# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) Copyright 2020 Sensirion AG, Switzerland ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # _____ _ _ _______ _____ ____ _ _ # / ____| /\ | | | |__ __|_ _/ __ \| \ | | # | | / \ | | | | | | | || | | | \| | # | | / /\ \| | | | | | | || | | | . ` | # | |____ / ____ \ |__| | | | _| || |__| | |\ | # \_____/_/ \_\____/ |_| |_____\____/|_| \_| # # THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED AND MUST NOT BE EDITED MANUALLY! # # Generator: sensirion-shdlc-interface-generator 0.5.1 # Product: Sensor Bridge # Version: 0.1.0 # ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # flake8: noqa from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from sensirion_shdlc_driver.command import ShdlcCommand from struct import pack, unpack import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceiveBase(ShdlcCommand): """ SHDLC command 0x51: "Stop Repeated Transceive". """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceiveBase, self).__init__( 0x51, *args, **kwargs) class SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceive(SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceiveBase): def __init__(self, handle): """ Stop Repeated Transceive Command Stops a repeated transceive operation. :param int handle: The handle of the repeated transceive which should be stopped. Pass 0xFF to stop all repeated transceives. """ super(SensorBridgeCmdStopRepeatedTransceive, self).__init__( data=b"".join([pack(">B", handle)]), max_response_time=0.05, post_processing_time=0.0, min_response_length=0, max_response_length=0 )
<reponame>ljktest/siconos #!/usr/bin/env @PYTHON_EXECUTABLE@ """ Description: Export a Siconos mechanics-IO HDF5 file in VTK format. """ # Lighter imports before command line parsing from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import getopt # # a replacement for vview --vtk-export # def usage(long=False): print(__doc__); print() print('Usage: {0} [--help] [--version] [--ascii] <HDF5>' .format(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])) if long: print() print("""Options: --help display this message --version display version information --ascii export file in ascii format """) try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['help','version','ascii']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: sys.stderr.write('{0}\n'.format(str(err))) usage() exit(2) ascii_mode = False for o, a in opts: if o == '--help': usage(long=True) exit(0) if o == '--version': print('{0} @SICONOS_VERSION@'.format(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])) exit(0) if o in ('--ascii'): ascii_mode = True min_time = None max_time = None cf_scale_factor = 1 normalcone_ratio = 1 time_scale_factor = 1 vtk_export_mode = True if len(args) > 0: io_filename = args[0] else: usage() exit(1) # Heavier imports after command line parsing import vtk from vtk.util import numpy_support from math import atan2, pi import bisect from numpy.linalg import norm import numpy import random from import MechanicsHdf5 # attach velocity # contact points and associated forces are embedded in on a PolyData source class UnstructuredGridSource(vtk.vtkProgrammableSource): def GetOutputPort(self): # 3: UnstructuredGridOutput for vtkProgrammableSource return vtk.vtkProgrammableSource.GetOutputPort(self, 3) class ConvexSource(UnstructuredGridSource): def __init__(self, convex, points): self._convex = convex self._points = points self.SetExecuteMethod(self.method) def method(self): output = self.GetUnstructuredGridOutput() output.Allocate(1, 1) output.InsertNextCell( convex.GetCellType(), self._convex.GetPointIds()) output.SetPoints(self._points) def add_compatiblity_methods(obj): """ Add missing methods in previous VTK versions. """ if hasattr(obj, 'SetInput'): obj.SetInputData = obj.SetInput if hasattr(obj, 'AddInput'): obj.AddInputData = obj.AddInput transforms = dict() transformers = dict() data_connectors_v = dict() data_connectors_t = dict() data_connectors_d = dict() big_data_source = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataGroupFilter() add_compatiblity_methods(big_data_source) big_data_writer = vtk.vtkXMLMultiBlockDataWriter() add_compatiblity_methods(big_data_writer) contactors = dict() offsets = dict() vtkmath = vtk.vtkMath() class Quaternion(): def __init__(self, *args): self._data = vtk.vtkQuaternion[float](*args) def __mul__(self, q): r = Quaternion() vtkmath.MultiplyQuaternion(self._data, q._data, r._data) return r def __getitem__(self, i): return self._data[i] def conjugate(self): r = Quaternion((self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3])) r._data.Conjugate() return r def rotate(self, v): pv = Quaternion((0, v[0], v[1], v[2])) rv = self * pv * self.conjugate() # assert(rv[0] == 0) return [rv[1], rv[2], rv[3]] def axisAngle(self): r = [0, 0, 0] a = self._data.GetRotationAngleAndAxis(r) return r, a def set_position(instance, q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6): q = Quaternion((q3, q4, q5, q6)) for transform, offset in zip(transforms[instance], offsets[instance]): p = q.rotate(offset[0]) r = q * Quaternion(offset[1]) transform.Identity() transform.Translate(q0 + p[0], q1 + p[1], q2 + p[2]) axis, angle = r.axisAngle() transform.RotateWXYZ(angle * 180. / pi, axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]) set_positionv = numpy.vectorize(set_position) def build_set_velocity(dico): def set_velocity(instance, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5): if instance in dico: dico[instance]._data[:] = [v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] dico[instance]._connector.Update() set_velocityv = numpy.vectorize(set_velocity) return set_velocityv def build_set_translation(dico): def set_translation(instance, x0, x1, x2 ): if instance in dico: dico[instance]._data[:] = [x0, x1, x2] dico[instance]._connector.Update() set_translationv = numpy.vectorize(set_translation) return set_translationv def build_set_displacement(dico): def set_displacement(instance, x0, x1, x2 ): if instance in dico: dico[instance]._data[:] = [x0, x1, x2] dico[instance]._connector.Update() set_displacementv = numpy.vectorize(set_displacement) return set_displacementv def step_reader(step_string): from OCC.StlAPI import StlAPI_Writer from OCC.STEPControl import STEPControl_Reader from OCC.BRep import BRep_Builder from OCC.TopoDS import TopoDS_Compound from OCC.IFSelect import IFSelect_RetDone, IFSelect_ItemsByEntity builder = BRep_Builder() comp = TopoDS_Compound() builder.MakeCompound(comp) stl_writer = StlAPI_Writer() stl_writer.SetASCIIMode(True) with io.tmpfile(contents=io.shapes()[shape_name][:][0]) as tmpfile: step_reader = STEPControl_Reader() status = step_reader.ReadFile(tmpfile[1]) if status == IFSelect_RetDone: # check status failsonly = False step_reader.PrintCheckLoad(failsonly, IFSelect_ItemsByEntity) step_reader.PrintCheckTransfer(failsonly, IFSelect_ItemsByEntity) ok = step_reader.TransferRoot(1) nbs = step_reader.NbShapes() l = [] for i in range(1, nbs + 1): shape = step_reader.Shape(i) builder.Add(comp, shape) with io.tmpfile(suffix='.stl') as tmpf: stl_writer.Write(comp, tmpf[1]) tmpf[0].flush() reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.SetFileName(tmpf[1]) reader.Update() return reader def brep_reader(brep_string, indx): from OCC.StlAPI import StlAPI_Writer from OCC.BRepTools import BRepTools_ShapeSet shape_set = BRepTools_ShapeSet() shape_set.ReadFromString(brep_string) shape = shape_set.Shape(shape_set.NbShapes()) location = shape_set.Locations().Location(indx) shape.Location(location) stl_writer = StlAPI_Writer() with io.tmpfile(suffix='.stl') as tmpf: stl_writer.Write(shape, tmpf[1]) tmpf[0].flush() reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() reader.SetFileName(tmpf[1]) reader.Update() return reader refs = [] refs_attrs = [] shape = dict() pos = dict() instances = dict() with MechanicsHdf5(io_filename=io_filename, mode='r') as io: def load(): ispos_data = io.static_data() idpos_data = io.dynamic_data() ivelo_data = io.velocities_data() icf_data = io.contact_forces_data()[:] isolv_data = io.solver_data() return ispos_data, idpos_data, ivelo_data, icf_data, isolv_data spos_data, dpos_data, velo_data, cf_data, solv_data = load() class DataConnector(): def __init__(self, instance, data_name='velocity', data_size=6): self._instance = instance self._data_name = data_name self._data_size = data_size self._connector = vtk.vtkProgrammableFilter() self._connector.SetExecuteMethod(self.method) self._data = numpy.zeros(data_size) self._vtk_data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() self._vtk_data.SetName(data_name) self._vtk_data.SetNumberOfComponents(data_size) self._vtk_data.SetNumberOfTuples(1) def method(self): input = self._connector.GetInput() output = self._connector.GetOutput() output.ShallowCopy(input) if output.GetFieldData().GetArray(self._data_name) is None: output.GetFieldData().AddArray(self._vtk_data) data = self._data data_t = tuple(data[0:self._data_size]) output.GetFieldData().GetArray(self._data_name).SetTuple( 0, data_t) # contact forces provider class ContactInfoSource(): def __init__(self, data): self._data = None if data is not None: if len(data) > 0: self._data = data else: self._data = None if self._data is not None: self._time = min(self._data[:, 0]) else: self._time = 0 self._contact_source_a = vtk.vtkProgrammableSource() self._contact_source_b = vtk.vtkProgrammableSource() self._contact_source_a.SetExecuteMethod(self.method) self._contact_source_b.SetExecuteMethod(self.method) def method(self): # multiblock += contact points output_a = self._contact_source_a.GetPolyDataOutput() output_b = self._contact_source_b.GetPolyDataOutput() id_f = numpy.where( abs(self._data[:, 0] - self._time) < 1e-15)[0] self.cpa_export = self._data[ id_f, 2:5].copy() self.cpb_export = self._data[ id_f, 5:8].copy() self.cn_export = self._data[ id_f, 8:11].copy() self.cf_export = self._data[ id_f, 11:14].copy() self.cpa_ = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( self.cpa_export) self.cpa_.SetName('contact_positions_A') self.cpb_ = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( self.cpb_export) self.cpb_.SetName('contact_positions_B') self.cn_ = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( self.cn_export) self.cn_.SetName('contact_normals') self.cf_ = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk( self.cf_export) self.cf_.SetName('contact_forces') output_a.Allocate(len(self.cpa_export), 1) cpa_points = vtk.vtkPoints() cpa_points.SetNumberOfPoints(len(self.cpa_export)) cpa_points.SetData(self.cpa_) output_a.SetPoints(cpa_points) # normal and forces are attached to A points output_a.GetPointData().AddArray(self.cn_) output_a.GetPointData().AddArray(self.cf_) output_b.Allocate(len(self.cpb_export), 1) cpb_points = vtk.vtkPoints() cpb_points.SetNumberOfPoints(len(self.cpb_export)) cpb_points.SetData(self.cpb_) output_b.SetPoints(cpb_points) # Step 2 # # readers = dict() vtk_reader = {'vtp': vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataReader, 'stl': vtk.vtkSTLReader} for shape_name in io.shapes(): shape_type = io.shapes()[shape_name].attrs['type'] if shape_type in ['vtp', 'stl']: with io.tmpfile() as tmpf: tmpf[0].write(str(io.shapes()[shape_name][:][0])) tmpf[0].flush() reader = vtk_reader[shape_type]() reader.SetFileName(tmpf[1]) reader.Update() readers[shape_name] = reader elif shape_type in ['brep']: # try to find an associated shape if 'associated_shape' in io.shapes()[shape_name].attrs: associated_shape = \ io.shapes()[shape_name].\ attrs['associated_shape'] else: if 'brep' in io.shapes()[shape_name].attrs: brep = io.shapes()[shape_name].attrs['brep'] else: brep = shape_name reader = brep_reader(str(io.shapes()[brep][:][0]), io.shapes()[brep].attrs['occ_indx']) readers[shape_name] = reader elif shape_type in ['stp', 'step']: # try to find an associated shape if 'associated_shape' in io.shapes()[shape_name].attrs: associated_shape = \ io.shapes()[shape_name].\ attrs['associated_shape'] # delayed else: reader = step_reader(str(io.shapes()[shape_name][:])) readers[shape_name] = reader elif shape_type == 'convex': # a convex shape points = vtk.vtkPoints() convex = vtk.vtkConvexPointSet() data = io.shapes()[shape_name][:] convex.GetPointIds().SetNumberOfIds(data.shape[0]) for id_, vertice in enumerate(io.shapes()[shape_name][:]): points.InsertNextPoint(vertice[0], vertice[1], vertice[2]) convex.GetPointIds().SetId(id_, id_) readers[shape_name] = ConvexSource(convex, points) else: assert shape_type == 'primitive' primitive = io.shapes()[shape_name].attrs['primitive'] attrs = io.shapes()[shape_name][:][0] if primitive == 'Sphere': source = vtk.vtkSphereSource() source.SetRadius(attrs[0]) elif primitive == 'Cone': source = vtk.vtkConeSource() source.SetRadius(attrs[0]) source.SetHeight(attrs[1]) source.SetResolution(15) source.SetDirection(0, 1, 0) # needed elif primitive == 'Cylinder': source = vtk.vtkCylinderSource() source.SetResolution(15) source.SetRadius(attrs[0]) source.SetHeight(attrs[1]) # source.SetDirection(0,1,0) elif primitive == 'Box': source = vtk.vtkCubeSource() source.SetXLength(attrs[0]) source.SetYLength(attrs[1]) source.SetZLength(attrs[2]) elif primitive == 'Capsule': sphere1 = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere1.SetRadius(attrs[0]) sphere1.SetCenter(0, attrs[1] / 2, 0) sphere1.SetThetaResolution(15) sphere1.SetPhiResolution(15) sphere1.Update() sphere2 = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere2.SetRadius(attrs[0]) sphere2.SetCenter(0, -attrs[1] / 2, 0) sphere2.SetThetaResolution(15) sphere2.SetPhiResolution(15) sphere2.Update() cylinder = vtk.vtkCylinderSource() cylinder.SetRadius(attrs[0]) cylinder.SetHeight(attrs[1]) cylinder.SetResolution(15) cylinder.Update() data = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataSet() data.SetNumberOfBlocks(3) data.SetBlock(0, sphere1.GetOutput()) data.SetBlock(1, sphere2.GetOutput()) data.SetBlock(2, cylinder.GetOutput()) source = vtk.vtkMultiBlockDataGroupFilter() add_compatiblity_methods(source) source.AddInputData(data) readers[shape_name] = source for instance_name in io.instances(): instance = int(io.instances()[instance_name].attrs['id']) contactors[instance] = [] transforms[instance] = [] offsets[instance] = [] for contactor_instance_name in io.instances()[instance_name]: contactor_name = io.instances()[instance_name][ contactor_instance_name].attrs['name'] contactors[instance].append(contactor_name) transform = vtk.vtkTransform() transformer = vtk.vtkTransformFilter() if contactor_name in readers: transformer.SetInputConnection( readers[contactor_name].GetOutputPort()) else: print ('WARNING: cannot find a shape source for instance:', instance) transformer.SetTransform(transform) transformers[contactor_name] = transformer data_connectors_v[instance] = DataConnector(instance) data_connectors_v[instance]._connector.SetInputConnection( transformer.GetOutputPort()) data_connectors_v[instance]._connector.Update() big_data_source.AddInputConnection( data_connectors_v[instance]._connector.GetOutputPort()) data_connectors_t[instance] = DataConnector(instance, data_name='translation', data_size=3) data_connectors_t[instance]._connector.SetInputConnection( transformer.GetOutputPort()) data_connectors_t[instance]._connector.Update() big_data_source.AddInputConnection( data_connectors_t[instance]._connector.GetOutputPort()) data_connectors_d[instance] = DataConnector(instance, data_name='displacement', data_size=3) data_connectors_d[instance]._connector.SetInputConnection( transformer.GetOutputPort()) data_connectors_d[instance]._connector.Update() big_data_source.AddInputConnection( data_connectors_d[instance]._connector.GetOutputPort()) transforms[instance].append(transform) offsets[instance].append( (io.instances()[ instance_name][ contactor_instance_name].attrs['translation'], io.instances()[instance_name][contactor_instance_name].attrs['orientation'])) pos_data = dpos_data[:].copy() spos_data = spos_data[:].copy() velo_data = velo_data[:].copy() set_velocityv = build_set_velocity(data_connectors_v) set_translationv = build_set_translation(data_connectors_t) set_displacementv = build_set_displacement(data_connectors_d) times = list(set(dpos_data[:, 0])) times.sort() contact_info_source = ContactInfoSource(cf_data) pveloa = DataConnector(0) pvelob = DataConnector(0) pveloa._connector.SetInputConnection( contact_info_source._contact_source_a.GetOutputPort()) pvelob._connector.SetInputConnection( contact_info_source._contact_source_a.GetOutputPort()) big_data_source.AddInputConnection( pveloa._connector.GetOutputPort()) big_data_source.AddInputConnection( pvelob._connector.GetOutputPort()) big_data_writer.SetInputConnection(big_data_source.GetOutputPort()) ntime = len(times) k=0 packet= int(ntime/100)+1 for time in times: k=k+1 if (k%packet == 0): sys.stdout.write('.') index = bisect.bisect_left(times, time) index = max(0, index) index = min(index, len(times) - 1) contact_info_source._time = times[index] # fix: should be called by contact_source? contact_info_source.method() id_t = numpy.where(pos_data[:, 0] == times[index]) if numpy.shape(spos_data)[0] > 0: set_positionv(spos_data[:, 1], spos_data[:, 2], spos_data[:, 3], spos_data[:, 4], spos_data[:, 5], spos_data[:, 6], spos_data[:, 7], spos_data[:, 8]) set_positionv( pos_data[id_t, 1], pos_data[id_t, 2], pos_data[id_t, 3], pos_data[id_t, 4], pos_data[id_t, 5], pos_data[id_t, 6], pos_data[id_t, 7], pos_data[id_t, 8]) id_tv = numpy.where(velo_data[:, 0] == times[index]) set_velocityv( velo_data[id_tv, 1], velo_data[id_tv, 2], velo_data[id_tv, 3], velo_data[id_tv, 4], velo_data[id_tv, 5], velo_data[id_tv, 6], velo_data[id_tv, 7]) set_translationv( pos_data[id_t, 1], pos_data[id_t, 2], pos_data[id_t, 3], pos_data[id_t, 4], ) # set_displacementv( # pos_data[id_t, 1], # pos_data[id_t, 2]- pos_data[0, 2], # pos_data[id_t, 3]- pos_data[0, 3], # pos_data[id_t, 4]- pos_data[0, 4] # ) # should be w.r.t initial position big_data_writer.SetFileName('{0}-{1}.{2}'.format(os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(io_filename))[0], index, big_data_writer.GetDefaultFileExtension())) big_data_writer.SetTimeStep(times[index]) big_data_source.Update() if ascii_mode: big_data_writer.SetDataModeToAscii() big_data_writer.Write() print(' ')
<filename>umake/<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/env python #coding: utf-8 from umake import CMake #cmake = CMake('3.15', 'hello') #cmake.add_library('hello', ['src/hello.h', 'src/hello.cpp']) #cmake.add_executable('demo', ['src/main.cpp']) #cmake.target_link_libraries('demo', ['hello']) cmake = CMake('3.15', 'hello') hello = CMake.Target.Library('hello') hello.add_dep_files([ 'inc/hello.h', 'src/hello.cpp' ]) hello.add_include_dir('inc', 'PUBLIC') demo = CMake.Target.Executable('demo') demo.add_dep_file( 'test/main.cpp' ) demo.add_include_dir('inc', 'PUBLIC') demo.add_dep_lib('hello') #opencv_pkg = CMake.find_package('OpenCV') #demo.add_dep_lib(opencv_pkg) cmake.add_target(hello) cmake.add_target(demo) cmake.dump()
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type import pytest from plugins.filter.normalize_pyvenv_apps import convert_string def test_convert_string(): assert convert_string('foo') == {'name': 'foo'} def test_foo(): assert True
<reponame>chasembowers/py-petridish import unittest from mock import MagicMock from petridish.cell import BasicCell, Cell from petridish.energized import Energized from petridish.point import Point from import Actor from petridish.resource import Resource class TestBasicCell(unittest.TestCase): _X_EQUALS = 52 _Y_EQUALS = 78 def setUp(self): self._location = Point() self._actor = Actor() self._energized = Energized() self._cell = BasicCell(self._actor, self._energized, self._location) self._location.moveLeft = MagicMock() self._location.moveRight = MagicMock() self._location.moveUp = MagicMock() self._location.moveDown = MagicMock() self._location.moveTo = MagicMock() self._location.isLeftOf = MagicMock() self._location.isRightOf = MagicMock() self._location.isBelow = MagicMock() self._location.isAbove = MagicMock() self._actor.act = MagicMock() self._actor.child = MagicMock(return_value=Actor()) self._energized.consumeEnergy = MagicMock() self._energized.releaseEnergy = MagicMock() = MagicMock(return_value=23) self._energized.child = MagicMock(return_value=Energized()) def test_moveLeft(self): self._cell.moveLeft() self._location.moveLeft.assert_called_with() def test_moveRight(self): self._cell.moveRight() self._location.moveRight.assert_called_with() def test_moveUp(self): self._cell.moveUp() self._location.moveUp.assert_called_with() def test_moveDown(self): self._cell.moveDown() self._location.moveDown.assert_called_with() def test_moveTo(self): coordinates = (8,7) self._cell.moveTo(coordinates) self._location.moveTo.assert_called_with(coordinates) def test_isLeftOf(self): self._cell.isLeftOf(self._X_EQUALS) self._location.isLeftOf.assert_called_with(self._X_EQUALS) def test_isRightOf(self): self._cell.isRightOf(self._X_EQUALS) self._location.isRightOf.assert_called_with(self._X_EQUALS) def test_isBelow(self): self._cell.isBelow(self._Y_EQUALS) self._location.isBelow.assert_called_with(self._Y_EQUALS) def test_isAbove(self): self._cell.isAbove(self._Y_EQUALS) self._location.isAbove.assert_called_with(self._Y_EQUALS) def test_act(self): cells = [self._cell, Cell(), Cell()] resources = [Resource()] self._cell.act(cells, resources) self._actor.act.assert_called_with(self._cell, cells, resources) def test_consumeSomeEnergy(self): someEnergy = 37 self._cell.consumeEnergy(someEnergy) self._energized.consumeEnergy.assert_called_with(someEnergy) def test_releaseSomeEnergy(self): someEnergy = 34 self._cell.releaseEnergy(someEnergy) self._energized.releaseEnergy.assert_called_with(someEnergy) def test_getEnergy(self): assert == def test_producesChild(self): child = self._cell.child() assert type(child) == type(self._cell) assert child != self._cell self._energized.child.assert_called_with() self._actor.child.assert_called_with() assert child.coordinates() == self._cell.coordinates() assert child._location != self._cell._location if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # Tested with both Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4.3 # # This Python code collects the source code for testing acados # on microcontrollers, putting all the necessary C files in # one directory, and header files in the sub-directory include. # # The idea is that when compiling the testing code of acados for # embedded platforms, when "make" does not fully function like # on standard Linux platform, all the source code available in # one directory would allow the compiler to process the code # easier. # # To use for ESP32: # # Example usage: # Assume the source directory of acados is: ~/acados # The target folder to be created is: chen_nmpc_qpoases # This command should be used: # python ~/acados chen_nmpc_qpoases # # Author: <NAME> # Date: 2017.04.03 import sys import os import glob from subprocess import call from os.path import join print('Running python script to grab chen_nmpc_qpoases...') print(sys.version) # get python version, for debugging if len(sys.argv)!= 3: raise SyntaxError('This script needs exactly 2 arguments: \n \ <acados_top_dir> <new_target_dir>\n \ Example:\n \ ~/acados chen_nmpc_qpoases') # 1. Bring all necessary files to one directory. top_dir = str(sys.argv[1]).rstrip('/') # no trailing / in top_dir target_dir = str(sys.argv[2]).rstrip('/') # no trailing / in target_dir # List of file to collect # Note: this hard-coded path doesnot work with Windows workingcodefiles = [\ 'examples/c/chen_nmpc_qpoases.c', \ 'examples/c/Chen_model/chen_model.c', \ 'acados/utils/print.c', \ 'acados/utils/timing.c', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/condensing.c', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/condensing_helper_functions.c', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/ocp_qp_condensing_qpoases.c', \ 'acados/sim/sim_erk_integrator.c', \ 'external/hpmpc/auxiliary/d_aux_extern_depend_lib4.c', \ 'external/blasfeo/auxiliary/i_aux_extern_depend_lib.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Constraints.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Bounds.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Flipper.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Indexlist.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Matrices.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/MessageHandling.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Options.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/QProblem.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/QProblemB.c', \ 'external/qpOASES/src/Utils.c' \ ] workingheaderfiles = [\ 'examples/c/Chen_model/chen_model.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/ocp_qp_common.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/condensing.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/ocp_qp_condensing_qpoases.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_common.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_erk_integrator.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_collocation.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_rk_common.h', \ 'acados/utils/print.h', \ 'acados/utils/types.h', \ 'acados/utils/timing.h', \ 'external/hpmpc/include/aux_d.h', \ 'external/hpmpc/include/block_size.h', \ 'external/hpmpc/include/kernel_d_lib4.h', \ 'external/blasfeo/include/blasfeo_i_aux.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Bounds.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Constants.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/ConstraintProduct.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Constraints.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Flipper.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Indexlist.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Matrices.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/MessageHandling.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Options.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/QProblem.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/QProblemB.h', \ 'external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Utils.h' \ ] # Files that should be renamed to avoid conflicts oldfiles = ['external/qpOASES/include/qpOASES_e/Types.h'] newfiles = ['include/qpOASES_e_Types.h'] # Create directory structure and copy files if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.system('mkdir '+target_dir) for filename in workingcodefiles: os.system('cp '+top_dir+'/'+filename+' '+target_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_dir+'/include'): os.system('mkdir '+target_dir+'/include') for filename in workingheaderfiles: os.system('cp '+top_dir+'/'+filename+' '+target_dir+'/include/') for kk in range(len(oldfiles)): os.system('cp '+top_dir+'/'+oldfiles[kk]+' '+target_dir+'/'+newfiles[kk]) print('Step 1: Necessary files copied.') # 2. Modify .h and .c files to adapt to the new code structure: # List of texts to be replaced: old_text = [\ 'examples/c/Chen_model/chen_model.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/condensing.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/condensing_helper_functions.c', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/ocp_qp_common.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/ocp_qp_condensing_qpoases.h', \ 'acados/ocp_qp/ocp_qp_hpmpc.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_common.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_erk_integrator.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_collocation.h', \ 'acados/sim/sim_rk_common.h', \ 'acados/utils/print.h', \ 'acados/utils/timing.h', \ 'acados/utils/types.h', \ 'hpmpc/include/aux_d.h', \ '../include/block_size.h', \ '../include/kernel_d_lib4.h', \ 'blasfeo/include/blasfeo_common.h', \ 'blasfeo/include/blasfeo_i_aux.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Bounds.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Constants.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Constraints.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/ConstraintProduct.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Flipper.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Indexlist.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Matrices.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/MessageHandling.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Options.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/QProblem.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/QProblemB.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Types.h', \ 'qpOASES_e/Utils.h' \ ] # List of new texts to replace old ones, # in corresponding order to old_text: new_text = [\ 'chen_model.h', \ 'condensing.h', \ 'condensing_helper_functions.c', \ 'ocp_qp_common.h', \ 'ocp_qp_condensing_qpoases.h', \ 'ocp_qp_hpmpc.h', \ 'sim_common.h', \ 'sim_erk_integrator.h', \ 'sim_collocation.h', \ 'sim_rk_common.h', \ 'print.h', \ 'timing.h', \ 'types.h', \ 'aux_d.h', \ 'block_size.h', \ 'kernel_d_lib4.h', \ 'blasfeo_common.h', \ 'blasfeo_i_aux.h', \ 'Bounds.h', \ 'Constants.h', \ 'Constraints.h', \ 'ConstraintProduct.h', \ 'Flipper.h', \ 'Indexlist.h', \ 'Matrices.h', \ 'MessageHandling.h', \ 'Options.h', \ 'QProblem.h', \ 'QProblemB.h', \ 'qpOASES_e_Types.h', \ 'Utils.h' \ ] len_old_text = len(old_text) len_new_text = len(new_text) if len_old_text != len_new_text: raise ValueError('Number of old and new texts not match') files = glob.glob(target_dir+"/*.c") for file in files: objFile = open(file, "r") txtFile = objFile.close() for replacetext in range(len_old_text): txtFile = txtFile.replace(old_text[replacetext],new_text[replacetext]) objFile = open(file, "w") objFile.write(txtFile) objFile.close() files = glob.glob(target_dir+"/include/*.h") for file in files: objFile = open(file, "r") txtFile = objFile.close() for replacetext in range(len_old_text): txtFile = txtFile.replace(old_text[replacetext],new_text[replacetext]) objFile = open(file, "w") objFile.write(txtFile) objFile.close() print('Step 2: Path information in files modified to the new structure.') # 3. Add specific code to HPMPC and BLASFEO files: # List of files to be modified: files = ['include/block_size.h'] # List of lines to be added in the beginning of files, # in corresponding order with the list files: lines = ['#include "target.h"\n'] if len(files) != len(lines): raise ValueError('Number of files and added lines not match') for kk in range(len(files)): objFile = open(target_dir+'/'+files[kk], "r") txtFile = objFile.close() objFile = open(target_dir+'/'+files[kk], "w") objFile.write(lines[kk]) # write the line to the beginning objFile.write(txtFile) objFile.close() print('Step 3: Common header file included in specific files.') # 4. Copy Makefile and specific setting files os.system('cp '+top_dir+'/experimental/dang/esp32/script_test_nmpc_qpoases/Makefile '+target_dir) os.system('cp '+top_dir+'/experimental/dang/esp32/script_test_nmpc_qpoases/target.h '+target_dir+'/include/') print('Step 4: Makefile, and HPMPC target.h replaced.') # 5. Display further instructions print('Please do next steps in terminal:') print(' cd '+target_dir) print(' make') print('Then run the binary file in '+target_dir+'/bin') print('To remove binary objects: make clean\n')
<reponame>groupsome/groupsome from django import template register = template.Library() def get_survey_user_voted_count(survey): users = [] for choice in survey.choices.all(): for vote in choice.votes.all(): if vote.user not in users: users.append(vote.user) return len(users) def get_survey_votes_count(survey): count = 0 for choice in survey.choices.all(): count += choice.votes.all().count() return count def get_choice_votes(choice): return choice.votes.all().count() def get_choice_percentage(choice): all_count = get_survey_votes_count(choice.survey) choice_count = choice.votes.all().count() try: return "%d%%" % (float(choice_count) / all_count * 100) except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): return "0%" def get_user_voted(survey, request): for choice in survey.choices.all(): voted = choice.votes.all().filter(user=request.user) if voted: return True return False def get_user_voted_for_choice(choice, request): voted = choice.votes.all().filter(user=request.user) if voted: return True return False def get_users_from_choice(choice): users = [] for vote in choice.votes.all(): if vote.user not in users: users.append(vote.user) return users def get_user_is_admin_for_survey(survey, user): if user in return True return False register.filter('survey_user_voted_count', get_survey_user_voted_count) register.filter('survey_votes_count', get_survey_votes_count) register.filter('choice_percentage', get_choice_percentage) register.filter('user_voted', get_user_voted) register.filter('user_voted_for_choice', get_user_voted_for_choice) register.filter('choice_votes', get_choice_votes) register.filter('users_from_choice', get_users_from_choice) register.filter('user_is_admin_for_survey', get_user_is_admin_for_survey)
<gh_stars>1-10 """ pgxnclient -- informative commands implementation """ # Copyright (C) 2011 <NAME> # This file is part of the PGXN client from pgxnclient.i18n import _, N_ from pgxnclient import SemVer from pgxnclient.errors import NotFound, ResourceNotFound from pgxnclient.commands import Command, WithSpec import logging logger = logging.getLogger('pgxnclient.commands') class Mirror(Command): name = 'mirror' description = N_("return information about the available mirrors") @classmethod def customize_parser(self, parser, subparsers, **kwargs): subp = super(Mirror, self).customize_parser( parser, subparsers, **kwargs) subp.add_argument('uri', nargs='?', metavar="URI", help = _("return detailed info about this mirror." " If not specified return a list of mirror URIs")) subp.add_argument('--detailed', action="store_true", help = _("return full details for each mirror")) return subp def run(self): data = self.api.mirrors() if self.opts.uri: detailed = True data = [ d for d in data if d['uri'] == self.opts.uri ] if not data: raise ResourceNotFound( _('mirror not found: %s') % self.opts.uri) else: detailed = self.opts.detailed for i, d in enumerate(data): if not detailed: print d['uri'] else: for k in [ "uri", "frequency", "location", "bandwidth", "organization", "email", "timezone", "src", "rsync", "notes",]: print "%s: %s" % (k, d.get(k, '')) print import re import textwrap import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils class Search(Command): name = 'search' description = N_("search in the available extensions") @classmethod def customize_parser(self, parser, subparsers, **kwargs): subp = super(Search, self).customize_parser( parser, subparsers, **kwargs) g = subp.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('--docs', dest='where', action='store_const', const='docs', default='docs', help=_("search in documentation [default]")) g.add_argument('--dist', dest='where', action='store_const', const="dists", help=_("search in distributions")) g.add_argument('--ext', dest='where', action='store_const', const='extensions', help=_("search in extensions")) subp.add_argument('query', metavar='TERM', nargs='+', help = _("a string to search")) return subp def run(self): data =, self.opts.query) for hit in data['hits']: print "%s %s" % (hit['dist'], hit['version']) if 'excerpt' in hit: excerpt = self.clean_excerpt(hit['excerpt']) for line in textwrap.wrap(excerpt, 72): print " " + line print def clean_excerpt(self, excerpt): """Clean up the excerpt returned in the json result for output.""" # replace ellipsis with three dots, as there's no chance # to have them printed on non-utf8 consoles. # Also, they suck obscenely on fixed-width output. excerpt = excerpt.replace('&#8230;', '...') # TODO: this apparently misses a few entities excerpt = saxutils.unescape(excerpt) excerpt = excerpt.replace('&quot;', '"') # Convert numerical entities excerpt = re.sub(r'\&\#(\d+)\;', lambda c: unichr(int(, excerpt) # Hilight found terms # TODO: use proper highlight with escape chars? excerpt = excerpt.replace('<strong></strong>', '') excerpt = excerpt.replace('<strong>', '*') excerpt = excerpt.replace('</strong>', '*') return excerpt class Info(WithSpec, Command): name = 'info' description = N_("print information about a distribution") @classmethod def customize_parser(self, parser, subparsers, **kwargs): subp = super(Info, self).customize_parser( parser, subparsers, **kwargs) g = subp.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('--details', dest='what', action='store_const', const='details', default='details', help=_("show details about the distribution [default]")) g.add_argument('--meta', dest='what', action='store_const', const='meta', help=_("show the distribution META.json")) g.add_argument('--readme', dest='what', action='store_const', const='readme', help=_("show the distribution README")) g.add_argument('--versions', dest='what', action='store_const', const='versions', help=_("show the list of available versions")) return subp def run(self): spec = self.get_spec() getattr(self, 'print_' + self.opts.what)(spec) def print_meta(self, spec): data = self._get_dist_data( ver = self.get_best_version(data, spec, quiet=True) print self.api.meta(, ver, as_json=False) def print_readme(self, spec): data = self._get_dist_data( ver = self.get_best_version(data, spec, quiet=True) print self.api.readme(, ver) def print_details(self, spec): data = self._get_dist_data( ver = self.get_best_version(data, spec, quiet=True) data = self.api.meta(, ver) for k in [u'name', u'abstract', u'description', u'maintainer', u'license', u'release_status', u'version', u'date', u'sha1']: try: v = data[k] except KeyError: logger.warn(_("data key '%s' not found"), k) continue if isinstance(v, list): for vv in v: print "%s: %s" % (k, vv) elif isinstance(v, dict): for kk, vv in v.iteritems(): print "%s: %s: %s" % (k, kk, vv) else: print "%s: %s" % (k, v) k = 'provides' for ext, dext in data[k].iteritems(): print "%s: %s: %s" % (k, ext, dext['version']) k = 'prereqs' if k in data: for phase, rels in data[k].iteritems(): for rel, pkgs in rels.iteritems(): for pkg, ver in pkgs.iteritems(): print "%s: %s: %s %s" % (phase, rel, pkg, ver) def print_versions(self, spec): data = self._get_dist_data( name = data['name'] vs = [ (SemVer(d['version']), s) for s, ds in data['releases'].iteritems() for d in ds ] vs = [ (v, s) for v, s in vs if spec.accepted(v) ] vs.sort(reverse=True) for v, s in vs: print name, v, s def _get_dist_data(self, name): try: return self.api.dist(name) except NotFound, e: # maybe the user was looking for an extension instead? try: ext = self.api.ext(name) except NotFound: pass else: vs = ext.get('versions', {}) for extver, ds in vs.iteritems(): for d in ds: if 'dist' not in d: continue dist = d['dist'] distver = d.get('version', 'unknown') _("extension %s %s found in distribution %s %s"), name, extver, dist, distver) raise e
############################################################################### # SKA South Africa ( # # Author: <EMAIL> # # Copyright @ 2013 SKA SA. All rights reserved. # # # # THIS SOFTWARE MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISTRIBUTED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT THE # # WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SKA SA. # ############################################################################### import unittest2 as unittest from katcorelib.testutils import NameSpace import katcorelib.rts_session as session class Test_CaptureSessionBase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.DUT = session.CaptureSessionBase() def test_get_ant_names(self): self.DUT.kat = NameSpace() self.DUT.kat.controlled_objects = ['ant1', 'rfe7', 'ant2', 'katarchive'] self.DUT.kat.__dict__['katconfig'] = NameSpace() self.DUT.kat.katconfig.__dict__['arrays'] = {} self.DUT.kat.katconfig.arrays = {'ants': ['ant1','ant2']} self.assertEqual(self.DUT.get_ant_names(), 'ant1,ant2') def test_mkat_get_ant_names(self): self.DUT.kat = NameSpace() self.DUT.kat.controlled_objects = ['m000', 'rfe7', 'm063', 'katarchive'] self.DUT.kat.__dict__['katconfig'] = NameSpace() self.DUT.kat.katconfig.__dict__['arrays'] = {} self.DUT.kat.katconfig.arrays = {'ants': ['m000','m063']} self.assertEqual(self.DUT.get_ant_names(), 'm000,m063')
Crawl library journal data/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time from selenium import webdriver from import Select import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def get_browser_driver(): driver= webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:\Python27\chromedriver.exe') print 'get the browser driver successfully!----------' return driver def login(driver): driver.get('') driver.find_element_by_id('Username').send_keys('szu') driver.find_element_by_id('Password').send_keys('<PASSWORD>') driver.find_element_by_id('login_button').click() print 'login successfully!------------' return True def config_form(driver, i): Select(driver.find_element_by_id("ContentPlaceHolder1_dplCategoryType")).select_by_value('0') ### 0 is the big class, 1 is the small class Select(driver.find_element_by_id("ContentPlaceHolder1_dplCategory")).select_by_index(i) driver.find_element_by_id("ContentPlaceHolder1_btnSearch").click() driver.implicitly_wait(30) time.sleep(3) driver.find_element_by_id("ContentPlaceHolder1_btnSearch").click() time.sleep(2) driver.find_element_by_id("ContentPlaceHolder1_btnSearch").click() return True ### 拉动滚动条到网页末尾 def scroll(driver): driver.execute_script(""" (function () { var y = document.body.scrollTop; var step = 100; window.scroll(0, y); function f() { if (y < document.body.scrollHeight) { y += step; window.scroll(0, y); setTimeout(f, 50); } else { window.scroll(0, y); document.title += "scroll-done"; } } setTimeout(f, 1000); })(); """)
<reponame>Michael8968/skulpt import turtle turtle.mode("logo") turtle.shape("turtle") # 让画笔变成海龟(turtle) turtle.hideturtle() # 隐藏画笔 turtle.pencolor("orange") turtle.pensize(4) # 第1个风车扇叶 turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.right(120) # 第2个风车扇叶 turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.right(120) # 第3个风车扇叶 turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(120) turtle.right(120) # 风车柄 turtle.right(180) turtle.forward(200) turtle.done()
# Copyright (c) 2021 The Trade Desk, Inc # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import base64 import datetime as dt import unittest from Crypto.Cipher import AES from uid2_client import decrypt_token, encrypt_data, decrypt_data, encryption_block_size, EncryptionError from uid2_client.encryption import _encrypt_data_v1 from uid2_client.keys import * _master_secret = bytes([139, 37, 241, 173, 18, 92, 36, 232, 165, 168, 23, 18, 38, 195, 123, 92, 160, 136, 185, 40, 91, 173, 165, 221, 168, 16, 169, 164, 38, 139, 8, 155]) _site_secret = bytes([32, 251, 7, 194, 132, 154, 250, 86, 202, 116, 104, 29, 131, 192, 139, 215, 48, 164, 11, 65, 226, 110, 167, 14, 108, 51, 254, 125, 65, 24, 23, 133]) _master_key_id = 164 _site_key_id = 165 _test_site_key_id = 166 _site_id = 2001 _uid2 = 'ywsvDNINiZOVSsfkHpLpSJzXzhr6Jx9Z/4Q0+lsEUvM=' _now = dt.datetime.utcnow() _master_key = EncryptionKey(_master_key_id, -1, _now - dt.timedelta(days=-1), _now, _now + dt.timedelta(days=1), _master_secret) _site_key = EncryptionKey(_site_key_id, _site_id, _now - dt.timedelta(days=-1), _now, _now + dt.timedelta(days=1), _site_secret) _test_site_key = EncryptionKey(_test_site_key_id, _site_id, dt.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), dt.datetime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), _now + dt.timedelta(days=1), encryption_block_size * b'9') class TestEncryptionFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_decrypt_token(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, _site_key]) result = decrypt_token(token, keys) self.assertEqual(_uid2, result.uid2) def test_decrypt_token_empty_keys(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token, keys) def test_decrypt_token_no_master_key(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_site_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token, keys) def test_decrypt_token_no_site_key(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token, keys) def test_decrypt_token_invalid_version(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key, version=1) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, _site_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token, keys) def test_decrypt_token_expired(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key, expiry=dt.timedelta(seconds=-1)) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, _site_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token, keys) def test_decrypt_token_custom_now(self): expiry = dt.datetime(2021, 3, 22, 9, 1, 2) token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key, expiry=expiry) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, _site_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token, keys, now=expiry+dt.timedelta(seconds=1)) result = decrypt_token(token, keys, now=expiry-dt.timedelta(seconds=1)) self.assertEqual(_uid2, result.uid2) def test_decrypt_token_invalid_payload(self): token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, _site_key, expiry=dt.timedelta(seconds=-1)) keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, _site_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): result = decrypt_token(token[:-3], keys) def test_encrypt_data_specific_key_and_iv(self): data = b'123456' iv = encryption_block_size * b'0' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, iv=iv, key=key) self.assertTrue(len(data) + len(iv) < len(encrypted)) decrypted = decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) self.assertEqual(data, def test_encrypt_data_specific_key_and_generated_iv(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, key=key) self.assertTrue(len(data) + encryption_block_size < len(encrypted)) decrypted = decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) self.assertEqual(data, def test_encrypt_data_specific_site_id(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, site_id=key.site_id, keys=keys) self.assertTrue(len(data) + encryption_block_size < len(encrypted)) decrypted = decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) self.assertEqual(data, def test_encrypt_data_site_id_from_token(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, key]) token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, key, site_id=key.site_id) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, advertising_token=token, keys=keys) self.assertTrue(len(data) + encryption_block_size < len(encrypted)) decrypted = decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) self.assertEqual(data, def test_encrypt_data_keys_and_specific_key_set(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): encrypt_data(data, key=key, keys=keys) def test_encrypt_data_site_id_and_token_set(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, key]) token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, key, site_id=key.site_id) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, site_id=key.site_id, advertising_token=token) def test_encrypt_data_token_decrypt_failed(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, _test_site_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, advertising_token="bogus-token") def test_encrypt_data_key_expired(self): data = b'123456' site_id = 205 key = EncryptionKey(101, site_id, _now - dt.timedelta(days=2), _now - dt.timedelta(days=2), _now - dt.timedelta(days=1), encryption_block_size * b'9') with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, key=key) def test_encrypt_data_key_inactive(self): data = b'123456' site_id = 205 key = EncryptionKey(101, site_id, _now - dt.timedelta(days=2), _now + dt.timedelta(days=2), _now + dt.timedelta(days=3), encryption_block_size * b'9') with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, key=key) def test_encrypt_data_key_expired_custom_now(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key now = _test_site_key.expires with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, key=key, now=now) def test_encrypt_data_key_inactive_custom_now(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key now = _test_site_key.activates - dt.timedelta(seconds=1) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, key=key, now=now) def test_encrypt_data_no_site_key(self): data = b'123456' keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, site_id=205) def test_encrypt_data_site_key_expired(self): data = b'123456' site_id = 205 key = EncryptionKey(101, site_id, _now - dt.timedelta(days=2), _now - dt.timedelta(days=2), _now - dt.timedelta(days=1), encryption_block_size * b'9') keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, site_id=site_id) def test_encrypt_data_site_key_inactive(self): data = b'123456' site_id = 205 key = EncryptionKey(101, site_id, _now - dt.timedelta(days=2), _now + dt.timedelta(days=2), _now + dt.timedelta(days=3), encryption_block_size * b'9') keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, site_id=site_id) def test_encrypt_data_site_key_expired_custom_now(self): data = b'123456' site_id = 205 now = dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=1) key = EncryptionKey(101, site_id, now, now, now + dt.timedelta(seconds=1), encryption_block_size * b'9') keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, site_id=site_id, keys=keys, now=now) decrypted = decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) self.assertEqual(data, self.assertEqual(format_time(now), format_time(decrypted.encrypted_at)) def test_encrypt_data_expired_token(self): data = b'123456' expiry = dt.datetime(2021, 3, 22, 9, 1, 2) key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, key]) token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, key, site_id=key.site_id, expiry=expiry) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, advertising_token=token) def test_encrypt_data_expired_token_custom_now(self): data = b'123456' expiry = dt.datetime(2021, 3, 22, 9, 1, 2) key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key, key]) token = _encrypt_token(_uid2, _master_key, key, site_id=key.site_id, expiry=expiry) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, advertising_token=token, now=expiry+dt.timedelta(seconds=1)) now = expiry-dt.timedelta(seconds=1) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, keys=keys, advertising_token=token, now=now) decrypted = decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) self.assertEqual(data, self.assertEqual(format_time(now), format_time(decrypted.encrypted_at)) def test_decrypt_data_bad_payload_type(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, key=key) encrypted_bytes = base64.b64decode(encrypted) encrypted = base64.b64encode(bytes([0]) + encrypted_bytes[1:]).decode('ascii') with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) def test_decrypt_data_bad_version(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, key=key) encrypted_bytes = base64.b64decode(encrypted) encrypted = base64.b64encode(encrypted_bytes[0:1] + bytes([0]) + encrypted_bytes[2:]).decode('ascii') with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) def test_decrypt_data_bad_payload(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, key=key) encrypted_bytes = base64.b64decode(encrypted) encrypted = base64.b64encode(encrypted_bytes + b'1').decode('ascii') with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) encrypted = base64.b64encode(encrypted_bytes[:-2]).decode('ascii') with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): decrypt_data(encrypted, keys) def test_decrypt_data_no_decryption_key(self): data = b'123456' key = _test_site_key keys = EncryptionKeysCollection([key]) encrypted = encrypt_data(data, key=key) dkeys = EncryptionKeysCollection([_master_key]) with self.assertRaises(EncryptionError): decrypt_data(encrypted, dkeys) def _encrypt_token(id_str, master_key, site_key, version=2, expiry=dt.timedelta(hours=1), site_id=0, privacy_bits=0): id = bytes(id_str, 'utf-8') identity = int.to_bytes(site_id, 4, 'big') identity += int.to_bytes(len(id), 4, 'big') identity += id identity += int.to_bytes(privacy_bits, 4, 'big') identity += int.to_bytes(int((dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(hours=1)).timestamp()) * 1000, 8, 'big') identity_iv = bytes([10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) if not isinstance(expiry, dt.datetime): expiry = dt.datetime.utcnow() + expiry master_payload = int.to_bytes(int(expiry.timestamp()) * 1000, 8, 'big') master_payload += _encrypt_data_v1(identity, key=site_key, iv=identity_iv) master_iv = bytes([21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]) token = int.to_bytes(version, 1, 'big') token += _encrypt_data_v1(master_payload, key=master_key, iv=master_iv) return base64.b64encode(token).decode('ascii') def format_time(t): s = t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') return s[:-3]
<reponame>AlexRogalskiy/DevArtifacts # python startup file to toggle autocomplete on. # e.g. export # import readline import rlcompleter readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') print "Auto complete is enabled"
""" Module for the frontend, ie the UI and presentation layer """
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- while True: try: hm = list(map(float, input().split())) h = int((hm[0] / 360) * 12) m = int((hm[1] / 360) * 60) if m == 60: m = 0 print("{:02d}:{:02d}".format(h, m)) except (EOFError, IndexError): break
