id,dialogue,summary 13681907,"Tracy: are you hungry? Becky: oh yes! Tracy: i will be in mall in a minute Becky: take sometging to eat Tracy: chinese food? Becky: or thai Tracy: ok :)",Tracy will buy Chinese or Thai food at the mall. 13810330,"Tim: Happy new year! Joe: Happy new year mate! Joe: Hope it is better than 2018 cause it sucked big time. Tim: Yeah I hope so. Tim: Ever noticed that this is what we all say at the end of every year? Joe: LOL. True that. Tim: So retrospectively the bad years were still good years. ;-) Joe: Guess you can look at it that way. :-D",Tim and Joe wish happy new year to each other and hope it will be better than 2018. 13810205,"Dan: Hi Jack, can I come over to play Jack: Don know, I'll ask mum. Dan: please ask her for mini choc rolls! Jack: mum say yes come now Dan: Mini roll? Jack: Yes!",Dan will come to Jack to play and his mum will get them mini choc rolls. 13730109,"Martha: Hello! I need to borrow a blender for a day. Olivia: I can lend you mine, no problem. Martha: Can I come in an hour? Olivia: Yes, I'm home till 14:30. Martha: Great, thx!!! ",Olivia will lend Martha a blender. Marta will come in an hour. 13865335,"Natasha: We're leaving Sankt Petersburg Vladimir: drive carefully Terry: Natasha always drives carefully Terry: and super slowly... :P",Natasha and Terry are leaving Sankt Petersburg. 13863020,"Connor: hello can you tell me what songs did they play at the gig in Berlin? Kyle: their official profile tweeted the set list a couple hours ago Connor: ok cool thanks Kyle: cheers",Connor is looking for a playlist from the Berlin concert. Kyle directs him to the band's official Twitter account. 13863134,"Ken: How was the concert? Larry: It was great! I finally saw them live Ken: Yeah, one has to see Uriah Heep at least once Larry: Have you ever been to a show of theirs? Ken: Yes, a few years ago in Germany and later in London",Larry enjoyed the live concert of Uriah Heep. 13817543,"Henry: hello there Grace: hello there! Grace: to what do I owe this pleasure son? Henry: well, I'm shopping right now Henry: and I might need your advice :D Grace: I thought so :D Grace: Henry: I don't know which shirt should I choose Henry: Henry: Grace: hmm..tough choice! Henry: I know, that's why I turned to you Mother :D Grace: tbh the pink one suits you better than the green one Henry: I thought so, just wanted some confirmation Henry: Grace: splendid, do you need anything else? I start dancing class in 10 mins Henry: nope, that's it, thanks and have fun!",Henry is shopping for a shirt and asks Grace for advice. She likes the pink shirt more than the green one. Grace has a dance class in 10 minutes. 13716515,"Josh: Josh: hi guys, do you know this man? Marianne: yay reunion! :) love it Cody: WHA?!?!?! Where was the reunion and why wasn't I invited? Josh: Last night just 2 hours between flights :( Cody: Hahahaha... every time I see the two of you it reminds me of the bourbon incident Marianne: Don’t disrespect the bourbon, it was whiskey! Josh: What happens in the Sullivan county jail stays at the Sullivan county jail Cody: and two dudes and one pair of shoes. Hahahaha",Josh met the man involved in the whiskey incident between his flights. 13728075,"Merrill: This new system is hard to get the hang of! Joy: Really? I think it's really easy! Can't wait to use it! Merrill: I just don't get it... assignments vs tasks vs blah blah blah Joy: Don't worry. It will click. Merrill: I go to and check out the reviews and they're all good, but... Joy: Well, what else are they going to say on their own website??? Merrill: Good point, but... Joy: Look, just give it a chance and don't stress. Okay? Merrill: I'll try but don't want to get left out! Joy: You won't! They need you! Merrill: I guess. Joy: Trust me, it will click eventually. Merrill: I sure do hope so! Joy: I'll help you at first, you'll get it. Merrill: Thanks!","Merrill doesn't understand the new system. Joy finds it very easy, so he'll help Merrill." 13817433,"Laura: How can you know there's a new president in Warsaw? Laura: they give you cookies at the metro station XD Sandra: nice...<3 Sandra: he needs to show off a bit, I guess.. Laura: probably, you're right. Sandra: bon apetite! (^^)",Laura got some cookies sponsored by the new Mayor of Warsaw at a subway station. 13818828,"Louise: I am going to propose to Thelma at his birthday but I have no idea what kind of ring would she like Louise: could you help me with that? Vicky: wow dude that's amazing! congrats! Henrietta: wow! I would love to help you out! Vicky: I don't know much about rings but I think Thelma will say yes no matter what ring you'll buy Paloma: me too! did sth catch your eye? Louise: I saw this ring in Pandora but it might be too tacky Louise: Paloma: :O Vicky: it's not tacky, it's so Thelma Louise: wait, I also like this one: Louise: Paloma: I think the first one is better Vicky: yeah, the second one is too classic, too safe Louise: OK thank you guys Louise: just don't tell Thelma anything Vicky: sure!","Louise will propose to Thelma at his birthday and has no idea what ring she would like. Vicky, Henrietta and Paloma are there to help and assess the ring Louise found in Pandora." 13730100,"Farah: hey girl? i am waiting for my money Emma: oh yes sorry i forgot Farah: please send me money i need it. Emma: yes yes sure i am out as soon as i get home i will transfer... dont worry Farah: yes please when you do send me message. Emma: ok sure.",Emma owes Farah some money and she's going to send it back today. 13828593,"Kareen Low: Good morning Ms Miller, just wanted to say thank you for your advice yesterday. These ""nose pills"" are really working! Miller Pharmacy: Good morning Ms Low, I'm glad to hear it. Get well soon! Kareen Low: Just one short question: can I take the rhinopront pills and use nose spray at the same time? Miller Pharmacy: I should think so BUT only sparingly and only if your nose is still blocked. Kareen Low: Thank you. Miller Pharmacy: You are welcome!","Ms Miller from the pharmacy gave Kareen Low the ""nose pills"". She can take them with the spray with restraint and only if the nose is still blocked." 13728666,"Jessica: Help me! Judith: What's wrong? Jessica: Can't decide which shoes to wear 2nite. Judith: Which dress? Jessica: This one. Judith: Srsly? What's the occasion? Jessica: Going to meet the parents... Judith: That's serious! Change the dress! Jessica: But I look really good in it! Judith: You do, but not the occasion for this one. Take the turquoise one. Jessica: Great idea! And the shoes? Judith: Show me. Jessica: Which ones? Judith: I'd go with the second ones? Jessica: These? Won't I look foolish? Judith: Nah. Perfect match. And take that bag you got last year for Christmas. Jessica: You're making fun of me, aren't you? Judith: A little bit ;)","Jessica will wear the turquoise dress to meet the parents. Judith is making fun of her, while they're choosing shoes." 13864416,"Emma: What do you want to write about? Udisha: dams in India Emma: hmm, in the context of international aid? Kate: yes Emma: good, interesting",Udisha wants to write about dams in India. 13828726,"Alex: Should I do some shopping before I get home? Sally: Would you? Thanks, babs. You're the sweetest :-) Alex: What do we need? :-) Sally: Well, since we were away, I'd say everything. Alex: Bread, butter, ham, cheese, pasta, pesto, some potatoes and steaks, cottage cheese, milk Sally: carrots, hummus, orange juice, vodka Alex: some beer, lipton tea, tomatoes, a cucumber or two Sally: and gummy bears pls!",Alex will do the shopping before he gets home. 13829946,"Mike: How are you, old mate? Paul: same old same old :-) Mike: good same old? Paul: comfy same old :-)",Paul is fine. 13862689,"Violet: You wanted to see dome pics from the ball Violet: *some pics Oliver: Cmon 😀 Violet: Violet: Oliver: Woow, looking classy Violet: We had so much fun 😊 Oliver: I can see that Oliver: 😊",Violet sends Oliver some photos from the ball. 13819236,"Brian: Scarlett, how are you today? Scarlett: Better. Thanks. Scarlett: I’m sorry I left you guys yesterday. Sophie: It’s ok. We're glad you’re feeling better.",Scarlett left Brian and Sophie yesterday. She is getting better today. 13612310,"Agnes: I want to fly to Geneva. Jake: Yes. Agnes: When is the next flight? Jake: The next flight is at 16:15. And it arrives at 18:40. Agnes: Book me on that, please. Jake: Single, or return? Agnes: Single. Jake: Economy? Agnes: No, first class. Jake: Just a minute. I'll check if that's OK. That's all right. That's $ 275, please. Agnes: I'll pay it with my credit card. Jake: Thank you. Agnes: What time is check-in? Jake: You can do it online or if you do it in person, no later than 15:30. I will send you an email with all the details. Agnes: OK, thank you.",It's not a messenger-like dialogue. 13680653,"Carmen: Later on can I ask u for more help? but only checking is something sounds correctly Gemma: Depends if I'm free Carmen: Ok :)",Gemma will help Carmen later. 13716424,"Kate: I'm going to the city, anybody wants anything? Olli: Nope, thanks! Marlene: great, I have a prescription, could you get something for my in a pharmacy? Kate: Sure, I will come over to your place on my way. Are you home? Marlene: I am, and terribly sick 😞 Kate: oh no, what happened? Marlene: Pharyngitis Kate: so I'm happy I'll be able to help you, see you soon Marlene: thanks Olli: poor thing. get better!",Marlene has a pharyngitis. Kate will get something from a pharmacy and will see Marlene soon. 13682080,"Chris: bue me a coffe on your way to office Amanda: 2 shots of espresso? Chris: yes, thanks, u know me so well :)",Amanda will buy a double espresso for Chris. 13680818,"Jason: Hello, I would like to confirm my reservation. Alice: Hello, I am pleased to inform you that your reservation has been found in our system and I would like to reconfirm your booking Jason: Thank you for the fast response! Alice: I am glad you enjoy our service :)",Alice confirms Jason's booking. 13728912,"Veronica: did u see how rude she was Betty: who? Veronica: Lisa who else Betty: oh, i did not notice Veronica: are u kidding me, she couldnt even keep a straight face Betty: you know why tho, dont you Veronica: NO Betty: you didnt invite her Veronica: to the party Betty: obviously Veronica: but it was just the family and a few VERRY close friends Betty: so maybe she thought she was a good friend","Lisa came to Veronica's party uninvited. It was supposed to be a party for the closest friends and family," 13819132,"Jose: What are you reading right now? Nate: I stopped reading, I've too much work. I became a corporate machine Gabriel: god, dehumanisation, the last level achieved! Nate: indeed","Nate has no more time to read, he has to work." 13731277,"Rachel: Hey Joey, Have you met the doctor you told me about?? Joey: Yes !! i went on a date with her today... Rachel: WOW.. How was your date ??? Joey: Well!! She is amazing .. I have never met anyone like ger before.. Rachel: Ahan!!! Impressed at first date.. Impressive... Joey: You must meet her.. She is very jolly and she is best.. BEST.. Rachel: Well now i must definitely meet her... Joey: I will arrange a meeting with her... Rachel: Sure",Joey had a date with a doctor he was telling Rachel about. He is amazed. He will arrange a meeting with her since Rachel wants to see her. 13727963,"Miller: hey.. Dan: hey, im so sorry i forgot to text earlier Miller: haha, its ok, so.. how was it? Dan: actually it was fun, much fun than i expected. Miller: glad to hear. Dan: thanks for checking in, ill bring some tacos for you Miller: haha, really? Dan: yeah, really. you deserve 4 infact Miller: haha, then ill be fat if i eat 4 Dan: dont worry.. haha. you'll work out Miller: haha, be serious Dan: just kidding, haha.. talk later miller Miller: okay Dan, take care Dan: yes i will",Dan forgot to text Miller eariler. Dan will bring some tacos for Miller. 13681656,"Lucas: what about you? how's life going? Tom: fine I would say, i don't do market research anymore, moved to IT Lucas: what is IT? Tom: information technology Lucas: oh, thats a really good profession here in brazil Tom: same in here Lucas: ye, here you earn so much it's crazy Tom: i know, that's why I moved Lucas: you like it? Tom: pretty much, its' really fun for me and I can get to work a lot remotely Lucas: i think people must work with something they like and get paid for it Tom: or just get paid a bunch of money to wipe your tears of sorrow with Lucas: Tom: hahahahahahahah",Tom has recently started working in IT. He likes it because it's fun for him and he can work remotely. 13862361,"Ellie: can you buy butter please? Nish: ok. anything else? Ellie: can't remember now Ellie: I'll let you know Nish: ok call me",Nish will buy butter. Ellie will call Nish if she reminds herself what else she needs. 13716402,"Sierra: 13 mins queuing on Ormeau... Be ready for heavy traffic, drivers... 👸🏼😴😴😴😴 Erin: Welcome to my world Sierra! Sierra: Queuing is the second thing I hate the most after garlic. It makes me sooooo sleepy 😴😴😴😴 Isabel: Trying and failing to get translink tickets at SU, HORDES of students around! Sierra: If you can buy them at the station or in Centra, as said this morning, don't bother staying there… Isabel: True! I'm leaving already :) Steve: Hi team was on the radio that there's been a bad accident on the main road to the international airport with long delays around there in all directions. Hopefully will be cleared by the time our visitors arrive tonight but just letting you know they may be a little late. May be an idea to ask them to send a message once they get here. Erin: No worries! They're coming from Dublin.","Sierra has spent 13 mins queuing on Ormeau. Isabel couldn't buy translink tickets at SU because of the queque; she will try buying them at the station or in Centra. There was an accident on the main road to the international airport, so the visitors from Dublin may be late." 13810219,"Melissa: look what I bought! Melissa: Melissa: Brian: looks awesome :D Melissa: u can't imagine how excited I am! :D Brian: I sort of see it ;-) Melissa: It's so shiny and beautiful <3 <3 <3 Brian: Let's hope it stays this way long time :D Melissa: :))))",Melissa shows Brian what she bought and he finds it awesome. They both hope it'll stay shiny and beautiful for a long time. 13828520,"George: Hello, my friend. You busy? Sean: Always. What's up? George: I thought I'd drop by and we take a look at this new machine. Sean: You mean the one that just broke down. George: I mean the one you claim broke down. Sean: Sure, we can do it. Come by. George: Will be there in an hour? Sean: Perfect.",George will come over in an hour to check the new machine that is reputedly broken. 13830101,"George: Paul can i borrow your bag for the weekend, seriously mate, I need it for the trip Paul: sure no problem Paul: but you gotta give it back after your trip George: of course man, thanks so much Paul: no prob ;)",Paul is going to lend his bag to George for his trip. 13815746,"Austin: I'm here. Austin: What about did you want to talk? Anna: Give me a sec. Anna: I'm back. Anna: I wanted to ask you about watches. Austin: What kind? Anna: For men. Austin: Aha. Austin: And a little more precise? Anna: I'd like to buy one for my partner's birthday. Austin: I see. Austin: Well, in my opinion, he should chose it himself. Anna: I'd like it to be surprise. Austin: I understant. Austin: In this case, tell my your budget and I'll send you some links. OK? Anna: Acctually, I'd prefer to see them in real life. Anna: And I wanted to ask you to go shopping with me. Austin: Okey, we can do that. Austin: But first look at them on the internet and tell me which ones you like. Austin: So that I know where to go shopping with you. Anna: Sound like a good plan! ",Anna would like to buy a watch for her partner's birthday. Austin will help her pick one while shopping together. 13612276,"Luis: Hey you, happy Saturday Grace: Hold on, I’ve got to finish washing the dishes Luis: What did you do over the week? Grace: I’ve been busy with my work. Lots of important stuff to do ☹ Luis: You rock, Grace! Grace: Thanks. I’m proud that I’ve wrapped up the project. Lots of stress, sleepless nights, but we made it! Our boss is gonna be absofuckinglutely overjoyed!",Grace has been busy at work. Luis reckons Grace rocks. 13680355,"Ernest: my car is broken Ernest: need to take a bus Jace: ok, I'll wait",Ernest's car is broken so he will take the bus. 13820126-1,"Loyd: giiiiiiirls i need your help xd Molly: hey :D Molly: what is it? Loyd: so there's a girl Loyd: and i'd like to invite her on a date, but i don't know where Rachel: ooooh nice B-) Rachel: cinema, your place, restaurant, pub, cafe, options are endless Loyd: i know...that's why i can't decide Molly: i think restaurant is too fancy, cinema lacks talking and pub is too friendly...jesus christ, a difficult choice indeed xD Loyd: you see :/ Rachel: invite her to your place, cook something, set the mood ;) Loyd: that sounds nice....let's give it a try","Loyd will follow Rachel and Molly’s advice, and he’ll invite a girl back to his house for a date." 13731341,"Julio: I can't find my recipe for overnight breakfast casserole. Do you have a good one? Polly: No. I only do mine just before I bake it not overnight. Julio: Damn. I'll have to try to remember it. Polly: Can't you find it online? Julio: None that are the same. Polly: recipe or something? Julio: Yes, with a special ingredient. Polly: Ooh, what? Julio: I'd tell you but I'd have to kill you! LOL! =) Polly: =)=)=)","Julio is looking for his recipe for overnight breakfast casserole. Polly does not have it, but she thinks Julio should look for one on the Internet. He prefers to find the other one as it had a special ingredient." 