----- --- 10689129 *pop* that's right! it was me inside the costume all along! --- 10689130 >>10689129 (OP) Merry Halloween! Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン --- 10689133 still need to play more dq11.. i haven't had the patience to sit thru the slice of life moments in puerto valor --- 10689140 >>10689133 is dragon quest a good game --- 10689142 >>10689140 it's the least common denominator of all jrpgs, i'd try to study it if i tried making one eventually for ideas on where to start... dq1 literally took me a day to beat lole --- 10689145 >>10689142 great image! I saved it! compare and contrast dragon quest with final fantasy... dirge of the Cerberus --- 10689155 >>10689145 it's umm like different lol just play lol --- 10689158 >>10689155 alright I'm gonna need you to run right out and whip up a thousand word essay comparibg and contrasting dragon quest and final fantasy on the following eight aspects: how is it similar 2) game and 3 story how are different or the same 5) how is the game similar or the same,6) graphics and music? setting and the atmosphere what she the same and whatsno --- 10689162 >>10689158 uh like its both jrpg final fantasy is like emo and new agey dq feels like kings and basic fantasy shit they're rpgs final fantasy has better music dq has overture and like uhh just play lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgEv05xJVIE [Embed] --- 10689165 pop that's right! --- 10689166 >>10689162 wow that is a great answer timmy! currently listening to the song you linked in this very post haha! awesome gotta love listening to the song you posted >>10689165 >pop that's right! lol --- 10689331 >>10689129 (OP) Surrender unto me, thine cooch. --- 10689339 >>10689331 what does thine mean --- 10689353 >>10689166 『dubs』 awesome~ thxu4listenigne tbh i just post it to like generally express emotion but never rly expect anyone to listen lole --- 10689359 >>10689353 of course I listened to it dude, I always care about what other people have to share and tell. I never let anyone down and I always make sure to let people know I care about what they have to say and what they're into so they know that I listen to their favorite song because I want everyone to feel good and be happy --- 10689373 >>10689359 aww, sweet :3 here's my fav battle theme from my first video game then lel, enjoy~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlwMeJ9wDKk [Embed] why was saga frontier 2 my first video game? cuz my uncle had a copy of it when he lived w us and it was one of the games he let me play lel.. --- 10689391 >>10689339 It means cum --- 10689523 >>10689373 just listened to this track twice. it's compelling per video game soundtrack standards, but obviously since it's not an actual Song I'd have a hard time turning this just to actively listen to it >>10689391 thine --- 10689899 pop --- 10690257 that's right --- 10690993 it was me inside the costume --- 10691002 all along! --- 10691027 >>10691002 hey good-looking --- 10691425 yay --- 10691470 >>10689129 (OP) it was you ! all along :^o Your fortune: Godly Luck --- 10691534 >>10691470 :^) --- 10691761 >>10691002 lol --- 10692157 that's right --- 10692938 it was me --- 10692962 inside --- 10693831 >>10692962 MY SHELL I WAIT AND BLEED uh.. I mean.. the costume all along! --- 10694315 heart to heart --- 10694435 winter --- 10694459 >>10693831 since u r christian do u listen to under oath? --- 10694473 >>10694459 flat out 2 --- 10694541 >>10694473 lole --- 10695212 yeah --- 10695233 pop! she removes the costume --- 10695236 >>10695233 exactly --- 10695387 hey baby --- 10696110 popping right! heck yeah --- 10696566 I'm the one deciding what's going to be on page one of this board --- 10696708 thanks to my posting habits this board stays decent and tolerable --- 10696809 >>10696566 What factors help you make your decision? --- 10697482 >>10696809 taking a quick glance at some of the cancerous threads on this board for one --- 10697725 yup --- 10697726 >>10697725 pop --- 10697728 >>10696809 oh sorry I thought your question was what makes me think I should be the one deciding