<filename>networking_huawei/tests/unit/drivers/ac/client/ # Copyright (c) 2016 Huawei Technologies India Pvt Ltd # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock import requests from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslotest import base import as ac_rest from import config # noqa test_create_network_req = {'network': {'routerExternal': False, 'networkType': 'local', 'segmentationId': None, 'adminStateUp': True, 'tenant_id': 'test-tenant', 'name': 'net1', 'physicalNetwork': None, 'serviceName': 'physnet1', 'id': 'd897e21a-dfd6-4331-a5dd-7524fa421c3e', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'shared': False}} class HuaweiACRestClientTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): cfg.CONF.set_override('username', 'huawei_user', 'huawei_ac_config') cfg.CONF.set_override('password', '<PASSWORD>', 'huawei_ac_config') cfg.CONF.set_override('neutron_ip', '', 'huawei_ac_config') cfg.CONF.set_override('neutron_name', 'NS_1', 'huawei_ac_config') super(HuaweiACRestClientTestCase, self).setUp() self.restc = ac_rest.RestClient = self.port = cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.port self.url = '%s%s%s%s' % ("http://",, ":", str(self.port)) def _mock_req_resp(self, status_code): response = mock.Mock() response.response = "OK" response.status_code = status_code response.errorcode = 0 response.content = jsonutils.dumps( {'result': "ok", 'errorCode': '0', 'errorMsg': None}, indent=2) return response def test_rc_send_timeout(self): methodname = 'POST' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' expected_ret = {'errorCode': None, 'reason': None, 'response': None, 'status': -1} with mock.patch.object(self.restc, 'process_request', return_value="Timeout Exceptions"): ret = ac_rest.RestClient().send(, self.port, methodname, url, hex(10), {}) self.assertEqual(expected_ret, ret, "Not expected return") def test_rc_send_success(self): methodname = 'POST' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' expected_resp = {'errorCode': u'0', 'reason': None, 'response': 'ok', 'status': 204} with mock.patch.object(self.restc, 'process_request', return_value=self._mock_req_resp ( ret = ac_rest.RestClient().send(, self.port, methodname, url, hex(10), test_create_network_req) self.assertEqual(expected_resp, ret, "Not expected response") def test_rc_send_del_network(self): methodname = 'DELETE' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' expected_resp = {'errorCode': None, 'reason': None, 'response': None, 'status': 200} resp = self._mock_req_resp( resp.content = "" with mock.patch.object(self.restc, 'process_request', return_value=resp): ret = ac_rest.RestClient().send(, self.port, methodname, url, hex(10), test_create_network_req) self.assertEqual(expected_resp, ret, "Not expected response") def test_rc_send_del_network_resp_valid(self): methodname = 'DELETE' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' expected_resp = {'errorCode': None, 'reason': None, 'response': None, 'status': 300} resp = self._mock_req_resp( with mock.patch.object(self.restc, 'process_request', return_value=resp): ret = ac_rest.RestClient().send(, self.port, methodname, url, hex(10), test_create_network_req) self.assertEqual(expected_resp, ret, "Not expected response") def test_rc_process_request(self): methodname = 'DELETE' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' auth = (cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.username, cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.password) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json'} data = {"network": {"routerExternal": False, "id": "d897e21a-dfd6-4331-a5dd-7524fa421c3e", "serviceName": "physnet1", "status": "ACTIVE", "shared": False, "adminStateUp": True, "tenant_id": "test-tenant", "segmentationId": None, "physicalNetwork": None, "networkType": "local", "name": "net1"}} resp = self._mock_req_resp( kwargs = {'url': url, 'data': data} with mock.patch('requests.request', return_value=resp) as mock_method: ac_rest.RestClient().process_request(methodname, auth, url, headers, data) mock_method.\ assert_called_once_with( methodname, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}, timeout=float(cfg.CONF. huawei_ac_config. request_timeout), verify=False, auth=(cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.username, cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.password), **kwargs) def test_rc_process_request_timeout_exception(self): methodname = 'DELETE' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' auth = (cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.username, cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.password) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json'} data = {"network": {"routerExternal": False, "id": "d897e21a-dfd6-4331-a5dd-7524fa421c3e", "serviceName": "physnet1", "status": "ACTIVE", "shared": False, "adminStateUp": True, "tenant_id": "test-tenant", "segmentationId": None, "physicalNetwork": None, "networkType": "local", "name": "net1"}} resp = self._mock_req_resp( kwargs = {'url': url, 'data': data} with mock.patch('requests.request', return_value=resp) as mock_method: mock_method.side_effect = requests.exceptions.\ Timeout(mock.Mock(msg="Timeout Exceptions")) ac_rest.RestClient().\ process_request(methodname, auth, url, headers, data) mock_method.\ assert_any_call(methodname, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}, timeout=float(cfg.CONF. huawei_ac_config. request_timeout), verify=False, auth=(cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.username, cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.password), **kwargs) def test_rc_process_request_exception(self): methodname = 'DELETE' url = '/controller/dc/esdk/v2.0/test_url' auth = (cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.username, cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.password) headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json'} data = {"network": {"routerExternal": False, "id": "d897e21a-dfd6-4331-a5dd-7524fa421c3e", "serviceName": "physnet1", "status": "ACTIVE", "shared": False, "adminStateUp": True, "tenant_id": "test-tenant", "segmentationId": None, "physicalNetwork": None, "networkType": "local", "name": "net1"}} resp = self._mock_req_resp( kwargs = {'url': url, 'data': data} with mock.patch('requests.request', return_value=resp) as mock_method: mock_method.side_effect = Exception(mock.Mock(msg="Timeout " "Exceptions")) ac_rest.RestClient().process_request(methodname, auth, url, headers, data) mock_method.\ assert_any_call(methodname, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}, timeout=float(cfg.CONF. huawei_ac_config. request_timeout), verify=False, auth=(cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.username, cfg.CONF.huawei_ac_config.password), **kwargs) def test_rc_send_http_success(self): http = {'errorCode': None, 'reason': None, 'response': None, 'status': 300} ret = ac_rest.RestClient().http_success(http) self.assertEqual(False, ret, "Not expected response")
import ctypes c_uint8 = ctypes.c_uint8 class HeaderWord(ctypes.BigEndianStructure): MAGIC_MASK = 0xA280 _fields_ = [ # Low Byte ('CLEAR07', c_uint8, 1), # 07 ('LengthLow', c_uint8, 7), # 06..00 # High Byte ('HEADER15', c_uint8, 1), # 15 ('Recording', c_uint8, 1), # 14 ('CLEAR13', c_uint8, 1), # 13 ('DataOrResponse', c_uint8, 1), # 12 ('LogCapable', c_uint8, 1), # 11 ('RESERVED10', c_uint8, 1), # 10 ('CLEAR09', c_uint8, 1), # 09 ('LengthHigh', c_uint8, 1), # 08 ] def is_valid(self): if self.HEADER15 == 0: raise ValueError('Header start marker (15) not set.') if self.CLEAR13 == 0: raise ValueError('(13) not set') if self.CLEAR09 == 0: raise ValueError('(09) not set') if self.CLEAR07 == 0: raise ValueError('(07) not set') return True def is_data(self): return self.DataOrResponse > 0 def is_response(self): return self.DataOrResponse < 1 def can_log(self): return self.LogCapable > 0 def is_recording(self): return self.Recording > 0 def length(self): return (self.LengthHigh << 7) | self.LengthLow
# Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Seafile Ltd. # encoding: utf-8 import logging import json from urllib.parse import urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import messages from django.urls import reverse from django.core.cache import cache from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string import seaserv from seaserv import ccnet_api from seahub.auth import login from seahub.auth.decorators import login_required, login_required_ajax from seahub.base.accounts import User from import remove_group_common from seahub.profile.models import Profile from seahub.utils import get_service_url, render_error from seahub.utils.auth import get_login_bg_image_path from seahub.organizations.signals import org_created from seahub.organizations.decorators import org_staff_required from seahub.organizations.forms import OrgRegistrationForm from seahub.organizations.settings import ORG_AUTO_URL_PREFIX, \ ORG_MEMBER_QUOTA_ENABLED, ORG_ENABLE_ADMIN_INVITE_USER from seahub.organizations.utils import get_or_create_invitation_link # Get an instance of a logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) ########## ccnet rpc wrapper def create_org(org_name, url_prefix, creator): return seaserv.create_org(org_name, url_prefix, creator) def count_orgs(): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.count_orgs() def get_org_by_url_prefix(url_prefix): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.get_org_by_url_prefix(url_prefix) def set_org_user(org_id, username, is_staff=False): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.add_org_user(org_id, username, int(is_staff)) def unset_org_user(org_id, username): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_org_user(org_id, username) def org_user_exists(org_id, username): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.org_user_exists(org_id, username) def get_org_groups(org_id, start, limit): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.get_org_groups(org_id, start, limit) def get_org_id_by_group(group_id): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.get_org_id_by_group(group_id) def remove_org_group(org_id, group_id, username): remove_group_common(group_id, username) seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.remove_org_group(org_id, group_id) def is_org_staff(org_id, username): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.is_org_staff(org_id, username) def set_org_staff(org_id, username): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.set_org_staff(org_id, username) def unset_org_staff(org_id, username): return seaserv.ccnet_threaded_rpc.unset_org_staff(org_id, username) ########## seafile rpc wrapper def get_org_user_self_usage(org_id, username): """ Arguments: - `org_id`: - `username`: """ return seaserv.seafserv_threaded_rpc.get_org_user_quota_usage(org_id, username) def get_org_user_quota(org_id, username): return seaserv.seafserv_threaded_rpc.get_org_user_quota(org_id, username) def get_org_quota(org_id): return seaserv.seafserv_threaded_rpc.get_org_quota(org_id) def is_org_repo(org_id, repo_id): return True if seaserv.seafserv_threaded_rpc.get_org_id_by_repo_id( repo_id) == org_id else False ########## views @login_required_ajax def org_add(request): """Handle ajax request to add org, and create org owner. Arguments: - `request`: """ if not request.user.is_staff or request.method != 'POST': raise Http404 content_type = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' url_prefix = gen_org_url_prefix(3) post_data = request.POST.copy() post_data['url_prefix'] = url_prefix form = OrgRegistrationForm(post_data) if form.is_valid(): email = form.cleaned_data['email'] password = <PASSWORD>.cleaned_data['<PASSWORD>'] org_name = form.cleaned_data['org_name'] url_prefix = form.cleaned_data['url_prefix'] try: new_user = User.objects.create_user(email, password, is_staff=False, is_active=True) except User.DoesNotExist as e: logger.error(e) err_msg = 'Fail to create organization owner %s.' % email return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': err_msg}), status=403, content_type=content_type) create_org(org_name, url_prefix, new_user.username) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'success': True}), content_type=content_type) else: try: err_msg = list(form.errors.values())[0][0] except IndexError: err_msg = list(form.errors.values())[0] return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'error': str(err_msg)}), status=400, content_type=content_type) def gen_org_url_prefix(max_trial=None): """Generate organization url prefix automatically. If ``max_trial`` is large than 0, then re-try that times if failed. Arguments: - `max_trial`: Returns: Url prefix if succed, otherwise, ``None``. """ def _gen_prefix(): url_prefix = 'org_' + get_random_string( 6, allowed_chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789') if get_org_by_url_prefix(url_prefix) is not None:"org url prefix, %s is duplicated" % url_prefix) return None else: return url_prefix try: max_trial = int(max_trial) except (TypeError, ValueError): max_trial = 0 while max_trial >= 0: ret = _gen_prefix() if ret is not None: return ret else: max_trial -= 1 logger.warning("Failed to generate org url prefix, retry: %d" % max_trial) return None def org_register(request): """Allow a new user to register an organization account. A new organization will be created associate with that user. Arguments: - `request`: """ login_bg_image_path = get_login_bg_image_path() if request.method == 'POST': form = OrgRegistrationForm(request.POST) if ORG_AUTO_URL_PREFIX: # generate url prefix automatically url_prefix = gen_org_url_prefix(3) if url_prefix is None: messages.error(request, "Failed to create organization account, please try again later.") return render(request, 'organizations/org_register.html', { 'form': form, 'login_bg_image_path': login_bg_image_path, 'org_auto_url_prefix': ORG_AUTO_URL_PREFIX, }) post_data = request.POST.copy() post_data['url_prefix'] = url_prefix form = OrgRegistrationForm(post_data) if form.is_valid(): name = form.cleaned_data['name'] email = form.cleaned_data['email'] password = form.cleaned_data['<PASSWORD>'] org_name = form.cleaned_data['org_name'] url_prefix = form.cleaned_data['url_prefix'] new_user = User.objects.create_user(email, password, is_staff=False, is_active=True) create_org(org_name, url_prefix, new_user.username) new_org = get_org_by_url_prefix(url_prefix) org_created.send(sender=None, org=new_org) if name: Profile.objects.add_or_update(new_user.username, name) # login the user new_user.backend = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS[0] login(request, new_user) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('libraries')) else: form = OrgRegistrationForm() service_url = get_service_url() up = urlparse(service_url) service_url_scheme = up.scheme service_url_remaining = up.netloc + up.path return render(request, 'organizations/org_register.html', { 'form': form, 'login_bg_image_path': login_bg_image_path, 'service_url_scheme': service_url_scheme, 'service_url_remaining': service_url_remaining, 'org_auto_url_prefix': ORG_AUTO_URL_PREFIX, }) @login_required @org_staff_required def react_fake_view(request, **kwargs): group_id = kwargs.get('group_id', '') org = invitation_link = get_or_create_invitation_link(org.org_id) if ORG_ENABLE_ADMIN_INVITE_USER else '' # Whether use new page return render(request, "organizations/org_admin_react.html", { 'org': org, 'org_member_quota_enabled': ORG_MEMBER_QUOTA_ENABLED, 'group_id': group_id, 'invitation_link': invitation_link, }) @login_required def org_associate(request, token): """Associate user with coresponding org. Mainly used for new WeChat user on """ username = request.user.username # validate token org_id = cache.get('org_associate_%s' % token, -1) if org_id <= 0: return render_error(request, _('Invalid token.')) # get org info org = ccnet_api.get_org_by_id(org_id) if not org: return render_error(request, 'Invalid org id') # Log user in if he/she already belongs to any orgs. orgs = ccnet_api.get_orgs_by_user(username) if orgs: return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL) # check org member quota if ORG_MEMBER_QUOTA_ENABLED: from seahub.organizations.models import OrgMemberQuota org_members = len(ccnet_api.get_org_users_by_url_prefix(org.url_prefix, -1, -1)) org_members_quota = OrgMemberQuota.objects.get_quota(org_id) if org_members_quota is not None and org_members >= org_members_quota: return render_error(request, 'Above quota') set_org_user(org_id, username) return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)
<reponame>binfoo1993/torchdgl import argparse, time, math import numpy as np import networkx as nx import torch as th import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import dgl import dgl.function as fn from import register_data_args from import CoraGraphDataset, CiteseerGraphDataset, PubmedGraphDataset from import RedditDataset from torch_sparse import SparseTensor from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing from torch_sparse import matmul from typing import Optional th.classes.load_library("build/") AdjMatrix = th.classes.DGL.AdjMatrix def do_spmm(adj: AdjMatrix, op: str, reduce: str, ufeat : Optional[th.Tensor], efeat : Optional[th.Tensor]): return th.ops.DGL.GSpMM(adj, op, reduce, ufeat, efeat) scripted_spmm = th.jit.script(do_spmm) class GCNConv_pyg(MessagePassing): def __init__(self): super(GCNConv_pyg, self).__init__(aggr="add") def forward(self, x, edge_index): out = self.propagate(edge_index, x=x) return out def message(self, x_j): return x_j def message_and_aggregate(self, adj_t, x): return matmul(adj_t, x, reduce=self.aggr) pyg_spmm = GCNConv_pyg() def run_dgl(g, features): g.ndata["h"] = features g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src="h", out="m"), fn.sum(msg="m", out="h")) return g.ndata['h'] def run_pyg(edge_index, features): return pyg_spmm(features, edge_index) def run_script(adj, features): return scripted_spmm(adj, "copy_lhs", "sum", features, None) def main(args): # load and preprocess dataset if args.dataset == 'cora': data = CoraGraphDataset() elif args.dataset == 'citeseer': data = CiteseerGraphDataset() elif args.dataset == 'pubmed': data = PubmedGraphDataset() elif args.dataset == 'reddit': data = RedditDataset() else: raise ValueError('Unknown dataset: {}'.format(args.dataset)) g = data[0] if args.gpu < 0: cuda = False else: cuda = True g = features = g.ndata['feat'] in_feats = features.shape[1] n_classes = data.num_classes print("feature size: {}".format(in_feats)) # add self loop g = dgl.remove_self_loop(g) g = dgl.add_self_loop(g) n_edges = g.number_of_edges() src, dst = g.edges() edge_index = SparseTensor(row=src, col=dst, sparse_sizes=(g.number_of_nodes(), g.number_of_nodes())) adj = AdjMatrix(src, dst) runtime = 0.0 n = 1 if args.impl == "dgl": run_dgl(g, features) if args.gpu >= 0: th.cuda.synchronize() th.cuda.nvtx.range_push("spmm start") for _ in range(n): start_run = time.perf_counter() run_dgl(g, features) if args.gpu >= 0: th.cuda.synchronize() runtime += time.perf_counter() - start_run th.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() elif args.impl == "pyg": run_pyg(edge_index, features) if args.gpu >= 0: th.cuda.synchronize() for _ in range(n): start_run = time.perf_counter() run_pyg(edge_index, features) if args.gpu >= 0: th.cuda.synchronize() runtime += time.perf_counter() - start_run else: run_script(adj, features) if args.gpu >= 0: th.cuda.synchronize() for _ in range(n): start_run = time.perf_counter() run_script(adj, features) if args.gpu >= 0: th.cuda.synchronize() runtime += time.perf_counter() - start_run #print('Time (ms): {:.3f}'.format(runtime*1e3/n)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GCN') register_data_args(parser) parser.add_argument("--impl", type=str, default="dgl", help="use torch script or not") parser.add_argument("--gpu", type=int, default=-1, help="gpu") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) main(args)
""" Tests for attack.dictionaries module. """ import math import os import dataclasses import pytest import tempfile from typing import List from test_common.fs.ops import copy_files from test_common.fs.temp import temp_dir from cifra.attack.dictionaries import Dictionary, get_words_from_text, \ NotExistingLanguage, get_words_from_text_file, identify_language, \ IdentifiedLanguage, get_word_pattern, get_histogram_from_text_file MICRO_DICTIONARIES = { "english": ["yes", "no", "dog", "cat", "snake"], "spanish": ["si", "no", "perro", "gato"], "french": ["qui", "non", "chien", "chat"], "german": ["ja", "nein", "hund", "katze"] } TEXT_FILE_NAME = "text_to_load.txt" ENGLISH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever You may copy it give it away or re use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at""" ENGLISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """This eBook\n is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.You may copy it, give it\r\n away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at 2020""" SPANISH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """Todavía lo recuerdo como si aquello hubiera sucedido ayer llegó á las puertas de la posada estudiando su aspecto afanosa y atentamente seguido por su maleta que alguien conducía tras él en una carretilla de mano Era un hombre alto fuerte pesado con un moreno pronunciado color de avellana Su trenza ó coleta alquitranada le caía sobre los hombros de su nada limpia blusa marina Sus manos callosas destrozadas y llenas de cicatrices enseñaban las extremidades de unas uñas rotas y negruzcas Y su rostro moreno llevaba en una mejilla aquella gran cicatriz de sable sucia y de un color blanquizco lívido y repugnante Todavía lo recuerdo paseando su mirada investigadora en torno del cobertizo silbando mientras examinaba y prorrumpiendo en seguida en aquella antigua canción marina que tan á menudo le oí cantar después""" SPANISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """Todavía lo recuerdo como si aquello hubiera sucedido ayer: llegó á las puertas de la posada estudiando su aspecto, afanosa y atentamente, seguido por su maleta que alguien conducía tras él en una carretilla de mano. Era un hombre alto, fuerte, pesado, con un moreno pronunciado, color de avellana. Su trenza ó coleta alquitranada le caía sobre los hombros de su nada limpia blusa marina. Sus manos callosas, destrozadas y llenas de cicatrices enseñaban las extremidades de unas uñas rotas y negruzcas. Y su rostro moreno llevaba en una mejilla aquella gran cicatriz de sable, sucia y de un color blanquizco, lívido y repugnante. Todavía lo recuerdo, paseando su mirada investigadora en torno del cobertizo, silbando mientras examinaba y prorrumpiendo, en seguida, en aquella antigua canción marina que tan á menudo le oí cantar después:""" FRENCH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """Combien le lecteur tandis que commodément assis au coin de son feu il s amuse à feuilleter les pages d un roman combien il se rend peu compte des fatigues et des angoisses de l auteur Combien il néglige de se représenter les longues nuits de luttes contre des phrases rétives les séances de recherches dans les bibliothèques les correspondances avec d érudits et illisibles professeurs allemands en un mot tout l énorme échafaudage que l auteur a édifié et puis démoli simplement pour lui procurer à lui lecteur quelques instants de distraction au coin de son feu ou encore pour lui tempérer l ennui d une heure en wagon""" FRENCH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """Combien le lecteur,--tandis que, commodément assis au coin de son feu, il s'amuse à feuilleter les pages d'un roman,--combien il se rend peu compte des fatigues et des angoisses de l'auteur! Combien il néglige de se représenter les longues nuits de luttes contre des phrases rétives, les séances de recherches dans les bibliothèques, les correspondances avec d'érudits et illisibles professeurs allemands, en un mot tout l'énorme échafaudage que l'auteur a édifié et puis démoli, simplement pour lui procurer, à lui, lecteur, quelques instants de distraction au coin de son feu, ou encore pour lui tempérer l'ennui d'une heure en wagon!""" GERMAN_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """Da unser Gutsherr Mr Trelawney Dr Livesay und die übrigen Herren mich baten alle Einzelheiten über die Schatzinsel von Anfang bis zu Ende aufzuschreiben und nichts auszulassen als die Lage der Insel und auch die nur weil noch ungehobene Schätze dort liegen nehme ich im Jahre die Feder zur Hand und beginne bei der Zeit als mein Vater noch den Gasthof <NAME> hielt und jener dunkle alte Seemann mit dem Säbelhieb über der Wange unter unserem Dache Wohnung nahm""" GERMAN_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS = """Da unser Gutsherr, Mr. Trelawney, Dr. Livesay und die übrigen Herren mich baten, alle Einzelheiten über die Schatzinsel von Anfang bis zu Ende aufzuschreiben und nichts auszulassen als die Lage der Insel, und auch die nur, weil noch ungehobene Schätze dort liegen, nehme ich im Jahre 17.. die Feder zur Hand und beginne bei der Zeit, als mein Vater noch den Gasthof „<NAME>“ hielt und jener dunkle, alte Seemann mit dem Säbelhieb über der Wange unter unserem Dache Wohnung nahm.""" LANGUAGES = ["english", "spanish", "french", "german"] @dataclasses.dataclass class LoadedDictionaries: """Class with info to use a temporary dictionaries database.""" temp_dir: str languages: List[str] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def loaded_dictionaries() -> LoadedDictionaries: """Create a dictionaries database at a temp dir filled with four languages. Languages in database are: english, spanish, french and german. :return: Yields a LoadedDictionary fill info of temporal dictionaries database. """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: resources_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "resources") os.mkdir(resources_path) copy_files([f"cifra/tests/resources/{language}_book.txt" for language in LANGUAGES], resources_path) for language in LANGUAGES: with, create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as dictionary: language_book = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"resources/{language}_book.txt") dictionary.populate(language_book) yield LoadedDictionaries(temp_dir=temp_dir, languages=LANGUAGES) @pytest.fixture() def loaded_dictionary_temp_dir(tmp_path): """Create a dictionary at a temp dir filled with only a handful of words. :return: Yields created temp_dir to host temporal dictionary database. """ # Load test data. for language, words in MICRO_DICTIONARIES.items(): with, create=True, _database_path=tmp_path) as language_dictionary: _ = [language_dictionary.add_word(word) for word in words] # Check all words are stored at database: for language, words in MICRO_DICTIONARIES.items(): with, _database_path=tmp_path) as language_dictionary: assert all(language_dictionary.word_exists(word) for word in words) yield tmp_path @pytest.fixture(params=[(ENGLISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, ENGLISH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, "english"), (SPANISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, SPANISH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, "spanish"), (FRENCH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, FRENCH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, "french"), (GERMAN_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, GERMAN_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, "german")], ids=["english", "spanish", "french", "german"]) def temporary_text_file(temp_dir, request): temporary_text_file_pathname = os.path.join(temp_dir, TEXT_FILE_NAME) with open(temporary_text_file_pathname, "w") as text_file: text_file.write(request.param[0]) text_file.flush() yield text_file, request.param[1], request.param[2], temp_dir @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_open_not_existing_dictionary(temp_dir): with pytest.raises(NotExistingLanguage): with"english", _database_path=temp_dir) as _: pass @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_open_existing_dictionary(temp_dir): # Create not existing language. with"english", create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as _: pass # Open newly created language with"english", _database_path=temp_dir) as english_dictionary: assert english_dictionary._already_created() @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_cwd_word(temp_dir): """Test if we can check for word existence, write a new word and finally delete it.""" word = "test" with"english", create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as english_dictionary: assert not english_dictionary.word_exists(word) english_dictionary.add_word(word) assert english_dictionary.word_exists(word) english_dictionary.remove_word(word) assert not english_dictionary.word_exists(word) @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_store_word_pattern(temp_dir): """Test word pattern is properly stored at database.""" word = "classification" with"test", create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as test_dictionary: assert not test_dictionary.word_exists(word) test_dictionary.add_word(word) assert test_dictionary.word_exists(word) words = test_dictionary.get_words_with_pattern("") assert word in words @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_create_language(temp_dir): """Test a new language creation at database.""" english_dictionary = Dictionary("english", database_path=temp_dir) english_dictionary._open() assert not english_dictionary._already_created() english_dictionary._create_dictionary() assert english_dictionary._already_created() english_dictionary._close() @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_delete_language(loaded_dictionary_temp_dir): """Test delete a language also removes its words.""" language_to_remove = "german" Dictionary.remove_dictionary(language_to_remove, _database_path=loaded_dictionary_temp_dir) # Check all words from removed language have been removed too. not_existing_dictionary = Dictionary(language_to_remove, loaded_dictionary_temp_dir) not_existing_dictionary._open() assert all(not not_existing_dictionary.word_exists(word, _testing=True) for word in MICRO_DICTIONARIES[language_to_remove]) not_existing_dictionary._close() @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_get_words_from_text_file(temporary_text_file): text_file = temporary_text_file[0].name text_without_punctuation_marks = temporary_text_file[1] expected_set = set(text_without_punctuation_marks.lower().split()) returned_set = get_words_from_text_file(text_file) assert expected_set == returned_set @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_populate_words_from_text_files(temporary_text_file): text_file = temporary_text_file[0].name text_without_punctuation_marks = temporary_text_file[1] current_language = temporary_text_file[2] temp_dir = temporary_text_file[3] expected_set = set(text_without_punctuation_marks.lower().split()) with, create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as current_dictionary: current_dictionary.populate(text_file) with, _database_path=temp_dir) as current_dictionary: for word in expected_set: assert current_dictionary.word_exists(word) @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_populate_database_histogram_from_text_file(temp_dir): text_file_pathname = "cifra/tests/resources/english_book.txt" with"english", create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as current_dictionary: current_dictionary.populate(text_file_pathname) with"english", create=False, _database_path=temp_dir) as current_dictionary: assert current_dictionary.letter_histogram["e"] == 35127 assert current_dictionary.letter_histogram["t"] == 26406 assert current_dictionary.letter_histogram["a"] == 24684 assert current_dictionary.letter_histogram["o"] == 22983 @pytest.mark.quick_test @pytest.mark.parametrize("text_with_punctuation_marks,text_without_punctuation_marks", [(ENGLISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, ENGLISH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS), (SPANISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, SPANISH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS), (FRENCH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, FRENCH_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS), (GERMAN_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, GERMAN_TEXT_WITHOUT_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS)], ids=["english", "spanish", "french", "german"]) def test_get_words_from_text(text_with_punctuation_marks: str, text_without_punctuation_marks: str): expected_set = set(text_without_punctuation_marks.lower().split()) returned_set = get_words_from_text(text_with_punctuation_marks) assert expected_set == returned_set @pytest.mark.slow_test def test_get_dictionaries_names(loaded_dictionaries: LoadedDictionaries): dictionaries_names = Dictionary.get_available_languages(_database_path=loaded_dictionaries.temp_dir) assert dictionaries_names == loaded_dictionaries.languages @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_get_word_pattern(): word = "HGHHU" expected_word_pattern = "" word_pattern = get_word_pattern(word) assert word_pattern == expected_word_pattern @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_add_multiple_words(temp_dir): language = "english" with, create=True, _database_path=temp_dir) as dictionary: assert all(not dictionary.word_exists(word) for word in MICRO_DICTIONARIES[language]) dictionary.add_multiple_words(MICRO_DICTIONARIES[language]) assert all(dictionary.word_exists(word) for word in MICRO_DICTIONARIES[language]) @pytest.mark.slow_test @pytest.mark.parametrize("text,language", [(ENGLISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, "english"), (SPANISH_TEXT_WITH_PUNCTUATIONS_MARKS, "spanish")], ids=["english", "spanish"]) def test_identify_language(loaded_dictionaries: LoadedDictionaries, text: str, language: str): identified_language = identify_language(text, loaded_dictionaries.temp_dir) assert identified_language.winner == language assert identified_language.winner_probability == 1.0 @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_get_letter_histogram_from_text_file(): language_histogram = get_histogram_from_text_file("cifra/tests/resources/english_book.txt") assert language_histogram["e"] == 35127 assert language_histogram["t"] == 26406 assert language_histogram["a"] == 24684 assert language_histogram["o"] == 22983 @pytest.mark.quick_test def test_get_all_words(loaded_dictionary_temp_dir): expected_words = ["yes", "no", "dog", "cat", "snake"] with"english", False, _database_path=loaded_dictionary_temp_dir) as dictionary: returned_words = dictionary.get_all_words() assert set(returned_words) == set(expected_words)
<filename>src/bxcommon/feed/ from typing import Callable, Dict import pycond as pc from bxutils import logging logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) pc.ops_use_symbolic_and_txt(allow_single_eq=True) def get_validator(filter_string: str) -> Callable[[Dict], bool]: logger.trace("Getting validator for filters {}", filter_string) res = pc.qualify(filter_string.lower(), brkts="()", add_cached=True) return res
<filename> import glob import shutil import subprocess import os import sys import argparse # Read and save metadata from file def exiftool_metadata(path): metadata = {} exifToolPath = 'exifTool.exe' ''' use Exif tool to get the metadata ''' process = subprocess.Popen( [ exifToolPath, path ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True ) ''' get the tags in dict ''' for tag in process.stdout: tag = tag.strip() key = tag[:tag.find(':')].strip() value = tag[tag.find(':') + 1:].strip() metadata[key] = value return metadata class File: def __init__(self, path): self.metadata = exiftool_metadata(path) def _get_file_metadata(self, key, no=''): if key in self.metadata: return self.metadata[key] else: return no def copyCore(self, source, dst_dir: str, copy_duplicate=False): logs = [] # if value of metadata not exists - folder name no_metadata = 'none' date = File._get_file_metadata(self, 'Date/Time Original') if date == '': date = File._get_file_metadata(self, 'Create Date', no_metadata) mime_type = File._get_file_metadata(self, 'MIME Type', no_metadata) dst_dir += f'''/{mime_type[:mime_type.find('/')]}/{date[:4]}/{date[5:7]}''' filename = File._get_file_metadata(self, 'File Name') f_name = filename dst = dst_dir + '/' + filename # File with the same name exists in dst. If source and dst have same size then determines 'copy_exists' if os.path.isfile(dst): i = 0 f_pth = File(dst) if_same_size: bool = f_pth._get_file_metadata("File Size") == File._get_file_metadata(self, 'File Size') if (not if_same_size) or copy_duplicate: while os.path.isfile(dst): filename = f'''{f_name[:f_name.find('.')]}_D{str(i)}.{File._get_file_metadata(self, 'File Type Extension')}''' dst = f'''{dst_dir}/{filename}''' i = i + 1 if if_same_size: logs.append(f"Warning: file already exists but I must copy all files" f" [copy_duplicate={copy_duplicate}], so I try do it ...") else: logs.append(f"Warning: file already exists but have other size, so I try copy it ...") else: logs.append(f"Warning: file already duplicate [copy_exists={copy_duplicate}]." f"\nCopy aboard: {source} -> {dst}") return logs try: if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) logs.append(f"New directory created: {dst_dir}") shutil.copy(source, dst) logs.append(f'''Copy done: {source} -> {dst}''') except Exception as e: logs.append(f'''Copy error [{e}]: {source} -> {dst}''') return logs def main(): # Arguments from console parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s', help="Obligatory: source directory path") parser.add_argument('-d', help="Obligatory: destination folder path") parser.add_argument('-e', help="Obligatory: copy duplicate files (T/True/F/False)") args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # Setup variable source_dir = args.s dst_dir = args.d df = { "T": True, "TRUE": True, "F": False, "FALSE": False } try: copy_duplicate = df.get(args.e.upper(), False) except AttributeError: copy_duplicate = False print(f" error: unrecognized arguments. Use -h or --help to see options") exit(1) # Number of log l_lpm = 0 # source_dir = 'C:/Users' # dst_dir = 'C:/Users' # copy_duplicate = False for f_inx, source in enumerate(glob.glob(source_dir + '/**/*.*', recursive=True)): try: f = File(source) print("----------") for log in f.copyCore(source, dst_dir, copy_duplicate): l_lpm = l_lpm + 1 print(f'''{str(l_lpm)}.{f_inx + 1}) {log}''') except Exception as e: print(f'Copy error [{e}]: {source}') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>hwtLib/tests/types/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct from hwt.hdl.types.union import HUnion from hwtLib.types.ctypes import uint8_t, uint16_t, int8_t, uint32_t from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask class UnionTC(unittest.TestCase): def test_assertMembersSameSize(self): t = HUnion( (uint8_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), (uint8_t, "c"), (uint8_t, "d"), ) self.assertEqual(t.bit_length(), 8) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): HUnion( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), ) def test_assertNoPadding(self): with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): HUnion( (uint8_t, None), (uint8_t, "b"), ) def test_value_simple(self): t = HUnion( (uint8_t, "unsigned"), (int8_t, "signed"), ) v = t.from_py(None) v.unsigned = mask(8) self.assertEqual(int(v.signed), -1) v.signed = 0 self.assertEqual(int(v.unsigned), 0) def test_value_struct_and_bits(self): t = HUnion( (uint16_t, "bits"), (HStruct( (uint8_t, "lower"), (uint8_t, "upper"), ), "struct"), ) v = t.from_py(None) v.struct.upper = 1 self.assertEqual(v.bits.val, 1 << 8) self.assertEqual(v.bits.vld_mask, mask(8) << 8) v.struct.lower = 1 self.assertEqual(v.bits.val, (1 << 8) | 1) self.assertEqual(v.bits.vld_mask, mask(16)) v.bits = 2 self.assertEqual(int(v.struct.lower), 2) self.assertEqual(int(v.struct.upper), 0) def test_value_array_and_bits(self): t = HUnion( (uint32_t, "bits"), (uint8_t[4], "arr"), ) v = t.from_py(None) b = (4 << (3 * 8)) | (3 << (2 * 8)) | (2 << 8) | 1 v.bits = b for i, item in enumerate(v.arr): self.assertEqual(int(item), i + 1) self.assertEqual(int(v.bits), b) def test_value_array_toArray(self): t = HUnion( (uint16_t[2], "arr16b"), (int8_t[4], "arr8b"), ) v = t.from_py(None) for i in range(len(v.arr16b)): v.arr16b[i] = i + 1 for i, item in enumerate(v.arr8b): if (i + 1) % 2 == 0: v = 0 else: v = i // 2 + 1 self.assertEqual(int(item), v) def test_value_array_of_struct_to_bits(self): t = HUnion( (HStruct( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), )[3], "arr"), (Bits(24 * 3), "bits") ) v = t.from_py(None) for i in range(len(v.arr)): v.arr[i] = {"a": i + 1, "b": (i + 1) * 3 } self.assertEqual(int(v.bits), 1 | 3 << 16 | 2 << 24 | 6 << (24 + 16) | 3 << (2 * 24) | 9 << (2 * 24 + 16)) def test_hunion_type_eq(self): t0 = HUnion( (HStruct( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), )[3], "arr"), (Bits(24 * 3), "bits") ) t1 = HUnion( (HStruct( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), )[3], "arr"), (Bits(24 * 3), "bits") ) self.assertEqual(t0, t1) self.assertEqual(t1, t0) t1 = HUnion( (Bits(24 * 3), "bits"), (HStruct( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), )[3], "arr") ) self.assertEqual(t0, t1) self.assertEqual(t1, t0) t1 = HUnion( (uint32_t, "bits"), (uint8_t[4], "arr"), ) self.assertNotEqual(t0, t1) self.assertNotEqual(t1, t0) t1 = HUnion( (Bits(24 * 3), "bbits"), (HStruct( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), )[3], "arr") ) self.assertNotEqual(t0, t1) self.assertNotEqual(t1, t0) t1 = Bits(24 * 3) self.assertNotEqual(t0, t1) self.assertNotEqual(t1, t0) t1 = HUnion( (Bits(24 * 3, signed=False), "bits"), (HStruct( (uint16_t, "a"), (uint8_t, "b"), )[3], "arr") ) self.assertNotEqual(t0, t1) self.assertNotEqual(t1, t0) if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestSuite() # suite.addTest(UnionTC('testValue')) suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(UnionTC)) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3)
<reponame>albertjuntak04/ditenun-web-1 #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # GUI module generated by PAGE version 4.14 # In conjunction with Tcl version 8.6 # Jun 21, 2018 09:40:52 AM import sys from imutils import paths import cv2 from PIL import Image as PilImage from PIL import ImageTk from tkinter import filedialog try: from Tkinter import * except ImportError: from tkinter import * try: import ttk py3 = False except ImportError: import tkinter.ttk as ttk py3 = True import blurdetectiongui_support def vp_start_gui(): '''Starting point when module is the main routine.''' global val, w, root root = Tk() top = New_Toplevel (root) blurdetectiongui_support.init(root, top) root.mainloop() w = None def create_New_Toplevel(root, *args, **kwargs): '''Starting point when module is imported by another program.''' global w, w_win, rt rt = root w = Toplevel (root) top = New_Toplevel (w) blurdetectiongui_support.init(w, top, *args, **kwargs) return (w, top) def destroy_New_Toplevel(): global w w.destroy() w = None class New_Toplevel: def blurDetection(self): image = cv2.imread(self.pembuka) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) fm = cv2.Laplacian(gray, cv2.CV_64F).var() # filename = image.filename hasil = "Blurry" # if the focus measure is less than the supplied threshold, # then the image should be considered "blurry" if fm > 400: hasil = "Improve" if fm > 1500: hasil = "Good" self.Label4.configure(text='{:.2f}'.format(fm)) self.Label2.configure(text=hasil) def srcImage(self): tipeFile = (('image files', '*.jpg'), ('png files', '*.png'), ('all files', '*')) self.pembuka = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=tipeFile) print(self.pembuka) self.image = cv2.imread(self.pembuka) self.image = cv2.cvtColor(self.image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) self.image = cv2.resize(self.image,(300,300)) self.image = PilImage.fromarray(self.image) self.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.image) self.Label1.configure(image=self.image) self.Label1.image = self.image def __init__(self, top=None): '''This class configures and populates the toplevel window. top is the toplevel containing window.''' _bgcolor = '#d9d9d9' # X11 color: 'gray85' _fgcolor = '#000000' # X11 color: 'black' _compcolor = '#d9d9d9' # X11 color: 'gray85' _ana1color = '#d9d9d9' # X11 color: 'gray85' _ana2color = '#d9d9d9' # X11 color: 'gray85' font10 = "-family {Segoe UI} -size 9 -weight bold -slant roman" \ " -underline 0 -overstrike 0" font9 = "-family {Segoe UI} -size 14 -weight bold -slant roman" \ " -underline 0 -overstrike 0" top.geometry("600x450+317+152") top.title("New Toplevel") top.configure(background="#d9d9d9") top.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") top.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Button1 = Button(top), rely=0.71, height=34, width=97) self.Button1.configure(activebackground="#d9d9d9") self.Button1.configure(activeforeground="#000000") self.Button1.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Button1.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Button1.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Button1.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Button1.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Button1.configure(pady="0") self.Button1.configure(text='''Select Image''') self.Button1.configure(command=self.srcImage) self.Button2 = Button(top), rely=0.71, height=34, width=97) self.Button2.configure(activebackground="#d9d9d9") self.Button2.configure(activeforeground="#000000") self.Button2.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Button2.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Button2.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Button2.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Button2.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Button2.configure(pady="0") self.Button2.configure(text='''Check Blur''') self.Button2.configure(command=self.blurDetection) self.Label1 = Label(top), rely=0.22, height=251, width=234) self.Label1.configure(activebackground="#f9f9f9") self.Label1.configure(activeforeground="black") self.Label1.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Label1.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Label1.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Label1.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Label1.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Label1.configure(text='''Ulos Image''') self.Label2 = Label(top), rely=0.39, height=21, width=74) self.Label2.configure(activebackground="#f9f9f9") self.Label2.configure(activeforeground="black") self.Label2.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Label2.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Label2.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Label2.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Label2.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Label3 = Label(top), rely=0.04, height=41, width=324) self.Label3.configure(activebackground="#f9f9f9") self.Label3.configure(activeforeground="black") self.Label3.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Label3.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Label3.configure(font=font9) self.Label3.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Label3.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Label3.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Label3.configure(text='''Blur Detection Demo''') self.Label4 = Label(top), rely=0.27, height=31, width=74) self.Label4.configure(activebackground="#f9f9f9") self.Label4.configure(activeforeground="black") self.Label4.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Label4.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Label4.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Label4.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Label4.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Label5 = Label(top), rely=0.28, height=21, width=64) self.Label5.configure(activebackground="#f9f9f9") self.Label5.configure(activeforeground="black") self.Label5.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Label5.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Label5.configure(font=font10) self.Label5.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Label5.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Label5.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Label5.configure(text='''Blur Value''') self.Label6 = Label(top), rely=0.38, height=21, width=54) self.Label6.configure(activebackground="#f9f9f9") self.Label6.configure(activeforeground="black") self.Label6.configure(background="#d9d9d9") self.Label6.configure(disabledforeground="#a3a3a3") self.Label6.configure(font=font10) self.Label6.configure(foreground="#000000") self.Label6.configure(highlightbackground="#d9d9d9") self.Label6.configure(highlightcolor="black") self.Label6.configure(text='''Category''') if __name__ == '__main__': vp_start_gui()
<gh_stars>0 def to_braket(array): """ helper for pretty printing """ state = [] basis = ('|00>', '|10>', '|01>', '|11>') for im, base_state in zip(array, basis): if im: if abs(im.imag)>0.001: state.append(f'{im.real:.1f}{base_state}') else: state.append(f'({im:.1f}){base_state}') return " + ".join(state)
<gh_stars>1-10 if _: l = 2 else: l = []
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun May 14 13:54:22 2017 @author: <NAME> @ Gilmour group @ EMBL Heidelberg @descript: Functions for converting fluorescence intensity distributions into a point cloud representation and then register them to the image frame. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Imports # Standard external imports from __future__ import division import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import scipy.ndimage as ndi import sys, os # Other external imports from sklearn.decomposition import PCA #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Function for landmark extraction def generate_pcl(image, nHits, adjust_power=1, replace=False, seed=None): # Seed random number generator if seed: np.random.seed(seed) # Normalize to a total intensity of 1 normed = image.astype(np.float) / np.sum(image) # Draw from distribution (without replacement) indx_arr = np.arange(normed.flatten().shape[0]) hits_arr = np.random.choice(indx_arr, size=nHits, replace=replace, p=normed.flatten()) # Unravel flat index hits array hits = np.array(np.unravel_index(hits_arr,np.shape(normed))).T # Return result return hits #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Main function def point_cloud_pipeline(stack, ref_stack, fpath, fname, res, num_LMs=500, verbose=False, show=False): """Pipeline that extracts and aligns point clouds from intensity distributions. Parameters ---------- stack : 3D numpy image Intensity distribution to convert to point cloud. ref_stack : 3D numpy image Intensity distribution reflecting overall tissue shape (usually the membranes). Used for aligning the cloud to the image frame and normalizing z. fpath : string Path of the source image file corresponding to the input stack. Used to find matching metadata. fname : list of strings File name of the source image file corresponding to the input stack. Used to find matching metadata. res : list of floats Pixel size in each dimension: [z, y, x]. Returns ------- lms : numpy array of shape (num_LMs, 3) Landmark coordinates in the image space (zyx). lms_tf : numpy array of shape (num_LMs, 3) Aligned and z-normalized landmark coordinates(zyx). lum_dist_lms : numpy array of shape (num_LMs) Euclidean distance of landmarks to the lumen. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Run landmark assignment # Run landmark assignment lms = generate_pcl(stack, num_LMs, seed=42) ref_lms = generate_pcl(ref_stack, num_LMs, seed=42) # Change from pixels to um lms = lms * np.array(res) ref_lms = ref_lms * np.array(res) # Plot results if show: plt.scatter(lms[:,2], lms[:,1], c=lms[:,0], cmap='viridis') plt.title('Channel landmarks in image frame') plt.scatter(ref_lms[:,2], ref_lms[:,1], c=ref_lms[:,0], cmap='viridis') plt.title('Reference landmarks in image frame') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Cloud alignment via PCA # Prep pca = PCA() # Fit PCA model to data # Ensure that the sign of PCs is consistent with the image frame # Note: Given that the images are always acquired in the same orientations, # a matching orientation can be ensured by finding the highest # contributing image axis for each PC, and invert the PC if that # contribution is negative. In other words, one ensures for each PC # that the highest-contributing image axis is positively correlated # with the PC. # Find highest contributions of image axes to each PC # Note: This asks "which image axis contributes the most to this PC?" max_weights = np.argmax(np.abs(pca.components_),axis=1) # Get the signs of the highest contributions signs = np.sign(pca.components_[np.arange(pca.components_.shape[0]),max_weights]) # Using the signs, flip those PCs where the sign is negative pca.components_ = pca.components_ * signs[:, np.newaxis] # Match the order of PCs to the order of image dimensions (zyx) # Note: Following the transform, the PCs will be sorted according to # explained variance. Instead, they should be sorted in order of the # highest contributing image dimension. # Find indices for zyx-sorting of transformed data # Note: This asks "which PC is most contributed to by this image axis?" zyx_sort = np.argmax(np.abs(pca.components_),axis=0) # Transform landmarks, sort according to zyx lms_tf = pca.transform(lms)[:,zyx_sort] ref_lms_tf = pca.transform(ref_lms)[:,zyx_sort] # Get PCs and explained variance to report PCs = np.copy(pca.components_.T) PCvars = np.copy(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) # Print results if verbose: print '\n PCs:' print ' ', str(PCs).replace('\n','\n ') print ' Explained variance:' print ' ', str(PCvars) # Plot results if show: plt.scatter(lms_tf[:,2], lms_tf[:,1], c=lms_tf[:,0], cmap='viridis') plt.title('Channel landmarks in matched frame') plt.scatter(ref_lms_tf[:,2], ref_lms_tf[:,1], c=ref_lms_tf[:,0], cmap='viridis') plt.title('Reference landmarks in matched frame') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Normalize z ### scaling the 1st and 99th percentile to 0 and 1, respectively. # Get percentiles mem_bot = np.percentile(ref_lms_tf[:,0],1) mem_top = np.percentile(ref_lms_tf[:,0],99) # Scale lms_tf[:,0] = (lms_tf[:,0] - mem_bot) / (mem_top - mem_bot) ref_lms_tf[:,0] = (ref_lms_tf[:,0] - mem_bot) / (mem_top - mem_bot) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Additional Measure: Distance from Lumen # Import lumen data lumen = 'none' with open(os.path.join(fpath, r"metadata.txt"),"r") as infile: for line in infile.readlines(): line = line.strip() line = line.split('\t') if line[0] in fname: lumen = np.array([int(value) for value in line[1:4]]) break if lumen is 'none': raise Exception("Appropriate lumen metadata not found. Aborting!") # Change from pixels to resolution lumen = lumen * np.array(res) # Get Euclidean distance from lumen lum_dist_lms = np.sqrt(np.sum((lms-lumen)**2.0, axis=1)) # Transform to PCA space lumen_tf = pca.transform(lumen.reshape(1,-1))[:,zyx_sort].squeeze() # Normalization of z lumen_tf[0] = (lumen_tf[0] - mem_bot) / (mem_top - mem_bot) # Report if verbose: print ' Lumen (raw & tf):' print ' ', lumen print ' ', lumen_tf # Plot to double-check if show: plt.scatter(ref_lms[:,2], ref_lms[:,1], c=ref_lms[:,0], cmap='viridis') plt.scatter(lumen[2], lumen[1], c='r', s=100) plt.title('Reference landmarks in image frame (with lumen)') plt.scatter(ref_lms_tf[:,2], ref_lms_tf[:,1], c=ref_lms_tf[:,0], cmap='viridis') plt.scatter(lumen_tf[2], lumen_tf[1], c='r', s=100) plt.title('Reference landmarks in matched frame (with lumen)') #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Return results return lms, lms_tf, lum_dist_lms #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lesson 1. Introduction to Python/
