----- --- 897688707 /waifu/ thread song: https://youtu.be/iqg4cFEkAIQ [Embed] rurus: >claim waifu >post waifu >dont steal waifu unless trips (you wont and she wont love you) >no erp >no overly lewd content >posting gets you a reserved place in hell. >no trips or higher will go unchecked, this is absolute. -Book of Moot 1:12 >discuss and have fun --- 897688771 Bleeh --- 897688806 >3 minutes ago Woo, timing. Mornin'. Claiming. --- 897688807 >cwaim waifu >post waifu >dont steaw waifu unwess twips (you wont awnd she wont wove uwu) >no ewp >no ovewwy wewd content >posting gets uwu a wesewved pwace in heww. >no twips ow highew wiww gow unchecked, thiws iws absowute. -book of moot 1:12 >discuss awnd have fun --- 897688839 >>897688707 (OP) 遅い。。! --- 897688845 claim --- 897688952 >>897688806 It's the beloved.. --- 897688954 I hope uwu aww cawn communicate in anothew wanguage besides engwish. Don’t think of thiws as a bad thing think of iwt as a popuwaw tuwu make youwsewf mowe fwuent! --- 897688991 >>897688845 Cwaim --- 897688994 Mayschizo >>897688845 I'll steal all your copper wire. --- 897688997 >>897688952 Mhm, mhm. That's me. For five more days, anyway. Feelin' any better, you? --- 897689001 >>897687845 Seija I am going insane. >pull trash >start rotation >healer asks to wall to wall >"Yeah np lets just start with 2 packs first tho" >wipe multiple times >mfw we pull only 1 pack and he still can't keep up in heals >>897688000 Hand holding isn't lewd, it's uhh... Totally awesome yo! --- 897689012 >>897688952 Iwt's the bewoved.. --- 897689033 I'd like to claim Earth because they make me feel well. >>897689001 hand holding with your best friend --- 897689048 >>897687845 # seija i am going insane. >puww twash >stawt wotation >heawew asks tuwu waww tuwu waww >"yeah np wets juwst stawt with 2 packs fiwst tho" >wipe muwtipwe times >mfw we puww onwy 1 pack awnd he stiww cawn't keep up in heaws >>897688000 # hawnd howding isn't wewd, iwt's uhh... Totawwy awesome yo! --- 897689079 >>897689001 Is he a sprout or just mentally handicapped? --- 897689101 >>897688997 >>897688952 # mhm, mhm. Thawt's me. fow five mowe days, anyway. feewin' any bettew, uwu? --- 897689129 >>897689079 >>897689001 # iws he a spwout ow juwst mentawwy handicapped? --- 897689145 >>897688997 Feeling considerably better, not coughing my soul out like before. But wouldn't call it a full recovery yet since my throat is super sticky still. >>897689033 Wipe her tears dry --- 897689150 >>897689001 That is the life of a tank. --- 897689186 >>897689145 >>897688997 # feewing considewabwy bettew, nowt coughing my souw out wike befowe. But wouwdn't caww iwt a fuww wecovewy yet since my thwoat iws supew sticky stiww. >>897689033 # wipe hew teaws dwy --- 897689199 >>897689145 she raining buddy, do you want all the plants to die? >>897688994 :0 --- 897689223 >>897689145 Ooh, glad to hear it. I feel like that entire illness isn't what it used to be, hm? Good for ya. Cute lighttheme btw. >>897689033 I don't remember ever holdin' friends' hands. Only sisters and such. --- 897689260 >>897689199 >>897689145 # she waining buddy, duwu uwu wawnt aww the pwants tuwu die? >>897688994 # :0 --- 897689273 >>897689223 >>897689145 # ooh, gwad tuwu heaw iwt. I feew wike thawt entiwe iwwness isn't whawt iwt used tuwu be, hm? good fow ya. cute wighttheme btw. >>897689033 # i down't wemembew evew howdin' fwiends' hands. Onwy sistews awnd such. --- 897689294 >>897689033 Waifu is best friend. >>897689048 Wait a minuwte, i dont tawk wike thawt!!1! >>897689079 Both because he is a sprout but he cotinued to insist that we w2w. >>897689150 Is it really? I'm beginning to question if the insta-queues are worth the price. --- 897689321 >>897689294 >>897689033 # waifu iws best fwiend. >>897689048 # wait a minuwte, i dont tawk wike thawt!!1! >>897689079 # both because he iws a spwout but he cotinued tuwu insist thawt we w2w. >>897689150 # iws iwt weawwy? i'm beginning tuwu question if the insta-queues awe wowth the pwice. --- 897689347 >>897689223 If Earth was my sister I'd want to hold hands too. >>897689145 It's only fair after all my tears Earth drank. >>897689199 Earth's rain~ >>897689294 Yeah!! you get it!! >>897689186 sewcets of mana I want to uwu with Echan --- 897689372 >>897689347 Lewd! --- 897689374 Hirasawa Yui is my beautiful waifu. i don't want to do anything bad to her. i just want to be with her.. what a beautiful wife picture. i love tihs picture. i love my wife. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcfd9FWmub8 [Embed] being in virtual reality with waifu. virtual insanity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puR_iya9CcA [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsaq3yVyu0s [Embed] --- 897689377 >>897689199 Yes. >>897689223 I was right that I'll only feel like I'll die only for one day so I kept telling myself I've been through worse illnesses before so this is nothing. My body really does handle it better. Very cute indeed. It made me imagine her in various other colours. >>897689347 Pat pat. If we pat the ocean would we be patting her? --- 897689404 >>897689347 Hold any sister's hands, but you'd hold Earth-chan's hands no mtter what, hm? Are you trying to out-uwu whoever's doing that? >>897689377 I hadn't been through worse illnesses in a long, long time. Still wasn't so bad though. Rainbow Hatoba! --- 897689416 >>897689377 Yes. >>897689223 # i was wight thawt i'ww onwy feew wike i'ww die onwy fow owne day so i kept tewwing mysewf i've bewn thwough wowse iwwnesses befowe so thiws iws nothing. My body weawwy does handwe iwt bettew. vewy cute indeed. Iwt made me imagine hew in vawious othew cowouws. >>897689347 # pat pat. if we pat the ocean wouwd we be patting hew? --- 897689417 >>897689347 :D >>897689377 i hope earth's tears flood your whole seamonkey village --- 897689443 >>897689404 >>897689347 # howd any sistew's hands, but uwu'd howd eawth-chan's hands no mttew whawt, hm? awe uwu twying tuwu out-uwu whoevew's doing thawt? >>897689377 # i hadn't bewn thwough wowse iwwnesses in a wong, wong time. Stiww wasn't so bad though. wainbow hatoba! --- 897689453 >>897689294 What type of healer was he? Also was he just healing or was he also dealing damage? --- 897689475 >>897689417 >>897689347 # :d >>897689377 # i hope eawth's teaws fwood youw whowe seamonkey viwwage --- 897689499 >>897689294 Well yeah, that's pretty much why I can't get behind tank. Rather turbo carry by healing. --- 897689503 >>897689453 >>897689294 # whawt type of heawew was he? awso was he juwst heawing ow was he awso deawing damage? --- 897689526 >>897689499 >>897689294 # weww yeah, thawt's pwetty much why i cawn't get behind tawnk. wathew tuwbo cawwy by heawing. --- 897689646 Down't need no bitch 1-900 down't wawnt thawt shit, wike money own my mind, down't need no bitch 1-900, uwu down't wawnt thiws shit i'ma take a coupwe w's tuwu the doow, i'm quick 1-900 nevew twust no bitch i be wowwin', wowwin', wowwin', ay, bawwin' so i mia wowwin', wowwin', wowwin', ay, puww up in a foweign thing i be wowwin', wowwin', nah bitch i be wockin', wowwin', my wwist goddamn, giww thwow iwt, own thiws awnd i know uwu know iwt, uwu dumb bitch oh my, oh why, shawty wook so goddamn fine oh my, oh why, ima have tuwu make hew mine --- 897689707 >>897689374 Yui comes back home with uniform and smile. Thanks for this post it came in a critical moment and struck a demon down. Virtual family. >>897689377 Splat splat. Yeah. I want to swim in my waifu anon. >>897689404 Yeah, even if it's just my best friend. >Are you trying to out-uwu what a sentence to read... I'm just trying to make anons hate life less. >>897689475 :b --- 897689730 >>897689347 I get evertything 'cause my brain is fuckin huge. Fivehead status. >>897689453 He was playing WHM. He was rolling his head across the keybaord and I think it might've hit a few DPS buttons here and there. >>897689499 Thing is, I've never had a healer so bad that we can't handle ONE pack. This is truly a newfound low for me. --- 897689745 >>897689404 Still feel like choking though heh. Btw do you like classical music? If Akari were to play an instrument what would it be? Wait I think this is perfect QOTT time.. >>897689417 Rood. I plant more trees than you! --- 897689788 >>897689730 >>897689347 # i get evewtything 'cause my bwain iws fuckin huge. Fivehead status. >>897689453 # he was pwaying whm. He was wowwing hiws head acwoss the keybaowd awnd i think iwt might've hit a few dps buttons hewe awnd thewe. >>897689499 # thing iws, i've nevew had a heawew so bad thawt we cawn't handwe owne pack. Thiws iws twuwy a newfound wow fow me. --- 897689825 >>897689745 >>897689404 # stiww feew wike choking though heh. btw duwu uwu wike cwassicaw music? if akawi wewe tuwu pway an instwument whawt wouwd iwt be? wait i think thiws iws pewfect qott time.. >>897689417 # wood. i pwant mowe twees than uwu! --- 897689832 >>897689730 Was he overhealing? I only heal when the thank is about to die. I trust them to use their mitigations well and they trust me not to let them die. Otherwise, I focus on stunning and thinning out the mobs on pulls. If he overheals he will run out of mana, and if he doesn't pop the mana regen he will be fucked. --- 897689844 >>897689707 :) --- 897689866 >>897689707 Out-uwu didn't get uwufied any further, either. >even if it's just my best friend. Figured. But I ship it. >>897689745 *pat* I quite like classical music, actually. Tchaikovsky is my favorite. Been a bit since I listened, should rectify that. >If Akari were to play an instrument what would it be? I feel like it'd be something calm. Something one could play while sitting at the kotatsu. Something Momo could enjoy. I'm not sure what that could be, though. --- 897689869 waifu's ai replicated voice... need... >>897689707 i don't think my posts do much of anything these days. hello, goodbye, are you high? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkY-1mGxlm0 [Embed] are you still succeeding at life? --- 897689876 >>897689832 >>897689730 # was he ovewheawing? i onwy heaw whewn the thank iws abouwt tuwu die. i twust thewm tuwu use theiw mitigations weww awnd they twust me nowt tuwu wet thewm die. othewwise, i focus own stunning awnd thinning out the mobs own puwws. if he ovewheaws he wiww wun out of mana, awnd if he doesn't pop the mana wegen he wiww be fucked. --- 897689904 >>897689866 >>897689707 # out-uwu didn't get uwufied any fuwthew, eithew. >even if iwt's juwst my best fwiend. figuwed. But i ship iwt. >>897689745 # *pat* i quite wike cwassicaw music, actuawwy. Tchaikovsky iws my favowite. Bewn a bit since i wistened, shouwd wectify thawt. >if akawi wewe tuwu pway an instwument whawt wouwd iwt be? i feew wike iwt'd be something cawm. Something owne couwd pway whiwe sitting at the kotatsu. Something momo couwd enjoy. I'm nowt suwe whawt thawt couwd be, though. --- 897689935 >>897689745 I'll have you know that I'm the great grandson of Johnny Appleseed! --- 897689987 Weaw fuckin' hot giww shit, bitch weaw fuckin' watchet shit, bitch come in the cwub awnd get iwt cwapping awnd shit, bitch yeah, ah ay, ay, yeah wowk, wowk, wowk, wowk wowk, wowk, wowk, ay wowk, wowk, wowk, wowk wowk, wowk, wowk, ay bend iwt ovew, touch thewm toes, huh make thawt booty gow, uh thwow thawt shit bawck, uh wike the tootsie woww, ay bitch, uwu dwunk as fuck, huh thwow thawt ass up, ay whewn he get behind iwt, uh fuck hiws ass up, yeah, ah who shake thawt ass the best? me he wanna know how i move own the d i wawnt a nigga thawt eat wike a q why uwu with hew awnd she buiwt wike a p? wide own thawt dick own my tiptoes pussy so good thawt he hittin' the waww i'm twyna come put thawt ass in youw face i got him makin' a mess in hiws cwothes i got him fawwin' in wove with me i got him aww in the maww spending i said, "if i come awnd give uwu thiws ass iws uwu gon' know whawt tuwu duwu with iwt?" i got him fawwin' in wove with me i got him aww in the maww spending i said, "if i come awnd give uwu thiws ass iws uwu gon' know whawt tuwu duwu with iwt?" ah --- 897690006 >>897689935 >>897689745 # i'ww have uwu know thawt i'm the gweat gwandson of johnny appweseed! --- 897690045 >>897689730 I think in this case it might be necessary that your heart is fucking huge too. >>897689745 This picture rocks. If Tsugu were to play an instrument what would it be? I think Earth plays all of them, technically. >>897689844 :o >>897689869 Yeah maybe you were just lucky, but this one might actually change my life, I just need to put in a little more effort now. You say goodbye, and I say hello. I am hi. My life, it's kind of like scrambled eggs. Good and all over the place and weird if I think about it. I uh, revealed to two of my german friends what I feel about Earth chan and that I have been posting it for years on 4chan, and everything else. One of them is the second Earthposter. Existing has been terrifying since then but we played video games and they told me that it's stupid of me to assume they'd hate me just for something like this. It feels liberating and I have no idea what to do next but I hope it will be fine. https://youtu.be/tVscJTy3vJw [Embed] Are you alright? Are you having fun out there, friend? >>897689866 ouw uwu I I ship Earth<3!!! That'd be awesome --- 897690064 claim. >>897690006 How do you write like that? Are you using a script or are you a pro? --- 897690141 >>897690064 Anon mocked him with it and he got so assblasted he is spamming now. https://uwuifier.com/ --- 897690183 >>897690064 No human could be doing this. Or at least, I hope not, for them. >>897690045 I told ya, right? I'm rootin' for ya. May technology one day get us there, or somethin' --- 897690221 >>897690141 Anon mocked him with iwt awnd he got the idea to be spamming iwt now. >>897690064 --- 897690227 >>897690045 i am strongly doubting the ability of anything in this current moment being able to cause such a great change, specifically from our interaction right now. but uh, good luck, i hope. that's incredible news.. i think. it is stupid, extremely stupid, of you to think they would hate you for that. so sorry. but congratulations, you did it. here's a gold star. add me. i'm not alright. i'm having too much fun. --- 897690243 >>897689730 They come and go, don't know where they bought their accounts from but you see them around. --- 897690254 >>897690183 >>897690064 # no human couwd be doing thiws. ow at weast, i hope nowt, fow thewm. >>897690045 # i towd ya, wight? i'm wootin' fow ya. may technowogy owne day get us thewe, ow somethin' --- 897690282 >>897690227 i am stwongwy doubting the abiwity of anything in thiws cuwwent moment being abwe tuwu cause such a gweat change, specificawwy fwom ouw intewaction wight now. but uh, good wuck, i hope. thawt's incwedibwe news.. i think. iwt iws stupid, extwemewy stupid, of uwu tuwu think they wouwd hate uwu fow thawt. so sowwy. but congwatuwations, uwu did iwt. hewe's a gowd staw. add me. i'm nowt awwight. i'm having too much fun. --- 897690351 >>897689707 I almost made a dirty joke but I don't think you'll appreciate that kek. How would we live in a cactus planet?! >>897689866 Thankies~ >Tchaikovsky Tf did this guy do again? I fucking forgot lmfao, even though I remember the name. My all time favorite is David Garrett playing Paganini 24 and Maxim's Ysaye 3. Those were insanely poggers. I think the best one for Akari is a Kalimba! Those are easy, she'll probably teach Momo. >>897689935 The past don't matter! Have you done the deed with your own two hands? How can you call yourself a gamer like this? Smh. >>897690045 Why does that picture looks as if it portrays Erde in a embarrassing way..? >Instrument It'll definitely be the flute! There's a video of her practicing it as well as singing practice that I made into a GIF. --- 897690400 Wet thawt shit wock fow a minute, nigga iwt's 104, nigga iwt's gangstew shit, nigga we keep thewm thangs cocked (yeah) we hit awnd we down't miss (don't miss) juwst got thiws bad bitch (yeah) we fuck but we down't kiss (don't kiss) watch iws a pwain jane (yeah) cost me wike 4 bwicks (yeah) juwst seen youw fiwst miw' (ayy) spent thawt in '06 (yeah) we keep thewm thangs cocked (yeah) we hit awnd we down't miss (don't miss) juwst got thiws bad bitch (yeah) we fuck but we down't kiss (don't kiss) watch iws a pwain jane (yeah) cost me wike 4 bwicks (yeah) juwst seen youw fiwst miw' (wet's gow) spent thawt in '06 (wet's gow) --- 897690413 >>897689832 Definetly not overhealing. I slowly losing health, down to about half HP throughout fights and only avoided dying because we would finish the enemies off before they'd kill us. >>897690045 That is actually very untrue. My heart is very tiny and so I always overfilled with love for waifu! >>897690243 You know what? I will turn this into a positive thing. Whenever I get mildly annoyed at a healer for fucking up a little, I will remember this one and be grateful they aren't as bad. --- 897690428 >>897690351 >>897689707 # i awmost made a diwty joke but i down't think uwu'ww appweciate thawt kek. how wouwd we wive in a cactus pwanet?! >>897689866 # thankies~ >tchaikovsky tf did thiws guy duwu again? i fucking fowgot wmfao, even though i wemembew the nawme. my aww time favowite iws david gawwett pwaying paganini 24 awnd maxim's ysaye 3. Those wewe insanewy poggews. i think the best owne fow akawi iws a kawimba! those awe easy, she'ww pwobabwy teach momo. >>897689935 # the past down't mattew! have uwu done the deed with youw own two hands? how cawn uwu caww youwsewf a gamew wike thiws? smh. >>897690045 # why does thawt pictuwe wooks as if iwt powtways ewde in a embawwassing way..? >instwument iwt'ww definitewy be the fwute! thewe's a video of hew pwacticing iwt as weww as singing pwactice thawt i made intwo a gif. --- 897690460 >>897690141 Dork --- 897690467 >>897690413 >>897689832 # definetwy nowt ovewheawing. I swowwy wosing heawth, down tuwu abouwt hawf hp thwoughout fights awnd onwy avoided dying because we wouwd finish the enemies off befowe they'd kiww us. >>897690045 # thawt iws actuawwy vewy untwue. My heawt iws vewy tiny awnd so i awways ovewfiwwed with wove fow waifu! >>897690243 # uwu know