTemplateUsed from fixtures_views import * class TestInformesView: @pytest.fixture def form_parametros(self, django_app): resp = django_app.get(reverse('main:informes'), user='username') return resp.forms['parametros'] @pytest.fixture def populate_db_informes(self, populate_database): _, cuentas, _ = populate_database adicionales = [ [5, '2021-01-28', 'Compra del pan', 2.50, 0, cuentas[0]], [5, '2021-01-28', 'Compra del pan', 0, 2.50, cuentas[3]], [6, '2021-02-15', 'Compra de fruta', 10.75, 0, cuentas[0]], [6, '2021-02-15', 'Compra de fruta', 0, 10.75, cuentas[3]], [7, '2021-03-18', 'Calcetines y calzoncillos', 15.85, 0, cuentas[1]], [7, '2021-03-18', 'Calcetines y calzoncillos', 0, 15.85, cuentas[3]], [8, '2021-04-20', 'Abrigo de invierno', 54, 0, cuentas[1]], [8, '2021-04-20', 'Abrigo de invierno', 0, 54, cuentas[3]], ] for num, fecha, descripcion, debe, haber, cuenta in adicionales: Movimiento.objects.create(num=num, fecha=fecha, descripcion=descripcion, debe=debe, haber=haber, cuenta=cuenta) @pytest.mark.parametrize('page', ['/informes/', reverse('main:informes')]) def test_redirect_if_not_logged_in(self, page, django_app): resp = django_app.get(page) assert resp.status_code == 302 assert resp.url.startswith('/accounts/login/') @pytest.mark.parametrize('page', ['/informes/', reverse('main:informes')]) def test_view_url_exists_at_desired_location(self, page, django_app): resp = django_app.get(page, user='username') assert resp.status_code == 200 @pytest.mark.parametrize('page', ['/informes/', reverse('main:informes')]) def test_view_uses_correct_template(self, page, django_app): resp = django_app.get(page, user='username') assertTemplateUsed(resp, 'main/informes.html') def test_parametros_form_attributes(self, form_parametros): form = form_parametros assert == 'parametros' assert form.method == 'post' assert form.action == '/informes/' assert form.action == reverse('main:informes') fields = form.fields.keys() for f in ['f_fecha_inicial', 'f_fecha_final', 'f_tipo', 'f_cuenta', 'f_etiqueta']: assert f in fields @pytest.mark.parametrize('tipo, fecha_col', [ ('diario', 'Fecha'), ('semanal', 'Semana'), ('mensual', 'Mes'), ('trimestral', 'Trimestre'), ('anual', 'Año') ]) def test_parametros_form_attributes_tipo(self, form_parametros, populate_db_informes, tipo, fecha_col): populate_db_informes form = form_parametros form['f_tipo'].select(text=tipo) resp = form.submit() # check title and subtitle for text in ['Todas las cuentas', f'Informe {tipo}, todas las fechas']: assert text in resp.text # check columns of table for col in [fecha_col, 'Debe', 'Haber', 'Total']: assert col in resp.text @pytest.mark.parametrize('fecha_ini, fecha_fin, expected_subtitle', [ ('', '2022-01-29', 'Informe diario, desde el principio hasta 2022-01-29'), ('2022-01-29', '', 'Informe diario, desde 2022-01-29 hasta el final'), ('2022-01-01', '2022-01-31', 'Informe diario, desde 2022-01-01 hasta 2022-01-31'), ], ids=['fecha-inicial', 'fecha-final', 'ambas-fechas']) def test_form_fechas(self, form_parametros, populate_db_informes, fecha_ini, fecha_fin, expected_subtitle): populate_db_informes form = form_parametros form['f_fecha_inicial'] = fecha_ini form['f_fecha_final'] = fecha_fin resp = form.submit() # check title and subtitle for text in ['Todas las cuentas', expected_subtitle]: assert text in resp.text @pytest.mark.parametrize('cuenta, etiqueta, expected_title', [ ('100: Caja', '', 'Cuenta 100: Caja'), ('', 'gastos', 'Cuentas del tipo: Gastos corrientes'), ('100: Caja', 'gastos', 'Cuenta 100: Caja'), ], ids=['cuenta-solo', 'etiqueta-solo', 'cuenta-y-etiqueta']) def test_form_cuentas(self, form_parametros, populate_db_informes, cuenta, etiqueta, expected_title): populate_db_informes form = form_parametros form['f_cuenta'] = cuenta form['f_etiqueta'] = etiqueta resp = form.submit() # check title and subtitle for text in [expected_title, 'Informe diario, todas las fechas']: assert text in resp.text
class PSTAN(Bayes_net_PU): name = "PSTAN" def __init__(self, alpha = 1,starting_node = 0): self.starting_node = starting_node self.alpha = alpha def Findparent(self, M): M = M.copy() # to avoid change global M np.fill_diagonal(M,0) p = int(M.shape[0]) V = range(p) # set of all nodes st = self.starting_node Vnew = [st] # vertex that already found their parent. intitiate it with starting node. TAN randomly choose one parent = {st:None} # use a dict to show nodes' interdepedency while set(Vnew) != set(V): # when their are still nodes whose parents are unknown. index_i = [] # after for loop, has same length as Vnew, shows the closest node that not in Vnew with Vnew. max_inf = [] # corresponding distance for i in range(len(Vnew)): # can be paralelled vnew = Vnew[i] ListToSorted = [e for e in M[:,vnew]] # does not need int(e) index = sorted(range(len(ListToSorted)),key = lambda k: ListToSorted[k],reverse = True) index_i.append([ele for ele in index if ele not in Vnew][0]) max_inf.append(M[index_i[-1],vnew]) index1 = sorted(range(len(max_inf)),key = lambda k: max_inf[k],reverse = True)[0] ## relative position, Vnew[v1,v2] index_i[v4,v5] max_inf[s1,s2] index1 is the position in those 3 list Vnew.append(index_i[index1]) # add in that node parent[index_i[index1]] = Vnew[index1] # add direction, it has to be that the new added node is child, otherwise some nodes has 2 parents which is wrong. return parent def fit(self,X_L, X_u, pri, M, case_control = True): # this is based on trainning data !!! X_L = check_array(X_L) X_u = check_array(X_u) if X_L.shape[1] != X_u.shape[1]: raise ValueError('labeled data and unlabeled data have different number of features ') n_L,p = X_L.shape # n_u,p = X_u.shape if case_control: X_U_or_UL = X_u else: X_U_or_UL = np.concatenate((X_L,X_u),axis = 0) # n_U_or_UL = X_U_or_UL.shape[0] parent = self.Findparent(M) # part 1: proba that can be estimated from labeled examples. 1 P(xij|1,xkl), 2 p(x_root|1) = N_L(x_root)/N_L, P(xij|1,xkl) = N_L(xi=j,xk=l)/N_L(xkl) # part 2: learn from U, N_U(xij,xkl), and N_U(xkl) # part 3: p(xij|0,xkl),p(x_root|0) from previous list # List_prob_1 = {} # 1 P(xij|1,xkl), 2 p(x_root|1) List_count_1 = {} # N_L(xij,xpal) and N_L(xij) # List_count_U_or_UL = {} # N_U(xij,xkl) and N_U(xij) # List_prob_0 = {} # p(xij|0,xkl),p(x_root|0) K = {} # for root node root_i = self.starting_node x_i_L = X_L[:,root_i] x_i_L_counter = Counter(x_i_L) x_i_U_or_UL = X_U_or_UL[:,root_i] x_i_U_or_UL_counter = Counter(x_i_U_or_UL) x_i_values = list(set(x_i_L_counter.keys()).union(x_i_U_or_UL_counter.keys())) K[root_i] = len(list(x_i_values)) # part 1 x_i_L_prob = {key: (x_i_L_counter[key]+self.alpha)/(K[root_i]*self.alpha + n_L ) for key in x_i_values} List_prob_1[root_i] = x_i_L_prob List_count_1[root_i] = x_i_L_counter # part 2 List_count_U_or_UL[root_i] = x_i_U_or_UL_counter # part 3 x_i_0_prob = {key: max([0,x_i_U_or_UL_counter[key] - x_i_L_prob[key] * pri * n_U_or_UL]) for key in x_i_values} # N_U(xi =j) - N_u*p(xij, y =1) = N_U(xij,y=0) numeritor, can be negative, make it >=0 x_i_0_prob = {key:(self.alpha + value)/ (K[root_i]*self.alpha + n_U_or_UL * (1-pri) ) for key,value in x_i_0_prob.items()} # add psudo count and divied by dem x_i_0_prob = {key: value/(sum(np.array(list(x_i_0_prob.values())))) for key,value in x_i_0_prob.items() } # normalize prob sum to 1, however, due to computation problem, it is not sum to 1 List_prob_0[root_i] = x_i_0_prob # for i in [e for e in range(0,p) if e != root_i]: x_i_values = list(set(X_L[:,i]).union(X_U_or_UL[:,i])) x_i_parent_Value = list(set(X_L[:,parent[i]]).union(X_U_or_UL[:,parent[i] ] ) ) K[i] = len(x_i_values) # part 1, P(xij|1,xkl) = N_L(xi=j,xk=l)/N_L(xkl) List_count_1[i] = {v2: {v1:X_L[(X_L[:,i] == v1) & (X_L[:,parent[i]] == v2)].shape[0] for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} # {pva1: {'1': , '2':, '3': }, pval2:{}} List_prob_1[i] = {v2: {v1:(X_L[(X_L[:,i] == v1) & (X_L[:,parent[i]] == v2)].shape[0] + self.alpha)/ (X_L[(X_L[:,parent[i]] == v2)].shape[0] + self.alpha*K[i]) for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} # part 2 List_count_U_or_UL[i] = {v2: {v1:X_U_or_UL[(X_U_or_UL[:,i] == v1) & (X_U_or_UL[:,parent[i]] == v2)].shape[0] for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} # part 3 x_i_0_prob = {v2: {v1: List_count_U_or_UL[i][v2][v1] - List_prob_1[i][v2][v1]*pri* sum(list(List_count_U_or_UL[i][v2].values())) for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} x_i_0_prob = {v2: {v1: max([0,x_i_0_prob[v2][v1] ]) for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} x_i_0_prob = {v2: {v1:(x_i_0_prob[v2][v1] + self.alpha)/(self.alpha*K[i] + (1-pri)*sum(list(List_count_U_or_UL[i][v2].values())) ) for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} x_i_0_prob = {v2: {v1:x_i_0_prob[v2][v1]/sum(list(x_i_0_prob[v2].values())) for v1 in x_i_values} for v2 in x_i_parent_Value} # normalize List_prob_0[i] = x_i_0_prob self.case_control_ = case_control self.is_fitted_ = True self.parent_ = parent self.n_features_, self.K_, self.List_count_1_,self.List_prob_1_, self.List_count_U_, self.List_prob_0_, self.prevalence_ = p, K, List_count_1,List_prob_1,List_count_U_or_UL,List_prob_0, pri return self def predict_proba(self,X): check_is_fitted(self) X = check_array(X) Prob_1 = [] root_i = self.starting_node for ins in X: P1 = self.prevalence_ P0 = 1 - P1 # root_i P1 = P1 * (self.List_prob_1_[root_i][ins[root_i]]) P0 = P0 * (self.List_prob_0_[root_i][ins[root_i]]) for i in [e for e in range(0,self.n_features_) if e != root_i]: pValue = ins[self.parent_[i]] P1 = P1 * (self.List_prob_1_[i][pValue][ins[i]]) P0 = P0 * (self.List_prob_0_[i][pValue][ins[i]]) P = P1 + P0 P1 = P1/P; P0 = P0/P Prob_1.append(P1) # Prob_1 = np.array(Prob_1) return Prob_1
"""Utilities for querying the Windows registry. @see: Cake Build System ( @copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 <NAME>, <NAME>. @license: Licensed under the MIT license. """ import _winreg as winreg # Do this so Python 2to3 conversion works. import sys import cake.system _shownWow64Warning = False # Define locally here since some versions of the winreg module don't have them KEY_WOW64_64KEY = 0x0100 KEY_WOW64_32KEY = 0x0200 if cake.system.isWindows64(): _readAccessModes = (winreg.KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, winreg.KEY_READ | KEY_WOW64_32KEY) else: _readAccessModes = (winreg.KEY_READ,) def queryString(key, subKey, name): """Queries a string value from the Windows registry. On 64-bit Windows this function will first try to query the value from the 64-bit registry. If the value doesn't exist there it will then try to find the value in the 32-bit registry. @param key: The key to query, eg: winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE @type key: string @param subKey: The subkey to query, eg: r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft" @type subKey: string @param name: The name to query, eg: "InstallDir" @type name: string @return: The value queried. @rtype: string @raise WindowsError: If the value could not be found/read. """ for sam in _readAccessModes: try: keyHandle = winreg.OpenKey(key, subKey, 0, sam) try: return str(winreg.QueryValueEx(keyHandle, name)[0]) finally: winreg.CloseKey(keyHandle) except WindowsError: if sam is _readAccessModes[-1]: raise
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright FMR LLC <<EMAIL>> # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ Spock is a framework that helps manage complex parameter configurations for Python applications Please refer to the documentation provided in the """ from spock.addons.s3.configs import S3Config, S3DownloadConfig, S3UploadConfig __all__ = ["configs", "utils", "S3Config", "S3DownloadConfig", "S3UploadConfig"]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import pprint from enum import Enum from engine.datastore.models.paper_structure import PaperStructure from engine.datastore.models.text import Text from engine.preprocessing.text_processor import TextProcessor from engine.utils.objects.word_hist import WordHist class Section(PaperStructure): def __init__(self, data): self.heading_raw = data.get('heading_raw') self.heading_proceed = data.get('heading_proceed') if 'heading_proceed' in data else \ TextProcessor.proceed_string(data.get('heading_raw')) self.section_type = SectionType[data.get('section_type')] self.imrad_types = [IMRaDType[imrad_type] for imrad_type in data.get('imrad_types')] if 'imrad_types' in data else [] self.text = [Text(text) for text in data.get('text')] if 'text' in data else [] self.subsections = [Section(subsection) for subsection in data.get('subsections')] if 'subsections' in data else [] self.word_hist = WordHist(data.get('word_hist')) if "word_hist" in data else WordHist() def __str__(self): pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) return pp.pformat(self.to_dict()) def to_dict(self): data = {'section_type':, 'heading_raw': self.heading_raw, 'heading_proceed': self.heading_proceed, 'text': [], 'subsections': [], 'imrad_types': [], 'word_hist': self.word_hist} for text in self.text: data['text'].append(text.to_dict()) for subsection in self.subsections: data['subsections'].append(subsection.to_dict()) for imrad_type in self.imrad_types: data['imrad_types'].append( return data def get_combined_word_hist(self): if not self.word_hist: for word in self.heading_proceed.split(): self.word_hist[word] = self.word_hist[word] + 1 if word in self.word_hist else 1 for text in self.text: for word in text.text_proceed.split(): self.word_hist[word] = self.word_hist[word] + 1 if word in self.word_hist else 1 ret = WordHist(self.word_hist.copy()) for subsection in self.subsections: ret.append(subsection.get_combined_word_hist()) return ret def add_text_object(self, text_type, text_raw): if len(self.subsections): self.subsections[-1].add_text_object(text_type, text_raw) else: self.text.append(Text({"text_type":, "text_raw": text_raw})) def add_subsection(self, section_type, heading): self.subsections.append(Section({'section_type':, 'heading_raw': heading})) def add_to_imrad(self, imrad_type): if not any(imrad_type is x for x in self.imrad_types) and \ (not (self.heading_raw.isspace() or self.heading_raw is '')): self.imrad_types.append(imrad_type) for subsection in self.subsections: subsection.add_to_imrad(imrad_type) def title_exist(self): return bool(self.heading_proceed) def text_exist(self): return any([text for text in self.text if text.text_proceed]) class SectionType(Enum): ABSTRACT = 1 SECTION = 2 SUBSECTION = 3 SUBSUBSECTION = 4 class IMRaDType(Enum): ABSTRACT = 0 INTRODUCTION = 1 BACKGROUND = 2 METHODS = 3 RESULTS = 4 DISCUSSION = 5 ACKNOWLEDGE = 6
<gh_stars>100-1000 #!/usr/bin/env python # wujian@2018 import os import argparse import torch as th import numpy as np from conv_tas_net import ConvTasNet from libs.utils import load_json, get_logger from import WaveReader, write_wav logger = get_logger(__name__) class NnetComputer(object): def __init__(self, cpt_dir, gpuid): self.device = th.device( "cuda:{}".format(gpuid)) if gpuid >= 0 else th.device("cpu") nnet = self._load_nnet(cpt_dir) self.nnet = if gpuid >= 0 else nnet # set eval model self.nnet.eval() def _load_nnet(self, cpt_dir): nnet_conf = load_json(cpt_dir, "mdl.json") nnet = ConvTasNet(**nnet_conf) cpt_fname = os.path.join(cpt_dir, "") cpt = th.load(cpt_fname, map_location="cpu") nnet.load_state_dict(cpt["model_state_dict"])"Load checkpoint from {}, epoch {:d}".format( cpt_fname, cpt["epoch"])) return nnet def compute(self, samps): with th.no_grad(): raw = th.tensor(samps, dtype=th.float32, device=self.device) sps = self.nnet(raw) sp_samps = [np.squeeze(s.detach().cpu().numpy()) for s in sps] return sp_samps def run(args): mix_input = WaveReader(args.input, sample_rate=args.fs) computer = NnetComputer(args.checkpoint, args.gpu) for key, mix_samps in mix_input:"Compute on utterance {}...".format(key)) spks = computer.compute(mix_samps) norm = np.linalg.norm(mix_samps, np.inf) for idx, samps in enumerate(spks): samps = samps[:mix_samps.size] # norm samps = samps * norm / np.max(np.abs(samps)) write_wav( os.path.join(args.dump_dir, "spk{}/{}.wav".format( idx + 1, key)), samps, fs=args.fs)"Compute over {:d} utterances".format(len(mix_input))) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Command to do speech separation in time domain using ConvTasNet", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("checkpoint", type=str, help="Directory of checkpoint") parser.add_argument( "--input", type=str, required=True, help="Script for input waveform") parser.add_argument( "--gpu", type=int, default=-1, help="GPU device to offload model to, -1 means running on CPU") parser.add_argument( "--fs", type=int, default=8000, help="Sample rate for mixture input") parser.add_argument( "--dump-dir", type=str, default="sps_tas", help="Directory to dump separated results out") args = parser.parse_args() run(args)
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np def test_concatenate(): x = np.array([11, 22]) y = np.array([18, 7, 6]) z = np.array([1, 3, 5]) print np.concatenate((x,y,z)) def test_concatenate2(): x = np.array(range(24)) x = x.reshape((3,4,2)) y = np.array(range(100, 124)) y = y.reshape((3,4,2)) z0 = np.concatenate((x,y)) z1 = np.concatenate((x,y), axis = 1) z2 = np.concatenate((x,y), axis = 2) print z0 print z1 print z2 def test_slicing(): x = np.array([2, 5, 18, 14, 4]) y = x[:, np.newaxis] print x print y ''' ' This function is used for generating the one/zero matrix ''' def test_ones(): print "=============" x = np.ones((2, 3)) print x y = np.ones((3, 4), dtype=int) #add type for thies print y z = np.zeros((2, 4)) print z x = np.array([2,5,8,13,14,4]) print np.ones_like(x) print np.zeros_like(x) def main(): test_concatenate() test_concatenate2() test_slicing() test_ones() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import argparse import threading import subprocess import time from urlparse import urlparse import docker import etcd import json import logging import logging.handlers parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Docker Register') parser.add_argument('-e','--etcd-url', default='http://localhost:4001', help='etcd url (default: http://localhost:4001)') parser.add_argument('-d','--docker-url', default='unix://var/run/docker.sock', help='docker url (default: unix://var/run/docker.sock)') parser.add_argument('--docker-api-ver', default='1.23', help='docker api version (default: 1.23)') parser.add_argument('-t','--ttl', type=int, default=15, help='register ttl (default: 15)') parser.add_argument('-l','--log-path', default='.', help='log path (default: .)') args = parser.parse_args() etcdUrl = args.etcd_url dockerUrl = args.docker_url dockerApiVer = args.docker_api_ver ttl = args.ttl logPath = args.log_path logger = logging.getLogger('DockerRegister') handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logPath + '/docker-register.log', backupCount=10) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s] (%(levelname)s) %(name)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)'-- Parameters --------------------------')'etcdUrl = %s' % etcdUrl)'dockerUrl = %s' % dockerUrl)'dockerApiVer = %s' % dockerApiVer)'ttl = %d' % ttl)'logPath = %s' % logPath)'-----------------------------------------') class DockerRegister(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.dc = docker.Client(base_url=dockerUrl, version=dockerApiVer) = etcd.Client(host=urlparse(etcdUrl).hostname, port=urlparse(etcdUrl).port, protocol=urlparse(etcdUrl).scheme) self.internalIp = subprocess.check_output("ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}'", shell=True).strip() def getContainers(self): logger.debug('get container list...') bindedContainers = {} try: for container in self.dc.containers(): binded = [] for port in container['Ports']: if 'PublicPort' in port: binded.append('%s:%d-%d/%s'%(self.internalIp, port['PublicPort'], port['PrivatePort'], port['Type'])) if binded: key = container['Image'].split(':')[0] + '/' + container['Id'] bindedContainers[key] = ','.join(binded) except Exception: logger.exception('get containers fail') return None return bindedContainers def registerContainers(self, containers): logger.debug('register containers...') for key, value in containers.iteritems(): logger.debug('register %s' % key) try:'/containers/' + key, value, ttl=ttl) except Exception: logger.exception('etcd write fail') pass def run(self):'start agent!') while True: containers = self.getContainers() if containers: self.registerContainers(containers) time.sleep(10) pass if __name__ == '__main__': t = DockerRegister() t.start() t.join()
medium/103-Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order
""" Given a binary tree, return the zigzag level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, then right to left for the next level and alternate between). For example: Given binary tree [3,9,20,null,null,15,7], 3 / \ 9 20 / \ 15 7 return its zigzag level order traversal as: [ [3], [20,9], [15,7] ] """ # time complexity: O(n), space complexity: O(n) # I used two stacks here for clarity, one stores the layer that we should read from left to right and the other stores the layer that we should read from right to left and we just need to pay attention to what order we should follow when we put in the left and right children into the stack # Definition for a binary tree node. # class TreeNode: # def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None): # self.val = val # self.left = left # self.right = right class Solution: def zigzagLevelOrder(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]: result = [[]] stack_toright = [root] stack_toleft = [] toright = True size = 1 while stack_toright or stack_toleft: node = stack_toright.pop() if toright else stack_toleft.pop() size -= 1 if node: result[-1].append(node.val) if toright: if node.left: stack_toleft.append(node.left) if node.right: stack_toleft.append(node.right) else: if node.right: stack_toright.append(node.right) if node.left: stack_toright.append(node.left) if size == 0 and (stack_toright or stack_toleft): size = len(stack_toright) + len(stack_toleft) result.append([]) toright = not toright if result and not result[-1]: result.pop() return result
<reponame>davejlin/treehouse<gh_stars>0 import random CELLS = [(0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2)] player = (0,0) door = (0,0) dragon = (0,0) def set_initial_positions(): while True: player = random.choice(CELLS) door = random.choice(CELLS) dragon = random.choice(CELLS) if player != door and door != dragon and player != dragon: break return player, door, dragon def move_player(player, move): if move == 'UP': player = (player[0]-1, player[1]) elif move == 'DOWN': player = (player[0]+1, player[1]) elif move == 'RIGHT': player = (player[0], player[1]+1) elif move == 'LEFT': player = (player[0], player[1]-1) return player def get_moves(player): xPlayer = player[1] yPlayer = player[0] moves = [] if yPlayer > 0: moves.append('UP') if yPlayer < 2: moves.append('DOWN') if xPlayer < 2: moves.append('RIGHT') if xPlayer > 0: moves.append('LEFT') return moves def check_win_lose(player, door, dragon): if player == door: print("\n*** Congratulations! You escaped!! ***\n") return True elif player == dragon: print("\n*** Sorry, the dragon got you! ***\n") return True else: return False def draw_map(player): print(' _ _ _') tile = '|{}' for idx, cell in enumerate(CELLS): if idx in [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7]: if cell == player: print(tile.format('X'), end = '') else: print(tile.format('_'), end = '') else: if cell == player: print(tile.format('X|')) else: print(tile.format('_|')) # main print("Welcome to the dungeon!") (player, door, dragon) = set_initial_positions() while True: print("You're currently in room {}.".format(player)) draw_map(player) valid_moves = get_moves(player) print("You can move {}.".format(valid_moves)) print("Enter QUIT to quit.") move = input("> ") move = move.upper() if move == 'QUIT': break if move not in valid_moves: print("\n*** Sorry, you cannot move {}. Try again!\n".format(move)) continue player = move_player(player, move) if check_win_lose(player, door, dragon): break
# Generated by Django 2.0.3 on 2018-05-14 04:55 from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ('chat', '0004_auto_20180319_1220'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='chat', name='product_seller', field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='product_seller', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='chat', name='product_wanting_user', field=models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='product_wanting_user', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ), ]
class Event: def __init__(self,data,event=None): assert type(data) is dict, "data is of type {} not dict".format(type(data)) = data def __getattr__(self, item): if item not in return False output =[item] while type(output) is dict: output = Event(output) # So nested attributes work - probably a better way to do this return output def __repr__(self): if type( is dict: return else: return object.__repr__(self) def __str__(self): return str(self.__repr__()) # override to force string - repr can return dict
<gh_stars>0 from . import views from django.urls import path from django.contrib.auth import views as auth_views urlpatterns = [ path("",, path("register/", views.register, name="register"), path("login/", auth_views.LoginView.as_view(template_name = "accounts/login.html"), name="login"), path("logout/", auth_views.LogoutView.as_view(template_name = "accounts/logout.html"), name="logout"), path("password-reset/", auth_views.PasswordResetView.as_view(template_name="accounts/password_reset.html"), name="password_reset"), path("password-reset/done", auth_views.PasswordResetDoneView.as_view(template_name="accounts/password_reset_done.html"), name="password_reset_done"), path("password-reset-confirm/<uidb64>/<token>/", auth_views.PasswordResetConfirmView.as_view(template_name="accounts/password_reset_confirm.html"), name="password_reset_confirm"), path("password-reset-complete/", auth_views.PasswordResetCompleteView.as_view(template_name="accounts/password_reset_complete.html"), name="password_reset_complete"), path("activate/<uidb64>/<token>/", views.activate, name="activate"), path("profile/", views.profile, name="profile"), path("profile/payment_update/<int:pk>", views.payment_update, name="payment_update"), path("Money-requests/", views.MoneyRequests.as_view(), name="money_req"), path("Money-requests/handle", views.money_req_handle, name="money_req_handle"), path("profile/image-upload", views.image_upload, name="image_upload"), path("profile/update-info/<int:pk>/", views.UpdateSubscription.as_view(), name="update_subscription"), path("profile/update-info/<int:pk>/delete", views.DeleteSubscription.as_view(), name="delete_subscription"), path("profile/transfer", views.money_transfer, name= "transfer"), path("profile/transfer/to_wallet", views.to_wallet, name= "to_wallet"), path("profile/trans-status", views.trans_status, name="trans_status") ]
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import libvirt ## ## ## EU INPUT ## ## Created by <NAME> on 28/10/2017 ## Copyright (c) 2017 <NAME>. All rights reserved. ## class VSTB(object): ''' This class define, start, and then destroy and undefine the vSTB VMs ''' def __init__(self, base_path, domains): self.base_path = base_path self.conn ="qemu:///system") = domains def define_domans(self): ''' This methods load the proper xml file for each domain and then define the domain ''' for d in path = str("%s/%s/%s.xml" % (self.base_path, d, d)) vm_xml = self.read_file(path) self.conn.defineXML(vm_xml) def launch_domains(self): ''' This method start each domain ''' for d in dom = self.conn.lookupByName(d) dom.create() def stop_domains(self): ''' This method stop each domain (stop means that the vm is destroyed) ''' for d in dom = self.conn.lookupByName(d) dom.destroy() def undefine_domains(self): ''' This method undefine each domain ''' for d in dom = self.conn.lookupByName(d) dom.undefine() def read_file(self, file_path): ''' This method read a file from the filesystem ''' data = "" with open(file_path, 'r') as data_file: data = return data if __name__ == '__main__': print("########################################") print("###### vSTB VM Launcher ######") print("########################################") images_path = "/home/ubuntu/Scrivania/images" components = ['es','ea','cp','pa','dms','dmc','vdi'] vstb = VSTB(images_path, components) print(">>>> Defining Domains... <<<<") vstb.define_domans() print(">>>> [ DONE ] Defining Domains <<<<") print(">>>> Starting Domains... <<<<") vstb.launch_domains() print(">>>> [ DONE ] Starting Domains <<<<") print("########################################") print("##### vSTB Running #####") print("########################################") input("<<<< Press enter to stop the vSTB >>>>") print(">>>> Stopping Domains... <<<<") vstb.stop_domains() print(">>>> [ DONE ] Stopping Domains <<<<") print(">>>> Undefining Domains... <<<<") vstb.undefine_domains() print(">>>> [ DONE ] Undefining Domains <<<<") print("########################################") print("##### vSTB Stopped #####") print("########################################") print(">>>> Bye <<<<")
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import sys import django from import call_command import reviewboard if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'reviewboard.settings') if hasattr(django, 'setup'): # Django >= 1.7 django.setup() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(reviewboard.__file__)) sys.exit(call_command('compilemessages', interactive=False, verbosity=2))
<reponame>DazEB2/SimplePyScripts import os.path from pathlib import Path file_name = Path(os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop")).resolve() / "README_YOU_WERE_HACKED.txt" file_name.touch(exist_ok=True)
from rest_framework import serializers class ValidateSerializer(serializers.Serializer): class_label = serializers.IntegerField() confidence = serializers.FloatField()
<gh_stars>0 """ Start app """ from app import queen if __name__ == "__main__": """Main function for run application"""
from tests.utils import W3CTestCase class TestVerticalAlignSub(W3CTestCase): vars().update(W3CTestCase.find_tests(__file__, 'vertical-align-sub-'))
# Auto generated by Delete this line if you make modification. from scrapy.spiders import Rule from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor XPATH = { 'name' : "//div[@class='tensp']/h2", 'price' : "//div[@class='pd-right fr']/p[@class='p-price']", 'category' : "//ul[@class='breadcrumb all']/li/a", 'description' : "//div[@class='p-introduct all']/div[@class='content_tab_all']", 'images' : "//ul[@class='list_small']/li/a/@href", 'canonical' : "", 'base_url' : "", 'brand' : "" } name = 'giadungsmart.<EMAIL>' allowed_domains = [''] start_urls = [''] tracking_url = '' sitemap_urls = [''] sitemap_rules = [('', 'parse_item')] sitemap_follow = [] rules = [ Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=['/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\d.*\.html$']), 'parse_item'), Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=['/[a-zA-Z-]+\.html($|\?Page=\d+$)']), 'parse'), #Rule(LinkExtractor(), 'parse_item_and_links'), ]
import pygame import flappy from thread import callback import speech_recognition as sr import sys if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[2] == "False": r = sr.Recognizer() m = sr.Microphone() with m as source: r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) # we only need to calibrate once, before we start listening # start listening in the background (note that we don't have to do this inside a `with` statement) stop_listening = r.listen_in_background(m, callback) pygame.init() # initialize pygame pygame.display.set_caption('Flappy Birds For Handicapped People') flappy.play_game()
<reponame>jeongsoopark/Falcor def test_temporal_delay(): imageLoader = RenderPass("ImageLoader", {'filename': 'smoke-puff.png', 'mips': False, 'srgb': True}) depthPass = RenderPass("DepthPass") forwardLightingPass = RenderPass("ForwardLightingPass") temporalDelayPass = RenderPass("TemporalDelayPass", {"delay": 16}) graph = RenderGraph("Temporal Delay Graph") graph.addPass(imageLoader, "ImageLoader") graph.addPass(depthPass, "DepthPass") graph.addPass(forwardLightingPass, "ForwardLightingPass") graph.addPass(temporalDelayPass, "TemporalDelayPass") graph.addEdge("ImageLoader.dst", "ForwardLightingPass.color") graph.addEdge("DepthPass.depth", "ForwardLightingPass.depth") graph.addEdge("ForwardLightingPass.color", "TemporalDelayPass.src") graph.markOutput("TemporalDelayPass.maxDelay") return graph temporal_delay_graph = test_temporal_delay() m.addGraph(temporal_delay_graph)
<reponame>abr-98/Reinforcement-Learning import random import numpy as np from collections import namedtuple,deque class replayBuffer: transition=namedtuple('Transition',['s','a','r','s_','nd']) def __init__(self,capacity): self.capacity=capacity self.memory=deque([],maxlen=self.capacity) def push(self,s,a,r,s_,nd): tr=replayBuffer.transition(np.float32(s),a,r,np.float32(s_),nd) self.memory.append(tr) def sample(self,batch_size): tr_batch=random.choices(self.memory,k=batch_size) s=[];a=[];r=[];s_=[];nd=[] for tr in tr_batch: s.append(tr.s);a.append(tr.a);r.append(tr.r),s_.append(tr.s_),nd.append(tr.nd) return np.array(s),np.array(a),np.array(r),np.array(s_),np.uint8(nd)
from O365 import contact import unittest import json import time class Resp: def __init__(self,json_string,code=None): self.jsons = json_string self.status_code = code def json(self): return json.loads(self.jsons) contact_rep = open('contacts.json','r').read() contacts_json = json.loads(contact_rep) jeb = contacts_json['value'][0] bob = contacts_json['value'][2] t_string = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' urls = ['', '', '', ''] def delete(url,headers,auth): if url not in urls: print(url) raise BaseException('Url wrong') if auth[0] != '<EMAIL>': raise BaseException('wrong email') if auth[1] != 'pass': raise BaseException('wrong password') if headers['Content-type'] != 'application/json': raise BaseException('header wrong value for content-type.') if headers['Accept'] != 'text/plain': raise BaseException('header accept wrong.') return Resp(None,204) contact.requests.delete = delete def post(url,data,headers,auth): if url not in urls: raise BaseException('Url wrong') if auth[0] != '<EMAIL>': raise BaseException('wrong email') if auth[1] != 'pass': raise BaseException('wrong password') if headers['Content-type'] != 'application/json': raise BaseException('header wrong value for content-type.') if headers['Accept'] != 'application/json': raise BaseException('header accept wrong.') if json.loads(data) != jeb and json.loads(data) != bob: raise BaseException('data is wrong.') return Resp(data,202) #return True = post def patch(url,data,headers,auth): if url not in urls: raise BaseException('Url wrong') if auth[0] != '<EMAIL>': raise BaseException('wrong email') if auth[1] != 'pass': raise BaseException('wrong password') if headers['Content-type'] != 'application/json': raise BaseException('header wrong value for content-type.') if headers['Accept'] != 'application/json': raise BaseException('header accept wrong.') return Resp(data,202) #return True contact.requests.patch = patch auth = ('<EMAIL>','<PASSWORD>') class TestInbox (unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.jeb = contact.Contact(jeb,auth) self.bob = contact.Contact(bob,auth) def test_create(self): self.assertTrue(self.jeb.create()) self.assertTrue(self.bob.create()) def test_update(self): self.assertTrue(self.jeb.update()) self.assertTrue(self.bob.update()) def test_delete(self): self.assertTrue(self.jeb.delete()) self.assertTrue(self.bob.delete()) def test_auth(self): self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>',self.jeb.auth[0]) self.assertEqual('pass',self.jeb.auth[1]) self.assertEqual('<EMAIL>',self.bob.auth[0]) self.assertEqual('pass',self.bob.auth[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from random import randint as rint from sys import stderr, exit wordlist = [] GREEN, YELLOW, GRAY = ('0', '1', '2') def info(): """ Wordle Game Solver Created by Leo (<NAME>), 2022 Any suggestion is welcome! Check my code at """ return def showrule(): print('========================================================================') print('If the result is GREEN, enter 0') print('If the result is YELLOW, enter 1') print('If the result is GRAY, enter 2') print('Only a string with length = 5 and contains ONLY 0, 1, 2 is ACCEPTED!') print('ex. Enter 12200 if the result is "yellow gray gray green green".') print('========================================================================') input('\nReady to start? (Press ENTER to continue)') def getword(): idx = rint(0, len(wordlist) - 1) return wordlist[idx] def readfile(): global wordlist with open('wordlist.txt', 'r') as fh: wordlist = list(map(lambda w: w[:-1] if w[-1] == '\n' else w, fh.readlines())) def check_r(res: str) -> bool: if len(res) != 5: return False for ch in res: if ch not in ['0', '1', '2']: return False return True def update(word: str, res: str): global wordlist try: assert check_r(res) if res != '00000': wordlist.remove(word) for i in range(5): invalid = [] if res[i] == GREEN: # correct character + correct position for w in wordlist: if w[i] != word[i]: invalid.append(w) elif res[i] == YELLOW: # correct character + wrong position for w in wordlist: if word[i] not in w: invalid.append(w) elif w[i] == word[i]: invalid.append(w) elif res[i] == GRAY: # wrong character for w in wordlist: if word[i] in w: special_case = False for j in range(5): if i != j and word[i] == word[j] and res[j] in [GREEN, YELLOW]: special_case = True if not special_case: invalid.append(w) # else: # print(f'{w} is a special case') for i_word in invalid: wordlist.remove(i_word) except: stderr.write('Invalid result!\n') exit(-1) def run(): print(info.__doc__) readfile() showrule() word = getword() while len(set(word)) != 5: word = getword() print(f'Try to guess "{word}". What is the result? ', end = '') res = input() update(word, res) # print(f'len = {len(wordlist)}') # print(wordlist) while res != '00000': word = getword() print(f'Try to guess "{word}". What is the result? ', end = '') res = input() update(word, res) # print(f'len = {len(wordlist)}') # print(wordlist) print('Congratulations!') if __name__ == '__main__': run()
<gh_stars>0 ## There are 2 types of loops: # definite iteration # and indefinite iteration until the program determines to stop it ## for loop: control statement that most easily supports definite iteration for eachPass in range(4): print("It's alive!", end = " ") number = 2 exponential = 3 product = 1 for i in range(exponential): product = product * number print(product, end = " ") ## Compute sum of a sequence of numbers from a lowers bound through an upper bound lower = int(input("Enter the lower bound: ")) upper = int(input("Enter the upper bound: ")) thesum = 0 for number in range (lower, upper + 1): thesum += number print(thesum)
<gh_stars>0 from tkinter import * def rechnen(): if operator.curselection() == (0,): ausgabe["text"] = float(zahl1.get()) + float(zahl2.get()) elif operator.curselection() == (1,): ausgabe["text"] = float(zahl1.get()) - float(zahl2.get()) elif operator.curselection() == (2,): ausgabe["text"] = float(zahl1.get()) * float(zahl2.get()) elif operator.curselection() == (3,): ausgabe["text"] = float(zahl1.get()) / float(zahl2.get()) window = Tk() window.title("Taschenrechner") zahl1 = Entry(window) operator = Listbox(window) operator.insert(0, "+") operator.insert(1, "-") operator.insert(2, "*") operator.insert(3, "/") zahl2 = Entry(window) button = Button(window, command=rechnen, text="Los", bg='#FBD975') ausgabe = Label(window) zahl1.grid(row=0, column=0) operator.grid(row=0, column=1) zahl2.grid(row=0, column=2) button.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=E) ausgabe.grid(row=2) window.mainloop()
<filename>Shellcodes/Encoder-Scripts/ #! /bin/python original_shellcode=("Enter the shellcode") encoder_byte="Enter the encoder byte" encoded_shellcode_format1=[] encoded_shellcode_format2=[] for byt in bytearray(original_shellcode): xor=byt^encoder_byte xor="%02x" %xor xor1="\\x" + xor xor2="0x" + xor +"," encoded_shellcode_format1.append(xor1) encoded_shellcode_format2.append(xor2) print("Format 1:\n") print''.join(encoded_shellcode_format1) print("\n\n\n") print("Format 2:\n") print''.join(encoded_shellcode_format2) print("\n") print("Length:" +str(len(bytearray(original_shellcode))))
<reponame>Surya2709/FlaskSwaggerDemo<filename>swagger_server/controllers/ import connexion import six from swagger_server.models.alert import Alert # noqa: E501 from swagger_server.models.alert_array import AlertArray # noqa: E501 from swagger_server.models.updatealert import Updatealert # noqa: E501 from swagger_server import util def alert_delete(alert_id): # noqa: E501 """delete alert takes the alert id as feed to remove the alert from the alert list # noqa: E501 :param alert_id: id of the alert need to be removed :type alert_id: str :rtype: None """ return 'do some magic!' def alert_get(alert_id=None): # noqa: E501 """obtain alert list get method to obtain all the alerts # noqa: E501 :param alert_id: identifier for the alert :type alert_id: str :rtype: AlertArray """ return 'do some magic!' def alert_post(body): # noqa: E501 """add alerts Adds the alerts into the list # noqa: E501 :param body: :type body: list | bytes :rtype: None """ if connexion.request.is_json: body = [Alert.from_dict(d) for d in connexion.request.get_json()] # noqa: E501 return 'do some magic!' def alert_put(body): # noqa: E501 """update the alerts updates the alerts in the alerts list # noqa: E501 :param body: :type body: dict | bytes :rtype: None """ if connexion.request.is_json: body = Updatealert.from_dict(connexion.request.get_json()) # noqa: E501 return 'do some magic!'
