10 values
it is so clear that meleis are trying to sabotage a non-malay business by conflating it with the palestine issue...these meleis have no shame...pathetic loosers
notice how meleis only boikot zus but not adidas. meleis are trying so hard to sabotage a non-malay business just cuz it is popular. meleis are so fking racist....bunch of pathetic demons
Literally no benefit by enforcing "UITM is only for malays" Their allusion to control will be the Meleis' downfall Let them suffer the karmic consequences. Only then will they learn
ehh takde derogatory terms untuk chinese ke? biasa kau twt meleis dis meleis dat.
Non-malays would rather go to priv uni than uitm. These meleis really think non-malays are gonna take their right
Ko punya tweet comprehension berterabur eh. Berterabur. Chinese & Indians are not obligated to report daily to Meleis how they are supporting Palestine haha. And speaking of boycott, you should get off X.
GLC hiring Malay first. Chinese firm boikot racist meleis. Like that I work for indian boss je la.
'it not about being racist, but it is only allowing a certain race from entering' racism is so normalized in the meleis mindset that they can just casually advocate for apartheid and segretation
HAHAHA kesian ni la bukti yg aku maksud cuba letak mana aku hina malaysia? kalau malaysian sendiri yg buat salah mesti aku tegur lah bodoh, terpaling melayu ke meleis ke malay-dog ke, sbb korg melayu=malay sendiri yg suka kuat hina org lain, dihina balik kata tukar flag indo
And then, this is when you hire meleis bangsa vemalas.
I’m not advocating, but as someone who only manage until SPM and a dropout diploma student until 4th sem, I feels like I’m more aware of the situation than half of those racist meleis.
like i don't even think an indigenous person would even bring other ethnicity down with how they're treated, extreme meleis are delusional.
Hapuskan #KetuananMelayuIsleyMansuhkan Article 153 Hapuskan hak rasis Melayu Melayu adalah pendatang ke tanah ini. Melayu tak layak menerima apa-apa keistimewaanmeleis = zionis
Hapuskan #KetuananMelayuIsleyMansuhkan Article 153 Hapuskan hak rasis Melayu Melayu adalah pendatang ke tanah ini. Melayu tak layak menerima apa-apa keistimewaan. meleis = zionis
hahaha....meleis uitm students are fking pathetic masih nak pegang kepada hak rasis dan #KetuananMelayuIsley....meleis = zionis
My international followers are probably like why are there Zionists tweets on my TL and it’s just the MELEIS doing their racial supremacy thing again. Penat.
On X they called malay, meleis, supremacist, zionist rendang and they asking us to let them enter our unis?
Lol meleis bodoh just went through my profile and called me a kaffir and penjilat bangsa lain because I believe in social liberty and i despise racism. Bruh at least aku tak skip 5 daily prayers. lollll so tuduhan kau tak valid.
See how Meleis like to use the Palestine crisis to shit on the Chinese & Indians in this country? Let's face it. If Palestine wasn't a "Muslim issue", you wouldn't even bat an eyelid. Palestine is a humanitarian issue, not a racial & religious one dumbass.
i can think of 10 girls at the top of my head that i kept seeing on IG and TikTok from UiTM that are flexing their Goyard bags and Dior purses. those are your actual problems. the T20 meleis that took advantage of affordable education. you guys r just racist.
Why are Meleis acting so entitled like I know the answer I just wish they would admit how racist and elitist they are?
and pls la, u tu malay, bkn chinese. diam2 la.. no need to speak for us chinese.. suka sgt bt kecoh dan sibuk.. eyeww.. byk sgt masa knp? dari bazir masa membebel idk what, isi masa tu dgn cari duit. bkn melalak nk KWSP.. meleis..
Calling malays as meleis in itself is racist ya. The more you know
Dia tak boleh nak pukul rata org cina or india. Since meleis pun yang sokong israhell, yg taknak off collaboration dgn israhell company. Palestin bakal membuka kita kepada lembaran baru. Chaos lebih besar selepas kejatuhan palestin secara total dan pemerintahan new world order.