13817933,"Joanne: You've seen this? :D Joanne: Hannah: hahahhaah, priceless <3",Joanne sends Hannah a picture. 13829010,"Bernard: I'm doing laundry today Bernard: do you want me to wash something yours? Nina: nah I'm fine Bernard: ok",Bernard is doing laundry today. 13862959,"Larry: You there? Gabe: Yup Larry: Wanna come over and play some co-op shit on my PS4? Gabe: Ok for me Larry: Good!",Gabe is coming over to Larry's to play games on PS4. 13862585,"Susan: Good morning Ruth! Ruth: Hi Susan! All fine? Susan: Yes, all fine! Having my first calls in two weeks. Susan: My last training session with Matt was almost three months ago. Susan: Would you have the time to do an one hour session with me? Susan: Just a general repetition of each step of a call? Ruth: Absolutely! Can we take it next Tuesday? Susan: Like in the 11th? I'm unfortunately in London for meetings then. Ruth: Would you have any other day available? Susan: I can do the 17th or 18th for example. Ruth: I'm off 17-27/09. Ruth: What about Monday 10th? Susan: Sorry, in workshop with the participants that day. Ruth: Oh, I see. Susan: Wed-Fri is OK with me. Ruth: Okay, perfect, then let's take it on Wednesday, 12th. Ruth: 11 AM? Susan: Super! Thanks! I'll send you a calendar invitation. Ruth: Have a great day! Susan: Excellent! And you!",Susan will have her first calls in two weeks. Her last training session was with Matt almost three weeks ago. Susan and Ruth will have a one hour general repetition of each step of a call on Wednesday 12th at 11 a.m. Susan will send Ruth a calendar invitation. 13730398,"Fred: Wanna go see the match Fred: at the pub Brian: sure Brian: just let me check Fred: wifey not letting you go lol Brian: fuck off, the kid is sick","Fred and Brian want to go to see the match at the pub, but Brian has to check if it's possible for him. Brian's child is sick." 13820889,"Isla: Hiya, we are looking for birthday present ideas for Isabel? Wendy: we are giving her a dolls house, so maybe some furniture? Isla: what kind of dolls house is it? Wendy: Isla: that's very cute Wendy: cool eh? but no dolls or furniture yet Isla: leave it with me, anything else? Wendy: She is a big fan of Paw Patrol, so anything from them is a hit. Isla: that's easy! is she still in to drawing and painting? Wendy: very much so, and duplo. Isla: brilliant, I have some ideas, thanks! Wendy: no worries, see you on the 17th? Isla: absolutely! ","Wendy's giving Isabel a dolls house for her birthday. They have no furniture or dolls yet, so it's an idea for Isla. Something from Paw Patrol or drawing and painting things are further ideas. The party is on the 17th." 13716311,"Lia: have you seen Leo? Rebecca: I'm with him at the bar now Lia: I've been looking for him for 2 hours Mia: me too!",Lia and Mia have been looking for Leo for two hours. Rebecca is with him in the bar now. 13864389,"Ola: I'm tired Jody: Me too Sam: Such a long day Ola: Should we call it a day? Jody: I think so Sam: We just need to upload it to the server Sam: Let's start uploading Sam: Then we can take a little break Ola: It will take at least one hour to finish uploading Jody: I guess we won't be home early Sam: I'm waiting for you in the hall Sam: Come downstairs Sam: We will go for a walk ",Ola and Jody are tired. They need to upload files to the server. Sam wants to go for a walk with Jody and Ola. He is waiting in the hall downstairs. 13681408,"Alice: Make sure to be on time today, you have been running late the last couple of weeks. Joana: Sorry.. Haven't been feeling very well, think I should go to the doctor. Alice: It's ok if you need some time off. Just get yourself better please. Joana: Thank you, I will.",Alice thinks Joana has been running late the last weeks. Joana hasn't been feeling very well recently and should see a doctor. Alice allows her to have some time off. 13828930,"Michael: Someone parked on my spot again :/ Susan: Again?! It's the third time this week. Is it the same car? Michael: Yes, I don't get it. I left the note, notified the security Susan: Call the security, they should take it away Michael: Funny enough - they don't. I called them and they told me they can't move the car. The only thing they can do is to call the police Susan: Then why didn't they? Michael: Really? You think the police will be bothered by someone parking on a wrong spot? Susan: I think these are the only issues they are bothered with Michael: I don't want to make myself an enemy, I don't if that's not my neighbour. Susan: So what? So it means they can park on your spot? Leave him a note with your number and say you're going to notify the police. You'll see they'll stop Michael: I may try it","Michael's parking spot is busy third time this week. He left a note and let know the security. He called them, but they cannot move the car." 13810045,"Bob: Can you send me the instructions on how to send a PDF to a kindle? Dan: Yeah, sure. What book do you want to copy over? Bob: Origin by Dan Brown. I got a PDF copy of it, but I hate reading books on the computer. Dan: Cool. Maybe you can send a copy to me later :) Bob: Sure, no problem. There's a cool website that has all the latest releases. Dan: What's the site? Bob: Dan: Ok, I'll check it out.",Bob does not know how to send a PDF file to a kindle. He recommends a website with ebooks: 13611996,"Jessy: Hey Alex: Hi Jessy: Get-out! You live in that Manson. Alex: Yeah, Sam has been putting me up few days, until I find a place. Jessy: wow its so beautiful.,Yeah I like to think of it as a little bit of paradise. Alex: Its such a lovely home. Jessy: Can I come over? Alex:: oh no, let me ask Sam first so that he knows you are coming Jessy: that’s ok, he knows me. Alex : Jessy! Jessy: come on. Alex: You know that Sam and I are just colleagues. Jessy: I dont bite. Alex: besides Sams parent are visiting today.its not a good idea. Jessy: You are so mean . Alex::Dont get me wrong I will let you know when to come. Ok? Jessy: You can say that, I stopped by to bring you some stuff. Alex: you are so stubborn ",Alex has been staying at Sam's until he finds a new place. Jessy wants to come over but Alex has to ask Sam first. Alex is stubborn and keeps insisting. 13680448,"Poppy: Thank you Muriel for the quince! Beautiful fruit. We collected them yesterday in the evening. Muriel: Anytime. Shame we weren't at home. Poppy: There's always a next time!","Poppy collected the quince from Muriel yesterday evening, when Muriel wasn't at home." 13812876,"Charli: I bought a new dress :S Bowen: Show me Charli: Kayla: great choice! what is your size? Carmela: 38, I want it in black. Kayla: alright, let me see what we have left.","Carmela wants to order a black size 38 dress from Kayla's website and have it delivered to Spain. Kayla ships her products to Europe, Asia and Africa." 13682392,"Therese: Bob, would you drop by auntie Meg and do some shopping for her? Bob: Sure mum, is there something wrong with auntie? Therese: She has some hip problems and she cannot walk down the stairs Bob: Oh no! Poor Meg! I can drop by around 5 p.m. Therese: I think it's perfect, but you can also give her a call first Bob: Okie dokie, I'll do that :)",Bob will go to auntie Meg's and do shopping for her. 13827972,"Frank: Hi Claire, you ready? Claire: As ready as I'll ever be. Frank: Good. We'll go there for 8 pm. Claire: So late? Frank: No point in arriving too soon. Claire: Don't you think it might be too late. Frank: Trust me, I know what I am doing. Claire: I certainly hope so:).",Frank and Claire are going somewhere at 8 pm. 13829390,"Michelle: Did you made the reservation already? Jennifer: Not yet. Was going to do it when I'm back home. Why? Michelle: Lisa just called me and she wants to go as well. Jennifer: Shouldn't be a problem. I'll just add one person to the reservation. Michelle: Great! I'll let her know.",Jennifer hasn't made the reservation yet. Lisa wants to go as well. Jennifer will add her to the reservation. 13680435,"Hannah: hey Hannah: i need new brushes Nata: shopping? Hannah: yeah! Nata: so Saturday? Hannah: great see u Nata: see you soon ",Hannah and Nata are going shopping together on Saturday. 13611911,"Mother: Darling are you at home? Can I pop in? Tina: Hello mum. We're still in bed. Mother: Oh dear! I'm sorry to have woken you up darling. Tina: It's alright mum. I'll give you a call later. OK? Mother: Certainly my dear.",Mother wants to pop in but Tina is still in bed. Tina will give her a call later. 13681240-1,"M.Smith: There is a meeting at 4pm L.Stibe: Alright, is there anything to prepare M.Smith: Have the presentation on hand L.Stibe: ok M.Smith: just in case M.Smith: though I don't think they'll ask for it L.Stibe: can you give me a brief? M.Smith: it should cover all the issues the president had at the last conference L.Stibe: Right, they might ask for the presentation M.Smith: Exactly",L.Stibe should have the presentation covering all the issues president had at the last conference on hand at the meeting at 4 pm. 13717289,"Paul: 11 o’clock is it too early for lunch? David: it is! Definitely! At least for me ;) Rachel: brunch? Paul: brunch done! ;) Jane: let’s have some cake and then head for lunch! Donna: i’d be shocked if you only have one! Paul: have to support Lisa in eating for two! ;) Donna: haha!","Jane, Paul, Rachel and Donna want to get something to eat, but it's to early for lunch. They will probably have some cake and lunch afterwards." 13827926,"Tom: Did you see the photos Joe was tagged on? Yuri: No I didn't Tom: Check them out Yuri: Ok Yuri: Ok, saw them Tom: So he's not gay after all XD Yuri: Apparently he's not XD That's a pretty girl, by the way Tom: Yes, she's cute, I must ask him who she is and how he met him Yuri: But I still think that the thought of that big guy in last week's pics being his boyfriend is better XD Tom: Hahahah Yuri: In the end he chose the princess over the big hairy bear Tom: Actually a couple of days ago he told me that big guy is gay for real but they're just friends Yuri: Ok",Joe was tagged on the photo with a pretty girl. 13730035,"Bella: Sir, can you tell me the syllabus for the OHT's?? Michael: Prepare LTI systems and how to find stability related topics till lec 4 Bella: Sure sir, are you in your office?? Michael: Yes I am.. What do you need ?? Bella: I am facing a problem in finding stability of a system.. Michael: Yeah sure .. you can come to my office .. Bella: i will reach in 5 minutes.. Michael: i am waiting",Michael gives Bella the syllabus for the OHTs. Bella has a problem with with finding stability of a system. Michael is in his office now. Bella will be there in 5 minutes. 13728733-1,"Elizabeth: I found a cheap flight to Mallorca in February Tom: How much? Elizabeth: 30$ to and fro for one person Tom: Take it!! Elizabeth: OK, take care of airbnb, find sth cheap but reasonable Tom: On it!!! :D",Elizabeth found a flight to Mallorca in February. The round-trip ticket costs 30 dollars. Tom is looking for something cheap on airbnb. 13818769,"Maria: Anybody want to go jogging tonight? Joseph: in the park? Maria: or along the river, as you prefer Tony: I'll join you Maria: great!","Maria, Joseph and Tony are going jogging tonight." 13864863,"Lior: How was Amsterdam? Yoav: Avner: Awesome Avner: ",Yoav and Avner share photos of Amsterdam with Lior. 13862786,"Janek: hey, how do you enjoy your work? Janek: Didn't you think about switching it? Wojtek: it's quite nice, I like people in my office, my boss also doesn't demand much from us Wojtek: why? Janek: ah, you know, we're looking for someone to our office and you know how hard is to find someone reliable nowadays. Janek: Janek: I thought about you! Wojtek: oh, that's nice, thanks! Wojtek: well, I have kinda good job, but it always can be better :-) Wojtek: can you send me the offer? Janek: sure thing, check it out Janek: Janek: let me know what do you think about it Wojtek: yeah, give me some time Wojtek: you know, I've read this offer Wojtek: and... it loos surprisingly interesting! :0 Wojtek: especially the sallary :-D Janek: yeah, it might be a bit more than you earn now :) Wojtek: oh yes...",Wojtek has a quite satisfying job but he will take Janek's job offer into serious consideration. 13730638,"Alex: How do you like LA? Sara: I like it. It’s much different from NY Alex: Did you grow up in NY? Sara: Actually, I was born in Texas Sara: But I spent past 20 years in NY Alex: Really? I’m from Texas too Alex: From Austin Alex: So there is one thing we have in common ☺ Alex: Do you miss NY? Or Texas? Sara: To be honest, not really Sara: I’m trying to enjoy my life in LA Alex: Sounds fun Alex: Do you go out a lot? Sara: Not that much as I would like to. Sara: How about you? Alex: I go out quite a lot Alex: I know some nice places Alex: I could take you out one day if you like Sara: That would be nice",Alex and Sara both come from Texas and now they live in LA. Sara doesn't go out a lot here as opposed to Alex who suggests he can take her to some of the nice places he knows one day. 13829630,"Alfredo: Bro, we have a problem Tim: Whats up? Alfredo: Sue fucked up Tim: Meaning???? Alfredo: In a drunken talk she told Adam about our… trip Tim: Yea Im gonna kill that bitch",Sue told Adam about the trip. 13611455,"Jeannette: Hi, Mr James John: Good afternoon. Jeanette: I saw your profile on Facebook and I like your style. John: I am flattered. Jeanette: Where are you from? John: Depends what you mean. I am in Poznan at the moment, but I don't live there. Jeanette: Where do you live then? John: I normally live in Warsaw. Jeanette: Where's Warsaw? John: In Poland. Jeanette: Where's Poland? John: In Europe. Jeanette: Oh. I hear it's nice in Europe. Lots of rain. I like rain. John: Well, we didn't have enough rain this year. There was a drought and we only harvested about half the food we normally make. Jeanette: Yeah. We usually make less food than we normally make. We have droughts almost every year. John: Where are you from then? Jeanette: Kokologo John: Where on earth's that? Jeanette: Just south from Ougadougou. John: Where's Ougadougou? Jeanette: In Burkina Faso, of course! You haven't heard of Ougadougou? It's the capital! John: Well, I haven't been to Africa. Hang on, I'll look on Google Maps. Jeanette: ... you still there? John: Aha, yes I see it you have a dam in the lake there. Is that for hydroelectric power? Jeanette: Yeah, my dad used to work there, before his accident. John: He had an accident? He's OK, I hope? Jeanette: He fell off of the dam. John: Well I hope he could swim. Jeanette: Well, he can swim all right, but unfortunately there was no water in it. Like I say, we get a lot of droughts...","John is currently in Poznan, but he lives in Warsaw, Poland. Jeanette is from Kokologo, Burkina Faso. John and Jeanette experienced droughts this year and their farmers made less food. Jeanette's dad fell off a dam when there was no water." 13820071,"Poppy: We're leaving in 15min, so get ready, it won't take more than 20min to get to your place Daisy: ok, Dylan is ready, me - almost Dylan: Yes, I will wait for you outside Daisy: how will drive? Tommy: me, why? Daisy: just to know who can't drink tonight Tommy: don't remind me this tragic fact",Poppy and Tommy are about to pick up Dylan and Daisy to go out. 13680964,"Devlin: u have new bad? Kira: yes, I bought it this weekend Devlin: verry nice! Devlin: Where? Kira: there's a new shop near my house Devlin: u need to show me Kira: sure, anytime:)",Kira bought a new bed this weekend at a new shop near her house. 13828590,"Benji: Lexiiii girl!! Wanna hang out tonight? Lexi: LOL no. you drunk again? Benji: Lexiiii Lexi: fuck off Benji",Benji is intoxicated and wants Lexi to join him tonight. Lexi is not interested. 13612177,"Thomas: I want to make dinner tonight. Megan: What are you thinking of making? Thomas: I don't have any idea what to cook. Megan: How about making a teriyaki bowl? Thomas: Can you tell me how to make it? Megan: All it consists of is teriyaki beef and rice. Thomas: But what do I have to do to prepare it? Megan: All you have to do is cook some white rice. Thomas: What do I do after that? Megan: Then cut up the beef and marinate it in teriyaki sauce. Thomas: What else do I have to do? Megan: All that's left is to cook it. Thomas: Alright, it will be ready when you get home 😙 Megan: You are the best 😍",Thomas will cook dinner tonight. Megan suggested that he should cook teriyaki bowl. She shared her recipe with Thomas. 