<reponame>jonblower/python-viz-intro # A simple Python script that illustrates some of the concepts of # variable assignment, loops, conditionals, functions and testing # Load into SciTE and run by pressing F5 # Or rwith "python" # Variable assignment temperature = 5.0 # a floating-point (decimal) number numberOfLegs = 2 # an integer (whole number) name = "Jon" # a string # Conditionals if temperature < 0.0: print "It's freezing!" elif temperature > 30.0: print "It's hot! (If you're British)" else: print "Not too hot, not too cold" # Note: there is no "end if" # Loops print "Here are the numbers from 0 to 9:" for i in range(10): print i print "Here's another (longer) way to print the same thing" i = 0 while i < 10: print i i = i + 1 # Define a function that constrains a value of longitude (in degrees) to be in the range # [-180:180] def lon180(lon): lon = lon % 360 # The % symbol means "modulo" if lon > 180: return lon - 360 else: return lon # Here's a function that tests the above routine. It calls lon180 and checks # the answer is as expected def testLon180(lon, expected): actual = lon180(lon) # str(number) converts a number to a string print "lon180(" + str(lon) + ") = " + str(actual) + ". Expected = " + str(expected) # Here's another way to print the same information, using something like C's # C's printf statement #print "lon180(%f) = %f. Expected = %f" % (lon, actual, expected) # Now test the function. You can probably think of lots more tests testLon180(-180, 180) testLon180(360, 0) testLon180(-190, 170)
# Hack 1: InfoDB lists. Build your own/personalized InfoDb with a list length > 3, create list within a list as illustrated with Owns_Cars blue = "\033[34m" white = "\033[37m" InfoDb = [] # List with dictionary records placed in a list InfoDb.append({ "FirstName": "Michael", "LastName": "Chen", "DOB": "December 1", "Residence": "San Diego", "Email": "<EMAIL>", "Owns_Cars":["2016 Ford Focus EV", "2019 Honda Pilot"] }) InfoDb.append({ "FirstName": "Ethan", "LastName": "Vo", "DOB": "Not Born", "Residence": "The Moon", "Email": "<EMAIL>", "Owns_Cars":["Broken Down Golf Cart"] }) InfoDb.append({ "FirstName": "Anirudh", "LastName": "Ramachandran", "DOB": "August 18", "Residence": "Uranus", "Email": "<EMAIL>", "Owns_Cars":["Can't Even Drive"] }) # given an index this will print InfoDb content def print_data(n): print(InfoDb[n]["FirstName"], InfoDb[n]["LastName"]) # using comma puts space between values print("\t", "Cars: ", end="") # \t is a tab indent, end="" make sure no return occurs print(", ".join(InfoDb[n]["Owns_Cars"])) # join allows printing a string list with separator print() # Hack 2: InfoDB loops. Print values from the lists using three different ways: for, while, recursion ## hack 2a: def for_loop() ## hack 2b: def while_loop(0) ## hack 2c : def recursive_loop(0) def for_loop(): for x in range(len(InfoDb)): # print(InfoDb[x]) print_data(x) def while_loop(x): while x < len(InfoDb): # print(InfoDb[x]) print_data(x) x += 1 def recursive_loop(x): if x < len(InfoDb): # print(InfoDb[x]) print_data(x) recursive_loop(x + 1) # hack 3: fibonnaci def fibonacci(n): if n == 0: return 0 # for 0 elif n == 1: return 1 # for 1 else: return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2) # recursion def tester2(): try: num = int(input("Term of Fibonacci Sequence: ")) # user input # check if the number is negative if num < 0: print("You tested negative for COVID-19! Unfortunately, we only accept postive values at this Wendy's") # negative input else: print(num, "terms of the Fibonacci Sequence:") for i in range(num): print(fibonacci(i), end=" ")# list 0-n print() except: print("INTEGER INTEGER INTEGER WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING") # non-integer input # tester2() def tester(): print(blue + "For loop" + white) for_loop() print(blue + "While loop" + white) while_loop(0) # requires initial index to start while print(blue + "Recursive loop" + white) recursive_loop(0) # requires initial index to start recursion # tester2() # exit() # hack3() # tester()
import contextlib import contextvars import logging import os import sys from typing import Iterator _logging_prefix: contextvars.ContextVar[str] = contextvars.ContextVar( "logging_prefix", default="", ) @contextlib.contextmanager def logging_prefix(prefix: str) -> Iterator[str]: token = _logging_prefix.set(prefix) try: yield prefix finally: _logging_prefix.reset(token) def _remove_all_handlers() -> None: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) def _context_filter(record) -> int: record.prefix = _logging_prefix.get() record.environment = os.getenv("HOSTNAME", "dev") return True class _MultilineFormatter(logging.Formatter): def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord): save_msg = str(record.msg) output = [] for line in save_msg.splitlines(): record.msg = line output.append(super().format(record)) output_str = "\n".join(output) record.msg = save_msg record.message = output_str return output_str def initialize_logger() -> None: # TODO(erez): change to force=True once we update python version to 3.8. _remove_all_handlers() formatter = _MultilineFormatter( "[%(environment)s] [%(prefix)s] [%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d] [%(levelname)-8s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s", datefmt="%d-%m-%Y:%H:%M:%S", ) stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) stdout_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stdout_handler.addFilter(_context_filter) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, handlers=[stdout_handler]) # This needs to be before other imports otherwise not logging to stdout for some reason. initialize_logger()
import json import os import time import urllib.parse import urllib.request import pandas as pd import pathlib #ルートディレクトリの設定(dataディレクトリ ) root_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent #都道府県一覧の取得 c = os.path.join(root_dir, 'codes/preflist.json') with open(c) as j: prefList = json.load(j) #市区町村一覧の取得 c = os.path.join(root_dir, 'codes/citylist.json') with open(c) as j: cityList = json.load(j) #環境変数からESRAT-APPIDを取得 from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() ESTAT_APPID = os.getenv('ESTAT_APPID') #estatAPIのパラメータセット(都道府県) def setEstatParams(params,type): #appIdの設定 p = {'appId':ESTAT_APPID} # params['appId']=ESTAT_APPID #cdAreaの設定 if type == 'prefecture' or type == 'prefectureRank': prefCodes = [d.get('prefCode') for d in prefList['result']] prefCodesStr = [f'{n:02}'+'000' for n in prefCodes] # print(prefCodesStr) p['cdArea'] = ','.join(prefCodesStr) if type == 'city' or type == 'cityRank': cityCodes = [d.get('cityCode') for d in cityList['result']] p['cdArea'] = ','.join(cityCodes) # print(cityCodes) #statsDataIdの設定 p['statsDataId'] = params['statsDataId'] if('cdCat01' in params): p['cdCat01'] = ','.join([d for d in params['cdCat01']]) return p #estatAPIのレスポンス取得 def getEstatAPIResponse(params): # print(params) url = '' url += urllib.parse.urlencode(params) # print(url) with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response: return json.loads( def saveJson(data,downloadPath,**kwargs): print('...Saving ' + downloadPath) with open(downloadPath, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, **kwargs)
<filename>lib/ansible/modules/cloud/alicloud/ #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2017 Alibaba Group Holding Limited. <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: ali_eip_facts version_added: "2.8" short_description: Gather facts about Elastic IP addresses in Alibaba Cloud description: - Gather facts about Elastic IP addresses in Alibaba Cloud options: eip_ids: description: - A list of EIP IDs that exist in your account. aliases: ['ids'] name_prefix: description: - Use a name prefix to filter EIPs. ip_address_prefix: description: - Use a ip address prefix to filter EIPs. aliases: ['ip_prefix'] filters: description: - A dict of filters to apply. Each dict item consists of a filter key and a filter value. The filter keys can be all of request parameters. See U( for parameter details. Filter keys can be same as request parameter name or be lower case and use underscore ("_") or dashes ("-") to connect different words in one parameter. 'AllocationId' will be appended to I(eip_ids) automatically. author: - "<NAME> (@xiaozhu36)" requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - "footmark >= 1.9.0" extends_documentation_fragment: - alicloud ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the Alibaba Cloud Guide for details. # Gather facts about all EIPs - ali_eip_facts: # Gather facts about a particular EIP - ali_eip_facts: eip_ids: - eip-xxxxxxx - eip-yyyyyyy filters: status: Available # Gather facts about a particular EIP - ali_eip_facts: filters: associated_instance_type: EcsInstance # Gather facts based on ip_address_prefix - ali_eip_facts: ip_address_prefix: 72.16 ''' RETURN = ''' eips: description: List of matching elastic ip addresses returned: always type: complex contains: allocation_id: description: The EIP id returned: always type: string sample: "eip-2zee1nu68juox4" allocation_time: description: The time the EIP was created returned: always type: string sample: "2018-12-31T12:12:52Z" bandwidth: description: Maximum bandwidth from the internet network returned: always type: int sample: 5 charge_type: description: The eip charge type. returned: always type: string sample: "PostPaid" description: description: interface description returned: always type: string sample: "My new EIP" id: description: Allocated EIP id (alias for allocation_id) returned: always type: string sample: "eip-2zee1nu68juox4" instance_id: description: Associated instance id returned: always type: string sample: "i-123456" instance_region_id: description: The region id in which the associated instance returned: always type: string sample: "cn-beijing" instance_type: description: Associated instance type returned: always type: string sample: "EcsInstance" internet_charge_type: description: The EIP charge type. returned: always type: string sample: "PayByTraffic" ip_address: description: The IP address of the EIP returned: always type: string sample: "" name: description: The EIP name returned: always type: string sample: "from-ansible" status: description: The EIP status returned: always type: string sample: "inuse" tags: description: Any tags assigned to the EIP. returned: always type: dict sample: {} ids: description: List of elastic ip address IDs returned: always type: list sample: [eip-12345er, eip-3245fs] ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.alicloud_ecs import ecs_argument_spec, vpc_connect HAS_FOOTMARK = False try: from footmark.exception import ECSResponseError HAS_FOOTMARK = True except ImportError: HAS_FOOTMARK = False def main(): argument_spec = ecs_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( eip_ids=dict(type='list', aliases=['ids']), name_prefix=dict(), ip_address_prefix=dict(type='str', aliases=['ip_prefix']), filters=dict(type='dict'), ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) if HAS_FOOTMARK is False: module.fail_json(msg='footmark required for the module ali_eip_facts') eips = [] ids = [] eip_ids = module.params["eip_ids"] if not eip_ids: eip_ids = [] filters = module.params["filters"] if not filters: filters = {} new_filters = {} for key, value in filters.items(): if str(key).lower().replace("-").replace("_") == "allocationid" and value not in eip_ids: eip_ids.append(value) continue new_filters[key] = value name_prefix = module.params["name_prefix"] address_prefix = module.params["ip_address_prefix"] try: for eip in vpc_connect(module).describe_eip_addresses(**new_filters): if name_prefix and not str( continue if address_prefix and not str(eip.IpAddress).startswith(address_prefix): continue if eip_ids and eip.allocation_id not in eip_ids: continue eips.append( ids.append( module.exit_json(changed=False, ids=ids, eips=eips) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg=str("Unable to get eips, error:{0}".format(e))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>jeroenzeegers/panopuppet import arrow import json from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse from django.template import defaultfilters as filters from django.utils.timezone import localtime from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page from pano.puppetdb import puppetdb from pano.puppetdb.puppetdb import get_server from pano.settings import CACHE_TIME __author__ = 'etaklar' @login_required @cache_page(CACHE_TIME) def report_log_json(request, report_hash=None): source_url, source_certs, source_verify = get_server(request) # Redirects to the events page if GET param latest is true.. context = {} if report_hash is None: context['error'] = 'Report Hash not provided.' return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type="application/json") report_logs = puppetdb.api_get( api_url=source_url, cert=source_certs, verify=source_verify, path='/reports/' + report_hash + '/logs', api_version='v4', ) if 'error' in report_logs: context = report_logs return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type="application/json") # Remove the dict from the list... for log in report_logs: # Parse... 2015-09-18T18:02:04.753163330+02:00 # Puppetlabs... has a super long millisecond counter (9 digits!!!) # We need to trim those down... time = log['time'][0:26] + log['time'][-6:-3] + log['time'][-2:] time = arrow.get(time).to('UTC').datetime log['time'] =, 'Y-m-d H:i:s') context['agent_log'] = report_logs context['report_hash'] = report_hash return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type="application/json")
<reponame>MeatBoyed/PasswordBank2 from getpass import getpass # Utility libary for common functions that every page needs access too. To stop coding same logic processes. def GetSelection(): while True: try: selection = int(input(": ")) if selection == "": print("Enter the site's name") else: break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid option") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) return selection def GetUsername(): while True: try: username = str(input("Username: ")) if username == "": print("Username is compulsory!") else: break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid Username") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) return username def GetSitename(): while True: try: sitename = str(input("Site's name: ")) if sitename == "": print("Enter the site's name") else: break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid sitename") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) return sitename def GetAccountURL(): while True: try: accountUrl = str(input("url (optional): ")) if accountUrl == "": break else: break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid Username") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) return accountUrl def GetEmail(): while True: try: email = str(input("Email: ")) if email == "": print("Email is compulsory!") else: break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid Email") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) return email def GetPassword(): verified = False while True: try: password1 = getpass("Password: ") if password1 == "": print("Password is compulsory!") else: while True: try: password2 = getpass("Re-Enter Password again: ") if password2 == "" or password1 != password2: print("Password entery failed. Try again") break else: verified = True break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid Password") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) if verified: break except ValueError: print("Enter a valid Password") except Exception as e: print("An unexpected error occured!\n", str(e)) return password2
<filename>cvpysdk/instances/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- """File for operating on a SQL Server Instance. SQLServerInstance is the only class defined in this file. SQLServerInstance: Derived class from Instance Base class, representing a sql server instance, and to perform operations on that instance SQLServerInstance: _get_instance_properties() -- gets the instance related properties of SQL instance. _get_instance_properties_json() -- gets all the instance related properties of SQL instance. _restore_request_json() -- returns the restore request json _process_restore_response() -- processes response received for the Restore request _get_sql_restore_options() -- returns the dict containing destination sql server names _run_backup() -- runs full backup for this subclients and appends the job object to the return list _process_browse_request() -- processes response received for Browse request _recoverypoint_request_json() -- returns a json to be sent to server to create a recovery point get_recovery_points() -- lists all the recovery points _process_recovery_point_request() -- starts the recovery point job and process the response backup() -- runs full backup for all subclients associated with this instance browse() -- gets the content of the backup for this instance browse_in_time() -- gets the content of the backup for this instance in the time range specified restore() -- runs the restore job for specified restore_to_destination_server() -- restores the database on destination server create_recovery_point() -- creates a recovery point on destination server table_level_restore() -- starts the table level restore job _table_level_restore_request_json() -- returns a json to be sent to the server for table level restore job """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import time import datetime import threading from base64 import b64encode from ..instance import Instance from ..exception import SDKException from ..job import Job from ..constants import SQLDefines class SQLServerInstance(Instance): """Derived class from Instance Base class, representing a SQL Server instance, and to perform operations on that Instance.""" def _get_instance_properties(self): """Gets the properties of this instance. Raises: SDKException: if response is empty if response is not success """ super(SQLServerInstance, self)._get_instance_properties() self._mssql_instance_prop = self._properties.get('mssqlInstance', {}) def _get_instance_properties_json(self): """get the all instance related properties of this instance. Returns: dict - all subclient properties put inside a dict """ instance_json = { "instanceProperties": { "instance": self._instance, "instanceActivityControl": self._instanceActivityControl, "mssqlInstance": self._mssql_instance_prop, "contentOperationType": 1 } } return instance_json def _restore_request_json( self, content_to_restore, restore_path=None, drop_connections_to_databse=False, overwrite=True, destination_instance=None, to_time=None, sql_restore_type=SQLDefines.DATABASE_RESTORE, sql_recover_type=SQLDefines.STATE_RECOVER, undo_path=None, restricted_user=None ): """Returns the JSON request to pass to the API as per the options selected by the user. Args: content_to_restore (list): databases list to restore restore_path (list, optional): list of dicts for restore paths of database files drop_connections_to_databse (bool, optional): drop connections to database during restore overwrite (bool, optional): overwrite database on restore destination_instance (str): restore databases to this sql instance to_time (str, optional): restore to time sql_restore_type (str, optional): type of sql restore state (DATABASE_RESTORE, STEP_RESTORE, RECOVER_ONLY) sql_recover_type (str, optional): type of sql restore state (STATE_RECOVER, STATE_NORECOVER, STATE_STANDBY) undo_path (str, optional): file path for undo path for sql server standby restore restricted_user (bool, optional): Restore database in restricted user mode Returns: dict - JSON request to pass to the API """ self._get_sql_restore_options(content_to_restore) if destination_instance is None: destination_instance = (self.instance_name).lower() else: if destination_instance not in self.destination_instances_dict: raise SDKException( 'Instance', '102', 'No Instance exists with name: {0}'.format(destination_instance) ) destination_client_id = int( self.destination_instances_dict[destination_instance]['clientId'] ) destination_instance_id = int( self.destination_instances_dict[destination_instance]['instanceId'] ) request_json = { "taskInfo": { "associations": [{ "clientName": self._agent_object._client_object.client_name, "appName": self._agent_object.agent_name, "instanceName": self.instance_name }], "task": { "initiatedFrom": 1, "taskType": 1 }, "subTasks": [{ "subTask": { "subTaskType": 3, "operationType": 1001 }, "options": { "restoreOptions": { "sqlServerRstOption": { "sqlRecoverType": sql_recover_type, "dropConnectionsToDatabase": drop_connections_to_databse, "overWrite": overwrite, "sqlRestoreType": sql_restore_type, "database": content_to_restore, "restoreSource": content_to_restore }, "commonOptions": { }, "destination": { "destinationInstance": { "clientId": destination_client_id, "instanceName": destination_instance, "instanceId": destination_instance_id }, "destClient": { "clientId": destination_client_id } } } } }] } } if sql_recover_type == SQLDefines.STATE_STANDBY: if undo_path is not None: undo_path_dict = { "fileOption": { "mapFiles": { "renameFilesSuffix": undo_path } } } request_json['taskInfo']['subTasks'][0]['options']['restoreOptions'].update(undo_path_dict) else: raise SDKException('Instance', '102', 'Failed to set Undo Path for Standby Restore.') if restore_path is not None: restore_path_dict = { "device": restore_path } request_json['taskInfo']['subTasks'][0]['options']['restoreOptions'][ 'sqlServerRstOption'].update(restore_path_dict) if restricted_user is not None: restricted_user_dict = { "dbOnly": restricted_user } request_json['taskInfo']['subTasks'][0]['options']['restoreOptions'][ 'sqlServerRstOption'].update(restricted_user_dict) if to_time is not None: to_time_dict = { "browseOption": { "timeRange": { "toTimeValue": to_time } } } request_json['taskInfo']['subTasks'][0]['options']['restoreOptions'].update(to_time_dict) return request_json def _process_restore_response(self, request_json): """Runs the CreateTask API with the request JSON provided for Restore, and returns the contents after parsing the response. Args: request_json (dict): JSON request to run for the API Returns: object - instance of the Job class for this restore job Raises: SDKException: if restore job failed if response is empty if response is not success """ flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request( 'POST', self._commcell_object._services['RESTORE'], request_json ) if flag: if response.json(): if "jobIds" in response.json(): time.sleep(1) return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0]) elif "errorCode" in response.json(): error_message = response.json()['errorMessage'] o_str = 'Restore job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message) raise SDKException('Instance', '102', o_str) else: raise SDKException('Instance', '102', 'Failed to run the restore job') else: raise SDKException('Response', '102') else: response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text) raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string) def _get_sql_restore_options(self, content_to_restore): """Runs the SQL/Restoreoptions API with the request JSON provided, and returns the contents after parsing the response. Args: content_to_restore (list): Databases list to restore Returns: dict - dictionary consisting of the sql destination server options Raises: SDKException: if failed to get SQL instances if no instance exits on commcell if response is empty if response is not success """ contents_dict = [] for content in content_to_restore: database_dict = { "databaseName": content } contents_dict.append(database_dict) request_json = { "restoreDbType": 0, "sourceInstanceId": int(self.instance_id), "selectedDatabases": contents_dict } webservice = self._commcell_object._services['SQL_RESTORE_OPTIONS'] flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request( "POST", webservice, request_json ) self.destination_instances_dict = {} if flag: if response.json(): if 'sqlDestinationInstances' in response.json(): for instance in response.json()['sqlDestinationInstances']: instances_dict = { instance['genericEntity']['instanceName'].lower(): { "instanceId": int(instance['genericEntity']['instanceId']), "clientId": int(instance['genericEntity']['clientId']) } } self.destination_instances_dict.update(instances_dict) elif 'error' in response.json(): if 'errorMessage' in response.json()['error']: error_message = response.json()['error']['errorMessage'] raise SDKException('Instance', '102', error_message) else: raise SDKException('Instance', '102', 'No Instance exists on commcell') else: raise SDKException('Response', '102') else: response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text) raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string) return response.json() def _run_backup(self, subclient_name, return_list): """Triggers full backup job for the given subclient, and appends its Job object to list The SDKExcpetion class instance is appended to the list, if any exception is raised while running the backup job for the Subclient. Args: subclient_name (str): Name of the subclient to trigger the backup for return_list (list): List to append the job object to """ try: job = self.subclients.get(subclient_name).backup('Full') if job: return_list.append(job) except SDKException as excp: return_list.append(excp) def _process_browse_request(self, browse_request, get_full_details=False): """Runs the SQL Instance Browse API with the request JSON provided for the operation specified, and returns the contents after parsing the response. Args: browse_request (dict): JSON request to be sent to Server Returns: list - list of all databases dict - database names along with details like backup created time and database version Raises: SDKException: if response is empty if response is not success """ flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request("GET", browse_request) full_result = [] databases = [] if flag: if response.json(): if 'sqlDatabase' in response.json(): # returns whole dict if requested if get_full_details: return response.json()["sqlDatabase"] for database in response.json()['sqlDatabase']: database_name = database['databaseName'] created_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int(database['createdTime']) ).strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S') version = database['version'] temp = { database_name: [created_time, version] } databases.append(database_name) full_result.append(temp) return databases, full_result else: raise SDKException('Response', '102') else: response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text) raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string) def backup(self): """Run full backup job for all subclients in this instance. Returns: list - list containing the job objects for the full backup jobs started for the subclients in the backupset """ return_list = [] thread_list = [] all_subclients = self.subclients._subclients if all_subclients: for subclient in all_subclients: thread = threading.Thread( target=self._run_backup, args=(subclient, return_list) ) thread_list.append(thread) thread.start() for thread in thread_list: thread.join() return return_list def browse(self, get_full_details=False): """Gets the list of the backed up databases for this instance. Args: get_full_details (bool) - if True returns dict with all databases with last full backupjob details, default false Returns: list - list of all databases dict - database names along with details like backup created time and database version Raises: SDKException: if response is empty if response is not success """ browse_request = self._commcell_object._services['INSTANCE_BROWSE'] % ( self._agent_object._client_object.client_id, "SQL", self.instance_id ) return self._process_browse_request(browse_request, get_full_details=get_full_details) def browse_in_time(self, from_date=None, to_date=None): """Gets the list of the backed up databases for this instance in the given time frame. Args: from_date (str): date to get the contents after. Format: dd/MM/YYYY Gets contents from 01/01/1970 if not specified. Defaults to None. to_date (str): date to get the contents before. Format: dd/MM/YYYY Gets contents till current day if not specified. Defaults to None. Returns: list - list of all databases dict - database names along with details like backup created timen and database version Raises: SDKException: if response is empty if response is not success """ if from_date and (from_date != '01/01/1970' and from_date != '1/1/1970'): temp = from_date.split('/') if (len(temp) == 3 and 0 < int(temp[0]) < 32 and 0 < int(temp[1]) < 13 and int(temp[2]) > 1969 and ('\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d', from_date) or'\d/\d/\d\d\d\d', from_date))): from_date = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(from_date, '%d/%m/%Y'))) else: raise SDKException('Instance', '103') else: from_date = 0 if to_date and (to_date != '01/01/1970' and to_date != '1/1/1970'): temp = to_date.split('/') if (len(temp) == 3 and 0 < int(temp[0]) < 32 and 0 < int(temp[1]) < 13 and int(temp[2]) > 1969 and ('\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d', to_date) or'\d/\d/\d\d\d\d', to_date))): today = time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if today == to_date: to_date = int(time.time()) else: to_date = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(to_date, '%d/%m/%Y'))) else: raise SDKException('Instance', '103') else: to_date = int(time.time()) browse_request = self._commcell_object._services['INSTANCE_BROWSE'] % ( self._agent_object._client_object.client_id, "SQL", self.instance_id ) browse_request += '?fromTime={0}&toTime={1}'.format(from_date, to_date) return self._process_browse_request(browse_request) def get_recovery_points(self): """ lists all the recovery points. returns: object (list) - list of all the recovery points and clones """ flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request( 'GET', self._commcell_object._services["SQL_CLONES"], None ) if flag: response_json = response.json() if "rpObjectList" in response_json: return response_json["total"], response_json["rpObjectList"] return 0, None raise SDKException('Response', '102', "failed to get recovery points") def _recoverypoint_request_json(self, dbname, expire_days=1, recovery_point_name=None, point_in_time=0, destination_instance=None, snap=False ): """ creates and returns a request json for the recovery point creation Args: dbname (str) -- database to be restored expire_days (int) -- days for which the database will be restored default 1,. 1 day recovery_point_name (str) -- name of the recovery point to be created default None. creates a db with db_name + <timestamp> point_in_time (timestamp) -- unix time for the point in time recovery point creation default 0. performs restore to last backup destination_instance (str) -- name of the destination instance in whcih recovery point is to be created. default None. creates in the same instance snap (bool) -- If the recovery point to be created is for snap setup default False returns: request_json (Dict) -- request json for create recovery points """ if recovery_point_name is None: timestamp = datetime.datetime.timestamp( recovery_point_name = dbname + str(int(timestamp)) instance = self if destination_instance is not None: instance = SQLServerInstance(self._agent_object, destination_instance) # fetching db details flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request( 'GET', self._commcell_object._services["SQL_DATABASES"] % dbname, None ) db_details = None if flag: response = response.json() db_details = response["SqlDatabase"][0] else: raise SDKException('Response', 102, "failed to fetch db details") # retrieving the physical paths and logical file names restore_options = self._get_sql_restore_options([dbname]) physical_files = [] logical_files = [] for files in restore_options["sqlDbdeviceItem"]: physical_files.append(files["fileName"]) logical_files.append(files["logicalFileName"]) job = self._commcell_object.job_controller.get(db_details["jobId"]) # fetching job details browse_dict = self.browse(get_full_details=True) fullbackup_job = None for dbs in browse_dict: if dbs["databaseName"] == dbname: fullbackup_job = dbs["jobId"] break if fullbackup_job is None: raise Exception("failed to get last full backup job details") request_json = { "opType": 0, "session": {}, "queries": [ { "type": 0, "queryId": "0" } ], "mode": { "mode": 3 }, "advOptions": { "copyPrecedence": 0, "advConfig": { "extendedConfig": { "browseAdvConfigLiveBrowse": { "useISCSIMount": False } }, "applicationMining": { "appType": 81, "agentVersion": 0, "isApplicationMiningReq": True, "browseInitReq": { "database": dbname, "bCreateRecoveryPoint": True, "destDatabase": recovery_point_name, "appMinType": 2 if not snap else 0, "expireDays": expire_days, "instance": { "clientId": int(self._agent_object._client_object.client_id), "instanceName": instance.instance_name, "instanceId": int(instance.instance_id), "applicationId": 81 }, "miningJobs": [fullbackup_job], "client": { "clientId": int(db_details["cId"]) }, "phyfileRename": physical_files, "logfileRename": logical_files, } } } }, "ma": { "clientId": int(self._agent_object._client_object.client_id) }, "options": { "instantSend": True, "skipIndexRestore": False }, "entity": { "drivePoolId": 0, "subclientId": job.details["jobDetail"]["generalInfo"]["subclient"]["subclientId"], "applicationId": 81, "libraryId": job.details["jobDetail"]["generalInfo"]["mediaLibrary"]["libraryId"], "backupsetId": job.details["jobDetail"]["generalInfo"]["subclient"]["backupsetId"], "instanceId": int(self.instance_id), "clientId": db_details["cId"] }, "timeRange": { "fromTime": 0, "toTime": point_in_time } } return request_json def _process_recovery_point_request(self, request_json): """ process the create recovery job browse request Args: request_json (dict): JSON request to run for the API Returns: object (Job) - instance of the Job class for this restore job recovery point Id (int) : id to uniquely access the recovery point dbname (str) - name of the db that is created. Raises: SDKException: if restore job failed if response is empty if response is not success """ flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request( 'POST', self._commcell_object._services['BROWSE'], request_json ) if flag: response_json = response.json() if response_json: if "browseResponses" in response_json: d = response_json['browseResponses'][0]["browseResult"]["advConfig"]["applicationMining"]["browseInitResp"] try: return Job(self._commcell_object, d["recoveryPointJobID"]), d["recoveryPointID"], d["edbPath"] except Exception as msg: # server code 102 response is empty or doesn't contain required parameters raise SDKException('Instance', 102, msg) elif "errorCode" in response.json(): error_message = response.json()['errorMessage'] o_str = 'create recovery point job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message) raise SDKException('Instance', '102', o_str) else: raise SDKException('Instance', '102', 'Failed to run the restore job') else: raise SDKException('Response', '102') else: response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text) raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string) def create_recovery_point(self, database_name, new_database_name=None, destination_instance=None, expire_days=1, snap=False ): """stats a granular restore or recovery point job and creates a on demand restore of a database agrs: database_name (str) : Name of the database for granular restore new_database_name (str) : Name of the newly created database database default: None creates a database with original dbname+ <TIMESTAMP> destination_instance (str): Destination server(instance) name. default None .creates a database in the same instance expire_days (int) : days for which the database will be available default 1 day. snap (bool) : create recovery point for the snap setup dafault False returns: object (Job) : instance of the Job class for this restore job recovery point Id (int) : id to uniquely access the recovery point recovery_point_name (str) : name of the database created """ # write a wrapper over this to allow creating more than one recovery points at a time is neccessary if not isinstance(database_name, str): raise SDKException('Instance', '101') if destination_instance is None: destination_instance = self.instance_name else: destination_instance = destination_instance.lower() recoverypoint_request = self._recoverypoint_request_json( database_name, expire_days=expire_days, recovery_point_name=new_database_name, destination_instance=destination_instance, snap=snap ) return self._process_recovery_point_request(recoverypoint_request) def table_level_restore(self, src_db_name, tables_to_restore, destination_db_name, rp_name, include_child_tables, include_parent_tables): """Starts a table level restore Args: src_db_name(str) : Name of the source database tables_to_restore(list) : List of tables to restore destination_db_name(str) : Destination database name rp_name(str) : Name of recovery point include_child_tables(bool) : Includes all child tables in restore. include_parent_tables(bool) : Includes all parent tables in restore. Returns: job : Instance of Job class for this restore job""" if not (isinstance(src_db_name, str) or isinstance(tables_to_restore, list) or isinstance(destination_db_name, str)): raise SDKException('Instance', '101') request_json = self._table_level_restore_request_json( src_db_name, tables_to_restore, destination_db_name, rp_name, include_child_tables, include_parent_tables ) return self._process_restore_response(request_json) def _table_level_restore_request_json(self, src_db, tables_to_restore, destination_db, rp_name, include_child_tables, include_parent_tables): """Creates and returns a request json for table level restore Args: src_db(str) : Name of the source database tables_to_restore(list) : List of tables to restore destination_db(str) : Destination database name rp_name(str) : Name of the corresponding recovery point include_child_tables(bool) : Includes all child tables in restore. include_parent_tables(bool) : Includes all parent tables in restore. Returns: request_json(dict) : Request json for table level restore""" client_name = self._agent_object._client_object.client_name client_id = int(self._agent_object._client_object.client_id) instance_name = self.instance_name instance_id = int(self.instance_id) source_item = [] for table in tables_to_restore: source_item.append('/' + table) request_json = { "taskInfo": { "associations": [ { "subclientId": -1, "copyId": 0, "applicationId": 81, "clientName": client_name, "backupsetId": -1, "instanceId": instance_id, "clientId": client_id, "instanceName": instance_name, "_type_": 5, "appName": self._agent_object.agent_name } ], "task": { "ownerId": 1, "taskType": 1, "ownerName": "admin", "sequenceNumber": 0, "initiatedFrom": 1, "policyType": 0, "taskId": 0, "taskFlags": { "isEZOperation": False, "disabled": False } }, "subTasks": [ { "subTask": { "subTaskType": 3, "operationType": 1001 }, "options": { "adminOpts": { "contentIndexingOption": { "subClientBasedAnalytics": False } }, "restoreOptions": { "virtualServerRstOption": { "isBlockLevelReplication": False }, "sqlServerRstOption": { "cloneEnv": False, "ffgRestore": False, "cloneResrvTimePeriod": 0, "vSSBackup": False, }, "dbArchiveRestoreOptions": { "restoreAllDependentTables": include_child_tables, "isTableLevelRestore": True, "destDatabaseName": destination_db, "restoreToSourceDatabase": True, "restoreToHistoryDatabase": False, "restoreAllParentTables": include_parent_tables, "databaseName": { "clientId": client_id, "instanceName": instance_name, "instanceId": instance_id, "applicationId": 81 }, "sqlArchiveOptions": { "sourceDBName": src_db, "sourceDatabaseInfo": { "dbName": rp_name, "instance": { "clientId": client_id, "instanceName": instance_name, "instanceId": instance_id, "applicationId": 81 } } } }, "browseOption": { "listMedia": False, "useExactIndex": False, "noImage": True, "commCellId": self._commcell_object.commcell_id, "mediaOption": { "useISCSIMount": False, "mediaAgent": { "mediaAgentId": 0, "_type_": 11 }, "library": { "_type_": 9, "libraryId": 0 }, "copyPrecedence": { "copyPrecedenceApplicable": False }, "drivePool": { "_type_": 47, "drivePoolId": 0 } }, "backupset": { "backupsetId": -1, "clientId": client_id }, "timeRange": {} }, "commonOptions": { "clusterDBBackedup": False, "restoreToDisk": False, "isDBArchiveRestore": True, "copyToObjectStore": False, "onePassRestore": False, "syncRestore": False }, "destination": { "destClient": { "clientId": client_id, "clientName": client_name } }, "fileOption": { "sourceItem": source_item, "browseFilters": [ "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" "<databrowse_Query type=\"0\" queryId=\"0\" />" ] }, "dbDataMaskingOptions": { "isStandalone": False } }, "commonOpts": { "notifyUserOnJobCompletion": False, "perfJobOpts": { "rstPerfJobOpts": { "mediaReadSpeed": False, "pipelineTransmittingSpeed": False } } } } } ] } } return request_json def restore( self, content_to_restore, drop_connections_to_databse=False, overwrite=True, restore_path=None, to_time=None, sql_restore_type=SQLDefines.DATABASE_RESTORE, sql_recover_type=SQLDefines.STATE_RECOVER, undo_path=None, restricted_user=None, destination_instance=None ): """Restores the databases specified in the input paths list. Args: content_to_restore (list): List of databases to restore. drop_connections_to_databse (bool): Drop connections to database. Defaults to False. overwrite (bool): Unconditional overwrite files during restore. Defaults to True. restore_path (str): Existing path on disk to restore. Defaults to None. to_time (str): Restore to time. Defaults to None. sql_recover_type (str): Type of sql recovery state. (STATE_RECOVER, STATE_NORECOVER, STATE_STANDBY) Defaults to STATE_RECOVER. sql_restore_type (str): Type of sql restore state. (DATABASE_RESTORE, STEP_RESTORE, RECOVER_ONLY) Defaults to DATABASE_RESTORE. undo_path (str): File path for undo path for sql standby restores. Defaults to None. restricted_user (bool): Restore database in restricted user mode. Defaults to None. destination_instance (str): Destination instance to restore too. Defaults to None. Returns: object - instance of the Job class for this restore job Raises: SDKException: if content_to_restore is not a list if response is empty if response is not success """ if not isinstance(content_to_restore, list): raise SDKException('Instance', '101') if destination_instance is not None: destination_instance = destination_instance.lower() request_json = self._restore_request_json( content_to_restore, drop_connections_to_databse=drop_connections_to_databse, overwrite=overwrite, restore_path=restore_path, to_time=to_time, sql_restore_type=sql_restore_type, sql_recover_type=sql_recover_type, undo_path=undo_path, restricted_user=restricted_user, destination_instance=destination_instance ) return self._process_restore_response(request_json) def restore_to_destination_server( self, content_to_restore, destination_server, drop_connections_to_databse=False, overwrite=True, restore_path=None): """Restores the databases specified in the input paths list. Args: content_to_restore (list): List of databases to restore. destination_server (str): Destination server(instance) name. drop_connections_to_databse (bool): Drop connections to database. Defaults to False. overwrite (bool): Unconditional overwrite files during restore. Defaults to True. restore_path (str): Existing path on disk to restore. Default to None. Returns: object - instance of the Job class for this restore job Raises: SDKException: if content_to_restore is not a list if response is empty if response is not success """ if not isinstance(content_to_restore, list): raise SDKException('Instance', '101') request_json = self._restore_request_json( content_to_restore, drop_connections_to_databse=drop_connections_to_databse, overwrite=overwrite, restore_path=restore_path, destination_instance=destination_server ) return self._process_restore_response(request_json) @property def mssql_instance_prop(self): """ getter for sql server instance properties """ return self._mssql_instance_prop @mssql_instance_prop.setter def mssql_instance_prop(self, value): """Setter for SQL server instance properties Args: value (list) -- list of the category and properties to update on the instance Returns: list - list of the appropriate JSON for an agent to send to the POST Instance API """ category, prop = value self._set_instance_properties(category, prop) def vss_option(self, value): """Enables or disables VSS option on SQL instance Args: value (bool) -- Boolean value whether to set VSS option on or off """ request_json = { "useVss": value } self._set_instance_properties("_mssql_instance_prop", request_json) def vdi_timeout(self, value): """Sets the SQL VDI timeout value on SQL instance Args: value (int) -- value of vdi timeout for sql vdi operations """ request_json = { "vDITimeOut": value } self._set_instance_properties("_mssql_instance_prop", request_json) def impersonation(self, enable, username=None, password=None): """Sets impersonation on SQL instance with local system account or provided user account. Args: enable (bool) -- boolean value whether to set impersonation username (str, optional) -- user to set for impersonation. Defaults to local system account if enabled is True and username not provided. password (str, optional) -- password of user <PASSWORD> """ if enable and username is None: impersonate_json = { "overrideHigherLevelSettings": { "overrideGlobalAuthentication": enable, "useLocalSystemAccount": True } } elif enable and username is not None: if password is not None: impersonate_json = { "overrideHigherLevelSettings": { "overrideGlobalAuthentication": enable, "useLocalSystemAccount": False, "userAccount": { "userName": username, "password": b64encode(password.encode()).decode() } } } else: raise SDKException( 'Instance', '102', 'Please provide password to set impersonation for user [{0}]'.format(username) ) else: impersonate_json = { "overrideHigherLevelSettings": { "overrideGlobalAuthentication": enable, "useLocalSystemAccount": False } } self._set_instance_properties("_mssql_instance_prop", impersonate_json)
