stringlengths 5
| name
stringlengths 4
| original_source_type
stringlengths 0
| source_type
stringlengths 9
| source_definition
stringlengths 9
| source
dict | source_range
dict | file_context
stringlengths 0
| dependencies
dict | opens_and_abbrevs
listlengths 2
| vconfig
dict | interleaved
bool 1
class | verbose_type
stringlengths 1
| effect
stringclasses 118
values | effect_flags
sequencelengths 0
| mutual_with
sequencelengths 0
| ideal_premises
sequencelengths 0
| proof_features
sequencelengths 0
| is_simple_lemma
bool 2
classes | is_div
bool 2
classes | is_proof
bool 2
classes | is_simply_typed
bool 2
classes | is_type
bool 2
classes | partial_definition
stringlengths 5
| completed_definiton
stringlengths 1
| isa_cross_project_example
bool 1
class |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_add1_normal_t | val lowstar_add1_normal_t:normal lowstar_add1_t | val lowstar_add1_normal_t:normal lowstar_add1_t | let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1 | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 44,
"end_line": 154,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 153
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | FStar.Pervasives.norm [
FStar.Pervasives.delta_attr ["Vale.Arch.HeapTypes_s.__reduce__"; "FStar.BigOps.__reduce__"];
FStar.Pervasives.delta_only [
"FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom"; "FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on";
"FStar.List.Tot.Base.fold_right_gtot"; "FStar.List.Tot.Base.map_gtot";
"FStar.List.Tot.Base.length"; "FStar.Pervasives.Native.fst"; "FStar.Pervasives.Native.snd";
Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let lowstar_add1_normal_t:normal lowstar_add1_t =
| as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1 | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_pre | val fadd_pre:VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom | val fadd_pre:VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom | let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 68,
"end_line": 193,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 186
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_pre Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_dom | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fadd_pre:VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
| fun (c: V.va_code) (out: b64) (f1: b64) (f2: b64) (va_s0: V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_st1 | val rsapss_verify_st1 : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_verify_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey) /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 62,
"end_line": 448,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 431
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m pkey /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) == LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg #t ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_from_bytes_be k sgnt s;
let b = rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m s in
pop_frame ();
b | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_verify_st1
(t: limb_t)
(ke: BE.exp t)
(a: Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a})
(modBits: modBits_t t)
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)} ->
pkey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t))) ->
saltLen: size_t ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
msgLen: size_t ->
msg: lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ disjoint msg sgnt /\
disjoint msg pkey /\ LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey) /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r ==
LS.rsapss_verify_ a
(v modBits)
(v eBits)
(as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen)
(as_seq h0 sgnt)
(v msgLen)
(as_seq h0 msg)) | false |
LowParse.Spec.DepLen.fst | LowParse.Spec.DepLen.parse_deplen_unfold2 | val parse_deplen_unfold2
(min: nat)
(max: nat{min <= max /\ max < 4294967296})
(#hk: parser_kind)
(#ht: Type)
(hp: parser hk ht)
(dlf: (ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max)))
(#pk: parser_kind)
(#pt: Type)
(#pp: parser pk pt)
(ps: serializer pp)
(input: bytes)
: Lemma
(parse (parse_deplen min max hp dlf ps) input ==
(match parse hp input with
| None -> None
| Some (h, consumed) ->
if (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) > (Seq.length input)
then None
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) in
match parse pp input' with
| None -> None
| Some (t, consumed') ->
if consumed' = U32.v (dlf h) && Seq.length (serialize ps t) = consumed'
then Some ((h, t), consumed + (U32.v (dlf h)))
else None)) | val parse_deplen_unfold2
(min: nat)
(max: nat{min <= max /\ max < 4294967296})
(#hk: parser_kind)
(#ht: Type)
(hp: parser hk ht)
(dlf: (ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max)))
(#pk: parser_kind)
(#pt: Type)
(#pp: parser pk pt)
(ps: serializer pp)
(input: bytes)
: Lemma
(parse (parse_deplen min max hp dlf ps) input ==
(match parse hp input with
| None -> None
| Some (h, consumed) ->
if (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) > (Seq.length input)
then None
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) in
match parse pp input' with
| None -> None
| Some (t, consumed') ->
if consumed' = U32.v (dlf h) && Seq.length (serialize ps t) = consumed'
then Some ((h, t), consumed + (U32.v (dlf h)))
else None)) | let parse_deplen_unfold2
(min: nat)
(max: nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#hk: parser_kind)
(#ht: Type)
(hp: parser hk ht)
(dlf: ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max))
(#pk: parser_kind)
(#pt: Type)
(#pp: parser pk pt)
(ps: serializer pp)
(input : bytes)
: Lemma
(parse (parse_deplen min max hp dlf ps) input ==
(match parse hp input with
| None -> None
| Some (h, consumed) ->
if (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) > (Seq.length input) then
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) in
match parse pp input' with
| None -> None
| Some (t, consumed') ->
if consumed' = U32.v (dlf h) && Seq.length (serialize ps t) = consumed' then
Some ((h, t), consumed + (U32.v (dlf h)))
= parse_tagged_union_eq
(calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps)
(parse_deplen_payload min max dlf ps)
match parse hp input with
| None -> ()