# pylint: disable-all tests = [ (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3), (6, 8), (7, 13), (8, 21), (9, 34), (10, 55), (11, 89), (12, 144), (13, 233), (14, 377), (15, 610), (17, 1597), (18, 2584), (19, 4181), (20, 6765), ]
from asitiger.status import ( AxisEnabledStatus, AxisStatus, JoystickStatus, LimitStatus, MotorStatus, RampingDirection, RampingStatus, Status, status_from_decimal, statuses_for_rdstat, ) RDSTAT_RESPONSE = ":A 10N 138" def test_status_from_decimal_types(): axis = status_from_decimal(210) assert isinstance(axis.status, Status) assert isinstance(axis.enabled, AxisEnabledStatus) assert isinstance(axis.motor, MotorStatus) assert isinstance(axis.joystick, JoystickStatus) assert isinstance(axis.ramping, RampingStatus) assert isinstance(axis.ramping_direction, RampingDirection) assert isinstance(axis.upper_limit, LimitStatus) assert isinstance(axis.lower_limit, LimitStatus) def test_status_from_decimal_values(): axis = status_from_decimal(210) assert axis.status == Status.IDLE assert axis.enabled == AxisEnabledStatus.ENABLED assert axis.motor == MotorStatus.INACTIVE assert axis.joystick == JoystickStatus.DISABLED assert axis.ramping == RampingStatus.RAMPING assert axis.ramping_direction == RampingDirection.DOWN assert axis.upper_limit == LimitStatus.CLOSED assert axis.lower_limit == LimitStatus.CLOSED def test_statuses_for_rdstat_split(): axes = statuses_for_rdstat(RDSTAT_RESPONSE) assert len(axes) == 3 def test_statuses_for_rdstat_types(): axes = statuses_for_rdstat(RDSTAT_RESPONSE) assert isinstance(axes[0], AxisStatus) assert isinstance(axes[1], Status) assert isinstance(axes[2], AxisStatus) def test_from_flag_str(): assert Status.from_flag("N") == Status.IDLE assert Status.from_flag("B") == Status.BUSY
import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F import pytorch_lightning as pl import kornia from .voxelmorph2d import VxmDense,NCC,Grad,Dice from monai.losses import BendingEnergyLoss,GlobalMutualInformationLoss,DiceLoss,LocalNormalizedCrossCorrelationLoss from kornia.filters import sobel, gaussian_blur2d,canny,spatial_gradient class LabelProp(pl.LightningModule): @property def automatic_optimization(self): return False def norm(self, x): if len(x.shape)==4: x = kornia.enhance.normalize_min_max(x) elif len(x.shape)==3: x= kornia.enhance.normalize_min_max(x[:, None, ...])[:,0, ...] else: x = kornia.enhance.normalize_min_max(x[None, None, ...])[0, 0, ...] return x def __init__(self,n_channels=1,n_classes=2,learning_rate=5e-3,weight_decay=1e-8,way='up',shape=256,selected_slices=None,losses={},by_composition=False): super().__init__() self.n_classes = n_classes self.learning_rate=learning_rate self.weight_decay=weight_decay self.selected_slices=selected_slices #Used in validation step if isinstance(shape,int):shape=[shape,shape] self.registrator= VxmDense(shape,bidir=False,int_downsize=1,int_steps=7) self.way=way #If up, learning only "forward" transitions (phi_i->j with j>i). Other choices : "down", "both". Bet you understood ;) self.by_composition=by_composition self.loss_model = MTL_loss(['sim','seg','comp','smooth']) self.losses=losses if self.by_composition: print('Using composition for training') print('Losses',losses) self.save_hyperparameters() def apply_deform(self,x,field): """Apply deformation to x from flow field Args: x (Tensor): Image or mask to deform (BxCxHxW) field (Tensor): Deformation field (Bx2xHxW) Returns: Tensor: Transformed image """ return self.registrator.transformer(x,field) def compose_list(self,flows): flows=list(flows) compo=flows[-1] for flow in reversed(flows[:-1]): compo=self.compose_deformation(flow,compo) return compo def compose_deformation(self,flow_i_k,flow_k_j): """ Returns flow_k_j(flow_i_k(.)) flow Args: flow_i_k flow_k_j Returns: [Tensor]: Flow field flow_i_j = flow_k_j(flow_i_k(.)) """ flow_i_j= flow_k_j+self.apply_deform(flow_i_k,flow_k_j) return flow_i_j def forward(self, moving,target,registration=True): """ Args: moving (Tensor): Moving image (BxCxHxW) target ([type]): Fixed image (BxCxHxW) registration (bool, optional): If False, also return non-integrated inverse flow field. Else return the integrated one. Defaults to False. Returns: moved (Tensor): Moved image field (Tensor): Deformation field from moving to target """ return self.registrator.forward(moving,target,registration=registration) # def multi_level_training(self,moving,target,level=3): # """ # Args: # moving (Tensor): Moving image (BxCxHxW) # target ([type]): Fixed image (BxCxHxW) # registration (bool, optional): If False, also return non-integrated inverse flow field. Else return the integrated one. Defaults to False. # Returns: # moved (Tensor): Moved image # field (Tensor): Deformation field from moving to target # """ # stack_moved=[] # stack_field=[] # stack_preint=[] # resampling=torch.nn.Upsample(size=self.shape,mode='bilinear',align_corners=True) # for i in range(level): # downsampling=nn.Upsample(scale_factor=1/(i+1), mode='bilinear',align_corners=True) # downsampled_moving=downsampling(moving) # downsampled_target=downsampling(target) # moved,field,preint_field=self.forward(downsampled_moving,downsampled_target) # self.compute_loss(moved,target,field=field) # stack_moved.append(moved) # stack_field.append(field) # stack_preint.append(preint_field) # return torch.stack(stack_moved,0).mean(0),torch.stack(stack_field,0).mean(0),torch.stack(stack_preint,0).mean(0) def compute_loss(self,moved=None,target=None,moved_mask=None,target_mask=None,field=None): """ Args: moved : Transformed anatomical image target : Target anatomical image moved_mask : Transformed mask target_mask : Target mask field : Velocity field (=non integrated) """ losses={} if moved!=None: # max_peak=F.conv2d(target,target).sum() # loss_ncc=-F.conv2d(moved,target).sum()/max_peak#+NCC().loss(moved,target) # loss_ncc=NCC().loss(moved,target) loss_ncc=GlobalMutualInformationLoss()(moved,target)*0.8 #MONAI # loss_ncc=LocalNormalizedCrossCorrelationLoss(spatial_dims=2, kernel_size=99)(moved,target) #MONAI # loss_ncc=nn.MSELoss()(moved,target) losses['sim']=loss_ncc if moved_mask!=None: # loss_seg= Dice().loss(moved_mask,target_mask) loss_seg=DiceLoss(include_background=False)(moved_mask,target_mask)-1 losses['seg']=loss_seg if field!=None: # loss_trans=BendingEnergyLoss()(field) #MONAI loss_trans=Grad().loss(field,field) losses['smooth']=loss_trans #Return dict of losses return losses#{'sim': loss_ncc,'seg':loss_seg,'smooth':loss_trans} def compute_contour_loss(self,img,moved_mask): #Compute contour loss mag,mask_contour=canny(moved_mask[:,1:2]) # edges,mag=canny(img) return BendingEnergyLoss()(mag) def weighting_loss(self,losses): """ Args: losses (dict): Dictionary of losses Returns: loss (Tensor): Weighted loss """ def blend(self,x,y): #For visualization x=self.norm(x) blended=torch.stack([y,x,x]) return blended def training_step(self, batch, batch_nb): X,Y=batch # X : Full scan (1x1xLxHxW) | Y : Ground truth (1xCxLxHxW) y_opt=self.optimizers() dices_prop=[] Y_multi_lab=torch.clone(Y) for lab in list(range(Y_multi_lab.shape[1]))[1:]: chunks=[] chunk=[] #Binarize ground truth according to the label Y=torch.stack([1-Y_multi_lab[:,lab],Y_multi_lab[:,lab]],dim=1) #Identifying chunks (i->j) for i in range(X.shape[2]): y=Y[:,:,i,...] if len(torch.unique(torch.argmax(y,1)))>1: chunk.append(i) if len(chunk)==2: chunks.append(chunk) chunk=[i] if self.current_epoch==0: print(lab,chunks) for chunk in chunks: y_opt.zero_grad() #Sequences of flow fields (field_up=forward, field_down=backward) fields_up=[] fields_down=[] loss_up_sim=[] loss_up_smooth=[] loss_down_sim=[] loss_down_smooth=[] loss=0 losses={'sim':None,'seg':None,'comp':None,'smooth':None} for i in range(chunk[0],chunk[1]): #Computing flow fields and loss for each hop from chunk[0] to chunk[1] x1=X[:,:,i,...] x2=X[:,:,i+1,...] if not self.way=='down': moved_x1,field_up,preint_field=self.forward(x1,x2,registration=False) cur_loss=self.compute_loss(moved_x1,x2,field=preint_field) loss_up_sim.append(cur_loss['sim']) loss_up_smooth.append(cur_loss['smooth']) # field_down=self.registrator.integrate(-preint_field) # moved_x2=self.registrator.transformer(x2,field_down) # loss_up_sim.append(self.compute_loss(moved_x2,x1)['sim']) fields_up.append(field_up) # if len(fields_up)>0: # field_up_2=self.compose_deformation(fields_up[-1],field_up) # loss_up.append(self.compute_loss(self.apply_deform(X[:,:,i-1],field_up_2),x2)) if not self.way=='up': moved_x2,field_down,preint_field=self.forward(x2,x1,registration=False)# fields_down.append(field_down) moved_x2=self.registrator.transformer(x2,field_down) cur_loss=self.compute_loss(moved_x2,x1,field=preint_field) loss_down_sim.append(cur_loss['sim']) loss_down_smooth.append(cur_loss['smooth']) # field_up=self.registrator.integrate(-preint_field) # moved_x1=self.registrator.transformer(x1,field_up) # loss_down_sim.append(self.compute_loss(moved_x1,x2)['sim']) # if len(fields_down)>0: # field_down_2=self.compose_deformation(fields_down[-1],field_down) # loss_down.append(self.compute_loss(self.apply_deform(X[:,:,i+1],field_down_2),x1)) #Better with mean if self.way=='up': loss=torch.stack(loss_up).mean() elif self.way=='down': loss=torch.stack(loss_down).mean() else: losses['sim']=torch.stack(loss_up_sim).mean()+torch.stack(loss_down_sim).mean() losses['smooth']=torch.stack(loss_up_smooth).mean()+torch.stack(loss_down_smooth).mean() # loss=(loss_up+loss_down) # Computing registration from the sequence of flow fields if not self.way=='down': prop_x_up=X[:,:,chunk[0],...] prop_y_up=Y[:,:,chunk[0],...] composed_fields_up=self.compose_list(fields_up) if self.by_composition: prop_x_up=self.apply_deform(prop_x_up,composed_fields_up) prop_y_up=self.apply_deform(prop_y_up,composed_fields_up) else: for i,field_up in enumerate(fields_up): prop_x_up=self.apply_deform(prop_x_up,field_up) prop_y_up=self.apply_deform(prop_y_up,field_up) losses['contours']=self.compute_contour_loss(X[:,:,chunk[0]+i+1],prop_y_up) if self.losses['compo-reg-up']: losses['comp']=self.compute_loss(prop_x_up,X[:,:,chunk[1],...])['sim'] if self.losses['compo-dice-up']: dice_loss=self.compute_loss(moved_mask=prop_y_up,target_mask=Y[:,:,chunk[1],...])['seg'] losses['seg']=dice_loss dices_prop.append(dice_loss) if not self.way=='up': prop_x_down=X[:,:,chunk[1],...] prop_y_down=Y[:,:,chunk[1],...] composed_fields_down=self.compose_list(fields_down[::-1]) if self.by_composition: prop_x_down=self.apply_deform(prop_x_down,composed_fields_down) prop_y_down=self.apply_deform(prop_y_down,composed_fields_down) else: i=1 for field_down in reversed(fields_down): prop_x_down=self.apply_deform(prop_x_down,field_down) prop_y_down=self.apply_deform(prop_y_down,field_down) losses['contours']+=self.compute_contour_loss(X[:,:,chunk[1]-i],prop_y_down) i+=1 if self.losses['compo-reg-down']: losses['comp']+=self.compute_loss(prop_x_down,X[:,:,chunk[0],...])['sim'] if self.losses['compo-dice-down']: dice_loss=self.compute_loss(moved_mask=prop_y_down,target_mask=Y[:,:,chunk[0],...])['seg'] losses['seg']+=dice_loss dices_prop.append(dice_loss) #Additionnal loss to ensure sequences (images and masks) generated from "positive" and "negative" flows are equal # if self.way=='both': # #This helps # if self.losses['bidir-cons-dice']: # loss+=self.compute_loss(moved_mask=prop_y_down,target_mask=prop_y_up) # #This breaks stuff # if self.losses['bidir-cons-reg']: # loss+=self.compute_loss(prop_x_up,prop_x_down) # loss+=nn.L1Loss()(self.apply_deform(X[:,:,chunk[0],...], self.compose_deformation(composed_fields_up,composed_fields_down)),X[:,:,chunk[0],...]) # loss+=nn.L1Loss()(self.apply_deform(X[:,:,chunk[1],...], self.compose_deformation(composed_fields_down,composed_fields_up)),X[:,:,chunk[1],...]) loss=losses['seg']+losses['sim']+losses['contours']#+losses['smooth']#torch.stack([v for v in losses.values()]).mean() # loss=self.loss_model(losses) self.log_dict({'loss':loss},prog_bar=True) self.manual_backward(loss) y_opt.step() # self.logger.experiment.add_image('x_true',X[0,:,chunk[0],...]) # self.logger.experiment.add_image('prop_x_down',prop_x_down[0,:,0,...]) # self.logger.experiment.add_image('x_true_f',X[0,:,chunk[1],...]) # self.logger.experiment.add_image('prop_x_up',prop_x_up[0,:,-1,...]) if len(dices_prop)>0: dices_prop=-torch.stack(dices_prop).mean() self.log('val_accuracy',dices_prop) print(dices_prop) else: self.log('val_accuracy',self.current_epoch) return loss def register_images(self,moving,target,moving_mask): moved,field=self.forward(moving,target,registration=True) return moved,self.apply_deform(moving_mask,field),field def configure_optimizers(self): return torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.weight_decay,amsgrad=True) def hardmax(self,Y,dim): return torch.moveaxis(F.one_hot(torch.argmax(Y,dim),self.n_classes), -1, dim) class MTL_loss(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, losses): super().__init__() start=1. self.lw={} self.sigmas = nn.ParameterDict() for k in losses: self.lw[k]= start self.set_dict(self.lw) def set_dict(self, dic): self.lw = dic for k in dic.keys(): if dic[k] > 0: self.sigmas[k] = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1) * dic[k]) def forward(self, loss_dict): loss = 0 with torch.set_grad_enabled(True): for k in loss_dict.keys(): if k in self.lw.keys(): loss +=0.5 * loss_dict[k] / (self.sigmas[k])**2 + torch.log(self.sigmas[k]) return loss
<filename>bangpy-ops/ops/sum/<gh_stars>0 # Copyright (C) [2021] by Cambricon, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # pylint: disable=missing-docstring, invalid-name, too-many-locals """A multi-platform code link example test for BANGPy TCP.""" import numpy as np import bangpy from bangpy import tcp from bangpy.common import utils, load_op_by_type from bangpy.platform.bang_config import ALIGN_LENGTH, TARGET from bangpy.tcp.runtime import TaskType from bangpy.tcp.util import round_up, round_down DTYPES = [bangpy.float32] TARGET_LIST = ["mlu290"] KERNEL_NAME = "exp" class Exp(object): """Operator description: Add the data in the two buffers. """ def __init__(self, dtype, target, task_num): self.dtype = dtype = target self.task_num = task_num self.bp = tcp.TCP(target) self.length = self.bp.SizeVar("length") self.nram_size = TARGET(target).nram_size self.dtype_sz = dtype.bytes self.col_count = self.bp.Var("col_count") self.row_count = self.bp.Var("row_count") self.bp.launch_task(self.task_num, 1, 1) # buffer 源数据 # start_index 起始索引 # end_index 结束索引 # 计算一维数组 start_index 至 end_index 范围内的和 并将结果写在start_index除 def one_dimensional_sum(self,buffer,start_index,end_index): data_length = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"data_length",end_index - start_index +1 )#传进来得数据长度 count_for_128_align =self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"count_for_128_align",128 // self.dtype_sz)#128字节是几个占几个索引 remain = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"remain",data_length % count_for_128_align)#128对齐后 不足对齐得数据个数 current_end_index = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"current_end_index",end_index - remain +1)#刨去不足后 剩余可以对齐长度得末尾索引 +1是因为python数组切片语法[a:b]会对b自动-1 这里图省事就直接加上 #将末尾不能对齐的部分循环加到第一个元素上 with self.bp.if_scope(remain != 0): with self.bp.if_scope(current_end_index != 0): with self.bp.for_range(0,remain) as i: buffer[start_index] = buffer[start_index] + buffer[current_end_index + i] with self.bp.else_scope(): with self.bp.for_range(0,remain -1) as j: buffer[start_index] = buffer[start_index] + buffer[current_end_index + j +1] data_length.assign(data_length - remain)#刨除不足部分 重新定义数据长度 #当数据长度不足一次对齐时 不进行下面 #当满足一次对齐时 对其直接进行sum #1.每行128字节 #2.算出多少行 #3.reshape (行,128字节数据个数) #3.对其sumpool 因为之后每行第一个元素是需要的 所以最终结果直接在buffer[start_index]上 with self.bp.if_scope(data_length>=count_for_128_align): self.bp.print(buffer[0:64]) self.bp.sum(buffer[start_index:current_end_index],buffer[start_index:current_end_index]) #self.bp.print("sumpool->",buffer[start_index]) row = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"row",data_length/count_for_128_align) reshape_buffer = buffer[start_index:current_end_index].reshape([row,count_for_128_align]) self.bp.sumpool(reshape_buffer,reshape_buffer,(row,),(1,)) # self.bp.print("sumpool->",buffer[start_index]) def two_dimension_row_sum(self,buffer,row_count,col_count):#按行 计算二维数组每行的和 结果放在每行首位 with self.bp.for_range(0,row_count) as i: self.one_dimensional_sum(buffer[i][:],0,col_count-1) #buffer 源数据 #temp_buffer 与buffer所占内存空间大小相等的nram存储 #row_count 行数 #col_count 列数 #该函数将计算传入的行数 0 - row_count 列数0 - col_count的这个矩形范围内每列的和 并将结果写在源数据的首行 def two_dimension_col_sum(self,buffer,temp_buffer,row_count,col_count): count_for_128_align =self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"count_for_128_align",128 // self.dtype_sz) # 当前数据类型下 128个字节 对应了多少个元素 col_remain = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"col_remain",col_count % count_for_128_align) current_col_count = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"current_col_count",col_count - col_remain) with self.bp.if_scope(col_remain != 0): with self.bp.for_range(0,col_remain) as i: current_col_index = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"current_col_index",col_count - i -1) with self.bp.for_range(0,row_count - 1) as j: buffer[0][current_col_index] = buffer[0][current_col_index] + buffer[j + 1][current_col_index] with self.bp.if_scope(col_count >= count_for_128_align): reshape_buffer = temp_buffer.reshape([row_count,current_col_count]) #self.bp.print("data_before_calc->",buffer[0]) self.bp.memcpy(reshape_buffer[:,:],buffer[:,0:current_col_count]) self.bp.sumpool(reshape_buffer,reshape_buffer,(row_count,),(1,)) #self.bp.print("temp_after_calc->",reshape_buffer[0]) self.bp.memcpy(buffer[0][0:current_col_count],reshape_buffer[0][0:current_col_count]) #self.bp.print("data_res->",buffer[0]) def compute_body(self): one_core_count = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"one_core_count") remain = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"remain") current_core_start = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"current_core_start") #当前核心数据开始索引 current_core_end = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"current_core_end") #当前核心数据结束索引 total_count_in_core = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"total_count_in_core") calc_loop_count = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"calc_loop_count") once_loop_start = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"once_loop_start") calc_size = self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"calc_size") nram_avable_size = round_down( (TARGET( - 30* 1024) // 2 ,128)#self.bp.Scalar(bangpy.int32,"nram_avable_size") one_core_count.assign(self.length // self.task_num)#每个核均摊计算量(按索引分) remain.assign(self.length % self.task_num)#分任务时的余数 process_count = nram_avable_size // self.dtype_sz #核心一次最多计算的长度 with self.bp.if_scope(self.bp.taskId < remain): #如果存在余数 将其均摊给各核 taskId从0起 current_core_start.assign((one_core_count + 1) * self.bp.taskId ) current_core_end.assign((one_core_count + 1) * (self.bp.taskId + 1) - 1) #此处应该不需要减1 待验证 python切片会自动将上标减1 with self.bp.else_scope(): current_core_start.assign((one_core_count + 1) * remain + one_core_count * (self.bp.taskId - remain)) current_core_end.assign((one_core_count + 1) * remain + one_core_count * (self.bp.taskId - remain) + one_core_count - 1) total_count_in_core.assign(current_core_end - current_core_start + 1) # buffer_in0 = self.bp.Buffer( # shape=(self.length,), name="INPUT0", dtype=self.dtype, scope="global" # ) buffer_in0 = self.bp.Buffer( shape=(self.length,), name="INPUT0", dtype=self.dtype, scope="global" ) buffer_out = self.bp.Buffer( shape=(self.length,), name="OUTPUT", dtype=self.dtype, scope="global" ) nram_buffer_in0 = self.bp.Buffer( shape=(process_count,), name="GALA_IN", dtype=self.dtype, scope="nram", ) test_buffer = self.bp.Buffer( shape=(process_count,), name="test_buffer", dtype=self.dtype, scope="nram", ) calc_loop_count.assign((total_count_in_core + process_count - 1) // process_count) with self.bp.for_range(0, calc_loop_count) as i: once_loop_start.assign(current_core_start + process_count * i) #当前核心数据开始的位置 + 第i次循环所应偏移的长度 with self.bp.if_scope(i < calc_loop_count - 1): calc_size.assign(process_count) with self.bp.else_scope(): calc_size.assign(total_count_in_core % process_count) with self.bp.block("data_copy"): self.bp.memcpy(nram_buffer_in0[0:calc_size], buffer_in0[once_loop_start:once_loop_start + calc_size]) self.bp.print("calc_size-->",calc_size) #self.one_dimensional_sum(nram_buffer_in0,0,calc_size -1) row_count = self.bp.Scalar(dtype = bangpy.int32,name = "row_count",value = self.row_count) col_count = self.bp.Scalar(dtype = bangpy.int32,name = "col_count",value = self.col_count) reshape_buffer = nram_buffer_in0[0:calc_size].reshape([row_count,col_count])# (33,33) #二维数组按列求和 #此处需注意 第二个buffer参数上标索引越界的问题 此处只是展示 并未进行处理 实际使用时应以每次传入函数数据的实际尺寸计算 self.two_dimension_col_sum(reshape_buffer,test_buffer[0:row_count*col_count],row_count,col_count) self.bp.memcpy(buffer_out[once_loop_start:once_loop_start + calc_size], nram_buffer_in0[:calc_size]) # build a executable module f = self.bp.BuildBANG( inputs=[buffer_in0,self.row_count,self.col_count,], outputs=[buffer_out], kernel_name=KERNEL_NAME, ) return f @tcp.register_mlu_op(DTYPES, TARGET_LIST, KERNEL_NAME) def build_exp(dtype=None, target=None): # tasktype fixed in UNION1 task_num = 1 #由4 改为64 f = Exp(dtype, target, task_num).compute_body() return f
<reponame>abeersaqib/crank<filename>crank/net/module/ #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:fenc=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. """ """ import librosa import scipy.signal import torch import torch.nn as nn class MLFBLayer(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, fs=22050, fft_size=1024, n_mels=80, fmin=None, fmax=None, eps=1.0e-10 ): super().__init__() fmin = 0 if fmin is None else fmin fmax = fs / 2 if fmax is None else fmax mel_basis = librosa.filters.mel( sr=fs, n_fft=fft_size, n_mels=n_mels, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, ) self.eps = eps self.register_buffer("mel_basis", torch.from_numpy(mel_basis.T).float()) def forward( self, x, ): mlfb = torch.matmul(x, self.mel_basis) mlfb = torch.clamp(mlfb, min=self.eps).log10() return mlfb class STFTLayer(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, fs=22050, hop_size=256, fft_size=1024, win_length=None, window="hann", center=True, pad_mode="reflect", return_complex=False, ): super().__init__() self.hop_size = hop_size self.fft_size = fft_size self.win_length = fft_size if win_length is None else win_length = center self.pad_mode = pad_mode self.return_complex = return_complex """ prepare window parameter type of window - "hann": hanning window - "param": parameter-based window - "conv": convolution-based window """ self.window_type = window if window == "param": win = scipy.signal.get_window("hann", self.win_length).astype(float) self.register_parameter( "window", nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(win), requires_grad=True) ) elif window == "conv": kernel_size = 65 self.window_conv = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d( in_channels=1, out_channels=24, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2, ), nn.Sigmoid(), ) else: self.window = window def forward(self, x): if self.window_type == "param": window = self.window elif self.window_type == "conv": x = x.unsqueeze(-1).transpose(1, 2) x = torch.mean(self.window_conv(x).transpose(1, 2), -1) window = None else: f = getattr(torch, f"{self.window}_window") window = f(self.win_length, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device) stft = torch.stft( x, n_fft=self.fft_size, win_length=self.win_length, hop_length=self.hop_size, window=window,, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, return_complex=self.return_complex, ) return stft.transpose(1, 2).float() class MLFBScalerLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, scaler): super().__init__() self.register_parameter( "mean", nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(scaler.mean_).float(), requires_grad=False), ) self.register_parameter( "std", nn.Parameter( torch.from_numpy(scaler.var_).float().sqrt(), requires_grad=False ), ) def forward(self, x): return (x - self.mean) / self.std class LogMelFilterBankLayer(nn.Module): def __init__( self, fs=22050, hop_size=256, fft_size=1024, win_length=None, window="hann", center=True, pad_mode="reflect", n_mels=80, fmin=None, fmax=None, scaler=None, ): super().__init__() self.stft_layer = STFTLayer( fs, hop_size, fft_size, win_length, window, center=center, pad_mode=pad_mode, ) self.mlfb_layer = MLFBLayer(fs, fft_size, n_mels, fmin, fmax) if scaler is not None: self.scaler_layer = MLFBScalerLayer(scaler) else: self.scaler_layer = None def forward(self, x): stft = self.stft_layer(x) amplitude = torch.sqrt(stft[..., 0] ** 2 + stft[..., 1] ** 2) mlfb = self.mlfb_layer(amplitude) if self.scaler_layer is not None: mlfb = self.scaler_layer(mlfb) return mlfb
<reponame>a13xk13m/covidcg # coding: utf-8 """Extract variable regions from an aligned segment, in a flexible and SNP-tolerant manner Modified and heavily trimmed down version of (v0.1.0) from the variant_extractor project Author: <NAME> - Vector Engineering Team (<EMAIL>) """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from collections import defaultdict from scripts.util import translate, reverse_complement class ReadExtractor: """Extract variable regions from a pysam AlignedSegment """ RefSeq = "" def __init__(self, read): """Build the extactor object for a read (pysam.AlignedSegment) or a pair of reads if using paired-end sequencing Parameters ---------- read: pysam.AlignedSegment """ = read # Build our own mutation string to store mutational information # Since both the CIGAR and MD string don't fit our needs # Format: Position:Ref:Alt;... # Where position is relative to the reference (0-indexed) # For insertions, the position is the position on the reference # after the insertion # For deletions, the position is the position on the reference # that was deleted # Store it as a list of tuples, (Position, Ref, Alt) for now. # Mutations will be individually serialized then joined by ';' later # to serialize into one big string self.mutation_str = [] # Any invalidation errors that flag this variant as successfully extracted, # but not passing filters, will be stored in this array # Later when writing to disk we'll serialize this array as a semicolon-delimited string self.invalid_errors = [] # Store SNPs self.dna_snps = [] # Read data from the pysam.AlignedSegment object into python variables self.load_read() def load_read(self): """Load data in from the pysam.AlignedSegment object into Python """ # Nucleotide sequence of the read self.read_seq = # If reverse complement, flip the sequence and the quality scores if self.read_seq = reverse_complement(self.read_seq) # Don't try to do anything else if this read is unmapped if return # Get the reference sequence self.reference_seq = ReadExtractor.RefSeq """Expand CIGAR tuples to a list of CIGAR operations on the read (query) Op Code Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M BAM_CMATCH 0 Match (alignment column containing two letters). This could contain two different letters (mismatch) or two identical letters. USEARCH generates CIGAR strings containing Ms rather than X's and ='s (see below). I BAM_CINS 1 Insertion (gap in the query sequence). D BAM_CDEL 2 Deletion (gap in the target sequence). N BAM_CREF_SKIP 3 skipped region from the reference S BAM_CSOFT_CLIP 4 Segment of the query sequence that does not appear in the alignment. This is used with soft clipping, where the full-length query sequence is given (field 10 in the SAM record) . In this case, S operations specify segments at the start and/ or end of the query that do not appear in a local alignment. H BAM_CHARD_CLIP 5 Segment of the query sequence that does not appear in the alignment. This is used with hard clipping, where only the aligned segment of the query sequences is given (field 10 in the SAM record). In this case, H operations specify segments at the start and/or end of the query that do not appear in the SAM record. P BAM_CPAD 6 padding (silent deletion from padded reference) = BAM_CEQUAL 7 Alignment column containing two identical letters. USEARCH can read CIGAR strings using this operation, but does not generate them. X BAM_CDIFF 8 Alignment column containing a mismatch, i.e. two different letters. USEARCH can read CIGAR strings using this operation, but does not generate them. B BAM_CBACK 9 """ self.cigar_ops = [] for op_group in # First element of the tuple is the operation code # Second element of the tuple is the number of operations # Create a new list [# of operations] long and add it to the # master operations list self.cigar_ops.extend([op_group[0],] * op_group[1]) # Reset the cigar index self.cigar_i = 0 # Start the reference at the position it is mapped onto the read # using read.reference_start self.ref_i = # Start the read at the position it is mapped onto the reference # using read.query_alignment_start self.read_i = 0 def crawl_to(self, destination): """Iterate (consume bases) through both the read and the reference Use the CIGAR operations and other stats to stay on the same "aligned" base (as if we did a multiple sequence alignment on the read and ref) Parameters ---------- destination: int - Index on the reference of where we want to crawl to """ while self.ref_i < destination: # If we've reached the end of the CIGAR string, break out if self.cigar_i >= len(self.cigar_ops) or self.read_i >= len(self.read_seq): return # Grab the current CIGAR operation op = self.cigar_ops[self.cigar_i] """ --------------------------------------------------- | Op | Code | Consume Read | Consume Reference | --------------------------------------------------- | M | 0 | Yes | Yes | | I | 1 | Yes | No | | D | 2 | No | Yes | | N | 3 | No | Yes | | S | 4 | Yes | No | | H | 5 | No | No | | P | 6 | No | No | | = | 7 | Yes | Yes | | X | 8 | Yes | Yes | | B | 9 | ? | ? | --------------------------------------------------- """ # MATCH - can be match or mismatch (SNP) if op == 0 or op == 7 or op == 8: # Check for SNPs # If the OP code is 0, then we have to check both the read # and the reference to see if there's a mismatch # If bowtie2 gave us the OP code of 8, then we know there's a mismatch if ( # Check for a mismatch OP code or a base mismatch for a # generic 0 OP code ( (op == 8) or ( op == 0 and self.read_seq[self.read_i] != self.reference_seq[self.ref_i] ) ) and # If the reference has an X as the base, then # ignore any SNPs at this position (self.reference_seq[self.ref_i] != "X") ): # Add substitution information to mutation string self.mutation_str.append( (, self.ref_i, self.reference_seq[self.ref_i], self.read_seq[self.read_i], ) ) self.read_i += 1 self.ref_i += 1 # Insertion or Soft Clip elif op == 1 or op == 4: # Add insertion information to mutation string self.mutation_str.append( (, self.ref_i, "", self.read_seq[self.read_i]) ) self.read_i += 1 # Deletion or Skip elif op == 2 or op == 3: # Add deletion information to mutation string self.mutation_str.append( (, self.ref_i, self.reference_seq[self.ref_i], "", ) ) self.ref_i += 1 # Hard Clip, Padding else: # Do nothing pass # Always iterate the CIGAR index self.cigar_i += 1 # END WHILE def get_dna_snps(self): """Store list of NT SNPs/indels""" # Join adjacent indels self.dna_snps = [] i = 0 while i < len(self.mutation_str): (query_name, pos, ref, alt) = self.mutation_str[i] # mut is a tuple: (Position, Ref, Alt) # Offset the position back to 1-indexed, starting at the genome start pos = pos + 1 # If it's a SNP, then add and continue if ref and alt: i += 1 # Actually, skip adding it if either the ref or the alt # is an ambiguous base (N) # This is useless data bloat and should be removed as # early as possible if alt not in ["A", "C", "G", "T"]: continue self.dna_snps.append((query_name, pos, ref, alt)) continue # Check ahead for adjacent positions and the same indel type j = i while j < len(self.mutation_str) and ( # Both insertions ( (not self.mutation_str[j][2] and not ref) # Both deletions or (not self.mutation_str[j][3] and not alt) ) # New position must be adjacent to the previous one and self.mutation_str[j][1] == int(pos - 1 + (j - i)) ): j += 1 # Get adjacent indels adj_muts = self.mutation_str[i:j] # Combine bases, but keep first position and type self.dna_snps.append( ( query_name, pos, "".join([m[2] for m in adj_muts]), "".join([m[3] for m in adj_muts]), ) ) # Skip ahead to the end of the adjacent mutations i = j def process_all(self): """Do everything, return everything""" # Travel to the end of the read # so that we can collect additional mutations (if they exist) # Don't throw an error once we reach the end self.crawl_to(len(self.reference_seq)) self.get_dna_snps() return self.dna_snps
from flask import render_template from app.views.admin import bp_admin @bp_admin.route('/') def index(): return render_template('admin/index.html') @bp_admin.route('/dashboard') def dashboard(): return render_template('admin/dashboard.html')