13828591,"Victor: do you want to go to the museum tonight? Victor: there's a great exhibition about cubism going on Charles: you know i hate museums! lol Charles: i'd rather watch paint dry hahaha Victor: i know you hate museums... Victor: BUT tonight special Charles: why? Victor: because tonight is opening night!!! :-D Charles: what makes it different? Victor: there's food, music, VIPs, everyone dresses up, it's just fun Victor: it's upscale fun :-D Victor: come on! be my plus 1!!! Charles: i guess if you're asking me that means tons of people have said no Charles: i'm sure i'm not at the top of your list lol Charles: am i right? lol Victor: hahaha you're right... Victor: but the only reason you were not at the top of my list is becase i know it's not your thing Victor: i promise you it'll be fun Victor: and if you don't like it we'll go to a sports bar afterwards and i'll treat you to all the beer you want Charles: hahaha, ok, that sweetens the pot Charles: i'll go with you","Charles will go with Victor to the museum tonight. There is an opening of an exhibition about cubism. There'll be food, music and VIPs." 13727964,"Feyi: When will you be able to work on the December email and blog posts? Kurt: Sorry, it's been crazy. I have a deadline set for the 4th. Will that be okay? Feyi: Sure, no problem. Kurt: Thanks. we'll look at the blast, the blogs and collaborate on the social media then. Feyi: Great.",Kurt will finish December's email and blog posts for Feyi on December 4th. He was very busy. 13611789,"John: What time is your train? Jane: 5 pm John: I'll wait for you at the station. Jane: Thanks, don't worry I can take a cab! John: No trouble, I will get you!",Jane is arriving at the train station at 5 pm. Jane wants to take a cab but John offers a lift. 13611419,"Brad: Any idea when the new season of Game of Thrones come out? Ian: I think they've pushed it back to next year Brad: you are shitting me. I cannot wait that long Ian: well you're going to have to Brad: omg. Tell me it's not so",Brad can't wait for the new season of Game of Thrones. Ian claims it has been pushed back to next year. 13681862,"John: Could you tell me how I can wash a plant? Judy: What do you mean? John: Do you remember the palm in my room? The leaves are covered with dust. Judy: take it to the bath and make it a little rain or use a cloth wiping one leaf after another. John: how tiring! Thank anyway. Judy: not at all.",John is going to wash his plant. 13681556,"Daniel: Hi! We have to cancel Lisa's birthday party, sorry. Zoe: Oh, ok. Daniel: Lisa's sick and we don't think she'll get better before Sat. Zoe: Oh, so sorry! Daniel: I'll let you know about next Sat. Zoe: Take care.",Lisa's birthday party on Saturday is cancelled because she is sick. Daniel will get back to Zoe regarding next Saturday. 13681630,"William: Hey, are you still interested in that job? William: the money is not so bad Benjamin: Hmm... Benjamin: damn... is it possible to arrange my schedule? William: in July for the most part you would have the second shift William: then you will decide if you want to stay Benjamin: I'll let you know tomorrow :D Benjamin: okay?? William: but no later than 2 pm Benjamin: ok William: have you decided? Benjamin: well... Benjamin: I'll pass William: it's a shame Benjamin: sorry, I found a job closer to me. Benjamin: I hope you're not mad at me William: no worries. Benjamin: btw how are u doing there? William: you know... it's hard, but worth it Benjamin: I need to go","William has a job offer for Benjamin, but Benjamin found a job that is closer to his place." 13815357,"Margaret: Look at these pants Mindy: wow. quite... revealing Margaret: you think? Mindy: oh yes Margaret: hmmmmm Margaret: I'll just order them and see how they fit Mindy: let me know :D Margaret: what are you gonna wear? Mindy: I'm broke so probably one of the dresses I bough for this year's weddings Margaret: the blue one!! Mindy: or the pink, long dress with beads Margaret: nice Mindy: :)",Margaret will buy a pair of scanty pants. Margaret can't afford any new clothes. She will wear one of her older dresses. 13811266,"Noelle: They don't have orange juice Noelle: Should I get sth else? Buck: Uhh... Do they have apple? Noelle: Nope Buck: Then what do they even have? Whatever's fine, I guess, as long as it's not grapefruit Noelle: OK",Noelle will get some juice for Buck. It can be any juice apart from grapefruit. 13821755,"Chuck: Henry have you booked the hotel? Henry: Yes for the first two nights Kerstin: Only 2 nights? Why? Henry: So that we have a base when we arrive Henry: Then we can explore Henry: There are plenty of places that are not on booking Chuck: I agree Chuck: Sometimes the hotels on booking are overpriced Kerstin: I don't feel like running around and looking for a hotel Kerstin: I'd like to enjoy my holidays Chuck: You can leave it to me Chuck: I'll find us a great place Kerstin: Ok",Henry booked a hotel for the first two nights only. Henry and Chuck would like to explore hotels that are not on (overpriced) once they arrive. 13816295,"Sara: Hi dear, I'm going shopping and was wondering what I should make for dinner. Ana: Hm, good question. Sara: Is Daniel allergic to anything? Ana: Allergic no, but lactose intolerant. Sara: That definitely doesn't make it easier. Ana: If it's a problem, don't worry about it. He can take his medication and should be fine. Sara: No, no, no, I'll figure something out :) Ana: But really, Sara, Daniel's absolutely fine, don't go out of your way just for us. Sara: Nonsense. I was thinking about making many varied dishes than just one. What cuisine do you like? Ana: I'm not a picky eater and Daniel's quite adventurous, so we're easy, except for Daniel's intolerance. Sara: Ok, fusion it is then :) Ana: Do you need me to bring anything? Sara: Hm, maybe something sweet, if you don't mind? Ana: No problem at all! Sara: Perfect, I'm awful at baking, so I'd appreciate your help with that.",Sara is looking for dinner ideas that would take Daniel's lactose intolerance into consideration. Ana will bring dessert at her request. 13611871,"Issy: Hi babes. Stuck on my French for Miss Piggy. Do we do for us or the people in the book ? Meg: Yeah, I wasn't sure either. I did my answers, about my family, Issy: Oh right, when's it due in? Meg: tomorrow, Piggy said. Issy: bummer! Better get on with it. Forgot to say that I loved your hair today. Looked lush! Meg: Thanks hun! Hope Josh likes it ! 😘",Issy asked Meg how to do her task from French or when it is due. 13814412,"Arden: Hi Aria! Aria: Hi! :) Arden: Listen, do u know any physiotherapist u could recommend? Aria: Well, I know a few. Aria: What exactly do u need one for? Arden: I twisted my ankle a month ago, had some rehab, nut it's not working. Arden: The ankle still hurts. Aria: It takes some time to recover. Aria: Are u working out? Or did u take a break? Arden: I let it rest for about two weeks and then started with some light exercices my physio showed me. Arden: But it's been more than three weeks of these and I don't see any progress. Aria: What does your physio say about it? Arden: Well, he says it takes time to recover. Aria: yep Arden: But I don't see any progress. Aria: Okey, I get it. Aria: I'll give you two contacts: one is a physio and the other an osteopath. Aria: Aria: Aria: Meet with them, if they have time, and see which approach you prefer. Aria: They're both really good, but different. Arden: Thanks a lot!!! ","Arden twisted his ankle and needs a physioterapist. He rested for two weeks and started excecising, but the ankle still hurts. Aria sends him a contact to a physio and an osteopath. " 13864834,"Natalia: Steven: this is terrifying Andrew: all this kind of stories all from Sulawesi always Lily: haha, yes, a lot of strange stuff there Lily: but why did she try to feed the crocodile? Andrew: no idea, very strange Natalia: the crocodile was kept there illegally Steven: I read there are about 1000 attacks a year Lily: yes, nature...","Natalia sent a file with a terrifying story about a crocodile attack happened in Sulawesi to Steven, Andrew and Lily. " 13818750,"Tobias: Are you already in Belgrade? Mary: yes, we've landed a few hours ago Albert: Safe and sound, now in the hotel Tobias: how is it? the city I mean Tobias: Do you like it? Albert: We haven't seen much yet, we're both quite tired Leo: I imagine, jet-lagged Albert: yes, it's always worse to come from the US to Europe than the opposite Leo: so true","Albert and Mary are in Belgrade, but they haven't seen the city yet because they're jet-lagged." 13715969,"Gina: i think we should do an intervention for David Jimmy: you think? duh! i'm sure he's gonna love it Jeffrey: Bridget: I don't see the point, tbh Gina: srlsy? he has been drinking since his gf broke up with him Bridget: I know but people don't magically change over intervention Jimmy: I'm in, Gina Jeffrey: Bridget it's not about changing magically but about showing our concern Gina: so do you think we should just do nothing? that's your plan? Bridget: don't attack me, i don't have to have a plan Jimmy: something has to be done Jeffrey: Bridget some people wake up after intervention and get help Jeffrey: not immediately, but still Gina: so my idea is that we meet up before Thanksgiving at my place to talk about the details Jimmy: sounds good to me Bridget: let me think about it first Jeffrey: see u there then!","Gina organize a meeting at her place before Thanksgiving to talk about intervention for David, who hasn't stopped drinking since his girlfriend broke up with him. Bridget is not convinced but she will think about it. " 13681527,"Feyi: What are you wearing to the dinner? Cathy: Not sure. Probably a dress or something. You? Feyi: Cathy: Wow! Feyi: Yeah, I think it looks good and it's comfortable. It even has pockets! Cathy: I like it! I need to re-think what I'm wearing if you're going to look so fly! Feyi: Aw... Cathy: True! Feyi: What about that black skirt and top you wore last week? They look cute! Cathy: I wear those everywhere! LOL! Feyi: You do not! Cathy: I feel like I do! Feyi: LOL! I hear you. I feel like I only wear black, gray and white! Cathy: It's easier to mix and match! LOL! Feyi: Exactly! I don't have to worry about it! Cathy: Right? I hear the Facebook guy wears the same thing every day so he can spend time on more useful things that picking outfits! Feyi: He's smart! Cathy: Yes! Feyi: Anyway, gotta go, but if you want to come over and borrow something, I'll be home later. Cathy: That would be cool! Shopping in your closet! LOL! Feyi: Exactly! L8R! Cathy: Bye!",Cathy and Feyi are going to attend a dinner. Cathy will possibly pay Feyi a visit later and borrow something to wear for the dinner. 13862801,"Noah: can you pick up the boys from training today? Maddison: sure Noah: thanks, I'm having a late meeting at work so I will be late Maddison: do you know when? Noah: around 8PM maybe even 9PM Maddison: ok",Noah asked Maddison to pick up the kids because he has to stay longer at work. 13717318,"Harriet: Hi guys, fyi i'm out this evening Frank: hi, i'm out as well Lisa: I'm in, in and alone it seems :( Harriet: i will be back around 9pm, hang in there :) Lisa: see you, have fun :*",Frank and Harriet can't meet up with Lisa this evening. 13862602,"Rob: hey, quick question - you done with GTAV? Tom: yeah, cool game :) Rob: so can I borrow it? Tom: sure Tom: but what do I get in exchange? :P Rob: my undying gratitude :) Rob: or the new Spiderman if you want ;) Tom: sounds great :) Rob: ok, I'll drop by your place later today - will give you a call Tom: ok","Rob will drop by Tom's place later today, in order to borrow GTA V and lend Tom the new Spiderman game in exchange." 13727644,"Jasmin: I'm organising our bills Jasmin: I gathered all I found around the house Patrick: Cool Jasmin: And I have a few which I don't know where to put Jasmin: Jasmin: Is it a medical bill? Patrick: It's my insurance that I need to pay Jasmin: I'll put it with the medical bills. Later you can rearrange it",Jasmin organized hers and Patrick's bills. She will put the insurance bill with their medical bills. 13682528,"Steven: Could you check the mail box when leaving for work? Fay: Are we waiting for anything? Steven: I ordered something on Amazon. Fay: Ok, I'll do it!",Fay will check the mailbox when leaving for work to check if Steven's Amazon order has arrived. 13821074,"Casper: Wandzia: Omg it was like 10 years ago singing!! Jake: haha high school times ","Casper, Wandzia and Jake are recalling high school times." 13828150,"Victor: There is a site on the internet called Free press, where photographers exhibit their work. The Exhibits are held once per year. It's down at the Culture House Finn: Oh, really? Victor: Yeah, I heard it on the radio Victor: Ok, I'll take a look. Perhaps I can send them an email too. Victor: I never heard back from the other place, Noa's gallery. Perhaps I'll wait a few more weeks and then send them another email Finn: Yeah, I wouldn't email them to soon though Victor: Yeah, I agree Finn: Which images did you send to Noa's? Victor: My four more recent ones. The one with the white cat, the one with the black cat, the one with the horns and the one at the train station Finn: I love the black cat, that image has some great details Victor: Yeah, me too, it's one of my personal favourites. I'm so self critical though 😝 Finn: Well, that's normal, but you shouldn't be, you've got some pretty unique stuff! Victor: Thanks man ;) Finn: 🌟🌟","Victor sent the following pictures to Noa's gallery: the one with the white cat, the one with the black cat, the one with the horns and the one at the train station. There's also a website called Free Press where photographers can send their work which is exhibited at the Culture House every year." 13820371,"Letty: how was the history 2day? Fitzroy: you mean test? Letty: yep his test sry Joss: your a lucky basterd your our Rainey: true bloody hard Fitzroy: yeah fritz pushed 2 hard Fitzroy: much 2 hard Letty: i have 2 write when i back from trip Rainey: yeah but your fritz fav st so no worries Letty: fav student? me? Fitzroy: you bet you are","Fitzroy, Joss and Rainey had a history test today. Letty will write it once she's back from the trip." 13818808,"Alice: What chores do your children do? Ben: Lilly makes her bed, puts dirty clothes in the basket, puts toys away, helps with meals. Poppy: pretty much the same plus they help me with hanging up the washing Alice: I just wanna make sure i don't put too much pressure on them. Ben: i reckon they can do pretty much everything they are capable of. Alice: yeah, my kids seem to have fun doing chores! Poppy: oh, and I ask my children to unload the washing machine and dishwasher. Alice: i have to try these ones too. Mark: Freddie enjoys doing shopping with me Poppy: i think this is very important so that they learn it is everyone's responsibility Mark: it is something we can do together Poppy: and it makes them so proud :) Alice: yeah, i do think it boosts their self-esteem! :) Ben: definitely, i agree with you 100%.",Alice wants to know if she doesn't overburden her children with chores. Ben's and Poppy's children have similar chores. The children enjoy helping and it boosts their self-esteem. 13730417,"John: Hi! Have you been on the Bohemian Rhapsody? Martha: Yeah, with my bf :) John: Got a new bf then? Martha: New? We've been dating like for 2 yrs! John: So who's Andy? Martha: His brother!","Martha has seen ""Bohemian Rhapsody"" with her boyfriend. She's been dating him for 2 years. Her boyfriend has a brother named Andy." 13681838-1,"Audrey: Black friday is coming!!! Marylin: I know, I was just in the mall yesterday, wanted to buy a new dress Audrey: are the sale on already?! Marylin: nope, which is why I didn't buy anything cause I knew I would find it cheaper next week Audrey: I seriously need a new coat, the old one is starting to look like a scarecrow Marylin: haha Audrey: Marylin: I got some discount codes for online shopping, too Audrey: what stores? Marylin: Let me check Audrey: okay Marylin: H&m and Zara Audrey: Will you share? Marylin: always :)",Marylin didn't buy a new dress in the mall yesterday because she's waiting for the Black friday discount next week. Audrey needs to buy a new coat. Marylin'll share the discount codes for online shopping with Audrey. 13863115,"Lucy: I talked about her english and preparation for the class Lucy: and she brought some more workbooks Lucy: It is nice if you can buy the books Violet: Can you maybe borrow the books from her and make some copies? (^_-)-☆ Violet: I’m glad she’s nice! She seems like a pretty well-prepared tutor which is always important :) Lucy: I cannot unfortunately. ^_^; Lucy: she has other classes and she brings the stuff to other classes as well. so that's why I took pics. I also want to make it copied.^_^; Lucy: I can send you the pics I took during the class. Violet: It would be awesome and thank you so much!😃😃😃😃 Lucy: np. :)",Lucy will send Violet pictures of copies that she took during the class. 13728664,"Helen: And, did you make it? Megan: Yes! :) Megan: Helen: Looks yumi! Megan: ^^ Megan: Thanks again! ",Helen is admiring Megan's dish. 13816460,"Anna: :( Anna: I feel terrible Anna: why does it have to hurt so bad Morgan: Rita: good god Rita: did you take speed or what? Piper: hahaha Piper: no, but I did have 2 coffees Rita: I haven't even been shopping yet lol Piper: D: Piper: there's only 7 days left!! Rita: Gift cards for everyone!",Piper has already wrapped all the Christmas gifts and sent all Christmas cards. Rita hasn't been shopping yet and she plans to get gift cards for everyone. 