<filename>music21/figuredBass/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Name: # Purpose: music21 class which allows running of test cases # Authors: <NAME> # # Copyright: Copyright © 2010-2011 <NAME> and the music21 Project # License: BSD, see license.txt # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' Each of the example methods in this module provides a figured bass line as a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine` instance. These can be realized by calling :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.FiguredBassLine.realize`, which takes in an optional :class:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules` object. The result is a :class:`~music21.figuredBass.realizer.Realization` object which can generate realizations as instances of :class:``. These realizations can then be displayed in external software such as MuseScore or Finale by calling :meth:``. ''' import copy import unittest from music21.figuredBass import realizer from music21.figuredBass import rules # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def exampleA(): ''' This example was a homework assignment for 21M.302: Harmony & Counterpoint II at MIT in the fall of 2010, taught by <NAME> of the MIT Music Program. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.exampleA() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbLine.generateBassLine().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_bassLineA.* :width: 700 The following is a realization of fbLine in four parts using the default rules set. The soprano part is limited to stepwise motion, and the alto and tenor parts are limited to motions within a perfect octave. >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules >>> fbRules = rules.Rules() >>> fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 2), (2, 12), (3, 12)] >>> fbRealization1 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization1.getNumSolutions() 360 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization1.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol1A.* :width: 700 Now, the restriction on upper parts being within a perfect octave of each other is removed, and fbLine is realized again. >>> fbRules.upperPartsMaxSemitoneSeparation = None >>> fbRealization2 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization2.keyboardStyleOutput = False >>> fbRealization2.getNumSolutions() 3713168 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization2.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol2A.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter s = converter.parse("tinynotation: 3/2 C2 D2_6 E2_6 F2_6 C#2_b7,5,3 D2 " "BB2_#6,5,3 C2_6 AA#2_7,5,#3 BB1_6,4 BB2_7,#5,#3 E1.", makeNotation=False) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def exampleD(): ''' This example was a homework assignment for 21M.302: Harmony & Counterpoint II at MIT in the fall of 2010, taught by <NAME> of the MIT Music Program. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.exampleD() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbLine.generateBassLine().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_bassLineD.* :width: 700 The following is a realization of fbLine in four parts using the default rules set. The soprano part is limited to stepwise motion, and the alto and tenor parts are limited to motions within a perfect octave. >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules >>> fbRules = rules.Rules() >>> fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 2), (2, 12), (3, 12)] >>> fbRealization1 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization1.getNumSolutions() 1560 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization1.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol1D.* :width: 700 Now, the restriction on voice overlap is lifted, which is common in keyboard-style figured bass, and fbLine is realized again. Voice overlap can be seen in the fourth measure. >>> fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False >>> fbRealization2 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization2.getNumSolutions() 109006 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization2.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol2D.* :width: 700 Now, the restriction on voice overlap is reset, but the restriction on the upper parts being within a perfect octave of each other is removed. fbLine is realized again. >>> fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = True >>> fbRules.upperPartsMaxSemitoneSeparation = None >>> fbRealization3 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization3.getNumSolutions() 29629539 >>> fbRealization3.keyboardStyleOutput = False >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization3.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol3D.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse("tinynotation: 3/4 BB4 C#4_#6 D4_6 E2 E#4_7,5,#3 F#2_6,4 " "F#4_5,#3 G2 E4_6 F#2_6,4 E4_#4,2 D2_6 EE4_7,5,#3 AA2.", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('b')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def exampleB(): ''' This example was retrieved from page 114 of *The Music Theory Handbook* by <NAME>. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.exampleB() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbLine.generateBassLine().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_bassLineB.* :width: 700 First, fbLine is realized with the default rules set. >>> fbRealization1 = fbLine.realize() >>> fbRealization1.getNumSolutions() 422 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization1.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol1B.* :width: 700 Now, a Rules object is created, and the restriction that the chords need to be complete is lifted. fbLine is realized once again. >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules >>> fbRules = rules.Rules() >>> fbRules.forbidIncompletePossibilities = False >>> fbRealization2 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization2.getNumSolutions() 188974 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization2.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol2B.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 D4 A4_7,5,#3 B-4 F4_6 G4_6 AA4_7,5,#3 D2", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('d')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def exampleC(): ''' This example was retrieved from page 114 of *The Music Theory Handbook* by <NAME>. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.exampleC() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbLine.generateBassLine().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_bassLineC.* :width: 700 First, fbLine is realized with the default rules set. >>> fbRealization1 = fbLine.realize() >>> fbRealization1.getNumSolutions() 833 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization1.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol1C.* :width: 700 Now, parallel fifths are allowed in realizations. The image below shows one of them. There is a parallel fifth between the bass and alto parts going from the half-diminished 6,5 (B,F#) to the dominant seventh (C#,G#) in the second measure. >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules >>> fbRules = rules.Rules() >>> fbRules.forbidParallelFifths = False >>> fbRealization2 = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization2.getNumSolutions() 2427 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization2.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_sol2C.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 FF#4 GG#4_#6 AA4_6 FF#4 BB4_6,5 C#4_7,5,#3 F#2", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('f#')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def V43ResolutionExample(): ''' The dominant 4,3 can resolve to either the tonic 5,3 or tonic 6,3. The proper resolution is dependent on the bass note of the tonic, and is determined in context, as shown in the following figured bass realization. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.V43ResolutionExample() >>> fbRealization = fbLine.realize() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_V43.* :width: 350 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 D2 E2_4,3 D2_5,3 E2_4,3 F#1_6,3", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('D')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def viio65ResolutionExample(): ''' For a fully diminished seventh chord resolving to the tonic, the resolution chord can contain either a doubled third (standard resolution) or a doubled tonic (alternate resolution), depending on whether the third of the diminished chord rises or falls. The user can control this in a Rules object by modifying :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.doubledRootInDim7`. However, when resolving a diminished 6,5, the third is found in the bass and the proper resolution is determined in context, regardless of user preference. The following shows both cases involving a diminished 6,5. The resolution of the first diminished chord has a doubled D, while that of the second has a doubled F#. Notice that the resolution of the first involves a diminished fifth (E, Bb) going to a perfect fifth (D, A). >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.viio65ResolutionExample() >>> fbRealization = fbLine.realize() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_vii65.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse("tinyNotation: 4/4 D2 E2_6,b5 D2 E2_6,b5 F#1_6", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('D')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def augmentedSixthResolutionExample(): ''' This example was retrieved from page 61 of *The Music Theory Handbook* by <NAME>. Italian (8,#6,3), French (#6,4,3), German (#6,5,3), and Swiss (#6,#4,3) augmented sixth resolutions to either the major dominant or the major/minor tonic 6,4 are supported. The first four bars show the resolutions to the dominant in the order above, while the last bar shows the German augmented sixth resolving to the tonic. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> fbLine = examples.augmentedSixthResolutionExample() >>> fbRealization = fbLine.realize() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_a6.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse("tinynotation: 4/4 D4 BB-4_8,#6,3 AA2_# D4 BB-4_#6,4,3 " "AA2_# D4 BB-4_#6,5,3 AA2_# D4 BB-4_#6,#4,3 AA2_# D4 " "BB-4_#6,5,3 AA2_6,4", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('d')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def italianA6ResolutionExample(): ''' The Italian augmented sixth chord (It+6) is the only augmented sixth chord to consist of only three pitch names, and when represented in four parts, the tonic is doubled. The tonic can resolve up, down or stay the same, and in four parts, the two tonics always resolve differently, resulting in two equally acceptable resolutions. An alternate approach to resolving the It+6 chord was taken, such that an It+6 chord could map internally to two different resolutions. Every other special resolution in fbRealizer consists of a 1:1 mapping of special chords to resolutions. Here, the It+6 chord is resolving to the dominant, minor tonic, and major tonic, respectively. In the dominant resolution shown, the tonics (D) are resolving inward, but they can resolve outward as well. In the minor tonic resolution, the higher tonic is resolving up to F, and the lower tonic remains the same. In the major tonic resolution, the higher tonic remains the same, while the lower tonic resolves up to the F#. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules >>> fbLine = examples.italianA6ResolutionExample() >>> fbRules = rules.Rules() >>> fbRules.upperPartsMaxSemitoneSeparation = None >>> fbRules.partMovementLimits.append([1, 4]) >>> fbRealization = fbLine.realize(fbRules) >>> fbRealization.keyboardStyleOutput = False >>> #_DOCS_SHOW fbRealization.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_it+6.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse( "tinynotation: D4 BB-4_#6,3 AA2_# D4 BB-4_#6,3 AA2_6,4 D4 BB-4_#6,3 AA2_#6,4", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('d')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) def twelveBarBlues(): ''' This is an progression in Bb major based on the twelve bar blues. The progression used is: I | IV | I | I7 IV | IV | I | I7 V7 | IV6 | I | I >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> from music21.figuredBass import rules >>> bluesLine = examples.twelveBarBlues() >>> #_DOCS_SHOW bluesLine.generateBassLine().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_bluesBassLine.* :width: 700 >>> fbRules = rules.Rules() >>> fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] >>> fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False >>> blRealization = bluesLine.realize(fbRules) >>> blRealization.getNumSolutions() 2224978 >>> #_DOCS_SHOW blRealization.generateRandomRealization().show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_twelveBarBlues.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import key s = converter.parse( "tinynotation: BB-1 E-1 BB-1 BB-1_7 E-1 E-1 BB-1 BB-1_7 F1_7 G1_6 BB-1 BB-1", makeNotation=False) s.insert(0, key.Key('B-')) return realizer.figuredBassFromStream(s) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # METHODS FOR GENERATION OF BLUES VAMPS def generateBoogieVamp(blRealization=None, numRepeats=5): ''' Turns whole notes in twelve bar blues bass line to blues boogie woogie bass line. Takes in numRepeats, which is the number of times to repeat the bass line. Also, takes in a realization of :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.examples.twelveBarBlues`. If none is provided, a default realization with :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.forbidVoiceOverlap` set to False and :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.partMovementLimits` set to [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] is used. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> #_DOCS_SHOW examples.generateBoogieVamp(numRepeats=1).show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_boogieVamp.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import stream from music21 import interval if blRealization is None: bluesLine = twelveBarBlues() fbRules = rules.Rules() fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False blRealization = bluesLine.realize(fbRules) sampleScore = blRealization.generateRandomRealizations(numRepeats) boogieBassLine = converter.parse("tinynotation: BB-8. D16 F8. G16 A-8. G16 F8. D16", makeNotation=False) newBassLine = stream.Part() newBassLine.append(sampleScore[1][0]) # Time signature newBassLine.append(sampleScore[1][1]) # Key signature for n in sampleScore[1].notes: i = interval.notesToInterval(boogieBassLine[0], n) tp = boogieBassLine.transpose(i) for lyr in n.lyrics: tp.notes.first().addLyric(lyr.text) for m in tp.notes: newBassLine.append(m) newScore = stream.Score() newScore.insert(0, sampleScore[0]) newScore.insert(newBassLine) return newScore def generateTripletBlues(blRealization=None, numRepeats=5): # 12/8 ''' Turns whole notes in twelve bar blues bass line to triplet blues bass line. Takes in numRepeats, which is the number of times to repeat the bass line. Also, takes in a realization of :meth:`~music21.figuredBass.examples.twelveBarBlues`. If none is provided, a default realization with :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.forbidVoiceOverlap` set to False and :attr:`~music21.figuredBass.rules.Rules.partMovementLimits` set to [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] is used. >>> from music21.figuredBass import examples >>> #_DOCS_SHOW examples.generateTripletBlues(numRepeats=1).show() .. image:: images/figuredBass/fbExamples_tripletBlues.* :width: 700 ''' from music21 import converter from music21 import stream from music21 import interval from music21 import meter if blRealization is None: bluesLine = twelveBarBlues() fbRules = rules.Rules() fbRules.partMovementLimits = [(1, 4), (2, 12), (3, 12)] fbRules.forbidVoiceOverlap = False blRealization = bluesLine.realize(fbRules) sampleScore = blRealization.generateRandomRealizations(numRepeats) tripletBassLine = converter.parse("tinynotation: BB-4 BB-8 D4 D8 F4 F8 A-8 G8 F8", makeNotation=False) newBassLine = stream.Part() for n in sampleScore[1].notes: i = interval.notesToInterval(tripletBassLine[0], n) tp = tripletBassLine.transpose(i) for lyr in n.lyrics: tp.notes.first().addLyric(lyr.text) for m in tp.notes: newBassLine.append(m) newTopLine = stream.Part() for sampleChord in sampleScore[0].notes: sampleChordCopy = copy.deepcopy(sampleChord) sampleChordCopy.quarterLength = 6.0 newTopLine.append(sampleChordCopy) newScore = stream.Score() newScore.append(meter.TimeSignature("12/8")) # Time signature newScore.append(sampleScore[1][1]) # Key signature newScore.insert(0, newTopLine) newScore.insert(0, newBassLine) return newScore _DOC_ORDER = [exampleA, exampleB, exampleC, exampleD, V43ResolutionExample, viio65ResolutionExample, augmentedSixthResolutionExample, italianA6ResolutionExample, twelveBarBlues, generateBoogieVamp, generateTripletBlues] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Test(unittest.TestCase): pass if __name__ == '__main__': import music21 music21.mainTest(Test)
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2008,2009 <NAME> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # # # Analyze Apache logfiles in order to count downloads # # # This script parses a MirrorBrain-enhanced access_log and does the following: # - select lines on that the log analysis is supposed to run # (StatsLogMask directive, which defaults to a regexp suitable for a MirrorBrain logfile) # The expression also selects data from the log line, for example the # country where a client request originated from. # - a little ring buffer filters requests recurring within a sliding time # window (keyed by ip+url+referer+user-agent # length of the sliding window: StatsDupWindow # - arbitrary log lines can be ignored by regexp (StatsIgnoreMask) # - IP addresses can be ignored by string prefix match (StatsIgnoreIP) # - apply prefiltering to the request (regular expressions with substitution) # with one or more StatsPrefilter directives # - parse the remaining request url into the values to be logged # (StatsCount directive) # - apply optional post-filtering to the parsed data (StatsPostfilter) # # # The script should serve as model implementation for the Apache module which # does the same in realtime. # # # Usage: # ./ /var/log/apache2/ | sort -u # # Uncompressed, gzip or bzip2 compressed files are transparently opened. # # # This script uses Python generators, which means that it doesn't allocate # memory according to the log size. It rather works like a Unix pipe. # (The implementation of the generator pipeline is based on David Beazley's # PyCon UK 08 great talk about generator tricks for systems programmers.) # __version__ = '0.91' __author__ = '<NAME> <<EMAIL>>' __copyright__ = 'Peter poeml <<EMAIL>>' __license__ = 'GPLv2' __url__ = '' try: import sys import os import os.path import re import hashlib import time from datetime import datetime from optparse import OptionParser set except NameError: from sets import Set as set # Python 2.3 fallback try: sorted except NameError: def sorted(in_value): # Python 2.3 fallback "A naive implementation of sorted" out_value = list(in_value) out_value.sort() return out_value def gen_open(filenames): """Open a sequence of filenames""" import gzip import bz2 for name in filenames: if name.endswith(".gz"): yield elif name.endswith(".bz2"): yield bz2.BZ2File(name) else: yield open(name) def gen_cat(sources): """Concatenate items from one or more source into a single sequence of items""" for s in sources: for item in s: yield item def gen_grep(pat, lines): import re patc = re.compile(pat) for line in lines: if yield line def gen_fragments(lines, pat): """Generate a sequence of line fragments, according to a given regular expression""" for line in lines: m = pat.match(line) if m: yield m.groups() # else: # print 'no match for:' # print line class RingBuffer: """Here is a simple circular buffer, or ring buffer, implementation in Python. It is a first-in, first-out (FIFO) buffer with a fixed size. Here is an example where the buffer size is 4. Ten integers, 0-9, are inserted, one at a time, at the end of the buffer. Each iteration, the first element is removed from the front of the buffer. buf = RingBuffer(4) for i in xrange(10): buf.append(i) print buf.get() Here are the results: [None, None, None, 0] [None, None, 0, 1] [None, 0, 1, 2] [0, 1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3, 4] [2, 3, 4, 5] [3, 4, 5, 6] [4, 5, 6, 7] [5, 6, 7, 8] [6, 7, 8, 9] from """ def __init__(self, size): = [None for i in xrange(size)] def append(self, x): def get(self): return def readconf(filename): """we'd need Apache's config parser here...""" known_directives = ['StatsLogMask', 'StatsIgnoreMask', 'StatsIgnoreIP', 'StatsDupWindow', 'StatsPreFilter', 'StatsCount', 'StatsPostFilter'] known_directives_lower = [i.lower() for i in known_directives] # regular expressions to parse arguments parse_1_in_quotes = re.compile(r'"(.*)"') parse_2_in_quotes = re.compile(r'"(.*)"\s+"(.*)"') # create a dictionary to hold the config # each item is a list (because the directives could occur more than once) # each list item will correspond to one directive occurrence conf = {} for i in known_directives_lower: conf[i] = list() conf['statsdupwindow'] = 200 for line in open(filename): # remove trailing and leading whitespace and newlines line = line.strip() # ignore comment lines if line.startswith('#'): continue # and empty lines if not line: continue # split line into 1st word plus rest # will fail if it's not a valid config line try: word, val = line.split(None, 1) except: sys.exit('error: can\'t parse the line %r' % line) if word.lower() not in known_directives_lower: sys.exit('unknown config directive: %r' % word) directive = word.lower() val = val # this is just a single integer if directive in ['statsdupwindow']: conf[directive] = int(val) # directives with one argument: a regexp elif directive in ['statslogmask', 'statsignoremask']: m = parse_1_in_quotes.match(val) regex ='\\"', '"') regex_compiled = re.compile(regex) conf[directive].append((regex_compiled, regex)) # these come with two args: a regexp and a substitution rule elif directive in ['statsprefilter', 'statscount', 'statspostfilter']: m = parse_2_in_quotes.match(val) # print 'substitute %s by %s' % (, regex ='\\"', '"') subst ='\\"', '"') regex_compiled = re.compile(regex) conf[directive].append((regex_compiled, subst, regex)) elif directive in ['statsignoreip']: conf[directive].append(val) else: sys.exit('unparsed directive (implementation needed)', directive) # set defaults for directives that didn't occur in the config if not len(conf['statslogmask']): regex = '^(\S+).+\[(.*?)\] "GET (\S*) HTTP.*" (200|302) [^"]+ "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)".* \w\w:(\w\w) ASN:' regex_compiled = re.compile(regex) conf['statslogmask'] = [(regex_compiled, regex)] #import pprint # pprint.pprint(conf) # sys.exit(0) return conf # class Countable(): # """This holds a result from a parsed log line # which consists of a date and 5 attributes""" # #def __init__(self, date, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4): # def __init__(self, (date, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)): # = date # self.a0 = a0 # self.a1 = a1 # self.a2 = a2 # self.a3 = a3 # self.a4 = a4 # self.a5 = a5 class Req(): """This helps us in housekeeping while parsing a log line""" def __init__(self): # url_raw contains the original url, if needed self.url_raw = None self.tstamp = None self.tstamp_raw = None = None self.status = None self.referer = None = None = None # this is the processed URL, after running through all the regexps self.url = None self.countable = False def __str__(self): return '%-80s' % self.url def as_tuple(self): return self.tuple # def as_obj(self): # return Countable(self.tuple) def gen_processreqs(reqs, conf, options): """process a tuple of request data, and return the parsed in the form of a generator""" known = RingBuffer(conf['statsdupwindow']) for req in reqs: rq = Req() if len(req) == 7: (ip, tstamp_raw, url, status, referer, ua, country) = req elif len(req) == 6: (ip, tstamp_raw, url, status, referer, ua) = req country = '' skip = False for r, mreg in conf['statsignoremask']: if r.match(url): # print 'ignoring req %s because it matches %s' %(url, mreg) skip = True break if skip: continue for i in conf['statsignoreip']: if ip.startswith(i): # print 'ignoring ip %s because it matches %s' %(ip, i) skip = True break if skip: continue # over a window of StatsDupWindow last requests, the same request must # not have occured already. If it did, ignore it. If it didn't, put # it into the ring buffer. if conf['statsdupwindow'] > 0: m = hashlib.md5() m.update(ip) m.update(url) m.update(referer) m.update(ua) md = m.digest() if md in continue known.append(md) rq.url_raw = url rq.status = status rq.referer = referer = ua = country.lower() tstamp_raw = tstamp_raw.split()[0] # split off timezone offset - we ignore it rq.tstamp = time.strptime(tstamp_raw, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S') rq.tstamp_raw = tstamp_raw # apply the prefiltering rules for r, s, mreg in conf['statsprefilter']: url = r.sub(s, url) matched = False for r, s, mreg in conf['statscount']: if r.match(url): if matched: # FIXME: eventually, we want to allow multiple matches. But now we are debugging. sys.exit('warning: %r matches\n %r\nbut already matched a pevious regexp:\n %r' % (url, mreg, matched)) url = r.sub(s, url) matched = mreg if not matched: if options.verbose: print 'not matched', url yield rq continue # apply postfiltering for r, s, mreg in conf['statspostfilter']: url = r.sub(s, url) rq.url = url # would time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", ...) be faster? = datetime(rq.tstamp[0], rq.tstamp[1], rq.tstamp[2]) rq.tuple = [] rq.tuple.extend(rq.url.split()) # the country is our fifth attribute rq.tuple.append( rq.tuple = tuple(rq.tuple) rq.countable = True # print rq yield rq def main(): """ Create a generator pipeline for the matching log file lines and process them. """ usage = 'usage: %prog [options] CONFIGFILE LOGFILE [LOGFILE ...]' version = '%prog ' + __version__ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version) # parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('--db', action="store_true", dest="db", default=False, help="save counts to the database") parser.add_option('--db-home', help="specify directory where the database lives", metavar='DIR') parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="print only errors") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="print debug messages to stderr") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() usage = usage.replace('%prog', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) if len(args) < 2: sys.exit(usage) conffile = args[0] filenames = args[1:] conf = readconf(conffile) logfiles = gen_open(filenames) loglines = gen_cat(logfiles) reqs = gen_fragments(loglines, conf['statslogmask'][0][0]) items = gen_processreqs(reqs, conf, options) if options.db and not options.db_home: sys.exit('--db-home is mandatory with --db.') if options.db: dirpath = options.db_home #dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) dirpath = os.path.realpath(dirpath) os.chdir(dirpath) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(dirpath)) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'downloadstats.settings' from downloadstats.stats.models import Counter import downloadstats.settings if downloadstats.settings.DEBUG: from django import db # print 'you are runninng in DEBUG mode. This is not recommended, because\n' \ # 'Django then saves a copy of every SQL statement it has executed.\n' \ # 'I'm installing a cleanup handler that\'ll help.' # see below, in the loop # start = time.time() counterdict = {} n = 0 get = counterdict.get for item in items: if not item.countable: continue t = item.as_tuple() n += 1 counterdict[t] = get(t, 0) + 1 delta = time.time() - start print 'processed log in %.1f seconds, found %s valid and unique requests' % (delta, n) print '%s distinct countables' % len(counterdict) start = time.time() if options.db: for key, val in counterdict.iteritems(): (date, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) = key if downloadstats.settings.DEBUG: db.reset_queries() counter, created = Counter.objects.get_or_create(date=date, product=a0, osname=a1, version=a2, lang=a3, country=a4) if created: # count is 1 for a new item counter.count = val else: # item existed already - increase its counter counter.count += val delta = time.time() - start print 'saved counts to db in %.1f seconds' % delta sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" actual class which do the file name cleanup functions :copyright: 2020 <NAME> :license: The MIT License """ import os import shutil import pathlib from .helper_enums import FileNameCase from .script_utils import ScriptUtils class FileNameCleaner(object): def __init__(self, input): self.__filter_words = [] self.__excluded_directories = [] self.__input = input self.__utils = ScriptUtils() def __repr__(self): return '' def __str__(self): return '' """ function to copy the files with cleaned up file names from source to target directories """ def cleanup(self): # initialize the directory path lists source_dir_paths = [self.__input.source_directory_path, ] target_dir_paths = [self.__input.target_directory_path, ] self.__utils.print_out("") # process directory path lists and create target directories while len(source_dir_paths) != 0: src_path = source_dir_paths.pop() trgt_path = target_dir_paths.pop() # initialize lists to hold filenames and directory names for the current directory dir_names = [] file_names = [] # append filenames and directory names to the corresponding lists for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(src_path): file_names.extend(filenames) dir_names.extend(dirnames) break # adding to sub directory list while len(dir_names) != 0: old_dir = dir_names.pop() source_dir_path = os.path.join(src_path, old_dir) # cleanup the old directory name new_dir = self.cleanup_name(source_dir_path, old_dir, True) target_dir_path = os.path.join(trgt_path, new_dir) if source_dir_path == self.__input.target_directory_path: continue source_dir_paths.append(source_dir_path) target_dir_paths.append(target_dir_path) if not os.path.exists(target_dir_path): self.__utils.print_out( "creating directory '{}'".format(target_dir_path), '', 4) os.makedirs(target_dir_path) # copying the files while len(file_names) != 0: old_f = file_names.pop() new_f = self.cleanup_name(os.path.join(src_path, old_f), old_f, False) self.__utils.print_out( "'{}' ----> '{}'".format(os.path.join(src_path, old_f), os.path.join(trgt_path, new_f)), '', 4) self.__utils.print_out("", '', 4) try: shutil.copy(os.path.join(src_path, old_f), os.path.join(trgt_path, new_f)) except PermissionError as pe: self.__utils.print_out( 'PermissionError - {} - {}'.format(pe, os.path.join(src_path, old_f)), '#', 4) except FileNotFoundError as fne: self.__utils.print_out( 'FileNotFoundError - {} - {}'.format(fne, os.path.join(src_path, old_f)), '#', 4) return True """ function to cleanup the filename. If it is a directory then name will Title cased, for files it will be according to the user input. """ def cleanup_name(self, old_full_path, old_name, is_directory): extension = '' root_name = old_name if not is_directory: _, extension = os.path.splitext(old_full_path) root_name = root_name.replace(extension, '') extension = extension.lower() new_name = root_name.lower() # filter out the words in the filter list if len(self.__filter_words) > 0: for filter in self.__filter_words: new_name = new_name.replace(filter.lower(), ' ') # replace the excess ' ' with single ' ' new_name = self.__utils.replace_multiple_character_occurances( new_name, ' ') # change the file name case if not is_directory: if self.__input.file_name_case == FileNameCase.LOWER: new_name = new_name.lower() elif self.__input.file_name_case == FileNameCase.UPPER: new_name = new_name.upper() elif self.__input.file_name_case == FileNameCase.TITLE: new_name = new_name.title() else: new_name = new_name.lower() else: new_name = new_name.title() # add the file name prefix if self.__input.file_name_prefix and not is_directory: new_name = self.__input.file_name_prefix + ' ' + new_name # change the file name separator new_name = new_name.replace(',', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('(', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace(')', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('[', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace(']', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('{', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('}', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('`', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('.', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('"', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace("'", self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace(',', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('+', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('*', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('~', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('^', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('=', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('@', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('#', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('$', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('%', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('&', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('!', self.__input.file_name_separator) new_name = new_name.replace('—', self.__input.file_name_separator) # strip off any leading or trailing spaces new_name = new_name.strip() if self.__input.file_name_separator == '_': new_name = new_name.replace(' ', '_') new_name = new_name.replace('-', '_') elif self.__input.file_name_separator == '-': new_name = new_name.replace(' ', '-') new_name = new_name.replace('_', '-') else: new_name = new_name.replace('-', ' ') new_name = new_name.replace('_', ' ') new_name = new_name.strip() new_name = self.__utils.replace_multiple_character_occurances( new_name, self.__input.file_name_separator) if not is_directory: new_name = new_name + extension return new_name
"""Provide helper functions for generating configuration. ONLY the constants module should import this module. """ import copy import csv import functools import os from pathlib import Path # HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK THIS IS A DUMB HACK HACK HACK # Importing qgis before fiona is absolutely necessary to avoid segmentation # faults. They have been occurring in unit tests. We still have no clue why. import qgis.core as qgc # noqa: F401 import fiona # noqa: I100 # HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK HACK THIS IS A DUMB HACK HACK HACK import yamale from humanize import naturalsize import qgreenland.exceptions as exc from qgreenland.constants import LOCALDATA_DIR from qgreenland.util.misc import directory_size_bytes, get_layer_path def _load_config(config_filename, *, config_dir, schema_dir): """Validate config file against schema with Yamale. It is expected that the given config filename in CONFIG_DIR has a schema of matching name in CONFIG_SCHEMA_DIR. Yamale can read in directories of config files, so it returns a list of (data, fp) tuples. We always read single files, so we return just the data from result[0][0]. """ config_fp = os.path.join(config_dir, config_filename) schema_fp = os.path.join(schema_dir, config_filename) if not os.path.isfile(config_fp): raise NotImplementedError( 'Loading is supported for only one config file at a time.' ) schema = yamale.make_schema(schema_fp) config = yamale.make_data(config_fp) yamale.validate(schema, config, strict=True) return config[0][0] def _find_in_list_by_id(haystack, needle): matches = [d for d in haystack if d['id'] == needle] if len(matches) > 1: raise LookupError(f'Found multiple matches in list with same id: {needle}') if len(matches) != 1: raise LookupError(f'Found no matches in list with id: {needle}') return copy.deepcopy(matches[0]) def _deref_boundaries(cfg): """Dereference project boundaries, modifying `cfg`. Replace project boundary value (filename) with an object containing useful information about the boundary file. """ boundaries_config = cfg['project']['boundaries'] for boundary_name, boundary_fn in boundaries_config.items(): fp = os.path.join(LOCALDATA_DIR, boundary_fn) with as ifile: features = list(ifile) meta = ifile.meta bbox = ifile.bounds if (feature_count := len(features)) != 1: raise exc.QgrInvalidConfigError( f'Configured boundary {boundary_name} contains the wrong' f' number of features. Expected 1, got {feature_count}.' ) if (boundary_crs := meta['crs']['init'].lower()) \ != (project_crs := cfg['project']['crs'].lower()): raise exc.QgrInvalidConfigError( f'Expected CRS of boundary file {fp} ({boundary_crs}) to' f' match project CRS ({project_crs}).' ) boundaries_config[boundary_name] = { 'fp': fp, 'features': features, 'bbox': bbox, } def _deref_layers(cfg): """Dereferences layers in `cfg`, modifying `cfg`. Expects boundaries to already be dereferenced. """ layers_config = cfg['layers'] datasets_config = cfg['datasets'] project_config = cfg['project'] for layer_config in layers_config: # Populate related dataset configuration if 'dataset' not in layer_config: dataset_id, source_id = layer_config['data_source'].split('.') dataset_config = _find_in_list_by_id(datasets_config, dataset_id) layer_config['dataset'] = dataset_config layer_config['source'] = _find_in_list_by_id(dataset_config['sources'], source_id) del layer_config['dataset']['sources'] # Always default to the background extent boundary_name = layer_config.get('boundary', 'background') layer_config['boundary'] = project_config['boundaries'][boundary_name] def _dereference_config(cfg): """Take a full configuration object, replace references with the referent. - Datasets - Sources - Ingest Tasks """ _deref_boundaries(cfg) _deref_layers(cfg) # Turn layers config in to a dict keyed by id TODO: we should ensure that # all objects in the CONFIG are immutable. We need to do a deepcopy here # because the use of YAML anchors(`&`)/references(`*`) in the config yml # files result in config objects that are copied by reference, not by # value. So, if we try to e.g., `pop` an element from a list in the config, # it will affect all other pieces of config that reference that data. cfg['layers'] = {x['id']: copy.deepcopy(x) for x in cfg['layers']} return cfg @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def make_config(*, config_dir, schema_dir): # TODO: Avoid all this argument drilling without import cycles... this # shouldn't be so hard! # TODO: Consider namedtuple or something? cfg = { 'project': _load_config('project.yml', config_dir=config_dir, schema_dir=schema_dir), 'layers': _load_config('layers.yml', config_dir=config_dir, schema_dir=schema_dir), 'layer_groups': _load_config('layer_groups.yml', config_dir=config_dir, schema_dir=schema_dir), 'datasets': _load_config('datasets.yml', config_dir=config_dir, schema_dir=schema_dir) } return _dereference_config(cfg) def export_config(cfg, output_path='./layers.csv'): report = [] for _, layer in cfg['layers'].items(): if layer['dataset']['access_method'] != 'gdal_remote': layer_dir = Path(get_layer_path(layer)).parent layer_size_bytes = directory_size_bytes(layer_dir) else: # online layers have no size on disk. layer_size_bytes = 0 report.append({ 'Group': layer['group_path'].split('/', 1)[0], 'Subgroup': (layer['group_path'].split('/', 1)[1] if '/' in layer['group_path'] else ''), 'Layer Title': layer['title'], 'Layer Description': layer.get('description', ''), 'Vector or Raster': layer['data_type'], 'Data Source Title': layer['dataset']['metadata']['title'], 'Data Source Abstract': layer['dataset']['metadata']['abstract'], 'Data Source Citation': layer['dataset']['metadata']['citation']['text'], 'Data Source Citation URL': layer['dataset']['metadata']['citation']['url'], 'Layer Size': naturalsize(layer_size_bytes), 'Layer Size Bytes': layer_size_bytes, }) with open(output_path, 'w') as ofile: dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(ofile, report[0].keys()) dict_writer.writeheader() dict_writer.writerows(report) print(f'Exported: {os.path.abspath(}')
import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.autograd import Variable import math import torch.nn.functional as F import pdb def Entropy(input_): bs = input_.size(0) epsilon = 1e-5 entropy = -input_ * torch.log(input_ + epsilon) entropy = torch.sum(entropy, dim=1) return entropy def grl_hook(coeff): def fun1(grad): return -coeff*grad.clone() return fun1 def CDAN(input_list, ad_net, entropy=None, coeff=None, random_layer=None): softmax_output = input_list[1].detach() feature = input_list[0] if random_layer is None: op_out = torch.bmm(softmax_output.unsqueeze(2), feature.unsqueeze(1)) ad_out = ad_net(op_out.view(-1, softmax_output.size(1) * feature.size(1))) else: random_out = random_layer.forward([feature, softmax_output]) ad_out = ad_net(random_out.view(-1, random_out.size(1))) batch_size = softmax_output.size(0) // 2 dc_target = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1]] * batch_size + [[0]] * batch_size)).float().cuda() if entropy is not None: entropy.register_hook(grl_hook(coeff)) entropy = 1.0+torch.exp(-entropy) source_mask = torch.ones_like(entropy) source_mask[feature.size(0)//2:] = 0 source_weight = entropy*source_mask target_mask = torch.ones_like(entropy) target_mask[0:feature.size(0)//2] = 0 target_weight = entropy*target_mask weight = source_weight / torch.sum(source_weight).detach().item() + \ target_weight / torch.sum(target_weight).detach().item() return torch.sum(weight.view(-1, 1) * nn.BCELoss(reduction='none')(ad_out, dc_target)) / torch.sum(weight).detach().item() else: return nn.BCELoss()(ad_out, dc_target) def DANN(features, ad_net): ad_out = ad_net(features) batch_size = ad_out.size(0) // 2 dc_target = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[1]] * batch_size + [[0]] * batch_size)).float().cuda() return nn.BCELoss()(ad_out, dc_target) class CrossEntropyLabelSmooth(nn.Module): """Cross entropy loss with label smoothing regularizer. Reference: Szegedy et al. Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision. CVPR 2016. Equation: y = (1 - epsilon) * y + epsilon / K. Args: num_classes (int): number of classes. epsilon (float): weight. """ def __init__(self, num_classes, epsilon=0.1, use_gpu=True, reduction=True): super(CrossEntropyLabelSmooth, self).__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.epsilon = epsilon self.use_gpu = use_gpu self.reduction = reduction self.logsoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1) def forward(self, inputs, targets): """ Args: inputs: prediction matrix (before softmax) with shape (batch_size, num_classes) targets: ground truth labels with shape (num_classes) """ log_probs = self.logsoftmax(inputs) targets = torch.zeros(log_probs.size()).scatter_(1, targets.unsqueeze(1).cpu(), 1) if self.use_gpu: targets = targets.cuda() targets = (1 - self.epsilon) * targets + self.epsilon / self.num_classes loss = (- targets * log_probs).sum(dim=1) if self.reduction: return loss.mean() else: return loss return loss class KnowledgeDistillationLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, reduction='mean', alpha=1.0): super().__init__() self.reduction = reduction self.alpha = alpha def forward(self, inputs, targets, mask=None): inputs = inputs.narrow(1, 0, targets.shape[1]) outputs = torch.log_softmax(inputs, dim=1) labels = torch.softmax(targets * self.alpha, dim=1) loss = (outputs * labels).mean(dim=1) if mask is not None: loss = loss * mask.float() if self.reduction == 'mean': outputs = -torch.mean(loss) elif self.reduction == 'sum': outputs = -torch.sum(loss) else: outputs = -loss return outputs class entropy_loss(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, logits): y_pred = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) size = logits.size(0) if size == 0: loss = 0.0 else: loss = torch.sum(-y_pred * torch.log(y_pred + 1e-5), dim=1) return torch.mean(loss)
<filename>supvisors/tests/<gh_stars>10-100 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ====================================================================== # Copyright 2016 <NAME> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ====================================================================== import pytest import random import time from .base import database_copy from .conftest import create_any_process, create_process @pytest.fixture def filled_node(supvisors): """ Create an AddressStatus and add all processes of the database. """ from supvisors.address import AddressStatus status = AddressStatus('', supvisors.logger) for info in database_copy(): process = create_process(info, supvisors) process.add_info('', info) status.add_process(process) return status def test_create(supvisors): """ Test the values set at construction. """ from supvisors.address import AddressStatus from supvisors.ttypes import AddressStates status = AddressStatus('', supvisors.logger) # test all AddressStatus values assert status.logger == supvisors.logger assert status.node_name == '' assert status.state == AddressStates.UNKNOWN assert status.remote_time == 0 assert status.local_time == 0 assert status.processes == {} def test_isolation(supvisors): """ Test the in_isolation method. """ from supvisors.address import AddressStatus from supvisors.ttypes import AddressStates status = AddressStatus('', supvisors.logger) for state in AddressStates: status._state = state assert (status.in_isolation() and state in [AddressStates.ISOLATING, AddressStates.ISOLATED] or not status.in_isolation() and state not in [AddressStates.ISOLATING, AddressStates.ISOLATED]) def test_serialization(supvisors): """ Test the serial method used to get a serializable form of AddressStatus. """ import pickle from supvisors.address import AddressStatus from supvisors.ttypes import AddressStates # create address status instance status = AddressStatus('', supvisors.logger) status._state = AddressStates.RUNNING status.checked = True status.remote_time = 50 status.local_time = 60 # test to_json method serialized = status.serial() assert serialized == {'address_name': '', 'loading': 0, 'statecode': 2, 'statename': 'RUNNING', 'remote_time': 50, 'local_time': 60, 'sequence_counter': 0} # test that returned structure is serializable using pickle dumped = pickle.dumps(serialized) loaded = pickle.loads(dumped) assert serialized == loaded def test_transitions(supvisors): """ Test the state transitions of AddressStatus. """ from supvisors.address import AddressStatus from supvisors.ttypes import AddressStates, InvalidTransition status = AddressStatus('', supvisors.logger) for state1 in AddressStates: for state2 in AddressStates: # check all possible transitions from each state status._state = state1 if state2 in status._Transitions[state1]: status.state = state2 assert status.state == state2 assert == elif state1 == state2: assert status.state == state1 else: with pytest.raises(InvalidTransition): status.state = state2 def test_add_process(supvisors): """ Test the add_process method. """ from supvisors.address import AddressStatus status = AddressStatus('', supvisors.logger) process = create_any_process(supvisors) status.add_process(process) # check that process is stored assert process.namespec in status.processes.keys() assert process is status.processes[process.namespec] def test_times(filled_node): """ Test the update_times method. """ from supervisor.states import ProcessStates # get current process times ref_data = {process.namespec: (process.state, info['now'], info['uptime']) for process in filled_node.processes.values() for info in [process.info_map['']]} # update times and check now = int(time.time()) filled_node.update_times(28, now + 10, now) assert filled_node.sequence_counter == 28 assert filled_node.remote_time == now + 10 assert filled_node.local_time == now # test process times: only RUNNING and STOPPING have a positive uptime new_data = {process.namespec: (process.state, info['now'], info['uptime']) for process in filled_node.processes.values() for info in [process.info_map['']]} for namespec, new_info in new_data.items(): ref_info = ref_data[namespec] assert new_info[0] == ref_info[0] assert new_info[1] > ref_info[1] if new_info[0] in [ProcessStates.RUNNING, ProcessStates.STOPPING]: assert new_info[2] > ref_info[2] else: assert new_info[2] == ref_info[2] def test_running_process(filled_node): """ Test the running_process method. """ # check the name of the running processes assert {'late_segv', 'segv', 'xfontsel', 'yeux_01'} == {proc.process_name for proc in filled_node.running_processes()} def test_pid_process(filled_node): """ Test the pid_process method. """ # check the namespec and pid of the running processes assert {('sample_test_1:xfontsel', 80879), ('sample_test_2:yeux_01', 80882)} == set(filled_node.pid_processes()) def test_get_loading(filled_node): """ Test the get_loading method. """ # check the loading of the address: gives 0 by default because no rule has been loaded assert filled_node.get_loading() == 0 # change expected_loading of any stopped process process = random.choice([proc for proc in filled_node.processes.values() if proc.stopped()]) process.rules.expected_load = 50 assert filled_node.get_loading() == 0 # change expected_loading of any running process process = random.choice([proc for proc in filled_node.processes.values() if proc.running()]) process.rules.expected_load = 50 assert filled_node.get_loading() == 50
<reponame>parshakova/APIP2 # Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. import math, gc import string, re import logging import argparse from shutil import copyfile from datetime import datetime from collections import Counter import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.distributions import Categorical from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.nn.utils.weight_norm import weight_norm # Origin: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Modification: # - most classes are either modified or newly created # - most functions are newly created # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import cuda_functional as MF class StackedBRNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, dropout_rate=0, dropout_output=False, rnn_stype='sru', concat_layers=False, padding=False, bidirectional=True, n_actions=0,func=''): super(StackedBRNN, self).__init__() self.padding = padding self.dropout_output = dropout_output self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.num_layers = num_layers self.concat_layers = concat_layers self.rnns = nn.ModuleList() RNN_TYPES = {'lstm': nn.LSTM, 'gru': nn.GRU, 'rnn': nn.RNN, 'sru':0} self.rnn_type = rnn_stype self.n_actions = n_actions if func: start_l, end_l, func = int(func[0]), int(func[1]), func[3:] else: start_l = num_layers*2; end_l = 0 for i in range(num_layers): input_size = input_size if i == 0 else 2 * hidden_size if 'cell' in rnn_stype: if 'gru' in rnn_stype: self.rnns.append(CustomGRU(input_size, hidden_size,n_actions=n_actions if (i>=start_l and i<=end_l) else 0, func=func)) elif 'lstm' in rnn_stype: self.rnns.append(CustomLSTM(input_size, hidden_size)) else: if self.rnn_type == 'sru': self.rnns.append(MF.SRUCell(input_size, hidden_size, dropout=dropout_rate, rnn_dropout=dropout_rate, use_tanh=1,\ n_actions=n_actions if (i>=start_l and i<=end_l) else 0, func=func, bidirectional=bidirectional)) else: self.rnns.append(RNN_TYPES[rnn_stype](input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, bidirectional=bidirectional)) def forward(self, x, x_mask=None, c0=None, actions=None, use_a=True): """Faster encoding that ignores any padding.""" # Transpose batch and sequence dims x = x.transpose(0, 1) # Encode all layers outputs = [x] for i in range(self.num_layers): rnn_input = outputs[-1] # Apply dropout to hidden input if self.rnn_type != 'sru': if self.dropout_rate > 0: rnn_input = F.dropout(rnn_input, p=self.dropout_rate, # Forward if i == 0 and self.rnn_type=='sru': rnn_output = self.rnns[i](rnn_input, c0=c0, actions=actions, use_a=use_a)[0] else: if self.n_actions>0: rnn_output = self.rnns[i](rnn_input, actions=actions, use_a=use_a)[0] else: rnn_output = self.rnns[i](rnn_input)[0] outputs.append(rnn_output) # Concat hidden layers if self.concat_layers: output =[1:], 2) else: output = outputs[-1] # Transpose back output = output.transpose(0, 1) # Dropout on output layer if self.dropout_output and self.dropout_rate > 0: output = F.dropout(output, p=self.dropout_rate, return output.contiguous() def _forward_padded(self, x, x_mask): """Slower (significantly), but more precise, encoding that handles padding.""" # Compute sorted sequence lengths lengths = _, idx_sort = torch.sort(lengths, dim=0, descending=True) _, idx_unsort = torch.sort(idx_sort, dim=0) lengths = list(lengths[idx_sort]) idx_sort = Variable(idx_sort) idx_unsort = Variable(idx_unsort) # Sort x x = x.index_select(0, idx_sort) # Transpose batch and sequence dims x = x.transpose(0, 1) # Pack it up rnn_input = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(x, lengths) # Encode all layers outputs = [rnn_input] for i in range(self.num_layers): rnn_input = outputs[-1] # Apply dropout to input if self.dropout_rate > 0: dropout_input = F.dropout(, p=self.dropout_rate, rnn_input = nn.utils.rnn.PackedSequence(dropout_input, rnn_input.batch_sizes) outputs.append(self.rnns[i](rnn_input)[0]) # Unpack everything for i, o in enumerate(outputs[1:], 1): outputs[i] = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(o)[0] # Concat hidden layers or take final if self.concat_layers: output =[1:], 2) else: output = outputs[-1] # Transpose and unsort output = output.transpose(0, 1) output = output.index_select(0, idx_unsort) # Dropout on output layer if self.dropout_output and self.dropout_rate > 0: output = F.dropout(output, p=self.dropout_rate, return output class CustomGRU(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, n_actions=0, func=""): super(CustomGRU, self).__init__() RNN_CELLTYPES = {'lstm': nn.LSTMCell, 'gru': nn.GRUCell, 'rnn': nn.RNNCell} self.rnn_cf = RNN_CELLTYPES['gru'](input_size, hidden_size) self.rnn_cb = RNN_CELLTYPES['gru'](input_size, hidden_size) self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.n_actions = n_actions self.n_func = func self.n_in = input_size if self.n_actions > 0: if func == 'g_hc': self.wa_f = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(2, self.n_actions, hidden_size, hidden_size )) self.wa_b = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(2, self.n_actions, hidden_size, hidden_size )) self.func = lambda a,w: torch.mul(a,F.sigmoid(,w))) else: self.wa_f = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.n_actions, self.n_in, self.n_in )) self.wa_b = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.n_actions, self.n_in, self.n_in )) if func == 'mul_s': self.func = lambda a: F.sigmoid(a) self.init_weight() def init_weight(self): val_range = (3.0/self.n_in)**0.5, val_range), val_range) def forward(self, inpt, actions=None): out_f, out_b = [], [] seqlen = inpt.size(0) if self.n_actions>0 and self.n_func != 'g_hc': batch = inpt.size(1) length = inpt.size(0) a_oh = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions).unsqueeze(2) # [batch x n_actions x 1] u_f, u_b = [], [] xt_2d = inpt.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(batch*length, n_in) for a in range(self.n_actions): w_if = self.func(self.wa_f[a]) u_i =, -1) u_f.append(u_i) w_ib = self.func(self.wa_b[a]) u_i =, -1) u_b.append(u_i) uf = torch.stack(u_f, 1) # [batch x actions x len*hid] uf = torch.mul(uf, a_oh).sum(1).view(batch, length, -1) inpt_f = uf.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(length*batch, self.wa_f.size(2)) ub = torch.stack(u_b, 1) # [batch x actions x len*hid] ub = torch.mul(ub, a_oh).sum(1).view(batch, length, -1) inpt_b = ub.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(length*batch, self.wa_f.size(2)) else: inpt_f, inpt_b = inpt, inpt hx = Variable(torch.zeros(inpt.size(1), self.hidden_size), requires_grad=False).cuda() for i in range(seqlen): hx = self.rnn_cf(inpt_f[i], hx) out_f.append(hx) hx = Variable(torch.zeros(inpt.size(1), self.hidden_size), requires_grad=False).cuda() for i in reversed(range(seqlen)): hx = self.rnn_cb(inpt_b[i], hx) out_b.append(hx) out_f = torch.stack(out_f, 0) out_b = torch.stack(out_b, 0) return [[out_f, out_b], 2)] class CustomLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size): super(CustomLSTM, self).__init__() RNN_CELLTYPES = {'lstm': nn.LSTMCell, 'gru': nn.GRUCell, 'rnn': nn.RNNCell} self.rnn_cf = RNN_CELLTYPES['lstm'](input_size, hidden_size) self.rnn_cb = RNN_CELLTYPES['lstm'](input_size, hidden_size) self.hidden_size = hidden_size def forward(self, inpt): out_f, out_b = [], [] seqlen = inpt.size(0) hx = Variable(torch.zeros(inpt.size(1), self.hidden_size), requires_grad=False).cuda() cx = Variable(torch.zeros(inpt.size(1), self.hidden_size), requires_grad=False).cuda() for i in range(seqlen): hx, cx = self.rnn_cf(inpt[i], (hx, cx)) out_f.append(hx) hx = Variable(torch.zeros(inpt.size(1), self.hidden_size), requires_grad=False).cuda() cx = Variable(torch.zeros(inpt.size(1), self.hidden_size), requires_grad=False).cuda() for i in reversed(range(seqlen)): hx, cx = self.rnn_cb(inpt[i], (hx, cx)) out_b.append(hx) out_f = torch.stack(out_f, 0) out_b = torch.stack(out_b, 0) return [[out_f, out_b], 2)] class MatchBRNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers=1, n_actions=0, dropout_rate=0, dropout_output=False, rnn_type=nn.LSTM,attn='act', concat_layers=False, padding=False, bidirectional=False): super(MatchBRNN, self).__init__() self.padding = padding self.dropout_output = dropout_output self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.num_layers = num_layers self.concat_layers = concat_layers self.rnns_f, self.rnns_b = nn.ModuleList(), nn.ModuleList() if attn == 'act': self.nonlin = lambda x: F.softmax(x, dim=-1) self.attention = SeqAttentionAction(2*hidden_size, 2*hidden_size, n_actions) else: if self.nonlin = lambda x: F.softmax(x, dim=-1) else: self.nonlin = lambda x: x self.attention = SeqAttention(2*hidden_size, 2*hidden_size) for i in range(num_layers): input_size = input_size if i == 0 else 2*hidden_size self.rnns_f.append(MF.SRUCell(input_size, hidden_size, dropout=dropout_rate, rnn_dropout=dropout_rate, use_tanh=1, bidirectional=False)) self.rnns_b.append(MF.SRUCell(input_size, hidden_size, dropout=dropout_rate, rnn_dropout=dropout_rate, use_tanh=1, bidirectional=False)) def forward(self, x, x_mask, actions=None): """Faster encoding that ignores any padding.""" # Transpose batch and sequence dims memory = x # Encode all layers outputs = [x.transpose(0, 1)] for i in range(self.num_layers): rnn_input = outputs[-1] attn_pools_f, attn_pools_b = [0]*rnn_input.size(0), [0]*rnn_input.size(0) for c in range(rnn_input.size(0)): att = self.nonlin(self.attention(memory, rnn_input[c], x_mask, actions)) attn_pool = torch.mul(memory, att.unsqueeze(2)).sum(1) attn_pools_f[c] = del att, attn_pool for c in reversed(range(rnn_input.size(0))): att = self.nonlin(self.attention(memory, rnn_input[c], x_mask, actions)) attn_pool = torch.mul(memory, att.unsqueeze(2)).sum(1) attn_pools_b[c] = del att, attn_pool inputs_f =[rnn_input, Variable(torch.stack(attn_pools_f, 0))], 2) inputs_b =[rnn_input, Variable(torch.stack(attn_pools_b, 0))], 2) rnn_output_f = self.rnns_f[i](inputs_f)[0] rnn_output_b = self.rnns_b[i](inputs_b)[0] del inputs_f, inputs_b rnn_output =[rnn_output_f, rnn_output_b], 2) outputs.append(rnn_output) # Concat hidden layers if self.concat_layers: output =[1:], 2) else: output = outputs[-1] # Transpose back output = output.transpose(0, 1) # Dropout on output layer if self.dropout_output and self.dropout_rate > 0: output = F.dropout(output, p=self.dropout_rate, return output.contiguous() class SeqAttnMatch(nn.Module): """Given sequences X and Y, match sequence Y to each element in X. * o_i = sum(alpha_j * y_j) for i in X * alpha_j = softmax(y_j * x_i) """ def __init__(self, input_size, wn=False): super(SeqAttnMatch, self).__init__() self.linear = nn.Linear(input_size, input_size) if wn: self.linear = weight_norm(self.linear, dim=None) def forward(self, x, y, y_mask): """Input shapes: x = batch * len1 * h y = batch * len2 * h y_mask = batch * len2 Output shapes: matched_seq = batch * len1 * h """ # Project vectors if self.linear: x_proj = self.linear(x.view(-1, x.size(2))).view(x.size()) x_proj = F.relu(x_proj) y_proj = self.linear(y.view(-1, y.size(2))).view(y.size()) y_proj = F.relu(y_proj) else: x_proj = x y_proj = y # Compute scores scores = x_proj.bmm(y_proj.transpose(2, 1)) # Mask padding y_mask = y_mask.unsqueeze(1).expand(scores.size()), -float('inf')) # Normalize with softmax alpha_flat = F.softmax(scores.view(-1, y.size(1)), dim=-1) alpha = alpha_flat.view(-1, x.size(1), y.size(1)) # Take weighted average matched_seq = alpha.bmm(y) return matched_seq class BilinearSeqAexist(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, x_size, wn=False): super(BilinearSeqAexist, self).