<reponame>mrtoronto/find-a-lab<filename>app/main/ from app import db from app.main.forms import LoginForm, RegistrationForm, EditProfileForm, \ ResetPasswordRequestForm, ResetPasswordForm, authorIndexQueryForm from app.models import User, Result from import send_password_reset_email from app.main import bp from config import Config from app.main_api_functions import * from rq.job import Job from datetime import datetime, timezone from flask import render_template, flash, redirect, url_for, request, jsonify,current_app from flask_login import login_user, logout_user, current_user, login_required from config import Config from werkzeug.urls import url_parse import itertools import re import ast import datetime import pandas as pd from collections import Counter from geotext import GeoText import time @bp.before_request def before_request(): if current_user.is_authenticated: current_user.last_seen = db.session.commit() @bp.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @bp.route('/index', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): return render_template('index.html') @bp.route('/user/<username>') @login_required def user(username): user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first_or_404() return render_template('user.html', user=user) @bp.route('/edit_profile', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def edit_profile(): form = EditProfileForm(current_user.username) if form.validate_on_submit(): current_user.username = current_user.about_me = db.session.commit() flash('Your changes have been saved.') return redirect(url_for('main.edit_profile')) elif request.method == 'GET': = current_user.username = current_user.about_me return render_template('edit_profile.html', title='Edit Profile', form=form) def run_query(query_type, query_text, \ from_year, locations, affils, api_key, \ querying_user): """ Query data is returned in a nested dictionary and assigned to `obj_dicts` which is stored in the db. """ ### Import create_app because this function is run by the worker from app import create_app from app.models import Result app = create_app() app.app_context().push() if query_type == 'author_papers': obj_dicts = query_author_papers(query = query_text, from_year = from_year, locations = locations, n_authors = 25, affils = affils, api_key = api_key, api_out = False) elif query_type == 'affil_papers': obj_dicts = query_affil_papers(query = query_text, from_year = from_year, locations = locations, n_authors = 25, affils = affils, api_key = api_key, api_out = False) result = Result( query_type = query_type, query_text = query_text, query_from = from_year, query_affiliations = affils, query_locations= locations, user_querying = querying_user, length_of_results = len(obj_dicts.keys()), result_all=obj_dicts ) db.session.add(result) db.session.commit() return @bp.route('/query/<query_type>', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def make_a_query(query_type): """ """ if query_type == 'author_papers': form = authorIndexQueryForm() elif query_type == 'affil_papers': form = authorIndexQueryForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if current_app.config['ASYNC_FUNC']: from app.main.routes import run_query ### If async == True, queue a task with the args from the form job = current_app.task_queue.enqueue_call( func=run_query, args=(query_type,,,,,, current_user.username), result_ttl=current_app.config['RESULT_TTL'], timeout=current_app.config['WORKER_TIMEOUT']) flash(f'Your query is running! Your ID is : {job.get_id()}') return get_results(job.get_id()) elif not current_app.config['ASYNC_FUNC']: ### Run the query without task queue if async == False if query_type == 'affil_papers': affil_dicts = query_affil_papers(query =, from_year =, locations =, n_authors = 25, affils =, api_key =, api_out = False) n_results = sum([affil_dict['total_count'] for affil_dict in \ affil_dicts.values()]) length_of_results = len(affil_dicts.keys()) return render_template('query_results/affil_papers.html', \ data = affil_dicts, n_results = n_results, unique_results = length_of_results), 200 elif query_type == 'author_papers': author_dicts = query_author_papers(query =, from_year =, locations =, n_authors = 25, affils =, api_key =, api_out = False) n_results = sum([author_dict.get('total_count', 0) for author_dict in \ author_dicts.values()]) length_of_results = len(author_dicts.keys()) return render_template('query_results/author_papers.html', \ data = author_dicts, n_results = n_results, unique_results = length_of_results), 200 return render_template('make_a_query.html', form=form) @bp.route("/results/<job_key>", methods=['GET']) def get_results(job_key): """ Results page for <job_key>. If job is still running, this will redirect to the same page with the link to refresh again. When its done, the refresh link will link to the tables. """ job = Job.fetch(job_key, connection=current_app.redis) ### Return results if job.is_finished and job.result: result = Result.query.filter_by(id=job.result).first() if result.result_all.get('error'): return render_template('errors/data_error.html', data = result.result_all.get('error'), query_text = result.query_text, query_from = result.query_from , query_location = result.query_locations, query_affiliations = result.query_affiliations) n_results = sum([author_dict.get('total_count', 0) for author_dict in \ result.result_all.values()]) ### Return different pages for different queries if result.query_type == 'affil_papers': return render_template('query_results/affil_papers.html', \ data = result.result_all, n_results = n_results, unique_results = result.length_of_results), 200 elif result.query_type == 'author_papers': return render_template('query_results/author_papers.html', \ data = result.result_all, n_results = n_results, unique_results = result.length_of_results), 200 ### Refresh if job is still processing else: return render_template('query_results/processing.html', job_key = job_key), 202 ####### @bp.route('/api/help/', methods = ['GET']) def help(): return {'endpoints' : {'/api/query/author_affils/' : {'parameters' : {'query' : '', 'from' : '', 'locations' : '', 'n' : ''}, 'info' : ''}, '/api/query/author_papers/' : {'parameters' : {'query' : '', 'from' : '', 'locations' : '', 'n' : ''}, 'info' : ''} }, 'general_notes' : '<NAME>'} @bp.route('/api/query/author_papers/', methods = ['GET']) def query_author_papers(query = "", from_year = "", locations = "", n_authors = "", affils = "", api_key = "", api_out = True): timeit_start = time.time() """if request.args.get('query'): query = request.args.get('query') if request.args.get('from'): from_year = int(request.args.get('from', 2000)) if request.args.get('locations'): locations = request.args.get('locations', []) if request.args.get('n', 25): n_authors = request.args.get('n', 25) if request.args.get('affiliations', []): affils = request.args.get('affiliations', []) if request.args.get('api_key'): api_key = request.args.get('api_key') if request.args.get('api_out'): api_out = request.args.get('api_out')""" if locations: locations = [location.strip().lower() for location in locations.split(',')] if affils: affils = [affil.strip().lower() for affil in affils.split(',')] if not api_key: no_key_dict = {'error' : 'Please supply an API key to run your query under!'} if api_out == True: return jsonify(no_key_dict) else: return no_key_dict out_dict = query_author_papers_data(query, from_year, locations, affils, n_authors, timeit_start, api_key) timeit_end = time.time() print(f'`query_author_papers` for "{query}" from {from_year} onward ran in {round(timeit_end - timeit_start,4)} seconds. Returning results.') if api_out == True: return jsonify(out_dict) else: return out_dict @bp.route('/api/query/affil_papers/', methods = ['GET']) def query_affil_papers(query = "", from_year = "", locations = "", n_authors = "", affils = "", api_key = "", api_out = True): timeit_start = time.time() #if request.args.get('query'): # query = request.args.get('query') #if request.args.get('from'): # from_year = int(request.args.get('from', 2000)) #if request.args.get('locations'): # locations = request.args.get('locations', []) ##if request.args.get('n', 25): # n_authors = request.args.get('n', 25) #if request.args.get('affiliations', []): # affils = request.args.get('affiliations', []) #if request.args.get('api_key'): # api_key = request.args.get('api_key') if locations: locations = [location.strip().lower() for location in locations.split(',')] if affils: affils = [affil.strip().lower() for affil in affils.split(',')] if not api_key: no_key_dict = {'error' : 'Please supply an API key to run your query under!'} if api_out == True: return jsonify(no_key_dict) else: return no_key_dict out_dict = query_affil_papers_data(query, from_year, locations, affils, n_authors, timeit_start, api_key) timeit_end = time.time() #print(f'`author_papers_w_location` for "{query}" from {from_year} onward ran in {round(timeit_end - timeit_start,4)} seconds. Returning results.') print(f'`query_affil_papers` for "{query}" from {from_year} onward ran in {round(timeit_end - timeit_start,4)} seconds. Returning results.') if api_out == True: return jsonify(out_dict) else: return out_dict
from keras.engine import Model from keras.layers import Flatten, Dense, Input from keras import optimizers from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from vggface import VGGFace from sklearn.metrics import log_loss from one_face_predict import prdict_one_face from load_face_data import load_face_data from facetool import FaceTool def train_face_model(finetune = True): #===============custom parameters =============== # hidden_dim = 512 img_width, img_height = 224, 224 nb_class = 16 One_Class_Train_MAX = 30 One_Class_Valid_MAX = 10 nb_train_samples = nb_class * One_Class_Train_MAX nb_validation_samples = nb_class * One_Class_Valid_MAX nb_epoch = 10 batch_size = 16 train_data_dir = 'data/train' validation_data_dir = 'data/validation' save_model_path = './faceDB/face-model.json' save_model_h5 = './faceDB/face-model.h5' save_face_index = './faceDB/face-index.json' # =============== NN =============== # vgg_model = VGGFace(include_top=False, input_shape=(224, 224, 3)) # print('----------------After Add finetune layers----------------') # for l in vgg_model.layers: # print('Name ',, 'trainable' ,l.trainable) last_layer = vgg_model.get_layer('pool5').output x = Flatten(name='flatten')(last_layer) x = Dense(hidden_dim, activation='relu', name='fc6')(x) x = Dense(hidden_dim, activation='relu', name='fc7')(x) out = Dense(nb_class, activation='softmax', name='fc8')(x) custom_vgg_model = Model(vgg_model.input, out) if finetune: # print('----------------After Disable Trainable----------------') all_layers = custom_vgg_model.layers pool5_index = custom_vgg_model.layers.index(custom_vgg_model.get_layer('pool5')) for ind, l in enumerate(all_layers): if ind <= pool5_index: l.trainable = False # all_layers[:pool5_index].trainable = False # for ind, l in enumerate(all_layers): # print('Name ',, 'trainable' ,l.trainable,'index',ind) # Train your model as usual. # You can Try different optimizers # opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=1e-5, decay=1e-6) #OK # adagrad = optimizers.Adagrad( decay=1e-6) # opt = optimizers.Adadelta( ) opt = optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-5, decay=1e-6) custom_vgg_model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) custom_vgg_model.summary() X_train, Y_train, X_valid, Y_valid, Face_Label_Dic = load_face_data('data/') ftool = FaceTool() ftool.write_json(save_face_index,Face_Label_Dic) # Start Fine-tuning, Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=nb_epoch, shuffle=True, verbose=1, validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid), ) # Make predictions predictions_valid = custom_vgg_model.predict(X_valid, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1) # Cross-entropy loss score score = log_loss(Y_valid, predictions_valid) # ===============Save Model=============== print("Saved model to disk") model_json = custom_vgg_model.to_json() with open(save_model_path, "w") as json_file: json_file.write(model_json) # serialize weights to HDF5 custom_vgg_model.save_weights(save_model_h5) # ===============Test=============== face_index = prdict_one_face(custom_vgg_model, 'data/test/1.jpg') print Face_Label_Dic[face_index] face_index = prdict_one_face(custom_vgg_model, 'data/test/2.jpg') print Face_Label_Dic[face_index] face_index = prdict_one_face(custom_vgg_model, 'data/test/3.jpg') print Face_Label_Dic[face_index] if __name__ == '__main__': train_face_model(False)
<gh_stars>1-10 import requests from chalice import Chalice from chalicelib import ( productSchemaIsValid, cleanProductData, uploadFromMediaUrls, saveProductData, getProductDataByID, deleteProductDataByID ) app = Chalice(app_name='api-intent') # All commented lines are for debugging # app.debug = False # http localhost:8000 @app.route('/') def index(): return {'hello': 'world!'} # http POST localhost:8000/products # http POST localhost:8000/products URL="https://bad-url.nogood" # http POST localhost:8000/products URL="" # image_list = [ # "", # "", # "" # ] @app.route('/products', methods=['POST']) def saveProduct(): payload = app.current_request.json_body if not payload: return { "message": "URL not found!", "productData": None } if 'URL' in payload: try: product_data = requests.get(payload["URL"]).json() except: return { "message": "Invalid URL!", "productData": None } #product_data = {"bad": "productData"} if not productSchemaIsValid(product_data): return { "message": "Invalid product schema!", "productData": None } product_data = cleanProductData(product_data) product_data["media"]["uploadedImages"] = uploadFromMediaUrls(product_data["media"]["images"]) #product_data["media"]["uploadedImages"] = uploadFromMediaUrls(image_list) try: saveProductData(product_data) except Exception as e: return { "message": str(e), "productData": None } return { "message": "Success!", "productData": product_data } # http localhost:8000/products/42 @app.route('/products/{productId}', methods=['GET']) def getProduct(productId): try: product_data = getProductDataByID(productId) if not product_data: return {"message": "Product not found!"} return { "message": "Success!", "productData": product_data } except:#if not int return {"message": "Missing ID!", "productData": None} # http localhost:8000/products/ @app.route('/products', methods=['GET']) def failProduct(): return {"message": "Missing ID!", "productData": None} # http localhost:8000/products/42/delete @app.route('/products/{productId}/delete', methods=['GET']) def deleteProduct(productId): try: deleteProductDataByID(productId) return {"message": "Product deleted!"} except: return {"message": "Missing ID!"}
<reponame>fightingfish008/tornado-extensions # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import traceback import logging import aioredis from tornado.options import options class AsyncRedisClient(object): def __init__(self,loop=None): self.loop = loop async def init_pool(self, db=None): if db is None: _db = options.redis_db4 else: _db = db uri = 'redis://{}:{}/{}'.format( options.redis_host, options.redis_port, _db ) self.pool = await aioredis.create_pool( uri, password=options.redis_password, # encoding="utf-8", minsize=5, maxsize=10, loop = self.loop, ) super(AsyncRedisClient, self).__init__() async def execute(self, command, *args, **kwargs): try: async with self.pool.get() as conn: retsult = await conn.execute(command, *args, **kwargs) return retsult except Exception as e: logging.error(traceback.print_exc()) logging.error("redis execute error: %s", e) async def get(self, key): return await self.execute('get', key) async def set(self, key, value): return await self.execute('set', key, value) async def setex(self, key, seconds, value): return await self.execute('setex', key, seconds, value) async def keys(self, key): return await self.execute('keys', key) async def hgetall(self, key): return await self.execute('hgetall', key) async def scan(self, key): return await self.execute('scan', key) async def connect(loop, db=None): client = AsyncRedisClient(loop) await client.init_pool(db) return client
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.apps import AppConfig class AllinkLegacyConfig(AppConfig): name = 'allink_core.core_apps.allink_legacy_redirect' verbose_name = "Legacy Redirect"
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 from ctypes import cdll, c_double, CFUNCTYPE import numpy as np import seaborn from pathlib import Path import matplotlib matplotlib.use("pgf") pgf_with_pdflatex = { "pgf.texsystem": "pdflatex", "": "serif", # use serif/main font for text elements "text.usetex": True, "errorbar.capsize": 0.5, "pgf.preamble": [ r"\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}", r"\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}", r"\usepackage{mathpazo}", r"\usepackage[version-1-compatibility]{siunitx}" ] } matplotlib.rcParams.update(pgf_with_pdflatex) from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # import netCDF4 try: lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("pythonfile/libProjectPython.dylib") except OSError as e: lib = cdll.LoadLibrary("pythonfile/") lib.unesco_depth.argtypes = [c_double,c_double,c_double] lib.unesco_depth.restype = c_double lib.unesco_pressure.argtypes = [c_double,c_double,c_double] lib.unesco_pressure.restype = c_double lib.leroy_et_al.argtypes = [c_double,c_double,c_double] lib.leroy_et_al.restype = c_double lib.ideal_sound_channel.argtypes = [c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double,c_double] lib.ideal_sound_channel.restype = c_double depths = np.linspace(0,2000,5000,dtype=np.double) pressures = np.linspace(0,1000,5000,dtype=np.double) temps = np.linspace(0, 40, 100, dtype=np.double) salinities = np.linspace(0, 40, 100, dtype=np.double) ufunc_unesco = np.frompyfunc(lib.unesco_depth, 3, 1) ufunc_leroy = np.frompyfunc(lib.leroy_et_al, 3, 1) ufunc_ideal = np.frompyfunc(lib.ideal_sound_channel, 5, 1) def plot_contours(ufunc, title, filename): fig, plots = plt.subplots(2, 2, 'col', 'row', True, gridspec_kw={ 'hspace': 0.3, 'bottom': 0.08, 'top': 0.92}, figsize=(5,5)) t, d = np.meshgrid(temps, depths) cp = plots[0][0].contour(t, d, ufunc(d,t, 35)) plt.clabel(cp, fmt="%d", rightside_up=False) plots[0][0].set_ylim(2000, 0) plots[0][0].set_ylabel("Depth (m)") plots[0][0].set_xlabel(r"Temperature (\si{\degreeCelsius})") s, d = np.meshgrid(salinities, depths) cp = plots[0][1].contour(s, d, ufunc(d, 10, s)) plt.clabel(cp, fmt="%d", rightside_up=False) plots[0][1].set_ylim(2000, 0) plots[0][1].set_ylabel("Depth (m)") plots[0][1].set_xlabel("Salinity (ppt)") t,s = np.meshgrid(temps, salinities) cp = plots[1][0].contour(t,s, ufunc(1000, t, s)) plt.clabel(cp, fmt="%d") plots[1][0].set_xlabel(r"Temperature (\si{\degreeCelsius})") plots[1][0].set_ylabel("Salinity (ppt)") fig.suptitle(title) plots[0][0].grid() plots[0][1].grid() plots[1][0].grid() fig.delaxes(plots[1][1]) fig.savefig(filename) plot_contours(ufunc_unesco, "UNESCO Equation (Chen and Millero 1995)", Path("final_output/figures/unesco.pdf")) plot_contours(ufunc_leroy, "Leroy et al. 2008", Path("final_output/figures/leroy.pdf")) plt.figure() plt.plot(1000*ufunc_ideal(depths, 1160, 1.3, 1.45, 1.14e-3), depths) plt.ylim(2000, 0) plt.xlabel(r"Speed of Sound (\si{\meter\per\second})") plt.ylabel(r"Depth (\si{\meter})") plt.savefig(Path("final_output/figures/ideal.pdf"))
import pathlib import re from setuptools import find_packages, setup about = {} with open(pathlib.Path("rikai") / "", "r") as fh: exec(, about) with open( pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent / "", "r", ) as fh: long_description = # extras test = ["pytest"] torch = ["torch>=1.5.0", "torchvision"] jupyter = ["matplotlib", "jupyterlab"] aws = ["boto"] docs = ["sphinx"] youtube = ["pafy", "youtube_dl", "ffmpeg-python"] all = test + torch + jupyter + aws + docs + youtube setup( name="rikai", version=about["version"], license="Apache License, Version 2.0", author="<NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", url="", packages=find_packages(), include_package_data=True, python_requires=">=3.7", install_requires=[ "antlr4-python3-runtime", "ipython", "jsonschema", "numpy", "opencv-python", "pandas", "Pillow", "pyarrow>=2.0", "pyspark>=3.1,<3.2", "pyyaml", "requests", ], extras_require={ "test": test, "pytorch": torch, "jupyter": jupyter, "aws": aws, "docs": docs, "youtube": youtube, "all": all, }, classifiers=[ "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", ], )
<reponame>InfinityMarketing/Harbor-Script #! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Aug 3 14:20:50 2017 @author: <NAME> """ import zipfile import os import requests import glob import subprocess import platform import sys, getopt import argparse import re def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', action='store_true', dest='update', default=False, help="Check for updates to the harbor script") parser.add_argument('-i', '--install', action='store_true', dest='install', default=False, help="Install harbor theme in current directory") parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', action='store', dest='dir', help="Specify a directory to install Harbor theme to or if -u option is present updates the Harbor based theme in that directory") plat = platform.system() results = parser.parse_args() install = results.install update = results.update setup_dir = results.dir if(install): if setup_dir is not None: os.chdir(setup_dir) if platform.system() != "Windows": if os.getuid() != 0: print("Please run this script as root") print("Example: 'sudo python3'") return #download theme zip if fetchArchive() == False: return 1 print("Setting up Theme...") slug = setupTheme() setupEnvironment(slug) elif update: if setup_dir is not None: updateTheme(setup_dir) else: print("Checking for updates to Harbor script...") print("Up to date!") else: parser.print_usage() def updateTheme(directory): os.chdir(directory) print("Updating theme...") os.system("bower list > updates.tmp") update_avail = re.compile("\(([0-9]\.)*[0-9] available\)") nameRe = re.compile("[a-z]+-*[a-z]*#") #print(update_avail.findall("├─┬ breakpoint-sass#2.5.0 ")) #exit(0) with open("updates.tmp", "r") as update_file: for line in update_file: results = update_avail.findall(line) if results != []: print(line) nameMatch = name =[:-1] ans = input("Update module?(Y/n)") while ans != "" and ans.lower()[0] != 'y' and ans.lower()[0] != 'n': ans = input("Update module?(Y/n)") if(ans == "" or ans.lower()[0] == 'y'): print("updating", name, sep=" ") os.system("bower update " + name) print("") print("Done!") # Downloads the starter theme _s from github def fetchArchive(): try: os.remove("") except FileNotFoundError: pass print("Downloading Theme files...", end=' ') file = requests.get("") if file.status_code != 200: print("Error: There was a problem while downloading the files.\n\tAborting. ") return False with open("", "wb") as content: content.write(file.content) print("Done!") print("Extracting files...", end=' ') with zipfile.ZipFile("", "r") as file: file.extractall(".") print("Done!") return True def setupTheme(): name = input("Enter a name for the theme: ") slug = name.lower().replace(' ', '-') funcSlug = name.lower().replace(' ', '_') desc = input("Enter a short description for the theme: ") print("Setting up Theme...", end=' ') os.rename("./Harbor-sass-restructure", "./" + slug) files = glob.glob("./" + slug + "/*.php") for filename in glob.glob("./" + slug + "/*/*.php"): files.append(filename) strings = [] strings.append(("'harbor'", "'" + slug + "'")) strings.append(("harbor_", funcSlug + "_")) strings.append((" <code>&nbsp;Harbor</code>", " <code>&nbsp;" + name.replace(' ', '_') + "</code>")) strings.append(("Harbor-", slug + "-")) findInFiles(strings, files) headerInfo = [] headerInfo.append(("Text Domain: harbor", "Text Domain: " + slug)) headerInfo.append(("Theme Name: Harbor", "Theme Name: " + name)) headerInfo.append(("Description: Harbor is a starter theme and development environment setup by Infinity Marketing that is heavily based on Automattic's Underscores theme.", "Description: " + desc)) findInFiles(headerInfo, ["./" + slug + "/style.css", "./" + slug + "/sass/style.scss"]) print('Done!') return slug def findInFiles(strings, files): for filename in files: file = open(filename, "r") filedata = file.close() for change in strings: filedata = filedata.replace(change[0], change[1]) file = open(filename, "w") file.write(filedata) file.close() def setupEnvironment(slug): cmd = "where" if platform.system() == "Windows" else "which" npm = " npm", shell=True) if npm.returncode == 1: print("NodeJs is not installed. Aborting") return bower = " bower", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if bower.returncode == 1: print("Bower is not installed.") print("Installing bower...")"npm install -g bower", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print("Done!") gulp = " gulp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if gulp.returncode == 1: print("Gulp is not installed") print("Installing Gulp...", end=' ')"npm install -g gulp", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print("Done!") print("Installing dependancies...")"bower install", shell=True, cwd="./"+slug)"npm install", shell=True, cwd="./"+slug) print("Done!") if(__name__ == "__main__"): main()
<filename> import yt ds = yt.load("/home/lindsayad/projects/moose/modules/navier_stokes/tests/ins/lid_driven/gold/lid_driven_out.e", step=-1) slc = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', ('connect1', 'vel_y')) slc.set_log(('connect1','vel_y'), False) slc.set_width((1, 1))
# DRF from rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSet from rest_framework import permissions from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated # Serializer from import CardSerializer # Model from import Card class CardViewSet(ModelViewSet): serializer_class = CardSerializer queryset = Car.objects.filter(list) permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated]
from . import * def load_nag(nag, path): """Load a NAG from a file""" with open(path, 'r') as nag_file: nag_json = nag = convert_json_to_nag(nag_json) return nag
<reponame>AgRenaud/tirelire from unittest import TestCase from typing import List from app import bootstrap from app.domain import commands, model from app.service_layer import handlers from app.service_layer.unit_of_work import UnitOfWork from app.service_layer.auth_service import AuthService class FakeRepository: def __init__(self, users: List[model.User]): self._users = set(users) self.seen = set() def add(self, user: model.User): self._users.add(user) def get(self, id: str): return next((u for u in self._users if == id), None) def get_by_email(self, email: str): return next((u for u in self._users if == email), None) def list(self): return self._users class FakeAuthService: def verify_password(self, password: str, user: model.User) -> bool: return hash(password) == hash(user.password) def encrypt_password(self, password: str) -> str: return hash(password) def generate_token(self, password: str, user: model.User) -> dict: return password def verify_token(self, token: str) -> bool: return token class FakeUnitOfWork(UnitOfWork): def __init__(self): self.users: AbstractUserRepository = FakeRepository([]) self.auth_service = FakeAuthService() self.committed = False def _commit(self): self.committed = True def rollback(self): pass def bootstrap_test_app(): return bootstrap.bootstrap( start_orm=False, uow=FakeUnitOfWork(), ) class TestHandlers(TestCase): def test_create_user_must_create_user(self): uow = bootstrap_test_app() command = commands.CreateUser( "id1234", "secure_password", "john", "doe", "<EMAIL>" ) handlers.create_user(command, uow, lambda *args: None) self.assertIsNotNone(uow.users.get('id1234')) def test_add_app_auth_to_user_must_return(self): uow = bootstrap_test_app() command = commands.CreateUser( "id1234", "secure_password", "john", "doe", "<EMAIL>" ) handlers.create_user(command, uow, lambda *args: None) app_auth_1 = model.AppAuthorization(model.App.TIRELIRE_APP) command = commands.AddAuthorizationToUser("id1234", app_auth_1) handlers.add_app_auth_to_user(command, uow) app_auth_2 = model.AppAuthorization(model.App.TIRELIRE_WEB) command = commands.AddAuthorizationToUser("id1234", app_auth_2) handlers.add_app_auth_to_user(command, uow) user = uow.users.get('id1234') self.assertSetEqual(user._applications_auth, {app_auth_1, app_auth_2}) def test_get_token_must_return_token(self): uow = bootstrap_test_app() command = commands.CreateUser( "id1234", "secure_password", "john", "doe", "<EMAIL>" ) handlers.create_user(command, uow, lambda *args: None) cmd = commands.Authenticate("<EMAIL>", "secure_password") token = handlers.get_token(cmd, uow) # TODO: Fake token generation def verify_token_must_return(self): pass
<filename>onetrack/ # import all import os import sys import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from scipy import sparse as sps from tqdm import tqdm from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map import networkx as nx from functools import partial from .tracking_utils import * from .plotting_utils import * def load_single_pytorch_file(file): """ Loads a single Pytorch Geometric file """ return torch.load(file, map_location="cpu") def build_single_candidates(instance, building_method, sanity_check, **kwargs): instance.build_candidates(building_method, sanity_check, **kwargs) return instance def evaluate_single_candidates(instance, evaluation_method, **kwargs): instance.evaluate_candidates(**kwargs) return instance class TrackingData(): """ A class that holds a list of Events, specifically for the tracking pipeline. An Event contains a Graph and an EventTruth object. """ def __init__(self, files): self.files = files self.event_data = None = None self.evaluation = None"Loading files") self.__load_files() assert self.event_data is not None # Test if files are loaded"Building events") self.__build_events() assert is not None # Test if events are built def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, idx): event =[idx] return event def __load_files(self): """ Loads files based on type """ file_type = self.__get_file_type() if file_type == "pytorch_geometric": self.event_data = self.__load_pytorch_files() else: raise ValueError("Unknown file type") def __build_events(self): """ Builds Event objects from event data """ # = [] # for data in tqdm(self.event_data): # = process_map(Event, self.event_data)#, max_workers=1) def __get_file_type(self): """ Determine type of file """ try: sample = torch.load(self.files[0], map_location="cpu") if str(type(sample)) == "<class ''>": return "pytorch_geometric" else: raise ValueError("Unknown file type, this is not a Pytorch Geometric file") except: raise ValueError("Unknown file type, there are still more file types to be added!") def __load_pytorch_files(self): """ Loads all Pytorch geometric files in file list """ # data = [] # for file in tqdm(self.files): # data.append(torch.load(file, map_location="cpu")) data = process_map(load_single_pytorch_file, self.files)#, max_workers=1) return data def build_candidates(self, building_method="CC", sanity_check=False, **kwargs): """ Builds track candidates from events """"Building candidates with sanity check: {sanity_check}") build_single_candidates_partial = partial(build_single_candidates, building_method=building_method, sanity_check=sanity_check, **kwargs) = process_map(build_single_candidates_partial,, max_workers=8) # for event in tqdm( # event.build_candidates(building_method, sanity_check, **kwargs) def evaluate_candidates(self, evaluation_method="matching", **kwargs): """ Evaluates track candidates from events """"Evaluating candidates") evaluate_single_candidates_partial = partial(evaluate_single_candidates, evaluation_method=evaluation_method, **kwargs) = process_map(evaluate_single_candidates_partial,, max_workers=8) # for event in tqdm( # event.evaluate_candidates(evaluation_method, **kwargs) # TODO: Tidy this up! n_true_tracks, n_reco_tracks, n_matched_particles, n_matched_tracks, n_duplicated_tracks, n_single_matched_particles = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 for event in n_true_tracks += event.candidates.evaluation["n_true_tracks"] n_reco_tracks += event.candidates.evaluation["n_reco_tracks"] n_matched_particles += event.candidates.evaluation["n_matched_particles"] n_single_matched_particles += event.candidates.evaluation["n_single_matched_particles"] n_matched_tracks += event.candidates.evaluation["n_matched_tracks"] n_duplicated_tracks += event.candidates.evaluation["n_duplicated_tracks"] building_method = event.candidates.building_method self.evaluation = { "building_method": building_method, "evaluation_method": evaluation_method, "eff": n_matched_particles / n_true_tracks, "single_eff": n_single_matched_particles / n_true_tracks, "fr": 1 - (n_matched_tracks / n_reco_tracks), "dup": n_duplicated_tracks / n_reco_tracks, } print(self.evaluation) print(f"n_true_tracks: {n_true_tracks}, n_reco_tracks: {n_reco_tracks}, n_matched_particles: {n_matched_particles}, n_matched_tracks: {n_matched_tracks}, n_duplicated_tracks: {n_duplicated_tracks}") def plot_evaluation(self, metric="eff", observable="eta", **kwargs): """ Plots evaluation of candidates """ if self.evaluation is None: raise ValueError("No evaluation available") if self.evaluation["evaluation_method"] == "matching": self.__plot_matching_evaluation(metric, observable, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError("Plotting not implemented yet for that method") def __plot_matching_evaluation(self, metric="eff", observable="eta", **kwargs): """ Plots matching evaluation of candidates """ all_particles = pd.concat([event.candidates.evaluation["particles"].merge(event.event_truth.particles, on="particle_id", how="inner") for event in]) plot_observable_performance(all_particles) class Event(): """ An Event contains a Graph and an EventTruth object. It represents a unit of particle physics data. """ def __init__(self, data): self.graph = None self.event_truth = None self.candidates = None = self.__process_data(data) def __process_data(self, data): """ Processes data to be used in the pipeline """ if str(type(data)) == "<class ''>": self.graph = Graph(data_dict = data.to_dict()) self.event_truth = EventTruth(event_file = data.event_file) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data type") # Define representation def __repr__(self): return f"Event(graph=({len(self.graph.hits['x'])} hits, {self.graph.edges['edge_index'].shape[1]} edges), event_truth=({len(self.event_truth)} particles), candidates=({len(self.candidates)} candidates))" def build_candidates(self, building_method="CC", sanity_check=False, **kwargs): """ Builds track candidates from event """ self.candidates = self.graph.build_candidates(building_method, sanity_check, **kwargs) def evaluate_candidates(self, method="matching", **kwargs): """ Evaluates track candidates from event """ self.candidates.evaluate(method, self.event_truth, **kwargs) class Graph(): def __init__(self, data_dict): self.hits = None self.edges = None self.graph_data = None assert type(data_dict) == dict, "Data must be a dictionary" self.__process_data(data_dict) # Test if data is loaded assert self.hits is not None assert self.edges is not None assert self.graph_data is not None # Define representation def __repr__(self): return f"Graph(hits={self.hits}, edges={self.edges}, graph_data={self.graph_data})" def __len__(self): return len(self.hits["x"]) def __process_data(self, data): """ Processes data to be used in the pipeline """ if type(data) == dict: self.__get_hit_data(data) self.__get_edge_data(data) self.__get_graph_data(data) else: raise ValueError("Unknown data type") def __get_hit_data(self, data): """ Returns hit data """ self.hits = {} assert "x" in data.keys(), "At least need a feature called x, otherwise define default node feature in config" # Check if x is in data for key in data.keys(): if len(data[key]) == len(data["x"]): self.hits[key] = data[key] def __get_edge_data(self, data): """ Returns edge data """ self.edges = {} assert "edge_index" in data.keys(), "At least need a feature called edge_index, otherwise define default edge feature in config" # Check if edge_index is in data for key in data.keys(): if ( len(data[key].shape) > 1 and data[key].shape[1] == data["edge_index"].shape[1] or len(data[key].shape) == 1 and data[key].shape[0] == data["edge_index"].shape[1] ): self.edges[key] = data[key] def __get_graph_data(self, data): """ Returns graph data """ self.graph_data = {k: data[k] for k in data.keys() - (self.hits.keys() & self.edges.keys())} def build_candidates(self, building_method="CC", sanity_check=False, **kwargs): """ Builds track candidates from graph """ if building_method == "CC": candidates = self.__get_connected_components(sanity_check, **kwargs) elif building_method == "AP": candidates = self.__get_all_paths(sanity_check, **kwargs) elif building_method == "KF": candidates = self.__get_kf_candidates(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown building method") return candidates def __get_connected_components(self, sanity_check=False, score_cut=0.5, **kwargs): """ Builds connected components from graph """ if sanity_check: edge_mask = self.edges["y"].bool() else: edge_mask = self.edges["scores"] > score_cut row, col = self.edges["edge_index"][:, edge_mask] edge_attr = np.ones(row.size(0)) N = self.hits["x"].size(0) sparse_edges = sps.coo_matrix((edge_attr, (row.numpy(), col.numpy())), (N, N)) num_candidates, candidate_labels = sps.csgraph.connected_components(sparse_edges, directed=False, return_labels=True) candidates = Candidates(self.hits["hid"], candidate_labels, building_method="CC") return candidates def __get_kf_candidates(self, **kwargs): """ Builds KF candidates from graph """ raise NotImplementedError("KF candidates not implemented yet") def __get_all_paths(self, sanity_check=False, score_cut=0.5, **kwargs): """ Returns all paths from graph """ if sanity_check: edge_mask = self.edges["y"].bool() else: edge_mask = self.edges["scores"] > score_cut # Order edges by increasing R r, phi, z = self.hits["x"].T R = np.sqrt(r**2 + z**2) # in_edges are the nodes towards the inner of the detector, out_edges are the nodes towards the outer in_edges, out_edges = self.edges["edge_index"][:, edge_mask] # Ensure edges are numpy arrays if (type(in_edges) != np.ndarray) or (type(out_edges) != np.ndarray): in_edges = in_edges.numpy() out_edges = out_edges.numpy() # Sort edges by increasing R wrong_direction_mask = R[in_edges] > R[out_edges] in_edges[wrong_direction_mask], out_edges[wrong_direction_mask] = out_edges[wrong_direction_mask], in_edges[wrong_direction_mask] starting_nodes = np.unique(in_edges[~np.isin(in_edges, out_edges)]) ending_nodes = np.unique(out_edges[~np.isin(out_edges, in_edges)]) # Build graph G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_edges_from(np.stack([in_edges, out_edges]).T) all_paths = nx.shortest_path(G) all_paths = {path: all_paths[path] for path in all_paths.keys() if path in starting_nodes} valid_paths = [all_paths[start_key][end_key] for start_key in all_paths.keys() for end_key in all_paths[start_key].keys() if (start_key != end_key and end_key in ending_nodes)] hit_list = np.array(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(valid_paths))) track_label_list = np.repeat(np.arange(len(valid_paths)), [len(path) for path in valid_paths]) candidates = Candidates(hit_list, track_label_list, building_method="AP") # TODO: CHECK THAT HIT ID IS USED CORRECTLY!! return candidates class EventTruth(): def __init__(self, event_file): self.particles = None self.hit_truth = None assert type(event_file) == str or type(event_file) == np.str_, "Event file must be a string" self.__process_data(event_file) # Test data loaded properly assert self.particles is not None assert self.hit_truth is not None # Define representation def __repr__(self): return f"EventTruth(particles={self.particles}, hit_truth={self.hit_truth})" def __len__(self): return len(self.particles) def __process_data(self, event_file): """ Processes data to be used in the pipeline """ self.__get_particle_data(event_file) self.__get_hit_truth_data(event_file) def __get_particle_data(self, event_file): """ Returns particle data """ try: particle_filename = event_file + "-particles.csv" self.particles = pd.read_csv(particle_filename) except: raise ValueError("Could not find particles file") def __get_hit_truth_data(self, event_file): """ Returns hit truth data """ try: hit_truth_filename = event_file + "-truth.csv" self.hit_truth = pd.read_csv(hit_truth_filename) self.hit_truth = self.__process_hit_truth(self.hit_truth) except: raise ValueError("Could not find hit truth file") def __process_hit_truth(self, hit_truth): """ Processes hit truth data """ hit_truth.drop_duplicates(subset=["hit_id"], inplace=True) return hit_truth class Candidates(): def __init__(self, hit_ids, track_ids, building_method, **kwargs): self.hit_ids = hit_ids self.track_ids = track_ids self.building_method = building_method self.evaluation = None def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__len__()} Candidates(hit_ids={self.hit_ids}, track_ids={self.track_ids})" def __len__(self): return len(np.unique(self.track_ids)) def get_df(self): """ Returns dataframe of candidates """ df = pd.DataFrame({"hit_id": self.hit_ids, "track_id": self.track_ids}) return df def evaluate(self, method, event_truth, **kwargs): """ Returns evaluation of candidates """ if method == "matching": self.evaluation = self.__matching_reconstruction(event_truth.particles, event_truth.hit_truth, **kwargs) elif method == "iou": self.evaluation = self.__iou_reconstruction(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method") def __matching_reconstruction(self, particles, hit_truth, **kwargs): """ Evaluates track candidates from event with matching criteria. Criteria given by ratios of common hits in candidates ("reconstructed") and particles ("truth") """ particles, candidates = match_reco_tracks(self.get_df(), hit_truth, particles, build_method = self.building_method, **kwargs) (n_true_tracks, n_reco_tracks, n_matched_particles, n_single_matched_particles, n_matched_tracks, n_duplicated_tracks, n_matched_tracks_poi) = get_statistics(particles, candidates) evaluation = { "evaluation_method": "matching", "particles": particles, "candidates": candidates, "eff": n_matched_particles / n_true_tracks, "fr": 1 - (n_matched_tracks / n_reco_tracks), "dup": n_duplicated_tracks / n_reco_tracks, "n_true_tracks": n_true_tracks, "n_reco_tracks": n_reco_tracks, "n_matched_particles": n_matched_particles, "n_single_matched_particles": n_single_matched_particles, "n_matched_tracks": n_matched_tracks, "n_duplicated_tracks": n_duplicated_tracks, "n_matched_tracks_poi": n_matched_tracks_poi } return evaluation def __iou_reconstruction(self, **kwargs): """ Evaluates track candidates from event with Intersection over Union (IoU) """ raise NotImplementedError("IOU reconstruction not implemented yet")