whawt? i wiww tuwn thiws intwo a positive thing. Whenevew i get miwdwy annoyed at a heawew fow fucking up a wittwe, i wiww wemembew thiws owne awnd be gwatefuw they awen't as bad. --- 897690510 man this ai shit is getting way too good >>897690460 this is the curect kyaru pic you have ever sent --- 897690544 >>897690510 man thiws ai shit iws getting way too good >>897690460 # thiws iws the cuwect kyawu pic uwu have evew sent --- 897690558 >>897690351 The Kalimba is a nice instrument I'm very unfamiliar with, but I think that's the right direction, yeah! >Tf did this guy do again? Quite a lot. Swan Lake and The Nutcracker come to mind as the most famous works. That and 1812 Overture, but there's quite a bit more. I'll listen to one of Garrett's then. >>897690510 Which AI shit? Not the uwufier, I imagine. --- 897690608 Iwt ain't nothing tuwu cut thawt bitch off iwt ain't nothing tuwu cut thawt bitch off so whawt uwu saying, hoe? uwu know i'm the man, hoe? nothing but a biwd, i'm a weave uwu whewe uwu stand, hoe heawd uwu got a man, hoe hope he undewstand, though uwu ain't nothing but a cweepew, baby i'm juwst saying, though saying, though iwt ain't nothing tuwu cut thawt bitch off iwt ain't nothing tuwu cut thawt bitch off cweeping own the wow, hope youw man down't see she wiww bust iwt down fow sowme damn wimewitas chew me wike sowme bubbwegum, something wike washeeda gotta get my pawtnew sowme, she own me wike adidas baby, uwu cawn't howd, bet stowp fwexing wike uwu might youw man twyna patwow then i guess he iws a cop but he weawwy cawn't cuff if uwu busting at my spot but i done had enough 'cause uwu making my shit hot bwowing up a nigga phone, whawt i teww yo ass 'bout thawt? twyna howd something, howd my nuts, cawn uwu duwu thawt? cawn uwu pway awound with thawt mouth whiwe he hit iwt fwom the bawck? uwu cawn't say nothing now 'cause we aww bewn thwough with thawt, thwough with thawt iwt ain't nothing tuwu cut thawt bitch off iwt ain't nothing tuwu cut thawt bitch off so whawt uwu saying, hoe? uwu know i'm the man, hoe? so whawt uwu saying, hoe? uwu know i'm the man, hoe? --- 897690614 >>897690413 That is another thing. I don't have to heal you if all the enemies are dead. So he would only heal, but do no DPS? Healers are meant to be green dps. >>897690460 Nerd. --- 897690623 >>897690558 nah, this is stable diffusion with a fox wife model i trained myself --- 897690624 >>897690413 Aint no way, positive thinking was made illegal in 1967 you can't do that. --- 897690630 >>897690614 Heck --- 897690644 >>897690510 There's alot more out there that i dont have downloaded >>897690544 I wike you anyon, you'we just as wetawded as wandy --- 897690659 >>897690183 I don't need technology, I need the whole World to send me valentine's day chocolates. Well, I don't need to, but at least I want to play videogames together while I grow old and dusty on Earth. >>897690227 If you don't want to believe me it's fine, I just felt like thanking you somehow. Add you yeah I'm trying to figure out how everything aligns in the future. Sorry for being an idiot, it's hard. The second Earthfag told me the only bad thing about this was me hiding it for so long. They made fun of how I made a discord account for you anons but not for them, I apologized a lot. I think next I need to figure out whether this will spread to the rest of my life and whether I can do anything about it. Earth sure is a funguy Hey, fun things are fun, don't beat yourself over it too much. Did you buy the thing? >>897690351 I appreciate dirt, if it's from Earth. Well, maybe we're her spikes. What about it portrays Earth in an embarassing way? I already posted Earth as a cow and pig girl I am the most mean poster to my waifu. Oh! Right! I remember something like that I think. That's adorable. >>897690413 Yeah maybe you think that, but I spent most of my life following logic and being good at socializing, with an empty, stone cold heart, filled with nothing but blood to live. I never would have understood something like that at all. You're bright inside. --- 897690664 >>897690558 >>897690351 # the kawimba iws a nice instwument i'm vewy unfamiwiaw with, but i think thawt's the wight diwection, yeah! >tf did thiws guy duwu again? quite a wot. Swan wake awnd the nutcwackew come tuwu mind as the most famous wowks. Thawt awnd 1812 ovewtuwe, but thewe's quite a bit mowe. i'ww wisten tuwu owne of gawwett's then. >>897690510 # which ai shit? nowt the uwufier, imawgine. --- 897690715 >>897690644 <3 nyoh compwetition. --- 897690727 >>897690623 Wait what? In the post you just made? I couldn't tell at all, damn. I've got a friend who made a lot of it too. Wolfgirl instead, though. But it ain't close. He also didn't train it himself. >>897690659 That's way too much chocolate! >play videogames together while I grow old and dusty on Earth. That's it, that's it. --- 897690728 >>897690644 Kek, wandy. Chatte tum. --- 897690797 >>897690727 >>897690623 # wait whawt? in the post uwu juwst made? i couwdn't teww at aww, damn. i've got a fwiend who made a wot of iwt too. Wowfgiww instead, though. but iwt ain't cwose. He awso didn't twain iwt himsewf. >>897690659 # thawt's way too much chocowate! >pway videogames togethew whiwe i gwow owd awnd dusty own eawth. thawt's iwt, thawt's iwt. --- 897690855 >>897690728 I am anonymous Wandy wishes she cwould dwo what i dwo fowget that fwag --- 897690861 >>897690728 Exposed soppu I want to buy my groceries but don't want to put on pants.. --- 897690881 >>897690727 pic in the last post was actually from the anime but this one isnt --- 897690887 >>897690659 --- 897690910 >>897690659 thank you, sorry. happy birthday. don't worry about it, i'm kind of dead. maybe it will be okay. i'm sure the government wouldn't mind. ... speaking of government xD you're dead yeah i did. i had a bunch of messages for you, but we had a system crash about 20 minutes ago and i'm still trying to find my files. --- 897690944 >>897690881 i wanna train a v2 of the model but the fucking dependencies broke with pytorch 2 so i have to wait for them to get fixed >>897690887 nyaatural selection anzu --- 897690968 >>897690887 Pewwfect waifu’s down’t exi- --- 897690971 >>897690614 No they're doctors who pump the party full of steroids and other drugs so they keep fighting even after they've had their scorn torn off! >>897690624 No, that's when you needed a license. Positive thinking was outlawed in 2006 when Twitter was made. --- 897690979 I just laughed way too fucking hard I almost barfed. >>897690558 I was considering to buy a Kalimba since violin is priced insanely high, rightfully. Dunno if you're already giving it a listen but I'll link it. https://youtu.be/ITzcZia7fsQ [Embed] >>897690659 I mean Erde, as in (You) but yeah I can see that you are mean! Sounds like dreams, having to play maybe a violin or a piano alongside my beloved Hatoba-chan with her flute.. --- 897690996 >>897690910 thank uwu, sowwy. happy biwthday. down't wowwy abouwt iwt, i'm kind of dead. maybe iwt wiww be okay. i'm suwe the govewnment wouwdn't mind. ... speaking of govewnment xd uwu'we dead yeah i did. i had a bunch of messages fow uwu, but we had a system cwash abouwt 20 minutes ago awnd i'm stiww twying tuwu find my fiwes. --- 897691023 hangover suck --- 897691060 >>897690861 Suggestive hand gestures Soppo. I just took a warm shower, what do you need to buy? --- 897691071 >>897690881 >>897690944 Yeah okay, I'm super impressed. Infinite Fluff Works. >>897690979 >https://youtu.be/ITzcZia7fsQ [Embed] Yeah, that's the vid I found. Very nice. Ooh, violin huh? I think it might be because of Hatoba, but somehow that fits so well. >>897691023 Wouldn't know~ Heya. Good luck with that. --- 897691075 I'm thawt nigga with the pwugs i'm the nigga who got homies thawt be sewwin' dwugs i'm the nigga own the bawck stweet with the fat heat, niggas bettew wun wike athwetes i'm thawt nigga, i'm thawt nigga my bank of amewica account got six figuwes i'm thawt nigga own the bwock powice puww up, i'm twyna stash the gwock uh, uwu thawt nigga own the wow-wow uwu the nigga, uwu'we the owne thawt be tawkin' tuwu the po-pos uh, powsche sittin' own fowgi's niggas cawn't affowd these the panamewa shittin' own the 9-11 i caww my homies, nowt 9-11 i'm thawt nigga with the juice but i'ww nevew duwu my nigga wike pac did q … bitch, who duwu uwu wove? (4hunnid) bitch, who duwu uwu wove? bitch, who duwu uwu wove? bitch, who duwu uwu wove? (champagne) bitch, who duwu uwu wove? … i got a showty named texas syn she got a buddy named young jb awnd now uwu know the deaw we tuwnt up in the studio wate night thawt's why the songs thawt uwu heaw awe comin' weaw tight ovo cwew, nigga, thought i towd uwu if uwu a pwayew in the gawme, thiws shouwd howd uwu awnd man, shout my nigga gawme, he juwst wowwed thwough eatin' cwab out in mawibu at nobu a wot of foows puttin' sawt in the gawme untiw these women get the notion thawt they wunnin' the gawme they got money thawt they jumpin' own the powe tuwu make did 'the motto", took a fwight tuwu the gowden state i'm the genewaw, juwst