Is okay, I would say let the foreigners deal with UiTM’s racism first hand so that people in the world will know how all these Meleis Supremacist are like and we will maybe see these issues pop up in YouTube vlogs and such. Local nons already had enough in daily lives.
Because Cina & Indian are aware how bias meleis like Fairuz can be, if it wasn't related to Muslims do you think Malaysian will poke their nose into this foreign issue? They dont event treat malaysian and even ppl from the same race equally tapi nak tunggang foreign isu.
Melayu nak tolong Melayu/bumiputera sangat hanya kerana mereka Melayu bukan layak.. sekarang melayu sakit, nak pergi hospital mana?. hospital yang melayu bina macam reban ayam? Baik bunuh diri Aje kerana kamu meleis bodoh sokong melayu bodoh bumiputera..
Cukup tak paham, 7 org je baru nk berdaftar utk masuk uitm tu. Tapi yg mengelupur 214 MPP. If you cannot compete after all these years having such a flourish "privilege" for being meleis, that's something wrong with our race la cibei.
Ouh ada sorang terpaling minority tu cakap “meleis racist” towards Rohingya because of their skin color
igtkan meleis tu malays la kan rupanya slur according to trusted source
Macam biasa low hanging fruits. Jangan lupa include more non-malay artists in the list. Also anything that has to do with Singapore.
Meleis don't need much money, so they are OK with it. Even poor, but then they complain why other races rich...stupid isn't it.
Yess they took the land illegally(like kebun musang king in Pahang almost 4500 hectar termasuk hutan simpan) and of course ada talibarut kepada zionist Cina ni terdiri drpd meleis, bumis, OA themselves. That’s why i said celakalah kepada bumis yang complicit dgn zionist Cina ni
Tadi ada lalu kat tl aku mamat "ketuanan" ni dia mengaku dia "proto-malay" aku macam kesian gak la kenapa meleis ni ramai bangga jadi bodoh eh?
Look at all these pelahap tanah OA and Meleis, they are all Chinese. None of the articles you provided showed the land was seized by Meleis. Celakalah meleis, bumis, OA yg complicit dgn zionist cina. Pertahankan tanah orang asal n tanah rizab meleis drpd diambil zionist Cina!!!!!
Terpaling Meleis katakan, tapi sakau tanah proto-malay. Then, berdegar² anak kecil main api.
Mati rempit ngan lajak lah Meleis salahkan pendatang
Selalu yg tak byr gaji, epf nih semua company meleissssss. Non malays ada ja. Tapi tak sekerap and sebabi meleis lah.
Okay. Seriously. Whats up with meleis calling chinese ppl type-C??? Is this a new racist thing? Did i missed something??
Type C is racist but when people deliberately use Meleis no one bats an eye
Tapi sebut “meleis” tak racist Kanina
you’re not wrong to think that. they were the victim. you must be offline to not see they were condemned for days when they did absolutely nothing to anyone prior to that comment. bila orang tu retaliate cry victim. meleis cainis yindian tak racist suddenly type c racist
Malay = Melayu ko melayu kan? HAHAHAHA pergi sana melayu bodoh, supremacy meleis
Tiba2 logik berfungsi. Guna Type-C, tau pulak rasis. Guna meleis, tak rasis katanya.
Aku bkn racist tapi meleis berniaga memang ada dengki teruk ye. Aku tolong kau kemain dulu aku baik dengan kau tibe kau tikam gitu gitu .
Meleis bodoh yang jenis tahu dan faham bahasa melayu je memang bangang. Memalukan negara ada orang-orang bodoh macam ni. Bangang
kah kah meleis senyap je part ni. kalau owner bukan Melayu, dah canang satu Tiktok
Menyampah betul meleis punya racist ni
Sabah and Sarawak aren't ethnicities Try again, Meleis
Oh no. A meleis pretending to be a Whitey. Feeling too inferior as a brown-skinned boy?
Why meleis so rasis aahh? Dari kecik dah kena didik ke jadi rasis n bangang?