13681168,"Brenda: My car conked out on the way to work. I'm at the shop but not sure what time I can make it in. Can you cover for me? Chris: Sure, no problem. But I have to be out by noon. Will you be here? Brenda: I'll try. Why noon? Chris: I have a dentist appointment. Brenda: Oh, I see! Chris: I can't really reschedule. Brenda: No, I don't suppose so. I'll just have to make it by then. Don't worry. Chris: Great. Brenda: Thanks for covering. Everything okay? Chris: Yes. Pretty busy for a Monday. Brenda: Nobody wants to cook the days leading up to food-centric holidays! Chris: I suppose that's it. We aren't selling much turkey, that's for sure. Brenda: LOL! Chris: Well, got to go. See you around noon. Brenda: See you! Oh, I forgot something. Chris: Yes? Brenda: There is a new person starting this afternoon. They may show up early. If I'm not around, can you have them fill out the paperwork, etc.? Chris: Oh, sure, no problem. Is it in the usual spot? Brenda: Yes. You're a life saver! Chris: I am to please! Brenda: Thanks again. Chris: Sure.","Brenda's car is broken. She will be late at work. Chris will cover for her, but only until noon, because he gas a dentist appointment. It's a busy Monday at work. There is a new person starting this day and Chris should ask them to fill out the paperwork. " 13716236,"Emma: Carol's arriving at 20:57 terminal 2 Barbara: Ok thanks. I have to be there on time because there is a problem with parking Emma: Plane arrived 20:56 but she's not out yet. She's not online Carol: Hi girls! I'm here :) Emma: Are you out of the plane? Carol: In the bus Barbara: Give me a call when you get your luggage and go straight to exit B ok? Carol: OK! Emma: I'm waiting just next to mcdonalds Carol: the plane was half empty, expecting my luggage in 5 minutes","Carol's plane arrived at 20:56. She is in th bus now, in 5 minutes she'll get her luggage and go to exit B where she'll meet Barbara. Emma is waiting just next to McDonald's." 13829088,"Tina: Are you coming to the pub tonight? Ana: ? Tina: Denis' birthday party? Ana: OMG! I forgot! :/ Tina: Ana: It's not funny! Ana: I keep forgetting about things, meetings, deadlines. Ana: I have too much on my mind :( :/ Tina: That's not good. Tina: I've told you you needed a holiday. Ana: Yeah I know. But I can't go now. Ana: Not until the bank project is finished and nobody knows when that will happen... Tina: It's not healthy and, exactly, nobody knows. You should take a holiday. Tina: Your health is more important then job. Tina: But we've talked about this many times and you know my opinion. Ana: Yeah, I know. I'll think about it, promise. Tina: You say it every time... Tina: Never mind. Tina: What about tonight? Ana: Well, I have to go. He's my boss!",Ana will come to Denis' birthday party tonight. 13728098,"Ginger: They don't call me kitchen queen for nothing I'm telling you Patricia: What did you magically create this time? Ginger: Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower Patricia: I'm drooling Ginger: Come by, I have plenty Patricia: Srsly? Ginger: Sure! Patricia: I'm getting and uber right now :D",Ginger invited Patricia for Pappardelle with Sea Urchin and Cauliflower. Patricia is getting an Uber. 13612229-1,"Rose: Dear Mash, just wanted to say thank you for this lovely stay at yours. I enjoyed every minute of it. Mash: Hi Rose! Yes, I absolutely loved your presence here. You are always welcome. Rose: Thank you. Why don't you visit me one day? Mash: I might actually. Even pretty soon. Rose: Well? Mash: Woodies and me will be driving down to France for our skiing fortnight. Could you put us up for a night or two? Rose: All four of you?! Mash: In fact 3. Will's not going. Rose: Oh they've just announced my flight. I'd better go. We'll talk about it later. OK? Mash: Have a pleasant flight Rose!",Rose thanks Mash for hosting her at his place. Mash is going to go skiing with Woodies to France and asks Rose for an overnight stay for 3 people for a night or two. 13728470,"Elise: isn’t it your dog? Jim: Omg, looks like him, where did you take it???? Elise: In the forest, it’s probably like 1 km away from your house, he’s very friendly, should I take him? Jim: Yes! But… I’m at work till 4 o.O Elise: That’s ok, I’ll take care of him, don’t worry. Jim: The best neighbor ever, I owe you!!!",Elise found Jim's dog in the forest. She will bring him home and take care of him until 4 pm. 13716220,"Peter: I am going to the gym tomorrow morning, around 11. Anyone care to join me? Raphael: We also planned to go tomorrow morning. What will you be working on? We have to do legs, right Brian? Brian: Sadly :( Mine still hurt from last time... Peter: Can't skip leg day! :D I will probably just do some cardio, probably on the bike Raphael: We can start with that and move on to heavier things ;) See you guys tomorrow","Peter, Raphael and Brian will go to the gym tommorow around 11. They will start with cardio and then heavier things. " 13730909,"Tom: Oh no! I lost my keys Matt: Again? Tom: Cannot find them anywhere... ",Tom lost his keys again. 13827967,"Ernesto: free tonight? Brent: not really, why? Ernesto: had an argument with Josie again Brent: that serious? Ernesto: kind of Ernesto: i need to leave Brent: ok i finish at 6 Brent: can be there before 7 Ernesto: ok, i'll be in the centre anyway so let me know Brent: ok",Brent and Ernesto are meeting in the city centre tonight. 13864750,"Kate: Have you got the book? Steven: No, I didn't Victor: it's impossible to get it Mary: ok, so it's not only me Mary: I thought I'm just clumsy Kate: but how are we going to pass the exam without his stupid book Steven: do you think there will be only questions from the book? Kate: everybody says so Kate: his previous students Steven: why did I take this stupid course? Victor: maybe we should write him that we have problems Victor: maybe he could send a pdf? Kate: lol, I think he wants to earn money Kate: he wants sell books, not send pdfs Steven: :(","Kate, Victor, Mary and Steven can't buy the book for the exam anywhere. Since a professor wants to earn money on that book, he'll probably not send them a pdf version." 13728193,"Bill: can you pick up my package from the post office on the way home? Stacy: is it something heavy? :) Bill: no, it's a new battery for my cellphone Stacy: sure thing then honey :* Bill: thanks baby :*",Stacy will pick up a battery from the post office on Bill's request. 13728760,"Stacey: Hi Dad, you ok? Peter: Yes, love, I'm great, just been out to chess. Stacey: Brill! Did you win, Dad? Peter: Yes, I did. Club gone up to 3rd in table now, best for years! Stacey: You eaten yet? Peter: Had a few crackers, cheese and an apple at 1ish. Had a pint with Glyn after. Stacey: Look, I made some chicken and veg soup last night, I'll bring some over if you want. Peter: No, love! I know how precious your Sunday nights are, calm before the storm. Stacey: Look, I've not eaten yet, been working, I'll bring some over with some part baked baguettes and I'll eat with you. Peter: Well, if you're sure, that'd be lovely. Stacey: See you about half six, Dad, love you. Peter: Bye, see you soon, sweetheart. ","Peter was out to play chess and he won. He ate crackers, cheese and an apple and he had a beer. Stacey made soup and she will bring it to eat with Peter. She will bring part baked baguettes. She hasn't eaten yet. " 13819450,"Caleb: How are you guys? Jeniffer: very good, thanks Brooke: yes, it's very exciting here Caleb: where are you exactly? Jeniffer: Now in New York! Caleb: how cool! Caleb: what have you seen so far? Jeniffer: We've been to Connecticut and Massachusetts Jeniffer: But NYC is the best Brooke: you forgot about Rhode Island Jeniffer: right, such an important state! :P Brooke: ;) Caleb: you see, I knew you would like it Caleb: what do you like the most? Jeniffer: diversity! Jeniffer: something we don't have in Europe to that extend Jeniffer: you're walking down a street and you hear 15 different languages Brooke: and everything is exaggerated Brooke: too big, greater than needed, it's quite fascinating Brooke: food, buildings, cars, everything Caleb: I'm glad you enjoy it girls! Brooke: :*","Jeniffer and Brooke're in New York now. They've been also to Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The thing Jeniffer likes the most in America is diversity while in Brooke's opinion it's urban splendor." 13829513,"Renee: i'm sick and tired of this diet that i'm on Renee: i can't eat anything but whole, green foods Calvin: what does that mean? Renee: lettuce, celery, green pepper, etc Calvin: i guess you can prepare some yummy salads Renee: NOT ERALLY Renee: i want pizza and a burger Renee: also... I'M IN A CRAPPY MOOD BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID DIET!!! Calvin: maybe you should explore other ways to lose weight",Renee has enough of a diet based on green food. 13810927,"Thea: hey ru coming? Harley: yeah, why? Thea: I don't have butter, can you bring some? Harley: ok, no prob Harley: anything else? Thea: some sugar pls :D",Harley will bring some butter and some sugar for Thea. 13811431,"chris: and? adam: can't believe, they failed me bro.. chris: wtf???? chris: all of us made it.. chris: fucking hoes! adam: they just need a good shag chris: with a sock in the mouth adam: dumb horny bitches! adam: bbs",They failed Adam. Everyone else made it. 13829812,"Oscar: geez, honestly I can't stand Daisy anymore Oscar: what's wrong with her? Lucy: another fight? Lucy: both of you should grow up Oscar: she's being salty about everything lately Lucy: maybe she has her reasons Lucy: are you sure you didn't do anything to upset her? Oscar: don't know Oscar: I stopped understanding how her brain works Lucy: just talk it out Lucy: you're just escalating everything Oscar: can you talk to her? Lucy: I don't want to meddle with your private affairs Oscar: sure, let's say that I believe that part :P Oscar: I just need a clue Oscar: if I know what went wrong I can try to mend it up Lucy: alright, I'll see what I can do Oscar: thanks!",Oscar is not getting along with Daisy anymore. Lucy suggests he talks to Daisy and will see if she can help. 13727616,"Cam: Man where's my money Sid: I am totally gonna pay you back this week Cam: You keep saying that Sid: I mean it!! Sorry!!!",Sid owes Cam money. He wants to give it back this week. 13811380,"Abigail: when did you read read their texts? :P Ethan: She left her cell in my room when she went to the other :P Abigail: Cant believe she is about to get married :v Ethan: Why hasnt she told us about this Abigail: Who cares :/ Ethan: :/ Abigail: Would try to talk tomorrow",Ethan and Abigail are surprised that she did not inform them about getting married. Ethan found out about it when she left her cell phone in his room and he told that to Abigail. 13716520,"Erin: Just received the conference programme, is anyone interested? Erin: Nathan: I saved the date for Dec 1-2 but they changed it :( Vivian: how much is it? can't find the price Erin: it's free but you have to register now Vivian: okay. are you going to be there Erin? Erin: I don't know... it might be interesting. I'm just a bit lazy ;) Nathan: there will be online streaming Erin: I know but I just wanted to meet people :)",Erin is not sure if she's going to the conference. It's free and will be streamed online. Nathan planned to go but they changed the date. 13863194,"Wendy: when are you coming back? it's 5 already Patrick: I'll be back at 6, I had some stuff to do in the office Wendy: okay, but the dinner will be cold till then 😜 Patrick: I know, eat without me honey 😘",Patrick is running late from the office. He will be back at 6. 13828228,"Ben: Hi, Adam. Got a minute? Adam: Yep. What've you got, Ben? Ben: I've got this new prospective client. Adam: All right. Who is it? Ben: A medium sized manufacturing firm. Adam: Sounds interesting. Adam: What can we do for them? Ben: They plan to invest in a new production line. Adam: Even more interesting. What do they do exactly. Ben: They manufacture seat belts for moto industry. Adam: We want this client, Ben. Ben: I know. I thought I could arrange a meeting. Adam: Very good idea, Ben. When? Ben: I thought you should be at the meeting, Adam. Adam: Sure, Ben. No problem. Ben: So, would you be available this week? Adam: Let me check. Adam: I am free all Wednesday and Friday. Ben: Fine. I'll arrange the meeting and will get back to you. Adam: You do that. Good work, Ben.",Ben will set up a meeting for Adam and a new client from moto industry. 13730634,"Kassy: Hey John, have you finalized the dimensions for the robot. John: Yes Kassy, i have. Kassy: Did you encounter any problem. John: Yes I encountered a slight problem in finalizing the dimensions for the mechanism. Kassy: And?? John: I resolved the issue by making the mechanism adjustable instead of rigid dimensions. Kassy: That's great John: Thank you","Kassy finalized the dimensions for the robot, and to resolve the problem with the rigid dimensions for the mechanism he made it adjustable." 13862611,"Will: Heard that you're going to New York next week! Kim: Yes, I'm already packed :) Will: Awesome!! Will: Buy me something in NYC Kim: No problem :)",Kim is going to New York next week. 13829700,"Chloe: I've got crumps Peter: Is it time? Peter: It's too early, isn't it? Chloe: It is Chloe: I'm scared Pete Peter: Lay down, I'm coming Chloe: it's too early Peter: Breathe, I'm going to the car Peter: Chloe? Chloe: I think I'm better, thank you Peter: should i come? Chloe: no, no, i think i'm fine, just need some rest",Chloe is scared as she is feeling crumps. Peter will come over. Chloe is feeling better now and does not need Peter to come over. 13865126,"Kate: Malina, could you help us with the deco? Jeff: you have such good taste Malina: haha, no problem",Malina will help Jeff and Kate with the deco. 13862527-1,"Jacob: Mom, where are you? Sandra: I am coming up now. What's up? Jacob: Please send me some money. I am in hurry now. Sandra: What's going on? Sandra: How much? Jacob: 970 dollars. Jacob: My OTP doesn't work but I should send the money right now. Sandra: Just explain why and to whom Sandra: I said I'm coming up Jacob: To Jason. You know him. Jacob: And mom, I'm not home. That's why. Jacob: I will send you the money back this evening. Sandra: Why on my messenger you are not added? Sandra: Isn't this SMS phishing? Sandra: I cannot send you money right now. Call me so that I can check if you are really my son.","Jacob asks his mother to wire 970 dollars to his friend Jason, as he cannot do it due to his OTP not working. But the number Jacob is calling from is not listed on Sandra's messenger, so she asks him to phone her so that she can confirm his identity." 13717259-1,"Chris: Why are media pushing her so much? Is it just not to talk about the current first lady? Chris: I don't say i wouldn't agree with this, i'm just curious Derek: What is there to say about melania? Chris: All the world should have clear her image of useless doll, so maybe we'll have less girls following the Trophy Wife path. Richard: English does not appear to be Chris's first language, Russian,? Who knows. Richard: Interesting he refers to Michelle Obama as "" a trophy wife "", when it is clear the trophy wife is Melanie Trump, she is not in love with the elderly incompetent old man Trump. Derek: Chris, yeth We Khan Chris: Well maybe i'm not mother language english but you have some brain damage dude. Richard: I was talking about Melanie. Breath, relax your anus, read again and feel free to comment again Derek: *breathe 😉","Chris, Derek and Richard are talking about the way the current first lady is presented in the media. Chris is not a native speaker of English and he is offended by Richard's joke he misunderstands." 13821295,"Vlad: 2-3 Vlad: Still Carson: Flyers are going to win Carson: I am so upset Declan: Guys Declan: its still the first half Declan: The Canucks are going to beat the shit out of them Vlad: Idk Vlad: The Sedins aren't doing much Vlad: They're just so old Declan: I still believe in them Carson: NOOOO Declan: ... Declan: ... fuck there we go Vlad: omg Vlad: Bros Vlad: honestly these flyers are bastards Carson: Nooo Declan: xd",Flyers are playing against The Canucks. 13829544,"Mike: Are you at home? Lisa: Yes, why? Mike: GLS will get my package soon and I'm stuck in traffic jams.",GLS will get Mike's package soon. 13680222,"Trey: Morning Emilia: Morning ;) Trey: How r u? Emilia: I'm good thanks and you? Trey: Same here :) Emilia: Cool Trey: What are u doing? Emilia: I'm working Trey: Flying? Xd Emilia: No office Trey: In general when u work in an office, what do u do there? Emilia: I'm editing a manual now Trey: :) Emilia: Where's my photo ? Haha Trey: Haha. U got a nice photo yesterday xd Emilia: You said you you would send a full body one. Remember? Trey: Maybe later I said Emilia: Yea ok. I'm going back to work now Trey: Oh ok I'm coming back from the job interview Emilia: Talk to you maybe later haha Trey: Hahaha Ok","Emilia is editing a manual at work right now. Trey gave Emilia a photo and promised to give her another one later, but didn't do it yet. Trey is coming back from a job interview." 