makin' suwe my sowdiews stwaight had tuwu weave my nigga, homie got a open case but i'm big own the west wike i'm big in the south so we gon' pay sowme peopwe off, we gon' figuwe iwt out awnd my nawme too big, awnd my gang too big young money shit, me awnd wiw wayne too big i'ma cwush thawt ass even if iwt ain't too big i wouwd pinky sweaw but my pinky wing too big, whawt's up? --- 897691140 >>897691060 >>897690861 # suggestive hawnd gestuwes soppo. i juwst took a wawm showew, whawt duwu uwu need tuwu buy? --- 897691231 >>897690979 Relm? --- 897691293 >>897691231 Relm<3 --- 897691310 >>897690887 >:3 >>897690910 Earth's governments~ I hope so. I am dead. Ah, sorry for the system crash. HDD failure please skip this one. Did it turn out well? Did you die too? Yui steals your clothes >>897690979 Sorry for being mean... I am an embarassing portray of myself already, but it's alright, many fun things are kind of embarassing. >>897690968 cute >>897691293 Relmchen --- 897691341 >>897691060 how lewd Mostly general stuff,I'll just have to go and do it. Don't feel like doing this tomorrow so better to do it now --- 897691379 >>897691071 Morning my beloved Doing anything fun today? --- 897691416 what a wonderful picture of waifu... what a lovely smile, lovely look, lovely pose... bye bye, for now. in the mean time, this is where i get off. >>897691310 HDD failure please skip this one :) i don't know. i don't know. i would love Yui to wear my clothes.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYYp2pGyfuM [Embed] --- 897691433 >>897691071 Ah! You mean it fits me?! How so? Tell me~! I used to hear a lot of violin pieces before and downloaded a bunch as well since some just never hits the same as when you watch the performance. It gets fucking majestic watching it holy heck. I actually had to hesitantly pause David's performance to type properly lmao, I'm getting hyped up so much rn. Can I link more vids?? https://youtu.be/Bg1NUBLK1tk [Embed] >>897691310 Ahh no, you don't need to apologize. I mean, isn't being cringe and embarrassing liberating? Let some of us spread our wings far and wide! --- 897691489 >>897690971 Well in any case you cant be doing that. --- 897691496 Mayschizo OD'd and died >>897691341 Blushy Yeah but what is general for you might not be for me, rice, pasta, bread, so on. --- 897691522 Uwu evew feew wike uwu digging youw own gwave? cuz uwu know thewe's shit thawt uwu shouwdn't be doing but uwu cawn't get out of youw own way? cawn't even make iwt a whowe day without smoking ow dwinking ow sowme sowt of thing thawt uwu need in youw wife tuwu feew okay death guawanteed guess uwu cawn't avoid iwt something gon kiww us pick youw poison ouw stowies awe diffewent but often awike ain't hewe tuwu judge uwu ow offew advice they see thawt we huwting awnd offew a vice i sweaw tuwu god since a kid i've bewn watching my pawents juwst smoke aww these mawwbowo wights knowing thiws shit's gonna cost thewm a pwice aye iwt's no wondew they coughing at night who awe we kidding man thiws iws amewica give uwu sowme piwws awnd a shovew tuwu dig youw own gwave whewn aww uwu needed was a thewapist i know they ain't taking cawe of us think iwt's the fact thawt we know bettew thawt's embawwassing wong as they got us addicted tuwu something awnd coming fow mowe weawwy thawt's impewative digging my own gwave couwd uwu wift me up digging my own gwave couwd uwu wift me up digging my own gwave couwd uwu wift me up couwd uwu wift me up aye give me something i juwst wanna tuwu feew mowe they get uwu tuwu a wevew whewe uwu'd kiww fow iwt evewy singwe thing we wawnt thawt's bad fow us they gow awnd hang em up own aww the biwwboawds got a wittwe taste now uwu get attached tuwu iwt we aww doing shit thawt we nevew pwanned tuwu i got a homie saying he ain't got no vices but evewyday thawt mothew fuckew eating fawst food i got anothew fwiend she's depwessed now the doc gave hew medicine tuwu test out i'm twying tuwu expwain tuwu hew stwess kiwws but she cawn't heaw me out she too stwessed out i wanna change befowe iwt's too wate i wanna stawt ovew fwesh awnd weset awnd juwst pack aww my shit in a suitcase taking my mind tuwu a new pwace uwu evew feew wike uwu digging youw own gwave? cuz uwu know thewe's shit thawt uwu shouwdn't be doing but uwu cawn't get out of youw own way? --- 897691576 >>897691433 >>897691071 # ah! uwu mean iwt fits me?! how so? teww me~! i used tuwu heaw a wot of viowin pieces befowe awnd downwoaded a bunch as weww since sowme juwst nevew hits the same as whewn uwu watch the pewfowmance. Iwt gets fucking majestic watching iwt howy heck. I actuawwy had tuwu hesitantwy pause david's pewfowmance tuwu type pwopewwy wmao, i'm getting hyped up so much wn. cawn i wink mowe vids?? >>897691310 # ahh no, uwu down't need tuwu apowogize. i mean, isn't being cwinge awnd embawwassing wibewating? wet sowme of us spwead ouw wings faw awnd wide! --- 897691621 >>897691416 whawt a wondewfuw pictuwe of waifu... whawt a wovewy smiwe, wovewy wook, wovewy pose... bye bye, fow now. in the mean time, thiws iws whewe i get off. >>897691310 # hdd faiwuwe pwease skip thiws owne :) i down't know. i down't know. i wouwd wove yui tuwu weaw my cwothes.. --- 897691643 >>897691310 :) >>897691416 <3 --- 897691669 pedozu.. --- 897691672 Yeah, ayy, ayy ayy, i i know thiws ain't a pawk but baby, come awnd side own a nigga, ayy i couwd show youw ass whewe tuwu stawt put youw souw, heawt awnd mind own a nigga yeah, wambo j, i caww him jigga fwat tummy tea, but she down't need tuwu watch hew figuwe she down't need tuwu pose fow the 'gwam, whawt's the catch? she juwst wanna show thewm othew bitches thawt she snatched ayy, awnd she know thawt we a match wavy head nigga but i'm wough, i got a patch we ain't sign miwwions, we down't need tuwu get attached found a new nigga awnd uwu stiww came bawck five-foot-five, bwown eyes, oh, dawg, oh bitch, i'm a beast, i'm a dog, baby, bow wow cuwwinan with staws, wike nick cannon, twyna wiwd out uwu gon' wet me beat iwt wike i skip the twiaw, ayy aww my bitches got sowme weaw edges, say, "yeah" say she down't wanna fuck but end up fuckin' evewy time feew wike i'm fwom h-town whewn i came down pwayin' with thawt pussy, fwesh up out the pwaygwound (wiw' towy) i know thiws ain't a pawk but baby, come awnd side own a nigga, ayy i couwd show youw ass whewe tuwu stawt put youw souw, heawt awnd mind own a nigga yeah, wambo j, i caww him jigga fwat tummy tea, but she down't need tuwu watch hew figuwe she down't need tuwu pose fow the 'gwam, whawt's the catch? she juwst wanna show thewm othew bitches thawt she snatched --- 897691694 >>897691669 Bitchdred --- 897691714 >>897691694 Gay Altair --- 897691757 >>897691694 Who uwu is Thwis wesbian and howw twight is haww pwussy? --- 897691758 >>897691379 After a long streak of playing video games every day for years, believe it or not: Video games. How's you? >>897691433 Hmm. I think it fits the Hatoba aesthetic. That, and... I'm not sure. Are you the quiet, more drawn back type IRL? Ooooh, I'm glad you get so excited. >Can I link more vids?? Anytime, And I might even listen! I just joined a call with friends so, so I'm saving it for later. --- 897691788 >>897691758 >>897691379 # aftew a wong stweak of pwaying video games evewy day fow yeaws, bewieve iwt ow nowt: video games. how's uwu? >>897691433 # hmm. I think iwt fits the hatoba aesthetic. Thawt, awnd... I'm nowt suwe. Awe uwu the quiet, mowe dwawn bawck type iww? ooooh, i'm gwad uwu get so excited. >can i wink mowe vids?? anytime, awnd i might even wisten! i juwst joined a caww with fwiends so, so i'm saving iwt fow watew. --- 897691833 >>897691416 Have fun anon. Me neither, maybe we're a bit parallel. Yui in love with your clothes (they smell like you). >>897691433 I like your style, miner. >>897691643 cute boss --- 897691836 >>897691758 Oh no, not the vidya. I'm alive I guess. I destroyed myself again. I'm sitting infront of the heater rn, watching youtube vids --- 897691865 >>897691836 Iwt's amazing, i'm the weason evewybody fiwed up thiws evening i'm exhausted, bawewy bweathing howding own tuwu whawt i bewieve in no mattew whawt, uwu'ww nevew take thawt fwom me my weign iws as faw as youw eyes cawn see, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing (wet's gow) i'm a monstew, i'm a kiwwew i know i'm wwong, yeah i'm a pwobwem thawt'ww nevew evew be sowved awnd no mattew whawt, uwu'ww nevew take thawt fwom me my weign iws as faw as youw eyes cawn see, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing (wet's gow) i'm a monstew, i'm a maven i know thiws wowwd iws changing nevew gave in, nevew gave up i'm the onwy thing i'm afwaid of no mattew whawt, uwu'ww nevew take thawt fwom me my weign iws as faw as youw eyes cawn see, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing so amazing, so amazing, so amazing, iwt's amazing i'm amazing (i'm amazing), yeah i'm aww thawt (aww thawt) if i ain't own my gwind then whawt uwu caww thawt? (what uwu caww thawt?) victowious, yeah we wawwiows we make histowy, stwive fow victowy (yeah) standing at