what's active on this board --- 10697730 >>10697726 lol --- 10697804 >>10697728 Now that you understand, please tell me what kind of threads you like --- 10697902 >>10697804 the cute and nice ones, the ones that resemble the funny s4s spirit and cool memes and the way of talking that people on here have --- 10697969 >>10697902 I also like cute and nice things --- 10698131 >>10697969 yeah people on s4s are cute and funny and they resemble the older days of fourchan --- 10698570 meet cute on s4s --- 10698946 pop --- 10698948 >>10698946 that's right! --- 10698959 take the hint --- 10698969 >>10698948 smooche sweetcheeks <3 >>10698959 what is it --- 10698971 >>10698969 it's backwards --- 10699934 >>10698971 the bint backwars --- 10699944 haha wow it must have been hot in that costume *sniffs* --- 10700036 >>10699944 what does it smell like --- 10700562 pop --- 10700807 welcum to San Tropez --- 10701613 popping back onto the front page --- 10701630 >>10701613 hahahah mate HECK YEAHHH!! HOW ARE YA? I DECLARE THIS YOUR PERSONAL CHAT THREAD --- 10701942 poppy --- 10701944 girlsmell... --- 10701951 >>10701944 like what --- 10701955 >>10701951 like h e a v e n@///////////////@ --- 10701960 >>10701955 yeah lol ^-^ --- 10702054 child sweat = no smell --- 10702060 >>10702057 eve --- 10702166 >>10702057 mom --- 10702509 can you hear me --- 10703052 helena --- 10703598 my chemical romance Helena --- 10704065 my chemical romance Helena --- 10704174 my chemical romance Helena good song --- 10704596 my chemical romance Helena --- 10705060 why page nine what the heck --- 10705397 why do speedy --- 10705416 >>10704596 The song about anon's dead gramma Your fortune: Excellent Luck --- 10705857 >>10702054 early puberty ====== big smell --- 10705998 >>10705416 such a beautiful song I love it --- 10706191 good thread --- 10706542 good --- 10706644 idk man vns are kinda boring u have guys and girls and they say things and feel good and bad then romance! every jap rpg is the same its either drug fueled or loneliness fueled REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT UGHHHkgj i have infinite respect for yall fr --- 10706842 >>10706644 uhh --- 10707592 pop --- 10707594 >>10707592 >nya! --- 10707599 child stink --- 10708597 >>10689129 (OP) >Pomf --- 10708653 >>10689129 (OP) i am going to fug the rori Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again --- 10708844 >>10689129 (OP) --- 10710026 >>10689133 >>10689155 >>10689899 >>10695233 >>10696566 >>10699944 >>10701944 >>10701955 >>10702166 >>10706644 >>10707599 >>10708844 two same numbers! --- 10710034 >>10710026 Good job Your fortune: Outlook good --- 10710865 pop --- 10710938 it was --- 10710945 the --- 10710979 costume --- 10710981 meow! --- 10711204 *pop* --- 10711725 that's right! --- 10711769 >>10689140 Only play 1-6, the rest are useless --- 10712529 inside the --- 10712531 Meow! --- 10712533 >>10712137 Play them in order --- 10712539 >>10712531 nyanyanyaltu! --- 10712866 >>10712862 Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again --- 10712874 >>10712872 yeah it's not very flashy... but it still carries the memes across nicely Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!! --- 10712980 Children are popping more and more these days --- 10712988 *pop* goes the youjo once you pop you can't stop --- 10713229 >>10712533 >>10712866 >>10712877 >>10712988 two same numbers! --- 10713696 I Love Sucking on Turds LULZ I'm 16 --- 10713736 *pop* --- 10713755 >>10689129 (OP) practicing my chanspeak I am 16 hahaha LULZ new here --- 10713859 >>10713733 >>10713755 dubs, very nice, i checkem now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJvRohYSrZM [Embed] --- 10713874 >>10713864 how does it feel? what do you do? --- 10713932 >>10713925 i am a separate entity, only by your elucidation may i obtain understanding --- 10713970 >>10713936 it did lol, i tried being a tiktok using normie recently but it was incongruent with my soul, u goys r myre le the epipen frnes lel hehe and thmxu i wan b nice frne, i hoep im nice rfne --- 10714181 >>10714149 i already deleted it lol, it's wasted enough of my