13863041,"Tom: :O !! it's you Daisy Wood ?? :O Tom: Daisy: The pic is mine - the video thing? What's that all about? Some sort of virus?? Tom: Yeah don't open the link my fried fell for it and I clicked it and it sent to everyone Daisy: too late... Daisy: Oh well Tom: Ah right. It won't do it for a day or 2 but I had to change my password Andi think that's all that's gone wrong Daisy: You mean it hacks onto your fb password?? Tom: No Facebook said I've been hacked so It went through posts I have done in the past 2 days and asked if I want to remove any of them and it is to stop them being able to go back on my Facebook I think Daisy: right... guess I'll just play it by ear Tom: Yeah that's probably best haha how are you anyway??? Not spoken in ages",Tom's Facebook account has been hacked and has sent a virus to all his friends. Daisy has already opened it. 13862744,"Claudia: Did you see the new paddles they got us yesterday? Claudia: I'm going to head down to the boathouse around 11 Claudia: Are you coming? Jessica: Yeah I saw them!! Super cool :) Finally some new ones!! Jessica: 🎉🎉🎉 Jessica: Yes I'll head down at that time too Jessica: I was just chatting to Dave Jessica: Man that boy needs to get it together Jessica: Our finals are in a month.. Jessica: He hasn't been training enough.. Claudia: Yeah I spoke to him last week Claudia: I think he has problems with his girl Jessica: Yeah.. Jessica: He said she doesn't understand him Claudia: She goes to the same Uni as Bianca btw Jessica: Really? Jessica: That Uni is weird 😑 Jessica: Jessica: Jessica: My mum got them for me :) Claudia: Nice!! 👏👏","Jessica and Claudia will go to the boathouse around 11. Dave has not been training enough for the finals, which take place in a month, due to relationship issues." 13818273,"Emma: Do you have my notes? William: Nope Emma: I will ask Ethan then :/",William doesn't have Emma's notes. She'll ask Ethan. 13612053,"Damian: Did you buy Mom a gift for her birthday? Ethan: What?! omg I totally forgot! Damian: Always the same... Come on, get ready and I'll pick you up in 5. Let's see what we can find that's nice for her. Ethan: You are a life saver.",Damian and Ethan are going to buy their mum a birthday present from Ethan. 13864552,"Tamar: I met Kelly yesterday Rachel: Cool. I'm seeing her on Saturday Sara: It looks like I'm the only one who's not meeting her Tamar: If she likes you she'll ask you out for a coffee or a drink Tamar: She must feel lonely, alone here in this town Rachel: Yes, she does. Rachel: She told me she's struggling to make friends Sara: No wonder. She's different. Tamar: What do you mean different? Sara: I'm sure you heard the gossips. Tamar: What gossips? Sara: She was married. She had her a successful life in a big city. Sara: God knows what brought her to this little shit hole. Sara: Maybe she's hiding from someone. Rachel: She's kind and interesting. Rachel: I don't mind being her friend. Sara: We will see if you are interesting enough for her. Sara: This lady she saw more than all of us together. Tamar: Sara are you jealous? Sara: Of what? I don't have reasons to be. ",Tamar met with Kelly yesterday. Rachel is going to see Kelly on Saturday. Kelly was married and had a successful life in a big city but she moved. 13680563,"Peter: Today's department head meeting has been cancelled due to lack of staff. Sorry for any inconvenience. Tara: Okay, thanks. I kind of thought so. Peter: Yes, with the holiday, just too many folks gone. Tara: I think we may be the only two department heads here. Peter: I think you're right! Tara: Okay, so maybe we should meet just so it's official on the calendar? Peter: Sure. Same time? Tara: Yes, we can go over the Hoover project. Peter: Great idea. I need some feedback on where we are at the moment. Tara: Me too. Let's see if we can get one of the assistants to help us. Peter: Good idea. They can take notes too. Jared? Tara: I was going to suggest him, since he's working closely with Teresa. Peter: Fine. I'll ask him. See you at 3. Tara: See you then.","Peter and Tara will hold a two-person department head meeting at 3. They'll discuss the Hoover project. Jared will help them to get information on the project, he will also take notes." 13864613,"Garry: I cannot believe January is almost over! Victor: It passed so quickly Cindy: Indeed ",January is almost over. 13727584,"Jake: how youre cats doing? Jake: after surgurey? Alex: Fine Alex: a bit drunk off the anathesia Jake: Need any help Alex: maybe in a few days Ill let you know",Alex's cats are fine after the surgery. Jake offers his help. 13729291,"Sam: How was the interview? Sam: It was today right? Brian: Yea, I don't thnik it went well :( Sam: Why? Brian: The guy who interviewed me asked me some totally strange questions and I had no idea what the asnwer should be... Sam: Maybe it was just some kind of personal test. Brian: Maybe… but I am not sure if I want to work with such crazy people.",Brian's interview didn't go well but he wouldn't like to work there anyway. 13829940,"Kate: I just saw Blood Diamond!! o.O Mary: Great movie, right? Kate: Yeah, but the story is just horrible, I had no idea! Mary: Well, yeah... Mary: Makes you reevaluate your need for jewelry Kate: People are so greedy, I hate it! Mary: Here's a nice article about this, I think you'll like it. Mary: Kate: Thank you.",Kate has just seen the film 'Blood Diamond'. 13612042,"Larry: Good morning, Miss Smith! Do we have regular classes tomorrow, or have they been cancelled sue to the heavy snow? Miss Smith: Good morning, Miss Smith. Have a nice day. Larry: Thank you very much, Miss Smith. ",Larry wants to know if classes are cancelled tomorrow. 13716566,"Freddie: Yesterday I went to the park with my nephew and saw so many obese children! So sad! :( Kevin: they aren't even over-weight they are simply obese these days! Harry: i didn't see a single obese child when we were children! Freddie: i know. shocking! Harry: why do you think that is? Kevin: they get rubbish like junk food, sweets, fizzy drinks with loads of sugar etc Freddie: but first of all they don't move! just sit there playing games! Harry: i feel sorry for them! adults are responsible for it! Kevin: you're right Freddie: this is our responsibility to teach children what's right and what's wrong","Freddie was sad to see so many obese children yesterday. Nowadays children have an unhealthy diet and they do not move much. Ultimately, the adults are responsible for this." 13731337,"Jensen: Lindsay: We had a great game! Jensen: So sad it was our last game tho ;( ",Jensen and Lindsay had their last game. 13728319-1,"Lizzy: What kind of books does your mom like? Lizzy: I'm asking because I wanted to buy her a small gift :D Paul: She's rather into crime stories or reportage books. Lizzy: Ok. Thanks! Paul: How's your day? Lizzy: I just left hairdresser and I'm heading to shopping mall. I'll get a book for your mom and I have an appointment at 2 o'clock. So far so good and traffic is even not so heavy. Paul: Ok. Wish you good day then. Watch out for yourself :D Lizzy: Kk. ",Lizzy is heading to a shopping mall. She will buy a crime story book for Paul's mother. Lizzy has an appointment at 2 pm. 13862684,"Damian: Hi, are you one of the organisers for the ""Aspects of Neuroscience"" conference? Ava: oui Damian: I'm writing because I have a problem with my registration - I created an account, but I can't seem to pay... Ava: what do you mean? Ava: what exactly is happening? Damian: When I go to my account, I login and I'm automatically directed to the Instructions page Ava: what web browser do you use? Damian: Safari... Ava: do you have chrome or firefox ? Damian: On my phone... Ava: try it there and let me know! i know that it helped others with this problem Damian: thanks!! Ava: if this is the case, we'll have to leave an announcement that the website doesn't work on safari Damian: You were right - it works fine on Chrome. Ava: okay great Ava: we'll add that info Ava: it's a good thing that you're asking me these questions","Damian has problems with his account on the website of the ""Aspects of Neuroscience"" conference. Ava, who is one of its organisers, suggests he try to access it on Chrome or Firefox, and it works. The website fails to sync on Safari. A note about the malfunction will be posted to the website." 13716526,"Dave: WHo has eaten my last bagel????????? looking at you, Pete! Pete: I swear it wasn;t me, man, I mean not like i didn't want to but there were pickles in it. you know i hate pickles lol Dave: that's true... Jeff, one more shit like that and you're out of the house!!!! NO JOKE Jeff: chill out, dude, it was just a bagel. and wasnt even that good, u owe me an apology",Jeff ate Dave's last bagel. 13812644,"Laura: greetings from Spain :D Cathie: where is it??? Cathie: Granada? Laura: bingo <3 Cathie: so jelous!!! Cathie: i hate u lucky bitch! Cathie: how long r u staying? Cathie: till 6 Jan :D Cathie: come and join us!! ;-) Cathie: ryanair's got cheap flights ^^ Laura: I can't ;( ;( ;( Laura: I'm working these days :/ Cathie: and what about Jerry? Laura: he's working as well. Cathie: at least u gonna be rich :P Laura: hah, I wish!","Laura is in Granada, she will remain there until January 6th. Laura and Jerry have to stay and work." 13730581,"Olga: Sarah: OMG Sarah: so cute! Sarah: <3 Olga: I know right! Olga: my little man is getting so big! <3",Olga sent Sarah a photo. 13730580,"Jerry: Hello. I just wanted to write and ask, what time is training tomorrow? Larry: Training starts at 6:30. Jerry: Ok, because there's no information on the website. Larry: Yeah, I'm aware of the problem. There were some issues earlier today. Jerry: Ok, thank you. Larry: You're welcome. Don't forget your clothes for dryland training later on. Jerry: Ok, thank you.",Training starts at 6:30 tomorrow. There's no information about it on the website. Larry is aware of that. Clothes for dryland training are also required. 13681302,"Aisha: Aisha: rofl this is the best thing i've read in a long time Beatrice: Give me a minute Beatrice: Lol Beatrice: Avocado anxiety wtf :D Aisha: yep :D Aisha: one of the biggest fears of millennials is related to their avocados Beatrice: First world problems at its best haha Aisha: yes :D",Aisha and Beatrice have fun reading a text on avocado anxiety. 13813375,"Ian: What happend? Ian: Why u are so sad? Mary: I lost my bike..",Mary is sad because she lost her bike. 13829614,"Gavin: enjoyed our little beer date today 🤩🤩 Trinity: me too 😍 Trinity: spontaneous is the best Gavin: Gavin: hahaha Gavin: Gavin: 😂😂😂 Trinity: cuteee Trinity: hahahaha Trinity: ",Gavin and Trinity went out for a beer today. 13864402,"Fiona: Roger broke up with me. Ben: Again? Fiona: This time it's for good Polly: I'm sorry Fiona: He left me for another lady Ben: How do you know? Fiona: He told me Ben: Roger tells lots of things Fiona: I know Fiona: But he really has someone else Fiona: I broke into his FB account Fiona: Her name is Mandy and she's a model Polly: What an asshole! Ben: Roger is a dick Ben: He did you a favour by leaving you Ben: I'm sorry for this model Ben: You should forget him as soon as possible Ben: Really Fiona: I'm devastated ","Roger left Fiona for Mandy, who is a model. Fiona broke into his FB account. She is devastated." 13828191,"Kathy: Look what I've bought today Kathy: James: Looks like an old sweater from a second hand ;) Kathy: You're very kind James Kathy: I've always known that I can count on you... James: Sweetie, I'm not dissing you James: I really like your sweater ;) Kathy: Oh, are you sure? James: Kathy: Kathy: I've got to go. See you tomorrow James: Ok James: <3",Kathy bought a sweater today. 13731066,"Agatha: hey can I ask a favor? Olivia: Sure! what's up? Agatha: I forgot my umbrella at the restaurant Olivia: which one? Agatha: the one right next to your house Olivia: you wnat me to p[ick it up? Agatha: please if it's not a problem Olivia: sure I'll get it after work Agatha: thank you :*","After work, Olivia will pick up Agatha's forgotten umbrella from the restaurant next to Olivia's house." 13611641,"Monika: say hi to your new Facebook friend, Monika Keith: Hi, Monika. Monika: Hello. Do I know you from somewhere? Keith: Yes, you remember, I am Sophie's dad. Our kids were friends at school. Monika: Sophie from England? Keith: That's right, you do remember. Monika: I remember your Sophie punching my Paweł in the face, and me complaining to the school about it. How is she, anyway? Has she managed to stay out of prison? Keith: Yes, she is in Croatia now, for the holiday. She only punched him in the face because he was hitting her, by the way. Monika: Yes, but he was only hitting her because he liked her. But when she punched him back she broke his glasses, and you refused to pay for a new pair. Keith: That's right! So glad you remember us.",Keith and Monika reminisced the incident that their children were involved in. Monika's son was punched by Keith's daughter. 13862392,"Owen: How was your shift? Fiona: Difficult. We had two ambulances come in at 2 am, then later at 4am, and my back's killing me Owen: :( Owen: Do you want me to massage it for you later? Fiona: Oh my gosh! yes!! Owen: :)",Fiona and they had two ambulances come in at 2 a.m. and at 4. a.m. She has now back pain. Owen will message it for Fiona later. 13681715,"George: have you seen this? George: Matthew: is it my sister? Matthew: what is she doing? Matthew: i have to talk to her",Matthew recognizes his sister on the video sent by George. 13827979,"Ann: hi :) Ann: Do you have a free afternoon today? Mark: Yes, Mark: u need help? Ann: Yes. Ann: I need to get to the rehabilitation center but Mike is at work. Mark: No problem. Mark: I will take you there. Ann: THX!","Ann needs to get to the rehabilitation center today, and Mike is working, so she asks Mark for help." 13818863,"Noah: I’m driving to Leeds for the music festival on Friday evening and have two spaces left in the car. Who’s up to it? Karen: Who’s coming with you? Noah: Tom and John Karen: so no thank you! Haha! Noah: haha! Not getting.. Charlie: count me in! Noah: great! Noah: one space left anyone?! Benjamin: When are you coming back? Noah: sunday afternoon Benjamin: can you pick me up from work on friday? Noah: where is it? The city centre? Benjamin: yeah, next to the mall Noah: no problem! I’ll pick you up! Can’t wait guys! Charlie: great! See you on friday Benjamin: cheers mate! ",Noah is driving to Leeds for the music festival on Friday evening. He's taking Tom and John. He will also take Charlie and Benjamin. They are coming back on Sunday afternoon. 13819022,"Chris:: What are your plans now for Halloween? Amka: Just gonna stay in? Mick: Yeah Mick: nothing special Amka: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween. Chris: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. Chris: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. Amka: I like it like this.",Amka and Mick don't have any special plans for Halloween and neither does Chris as Halloween much celebrated in Poland. 13816754,"Kenzie: I have been looking for a good Ice cream shop to go with my family Frank: Good Luck Kenzie: Where was your best ice cream experience? :/ Frank: I always go to Papa Gino's Kenzie: Thanks for the suggestion Frank: Np Kenzie: You want to come along? Frank: Nah, Im good",Frank recommends Papa Gino's ice cream shop to Kenzie. He will not join Kenzie and her family. 13682445,"Kim: I need to change my cats food Renee: why? Kim: he stopped eating Renee: serius? Kim: yep, I think he had enough Renee: that is possible? It's a cat Kim: I think it is, he's eating other stuff Renee: ","Kim's cat stopped eating, so she needs to change its food." 13728294,"Christine: I'm so tired, I'm not able to wait for you Greg: no problem go to bed Christine: what time are you planning to come back? Greg: I think I need one more hour :( Christine: nite nite then Greg: nite :*","Greg will come back in an hour. Christine is too tired to wait, so she's going to sleep." 13810768,"Samantha: So did you get that job you wanted? Aubrey: Uhh, don't even ask Aubrey: I did get it but I had to quit after 2 weeks and look for another one Samantha: What? Why? Aubrey: They had unreasonable expectations >_> Aubrey: Wanted us to do way more than the contract said Aubrey: A lot of people just went along with it but I couldn't handle it Samantha: Oh wow, that sucks :/ I'm sorry to hear that Aubrey: There was also that guy Jason, he seemed kind of creepy to me, so I don't really regret it Aubrey: Luckily mum managed to get me a job through one of her friends since she knew how much I wanted to earn some money this summer, haha Samantha: :) Samantha: I guess things worked out in the end, then! Will you be working there until the end of holiday? Aubrey: Mm, I'll finish one week before that, so there'll still be some time to rest, woohoo Samantha: Wanna come to our summer house for a couple od days? Aubrey: I wouldn't wanna trouble you? Samantha: Not at all! :D",Aubrey had to quit the new job after 2 weeks due to unreasonable expectations and she doesn't regret it. Her mum helped her get a summer job and she'll finish it one week before the end of holiday. Aubrey will come over to Samantha's summer house for a couple of days. 13730956,"Alex: Hi Sara Sara: Hi Alex: I think it’s better to talk through WhatsApp Sara: I think so Alex: Thanks for adding me Sara: I haven’t met anyone interesting on Tinder yet Alex: It’s hard to believe Sara: How about you? Alex: I’ve been on a couple of dates Alex: But they didn’t really work out ",Sara didn't meet interesting people on Tinder. Alex also dated a couple of time but without success. 