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0, 208, 2, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 720, 142, 0, 42, 0, "ANALYSIS_MODELS" ], [ 721, 142, 0, 83, 0, "ANALYSIS_MODELS" ], [ 722, 27, 2, 39, 1, "VAE" ], [ 723, 121, 0, 117, 0, "MODEL" ], [ 724, 27, 2, 117, 1, "VAE" ], [ 725, 6, 0, 117, 2, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 726, 7, 0, 117, 3, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 727, 27, 2, 74, 1, "VAE" ], [ 728, 121, 0, 3, 0, "MODEL" ], [ 729, 6, 0, 3, 1, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 730, 7, 0, 3, 2, "CONDITIONING" ], [ 731, 142, 0, 89, 0, "ANALYSIS_MODELS" ], [ 732, 27, 2, 116, 2, "VAE" ] ], "groups": [ { "title": "Prepare Face", "bounding": [ -680, -1184, 947, 1212 ], "color": "#3f789e", "font_size": 24, "locked": false }, { "title": "PuLID", "bounding": [ 323, -346, 701, 391 ], "color": "#3f789e", "font_size": 24, "locked": false }, { "title": "Face Rework", "bounding": [ 1041, -342, 1056, 693 ], "color": "#3f789e", "font_size": 24, "locked": false }, { "title": "Input face Vs. 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