Makin parah meleis ni. Sampai hati perut pun takde, racist punya pasal. Sembang Islam terpaling berdegar!
why are you as a doctor saying this shit palestinians have actually called out indonesians for attacking rohingya refugees, and ngl they should get your asses too. meleis are too brave about their racism against brown people. https://x.com/nam_ainaziz/st/nam_ainaziz/status/1788237348523929831…
While in local news, Meleis making headlines/news again for being racist. They haven’t stopped since Ramadan tbh. Penat tengok but what’s new heh. Dah lama aku ckp yt supremacy melei supremacy sama je.
Meleis semenanjung mmg x bleh duk dgn saper2 kat bumi ni.. masalah dgn cina , masalah dgn India..org Sabah Sarawak pun x suke meleis semenanjung.. aduhhh
it feels like if the us are boycotting and the people are worrying about white people being jobless sksksks these meleis need to snap tf out of it and stop playing race and religion fr
Yang baik dtg nya dari Kilang Invoke & meleis AshaduPelangi.. Yg buruk dtgnya darı melayu outdated macam UMNO \ PN..
agree. partly true, and there are some holocaust survivors speaking out government not doing enough to eradicate threat. stereotype not created from minority action. i.e eventho there plenty progressive malay, majority still act the opposite hence created “meleis”
Lembah Bujang boleh dijadikan suatu tempat megah untuk mendidik warga tempatan dan warga asing tentang asal-usul tanah ini, tapi....malangnya puak meleis tak nak membangunkan Lembah Bujang kerana mereka tak nak membongkar sejarah 'sebenar' tanah ni (hint: mereka juga pendatang)
Tudia meleis supremacist dkt komen. Xtaw plak Melayu racist truk mcmni
Apparently the word type-C is a slur for Chinese now and meleis kt fb dh slalu guna nk discriminate Chinese people
Tapi memang betul pun ada type C nak burukkan Darsa cikin tu. Kau dok keleis itu meleis ini ckp taliban lagi, org panggil type C racist lol
Bodoh meleis. Pasal ayam pun beria nak racist.
Meleis mcmtu lah. Dia punya harga tak masuk akal, dikatanya bangsa lain nak jatuhkan dia lah, melayu tak support melayu la. Busuk hati tu memang dah sebati
Type-C racial, meleis is not.
Tak faham some meleis dan non malay tapi perangai meleis suka sangat agungkan negara luar dan downgrade negara sendiri.
Tulah kita kata meleis mulut kata bumiputera tapi pusing, ah, goblok emang semuanya
Some of them create/use racist term like 'meleis' to differentiate them with the rest.
lol. kau pun mesti mix meleis busuk + bangla keling. rupa pun tau buruk macamana, takyah cakap lah wkwkk anyway :
Sbb meleis kene sailang la, meleis tak berminat lg nk amik stpm. Senior dah pesan, ko amik stpm habis ko. Result ko baik mana pun spm , stpm ko dah ke gaung. Penanda racist wujud.
Nahhh, kuota kt ipta dah lama mansuh. Uitm je kekal bumiputera, so mmg x wujud kuota. Sbb diorg x cukup pandai, dituduhnya kita pakai kuota pulak. Yg matrik tu, sapa suruh carik pasal sailang budak2 Meleis yg amik stpm.
Its 2024 and yall meleis going all proud as raging racists without shame anymore
Sian bangla. Meleis will never give the same energy if Arab/Mat salleh yang buat.
Incase some chinese & india (anti meleis) accuse “meleis” racist :
Tak lama lagi, Meleis akan jadi racial slur
and just like that, this meleis has validated that #KetuananaMelayuIsley = Malay culture so, malay culture is racist and supremacist. well done, meleis!