<filename>spinsim/ """ """ # from . import utilities from enum import Enum import numpy as np import numba as nb from numba import cuda from numba import roc import math sqrt2 = math.sqrt(2) sqrt3 = math.sqrt(3) class SpinQuantumNumber(Enum): """ Options for the spin quantum number of a system. Parameters ---------- value : :obj:`float` The numerical value of the spin quantum number. dimension : :obj:`int` Dimension of the hilbert space the states with this spin belong to. label : :obj:`str` A text label that can be used for archiving. """ def __init__(self, value, dimension, label): super().__init__() self._value_ = value self.dimension = dimension self.label = label HALF = (1/2, 2, "half") """ For two level systems. """ ONE = (1, 3, "one") """ For three level systems. """ class IntegrationMethod(Enum): """ Options for describing which method is used during the integration. Parameters ---------- value : :obj:`str` A text label that can be used for archiving. """ MAGNUS_CF4 = "magnus_cf4" """ Commutator free, fourth order Magnus based integrator. """ MIDPOINT_SAMPLE = "midpoint_sample" """ Euler integration method. """ HALF_STEP = "half_step" """ Integration method from AtomicPy. Makes two Euler integration steps, one sampling the field from the start of the time step, one sampling the field from the end of the time step. The equivalent of the trapezoidal method. """ class ExponentiationMethod(Enum): """ The implementation to use for matrix exponentiation within the integrator. Parameters ---------- value : :obj:`str` A text label that can be used for archiving. index : :obj:`int` A reference number, used when compiling the integrator, where higher level objects like enums cannot be interpreted. """ def __init__(self, value, index): super().__init__() self._value_ = value self.index = index ANALYTIC = ("analytic", 0) """ Analytic expression of the matrix exponential. For spin half :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF` systems only. """ LIE_TROTTER = ("lie_trotter", 1) """ Approximation using the Lie Trotter theorem. """ class Device(Enum): """ The target device that the integrator is being compiled for. .. _Supported Python features: .. _Supported Numpy features: .. _Supported CUDA Python features: """ def __init__(self, value, index): super().__init__() self._value_ = value self.index = index if value == "python": def jit_host(template, max_registers): def jit_host(func): return func return jit_host self.jit_host = jit_host def jit_device(func): return func self.jit_device = jit_device def jit_device_template(template): def jit_device_template(func): return func return jit_device_template self.jit_device_template = jit_device_template elif value == "cpu_single": def jit_host(template, max_registers): def jit_host(func): return nb.njit(template)(func) return jit_host self.jit_host = jit_host def jit_device(func): return nb.njit()(func) self.jit_device = jit_device def jit_device_template(template): def jit_device_template(func): return nb.njit(template)(func) return jit_device_template self.jit_device_template = jit_device_template elif value == "cpu": def jit_host(template, max_registers): def jit_host(func): return nb.njit(template, parallel = True)(func) return jit_host self.jit_host = jit_host def jit_device(func): return nb.njit()(func) self.jit_device = jit_device def jit_device_template(template): def jit_device_template(func): return nb.njit(template)(func) return jit_device_template self.jit_device_template = jit_device_template elif value == "cuda": def jit_host(template, max_registers): def jit_host(func): return cuda.jit(template, debug = False, max_registers = max_registers)(func) return jit_host self.jit_host = jit_host def jit_device(func): return cuda.jit(device = True, inline = True)(func) self.jit_device = jit_device def jit_device_template(template): def jit_device_template(func): return cuda.jit(template, device = True, inline = True)(func) return jit_device_template self.jit_device_template = jit_device_template elif value == "roc": def jit_host(template, max_registers): def jit_host(func): return roc.jit(template)(func) return jit_host self.jit_host = jit_host def jit_device(func): return roc.jit(device = True)(func) self.jit_device = jit_device def jit_device_template(template): def jit_device_template(func): return roc.jit(template, device = True)(func) return jit_device_template self.jit_device_template = jit_device_template PYTHON = ("python", 0) """ Use pure python interpreted code for the integrator, ie, don't compile the integrator. """ CPU_SINGLE = ("cpu_single", 0) """ Use the :func:`numba.jit()` LLVM compiler to compile the integrator to run on a single CPU core. .. note :: To use this device option, the user defined field function must be :func:`numba.jit()` compilable. See `Supported Python features`_ for compilable python features, and `Supported Numpy features`_ for compilable numpy features. """ CPU = ("cpu", 0) """ Use the :func:`numba.jit()` LLVM compiler to compile the integrator to run on all CPU cores, in parallel. .. note :: To use this device option, the user defined field function must be :func:`numba.jit()` compilable. See `Supported Python features`_ for compilable python features, and `Supported Numpy features`_ for compilable numpy features. """ CUDA = ("cuda", 1) """ Use the :func:`numba.cuda.jit()` LLVM compiler to compile the integrator to run on an Nvidia cuda compatible GPU, in parallel. .. note :: To use this device option, the user defined field function must be :func:`numba.cuda.jit()` compilable. See `Supported CUDA Python features`_ for compilable python features. """ ROC = ("roc", 2) """ Use the :func:`numba.roc.jit()` LLVM compiler to compile the integrator to run on an AMD ROCm compatible GPU, in parallel. .. warning :: Work in progress, not currently functional! """ class Results: """ The results of a an evaluation of the integrator. Attributes ---------- time : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index) The times that `state` was evaluated at. time_evolution : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float128` (time_index, y_index, x_index) The evaluated time evolution operator between each time step. See :ref:`architecture` for some information. state : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, magnetic_quantum_number) The evaluated quantum state of the spin system over time, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. spin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index, spatial_direction) The expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time. This is calculated just in time using the JITed :obj:`callable` `spin_calculator`. spin_calculator : :obj:`callable` Calculates the expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time for a given time series of a quantum state. Used to calculate `spin` the first time it is referenced by the user. Parameters: * **state** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, magnetic_quantum_number)) - The quantum state of the spin system over time, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. Returns: * **spin** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index, spatial_direction)) - The expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time. """ def __init__(self, time, time_evolution, state, spin_calculator): """ Parameters ---------- time : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index) The times that `state` was evaluated at. time_evolution : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float128` (time_index, y_index, x_index) The evaluated time evolution operator between each time step. See :ref:`architecture` for some information. state : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, magnetic_quantum_number) The evaluated quantum state of the spin system over time, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. spin_calculator : :obj:`callable` Calculates the expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time for a given time series of a quantum state. Used to calculate `spin` the first time it is referenced by the user. Parameters: * **state** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, magnetic_quantum_number)) - The quantum state of the spin system over time, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. Returns: * **spin** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index, spatial_direction)) - The expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time. """ self.time = time self.time_evolution = time_evolution self.state = state self.spin_calculator = spin_calculator def __getattr__(self, attr_name): if attr_name == "spin": spin = self.spin_calculator(self.state) setattr(self, attr_name, spin) return self.spin raise AttributeError("{} has no attribute called {}.".format(self, attr_name)) class Simulator: """ Attributes ---------- spin_quantum_number : :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber` The option to select whether the simulator will integrate a spin half :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF`, or spin one :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.ONE` quantum system. threads_per_block : :obj:`int` The size of each thread block (workgroup), in terms of the number of threads (workitems) they each contain, when running on the GPU target devices :obj:`Device.CUDA` (:obj:`Device.ROC`). Defaults to 64. Modifying might be able to increase execution time for different GPU models. device : :obj:`Device` The option to select which device will be targeted for integration. That is, whether the integrator is compiled for a CPU or GPU. Defaults to :obj:`Device.CUDA` if the system it is being run on is Nvidia Cuda compatible, and defaults to :obj:`Device.CPU` otherwise. See :obj:`Device` for all options and more details. get_time_evolution_raw : :obj:`callable` The internal function for evaluating the time evolution operator in parallel. Compiled for chosen device on object constrution. Parameters: * **sweep_parameter** (:obj:`float`) - The input to the `get_field` function supplied by the user. Modifies the field function so the integrator can be used for many experiments, without the need for slow recompilation. For example, if the `sweep_parameter` is used to define the bias field strength in `get_field`, then one can run many simulations, sweeping through bias values, by calling this method multiple times, each time varying `sweep_parameter`. * **time_coarse** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index)) - The times that `state` was evaluated at. * **time_end_points** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (start/end)) - The time offset that the experiment is to start at, and the time that the experiment is to finish at. Measured in s. * **time_step_integration** (:obj:`float`) - The integration time step. Measured in s. * **time_step_output** (:obj:`float`) - The sample resolution of the output timeseries for the state. Must be a whole number multiple of `time_step_integration`. Measured in s. * **time_evolution_coarse** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float128` (time_index, y_index, x_index)) - The evaluated time evolution operator between each time step. See :ref:`architecture` for some information. spin_calculator : :obj:`callable` Calculates the expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time for a given time series of a quantum state. This :obj:`callable` is passed to the :obj:`Results` object returned from :func:`Simulator.evaluate()`, and is executed there just in time if the `spin` property is needed. Compiled for chosen device on object constrution. Parameters: * **state** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, magnetic_quantum_number)) - The quantum state of the spin system over time, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. Returns: * **spin** (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index, spatial_direction)) - The expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time. """ def __init__(self, get_field, spin_quantum_number, device = None, exponentiation_method = None, use_rotating_frame = True, integration_method = IntegrationMethod.MAGNUS_CF4, trotter_cutoff = 32, threads_per_block = 64, max_registers = 63): """ .. _Achieved Occupancy: Parameters ---------- get_field : :obj:`callable` A python function that describes the field that the spin system is being put under. It must have three arguments: * **time_sample** (:obj:`float`) - the time to sample the field at, in units of s. * **simulation_index** (:obj:`int`) - a parameter that can be swept over when multiple simulations need to be run. For example, it is used to sweep over dressing frequencies during the simulations that `spinsim` was designed for. * **field_sample** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64` (spatial_index)) the returned value of the field. This is a four dimensional vector, with the first three entries being x, y, z spatial directions (to model a magnetic field, for example), and the fourth entry being the amplitude of the quadratic shift (only appearing, and required, in spin one systems). .. note:: This function must be compilable for the device that the integrator is being compiled for. See :class:`Device` for more information and links. spin_quantum_number : :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber` The option to select whether the simulator will integrate a spin half :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF`, or spin one :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.ONE` quantum system. device : :obj:`Device` The option to select which device will be targeted for integration. That is, whether the integrator is compiled for a CPU or GPU. Defaults to :obj:`Device.CUDA` if the system it is being run on is Nvidia Cuda compatible, and defaults to :obj:`Device.CPU` otherwise. See :obj:`Device` for all options and more details. exponentiation_method : :obj:`ExponentiationMethod` Which method to use for matrix exponentiation in the integration algorithm. Defaults to :obj:`ExponentiationMethod.LIE_TROTTER` when `spin_quantum_number` is set to :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.ONE`, and defaults to :obj:`ExponentiationMethod.ANALYTIC` when `spin_quantum_number` is set to :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF`. See :obj:`ExponentiationMethod` for more details. use_rotating_frame : :obj:`bool` Whether or not to use the rotating frame optimisation. Defaults to :obj:`True`. If set to :obj:`True`, the integrator moves into a frame rotating in the z axis by an amount defined by the field in the z direction. This removes the (possibly large) z component of the field, which increases the accuracy of the output since the integrator will on average take smaller steps. .. note :: The use of a rotating frame is commonly associated with the use of a rotating wave approximation, a technique used to get approximate analytic solutions of spin system dynamics. This is not done when this option is set to :obj:`True` - no such approximations are made, and the output state in given out of the rotating frame. One can, of course, use :mod:`spinsim` to integrate states in the rotating frame, using the rating wave approximation: just define `get_field()` with field functions that use the rotating wave approximation in the rotating frame. integration_method : :obj:`IntegrationMethod` Which integration method to use in the integration. Defaults to :obj:`IntegrationMethod.MAGNUS_CF4`. See :obj:`IntegrationMethod` for more details. trotter_cutoff : :obj:`int` The number of squares made by the matrix exponentiator, if :obj:`ExponentiationMethod.LIE_TROTTER` is chosen. threads_per_block : :obj:`int` The size of each thread block (workgroup), in terms of the number of threads (workitems) they each contain, when running on the GPU target devices :obj:`Device.CUDA` (:obj:`Device.ROC`). Defaults to 64. Modifying might be able to increase execution time for different GPU models. max_registers : :obj:`int` The maximum number of registers allocated per thread when using :obj:`Device.CUDA` as the target device, and can be modified to increase the execution speed for a specific GPU model. Defaults to 63 (optimal for GTX1070, the device used for testing. Note that one extra register per thread is always added to the number specified for control, so really this number is 64). Raising this value allocates more registers (fast memory) to each thread, out of a maximum number for the whole GPU, for each specific GPU model. This means that if more registers are allocated than are available for the GPU model, the GPU must run fewer threads concurrently than it has Cuda cores, meaning some cores are inactive, and the GPU is said to have less occupancy. Lowering the value increases GPU occupancy, meaning more threads run concurrently, at the expense of fewer resgiters being avaliable to each thread, meaning slower memory must be used. Thus, there will be an optimal value of `max_registers` for each model of GPU running :mod:`spinsim`, balancing more threads vs faster running threads, and changing this value could increase performance for your GPU. See `Achieved Occupancy`_ for Nvidia's official explanation. """ if not device: if cuda.is_available(): device = Device.CUDA else: device = Device.CPU self.threads_per_block = threads_per_block self.spin_quantum_number = spin_quantum_number self.device = device self.get_time_evolution_raw = None self.get_spin_raw = None try: self.compile_time_evolver(get_field, spin_quantum_number, device, use_rotating_frame, integration_method, exponentiation_method, trotter_cutoff, threads_per_block, max_registers) except: print("\033[31mspinsim error: numba could not jit get_field function into a device function.\033[0m\n") raise def compile_time_evolver(self, get_field, spin_quantum_number, device, use_rotating_frame = True, integration_method = IntegrationMethod.MAGNUS_CF4, exponentiation_method = None, trotter_cutoff:int = 28, threads_per_block = 64, max_registers = 63): """ Compiles the integrator and spin calculation functions of the simulator. Parameters ---------- get_field : :obj:`callable` A python function that describes the field that the spin system is being put under. It must have three arguments: * **time_sample** (:obj:`float`) - the time to sample the field at, in units of s. * **simulation_index** (:obj:`int`) - a parameter that can be swept over when multiple simulations need to be run. For example, it is used to sweep over dressing frequencies during the simulations that `spinsim` was designed for. * **field_sample** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64` (spatial_index)) the returned value of the field. This is a four dimensional vector, with the first three entries being x, y, z spatial directions (to model a magnetic field, for example), and the fourth entry being the amplitude of the quadratic shift (only appearing, and required, in spin one systems). .. note:: This function must be compilable for the device that the integrator is being compiled for. See :class:`Device` for more information and links. spin_quantum_number : :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber` The option to select whether the simulator will integrate a spin half :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF`, or spin one :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.ONE` quantum system. device : :obj:`Device` The option to select which device will be targeted for integration. That is, whether the integrator is compiled for a CPU or GPU. Defaults to :obj:`Device.CUDA` if the system it is being run on is Nvidia Cuda compatible, and defaults to :obj:`Device.CPU` otherwise. See :obj:`Device` for all options and more details. exponentiation_method : :obj:`ExponentiationMethod` Which method to use for matrix exponentiation in the integration algorithm. Defaults to :obj:`ExponentiationMethod.LIE_TROTTER` when `spin_quantum_number` is set to :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.ONE`, and defaults to :obj:`ExponentiationMethod.ANALYTIC` when `spin_quantum_number` is set to :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF`. See :obj:`ExponentiationMethod` for more details. use_rotating_frame : :obj:`bool` Whether or not to use the rotating frame optimisation. Defaults to :obj:`True`. If set to :obj:`True`, the integrator moves into a frame rotating in the z axis by an amount defined by the field in the z direction. This removes the (possibly large) z component of the field, which increases the accuracy of the output since the integrator will on average take smaller steps. .. note :: The use of a rotating frame is commonly associated with the use of a rotating wave approximation, a technique used to get approximate analytic solutions of spin system dynamics. This is not done when this option is set to :obj:`True` - no such approximations are made, and the output state in given out of the rotating frame. One can, of course, use :mod:`spinsim` to integrate states in the rotating frame, using the rating wave approximation: just define `get_field()` with field functions that use the rotating wave approximation in the rotating frame. integration_method : :obj:`IntegrationMethod` Which integration method to use in the integration. Defaults to :obj:`IntegrationMethod.MAGNUS_CF4`. See :obj:`IntegrationMethod` for more details. trotter_cutoff : :obj:`int` The number of squares made by the matrix exponentiator, if :obj:`ExponentiationMethod.LIE_TROTTER` is chosen. threads_per_block : :obj:`int` The size of each thread block (workgroup), in terms of the number of threads (workitems) they each contain, when running on the GPU target devices :obj:`Device.CUDA` (:obj:`Device.ROC`). Defaults to 64. Modifying might be able to increase execution time for different GPU models. max_registers : :obj:`int` The maximum number of registers allocated per thread when using :obj:`Device.CUDA` as the target device, and can be modified to increase the execution speed for a specific GPU model. Defaults to 63 (optimal for GTX1070, the device used for testing. Note that one extra register per thread is always added to the number specified for control, so really this number is 64). Raising this value allocates more registers (fast memory) to each thread, out of a maximum number for the whole GPU, for each specific GPU model. This means that if more registers are allocated than are available for the GPU model, the GPU must run fewer threads concurrently than it has Cuda cores, meaning some cores are inactive, and the GPU is said to have less occupancy. Lowering the value increases GPU occupancy, meaning more threads run concurrently, at the expense of fewer resgiters being avaliable to each thread, meaning slower memory must be used. Thus, there will be an optimal value of `max_registers` for each model of GPU running :mod:`spinsim`, balancing more threads vs faster running threads, and changing this value could increase performance for your GPU. See `Achieved Occupancy`_ for Nvidia's official explanation. """ utilities = Utilities(spin_quantum_number, device, threads_per_block) conj = utilities.conj complex_abs = utilities.complex_abs norm2 = utilities.norm2 inner = utilities.inner set_to = utilities.set_to set_to_one = utilities.set_to_one set_to_zero = utilities.set_to_zero matrix_multiply = utilities.matrix_multiply adjoint = utilities.adjoint matrix_exponential_analytic = utilities.matrix_exponential_analytic matrix_exponential_lie_trotter = utilities.matrix_exponential_lie_trotter jit_host = device.jit_host jit_device = device.jit_device jit_device_template = device.jit_device_template device_index = device.index dimension = spin_quantum_number.dimension lie_dimension = dimension + 1 # utility_set = spin_quantum_number.utility_set if not exponentiation_method: if spin_quantum_number == SpinQuantumNumber.ONE: exponentiation_method = ExponentiationMethod.LIE_TROTTER elif spin_quantum_number == SpinQuantumNumber.HALF: exponentiation_method = ExponentiationMethod.ANALYTIC if integration_method == IntegrationMethod.MAGNUS_CF4: sample_index_max = 3 sample_index_end = 4 elif integration_method == IntegrationMethod.HALF_STEP: sample_index_max = 3 sample_index_end = 4 elif integration_method == IntegrationMethod.MIDPOINT_SAMPLE: sample_index_max = 1 sample_index_end = 1 exponentiation_method_index = exponentiation_method.index if (exponentiation_method == ExponentiationMethod.ANALYTIC) and (spin_quantum_number != SpinQuantumNumber.HALF): print("\033[31mspinsim warning!!!\n_attempting to use an analytic exponentiation method outside of spin half. Switching to a Lie Trotter method.\033[0m") exponentiation_method = ExponentiationMethod.LIE_TROTTER exponentiation_method_index = 1 @jit_device_template("(float64[:], complex128[:, :], complex128[:, :])") def append_exponentiation(field_sample, time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse): if device_index == 0: time_evolution_old = np.empty((dimension, dimension), dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 1: time_evolution_old = cuda.local.array((dimension, dimension), dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 2: time_evolution_old_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, dimension, dimension), dtype = np.complex128) time_evolution_old = time_evolution_old_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] # Calculate the exponential if exponentiation_method_index == 0: matrix_exponential_analytic(field_sample, time_evolution_fine) elif exponentiation_method_index == 1: matrix_exponential_lie_trotter(field_sample, time_evolution_fine, trotter_cutoff) # Premultiply to the exitsing time evolution operator set_to(time_evolution_coarse, time_evolution_old) matrix_multiply(time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_old, time_evolution_coarse) if use_rotating_frame: if dimension == 3: @jit_device_template("(float64[:], float64, complex128)") def transform_frame_spin_one_rotating(field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): X = (field_sample[0] + 1j*field_sample[1])/rotating_wave_winding field_sample[0] = X.real field_sample[1] = X.imag field_sample[2] = field_sample[2] - rotating_wave transform_frame = transform_frame_spin_one_rotating else: @jit_device_template("(float64[:], float64, complex128)") def transform_frame_spin_half_rotating(field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): X = (field_sample[0] + 1j*field_sample[1])/(rotating_wave_winding**2) field_sample[0] = X.real field_sample[1] = X.imag field_sample[2] = field_sample[2] - 2*rotating_wave transform_frame = transform_frame_spin_half_rotating else: @jit_device_template("(float64[:], float64, complex128)") def transform_frame_lab(field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): return transform_frame = transform_frame_lab get_field_jit = jit_device(get_field) if integration_method == IntegrationMethod.MAGNUS_CF4: @jit_device_template("(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64[:, :], float64, complex128[:])") def get_field_integration_magnus_cf4(sweep_parameter, time_fine, time_coarse, time_step_integration, field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): time_sample = ((time_fine + 0.5*time_step_integration*(1 - 1/sqrt3)) - time_coarse) rotating_wave_winding[0] = math.cos(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) + 1j*math.sin(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) time_sample += time_coarse get_field_jit(time_sample, sweep_parameter, field_sample[0, :]) time_sample = ((time_fine + 0.5*time_step_integration*(1 + 1/sqrt3)) - time_coarse) rotating_wave_winding[1] = math.cos(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) + 1j*math.sin(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) time_sample += time_coarse get_field_jit(time_sample, sweep_parameter, field_sample[1, :]) @jit_device_template("(complex128[:, :], complex128[:, :], float64[:, :], float64, float64, complex128[:])") def append_exponentiation_integration_magnus_cf4(time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse, field_sample, time_step_integration, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): transform_frame(field_sample[0, :], rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding[0]) transform_frame(field_sample[1, :], rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding[1]) w0 = (1.5 + sqrt3)/6 w1 = (1.5 - sqrt3)/6 field_sample[2, 0] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w0*field_sample[0, 0] + w1*field_sample[1, 0]) field_sample[2, 1] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w0*field_sample[0, 1] + w1*field_sample[1, 1]) field_sample[2, 2] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w0*field_sample[0, 2] + w1*field_sample[1, 2]) if dimension > 2: field_sample[2, 3] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w0*field_sample[0, 3] + w1*field_sample[1, 3]) append_exponentiation(field_sample[2, :], time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse) field_sample[2, 0] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w1*field_sample[0, 0] + w0*field_sample[1, 0]) field_sample[2, 1] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w1*field_sample[0, 1] + w0*field_sample[1, 1]) field_sample[2, 2] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w1*field_sample[0, 2] + w0*field_sample[1, 2]) if dimension > 2: field_sample[2, 3] = math.tau*time_step_integration*(w1*field_sample[0, 3] + w0*field_sample[1, 3]) append_exponentiation(field_sample[2, :], time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse) get_field_integration = get_field_integration_magnus_cf4 append_exponentiation_integration = append_exponentiation_integration_magnus_cf4 elif integration_method == IntegrationMethod.HALF_STEP: @jit_device_template("(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64[:, :], float64, complex128[:])") def get_field_integration_half_step(sweep_parameter, time_fine, time_coarse, time_step_integration, field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): time_sample = time_fine - time_coarse rotating_wave_winding[0] = math.cos(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) + 1j*math.sin(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) time_sample += time_coarse get_field_jit(time_sample, sweep_parameter, field_sample[0, :]) time_sample = time_fine + time_step_integration - time_coarse rotating_wave_winding[1] = math.cos(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) + 1j*math.sin(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) time_sample += time_coarse get_field_jit(time_sample, sweep_parameter, field_sample[1, :]) @jit_device_template("(complex128[:, :], complex128[:, :], float64[:, :], float64, float64, complex128[:])") def append_exponentiation_integration_half_step(time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse, field_sample, time_step_integration, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): transform_frame(field_sample[0, :], rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding[0]) transform_frame(field_sample[1, :], rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding[1]) field_sample[2, 0] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 0]/2 field_sample[2, 1] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 1]/2 field_sample[2, 2] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 2]/2 if dimension > 2: field_sample[2, 3] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 3]/2 append_exponentiation(field_sample[2, :], time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse) field_sample[2, 0] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[1, 0]/2 field_sample[2, 1] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[1, 1]/2 field_sample[2, 2] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[1, 2]/2 if dimension > 2: field_sample[2, 3] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[1, 3]/2 append_exponentiation(field_sample[2, :], time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse) get_field_integration = get_field_integration_half_step append_exponentiation_integration = append_exponentiation_integration_half_step