__init__() self.w1 = nn.Linear(x_size, x_size) self.w2 = nn.Linear(x_size, 1) def forward(self, x,y): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len """ Wy = self.w1(y) xWy = x.bmm(Wy.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2) alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1).unsqueeze(2) logits = self.w2(F.relu((x*alpha).sum(1))) probs = F.sigmoid(logits) return logits, probs class BilinearSeqAttn(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, identity=False, wn=False): super(BilinearSeqAttn, self).__init__() if not identity: self.linear = nn.Linear(y_size, x_size) if wn: self.linear = weight_norm(self.linear, dim=None) else: self.linear = None def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len """ Wy = self.linear(y) if self.linear is not None else y xWy = x.bmm(Wy.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2), -float('inf')) if # In training we output log-softmax for NLL alpha = F.log_softmax(xWy, dim=-1) else: # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1) return alpha class BilinearSeqAttnMix(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, identity=False, wn=False, ): super(BilinearSeqAttnMix, self).__init__() if not identity: self.linear = nn.Linear(y_size, x_size) if wn: self.linear = weight_norm(self.linear, dim=None) else: self.linear = None self.mixing = MixingFeatures(x_size, y_size, final=True) def forward(self, x, y, y1, x_mask, y_mask): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len """ s_d, s_q = self.mixing(x, x_mask, y, y_mask)[:2] #s_d = x; s_q = y1 Wy = self.linear(y1) if self.linear is not None else y1 xWy = (x+s_d).bmm((Wy+s_q).unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2), -float('inf')) if # In training we output log-softmax for NLL alpha = F.log_softmax(xWy, dim=-1) else: # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1) return alpha class CapsuleLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_capsules, num_route_nodes, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=None, stride=None, num_iterations=3): super(CapsuleLayer, self).__init__() self.num_route_nodes = num_route_nodes self.num_iterations = num_iterations self.num_capsules = num_capsules if num_route_nodes != -1: self.route_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(num_capsules, num_route_nodes, in_channels, out_channels)) else: self.capsules = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Conv1d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=0) for _ in range(num_capsules)]) def squash(self, tensor, dim=-1): squared_norm = (tensor ** 2).sum(dim=dim, keepdim=True) scale = squared_norm / (1 + squared_norm) return scale * tensor / torch.sqrt(squared_norm) def forward(self, x): if self.num_route_nodes != -1: # x: [batch * w.h.out_chan(l-1) * num_caps_(l-1)] priors = x[None, :, :, None, :] @ self.route_weights[:, None, :, :, :] logits = Variable(torch.zeros(*priors.size())).cuda() for i in range(self.num_iterations): probs = softmax(logits, dim=2) outputs = self.squash((probs * priors).sum(dim=2, keepdim=True)) if i != self.num_iterations - 1: delta_logits = (priors * outputs).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) logits = logits + delta_logits else: outputs = [capsule(x).view(x.size(0), -1, 1) for capsule in self.capsules] outputs =, dim=-1) outputs = self.squash(outputs) return outputs class CapsNetFin(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions): super(CapsNetFin, self).__init__() # len = 767 //400 self.conv = nn.ModuleList() hid_cnn = 64 self.cnn_layers = 4 self.max_len = num_classes = 400 #767 self.linear1 = nn.ModuleList() self.linear2 = nn.ModuleList() self.v = nn.ParameterList() self.n_actions = n_actions for a in range(n_actions): self.linear1.append(nn.Linear(y_size, x_size//3)) self.linear2.append(nn.Linear(x_size, x_size//3)) self.v.append(nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(x_size//3))) self.digit_capsules1 = CapsuleLayer(num_capsules=num_classes, num_route_nodes=x_size//3, in_channels=n_actions, out_channels=20) self.digit_capsules2 = CapsuleLayer(num_capsules=num_classes, num_route_nodes=x_size//3, in_channels=n_actions, out_channels=20) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.v[0].size(0)) for a in range(self.n_actions): self.v[a].data.uniform_(-stdv, stdv) def squash(self, tensor, dim=-1): squared_norm = (tensor ** 2).sum(dim=dim, keepdim=True) scale = squared_norm / (1 + squared_norm) return scale * tensor / torch.sqrt(squared_norm) def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ init_len = x.size(1) x =[:,-1,:x.size(2)//2], x[:,0,x.size(2)//2:]), 1) outputs = [(torch.mul(self.v[a], F.tanh(self.linear1[a](y)+self.linear2[a](x)))).unsqueeze(-1) for a in range(self.n_actions)] outputs =, dim=-1) x = self.squash(outputs) # [batch, x_size, n_actions] start = self.digit_capsules1(x).squeeze(2).squeeze(2).transpose(0, 1) end = self.digit_capsules2(x).squeeze(2).squeeze(2).transpose(0, 1) for i, inp in enumerate([start, end]): classes = (inp ** 2).sum(dim=-1) ** 0.5 minel = torch.min( if minel > 0: minel = minel*1e-2 else: minel = minel*1e-2+minel if init_len < self.max_len: classes = classes[:,:init_len] else: # problem when pad from the beginning with infinity, NLL has nonzero probability classes = F.pad(classes, (init_len-self.max_len,0), "constant", minel), -float('inf')) if res = F.log_softmax(classes, dim=-1) else: res = F.softmax(classes, dim=-1) if i ==0: alpha = res elif i == 1: beta = res return alpha[:, :init_len], beta[:, :init_len] class CapsNetFin_init(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size): super(CapsNetFin_init, self).__init__() # len = 767 //400 self.conv = nn.ModuleList() hid_cnn = 64 self.max_len = num_classes = 400 #767 self.cnn_layers = 4 self.linear = nn.Linear(y_size, x_size) for i in range(self.cnn_layers): chan_in = hid_cnn chan_out = hid_cnn kern = 9 pad = kern//2 step = 2 if i == 0: step=1 chan_in = x_size self.conv.append(nn.Conv1d(in_channels=chan_in, out_channels=chan_out, kernel_size=kern, stride=step, padding=pad)) # len = 192 //50 self.primary_capsules = CapsuleLayer(num_capsules=8, num_route_nodes=-1, in_channels=hid_cnn, out_channels=16, kernel_size=9, stride=2) # len = 92 //21 self.digit_capsules1 = CapsuleLayer(num_capsules=num_classes, num_route_nodes=16 * 21, in_channels=8, out_channels=16) self.digit_capsules2 = CapsuleLayer(num_capsules=num_classes, num_route_nodes=16 * 21, in_channels=8, out_channels=16) def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ Wy = self.linear(y) init_len = x.size(1) xWy = x + Wy.unsqueeze(1) if init_len < self.max_len: xWy = F.pad(xWy, (0,0,0,self.max_len - init_len,0,0), "constant", 0) else: xWy = xWy[:,-self.max_len:,:] # xWy [batch, seq, hid] # [emb, hid, k] >> [1, emb, hid, k] >> [k, emb, hid, 1] >> [1, k, emb, hid] out = xWy.transpose(1,2).contiguous() for i in range(self.cnn_layers): out = F.relu(self.conv[i](out)) x = out x = self.primary_capsules(x) start = self.digit_capsules1(x).squeeze(2).squeeze(2).transpose(0, 1) end = self.digit_capsules2(x).squeeze(2).squeeze(2).transpose(0, 1) for i, inp in enumerate([start, end]): classes = (inp ** 2).sum(dim=-1) ** 0.5 if init_len < self.max_len: classes = classes[:,:init_len] else: classes = F.pad(classes, (init_len-self.max_len,0), "constant", -float('inf')), -float('inf')) if res = F.log_softmax(classes, dim=-1) else: res = F.softmax(classes, dim=-1) if i ==0: alpha = res elif i == 1: beta = res return alpha[:, :init_len], beta[:, :init_len] class BilinearSeqAttnAction1(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, identity=False, wn=False, func="h"): super(BilinearSeqAttnAction1, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(y_size, x_size)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(x_size)) self.n_actions = n_actions self.n_func = func if func == 'h': self.wa_h = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.n_actions, y_size, 1)) def attn(w1, wh): # w1 [emb x hid] # wh [emb x 1] a2 = torch.mul(w1, wh) score2 = F.softmax(a2.sum(0), dim=-1).unsqueeze(0) # [1 x hid] wr = torch.mul(w1, score2) return wr self.func = lambda a,b : attn(a,b) elif func == 'eh': self.wa_h = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.n_actions, y_size, 1)) self.wa_e = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.n_actions, 1, x_size)) def attn(w1, wh, we): # w1 [emb x 3*(2hid)] # wh [emb x 1] # we [1 x 3*(2hid)] a1 = torch.mul(w1, we) score1 = F.softmax(a1.sum(1), dim=-1).unsqueeze(1) # [emb x 1] a2 = torch.mul(w1, wh) score2 = F.softmax(a2.sum(0), dim=-1).unsqueeze(0) # [1 x 3*(2hid)] wr = torch.mul(w1, score1) wr = torch.mul(wr, score2) return wr self.func = lambda a,b,c : attn(a,b,c) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(-1)), stdv) if self.n_func == 'h': stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.wa_h.size(1)), stdv) else:, stdv) stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.wa_h.size(1)), stdv) def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ a_oh = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions).unsqueeze(2) # [batch x n_actions x 1] u = [] for a in range(self.n_actions): if self.n_func == 'h': w_i = self.func(self.weight, self.wa_h[a]) elif self.n_func == 'eh': w_i = self.func(self.weight, self.wa_h[a], self.wa_e[a]) u_i = u.append(u_i) u = torch.stack(u, 1) # [batch x actions x hid] Wy = torch.mul(u, a_oh).sum(1) + self.bias xWy = x.bmm(Wy.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2), -float('inf')) if # In training we output log-softmax for NLL alpha = F.log_softmax(xWy, dim=-1) else: # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1) return alpha class BilinearSeqAttnAction(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, identity=False, wn=False, func='kconv5'): super(BilinearSeqAttnAction, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(y_size, x_size)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(x_size)) self.w_conv = nn.ModuleList() self.n_actions = n_actions self.cnn_layers = int(func[5:].split('_')[0]) hid_cnn = 64 for i in range(self.cnn_layers): chan_in = hid_cnn chan_out = hid_cnn kern = 3 pad = 1 if i == 0: chan_in = 1 elif i == self.cnn_layers-1: #kern = 1 #pad = 0 chan_out = 1 a_conv = nn.ModuleList() for a in range(self.n_actions): a_conv.append(nn.Conv2d(chan_in, chan_out, kern, stride=1, padding=pad)) self.w_conv.append(a_conv) def conv_forw(a): # w1 [emb x 3*(2hid)] out = self.weight.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(self.cnn_layers): if i != self.cnn_layers-1: out = F.relu(self.w_conv[i][a](out)) else: out = self.w_conv[i][a](out) out = out.squeeze() return out self.func = lambda a: conv_forw(a) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(-1)), stdv) def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ a_oh = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions).unsqueeze(2) # [batch x n_actions x 1] u = [] for a in range(self.n_actions): w_i = self.func(a) u_i = u.append(u_i) u = torch.stack(u, 1) # [batch x actions x hid] Wy = torch.mul(u, a_oh).sum(1) xWy = x.bmm(Wy.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2), -float('inf')) if # In training we output log-softmax for NLL alpha = F.log_softmax(xWy, dim=-1) else: # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1) return alpha class BilinearSeqAttnAction3(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, identity=False, wn=False, func='mul_s'): super(BilinearSeqAttnAction3, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(y_size, x_size)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(x_size)) self.wa = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,y_size, x_size)) = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions, x_size)) self.n_actions = n_actions if func == 'mul': self.func = lambda a,b: torch.mul(a,b) elif func == 'mul_s': self.func = lambda a,b: torch.mul(a,F.sigmoid(b)) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(-1)), stdv), stdv) def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ a_oh = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions).unsqueeze(2) # [batch x n_actions x 1] u = [] for a in range(self.n_actions): w_i = self.func(self.weight, self.wa[a]) u_i = u.append(u_i) u = torch.stack(u, 1) # [batch x actions x hid] b = self.func(self.bias,, Wy = torch.mul(u, a_oh).sum(1) + b xWy = x.bmm(Wy.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2), -float('inf')) if # In training we output log-softmax for NLL alpha = F.log_softmax(xWy, dim=-1) else: # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1) return alpha class BilinearSeqAttnAction2(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, identity=False, wn=False): super(BilinearSeqAttnAction2, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,y_size, x_size)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size)) self.n_actions = n_actions self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(2)), stdv), stdv) def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ a_onehot = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) w =, self.weight.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x.size(0), self.weight.size(1), self.weight.size(2)) b =, self.bias) Wy = torch.bmm(y.unsqueeze(1), w).squeeze(1) + b xWy = x.bmm(Wy.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2), -float('inf')) if # In training we output log-softmax for NLL alpha = F.log_softmax(xWy, dim=-1) else: # ...Otherwise 0-1 probabilities alpha = F.softmax(xWy, dim=-1) return alpha class PointerNetworkAction(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, wn=False, opt=None): super(PointerNetworkAction, self).__init__() self.attention = SeqAttentionAction( x_size, y_size, opt['n_actions'], drop_r=opt['dropout_rnn']) self.n_actions = n_actions self.rnn_cell = MF.SRUCell( x_size, y_size, bidirectional=False,dropout=opt['dropout_rnn'],rnn_dropout=opt['dropout_rnn'], use_tanh=1) def forward(self, x, x_mask, c0, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len actions = batch * n_actions """ s_logits = self.attention(x, c0, x_mask, actions) s_probs = F.softmax(s_logits, dim=-1) attn_pool = (x*s_probs.unsqueeze(2)).sum(1) state = self.rnn_cell(attn_pool, c0=c0)[1] e_logits = self.attention(x, state, x_mask, actions) if nonlin = lambda x: F.log_softmax(x, dim=-1) else: nonlin = lambda x: F.softmax(x, dim=-1) return nonlin(s_logits), nonlin(e_logits) class PointerNetwork(nn.Module): """A bilinear attention layer over a sequence X w.r.t y: * o_i = softmax(x_i'Wy) for x_i in X. Optionally don't normalize output weights. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, wn=False, opt=None): super(PointerNetwork, self).__init__() self.attention = SeqAttention( x_size, y_size, wn=wn, drop_r=opt['dropout_rnn']) self.rnn_cell = MF.SRUCell( x_size, y_size, bidirectional=False,dropout=opt['dropout_rnn'],rnn_dropout=opt['dropout_rnn'], use_tanh=1) def forward(self, x, x_mask, c0, actions): """ x = batch * len * h1 y = batch * h2 x_mask = batch * len """ s_logits = self.attention(x, c0, x_mask, log=True) s_probs = F.softmax(s_logits, dim=-1) attn_pool = (x*s_probs.unsqueeze(2)).sum(1) state = self.rnn_cell(attn_pool, c0=c0)[1] e_logits = self.attention(x, state, x_mask) if nonlin = lambda x: F.log_softmax(x, dim=-1) else: nonlin = lambda x: F.softmax(x, dim=-1) return nonlin(s_logits), nonlin(e_logits) class SeqAttentionAction(nn.Module): """attention between a sequence and a tensor: * o_i = softmax(v*tanh(W1x_i+W2y)) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, wn=False, drop_r=0.0): super(SeqAttentionAction, self).__init__() self.n_actions = n_actions if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.w1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size, x_size//4)) self.b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size//4)) self.w2 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,y_size, x_size//4)) self.b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size//4)) self.v = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size//4)) self.reset_parameters() if drop_r>0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_r) self.drop_r = drop_r def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.w1.size(2)), stdv), stdv), stdv) def get_action_parameters(self, a_onehot, x_size): w1 =, self.w1.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x_size[0], self.w1.size(1), self.w1.size(2)) w1 = w1.unsqueeze(1).expand(x_size[0], x_size[1], w1.size(1), w1.size(2)) w1 = w1.contiguous().view(-1,w1.size(2), w1.size(3)) w2 =, self.w2.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x_size[0], self.w2.size(1), self.w2.size(2)) w2 = w2.unsqueeze(1).expand(x_size[0], x_size[1], w2.size(1), w2.size(2)) w2 = w2.contiguous().view(-1,w2.size(2), w2.size(3)) b1 =, self.b1).unsqueeze(1).expand(x_size[0], x_size[1], self.b1.size(1)).contiguous().view(-1, self.b1.size(1)) b2 =, self.b2).unsqueeze(1).expand(x_size[0], x_size[1], self.b2.size(1)).contiguous().view(-1, self.b2.size(1)) v =, self.v).unsqueeze(1).expand(x_size[0], x_size[1], self.v.size(1)).contiguous().view(-1, self.v.size(1)) return w1, w2, b1, b2, v def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * hdim y = batch * hdim x_mask = batch * len """ x_flat = x.view(-1, 1, x.size(-1)) y_flat = y.unsqueeze(1).expand(y.size(0), x.size(1), y.size(1)).contiguous().view(-1, 1, y.size(-1)) a_onehot = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) w1, w2, b1, b2, v = self.get_action_parameters(a_onehot, [x.size(0), x.size(1), x.size(2)]) x_t = torch.bmm(x_flat, w1).squeeze(1) + b1 y_t = torch.bmm(y_flat, w2).squeeze(1) + b2 inpt = F.tanh(x_t+y_t) if self.drop_r>0: inpt = self.dropout(inpt) inpt = torch.bmm(inpt.unsqueeze(1), v.unsqueeze(2)) scores = inpt.view(x.size(0), x.size(1)), -float('inf')) del w1,w2,b1,b2,v,x_flat,y_flat,inpt return scores class CriticLinear(nn.Module): def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, identity=False, num_layers=2, wn=False, nl=4): super(CriticLinear, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.w1 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, y_size)) if num_layers == 3: self.w2 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, y_size)) if nl == 3: self.w3 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, 1)) elif nl == 4: self.w3 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, y_size)) self.w4 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, 1)) = nl self.num_layers = num_layers def forward(self, x): c1 = self.w1(x) if self.num_layers == 3: c1 = self.w2(F.relu(c1)) if == 4: c2 = self.w4(F.relu(self.w3(F.relu(c1)))) else: c2 = (self.w3(F.relu(c1))) return c2.squeeze(1) class PolicyLatent(nn.Module): def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, n_actions, num_layers=2, identity=False, wn=False, add=1, nl=5): super(PolicyLatent, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.add = add self.n_actions = n_actions if add == 3: self.w1a = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size//3, y_size)) self.w1b = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size//3, y_size)) self.w1c = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size//3, y_size)) elif add == 2: self.w1a = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size//2, y_size)) self.w1b = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size//2, y_size)) else: self.w1 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, y_size)) self.num_layers = num_layers if num_layers == 3: self.w2 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, y_size)) = nl if nl == 3: self.w3 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, n_actions)) else: self.w3 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, y_size)) if nl == 4: self.w4 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, n_actions)) elif nl ==5: self.w4 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, y_size)) self.w5 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, n_actions)) def forward(self, x): if self.add==3: x = self.w1a(x[:,:int(x.size(-1)//3)]) + self.w1b(x[:,int(x.size(-1)//3):2*int(x.size(-1)//3)]) \ + self.w1c(x[:,2*int(x.size(-1)//3):]) elif self.add==2: x = self.w1a(x[:,:int(x.size(-1)/2)]) + self.w1b(x[:,int(x.size(-1)/2):]) else: x = self.w1(x) if self.num_layers == 3: x = self.w2(F.relu(x)) if == 3: logits = self.w3(F.relu(x)) else: x = self.w3(F.relu(x)) if ==4: logits = self.w4(F.relu(x)) else: logits = self.w5(F.relu(self.w4(F.relu(x)))) if self.n_actions > 1: probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) elif self.n_actions == 1: probs = F.sigmoid(logits) return logits, probs class ControlVector(nn.Module): def __init__(self, x_size, gate, n_actions, identity=False, wn=False, drop_r=0.0): super(ControlVector, self).__init__() d_factor = int(gate.split('_')[-1]) self.gate = gate; self.n_actions = n_actions if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x if 'fc_cat' in self.gate: self.g = self.wn(nn.Linear(n_actions, x_size*d_factor//2)) self.a1 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, x_size*d_factor//2)) self.a2 = self.wn(nn.Linear(n_actions, x_size*d_factor//2)) elif 'fc_add' in self.gate: self.g = self.wn(nn.Linear(n_actions, x_size*d_factor)) self.a1 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, x_size*d_factor)) self.a2 = self.wn(nn.Linear(n_actions, x_size*d_factor)) elif 'tanh' in self.gate: self.w1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size, x_size*d_factor)) self.b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size*d_factor)) self.w2 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size, x_size*d_factor)) self.b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,x_size*d_factor)) self.reset_parameters() if drop_r>0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_r) self.drop_r = drop_r def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.w1.size(2)), stdv), stdv) def forward(self, x, actions): # x = batch * nhid a_onehot = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) if 'fc_cat' in self.gate: gate = F.sigmoid(self.g(a_onehot)) a1 = self.a1(x) a2 = self.a2(a_onehot) res = F.tanh(, a1*gate), 1)) elif 'fc_add' in self.gate: gate = F.sigmoid(self.g(a_onehot)) a1 = self.a1(x) a2 = self.a2(a_onehot) res = F.tanh(a2 + a1*gate) elif 'tanh' in self.gate: w1 =, self.w1.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x.size(0), self.w1.size(1), self.w1.size(2)) b1 =, self.b1) w2 =, self.w2.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x.size(0), self.w2.size(1), self.w2.size(2)) b2 =, self.b2) x_hat = F.tanh(torch.bmm(x.unsqueeze(1), w1).squeeze(1) + b1) gate = F.sigmoid(torch.bmm(x.unsqueeze(1), w2).squeeze(1) + b2) res = x_hat * gate if self.drop_r>0.0: return self.dropout(res.contiguous()) else: return res.contiguous() class MixingFeatures(nn.Module): """ mixing features of sequence and a single vector or mixing features of two sequences """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, wn=False, latent=False, final=False): super(MixingFeatures, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.w1 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, x_size)) self.latent = latent; = final if not latent and not final: self.w2 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, x_size//2)) self.w2b = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, x_size//2)) self.w3 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size//2, 1)) def forward(self, x, x_mask, y, y_mask): """ x = batch * dlen * hdim x_mask = batch * dlen y = batch * qlen * hdim """ y_n = F.tanh(self.w1(y.view(-1, y.size(-1)))).view(y.size(0), y.size(1), x.size(2)) y_p = y_n.permute(0, 2, 1) A = torch.bmm(x, y_p) # batch * dlen * qlen, -float('inf')), -float('inf')) # which context words are most relevant to one of query words m_alpha_d = F.softmax(torch.max(A, 2)[0], dim=-1) m_d = torch.mul(x, m_alpha_d.unsqueeze(2)).sum(1) if #s_q = torch.bmm(x.permute(0,2,1), F.softmax(A, dim=1)).permute(0,2,1) # b * qlen * hdim p_d = F.softmax(A, dim=2) mask_d = (p_d != p_d).byte(), 0.0) s_d = torch.bmm(p_d, y_n) # b * dlen * hdim return s_d, m_d, 0 # which question words are most relevant to one of context words m_alpha_q = F.softmax(torch.max(A, 1)[0], dim=-1) m_q = torch.mul(y_n, m_alpha_q.unsqueeze(2)).sum(1) ae_prob = None if not self.latent: ae_prob = F.sigmoid(self.w3(F.relu(self.w2b(m_d) + self.w2(m_q)))) return m_d, m_q, ae_prob class LinearSeqAttn(nn.Module): """Self attention over a sequence: * o_i = softmax(Wx_i) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, input_size, wn=False): super(LinearSeqAttn, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.linear = self.wn(nn.Linear(input_size, 1)) def forward(self, x, x_mask): """ x = batch * len * hdim x_mask = batch * len """ x_flat = x.view(-1, x.size(-1)) scores = self.linear(x_flat).view(x.size(0), x.size(1)), -float('inf')) alpha = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) return alpha class LinearSeqAttnAction(nn.Module): """Self attention over a sequence: * o_i = softmax(Wx_i) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, input_size,n_actions, wn=False, drop_r=0.0): super(LinearSeqAttnAction, self).__init__() self.n_actions = n_actions if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,input_size, 1)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,1)) self.n_actions = n_actions self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(1)), stdv) def forward(self, x, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * hdim x_mask = batch * len """ x_flat = x.view(-1, x.size(-1)) a_onehot = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) w =, self.weight.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x.size(0), self.weight.size(1), self.weight.size(2)) b =, self.bias).unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), self.bias.size(1)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0), self.bias.size(1)) w = w.unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), w.size(1), w.size(2)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0),w.size(1), w.size(2)) scores = (torch.bmm(x_flat.unsqueeze(1), w).squeeze(1) + b).view(x.size(0), x.size(1)), -float('inf')) alpha = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) return alpha class LinearSeqAttnAction_ad1(nn.Module): """Self attention over a sequence: * o_i = softmax(Wx_i) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, input_size,n_actions, wn=False, drop_r=0.0): super(LinearSeqAttnAction_ad1, self).__init__() self.n_actions = n_actions if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.v = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,input_size)) self.w = self.wn(nn.Linear(input_size, input_size)) self.n_actions = n_actions self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.v.size(1)), stdv) def forward(self, x, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * hdim x_mask = batch * len """ x_flat = x.view(-1, x.size(-1)) a_onehot = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) v =, self.v).unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), self.v.size(1)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0), self.v.size(1)) wx = self.w(x_flat) scores = torch.mul(wx, F.sigmoid(v)).sum(1).view(x.size(0), x.size(1)), -float('inf')) alpha = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) return alpha class LinearSeqAttnAction2(nn.Module): """Self attention over a sequence: * o_i = W_2*relu(W1 x_i) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, input_size,n_actions, wn=False, drop_r=0.0): super(LinearSeqAttnAction2, self).__init__() self.n_actions = n_actions self.w1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,input_size, input_size//2)) self.b1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,input_size//2)) self.w2 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,input_size//2, 1)) self.b2 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(n_actions,1)) self.n_actions = n_actions self.reset_parameters() if drop_r>0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_r) self.drop_r = drop_r def reset_parameters(self): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.w1.size(2)), stdv), stdv), stdv), stdv) def forward(self, x, x_mask, actions): """ x = batch * len * hdim x_mask = batch * len """ x_flat = x.view(-1, x.size(-1)) a_onehot = one_hot(actions, self.n_actions) w1 =, self.w1.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x.size(0), self.w1.size(1), self.w1.size(2)) b1 =, self.b1).unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), self.b1.size(1)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0), self.b1.size(1)) w1 = w1.unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), w1.size(1), w1.size(2)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0),w1.size(1), w1.size(2)) w2 =, self.w2.view(self.n_actions, -1)).view(x.size(0), self.w2.size(1), self.w2.size(2)) b2 =, self.b2).unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), self.b2.size(1)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0), self.b2.size(1)) w2 = w2.unsqueeze(1).expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), w2.size(1), w2.size(2)).contiguous().view(x_flat.size(0),w2.size(1), w2.size(2)) scores = F.relu(torch.bmm(x_flat.unsqueeze(1), w1) + b1.unsqueeze(1)) if self.drop_r>0: scores=self.dropout(scores) scores = (torch.bmm(scores, w2).squeeze(1) + b2).view(x.size(0), x.size(1)), -float('inf')) alpha = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) return alpha class SeqAttention(nn.Module): """attention between a sequence and a tensor: * o_i = softmax(v*tanh(W1x_i+W2y)) for x_i in X. """ def __init__(self, x_size, y_size, wn=False, drop_r=0.0): super(SeqAttention, self).__init__() if wn: self.wn = lambda x: weight_norm(x, dim=None) else: self.wn = lambda x: x self.w1 = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, x_size)) self.w2 = self.wn(nn.Linear(y_size, x_size)) self.v = self.wn(nn.Linear(x_size, 1)) if drop_r>0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_r) self.drop_r = drop_r def forward(self, x, y, x_mask, actions=None, log=False): """ x = batch * len * hdim y = batch * hdim x_mask = batch * len """ x_flat = x.view(-1, x.size(-1)) y_flat = y.unsqueeze(1).expand(y.size(0), x.size(1), y.size(1)).contiguous().view(-1, y.size(-1)) x_t = self.w1(x_flat) y_t = self.w2(y_flat) inpt = F.tanh(x_t+y_t) if self.drop_r>0: inpt = self.dropout(inpt) scores = self.v(inpt).view(x.size(0), x.size(1)), -float('inf')) if not log: return F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) else: return F.log_softmax(scores, dim=-1) class GramMatrix(nn.Module): def forward(self, features): a, b = features.size() G =, features.t()) # compute the gram product # we 'normalize' the values of the gram matrix # by dividing by the number of element in each feature maps. return G.div(a * b) class GramMatrix_u(nn.Module): def forward(self, features): # features [batch x hid] a, b = features.size() G = torch.mul(features, features).sum(1) # compute the gram product # we 'normalize' the values of the gram matrix # by dividing by the number of element in each feature maps. return G.div(b) class ContentLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, target, weight): super(ContentLoss, self).__init__() # we 'detach' the target content from the tree used = target * weight # to dynamically compute the gradient: this is a stated value, # not a variable. Otherwise the forward method of the criterion # will throw an error. self.weight = weight self.criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduce=False) def forward(self, input): loss = self.criterion(input * self.weight, return loss class StyleLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, target, weight, u=False): # u True: target [batch x hid] # u False: target [hid1 x hid2] super(StyleLoss, self).__init__() = target * weight self.weight = weight if u: self.gram = GramMatrix_u() else: self.gram = GramMatrix() self.criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduce=False) def forward(self, input): self.G = self.gram(input) self.G.mul_(self.weight) loss = self.criterion(self.G, return loss # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Functional # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def softmax(input, dim=1): transposed_input = input.transpose(dim, len(input.size()) - 1) softmaxed_output = F.softmax(transposed_input.contiguous().view(-1, transposed_input.size(-1)), dim=-1) return softmaxed_output.view(*transposed_input.size()).transpose(dim, len(input.size()) - 1) def uniform_weights(x, x_mask): """Return uniform weights over non-masked input.""" alpha = Variable(torch.ones(x.size(0), x.size(1))) if alpha = alpha.cuda() alpha = alpha * x_mask.eq(0).float() alpha = alpha / alpha.sum(1, keepdim=True).expand(alpha.size()) return alpha def weighted_avg(x, weights): """x = batch * len * d weights = batch * len """ return weights.unsqueeze(1).bmm(x).squeeze(1) def make_action(probs): # sample from multinomial discrete distribution m = Categorical(probs.contiguous()) actions = m.sample() logp = m.log_prob(actions) return actions, logp def one_hot(actions, n_actions): #assert len(actions.size()) == 1 a_onehot = torch.FloatTensor(actions.size(0), n_actions).cuda() a_onehot.zero_() try: a_onehot.scatter_(1,, 1) except: a_onehot.scatter_(1, actions.unsqueeze(1), 1) return Variable(a_onehot) def cat_entropy(logits,eps=1e-8): max_logits, _ = torch.max(logits, dim=1) a0 = logits - max_logits.unsqueeze(1) ea0 = a0.exp() z0 = ea0.sum(1).unsqueeze(1) p0 = ea0 / z0 return (p0 * ((z0+eps).log() - a0)).sum(1) def make_samples_concrete(logits, s, log_temp, eps=1e-8): u1 = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.random.random(s)).float().cuda()) u2 = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np.random.random(s)).float().cuda()) temp = log_temp.exp() logprobs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) # gumbel random variable g = -(-(u1 + eps).log() + eps).log() # gumbel trick to sample max from categorical distribution scores = logprobs + g _, hard_samples = scores.max(1) hard_samples_oh = one_hot(hard_samples, scores.size(1)) logprobs_z = scores g2 = -(-(u2 + eps).log() + eps).log() scores2 = logprobs + g2 B = (scores2 * hard_samples_oh).sum(1).unsqueeze(1) - logprobs y = -1. * (u2).log() + (-1. * B).exp() g3 = -1. * (y).log() scores3 = g3 + logprobs # slightly biased… logprobs_zt = hard_samples_oh * scores2 + ((-1. * hard_samples_oh) + 1.) * scores3 return hard_samples, F.softmax(logprobs_z / temp, dim=-1), F.softmax(logprobs_zt / temp, dim=-1) def score_sc(pred_s, pred_m, truth): f1_s, f1_m = [], [] if pred_s: assert len(pred_s) == len(truth) for ps, pm, t in zip(pred_s, pred_m, truth): f1_s += [_f1_score(ps, t)] f1_m += [_f1_score(pm, t)] else: for pm, t in zip(pred_m, truth): f1_m += [_f1_score(pm, t)] return np.array(f1_s), np.array(f1_m) def _f1_score(pred, answers): def _score(g_tokens, a_tokens): common = Counter(g_tokens) & Counter(a_tokens) num_same = sum(common.values()) if num_same == 0: return 0 precision = 1. * num_same / len(g_tokens) recall = 1. * num_same / len(a_tokens) f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall) return f1 if pred is None or answers is None: return 0 g_tokens = _normalize_answer(pred).split() scores = [_score(g_tokens, _normalize_answer(a).split()) for a in answers] return max(scores) def _normalize_answer(s): def remove_articles(text): return re.sub(r'\b(a|an|the)\b', ' ', text) def white_space_fix(text): return ' '.join(text.split()) def remove_punc(text): exclude = set(string.punctuation) return ''.join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude) def lower(text): return text.lower() return white_space_fix(remove_articles(remove_punc(lower(s))))
<gh_stars>0 """Dataclass module for AsusRouter""" from __future__ import annotations from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from asusrouter.util.converters import none_or_str @dataclass class ConnectedDevice: """Connected device class""" name : str | None = None mac : str | None = None ip : str | None = None ip_method : str | None = None internet_state : bool | None = None internet_mode : bool | None = None connection_type : str | None = None # WLAN only values online : bool | None = None rssi : int | None = None connected_since : int | None = None rx_speed : float | None = None tx_speed : float | None = None @dataclass class AsusDevice: """Asus device class""" serial : str | None = None mac : str | None = None model : str | None = None brand : str = "ASUSTek" fw_major : str | None = None fw_minor : str | None = None fw_build : str | None = None services : str | None = None led : bool = False def firmware(self) -> str: return "{}.{}_{}".format(self.fw_major, self.fw_minor, self.fw_build) @dataclass class Key: """Key class""" value : str value_to_use : str = "" method : function = none_or_str def __str__(self) -> str: """Return only `value` as default""" return self.value def get(self) -> str: """ Get the proper value Returns ----- `value_to_use` if exists, `value` otherwise """ if self.value_to_use != "": return self.value_to_use return self.value @dataclass class Monitor(dict): """ Monitor class In general this is dict with additions Properties ----- `active`: bool flag of monitor being active `time`: datetime object showing the last time monitor was updated `ready`: bool flag if monitor was ever loaded Methods ----- `start`: set `active` to True `stop`: set `active` to False `reset`: set `time` to utcnow() `finish`: set `ready` to True """ active : bool = False time : datetime | None = None ready : bool = False def start(self) -> None: """Set to active""" = True def stop(self) -> None: """Set to not-active""" = False def reset(self) -> None: """Reset time to utcnow""" self.time = datetime.utcnow() def finish(self) -> None: """Set ready status to True""" self.ready = True
''' Minimal example script in order to show how the scattering plane feature for track fitting (only available when using the Kalman Filter) has to used. ''' from beam_telescope_analysis.telescope.dut import ScatteringPlane def run_analysis(): # Create scattering planes and specifying needed parameters. All scattering planes will be added on the fly (during track fitting) # and will be sorted automatically according to their z-position. scattering_planes = [ScatteringPlane(name='ScatteringPlane1', material_budget=0.01, translation_x=0, translation_y=0, translation_z=1000.0, rotation_alpha=0, rotation_beta=0, rotation_gamma=0), ScatteringPlane(name='ScatteringPlane2', material_budget=0.02, translation_x=0, translation_y=0, translation_z=2000.0, rotation_alpha=0, rotation_beta=0, rotation_gamma=0)] # In the track fitting step, `scattering_planes` needs just to be passed as a parameter to the track fitting fuction. if __name__ == '__main__': # Main entry point is needed for multiprocessing under windows run_analysis()
<gh_stars>10-100 # tested def Main(): a = 1 b = 10 c = 20 d = add(a, b, 10) d2 = add(d, d, d) return d2 def add(a, b, c): result = a + b + c return result
<filename>HW2/gradebook_202101-14765_HW20220Assignment_2021-03-11-18-59-42/Libraries/ """ Object name: Fluid""" import numpy as np import scipy import scipy.optimize from scipy.constants import convert_temperature def C2K(T): return convert_temperature(T,'Celsius','Kelvin') def C2F(T): return convert_temperature(T,'Celsius','Fahrenheit') def F2K(T): return convert_temperature(T,'Fahrenheit','Kelvin') def F2C(T): return convert_temperature(T,'Fahrenheit','Celsius') def K2F(T): return convert_temperature(T,'Kelvin','Fahrenheit') def K2C(T): return convert_temperature(T,'Kelvin','Celsius') import scipy.constants as sc def interpolate_table(target,index,xquantity,yquantity): return yquantity[index] + \ (yquantity[index+1]-yquantity[index])* \ (target-xquantity[index])/(xquantity[index+1]-xquantity[index]) class Fluid(object): """ How to: from NewLibraries import thermodynamics as thermo fluid_of_interest = thermo.Fluid(material,T) material can be air, water, argon and krypton (see below for ranges) and the temperature of the fluid T is in Kelvin. Outputs: The new object computes thermodynamic properties of air between -150 C and 400 C, water between 274K and 373K, argon between 100 and 700K and krypton between 150 and 700 K under 1 atm. Argon, krypton and water were obtained through More fluids to be added in the future fluid_of_interest.beta thermal expansion coefficient fluid_of_interest.rho density fluid_of_interest.Cp specific heat dynamic viscosity fluid_of_interest.k thermal conductivity kinematic viscosity fluid_of_interest.alpha thermal diffusivity fluid_of_interest.Pr """ def __init__(self,name,T,P = 101325.01): = name self.T = T self.P = P if P != 101325.01: print("All available tables are for P=1ATM, reverting to P=101325.01Pa") self.P = 101325.01 if == 'water': if T < 274 or T > 373: print("Temperature is out of bounds for liquid water") return Ttab,ptab,rhotab,Cptab,mutab,ktab = \ np.genfromtxt('Tables/water1atm.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header = 1, unpack=True, dtype=float) Ntab = len(Ttab) Cptab *= 1e3 nutab = mutab/rhotab alphatab = ktab/(rhotab*Cptab) Prtab = nutab/alphatab dTtab = Ttab[1] - Ttab[0] # compute beta from -rho(d rho/dT) betatab = -(1./rhotab)*np.gradient(rhotab)/dTtab i = int((T-Ttab[0])/dTtab) if (i == Ntab - 1): i == Ntab - 2 elif == 'argon': if T < 100 or T > 700: print("Temperature is out of bounds for argon") return Ttab,ptab,rhotab,Cptab,mutab,ktab = \ np.loadtxt('Tables/Argon1atm.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows = 1, unpack=True, dtype=float) Ntab = len(Ttab) Cptab *= 1e3 nutab = mutab/rhotab alphatab = ktab/(rhotab*Cptab) Prtab = nutab/alphatab dTtab = Ttab[1] - Ttab[0] # compute beta from -rho(d rho/dT) betatab = -(1./rhotab)*np.gradient(rhotab)/dTtab i = int((T-Ttab[0])/dTtab) if (i == Ntab - 1): i == Ntab - 2 elif == 'krypton': if T < 150 or T > 740: print("Temperature is out of bounds for krypton") return Ttab,ptab,rhotab,Cptab,mutab,ktab = \ np.loadtxt('Tables/Krypton1atm.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows = 1, unpack=True, dtype=float) Ntab = len(Ttab) Cptab *= 1e3 nutab = mutab/rhotab alphatab = ktab/(rhotab*Cptab) Prtab = nutab/alphatab dTtab = Ttab[1] - Ttab[0] # compute beta from -rho(d rho/dT) betatab = -(1./rhotab)*np.gradient(rhotab)/dTtab i = int((T-Ttab[0])/dTtab) if (i == Ntab - 1): i == Ntab - 2 elif == 'air': if T < C2K(-150.) or T > C2K(400.): print("Temperature is out of bounds of the table for air") return Ttab,rhotab,Cptab,ktab,nutab,betatab,Prtab = \ np.genfromtxt('Tables/air1atm.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header = 1, unpack=True, dtype=float) Ntab = len(Ttab) Ttab = C2K(Ttab) Cptab *= 1e3 nutab *= 1e-6 mutab = rhotab*nutab alphatab = ktab/(rhotab*Cptab) Prtab = nutab/alphatab i = 0 while (Ttab[i] < T) and (i<Ntab): i += 1 i -=1 if (i == Ntab - 1): i = Ntab - 2 else: print("warning, no table available for", return self.rho = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,rhotab) self.Cp = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,Cptab) = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,mutab) self.k = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,ktab) = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,nutab) self.alpha = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,alphatab) self.Pr = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,Prtab) if ( == 'air'): self.beta = 1./T else: self.beta = interpolate_table(T,i,Ttab,betatab)
# @l2g 978 python3 # [978] Longest Turbulent Subarray # Difficulty: Medium # # # Given an integer array arr, return the length of a maximum size turbulent subarray of arr. # A subarray is turbulent if the comparison sign flips between each adjacent pair of elements in the subarray. # More formally,a subarray [arr[i],arr[i + 1],..., # arr[j]] of arr is said to be turbulent if and only if: # # For i <= k < j: # # # arr[k] > arr[k + 1] when k is odd, and # arr[k] < arr[k + 1] when k is even. # # # Or, for i <= k < j: # # arr[k] > arr[k + 1] when k is even, and # arr[k] < arr[k + 1] when k is odd. # # # # # Example 1: # # Input: arr = [9,4,2,10,7,8,8,1,9] # Output: 5 # Explanation: arr[1] > arr[2] < arr[3] > arr[4] < arr[5] # # Example 2: # # Input: arr = [4,8,12,16] # Output: 2 # # Example 3: # # Input: arr = [100] # Output: 1 # # # Constraints: # # 1 <= arr.length <= 4 * 10^4 # 0 <= arr[i] <= 10^9 # # from typing import List class Solution: def maxTurbulenceSize(self, arr: List[int]) -> int: if len(arr) == 1: return 1 ans = 1 + int(arr[1] != arr[0]) sub_len = ans prev = 2 # i-1 > i: 0, i-1 < i : 1, i-1 == i : 2 for i in range(1, len(arr)): if prev == 0 and arr[i - 1] < arr[i]: sub_len += 1 elif prev == 1 and arr[i - 1] > arr[i]: sub_len += 1 else: ans = max(ans, sub_len) sub_len = 1 + int(arr[i - 1] != arr[i]) if arr[i - 1] < arr[i]: prev = 1 if arr[i - 1] > arr[i]: prev = 0 if arr[i - 1] == arr[i]: prev = 2 return max(ans, sub_len) if __name__ == "__main__": import os import pytest pytest.main([os.path.join("tests", "")])
<reponame>chunchuan-wang/droplet-engine<gh_stars>1-10 #© 2017-2020, ETH Zurich, D-INFK, <EMAIL> from flask import Flask from flask import request, g from ipfs_util import run_ipfs_load from do_benchmark import store_chunks import json import argparse FILE = "bench" app = Flask("IPFS_Benchmark_Server") @app.route('/ipfs_bench', methods=['POST']) def run_benchmark(): addresses = str(request.get_data()) try: data = addresses.splitlines() times = run_ipfs_load(data) with open("%s" % (FILE,), 'w') as file: for time in times: file.write("%f\n" % time) return json.dumps(times) except Exception as e: print e return "ERROR", 400 if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Run Basic IPFS bench Server") parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, help='port', default=12000, required=False) parser.add_argument('--ip', type=str, help='ip', default="", required=False) args = parser.parse_args(), port=args.port)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time from pyminder.beeminder import Beeminder import os import yaml import time import datetime base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) config = yaml.load(open(f"{base_dir}/config.yaml", "r"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) bm = Beeminder() bm.set_username(config['beeminder']['user']) bm.set_token(config['beeminder']['token']) def tick(): lose_date = get_lose_date() pin = get_pin(lose_date) interval = get_interval(lose_date) power_light(pin, interval) def get_lose_date(): goals = bm.get_goals() lose_dates = {g['slug']: g['losedate'] for g in goals} key = min(lose_dates, key=lose_dates.get) print(key) return lose_dates[key] def get_pin(lose_date): today = tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1) red_bound = today.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59).timestamp() yellow_bound = tomorrow.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59).timestamp() if lose_date <= red_bound: # red return 9 elif lose_date <= yellow_bound: # yellow return 10 else: # green return 11 def get_interval(lose_date): now = time.time() remaining = lose_date - now interval = lose_date / 2 return min(interval, 60 * 10) def power_light(pin, seconds): if pin not in [9, 10, 11]: return for x in range(0, int(seconds / 2)): GPIO.output(pin, True) time.sleep(1) GPIO.output(pin, False) time.sleep(1) # Pin Setup: GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Broadcom pin-numbering scheme. This uses the pin numbers that match the pin numbers on the Pi Traffic light. GPIO.setup(9, GPIO.OUT) # Red LED pin set as output GPIO.setup(10, GPIO.OUT) # Yellow LED pin set as output GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT) # Green LED pin set as output try: while True: tick() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Interrupted') finally: GPIO.cleanup()
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/env python3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np convolve = __import__('5-convolve').convolve if __name__ == '__main__': dataset = np.load('../../supervised_learning/data/animals_1.npz') images = dataset['data'] print(images.shape) kernels = np.array([[[[0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]], [[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]], [[0, -1, 1], [0, -1, 1], [0, -1, 1]]], [[[-1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [-1, 1, 0]], [[5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0]], [[-1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [-1, -1, 0]]], [[[0, 1, -1], [0, 1, -1], [0, 1, -1]], [[-1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, -1], [-1, 0, -1]], [[0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1], [0, -1, -1]]]]) images_conv = convolve(images, kernels, padding='valid') print(images_conv.shape) plt.imshow(images[0]) plt.imshow(images_conv[0, :, :, 0]) plt.imshow(images_conv[0, :, :, 1]) plt.imshow(images_conv[0, :, :, 2])
<reponame>fredmnl/babyfoot import sys from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, FileResponse app = FastAPI() import api @app.get("/api/getPlayers/") async def read_root(): return api.getPlayers() @app.get("/api/getGames/") async def read_root(): return api.getGames() @app.get("/api/insertGame/") async def read_root(blueDefense: str, blueOffense: str, redDefense: str, redOffense: str, blueScore: int, redScore: int): if (blueScore != 5 and redScore != 5) or (blueScore == 5 and redScore == 5): return {"status": "NOK", "reason": f"Invalid score : {blueScore}-{redScore}"} knownPlayers = [player["name"] for player in api.getPlayers()] for player in [blueDefense, blueOffense, redDefense, redOffense]: if player not in knownPlayers: return {"status": "NOK", "reason": f"Unknown player: {player}"} if blueDefense in [redDefense, redOffense]: return {"status": "NOK", "reason": f"Invalid teams: {blueDefense} cannot be in both teams"} if blueOffense in [redDefense, redOffense]: return {"status": "NOK", "reason": f"Invalid teams: {blueOffense} cannot be in both teams"} result = api.insertGame(blueDefense, blueOffense, redDefense, redOffense, blueScore, redScore) result["status"] = "OK" return result @app.get("/api/addPlayer/") async def read_root(player: str): knownPlayers = [player["name"] for player in api.getPlayers()] if player in knownPlayers: return {"status": "NOK", "reason": f"Player already known: {player}"} api.addPlayer(player) return {"status": "OK"}
""" Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. """ import asyncio import logging import pathlib import os import shutil from magma.common.service import MagmaService from magma.magmad.upgrade.magma_upgrader import compare_package_versions from magma.magmad.upgrade.upgrader import UpgraderFactory from magma.magmad.upgrade.upgrader2 import ImageNameT, run_command, \ UpgradeIntent, Upgrader2, VersionInfo, VersionT IMAGE_INSTALL_DIR = '/var/cache/magma_feg' IMAGE_INSTALL_SCRIPT = IMAGE_INSTALL_DIR + '/' class FegUpgrader(Upgrader2): """ Downloads and installs the federation gateway images """ def version_to_image_name(self, version: VersionT) -> ImageNameT: """ Returns the image format from the version string. (i.e) 0.3.68-1541626353-d1c29db1 -> """ parts = version.split("-") if len(parts) != 3: raise ValueError("Unknown version format: %s" % version) return ImageNameT("" % parts[2]) async def get_upgrade_intent(self) -> UpgradeIntent: """ Returns the desired version for the gateway. We don't support downgrading, and so checks are made to update only if the target version is higher than the current version. """ tgt_version = self.service.mconfig.package_version curr_version = self.service.version if (tgt_version == "0.0.0-0" or compare_package_versions(curr_version, tgt_version) <= 0): tgt_version = curr_version return UpgradeIntent(stable=VersionT(tgt_version), canary=VersionT("")) async def get_versions(self) -> VersionInfo: """ Returns the current version """ return VersionInfo( current_version=self.service.version, available_versions=set(), ) async def prepare_upgrade( self, version: VersionT, path_to_image: pathlib.Path ) -> None: """ No-op for the feg upgrader """ return async def upgrade( self, version: VersionT, path_to_image: pathlib.Path ) -> None: """ Time to actually upgrade the Feg using the image """ # Extract the image to the install directory shutil.rmtree(IMAGE_INSTALL_DIR, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(IMAGE_INSTALL_DIR) await run_command("unzip", str(path_to_image), "-d", IMAGE_INSTALL_DIR)"Running image install script: %s", IMAGE_INSTALL_SCRIPT) await run_command(IMAGE_INSTALL_SCRIPT) class FegUpgraderFactory(UpgraderFactory): """ Returns an instance of the FegUpgrader """ def create_upgrader( self, magmad_service: MagmaService, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, ) -> FegUpgrader: return FegUpgrader(magmad_service)
<reponame>ModelFlow/modelflow<gh_stars>1-10 class UrineProcessorAssembly: name = "Urine Processor Assembly" params = [ { "key": "max_urine_consumed_per_hour", "label": "", "units": "kg/hr", "private": False, "value": 0.375, "confidence": 0, "notes": "9 kg/day / 24 per wikipedia", "source": "" }, { "key": "min_urine_consumed_per_hour", "label": "", "units": "kg/hr", "private": False, "value": 0.1, "confidence": 0, "notes": "", "source": "fake" }, { "key": "dc_kwh_consumed_per_hour", "label": "", "units": "kwh", "private": False, "value": 1.501, "confidence": 0, "notes": "TODO: Should be per kg input", "source": "" }, { "key": "efficiency", "label": "", "units": "decimal %", "private": False, "value": 0.85, "confidence": 0, "notes": "Not sure if this is accurate", "source": "" }, { "key": "mass", "label": "", "units": "kg", "private": False, "value": 193.3, "confidence": 0, "notes": "", "source": "" }, { "key": "volume", "label": "", "units": "m3", "private": False, "value": 0.39, "confidence": 0, "notes": "", "source": "" } ] states = [] @staticmethod def run_step(states, params, utils): if states.urine < params.min_urine_consumed_per_hour: return if states.available_dc_kwh < params.dc_kwh_consumed_per_hour: return urine_processed = min(states.urine, params.max_urine_consumed_per_hour) states.urine -= urine_processed states.available_dc_kwh -= min(states.available_dc_kwh, params.dc_kwh_consumed_per_hour) states.unfiltered_water += urine_processed