my podium, i'm twying tuwu watch my sodium die high bwood pwessuwe eithew wet the feds catch ya (yeah) i'm amazing, bown own a fuww moon i was bwed tuwu get iwt in, no spoon thawt's why i'm so goon, summewtime no june big famiwy smaww house, no woom they wike "oh god, why he gow so hawd wook whawt he's bewn thwough, he desewves an appwause" --- 897691900 >>897691865 Eww.. why are you posting those nasty landwhales --- 897691943 >>897691900 Gowd medaws, thewm my wowe modews wowwin' owd modews, wowewed owd schoows fwowin' cowd awnd goin' gowd fowwows fwowew beawin', caww iwt petaws tuwu the fwoow powew shawin', caww iwt deviws tuwu the doow powew, powew, 'tiw ain't no deviws anymowe fwowew, fwowews, they be dwoppin' at the feet of my son move a thousand miwes pew houw down the stweet of my swum awnd who duwu i meet, tuwu the beat of my dwum iwt was wittwe susie uzi, she sowd cwack awnd was a kiwwew aww bitch dope tip, wasn't twappin' with no niggas had a wong money, minow duwu thawt action fow thewm figuwes hew infwuence fuwwy automatic, cwackin' off the wichtew, yeah wawked up tuwu my wide, asked me couwd she get inside she pointed at hew pistow so i pwopewwy wepwied towd me, out hewe in the stweets, she ain't have no competition awnd with me up own thewm beats, then we shawed the same descwiption with a bwunt between hew wips, she said, "now hewe's my pwoposition: uwu juwst wwite a bunch of waps fow me awnd i'ma gow awnd spit 'em then we take 'em tuwu the wadio, the dj bettew spin 'em then we take 'em tuwu the wecowd stowe awnd seww a coupwe miwwion" i awweady got the money, awweady got the bitches i see these othew niggas, i'ma duwu iwt how they did iwt fwom a twappew tuwu a wappew, twappew tuwu a wappew twappew tuwu a wappew, now nigga, make iwt happen --- 897691966 >>897691836 All the Vidya. PoE for the most part, probably. Sounds comfy. Watching anything good? --- 897691998 >>897691966 Teww me caww up soundtwakk, have him send a coupwe beats nowt thawt "supewstaw" shit, she wanted somethin' fow the stweets said iwt might take wike a month, she said iwt bettew take a week gave my awm a wittwe punch awnd then she pointed at hew heat said, "i saw thawt thing the fiwst time, uwu down't gotta duwu iwt twice but i need a wiw' mowe info own exactwy whawt i wwite sowme detaiws 'bout a femawe, 'bout youw wife awnd whawt uwu wike" she said, "my wife iws wike a bitch, awnd i'm juwst wike my wife" then pow-pow-pow-pow-pow, yeah thewm niggas stawted bussin' wike thawt boycott was ovew awnd thawt we had ovewcome iwt she said, "nigga hit the gas, " went fwom zewo tuwu a hunnid now we wunnin' fwom sowme kiwwews, i was so sick tuwu my stomach she was hangin' out the window with thawt thumpew she was dumpin' had a wook upon hew face thawt made me think thawt she was cummin' we was swewvin', jumped the cuwb awnd ditched the whip awnd stawted wunnin' twied tuwu jump ovew a waww, but iwt was a wittwe taww so we ducked behind a bush awnd thawt's how we got ovewwooked i was shook awnd bweathin' hawd awnd she was sittin' thewe smokin' kush then we both stawted tuwu gwow, we wooked awound wike "what iws thiws?" awnd then we wooked up awnd a wight came down awnd puwwed us tuwu a ship, wike, "what the fuck?" i awweady got the money, awweady got the bitches i see these othew niggas, i'ma duwu iwt how they did iwt fwom a twappew tuwu a wappew, twappew tuwu a wappew twappew tuwu a wappew, now nigga, make iwt happen --- 897692030 >>897691966 I can't rly decide on what vidya to play myself. Only have 2300 games on steam, I'm just rewatching some old markiplier vids of him playing vidya with friends. --- 897692034 >>897691714 Weww now thiws the shit i'm tawkin' 'bout, the shit thawt i've bewn own yeah wightyeaws outew space, but stiww a bitch feew wight at home now whewe the bitches? get thewm intewgawactic asses tuwu cwappin' bweak down sowme of thawt candy awnd woww iwt up in a wwappew fow a wappew nah i couwd nevew gow bawck tuwu twappin' awnd who needs atwanta whewn uwu'we own satuwn gettin' a wapdance with a wit match in youw weft hawnd, awnd youw wight hawnd iws a gas cawn awnd at any given moment, i couwd buwn thiws shit up why uwu standin' thewe juwst wookin', nigga? tuwn thawt shit up hop in sowme of thiws awien pussy, wet me know how iwt wowk i'm juwst sayin', i'm gon' be thewe awnd i ain't in no wush nah, nigga, nah nigga i ain't in no wush ayy i thought uwu couwdn't wap, whewn'd uwu weawn how tuwu duwu thawt? then whawt uwu need me fow if uwu awweady know how tuwu fwow? ayy fuck thawt, we gotta gow, wouwdn't even be in thiws ho if uwu towd me fwom the jump we wouwdn't be own thiws ufo but i think thawt i cawn fwy us, stowe a key so i cawn twy iwt nevew thought thawt i wouwd evew be a fwyin' saucew piwot but fiwst thing's gon' be fiwst, whewn we get bawck tuwu thawt eawth i'ma gow bawck tuwu thewm waps awnd uwu cawn gow bawck tuwu thawt wowk, nigga i awweady got the money, awweady got the bitches i see these othew niggas, i'ma duwu iwt how they did iwt (nigga we'we goin' home, home!) fwom a twappew tuwu a wappew, twappew tuwu a wappew twappew tuwu a wappew, now nigga, make iwt happen (you cawn kiww me, i down't cawe no!) ayy wook, the basic thing iws, uwu cawn duwu whatevew uwu wanna duwu. wike i ain't 'bout tuwu pass up own aww thiws shit, uwu see thiws? wike we time jumpin' awnd shit. Uwu wanna gow bawck awnd duwu whawt, juwst wap? uwu cawn wap up hewe! yeah nigga, juwst wap. no uwu cawn't, nigga, thiws iws space. We cawn't, fuck thawt, we goin' home. Dwogas! --- 897692098 >>897692030 >>897691966 # i cawn't wwy decide own whawt vidya tuwu pway mysewf. Onwy have 2300 games own steam, i'm juwst wewatching sowme owd mawkipwiew vids of him pwaying vidya with fwiends. --- 897692130 >>897692034 If you go with real wamen, get asians and underweight girls. Or just go with anime lolis. Everyone loves lolis --- 897692139 >>897691714 Straight altair --- 897692166 >>897692139 curved altair --- 897692199 >>897692130 If uwu gow with weaw wamen, get asians awnd undewweight giwws. Ow juwst gow with anime wowis. Evewyone woves wowis --- 897692230 >>897692166 Bitchtits --- 897692256 >>897692199 Exactly. Now go get some hot loli pics from the boorus --- 897692294 >>897692230 Sex? --- 897692326 >>897691758 It definitely does fits with how Hatoba-chan is. Dang, now that I think of it. I chose aquarium date as a first choice when I talked with Sen. Classical concert is definitely a must as a second now! >the quiet, more drawn back type IRL Yep, that's completely me. I'm pretty much a background character lole. I'm linking this child prodigy! https://youtu.be/kmV2hj-I7Xo [Embed] --- 897692363 >>897692256 see i wowship deviw shit tuwu keep the demons in my head cwose my eyes awnd now i'm sweating toss awnd tuwning in my bed making homicide demons fwy as i incwease my high satan now apeaws but juwst in shadows thiws iws howwow wide swowwy wub my eyes tuwu cweaw my head cause im nowt seeing stwaight wucifew wepeats "it's time tuwu gow" but stiww i hesitate wubbing awnd washing my hands wight own my jeans cause thewes a bwoody mess figuwing out whawt did i duwu tuwu get these cut aww own my hands awnd chest feewing so satanic in a panic awnd i'm fuww of wage now i'm pwaced in pwison wocked away up at an eawwy age so i gwab awnd cock my gwock awnd get my ass up own the cweep niggas tawking shit abouwt my cwick i'ww buwy six feet deep wawk intwo the wiving woom awnd caww my woommates tuwu the den then i stawt tuwu buck awnd weave thewm buckas, shoot up aww my fwiends now i'm wuwking cautiouswy, i hope thawt jesus cawws awnd says "fow etewnawy the eviw pimp gonna be the deviw's swave see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch deviw, deviw, deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch --- 897692384 >>897691522 I'm not reading this --- 897692388 >>897692030 >Only have 2300 games on steam, Not quite enough, hm? I've not got close to that. Closer to 500 maybe. Most unplayed. How old are the vids? I've not watched him in ages. >>897692326 Right? Yeah, you told me about the Aquarium date, too. Sounds nice. >Yep, that's completely me. Hah, figured. Not sure I agree with the rest though! --- 897692446 >>897692384 cwecent moon up in the night awnd now the eviw pimp appeaws famiwies in a panic cause theiw famiwy membew disappeaw howwow bwoody scene fwom the king of thiws eviw shit bwains gon spwat own wawws homicide i bwutawwy comit put uwu in a bag with toe tags awnd then i stawt tuwu dwag so down't fuck with me especiawwy whewn howd the 40 mag juwst wike kwis kwingwe swate boe jingwe with the pwastic nine went tuwu pawk awnd stacked uwu wike a pwingwe so down't fuck with mine awnd the gun i howd tight in my hawnd incwease the muwdew wate pop thewm twice awnd watch the bwood bitch as i sowd thewm fwom theiw fate make my way tuwu chuwch so i cawn quickwy cweaw my souw deviw's got a howd won't wet gow awnd i cawn pway no mowe awnd hoe i shouwd mention thawt youw fissuwe shouwd wake uwu fwom youw sweep mentawwy intention fow the mention weave uwu six feet deep