13680730,"Linda: what are your plans for weekend? Lizzy: just relax Linda: we can go together to SPA Lizzy: great idea!",Lizzy and Linda are going to go to the Spa at the weekend. 13731001,"Patricia: Are you still at home? Susan: leaving now Patricia: could get me a tampon? Susan: no problem",Patricia will bring Susan a tampon. 13864914,"Lucy: I'm leaving in 5 minutes Polly: About time Gertrude: We're waiting for you ",Lucy is leaving in 5 minutes. Polly and Gertrude are waiting for her. 13862945,"Natalie: Hi, I've heard you're in Lublin. Matilda: Yes, I'm home for midterm. Natalie: Me too! When are you coming back to Warsaw? Matilda: I was planning to go back on Sunday. Natalie: Perfect x Natalie: I can go on Sunday or Monday. Natalie: I'm driving by a car. Wanna join? Matilda: Sure! I'll call you tonight to talk details. Natalie: Great idea 🙂",Matilda and Natalie will go back to Warsaw by car. 13731018,"Liam: what was the name of the shaver that you bough recently? Noah: not sure, but I can send you a picture and maybe you can look that up Liam: sure Noah: Liam: thanks, do you remember how much you paid for it? Noah: less than 20 dollars but it's really great","Noah bought a great shaver recently, which cost him less than twenty dollars. Liam is interested in it as well." 13681606,"Jerome: hey, did you finish up with your translation today? Jenny: yes, i did, thanks. got it sent off to the publisher just in time Jerome: cool. how do you feel about it? Jenny: pretty good. i put a lot of effort into it and felt inspired most of the time. Jerome: thats great. would you like to celebrate sometime? Jenny: i still need to hear what the editor has to say, but yes i would. i need to reward myself i think Jerome: i think so. you deserve it.",Jenny will celebrate her finished translation with Jerome. 13716735-1,"Matt: Just watched a new video about the Marvel Netflix series, it's interesting Steve: Link please Jack: Yep Yuri: Let us check it out Matt: There it is Tom: Ok, thanks Jack: Now that I see the thumbnail I think I watched it a couple of days ago Yuri: Is it some kind of review of all seasons so far? Steve: Looks like it Jack: I agree it's interesting, obviously it says Daredevil is the best one by far Yuri: Whoever disagrees with that is insane XD Matt: Yep, it analyzes the different approach of the various series and points out the flaws of Iron Fist, Luke Cage and season 2 Jessica Jones Steve: Ok Tom: I hated even the first season of JJ :D Yuri: It was kinda meh but Tennant's performance was amazing as usual Jack: Yep, I agree","Matt has shared with Steve, Jack, Tom and Yuri a video about the Marvel Netflix series. The video analyzes the various series and points out the flaws of some of them." 13730867,"Lisa: it was nice meeting your brother Lisa: but could you please tell him not to call me lis? Lisa: i hate it Kevin: I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!! Kevin: i call you that all the time Kevin: i'll cal you lisa from now on :-D",Kevin agrees to not call Lisa Lis anymore as she hates it. 13820360,"Nicole: disco night! Jackie: xD Lois: looks awesome Nicole: it's free entrance if we dress up :> Jackie: ok, I'm in :D Lois: I don't have clothes like that, tho Nicole: we can all go second hand shopping sometime this week ;) Jackie: great idea! Kitschy clothes here we come! Lois: I'm pretty sure I not gonna wear those again :D Jackie: that's what it's all for! Lois: wasting money? :P Jackie: in style B) Nicole: let's just have fun and get to the groove ^^","Nicole, Lois and JAckie are going to a disco night. The entrance is free for people who dress up." 13717015,"Scarlett: hi there! You know whom Ive just met? You won't believe me. Scarlett: Anna Smith, that famous actress! Rett: Oh wow! And what does she look like? Scarlett: not as pretty as on tv;) Sue: No wonder ;) they always make them look so mich better on tv! Rett: definitely! Scarlett: sure. And I guess she was followed by some paparazzis. Scarlett: I felt like in a movie! Susie: haha","Scarlett met Anna Smith, famous actress, who was followed by some paparazzis. Scarlett feelt like in a movie." 13828166,"Gil: movie saturday morning? Eva: yessss Gil: which one? you're the one with the app Eva: lazy guy Gil: darling i love u Eva: Dragons 3 or Creed 2? Gil: you choose Gil: my dad wants to invite us for lunch Eva: how scaring! Gil: he's cool Eva: but i'm stressed Gil: i was too when i met your mum Eva: did you? too funny! Eva: and your mum? Gil: she's nice too Eva: no, i mean she'll come also? Gil: yes but don't panic. I'm here Eva: sure.. lol",Gil and Eva are going to see a movie on Saturday morning. Gil's dad invites them for lunch. Gil's mum will be there too. Eva is stressed. 13829498,"Bella: hello Bella: any plans for the weekend? Felicia: hi Bella! Felicia: I'm going to visit my parents, why? Bella: oh, nothing important Bella: didn't have any plans and I was wondering if you would be interested in doing something together Felicia: I'm afraid I can't Bella: understandable :) we can try next week Felicia: Sure! Bella: great, have a safe trip then Felicia: Thanks!",Bella wanted to meet with Felicia on the weekend. Felicia is visiting her parents this weekend. Bella and Felicia will try to meet next week. 13730318,"Kevin: Hey, since you bought me this voucher for music classes, I wanted you to be first to hear my product :D Kevin: Margaret: Hah. I'll listen to it in a minute. I'm finishing my meal. Kevin: Enjoy your meal then! Kevin: Let me know what you think when you'll hear it. Kevin: I'm curious about your opinion. Margaret: Sure! I'll let you know later. Kevin: Bye. Margaret: <3",Kevin shared his music with Margaret. She bought him a voucher for music classes. She's going to listen to it after her meal. 13829244,"Radley: do you have the notes? Tim: yep, why? Tim: you need to borrow them? Radley: kinda Radley: didn't sleep at all last night. Tim: what happened? Radley: went out for a beer with Mark Radley: aaaaand we ended up in a club at 3 am. Tim: wow, congratulations, man Tim: how on earth are you gonna sit this exam? Radley: it's not the first for me :D Tim: you need to teach me that then! Radley: in exchange for the notes, you've got it Tim: ","Radley wants to borrow the notes from Tim. Radley didn't sleep last night, because he went out for a beer with Mark. They left a club at 3 am." 13863002,"Edmund: Hi Erika Edmund: Just to remind you about the meeting today at 5 Erika: Hi Edmund! Erika: Yes I'll be there, thanks for the reminder :) Edmund: See you later",Edmund reminds Erika about the meeting today at 5. She will attend. 13729312,"Adrien: Where did you leave the car keys? Tess: Oh if they’re not at the shelf, I could’ve put them in my purse Adrien: Too late, called Uber already -_- Tess: I’m sorry, I was at the lecture Adrien: There wouldn’t be any problem if you’d just put them in the right place Tess: I know, I’ll remember next time Adrien: Why do I have to tell you such obvious things Tess: Ohhh fuck off","Tess didn't put the keys in their place, so Adrien couldn't find them and had to call Uber." 13730499,"Zara: Mum, I need my pencil case and calculator, can you drop it down to the office. Gail: Oh, Zara, how can you forget so many important things. Yes, I'll pop them in on my way to work. Zara: You're a star mum love u x",Gail will bring Zara her pencil case and calculator on her way to work. 13717097,"Wyatt: Monopoly up for grabs. Megan: Hannah wants it Morgan: Is seems a common idea for our interns to get this board game. Either it's the easiest to understand in English, or they all need some help with learning how to use their money. They might also want to use fake money to pay for things. 😜 Ridge: Maybe we should think about creating our version of this game – with bus passes, train tickets, wifi providers and the Holylands as key components😊 Wyatt: Could be fun! Christmas party as the high-end property? highlight of the year anyway…","Hannah wants Monopoly board game. According to Ridge, an improved version of this game is worth considering." 13682614,"Patricia: what's up? Jacob: not much, same old, you? Patricia: I am good, thanks, I was thinking we could meet this week, you and Kate? Jacob: well I am not really sure, we already have plans for most of the week Patricia: Next weekend then? Jacob: we have all of our weekends planned until the end of the year, apart from the one 2 weeks for now Patricia: my father has his 50th birthday then... Jacob: maybe next week on Wednesday, you could come to our place ? 6 PM after work? Patricia: That might be fine, I will let you guys know tomorrow ok? Jacob: Sure ","Patricia will let Jacob know tomorrow if she can come over on Wednesday at 6 pm. Patricia's father celebrates his birthday in two weeks, at the weekend." 13829727,"Margaret: I slipped on the ice and fell ;( Jeffrey: OMG are you okat??? do you need help??? Margaret: I'm not sure, it feels like I broke my hip... but I hope it's nothing, I've never broken anything Margaret: I'm almost home now, some nice man walked me all the way to the shopping mall Margaret: But I still feel like crying a little... Could I ask you to buy some groceries for me? Jeffrey: sure thing! just text me the list, you stay at home and rest for now!",Margaret has had a fall and needs Jeffrey to help her with some groceries. 13716838,"Jason: Has anyone gone to the Developing an Academic Career lecture? Could you share notes please? :D Adrianne: I took some notes but they are not very specific. It showed three different ""pathways"" you could try and approach your future academic career with. the 1) ""do a post doc with a bigger project supervised by a PI"" approach, the 2) ""Independent Research Fellowship (=be your own PI)"" approach and the do first one and then the other approach.. The general rule seemed to be that you had to have at least 2 publications to get a Fellowship(option2), but that your skills might be more important to be hired in the option1-approach. And, obviously: there is a tradeoff between using the time to finish your phd, to publish papers and to apply for independent research fellowship/project-funded post-docs. Adrianne: I was expecting a few more concrete hints on where to go to/look for things and where to apply to, the stuff I have written down for that is: Where to find funding? ResearchProfessional.? Mailing lists? Carreer Central Adrianne: re short term fundings: there are emergency fundings from a certain trust, but I didn't pick up on the name, and the ESRC impact acceleration grant. Angelica: This was the Newton Trust, I think Angelica: They suggested starting applying by August roughly Angelica: And for the independent fellowships to talk to Susan Pearce to first be nominated at the department level when you need hosts, and also to apply to a few different institutions as hosts in the first instance. Susan Pearce for Cambridge, but then write to potential guides or whatever for other places.",Jason js looking for some lecture notes. Adrianne offers some notes she took whereas Angelica remembers some more related facts. 13680820,"Les: Hi love how is your dad Sue: oh hes still hanging in there Les.. they are still doing tests Les: oh dear we are thinking of visiting on saturday is that ok Sue: yes that will be fine we may see you there Les: ok love take care",Sue's dad is getting medical tests. Les will visit him on Saturday. 13819853,"Brad: Guys, Walmart! Brad: I am waiting 5 more minutes 😡 Kyle: K Im coming Marla: Waaait!!! I have to put my make-up on Kyle: wtf? to Walmart? Marla: Yes Brad: 🙈🙈🙈","Marla, Kyle and Brad are going to Walmart in a few minutes." 13864938,"Dave: How did you like the play? Ella: I loved it! You didn't? Jamie: Really? It was awfully long! Ella: Yes, but all his plays are rather long Jamie: I get it, but it's merciless, especially on Thursday Ella: Oh my god, you sound like an old man :D Dave: Am I the only one who found it a bit... pretentious? Ella: Maybe, certain parts, but not in general, I don't know, I didn't mind Dave: I can't make my mind about it, I can't say I didn't like it at all Jamie: Well, I can. It was really nice to go out with you guys, but next time I'd rather stop at the drinks before the play and leave you to it ;) Ella: Was it that bad? Jamie: For me, yeah, I didn't really get what it was about Ella: Hm, I think it was more about the performance than the meaning of the play? It was quite modern even for me Dave: I think it's the right word - modern, a bit too modern for me as well","Dave, Ella and Jamie went to the theatre together. Jamie finds the play too long when for Dave it was a little bit pretentious. Only Ella totally enjoyed the performance." 13814374,"Nadia: You know about the culture of South Africa? Eliot: I havent been there ever Nadia: Ahan Nadia: You havent read about it either? Eliot: Nope Nadia: Maybe I can find things on google Eliot: Yep",Eliot hasn't been to South Africa nor has he read about it. Nadia will look it up on Google. 13865462,"Andrea: It's funny that all of us lived in Berlin for some time. Angelo: Indeed Lorenzo: How did you know I lived in Berlin? Andrea: I have my informants ;-) Jody: I lived there 2011-2014 Jody: I did my masters there Jody: How about you? Lorenzo: I lived there as a kid in the early 1990s Andrea: Do you speak German? Lorenzo: Yes. I went to school there Lorenzo: Kids learn really fast Andrea: I don't. English was always enough for me Andrea: So my motivation to learn German dropped Angelo: I speak some German but not as good as I would like to. ","Andrea, Angelo, Lorenzo and Jody all lived in Berlin for some time. Lorenzo speaks fluent German because he went to school there as a kid. Angelo speaks a little German; Andrea not at all." 13865142,"Duffy: Who is tapping? Duffy: I can hear you in my room... Olga: Not me Peter: Sharp ears Duffy: Peter, is it you? Peter: Yes it's me. Sorry Peter: I will stop if it's bothering you so much ",Peter's tapping. It bothers Duffy. He'll stop. 13729278,"Stacy: so why did you leave the society Tom: i dont know Stacy: cmón, there must be reason Tom: there is none Stacy: are you kidding Tom: why Stacy: you were the best Tom: i dont know about that",Tom left the society with no particular reason. 13821668,"Miriam: How are you doing? the group has been dead for a while Logan: I've been very busy recently Emily: And I'm still in Hong Kong Miriam: cool! Why won't you share some pics with us sometimes? Emily: Hmm, I could, I've just never thought about it Miriam: how is it generally? you like it? Emily: Very much, it's sometimes quite like NYC Emily: But also very different in a way Emily: it's High Island Reservoir East Dam Logan: wow, looks amazing Miriam: yes, and so different than the stereotype of Hong Kong that we have Emily: I know, it's much more diverse than I'd thought Emily: btw, you could visit me as long as I'm still here Miriam: I'd love to, but I'm afraid It can be really expensive, right? Emily: you can find some good offers, the city is not cheap, but you could stay at my place what would cut the costs significantly Logan: thx, Emily, I'll check the flights",Emily is still in Hong Kong. Logan and Miriam would like to visit Emily. Emily offered to host Logan and Miriam. 13681449,"Felix: do you need potatos? Leo: they might be helpful making french fries xd Felix: ok, so you have to buy them Leo: i thought there was some at home Felix: no, i have just checked Leo: ok, so i will buy them Felix: and ketchup, please! Leo: ok",Leo might want to prepare french fries. He'll buy potatoes and ketchup. 13680265,"Chris: I left my house keys at work. What time are you coming home tonight? Anna: Oh Shit! I'm working late tonight. Should be home by 10pm though. Chris: No worries. I'll go down the pub and wait. Anna: Any excuse will do, right? ;-) Chris: You got it! LOL",Chris left his house keys at work. Anna is working late tonight and will be home by 10 PM. Chris will wait for her at the pub. 13813863,"Jesse: Jesse: hey, how are you? I've heard you had an accident? Aisha: that's true Aisha: I feel ridiculous though Aisha: I hit the cupboard with my toe and broke it :( Jesse: poor you Jesse: I bet it hurt like hell Aisha: yep, it did Jesse: Is it in plaster or what? Aisha: nope, the doctors said it would cure like this Aisha: I'm just limping XD Jesse: ","Aisha kicked the cupboard, now her toe is broken. " 13716390,"Sam: hi there! What's up? Its been quite a while! Amanda: oh hi! I've been thinking about you recently, meant to write, but you know whats like, always busy... ;) Sam: yeah, I know ;) Joe: oh hi! How are you? Yeah, time is running like crazy. Sam: maybe a coffee or something? We've got quite a lot to discuss, I guess. Amanda: sounds good! Where, when? Joe: sounds good to me too:) Joe: maybe next week? this week Im so busy with my work :( Sam: omg, you're still working overtime? Joe: yes :( no changes in this matter. Amanda: thats too bad:( Amanda: anyways, next week sounds good to me too. Maybe Tue or Wed? Sam: Tue evening will be perfect. Joe: Ok, I'll try. Sam: I suggest we catch up Monday to discuss the details. Amanda: ok, great. Joe: talk to you soon then! :)",Sam wants to meet with Amanda and Joe. They will meet Tuesday evening. On Monday they will discuss more details. 