elif integration_method == IntegrationMethod.MIDPOINT_SAMPLE: @jit_device_template("(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64[:, :], float64, complex128[:])") def get_field_integration_midpoint(sweep_parameter, time_fine, time_coarse, time_step_integration, field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): time_sample = time_fine + 0.5*time_step_integration - time_coarse rotating_wave_winding[0] = math.cos(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) + 1j*math.sin(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_sample) time_sample += time_coarse get_field_jit(time_sample, sweep_parameter, field_sample[0, :]) @jit_device_template("(complex128[:, :], complex128[:, :], float64[:, :], float64, float64, complex128[:])") def append_exponentiation_integration_midpoint(time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse, field_sample, time_step_integration, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding): transform_frame(field_sample[0, :], rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding[0]) field_sample[0, 0] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 0] field_sample[0, 1] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 1] field_sample[0, 2] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 2] if dimension > 2: field_sample[0, 3] = math.tau*time_step_integration*field_sample[0, 3] append_exponentiation(field_sample[0, :], time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse) get_field_integration = get_field_integration_midpoint append_exponentiation_integration = append_exponentiation_integration_midpoint @jit_device_template("(int64, float64[:], float64, float64, float64[:], complex128[:, :, :], float64)") def get_time_evolution_loop(time_index, time_coarse, time_step_output, time_step_integration, time_end_points, time_evolution_coarse, sweep_parameter): # Declare variables if device_index == 0: time_evolution_fine = np.empty((dimension, dimension), dtype = np.complex128) field_sample = np.empty((sample_index_max, lie_dimension), dtype = np.float64) rotating_wave_winding = np.empty(sample_index_end, dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 1: time_evolution_fine = cuda.local.array((dimension, dimension), dtype = np.complex128) field_sample = cuda.local.array((sample_index_max, lie_dimension), dtype = np.float64) rotating_wave_winding = cuda.local.array(sample_index_end, dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 2: time_evolution_fine_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, dimension, dimension), dtype = np.complex128) time_evolution_fine = time_evolution_fine_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] field_sample_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, sample_index_max, lie_dimension), dtype = np.float64) field_sample = field_sample_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] rotating_wave_winding_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, sample_index_end), dtype = np.complex128) rotating_wave_winding = rotating_wave_winding_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :] time_coarse[time_index] = time_end_points[0] + time_step_output*time_index time_fine = time_coarse[time_index] # Initialise time evolution operator to 1 set_to_one(time_evolution_coarse[time_index, :]) field_sample[0, 2] = 0 if use_rotating_frame: time_sample = time_coarse[time_index] + time_step_output/2 get_field_jit(time_sample, sweep_parameter, field_sample[0, :]) rotating_wave = field_sample[0, 2] if dimension == 2: rotating_wave /= 2 # For every fine step for time_fine_index in range(math.floor(time_step_output/time_step_integration + 0.5)): get_field_integration(sweep_parameter, time_fine, time_coarse[time_index], time_step_integration, field_sample, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding) append_exponentiation_integration(time_evolution_fine, time_evolution_coarse[time_index, :], field_sample, time_step_integration, rotating_wave, rotating_wave_winding) time_fine += time_step_integration if use_rotating_frame: # Take out of rotating frame rotating_wave_winding[0] = math.cos(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_step_output) + 1j*math.sin(math.tau*rotating_wave*time_step_output) time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 0, 0] /= rotating_wave_winding[0] time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 0, 1] /= rotating_wave_winding[0] if dimension > 2: time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 0, 2] /= rotating_wave_winding[0] time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 2, 0] *= rotating_wave_winding[0] time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 2, 1] *= rotating_wave_winding[0] time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 2, 2] *= rotating_wave_winding[0] else: time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 1, 0] *= rotating_wave_winding[0] time_evolution_coarse[time_index, 1, 1] *= rotating_wave_winding[0] @jit_host("(float64, float64[:], float64[:], float64, float64, complex128[:, :, :])", max_registers) def get_time_evolution(sweep_parameter, time_coarse, time_end_points, time_step_integration, time_step_output, time_evolution_coarse): """ Find the stepwise time evolution opperator. Parameters ---------- sweep_parameter : :obj:`float` time_coarse : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64` (time_index) A coarse grained list of time samples that the time evolution operator is found for. In units of s. This is an output, so use an empty :class:`numpy.ndarray` with :func:`numpy.empty()`, or declare a :class:`numpy.ndarray` using :func:`numba.cuda.device_array_like()`. time_end_points : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64` (start time (0) or end time (1)) The time values for when the experiment is to start and finishes. In units of s. time_step_integration : :obj:`float` The time step used within the integration algorithm. In units of s. time_step_output : :obj:`float` The time difference between each element of `time_coarse`. In units of s. Determines the sample rate of the outputs `time_coarse` and `time_evolution_coarse`. time_evolution_coarse : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, bra_state_index, ket_state_index) Time evolution operator (matrix) between the current and next timesteps, for each time sampled. See :math:`U(t)` in :ref:`overview_of_simulation_method`. This is an output, so use an empty :class:`numpy.ndarray` with :func:`numpy.empty()`, or declare a :class:`numpy.ndarray` using :func:`numba.cuda.device_array_like()`. """ if device_index == 0: for time_index in nb.prange(time_coarse.size): get_time_evolution_loop(time_index, time_coarse, time_step_output, time_step_integration, time_end_points, time_evolution_coarse, sweep_parameter) elif device_index == 1: # Run calculation for each coarse timestep in parallel time_index = cuda.grid(1) if time_index < time_coarse.size: get_time_evolution_loop(time_index, time_coarse, time_step_output, time_step_integration, time_end_points, time_evolution_coarse, sweep_parameter) elif device_index == 2: # Run calculation for each coarse timestep in parallel time_index = roc.get_global_id(1) if time_index < time_coarse.size: get_time_evolution_loop(time_index, time_coarse, time_step_output, time_step_integration, time_end_points, time_evolution_coarse, sweep_parameter) return @jit_host("(complex128[:, :], float64[:, :])", max_registers = max_registers) def get_spin(state, spin): """ Calculate each expected spin value in parallel. For spin half: .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\langle F\\rangle(t) = \\begin{pmatrix} \\Re(\\psi_{+\\frac{1}{2}}(t)\\psi_{-\\frac{1}{2}}(t)^*)\\\\ -\\Im(\\psi_{+\\frac{1}{2}}(t)\\psi_{-\\frac{1}{2}}(t)^*)\\\\ \\frac{1}{2}(|\\psi_{+\\frac{1}{2}}(t)|^2 - |\\psi_{-\\frac{1}{2}}(t)|^2) \\end{pmatrix} \\end{align*} For spin one: .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\langle F\\rangle(t) = \\begin{pmatrix} \\Re(\\sqrt{2}\\psi_{0}(t)^*(\\psi_{+1}(t) + \\psi_{-1}(t))\\\\ -\\Im(\\sqrt{2}\\psi_{0}(t)^*(\\psi_{+1}(t) - \\psi_{-1}(t))\\\\ |\\psi_{+1}(t)|^2 - |\\psi_{-1}(t)|^2 \\end{pmatrix} \\end{align*} Parameters ---------- state : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, state_index) The state (wavefunction) of the spin system in the lab frame, for each time sampled. See :math:`\\psi(t)` in :ref:`overview_of_simulation_method`. spin : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64` (time_index, spatial_index) The expected value for hyperfine spin of the spin system in the lab frame, for each time sampled. Units of :math:`\\hbar`. This is an output, so use an empty :class:`numpy.ndarray` with :func:`numpy.empty()`, or declare a :class:`numpy.ndarray` using :func:`numba.cuda.device_array_like()`. """ if device_index == 0: for time_index in nb.prange(spin.shape[0]): if dimension == 2: spin[time_index, 0] = (state[time_index, 0]*conj(state[time_index, 1])).real spin[time_index, 1] = (1j*state[time_index, 0]*conj(state[time_index, 1])).real spin[time_index, 2] = 0.5*(state[time_index, 0].real**2 + state[time_index, 0].imag**2 - state[time_index, 1].real**2 - state[time_index, 1].imag**2) else: spin[time_index, 0] = (2*conj(state[time_index, 1])*(state[time_index, 0] + state[time_index, 2])/sqrt2).real spin[time_index, 1] = (2j*conj(state[time_index, 1])*(state[time_index, 0] - state[time_index, 2])/sqrt2).real spin[time_index, 2] = state[time_index, 0].real**2 + state[time_index, 0].imag**2 - state[time_index, 2].real**2 - state[time_index, 2].imag**2 elif device_index > 0: if device_index == 1: time_index = cuda.grid(1) elif device_index == 1: time_index = roc.get_global_id(1) if time_index < spin.shape[0]: if dimension == 2: spin[time_index, 0] = (state[time_index, 0]*conj(state[time_index, 1])).real spin[time_index, 1] = (1j*state[time_index, 0]*conj(state[time_index, 1])).real spin[time_index, 2] = 0.5*(state[time_index, 0].real**2 + state[time_index, 0].imag**2 - state[time_index, 1].real**2 - state[time_index, 1].imag**2) else: spin[time_index, 0] = (2*conj(state[time_index, 1])*(state[time_index, 0] + state[time_index, 2])/sqrt2).real spin[time_index, 1] = (2j*conj(state[time_index, 1])*(state[time_index, 0] - state[time_index, 2])/sqrt2).real spin[time_index, 2] = state[time_index, 0].real**2 + state[time_index, 0].imag**2 - state[time_index, 2].real**2 - state[time_index, 2].imag**2 return def spin_calculator(state): """ Calculates the expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time for a given time series of a quantum state. Parameters ---------- state : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, magnetic_quantum_number) The quantum state of the spin system over time, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. Returns ------- spin : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.float64` (time_index, spatial_direction) The expected spin projection (Bloch vector) over time. """ if device.index == 0: spin = np.empty((state.shape[0], 3), np.float64) get_spin(state, spin) elif device == Device.CUDA: spin = cuda.device_array((state.shape[0], 3), np.float64) blocks_per_grid = (state.shape[0] + (threads_per_block - 1)) // threads_per_block get_spin[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](cuda.to_device(state), spin) spin = spin.copy_to_host() elif device == Device.ROC: spin = roc.device_array((state.shape[0], 3), np.float64) blocks_per_grid = (state.shape[0] + (threads_per_block - 1)) // threads_per_block get_spin[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block](roc.to_device(state), spin) spin = spin.copy_to_host() return spin self.get_time_evolution_raw = get_time_evolution self.spin_calculator = spin_calculator def evaluate(self, sweep_parameter, time_start, time_end, time_step_integration, time_step_output, state_init): """ Integrates the time dependent Schroedinger equation and returns the quantum state of the spin system over time. Parameters ---------- sweep_parameter : :obj:`float` The input to the `get_field` function supplied by the user. Modifies the field function so the integrator can be used for many experiments, without the need for slow recompilation. For example, if the `sweep_parameter` is used to define the bias field strength in `get_field`, then one can run many simulations, sweeping through bias values, by calling this method multiple times, each time varying `sweep_parameter`. time_start : :obj:`float` The time offset that the experiment is to start at. Measured in s. time_end : :obj:`float` The time that the experiment is to finish at. Measured in s. The duration of the experiment is `time_end - time_start`. time_step_integration : :obj:`float` The integration time step. Measured in s. time_step_output : :obj:`float` The sample resolution of the output timeseries for the state. Must be a whole number multiple of `time_step_integration`. Measured in s. state_init : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of :obj:`numpy.complex128` (magnetic_quantum_number) The initial quantum state of the spin system, written in terms of the eigenstates of the spin projection operator in the z direction. Returns ------- results : :obj:`Results` An object containing the results of the simulation. """ if math.fabs(time_step_output/time_step_integration - round(time_step_output/time_step_integration)) > 1e-6: print(f"\033[33mspinsim warning: time_step_output not an integer multiple of time_step_integration. Resetting time_step_integration to {time_step_output/round(time_step_output/time_step_integration):8.4e}.\033[0m\n") time_step_integration = time_step_output/round(time_step_output/time_step_integration) time_end_points = np.asarray([time_start, time_end], np.float64) state_init = np.asarray(state_init, np.complex128) time_index_max = int((time_end_points[1] - time_end_points[0])/time_step_output) if self.device.index == 0: time = np.empty(time_index_max, np.float64) time_evolution_coarse = np.empty((time_index_max, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension), np.complex128) self.get_time_evolution_raw(sweep_parameter, time, time_end_points, time_step_integration, time_step_output, time_evolution_coarse) elif self.device == Device.CUDA: time = cuda.device_array(time_index_max, np.float64) time_evolution_coarse = cuda.device_array((time_index_max, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension), np.complex128) blocks_per_grid = (time.size + (self.threads_per_block - 1)) // self.threads_per_block try: self.get_time_evolution_raw[blocks_per_grid, self.threads_per_block](sweep_parameter, time, time_end_points, time_step_integration, time_step_output, time_evolution_coarse) except: print("\033[31mspinsim error: numba.cuda could not jit get_field function into a cuda device function.\033[0m\n") raise time_evolution_coarse = time_evolution_coarse.copy_to_host() time = time.copy_to_host() elif self.device == Device.ROC: time = roc.device_array(time_index_max, np.float64) time_evolution_coarse = roc.device_array((time_index_max, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension), np.complex128) blocks_per_grid = (time.size + (self.threads_per_block - 1)) // self.threads_per_block try: self.get_time_evolution_raw[blocks_per_grid, self.threads_per_block](sweep_parameter, time, time_end_points, time_step_integration, time_step_output, time_evolution_coarse) except: print("\033[31mspinsim error: numba.roc could not jit get_field function into a roc device function.\033[0m\n") raise time_evolution_coarse = time_evolution_coarse.copy_to_host() time = time.copy_to_host() state = np.empty((time_index_max, self.spin_quantum_number.dimension), np.complex128) self.get_state(state_init, state, time_evolution_coarse) results = Results(time, time_evolution_coarse, state, self.spin_calculator) return results @staticmethod @nb.njit def get_state(state_init, state, time_evolution): """ Use the stepwise time evolution operators in succession to find the quantum state timeseries of the 3 level atom. Parameters ---------- state_init : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128` The state (spin wavefunction) of the system at the start of the simulation. state : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, state_index) The state (wavefunction) of the spin system in the lab frame, for each time sampled. time_evolution : :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128` (time_index, bra_state_index, ket_state_index) The evaluated time evolution operator between each time step. See :ref:`architecture` for some information. """ for time_index in range(state.shape[0]): # State = time evolution * previous state for x_index in nb.prange(state.shape[1]): state[time_index, x_index] = 0 if time_index > 0: for z_index in range(state.shape[1]): state[time_index, x_index] += time_evolution[time_index - 1, x_index, z_index]*state[time_index - 1, z_index] else: state[time_index, x_index] += state_init[x_index] sqrt2 = math.sqrt(2) sqrt3 = math.sqrt(3) machine_epsilon = np.finfo(np.float64).eps*1000 class Utilities: """ A on object that contains definitions of all of the device functions (functions compiled for use on the target device) used in the integrator. These device functions are compiled for the chosen target device on construction of the object. Attributes ---------- conj(z) : :obj:`callable` Conjugate of a complex number. .. math:: \\begin{align*} (a + ib)^* &= a - ib\\\\ a, b &\\in \\mathbb{R} \\end{align*} Parameters: * **z** (:class:`numpy.complex128`) - The complex number to take the conjugate of. Returns * **cz** (:class:`numpy.complex128`) - The conjugate of z. complex_abs(z) : :obj:`callable` The absolute value of a complex number. .. math:: \\begin{align*} |a + ib| &= \\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}\\\\ a, b &\\in \\mathbb{R} \\end{align*} Parameters: * **z** (:class:`numpy.complex128`) - The complex number to take the absolute value of. Returns * **az** (:class:`numpy.float64`) - The absolute value of z. norm2(z) : :obj:`callable` The 2 norm of a complex vector. .. math:: \|a + ib\|_2 = \\sqrt {\\left(\\sum_i a_i^2 + b_i^2\\right)} Parameters: * **z** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (index)) - The vector to take the 2 norm of. Returns * **nz** (:class:`numpy.float64`) - The 2 norm of z. inner(left, right) : :obj:`callable` The inner (maths convention dot) product between two complex vectors. .. note:: The mathematics definition is used here rather than the physics definition, so the left vector is conjugated. Thus the inner product of two orthogonal vectors is 0. .. math:: \\begin{align*} l \\cdot r &\\equiv \\langle l, r \\rangle\\\\ l \\cdot r &= \\sum_i (l_i)^* r_i \\end{align*} Parameters: * **left** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (index)) - The vector to left multiply in the inner product. * **right** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (index)) - The vector to right multiply in the inner product. Returns * **d** (:class:`numpy.complex128`) - The inner product of l and r. set_to(operator, result) : :obj:`callable` Copy the contents of one matrix into another. .. math:: (A)_{i, j} = (B)_{i, j} Parameters: * **operator** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix to copy from. * **result** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix to copy to. set_to_one(operator) : :obj:`callable` Make a matrix the multiplicative identity, ie, :math:`1`. .. math:: \\begin{align*} (A)_{i, j} &= \\delta_{i, j}\\\\ &= \\begin{cases} 1,&i = j\\\\ 0,&i\\neq j \\end{cases} \\end{align*} Parameters: * **operator** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix to set to :math:`1`. set_to_zero(operator) : :obj:`callable` Make a matrix the additive identity, ie, :math:`0`. .. math:: \\begin{align*} (A)_{i, j} = 0 \\end{align*} Parameters: * **operator** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix to set to :math:`0`. matrix_multiply(left, right, result) : :obj:`callable` Multiply matrices left and right together, to be returned in result. .. math:: \\begin{align*} (LR)_{i,k} = \\sum_j (L)_{i,j} (R)_{j,k} \\end{align*} Parameters: * **left** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix to left multiply by. * **right** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix to right multiply by. * **result** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - A matrix to be filled with the result of the product. adjoint(operator) : :obj:`callable` Takes the hermitian adjoint of a matrix. .. math:: \\begin{align*} A^\\dagger &\\equiv A^H\\\\ (A^\\dagger)_{y,x} &= ((A)_{x,y})^* \\end{align*} Matrix can be in :math:`\\mathbb{C}^{2\\times2}` or :math:`\\mathbb{C}^{3\\times3}`. Parameters: * **operator** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The operator to take the adjoint of. * **result** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - An array to write the resultant adjoint to. matrix_exponential_analytic(field_sample, result) : :obj:`callable` Calculates a :math:`\\mathfrak{su}(2)` matrix exponential based on its analytic form. .. warning:: Only available for use with spin half systems. Will not work with spin one systems. Assumes the exponent is an imaginary linear combination of :math:`\\mathfrak{su}(2)`, being, .. math:: \\begin{align*} A &= -i(x J_x + y J_y + z J_z), \\end{align*} with .. math:: \\begin{align*} J_x &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\\\ 1 & 0 \\end{pmatrix},& J_y &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i \\\\ i & 0 \\end{pmatrix},& J_z &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\\ 0 & -1 \\end{pmatrix} \\end{align*} Then the exponential can be calculated as .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\exp(A) &= \\exp(-ix J_x - iy J_y - iz J_z)\\\\ &= \\begin{pmatrix} \\cos(\\frac{r}{2}) - i\\frac{z}{r}\\sin(\\frac{r}{2}) & -\\frac{y + ix}{r}\\sin(\\frac{r}{2})\\\\ \\frac{y - ix}{r}\\sin(\\frac{r}{2}) & \\cos(\\frac{r}{2}) + i\\frac{z}{r}\\sin(\\frac{r}{2}) \\end{pmatrix} \\end{align*} with :math:`r = \\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}`. Parameters: * **field_sample** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64`, (y_index, x_index)) - The values of x, y and z respectively, as described above. * **result** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix which the result of the exponentiation is to be written to. matrix_exponential_lie_trotter(field_sample, result) : :obj:`callable` Calculates a matrix exponential based on the Lie Product Formula, .. math:: \\exp(A + B) = \\lim_{c \\to \\infty} \\left(\\exp\\left(\\frac{1}{c}A\\right) \\exp\\left(\\frac{1}{c}B\\right)\\right)^c. **For spin half systems:** Assumes the exponent is an imaginary linear combination of a subspace of :math:`\\mathfrak{su}(2)`, being, .. math:: \\begin{align*} A &= -i(x J_x + y J_y + z J_z), \\end{align*} with .. math:: \\begin{align*} J_x &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\\\ 1 & 0 \\end{pmatrix},& J_y &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i \\\\ i & 0 \\end{pmatrix},& J_z &= \\frac{1}{2}\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\\ 0 & -1 \\end{pmatrix} \\end{align*} Then the exponential can be approximated as, for large :math:`\\tau`, .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\exp(A) &= \\exp(-ix J_x - iy J_y - iz J_z)\\\\ &= \\exp(2^{-\\tau}(-ix J_x - iy J_y - iz J_z))^{2^\\tau}\\\\ &\\approx (\\exp(-i(2^{-\\tau} x) J_x) \\exp(-i(2^{-\\tau} y) J_y) \\exp(-i(2^{-\\tau} z) J_z)^{2^\\tau}\\\\ &= \\begin{pmatrix} (c_Xc_Y - is_Xs_Y) e^{-iZ} & -(c_Xs_Y + is_Xc_Y) e^{iZ} \\\\ (c_Xs_Y - is_Xc_Y) e^{-iZ} & (c_Xc_Y + is_Xs_Y) e^{iZ} \\end{pmatrix}^{2^\\tau}\\\\ &= T^{2^\\tau}, \\end{align*} with .. math:: \\begin{align*} X &= \\frac{1}{2}2^{-\\tau}x,\\\\ Y &= \\frac{1}{2}2^{-\\tau}y,\\\\ Z &= \\frac{1}{2}2^{-\\tau}z,\\\\ c_{\\theta} &= \\cos(\\theta),\\\\ s_{\\theta} &= \\sin(\\theta). \\end{align*} **For spin one systems** Assumes the exponent is an imaginary linear combination of a subspace of :math:`\\mathfrak{su}(3)`, being, .. math:: \\begin{align*} A &= -i(x J_x + y J_y + z J_z + q J_q), \\end{align*} with .. math:: \\begin{align*} J_x &= \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 \\\\ 1 & 0 & 1 \\\\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\end{pmatrix},& J_y &= \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i & 0 \\\\ i & 0 & -i \\\\ 0 & i & 0 \\end{pmatrix},\\\\ J_z &= \\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\\\ 0 & 0 & -1 \\end{pmatrix},& J_q &= \\frac{1}{3}\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\ 0 & -2 & 0 \\\\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\end{pmatrix} \\end{align*} Then the exponential can be approximated as, for large :math:`\\tau`, .. math:: \\begin{align*} \\exp(A) &= \\exp(-ix J_x - iy J_y - iz J_z - iq J_q)\\\\ &= \\exp(2^{-\\tau}(-ix J_x - iy J_y - iz J_z - iq J_q))^{2^\\tau}\\\\ &\\approx (\\exp(-i(2^{-\\tau} x) J_x) \\exp(-i(2^{-\\tau} y) J_y) \\exp(-i(2^{-\\tau} z J_z + (2^{-\\tau} q) J_q)))^{2^\\tau}\\\\ &= \\begin{pmatrix} \\frac{e^{-i\\left(Z + \\frac{Q}{3}\\right)}(c_X + c_Y - i s_Xs_Y)}{2} & \\frac{e^{i\\frac{2Q}{3}} (-s_Y -i c_Y s_X)}{\\sqrt{2}} & \\frac{e^{-i\\left(-Z + \\frac{Q}{3}\\right)}(c_X - c_Y + i s_Xs_Y)}{2} \\\\ \\frac{e^{-i\\left(Z + \\frac{Q}{3}\\right)} (-i s_X + c_X s_Y)}{\\sqrt{2}} & e^{i\\frac{2Q}{3}} c_X c_Y & \\frac{e^{-i(Z - \\frac{Q}{3})} (-i s_X - c_X s_Y)}{\\sqrt{2}} \\\\ \\frac{e^{-i\\left(Z + \\frac{Q}{3}\\right)}(c_X - c_Y - i s_Xs_Y)}{2} & \\frac{e^{i\\frac{2Q}{3}} (s_Y -i c_Y s_X)}{\\sqrt{2}} & \\frac{e^{-i\\left(-Z + \\frac{Q}{3}\\right)}(c_X + c_Y + i s_Xs_Y)}{2} \\end{pmatrix}^{2^\\tau}\\\\ &= T^{2^\\tau}, \\end{align*} with .. math:: \\begin{align*} X &= 2^{-\\tau}x,\\\\ Y &= 2^{-\\tau}y,\\\\ Z &= 2^{-\\tau}z,\\\\ Q &= 2^{-\\tau}q,\\\\ c_{\\theta} &= \\cos(\\theta),\\\\ s_{\\theta} &= \\sin(\\theta). \\end{align*} Once :math:`T` is calculated, it is then recursively squared :math:`\\tau` times to obtain :math:`\\exp(A)`. Parameters: * **field_sample** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.float64`, (y_index, x_index)) - The values of x, y and z (and q for spin one) respectively, as described above. * **result** (:class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`numpy.complex128`, (y_index, x_index)) - The matrix which the result of the exponentiation is to be written to. * **trotter_cutoff** (:obj:`int`) - The number of squares to make to the approximate matrix (:math:`\\tau` above). """ def __init__(self, spin_quantum_number, device, threads_per_block): """ Parameters ---------- spin_quantum_number : :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber` The option to select whether the simulator will integrate a spin half :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.HALF`, or spin one :obj:`SpinQuantumNumber.ONE` quantum system. device : :obj:`Device` The option to select which device will be targeted for integration. That is, whether the integrator is compiled for a CPU or GPU. Defaults to :obj:`Device.CUDA` if the system it is being run on is Nvidia Cuda compatible, and defaults to :obj:`Device.CPU` otherwise. See :obj:`Device` for all options and more details. threads_per_block : :obj:`int` The size of each thread block (workgroup), in terms of the number of threads (workitems) they each contain, when running on the GPU target devices :obj:`Device.CUDA` (:obj:`Device.ROC`). Defaults to 64. Modifying might be able to increase execution time for different GPU models. """ jit_device = device.jit_device device_index = device.index @jit_device def conj(z): return (z.real - 1j*z.imag) @jit_device def complex_abs(z): return math.sqrt(z.real**2 + z.imag**2) if spin_quantum_number == SpinQuantumNumber.HALF: @jit_device def norm2(z): return math.sqrt(z[0].real**2 + z[0].imag**2 + z[1].real**2 + z[1].imag**2) @jit_device def inner(left, right): return conj(left[0])*right[0] + conj(left[1])*right[1] @jit_device def set_to(operator, result): result[0, 0] = operator[0, 0] result[1, 0] = operator[1, 0] result[0, 1] = operator[0, 1] result[1, 1] = operator[1, 1] @jit_device def set_to_one(operator): operator[0, 0] = 1 operator[1, 0] = 0 operator[0, 1] = 0 operator[1, 1] = 1 @jit_device def set_to_zero(operator): operator[0, 0] = 0 operator[1, 0] = 0 operator[0, 1] = 0 operator[1, 1] = 0 @jit_device def matrix_multiply(left, right, result): result[0, 0] = left[0, 0]*right[0, 0] + left[0, 1]*right[1, 0] result[1, 0] = left[1, 0]*right[0, 0] + left[1, 1]*right[1, 0] result[0, 1] = left[0, 0]*right[0, 1] + left[0, 1]*right[1, 1] result[1, 1] = left[1, 0]*right[0, 1] + left[1, 1]*right[1, 1] @jit_device def matrix_square_residual(operator, result): result[0, 0] = (2 + operator[0, 0])*operator[0, 0] + operator[0, 1]*operator[1, 0] result[1, 0] = operator[1, 0]*operator[0, 0] + (2 + operator[1, 1])*operator[1, 0] result[0, 1] = (2 + operator[0, 0])*operator[0, 1] + operator[0, 1]*operator[1, 1] result[1, 1] = operator[1, 0]*operator[0, 1] + (2 + operator[1, 1])*operator[1, 1] @jit_device def adjoint(operator, result): result[0, 0] = conj(operator[0, 0]) result[1, 0] = conj(operator[0, 1]) result[0, 1] = conj(operator[1, 0]) result[1, 1] = conj(operator[1, 1]) @jit_device def matrix_exponential_analytic(field_sample, result): x = field_sample[0] y = field_sample[1] z = field_sample[2] r = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) if r > 0: x /= r y /= r z /= r c = math.cos(r/2) s = math.sin(r/2) result[0, 0] = c - 1j*z*s result[1, 0] = (y - 1j*x)*s result[0, 1] = -(y + 1j*x)*s result[1, 1] = c + 1j*z*s else: result[0, 0] = 1 result[1, 0] = 0 result[0, 1] = 0 result[1, 1] = 1 @jit_device def matrix_exponential_lie_trotter(field_sample, result, trotter_cutoff): hyper_cube_amount = math.ceil(trotter_cutoff/2) if hyper_cube_amount < 0: hyper_cube_amount = 0 precision = 4**hyper_cube_amount a = math.sqrt(field_sample[0]*field_sample[0] + field_sample[1]*field_sample[1]) if a > 0: ep = (field_sample[0] + 1j*field_sample[1])/a else: ep = 1 a = a/precision Ca = math.cos(a/2) Sa = -1j*math.sin(a/2) ez = field_sample[2]/(2*precision) ez = math.cos(ez) + 1j*math.sin(ez) # eq = field_sample[3]/(6*precision) # eq = math.cos(eq) + 1j*math.sin(eq) result[0, 0] = Ca/ez - 1 result[1, 0] = Sa*ep result[0, 1] = Sa/ep result[1, 1] = Ca*ez - 1 if device_index == 0: temporary = np.empty((2, 2), dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 1: temporary = cuda.local.array((2, 2), dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 2: temporary_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, 2, 2), dtype = np.complex128) temporary = temporary_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] for power_index in range(hyper_cube_amount): matrix_square_residual(result, temporary) matrix_square_residual(temporary, result) # matrix_multiply(result, result, temporary) # matrix_multiply(temporary, temporary, result) result[0, 0] += 1 result[1, 1] += 1 # @jit_device # def matrix_exponential_lie_trotter(field_sample, result, trotter_cutoff): # hyper_cube_amount = math.ceil(trotter_cutoff/2) # if hyper_cube_amount < 0: # hyper_cube_amount = 0 # precision = 4**hyper_cube_amount # x = field_sample[0]/(2*precision) # y = field_sample[1]/(2*precision) # z = field_sample[2]/(2*precision) # cx = math.cos(x) # sx = math.sin(x) # cy = math.cos(y) # sy = math.sin(y) # cisz = math.cos(z) + 1j*math.sin(z) # result[0, 0] = (cx*cy - 1j*sx*sy)/cisz # result[1, 0] = (cx*sy -1j*sx*cy)/cisz # result[0, 1] = -(cx*sy + 1j*sx*cy)*cisz # result[1, 1] = (cx*cy + 1j*sx*sy)*cisz # if device_index == 0: # temporary = np.empty((2, 2), dtype = np.complex128) # elif device_index == 1: # temporary = cuda.local.array((2, 2), dtype = np.complex128) # elif device_index == 2: # temporary_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, 2, 2), dtype = np.complex128) # temporary = temporary_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] # for power_index in range(hyper_cube_amount): # matrix_multiply(result, result, temporary) # matrix_multiply(temporary, temporary, result) else: @jit_device def norm2(z): return math.sqrt(z[0].real**2 + z[0].imag**2 + z[1].real**2 + z[1].imag**2 + z[2].real**2 + z[2].imag**2) @jit_device def cross(left, right, result): result[0] = conj(left[1]*right[2] - left[2]*right[1]) result[1] = conj(left[2]*right[0] - left[0]*right[2]) result[2] = conj(left[0]*right[1] - left[1]*right[0]) @jit_device def inner(left, right): return conj(left[0])*right[0] + conj(left[1])*right[1] + conj(left[2])*right[2] @jit_device def set_to(operator, result): result[0, 0] = operator[0, 0] result[1, 0] = operator[1, 0] result[2, 0] = operator[2, 0] result[0, 1] = operator[0, 1] result[1, 1] = operator[1, 1] result[2, 1] = operator[2, 1] result[0, 2] = operator[0, 2] result[1, 2] = operator[1, 2] result[2, 2] = operator[2, 2] @jit_device def set_to_one(operator): operator[0, 0] = 1 operator[1, 0] = 0 operator[2, 0] = 0 operator[0, 1] = 0 operator[1, 1] = 1 operator[2, 1] = 0 operator[0, 2] = 0 operator[1, 2] = 0 operator[2, 2] = 1 @jit_device def set_to_zero(operator): operator[0, 0] = 0 operator[1, 0] = 0 operator[2, 0] = 0 operator[0, 1] = 0 operator[1, 1] = 0 operator[2, 1] = 0 operator[0, 2] = 0 operator[1, 2] = 0 operator[2, 2] = 0 @jit_device def matrix_multiply(left, right, result): result[0, 0] = left[0, 0]*right[0, 0] + left[0, 1]*right[1, 0] + left[0, 2]*right[2, 0] result[1, 0] = left[1, 0]*right[0, 0] + left[1, 1]*right[1, 0] + left[1, 2]*right[2, 0] result[2, 0] = left[2, 0]*right[0, 0] + left[2, 1]*right[1, 0] + left[2, 2]*right[2, 0] result[0, 1] = left[0, 0]*right[0, 1] + left[0, 1]*right[1, 1] + left[0, 2]*right[2, 1] result[1, 1] = left[1, 0]*right[0, 1] + left[1, 1]*right[1, 1] + left[1, 2]*right[2, 1] result[2, 1] = left[2, 0]*right[0, 1] + left[2, 1]*right[1, 1] + left[2, 2]*right[2, 1] result[0, 2] = left[0, 0]*right[0, 2] + left[0, 1]*right[1, 2] + left[0, 2]*right[2, 2] result[1, 2] = left[1, 0]*right[0, 2] + left[1, 1]*right[1, 2] + left[1, 2]*right[2, 2] result[2, 2] = left[2, 0]*right[0, 2] + left[2, 1]*right[1, 2] + left[2, 2]*right[2, 2] @jit_device def matrix_square_residual(operator, result): result[0, 0] = (2 + operator[0, 0])*operator[0, 0] + operator[0, 1]*operator[1, 0] + operator[0, 2]*operator[2, 0] result[1, 0] = operator[1, 0]*operator[0, 0] + (2 + operator[1, 1])*operator[1, 0] + operator[1, 2]*operator[2, 0] result[2, 0] = operator[2, 0]*operator[0, 0] + operator[2, 1]*operator[1, 0] + (2 + operator[2, 2])*operator[2, 0] result[0, 1] = (2 + operator[0, 0])*operator[0, 1] + operator[0, 1]*operator[1, 1] + operator[0, 2]*operator[2, 1] result[1, 1] = operator[1, 0]*operator[0, 1] + (2 + operator[1, 1])*operator[1, 1] + operator[1, 2]*operator[2, 1] result[2, 1] = operator[2, 0]*operator[0, 1] + operator[2, 1]*operator[1, 1] + (2 + operator[2, 2])*operator[2, 1] result[0, 2] = (2 + operator[0, 0])*operator[0, 2] + operator[0, 1]*operator[1, 2] + operator[0, 2]*operator[2, 2] result[1, 2] = operator[1, 0]*operator[0, 2] + (2 + operator[1, 1])*operator[1, 2] + operator[1, 2]*operator[2, 2] result[2, 2] = operator[2, 0]*operator[0, 2] + operator[2, 1]*operator[1, 2] + (2 + operator[2, 2])*operator[2, 2] @jit_device def adjoint(operator, result): result[0, 0] = conj(operator[0, 0]) result[1, 0] = conj(operator[0, 1]) result[2, 0] = conj(operator[0, 2]) result[0, 1] = conj(operator[1, 0]) result[1, 1] = conj(operator[1, 1]) result[2, 1] = conj(operator[1, 2]) result[0, 2] = conj(operator[2, 0]) result[1, 2] = conj(operator[2, 1]) result[2, 2] = conj(operator[2, 2]) @jit_device def matrix_exponential_analytic(field_sample, result, trotter_cutoff): pass @jit_device def matrix_exponential_lie_trotter(field_sample, result, trotter_cutoff): hyper_cube_amount = math.ceil(trotter_cutoff/2) if hyper_cube_amount < 0: hyper_cube_amount = 0 precision = 4**hyper_cube_amount a = math.sqrt(field_sample[0]*field_sample[0] + field_sample[1]*field_sample[1]) if a > 0: ep = (field_sample[0] + 1j*field_sample[1])/a else: ep = 1 a = a/precision Ca = math.cos(a/2) Sa = math.sin(a/2) ca = math.cos(a) sa = -1j*math.sin(a)/sqrt2 ez = field_sample[2]/(2*precision) ez = math.cos(ez) + 1j*math.sin(ez) eq = field_sample[3]/(6*precision) eq = math.cos(eq) + 1j*math.sin(eq) # Ca = 1 # Sa = a/2 # ca = 1 # sa = -1j*a/sqrt2 # ez = field_sample[2]/(2*precision) # ez = 1 + 1j*ez # eq = field_sample[3]/(6*precision) # eq = 1 + 1j*eq result[0, 0] = (Ca/(eq*ez))*(Ca/(eq*ez)) - 1 result[1, 0] = sa*eq*ep/ez result[2, 0] = -((Sa*ep/eq)*(Sa*ep/eq)) result[0, 1] = sa*eq/(ez*ep) result[1, 1] = ca*(eq*eq*eq*eq) - 1 result[2, 1] = sa*eq*ez*ep result[0, 2] = -((Sa*eq/ep)*(Sa*eq/ep)) result[1, 2] = sa*eq*ez/ep result[2, 2] = (Ca*ez/eq)*(Ca*ez/eq) - 1 if device_index == 0: temporary = np.empty((3, 3), dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 1: temporary = cuda.local.array((3, 3), dtype = np.complex128) elif device_index == 2: temporary_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, 3, 3), dtype = np.complex128) temporary = temporary_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] for power_index in range(hyper_cube_amount): matrix_square_residual(result, temporary) matrix_square_residual(temporary, result) result[0, 0] += 1 result[1, 1] += 1 result[2, 2] += 1 # @jit_device # def matrix_exponential_lie_trotter(field_sample, result, trotter_cutoff): # hyper_cube_amount = math.ceil(trotter_cutoff/2) # if hyper_cube_amount < 0: # hyper_cube_amount = 0 # precision = 4**hyper_cube_amount # x = field_sample[0]/precision # y = field_sample[1]/precision # z = field_sample[2]/precision # q = field_sample[3]/precision # cx = math.cos(x) # sx = math.sin(x) # cy = math.cos(y) # sy = math.sin(y) # cisz = math.cos(z + q/3) - 1j*math.sin(z + q/3) # result[0, 0] = 0.5*cisz*(cx + cy - 1j*sx*sy) # result[1, 0] = cisz*(-1j*sx + cx*sy)/sqrt2 # result[2, 0] = 0.5*cisz*(cx - cy - 1j*sx*sy) # cisz = math.cos(2*q/3) + 1j*math.sin(2*q/3) # result[0, 1] = cisz*(-sy - 1j*cy*sx)/sqrt2 # result[1, 1] = cisz*cx*cy # result[2, 1] = cisz*(sy - 1j*cy*sx)/sqrt2 # cisz = math.cos(z - q/3) + 1j*math.sin(z - q/3) # result[0, 2] = 0.5*cisz*(cx - cy + 1j*sx*sy) # result[1, 2] = cisz*(-1j*sx - cx*sy)/sqrt2 # result[2, 2] = 0.5*cisz*(cx + cy + 1j*sx*sy) # if device_index == 0: # temporary = np.empty((3, 3), dtype = np.complex128) # elif device_index == 1: # temporary = cuda.local.array((3, 3), dtype = np.complex128) # elif device_index == 2: # temporary_group = roc.shared.array((threads_per_block, 3, 3), dtype = np.complex128) # temporary = temporary_group[roc.get_local_id(1), :, :] # for power_index in range(hyper_cube_amount): # matrix_multiply(result, result, temporary) # matrix_multiply(temporary, temporary, result) self.conj = conj self.complex_abs = complex_abs self.norm2 = norm2 self.inner = inner self.set_to = set_to self.set_to_one = set_to_one self.set_to_zero = set_to_zero self.matrix_multiply = matrix_multiply self.adjoint = adjoint self.matrix_exponential_analytic = matrix_exponential_analytic self.matrix_exponential_lie_trotter = matrix_exponential_lie_trotter self.matrix_square_residual = matrix_square_residual