| Some (h, consumed) ->
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (Seq.length input) in
parse_deplen_payload_unfold min max dlf ps h input';
let sz = (U32.v (dlf h)) in
if Seq.length input < consumed + sz then
Seq.slice_slice input consumed (Seq.length input) 0 sz | {
"file_name": "src/lowparse/LowParse.Spec.DepLen.fst",
"git_rev": "00217c4a89f5ba56002ba9aa5b4a9d5903bfe9fa",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "everparse"
} | {
"end_col": 60,
"end_line": 292,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 247
} | module LowParse.Spec.DepLen
(* LowParse specification module for parsing structures with dependent length
struct {
uint len;
uint foo;
uint buf[len];
include LowParse.Spec.Combinators
include LowParse.Spec.AllIntegers
include LowParse.Spec.VLGen
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module Seq = FStar.Seq
(* arguments
@min :
@max : integer bounds
@ht : header type
@hk : header parser metadata
@hp : header parser
@h : header data
@dlf : dependent length function
@pt : payload type
@pk : payload parser metadata
@pp : payload parser
@ps : payload serializer
@x : data
(* data type of the dependent length parser, which is a pair of the header and the payload *)
let parse_deplen_data_t
(min : nat)
(max : nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#ht : Type)
(#pt : Type)
(dlf : ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max) )
(#pk : parser_kind)
(#pp : parser pk pt)
(ps : serializer pp)
= x:(ht & pt) {U32.v (dlf (fst x)) == Seq.length (serialize ps (snd x) ) }
(* the tag for a piece of dependent length data is just its header *)
let calc_tag_of_deplen_data
(min : nat)
(max : nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#ht : Type)
(#pt : Type)
(dlf : ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max) )
(#pk : parser_kind)
(#pp : parser pk pt)
(ps : serializer pp)
(x : parse_deplen_data_t min max dlf ps)
: GTot ht
= fst x
(* synth put the header and the payload together to get the data *)
let synth_deplen_data
(min : nat)
(max : nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#ht : Type)
(#pt : Type)
(dlf : ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max) )
(#pk : parser_kind)
(#pp : parser pk pt)
(ps : serializer pp)
(h : ht)
(x : parse_fldata_strong_t ps (U32.v (dlf h)))
: Tot (refine_with_tag (calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps) h)
= (h, x)
(* metadata of the payload, reuse bounded_vlgen_payload *)
let parse_deplen_payload_kind = parse_bounded_vlgen_payload_kind
(* parser spec for the dependent length payload which attaches the header to generate the data *)
let parse_deplen_payload
(min : nat)
(max : nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#ht : Type)
(#pt : Type)
(dlf : ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max) )
(#pk : parser_kind)
(#pp : parser pk pt)
(ps : serializer pp)
(h : ht)
: Tot (parser (parse_deplen_payload_kind min max pk) (refine_with_tag (calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps) h))
= let sz = (U32.v (dlf h)) in
let bounds_off =
pk.parser_kind_low > sz || (
match pk.parser_kind_high with
| None -> false
| Some pkmax -> pkmax < sz
if bounds_off
then fail_parser (parse_deplen_payload_kind min max pk) (refine_with_tag (calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps) h)
weaken (parse_deplen_payload_kind min max pk)
(parse_fldata_strong ps sz
synth_deplen_data min max dlf ps h)
(* unfold is a more human readable version and do double-check of the definition
This lemma says using the parser defined above is equivalent to using a fixed-length
parser with the calculated size and then attach the header
let parse_deplen_payload_unfold
(min : nat)
(max : nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#ht : Type)
(#pt : Type)
(dlf : ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max) )
(#pk : parser_kind)
(#pp : parser pk pt)
(ps : serializer pp)
(h : ht)
(input: bytes)
: Lemma
(parse (parse_deplen_payload min max dlf ps h) input == (match (parse (parse_fldata_strong ps (U32.v (dlf h))) input) with
| None -> None
| Some (x, consumed) -> Some (synth_deplen_data min max dlf ps h x, consumed)))
= let sz = (U32.v (dlf h)) in
let bounds_off =
pk.parser_kind_low > sz || (
match pk.parser_kind_high with
| None -> false
| Some pkmax -> pkmax < sz
if bounds_off
then ()
(parse_fldata_strong ps sz)
(synth_deplen_data min max dlf ps h)
(* metadata for dependent length parser
@min :
@max : integer bounds
@hk : header metadata
@pk : payload metadata
let parse_deplen_kind
(min : nat)
(max : nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(hk : parser_kind)
(pk : parser_kind)
= and_then_kind hk (parse_deplen_payload_kind min max pk)
(* parse spec for dependent length structures *)
let parse_deplen
(min: nat)
(max: nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#hk: parser_kind)
(#ht: Type)
(hp: parser hk ht)
(dlf: ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max))
(#pk: parser_kind)
(#pt: Type)
(#pp: parser pk pt)
(ps: serializer pp)
: Tot (parser (parse_deplen_kind min max hk pk) (parse_deplen_data_t min max dlf ps))
= parse_tagged_union
(calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps)
(parse_deplen_payload min max dlf ps)
(* This lemma says using the parser above is equivalent to using the header parser and then
the deplen_payload parser
let parse_deplen_unfold
(min: nat)
(max: nat { min <= max /\ max < 4294967296 } )
(#hk: parser_kind)
(#ht: Type)
(hp: parser hk ht)
(dlf: ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max))
(#pk: parser_kind)
(#pt: Type)
(#pp: parser pk pt)
(ps: serializer pp)
(input : bytes)
: Lemma
(parse (parse_deplen min max hp dlf ps) input ==
(match parse hp input with
| None -> None
| Some (h, consumed) ->
if (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) > (Seq.length input) then
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (Seq.length input) in
match parse (parse_deplen_payload min max dlf ps h) input' with
| None -> None
| Some(x, consumed') ->
if consumed' = U32.v (dlf h) then
Some (x, consumed + (U32.v (dlf h)))
= parse_tagged_union_eq
(calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps)
(parse_deplen_payload min max dlf ps)
match parse hp input with
| None -> ()
| Some (h, consumed) ->
