----- --- 115908477 >IT'S MY LIFE >DON'T YOU FORGET!! >cool synth lines start playing based --- 115908598 >>115908477 (OP) Idgaf what the critics say, this will always be their best album in my opinion --- 115908624 >SHE DON'T BELIEVE IN SHOOTIN STARS --- 115908735 talk talk is so awful, southerners can't be trusted with music --- 115909033 The No Doubt version was better. --- 115912053 Probably the best rock band ever, all of their albums are great and different from each other --- 115912500 >>115909033 it was pretty good --- 115912520 it is it me lyfe :-) --- 115914717 Tomorrow Started, jesus fuck bros... --- 115914786 >>115912520 :D --- 115915320 >A FEELING THAT WE SHARE >IT'S A SHAAAMMMEEEEE --- 115918065 up