def selectSort(nums): l = len(nums) for i in range(l): for j in range(i + 1, l): if nums[j] < nums[i]: nums[i], nums[j] = nums[j], nums[i] return nums
import logging import math """ 1. Note - Loop from 2 till Square Root of N and keep dividing N at every step. 2. Optimisation(s) - Apart from 2, only ODD numbers are tested for divisiblity. - Only numbers upto SquareRoot(n) are tested for divisibility. 3. Limitation(s) - Do not try with numbers which has more than 15-digit prime factors. """ def prime_factors_using_trial_division(n): """Returns a list of all prime prime_factors of n""" prime_factors = [] # Test for 2 separately so that only ODD numbers can be tested in the loop while n % 2 == 0: factor = 2 prime_factors.append(factor) n = n // 2 # Test only for ODD numbers starting with 3 for i in xrange(3, int(math.sqrt(n)) + 1, 2): # logging.debug("i = {0}".format(i)) while n % i == 0: factor = i prime_factors.append(factor) n = n // i logging.debug("Factor = {0}, N = {1}".format(i, n)) # All factors have been found if N is reduced to 0. if n == 1: break # If no factor has been found then N is PRIME and the only prime factor of itself. if n > 1: prime_factors.append(n) return prime_factors
<filename>crashbin_app/migrations/ # Generated by Django 2.2.1 on 2019-05-20 09:40 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [("crashbin_app", "0008_create_mailbox")] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name="bin", name="name", field=models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name="label", name="name", field=models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True), ), ]
<reponame>MosHumanoid/bitbots_thmos_meta #!/usr/bin/env python3 import rospy import time from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu class SubTest(): def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("test_sub") self.arrt = [] self.arrn = [] self.sum =0 self.count=0 self.max = 0 self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("test", Imu, self.cb, queue_size=1) self.f = open("latencies", 'w') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): time.sleep(1) if self.count !=0: print("mean: " + str((self.sum/self.count)*1000)) print("max: " + str(self.max*1000)) i = 0 for n in self.arrn: self.f.write(str(n) + "," + str(self.arrt[i]*1000) + "\n") i+=1 self.f.close() def cb(self, msg:Imu): diff = rospy.get_time() - msg.header.stamp.to_sec() self.arrt.append(diff) self.arrn.append(msg.header.seq) self.sum += diff self.count +=1 self.max = max(self.max, diff) if __name__ == "__main__": SubTest()
<reponame>zhangmingkai4315/Flask-Web-App #!/usr/bin/env python import os from app import create_app,db from app.models import User,Role from flask.ext.script import Manager,Shell from flask.ext.migrate import Migrate,MigrateCommand app=create_app(os.getenv('FLASK_CONFIG') or 'default') manager=Manager(app) migrate=Migrate(app,db) manager.add_command('db',MigrateCommand) if __name__=='__main__':
<reponame>brightway-lca/bw_default_backend<filename>tests/fixtures/<gh_stars>0 import bw_projects as bw import bw_default_backend as backend import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def basic_fixture(): NAME = "test-fixtures" # if NAME in bw.projects: # bw.projects.delete_project(NAME) bw.projects.create_project(NAME, add_base_data=True) biosphere_collection = backend.Collection.create(name="biosphere") food_collection = backend.Collection.create(name="food") first = backend.Flow.create( name="an emission", kind="biosphere", collection=biosphere_collection, unit="kg" ) second = backend.Flow.create( name="another emission", kind="biosphere", collection=biosphere_collection, unit="kg", ) world = backend.Geocollection.get(name="world") canada = backend.Location.create(geocollection=world, name="Canada") lunch_flow = backend.Flow.create( name="lunch food", unit="kg", kind="technosphere", collection=food_collection ) lunch_activity = backend.Activity.create( name="eating lunch", collection=food_collection, reference_product=lunch_flow, location=canada, ) backend.Exchange.create( activity=lunch_activity, flow=lunch_flow, direction="production", amount=0.5 ) backend.Exchange.create(activity=lunch_activity, flow=first, amount=0.05) dinner_flow = backend.Flow.create( name="dinner main dish", unit="kg", kind="technosphere", collection=food_collection, ) dinner_activity = backend.Activity.create( name="eating dinner", collection=food_collection, reference_product=dinner_flow, location=canada, ) backend.Exchange.create( activity=dinner_activity, flow=dinner_flow, direction="production", amount=0.25 ) backend.Exchange.create(activity=dinner_activity, flow=second, amount=0.15) method = backend.Method.create(name=("test", "method")) backend.CharacterizationFactor.create(flow=first, method=method, amount=42) backend.CharacterizationFactor.create(flow=second, method=method, amount=99)
# Libraries from import DataFrameFormatter from streamlit_folium import folium_static import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import streamlit as st import sys #! Add folder "src" as a package path project_path = "Put/here/the/path/to/the/project's/root/folder/house_rocket_analysis" sys.path.append(f'{project_path}/src/') import visualization.maps as maps #! App configuration st.set_page_config(layout='wide') @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_data(path): data = pd.read_csv(path) return data # Pages definition def sidebar(): st.sidebar.title('Select Page') page_select = st.sidebar.selectbox( label='', options=['Final Reports', 'Maps']) return page_select def page_final_reports(renamed_houses, recommended_houses): # Filter Recommended Houses to Buy DataFrame st.sidebar.title('Search for recommended home for purchase') id_input = str(st.sidebar.text_input(label='Enter the ID')).strip() # Input ID to search house st.title('House Rocket Analysis') st.title('') st.title(f'There are {renamed_houses.shape[0]} properties available for purchase today.') st.dataframe(renamed_houses) st.header("Main considerations of the analysis.") st.markdown('* The variables with the highest positive correlation with Price are "Grade" and "Sqft living".') st.markdown('* Houses rated 8 or higher in the "Grid" (Quality of the building mateirais of the house) attribute have the best average price per rank and number of homes.') st.markdown('* The average price of renovated homes is 22% higher than unrenovated homes.') st.markdown('* The biggest correlation with Price and what can be added in a makeover is the bathroom and the amount of square feet of the house.') st.markdown('* The best season for re-selling homes is Spring.') st.header( """After these analyses, the recommended houses for House Rocket to buy follow the conditions: Places with grade of variable "Grid" (Quality of the building mateirais of the house) equal or greater than 8 Houses with condition equal to or greater than 3 Houses priced below the median price in your region (ZipCode)""") st.header("""The re-sale price of the after-purchased homes is based on the various "Total Avarage Price", which means the average value of the region's house prices (ZipCode) and the average price of the Season that the house was announced. If the purchase price of the house is higher than the "Total Avarage Price", then the suggested selling price will be the purchase price + 10%. If the purchase price of the house is less than the "Total Avarage Price", then the suggested selling price will be the purchase price + 30%.""") st.header("""A column has also been added in the table representing the recommended re-sale price and the profit from re-selling the house if it is renewed. If the house is renovated, the re-sale price and the after-sale profit will be 20% higher. """) st.title(f'After analysis, {recommended_houses.shape[0]} properties are recommended for purchase and re-sale.') st.subheader('New columns have also been added at the end of the table. They represent the recommended selling price of the houses, whether it has been renovated or not, in addition to the possible profit if sold at the recommended price.') st.text("") try: if not id_input: st.dataframe(recommended_houses) else: if int(id_input) in recommended_houses['ID'].values: st.dataframe(recommended_houses.loc[recommended_houses['ID'] == int(id_input)]) else: st.error( 'Property with this ID is not recommended for purchase or there is no home with this ID.') except: st.error('ERROR: Input value is not a valid ID.') #finally: return None def page_maps(renamed_houses, recommended_houses): # SideBar - - - st.sidebar.title('Filter Map') filter_data ='Filter Houses', options=[ 'All houses', 'Recommended homes to buy']) # Filters - - if filter_data == 'Recommended homes to buy': st.title('Map of all recommended homes for purchase') st.header('') data = recommended_houses.copy() else: st.title('Map of all available houses') st.header('') data = renamed_houses.copy() # Map of density houses_map = maps.houses_map(data) folium_static(houses_map, width=1200, height=700) # Map with avarage price per region (ZipCode) st.title('Avarage Price per Region') avg_region = maps.price_per_region(renamed_houses) folium_static(avg_region, width=1200, height=700) if __name__ == '__main__': path = f"{project_path}/data/interim/renamed_data.csv" renamed_houses = load_data(path) path = f"{project_path}/reports/data/final_houses_sale.csv" recommended_houses = load_data(path) page_select = sidebar() if page_select == 'Final Reports': page_final_reports(renamed_houses=renamed_houses, recommended_houses=recommended_houses) else: page_maps(renamed_houses=renamed_houses, recommended_houses=recommended_houses)
<reponame>marcelobbfonseca/SFDjango-BPMN<gh_stars>1-10 from re import sub def snake_case(s): return '_'.join( sub('([A-Z][a-z]+)', r' \1', sub('([A-Z]+)', r' \1', s.replace('-', ' '))).split()).lower()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: command.proto """Generated protocol buffer code.""" from google.protobuf.internal import enum_type_wrapper from google.protobuf import descriptor as _descriptor from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool as _descriptor_pool from google.protobuf import message as _message from google.protobuf import reflection as _reflection from google.protobuf import symbol_database as _symbol_database # @@protoc_insertion_point(imports) _sym_db = _symbol_database.Default() DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\rcommand.proto\x12\tcommander\"U\n\x03\x43md\x12\x1f\n\x03\x63md\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x12.commander.CmdType\x12\x0c\n\x04ints\x18\x02 \x03(\x05\x12\x0e\n\x06\x66loats\x18\x03 \x03(\x02\x12\x0f\n\x07strings\x18\x04 \x03(\t*\xe3\x01\n\x07\x43mdType\x12\x0e\n\nRAWKEYDOWN\x10\x00\x12\x0c\n\x08RAWKEYUP\x10\x01\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND2\x10\x02\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND3\x10\x03\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND4\x10\x04\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND5\x10\x05\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND6\x10\x06\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND7\x10\x07\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND8\x10\x08\x12\x0c\n\x08\x43OMMAND9\x10\t\x12\x0f\n\x0bMAPORIGINAL\x10\n\x12\x07\n\x03MAP\x10\x0b\x12\x07\n\x03\x41\x43K\x10\x0c\x12\x08\n\x04\x41\x43K2\x10\r\x12\x08\n\x04HERO\x10\x0e\x12\t\n\x05READY\x10\x0f\x12\x08\n\x04INIT\x10\x10\x62\x06proto3') _CMDTYPE = DESCRIPTOR.enum_types_by_name['CmdType'] CmdType = enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper(_CMDTYPE) RAWKEYDOWN = 0 RAWKEYUP = 1 COMMAND2 = 2 COMMAND3 = 3 COMMAND4 = 4 COMMAND5 = 5 COMMAND6 = 6 COMMAND7 = 7 COMMAND8 = 8 COMMAND9 = 9 MAPORIGINAL = 10 MAP = 11 ACK = 12 ACK2 = 13 HERO = 14 READY = 15 INIT = 16 _CMD = DESCRIPTOR.message_types_by_name['Cmd'] Cmd = _reflection.GeneratedProtocolMessageType('Cmd', (_message.Message,), { 'DESCRIPTOR' : _CMD, '__module__' : 'command_pb2' # @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:commander.Cmd) }) _sym_db.RegisterMessage(Cmd) if _descriptor._USE_C_DESCRIPTORS == False: DESCRIPTOR._options = None _CMDTYPE._serialized_start=116 _CMDTYPE._serialized_end=343 _CMD._serialized_start=28 _CMD._serialized_end=113 # @@protoc_insertion_point(module_scope)
<filename>metREx/app/main/util/<gh_stars>1-10 import os import re from prometheus_client.core import CollectorRegistry from prometheus_client.multiprocess import MultiProcessCollector collector_registries = {} prometheus_multiproc_dir = os.getenv('prometheus_multiproc_dir') def get_pushgateways(aa, apialchemy_info): pushgateways = {} apialchemy_prefix, apialchemy_binds = apialchemy_info service_name_pattern = re.compile(r'^' + r'(?:' + re.escape(apialchemy_prefix) + r')(?P<name>.+)$', re.X) api_vendor_pattern = re.compile(r'^(?:(?P<vendor>\w+)(?:\+(?:http|https))?)(?=://)', re.X) pushgateway_services = list(filter(None, re.split(r'\s*,\s*', os.getenv('PUSHGATEWAY_SERVICES', '')))) for service in pushgateway_services: m = service_name_pattern.match(service) if m is not None: components = m.groupdict() service_name = components['name'] if service_name in apialchemy_binds.keys(): conn_str = apialchemy_binds[service_name] m = api_vendor_pattern.match(conn_str) if m is not None: components = m.groupdict() if components['vendor'] == 'pushgateway': from ..api.pushgateway import Pushgateway dal = Pushgateway(aa) dal.init_aa(service_name) pushgateways[service] = dal.client else: raise ValueError("Service '" + service + "' is not a valid Pushgateway.") else: raise ValueError("Service '" + service + "' not found.") return pushgateways def get_registry(name): if name not in collector_registries.keys(): collector_registries[name] = CollectorRegistry() if prometheus_multiproc_dir is not None: MultiProcessCollector(collector_registries[name]) return collector_registries[name] def register_collector(name, collector): job_registry = get_registry(name) job_registry.register(collector) def unregister_collector(name, collector): if name in collector_registries.keys(): collector_registries[name].unregister(collector) del collector_registries[name]
<filename>scripts/ # Copyright 2021-2022 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ SLIM recommender ================ """ from rs_datasets import MovieLens from rs_metrics import hitrate # pylint: disable=import-error from SLIM import SLIM, SLIMatrix from rs_course.utils import movielens_split def slim_recommender(dataset_size: str) -> None: """ >>> slim_recommender("small") Learning takes... 0.55 :param dataset_size: a size of MovieLens dataset to use """ train, test, _ = movielens_split( MovieLens(dataset_size).ratings, 0.95, True ) trainmat = SLIMatrix(train) model = SLIM() model.train({}, trainmat) model.save_model(modelfname="slim_model.csr", mapfname="slim_map.csr") testmat = SLIMatrix(train, model) slim_pred = model.predict(testmat, outfile="slim_recommendations.txt") pred = {int(k): list(map(int, v)) for k, v in slim_pred.items()} print(hitrate(test, pred))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:fenc=utf-8 import requests API_KEY = '<KEY>' API_SECRET = '<KEY>' API_URL = '' def detect(path): data = { 'api_key': API_KEY, 'api_secret': API_SECRET, } files = { 'img': open(path, 'rb'), } r = + '/detection/detect', data=data, files=files) try: face_id = r.json()["face"][0]["face_id"] data = { 'api_key': API_KEY, 'api_secret': API_SECRET, 'face_id': face_id } result = + '/detection/landmark', data=data) return result.json() except: return -1 # detect(u'source.jpg')
from setuptools import setup import sys setup(name='nuodbawsquickstart', version='1.1.0', description='Script to deploy a multi-region and multi-instance AWS cluster', url='', author='<NAME>.', author_email='<EMAIL>', #data_files=[('nuodbawsquickstart/templates', ['nuodbawsquickstart/templates/'])], install_requires=["argparse", "boto", "requests"], license='BSD licence, see LICENSE', packages=['nuodbawsquickstart'], scripts=["bin/"], zip_safe=True)
<reponame>stxnext-kindergarten/presence-analyzer-asierhej # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Presence analyzer unit tests. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import os.path import json import datetime import time import unittest from collections import OrderedDict import main # pylint: disable=relative-import import utils # pylint: disable=relative-import import views # pylint: disable=unused-import, relative-import from .utils import memoize TEST_DATA_CSV = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'runtime', 'data', 'test_data.csv' ) TEST_XML_DATA = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'runtime', 'data', 'export_test.xml' ) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member, too-many-public-methods class PresenceAnalyzerViewsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Views tests. """ def setUp(self): """ Before each test, set up a environment. """ { 'XML_DATA': TEST_XML_DATA, 'DATA_CSV': TEST_DATA_CSV } ) self.client = def tearDown(self): """ Get rid of unused objects after each test. """ pass def test_mainpage(self): """ Test main page render template. """ resp = self.client.get('/') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) def test_api_users(self): """ Test users listing. """ resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/users') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, 'application/json') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual( data[0], { 'user_id': 36, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' } ) def test_presence_weekday_view(self): """ Test mean presence time of given user grouped by weekday. """ resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/presence_weekday/11') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, 'application/json') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual( data, [ ['Weekday', 'Presence (s)'], ['Mon', 24123], ['Tue', 41885], ['Wed', 41885], ['Thu', 45968], ['Fri', 30549], ['Sat', 6426], ['Sun', 22969] ] ) resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/podium/9999') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual(data, 'no data') def test_mean_time_weekday_view(self): """ Test of mean presence time grouped by weekday of given user. """ resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/mean_time_weekday/11') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, 'application/json') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual( data, [ ['Mon', 24123.0], ['Tue', 20942.5], ['Wed', 20942.5], ['Thu', 22984.0], ['Fri', 15274.5], ['Sat', 6426.0], ['Sun', 22969.0] ] ) resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/podium/9999') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual(data, 'no data') def test_presence_start_end(self): """ Test the medium time to come to the office and medium time of leave. """ resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/presence_start_end/10') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, 'application/json') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual( data, [ ['Mon', 0, 0], ['Tue', 34745.0, 64792.0], ['Wed', 33592.0, 58057.0], ['Thu', 38926.0, 62631.0], ['Fri', 0, 0], ['Sat', 0, 0], ['Sun', 0, 0] ] ) resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/podium/9999') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual(data, 'no data') def test_podium(self): """ Test five best months of work time. """ resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/podium/11') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, 'application/json') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual( data, [ ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['April', 1], ['July', 4], ['May', 6], ['August', 6], ['June', 7], ['September', 32] ] ) resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/podium/9999') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual(data, 'no data') def test_five_top(self): """ Test top 5 workers per months in year. """ resp = self.client.get('/api/v1/five_top/9,2013') self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.content_type, 'application/json') data = json.loads( self.assertEqual( data, [ { 'hours': 32, 'user_id': 11, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' }, { 'hours': 21, 'user_id': 10, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' } ] ) class PresenceAnalyzerUtilsTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Utility functions tests. """ def setUp(self): """ Before each test, set up a environment. """ { 'XML_DATA': TEST_XML_DATA, 'DATA_CSV': TEST_DATA_CSV } ) def tearDown(self): """ Get rid of unused objects after each test. """ pass def test_get_data(self): """ Test parsing of CSV file. """ data = utils.get_data() self.assertIsInstance(data, dict) self.assertItemsEqual(data.keys(), [10, 11, 68, 49, 176, 141, 26, 62]) sample_date =, 9, 10) self.assertIn(sample_date, data[10]) self.assertItemsEqual(data[10][sample_date].keys(), ['start', 'end']) self.assertEqual( data[10][sample_date]['start'], datetime.time(9, 39, 5) ) def test_seconds_since_midnight(self): """ Test calculation of secounds since midnight. """ data = utils.seconds_since_midnight(datetime.time(2, 42, 23)) self.assertEqual(data, 9743) data = utils.seconds_since_midnight(datetime.time(00, 00, 00)) self.assertEqual(data, 0) def test_interval(self): """ Test calculation of seconds between the time the objects. """ start_example = datetime.time(13, 59, 59) end_example = datetime.time(23, 59, 59) data = utils.interval(start_example, end_example) self.assertEqual(36000, data) data = utils.interval(end_example, start_example) self.assertEqual(-36000, data) def test_mean(self): """ Test of mean and if empty list returns 0. """ data = utils.mean([100, 100, 100]) self.assertEqual(100, data) data = utils.mean([0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 234]) self.assertEqual(58.75, data) data = utils.mean([]) self.assertEqual(0, data) def test_day_start_end(self): """ Test start and end work times sorted by weekday. """ user = utils.get_data() data = utils.day_start_end(user[10]) self.assertEqual( data, [ ['Mon', 0, 0], ['Tue', 34745.0, 64792.0], ['Wed', 33592.0, 58057.0], ['Thu', 38926.0, 62631.0], ['Fri', 0, 0], ['Sat', 0, 0], ['Sun', 0, 0] ]) def test_xml_translator(self): """ Test user data from XML file extraction. """ data = utils.xml_translator() self.assertIsInstance(data, dict) self.assertItemsEqual(data.keys()[:3], [36, 165, 170]) self.assertEqual( data.values()[0], { 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' } ) def test_cache(self): """ Test data caching. """ @memoize(age_cache=20) def short_calculation(): data = 2 + 2 data = time.time() time.sleep(1) return data self.assertEqual(short_calculation(), short_calculation()) @memoize(age_cache=1) def other_calculation(): data = 2 + 3 data = time.time() time.sleep(2) return data self.assertNotEqual(other_calculation(), other_calculation()) def test_podium_result_structure_builder(self): """ Test building result for podium template. """ months = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [276890], [655139], [500730], [233576], [], [], [] ] data = utils.podium_result_structure_builder(months) self.assertEqual( data, [ ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['June', 76], ['July', 181], ['August', 139], ['September', 64], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0] ] ) def test_podium_data_maker(self): """ Test groups presence entries as podium data. """ data = utils.podium_data_maker(utils.get_data()[11]) self.assertEqual( data, [ ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['no data', 0], ['April', 1], ['July', 4], ['May', 6], ['August', 6], ['June', 7], ['September', 32] ] ) def test_group_by_month(self): """ Test grouping presence entries by month. """ data = utils.group_by_month(utils.get_data(), 2013) self.assertEqual( data, [ {68: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, { 10: [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [78217], [], [], [] ] }, { 11: [ [], [], [], [], [6426], [22969], [25321], [16564], [24123], [118402], [], [], [] ] }, {141: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {176: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {49: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {26: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {62: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]} ] ) data = utils.group_by_month(utils.get_data(), 2011) self.assertEqual( data, [ {68: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {10: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {11: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {141: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {176: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {49: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {26: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]}, {62: [[], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []]} ] ) def test_five_top_workers(self): """ Test top 5 presence users with information about them. """ data = utils.five_top_workers(9, 1997) self.assertEqual(data, []) data = utils.five_top_workers(9, 2013) self.assertEqual( data, [ { 'hours': 32, 'user_id': 11, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' }, { 'hours': 21, 'user_id': 10, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' } ] ) data = utils.five_top_workers(9, 2015) self.assertEqual( data, [ { 'hours': 15, 'user_id': 62, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' }, { 'hours': 12, 'user_id': 141, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' }, { 'hours': 11, 'user_id': 176, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' }, { 'hours': 11, 'user_id': 49, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' }, { 'hours': 8, 'user_id': 68, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' } ] ) def test_five_top_user_data(self): """ Test top 5 user data. """ dict_months = [ (10, [455386]), (11, [263049]), (12, [371559]), (13, [394007]), (15, [432795]), (16, [513180]), (176, [606888]), (19, [434499]), (165, [555037]), (170, [576346]), (23, [514312]), (24, [235634]), (141, [612478]), (26, [508050]), (26, [560624]), (29, [385973]), (30, []), (31, []), (33, [306667]), (36, [546225]), (48, []), (49, []), (54, []), (58, []), ] sorted_dict = OrderedDict( [ (141, [612478]), (176, [606888]), (170, [576346]), (26, [560624]), (165, [555037]), (36, [546225]), (23, [514312]), (16, [513180]), (26, [508050]), (10, [455386]), (19, [434499]), (15, [432795]), (13, [394007]), (29, [385973]), (12, [371559]), (33, [306667]), (11, [263049]), (24, [235634]), (101, []) ] ) data = utils.five_top_user_data(dict_months, sorted_dict) self.assertEqual( data[0], { 'hours': 170, 'user_id': 141, 'name': '<NAME>.', 'avatar': '' } ) sorted_dict = OrderedDict([(141, [612478])]) data = utils.five_top_user_data(dict_months, sorted_dict) self.assertEqual(data, []) def test_sorted_months_dict(self): """ Test sorting of months dict. """ dict_months = [ (10, [455386]), (11, [263049]), (12, [371559]), (13, [394007]), (15, [432795]), (16, [513180]), (176, [606888]), (19, [434499]), (165, [555037]), (170, [576346]), (23, [514312]), (24, [235634]), (141, [612478]), (26, [508050]), (26, [560624]), (29, [385973]), (30, []), (31, []), (33, [306667]), (36, [546225]), (48, []), (49, []), (54, []), (58, []) ] data = utils.sorted_months_dict(dict_months) self.assertEqual( data, OrderedDict( [ (141, [612478]), (176, [606888]), (170, [576346]), (26, [508050]), (165, [555037]), (36, [546225]), (23, [514312]), (16, [513180]), (10, [455386]), (19, [434499]), (15, [432795]), (13, [394007]), (29, [385973]), (12, [371559]), (33, [306667]), (11, [263049]), (24, [235634]), (30, []), (31, []), (48, []), (49, []), (54, []), (58, []) ] ) ) def test_months_sum_dict(self): """ Test appending and suming time for every month. """ items = { 178: {, 9, 9): { 'end': datetime.time(17, 14, 42), 'start': datetime.time(11, 43, 50) } }, 179: {, 9, 12): { 'end': datetime.time(18, 5, 24), 'start': datetime.time(16, 55, 24) } } } item =, 9, 9) months = [[] for month in xrange(13)] data = utils.months_sum_dict(2013, items, item, 178, months) self.assertEqual( data, [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [19852], [], [], [] ] ) def test_user_validate(self): """ Test checking if user exist. """ months_sum = [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [550395], [632015], [505118], [499105], [486939], [624356], [455386] ] data = utils.user_validate(months_sum, 34654) self.assertEqual(data, []) data = utils.user_validate(months_sum, 141) self.assertEqual( data, { 141: [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [550395], [632015], [505118], [499105], [486939], [624356], [455386] ] } ) def suite(): """ Default test suite. """ base_suite = unittest.TestSuite() base_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(PresenceAnalyzerViewsTestCase)) base_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(PresenceAnalyzerUtilsTestCase)) return base_suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from import ImageField from taggit_autosuggest.managers import TaggableManager @python_2_unicode_compatible class Word(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=255) image = ImageField(blank=True, manual_crop="") tags = TaggableManager() created_date = models.DateTimeField( published_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) def publish(self): self.published_date = def __str__(self): return self.title
<reponame>nibau/zkay<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python3 # usage ./ [example_dir] # (example_dir contains subdirectories with example sol/zkay and scenario files) # requires installed memory-profiler and zkay packages import os import datetime import sys import shutil clean=False file_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) base_dir = os.path.join(file_dir, 'examples') if len(sys.argv) < 2 else os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]) backends = ['dummy', 'ecdh-chaskey', 'ecdh-aes'] #, 'rsa-pkcs1.5', 'rsa-oaep'] # rsa consumes >100 GB hdd space for backend in backends: for dirname in os.listdir(base_dir): p = os.path.join(base_dir, dirname) if os.path.isdir(p): file = None for filename in os.listdir(p): if filename.endswith(('.sol', '.zkay')): file = os.path.join(p, filename) break if file is not None: out_dir = os.path.join(p, f'out_{backend}') if clean and os.path.exists(out_dir): shutil.rmtree(out_dir) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) print(f'compiling {file}, at {datetime.datetime.utcnow()}') os.system(f"mprof run --include-children --nopython -o '{out_dir}/mprof_compile.dat' zkay compile '{file}' --verbosity 0 --crypto-backend {backend} --opt-hash-threshold 0 -o '{out_dir}' --log --log-dir '{out_dir}'") scenario_file = os.path.join(p, '') if os.path.exists(scenario_file): print(f'running {scenario_file}, at {datetime.datetime.utcnow()}') os.system(f"mprof run --include-children --nopython -o '{out_dir}/mprof_run.dat' python '{scenario_file}' '{out_dir}'")
<gh_stars>0 from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseRedirect import datetime as dt # Create your views here. def welcome(request): return render(request, 'image.html') def image(request, id): try: image = Image.objects.get(pk = id) except DoesNotExist: raise Http404() return render(request, 'images.html', {"image": image}) def search_results(request): if 'image' in request.GET and request.GET["image"]: search_term = request.GET.get("image") searched_images = image.search_by_title(search_term) message = f"{search_term}" return render(request, 'search.html',{"message":message,"picture": searched_images}) else: message = "You haven't searched for any term" return render(request, 'search.html',{"message":message})
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @date: 2020/7/14 下午8:34 @file: @author: zj @description: """ from ..anno import build_anno from ..util.logger import setup_logger class Processor(object): """ The labeled data is processed to create training data with specified format """ def __init__(self, cfg): self.parser = build_anno(cfg.ANNO.PARSER, cfg) self.creator = build_anno(cfg.ANNO.CREATOR, cfg) self.logger = setup_logger(__name__) self.verbose = cfg.ANNO.VERBOSE def process(self): verbose = self.verbose logger = self.logger if verbose:'Processing original data') output_data = self.parser.process() if verbose:'Save data in specified format') if verbose:'Finish!!!')
<reponame>smarkets/smk_python_sdk from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from import eq_ from smarkets.streaming_api.seto import OrderCreate, Payload, PAYLOAD_ORDER_CREATE from smarkets.streaming_api.utils import set_payload_message def test_set_payload_message(): payload = Payload() assert payload.type != PAYLOAD_ORDER_CREATE oc = OrderCreate(quantity=123456) set_payload_message(payload, oc) eq_(payload.type, PAYLOAD_ORDER_CREATE) eq_(payload.order_create, oc)
for number in range(1, 21): if number == 4 or number == 13: state = 'UNLUCKY' elif number % 2 == 0: state = 'EVEN' else: state = 'ODD' print(f'{number} is {state}!')