from __future__ import absolute_import from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from six import add_metaclass, iteritems @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class Auth(object): def __init__( self, app, authorization_hook=None, _overwrite_index=True, protect_assets=False ): = app self._index_view_name = app.config["routes_pathname_prefix"] if _overwrite_index: self._overwrite_index() self._protect_views(protect_assets=protect_assets) self._index_view_name = app.config["routes_pathname_prefix"] self._auth_hooks = [authorization_hook] if authorization_hook else [] def _overwrite_index(self): original_index =[self._index_view_name][self._index_view_name] = self.index_auth_wrapper( original_index ) def _protect_views(self, protect_assets=False): # TODO - allow users to white list in case they add their own views for view_name, view_method in iteritems( if view_name != self._index_view_name: if not protect_assets: if view_name == "_dash_assets.static": continue[view_name] = self.auth_wrapper( view_method ) def is_authorized_hook(self, func): self._auth_hooks.append(func) return func @abstractmethod def is_authorized(self): pass @abstractmethod def auth_wrapper(self, f): pass @abstractmethod def index_auth_wrapper(self, f): pass @abstractmethod def login_request(self): pass
# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pub_site.constant import WithdrawState from pub_site.withdraw import dba as withdraw_dba from pub_site import pay_client from pub_site.sms import sms from tools.utils import to_bankcard_mask def fetch_notify_withdraw_result(minutes): now = datetime.utcnow() d = timedelta(minutes=minutes) t = now - d withdraw_records = withdraw_dba.get_requested_withdraw_record_before(t) for withdraw_record in withdraw_records: user_id = withdraw_record.user_id sn = data = pay_client.query_withdraw(user_id, sn) if data is None: continue is_success = is_withdraw_result_success(data['code']) if is_success is not None: notify_user_withdraw_result(is_success, withdraw_record) def is_withdraw_result_success(code): if code not in [0, '0', 1, '1']: return None return code in [0, '0'] def notify_user_withdraw_result(is_success, withdraw_record): msg = _build_msg(is_success, withdraw_record) notified = sms.send(withdraw_record.phone_no, msg) if not notified: # 失败再尝试一次,TODO: 使用celery. notified = sms.send(withdraw_record.phone_no, msg) if notified: new_state = WithdrawState.SUCCESS if is_success else WithdrawState.FAILED withdraw_dba.update_withdraw_state(, withdraw_record.user_id, new_state) return True def _build_msg(is_success, withdraw_record): user_id = withdraw_record.user_id bankcard_id = withdraw_record.bankcard_id bc = pay_client.app_get_user_bankcard(user_id, bankcard_id) params = { 'created_on': withdraw_record.created_on, 'amount': withdraw_record.amount, 'bank_name': bc['bank_name'], 'card_no': to_bankcard_mask(bc['card_no']) } if is_success: params['actual_amount'] = withdraw_record.actual_amount params['fee'] = withdraw_record.fee msg = "您于{created_on}提现{amount}到{bank_name}({card_no})的请求已处理,实际金额: {actual_amount}, 手续费: {fee}; 正等待到账,请留意银行卡到账信息。" else: msg = "您于{created_on}提现{amount}到{bank_name}({card_no})的请求失败。" return msg.format(**params)
from functools import update_wrapper from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.admin.utils import unquote from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from import load_command_class from django.http import Http404 from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from import Group, GroupHistory, GroupEvent, GroupURL, GroupMilestone, Role, RoleHistory, ChangeStateGroupEvent class RoleInline(admin.TabularInline): model = Role raw_id_fields = ["person", "email"] class GroupURLInline(admin.TabularInline): model = GroupURL class GroupAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ["acronym", "name", "type", "state", "time", "role_list"] list_display_links = ["acronym", "name"] list_filter = ["type", "state", "time"] search_fields = ["acronym", "name"] ordering = ["name"] raw_id_fields = ["charter", "parent"] inlines = [RoleInline, GroupURLInline] prepopulated_fields = {"acronym": ("name", )} def role_list(self, obj): roles = Role.objects.filter(group=obj).order_by("name", "person__name").select_related('person') res = [] for r in roles: res.append(u'<a href="../../person/person/%s/">%s</a> (<a href="../../group/role/%s/">%s)' % (, escape(r.person.plain_name()),, return ", ".join(res) role_list.short_description = "Persons" role_list.allow_tags = True # SDO reminder def get_urls(self): from ietf.utils.urls import url def wrap(view): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return self.admin_site.admin_view(view)(*args, **kwargs) return update_wrapper(wrapper, view) info = self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name urls = [ url(r'^reminder/$', wrap(self.send_reminder), name='%s_%s_reminder' % info), url(r'^(.+)/reminder/$', wrap(self.send_one_reminder), name='%s_%s_one_reminder' % info), ] urls += super(GroupAdmin, self).get_urls() return urls def send_reminder(self, request, sdo=None): opts = self.model._meta app_label = opts.app_label output = None sdo_pk = sdo and or None if request.method == 'POST' and request.POST.get('send', False): command = load_command_class('ietf.liaisons', 'remind_update_sdo_list') output=command.handle(return_output=True, sdo_pk=sdo_pk) output='\n'.join(output) context = { 'opts': opts, 'has_change_permission': self.has_change_permission(request), 'app_label': app_label, 'output': output, 'sdo': sdo, } return render(request, 'admin/group/group/send_sdo_reminder.html', context ) def send_one_reminder(self, request, object_id): model = self.model opts = model._meta try: obj = self.queryset(request).get(pk=unquote(object_id)) except model.DoesNotExist: obj = None if not self.has_change_permission(request, obj): raise PermissionDenied if obj is None: raise Http404(_('%(name)s object with primary key %(key)r does not exist.') % {'name': force_unicode(opts.verbose_name), 'key': escape(object_id)}) return self.send_reminder(request, sdo=obj), GroupAdmin) class GroupHistoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ["time", "acronym", "name", "type"] list_display_links = ["acronym", "name"] list_filter = ["type"] search_fields = ["acronym", "name"] ordering = ["name"] raw_id_fields = ["group", "parent"], GroupHistoryAdmin) class GroupMilestoneAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ["group", "desc", "due", "resolved", "time"] search_fields = ["group__name", "group__acronym", "desc", "resolved"] raw_id_fields = ["group", "docs"], GroupMilestoneAdmin) class RoleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ["name", "person", "email", "group"] list_display_links = ["name"] search_fields = ["name__name", "person__name", "email__address"] list_filter = ["name", "group"] ordering = ["id"] raw_id_fields = ["email", "person", "group"], RoleAdmin), RoleAdmin) class GroupEventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ["id", "group", "time", "type", "by", ] search_fields = ["group__name", "group__acronym"], GroupEventAdmin) class ChangeStateGroupEventAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ["id", "group", "state", "time", "type", "by", ] list_filter = ["state", "time", ] search_fields = ["group__name", "group__acronym"], ChangeStateGroupEventAdmin)
import json from multiprocessing import Pool from random import randint from typing import List, Dict, Callable, Any import numpy as np import os from tqdm import tqdm from pietoolbelt.datasets.common import BasicDataset from pietoolbelt.pipeline.abstract_step import AbstractStep, DatasetInPipeline, AbstractStepDirResult class StratificationResult(AbstractStepDirResult): def __init__(self, path: str): super().__init__(path) self._meta_file = os.path.join(path, 'meta.json') if os.path.exists(self._meta_file): with open(self._meta_file, 'r') as meta_file: self._meta = json.load(meta_file) else: self._meta = dict() self._name2file = lambda name: name + '.npy' if len(name) < 4 or name[-4:] != '.npy' else name self._name2path = lambda name: os.path.join(self._path, self._name2file(name)) def add_indices(self, indices: List[np.uint], name: str, dataset: BasicDataset): dataset.set_indices(indices).flush_indices(self._name2path(name)) self._meta[name] = {'indices_num': len(indices)} with open(self._meta_file, 'w') as meta_file: json.dump(self._meta, meta_file) def get_folds(self) -> List[str]: return list(self._meta.keys()) def get_indices(self, name: str) -> List[np.ndarray]: file_path = os.path.join(self._path, self._name2file(name)) if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise RuntimeError('Indices file doesnt exists [{}]'.format(file_path)) return np.load(file_path) def get_output_paths(self) -> List[str]: return [self._path] class DatasetStratification: def __init__(self, dataset: BasicDataset, calc_target_label: Callable[[Any], Any], result: StratificationResult, workers_num: int = 0): self._dataset = dataset self._calc_label = calc_target_label self._progress_clbk = None self._workers_num = workers_num self._result = result @staticmethod def __fill_hist(target_hist: [], indices: {}): def pick(d): idx = randint(0, len(indices[d]) - 1) res = indices[d][idx] del indices[d][idx] return res res = {} for idx, d in enumerate(target_hist): idxes = [] for _ in range(d): idxes.append(pick(idx)) res[idx] = idxes return res def calc_hist(self, dataset: BasicDataset): labels = [] if self._workers_num > 1: with Pool(self._workers_num) as pool, tqdm(total=len(dataset)) as pbar: for label in pool.imap(self._calc_label, dataset.get_items(), chunksize=self._workers_num * 10): labels.append(label) pbar.update() else: for d in tqdm(dataset.get_items(), total=len(dataset)): labels.append(self._calc_label(d)) hist = [[] for _ in range(max(labels))] for i, idxes in enumerate(labels): hist[idxes - 1].append(i) return np.array([len(v) for v in hist]), hist def cal_multi_hist(self, dataset: BasicDataset): labels = [] if self._workers_num > 1: with Pool(self._workers_num) as pool, tqdm(total=len(dataset)) as pbar: for label in pool.imap(self._calc_label, dataset.get_items(), chunksize=self._workers_num * 10): labels.append(label) pbar.update() else: for d in tqdm(dataset.get_items(), total=len(dataset)): labels.append(self._calc_label(d)) percent = np.percentile(np.array(labels)[:, 1], np.linspace(0, 100, 10)).tolist() out_p = [] for p in percent: if percent.index(p) % 2 != 0: out_p.append(p) hist_1 = [[] for _ in range(int(max(np.array(labels)[:, 0])) + 1)] for i, idxes in enumerate(labels): hist_1[int(idxes[0])].append(i) hist_2 = [[] for _ in range(len(out_p))] for i, idxes in enumerate(labels): for p in range(len(out_p)): if p == 0 and idxes[1] <= out_p[p]: hist_2[p].append(i) elif p != 0 and out_p[p - 1] < idxes[1] <= out_p[p]: hist_2[p].append(i) hist = [[] for _ in range(len(hist_1) * len(hist_2))] z = lambda x, y: [y.index(h) if x in h else -1 for h in y] for i, idxes in enumerate(labels): index_h1, index_h2 = self.get_hist_idx(i, hist_1), self.get_hist_idx(i, hist_2) if index_h2 == -1 or index_h1 == -1: raise Exception("Index error in histograms") hist[int(index_h1 * index_h2) - 1].append(i) return np.array([len(v) for v in hist]), hist def stratificate_dataset(self, hist: np.ndarray, indices: list, parts: [float]) -> []: res = [] for part in parts[:len(parts) - 1]: target_hist = (hist.copy() * part).astype(np.uint32) res.append([target_hist, self.__fill_hist(target_hist, indices)]) res.append([np.array([len(i) for i in indices]).astype(np.uint32), {i: v for i, v in enumerate(indices)}]) return res @staticmethod def get_hist_idx(x, hist): res = -1 for h in hist: res = hist.index(h) if x in h else res return res @staticmethod def check_indices_for_intersection(indices: []): for i in range(len(indices)): for index in indices[i]: for other_indices in indices[i + 1:]: if index in other_indices: raise Exception('Indices intersects') def balance_classes(self, hist: np.ndarray, indices: {}) -> tuple: target_hist = hist.copy() target_hist[np.argmax(target_hist)] = np.sum(target_hist[target_hist != target_hist.max()]) return target_hist, self.__fill_hist(target_hist, indices) def _flush_indices(self, indices: [], part_indices: [], path: str): inner_indices = [part_indices[it] for bin in indices[1].values() for it in bin] self._result.add_indices(indices=inner_indices, name=path, dataset=self._dataset) return inner_indices def run(self, parts: {str: float}, multi_hist=False) -> None: if sum(parts.values()) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Sum of target parts greater than 1") parts = [[path, part] for path, part in parts.items()] pathes = [p[0] for p in parts] parts = [p[1] for p in parts] part_indices = {i: i for i in range(len(self._dataset))} hist, indices = self.cal_multi_hist(self._dataset) if multi_hist else self.calc_hist(self._dataset) stratificated_indices = self.stratificate_dataset(hist, indices, parts) indices_to_check = [] for i, cur_indices in enumerate(stratificated_indices): indices_to_check.append(self._flush_indices(cur_indices, part_indices, pathes[i])) self._dataset.remove_indices() self.check_indices_for_intersection(indices_to_check) class PipelineDatasetStratification(DatasetStratification, AbstractStep): def __init__(self, dataset: DatasetInPipeline, calc_target_label: callable, result: StratificationResult, workers_num: int = 1): DatasetStratification.__init__(self, dataset, calc_target_label, result=result, workers_num=workers_num) AbstractStep.__init__(self, input_results=[dataset], output_res=result)
<reponame>hdknr/flier<gh_stars>0 from docutils.core import publish_doctree import sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup import yaml import json def to_yaml(result): # YAML print yaml.dump( yaml.load(json.dumps(result)), default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) def to_json(result): # JSON print json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) def to_source(rows): print "#", ", ".join(['u"%s"' % s for s in rows[0]]) for row in rows[1:]: print "[", ", ".join(['u"%s"' % s for s in row]), "]," doctree = publish_doctree(open(sys.argv[1]).read()) dom = doctree.asdom() soup = Soup(dom.toprettyxml(encoding='utf8')) rows = [] for row in'tbody row'): rows.append(['paragraph') and'paragraph')[0].text or '' for e in'entry')]) result = [] for row in rows[1:]: result.append(dict(zip(rows[0], row))) to_source(rows)
from create_allele_counts import get_primer_intervals def pair_counts(sam_fname, paired=False, qual_min=30, max_reads=-1, max_isize = 700, VERBOSE = 0, fwd_primer_regions = None, rev_primer_regions = None): ''' ''' import numpy as np import pysam from collections import defaultdict from itertools import combinations a = {(True,True):0, (True, False):0, (False, True):0, (False, False):0} c = {'R':0, 'L':0, 'N':0, 'E':0} nuc_alpha = np.array(['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'], dtype='S1') # Open BAM or SAM file with pysam.Samfile(sam_fname) as samfile: ac = [] acc = [] refs = {} read_count = 0 for nref in range(samfile.nreferences): if VERBOSE: print(("allocating for:", samfile.getrname(nref), "length:", samfile.lengths[nref])) refs[nref]=samfile.getrname(nref) ac.append((samfile.getrname(nref), np.zeros((len(nuc_alpha),samfile.lengths[nref]), dtype =int))) acc.append((samfile.getrname(nref), {})) while True: # find read pairs and skip secondary or supplementary alignments try: read1 = next(samfile) while read1.is_secondary or read1.is_supplementary: read1 = next(samfile) read2 = next(samfile) while read2.is_secondary or read2.is_supplementary: read2 = next(samfile) except: break if read1.is_unmapped or read2.is_unmapped or np.abs(read1.isize)>max_isize: continue if (read1.is_reverse==read2.is_reverse): continue if (read1.qname!=read2.qname): continue read_count+=1 if read_count%1000==0: print(read_count) if max_reads>0 and read_count>max_reads: break ref_name = refs[read1.rname] # determine which read maps to the 5p and which one the 3p end # pull out only positions that map, indels will be ignored in cocounts if read2.is_reverse: aln1 = np.array(read1.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True)) aln2 = np.array(read2.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True)) seq1 = np.fromstring(read1.seq, 'S1')[aln1[:,0]] qual1 = np.fromstring(read1.qual, np.int8)[aln1[:,0]] - 33 seq2 = np.fromstring(read2.seq, 'S1')[aln2[:,0]] qual2 = np.fromstring(read2.qual, np.int8)[aln2[:,0]] - 33 else: aln2 = np.array(read1.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True)) aln1 = np.array(read2.get_aligned_pairs(matches_only=True)) seq1 = np.fromstring(read2.seq, 'S1')[aln1[:,0]] qual1 = np.fromstring(read2.qual, np.int8)[aln1[:,0]] - 33 seq2 = np.fromstring(read1.seq, 'S1')[aln2[:,0]] qual2 = np.fromstring(read1.qual, np.int8)[aln2[:,0]] - 33 isize = np.abs(read1.isize) L1 = aln1.shape[0] L2 = aln2.shape[0] ## merge reads # allocate vectors merged_qual = np.zeros(isize, dtype=int) merged_seq = np.zeros(isize, dtype='S1') merged_pos = np.zeros((isize,2), dtype=int) # handle edge cases where one read in contained in the other, # i.e. the 5p read extends for longer than the 3p end of the 3p read # This can result for example from quality trimming. leftoverhang = aln1[0,1] - aln2[0,1] rightoverhang = aln1[-1,1] - aln2[-1,1] if leftoverhang>0: # take only the better read2 merged_pos=aln2 merged_qual=qual2 merged_seq=qual2 c['L']+=1 elif rightoverhang>0: # take only the better read1 merged_pos=aln1 merged_qual=qual1 merged_seq=qual1 c['R']+=1 else: # proper merging happens here # difference between end of aln1 and beginning of aln2 is overlap on reference overlap = max(0, aln1[-1,1] - aln2[0,1]+1) c['N']+=1 # note that the exact coordinates might be off bc of indels # but what we are doing is conservate and only mapped positions # will be reported seg1 = L1 - overlap # end of non-overlap segment seg3 = isize - L2 + overlap # beginnning of non-overlap segment if seg1>0: merged_pos[:seg1] = aln1[:seg1] merged_qual[:seg1] = qual1[:seg1] merged_seq[:seg1] = seq1[:seg1] else: seg1=0 merged_pos[seg3:] = aln2[overlap:] merged_qual[seg3:] = qual2[overlap:] merged_seq[seg3:] = seq2[overlap:] if overlap: try: seq_agree = (seq1[seg1:]==seq2[:overlap])&(aln1[seg1:,1]==aln2[:overlap,1]) better = qual1[seg1:]<qual2[:overlap] from1 = np.where(seq_agree&better)[0] from2 = np.where(seq_agree&(~better))[0] merged_pos[seg1 + from1] = aln1[seg1 + from1] merged_qual[seg1 + from1] = qual1[seg1 + from1] merged_seq[seg1+from1] = seq1[seg1+from1] merged_pos[seg1 + from2] = aln2[from2] merged_qual[seg1 + from2] = qual2[from2] merged_seq[seg1+from2] = seq2[from2] except: c['E']+=1 continue # mask regions in the merged read that likely derive from primer sequence not_primer = np.ones_like(merged_seq, 'bool') if rev_primer_regions: read_end = merged_pos[-1,1] for b,e in rev_primer_regions[ref_name]: p_length = e-b if read_end-b>0 and read_end-b<p_length: not_primer[-(read_end-b):]=False break if fwd_primer_regions: read_start = merged_pos[0,1] for b,e in fwd_primer_regions[ref_name]: p_length = e-b if read_start-b>0 and read_start-b<p_length: not_primer[:e-read_start]=False break counts = ac[read1.rname][1] cocounts = acc[read1.rname][1] good_ind = (merged_qual>qual_min)&not_primer for ni,nuc in enumerate(nuc_alpha): correct_state = merged_seq==nuc counts[ni,merged_pos[correct_state&good_ind,1]] += 1 combo = list(zip(merged_pos[good_ind], merged_seq[good_ind])) for (p1, n1), (p2,n2) in combinations(combo, 2): posp = (p1[1], p2[1]) p = n1+n2 if posp not in cocounts: cocounts[posp]={p:1} continue if p not in cocounts[posp]: cocounts[posp][p]=1 else: cocounts[posp][p]+=1 return ac, acc if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse, gzip import pickle as pickle parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='create pair counts', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--bam_file', help='bam file to pile up') parser.add_argument('--out_dir', help='directory to save results') parser.add_argument('--max_reads', type=int,default=-1, help='maximum number of reads to process') parser.add_argument('--primers', type=str, help='file with primers to mask in pile up') args = parser.parse_args() fwd_primer_intervals, rev_primer_intervals = get_primer_intervals(args.primers) print((fwd_primer_intervals, rev_primer_intervals)) ac, acc = pair_counts(args.bam_file, qual_min=30, VERBOSE=3, max_isize = 600, paired=True, max_reads=args.max_reads, fwd_primer_regions = fwd_primer_intervals, rev_primer_regions = rev_primer_intervals) acc_renamed = [] for refname, counts in acc: acc_renamed.append((refname.replace('/', '_'), counts)) acc = acc_renamed ac_renamed = [] for refname, counts in ac: ac_renamed.append((refname.replace('/', '_'), counts)) ac = ac_renamed with'/pair_counts.pkl.gz', 'w') as fh: pickle.dump((ac,acc), fh)
import unittest from unittest.mock import Mock, patch from .common import header, body, responses, R from atlabs.sms import Sms from atlabs.token import Token from atlabs.voice import Voice from atlabs.airtime import Airtime @patch('') def test_create_checkout_token(mock_post): data = responses['CreateCheckoutToken'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Token(header).CreateCheckoutToken( body["CreateCheckoutToken"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_create_premium_subscription(mock_post): data = responses['CreatePremiumSubscription'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Sms(header).CreatePremiumSubscription( body["CreatePremiumSubscription"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_delete_premium_subscription(mock_post): data = responses['DeletePremiumSubscription'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Sms(header).DeletePremiumSubscription( body["DeletePremiumSubscription"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_fetch_message(mock_post): data = responses['FetchMessage'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Sms(header).FetchMessage( body["FetchMessage"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_fetch_premium_subscription(mock_post): data = responses['FetchPremiumSubscription'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Sms(header).FetchPremiumSubscription( body["FetchPremiumSubscription"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_media_upload(mock_post): data = responses['MediaUpload'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Voice(header).MediaUpload( body["MediaUpload"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_queue_status(mock_post): data = responses['QueueStatus'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Voice(header).QueueStatus( body["QueueStatus"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_send_airtime(mock_post): data = responses['SendAirtime'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Airtime(header).SendAirtime( body["SendAirtime"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_send_message(mock_post): data = responses['SendMessage'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Sms(header).SendMessage( body["SendMessage"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_send_premium_message(mock_post): data = responses['SendPremiumMessage'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Sms(header).SendPremiumMessage( body["SendPremiumMessage"]) == data, "should return an object" @patch('') def test_voice_call(mock_post): data = responses['VoiceCall'] mock_post.return_value = R(data) assert Voice(header).VoiceCall( body["VoiceCall"]) == data, "should return an object"
<gh_stars>0 # flake8: noqa from timeCalculator.calculator import add_time
<filename>Practice-Python/ ''' You can find this exercise at the following website: 10. List Overlap Comprehensions: This week’s exercise is going to be revisiting an old exercise (see Exercise 5), except require the solution in a different way. Take two lists, say for example these two: a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] and write a program that returns a list that contains only the elements that are common between the lists (without duplicates). Make sure your program works on two lists of different sizes. Extra: Randomly generate two lists to test this ''' a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] b = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] resultRepetitions = [element for element in a if element in b] noRepetitions = [] for i in resultRepetitions: if i not in noRepetitions: noRepetitions.append(i) # Same thing in one line: # [noRepetitions.append(i) for i in resultRepetitions if i not in noRepetitions] # See Exercise 14 for functions to remove duplicates! print("List 1: " + str(a)) print("List 2: " + str(b)) print("List of numbers in both lists with repetitions:" + str(resultRepetitions)) print("List of numbers in both lists without repetitions:" + str(noRepetitions)) # To see how to randomly generate lists, refer to exercise 5 - List Overlap
import inspect, sys, traceback from types import MethodType from copy import copy, deepcopy import numpy as np from .SilkBase import SilkBase, compile_function from .validation import ( schema_validator, Scalar, scalar_conv, _types, infer_type, is_numpy_structure_schema, ValidationError ) allowed_types = tuple(_types.values()) from .policy import default_policy as silk_default_policy _underscore_attribute_names = set(["__array_struct__", "__array_interface__", "__array__"]) # A set of magic names where it is expected that they raise NotImplementedError if # not implemented, rather than returning NotImplemented _underscore_attribute_names2 = set(["__deepcopy__"]) # A set of magic names where it is expected that they raise AttributeError if # not implemented, rather than returning NotImplemented def hasattr2(obj, attr): try: getattr(obj, attr) return True except (AttributeError, KeyError): return False def init_object_schema(silk, schema): if "type" in schema: assert schema["type"] == "object" if "properties" not in schema: schema["properties"] = {} return schema["properties"] schema["type"] = "object" result = {} schema["properties"] = result return result class RichValue: value = None form = None storage = None schema = None _has_form = False def __init__(self, value, need_form=False): if isinstance(value, Wrapper): value = value._unwrap() if isinstance(value, Silk): self.schema = value._schema value = value._data if isinstance(value, Wrapper): value = value._unwrap() if isinstance(value, FormWrapper): self._form = value._form self._storage = value._storage value = value._wrapped self._has_form = True elif need_form: self._storage, self._form = get_form(value) self._has_form = True self.value = value @property def form(self): assert self._has_form return self._form @property def storage(self): assert self._has_form return self._storage def _unwrap_all(value): if isinstance(value, Wrapper): value = value._unwrap() class AlmostDict(dict): """Dict subclass that returns a fixed items() instead of an iterator This is because a schema may change during validation by jsonschema and a normal dict will give a RuntimeError because of this """ def items(self): return list(dict.items(self)) class Silk(SilkBase): __slots__ = [ "_data", "_schema", "_parent", "_parent_attr", "_self_mode", "_default_policy" ] def __init__(self, *, data=None, schema=None, parent=None, _parent_attr=None, default_policy=None, _self_mode=False, ): assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, Silk) self._parent = parent self._parent_attr = _parent_attr assert isinstance(data, allowed_types) \ or isinstance(data, (Wrapper, FormWrapper)), type(data) self._data = data if schema is None: schema = {} assert isinstance(schema, allowed_types) \ or isinstance(schema, Wrapper) self._schema = schema self._default_policy = default_policy self._self_mode = _self_mode def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): data = self._data schema = self._schema methods = schema.get("methods", {}) methods = RichValue(methods).value if data is None: constructor_code = methods.get("__init__", None) if constructor_code is None: raise AttributeError("__init__") name = "Silk __init__" try: constructor = compile_function(constructor_code, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None instance = Silk( data=None, schema=self._schema, default_policy=self._default_policy ) result = constructor(instance, *args, **kwargs) assert result is None # __init__ must return None return instance else: call_code = methods.get("__call__", None) if call_code is None: raise AttributeError("__call__") name = "Silk __call__" try: call = compile_function(call_code, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None return call(self, *args, **kwargs) def _get_policy(self, schema, default_policy=None): policy = schema.get("policy") policy = RichValue(policy).value if policy is None or not len(policy): #TODO: implement lookup hierarchy wrapper that also looks at parent if default_policy is None: if self._default_policy is not None: default_policy = self._default_policy else: default_policy = silk_default_policy policy = default_policy elif len(policy.keys()) < len(silk_default_policy.keys()): policy0 = policy policy = deepcopy(silk_default_policy) policy.update(policy0) return policy #*************************************************** #* methods for inference #*************************************************** def _is_binary_array(self): schema = self._schema storage = None if "storage" not in schema: return False if schema["storage"] not in ("binary", "mixed-binary", "pure-binary"): return False if "form" not in schema: return False if "ndim" not in schema["form"]: return False if "type" not in schema or schema["type"] != "array": return False return True def _is_binary_array_item(self): if self._parent is None: return False if self._parent._is_binary_array(): return True schema = self._schema storage = None if "storage" in schema: storage = schema["storage"] if storage in ("plain", "mixed-plain", "pure-plain"): return False return self._parent._is_binary_array_item() def _infer_new_property(self, schema, attr, value, value_schema=None): policy = self._get_policy(schema) if not policy["infer_new_property"]: return False self._infer_type(schema, policy, {}) if "properties" not in schema: schema["properties"] = {} if attr not in schema["properties"]: if value_schema is None: value_schema = {} subschema = deepcopy(value_schema) new_subschema = True else: subschema = schema["properties"][attr] new_subschema = False subpolicy = self._get_policy(subschema, policy) dummy = Silk(schema=subschema, parent=self) dummy._infer(subpolicy, RichValue(value)) if new_subschema: schema["properties"][attr] = subschema def _infer_object(self, schema, policy, rich_value): assert isinstance(rich_value, RichValue) value = rich_value.value value_schema = rich_value.schema if not policy["infer_object"]: return False self._infer_type(schema, policy, value) if "properties" not in schema: schema["properties"] = {} if isinstance(value, dict): items = value.items() else: #struct items = [] for field in value.dtype.fields: subvalue = value[field] items.append((field, subvalue)) if value_schema is None: value_schema = {} value_schema_props = value_schema.get("properties", {}) for attr, subvalue in items: if attr not in schema["properties"]: sub_value_schema = value_schema_props.get(attr, {}) schema["properties"][attr] = deepcopy(sub_value_schema) subschema = schema["properties"][attr] subpolicy = self._get_policy(subschema, policy) dummy = Silk(schema=subschema, parent=self) dummy._infer(subpolicy, RichValue(subvalue)) def _infer_new_item(self, schema, index, value, value_item_schema=None): if self._is_binary_array_item(): return False policy = self._get_policy(schema) if not policy["infer_new_item"]: return False self._infer_type(schema, policy, {}) if "items" not in schema: if value_item_schema is not None: item_schema = deepcopy(value_item_schema) else: item_schema = {} dummy = Silk(schema=item_schema, parent=self) dummy._infer(policy, RichValue(value)) if policy["infer_array"] == "pluriform" and index == 0: item_schema = [item_schema] schema["items"] = item_schema else: item_schemas = schema["items"] new_item_schema = None if isinstance(item_schemas, list): if value_item_schema is not None: new_item_schema = deepcopy(value_item_schema) else: if index < len(item_schemas): curr_item_schema = item_schemas[index] else: new_item_schema = {} curr_item_schema = new_item_schema dummy = Silk(schema=curr_item_schema,parent=self) dummy._infer(policy, RichValue(value)) insert = True if new_item_schema is not None: for n in range(len(item_schemas), index): item_schemas.append({}) item_schemas.insert(index, new_item_schema) else: #single schema, no inference pass def _infer_array(self, schema, policy, rich_value): assert isinstance(rich_value, RichValue) value = rich_value.value self._infer_type(schema, policy, value) value_schema = rich_value.schema if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): storage = "plain" elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): storage = "binary" else: raise TypeError(value) if policy["infer_storage"]: schema["storage"] = storage if storage == "binary": if any(( policy["infer_array"], policy["infer_ndim"], policy["infer_shape"], policy["infer_strides"] )): if "form" not in schema: schema["form"] = {} form_schema = schema["form"] if policy["infer_ndim"]: form_schema["ndim"] = value.ndim if policy["infer_strides"]: contiguous = is_contiguous(value) if contiguous: form_schema["contiguous"] = True form_schema.pop("strides", None) else: form_schema.pop("contiguous", None) form_schema["strides"] = value.strides if policy["infer_shape"]: form_schema["shape"] = value.shape if not policy["infer_array"]: return if "items" not in schema: value_item_schema = None if value_schema is not None: value_item_schema = value_schema.get("items") if value_item_schema is not None: schema["items"] = deepcopy(value_item_schema) else: bytesize = None first_item_type = None unsigned = None if storage == "binary": #TODO: only if parent does not have ndim... if policy["infer_type"] and value.ndim > 1: first_item_type = infer_type(value.flat[0]) if first_item_type == "integer": unsigned = is_unsigned(value.dtype) if policy["infer_array"] and policy["infer_storage"]: bytesize = value.itemsize if len(value): pluriform = False item_schema = {} dummy = Silk(schema=item_schema,parent=self) dummy._infer(policy, RichValue(value[0])) if policy["infer_array"] == "pluriform": pluriform = True elif storage == "binary" and is_numpy_structure_schema(schema): #fastest, if we can skip validation altogether #requires that the schema is a numpy structure schema. pass else: # Not too slow (10**5 per sec). # Much better than constructing and validating # an explicit Silk object! validator = schema_validator(item_schema) for n in range(1, len(value)): try: validator.validate(value[n]) except Exception: pluriform = True break if pluriform: item_schemas = [item_schema] for n in range(1, len(value)): item_schemas.append({}) dummy = Silk(schema=item_schemas[n],parent=self) dummy._infer(policy, RichValue(value[n])) if bytesize is not None: for item_schema in item_schemas: if "form" not in item_schema: item_schema["form"] = {} item_schema["form"]["bytesize"] = bytesize if first_item_type is not None: for item_schema in item_schemas: if "form" not in item_schema: item_schema["form"] = {} item_schema["form"]["type"] = first_item_type if unsigned is not None: item_schema["form"]["unsigned"] = unsigned schema["items"] = item_schemas else: if bytesize is not None: if "form" not in item_schema: item_schema["form"] = {} item_schema["form"]["bytesize"] = bytesize if first_item_type is not None: if "form" not in item_schema: item_schema["form"] = {} item_schema["form"]["type"] = first_item_type if unsigned is not None: item_schema["form"]["unsigned"] = unsigned schema["items"] = item_schema def _infer_type(self, schema, policy, value): if policy["infer_type"]: if "type" not in schema: type_ = infer_type(value) if type_ != "null": schema["type"] = type_ if isinstance(value, np.number): if "form" not in schema: schema["form"] = {} form = schema["form"] if "bytesize" not in form: form["bytesize"] = value.itemsize def _infer(self, policy, rich_value): assert isinstance(rich_value, RichValue) schema = self._schema value = rich_value.value if self._is_binary_array_item(): if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return self._infer_type(schema, policy, value) else: return False self._infer_type(schema, policy, value) if "type" in schema: if schema["type"] == "object": self._infer_object(schema, policy, rich_value) elif schema["type"] == "array": self._infer_array(schema, policy, rich_value) #*************************************************** #* methods for setting #*************************************************** def _set_value_simple(self, value): assert self._parent is None or self._parent_attr is not None if self._parent is not None: rich_value = RichValue(value) value, value_schema = rich_value.value, rich_value.schema self._parent._setitem(self._parent_attr, value, value_schema) elif isinstance(self._data, Wrapper): self._data.set(value) else: self._data = value def _set_value_dict(self, value): assert self._parent is None or self._parent_attr is not None if self._parent is not None: rich_value = RichValue(value) value, value_schema = rich_value.value, rich_value.schema self._parent._setitem(self._parent_attr, value, value_schema) return self._data data = self._data """ try: raw_data = self._raw_data() is_none = (raw_data is None) except ValueError: is_none = True if is_none or not isinstance(raw_data, dict) or not isinstance(value, dict): self._set_value_simple(value) else: data.clear() data.update(value) """ self._set_value_simple(value) return self._data def _set(self, value, lowlevel): rich_value = RichValue(value) value = rich_value.value value_schema = rich_value.schema def _get_schema(): schema = self._schema updated = False if test_none(schema) and value_schema is not None: if schema is None: schema = value_schema super().__setattr__(self, "_schema", schema) else: schema.update(value_schema) return schema if not lowlevel: schema = _get_schema() policy = self._get_policy(schema) self._infer_type(schema, policy, value) try: raw_data = self._raw_data() is_none = (raw_data is None) except ValueError: is_none = True if isinstance(value, Scalar): self._set_value_simple(value) if not lowlevel: if value_schema is not None: schema.update(deepcopy(value_schema)) elif isinstance(value, _types["array"]): #invalidates all Silk objects constructed from items if is_none: self._set_value_simple(value) is_empty = True else: is_empty = (len(raw_data) == 0) data = self._data if isinstance(data, Wrapper): data.set(value) else: data[:] = value if is_empty and not lowlevel: self._infer_array(schema, policy, rich_value) elif isinstance(value, (dict, np.generic)): #invalidates all Silk objects constructed from items if is_none: is_empty = True else: try: is_empty = (len(raw_data) == 0) except: is_empty = True self._set_value_dict(value) schema = _get_schema() policy = self._get_policy(schema) if is_empty and not lowlevel: self._infer_object(schema, policy, rich_value) else: raise TypeError(type(value)) def set(self, value): self._set(value, lowlevel=False) return self def _setitem(self, attr, value, value_schema): data = self._data schema = self._schema policy = self._get_policy(schema) try: raw_data = self._raw_data() except ValueError: raw_data = None if raw_data is None: base = [] if isinstance(attr, int) else {} self._set_value_simple(base) self._infer_type(schema, policy, base) data = self._data data[attr] = value if isinstance(attr, int): self._infer_new_item(schema, attr, value, value_schema) else: self._infer_new_property(schema, attr, value, value_schema) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): #print("_s", attr, value) if attr in type(self).__slots__: return super().__setattr__(attr, value) if hasattr(type(self), attr) and not attr.startswith("__"): raise AttributeError(attr) #Silk method if attr in ("data", "schema", "unsilk"): raise AttributeError if isinstance(value, property): return self._set_property(attr, value) if not isinstance(value, Silk) and callable(value): return self._set_method(attr, value) rich_value = RichValue(value) value, value_schema = rich_value.value, rich_value.schema schema = self._schema methods = schema.get("methods", {}) methods = RichValue(methods).value m = methods.get(attr, None) if m is not None: if m.get("property", False): setter = m.get("setter", None) if setter is not None: mm = {"code": setter, "language": m["language"]} name = "Silk .%s setter" % attr try: fset = compile_function(mm, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None fset(self, value) else: raise TypeError(attr) #read-only property cannot be assigned to else: raise TypeError(attr) #method cannot be assigned to else: self._setitem(attr, value, value_schema) def __setitem__(self, item, value): rich_value = RichValue(value) value, value_schema = rich_value.value, rich_value.schema self._setitem(item, value, value_schema) def _set_property(self, attribute, prop): assert (not attribute.startswith("_")) or attribute.startswith("__"), attribute assert isinstance(prop, property) m = {"property": True, "language": "python"} getter_code = inspect.getsource(prop.fget) m["getter"] = getter_code mm = {"code": getter_code, "language": "python"} name = "Silk .%s getter" % attribute try: compile_function(mm, name, mode="property-getter") except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None if prop.fset is not None: setter_code = inspect.getsource(prop.fset) m["setter"] = setter_code mm = {"code": setter_code, "language": "python"} name = "Silk .%s setter" % attribute try: compile_function(mm, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None # TODO: deleter schema = self._schema methods = schema.get("methods", None) if methods is None: methods = {} schema["methods"] = methods methods = schema["methods"] # to get back-end working properly methods[attribute] = m """ def _schema_get(self, attribute): child = self.schema.get(attribute, None) if child is None: props = self.schema.get("properties") if props is None: raise AttributeError(attribute) child = props.get(attribute) if child is None: raise AttributeError(attribute) return child """ def _set_method(self, attribute, func): assert (not attribute.startswith("_")) or attribute.startswith("__"), attribute assert callable(func) code = inspect.getsource(func) m = {"code": code, "language": "python"} name = "Silk .%s" % attribute try: compile_function(m, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None schema = self._schema methods = schema.get("methods", None) if methods is None: methods = {} schema["methods"] = methods methods = schema["methods"] # to get back-end working properly methods[attribute] = m def add_validator(self, func, name=None, *, attr=None): assert callable(func) code = inspect.getsource(func) schema = self.schema validators = schema.get("validators", None) if validators is None: l = 1 else: l = len(validators) + 1 v = {"code": code, "language": "python"} func_name = "Silk validator %d" % l if name is not None: v["name"] = name func_name = name try: compile_function(v, func_name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None if isinstance(attr, int): items_schema = schema.get("items", None) if items_schema is None: #TODO: check for uniform/pluriform items_schema = {} schema["items"] = items_schema schema = items_schema elif isinstance(attr, str): prop_schema = schema.get("properties", None) if prop_schema is None: prop_schema = init_object_schema(self, schema) attr_schema = prop_schema.get(attr, None) if attr_schema is None: attr_schema = {} prop_schema[attr] = attr_schema schema = attr_schema new_validators = [] if validators is not None: for validator in validators: if name is None or validator.get("name") != name: new_validators.append(validator) new_validators.append(v) schema["validators"] = new_validators #*************************************************** #* methods for getting #*************************************************** def _raw_data(self): data = self._data return RichValue(data).value def _get_special(self, attr, *, skip_modify_methods=False): if attr.startswith("_") and not attr.startswith("__"): return super().__getattribute__(attr) if not skip_modify_methods: data2 = RichValue(self._data).value is_modify_method, result = try_modify_methods(self, data2, attr) if is_modify_method: return result data, schema = self._data, self._schema if attr == "self": return Silk(data = data, schema = schema, _self_mode=True, parent = self._parent, default_policy=self._default_policy, _parent_attr=self._parent_attr ) if self._self_mode: raise AttributeError methods = schema.get("methods", {}) methods = RichValue(methods).value m = methods.get(attr, None) if m is not None: if m.get("property", False): getter = m.get("getter", None) if getter is not None: mm = {"code": getter, "language": m["language"]} name = "Silk .%s getter" % attr try: fget = compile_function(mm, name, "property-getter") result = fget(self) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None return result else: name = "Silk .%s" % attr try: method = compile_function(m, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None return MethodType(method, self) if attr != "set": if skip_modify_methods: if hasattr(type(data), attr): return getattr(data, attr) data2 = RichValue(data).value if hasattr(type(data2), attr): return getattr(data2, attr) if attr.startswith("__"): if attr in _underscore_attribute_names: raise NotImplementedError elif attr in _underscore_attribute_names2: raise AttributeError(attr) else: return NotImplemented raise AttributeError(attr) def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr == "__class__" or attr in type(self).__slots__: return super().__getattribute__(attr) try: return super().__getattribute__("_get_special")(attr) except (TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError) as exc: if attr.startswith("_"): raise AttributeError(attr) from None if hasattr(type(self), attr): return super().__getattribute__(attr) if attr in ("data", "schema", "unsilk"): if attr == "unsilk": result = getattr(self, "_data") else: result = getattr(self, "_" + attr) if attr in ("data", "unsilk"): result = RichValue(result).value return result if self._self_mode: raise exc from None proto_ok = False try: from_proto = deepcopy(self._schema["__prototype__"][attr]) proto_ok = True except KeyError: pass try: return super().__getattribute__("_getitem")(attr) except (TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): if proto_ok: return Silk( data=from_proto, default_policy=self._default_policy ) raise AttributeError(attr) from None except Exception: if proto_ok: return Silk( data=from_proto, default_policy=self._default_policy ) raise exc from None def __iter__(self): data = RichValue(self._data).value if isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): data_iter = range(len(data)).__iter__() return SilkIterator(self, data_iter) else: data_iter = data.__iter__() return data_iter def _getitem(self, item): data, schema = self._data, self._schema attr_in_data = False if isinstance(item, str): if hasattr2(data, item): attr_in_data = True if isinstance(data, MixedBase): if item in ("value", "storage", "form", "set"): raise AttributeError(item) if attr_in_data: try: result = getattr(data, item) except AttributeError: raise KeyError(item) from None data2 = data if isinstance(data, Wrapper): data2 = data._unwrap() if isinstance(data2, FormWrapper) and item in ("form", "storage"): return result d = result if not isinstance(d, allowed_types) and not isinstance(d, (Wrapper, FormWrapper)): d = data[item] else: d = data[item] """ if isinstance(d, Scalar): return scalar_conv(d) """ if isinstance(item, slice): # TODO: slice "items" schema if it is a list return Silk( parent=self, data=d, schema=schema, default_policy=self._default_policy, _parent_attr=item, ) if isinstance(item, int): schema_items = schema.get("items", None) child_schema = None if schema_items is None: schema_items = {} schema["items"] = schema_items elif isinstance(schema_items, list): child_schema = schema_items[item] else: schema_props = schema.get("properties", None) if schema_props is None: if "items" in schema: raise AttributeError schema_props = init_object_schema(self, schema) child_schema = schema_props.get(item, None) if child_schema is None: child_schema = {} schema_props[item] = child_schema result = Silk( parent=self, data=d, schema=child_schema, default_policy=self._default_policy, _parent_attr=item, ) return result def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): try: return self._getitem(item) except (TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError) as exc: try: return self._get_special(item) except (TypeError, KeyError, AttributeError) as exc2: raise exc2 from None else: raise exc from None else: return self._getitem(item) def _validate(self): need_form = True # TODO: detect "form" in schema, i.e. if validator_form will ever be triggered rich_value = RichValue(self._data, need_form) data = FormWrapper( rich_value.value, rich_value.form, ) schema = RichValue(self._schema).value schema = AlmostDict(schema) schema_validator(schema).validate(data) def validate(self, full=True): assert full in (True, False, None), full #print("Silk.validate", self, self._parent, full) if full != True: if full is None: self._validate() else: schema = self._schema validators = schema.get("validators", []) validators = RichValue(validators).value if len(validators): for v, validator_code in enumerate(validators): name = "Silk validator %d" % (v+1) try: validator_func = compile_function(validator_code, name) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() raise exc from None try: validator_func(self) except Exception as exc: tb = traceback.format_exc(limit=3) raise ValidationError("\n"+tb) from None if self._parent is not None: self._parent.validate(full=False) elif self._parent is not None: self._parent.validate() else: self._validate() class SilkIterator: def __init__(self, silk, item_iterator): = silk self.item_iterator = item_iterator def __next__(self): next_item = self.item_iterator.__next__() return[next_item] from .modify_methods import try_modify_methods from .mixed import MixedBase, is_contiguous, is_unsigned from .mixed.get_form import get_form from .validation.formwrapper import FormWrapper from . import Wrapper from . import test_none
from canio import Message, RemoteTransmissionRequest from MCP2515 import MCP2515 as CAN from time import sleep_ms NODE_ID = 0x1234ABCD #NODE_ID = 0xAA can_bus = CAN(0, 5, baudrate = 25000, debug=True) #print('Listening...') i = 0 while True: with can_bus.listen(timeout=1.0) as listener: message = Message(id=NODE_ID, data=str(i).encode("utf-8"), extended=True) send_success = can_bus.send(message) print("Send success:", send_success) sleep_ms(1000) i = i + 1 """ message = Message(id=0xAAAA, data=str(i).encode("utf-8"), extended=True) send_success = can_bus.send(message) print("Send success:", send_success) sleep_ms(1000) i = i + 1 """ """ message_count = listener.in_waiting() if message_count == 0: continue print(message_count, "messages available") for _i in range(message_count): msg = listener.receive() print("Message from ", hex(, "extended:", msg.extended) if isinstance(msg, Message): print("message data:", if isinstance(msg, RemoteTransmissionRequest): print("RTR length:", msg.length) print("") """