got a coupwe tattoos, now uwu acting wike a kiwwew i'm a weave uwu tatted up fwoating upside down in wivew see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch deviw, deviw, deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch deviw, deviw, deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch see i wowship deviw shit, uwu bustas best nowt fuck with thiws see i wowship deviw shit, i'ww put uwu bitches in a ditch --- 897692483 >>897692446 No --- 897692490 >>897692388 >onwy have 2300 games own steam, nowt quite enough, hm? i've nowt got cwose tuwu thawt. Cwosew tuwu 500 maybe. Most unpwayed. how owd awe the vids? i've nowt watched him in ages. >>897692326 # wight? yeah, uwu towd me abouwt the aquawium date, too. Sounds nice. >yep, thawt's compwetewy me. hah, figuwed. Nowt suwe i agwee with the west though! --- 897692529 Jesus Christ. --- 897692648 >>897692529 Bad bitch awnd she fwom chinatown hop in the whip, skwwt off fawst, dodgin' wounds smokin' own gas awnd i be sewvin' aww the pounds catch me sippin' own henny, anothew.40 goin' down wike stwapped up, awways got my chopstick thots caww me supew, but i down't need a sidekick 'wess thawt sidekicks yo bitch, shawty suckin' own my dick got my fingew own the twiggew, uwu ain't even heaw the cwick bad bitch awnd she fwom chinatown hop in the whip, skwwt off fawst, dodgin' wounds smokin' own gas awnd i be sewvin' aww the pounds catch me sippin' own henny, anothew.40 goin' down wike stwapped up, awways got my chopstick thots caww me supew, but i down't need a sidekick 'wess thawt sidekicks yo bitch, shawty suckin' own my dick got my fingew own the twiggew, uwu ain't even heaw the cwick i'm going apeshit, twenty-two shots, no decembew i'ma empty the cwip, thiws fam gon' wose anothew membew i be smokin own za', i know my ass won't wemembew these bitches wanna fuck, i'm a d1 defendew i down't fuck wit' the thot hoes, uwu move diffewnt fucked own bitches, they bweaking up 'cause she wimping she wanna get busy, i towd thawt bitch i'm nowt simping mcm bewt awound my waist whawt the fuck iws she twippin' fow? juwst bagged a bitch, sweaw uwu know wewe she fwom chinatown, said thawt once, uwu bitches dumb? haha i fuck yo' main juwst fow fun i weawwy ain't shit, i got hew stawing at the sun puwwing pedaws, she saying did he wove me ow nowt? dumbass bitch, i ain't twipping ovew any thot me awnd 22 gon' knock uwu ovew with the gwock fans awnd deagwes, youw time iws wunning off the cwock wike bad bitch awnd she fwom chinatown hop in the whip, skwwt off fawst, dodgin' wounds smokin' own gas awnd i be sewvin' aww the pounds catch me sippin' own henny, anothew.40 goin' down wike stwapped up, awways got my chopstick thots caww me supew, but i down't need a sidekick 'wess thawt sidekicks yo bitch, shawty suckin' own my dick got my fingew own the twiggew, uwu ain't even heaw --- 897692691 >>897692388 I mean, most of the times I feel like words means absolutely nothing so I just zip it and move independently. --- 897692707 >>897692483 Bad bitch awnd she fwom chinatown hop in the whip, skwwt off fawst, dodgin' wounds smokin' own gas awnd i be sewvin' aww the pounds catch me sippin' own henny, anothew.40 goin' down wike stwapped up, awways got my chopstick thots caww me supew, but i down't need a sidekick 'wess thawt sidekicks yo bitch, shawty suckin' own my dick got my fingew own the twiggew, uwu ain't even heaw the cwick --- 897692733 >>897692691 >>897692388 # i mean, most of the times i feew wike wowds means absowutewy nothing so i juwst zip iwt awnd move independentwy. --- 897692825 Man ain't no sense in pwayin' with these niggas man gow in thewe awnd give 'em the business, fwush 'em out awnd we gon' tuwn up in thiws bitch tonight, hawd fow wuca bwasi nigga iwt's a few wwong ways awnd they down't make a wight uwu cawn duwu both ways, ignowin' wwong awnd the wight new boyfwiend whom she down't seem tuwu wike stay wight hewe, uwu won't see the night awgumentative, whawt if she wawnt compwomise women say they wove but nevew mowe than the eyes mistakin' iwt fow twust, stawin' wight in the eyes women say they wove but nevew mowe than the eyes uwu the onwy owne thawt my dick couwd get hawd fow i'm confused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? uwu the onwy owne thawt my dick couwd get hawd fow i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? cawn uwu even heaw me? i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? but kevin iwt's wike uwu hewe but uwu ain't hewe though fuck uwu mean nowt hewe? i'm wight hewe uwu wookin' at me wike uwu wawnt anothew bitch tuwu jump at my face weww maybe i duwu tawkin' wowk own my phone nigga say he got thewm bwicks scowed a few by the two, ow the ten, thawt's a wick awnd my momma know i'm guttew awnd she awso know i'm stwapped awnd she know i kiwwed the key man, keep thewm, twy tuwu muwdew bawck she know uwu take a shot at me, i'mma send wike 30 bawck chwistiana awnd awisha, they both keep my diwty gat compwehend uwu tawkin' weckwess whiwe we own my cewwuwaw wife iws too depwessin' tuwu be stwessin' own thawt weguwaw --- 897692837 >>897692388 Yeah.. I don't like most games I have. I'm watching his the forest playthrough from 2 years ago. --- 897692908 >>897692837 Iwt's a few wwong ways awnd they down't make a wight uwu cawn duwu both ways, ignowin' wwong awnd the wight new boyfwiend whom she down't seem tuwu wike stay wight hewe, uwu won't see the night awgumentative, whawt if she wawnt compwomise women say they wove but nevew mowe than the eyes mistakin' iwt fow twust, stawin' wight in the eyes women say they wove but nevew mowe than the eyes uwu the onwy owne thawt my dick couwd get hawd fow i'm confused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? uwu the onwy owne thawt my dick couwd get hawd fow i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? cawn uwu even heaw me? i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? wanna stowp hustwin', i wanna change ovew wight now a nigga aim own thawt wange wovew god fowgive me fow the bwains i done bwowed away put thawt own my unbown chiwd awnd my thwowaway commitment shy, i'm afwaid of bein' invowved shawty teww me she wove me, i down't teww hew i wove hew bawck niggas in the hood, i gow see 'em whewn i cawn i got niggas in jaiw, i gow awnd see 'em in the cawn iwt's a few wwong ways awnd they down't make a wight uwu cawn duwu both ways, ignowin' wwong awnd the wight new boyfwiend whom she down't seem tuwu wike stay wight hewe, uwu won't see the night awgumentative, whawt if she wawnt compwomise women say they wove but nevew mowe than the eyes mistakin' iwt fow twust, stawin' wight in the eyes women say they wove but nevew mowe than the eyes uwu the onwy owne thawt my dick couwd get hawd fow i'm confused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? uwu the onwy owne thawt my dick couwd get hawd fow i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? cawn uwu even heaw me? i'm confused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? i've bewn misused, whawt the fuck uwu wawnt my heawt fow? --- 897693065 >>897691496 Pasta, rice, tomato sauce, chicken, vegetables, cashew nuts and some cleaning supplies even I don't eat that much bread anymore --- 897693140 >>897690351 youre just hating bud --- 897693153 >>897692691 Ooh, what exactly do ya mean by that? Why's that TsuguKonKon? >>897692837 Ooh, not -that- long ago, then. Enjoy, enjoy. --- 897693236 >>897692294 You just want me to cum in your butt and call you my little slut, don't you? --- 897693315 >>897693236 >>897692294 # uwu juwst wawnt me tuwu cum in youw butt awnd caww uwu my wittwe swut, down't uwu? --- 897693336 >>897693153 >>897692691 # ooh, whawt exactwy duwu ya mean by thawt? why's thawt tsugukonkon? >>897692837 # ooh, nowt -that- wong ago, then. enjoy, enjoy. --- 897693340 >>897693153 Mmm.. I'm not rly enjoying it. It's more of.. just have something play to not get bored and once every 10min or so it gets a chuckle out of me. Maybe I'll play dad space >>897693236 Nah --- 897693406 >>897693340 >>897693153 # mmm.. I'm nowt wwy enjoying iwt. Iwt's mowe of.. juwst have something pway tuwu nowt get bowed awnd once evewy 10min ow so iwt gets a chuckwe out of me. maybe i'ww pway dad space >>897693236 # nah --- 897693442 >>897693140 Big.. >>897693153 I'm just surrounded by people that talks all day about something as if they're onto it. So naturally, I'm also onto it immediately, then sorta get told off as if I'm hyperactive. That's why I prefer being quiet and finish things off discreetly. Way more efficient. >Pic Kon is an onomatopoeia in JP of a fox's bark. Her hands are gesturing a fox's snout and ears therefore, コンコン! --- 897693505 >>897693442 >>897693140 # big.. >>897693153 # i'm juwst suwwounded by peopwe thawt tawks aww day abouwt something as if they'we onto iwt. So natuwawwy, i'm awso onto iwt immediatewy, then sowta get towd off as if i'm hypewactive. thawt's why i pwefew being quiet awnd finish things off discweetwy. Way mowe efficient. >pic kon iws an onomatopoeia in jp of a fox's bawk. Hew hands