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (Seq.length input) in
parse_deplen_payload_unfold min max dlf ps h input';
let sz = (U32.v (dlf h)) in
if Seq.length input < consumed + sz then
Seq.slice_slice input consumed (Seq.length input) 0 sz
(* a stronger version that further unfolds the payload *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "LowParse.Spec.DepLen.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "Seq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "LowParse.Spec.VLGen",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "LowParse.Spec.AllIntegers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "LowParse.Spec.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "LowParse.Spec",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "LowParse.Spec",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
min: Prims.nat ->
max: Prims.nat{min <= max /\ max < 4294967296} ->
hp: LowParse.Spec.Base.parser hk ht ->
dlf: (_: ht -> LowParse.Spec.BoundedInt.bounded_int32 min max) ->
ps: LowParse.Spec.Base.serializer pp ->
input: LowParse.Bytes.bytes
-> FStar.Pervasives.Lemma
LowParse.Spec.Base.parse (LowParse.Spec.DepLen.parse_deplen min max hp dlf ps) input ==
(match LowParse.Spec.Base.parse hp input with
| FStar.Pervasives.Native.None #_ -> FStar.Pervasives.Native.None
| FStar.Pervasives.Native.Some #_ (FStar.Pervasives.Native.Mktuple2 #_ #_ h consumed) ->
(match FStar.UInt32.v (dlf h) + consumed > FStar.Seq.Base.length input with
| true -> FStar.Pervasives.Native.None
| _ ->
let input' =
FStar.Seq.Base.slice input consumed (FStar.UInt32.v (dlf h) + consumed)
(match LowParse.Spec.Base.parse pp input' with
| FStar.Pervasives.Native.None #_ -> FStar.Pervasives.Native.None
| FStar.Pervasives.Native.Some
(FStar.Pervasives.Native.Mktuple2 #_ #_ t consumed') ->
consumed' = FStar.UInt32.v (dlf h) &&
FStar.Seq.Base.length (LowParse.Spec.Base.serialize ps t) = consumed'
| true ->
FStar.Pervasives.Native.Some ((h, t), consumed + FStar.UInt32.v (dlf h))
| _ -> FStar.Pervasives.Native.None)
FStar.Pervasives.Native.option (LowParse.Spec.DepLen.parse_deplen_data_t min
ps *
LowParse.Spec.Base.consumed_length input))
FStar.Pervasives.Native.option (LowParse.Spec.DepLen.parse_deplen_data_t min
ps *
LowParse.Spec.Base.consumed_length input))
FStar.Pervasives.Native.option (LowParse.Spec.DepLen.parse_deplen_data_t min max dlf ps *
LowParse.Spec.Base.consumed_length input))) | FStar.Pervasives.Lemma | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | true | false | false | let parse_deplen_unfold2
(min: nat)
(max: nat{min <= max /\ max < 4294967296})
(#hk: parser_kind)
(#ht: Type)
(hp: parser hk ht)
(dlf: (ht -> Tot (bounded_int32 min max)))
(#pk: parser_kind)
(#pt: Type)
(#pp: parser pk pt)
(ps: serializer pp)
(input: bytes)
: Lemma
(parse (parse_deplen min max hp dlf ps) input ==
(match parse hp input with
| None -> None
| Some (h, consumed) ->
if (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) > (Seq.length input)
then None
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (U32.v (dlf h) + consumed) in
match parse pp input' with
| None -> None
| Some (t, consumed') ->
if consumed' = U32.v (dlf h) && Seq.length (serialize ps t) = consumed'
then Some ((h, t), consumed + (U32.v (dlf h)))
else None)) =
| parse_tagged_union_eq hp
(calc_tag_of_deplen_data min max dlf ps)
(parse_deplen_payload min max dlf ps)
match parse hp input with
| None -> ()
| Some (h, consumed) ->
let input' = Seq.slice input consumed (Seq.length input) in
parse_deplen_payload_unfold min max dlf ps h input';
let sz = (U32.v (dlf h)) in
if Seq.length input < consumed + sz
then ()
else Seq.slice_slice input consumed (Seq.length input) 0 sz | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_st1 | val rsapss_sign_st1 : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 79,
"end_line": 205,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 185
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
eq_b | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_sign_st1
(t: limb_t)
(ke: BE.exp t)
(a: Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a})
(modBits: modBits_t t)
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t ->
dBits: size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)} ->
skey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t))) ->
saltLen: size_t ->
salt: lbuffer uint8 saltLen ->
msgLen: size_t ->
msg: lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\ LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
fun h0 eq_m h1 ->
modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) ==
LS.rsapss_sign_ a
(v modBits)
(v eBits)
(v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey)
(v saltLen)
(as_seq h0 salt)
(v msgLen)
(as_seq h0 msg)) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.code_Fadd | val code_Fadd : Vale.X64.Decls.va_code | let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd () | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 34,
"end_line": 248,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 248
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma' | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.X64.Decls.va_code | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let code_Fadd =
| FH.va_code_Fadd () | false |
FStar.WellFoundedRelation.fst | FStar.WellFoundedRelation.option_wfr | val option_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (wfr: wfr_t a)
: wfr': wfr_t (option a){wfr'.relation == option_relation wfr} | val option_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (wfr: wfr_t a)
: wfr': wfr_t (option a){wfr'.relation == option_relation wfr} | let option_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (wfr: wfr_t a)
: wfr': wfr_t (option a){wfr'.relation == option_relation wfr} =
// We'll need the unit type raised to universe u#a
let unit_a: Type u#a = raise_t unit in
// Step 1: Create a function f mapping an `option a` to a
// `(b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a))`. It should map
// `Some x` to `(| true, x |)` and `None` to `(| false, () |)`.
let f: option a -> (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)) =
fun opt -> (match opt with | Some x -> (| true, x |) | None -> (| false, raise_val () |) )
// Step 2: Create a wfr for (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)) using lex_dep_wfr.