13828311,"Elaine: Stacey, did u see the last episode of '4 better & 4 worse'? Stacey: Yes, OMG, it was sooo exciting. Elaine: I was hoping John & Jacky would end up together though! Stacey: I know, eh? They had so many problems along the way Stacey: And it seemed that things were looking up 4 them. Elaine: And out of nowhere that dreadful accident. Stacey: Ugh, they kept me in suspense until the last minute! Elaine: And that season finale in the hospital... Stacey: Now we have 2 wait all summer to find out what will happen next!",Elaine and Stacey watched the last episode of '4 better & 4 worse' and liked it. Now they have to wait all summer for next episodes. 13681214,"Linda: Chaaarlie! Help! It's a total disaster! Charlie: What's the total disaster? Linda: Charlie: OMG, when did you put on so much weight? Linda: I have no idea, I bought those jeans like 3 months ago! Charlie: How's that possible? Were you eating donuts everyday or something? XD",Linda has put on a lot during the last 3 months. 13828984,"Annabeth: You free tonight? Today has been the absolute worst!! Nico: what happened? Nico: yeah, im free Annabeth: what didn't happen? Annabeth: I dropped my new phone, so now it has a crack on it, my heel broke as I was leaving to work so i had to go back to change causing me to be late to work, some *idiot* spilt coffee all over my presentation notes and because Malcome is such a jackass, of course he thought that making copies was *optional* even though it's his job Nico: what an idiot Annabeth: yeah -_- Annabeth: AND then I got chewed out for my ""lack of professionalism"" even though I managed to convince the client for a higher price than requested Nico: so overall, a pretty normal day? ;) Annabeth: a simply brilliant one Annabeth: UGH Nico: Meet you at your place in an hour? I'll bring the booze Annabeth: I'll bring the Ben&Jerry's :) Nico: and I think we it's been a while since our last Fast & Furious marathon Annabeth: yep. We are WAAY overdue :D Annabeth: Thanks Nico :* Nico: ;)","Annabeth dropped her phone, the screen is cracked, she broke her heel and she was late to work, somebody spilled coffee on her presentation and there was no copy of it. She convinced the client for a higher price but was accused of not being professional. Nico will meet her in an hour at her place. " 13829796,"Theo: pizza! May: Already?! Theo: Do you have cash? They don't accept credit cards :/ Theo: May? May: I do, no worries, be there in 5","Theo has pizza, May will be there in 5 with cash. " 13819237,"Amber: Can't get Teddy out of my head... Amber: It's already 6 months since he left me and I still can't get over him, what's wrong with me :( Lora: Oh, my poor Amber... Lora: Nothing's wrong with you, it's Ted to be blamed for ruining everything Amber: I've been trying so hard to be a good girlfriend... Amber: I still don't know where I did a mistake, we seemed to be complementing each other Amber: And suddenly he said it's over, that he doesn't love me anymore and there's another girl... Nicole: Gosh, you've really been through hell because of him, it sounds like a nightmare Amber: It still hurts, the nightmare still lasts... Nicole: I'm so sorry Amber... Nicole: I'd really like to help you in some way, I can imagine how I'd feel in such a terrible situation Lora: Listen girls, maybe you'd like to go somewhere this evening and have a drink? Lora: It's Friday. It'd be much better to go out than sitting and thinking all alone Lora: Amber... we should meet and talk and have some fun too. Let us help you Amber: Okay, I can go somewhere. Can't stand being alone, it's killing me... Nicole: Fine girls. Please, let me know where you're staying. I need to take care of a few things first but then I'm free Lora: Sure, no problem. We'll find something just for this evening. Amber: Thank you guys...",Teddy left Amber half a year ago. She misses him. She is still depressed. Lora will take her out for drinks to cheer her up. Nicole will join. 13818929,"Sarah: Jack: haha, good job! Jack: :D Zoe: are you kidding me XD Sarah: Sarah: Jack: amazing... Sarah: thanks guys... Zoe: how did you manage to do that? you ripped the whole thing off lol Jack: somebody here needs to learn to drive lol Sarah: i was just leaving my parking spot... Sarah: and i touched the pillar... Jack: :D Jack: sorry but that's really funny :< Zoe: jack... Zoe: it's gonna be OK... XD Sarah: really thanks... i shouldn't have told you anything",Sarah hit the pillar with the car while she was leaving her parking spot. 13828072,"Nora: Hello Marya and Harry, so sorry I missed meeting you today at the Hobbs', but with a nasty cold setting in, I didn't want to endanger Peter's fragile health. We have to catch upon this soon! Nora: All the best for you both! Marya: It's a shame with this cold of yours, but I'm sure you'll be up and about in no time. Yes, we have to get together soon. Marya: Greetings from Harry!",Nora couldn't attend the meeting with Marya and Harry at the Hobbs' due to a cold. She didn't want to put Peter's health at risk. 13681789,"Claire: It was fun yesterday, how was the end of your night? Did you go anywhere after? Max: It was really good! Claire: I was really sick at like 4am. And I’m never sick. Max: You should have eaten something! Claire: I just went to sleep when I came back! And u? Max: I just woke up, and I’m on the plane! Claire: I had a terrible headache, but I'm fine now. Hangover was the worst thing that ever happened to me. Max: You left us early. Where did you go? Claire: Home. Max: Ah. I think James went out after Claire: Might be. He texted around 2, but I didn’t reply. Max: 2am haha! Ah James 😂 Claire: So I see you on Wednesday, right? Where are you going? Max: I’m back to work on Wednesday. I’m heading to Lanzarote 😎 Claire: That's awesome! Have fun! Max: Thanks! I will. Claire: In the meantime, I prepared a romantic dinner for Annie, but the final effect was terrible. Everything looked like shit, and it was cold. She was half an hour late 😂 Max: Haha the thought is what counts though, right?! Claire: She's happy, all good 😂 tasted better than expected. Have a safe fun. Be a good boy. Max: Haha I’m always a good boy 😀",Claire and Max went out last night. Claire was sick at 4am and she's hangover today. Max is on the plane to Lanzarote. Claire cooked dinner for Annie but it was terrible. 13865362,"Henry: Amanda I saw you yesterday on the bus stop. Great colour!! Amanda: Thanks! It was an experiment Tom: I agree. You look great. It was a good choice! Amanda: Thank you. You're so sweet :* ",Amanda dyed her hair a new color. 13829431,"Kate: hi! Nick: Hello, Kate Kate: have you read Tom's e-mail? Nick: not yet, is it bad? Kate: worse than I thought.. Nick: any names? Kate: Well, he mentions everyone but no one in particular Nick: Thank God :D Kate: Yeah... Kate: we'll see how it goes Nick: do you have a plan? Kate: Not yet Kate: but maybe we'll meet for lunch today and strategize? Nick: OK, good idea.",Kate and Nick have received Tom's e-mail. They will meet for lunch today to set up strategy for action. 13828804,"Grayson: i got it! i got it! I GOT IT!!!!!!!! Grayson: I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!! Grayson: it's my dream job with AMAZING PAY, GREAT benefits and GREAT people Grayson: i'm soooooo HAPPY and sooooooo EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nancy: congratulations!!! i knew you'd get it!! Nancy: all that worrying was useless Nancy: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Nancy: when do you start? Grayson: next monday . I'M SO EXCITED!!! Grayson: i gotta go, i haven't called my parents to let them know Nancy: ok but can i say something one last time time? Nancy: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!",Grayson got the job. He starts next Monday. He'll call his parents. Nancy congratulates him on the job. 13865443,"Terry: What time are we going to land in Pisa? Matt: about 11PM Kai: I thought the flight lasts about 4h Matt: sure, but there is one hour difference between Portugal and Austria Martina: right! Martina: i completely forgot Matt: we will get our hour back","Terry, Matt and Kai are going to land in Pisa at about 11 pm. There is one hour difference between Portugal and Austria." 13828399,"Greg: did u wish dustin a happy bday? Dan: no Greg: why? Dan: we had a falling out Greg: what happened?!?!?! Dan: he's a bad friend Dan: he only goes out with his girlfriend now Dan: he has no time for friends Greg: that's normal dude Greg: he hasn’t had a girlfriend in ages Greg: he's very excited Dan: i understand that and that's cool Dan: but he stood me up last tuesday!!! Dan: we were meeting for drinks and he just didn't show up Greg: oh man, you're right, that's crappy Greg: i would still try to hash things out with him Greg: you've been friends forever Dan: i know you're right, but I I just need some time for myself right now Dan: i know things will be alright again soon",Dan didn't wish Dustin a happy birthday because he stood him up last Tuesday. Dan is angry because Dustin has a new girlfriend and doesn't have time for friends. 13729349,"Adam: It's so boring here…. Mandy: Still at class? Adam: Yes. Adam: -_-","Adam is still at class, which he finds very boring. " 13862431,"Trish: hi girl Trish: i know you are a fan of Friends Rose: hi there Rose: thats true Trish: i got a tshirt with them Trish: would you wear it if i gave it to you? Rose: of course Trish: cool Rose: thanks, ill pick it up next time",Trish is going to give Rose a Friends T-shirt. Rose is going to wear it. She is a fan of the show. 13818940,"Amalia: Is anybody in the city centre tonight? Amanda: I will rather stay home, it's too cold Joan: it's terrible outside, I won't go out today anymore for sure Tony: hahaha, Amanda, I guess it's an answer to your question Amalia: hahaha, right Amalia: what about you Tony? Tony: I'm already on my way home. Let's meet some other day Amalia: ok",Amalia wants to go out in the city centre tonight but it's too cold for Amanda and Joan. Tony can't come as he is already on his way home. 13830018,"Anna: Mom, did you pay the internet bill? Clair: Yes, why are you asking? Anna: Did not work... Anna: Reset the router",Anna is wondering if Clair paid the internet bill since it's not working. 13862511,"Lydia: Hi 😊 Lydia: Wanna dye my hair grey 😀 Martha: Hi Lyd 😊 Martha: Yes, go for it Martha: Yolo Lydia: You didn't just say that lol Martha: For real, do it 😊 Lydia: I will 😊",Lydia informs Martha that she wants to dye her hair grey. Martha fully endorses the idea. 13729968,"Tryce: tell you friend he's very cute!!😊😊 Victor: stop hitting on him haha Tryce: no i'm not Victor: Dont think i've not noticed how you looked at him Tryce: haha, comeon! Victor: anyway, he'll be around tomorrow, you better come over Tryce: ok. i will Victor: lover girl Tryce: 😒😂",Tryce finds Victor's friend very attractive. She might see him again tomorrow. 13821574,"Jose: I wanted to invite you for dinner after our project is completed Joseph: How nice of you, Jose Donald: Nice idea to relax after this stressful time Jose: is Club Cafe good for you? at 8PM Joseph: very good, I really like it there Donald: may I bring Terry? Jose: sure, bring however you want Jose: remember that I have a budget for this kind of meetings Donald: right, I completely forgot Joseph: so let's make a proper use of it Jose: haha, but let's not exaggerate at the same time Jose: I have to show all receipts to the department Jose: they shouldn't be too conspicuous Joseph: hahah, ok ","Jose invited Joseph and Donald for dinner after completing a project. Jose, Joseph and Donald will meet in Club Cafe at 8pm. Donald will bring Terry. Jose has a special budget for that kind of events." 13829746,"Julien: At what time will you be in Reims? Hervé: 7:30am or 7:45am depends Julien: ok, mine leaves at 7:37. I'll be there at 8:10am Hervé: short... Julien: lesson starts at 9:15 Hervé: so you've got time Julien: yep. I want to go with you. By foot Hervé: i'll see if i wait for you or not Julien: ok Julien: you'll tell me Hervé: if I wait for you? Julien: yes Hervé: ok ok Julien: thanks. How was your week end? Hervé: no too bad Julien: good! Hervé: Bro, i won't wait for you. Too long! I'll go to school right now Julien: ok ",Hervé is not waiting for Julien as he considers it too long a wait. He is going to school now. 13820119,"David: Guys, as you might already know, Tom won't be able to come with us to the Festival Olga: What happened? Fred: Just some work related stuff, don't worry. David: Still that leaves us with a spare ticket that we won't be able to return David: So ask around if anyone would like to come with us Nancy: What about the sleeping arrangements? David: We still have the rooms booked as before, depending on who'll replace him, we can always rearrange... Nancy: True Fred: If I remember Steve was interested when we started planning, maybe we can ask him? David: Already did, unfortunately he can't... Olga: I'll ask my brother, he likes that kind of stuff, so he might be interested to come David: Great, please do Nancy: What about the rest? They're not here atm Fred: I'll call them later and ask if they know anyone who would like to come. David: Great, that way I don't have to do it :P David: Anyway, we still have some time before the Festival so it's not super urgent David: but keep that in mind and if anything changes keep each other updated!",Tom can't make it to the Festival so David suggests everyone asks around for someone to replace him. 13731246,"Jim: hey my shower isn't working Jim: can i go to your place to get ready for work? Carl: sure Carl: i'm not there though Jim: that sucks ಠ⌣ಠ Carl: DON'T WORRY!! Carl: there's a key under the mat at the door Jim: thanks man!!! Carl: make yourself at home lol",Jim's shower is not working. He will use Carl's shower to get ready to work. Carl will not be there but he left the key under the mat on the entrance. 13810070,"Chelsea: do you know any good dentist in Warsaw? Monica: yeah, i have been going to the same one for 3 years already Chelsea: can you give me more details? Monica: sure, it's mr. Chris - phone number 434 312 122 Chelsea: thank you!! :*",Monica gives Chelsea her Warsaw dentist's contact details. 13864930,"Mia: should i take the yellow bag? Harry: no, it's too conspicuous Mia: so which one? Jackie: black, of course Mia: don't like it, but maybe you know better","In Jackie's opinion, Mia should take the black bag. " 13681489,"Russell: This book is awesome!! Owen: Another cookbook? :-/ Russell: I'm hooked! The more things I bake, the more I want to try to make new things. Owen: Maybe I should get into cooking Russell: You should! It's so addicting!",Russel recommends Owen a cookbook. Owen starts thinking that he should get into cooking as well. 13829235,"Anton: Good evening. Thank you for the lift tomorrow. Where could we meet? Lynn: good evening Anton. We could meet at the train station tomorrow around 4pm. I've got a blue Clio. Anton: Good evening. Yes it's perfect. See you tomorrow at the station. Anton: Hello Lynn, i'm waiting in a small pub near the station, I'm in advance. Tell me when you arrive. Lynn: I'm here. i'm parked on the left hand side near a white jeep. Anton: You've got a Clio? DZ783PKY? Lynn: Yes it's my car. Anton: ok i see you. Lynn: fine, see you too",Lynn will give Anton a lift. He has a blue Clio. They will meet at the train station around 4 pm tomorrow. 13729772,"Tania: hi, wanna join us for some drinks tonight? Holly: sure Holly: us is who? Tania: hahaha, me, terry and lidia Holly: amazing, I haven't seen Lidia since the graduation Tania: you see?! great! Holly: we want to see a show in Broadway and then just go to brooklyn for some drinks Tania: I would skip the show, but join you for drinking :P Holly: ok, as you wish Holly: So I'll just text you when we're done Tania: Perfect Holly: we can meet at Kosciusko Av Subway station Tania: ok! Holly: good, talk to you later","Holly will join Tania, Terry and Linda for drinks tonight. They are going to see a Broadway show, but Holly just wants the drinks. They meet up at Kosciusko Av Subway station." 13810078,"Allison: Have I left my car keys in your house? Gianna: you've left some keys with a heart-shaped charm Gianna: Allison: Ok, these are they, I'm going back. Gianna: ok","Allison left her car keys with a heart-shaped charm at Gianna's house, so she's going back. " 13680256,"Hilary: we r out of cat food Hilary: and there's only little of scobs Brent: got it, I'll order it today Hilary: great, but they will deliver in 2 days Brent: right :/ Hilary: I can buy a little Brent: great, let's do this :)",Hilary and Brent are out of cat food and have only a little amount of scobs. Brent will order it today. Hilary will buy a little bit of those thing to have some until the delivery arrives. 