time on it as is and thuxfrne people irl use it tho so i was trying to conform lol --- 10714363 >>10714337 my post history is a le cringe lel but yeah there's fun stuff in s4s's past we need to make more fun ahh >~< --- 10714379 >>10714337 Your fortune: Very Bad Luck --- 10714426 >>10714415 lole ik full well --- 10715929 >>10715017 this is skub board --- 10716014 >>10715997 i love skub --- 10716047 >>10716040 :^( --- 10716432 >>10716338 Meow! Your fortune: Better not tell you now --- 10716549 >>10716509 MREEROOOOOOOOOOWMMMMMMAAAAAOAOOOOOOOKKKKOOOOOOOOOWWWMEEEROOOOOOOEOOOOOOWWMEOWMOEMWO! --- 10716754 This is the longest running thread on 4chan --- 10716780 i post the best threads ever on this stupid ducking board and they never get this much attention in comparison :/ --- 10716910 >>10715017 im not an elder homo, no, sorry --- 10717219 >>10717196 Donkey Kong Country 2 Game Over Screen. --- 10717796 HE --- 10719807 >>10719266 Checked!!! --- 10719810 heck yeah --- 10720073 pop! comes off the costume --- 10720521 pop! comes off the costume --- 10720678 *pop* that's right! --- 10720976 it was me --- 10721254 oh wow you guys --- 10721258 child scent --- 10721260 MEOW! --- 10721261 >>10721260 MMMEEEEEOOOWWWWWWWW --- 10721262 >>10721261 MEOOOOOWMEOWOWOMMWWOOEOEMEEOKOWOWOOWMEMEOEKEMWKWOEKEMOWMWO!!!!! --- 10721270 >>10721262 >MEOOOOOWMEOWOWOMMWWOOEOEMEEOKOWOWOOWMEMEOEKEMWKWOEKEMOWMWO!!!!! loll!! thats s4s spirit right there mate --- 10721586 driving cruising fast lane switching lanes with a copy my side --- 10721765 gfarfield1! --- 10722166 greetings --- 10722175 >>10689129 (OP) I knew by the smell --- 10722836 If it wasn't for me this thread would have never been made --- 10722853 *pop* and that is how the costume comes off of her body --- 10722855 the bell is positioned to cause subliminal vagina associations and enhance sexual arousal responses to the image --- 10722895 >>10722836 do i know u? >>10722853 i never realized that >>10722855 belle! --- 10722938 >>10722895 Do you want to know me? --- 10722976 >>10722938 i kinda do mate --- 10722983 >>10722976 Okay ask me anything --- 10723056 >>10722983 ive felt the hate rise up in me --- 10723080 >>10723056 Okay you can ask me later when you feel better --- 10723106 >>10723080 kneel down and clear the stone of leaves --- 10723533 you want to know more --- 10724051 kneel down and clear the stone of leaves --- 10724218 poppa! comes off the costume just like that --- 10724220 kneel down and clear the stone of leaves --- 10724223 >>10724220 UHM EXCUSE YOU THAT'S A DIFFERENT THREAD --- 10724226 >>10724220 I love you --- 10724246 >>10724220 ur funny --- 10724252 stupid thread --- 10724622 The French are making the weirdest timeline flip ever. It is like all the lost French timelines and all the lost French dreams, loves, and ambitions, and spirits have returned to our world suddenly forever. That every French that died have returned to our world. The eternal frenchest French timeline has begun. https://on.soundcloud.com/6P4m9i2djH4ZciAA8 --- 10724663 >>10724252 pop --- 10724891 >>10724622 are ure frenche --- 10724895 that's right! --- 10725061 it was me --- 10725064 inside the costume --- 10725065 Woof! --- 10725067 woah --- 10725469 and in the crush of the dark --- 10725877 in spite of you --- 10726005 swallow it down --- 10726251 *pop's* that right! --- 10726255 'twas me --- 10726585 inside the costume --- 10726588 Meow! --- 10726611 MMMEOEOEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW --- 10726903 I'm gonna move you --- 10726997 >>10726611 disocrd could never boogie, jig, etc like this. (because its bloated) --- 10727032 >>10726997 yeah discord is lame and it's used by redditors --- 10727254 pope --- 10727376 toreadore >>10727254 --- 10727577 tremere --- 10727632 >>10727577 dub --- 10728138 >>10725877 >>10726255 >>10726588 dubs~~ frens~~~ --- 10728295 >>10728138 >dubs~~ frens~~~ WHERE --- 10728553 >>10728295 HERE!!!:::????!?!?! --- 10728573 stupid thread --- 10728575 pop! --- 10728590 that's right! --- 10728593 it was me inside the costume all along! --- 10728595 >>10728553 lolllll i savee THE PICTUREEE :DD muahhhhh ;3 --- 10728821 I can see you --- 10728824 le apocrine sweat glands... --- 10728847 >>10728595 :DDDDDD ;3 --- 10728859 >>10728847 that's cirno! you posted cirno! --- 10728950 >>10728859 :DDDDDDDDDDD Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again --- 10729222 >>10728950 and now you're posting Miku??!??!? can you get any cooler?? wowe :o --- 10729833 *poop* --- 10729897 >>10729833 that's shite! --- 10729909 >>10729897 indeed! --- 10729911 >>10729222 grape tripels anon!!! --- 10729970 >>10729911 triplels --- 10730031 >>10729222 HOW CAN YOU GET TRIPS>!