// The precedence for the bool field should be bool_wfr (i.e., false precedes true).
// The precedence for the (if b then a else unit_a) field should be either wfr or
// empty_wfr, depending on whether b is true or false.
let bool_to_wfr_a (b: bool) : wfr_t (if b then a else unit_a) =
if b then wfr else empty_wfr unit_a
let wfr_bool_a: wfr_t (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)) =
lex_dep_wfr bool_wfr bool_to_wfr_a
assert (forall (bx1: (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)))
(bx2: (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a))).
wfr_bool_a.relation bx1 bx2 <==>
(let (| b1, x1 |), (| b2, x2 |) = bx1, bx2 in
(not b1 && b2) \/ (b1 && b2 /\ wfr.relation x1 x2)));
// Step 3: Create the final wfr using inverse_image_to_wfr, using `f` as the mapping
// function from `option a` to `(b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a))` and
// `wfr_bool_a` as the wfr_t for `(b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a))`.
assert (forall opt1 opt2. (option_relation wfr) opt1 opt2 ==> wfr_bool_a.relation (f opt1) (f opt2));
inverse_image_to_wfr (option_relation wfr) f wfr_bool_a | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.WellFoundedRelation.fst",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 57,
"end_line": 213,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 176
} | (*
Copyright 2022 Jay Lorch and Nikhil Swamy, Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
(* This library is intended to simplify using well-founded relations
in decreases clauses.
module FStar.WellFoundedRelation
open FStar.Universe
module WF = FStar.WellFounded
module WFU = FStar.WellFounded.Util
let rec default_decreaser (#a: Type u#a) (x: a)
: Tot (acc_classical (default_relation #a) x) (decreases x) =
let smaller (y: a{default_relation y x}) : acc_classical (default_relation #a) y =
default_decreaser y
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let default_wfr (a: Type u#a) : (wfr: wfr_t a{wfr.relation == default_relation}) =
let proof (x1: a) (x2: a)
: Lemma (requires default_relation x1 x2)
(ensures default_decreaser x1 << default_decreaser x2) =
assert ((default_decreaser x2).access_smaller x1 == default_decreaser x1)
{ relation = default_relation; decreaser = default_decreaser; proof = proof; }
let rec empty_decreaser (#a: Type u#a) (x: a)
: Tot (acc_classical (empty_relation #a) x) (decreases x) =
let smaller (y: a{empty_relation y x}) : acc_classical (empty_relation #a) y =
empty_decreaser y
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let empty_wfr (a: Type u#a) : (wfr: wfr_t a{wfr.relation == empty_relation}) =
let proof (x1: a) (x2: a)
: Lemma (requires empty_relation x1 x2) (ensures empty_decreaser x1 << empty_decreaser x2) =
assert ((empty_decreaser x2).access_smaller x1 == empty_decreaser x1)
{ relation = empty_relation; decreaser = empty_decreaser; proof = proof; }
let rec acc_decreaser
(#a: Type u#a)
(r: a -> a -> Type0)
(f: WF.well_founded r{forall x1 x2 (p: r x1 x2). (f x2).access_smaller x1 p == f x1})
(x: a)
: Tot (acc_classical (acc_relation r) x) (decreases (f x)) =
let smaller (y: a{(acc_relation r) y x}) : (acc_classical (acc_relation r) y) = (
eliminate exists (p: r y x). True
returns f y << f x
with _. assert ((f x).access_smaller y p == f y);
acc_decreaser r f y
) in
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let rec eta_expand_well_founded (#a: Type) (r: WF.binrel a) (wf_r: WF.well_founded r) (x: a)
: Tot (WF.acc r x)
(decreases {:well-founded (WFU.lift_binrel_as_well_founded_relation wf_r) (| a, x |)})
= WF.AccIntro (let g_smaller (y: a) (u: r y x) : WF.acc r y =
WFU.intro_lift_binrel r y x;
eta_expand_well_founded r wf_r y
in g_smaller)
let acc_to_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (r: WF.binrel u#a u#0 a) (f: WF.well_founded r)
: (wfr: wfr_t a{wfr.relation == acc_relation r}) =
let f = eta_expand_well_founded r f in
let proof (x1: a) (x2: a)
: Lemma (requires acc_relation r x1 x2)
(ensures acc_decreaser r f x1 << acc_decreaser r f x2) =
assert ((acc_decreaser r f x2).access_smaller x1 == acc_decreaser r f x1)
{ relation = acc_relation r; decreaser = acc_decreaser r f; proof = proof; }
let rec subrelation_decreaser (#a: Type u#a) (r: a -> a -> Type0)
(wfr: wfr_t a{forall x1 x2. r x1 x2 ==> wfr.relation x1 x2}) (x: a)
: Tot (acc_classical r x) (decreases wfr.decreaser x) =
let smaller (y: a{r y x}) : (acc_classical r y) =
subrelation_decreaser r wfr y
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let subrelation_to_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (r: a -> a -> Type0)
(wfr: wfr_t a{forall x1 x2. r x1 x2 ==> wfr.relation x1 x2})
: (wfr': wfr_t a{wfr'.relation == r}) =
let proof (x1: a) (x2: a)
: Lemma (requires r x1 x2)
(ensures subrelation_decreaser r wfr x1 << subrelation_decreaser r wfr x2) =