#!/usr/bin/env python """Test that GoSubDag contains ancestors from only the user-specified relationships""" # tests/ # goatools/gosubdag/ # goatools/gosubdag/ # goatools/gosubdag/ # goatools/godag/ # goatools/ from __future__ import print_function __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2016-2019, <NAME>, <NAME>, All rights reserved." from os.path import join from os import system import sys ## import timeit ## import datetime import collections as cx from goatools.base import get_godag from goatools.godag.consts import RELATIONSHIP_SET from goatools.gosubdag.gosubdag import GoSubDag from goatools.test_data.wr_subobo import WrSubObo from tests.utils import REPO # pylint: disable=line-too-long,unused-variable def test_gosubdag_relationships(wr_new_obo_subset=False): """Test that GoSubDag contains ancestors from only the user-specified relationships""" # Leaf GO: viral triggering of virus induced gene silencing goid_chosen = 'GO:0060150' # Load GODag with all relationships fin_obo = join(REPO, "tests/data/i126/viral_gene_silence.obo") # "go-basic.obo") godag_r0 = get_godag(fin_obo, loading_bar=None) godag_r1 = get_godag(fin_obo, loading_bar=None, optional_attrs=['relationship']) file_sub = join(REPO, "tests/data/viral_gene_silence.obo") # Get all GO terms above this low-level GO ID using all relationships if wr_new_obo_subset: _wr_sub_obo(file_sub, goid_chosen, godag_r1, fin_obo) # RELATIONSHIPS: None gosubdag_r0 = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r0) assert len(gosubdag_r0.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen]) == 12 # RELATIONSHIPS: ALL gosubdag_r1 = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships=True) assert gosubdag_r1.relationships == RELATIONSHIP_SET #### set(['part_of', 'regulates', 'positively_regulates', 'negatively_regulates']) assert len(gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen]) == 50 # RELATIONSHIPS: part_of gosubdag_rp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'part_of'}) assert gosubdag_rp.relationships == set(['part_of']) rp_par = gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] assert 'GO:0016441' not in gosubdag_rp.go2obj, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2obj' assert 'GO:0016441' not in rp_par, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2parents' # RELATIONSHIPS: regulates gosubdag_rr = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'regulates'}) assert gosubdag_rr.relationships == set(['regulates']) rp_par = gosubdag_rr.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] # assert 'GO:0016441' not in gosubdag_rp.go2obj, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2obj' # assert 'GO:0016441' not in rp_par, '**FATAL: REGULATION TERM GoSubDag(part_of) go2parents' # RELATIONSHIPS: positively_regulates gosubdag_rp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'positively_regulates'}) assert gosubdag_rp.relationships == set(['positively_regulates']) rp_par = gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] # RELATIONSHIPS: negatively_regulates gosubdag_rn = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'negatively_regulates'}) assert gosubdag_rn.relationships == set(['negatively_regulates']) rp_par = gosubdag_rn.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] # RELATIONSHIPS: regulates positively_regulates negatively_regulates regs = {'positively_regulates', 'negatively_regulates'} gosubdag_rnp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships=regs) assert gosubdag_rnp.relationships == regs rp_par = gosubdag_rnp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid_chosen] _run_baseline_r0(gosubdag_r0, gosubdag_r1) # BASELINE r1: Test that GOTerm.get_all_upper() is the same as GoSubDag ancestors for goid, term in gosubdag_r1.go2obj.items(): ancestors_r1 = gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors.get(goid, set()) assert ancestors_r1 == term.get_all_upper() #### # Test that #### gosubdag_rp = GoSubDag(set([goid_chosen]), godag_r1, relationships={'part_of'}, prt=sys.stdout) #### for goid, dag_term in godag_r1.items(): #### if goid in gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors: #### ancestors = gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid] #### sub_term = gosubdag_rp.go2obj[goid] #### reldict = sub_term.relationship.items() #### # print(goid) #### # print('DAG', sorted(dag_term.get_all_upper())) #### # print('SUB', sorted(sub_term.get_all_upper())) #### # print('ANS', sorted(ancestors)) #### # for rel, pterms in cx.OrderedDict(reldict).items(): #### # print(rel, ' '.join(sorted( for o in pterms))) #### # print('') #### print(gosubdag_rp.relationships) #### #assert 'GO:0016441' not in gosubdag_rp.rcntobj.go2ancestors['GO:0060150'] #### assert 'GO:0016441' in gosubdag_r1.go2nt #### assert 'GO:0010467' in gosubdag_r1.go2nt def _run_baseline_r0(gosubdag_r0, gosubdag_r1): """BASELINE r0: Test that GOTerm.get_all_parents() == GoSubDag ancestors""" r1_ancestors_more = set() # Loop through r0 GO IDs for goid, term in gosubdag_r0.go2obj.items(): ancestors_r0 = gosubdag_r0.rcntobj.go2ancestors.get(goid, set()) ancestors_r1 = gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors.get(goid, set()) assert ancestors_r0 == term.get_all_parents() assert ancestors_r0.issubset(ancestors_r1) if len(ancestors_r0) < len(ancestors_r1): r1_ancestors_more.add(goid) assert r1_ancestors_more print('{N} r1 GO terms in GoSubDag have more ancestors than r0'.format( N=len(r1_ancestors_more))) # scripts/ --go_file=i126_goids_baseline.txt -r --obo=tests/data/viral_gene_silence.obo -o i126_goids_baseline.png fout_gos = 'i126_goids_baseline.txt' with open(fout_gos, 'w') as prt: prt.write('#cafffb {SRC_GO}\n'.format(SRC_GO=next(iter(gosubdag_r0.go_sources)))) _prt_goterms(r1_ancestors_more, gosubdag_r1.go2nt, prt) print(' WROTE: {GOs}'.format(GOs=fout_gos)) def _prt_goterms(goids, go2nt, prt): """Print details of GO terms""" fmt = ('#ffd1df {GO} # {NS} {dcnt:5} {childcnt:3} ' 'L{level:02} D{depth:02} R{reldepth:02} {D1:5} {REL} {rel} {GO_name}\n') nts = [nt for go, nt in go2nt.items() if go in goids] for ntd in sorted(nts, key=lambda nt: nt.dcnt, reverse=True): prt.write(fmt.format(**ntd._asdict())) #cafffb GO:0060150 #ffd1df GO:0050794 # BP 8278 64 D03 R03 regulation of cellular process #ffd1df GO:0019222 # BP 3382 20 D03 R03 regulation of metabolic process #ffd1df GO:0048522 # BP 2417 65 D04 R04 positive regulation of cellular process #ffd1df GO:0060255 # BP 2130 20 D04 R04 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process #ffd1df GO:0010468 # BP 862 20 D05 R05 regulation of gene expression #ffd1df GO:0060968 # BP 53 4 D06 R08 regulation of gene silencing #ffd1df GO:0060147 # BP 24 4 D07 R09 regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing #ffd1df GO:0060148 # BP 8 3 D08 R10 positive regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing #ffd1df GO:0060150 # BP 0 0 D09 R11 viral triggering of virus induced gene silencing # - Generate GO DAG subset for this test --------------------------------------------------------- def _wr_sub_obo(fout_obo, goid_chosen, godag_r1, fin_obo): """Sub plot used for visualizing this test file's elements""" # Load GO-DAG: Load optional 'relationship' godag = {go:o for go, o in godag_r1.items() if go == o.item_id} _prt_rtel_ctr(godag) rels_all = set(['part_of', 'regulates', 'negatively_regulates', 'positively_regulates']) goids_leaf_all = set( for o in godag.values() if not o.children) gosubdag_r1 = GoSubDag(goids_leaf_all, godag, relationships=True, prt=sys.stdout) goids_src_r1_all = _get_leafs_w_relsinhier(rels_all, gosubdag_r1) gosubdag_r1.prt_goids(goids_src_r1_all) # Pick one of the GO IDs as a source for the subset DAG gosubdag_viral = GoSubDag({goid_chosen}, godag, relationships=True, prt=sys.stdout) goids_viral = set(gosubdag_viral.go2obj.keys()) with open(fout_obo, 'w') as prt: WrSubObo.prt_goterms(fin_obo, goids_viral, prt) print('{N} GO IDs WROTE: {OBO}'.format(N=len(goids_viral), OBO=fout_obo)) # Plot obo subset pat_r1 = '{REPO}/scripts/ {GO} -o {PNG} -r' pat_r0 = '{REPO}/scripts/ {GO} -o {PNG}' system(pat_r1.format(REPO=REPO, PNG=fout_obo.replace('.obo', '_r1.png'), GO=goid_chosen)) system(pat_r0.format(REPO=REPO, PNG=fout_obo.replace('.obo', '_r0.png'), GO=goid_chosen)) def _get_leafs_w_relsinhier(rels_usr, gosubdag_r1): """Get GO IDs that have all relationships up their hierarchy.""" gos_r1_relsinhier = set() goids_leaf = set( for o in gosubdag_r1.go2obj.values() if not o.children) for goid in goids_leaf: go_parents = gosubdag_r1.rcntobj.go2ancestors[goid] rels = set(k for p in go_parents for k in gosubdag_r1.go2obj[p].relationship.keys()) if rels == rels_usr: gos_r1_relsinhier.add(goid) return gos_r1_relsinhier def _prt_rtel_ctr(godag): """Print the count of relationships.""" objs_r1_all = set(o for o in godag.values() if o.relationship.keys()) octr = cx.Counter(k for o in objs_r1_all for k in o.relationship.keys()) # objs_r1_sub = set( for o in objs_r1_all if not rels_all.isdisjoint(o.relationship.keys())) print('{N:6,} GO Terms have relationships.'.format(N=len(objs_r1_all))) for key, cnt in octr.most_common(): print('{N:6,} {REL}'.format(N=cnt, REL=key)) # def _chk_child_parent(go2o_dag, go2o_sub): # """Check the differences between the two go2obb dicts.""" # pass if __name__ == '__main__': test_gosubdag_relationships(len(sys.argv) != 1) # Copyright (C) 2016-2019, <NAME>, <NAME>, All rights reserved.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utilities for defining CRM Tag arguments on a parser.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals from googlecloudsdk.calliope import arg_parsers from googlecloudsdk.calliope import base def AddShortNameArgToParser(parser): """Adds positional argument to parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, an argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "short_name", metavar="SHORT_NAME", help=("User specified, friendly name of the TagKey or TagValue. The field" " must be 1-63 characters, beginning and ending with an " "alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), " "underscores ( _ ), dots (.), and alphanumerics between. ")) def AddParentArgToParser(parser, required=True, message=""): """Adds argument for the TagKey or TagValue's parent to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. required: Boolean, to enforce --parent as a required flag. message: String, replacement help text for flag. """ parser.add_argument( "--parent", metavar="PARENT", required=required, help=message if message else ("Parent of the resource.")) def AddDescriptionArgToParser(parser): """Adds argument for the TagKey's or TagValue's description to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "--description", metavar="DESCRIPTION", help=("User-assigned description of the TagKey or TagValue. " "Must not exceed 256 characters.")) def AddPurposeArgToParser(parser): """Adds argument for the TagKey's purpose to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "--purpose", metavar="PURPOSE", choices=["GCE_FIREWALL"], help=("Purpose specifier of the TagKey that can only be set on creation. " "Specifying this field adds additional validation from the policy " "system that corresponds to the purpose.")) def AddPurposeDataArgToParser(parser): """Adds argument for the TagKey's purpose data to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "--purpose-data", type=arg_parsers.ArgDict( spec={"network": str}, max_length=1, ), help=("Purpose data of the TagKey that can only be set on creation. " "This data is validated by the policy system that corresponds" " to the purpose.")) def AddAsyncArgToParser(parser): """Adds async flag to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ base.ASYNC_FLAG.AddToParser(parser) def AddResourceNameArgToParser(parser): """Adds resource name argument for the namespaced name or resource name to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "RESOURCE_NAME", metavar="RESOURCE_NAME", help=("Resource name or namespaced name. The resource name should " "be in the form {resource_type}/{numeric_id}. The namespaced name " "should be in the form {org_id}/{short_name} where short_name " "must be 1-63 characters, beginning and ending with an " "alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), underscores " "( _ ), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.")) def AddForceArgToParser(parser): """Adds force argument to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "--force", action="store_true", help=("Force argument to bypass checks.")) def AddPolicyFileArgToParser(parser): """Adds argument for the local Policy file to set. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "POLICY_FILE", metavar="POLICY_FILE", help=( "Path to a local JSON or YAML formatted file containing a valid " "policy. The output of the `get-iam-policy` command is a valid " "file, as is any JSON or YAML file conforming to the structure of " "a [Policy](")) def AddTagValueArgToParser(parser): """Adds the TagValue argument to the parser. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. """ parser.add_argument( "--tag-value", metavar="TAG_VALUE", required=True, help=("Tag value name or namespaced name. The name should " "be in the form tagValues/{numeric_id}. The namespaced name " "should be in the form {org_id}/{tag_key_short_name}/{short_name} " "where short_name must be 1-63 characters, beginning and ending " "with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]) with dashes (-), " "underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.")) def AddLocationArgToParser(parser, message): """Adds argument for the location. Args: parser: ArgumentInterceptor, An argparse parser. message: String, help text for flag. """ parser.add_argument( "--location", metavar="LOCATION", required=False, help=message)
#!/usr/bin/python3 -u import sys def puzzle(filename): with open(filename, "r") as f: path1 = f.readline() path2 = f.readline() path1_list_str = path1.strip("\n").split(",") path2_list_str = path2.strip("\n").split(",") # print(path1_list) # print(path2_list) # Get relative coords of path path1_list = [] path2_list = [] for i in range(0, len(path1_list_str)): path1_list.append(get_coord(path1_list_str[i])) for i in range(0, len(path2_list_str)): path2_list.append(get_coord(path2_list_str[i])) # print(path1_list) # print(path2_list) # Get absolute coords of line segments path1 = {"complete": [(0, 0)]} for i in range(0, len(path1_list)): if i: path1["complete"].insert(i + 1, (path1["complete"][i][0] + path1_list[i][0], path1["complete"][i][1] + path1_list[i][1])) else: path1["complete"].insert(1, path1_list[0]) path2 = {"complete": [(0, 0)]} for i in range(0, len(path2_list)): if i: path2["complete"].insert(i + 1, (path2["complete"][i][0] + path2_list[i][0], path2["complete"][i][1] + path2_list[i][1])) else: path2["complete"].insert(1, path2_list[0]) # Segregate vertical and horizontal lines path1["vertical"] = [] path1["horizontal"] = [] for i in range(1, len(path1["complete"])): # 'x' coord is same if path1["complete"][i - 1][0] == path1["complete"][i][0]: path1["vertical"].append((path1["complete"][i - 1], path1["complete"][i])) elif path1["complete"][i - 1][1] == path1["complete"][i][1]: path1["horizontal"].append((path1["complete"][i - 1], path1["complete"][i])) path2["vertical"] = [] path2["horizontal"] = [] for i in range(1, len(path2["complete"])): # 'x' coord is same if path2["complete"][i - 1][0] == path2["complete"][i][0]: path2["vertical"].append((path2["complete"][i - 1], path2["complete"][i])) elif path2["complete"][i - 1][1] == path2["complete"][i][1]: path2["horizontal"].append((path2["complete"][i - 1], path2["complete"][i])) # print("%s\n" % path1["horizontal"]) # print("%s\n" % path1["vertical"]) # print("%s\n" % path2["horizontal"]) # print("%s\n" % path2["vertical"]) intersection_points_list = [] # Check if horizontal line of one path intersects with vertical line of other abd vice-versa for h_seg in path1["horizontal"]: for v_seg in path2["vertical"]: intersection_point = check_intersection(h_seg, v_seg) if intersection_point: intersection_points_list.append(intersection_point) for h_seg in path2["horizontal"]: for v_seg in path1["vertical"]: intersection_point = check_intersection(h_seg, v_seg) if intersection_point: intersection_points_list.append(intersection_point) print(intersection_points_list) dist = abs(intersection_points_list[0][0]) + abs(intersection_points_list[0][1]) for point in intersection_points_list[1:]: if dist > (abs(point[0]) + abs(point[1])): dist = abs(point[0]) + abs(point[1]) print("Shortest Dist: %d" % dist) def get_coord(cmd): if cmd[0] == "R": return (int(cmd[1:]), 0) elif cmd[0] == "L": return (-int(cmd[1:]), 0) elif cmd[0] == "U": return (0, int(cmd[1:])) elif cmd[0] == "D": return (0, -int(cmd[1:])) def check_intersection(horiz, vert): x = vert[0][0] y1 = vert[0][1] y2 = vert[1][1] w = horiz[0][1] z1 = horiz[0][0] z2 = horiz[1][0] to_return = None if (z1 < z2 and y1 < y2 and z1 <= x <= z2 and y1 <= w <= y2) or\ (z1 > z2 and y1 < y2 and z1 >= x >= z2 and y1 <= w <= y2) or\ (z1 < z2 and y1 > y2 and z1 <= x <= z2 and y1 >= w >= y2) or\ (z1 > z2 and y1 > y2 and z1 >= x >= z2 and y1 >= w >= y2) : to_return = (x, w) # if to_return: print("<< %s :: %s >> == %s" % (horiz, vert, (x,w))) return to_return def get_all_points_on_path(c1, c2): coord_list = [] if c1[0] == c2[0]: if c1[1] < c2[1]: for i in range(c1[1], c2[1] + 1): coord_list.append((c1[0], i)) else: for i in range(c2[1], c1[1] + 1): coord_list.append((c1[0], i)) # coord_list.reverse() elif c1[1] == c2[1]: if c1[0] < c2[0]: for i in range(c1[0], c2[0] + 1): coord_list.append((i, c1[1])) else: for i in range(c2[0], c1[0] + 1): coord_list.append((i, c1[1])) # coord_list.reverse() return coord_list def main(): puzzle("input_day_3_1.txt") # test() def test(): p = get_all_points_on_path((123, 67), (123, 15)) p = get_all_points_on_path((-123, 67), (123, 67)) print(p) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import torch def get_state_dict(model): if type(model) == torch.nn.DataParallel: state_dict = model.module.state_dict() else: state_dict = model.state_dict() return state_dict
Informatik1/Midterms Prep/midterms hs19/
<reponame>Queentaker/uzh<filename>Informatik1/Midterms Prep/midterms hs19/ def count_keywords(path, keywords): words = [] sol = dict() with open(path) as file: for line in file: for word in line.split(): words.append(word.lower()) for element in words: if element in keywords: if element in sol: sol[element] += 1 else: sol[element] = 1 else: continue return sol print(count_keywords("/Users/merterol/Desktop/uzhpython/uzh/Informatik1/MidtermsInfk/midterms hs19/text.txt", ["forest", "the", "found"])) print(count_keywords("/Users/merterol/Desktop/uzhpython/uzh/Informatik1/MidtermsInfk/midterms hs19/text.txt", ["black"])) print(count_keywords("/Users/merterol/Desktop/uzhpython/uzh/Informatik1/MidtermsInfk/midterms hs19/text.txt", []))
<gh_stars>0 # This project is a assignment of College. # Purpose: Practice TK and database connection # Usage: The user can add a stock record to Sqllite database, and one can search and list the records # # Author: <NAME> # Date: 2021-03-17 import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk, messagebox, filedialog from functools import partial from datetime import datetime import os import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Error ## # Validate the input class Validator: # Return error message if the input is not a number (float) # Return None if the input is valid def isNumber(self,input): errMsg = "Please input a number." try: if input=='NaN': return errMsg float(input) except ValueError: return errMsg else: return None # Return error message if the input is blank # Return None if the input is valid def isEmpty(self, input): errMsg = "Value required" if input != "": return None else: return errMsg # Return error message if the input is not in a "yyyy-MM-dd" format # Return None if the input is valid def isDate(self, input): errMsg = "Please input a date in yyyy-MM-dd format." try: datetime.strptime(input, "%Y-%m-%d") except ValueError: return errMsg else: return None ## # One label and one combobox class LabelDDCombo(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, labelName="Label Name", entryState="normal", packSide="left", size=(0,0), margin=(0,0),ddItems=[],*args,**kw): super().__init__(master=parent, *args, **kw) # Create label and pack self.label = tk.Label(self, text=labelName, font=("Courier",9), fg="#333", anchor="e") if size[0] != None: self.label.config(width=size[0]) self.label.pack(side=packSide, padx=(margin[0],0), pady=margin[1]) # Create input and pack self.inputValue = tk.StringVar() self.input = ttk.Combobox(self, textvariable = self.inputValue, state=entryState, values=ddItems) self.input.current(0) if size[1] != None: self.input.config(width=size[1]) self.input.pack(side=packSide, padx=(0,margin[0]), pady=margin[1]) # When the value is invalidate, this handler will display error message. # The handler should be .config(text=XXX) def setInputErrorHandler(self, handler): self.errHandler = handler # The validator. It will call validator class and loop def validator(self): validator = Validator() for valRules in self.validatorArray: #eval() validationErrors = validator.isEmpty(self.getDDValue()) if validationErrors != None: # Output the error message to "error handler" self.errHandler.config(text=self.label["text"] + " - " + validationErrors) return False return True # When focus, focus the input box def focus(self): self.input.focus() # Return the input value def getDDValue(self): return self.inputValue.get() def setValue(self, valueIndex): self.input.current(valueIndex) ## # One label and one input box class LabelInputCombo(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, labelName="Label Name", entryState="normal", packSide="left", size=(0,0), margin=(0,0),validateArray=[],*args,**kw): super().__init__(master=parent, *args, **kw) # validateArray = ["isNumber", "isEmpty"], means the value needs two validation self.validatorArray = validateArray # Create label and pack self.label = tk.Label(self, text=labelName, font=("Courier",9), fg="#333", anchor="e") if size[0] != None: self.label.config(width=size[0]) self.label.pack(side=packSide, padx=(margin[0],0), pady=margin[1]) # Create input and pack self.inputValue = tk.StringVar() self.input = tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.inputValue, state=entryState) if size[1] != None: self.input.config(width=size[1]) self.input.pack(side=packSide, padx=(0,margin[0]), pady=margin[1]) # When the value is invalidate, this handler will display error message. # The handler should be .config(text=XXX) def setInputErrorHandler(self, handler): self.errHandler = handler # The validator. It will call validator class and loop def validator(self): self.errHandler.config(text="No Error") validator = Validator() for valRules in self.validatorArray: #eval() validationErrors = eval("validator." + valRules + "('" + self.inputValue.get() + "')") if validationErrors != None: # Output the error message to "error handler" self.errHandler.config(text=self.label["text"] + " - " + validationErrors) self.input.delete(0,"end") return False return True # When focus, focus the input box def focus(self): self.input.focus() # Return the input value def getInputValue(self): return self.inputValue.get() def setValue(self, value): if self.input["state"].lower() == "disabled": self.input.config(state="normal") self.input.delete(0,"end") self.input.insert(0,value) self.input.config(state="disabled") self.input.delete(0,"end") self.input.insert(0,value) # Table view class TreeViewWithScrollBar(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, columnsAttr, tableRows=5, *args,**kw): super().__init__(master=parent, *args, **kw) columns = list(item["colName"] for item in columnsAttr) self.treeview = ttk.Treeview(self, height=tableRows, show="headings", columns=columns) for aColumn in columnsAttr: self.treeview.column(aColumn["colName"], width=aColumn["width"], anchor=aColumn["anchor"]) self.treeview.heading(aColumn["colName"], text=aColumn["colName"]) treeScroll = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical",command=self.treeview.yview) self.treeview.grid(row=0,column=0) treeScroll.grid(row=0,column=1,sticky="NSEW") self.treeview.configure(yscrollcommand=treeScroll.set) def addValues(self,valueArray): self.treeview.insert('','end',values=valueArray) def clearAll(self): self.treeview.delete(*self.treeview.get_children()) def setValues(self, tupleArray): if tupleArray is not None: self.clearAll() for row in tupleArray[0]: self.addValues(row) def getRecordsCount(self): return len(self.treeview.get_children()) ## # A layout to group some elements. # Support two layouts: # Use "h" to pack horizontally # Use "v" to pack vertically class LayoutFrame(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): super().__init__(master=parent, *args, **kw) def layout(self, layout, *items): if items != None: for item in items: if layout == "v": item.pack(side='top', pady=5) else: item.pack(side='left', padx=5) return self ############################# Above are the widgets; Below are the UI design ########################### ## # "Activity Display" contains two buttons on the top: Summary and Activities class ActivityDisplayWindow(tk.Frame): summaryFrame = None activitiesDataTableFrame = None dbName = "stocks.db" def __init__(self,parent): self.parent = parent self.parent.resizable(False, False) self.windowSelfConfig() self.createWidgets() def windowSelfConfig(self): self.parent.geometry('400x600+20+20') self.parent.title("Activities Display") self.parent.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onClose) def onClose(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit both two windows?"): self.parent.destroy() def createWidgets(self): # self.parent.rowconfigure(0,weight=1) self.parent.columnconfigure(0,weight=1) topButtonsArea = LayoutFrame(self.parent) self.summaryButton = tk.Button(topButtonsArea, text="Summary", command=partial(self.switchButtonOnClick,"summary")) self.activitiesButton = tk.Button(topButtonsArea, text="Activities", command=partial(self.switchButtonOnClick,"Activities")) topButtonsArea.layout("h",self.summaryButton, self.activitiesButton).grid(row=0,column=0,pady=10) self.buildSummaryPage() def buildSummaryPage(self): if self.summaryFrame is None: self.summaryFrame = LayoutFrame(self.parent) self.uniqueStockSymbols = tk.StringVar() self.oldestTransactionSummary = LabelInputCombo(self.summaryFrame, labelName="Oldest Transaction:", entryState="disabled", size=(22,22), margin=(2,2)) self.newestTransactionSummary = LabelInputCombo(self.summaryFrame, labelName="Newest Transaction:", entryState="disabled", size=(22,22), margin=(2,2)) self.cheapestPriceSymmary = LabelInputCombo(self.summaryFrame, labelName="Cheapest Price:", entryState="disabled", size=(22,22), margin=(2,2)) self.mostExpensivePriceSummary = LabelInputCombo(self.summaryFrame, labelName="Most Expensive Price:", entryState="disabled", size=(22,22), margin=(2,2)) self.mostTradedStockSummary = LabelInputCombo(self.summaryFrame, labelName="Most Traded Stock:", entryState="disabled", size=(22,22), margin=(2,2)) self.summaryFrame.layout("v", tk.Label(self.summaryFrame, text="", font=("Arial", 14), anchor="w"), tk.Label(self.summaryFrame, text="Unique Stock Symbols", font=("Arial", 14), anchor="w"), tk.Listbox(self.summaryFrame, listvariable=self.uniqueStockSymbols), tk.Label(self.summaryFrame, text="", font=("Arial", 14), anchor="w"), tk.Label(self.summaryFrame, text="Summary", font=("Arial", 14), anchor="w"), self.oldestTransactionSummary, self.newestTransactionSummary, self.cheapestPriceSymmary, self.mostExpensivePriceSummary, self.mostTradedStockSummary ) self.summaryFrame.grid(row=1,column=0) self.updateInfo() def buildActivitiesPage(self): if self.activitiesDataTableFrame is None: self.activitiesDataTableFrame = TreeViewWithScrollBar(self.parent,[ {"colName":"ID","width":10,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Date","width":100,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Symbol","width":80,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Transation","width":70,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Quantity","width":70,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Price$","width":60,"anchor":"center"}],tableRows=26) self.activitiesDataTableFrame.grid(row=1,column=0) self.updateInfo() # Update the data from DB def updateInfo(self): dataController = DataController(self.dbName) if self.summaryFrame is not None: summaryResults = dataController.getSummaryInfo() if summaryResults is not None: tradeSymbols = summaryResults[0] self.uniqueStockSymbols.set([x[0] for x in tradeSymbols]) OldestTrade = summaryResults[1][0] self.oldestTransactionSummary.setValue("%s %s %s" % (OldestTrade[1],OldestTrade[3],OldestTrade[2])) newestTrade = summaryResults[2][0] self.newestTransactionSummary.setValue("%s %s %s" % (newestTrade[1],newestTrade[3],newestTrade[2])) cheapestTrade = summaryResults[3][0] self.cheapestPriceSymmary.setValue("$%0.2f %s %s" % (cheapestTrade[5],cheapestTrade[3],cheapestTrade[2])) expensiveTrade = summaryResults[4][0] self.mostExpensivePriceSummary.setValue("$%0.2f %s %s" % (expensiveTrade[5],expensiveTrade[3],expensiveTrade[2])) mostTrade = summaryResults[5][0] self.mostTradedStockSummary.setValue("%s (%d Transactions)" % (mostTrade[1],mostTrade[0])) if self.activitiesDataTableFrame is not None: self.activitiesDataTableFrame.setValues(dataController.listTransactions()) def switchButtonOnClick(self, activity): if activity.lower() == "summary": if self.activitiesDataTableFrame is not None: self.activitiesDataTableFrame.grid_forget() self.buildSummaryPage() elif activity.lower() == "activities": if self.summaryFrame is not None: self.summaryFrame.grid_forget() self.buildActivitiesPage() ## # "Activity Display" contains two buttons on the top: Summary and Activities class ActivityEntryWindow(tk.Frame): # will be overwritten in class constructor dbName = "stocks_test.db" def __init__(self,parent, parentWindowClass): self.parent = parent self.parentClass = parentWindowClass self.dbName = parentWindowClass.dbName self.parent.resizable(False, False) self.windowSelfConfig() self.createWidgets() def windowSelfConfig(self): self.parent.geometry('400x600+450+20') self.parent.title("Activity Entry") self.parent.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.onClose) # Destroy parent window def onClose(self): if messagebox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you want to quit both two windows?"): self.parentClass.parent.destroy() def createWidgets(self): self.errorMessageDisplay = tk.Label(self.parent, text="No Error", font=("Arial", 10), fg="red", anchor="w") self.dataInputForm().pack(side="top", pady=(20,10)) self.buttons().pack(side="top", pady=(0,20)) tk.Label(self.parent, text="All Transactions", font=("Arial", 14), anchor="w").pack(side="top") self.allTransactions = TreeViewWithScrollBar(self.parent,[ {"colName":"ID","width":10,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Date","width":100,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Symbol","width":80,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Transation","width":70,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Quantity","width":70,"anchor":"center"}, {"colName":"Price","width":60,"anchor":"center"}],tableRows=19) self.allTransactions.pack(side="top", pady=(10,0), fill="both") self.errorMessageDisplay.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") self.updateTransactions() def dataInputForm(self): dataInputFrame = LayoutFrame(self.parent) self.dateInput = LabelInputCombo(dataInputFrame, labelName="Date", validateArray=["isDate", "isEmpty"], size=(5,10), packSide="top", margin=(1,1)) self.dateInput.setInputErrorHandler(self.errorMessageDisplay) self.symbolInput = LabelInputCombo(dataInputFrame, labelName="Symbol", validateArray=["isEmpty"], size=(6,6), packSide="top", margin=(2,2)) self.symbolInput.setInputErrorHandler(self.errorMessageDisplay) self.transationInput = LabelDDCombo(dataInputFrame, labelName="Transation", ddItems=["","buy","sell"], size=(10,5),entryState="readonly",packSide="top", margin=(2,2)) self.transationInput.setInputErrorHandler(self.errorMessageDisplay) self.quantityInput = LabelInputCombo(dataInputFrame, labelName="Quantity", validateArray=["isNumber", "isEmpty"], size=(8,8), packSide="top", margin=(2,2)) self.quantityInput.setInputErrorHandler(self.errorMessageDisplay) self.priceInput = LabelInputCombo(dataInputFrame, labelName="Price", validateArray=["isNumber", "isEmpty"], size=(5,6), packSide="top", margin=(2,2)) self.priceInput.setInputErrorHandler(self.errorMessageDisplay) dataInputFrame.layout('h', self.dateInput, self.symbolInput, self.transationInput, self.quantityInput, self.priceInput ) return dataInputFrame def buttons(self): buttonsFrame = LayoutFrame(self.parent) recordButton = tk.Button(buttonsFrame, text="Record", command=self.recordOnClick) clearButton = tk.Button(buttonsFrame, text="Clear", command=self.clearOnClick) searchButton = tk.Button(buttonsFrame, text="search", command=self.searchOnClick) exportButton = tk.Button(buttonsFrame, text="Export", command=self.exportOnClick) buttonsFrame.layout('h', recordButton, clearButton, searchButton, exportButton) return buttonsFrame def updateTransactions(self): self.allTransactions.setValues(DataController(self.dbName).listTransactions()) def generateParametersDict(self): queryDict = {} if self.dateInput.getInputValue() != "" and self.dateInput.validator(): queryDict["transaction_date"] = self.dateInput.getInputValue() if self.symbolInput.getInputValue() != "" and self.symbolInput.validator(): queryDict["symbol"] = self.symbolInput.getInputValue() if self.transationInput.getDDValue() != "": queryDict["transaction_direction"] = self.transationInput.getDDValue() if self.quantityInput.getInputValue() != "" and self.quantityInput.validator(): queryDict["Quantity"] = self.quantityInput.getInputValue() if self.priceInput.getInputValue() != "" and self.priceInput.validator(): queryDict["price"] = self.priceInput.getInputValue() return queryDict def recordOnClick(self): inputDict = self.generateParametersDict() # 5 means all items are inputted if len(inputDict) == 5: if DataController(self.dbName).addTransaction(inputDict["transaction_date"],inputDict["symbol"],inputDict["transaction_direction"],inputDict["Quantity"],inputDict["price"]): self.updateTransactions() self.parentClass.updateInfo() self.clearOnClick() self.errorMessageDisplay.config(text="Insert Successfully") else: self.errorMessageDisplay.config(text="Insert Fail.") else: self.errorMessageDisplay.config(text="Please complete all input items") def clearOnClick(self): self.dateInput.setValue("") self.symbolInput.setValue("") self.transationInput.setValue(0) self.quantityInput.setValue("") self.priceInput.setValue("") self.errorMessageDisplay.config(text="All inputs are cleared") def searchOnClick(self): self.allTransactions.setValues(DataController(self.dbName).listTransactions(self.generateParametersDict())) self.errorMessageDisplay.config(text=" %d records returned" % self.allTransactions.getRecordsCount()) def exportOnClick(self): destFile = filedialog.asksaveasfile(filetypes = [('Text Document', '*.txt')], defaultextension = [('Text Document', '*.txt')]) if destFile is not None: exportResult = DataController(self.dbName).listTransactions() if exportResult: destFile.write("User Activity") for record in exportResult[0]: destFile.write("\n%d, %s, %s, %s, %d, %.2f" % record) destFile.close() self.errorMessageDisplay.config(text="Export Successfully") ################################# Above are UI design, below are database access code ######################## ## # Controller: Manipulate the data and return to View class DataController: def __init__(self, dataFile): self.db = dataFile if not os.path.exists(dataFile): # Create Data if not self.initializeDatabase(withData = True): raise Exception("Database Initialize Error") # get all information in one connection def getSummaryInfo(self): isSuccess, dataResult = self.runSql([ 'select distinct symbol from stocks', 'select * from stocks order by transaction_date asc limit 1', 'select * from stocks order by transaction_date desc limit 1', 'select * from stocks order by price asc limit 1', 'select * from stocks order by price desc limit 1', 'select count(id) as trade_times, symbol from stocks group by symbol order by trade_times desc limit 1' ]) if isSuccess: return dataResult return None def listTransactions(self, paramDict={}): queryParam = [] for item, value in paramDict.items(): if type(value) is str: queryParam.append(item + "='" + value + "'") else: queryParam.append(item + "=" + str(value)) where = "" if len(queryParam) > 0: where = "where " + " and ".join(queryParam) # TODO: put it in debug log #print('select * from stocks ' + where + ' order by transaction_date asc') isSuccess, dataResult = self.runSql([ 'select * from stocks ' + where + ' order by transaction_date asc' ]) if isSuccess: return dataResult return None def addTransaction(self, transDate,symbol,trans,quantity,price): isSuccess, dataResult = self.runSql( ["insert into stocks (transaction_date,symbol,transaction_direction,Quantity,price) values (?,?,?,?,?)"], [(transDate, symbol, trans, quantity, price)] ) return isSuccess # Run sql, support batch # return 1: True/False for update/delete/insert # return 2: fetch data for select def runSql(self, sqlStatementArray, sqlStatementParamArray=[]): conn = None if len(sqlStatementParamArray) > 0: if len(sqlStatementArray) != len(sqlStatementParamArray): return False,[] fetchResult = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) needCommit = False for i in range(len(sqlStatementArray)): if len(sqlStatementParamArray) > 0: queryResults = conn.execute(sqlStatementArray[i], sqlStatementParamArray[i]) else: queryResults = conn.execute(sqlStatementArray[i]) if sqlStatementArray[i].strip().lower().startswith("select"): fetchResult.append(queryResults.fetchall()) else: needCommit = True if needCommit: conn.commit() except Error as e: # TODO: Log the error print(e) return False, [] else: return True, fetchResult finally: if conn: conn.close() # Create Table and initialize Data # Transaction Data: yyyy-MM-dd # Stock Symbol: MSFT # Transaction: Buy/Sell # Quantity: 100 # Transation Price: 12.34 def initializeDatabase(self, withData = False): if self.runSql(['''CREATE TABLE stocks ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, transaction_date DATE, symbol text, transaction_direction text, Quantity INTEGER, price REAL )'''])[0]: return self.runSql( ["insert into stocks (transaction_date,symbol,transaction_direction,Quantity,price) values (?,?,?,?,?)" for x in range(10)], [ ('2020-01-01', 'AAPL', 'buy', 100, 12.3), ('2020-02-01', 'MSFT', 'buy', 80, 8.3), ('2020-03-01', 'AAPL', 'sell', 80, 10.3), ('2020-04-01', 'MSFT', 'sell', 80, 10.4), ('2020-05-01', 'AAPL', 'sell', 100, 9.3), ('2020-06-01', 'AAPL', 'buy', 100, 14.3), ('2020-07-01', 'MSFT', 'buy', 100, 16.3), ('2020-08-01', 'AAPL', 'buy', 100, 6.3), ('2020-09-01', 'MSFT', 'sell', 80, 10.3), ('2020-10-01', 'AAPL', 'sell', 80, 11.3) ] )[0] return False if __name__ == "__main__": activityDisplayWindow = tk.Tk() displayWindowClass = ActivityDisplayWindow(activityDisplayWindow) activityEntryWindow = tk.Toplevel(activityDisplayWindow) ActivityEntryWindow(activityEntryWindow, displayWindowClass) activityDisplayWindow.mainloop()
import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable from Param import nc, nz, device class Model512(nn.Module): def __init__(self,nz=nz,nef=8,ngf=8,nc=nc): super(Model512, self).__init__() ## Encoder Part ## self.encode = nn.Sequential( # input is (nc) x 512 x 512 nn.Conv2d(nc, nef, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size is (nef) x 256 x 256 nn.Conv2d(nef, nef * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 2), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*2) x 128 x 128 nn.Conv2d(nef*2, nef * 4, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 4), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*4) x 64 x 64 nn.Conv2d(nef * 4, nef * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 8), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*8) x 32 x 32 nn.Conv2d(nef*8, nef * 16, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 16), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*16) x 16 x 16 nn.Conv2d(nef * 16, nef * 32, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 32), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*32) x 8 x 8 nn.Conv2d(nef * 32, nef * 64, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 64), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*64) x 4 x 4 nn.Conv2d(nef * 64, nef * 128, 4, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 128), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(nef * 128, nz, 1, 1, 0, bias=True), nn.Sigmoid() ) ## ##### ## Decoder Part ## self.decode3 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(nz, ngf *128 , 2, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 128), nn.ReLU(True), # size ngf*128 x2 x2 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 128, ngf * 64, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 64), nn.ReLU(True), # size ngf*64 x4 x4 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 64, ngf * 32, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 32), nn.ReLU(True), # size ngf*32 x8 x8 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf*32, ngf * 16, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 16), nn.ReLU(True), # state size. (ngf*16) x 16 x16 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 16, ngf * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 8), nn.ReLU(True), # state size. (ngf*8) x 32 x 32 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 8, ngf * 4, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 4), nn.ReLU(True)) # state size. (ngf*4) x 64 x 64 self.conv_layer128 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 4, ngf * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 2), nn.ReLU(True), nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 2, ngf, 3, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf, nc, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)) self.decode2 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 4, ngf * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 2), nn.ReLU(True)) # state size. (ngf*2) x 128 x 128 self.conv_layer256 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 2, ngf, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf), nn.ReLU(True), nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf, nc, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)) self.decode1 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 2, ngf, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf), nn.ReLU(True), # state size. (ngf) x 256 x 256 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf, nc, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.Tanh() #nn.Sigmoid() # for VAE # state size. (nc) x 512 x 512 ) self.output_layer = nn.Tanh() #nn.Sigmoid() def forward(self, input): x = self.encode(input) x = self.decode3(x) out128 = self.output_layer(self.conv_layer128(x)) x = self.decode2(x) out256 = self.output_layer(self.conv_layer256(x)) out512 = self.decode1(x) return out128, out256, out512 """ VAE with three losses at three scales of the decoder """ class VAE_Model512(nn.Module): def __init__(self,nz=nz,ngf=8,nef=8,nc=3): super(VAE_Model512, self).__init__() ## Encoder Part ## self.encode = nn.Sequential( # input is (nc) x 512 x 512 nn.Conv2d(nc, nef, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size is (nef) x 256 x 256 nn.Conv2d(nef, nef * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 2), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*2) x 128 x 128 nn.Conv2d(nef*2, nef * 4, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 4), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*4) x 64 x 64 nn.Conv2d(nef * 4, nef * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 8), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*8) x 32 x 32 nn.Conv2d(nef*8, nef * 16, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 16), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*16) x 16 x 16 nn.Conv2d(nef * 16, nef * 32, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 32), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*32) x 8 x 8 nn.Conv2d(nef * 32, nef * 64, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 64), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), # state size. (nef*64) x 4 x 4 nn.Conv2d(nef * 64, nef * 128, 4, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(nef * 128), nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(nef * 128, nz, 1, 1, 0, bias=True), nn.Sigmoid() ) ## ##### ## Decoder Part ## self.decode3 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(nz, ngf *128 , 2, 1, 0, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 128), nn.ReLU(True), # size ngf*128 x2 x2 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 128, ngf * 64, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 64), nn.ReLU(True), # size ngf*64 x4 x4 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 64, ngf * 32, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 32), nn.ReLU(True), # size ngf*32 x8 x8 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf*32, ngf * 16, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 16), nn.ReLU(True), # state size. (ngf*16) x 16 x16 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 16, ngf * 8, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 8), nn.ReLU(True), # state size. (ngf*8) x 32 x 32 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 8, ngf * 4, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 4), nn.ReLU(True)) # state size. (ngf*4) x 64 x 64 self.conv_layer128 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 4, ngf * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 2), nn.ReLU(True), nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 2, ngf, 3, 1, 1, bias=False), nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf, nc, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)) self.decode2 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 4, ngf * 2, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf * 2), nn.ReLU(True)) # state size. (ngf*2) x 128 x 128 self.conv_layer256 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 2, ngf, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf), nn.ReLU(True), nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf, nc, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)) self.decode1 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf * 2, ngf, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(ngf), nn.ReLU(True), # state size. (ngf) x 256 x 256 nn.ConvTranspose2d(ngf, nc, 4, 2, 1, bias=False), nn.Tanh() #nn.Sigmoid() # for VAE # state size. (nc) x 512 x 512 ) self.output_layer = nn.Tanh() #nn.Sigmoid() self.fc1 = nn.Linear(nz, 64) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(nz, 64) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(64, nz) def reparametrize(self, mu, logvar): std = logvar.mul(0.5).exp_() eps = torch.FloatTensor(std.size()).normal_().to(device) eps = Variable(eps) return eps.mul(std).add_(mu) def forward(self, input): b_size = input.shape[0] x = self.encode(input).view(b_size, nz) mu = self.fc1(x) #fc1 logvar = self.fc2(x) #fc2 z = self.reparametrize(mu, logvar) z = self.fc3(z).reshape(-1,, 1, 1) #fc3 #del x x = self.decode3(z) out128 = self.output_layer(self.conv_layer128(x)) x = self.decode2(x) out256 = self.output_layer(self.conv_layer256(x)) out512 = self.decode1(x) return out128, out256, out512, mu, logvar
