----- --- 2432810 How easy is it to go live in South Africa? --- 2432824 >>2432810 (OP) Do you have plenty of Dollars or Euros? --- 2433039 >>2432810 (OP) The real question is how easy is it to get full citizenship with passport? --- 2433221 >>2433039 why on earth would you want a South African passport? --- 2436194 DAAR'S 'N LAND AAN SUIDERKANT, KOM DEEL IN SY VERHALE UIT DIE OOSTE, WESTE, NOORDE, SUIDE, TOEGEBRING DIS 'N LAND MET WILDE HAND WAT UITREIK TELKEMALE OM DIE HOOP VAN MORE TE BESING DIS 'N LAND VAN KLEURE EN KLANK DIS 'N LAND VAN OORVLOED EN DANK DIS 'N LAND WAAR ALMAL NA STREWE --- 2438342 I have South African nationality as well as Belgian and I can't figure out why you'd want South African nationality outside of entering Russia easily. --- 2439552 >>2432810 (OP) If you live on the Western Cape, have enough money to live far away enough and well protected enough from the masses and can deal with load-shedding, then it's a top 10 country