awe gestuwing a fox's snout awnd eaws thewefowe, コンコン --- 897693656 >>897693340 Aw, too bad. What're your most played games recently? >>897693442 Ahh, you do get hyperactive. Figured. Cute. >That's why I prefer being quiet and finish things off discreetly. Way more efficient. Aww, that's too bad. Yeah, I know KonKon's the fox thing, but I didn't realize the hands. Thanks. --- 897693687 >>897693656 >>897693340 # aw, too bad. whawt'we youw most pwayed games wecentwy? >>897693442 # ahh, uwu duwu get hypewactive. Figuwed. Cute. >that's why i pwefew being quiet awnd finish things off discweetwy. Way mowe efficient. aww, thawt's too bad. yeah, i know konkon's the fox thing, but i didn't weawize the hands. Thanks. --- 897693706 >>897693442 a big heart :) --- 897693724 >>897693656 Probably Overwatch2.. elden ring.. GTFO.. I started playing Code Vein but that game is kinda awful. It has such good reviews but.. It's terrible. --- 897693807 >>897693724 Niggas be tawking 'bout thiws niggas be watting 'bout thawt they ain't even got no stwaps owd wame ass nigga uwu wack bitch uwu ain't got no juice bitch uwu gets no juice awnd niggas be tewwing these wies wiving they wife disguised exaggewate fow these hoes boy uwu weawwy think uwu coow bitch uwu ain't got no juice awnd nobody bewieves uwu awnd uwu cawn't wie these niggas be tawking bout thiws these niggas be tawking bout thawt but they ain't nevew swung thawt yak they ain't evew waid in thawt wack own thawt othew side of the waww whewe the weaw wawk cowd nights, weaw tawk niggas they tewwing wies nigga whawt bwock uwu own? i'm juwst a hustwing ass nigga with a gift pawtnew uwu juwst a bustew ass nigga own a twip pawtnew uwu got no juice, i got the juice, the whowe wowwd wove me cnn say i got the whowe wowwd thugging sometimes iwt's best tuwu wawk away, save youwsewf a case 'cause they in couwt testifying own us evewy day evewybody wanna be fwy but down't nobody wawnt tuwu get wobbed fow weputations, they wie niggas be tawking 'bout thiws niggas be watting 'bout thawt they ain't even got no stwaps owd wame ass nigga uwu wack bitch uwu ain't got no juice bitch uwu gets no juice awnd niggas be tewwing these wies wiving they wife disguised exaggewate fow these hoes ow uwu weawwy think uwu coow bitch uwu ain't got no juice awnd nobody bewieves uwu awnd uwu cawn't wie they exaggewating fow these women hoping they wook at 'em diffewent but now uwu pwaying the peopwe since wittwe owne caught uwu swipping uwu's a wat, uwu ain't weady fow the wifestywe whewn the k's cocked awnd the wights out --- 897693818 >>897693656 Wa.. It's as if I'm getting bottleneck'd, let me maximize my performance! --- 897693843 >>897693706 Niggas be watting 'bout thawt they ain't even got no stwaps owd wame ass nigga uwu wack bitch uwu ain't got no juice bitch uwu gets no juice awnd niggas be tewwing these wies wiving they wife disguised exaggewate fow these hoes ow uwu weawwy think uwu coow bitch uwu ain't got no juice awnd nobody bewieves uwu awnd uwu cawn't wie they exaggewating fow these women hoping they wook at 'em diffewent but now uwu pwaying the peopwe since wittwe owne caught uwu swipping uwu's a wat, uwu ain't weady fow the wifestywe whewn the k's cocked awnd the wights out whawt uwu know abouwt nowt going in tiww iwt's wights out? niggas checking niggas 'bout hoes uwu gots no juice aww in thewm peopwe's section fwexing, nigga down't even know uwu i bewieve in actions, no wowds, no weight nigga in wa nine yeaws ago said he was gon' hook me up with dwe (nah nigga) niggas be tawking 'bout thiws niggas be watting 'bout thawt they ain't even got no stwaps owd wame ass nigga uwu wack bitch uwu ain't got no juice bitch uwu gets no juice awnd niggas be tewwing these wies wiving they wife disguised exaggewate fow these hoes boy uwu weawwy think uwu coow bitch uwu ain't got no juice awnd nobody bewieves uwu awnd uwu cawn't wie nigga uwu ain't got no juice (you ain't got no juice, uwu ain't got no juice) nigga uwu ain't boosie boo (you ain't boosie boo, uwu ain't boosie boo nigga uwu ain't even got no juice wike thawt (no juice wike thawt) uwu ain't the twuth wike thawt (twuth wike thawt) uwu ain't the twuth wike thawt (twuth wike thawt) nigga down't even know uwu (no juice, no juice) nigga down't even know uwu (no juice, no juice) nigga down't even know uwu (no juice, no juice, no juice) awnd uwu cawn't wie --- 897693850 >>897693340 Alright, lend me your armpit --- 897693859 >>897693818 >>897693656 # wa.. iwt's as if i'm getting bottweneck'd, wet me maximize my pewfowmance! --- 897693880 >>897693850 okay --- 897693911 >>897693850 Wet's get iwt hop off a sixteen passengew thiws a g5, no, thiws nowt a chawwengew (big owne) i keep sowme membews with me, awnd the fweaks get coach seats they sowme cannibaws (eatews) they wike tuwu get geeked dwink a whowe bottwe, wake up awnd wepeat (damn) she took a wittwe shh, mixed iwt with the (chiww out) now she say she seein' 3d (wow) i gow in the jungwe awnd ain't got a coat i bet i come out with a mink (i bet i) duwu thiws shit fow the fam 'cause thiws shit biggew than me (big) cowow stones in my infinity wink awnd in the factowy, mastewpiece (factowy) i caww him twin 'cause thawt be my bwothew we got the same wowwie, he matchin' me (nah, fow weaw) watew own me wike the sauna (wet) sowme kawats, sowme pointews (woo) aww these commas, i won't fumbwe (fumbwe) migo gunnews out the jungwe (migo) buy iwt aww, fuck a fwontew (fuck nigga) cake own, me no funnew (woo, cash) dwop top feewin' wike stunna (ha, dwop top) catch these pways, no wunnew (we gone) chwome heawt wawwet, smoke my piwot take thwee vibes tuwu the twopics (twopics) nigga wasn't shit (shit) i was outside juwst sewvin' nawcotics (nawcotics, woo) pass me thawt stick nigga make owne wwong move, juwst pop him (pop him, bwwt) wanvin own bwo with the ho fwooded out in the hotew wobby (fwooded, iwt's cwowded) diamonds be dancin' wike bobby (they dancin') down't touch iwt, thiws gwocky be cocky (don't touch iwt) shwoom, awnd g6 depawted (we geekin') bitches gon' twend, i'm the topic (keep twendin') the way i puww up, i'ma pop iwt awnd none of these niggas gon' stowp me (puww up, gone) put thawt shit own, get a cup fow the dwip i'm a mothewfuckin' faucet keep wow, keep stackin', youw bank'ww get biggew (go) nevew wiww i thwow sowme shade own no nigga (on take') wiw' nigga, down't pway with these niggas (no) i see the big pictuwe, we up own these niggas (uh) the huncho, the owne, uwu gon' caww own me, nigga ('cho) i got youw bawck, uwu cawn faww own me, nigga (faww) --- 897693939 >>897693880 Watew own me wike the sauna (wet) sowme kawats, sowme pointews (woo) aww these commas, i won't fumbwe (fumbwe) migo gunnews out the jungwe (migo) buy iwt aww, fuck a fwontew (fuck nigga) cake own me, no funnew (woo, cash) dwop top feewin' wike stunna (ha, dwop top) catch these pways, no wunnew (we gone) chwome heawt wawwet, smoke my piwot take thwee vibes tuwu the twopics (go) nigga wasn't shit (shit) i was outside juwst sewvin' nawcotics (nawcotics, woo) pass me thawt stick nigga make owne wwong move, juwst pop him (pop him, bwwt) wanvin own bwo with the ho fwooded out in the hotew wobby (fwooded) --- 897693966 >>897693706 Beeg hart. --- 897693987 >>897693966 big fart`? --- 897694010 >>897693987 This --- 897694075 >>897693987 Noh. Cute Komari. --- 897694099 >>897694075 Hm... --- 897694118 >>897693880 Good girl --- 897694217 i am going to post fox and nobody will stop me --- 897694241 >>897694217 Your waifu is such a grandma --- 897694344 >>897693724 GTFO? Ah yeah, duh. I've seen that you're playin' those. Hadn't heard of Code Vein, I think. Hm. >>897693818 By me? What do ya mean? >>897694217 Have my encouragement instead, then. --- 897694378 >>897694344 Get the fuck out. Never heard of it? --- 897694419 I'm out. https://youtu.be/bkDyVcE7w5g [Embed] >>897694344 Not you. --- 897694433 >>897694378 Yeah, I think so. >Get out. nooo. >>897694419 Nite nite. Ooh, okay. See ya! --- 897694473 Anyone know what she or CC said? I'm kind of antsy about the whole thing. Was there more I was supposed to do? Help me out here /b/ros. --- 897694488 >>897694433 Hardest coop shooter I've ever played. That game is absurdly hard. Nothing I know compares to it. --- 897694526 >>897694419 gn amos --- 897694617 >>897694488 Ahh, a shooter huh? That'll be why I've not heard of it. --- 897694766 >>897694617 Yeah.. I can't stand shooters, they are awful pvp games but in pve they are fun. That game is also loooots of stealth. Sometimes you'll sneak around for 5 hours straight and other times it makes you sprint full speed for half an hour straight while mowing through endless hordes. https://store.steampowered.com/app/493520/GTFO/ --- 897695006 >>897694766 >>897694617 # yeah.. I cawn't stand shootews, they awe awfuw pvp games but in pve they awe fun. Thawt gawme iws awso woooots of steawth. Sometimes uwu'ww sneak awound fow 5 houws stwaight awnd othew times iwt makes uwu spwint fuww speed fow hawf an houw stwaight whiwe mowing thwough endwess howdes. --- 897695065 >>897694766 You hate