>!!??!?!!??! also fren~ fren~ oh wait miku i play project diva sometimes at round one if i can motivate myself to drive that distance for iidx lel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aodzsDnFI9s [Embed] --- 10730055 >>10730031 project diva soundtrack yayyy! you do realize im crudehumor though right? :) --- 10730062 >>10730055 YES!!!! DUBBLEL DUBSE!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L3wbbX5P0o [Embed] Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン --- 10730066 >>10730062 hahahahah mate u rock lemme just listen to this mosaic wav song you linked --- 10730073 >>10730062 welp, I just listened to this song and i did it thoroughly i migh tadd >>10711769 drago quest one up to six --- 10730382 you guys post funny please --- 10730385 >>10730382 one letter off! --- 10730422 >>10730385 elaborate --- 10730425 >>10730422 cunny --- 10730427 >>10730425 post it --- 10730642 >>10689129 (OP) imagine los smelle --- 10730692 and seized up on the floor I thought she'd die --- 10731184 >>10730422 >>10730066 dubies! --- 10731191 pop* --- 10731331 pop hwhat now --- 10731339 that's --- 10731459 hawt --- 10731530 Meow! Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again --- 10731569 MEOW! :3 :3 :3 Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again --- 10731574 >>10731530 >>10731569 Lesbian fortunes Your fortune: Very Bad Luck --- 10732051 *pop* that's right! it was me inside the costume all along! --- 10732098 >>10732051 and so the costume comes off again --- 10732113 You still have something inside that you've been trying to hide. Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail --- 10732197 >>10713874 WHAT AA WHY SAFASFDI IS WHE BROWWWNWNNW --- 10732363 >>10732197 Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン --- 10732416 >>10732051 I certainly did NOT expect that --- 10732900 >>10732416 well expect it, dume bitchefre~ <3 Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!! --- 10732909 >>10732900 two same numbers! --- 10732998 can you explain that to me? --- 10733794 one more time --- 10733797 pop --- 10734039 popcorn --- 10734216 I absolutely forgot I had made this thread https://youtu.be/KxTCy7TsfXc [Embed] --- 10734342 >>10732051 what's that peeking from between her thighs --- 10734346 >>10734342 The green light of Muhammad salallah https://youtu.be/e2FKXPzsT7E [Embed] Your fortune: Good Luck --- 10735100 >>10723533 unchecked doubles on the last page! --- 10735101 that's right! it was me inside the costume all along! --- 10735292 just popped in to say 'hello' --- 10736094 >>10689129 (OP) *pop* that's right! it was her inside the costume all along! --- 10736502 >>10736094 who is that blonde bitch? --- 10736506 >>10736502 loli from dragon quest 11 --- 10736636 >>10736094 popping where >>10735101 pop as in.. WHO?? >>10735292 yeah dude like lolllll!! --- 10737051 >>10736636 3d palindromes on page 8~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFT01zoADoQ [Embed] Your fortune: Outlook good --- 10737083 >>10737051 about to listen to what you posted --- 10737309 faithfulness --- 10737930 >>10737051 alright --- 10737937 it was me --- 10737939 Give it a call! Give it a name! Special day for the eyeless and eyed people! Happy birthday and merry Halloween! Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!! --- 10737941 >>10737937 are you implying what I think you're explicitly stating? am I correct in assuming it was you inside the costume all along? --- 10738191 the company pays for the suit to be dry cleaned after each day