assert ((subrelation_decreaser r wfr x2).access_smaller x1 == subrelation_decreaser r wfr x1)
{ relation = r; decreaser = subrelation_decreaser r wfr; proof = proof; }
let rec inverse_image_decreaser (#a: Type u#a) (#b: Type u#b) (r: a -> a -> Type0) (f: a -> b)
(wfr: wfr_t b{forall x1 x2. r x1 x2 ==> wfr.relation (f x1) (f x2)})
(x: a)
: Tot (acc_classical r x) (decreases wfr.decreaser (f x)) =
let smaller (y: a{r y x}) : (acc_classical r y) =
inverse_image_decreaser r f wfr y
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let inverse_image_to_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (#b: Type u#b) (r: a -> a -> Type0) (f: a -> b)
(wfr: wfr_t b{forall x1 x2. r x1 x2 ==> wfr.relation (f x1) (f x2)})
: (wfr': wfr_t a{wfr'.relation == r}) =
let proof (x1: a) (x2: a)
: Lemma (requires r x1 x2)
(ensures inverse_image_decreaser r f wfr x1 << inverse_image_decreaser r f wfr x2) =
assert ((inverse_image_decreaser r f wfr x2).access_smaller x1 ==
inverse_image_decreaser r f wfr x1)
{ relation = r; decreaser = inverse_image_decreaser r f wfr; proof = proof; }
let rec lex_nondep_decreaser (#a: Type u#a) (#b: Type u#b) (wfr_a: wfr_t a) (wfr_b: wfr_t b)
(xy: a * b)
: Tot (acc_classical (lex_nondep_relation wfr_a wfr_b) xy)
(decreases %[wfr_a.decreaser (fst xy); wfr_b.decreaser (snd xy)]) =
let smaller (xy': a * b{lex_nondep_relation wfr_a wfr_b xy' xy})
: (acc_classical (lex_nondep_relation wfr_a wfr_b) xy') =
lex_nondep_decreaser wfr_a wfr_b xy'
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let lex_nondep_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (#b: Type u#b) (wfr_a: wfr_t a) (wfr_b: wfr_t b)
: wfr: wfr_t (a * b){wfr.relation == lex_nondep_relation wfr_a wfr_b} =
let proof (xy1: a * b) (xy2: a * b)
: Lemma (requires lex_nondep_relation wfr_a wfr_b xy1 xy2)
(ensures lex_nondep_decreaser wfr_a wfr_b xy1 <<
lex_nondep_decreaser wfr_a wfr_b xy2) =
assert ((lex_nondep_decreaser wfr_a wfr_b xy2).access_smaller xy1 ==
lex_nondep_decreaser wfr_a wfr_b xy1)
{ relation = lex_nondep_relation wfr_a wfr_b;
decreaser = lex_nondep_decreaser wfr_a wfr_b;
proof = proof; }
let rec lex_dep_decreaser (#a: Type u#a) (#b: a -> Type u#b) (wfr_a: wfr_t a)
(a_to_wfr_b: (x: a -> wfr_t (b x))) (xy: (x: a & b x))
: Tot (acc_classical (lex_dep_relation wfr_a a_to_wfr_b) xy)
(decreases %[wfr_a.decreaser (dfst xy); (a_to_wfr_b (dfst xy)).decreaser (dsnd xy)]) =
let smaller (xy': (x: a & b x){lex_dep_relation wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy' xy})
: (acc_classical (lex_dep_relation wfr_a a_to_wfr_b) xy') =
lex_dep_decreaser wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy'
AccClassicalIntro smaller
let lex_dep_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (#b: a -> Type u#b) (wfr_a: wfr_t a)
(a_to_wfr_b: (x: a -> wfr_t (b x)))
: wfr: wfr_t (x: a & b x){wfr.relation == lex_dep_relation wfr_a a_to_wfr_b} =
let proof (xy1: (x: a & b x)) (xy2: (x: a & b x))
: Lemma (requires lex_dep_relation wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy1 xy2)
(ensures lex_dep_decreaser wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy1 <<
lex_dep_decreaser wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy2) =
assert ((lex_dep_decreaser wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy2).access_smaller xy1 ==
lex_dep_decreaser wfr_a a_to_wfr_b xy1)
{ relation = lex_dep_relation wfr_a a_to_wfr_b;
decreaser = lex_dep_decreaser wfr_a a_to_wfr_b;
proof = proof; }
let bool_wfr: (wfr: wfr_t bool{wfr.relation == bool_relation}) =
inverse_image_to_wfr #bool #nat bool_relation (fun b -> if b then 1 else 0) (default_wfr nat) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "FStar.WellFoundedRelation.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.WellFounded.Util",
"short_module": "WFU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.WellFounded",
"short_module": "WF"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Universe",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | wfr: FStar.WellFoundedRelation.wfr_t a
-> wfr':
FStar.WellFoundedRelation.wfr_t (FStar.Pervasives.Native.option a)
{Mkwfr_t?.relation wfr' == FStar.WellFoundedRelation.option_relation wfr} | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let option_wfr (#a: Type u#a) (wfr: wfr_t a)
: wfr': wfr_t (option a) {wfr'.relation == option_relation wfr} =
| let unit_a:Type u#a = raise_t unit in
let f: option a -> (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)) =
fun opt ->
(match opt with
| Some x -> (| true, x |)
| None -> (| false, raise_val () |))
let bool_to_wfr_a (b: bool) : wfr_t (if b then a else unit_a) =
if b then wfr else empty_wfr unit_a
let wfr_bool_a:wfr_t (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)) = lex_dep_wfr bool_wfr bool_to_wfr_a in
assert (forall (bx1: (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a)))
(bx2: (b: bool & (if b then a else unit_a))).