You good, your ideals and thoughts are clear. but some fuckwards in this app definitely are using paint broad brush on the 'meleis'. They are no different than the racist/ supremacist malays.
lahh itu kan rakyat kamugiliran ada hal yg pelik di indo di kaitkan dgn negara hahahaha memang malaydog selalu Playvictim, meleis always meleis
you dont need to talk too loud la calling out for racist. just read back all of your tweets, manjang ckp psl malays meleis
Eh beruk, ada ramai orang tamil disini yang kasta tinggi kerja professional, sebelum NEP, orang India yang dominate medical field dekat Malaysia, meleis tak puas hati dan letak quota bumi. Cina tu ramai orang kaya boleh je sustain dengan international market
Cuba tunjuk gambar dengan kawan borneo kau sembang babi. Awak meleis pun tak represent dorang, tindas dan curi hasil mereka adalah. Kau tu keturunan pemalas, kutip cukai dari cina India bangla untuk suap pemalas macam awak.
Borneo nak bersatu ? dorang pun tak suka meleis sebab perangai supremacist dan curi hasil O&G mereka dan bagi royalti ciput, mereka pun ramai separatist sekarang. Saya dah lama berambus, kau tu belacan pemalas pukimak, bangla pun kata korang meleis malas la
Bodoh, roti canai memang India punya, kaki claim tu meleis, dari makanan Siam Indon cina dan India semua dia nak claim puihhh
Because the meleis were basically lazy farts, that’s why the British brought over the chinese and Indian migrants to develop the economy
Blah blah blah meleis are culture less people, stole the food culture from Siamese, Chinese, Indonesians and Indian and Arab/Middle eastern recently
Fuck off Mujeet meleis, Roti Canai is Indian
Meleis MALAS bersembunyi under bumiputera walaupun 60% so tak akan nmpk racist(org asli kena tunjuk bukti utk dpt IC) UiTM diwujudkan utk org bodoh dpt degree yg sama value dgn Uni lain walaupun BODOH. Orang MALAS dgn degree BODOH,ada value ke? Thanks UITM for this exposure.
what do u expect from meleis/malaydog?
mereka yg manggil gitu emang ada niatan ngehina negara sendiri, kaya malay manggil "meleis" kalo lagi kesel sama negara sendiri.
Fase group aja ngak. Teruslah menjadi bangsa yang tak berguna meleis.
rlly hate malaydog, flag, land, ppls, culture malaydog, especially meleis
Suruh Meleis bagi je lah kewarganegaraan M’sia kepada Bangladesh sbb Bangla pandai berbahasa Melayu hehe.
Pelik en bila si gemuk botak cakap meleis zionist takde pun melayu claim terdiskriminasi. Tapi ada kawan dia yang sorang tu, orang cakap zionist, melalak sekampung. hehehe
It’s always cina kepong lala dengan india panjeet yang always tweet racist remark kat X ni. Pastu kang bila ada melayu retaliate, mula la dok meratib meleis.
In that case when the colonizers left why did the Malays ran poor? And u had to bring Dasar Ekonomi Malas to bring up Meleis…hahahhahaa bodoh tak belajar sejarah..Tun M pun dah mengaku Melayu malas …kekeke fark u boy
Talk like you’ve been there. This bad mentality “glc only for meleis” no wonder you ppl keep playing racial card
Same except that mak i adopted since birth. Jln2 kt dorm free hair kena tego dgn cina. Member bantai Cantonese huhu sis tatau. Gi meeting dorm geng meleis tanya nama apa tetiba nama arab ahahahahah
Apa nak pelik? Kan malaysian kerja office ramai sayang bangsa ni. Takda dorang takda pembangunan katanya. Sebab takda meleis yang nak kerja bawah matahari. Kan semua meleis apply kerja office. Buat apa nak hire meleis? Bangsa ni kan lagi murah nak bayar
Kalaulah aku ni Chinese & berkawan dengan kau, lepas tu tulis pulak berjela mula dengan “My Type C friends”, aku putus kawan je, pergi mampus dengan racism & PAS kau. Ayat awal tu dah menunjukkan kau tak hargai persahabatan kau. SEKALI LAGI, PERGI MAMPUS DENGAN RACISM & PAS KAU
boleh dah kot kerajaan bertegas sikit, naik muak tengok geng diaorang buat perangai, nak cakap aku racist pergi mampus la, kau tak hadap lagi perangai sial diaorang, i said what i said