#!/usr/bin/env python import numpy as np import copy import rospy import rospkg import rosparam import threading import argparse from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3 from std_msgs.msg import Header, Float64 from sub8_msgs.msg import Thrust, ThrusterStatus from mil_ros_tools import wait_for_param, thread_lock, numpy_to_point from sub8_msgs.srv import ThrusterInfo, ThrusterInfoResponse, FailThruster, UnfailThruster from sub8_thruster_comm import thruster_comm_factory from ros_alarms import AlarmBroadcaster, AlarmListener lock = threading.Lock() class BusVoltageMonitor(object): ''' Class that estimates sub8's thruster bus voltage. As of May 2017, this is just a simple rolling average with a constant width sliding window. However add_reading and get_estimate methods are left for when smarter filtering is needed ''' VMAX = 50 # volts VMIN = 0 # volts class VoltageReading(object): def __init__(self, voltage, time): self.v = voltage self.t = time def __init__(self, window_duration): ''' window_duration - float (amount of seconds for which to keep a reading in the buffer) ''' self.bus_voltage_alarm = AlarmBroadcaster("bus-voltage") self.bus_voltage_pub = rospy.Publisher('bus_voltage', Float64, queue_size=1) self.warn_voltage = rospy.get_param("/battery/warn_voltage", 44.5) self.kill_voltage = rospy.get_param("/battery/kill_voltage", 44.0) self.last_estimate_time = self.WINDOW_DURATION = rospy.Duration(window_duration) self.ESTIMATION_PERIOD = rospy.Duration(0.2) self.cached_severity = 0 self.buffer = [] def add_reading(self, voltage, time): ''' Adds voltage readings to buffer ''' voltage = float(voltage) # Only add if it makes sense (the M5's will give nonsense feedback at times) if voltage >= self.VMIN and voltage <= self.VMAX: self.buffer.append(self.VoltageReading(voltage, time)) self.prune_buffer() # check bus voltage if enough time has passed if - self.last_estimate_time > self.ESTIMATION_PERIOD: self.check_bus_voltage() def prune_buffer(self): ''' Removes readings older than the window_duration from buffer ''' for reading in self.buffer: age = - reading.t if age > self.WINDOW_DURATION: self.buffer.remove(reading) def get_voltage_estimate(self): ''' Returns average voltage in buffer ''' voltages = [] if len(self.buffer) == 0: return None for r in self.buffer: voltages.append(r.v) return np.mean(voltages) def check_bus_voltage(self): ''' Publishes bus_voltage estimate and raises alarm if necessary ''' bus_voltage = self.get_voltage_estimate() if bus_voltage is None: return self.bus_voltage_pub.publish(Float64(bus_voltage)) severity = None if bus_voltage < self.warn_voltage: severity = 3 if bus_voltage < self.kill_voltage: severity = 5 if severity is not None and self.cached_severity != severity: self.bus_voltage_alarm.raise_alarm( problem_description='Bus voltage has fallen to {}'.format(bus_voltage), parameters={'bus_voltage': bus_voltage}, severity=severity ) self.cached_severity = severity class ThrusterDriver(object): _dropped_timeout = 1.0 # s _window_duration = 30.0 # s _NODE_NAME = rospy.get_name() def __init__(self, ports_layout, thruster_definitions): '''Thruster driver, an object for commanding all of the sub's thrusters - Gather configuration data and make it available to other nodes - Instantiate ThrusterPorts, (Either simulated or real), for communicating with thrusters - Track a thrust_dict, which maps thruster names to the appropriate port - Given a command message, route that command to the appropriate port/thruster - Send a thruster status message describing the status of the particular thruster ''' self.failed_thrusters = set() # This is only determined by comms self.deactivated_thrusters = set() # These will not come back online even if comms are good (user managed) # Alarms self.thruster_out_alarm = AlarmBroadcaster("thruster-out") AlarmListener("thruster-out", self.check_alarm_status, call_when_raised=False) # Prevent outside interference # Create ThrusterPort objects in a dict indexed by port name self.load_thruster_ports(ports_layout, thruster_definitions) # Feedback on thrusters (thruster mapper blocks until it can use this service) self.thruster_info_service = rospy.Service('thrusters/thruster_info', ThrusterInfo, self.get_thruster_info) self.status_publishers = {name: rospy.Publisher('thrusters/status/' + name, ThrusterStatus, queue_size=10) for name in self.thruster_to_port_map.keys()} # These alarms require this service to be available before things will work rospy.wait_for_service("update_thruster_layout") self.update_thruster_out_alarm() # Bus voltage self.bus_voltage_monitor = BusVoltageMonitor(self._window_duration) # Command thrusters self.thrust_sub = rospy.Subscriber('thrusters/thrust', Thrust, self.thrust_cb, queue_size=1) # To programmatically deactivate thrusters self.fail_thruster_server = rospy.Service('fail_thruster', FailThruster, self.fail_thruster) self.unfail_thruster_server = rospy.Service('unfail_thruster', UnfailThruster, self.unfail_thruster) @thread_lock(lock) def load_thruster_ports(self, ports_layout, thruster_definitions): ''' Loads a dictionary ThrusterPort objects ''' self.ports = {} # ThrusterPort objects self.thruster_to_port_map = {} # node_id to ThrusterPort rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.make_fake = rospy.get_param('simulate', False) if self.make_fake: rospy.logwarn("Running fake thrusters for simulation, based on parameter '/simulate'") # Instantiate thruster comms port for port_info in ports_layout: port_name = port_info['port'] self.ports[port_name] = thruster_comm_factory(port_info, thruster_definitions, fake=self.make_fake) # Add the thrusters to the thruster dict and configure if present for thruster_name in port_info['thruster_names']: self.thruster_to_port_map[thruster_name] = port_info['port'] if thruster_name not in self.ports[port_name].online_thruster_names: rospy.logerr("ThrusterDriver: {} IS MISSING!".format(thruster_name)) else: rospy.loginfo("ThrusterDriver: {} registered".format(thruster_name)) # Set firmware settings port = self.ports[port_name] node_id = thruster_definitions[thruster_name]['node_id'] config_path = (rospack.get_path('sub8_videoray_m5_thruster') + '/config/firmware_settings/' + thruster_name + '.yaml') rospy.loginfo('Configuring {} with settings specified in {}.'.format(thruster_name, config_path)) port.set_registers_from_dict(node_id=node_id, reg_dict=rosparam.load_file(config_path)[0][0]) port.reboot_thruster(node_id) # Necessary for some settings to take effect def get_thruster_info(self, srv): ''' Get the thruster info for a particular thruster name ''' query_name = srv.thruster_name info = self.ports[self.thruster_to_port_map[query_name]].thruster_info[query_name] thruster_info = ThrusterInfoResponse( node_id=info.node_id, min_force=info.thrust_bounds[0], max_force=info.thrust_bounds[1], position=numpy_to_point(info.position), direction=Vector3(*info.direction) ) return thruster_info def check_alarm_status(self, alarm): # If someone else cleared this alarm, we need to make sure to raise it again if not alarm.raised and alarm.node_name != self._NODE_NAME: self.update_thruster_out_alarm() def update_thruster_out_alarm(self): ''' Raises or clears the thruster out alarm Updates the 'offline_thruster_names' parameter accordingly Sets the severity to the number of failed thrusters (clipped at 5) ''' offline_names = list(self.failed_thrusters) if len(self.failed_thrusters) > 0: self.thruster_out_alarm.raise_alarm( node_name=self._NODE_NAME, parameters={'offline_thruster_names': offline_names}, severity=int(np.clip(len(self.failed_thrusters), 1, 5))) else: self.thruster_out_alarm.clear_alarm( node_name=self._NODE_NAME, parameters={'offline_thruster_names': offline_names}) @thread_lock(lock) def command_thruster(self, name, thrust): ''' Issue a a force command (in Newtons) to a named thruster Example names are BLR, FLH, etc. Raises RuntimeError if a thrust value outside of the configured thrust bounds is commanded Raises UnavailableThrusterException if a thruster that is offline is commanded a non-zero thrust ''' port_name = self.thruster_to_port_map[name] target_port = self.ports[port_name] thruster_model = target_port.thruster_info[name] if thrust < thruster_model.thrust_bounds[0] or thrust > thruster_model.thrust_bounds[1]: rospy.logwarn('Tried to command thrust ({}) outside of physical thrust bounds ({})'.format( thrust, thruster_model.thrust_bounds)) if name in self.failed_thrusters: if not np.isclose(thrust, 0): rospy.logwarn('ThrusterDriver: commanding non-zero thrust to offline thruster (' + name + ')') effort = target_port.thruster_info[name].get_effort_from_thrust(thrust) # We immediately get thruster_status back thruster_status = target_port.command_thruster(name, effort) # Keep track of thrusters going online or offline offline_on_port = target_port.get_offline_thruster_names() for offline in offline_on_port: if offline not in self.failed_thrusters: self.failed_thrusters.add(offline) # Thruster went offline for failed in copy.deepcopy(self.failed_thrusters): if (failed in target_port.get_declared_thruster_names() and failed not in offline_on_port and failed not in self.deactivated_thrusters): self.failed_thrusters.remove(failed) # Thruster came online # Don't try to do anything if the thruster status is bad if thruster_status is None: return message_contents = [ 'rpm', 'bus_v', 'bus_i', 'temp', 'fault', 'command_tx_count', 'status_rx_count', 'command_latency_avg' ] message_keyword_args = {key: thruster_status[key] for key in message_contents} power = thruster_status['bus_v'] * thruster_status['bus_i'] self.status_publishers[name].publish( ThrusterStatus( header=Header(, name=name, node_id=thruster_model.node_id, power=power, effort=effort, thrust=thrust, **message_keyword_args ) ) # Will publish bus_voltage and raise alarm if necessary self.bus_voltage_monitor.add_reading(message_keyword_args['bus_v'], # Undervolt/overvolt faults are unreliable (might not still be true - David) if message_keyword_args['fault'] > 2: fault_codes = { (1 << 0): 'UNDERVOLT', (1 << 1): 'OVERRVOLT', (1 << 2): 'OVERCURRENT', (1 << 3): 'OVERTEMP', (1 << 4): 'STALL', (1 << 5): 'STALL_WARN', } fault = int(message_keyword_args['fault']) faults = [] for code, fault_name in fault_codes.items(): if code & fault != 0: faults.append(fault_name) rospy.logwarn("Thruster: {} has entered fault with status {}".format(name, message_keyword_args)) rospy.logwarn("Fault causes are: {}".format(faults)) return def thrust_cb(self, msg): ''' Callback for receiving thrust commands These messages contain a list of instructions, one for each thruster If there are any updates to the list of failed thrusters, it will raise and alarm ''' failed_before = {x for x in self.failed_thrusters} for thrust_cmd in list(msg.thruster_commands): self.command_thruster(, thrust_cmd.thrust) # Raise or clear 'thruster-out' alarm if not self.failed_thrusters == failed_before: rospy.logdebug('Failed thrusters:', self.failed_thrusters) self.update_thruster_out_alarm() def stop(self): ''' Commands 0 thrust to all thrusters ''' for port in self.ports.values(): for thruster_name in port.online_thruster_names.copy(): self.command_thruster(thruster_name, 0.0) def fail_thruster(self, srv): ''' Makes a thruster unavailable for thrust allocation ''' # So that thrust is not allocated to the thruster self.failed_thrusters.add(srv.thruster_name) # So that it won't come back online even if comms are good self.deactivated_thrusters.add(srv.thruster_name) # So that thruster_mapper updates the B-matrix self.update_thruster_out_alarm() return {} def unfail_thruster(self, srv): ''' Undoes effect of self.fail_thruster ''' self.failed_thrusters.remove(srv.thruster_name) self.deactivated_thrusters.remove(srv.thruster_name) self.update_thruster_out_alarm() return {} if __name__ == '__main__': PKG = 'sub8_videoray_m5_thruster' usage_msg = "Interface to Sub8's VideoRay M5 thrusters" desc_msg = "Specify a path to the configuration.json file containing the thrust calibration data" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage_msg, description=desc_msg) args = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:]) rospy.init_node('videoray_m5_thruster_driver') layout_parameter = '/thruster_layout' rospy.loginfo("Thruster Driver waiting for parameter, {}".format(layout_parameter)) thruster_layout = wait_for_param(layout_parameter) if thruster_layout is None: raise IOError('/thruster_layout rosparam needs to be set before launching the thruster driver') thruster_driver = ThrusterDriver(thruster_layout['thruster_ports'], thruster_layout['thrusters']) rospy.spin()
<reponame>KarlTDebiec/PipeScaler<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python # pipescaler/processors/ # # Copyright (C) 2020-2021 <NAME> # All rights reserved. # # This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the # BSD license. from __future__ import annotations from argparse import ArgumentParser from inspect import cleandoc from typing import Any, no_type_check import numba as nb import numpy as np from PIL import Image from pipescaler.core import Processor, validate_image class ThresholdProcessor(Processor): """Converts image to black and white using threshold, optionally denoising.""" def __init__( self, threshold: int = 128, denoise: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) # Store configuration self.threshold = threshold self.denoise = denoise def process_file(self, infile: str, outfile: str) -> None: # Read image input_image = validate_image(infile, "L") # Process image output_image = input_image.point(lambda p: p > self.threshold and 255) if self.denoise: output_data = np.array(output_image) self.denoise_data(output_data) output_image = Image.fromarray(output_data) output_image = output_image.convert("L") # Write image @classmethod def construct_argparser(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> ArgumentParser: """ Constructs argument parser. Args: kwargs (Any): Additional keyword arguments Returns: parser (ArgumentParser): Argument parser """ description = kwargs.pop("description", cleandoc(cls.__doc__)) parser = super().construct_argparser(description=description, **kwargs) parser.add_argument( "--threshold", default=128, type=int, help="threshold differentiating black and white (0-255, default: " "%(default)s)", ) parser.add_argument( "--denoise", default=False, type=bool, help="Flip color of pixels bordered by less than 5 pixels of " "the same color", ) return parser @no_type_check @staticmethod @nb.jit(nopython=True, nogil=True, cache=True, fastmath=True) def denoise_data(data: np.ndarray) -> None: for x in range(1, data.shape[1] - 1): for y in range(1, data.shape[0] - 1): slc = data[y - 1 : y + 2, x - 1 : x + 2] if data[y, x] == 0: if (slc == 0).sum() < 4: data[y, x] = 255 else: if (slc == 255).sum() < 4: data[y, x] = 0 if __name__ == "__main__": ThresholdProcessor.main()
from django.db import models import datetime class Region(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) class University(models.Model): address = models.CharField(max_length=255) affilation_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) author_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) city = models.CharField(max_length=200) country = models.CharField(max_length=200) date_created = models.DateField() document_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) eid = models.CharField(max_length=200) identifier = models.CharField(max_length=200) org_domain = models.CharField(max_length=200) org_type = models.CharField(max_length=200) org_url = models.CharField(max_length=200) postal_code = models.CharField(max_length=200) scopus_affiliation_link = models.CharField(max_length=200) search_link = models.CharField(max_length=200) self_link = models.CharField(max_length=200) state = models.ForeignKey(Region, on_delete=models.CASCADE) url = models.CharField(max_length=200) lat = models.FloatField(default=0.0) lon = models.FloatField(default=0.0) class Author(models.Model): affilation_current = models.ForeignKey(University, on_delete=models.CASCADE) citation_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) cited_by_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) coauthor_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) coauthor_link = models.CharField(max_length=255) date_created = models.DateField() document_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) eid = models.CharField(max_length=200) given_name = models.CharField(max_length=200) h_index = models.CharField(max_length=100) identifier = models.CharField(max_length=100) indexed_name = models.CharField(max_length=100) initials = models.CharField(max_length=100) orc_id = models.CharField(max_length=100) publication_range = models.CharField(max_length=100) scopus_author_link = models.CharField(max_length=255) search_link = models.CharField(max_length=255) self_link = models.CharField(max_length=255) status = models.CharField(max_length=100) surname = models.CharField(max_length=100) url = models.CharField(max_length=255) school_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') russian_fullname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') job_category = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') job_position = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') job_unit = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') job_parent_unit = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') job_rate = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='0.0') type_employment = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') date_birth = models.DateField(, 1, 1)) last_degree = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') phd = models.BooleanField(default=False) last_academic_title = models.CharField(max_length=255, default='') relevant = models.BooleanField(default=False) class Journal(models.Model): sourcetitle = models.CharField(max_length=255) abbreviation = models.CharField(max_length=200) type_journal = models.CharField(max_length=100) issn = models.CharField(max_length=100) source_id = models.IntegerField(null=True) cnt_publications = models.IntegerField(default=0) class Document(models.Model): class Meta: db_table = 'api_document' eid = models.CharField(max_length=200) doi = models.CharField(max_length=200) pii = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="-1") pubmed_id = models.CharField(max_length=200) title = models.CharField(max_length=255) subtype = models.CharField(max_length=200) # subtype_description = models.CharField(max_length=200) creator = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE) author_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) cover_date = models.DateField() cover_display_date = models.CharField(max_length=200) publication_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) issn = models.ForeignKey(Journal, on_delete=models.CASCADE) source_id = models.CharField(max_length=200) eIssn = models.CharField(max_length=200) aggregation_type = models.CharField(max_length=200) volume = models.CharField(max_length=100, default="0") issue_identifier = models.CharField(max_length=200) article_number = models.CharField(max_length=200) page_range = models.CharField(max_length=200, default="-1") description = models.TextField() authkeywords = models.TextField() citedby_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) openaccess = models.IntegerField(default=0) fund_acr = models.CharField(max_length=200) fund_no = models.CharField(max_length=200) fund_sponsor = models.CharField(max_length=200) citation_by_year = models.TextField(default="") citation_by_year_with_self = models.TextField(default="") class Subject(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) full_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) class DocumentSubject(models.Model): id_doc = models.ForeignKey(Document, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) id_sub = models.ForeignKey(Subject, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) class AuthorJournal(models.Model): id_auth = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) id_journal = models.ForeignKey(Journal, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) class AuthorUniversity(models.Model): id_auth = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) id_university = models.ForeignKey(University, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) class DocumentAuthorUniversity(models.Model): id_doc = models.ForeignKey(Document, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0, null=True) id_auth = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0, null=True) id_university = models.ForeignKey(University, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0, null=True) class AuthorSubject(models.Model): id_author = models.ForeignKey(Author, on_delete=models.CASCADE) id_sub = models.ForeignKey(Subject, on_delete=models.CASCADE) class DocumentUniversityAffiliations(models.Model): id_doc = models.ForeignKey(Document, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0, null=True) id_university = models.ForeignKey(University, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0, null=True) class Rankings(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=255) class UniversityRankPlace(models.Model): id_university = models.ForeignKey(University, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) id_ranking = models.ForeignKey(Rankings, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) year = models.IntegerField(default=0) place = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="") class UniversityRankCriteria(models.Model): id_university = models.ForeignKey(University, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) id_ranking = models.ForeignKey(Rankings, on_delete=models.CASCADE, default=0) criteria = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="") score = models.FloatField(default=0.0) class DateCitationCount(models.Model): date = models.DateField(auto_now=True) citation_count = models.IntegerField(default=0) self_citation_count = models.IntegerField(default=0)
<reponame>jugovich/teresajugovich from django.conf.urls import include, url from dolove import views # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin: from django.contrib import admin from django.conf.urls.static import static from django.conf import settings admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', views.home, name='home'), url(r'about$', views.about, name='about'), url(r'doula_description$', views.doula_description, name='doula_description'), url(r'doula_services$', views.doula_services, name='doula_services'), url(r'photo_gallery$', views.photo_gallery, name='photo_gallery'), url(r'photo_price$', views.photo_price, name='photo_price'), url(r'yoga_class$', views.yoga_class, name='yoga_class'), url(r'yoga_locations$', views.yoga_locations, name='yoga_locations'), url(r'yoga_schedule$', views.yoga_schedule, name='yoga_schedule'), url(r'yoga_price$', views.yoga_price, name='yoga_price'), url(r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')), url(r'^admin/', include( ] + static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. """Minibatching utilities.""" import itertools import operator import os import pickle import numpy as np import torch from sklearn.utils import shuffle from torch.autograd import Variable # Change to python3+. # from itertools import zip class DataIterator(object): """Data Iterator.""" @staticmethod def _trim_vocab(vocab, vocab_size): """Discard start, end, pad and unk tokens if already present. Args: vocab(list): Vocabulary. vocab_size(int): The size of the vocabulary. Returns: word2id(list): Word to index list. id2word(list): Index to word list. """ if "<s>" in vocab: del vocab["<s>"] if "<pad>" in vocab: del vocab["<pad>"] if "</s>" in vocab: del vocab["</s>"] if "<unk>" in vocab: del vocab["<unk>"] word2id = {"<s>": 0, "<pad>": 1, "</s>": 2, "<unk>": 3} id2word = {0: "<s>", 1: "<pad>", 2: "</s>", 3: "<unk>"} sorted_word2id = sorted( vocab.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True ) if vocab_size != -1: sorted_words = [x[0] for x in sorted_word2id[:vocab_size]] else: sorted_words = [x[0] for x in sorted_word2id] for ind, word in enumerate(sorted_words): word2id[word] = ind + 4 for ind, word in enumerate(sorted_words): id2word[ind + 4] = word return word2id, id2word def construct_vocab( self, sentences, vocab_size, lowercase=False, charlevel=False ): """Create vocabulary. Args: sentences(list): The list of sentences. vocab_size(int): The size of vocabulary. lowercase(bool): If lowercase the sentences. charlevel(bool): If need to split the sentence with space. Returns: word2id(list): Word to index list. id2word(list): Index to word list. """ vocab = {} for sentence in sentences: if isinstance(sentence, str): if lowercase: sentence = sentence.lower() if not charlevel: sentence = sentence.split() for word in sentence: if word not in vocab: vocab[word] = 1 else: vocab[word] += 1 word2id, id2word = self._trim_vocab(vocab, vocab_size) return word2id, id2word class BufferedDataIterator(DataIterator): """Multi Parallel corpus data iterator.""" def __init__( self, src, trg, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, tasknames, save_dir, buffer_size=1e6, lowercase=False, seed=0, ): """Initialize params. Args: src(list): source dataset. trg(list): target dataset. src_vocab_size(int): The size of source vocab. trg_vocab_size(int): The size of target vocab. tasknames(list): The list of task names. save_dir(str): The saving dir. buffer_size(float): Buffer size. lowercase(bool): if lowercase the data. """ self.seed = seed self.fname_src = src self.fname_trg = trg self.src_vocab_size = src_vocab_size self.trg_vocab_size = trg_vocab_size self.tasknames = tasknames self.save_dir = save_dir self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.lowercase = lowercase # Open a list of file pointers to all the files. self.f_src = [ open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") for fname in self.fname_src ] self.f_trg = [ open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") for fname in self.fname_trg ] # Initialize dictionaries that contain sentences & word mapping dicts self.src = [ {"data": [], "word2id": None, "id2word": None} for i in range(len(self.fname_src)) ] self.trg = [ {"data": [], "word2id": None, "id2word": None} for i in range(len(self.fname_trg)) ] self.build_vocab() """Reset file pointers to the start after reading the file to build vocabularies.""" for idx in range(len(self.src)): self._reset_filepointer(idx) for idx in range(len(self.src)): self.fetch_buffer(idx) def _reset_filepointer(self, idx): """Reset file pointer. Args: idx(int): Index used to reset file pointer. """ self.f_src[idx] = open(self.fname_src[idx], "r", encoding="utf-8") self.f_trg[idx] = open(self.fname_trg[idx], "r", encoding="utf-8") def fetch_buffer(self, idx, reset=True): """Fetch sentences from the file into the buffer. Args: idx(int): Index used to fetch the sentences. reset(bool): If need to reset the contents of the current buffer. """ # Reset the contents of the current buffer. if reset: self.src[idx]["data"] = [] self.trg[idx]["data"] = [] # Populate buffer for src, trg in zip(self.f_src[idx], self.f_trg[idx]): if len(self.src[idx]["data"]) == self.buffer_size: break if self.lowercase: self.src[idx]["data"].append(src.lower().split()) self.trg[idx]["data"].append(trg.lower().split()) else: self.src[idx]["data"].append(src.split()) self.trg[idx]["data"].append(trg.split()) # Sort sentences by decreasing length (hacky bucketing) self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"] = zip( *sorted( zip(self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"]), key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True, ) ) """If buffer isn't full after reading the contents of the file, cycle around. """ if len(self.src[idx]["data"]) < self.buffer_size: assert len(self.src[idx]["data"]) == len(self.trg[idx]["data"]) # Cast things to list to avoid issue with calling .append above self.src[idx]["data"] = list(self.src[idx]["data"]) self.trg[idx]["data"] = list(self.trg[idx]["data"]) self._reset_filepointer(idx) self.fetch_buffer(idx, reset=False) def build_vocab(self): """Build a memory efficient vocab.""" # Construct common source vocab. # Check if save directory exists. if not os.path.exists(self.save_dir): raise ValueError("Could not find save dir : %s" % self.save_dir) # Check if a cached vocab file exists. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "src_vocab.pkl")): vocab = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "src_vocab.pkl"), "rb") ) word2id, id2word = vocab["word2id"], vocab["id2word"] # If not, compute the vocab from scratch and store a cache. else: word2id, id2word = self.construct_vocab( itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.f_src), self.src_vocab_size, self.lowercase, ) pickle.dump( {"word2id": word2id, "id2word": id2word}, open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "src_vocab.pkl"), "wb"), ) for corpus in self.src: corpus["word2id"], corpus["id2word"] = word2id, id2word # Do the same for the target vocabulary. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "trg_vocab.pkl")): vocab = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "trg_vocab.pkl"), "rb") ) for idx, (corpus, fname) in enumerate(zip(self.trg, self.f_trg)): word2id, id2word = ( vocab[self.tasknames[idx]]["word2id"], vocab[self.tasknames[idx]]["id2word"], ) corpus["word2id"], corpus["id2word"] = word2id, id2word else: trg_vocab_dump = {} for idx, (corpus, fname) in enumerate(zip(self.trg, self.f_trg)): word2id, id2word = self.construct_vocab( fname, self.trg_vocab_size, self.lowercase ) corpus["word2id"], corpus["id2word"] = word2id, id2word trg_vocab_dump[self.tasknames[idx]] = {} trg_vocab_dump[self.tasknames[idx]]["word2id"] = word2id trg_vocab_dump[self.tasknames[idx]]["id2word"] = id2word pickle.dump( trg_vocab_dump, open(os.path.join(self.save_dir, "trg_vocab.pkl"), "wb"), ) def shuffle_dataset(self, idx): """Shuffle current buffer.""" self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"] = shuffle( self.src[idx]["data"], self.trg[idx]["data"], random_state=self.seed, ) def get_parallel_minibatch( self, corpus_idx, index, batch_size, max_len_src, max_len_trg ): """Prepare minibatch. Args: corpus_idx(int): Corpus Index. index(int): Index. batch_size(int): Batch Size. max_len_src(int): Max length for resource. max_len_trg(int): Max length ofr target. Returns: minibatch of src-trg pairs(dict). """ src_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line[: max_len_src - 2] + ["</s>"] for line in self.src[corpus_idx]["data"][ index : index + batch_size ] ] trg_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line[: max_len_trg - 2] + ["</s>"] for line in self.trg[corpus_idx]["data"][ index : index + batch_size ] ] """Sort sentences by decreasing length within a minibatch for `torch.nn.utils.packed_padded_sequence`""" src_lens = [len(line) for line in src_lines] sorted_indices = np.argsort(src_lens)[::-1] sorted_src_lines = [src_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_trg_lines = [trg_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_src_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_src_lines] sorted_trg_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_trg_lines] max_src_len = max(sorted_src_lens) max_trg_len = max(sorted_trg_lens) # Map words to indices input_lines_src = [ [ self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"][w] if w in self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"] else self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<unk>"] for w in line ] + [self.src[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<pad>"]] * (max_src_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_src_lines ] input_lines_trg = [ [ self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"][w] if w in self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"] else self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<unk>"] for w in line[:-1] ] + [self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] output_lines_trg = [ [ self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"][w] if w in self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"] else self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<unk>"] for w in line[1:] ] + [self.trg[corpus_idx]["word2id"]["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] # Cast lists to torch tensors input_lines_src = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_src)).cuda() input_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_trg)).cuda() output_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(output_lines_trg)).cuda() sorted_src_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_src_lens), volatile=True) .squeeze() .cuda() ) # Return minibatch of src-trg pairs return { "input_src": input_lines_src, "input_trg": input_lines_trg, "output_trg": output_lines_trg, "src_lens": sorted_src_lens, "type": "seq2seq", } class NLIIterator(DataIterator): """Data iterator for tokenized NLI datasets.""" def __init__( self, train, dev, test, vocab_size, lowercase=True, vocab=None, seed=0 ): """Initialize params. Each of train/dev/test is a tab-separate file of the form premise \t hypothesis \t label. Args: train(torch.Tensor): Training dataset. dev(torch.Tensor): Validation dataset. test(torch.Tensor): Testing dataset. vocab_size(int): The size of the vocabulary. lowercase(bool): If lowercase the dataset. vocab(Union[bytes,str): The list of the vocabulary. """ self.seed = seed self.train = train = dev self.test = test self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.lowercase = lowercase self.vocab = vocab self.train_lines = [ line.strip().lower().split("\t") for line in open(self.train, encoding="utf-8") ] self.dev_lines = [ line.strip().lower().split("\t") for line in open(, encoding="utf-8") ] self.test_lines = [ line.strip().lower().split("\t") for line in open(self.test, encoding="utf-8") ] if self.vocab is not None: # binary mode doesn't take an encoding argument self.vocab = pickle.load(open(self.vocab, "rb")) self.word2id = self.vocab["word2id"] self.id2word = self.vocab["id2word"] self.vocab_size = len(self.word2id) else: self.word2id, self.id2word = self.construct_vocab( [x[0] for x in self.train_lines] + [x[1] for x in self.train_lines], self.vocab_size, lowercase=self.lowercase, ) # Label text to class mapping. self.text2label = {"entailment": 0, "neutral": 1, "contradiction": 2} self.shuffle_dataset() def shuffle_dataset(self): """Shuffle training data.""" self.train_lines = shuffle(self.train_lines, random_state=self.seed) def get_parallel_minibatch(self, index, batch_size, sent_type="train"): """Prepare minibatch. Args: index(int): The index for line. batch_size(int): Batch size. sent_type(str): Type of dataset. Returns: dict for batch training. """ if sent_type == "train": lines = self.train_lines elif sent_type == "dev": lines = self.dev_lines else: lines = self.test_lines sent1 = [ ["<s>"] + line[0].split() + ["</s>"] for line in lines[index : index + batch_size] ] sent2 = [ ["<s>"] + line[1].split() + ["</s>"] for line in lines[index : index + batch_size] ] labels = [ self.text2label[line[2]] for line in lines[index : index + batch_size] ] sent1_lens = [len(line) for line in sent1] sorted_sent1_indices = np.argsort(sent1_lens)[::-1] sorted_sent1_lines = [sent1[idx] for idx in sorted_sent1_indices] rev_sent1 = np.argsort(sorted_sent1_indices) sent2_lens = [len(line) for line in sent2] sorted_sent2_indices = np.argsort(sent2_lens)[::-1] sorted_sent2_lines = [sent2[idx] for idx in sorted_sent2_indices] rev_sent2 = np.argsort(sorted_sent2_indices) sorted_sent1_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_sent1_lines] sorted_sent2_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_sent2_lines] max_sent1_len = max(sorted_sent1_lens) max_sent2_len = max(sorted_sent2_lens) sent1 = [ [ self.word2id[w] if w in self.word2id else self.word2id["<unk>"] for w in line ] + [self.word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_sent1_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_sent1_lines ] sent2 = [ [ self.word2id[w] if w in self.word2id else self.word2id["<unk>"] for w in line ] + [self.word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_sent2_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_sent2_lines ] sent1 = Variable(torch.LongTensor(sent1)).cuda() sent2 = Variable(torch.LongTensor(sent2)).cuda() labels = Variable(torch.LongTensor(labels)).cuda() sent1_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_sent1_lens), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) sent2_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_sent2_lens), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) rev_sent1 = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(rev_sent1), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) rev_sent2 = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(rev_sent2), requires_grad=False) .squeeze() .cuda() ) return { "sent1": sent1, "sent2": sent2, "sent1_lens": sent1_lens, "sent2_lens": sent2_lens, "rev_sent1": rev_sent1, "rev_sent2": rev_sent2, "labels": labels, "type": "nli", } def get_validation_minibatch( src, trg, index, batch_size, src_word2id, trg_word2id ): """Prepare minibatch. Args: src(list): source data. trg(list): target data. index(int): index for the file. batch_size(int): batch size. src_word2id(list): Word to index for source. trg_word2id(list): Word to index for target. Returns: Dict for seq2seq model. """ src_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line + ["</s>"] for line in src[index : index + batch_size] ] trg_lines = [ ["<s>"] + line + ["</s>"] for line in trg[index : index + batch_size] ] src_lens = [len(line) for line in src_lines] sorted_indices = np.argsort(src_lens)[::-1] sorted_src_lines = [src_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_trg_lines = [trg_lines[idx] for idx in sorted_indices] sorted_src_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_src_lines] sorted_trg_lens = [len(line) for line in sorted_trg_lines] max_src_len = max(sorted_src_lens) max_trg_len = max(sorted_trg_lens) input_lines_src = [ [src_word2id[w] if w in src else src_word2id["<unk>"] for w in line] + [src_word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_src_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_src_lines ] input_lines_trg = [ [ trg_word2id[w] if w in trg_word2id else trg_word2id["<unk>"] for w in line[:-1] ] + [trg_word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] output_lines_trg = [ [ trg_word2id[w] if w in trg_word2id else trg_word2id["<unk>"] for w in line[1:] ] + [trg_word2id["<pad>"]] * (max_trg_len - len(line)) for line in sorted_trg_lines ] # For pytroch 0.4 with torch.no_grad(): input_lines_src = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_src)).cuda() input_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(input_lines_trg)).cuda() output_lines_trg = Variable(torch.LongTensor(output_lines_trg)).cuda() # sorted_src_lens = Variable( # torch.LongTensor(sorted_src_lens) # ).squeeze().cuda() sorted_src_lens = ( Variable(torch.LongTensor(sorted_src_lens)) .view(len(sorted_src_lens)) .cuda() ) return { "input_src": input_lines_src, "input_trg": input_lines_trg, "output_trg": output_lines_trg, "src_lens": sorted_src_lens, "type": "seq2seq", } def compute_validation_loss( config, model, train_iterator, criterion, task_idx, lowercase=False ): """Compute validation loss for a task. Args: config(dict): configuration list. model(MultitaskModel): model. train_iterator(BufferedDataIterator): Multi Parallel corpus data iterator. criterion(nn.CrossEntropyLoss): criterion function for loss. task_idx(int): Task index. lowercase(bool): If lowercase the data. Returns: float as the mean of the loss. """ val_src = config["data"]["paths"][task_idx]["val_src"] val_trg = config["data"]["paths"][task_idx]["val_trg"] if lowercase: val_src = [ line.strip().lower().split() for line in open(val_src, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] val_trg = [ line.strip().lower().split() for line in open(val_trg, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] else: val_src = [ line.strip().split() for line in open(val_src, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] val_trg = [ line.strip().split() for line in open(val_trg, "r", encoding="utf-8") ] batch_size = config["training"]["batch_size"] losses = [] for j in range(0, len(val_src), batch_size): minibatch = get_validation_minibatch( val_src, val_trg, j, batch_size, train_iterator.src[task_idx]["word2id"], train_iterator.trg[task_idx]["word2id"], ) decoder_logit = model(minibatch, task_idx) loss = criterion( decoder_logit.contiguous().view(-1, decoder_logit.size(2)), minibatch["output_trg"].contiguous().view(-1), ) # losses.append([0]) losses.append(loss.item()) return np.mean(losses) # Original source:
Hashtable/1124. Longest Well-Performing
class Solution: def longestWPI(self, hours: List[int]) -> int: res = dict() s = 0 ans = 0 for i, c in enumerate(hours): s += 1 if c > 8 else -1 if s > 0: ans = i + 1 if s not in res: res[s] = i if s - 1 in res: ans = max(ans, i-res[s-1]) return ans