----- --- 54607108 Poor people deserve to be poor ,without exception. This is the final blackpill and I feel terrible typing it out but it needs to be said. --- 54607121 Poor people NEED to be genocided in Minecraft, starting with the black ones. Abandoning slavery and serfdom was a mistake society has been paying for since hundreds of years, and didn't go far enough even when it was legal. --- 54607185 >>54607121 >Abandoning slavery and serfdom was a mistake it was never abandoned --- 54607227 >>54607108 (OP) society is falling into decline because too many resources are being taken from the rich and given to poor, who then squander it all on drugs, gambling and breeding. Breeding which compounds the process over time --- 54607262 >>54607185 I get what you're saying and with all due respect I disagree. While some constructs are still implicitly kept, the issue is that society's mindset has changed from keeping scum like niggers and retards low to actively embracing them and creating a hugbox. Imagine the efficiency realised from modern corporate structures in a world where the resourceful are not only allowed but actively incentivised to abuse the weak, poor - and thus those whose wellbeing must be proactively neglected in favour of extracting as much labor as possible out of them, ergo the only thing their worthless existence will provide any marginal value to society. >b-b-but the big bad corporate kike will also abuse you!!! No. I am intelligent and have valuable skills, as well as enough resources to be in the 1% in my country. I would stand on top in such a society, and deserve so. Poor people don't, they should serve me even more than they already do. --- 54607294 >>54607185 Lmao retard --- 54607307 >>54607227 This --- 54607328 >>54607108 (OP) >poor people shouldn't exist. You all start off poor, either you're given wealth or not. So TLDR nobody should exist. Which I agree with >t. poorfag --- 54607415 >>54607227 >hedonist hands typed this --- 54607538 >>54607108 (OP) >Poor people deserve to be poor This is my conclusion too after a few years of waging. My coworkers were all the type to whine and complain that they were broke, and then waste $1500 on a new iphone and $300 for the tickets for a game, $500 for new shoes, $30 of fast food and $15 of cigarettes every day, etc. They did this constantly, never saved anything, and whined that the system was unfair. Of over 120 wagies, I was the only one to save, invest and escape. They're still in the cage, because they belong there. --- 54607625 >>54607108 (OP) Mate its not like all poor people are some dumb academics that got high on their socialist champagne faggotry and left nothing to their kids but poverty. Or some lazy fuck that never wanted to make something. Some poorfags are literally being like 5th generation that is robbed systematically of everything by kikes. Like his great grandpa was sent to die in WW2, his grandpa was kiked out of the family farm trough inheritance taxes, his old man worked a dead end job and was paying more and more in rent and expenses until he came of age as a full blown poor prole with nothing, no skills, no generational wealth, even some intertied debt unofficially. --- 54608260 >>54607108 (OP) You do deserve to be poor if you're not taking this KOY discount OP, shit skyrocketted last month, if that isn't your call then idk what it is then --- 54608264 >>54607227 The money doesn't suddenly disappear when poor people trade it you retarded nigger --- 54608799 90% of poor people deserve to be poor, yes. But alot of rich fuckers certainly don't deserve to be rich either. I'm mostly talking about inheritance trust fund yuppie kids that don't even know how to change a tire or cook an egg because their dad owns 1400 rental properties. But then again passing on your legacy to your children is a huge motivator for why people are so productive, so I don't know what the answer is --- 54609663 >>54607108 (OP) I hate poor people so much its unreal. --- 54609703 >>54607108 (OP) >t. Poor man Dude, it sucks, i wanted so much shit when i was in my 20s that i never got but it really showed the value of time and what can actually be accomplished with the little resources available to me. Women were an abundance (still are but I've learned about their tricks too) adventure was absolutely right around the corner (traveled a shit load, always working wherever i landed my feet). Now i have a family, i can't give my kids anything or everything but we are able to provide what is necessary, and the best part is they have never experienced the horrors i did as a child grown with 2 drugged parents. Lemme say again - it sucks to be poor (such is why i am here, i somewhat made it on doge...dumb right?) --- 54611401 >>54607262 Such a society would be brittle to outside ones that don't speed run a dystopia for the majority of their inhabitants dude. For such a high IQ giga Chad you seem to not understand why chattel slavery makes societies weak. --- 54612749 >>54607108 (OP) >>54607227 Unironically correct. --- 54613045 >>54607227 Where do you think the labor that makes rich people their money come from? The rich need the unwashed masses (you included unless you make like $300K+/year in 2023) to do the shitty work that creates what less poor people consoom.