<filename>paddlespatial/networks/ # -*-Encoding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2021, Inc. All Rights Reserved # ################################################################################ """ Description: Spatial Adaptive Graph Convolutional Layer in the paper "Competitive analysis for points of interest". Authors: lishuangli(<EMAIL>) Date: 2021/09/24 """ import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.nn as nn import paddle.nn.functional as F import pgl from pgl.nn import functional as GF from pgl.sampling.custom import subgraph class SpatialLocalAGG(nn.Layer): """ Desc: Local aggregation layer for SA-GNN. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, transform=False, activation=None): """ Desc: __init__ Args: input_dim: The dimension size of the input tensor hidden_dim: The dimension size of the output tensor transform: If transform is True, then the linear transformation is employed activation: The activation for the output """ super(SpatialLocalAGG, self).__init__() self.transform = transform if self.transform: self.linear = nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim, bias_attr=False) self.activation = activation def forward(self, graph, feature, norm=True): """ Desc: A step of forward the layer. Args: graph: pgl.Graph instance feature: The node feature matrix with shape (num_nodes, input_size) norm: If norm is not None, then the feature will be normalized by given norm. If norm is None and self.norm is true, then we use lapacian degree norm. Returns: outputs: A tensor with shape (num_nodes, output_size) """ norm = GF.degree_norm(graph) if self.transform: feature = self.linear(feature) feature = feature * norm output = graph.send_recv(feature, "sum") output = output * norm if self.activation is not None: output = self.activation(output) return output class SpatialOrientedAGG(nn.Layer): """ Desc: Global aggregation layer for SA-GNN. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, num_sectors, transform=False, activation=None): """ Desc: __init__ Args: input_dim: The dimension size of the input tensor hidden_dim: The dimension size of the output tensor num_sectors: The number of spatial sector transform: If transform is True, then the linear transformation is employed activation: The activation for the output """ super(SpatialOrientedAGG, self).__init__() self.num_sectors = num_sectors linear_input_dim = hidden_dim * (num_sectors + 1) if transform else input_dim * (num_sectors + 1) self.linear = nn.Linear(linear_input_dim, hidden_dim, bias_attr=False) self.conv_layer = nn.LayerList() for _ in range(num_sectors + 1): conv = SpatialLocalAGG(input_dim, hidden_dim, transform, activation=lambda x: x) self.conv_layer.append(conv) def get_subgraphs(self, g): """ Desc: Extract the subgraphs according to the spatial loction. Args: g: pgl.Graph instance Returns: outputs: A list of subgraphs (pgl.Graph instance) """ g = g.numpy() subgraph_edge_list = [[] for _ in range(self.num_sectors + 1)] coords = g.node_feat['coord'] # size: [num_poi, 2] for src_node, dst_node in g.edges: src_coord, dst_coord = coords[src_node], coords[dst_node] rela_coord = dst_coord - src_coord if rela_coord[0] == 0 and rela_coord[1] == 0: sec_ind = 0 else: rela_coord[0] += 1e-9 angle = np.arctan(rela_coord[1]/rela_coord[0]) angle = angle + np.pi * int(angle < 0) angle = angle + np.pi * int(rela_coord[0] < 0) sec_ind = int(angle / (np.pi / self.num_sectors)) sec_ind = min(sec_ind, self.num_sectors) subgraph_edge_list[sec_ind] += [(src_node, dst_node)] subgraph_list = [] for i in range(self.num_sectors + 1): sub_g = subgraph(g, g.nodes, edges=subgraph_edge_list[i]) subgraph_list.append(sub_g.tensor()) return subgraph_list def forward(self, graph, feature, norm=None): """ Desc: A step of forward the layer. Args: graph: pgl.Graph instance feature: The node feature matrix with shape (num_nodes, input_size) norm: If norm is not None, then the feature will be normalized by given norm. If norm is None and self.norm is true, then we use lapacian degree norm. Returns: outputs: A tensor with shape (num_nodes, output_size) """ subgraphs = self.get_subgraphs(graph) h_list = [] for i in range(self.num_sectors + 1): h = self.conv_layer[i](subgraphs[i], feature, norm) h_list.append(h) feat_h = paddle.concat(h_list, axis=-1) feat_h = paddle.cast(feat_h, 'float32') output = self.linear(feat_h) return output class SpatialAttnProp(nn.Layer): """ Desc: Location-aware attentive propagation layer for SA-GNN. """ def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, num_heads, dropout, max_dist=10000, grid_len=100, activation=None): super(SpatialAttnProp, self).__init__() """ Desc: __init__ Args: input_dim: The dimension size of the input tensor hidden_dim: The dimension size of the output tensor num_heads: The number of attention head dropout: Dropout ratio max_dist: The maximum distance range around each POI grid_len: The length of segmented grid activation: The activation for the output """ self.num_heads = num_heads self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.grid_len = grid_len self.max_dist = max_dist self.grid_num = int(max_dist / grid_len) self.poi_fc = nn.Linear(input_dim, num_heads * hidden_dim) self.loc_fc = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_dim, num_heads * hidden_dim) self.x_embedding = nn.Embedding(2 * self.grid_num, hidden_dim, sparse=True) self.y_embedding = nn.Embedding(2 * self.grid_num, hidden_dim, sparse=True) self.weight_src = self.create_parameter(shape=[num_heads, hidden_dim]) self.weight_dst = self.create_parameter(shape=[num_heads, hidden_dim]) self.weight_loc = self.create_parameter(shape=[num_heads, hidden_dim]) self.feat_drop = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.leaky_relu = nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2) self.activation = activation def attn_send_func(self, src_feat, dst_feat, edge_feat): """ Desc: Sending function for message passing Args: src_feat: The feature of source POI node dst_feat: The feature of destination POI node edge_feat: The feature of edge between two POIs Returns: outputs: A dict of tensor """ alpha = src_feat["attn"] + dst_feat["attn"] + edge_feat['attn'] alpha = self.leaky_relu(alpha) return {"alpha": alpha, "h": src_feat["h"]} def attn_recv_func(self, msg): """ Desc: Receiving function for message passing Args: msg: Message dict Returns: outputs: A tensor with shape (num_nodes, output_size) """ alpha = msg.reduce_softmax(msg["alpha"]) alpha = paddle.reshape(alpha, [-1, self.num_heads, 1]) alpha = self.attn_drop(alpha) feature = msg["h"] feature = paddle.reshape(feature, [-1, self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim]) feature = feature * alpha feature = paddle.reshape(feature, [-1, self.num_heads * self.hidden_dim]) feature = msg.reduce(feature, pool_type="sum") return feature def calculate_loc_index(self, src_coord, dst_coord): """ Desc: Calculte the grid index for loaction-aware attention Args: src_coord: Coordinate of source POI node dst_coord: Coordinate of target POI node Returns: outputs: Two tensors with shape (num_edges, 1) """ x, y = paddle.split(dst_coord - src_coord, num_or_sections=2, axis=1) x_inds = paddle.cast(paddle.abs(x)/self.grid_len, 'int64') y_inds = paddle.cast(paddle.abs(y)/self.grid_len, 'int64') x_inds = x_inds + self.grid_num * paddle.cast(x >= 0, 'int64') y_inds = y_inds + self.grid_num * paddle.cast(y >= 0, 'int64') x_inds = paddle.clip(x_inds, 0, 2 * self.grid_num - 1) y_inds = paddle.clip(y_inds, 0, 2 * self.grid_num - 1) return x_inds, y_inds def forward(self, graph, feature): """ Desc: A step of forward the layer. Args: graph: pgl.Graph instance feature: The node feature matrix with shape (num_nodes, input_size) Returns: outputs: A tensor with shape (num_nodes, output_size) """ feature = self.feat_drop(feature) poi_feat = self.poi_fc(feature) poi_feat = paddle.reshape(poi_feat, [-1, self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim]) # calculate location feature src_inds, dst_inds = paddle.split(graph.edges, num_or_sections=2, axis=1) src_coord = paddle.gather(graph.node_feat['coord'], paddle.squeeze(src_inds)) dst_coord = paddle.gather(graph.node_feat['coord'], paddle.squeeze(dst_inds)) x_inds, y_inds = self.calculate_loc_index(src_coord, dst_coord) x_emb = self.x_embedding(x_inds) y_emb = self.y_embedding(y_inds) loc_feat = self.loc_fc(paddle.concat([x_emb, y_emb], axis=-1)) loc_feat = paddle.reshape(loc_feat, [-1, self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim]) attn_src = paddle.sum(poi_feat * self.weight_src, axis=-1) attn_dst = paddle.sum(poi_feat * self.weight_dst, axis=-1) attn_loc = paddle.sum(loc_feat * self.weight_loc, axis=-1) msg = graph.send(self.attn_send_func, src_feat={"attn": attn_src, "h": poi_feat}, dst_feat={"attn": attn_dst}, edge_feat={'attn': attn_loc}) rst = graph.recv(reduce_func=self.attn_recv_func, msg=msg) if self.activation: rst = self.activation(rst) return rst
"""Base class for patching time and I/O modules.""" import sys import inspect class BasePatcher(object): """Base class for patching time and I/O modules.""" # These modules will not be patched by default, unless explicitly specified # in `modules_to_patch`. # This is done to prevent time-travel from interfering with the timing of # the actual test environment. UNPATCHED_MODULES = ['pytest', '_pytest', 'unittest', 'mock', 'threading'] def __init__(self, clock, event_pool, modules_to_patch=None, patcher_module=None): """Create the patch.""" self.clock = clock self.event_pool = event_pool if modules_to_patch is None: self.modules_to_patch = [] elif isinstance(modules_to_patch, (list, tuple)): self.modules_to_patch = modules_to_patch else: self.modules_to_patch = [modules_to_patch] self.patcher_module = patcher_module if patcher_module else None self._undo_set = set() @classmethod def get_events_namespace(cls): """Return the namespace of the patcher's events.""" return None @classmethod def get_events_types(cls): """Return Enum of the patcher's events types.""" return None def get_patched_module(self): """Return the actual module obect to be patched.""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_patch_actions(self): """Return list of the patches to do. The list structure is tuples containing: (real_object_name, the_real_object, fake_object) """ raise NotImplementedError() def start(self): """Start the patcher. The logic to the patchers start is based on the work done by: spulec/freezegun under Copyright (C) 2017 spulec/freezegun Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Modifications: Modifications to the file was to leave the inner change of the loaded modules and removing any other related logic to a specific module. """ patch_actions = self.get_patch_actions() real_id_to_fake = {id(real): fake for _, real, fake in patch_actions} patched_module = self.get_patched_module() # Change modules for later imports. for obj_name, real_obj, fake_obj in patch_actions: self._save_for_undo(patched_module, obj_name, real_obj) setattr(patched_module, obj_name, fake_obj) if self.modules_to_patch: # If only a given list of modules is required to be patched modules = [sys.modules[name] for name in self.modules_to_patch] else: # not given a specific module to patch on. # Create the list of all modules to search for the patched objects. # Patch on all loaded modules. modules = [ module for mod_name, module in sys.modules.items() if (inspect.ismodule(module) and hasattr(module, '__name__') # Don't patch inside the original module, this (the patcher) # module, or the unpatched modules. and module.__name__ not in ([patched_module, self.patcher_module, __name__] + self.UNPATCHED_MODULES ) ) ] # Search in all modules for the object to patch. for module in modules: for attr in dir(module): try: # Get any attribute loaded on the module. attribute_value = getattr(module, attr) except (ValueError, AttributeError, ImportError): # For some libraries, this happen. # e.g. attr=dbm_gnu, module=pkg_resources._vendor.six.moves continue # If the attribute is on this module - avoid recursion. # Do stuff only if the attribute is the object to patch. if id(attribute_value) not in real_id_to_fake.keys(): continue # Find the relative mock object for the original class. fake_obj = real_id_to_fake.get(id(attribute_value)) # Change the class to the mocked one in the given module. setattr(module, attr, fake_obj) # Save the original class for later - when stopping the patch. self._save_for_undo(module, attr, attribute_value) def stop(self): """Stop the patching.""" for module, attribute, original_value in self._undo_set: setattr(module, attribute, original_value) self._undo_set.clear() def _save_for_undo(self, module, attribute, original_value): self._undo_set.add((module, attribute, original_value))
import warnings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.utils.importlib import import_module from gears.asset_handler import BaseAssetHandler from gears.finders import BaseFinder _cache = {} def _get_module(path): try: return import_module(path) except ImportError as e: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Error importing module %s: "%s".' % (path, e)) def _get_module_attr(module_path, name): try: return getattr(_get_module(module_path), name) except AttributeError: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Module "%s" does not define a "%s" obj.' % (module_path, name)) def _get_object(path): if path not in _cache: _cache[path] = _get_module_attr(*path.rsplit('.', 1)) return _cache[path] def get_cache(path, options=None): cls = _get_object(path) return cls(**(options or {})) def get_finder(path, options=None): cls = _get_object(path) if not issubclass(cls, BaseFinder): raise ImproperlyConfigured('"%s" is not a subclass of BaseFinder.' % path) return cls(**(options or {})) def get_asset_handler(path, options=None): obj = _get_object(path) try: if issubclass(obj, BaseAssetHandler): return obj.as_handler(**(options or {})) except TypeError: pass if callable(obj): if options is not None: warnings.warn('%r is provided as %r handler options, but not used ' 'because this handler is not a BaseAssethandler subclass.' % (options, path)) return obj raise ImproperlyConfigured('"%s" must be a BaseAssetHandler subclass or callable object' % path)
<filename>src/data/ import pandas as pd import ast class ReadNestedList: def __init__(self, tweets, target, name): self.tweets = tweets = target = name self.all_elements = list() self.df = None self.grpDF = None def read(self): for el in el = ast.literal_eval(el) if len(el) > 0: self.all_elements.extend(el) return self def DF(self): self.df = pd.DataFrame(self.all_elements, columns=[]) self.df['{}_lower_case'.format(] = self.df[].str.lower() return self def computeGrpDF(self): self.grpDF = self.df.groupby('{}_lower_case'.format(['{}_lower_case'.format(].count().reset_index(name = 'count').sort_values(['count'], ascending=False) return self
from django.db import models from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType class SensitivePhraseAbstract(models.Model): phrase = models.CharField(max_length=200) replace_phrase = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) check_for_word_boundary_start = models.BooleanField(default=True) check_for_word_boundary_end = models.BooleanField(default=True) def __str__(self): return self.phrase class Meta: abstract = True class SensitivePhrase(SensitivePhraseAbstract): pass class Meta: ordering = ('-id', 'phrase') class RelatedSensitivePhrase(SensitivePhraseAbstract): content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() obj = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') class Meta: ordering = ('-id', 'phrase')
class RequestInfo: def __init__(self, human_string, # human-readable string (will be printed for Human object) action_requested, # action requested ('card' + index of card / 'opponent' / 'guess') current_hand = [], # player's current hand discard_pile = [], # discard pile move_history = [], # list of player moves players_active_status = [], # players' active status (active / lost) players_protection_status = [], # players' protection status (protected / not protected) invalid_moves = [], # invalid moves (optional) - an assist from Game valid_moves = [], # valid moves (optional) - an assist from Game players_active = [], # list of currently active players players_protected = []): # Protection status of all players (including inactive ones) self.human_string = human_string self.action_requested = action_requested self.current_hand = current_hand self.discard_pile = discard_pile self.move_history = move_history self.players_active_status = players_active_status self.players_protection_status = players_protection_status self.invalid_moves = invalid_moves self.valid_moves = valid_moves self.players_active = players_active self.players_protected = players_protected def get_request_info(self): return ({'human_string' : self.human_string, 'action_requested' : self.action_requested, 'current_hand' : self.current_hand, 'discard_pile' : self.discard_pile, 'move_history' : self.move_history, 'players_active_status' : self.players_active_status, 'players_protection_status' : self.players_protection_status, 'invalid_moves' : self.invalid_moves, 'valid_moves' : self.valid_moves, 'players_active' : self.players_active, 'players_protected' : self.players_protected})
from bap.utils.bap_comment import parse, dumps, is_valid def test_parse(): assert parse('hello') is None assert parse('BAP: hello') == {'hello': []} assert parse('BAP: hello,world') == {'hello': [], 'world': []} assert parse('BAP: hello=cruel,world') == {'hello': ['cruel', 'world']} assert parse('BAP: hello="hello, world"') == {'hello': ['hello, world']} assert parse('BAP: hello=cruel,world goodbye=real,life') == { 'hello': ['cruel', 'world'], 'goodbye': ['real', 'life'] } assert parse('BAP: hello="f\'"') == {'hello': ["f'"]} def test_dumps(): assert 'BAP:' in dumps({'hello': []}) assert dumps({'hello': ['cruel', 'world'], 'nice': [], 'thing': []}) == \ 'BAP: nice,thing hello=cruel,world' assert dumps({'hello': ["world'"]}) == 'BAP: hello="world\'"' def test_is_valid(): assert is_valid('BAP: hello') assert is_valid('BAP: hello,world') assert not is_valid('some comment') def test_roundup(): comm = { 'x': [], 'y': [], 'z': [], 'a': ['1', '2', '3'], 'b': ['thing\''], 'c': ['many things'], 'd': ['strange \\ things'], } assert parse(dumps(parse(dumps(comm)))) == comm def test_quotation(): data = 'BAP: chars="{\\\"a\\\", \\\"b\\\", \\\"c\\\"}"' assert parse(data) == {'chars': ['{"a", "b", "c"}']} assert parse(data) == parse(dumps(parse(data))) def test_single_quote(): data = 'BAP: key="{can\\\'t do}"' assert parse(data) == {'key': ["{can\\'t do}"]}
""" Package for DjangoWebProject1. """
<reponame>wesleywh/portScanner #!/usr/bin/env python import socket #for socket scanning from threading import * #for threading import subprocess #to run the clean command and system exit import sys from datetime import datetime #from queue import Queue #for threading (using queues) import argparse #used for allowing command line switches def main(): #Available command line options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Allow command line arguments.') parser.add_argument('-H',metavar='H', nargs="+", help="Target host to scan") parser.add_argument('-p',metavar="p", nargs="+", help="List of Ports to Scan") #all all available arguments to the 'args' variable args = parser.parse_args() #check what time the scan started scanports = [] #parse the arguments for the ports and assign port numbers to be scanned if "-" in args.p[0]: temp = [] temp = args.p[0].replace('-',' ').split(' ') temp[-1] = int(temp[-1]) for portnumber in range(1,temp[-1]): scanports.append(portnumber); elif len(args.p) > 1: for portnumber in args.p: scanports.append(portnumber); else: scanports = args.p #assign the variables for host in args.H: #remoteServer = host #remoteServerIP = socket.gethostbyname(remoteServer) #print a banner with info on which host we are about to scan print "-" * 60 print "Please wait, scanning remote host",host string = "Scanning Ports " for portInput in args.p: string += portInput+" " print string print "-" * 60 #threaded port scanning scan(host, scanports) #Checking the time again #Calculates the differences of time, to see how log it took to run the script total = t2 - t1 #print information to screen print "Scanning Completed in: ", total def scan(host, ports): #Using the range function to specify ports (scan ports between 1 and 1024) #We also put in some error handling for catching errors threads = [] for port in ports: t = Thread(target=worker, args=(host,port)) threads.append(t) t.start() def worker(remoteServerIP, port): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result = sock.connect_ex((remoteServerIP, port)) if result == 0: print "Port {}: \t Open".format(port) sock.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Canceled the scan." sys.exit() except socket.gaierror: print "Hostname could not be resolved. Exiting." sys.exit() except socket.error: print "Could not connect to server" sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__":'clear', shell=True) #clear the screen main() #execute main code
from django.test import TestCase from explorer.actions import generate_report_action from explorer.tests.factories import SimpleQueryFactory from explorer import app_settings from explorer.utils import passes_blacklist, schema_info, param, swap_params, extract_params, shared_dict_update, EXPLORER_PARAM_TOKEN, execute_query class TestSqlBlacklist(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.orig = app_settings.EXPLORER_SQL_BLACKLIST def tearDown(self): app_settings.EXPLORER_SQL_BLACKLIST = self.orig def test_overriding_blacklist(self): app_settings.EXPLORER_SQL_BLACKLIST = [] r = SimpleQueryFactory(sql="SELECT 1+1 AS \"DELETE\";") fn = generate_report_action() result = fn(None, None, [r, ]) self.assertEqual(result.content, 'DELETE\r\n2\r\n') def test_default_blacklist_prevents_deletes(self): r = SimpleQueryFactory(sql="SELECT 1+1 AS \"DELETE\";") fn = generate_report_action() result = fn(None, None, [r, ]) self.assertEqual(result.content, '0') def test_queries_modifying_functions_are_ok(self): sql = "SELECT 1+1 AS TWO; drop view foo;" self.assertTrue(passes_blacklist(sql)) def test_queries_deleting_stuff_are_not_ok(self): sql = "'distraction'; delete from table; SELECT 1+1 AS TWO; drop view foo;" self.assertFalse(passes_blacklist(sql)) def test_queries_dropping_views_is_ok_and_not_case_sensitive(self): sql = "SELECT 1+1 AS TWO; drop ViEw foo;" self.assertTrue(passes_blacklist(sql)) class TestSchemaInfo(TestCase): def test_schema_info_returns_valid_data(self): res = schema_info() tables = [a[1] for a in res] self.assertIn('explorer_query', tables) def test_app_exclusion_list(self): app_settings.EXPLORER_SCHEMA_EXCLUDE_APPS = ('explorer',) res = schema_info() app_settings.EXPLORER_SCHEMA_EXCLUDE_APPS = ('',) tables = [a[1] for a in res] self.assertNotIn('explorer_query', tables) class TestParams(TestCase): def test_swappable_params_are_built_correctly(self): expected = EXPLORER_PARAM_TOKEN + 'foo' + EXPLORER_PARAM_TOKEN self.assertEqual(expected, param('foo')) def test_params_get_swapped(self): sql = 'please swap $$this$$ and $$that$$' expected = 'please swap here and there' params = {'this': 'here', 'that': 'there'} got = swap_params(sql, params) self.assertEqual(got, expected) def test_empty_params_does_nothing(self): sql = 'please swap $$this$$ and $$that$$' params = None got = swap_params(sql, params) self.assertEqual(got, sql) def test_non_string_param_gets_swapper(self): sql = 'please swap $$this$$' expected = 'please swap 1' params = {'this': 1} got = swap_params(sql, params) self.assertEqual(got, expected) def test_extracting_params(self): sql = 'please swap $$this$$' expected = {'this': ''} self.assertEqual(extract_params(sql), expected) def test_shared_dict_update(self): source = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2} target = {'bar': None} # ha ha! self.assertEqual({'bar': 2}, shared_dict_update(target, source))
import csv from workflow_session.pipeline import lab, subject, session def ingest_general(csvs, tables, skip_duplicates=True, verbose=True): """ Inserts data from a series of csvs into their corresponding table: e.g., ingest_general(['./lab_data.csv', './proj_data.csv'], [lab.Lab(),lab.Project()] ingest_general(csvs, tables, skip_duplicates=True) :param csvs: list of relative paths to CSV files. CSV are delimited by commas. :param tables: list of datajoint tables with () :param verbose: print number inserted (i.e., table length change) """ for csv_filepath, table in zip(csvs, tables): with open(csv_filepath, newline="") as f: data = list(csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=",")) if verbose: prev_len = len(table) table.insert( data, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates, # Ignore extra fields because some CSVs feed multiple tables ignore_extra_fields=True, ) if verbose: insert_len = len(table) - prev_len # report length change print( f"\n---- Inserting {insert_len} entry(s) " + f"into {table.table_name} ----" ) def ingest_lab( lab_csv_path="./user_data/lab/labs.csv", project_csv_path="./user_data/lab/projects.csv", publication_csv_path="./user_data/lab/publications.csv", keyword_csv_path="./user_data/lab/keywords.csv", protocol_csv_path="./user_data/lab/protocols.csv", users_csv_path="./user_data/lab/users.csv", project_user_csv_path="./user_data/lab/project_users.csv", skip_duplicates=True, verbose=True, ): """ Inserts data from a CSVs into their corresponding lab schema tables. By default, uses data from workflow_session/user_data/lab/ :param lab_csv_path: relative path of lab csv :param project_csv_path: relative path of project csv :param publication_csv_path: relative path of publication csv :param keyword_csv_path: relative path of keyword csv :param protocol_csv_path: relative path of protocol csv :param users_csv_path: relative path of users csv :param project_user_csv_path: relative path of project users csv :param skip_duplicates=True: datajoint insert function param :param verbose: print number inserted (i.e., table length change) """ # List with repeats for when mult dj.tables fed by same CSV csvs = [ lab_csv_path, lab_csv_path, project_csv_path, project_csv_path, publication_csv_path, keyword_csv_path, protocol_csv_path, protocol_csv_path, users_csv_path, users_csv_path, users_csv_path, project_user_csv_path, ] tables = [ lab.Lab(), lab.Location(), lab.Project(), lab.ProjectSourceCode(), lab.ProjectPublication(), lab.ProjectKeywords(), lab.ProtocolType(), lab.Protocol(), lab.UserRole(), lab.User(), lab.LabMembership(), lab.ProjectUser(), ] ingest_general(csvs, tables, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates, verbose=verbose) def ingest_subjects( subject_csv_path="./user_data/subject/subjects.csv", subject_part_csv_path="./user_data/subject/subjects_part.csv", skip_duplicates=True, verbose=True, ): """ Inserts data from a subject csv into corresponding subject schema tables By default, uses data from workflow_session/user_data/subject/ :param subject_csv_path: relative path of csv for subject data :param subject_part_csv_path: relative path of csv for subject part tables :param skip_duplicates=True: datajoint insert function param :param verbose: print number inserted (i.e., table length change) """ csvs = [ subject_csv_path, subject_csv_path, subject_csv_path, subject_part_csv_path, subject_part_csv_path, subject_part_csv_path, ] tables = [ subject.Subject(), subject.SubjectDeath(), subject.SubjectCullMethod(), subject.Subject.Protocol(), subject.Subject.User(), subject.Subject.Lab(), ] ingest_general(csvs, tables, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates, verbose=verbose) def ingest_sessions( session_csv_path="./user_data/session/sessions.csv", skip_duplicates=True, verbose=True, ): """ Inserts data from a sessions csv into corresponding session schema tables By default, uses data from workflow_session/user_data/session/ :param session_csv_path: relative path of session csv :param skip_duplicates=True: datajoint insert function param :param verbose: print number inserted (i.e., table length change) """ csvs = [ session_csv_path, session_csv_path, session_csv_path, session_csv_path, session_csv_path, ] tables = [ session.Session(), session.SessionDirectory(), session.SessionNote(), session.ProjectSession(), session.SessionExperimenter(), ] ingest_general(csvs, tables, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates, verbose=verbose) if __name__ == "__main__": ingest_lab() ingest_subjects() ingest_sessions()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Microsoft-Windows-WMPNSS-PublicAPI GUID : 614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b """ from construct import Int8sl, Int8ul, Int16ul, Int16sl, Int32sl, Int32ul, Int64sl, Int64ul, Bytes, Double, Float32l, Struct from etl.utils import WString, CString, SystemTime, Guid from etl.dtyp import Sid from etl.parsers.etw.core import Etw, declare, guid @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=100, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_100_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=101, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_101_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=102, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_102_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=103, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_103_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=104, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_104_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "LibraryName" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=105, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_105_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "LibraryName" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=106, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_106_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "LibraryName" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=107, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_107_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "LibraryName" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=108, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_108_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=109, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_109_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=110, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_110_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=111, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_111_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=112, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_112_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=113, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_113_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=114, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_114_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=115, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_115_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=116, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_116_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=117, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_117_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=118, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_118_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=119, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_119_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=120, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_120_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=121, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_121_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=122, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_122_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=123, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_123_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=124, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_124_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "MACAddress" / WString, "FriendlyName" / WString, "Authorize" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=125, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_125_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "MACAddress" / WString, "FriendlyName" / WString, "Authorize" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=126, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_126_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "MACAddress" / WString, "Authorize" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=127, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_127_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "MACAddress" / WString, "Authorize" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=128, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_128_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Devices" / Int64ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=129, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_129_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Devices" / Int64ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=130, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_130_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=131, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_131_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "Enable" / Int8ul, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=132, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_132_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "DeviceID" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=133, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_133_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "DeviceID" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=134, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_134_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "SecurityGroup" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=135, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_135_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "SecurityGroup" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=136, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_136_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "SecurityGroup" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul ) @declare(guid=guid("614696c9-85af-4e64-b389-d2c0db4ff87b"), event_id=137, version=0) class Microsoft_Windows_WMPNSS_PublicAPI_137_0(Etw): pattern = Struct( "SecurityGroup" / WString, "HResult" / Int32ul )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # <NAME> # orthologue # (c) 1998-2019 all rights reserved # # access to the framework import pyre # superclass from .Package import Package # my declaration class Library(Package): """ Base class for third party libraries """ # user configurable state defines = defines.doc = "the compile time markers that indicate my presence" incdir = incdir.doc = "the locations of my headers; for the compiler command line" libdir = libdir.doc = "the locations of my libraries; for the linker command path" # end of file
from setuptools import setup # source: import setuptools with open("", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh: long_description = setup( name="", version="0.0.0", author="<NAME>", author_email="<EMAIL>", description="A python interface for the Discord API", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", py_modules=["discord_messages"], url="", classifiers=[ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ], package_dir={"": "src"}, packages=setuptools.find_packages(where="src"), python_requires=">=3.8", )
# # @component { # "kind" : "trainer", # "language" : "py", # "description" : "Performs grid search over the 'hyper' parameter for a decision tree regressor trained on the input data", # "permissions": "public", # "properties": [ # { "name": "Hyperparameter" , "field": "hyperparameter", "kind": "string", "minlen": 2, "maxlen": 32, "required": true, "default": "max_depth" }, # { "name": "Min" , "field": "min", "kind": "number", "min": -100000, "max": 100000, "required": true, "default": 1 }, # { "name": "Max" , "field": "max", "kind": "number", "min": -100000, "max": 100000, "required": true, "default": 11 } # ], # "inputs": ["X:pandas", "y:pandas"], # "outputs": ["X:pandas", "y:pandas"], # "dependencies": ["pandas", "sklearn"], # "readme" : "", # "license" : "", # "links": [""] # } from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV import pandas as pd def ATMSKLearnDecisionTreeRegressorGridSearch(ATM): X = ATM.inputs["X"] y = ATM.inputs["y"] cv_sets = ShuffleSplit(X.shape[0], n_iter = 10, test_size = 0.20, random_state = 0) regressor = DecisionTreeRegressor(random_state=0) params = dict params[ATM.props["hyperparameter"]]=range(ATM.props["min"], ATM.props["max"]) scoring_fnc = make_scorer(performance_metric) grid = GridSearchCV(regressor, params, cv=cv_sets, scoring=scoring_fnc) #grid_search =, y_train, callbacks=[MyCallback()]) worked for me. grid =, y) model = grid.best_estimator_{ 'name': "stats", 'stats': model.get_params() })"model", pickle.dumps(model, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)) ATM.output({ 'X': X, 'y': y }) """ Calculates and returns the performance score between true and predicted values based on the metric chosen. """ def performance_metric(y_true, y_predict): score = r2_score(y_true, y_predict) return score
from stationdata import build_station_list, update_water_levels from utils import sorted_by_key def stations_level_over_threshold(stations,tol): list_of_tup = [] for station in stations: if station.typical_range_consistent() == True: if station.latest_level != None and station.relative_water_level() > tol: tup = (station,station.relative_water_level()) list_of_tup.append(tup) list_of_tup_sorted = sorted_by_key(list_of_tup,1,True) return list_of_tup_sorted def stations_highest_rel_level(stations, N): list_of_tup = [] for station in stations: if station.typical_range_consistent() == True and station.relative_water_level() != None: tup = (station,station.relative_water_level()) list_of_tup.append(tup) list_of_tup_sorted = sorted_by_key(list_of_tup,1,True)[:N] risk_stations = [] for tup in list_of_tup_sorted: risk_stations.append(tup[0]) return risk_stations
import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as la from import IncrementalBar def eig_trajectories(A,T,verbose=False): """Computes the trajectories of the eigenvalues of the matrix function A(t) Parameters ---------- A : callable Matrix-valued function of one parameter t T : 1d array Values of the parameter t Returns ------- E : ndarray Array of eigenvalue trajectories where E[i] is the trajectory of the ith eigenvalue as a 1d array """ n,m = A(T[0]).shape if n!=m: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square") m = len(T) E = np.empty((n,m),dtype="complex") E[:,0] = la.eig(A(T[0]),right=False) if verbose: bar = IncrementalBar("Calculating\t", max=m,suffix='%(percent)d%%') for i,t in enumerate(T[1:]): w = la.eig(A(t),right=False) mask = list(range(n)) for eig in w: idx = np.argmin(np.abs(eig-E[:,i][mask])) E[mask[idx],i+1] = eig del mask[idx] if verbose: if verbose:; bar.finish() return E def eig_loops(A,U,V,verbose=False): """Computes the loops of eigenvalues for the matrix function A(u,v) Parameters ---------- A : callable Matrix-valued function of two parameters u,v U : 1d array Values of the parameter u V : 1d array Values of the parameter v Returns ------- L : ndarray Array of eigenvalue loops where L[i] is a 2d array for the ith eigenvalue. L[i,j,k] = the ith eigenvalue of A(U[j],V[k]) """ n,m = A(U[0],V[0]).shape if n!=m: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square") m = len(U) l = len(V) L = np.empty((n,m,l),dtype="complex") B = lambda u: A(u,V[0]) L[:,:,0] = eig_trajectories(B,U) if verbose: bar = IncrementalBar("Calculating\t", max=m,suffix='%(percent)d%%') for i,v in enumerate(V[1:]): B = lambda u: A(u,v) E = eig_trajectories(B,U) mask = list(range(n)) for traj in E: idx = np.argmin(np.abs(traj[0]-L[:,0,i][mask])) L[mask[idx],:,i+1] = traj del mask[idx] if verbose: if verbose:; bar.finish() return L def eigenvector_trajectories(A,T,verbose=False): """Computes the trajectories of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix-valued function A(t) Parameters ---------- A : callable Matrix-valued function of one parameter t T : 1d array Values of the parameter t Returns ------- E : ndarray Array of eigenvalue trajectories where E[i] is the trajectory of the ith eigenvalue as a 1d array V : ndarray Array of eigenvector trajectories where V[i] is the trajectory of the ith eigenvector. V[:,i,k] = ith eigenvector of A(T[k]) """ n,m = A(T[0]).shape if n!=m: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square") m = len(T) E = np.empty((n,m),dtype="complex") V = np.empty((n,n,m),dtype="complex") E[:,0], V[:,:,0] = la.eig(A(T[0])) if verbose: bar = IncrementalBar("Calculating\t", max=m,suffix='%(percent)d%%') for i,t in enumerate(T[1:]): w,v = la.eig(A(t)) mask = list(range(n)) for eig in w: idx = np.argmin(np.abs(eig-E[:,i][mask])) E[mask[idx],i+1] = eig V[:,mask[idx],i+1] = v[:,mask[idx]]*np.sign(v[:,mask[idx]]@V[:,mask[idx],i]) del mask[idx] if verbose: if verbose:; bar.finish() return E,V
<gh_stars>1-10 """ A simple example script demonstrating how to build peptide by PeptideConstructor in primitive way. The script generates a peptide of "AKlsDe" in self-defined conformation, and it stores the peptide under the name "simple_example.pdb". """ import Bio.PDB from PeptideConstructor import Geometry from PeptideConstructor import PeptideBuilder ## create a peptide of "AKlsDe", uppercases mean L amino acids while lowercases indicate D amino acids ## construct the first amino acid geo = Geometry.geometry("A") ## delete the next two lines to not assign secondary structure geo.phi = -60 geo.psi_im1 = -50 structure = PeptideBuilder.initialize_res(geo) ## construcet the rest geo = Geometry.geometry("K") PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo) geo = Geometry.geometry("l") PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo) geo = Geometry.geometry("s") PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo) geo = Geometry.geometry("D") PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo) geo = Geometry.geometry("e") PeptideBuilder.add_residue(structure, geo) ## add terminal oxygen (OXT) to the final amino acid ## if "NME" capping has been added, NO OXT should be added. PeptideBuilder.add_terminal_OXT(structure) ## save peptide structure to a pdb file out = Bio.PDB.PDBIO() out.set_structure(structure)"simpleExample.pdb")
<gh_stars>10-100 import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F import pandas as pd import numpy as np from torch.autograd import Variable from mpi4py import MPI import sys from utils import err_simulation sys.path.insert(0, '../compress_gradient') from compress_gradient import compress #SEED_=428 #torch.manual_seed(SEED_) # we use LeNet here for our simple case class LeNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(LeNet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 50, 5, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(4*4*50, 500) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(500, 10) self.ceriation = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2, 2) x = F.relu(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, 2, 2) x = F.relu(x) x = x.view(-1, 4*4*50) x = self.fc1(x) x = self.fc2(x) #loss = self.ceriation(x, target) return x def name(self): return 'lenet' class LeNetSplit(nn.Module): ''' this is a module that we split the module and do backward process layer by layer please don't call this module for normal uses, this is a hack and run slower than the automatic chain rule version ''' def __init__(self): super(LeNetSplit, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5, 1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 50, 5, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(4*4*50, 500) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(500, 10) self.maxpool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(2, stride=2) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.full_modules = [self.conv1, self.conv2, self.fc1, self.fc2] self._init_channel_index = len(self.full_modules)*2 self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() def forward(self, x): self.output = [] self.input = [] x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.conv1(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.maxpool2d(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.relu(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.conv2(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.maxpool2d(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.relu(x) self.output.append(x) x = x.view(-1, 4*4*50) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.fc1(x) self.output.append(x) x = Variable(, requires_grad=True) self.input.append(x) x = self.fc2(x) self.output.append(x) return x @property def fetch_init_channel_index(self): return self._init_channel_index def backward_normal(self, g, communicator, req_send_check, cur_step, fail_workers, err_mode, compress_grad): mod_avail_index = len(self.full_modules)-1 #channel_index = len(self.full_modules)*2-2 channel_index = self._init_channel_index - 2 mod_counters_ = [0]*len(self.full_modules) for i, output in reversed(list(enumerate(self.output))): req_send_check[-1].wait() if i == (len(self.output) - 1): # for last node, use g output.backward(g) # get gradient here after some sanity checks: tmp_grad = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad): grads = ############################### simulation here ######################################### if communicator.Get_rank() in fail_workers: simulation_grad = err_simulation(grad=grads, mode=err_mode) if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(simulation_grad) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([simulation_grad, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(grads) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) ######################################################################################### req_send_check.append(req_isend) # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 channel_index-=1 else: continue else: output.backward(self.input[i+1] tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight) and not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_bias): # we always send bias first if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0: grads = ############################### simulation here ######################################### if communicator.Get_rank() in fail_workers: simulation_grad = err_simulation(grad=grads, mode=err_mode) if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(simulation_grad) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([simulation_grad, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(grads) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) ######################################################################################### req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1: grads = ############################### simulation here ######################################### if communicator.Get_rank() in fail_workers: simulation_grad = err_simulation(grad=grads, mode=err_mode) if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(simulation_grad) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([simulation_grad, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(grads) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) ######################################################################################### req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 else: continue if mod_counters_[0] == 1: req_send_check[-1].wait() grads = ############################### simulation here ######################################### if communicator.Get_rank() in fail_workers: simulation_grad = err_simulation(grad=grads, mode=err_mode) if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(simulation_grad) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([simulation_grad, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: if compress_grad == 'compress': _compressed_grad = compress(grads) req_isend = communicator.isend(_compressed_grad, dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) else: req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) ######################################################################################### req_send_check.append(req_isend) return req_send_check def backward_signal_kill(self, g, communicator, req_send_check, cur_step): ''' This killer is triggered by signals bcasting from master, channel of signal is kept checking by each worker to determine if they're the straggler ''' mod_avail_index = len(self.full_modules)-1 channel_index = self._init_channel_index - 2 mod_counters_ = [0]*len(self.full_modules) # should kill flag should_kill = False for i, output in reversed(list(enumerate(self.output))): ############################ killing process on workers ##################################### for _ in range(10000): status = MPI.Status() communicator.Iprobe(0, 77, status) if status.Get_source() == 0: print("Worker {}, Cur Step: {} I'm the straggler, killing myself!".format(communicator.Get_rank(), cur_step)) tmp = communicator.recv(source=0, tag=77) should_kill = True break if should_kill: break ############################################################################################ if i == (len(self.output) - 1): # for last node, use g output.backward(g) # get gradient here after some sanity checks: tmp_grad = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad): grads = req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_send_check.append(req_isend) # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 channel_index-=1 else: continue else: output.backward(self.input[i+1] tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight) and not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_bias): # we always send bias first if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0: grads = req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1: grads = req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_send_check.append(req_isend) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 else: continue if mod_counters_[0] == 1: grads = req_isend = communicator.Isend([grads, MPI.DOUBLE], dest=0, tag=88+channel_index) req_send_check.append(req_isend) return req_send_check def backward_timeout_kill(self, g, communicator, req_send_check): """do we even need this?""" pass def backward_coded(self, g, cur_step): grad_aggregate_list = [] mod_avail_index = len(self.full_modules)-1 #channel_index = len(self.full_modules)*2-2 channel_index = self._init_channel_index - 2 mod_counters_ = [0]*len(self.full_modules) for i, output in reversed(list(enumerate(self.output))): if i == (len(self.output) - 1): # for last node, use g output.backward(g) else: output.backward(self.input[i+1] tmp_grad_weight = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].weight.grad tmp_grad_bias = self.full_modules[mod_avail_index].bias.grad # specific for this fc nn setting if not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_weight) and not pd.isnull(tmp_grad_bias): # we always send bias first if mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 0: grads = grad_aggregate_list.append(grads) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 elif mod_counters_[mod_avail_index] == 1: grads = grad_aggregate_list.append(grads) channel_index-=1 mod_counters_[mod_avail_index]+=1 # update counters mod_avail_index-=1 else: continue if mod_counters_[0] == 1: grads = grad_aggregate_list.append(grads) return grad_aggregate_list
import hashlib import requests from haversine import haversine from requests.exceptions import SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError from django.conf import settings from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.files.base import ContentFile class TencentLBS(object): key = settings.TENCENT_LBS_KEY geo_coder_url = '' static_map_url = '' def __init__(self, latitude=None, longitude=None, address=None, icon=None): self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.address = address self.icon = icon def get_location(self, origin=False): params = { 'key': self.key, 'location': '{},{}'.format(self.latitude, self.longitude) } try: response = requests.get(self.geo_coder_url, params=params) if origin: return response.json() else: return self.parse_location(response) except (SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError): return { "province": "上海", "city": "上海", "message": "获取区域发生错误" } def get_longitude_and_latitude(self): params = { 'key': self.key, 'address': '{}'.format(self.address) } try: response = requests.get(self.geo_coder_url, params=params) return self.parse_longitude_and_latitude(response) except (SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError): return "获取坐标位置错误" def get_static_map_img(self, size="339*90", zoom=12, icon=None): params = { 'key': self.key, 'center': '{},{}'.format(self.latitude, self.longitude), 'zoom': zoom, 'size': size, 'scale': 2 # 高清 } off_number = 0.0055 latitude = self.off_degree(self.latitude, off_number) if icon: params['markers'] = "icon:{}|{},{}".format(icon, latitude, self.longitude) else: params['markers'] = "color:blue|{},{}".format(latitude, self.longitude) try: response = requests.get(self.static_map_url, params=params) except (SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError): return "保存静态坐标图失败" img_file = self.write_image(response.content) return img_file def write_image(self, img_content): file_name = "{}_{}.png".format(self.latitude, self.longitude) img_file = ContentFile(content=img_content, name=file_name) return img_file @staticmethod def parse_location(response): if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() status = response_data.get('status') result = response_data.get('result') if status == 0 and result: address_component = result.get('address_component', {}) if address_component.get("city", ""): province = address_component.get('province', '') city = address_component.get('city', '').replace("市", "") return { "province": province, "city": city, "message": "success" } return { "province": "上海", "city": "上海", "message": "获取区域发生错误" } @staticmethod def parse_longitude_and_latitude(response): if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() status = response_data.get('status') result = response_data.get('result') if status == 0 and result: location = result.get('location', {}) if all(location.values()): longitude = location.get('lng') latitude = location.get('lat') return { "latitude": latitude, "longitude": longitude } return "获取坐标位置错误({})".format(response_data.get("message")) return "获取坐标位置错误({})".format(response.status_code) @staticmethod def off_degree(degree, number): return degree if degree < number else float("{0:.6f}".format(degree - number)) def get_address(self): key = "address-{}".format(self.address) data = cache.get(key) if not data: data = self.get_longitude_and_latitude() if not isinstance(data, str): cache.set(key, data, 60 * 60 * 12) return data class TencentLBS2(object): def __init__(self): self.key = settings.TENCENT_LBS_KEY = settings.TENCENT_LBS_SK def gen_sig(self, params): alist = [] for k in sorted(params.keys()): alist.append('='.join((k, params[k]))) params_str = '/ws/geocoder/v1/?' + '&'.join(alist) + result = hashlib.md5(params_str.encode()).hexdigest() return result def get_location(self, lat, lng): url = '' params = { 'key': self.key, 'location': '{},{}'.format(lat, lng) } params['sig'] = self.gen_sig(params) try: response = requests.get(url, params=params) return self.parse_location(response) except (SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError): return "message: 获取区域发生错误" def one_to_one_distance(self, from_location, to_location): ''' 因为腾讯地图的距离计算api有直径10公里限制, 所以暂时使用经纬度计算距离 :param from_location: {'lat': lat, 'lng': lng} :param to_location: {'lat': lat, 'lng': lng} :return: distance(单位:km) ''' from_location = (from_location.get('lat'), from_location.get('lng')) to_location = (to_location.get('lat'), to_location.get('lng')) distance = haversine(from_location, to_location) return round(distance, 2) def get_longitude_and_latitude(self, address): url = '' params = { 'key': self.key, 'address': address, } params['sig'] = self.gen_sig(params) try: response = requests.get(url, params=params) return self.parse_longitude_and_latitude(response) except (SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError): return "获取坐标位置错误" # def one_to_many_distance(self, from_location, to_location): # # 一对多距离计算 # ''' # # :param from_location: 'lat,lng' # :param to_location: ['lat,lng', 'lat,lng',...] # :return: # ''' # distance_url = '' # data = { # 'from': from_location, # 'to': ';'.join(to_location), # 'key': self.key, # } # try: # response = requests.get(distance_url, params=data) # return self.parse_distance(response.json()) # except (SSLError, ConnectTimeout, ConnectionError): # return "获取距离信息发生错误" def one_to_many_distance(self, from_location, to_location): # 一对多距离计算 ''' 因为腾讯地图的距离计算api有直径10公里限制, 所以暂时使用经纬度计算距离 :param from_location: 'lat,lng' :param to_location: ['lat,lng', 'lat,lng',...] :return: ''' distance_list = [] from_location = tuple(float(i) for i in from_location.split(',')) for index, to in enumerate(to_location): to_ = tuple(float(i) for i in to.split(',')) distance = haversine(from_location, to_) distance_list.append({'index': index, 'distance': round(distance, 2)}) distance_list = sorted(distance_list, key=lambda x: x.get('distance')) return distance_list @staticmethod def parse_distance(response): if response.get('status') == 0: result = response.get('result') elements = result.get('elements') distance_list = [] for index, element in enumerate(elements): if element.get('distance') >= 0: distance_list.append({'index': index, 'distance': element.get('distance')}) distance_list = sorted(distance_list, key=lambda x: x.get('distance')) return distance_list print(response) return f"获取距离信息发生错误:{response.get('message')}" @staticmethod def parse_location(response): if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() status = response_data.get('status') result = response_data.get('result') if status == 0 and result: address_component = result.get('address_component', {}) if address_component.get("city", ""): province = address_component.get('province', '') city = address_component.get('city', '') district = address_component.get('district', '') return { "province": province, "city": city, "district": district, "message": "success", "address": province+city+district } return "message: 获取区域发生错误" @staticmethod def parse_longitude_and_latitude(response): if response.status_code == 200: response_data = response.json() status = response_data.get('status') result = response_data.get('result') if status == 0 and result: location = result.get('location', {}) if all(location.values()): longitude = location.get('lng') latitude = location.get('lat') return { "lat": latitude, "lng": longitude } return "获取坐标位置错误({})".format(response_data.get("message")) return "获取坐标位置错误({})".format(response.status_code) lbs = TencentLBS2()