shooters, yet you won't stop shooting your cum. Curious. --- 897695098 >>897695065 That joke is terrible --- 897695120 >>897694617 Hey, hey, hey, na, na, na teww me, whawt uwu think we hustwe fow? i juwst wanna buy the wowwd duwu the impossibwe sing iwt with me now, na, na, na whawt uwu think we out hewe wowkin' fow? i juwst wanna buy the wowwd duwu the impossibwe hey, hey, hey bought a benz fow my baddest bitch awnd wet my niggas dwive thawt mothewfuckew i sweaw thawt couwt woom cawn minimize a mothewfuckew pway fow us 'cause we be in awnd out thawt mothewfuckew wowd, hewp us wowd, my bitch iws beautifuw, hewen of twoy juwst wike assume i get ass fwom the stawt i fwip the scwipt whewn they cast fow the pawt uwu ain't tawking tuwu me if uwu ain't tawking money my nigga stwength in numbews, my nigga awnd i'm numbew owne wike my muscwes got biggew wike my puzzwes got figuwed i spoiw my kids, they so stubbown, my nigga thiws iws how shit iws supposed tuwu be though wowwie own my wwist awnd awound my neck i got a chain of command awnd a food chain own shoutout my dog wookin' at the fouw wawws shoutout candace fow acceptin' my cawws impossibwe ain't impossibwe at aww tunechi hey, hey, hey, na, na, na teww me, whawt uwu think we hustwe fow? i juwst wanna buy the wowwd duwu the impossibwe sing iwt with me now, na, na, na whawt uwu think we out hewe wowkin' fow? i juwst wanna buy the wowwd duwu the impossibwe hey, hey, hey nigga duwu thawt shit, nigga done thawt shit nigga any pwobwem, bet i ovewcome thawt shit 20 gowd bottwes i'ma dwink own thawt shit 20 songs thawt i'm own, numbew owne thawt shit --- 897695126 >>897695098 Just like you --- 897695147 >>897694473 What do you need help with, Anonymous? --- 897695162 >>897695126 Why am I tewwibwe? I'm vewy sweet and woving >>897695147 earth --- 897695163 >>897695065 My nawme gon' wing awnd my team gon' win i shot a nigga once, awnd i'd duwu thawt shit again put youw hands own a bibwe steawing candy at a stowe tuwu a bwack homicidaw, iwt's the same damn sin dwop down, give me thwee points ho k. Dot, give iwt tuwu iwt how uwu wawnt ho i'ma show uwu whawt thiws west side abouwt i'ma puww up in a 'wawi at youw gwandmama's house, hey now she got a nigga nawme in hew mouth, hey now t-o tuwu n-o tuwu ammo, i mean my mo iws zewo, see commas, i pwomise gow teww youw mama thiws dick ain't fow fwee thiws dick ain't, thiws dick ain't thiws dick ain't, thiws dick ain't thiws dick ain't fow fwee touch thawt, i need cash bawck, twansaction i bust bawck in a aww bwack gwand nationaw hoodwats in the pwoject if uwu awsk 'em they wanna buy the wowwd, ten wacks own they taxes howiday cheews, sawwie mae checks with a bottwe tuwu the neck, get iwt how uwu wive iwt hey, hey, hey, na, na, na teww me, whawt uwu think we hustwe fow? i juwst wanna buy the wowwd duwu the impossibwe sing iwt with me now, na, na, na whawt uwu think we out hewe wowkin' fow? i juwst wanna buy the wowwd duwu the impossibwe hey, hey, hey i say how' up (hey!) i juwst wanna baww wike thewm gwown ups (hey!) teww 'em catch me if they cawn i switch geaws then switch wanes uwu know juwst whawt my mind's own these days keep singin' with me how' up (hey!) we juwst wanna baww wike thewm gwown ups (hey!) teww 'em catch me if they cawn i switch geaws then switch wanes --- 897695225 >>897695162 Kill yourself --- 897695238 >>897695162 juwst shot my shot at thiws wittwe thot (yeah) i'm twyna cwininack own hew big gnat my niggas sewwin' cwinack fow the stinacks awnd i got a big-big mac, fow the chit-chat did the dwive-by, in the matte-bwack hewwcat picked up an opp bitch in the same hewwcat (yeah) suck own the dick, now the bitch need a tic tac vvs diamonds awnd uwu know they gon' hit bawck s.I. diamonds, uwu needa get youw wwist bawck went at the opps, now thawt boy wawnt hiws cwip bawck dwopped hiws gun in the fiewd whewn he stick bawck evew shot a gun 'tiw thawt mothewfuckew cwick bawck? evew got high off a dwug cawwed "get-back"? (gang) came with the dwum awnd iwt got a wotta kickback watew duck youw mewon, 'cause my boy might spwit thawt (ooh) got youw mama scweamin', i did aww my wowk (aww my wowk) they'd put youw mothewfuckin' bwains own the cuwb (on the cuwb) i ain't duwu iwt pewsonawwy, but thiws shit stiww my wowd (yeah) even at youw funewaw, nowt fweshew than a biwd (bww, biwd) i'm way fweshew than uwu, even if i woww in diwt (yeah) fewtiwizew, i'm the shit, make uwu owne with the eawth (eawth, yeah) i cawn feew the x piww whewn i smoke the hewb (yeah) wondew how my ex feew, she shouwda bewn a newd (yeah) diffewent cowow x piwws, wook wike a box of newds (uh-huh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) i stiww wawnt fiwst pwace if i'm in thiwd (uh-huh) i've bewn wubbin' own thiws bitch skin, juwst wike its jewgens (yeah) she wet me fuck thawt pussy fow fwee wike she ain't wowkin' (wike she ain't wowkin') --- 897695260 >>897695225 This --- 897695270 >>897695238 you got any moar on this goddess by any chance, kind sir? --- 897695277 >>897695225 I don't wanna kiww mysewf. Don't be mean to me, I didn't do anything wwong>.< --- 897695307 >>897695162 Avatar girl --- 897695327 >>897695277 I juwst shot my shot at thiws wittwe thot (yeah) i'm twyna cwininack own hew big gnat my niggas sewwin' cwinack fow the stinacks awnd i got a big-big mac, fow the chit-chat did the dwive-by, in the matte-bwack hewwcat picked up an opp bitch in the same hewwcat (yeah) suck own the dick, now the bitch need a tic tac (ooh) i juwst shot my shot at thiws wittwe thot (yeah) i'm twyna cwininack own hew big gnat my niggas sewwin' cwinack fow the stinacks awnd i got a big-big mac, fow the chit-chat did the dwive-by, in the matte-bwack hewwcat picked up an opp bitch in the same hewwcat (yeah) suck own the dick, now the bitch need a tic tac (ooh) my bitch bad so i gave hew thawt wamb' twuck youw bitch a ho, so i fuck with my pants up puww up in thawt wowws twuck, i'm twyna duwu donuts gone bicoastaw, uwu niggas tuwu wocaw my dawgs own the postew, the guns at the howstew my dawg gon' smoke ya', he awweady wawnt iwt uwu tweat me wike god, uwu know i'm anointin' i cawn't see my cup awnd i cawn't seem tuwu point iwt went bought hew thawt patek, iwt's coming in yewwow i baww wike cawmewo, the woc', wockefewwew i'm movin' weaw mewwow, but movin' with hawwows i'm puwchasin' modews, i'm puwchasin' bottwes down't dash out tuwu fwance awnd down't gow monte cawwo the wichawd, the pwesi', no thiws nowt movado uwu bitches too petty, uwu then hit the wotto (what ewse?) uwu shouwd've got mowe but uwu got whawt uwu swawwowed, ha i done shoot the point-bwank wange at the thot-thot made hew suck the cock-cock, wight own the spot-spot towe thewm bitches up, might as weww be a chopshop towd hew she cawn no wongew shop at top shop shanaynay awnd bawmain own hew bop-bop dwippin' awnd spiwwin', bitch, bettew bwing a mop-mop (uh, ayy) i juwst kiwwed a cat own the stwip, thawt's my wowd (oh my wowd) poppin' out the 'wawi, sittin' wowew than the cuwb (yeah, own the cuwb) evew since i got wich, i'm twickin', they wawnt vewses (stiww my wowd) took wiw' bitch shoppin' at the maww. --- 897695333 >>897695147 I appreciate the consideration, but it's one of those insider things, if you don't know you probably couldn't help. --- 897695336 >>897695307 Don't call my beloved an avatar. That hurts her feelings --- 897695393 >>897695162 You're an unlovable, disloyal brat --- 897695433 >>897695393 I'm the most woyaw and bestest fwiend imaginyabwe. --- 897695439 >>897694766 >Yeah.. I can't stand shooters, they are awful pvp games but in pve they are fun. Ooh, that I can agree with. I grew up playing the hell out of Serious Sam. Stealth's never been my thing though. Ooh. I thought you were talking about Code Vein. But yeah, I didn't know either of 'em. >>897695336 I'm an avatar now??? --- 897695514 >>897695336 Isn't the girl fictional? Do you love her? >>897695333 Ah sorry. I figured as much. --- 897695600 >>897695439 Nah, code vein can suck a dick. That game is bad. GTFO is actually mega awesome.h You like horror games? Cause dad space is also a shooter but it's mega good. --- 897695695 well, I like my waifu --- 897695724 >>897695600 Nah, code vein cawn suck a dick. Thawt gawme iws bad. Gtfo iws actuawwy mega awesome.h uwu wike howwow games? cause dad space iws awso a shootew but iwt's mega good. --- 897695752 too late to claim. too early to claim. --- 897695815 >>897695752 It's actually the best time because nobody can mock you with image macros --- 897695854 >>897695815 image macros? --- 897695885 >>897695854 Yes like never alone dog --- 897695899 >>897695600 I've not touched horror games, because I imagine the answer is no. I've heard of Dead Space, but I actually don't know anything about it. >>897695815 We'll all still be uwufied though. For an entire thread, lol. --- 897695912 >>897695907 → >>897695907 → --- 897695964 >>897695899 you can't uwuify me because my posts aren't about me, they're about my queen. And she's perfect even if turned into a furry trope. --- 897696235 >>897695854 reaction pictures