13828253,"Nicole: Soph, could we meet a little later tomorrow? Sophia: Sure, how much later? :) Nicole: I got invited to a job interview Sophia: where where? Nicole: Publicis Nicole: :)))))))) Sophia: Wow!! Amazing!! Nicole: I'm a bit nervous. Sophia: You'll be great. And we'll have something to celebrate, hopefully :D","Nicole is a bit stressed, as she will have a job interview in Publicis. Nicole and Sophia will meet tomorrow later because of the interview." 13828488,"Sadie: Samantha: <3 Sadie: happy birthday sweetie! Samantha: thank you! :* Sadie: :*",Sadie is sending Samantha birthday wishes. 13680424,"Jake: Hey Janice, how is it going? When are u coming back home? Janice: It's ok. I still need to do some reports for Donna :( Jake: I have prepared something for u Babe :* Janice: UR soo sweet! What is it? I'll do my best to come quick! Jake: Janice: Awwww…You've made dinner! And cleaned the kitchen! Jake: And I did some shopping too! :D Janice: I have the best boyfriend ever! :*** Jake: I have some really great girlfriend! But she works too much to my taste ;-) Janice: I promise, I'll come home soon!","Jake's prepared the dinner, cleaned the kitchen and done the shopping. Janice still has to do some reports for Donna but promises to come home soon." 13681135,"Veronica: hello :) how do you feel about a meeting this friday, around 6pm? Megan: sounds good, I'm free on Friday ;) Veronica: can you recommend any place in your neighbourhood? Megan: there's a variety of bars in the Down Street, we can go there together and pick one as we go Veronica: do you know any place where they serve Negroni? Megan: I've got no idea, but if you know one we can change the location Veronica: I'll ask the rest of the girls Megan: okay, let me know :* Veronica: change of plans, can we meet next friday instead? Kate is out :( Megan: I think that works for me too Veronica: awesome! It's gonna be so much fun! :) Megan: yeah! I can't wait to see you all <3 Veronica: see you then :* Megan: see you :*",Veronica and Megan postpone their meeting with other girls till next Friday because Kate is unavailable this Friday. There is variety of bars in Down Street. Megan does not know where Negroni is served. 13681022,"Jean: I know youre not THAT into Brahms, but i hope youll make it here in time. Jose: sorry, this bus is taking longer than i expected Jean: which route are you taking? Jose: T55 Jean: oh. yeah. i always have problems with that one. Jose: i do like some Brahms, btw. Jean: alright. just get here, okay? Jose: we're moving more quickly now. just passed canal street. Jean: good. its last call before they start. you might have to wait a bit before they let you in Jose: so be it. I'll see you in a little while. Jean: Ok. Jose: sorry about the wait Jean: it happens",Jose is still on T55 and he may be late for Brahms with Jean. 13830021,"Bobby: don't forget about the test Peter: the one next week? Bobby: the one on friday Bobby: that's in two days Peter: shit, forgot about that one Peter: do you have some notes I can borrow? Bobby: got some good ones from Fran Bobby: can send it later Peter: great Peter: and thanks for the reminder Bobby: np",Bobby will send Peter some notes from Fran for the test on Friday which he forgot about. 13731300,"Dan: hazard is on fire, he deserves balon-do-r Ian: yeah bro Dan: best player in the world right now Ian: he surely tops ronaldo and messi at the moment Dan: haha, so sick Ian: remember that dribble against Brazil in the world cup? Dan: Yeah, totally outplayed Neymar Ian: yeah, he was the catalyst Dan: i was so sad to see him exit in the semi's Ian: me too, but respect to france. Dan: yeah Ian: the world champions!!! Dan: they really deserved to win the finals Ian: yeah, but croatia made their name Dan: yeah, regardless of all the difficulties the faced against England Ian: haha, sure Dan: Anyway, lets enjoy sarriball Ian: sarri the master!! Dan: hehe Ian: haha",Dan and Ian comment on football games. They like Eden Hazard the most. 13865058,"Michael: hey did Kate read this book? Michael: Scarlett: I don't know Jessie: no I don't think so Michael: and is there a book that she'd like to read recently? Jessie: a biography of some musician, who was it hmm Michael: what's the genre? I might know :) Jessie: I'll try to find out Scarlett: I think it was Aretha Franklin Jessie: that's right Michael: great Aretha it is then :) thx!",Jessie and Scarlett think Kate would like to read a biography of Aretha Franklin. Michael will buy it for her. 13716388,"Maria: recommend me some piano songs plz Julia: Do you know Joep Beving? Beatrice: i know him! Maria: nope Maria: i guess i should? Julia: Definitely give him a try! Start with Ab Ovo. Beatrice: ab ovo <3 <3 Maria: okay, thanks! Julia: I'm sure you'll love it! Beatrice: yeah it's awesome Maria: <3",Julia recommends Maria to listen to Joep Beving. Beatrice agrees he's great. 13809913,"Enrique: man, did you try the stuff Alvin made last night. it's terrible. Travis: ok, thanks for the heads up. Really that bad, huh? Enrique: i can't get the taste out of my mouth.",Enrique tells Travis not to eat the food Alvin made last night as he still cannot get the terrible taste out of his mouth. 13730371,"Phil: what should I bring today? Susan: a bottle of wine and some chips maybe Phil: I can make a salad if you want, greek one Susan: that would be perfect! Phil: no problem :)",Phil will bring a Greek Salad today. 13814868,"Hannah: where are you? Ethan: what do you mean? I'm waiting in front of the theatre? Hannah: I'm already in! Ethan: OK, give me 2 minutes Hannah: ",Ethan will be inside the theatre in 2 minutes. 13728682,"Samuel: can you pick me up for office? somebudy just hit my car in walmart's parking lot now i cant start it? Joshua: sure why now... your at home or walmart? Samuel: at Walmart at 59 street.. Joshua: ok coming there in 10 mins Samuel: thanks",Samuel's car got hit in Walmart's parking lot at 59 street. Joshua will pick Samuel up in 10 minutes. 13681341,"Andy: Suh? Luke: Not much. S'up? Andy: You played dat new game yet? Luke: What new game? Andy: OMG! You dunno? Luke: No. Tell me. Andy: OMG! OMG! OMG! Luke: Still waiting... Andy: Oh, c'mon! Srsly? Luke: Yeah, seriously. What new game? Andy: The new Assassin's Creed is out! Luke: U joking? Andy: Nah. Got it. Playin it. Luke: Don't believe it. Show me. Andy: Well? :) Luke: You... Dunno wat to say... Andy: LOL :P Luke: What's the plot? Andy: Not tellin. Go and buy it. Luke: Short on cash now. Can I come over? Andy: Y? Luke: Well, you can let me play, eh? Andy: Nope. Not a chance. Luke: Y? Andy: Just got it. Need to have some fun first. Luke: Oh c'mon! PLEASE! Andy: Fine! Stop whining! Luke: THANK YOU!",Luke will visit Andy to play the new Assassin's Creed. 13680603,"Kate: Tilda, we're in town! Tilda: Already? I thought you would be here after 6pm Kate: We took the early bus. but no worries, we will have a walk and then eat something in the restaurant we ate last time. Tilda: ok, as soon as I'm done I'll join you! Kate: great!",Kate is in town. Tilda thought they would be there after 6PM. They will walk and eat something. Tilda will join them as soon as she is free. 13728714,"Laura: Hi Laura: I read your post about the phone Laura: is it still available? Albert: Hi there. The phone is still available, yes. You can come by and pick it up today. Laura: so you don't mail it? Albert: no I don't, sorry Albert: it's cheap enough as it is Laura: I understand, but coming by is not a option for me Albert: sorry to hear that","Laura is interested in getting Albert's phone. It's still available and she can come to pick it up today. However, pick-up is not an option for her and Albert doesn't plan to mail it. " 13830022,"Sophie: Jay: oh yeah!!! Jay: Jay: tonight's gonna be liiiiiittttttt Sophie: getting ready babe Sophie: Jay: damn girl, lookin' hot tonight!!! Jay: ",Jay and Sophie are getting ready for tonight. 13682520,"Rodney: Read any good books lately? Walt: No, not really. Oh wait, yeah. A really good one is Conqueror by Conn Iggulden. I highly recommend it! Rodney: What genre is it? Walt: Well, it's kind of like fantasy, set in the times of Ghengis Khan. Rodney: Anything else? You know I really like biographies. Walt: Well, the last biography I read was about R.A. Dickey. You know that knuckleball pitcher? Rodney: I didn't know he wrote a book. Walt: Yeah, it's really good, and it's really personal. It deals with the sexual abuse he suffered as a kid. It's a really good read! Rodney: Do you have those books at home? Walt: I have Conqueror, but the R.A. is on my kindle. Rodney: Ok, can you bring it to work tomorrow? Walt: Sure. You know that there's a little library at work, right? Rodney: Yeah, but it's all crap. I've checked the books there. Walt: Ok, see you tomorrow. Rodney: Bye","Rodney asks Walt to recommend some good books. Walt has recently read Conqueror by Conn Iggulden and he can recommend it to Rodney. Apart from that, he's read a biography about R.A. Dickey. Walt has Conqueror and R.A. on his kindle. He will bring it to work tomorrow." 13682208,"Hannah: Hey Honey, I want to return books to the library, but I cannot find a single one of them! David: That's because I already returned them last week XD Hannah: Oh really? That's great, then I can borrow some new ones :-) Do you need anything? David: Pls check if there is this new crime novel by J.K Rowling, I'll send you a pic Hannah: You mean Robert Galbraith? David: ",David returned the books to the library last week. Now he wants the new crime novel by J.K Rowling. 13829206,"Kinsley: Hi! :) How are you? Kinsley: I hope, you've managed to dig yourself out of snow. :) Miles: hi! :) Miles: yup, surprisingly, i'm still breathing, even though i had to shovel hundreds pounds of snow this morning Kinsley: Is the weather on Lofoten as extreme as in the USA? Miles: it's not that cold in here, but we have really heavy snowfalls Miles: today i had to jump out of the widow, because i couldn't open the door (!) Kinsley: whoa Kinsley: I hope you haven't broken any bones! Miles: me too. :D Miles: i hope we won't freeze our butts off this winter. :P","Miles shoveled hundreds pounds of snow this morning. He had to exit through the window, because the door couldn't be opened. They have really heavy snowfalls there on Lofoten. " 13730864,"Boris: It's hard to believe that Mr. Perry was a pedophile Boris: I knew him as a decent man Kate: They found child pornography on his laptop Kate: End of story Kate: He's done to me Boris: It's horrible. I mean you now a guy since forever and suddenly it turns out he's a worst kind of criminal... Kate: It's good that he left us alone Boris: Yeah. The evil was lurking right in front of us... Kate: I pity his wife though Boris: You think she suspected something? Kate: Apparently she was the one that turned him out",Kate and Boris are shocked to hear Mr Perry is a paedophile. 13727620,"Martha: Have your cats done any damage to your house? Natalie: Well... Natalie: They scratched our chairs so much the material looks devastated :( Natalie: And the love biting cables Natalie: They managed to bite through my MacBook charger, and my boyfriend's phone charger twice. Martha: Haha. I haven't heard about cats eating cables. Natalie: Well. You have now :) Natalie: But since my boyfriend crafted them a big scratching pole, they stopped scratching chairs which is nice. Martha: Good!",Natalie's cats have scratched the chairs in her house and bitten through phone and MacBook chargers. Her boyfriend crafted them a scratching pole to prevent them from damaging things in the house. 13728139,"Phil: If it matters to u so much, u can sleep under it! Nicky: U mean ur kicking me out?! Phil: No. Nicky: How can u? Ur a monster?! Phil: W8 what? Nicky: Kick me out of my own home? Out of my own bed? Phil: Oh no, missy. We're not going down this path! U did the wrong thing and ur the one to blame! Nicky: Bt ur braking up with me! Phil: I didn't say that. Nicky: I know u r. I'm gonna cry! Phil: Pls don't. Phil: Nicky? U there? Nicky: Yes. Phil: Listen, I'm sry. I may have overreacted. We'll talk when I'm back? Nicky: Ur not breaking up with me? Phil: No. An I'm not kicking u out. Nicky: Good. What time will u be home? Phil: Around 8:00.",Phil will be back home around 8:00 and will talk to Nicky. 13730377,"Ramon: Stacey, what's happening tomorrow with the exams? Stacey: Hola, Ramon! Well, Maria is collecting the papers from the exam officer and checking them over. Ramon: Do we have to do anything? Stacey: No, in fact, we're not allowed in the hall when the exams take place, so keep away! Ramon: I will! I have now a free period! Good times! Stacey: Yes, me too! Also, year 10 will be doing work experience soon, so more frees! Ramon: It is good, the summer, no? Stacey: Yes, a bit of a break, but remember we have Year 10 papers to mark! Ramon: I will not forget that! Stacey: Have you enjoyed it this year, Ramon? Ramon: Yes, but I will be quite glad to go home in August! I find British children very wilful! Stacey: Oh, that's the perfect word for them, Yes! Ramon: Yes, in Spain, they are chatty, but they also show respect to teachers. Stacey: That's nice! Wonder what that's like LOL Ramon: OK, see you for staff meeting at 8, Stacey. Stacey: Bye! See you.",Maria is collecting exam papers tomorrow and checking them over. Stacey and Ramon are not allowed in the hall during the exam. Year 10 will be doing work experience soon. Stacey and Ramon have to mark Year 10's papers. Ramon is going home in August. Stacey and Ramon have a staff meeting at 8. 13611738,"Jackie: Hi, have you heard about Jason? Milly: Hi! No, what happened? Jackie: It's pretty stupid, you know :D It has to do with his leg Milly: Keep talking Jackie: Writing! Milly: What? Jackie: I'm writing, not talking ;) Milly: Ok, ok, just get to the point! Jackie: You've heard about this punk band he's just joined, right? Milly: Yeah, but what happened? Jackie: Last night he was trying to do some crowdsurfing, jumped off the stage and... Milly: ...and broke his leg? Jackie: No, he ended up falling on this huge biker guy and they both ended up covered in beer Milly: Ouch! So did that biker guy break his leg then? Jackie: No! No broken leg, apparently he said ""that rocked, young fellow"" and they invited him on stage where they all got drunk after the show Milly: So what happened to his leg? Jackie: After the show he was so drunk that he started kicking a big dog and the dog bit his leg Milly: Oh come on, it seems to me that you're the drunk one here XD","Jason jumped off the stage yesterday where he was crowdfunding for his new band. He landed on a big biker guy who liked his behaviour. The bike invited the biker on stage where they all got drunk after the concert. After the show, Jason kicked a dog and it bit his leg." 13612143,"Tyler: Good morning! Ashley: Hello my dear Tyler: what do you want to do today? Ashley: i don't know, do you have any ideas? 😛 Tyler: Dinner movies and drink a little bit and see where it goes Ashley: ok 😉 Tyler: 😉 Ashley: i'm open to any ideas 😉 Tyler: ok we will drink a little bit and see 😉 Ashley: ;) Tyler: and what are you going to do now? Ashley: eat something, i need to write sth also and then i need to go to the uni for a while. but i will go to school probably just before going to your bus station Tyler: ok Ashley: do u know warsaw or not so much? Tyler: not at all. i was just there for one night Ashley: ok. so i will have to think of some place where to go, or maybe we will find sth Tyler: i think we will find something Ashley: ok Tyler: so go and do whatever you have to do and see you later Ashley: 😉 see you later",Tyler is seeing Ashley for drinks today. Ashley needs to write something and then go to the uni for a while. Tyler doesn't know Warsaw at all as he spent there one night only. Ashley will see Tyler later and they will find some place together. 13680421,"Lola: Fuck! Lola: I doused the blouse with the soup! Lola: Erica: oh, dear... Erica: Do u have sth to change? Lola: no :'( Erica: maybe I'll bring u sth? Lola: could u? u r an angel!",Lola doused the blouse with the soup. Erica will bring Lola something clean to wear. 13716114,"Brian: have you seen Ray today? Anastasia: not me. he was not at the uni today Tim: I saw his yesterday. he looked no good. why? Brian: nix. just tried to reach him. hes out all day Anastasia: might be sick in bed Brian: yeah, i guess you're right","Ray wasn't at the uni today, Anastasia thinks he might be sick in bed. " 13865405,"Martha: Jessie's bf sent me a message Samantha: What?? Fiona: OMG Martha: Samantha: ""Hi Martha, you looked cute in that green dress today"" Samantha: ""You should wear it more often"" Fiona: What a bastard Fiona: Did you tell Jessie? Martha: You think I should? Martha: I'm not sure. She can take it the wrong way Samantha: Right. Samantha: She can be a bit unstable. Samantha: But she should know that Tom is an asshole. ",Jessie's boyfriend sent Martha the unambiguous message. Samantha thinks Martha should tell Jessie about that.