import os from logging import getLogger from simpleworker import WorkerManager from ..commands import download_media, update_items from ..settings import DATA_PATH, WORKERS_DOWNLOAD_MEDIA, WORKERS_UPDATE_ITEMS __all__ = ('job_manager',) def make_worker(cmd): def worker(name, queue): log = getLogger('' % name)'Iniciando worker') while True: job = queue.get() if job is None:'Parando worker') return try:'Executando %r' % job) cmd(**job) except Exception as e: log.error(e) queue.done(job) return worker job_manager = WorkerManager(path=os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'tasks')) job_manager.register('download_media', WORKERS_DOWNLOAD_MEDIA, make_worker(download_media)) job_manager.register('update_items', WORKERS_UPDATE_ITEMS, make_worker(update_items))
''' Created on Apr 3, 2021 @author: x2012x ''' import logging from import texttospeech import hashlib import os from errors.exceptions import TTSFailure from services.base import BaseService from errors.reasons import get_general_failure from import PlayRequest from pathlib import Path logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TextToSpeechService(BaseService): ''' Provides access to TTS service operations. Service depends on Google's Text-To-Speech API. Your Google TTS JSON config must be staged to 'resources/config/google-tts.json' Arguments: conductor (Conductor): reference to the running Conductor instance. ''' def __init__(self, conductor): super().__init__(conductor, 'tts') # Google TTS client self._client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient.from_service_account_file('resources/config/google-tts.json') # Google TTS voice configuration self._voice = texttospeech.VoiceSelectionParams(language_code="en-GB", name="en-GB-Standard-F", ssml_gender=texttospeech.SsmlVoiceGender.FEMALE) # Google Audio file configuration self._audio_config = texttospeech.AudioConfig(audio_encoding=texttospeech.AudioEncoding.MP3) # Google has a max character limit, service will fail any request that exceeds this limit, before sending to Google. self._character_limit = 5000 # TODO: Need to setup a scheduler to periodically cleanup the cache. # TTS audio is cached in this directory for reuse. If the same phrase is being # requested, the service will play from the cache instead of sending a request to Google. self._cache = 'resources/cache/tts_cache' Path(self._cache).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def speak_response(self, response): ''' Speak the supplied response object. Arguments: response (Response): Response object to speak. ''' self.speak(response.speech.text, response.background_audio, response.background_volume_shift) def speak(self, text_content, background_audio = None, background_volume_shift = 20): ''' Speak the supplied text_content while playing the optional background_audio track. text_content will be sent to the Google TTS service. Once the TTS audio file is received from Google, an AudioService PlayRequest is constructed to process the returned audio file and the optional background track. Arguments: text_content (str): text to send to Google TTS. background_audio (str): path to audio file to play as background audio track background_volume_shift (int): amount of volume decrease that should be used for the background track ''' # Check for Google TTS max characters before transmitting request if len(text_content) > self._character_limit: logger.error('Text to speak exceeds TTS character limit') raise TTSFailure(get_general_failure()) try: # Get hash of the text_content being spoken. text_hash = hashlib.sha256(text_content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # Use that hash to construct filenames for the text and audio file that will be stored in cache audio_file = os.path.join(self._cache, f'{text_hash}.mp3') text_file = os.path.join(self._cache, f'{text_hash}.txt') # If the current text doesn't exist in cache, send request to Google. if not os.path.exists(audio_file): synthesis_input = texttospeech.SynthesisInput(text=text_content) response = self._client.synthesize_speech(input=synthesis_input, voice=self._voice, audio_config=self._audio_config) with open(audio_file, "wb") as out: out.write(response.audio_content) logger.debug(f'Created new recording at {audio_file}') with open(text_file, "w") as out: out.write(text_content) logger.debug(f'Created transcription at {text_file}') else:'Playing audio from cache {audio_file}') # Send a PlayRequest to the audio service to play the TTS audio and optional background track., background_audio, background_volume_shift = background_volume_shift)) except Exception: raise TTSFailure(text_content)
default_app_config = "address.apps.AddressConfig"
<reponame>FMsunyh/keras-fpn<filename>core/utils/ #!/usr/bin/python3 """ Copyright 2018-2019 Firmin.Sun (<EMAIL>) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # ----------------------------------------------------- # @Time : 12/14/2018 11:10 AM # @Author : Firmin.Sun (<EMAIL>) # @Software: ZJ_AI # ----------------------------------------------------- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import keras import tensorflow def overlapping(anchors, gt_boxes): """ Overlaps between the anchors and the gt boxes :param anchors: Generated anchors :param gt_boxes: Ground truth bounding boxes :return: """ # assert keras.backend.ndim(anchors) == 2 # assert keras.backend.ndim(gt_boxes) == 2 reference = compute_overlap(anchors, gt_boxes) gt_argmax_overlaps_inds = keras.backend.argmax(reference, axis=0) argmax_overlaps_inds = keras.backend.argmax(reference, axis=1) indices = keras.backend.stack([ tensorflow.range(keras.backend.shape(anchors)[0]), keras.backend.cast(argmax_overlaps_inds, "int32") ], axis=0) indices = keras.backend.transpose(indices) max_overlaps = tensorflow.gather_nd(reference, indices) return argmax_overlaps_inds, max_overlaps, gt_argmax_overlaps_inds def compute_overlap(a, b): """ :param a: (N, 4) ndarray of float :param b: (K, 4) ndarray of float :return: overlaps: (N, K) ndarray of overlap between boxes and query_boxes """ area = (b[:, 2] - b[:, 0] + 1) * (b[:, 3] - b[:, 1] + 1) iw = keras.backend.minimum(keras.backend.expand_dims(a[:, 2], 1), b[:, 2]) - keras.backend.maximum(keras.backend.expand_dims(a[:, 0], 1), b[:, 0]) + 1 ih = keras.backend.minimum(keras.backend.expand_dims(a[:, 3], 1), b[:, 3]) - keras.backend.maximum(keras.backend.expand_dims(a[:, 1], 1), b[:, 1]) + 1 iw = keras.backend.maximum(iw, 0) ih = keras.backend.maximum(ih, 0) ua = keras.backend.expand_dims((a[:, 2] - a[:, 0] + 1) * (a[:, 3] - a[:, 1] + 1), 1) + area - iw * ih ua = keras.backend.maximum(ua, 0.0001) intersection = iw * ih return intersection / ua
from System import Random rand = Random() def randomBool(): if rand.Next(0,2) < 1: return "True" else: return "False" def run_script(): print("(" + randomBool() + ", " + randomBool() + ", " + randomBool() + ")" )
<filename>trellab/ """ dna_sequencing_viewer/ """ # __all__ = [] from .trellab import TrellabOrganizationClient
import json import boto3 import sagemaker import wandb from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch # based on: source_dir = 'code' wandb.sagemaker_auth(path=source_dir) sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session() # bucket_name = sagemaker_session.default_bucket() bucket_name = "sagemaker-eu-central-1-706022464121/pytorch-training-2020-10-26-19-02-00-900/output" bucket = f's3://{bucket_name}' role = 'arn:aws:iam::706022464121:role/SageMakerRole_MNIST' # sagemaker.get_execution_role() estimator = PyTorch( entry_point='', source_dir=source_dir, role=role, framework_version='1.4.0', py_version="py3", instance_count=1, # instance_type="local",# 'ml.p2.xlarge', instance_type="ml.c5.xlarge",#"ml.g4dn.xlarge",# 'ml.p2.xlarge', use_spot_instances = True, max_wait = 24 * 60 * 60, # seconds; see max_run # checkpoint_s3_uri = ... #TODO(tilo) hyperparameters={ 'max_epochs': 2, 'batch_size': 32, })"{bucket}") # [ml.p2.xlarge, ml.m5.4xlarge, ml.m4.16xlarge, ml.c5n.xlarge, ml.p3.16xlarge, ml.m5.large, ml.p2.16xlarge, ml.c4.2xlarge, ml.c5.2xlarge, ml.c4.4xlarge, ml.c5.4xlarge, ml.c5n.18xlarge, ml.g4dn.xlarge, ml.g4dn.12xlarge, ml.c4.8xlarge, ml.g4dn.2xlarge, ml.c5.9xlarge, ml.g4dn.4xlarge, ml.c5.xlarge, ml.g4dn.16xlarge, ml.c4.xlarge, ml.g4dn.8xlarge, ml.c5n.2xlarge, ml.c5n.4xlarge, ml.c5.18xlarge, ml.p3dn.24xlarge, ml.p3.2xlarge, ml.m5.xlarge, ml.m4.10xlarge, ml.c5n.9xlarge, ml.m5.12xlarge, ml.m4.xlarge, ml.m5.24xlarge, ml.m4.2xlarge, ml.p2.8xlarge, ml.m5.2xlarge, ml.p3.8xlarge, ml.m4.4xlarge]
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import random import time import os from tensorflow.keras import layers cross_entropy = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) generator_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-4) discriminator_optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-4) #The Generator Model def generator_model(n): model = tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(layers.Dense(n*n*256, use_bias=False, input_shape=(100,))) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Reshape((n, n, 256))) assert model.output_shape == (None, n, n, 256) # Note: None is the batch size model.add(layers.Conv2DTranspose(128, (5, 5), strides=(1, 1), padding='same', use_bias=False)) assert model.output_shape == (None, n, n, 128) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Conv2DTranspose(64, (5, 5), strides=(2, 2), padding='same', use_bias=False)) assert model.output_shape == (None, 2*n, 2*n, 64) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.ReLU()) model.add(layers.Conv2DTranspose(1, (5, 5), strides=(1, 1), padding='same', use_bias=False, activation='tanh')) assert model.output_shape == (None, 2*n, 2*n, 1) return model def discriminator_model(): model = tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (5, 5), strides=(2, 2), padding='same', input_shape=[4, 4, 1])) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Dropout(0.3)) model.add(layers.Conv2D(128, (5, 5), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')) model.add(layers.ReLU()) model.add(layers.Dropout(0.3)) model.add(layers.Flatten()) model.add(layers.Dense(1)) return model #Loss and Optimizer def D_loss(real_output, fake_output): real_loss = cross_entropy(tf.ones_like(real_output), real_output) fake_loss = cross_entropy(tf.zeros_like(fake_output), fake_output) total_loss = real_loss + fake_loss return total_loss def G_loss(fake_output): return cross_entropy(tf.ones_like(fake_output), fake_output) #Training Functions def train_step(adj_matrix, n = 2): generator = generator_model(n) discriminator = discriminator_model() noise_dim = 100 num_of_generated_examples = 16 seed = tf.random.normal([num_of_generated_examples, noise_dim noise = tf.random.normal([100, noise_dim]) checkpoint_dir = './training_checkpoints' checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, "ckpt") checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(generator_optimizer=generator_optimizer, discriminator_optimizer=discriminator_optimizer, generator=generator, discriminator=discriminator) with tf.GradientTape() as gen_tape, tf.GradientTape() as disc_tape: generated_matrix = generator(noise, training=True) real_output = discriminator(adj_matrix, training=True) fake_output = discriminator(generated_matrix, training=True) gen_loss = G_loss(fake_output) disc_loss = D_loss(real_output, fake_output) gradients_of_generator = gen_tape.gradient(gen_loss, generator.trainable_variables) gradients_of_discriminator = disc_tape.gradient(disc_loss, discriminator.trainable_variables) generator_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients_of_generator, generator.trainable_variables)) discriminator_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients_of_discriminator, discriminator.trainable_variables)) #Train def train_GAN(dataset, epochs, path = "/"): for epoch in range(epochs): start = time.time() for batch in dataset: train_step(batch) # Save the model every 15 epochs if (epoch + 1) % 15 == 0: = checkpoint_prefix) print ('Time for epoch {} is {} sec'.format(epoch + 1, time.time()-start)) #Model Path
# __init__ for osgeo package. # making the osgeo package version the same as the gdal version: from sys import version_info if version_info >= (2,6,0): def swig_import_helper(): from os.path import dirname import imp fp = None try: fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_gdal', [dirname(__file__)]) except ImportError: import _gdal return _gdal if fp is not None: try: _mod = imp.load_module('_gdal', fp, pathname, description) finally: fp.close() return _mod _gdal = swig_import_helper() del swig_import_helper else: import _gdal __version__ = _gdal.__version__ = _gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME")
<filename>mvc/models/ # coding=UTF-8 # ex:ts=4:sw=4:et=on # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2014 by <NAME> <mathijs dot dumon at gmail dot com> # Copyright (C) 2005 by <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # mvc is a framework derived from the original pygtkmvc framework # hosted at: <> # # mvc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # mvc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110, USA. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- import inspect import logging from import add_idle_call logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary try: import threading as threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading try: from fastrlock.rlock import FastRLock as RLock except ImportError: from threading import RLock from import WeakList from import ObsWrapperBase, Signal from ..observers import Observer, NTInfo from .metaclasses import ModelMeta from .properties import UUIDProperty class Model(Observer, metaclass=ModelMeta): """ .. attribute:: __observables__ Class attribute. A list or tuple of name strings. The metaclass :class:`` uses it to create properties. *Value properties* have to exist as an attribute with an initial value, which may be ``None``. *Logical properties* require a getter and may have a setter method in the class. """ """A base class for models whose observable properties can be changed by threads different than the (gtk) main thread. Notification is performed by exploiting the gtk idle loop only if needed, otherwise the standard notification system (direct method call) is used. In this model, the observer is expected to run in the gtk main loop thread.""" class Meta(object): """ A meta-data class providing some basic functionality """ @classmethod def get_column_properties(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "all_properties"): raise RuntimeError("Meta class '%s' has not been initialized" \ " properly: 'all_properties' is not set!" % type(cls)) else: cls._mem_columns = getattr(cls, "_mem_columns", None) if cls._mem_columns is None: cls._mem_columns = [(attr.label, attr.data_type) for attr in cls.all_properties if attr.tabular] return cls._mem_columns @classmethod def get_local_persistent_properties(cls): return [attr for attr in if attr.persistent] @classmethod def get_viewless_properties(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "all_properties"): raise RuntimeError("Meta class '%s' has not been initialized" \ " properly: 'all_properties' is not set!" % type(self)) else: return [attr for attr in cls.all_properties if not attr.visible] @classmethod def get_viewable_properties(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "all_properties"): raise RuntimeError("Meta class '%s' has not been initialized" \ " properly: 'all_properties' is not set!" % type(self)) else: return [attr for attr in cls.all_properties if attr.visible] pass # end of class uuid = UUIDProperty(persistent=True, observable=False) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Initialization and other internals # ------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Model, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._prop_lock = RLock() # @UndefinedVariable self.__observers = WeakList() self.__observer_threads = WeakKeyDictionary() # keys are properties names, values are pairs (method, # kwargs|None) inside the observer. kwargs is the keyword # argument possibly specified when explicitly defining the # notification method in observers, and it is used to build # the NTInfo instance passed down when the notification method # is invoked. If kwargs is None (special case), the # notification method is "old style" (property_<name>_...) and # won't be receiving the property name. self.__value_notifications = {} self.__instance_notif_before = {} self.__instance_notif_after = {} self.__signal_notif = {} for attr in self.Meta.all_properties: self.register_property(attr) return def register_property(self, prop): """Registers an existing attribute to be monitored, and sets up notifiers for notifications""" if prop.label not in self.__value_notifications: self.__value_notifications[prop.label] = [] pass # registers observable wrappers propval = getattr(type(self), prop.label)._get(self) if isinstance(propval, ObsWrapperBase): propval.__add_model__(self, prop.label) if isinstance(propval, Signal): if prop.label not in self.__signal_notif: self.__signal_notif[prop.label] = [] pass pass else: if prop.label not in self.__instance_notif_before: self.__instance_notif_before[prop.label] = [] pass if prop.label not in self.__instance_notif_after: self.__instance_notif_after[prop.label] = [] pass pass pass return def has_property(self, label): """Returns true if given property name refers an observable property inside self or inside derived classes.""" for prop in self.Meta.all_properties: if prop.label == label: return True def register_observer(self, observer): """Register given observer among those observers which are interested in observing the model.""" if observer in self.__observers: return # not already registered assert isinstance(observer, Observer) self.__observers.append(observer) self.__observer_threads[observer] = threading.current_thread() # @UndefinedVariable for prop in self.Meta.all_properties: self.__add_observer_notification(observer, prop) pass return def unregister_observer(self, observer): """Unregister the given observer that is no longer interested in observing the model.""" assert isinstance(observer, Observer) if observer not in self.__observers: return for prop in self.Meta.all_properties: self.__remove_observer_notification(observer, prop) pass self.__observers.remove(observer) del self.__observer_threads[observer] return def _reset_property_notification(self, prop, old=None): """Called when an assignment has been done that changes the type of a property or the instance of the property has been changed to a different instance. In this case it must be unregistered and registered again. Optional parameter old has to be used when the old value is an instance (derived from ObsWrapperBase) which needs to unregistered from the model, via a call to method old.__remove_model__(model, prop_name)""" # unregister_property if isinstance(old, ObsWrapperBase): old.__remove_model__(self, prop.label) pass self.register_property(prop) for observer in self.__observers: self.__remove_observer_notification(observer, prop) self.__add_observer_notification(observer, prop) pass return def __add_observer_notification(self, observer, prop): """ Find observing methods and store them for later notification. *observer* an instance. *label* a string. This checks for magic names as well as methods explicitly added through decorators or at runtime. In the latter case the type of the notification is inferred from the number of arguments it takes. """ value = getattr(type(self), prop.label)._get(self) # --- Some services --- def getmeth(format, numargs): # @ReservedAssignment name = format % prop.label meth = getattr(observer, name) args, varargs, _, _ = inspect.getargspec(meth) if not varargs and len(args) != numargs: logger.warn("Ignoring notification %s: exactly %d arguments" " are expected", name, numargs) raise AttributeError return meth def add_value(notification, kw=None): pair = (notification, kw) if pair in self.__value_notifications[prop.label]: return logger.debug("Will call %s.%s after assignment to %s.%s", observer.__class__.__name__, notification.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, prop.label) self.__value_notifications[prop.label].append(pair) return def add_before(notification, kw=None): if (not isinstance(value, ObsWrapperBase) or isinstance(value, Signal)): return pair = (notification, kw) if pair in self.__instance_notif_before[prop.label]: return logger.debug("Will call %s.%s before mutation of %s.%s", observer.__class__.__name__, notification.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, prop.label) self.__instance_notif_before[prop.label].append(pair) return def add_after(notification, kw=None): if (not isinstance(value, ObsWrapperBase) or isinstance(value, Signal)): return pair = (notification, kw) if pair in self.__instance_notif_after[prop.label]: return logger.debug("Will call %s.%s after mutation of %s.%s", observer.__class__.__name__, notification.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, prop.label) self.__instance_notif_after[prop.label].append(pair) return def add_signal(notification, kw=None): if not isinstance(value, Signal): return pair = (notification, kw) if pair in self.__signal_notif[prop.label]: return logger.debug("Will call %s.%s after emit on %s.%s", observer.__class__.__name__, notification.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, prop.label) self.__signal_notif[prop.label].append(pair) return # --------------------- try: notification = getmeth("property_%s_signal_emit", 3) except AttributeError: pass else: add_signal(notification) try: notification = getmeth("property_%s_value_change", 4) except AttributeError: pass else: add_value(notification) try: notification = getmeth("property_%s_before_change", 6) except AttributeError: pass else: add_before(notification) try: notification = getmeth("property_%s_after_change", 7) except AttributeError: pass else: add_after(notification) # here explicit notification methods are handled (those which # have been statically or dynamically registered) type_to_adding_method = { 'assign' : add_value, 'before' : add_before, 'after' : add_after, 'signal' : add_signal, } for meth in observer.get_observing_methods(prop.label): added = False kw = observer.get_observing_method_kwargs(prop.label, meth) for flag, adding_meth in type_to_adding_method.items(): if flag in kw: added = True adding_meth(meth, kw) pass pass if not added: raise ValueError("In %s notification method %s is " "marked to be observing property " "'%s', but no notification type " "information were specified." % (observer.__class__, meth.__name__, prop.label)) pass return def __remove_observer_notification(self, observer, prop): """ Remove all stored notifications. *observer* an instance. *prop* a LabeledProperty instance. """ def side_effect(seq): for meth, kw in reversed(seq): if meth.__self__ is observer: seq.remove((meth, kw)) yield meth for meth in side_effect(self.__value_notifications.get(prop.label, ())): logger.debug("Stop calling '%s' after assignment", meth.__name__) for meth in side_effect(self.__signal_notif.get(prop.label, ())): logger.debug("Stop calling '%s' after emit", meth.__name__) for meth in side_effect(self.__instance_notif_before.get(prop.label, ())): logger.debug("Stop calling '%s' before mutation", meth.__name__) for meth in side_effect(self.__instance_notif_after.get(prop.label, ())): logger.debug("Stop calling '%s' after mutation", meth.__name__) return def __notify_observer__(self, observer, method, *args, **kwargs): """This makes a call either through the Gtk.idle list or a direct method call depending whether the caller's thread is different from the observer's thread""" assert observer in self.__observer_threads if threading.currentThread() == self.__observer_threads[observer]: # @UndefinedVariable self.__idle_notify_observer(observer, method, args, kwargs) else: add_idle_call(self.__idle_notify_observer, observer, method, args, kwargs) def __idle_notify_observer(self, observer, method, args, kwargs): method(*args, **kwargs) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Notifiers: # ------------------------------------------------------------- def notify_property_value_change(self, prop_name, old, new): """ Send a notification to all registered observers. *old* the value before the change occured. """ assert(prop_name in self.__value_notifications) for method, kw in self.__value_notifications[prop_name] : obs = method.__self__ # notification occurs checking spuriousness of the observer if old != new or obs.accepts_spurious_change(): if kw is None: # old style call without name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, old, new) elif 'old_style_call' in kw: # old style call with name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, old, new) else: # New style explicit notification. # notice that named arguments overwrite any # existing key:val in kw, which is precisely what # it is expected to happen info = NTInfo('assign', kw, model=self, prop_name=prop_name, old=old, new=new) self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, info) pass pass pass return def notify_method_before_change(self, prop_name, instance, meth_name, args, kwargs): """ Send a notification to all registered observers. *instance* the object stored in the property. *meth_name* name of the method we are about to call on *instance*. """ assert(prop_name in self.__instance_notif_before) for method, kw in self.__instance_notif_before[prop_name]: obs = method.__self__ # notifies the change if kw is None: # old style call without name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, instance, meth_name, args, kwargs) elif 'old_style_call' in kw: # old style call with name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, instance, meth_name, args, kwargs) else: # New style explicit notification. # notice that named arguments overwrite any # existing key:val in kw, which is precisely what # it is expected to happen info = NTInfo('before', kw, model=self, prop_name=prop_name, instance=instance, method_name=meth_name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, info) pass pass return def notify_method_after_change(self, prop_name, instance, meth_name, res, args, kwargs): """ Send a notification to all registered observers. *args* the arguments we just passed to *meth_name*. *res* the return value of the method call. """ assert(prop_name in self.__instance_notif_after) for method, kw in self.__instance_notif_after[prop_name]: obs = method.__self__ # notifies the change if kw is None: # old style call without name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, instance, meth_name, res, args, kwargs) elif 'old_style_call' in kw: # old style call with name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, instance, meth_name, res, args, kwargs) else: # New style explicit notification. # notice that named arguments overwrite any # existing key:val in kw, which is precisely what # it is expected to happen info = NTInfo('after', kw, model=self, prop_name=prop_name, instance=instance, method_name=meth_name, result=res, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, info) pass pass return def notify_signal_emit(self, prop_name, arg): """ Emit a signal to all registered observers. *prop_name* the property storing the :class:`~mvc.observable.Signal` instance. *arg* one arbitrary argument passed to observing methods. """ assert(prop_name in self.__signal_notif) for method, kw in self.__signal_notif[prop_name]: obs = method.__self__ # notifies the signal emit if kw is None: # old style call, without name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, arg) elif 'old_style_call' in kw: # old style call with name self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, arg) else: # New style explicit notification. # notice that named arguments overwrite any # existing key:val in kw, which is precisely what # it is expected to happen info = NTInfo('signal', kw, model=self, prop_name=prop_name, arg=arg) self.__notify_observer__(obs, method, self, prop_name, info) pass pass return pass # end of class Model # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
<gh_stars>0 from setuptools import setup setup(name='pygpsnmea', version='2021.2', description='a Python 3 GPS NMEA 0183 decoder', author='<NAME>', url='', license='MIT', packages=['pygpsnmea', 'pygpsnmea.sentences', 'pygpsnmea.gui'], install_requires=['pyserial'], include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False )
<gh_stars>0 import json, sys, os from subprocess import run import subprocess import time if len(sys.argv) < 3 or sys.argv[1] in ('--help', '-h', 'help'): print("Usage: <ns> <service> <http|https>") sys.exit(0) namespace = sys.argv[1] service = sys.argv[2] svc_protocol = sys.argv[3] old_svc = run(["kubectl", "-n", namespace, "get", "svc", service, "-o", "json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) k = json.loads(old_svc.stdout) md = k['metadata'] del md['annotations'] del md['creationTimestamp'] del md['resourceVersion'] del md['selfLink'] del md['uid'] # Set name for the proxy svc orig_service_name = md['name'] + '-origin' md['name'] = orig_service_name spec = k['spec'] del spec['clusterIP'] # Select all ports ports = [str(p['port']) for p in spec['ports']] pod_ports = [] for p in spec['ports']: pod_ports.append({ "name": p['name'], "protocol": p['protocol'], "containerPort": p['port'], }) # Run pod and redirect to the port del k['status'] print("Creating origin service to point where the service used to point...") srv = run(["kubectl", "create", "-f", "-"], input=json.dumps(k).encode('utf8')) def get_mitmproxy_pod_status(namespace, service): print("==========================") run(["kubectl", "get", "pods", "-n", namespace, "-l", "proxy=true,papp="+service]) print("==========================") mitmproxy_podname = "mitmproxy-"+service mitmproxy_pod = { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "labels": { "papp": service, "proxy": "true" }, "name": mitmproxy_podname, "namespace": namespace }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "env": [ { "name": "PORTS", "value": str(" ".join(ports)) }, { "name": "SERVICE", "value": "{}://{}".format(svc_protocol, orig_service_name) } ], "image": "theikkila/mitmp", "imagePullPolicy": "Always", "name": "mitmproxy", "ports": pod_ports } ], "restartPolicy": "Always" } } print("Spawning mitmproxy and reverse proxying origin service...") run(["kubectl", "create", "-f", "-"], input=json.dumps(mitmproxy_pod).encode('utf8')) print("Mitmproxy should be soon running, waiting 10s before automatic connect with following command:") get_mitmproxy_pod_status(namespace, service) time.sleep(5) get_mitmproxy_pod_status(namespace, service) time.sleep(5) get_mitmproxy_pod_status(namespace, service) mitm_ports = list(str(p) for p in range(45455, 45455+len(ports))) port_mapping = {} for m_port, l_port in zip(mitm_ports, ports): port_mapping[l_port] = m_port cmd = "kubectl port-forward -n {} {} {}".format(namespace, mitmproxy_podname, " ".join(mitm_ports)) # print(cmd) proxy = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) print("Please note, if pod isn't up you have to manually run the command in other console!") mitm_labels = {"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/selector", "value": {"proxy":"true", "papp":service}} orig_labels = {"op":"replace", "path":"/spec/selector", "value": spec['selector']} ok = input("Patch the original service by pressing ENTER") cmd = ["kubectl", "patch", "-n", namespace, "svc", service, "--type=json", "--patch={}".format(json.dumps([mitm_labels]))] print(cmd) run(cmd) print("\n\n\n") for l_port, m_port in port_mapping.items(): print("Patched service! Now you can debug by going to http://localhost:{} for port {}".format(m_port, l_port)) print("\n\n\n") ok = input("When you are ready, return to normal by pressing ENTER") cmd = ["kubectl", "patch", "-n", namespace, "svc", service, "--type=json", "--patch={}".format(json.dumps([orig_labels]))] print(cmd) run(cmd) proxy.kill() run(["kubectl", "delete", "-n", namespace, "pod", mitmproxy_podname]) run(["kubectl", "delete", "-n", namespace, "service", orig_service_name])
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import time masterFile = 'b1:/d/webapp/workspace/vine-app-master/vine-app/target/vine-app-1.0.0.war' developFile = 'b1:/d/webapp/workspace/vine-app-develop/vine-app/target/vine-app-1.0.0.war' menus = """************************* docker manage menus ************************* a1: docker ps all a2: docker stats a3: view cpu & memory b1: docker stop all b2: docker start all b3: docker restart all c1: reset memcached d1: reset app[mast] d2: update app[mast] d3: check server app8101 e1: reset app[dev] e2: update app[dev] e3: check server app8201 h1: reset app task h2: reset nginx h3: vim""" class Tomcat: def __init__(self, warfile, groups): self.warfile = warfile self.groups = groups; self.maxMem = '2048m'; def reset(self): for port in self.groups: self.resetApp(port) def update(self): for port in self.groups: self.updateApp(port) def show(self): sh('docker exec -it app%s /bin/bash' % self.groups[0]) def resetApp(self, port): name = 'app%s' % port subPath = '/d/webapp/%s' % name sh('docker stop %s && docker rm %s' % (name, name)) sh('rm -rf %s && mkdir %s' % (subPath, subPath)) sh('mkdir %s/webapps' % subPath) sh('cp %s %s/webapps/ROOT.war' % (self.warfile, subPath)) sh("""docker run --name %s -p %s:8080 --restart=always -m %s \ --link memcached:memcached_host \ -v %s/webapps/:/opt/tomcat/webapps/ \ -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime \ -d summer/tomcat""" % (name, port, self.maxMem, subPath)) print('') def updateApp(self, port): app = 'app%s' % port sh('docker stop %s' % app) print('please wait 20s ...') time.sleep(10) sh('scp %s /d/webapp/%s/webapps/ROOT.war' % (self.warfile, app)) sh('rm -rf /d/webapp/%s/webapps/ROOT/' % app) time.sleep(10) sh('docker start %s' % app) print('please wait 60s ...') time.sleep(60) print('finish') print('') if len(sys.argv) == 2: choice = sys.argv[1] else: print(menus) choice = input("please choice, other key to exit: ") appMaster = Tomcat(masterFile, ['8101', '8102']) appMaster.maxMem = '4096m' appDevelop = Tomcat(developFile, ['8201', '8202']) appDevelop.maxMem = '2048m' #显示操作主菜单 def showMenus(): groups = ['8101', '8102'] if choice == "a1": sh('docker ps -a') elif choice == 'a2': sh('docker stats') elif choice == 'a3': sh('top') elif choice == 'b1': sh('docker stop $(docker ps -q)') elif choice == 'b2': sh('docker start $(docker ps -a -q)') elif choice == 'b3': sh('docker restart $(docker ps -q)') elif choice == 'c1': sh('docker stop memcached && docker rm memcached') sh('docker run -d --name memcached -p 11211:11211 --restart=always -m 200m memcached') elif choice == 'd1': appMaster.reset() elif choice == 'd2': appMaster.update() elif choice == 'd3': elif choice == 'e1': appDevelop.reset() elif choice == 'e2': appDevelop.update() elif choice == 'e3': elif choice == 'h1': updateTask() elif choice == 'h2': nginx = NginxConfig() nginx.start() nginx.addServers('', groups, 'a-group') nginx.addServers('', groups, 'b-group') nginx.addServers('', groups, 'r1-group') sh('nginx -s reload') elif choice == 'h3': sh('vim /d/') #建立Nginx的sever.conf文件 class NginxConfig: def __init__(self): self.conf = '/etc/nginx/conf.d/sever.conf' #self.conf = 'd:\sever.conf' def start(self): if os.path.exists(self.conf): os.remove(self.conf) print("create nginx config: %s" % self.conf) self.fc = open(self.conf, 'w') self.fc.write('# create by') def save(self): self.fc.close() def addServers(self, host, servers, group): self.fc.write('\nupstream %s{\n' % group) for server in servers: self.fc.write('server localhost:%s;\n' % server) self.fc.write("}\n") self.fc.write(""" server { listen 80; server_name %s; keepalive_timeout 90; location / { proxy_read_timeout 90; proxy_pass http://%s/; } }""" % (host, group)) def write(self, site, port, host = 'localhost'): self.fc.write(""" server { listen 80; server_name %s; location / { proxy_pass http://%s:%s; } }""" % (site, host, port)) def updateTask(): taskFile = 'b1:/d/webapp/workspace/vine-task/vine-task/target/vine-task-1.0.0.war' sh('docker stop appTask && docker rm appTask') sh('rm -rf /d/webapp/appTask && mkdir /d/webapp/appTask') sh('mkdir /d/webapp/appTask/webapps') sh('scp %s /d/webapp/appTask/webapps/ROOT.war' % taskFile) sh("""docker run --name appTask -p 8401:8080 --restart=always -m 2048m \ --link memcached:memcached_host \ -v /d/webapp/appTask/webapps/:/opt/tomcat/webapps/ -d summer/tomcat""") #运行命令行 def sh(cmd): print(cmd) os.system(cmd) #开始运行 showMenus()
<reponame>consommee/AtCoder<gh_stars>0 a = int(input()) print((a-2)*180)c = input() if c.count('x') <= 7: print("YES") else: print("NO")
# Copyright 2021 UW-IT, University of Washington # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 from django.test import TestCase from import call_command class TestFlushMemcache(TestCase): def test_run(self): call_command('memcache', '-f') call_command('memcache', '--flush') call_command('memcache')
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms digiSamples_ = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] uncalibOOTAmps_ = [4,6] ecalGpuTask = cms.untracked.PSet( params = cms.untracked.PSet( runGpuTask = cms.untracked.bool(False), gpuOnlyPlots = cms.untracked.bool(True), uncalibOOTAmps = cms.untracked.vint32(uncalibOOTAmps_) ), MEs = cms.untracked.PSet( # CPU Digi DigiCpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT digi nDigis cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Digis per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('Number of CPU Digis per Event') ), DigiCpuAmplitude = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT digi amplitude sample %(sample)s cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), multi = cms.untracked.PSet( sample = cms.untracked.vint32(digiSamples_) ), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(4096), title = cms.untracked.string('ADC Counts') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU digi amplitudes for individual digi samples (1-10)') ), # GPU Digi (optional) DigiGpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT digi nDigis gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Digis per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('Number of GPU Digis per Event') ), DigiGpuAmplitude = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT digi amplitude sample %(sample)s gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), multi = cms.untracked.PSet( sample = cms.untracked.vint32(digiSamples_) ), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(4096), title = cms.untracked.string('ADC Counts') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU digi amplitudes for individual digi samples (1-10)') ), # Digi GPU-CPU Difference DigiGpuCpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT digi nDigis gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-500), high = cms.untracked.double(500), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Digis per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of number of Digis per Event') ), DigiGpuCpuAmplitude = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT digi amplitude sample %(sample)s gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), multi = cms.untracked.PSet( sample = cms.untracked.vint32(digiSamples_) ), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-100), high = cms.untracked.double(100), title = cms.untracked.string('ADC Counts') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of digi amplitude for individual digi samples (1-10)') ), # CPU UncalibRecHit UncalibCpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit nHits cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Uncalibrated Rec Hits per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('Number of CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hits per Event') ), UncalibCpuAmp = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit amplitude cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Amplitude') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed amplitude') ), UncalibCpuAmpError = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit amplitudeError cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(200), title = cms.untracked.string('Amplitude Error') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed amplitude uncertainty') ), UncalibCpuPedestal = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit pedestal cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(1000), title = cms.untracked.string('Pedestal') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed pedestal') ), UncalibCpuJitter = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit jitter cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-5), high = cms.untracked.double(5), title = cms.untracked.string('Jitter') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed time jitter') ), UncalibCpuJitterError = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit jitterError cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(25), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(0.25), # If you edit this, also change 10k bin in title = cms.untracked.string('Jitter Error') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed time jitter uncertainty. 10000 is special value, shown in last bin') ), UncalibCpuChi2 = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit chi2 cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(200), title = cms.untracked.string('Chi2') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit chi2 of the pulse') ), UncalibCpuOOTAmp = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit OOT amplitude %(OOTAmp)s cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), multi = cms.untracked.PSet( OOTAmp = cms.untracked.vint32(uncalibOOTAmps_) ), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(500), title = cms.untracked.string('OOT Amplitude') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit out-of-time reconstructed amplitude. Indicies go from 0 to 9, with event BX at index 5. Index 4 == BX-1, index 6 == BX+1, etc.') ), UncalibCpuFlags = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit flags cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(64), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(64), title = cms.untracked.string('Flags') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit flag to be propagated to RecHit') ), # GPU UncalibRecHit (optional) UncalibGpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit nHits gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Uncalibrated Rec Hits per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('Number of GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hits per Event') ), UncalibGpuAmp = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit amplitude gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Amplitude') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed amplitude') ), UncalibGpuAmpError = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit amplitudeError gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(200), title = cms.untracked.string('Amplitude Error') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed amplitude uncertainty') ), UncalibGpuPedestal = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit pedestal gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(1000), title = cms.untracked.string('Pedestal') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed pedestal') ), UncalibGpuJitter = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit jitter gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-5), high = cms.untracked.double(5), title = cms.untracked.string('Jitter') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed time jitter') ), UncalibGpuJitterError = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit jitterError gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(25), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(0.25), # If you edit this, also change 10k bin in title = cms.untracked.string('Jitter Error') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed time jitter uncertainty. 10000 is special value, shown in last bin') ), UncalibGpuChi2 = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit chi2 gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(200), title = cms.untracked.string('Chi2') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit chi2 of the pulse') ), UncalibGpuOOTAmp = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit OOT amplitude %(OOTAmp)s gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), multi = cms.untracked.PSet( OOTAmp = cms.untracked.vint32(uncalibOOTAmps_) ), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(500), title = cms.untracked.string('OOT Amplitude') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit out-of-time reconstructed amplitude. Indicies go from 0 to 9, with event BX at index 5. Index 4 == BX-1, index 6 == BX+1, etc.') ), UncalibGpuFlags = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit flags gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(64), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(64), title = cms.untracked.string('Flags') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Uncalibrated Rec Hit flag to be propagated to RecHit') ), # UncalibRecHit GPU-CPU Difference UncalibGpuCpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit nHits gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-500), high = cms.untracked.double(500), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Uncalibrated Rec Hits per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of number of Uncalibrated Rec Hits per Event') ), UncalibGpuCpuAmp = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit amplitude gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-100), high = cms.untracked.double(100), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Amplitude') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed amplitude') ), UncalibGpuCpuAmpError = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit amplitudeError gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-50), high = cms.untracked.double(50), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Amplitude Error') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed amplitude uncertainty') ), UncalibGpuCpuPedestal = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit pedestal gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-50), high = cms.untracked.double(50), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Pedestal') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed pedestal') ), UncalibGpuCpuJitter = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit jitter gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-1), high = cms.untracked.double(1), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Jitter') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed time jitter') ), UncalibGpuCpuJitterError = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit jitterError gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-0.03), high = cms.untracked.double(0.03), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Jitter Error') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit reconstructed time jitter uncertainty. 10000 is special value, shown in last bin') ), UncalibGpuCpuChi2 = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit chi2 gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-20), high = cms.untracked.double(20), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Chi2') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit chi2 of the pulse') ), UncalibGpuCpuOOTAmp = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit OOT amplitude %(OOTAmp)s gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), multi = cms.untracked.PSet( OOTAmp = cms.untracked.vint32(uncalibOOTAmps_) ), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-50), high = cms.untracked.double(50), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU OOT Amplitude') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit out-of-time reconstructed amplitude. Indicies go from 0 to 9, with event BX at index 5. Index 4 == BX-1, index 6 == BX+1, etc.') ), UncalibGpuCpuFlags = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT uncalib rec hit flags gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(128), low = cms.untracked.double(-64), high = cms.untracked.double(64), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Flags') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Uncalibrated Rec Hit flag to be propagated to RecHit') ), # CPU RecHit RecHitCpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit nHits cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Rec Hits per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('Number of CPU Rec Hits per Event') ), RecHitCpuEnergy = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit energy cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5.0), title = cms.untracked.string('Energy (Gev)') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Rec Hit Energy (GeV)') ), RecHitCpuTime = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit time cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-25.0), high = cms.untracked.double(25.0), title = cms.untracked.string('Time (ns)') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Rec Hit Time') ), RecHitCpuFlags = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit flags cpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(1024), title = cms.untracked.string('Flags') ), description = cms.untracked.string('CPU Rec Hit Flags') ), # GPU RecHit (optional) RecHitGpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit nHits gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5000), title = cms.untracked.string('Rec Hits per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('Number of GPU Rec Hits per Event') ), RecHitGpuEnergy = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit energy gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(5.0), title = cms.untracked.string('Energy (Gev)') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Rec Hit Energy (GeV)') ), RecHitGpuTime = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit time gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-25.0), high = cms.untracked.double(25.0), title = cms.untracked.string('Time (ns)') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Rec Hit Time') ), RecHitGpuFlags = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit flags gpu'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(0), high = cms.untracked.double(1024), title = cms.untracked.string('Flags') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU Rec Hit Flags') ), # RecHit GPU-CPU Difference RecHitGpuCpu = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit nHits gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-500), high = cms.untracked.double(500), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Rec Hits per Event') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of number of total Rec Hits per Event') ), RecHitGpuCpuEnergy = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit energy gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-1.0), high = cms.untracked.double(1.0), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Energy (GeV)') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Rec Hit Energy (GeV)') ), RecHitGpuCpuTime = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit time gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-2.5), high = cms.untracked.double(2.5), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Time (ns)') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU difference of Rec Hit Time') ), RecHitGpuCpuFlags = cms.untracked.PSet( path = cms.untracked.string('%(subdet)s/%(prefix)sGpuTask/%(prefix)sGT rec hit flags gpu-cpu diff'), kind = cms.untracked.string('TH1F'), otype = cms.untracked.string('Ecal2P'), btype = cms.untracked.string('User'), xaxis = cms.untracked.PSet( nbins = cms.untracked.int32(100), low = cms.untracked.double(-1024), high = cms.untracked.double(1024), title = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU Flags') ), description = cms.untracked.string('GPU-CPU differnece of Rec Hit Flags') ) ) )