----- --- 2561284 Hey guys I recently got some land and I hope to build a homestead, with most of it being my own forest and a small area to grow stuff. It's in a tropical area, it mostly looks like this right now except for a small area with the house. I'm going to be honest here, I'm kind out of my league here and lost. How to I start clearing it? Ignoring legal requirements, everything regarding that is already taken care of. --- 2561286 I have a guy that will take care of the non native trees, I'll even get some cash out of it. Then I'm thinking about using a weedwacker? --- 2561291 >>2561286 >weedwhacker What you really need is a bush hog. They’re pretty expensive but you can rent them. --- 2561296 >>2561291 I don't know how to deal with the wood tho, I'll keep the trees, and cut around it, that's how I'm going to start. --- 2561304 >>2561296 Bush hogging is obviously the easiest choice, or a tractor with a bush hog attachment. Although I have a neighbor that has done some of his land with just normal hand-tools and using a chainsaw to clear out low hanging branches. It's going to take a long ass time and a ton of work though. --- 2561320 Is this Florida? Looks like Florida. --- 2561452 >>2561320 Southeast Brazil. >>2561304 I found some for same, somewhat affordable, they can take care of branches too? Also how much is a long ass time? I have the rest of my life to spend there so I don't really mind time. --- 2562747 >>2561284 (OP) >Hey guys I moved into a forest now I'm going to cut it all down ah, this thread again --- 2562846 >>2561284 (OP) Depending on how much land you need to clear, you can also try using goats. The biggest investment when it comes to those guys though is the fencing to contain them and the daily maintenance if you can't be in the area every day. --- 2562898 >>2561291 Naaaah... just use goats. You'll get a thorough weedcutting job done, healthy milk and meat. Goats arent expensive at all and they chew twigs, weeds and even tree saplings. --- 2562900 >>2562747 knegg ;) --- 2563048 Damn this looks like fun but i saw youre in brazil so fuck snakes and tarantulas Just get like a quarter ounce of meth. Youll figure out the rest --- 2563069 >>2563048 Stop being a bitch --- 2563976 >>2562747 Not at all, I got 50 acres. By law I need to keep 20%, but I doubt I'll ever come close to using 10% of the land. I'm opening a 2 acre area for my house and stuff, then another 2 acres to grow stuff, and that should be it. The rest will be paths to my lake, river, areas to chill. The entire property is located inside a conservation area, I got all the permits and environmental impact reports. >>2563048 Met a tarantula on day one, pretty chill. There's a fuckload of snakes there but they leave when they hear me, I haven't seen one yet, just hear them leaving. >>2562846 I'm worried about snakes getting them :( --- 2564001 >>2563976 >Clear-cuts 4 Acres for bullshit >Clears another 2 acres worth of roads and trails 4 is 8% of 50 and you're not counting roads--you're already probably at 10% you fucking retard. --- 2564013 >>2564001 I could clear cut 40 acres for bullshit. I've decided not to. Stop bitching. --- 2564017 >>2561304 >bro just buy a tractor for weeds Pure larp food --- 2564392 >>2564013 >I don't actually care about the forest and would cut it down out of spite To my zero surprise, parasite. --- 2565219 A mower, a weedwacker, and a chainsaw will get you most of the way there. Clearing land is fun as fuck and very satisfying. Have fun with jt --- 2565220 >>2564017 You know you can rent stuff right? --- 2565223 >>2563976 >The entire property is located inside a conservation area >conservation area >Can clear cut down 80% of it Lol, fucking third world shitholes. --- 2565225 >>2561284 (OP) au? what region --- 2565229 >>2564392 >all people should live in concrete blocks as far away from nature as possible Fuck off klaus. --- 2565230 >>2564392 >american reading comprehension --- 2565231 >>2564013 He’s too dumb to realize that had some one else bought it, the entire area would get turned into pasture or a subdivision. Don’t listen to em, he’s either got a case of sour grapes or it’s a dumb college kid hopped up armchair idealism from his fucking dorm room. --- 2567506 >>2561452 Save the pine trees, get to work with a machete, anon. --- 2567620 Is this Atlantic rainforest? Looks like the place where I lived in northern Argentina --- 2567621 >>2561452 >Southeast Brazil. so Atlantic rainforest indeed. What the fuck OP, there's less than 15% of it remaining. Don't cut that shit >>2563048 Tarantulas are cool. It's phoneutria fera and phoneutria nigriventer you need to look out for --- 2568244 >>2567621 I already got the permits, engineer that did enviromental impact studies. I'm bringing down all the eucalyptus that was planted back in the day for wood, which will help the native flora. Idk why you guys are talking like I'm going to clear everything, it was me and the other two neighboring hippies (idk they seem alternative) that decided to use this land for this instead of selling it to become an airfield. --- 2568336 >>2568244 How much did that land cost? --- 2568529 >>2568244 That's good anon. I hope you enjoy your forest homestead. Do yourself a favor and plant a couple ubajai (idk what you call it portuguese) trees. Enjoy the most delicious fruit known to man --- 2568550 >>2568244 People are going to assume the worst because they (seemingly like you) want to see the forest thrive and are all too used to the story of someone buying a plot of forest and turning it into a playground. People think you should just buy the land and do nothing with it, as if you live for a plot of land. I understand that reality isn't so simple. Thank you for doing what you can to preserve the slice of nature you are blessed to inhabit. --- 2568627 >>2568336 50 acres, about $14000.