wfr_bool_a.relation bx1 bx2 <==>
(let (| b1 , x1 |), (| b2 , x2 |) = bx1, bx2 in
(not b1 && b2) \/ (b1 && b2 /\ wfr.relation x1 x2)));
assert (forall opt1 opt2. (option_relation wfr) opt1 opt2 ==> wfr_bool_a.relation (f opt1) (f opt2));
inverse_image_to_wfr (option_relation wfr) f wfr_bool_a | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_names | val fadd_names : n: Prims.nat -> Prims.string | let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 11,
"end_line": 296,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 291
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"] | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | n: Prims.nat -> Prims.string | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fadd_names (n: nat) =
| match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.bn_lt_pow2 | val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m)) | val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m)) | let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 39,
"end_line": 289,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 285
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m)) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
modBits: Lib.IntTypes.size_t{1 < Lib.IntTypes.v modBits} ->
Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.lbignum t
(Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.blocks modBits (Lib.IntTypes.size (Lib.IntTypes.bits t)))
-> FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack Prims.bool | FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
| if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul)
then true
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_st | val rsapss_sign_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 96,
"end_line": 247,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 228
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
eq_b | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_sign_st
(t: limb_t)
(ke: BE.exp t)
(a: Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a})
(modBits: modBits_t t)
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t ->
dBits: size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)} ->
skey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t))) ->
saltLen: size_t ->
salt: lbuffer uint8 saltLen ->
msgLen: size_t ->
msg: lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\ LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
fun h0 b h1 ->
modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) ==
LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen)
(as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt)) | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_pkey_verify_st | val rsapss_pkey_verify_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Lib.IntTypes.size_t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_pkey_verify_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:size_t) =
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> nb:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> eb:lbuffer uint8 (blocks eBits 8ul)
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgntLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 sgntLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
blocks modBits (size (bits t)) == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h nb /\ live h eb /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint nb eb /\ disjoint sgnt nb /\
disjoint sgnt eb /\ disjoint msg nb /\ disjoint msg eb)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == S.rsapss_pkey_verify a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb)
(v saltLen) (v sgntLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 74,
"end_line": 592,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 575
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m pkey /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) == LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg #t ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_from_bytes_be k sgnt s;
let b = rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m s in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey) /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_verify_ #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let b = rsapss_verify_compute_msg ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m in
let res = if b then rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m else false in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgntLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 sgntLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (v sgntLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_verify #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgntLen sgnt msgLen msg =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
assert (v msgLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v hLen + 8 < max_size_t);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
sgntLen =. blocks modBits 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_verify_ ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_skey_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:size_t) =
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> nb:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> eb:lbuffer uint8 (blocks eBits 8ul)
-> db:lbuffer uint8 (blocks dBits 8ul)
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
blocks modBits (size (bits t)) == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\
live h nb /\ live h eb /\ live h db /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\
disjoint sgnt nb /\ disjoint sgnt eb /\ disjoint sgnt db /\
disjoint salt msg)
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(let sgnt_s = S.rsapss_skey_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb) (as_seq h0 db) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) in
if b then Some? sgnt_s /\ as_seq h1 sgnt == Some?.v sgnt_s else None? sgnt_s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_skey_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t
-> rsapss_load_skey:RK.rsapss_load_skey_st t ke modBits
-> rsapss_sign:rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits ->
rsapss_skey_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_skey_sign #t ke a modBits rsapss_load_skey rsapss_sign eBits dBits nb eb db saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let h0 = ST.get () in
push_frame ();
let skey = create (2ul *! blocks modBits bits +! blocks eBits bits +! blocks dBits bits) (uint #t 0) in
let b = rsapss_load_skey eBits dBits nb eb db skey in
LS.rsapss_load_skey_lemma #t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb) (as_seq h0 db);
let res =
if b then
rsapss_sign eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
false in
pop_frame ();
let h1 = ST.get () in
assert ((res, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_skey_sign #t a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb) (as_seq h0 db) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt)
(v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt));
res | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Lib.IntTypes.size_t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_pkey_verify_st
(t: limb_t)
(ke: BE.exp t)
(a: Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a})
(modBits: size_t)
eBits: size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)} ->
nb: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
eb: lbuffer uint8 (blocks eBits 8ul) ->
saltLen: size_t ->
sgntLen: size_t ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 sgntLen ->
msgLen: size_t ->
msg: lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
blocks modBits (size (bits t)) == /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\
live h nb /\ live h eb /\ disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint nb eb /\ disjoint sgnt nb /\
disjoint sgnt eb /\ disjoint msg nb /\ disjoint msg eb)
fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r ==
S.rsapss_pkey_verify a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb) (v saltLen)
(v sgntLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg)) | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_bn_st | val rsapss_verify_bn_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 119,
"end_line": 305,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 293
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t: limb_t) (ke: BE.exp t) (modBits: modBits_t t) =
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)} ->
pkey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t))) ->
m_def: lbignum t len ->
s: lbignum t len
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\ disjoint m_def pkey /\
disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) ==
LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s)
) | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st | val rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m pkey /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) == LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 109,
"end_line": 401,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 388
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
res | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t: limb_t) (ke: BE.exp t) (modBits: modBits_t t) =
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)} ->
pkey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t))) ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
m: lbignum t len
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\ disjoint m sgnt /\
disjoint m pkey /\ as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) ==
LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt)) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_comments | val fadd_comments:list string | val fadd_comments:list string | let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"] | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 87,
"end_line": 289,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 289
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
() | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Prims.list Prims.string | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fadd_comments:list string =
| ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"] | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_fadd_normal_t | val lowstar_fadd_normal_t:normal lowstar_fadd_t | val lowstar_fadd_normal_t:normal lowstar_fadd_t | let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 44,
"end_line": 280,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 279
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | FStar.Pervasives.norm [
FStar.Pervasives.delta_attr ["Vale.Arch.HeapTypes_s.__reduce__"; "FStar.BigOps.__reduce__"];
FStar.Pervasives.delta_only [
"FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom"; "FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on";
"FStar.List.Tot.Base.fold_right_gtot"; "FStar.List.Tot.Base.map_gtot";
"FStar.List.Tot.Base.length"; "FStar.Pervasives.Native.fst"; "FStar.Pervasives.Native.snd";
Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let lowstar_fadd_normal_t:normal lowstar_fadd_t =
| as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.repr | val repr (a:Type)
(post:post_t a)
(ens:pure_post a)
: Type u#2 | val repr (a:Type)
(post:post_t a)
(ens:pure_post a)
: Type u#2 | let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 73,
"end_line": 29,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 28
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
a: Type ->
framed: Prims.bool ->
pre: Steel.Effect.Common.pre_t ->
post: Steel.Effect.Common.post_t a ->
req: Prims.pure_pre ->
ens: Prims.pure_post a
-> Type | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
| Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v) | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_bn_st | val rsapss_sign_bn_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 105,
"end_line": 56,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 40
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t} | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t: limb_t) (ke: BE.exp t) (modBits: modBits_t t) =
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t ->
dBits: size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)} ->
skey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t))) ->
m: lbignum t len ->
m': lbignum t len ->
s: lbignum t len
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\ disjoint s m /\
disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\ disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
fun h0 r h1 ->
modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) ==
LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m)) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_pre | val fsub_pre:VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom | val fsub_pre:VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom | let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 68,
"end_line": 316,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 309
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_pre Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_dom | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_pre:VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
| fun (c: V.va_code) (out: b64) (f1: b64) (f2: b64) (va_s0: V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_xmms_modified | val fsub_xmms_modified : _: _ -> Prims.bool | let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 39,
"end_line": 336,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 336
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | _: _ -> Prims.bool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_xmms_modified =
| fun _ -> false | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.code_Fsub | val code_Fsub : Vale.X64.Decls.va_code | let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub () | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 34,
"end_line": 371,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 371
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma' | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.X64.Decls.va_code | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let code_Fsub =
| FH.va_code_Fsub () | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_post | val fsub_post:VSig.vale_post fsub_dom | val fsub_post:VSig.vale_post fsub_dom | let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 97,
"end_line": 327,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 319
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_post Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_dom | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_post:VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
| fun
(c: V.va_code)
(out: b64)
(f1: b64)
(f2: b64)
(va_s0: V.va_state)
(va_s1: V.va_state)
(f: V.va_fuel)
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st | val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 121,
"end_line": 154,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 140
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame () | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t: limb_t) (ke: BE.exp t) (modBits: modBits_t t) =
| let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits: size_t ->
dBits: size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)} ->
skey: lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t))) ->
m: lbignum t len ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
len == /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
fun h0 eq_m h1 ->
modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) ==
LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m)
) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline.cswap2 | val cswap2
(bit:UInt64.t{UInt64.v bit <= 1})
: Stack unit
(requires fun h -> h p0 /\ h p1 /\
(B.disjoint p0 p1 \/ p0 == p1))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 ->
B.modifies (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer p0) (B.loc_buffer p1)) h0 h1 /\
(let old_p0 = B.as_seq h0 p0 in
let new_p0 = B.as_seq h1 p0 in
let old_p1 = B.as_seq h0 p1 in
let new_p1 = B.as_seq h1 p1 in
(UInt64.v bit = 1 ==> (Seq.equal old_p0 new_p1 /\ Seq.equal old_p1 new_p0)) /\
(UInt64.v bit = 0 ==> (Seq.equal old_p0 new_p0 /\ Seq.equal old_p1 new_p1))
) | val cswap2
(bit:UInt64.t{UInt64.v bit <= 1})
: Stack unit
(requires fun h -> h p0 /\ h p1 /\
(B.disjoint p0 p1 \/ p0 == p1))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 ->
B.modifies (B.loc_union (B.loc_buffer p0) (B.loc_buffer p1)) h0 h1 /\
(let old_p0 = B.as_seq h0 p0 in
let new_p0 = B.as_seq h1 p0 in
let old_p1 = B.as_seq h0 p1 in
let new_p1 = B.as_seq h1 p1 in
(UInt64.v bit = 1 ==> (Seq.equal old_p0 new_p1 /\ Seq.equal old_p1 new_p0)) /\
(UInt64.v bit = 0 ==> (Seq.equal old_p0 new_p0 /\ Seq.equal old_p1 new_p1))
) | let cswap2 bit p0 p1
= DV.length_eq (get_downview p0);
DV.length_eq (get_downview p1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_cswap_normal_t bit p0 p1 () in
() | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 6,
"end_line": 161,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 157
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let cswap_dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [tuint64; t64_mod; t64_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let cswap_pre : VSig.vale_pre cswap_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Cswap2 c va_s0
(UInt64.v bit) (as_vale_buffer p0) (as_vale_buffer p1)
let cswap_post : VSig.vale_post cswap_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Cswap2 c va_s0 (UInt64.v bit) (as_vale_buffer p0) (as_vale_buffer p1) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let cswap_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRdi || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 then true
else false
let cswap_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let cswap_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
cswap_pre code bit p0 p1 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 cswap_regs_modified cswap_xmms_modified /\
cswap_post code bit p0 p1 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer p0) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer p1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer p0) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer p1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer p0))
(ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer p1))
ME.loc_none)) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Cswap2 code va_s0 (UInt64.v bit) (as_vale_buffer p0) (as_vale_buffer p1) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 p0;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 p1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that cswap_lemma' has the required type *)
let cswap_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig cswap_regs_modified cswap_xmms_modified cswap_pre cswap_post) cswap_lemma'
let code_cswap = FU.va_code_Cswap2 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the cswap wrapper *)
let lowstar_cswap_t =
assert_norm (List.length cswap_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_cswap cswap_dom [] (cswap_lemma code_cswap
(* And here's the cswap wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_cswap : lowstar_cswap_t =
assert_norm (List.length cswap_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_cswap cswap_dom [] (cswap_lemma code_cswap
let lowstar_cswap_normal_t : normal lowstar_cswap_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_cswap_t lowstar_cswap
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
bit: FStar.UInt64.t{FStar.UInt64.v bit <= 1} ->
p0: Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline.u512 ->
p1: Vale.Inline.X64.Fswap_inline.u512
-> FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack Prims.unit | FStar.HyperStack.ST.Stack | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let cswap2 bit p0 p1 =
| DV.length_eq (get_downview p0);
DV.length_eq (get_downview p1);
let x, _ = lowstar_cswap_normal_t bit p0 p1 () in
() | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify | val rsapss_verify:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st t ke a modBits | val rsapss_verify:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st t ke a modBits | let rsapss_verify #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgntLen sgnt msgLen msg =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
assert (v msgLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v hLen + 8 < max_size_t);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
sgntLen =. blocks modBits 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_verify_ ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg
false | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 9,
"end_line": 514,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 499
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m pkey /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) == LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg #t ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_from_bytes_be k sgnt s;
let b = rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m s in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey) /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_verify_ #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let b = rsapss_verify_compute_msg ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m in
let res = if b then rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m else false in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgntLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 sgntLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (v sgntLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st t ke a modBits | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_st t ke a modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_verify #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgntLen sgnt msgLen msg =
| let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
assert (v msgLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v hLen + 8 < max_size_t);
let b = saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul && sgntLen =. blocks modBits 8ul in
if b then rsapss_verify_ ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg else false | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_skey_sign_st | val rsapss_skey_sign_st : t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Lib.IntTypes.size_t
-> Type0 | let rsapss_skey_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:size_t) =
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> nb:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> eb:lbuffer uint8 (blocks eBits 8ul)
-> db:lbuffer uint8 (blocks dBits 8ul)
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
blocks modBits (size (bits t)) == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\
live h nb /\ live h eb /\ live h db /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\
disjoint sgnt nb /\ disjoint sgnt eb /\ disjoint sgnt db /\
disjoint salt msg)
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(let sgnt_s = S.rsapss_skey_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb) (as_seq h0 db) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) in
if b then Some? sgnt_s /\ as_seq h1 sgnt == Some?.v sgnt_s else None? sgnt_s)) | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 82,
"end_line": 540,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 518
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m pkey /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) == LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg #t ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_from_bytes_be k sgnt s;
let b = rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m s in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey) /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_verify_ #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let b = rsapss_verify_compute_msg ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m in
let res = if b then rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m else false in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> sgntLen:size_t
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 sgntLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\
disjoint msg sgnt /\ disjoint msg pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify a (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey)
(v saltLen) (v sgntLen) (as_seq h0 sgnt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_verify #t ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgntLen sgnt msgLen msg =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
assert (v msgLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v hLen + 8 < max_size_t);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
sgntLen =. blocks modBits 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_verify_ ke a modBits eBits pkey saltLen sgnt msgLen msg
false | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
t: Hacl.Bignum.Definitions.limb_t ->
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Lib.IntTypes.size_t
-> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | true | let rsapss_skey_sign_st
(t: limb_t)
(ke: BE.exp t)
(a: Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a})
(modBits: size_t)
eBits: size_t ->
dBits: size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)} ->
nb: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
eb: lbuffer uint8 (blocks eBits 8ul) ->
db: lbuffer uint8 (blocks dBits 8ul) ->
saltLen: size_t ->
salt: lbuffer uint8 saltLen ->
msgLen: size_t ->
msg: lbuffer uint8 msgLen ->
sgnt: lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> Stack bool
fun h ->
blocks modBits (size (bits t)) == /\ live h salt /\ live h msg /\
live h sgnt /\ live h nb /\ live h eb /\ live h db /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\
disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt nb /\ disjoint sgnt eb /\
disjoint sgnt db /\ disjoint salt msg)
fun h0 b h1 ->
modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(let sgnt_s =
S.rsapss_skey_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 nb) (as_seq h0 eb)
(as_seq h0 db) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg)
if b then Some? sgnt_s /\ as_seq h1 sgnt == Some?.v sgnt_s else None? sgnt_s)) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_Fsub_normal_t | val lowstar_Fsub_normal_t:normal lowstar_Fsub_t | val lowstar_Fsub_normal_t:normal lowstar_Fsub_t | let lowstar_Fsub_normal_t : normal lowstar_Fsub_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_Fsub_t lowstar_Fsub | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 44,
"end_line": 403,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 402
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma'
let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *)
let lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
(* And here's the fsub wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_Fsub : lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | FStar.Pervasives.norm [
FStar.Pervasives.delta_attr ["Vale.Arch.HeapTypes_s.__reduce__"; "FStar.BigOps.__reduce__"];
FStar.Pervasives.delta_only [
"FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom"; "FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.on";
"FStar.List.Tot.Base.fold_right_gtot"; "FStar.List.Tot.Base.map_gtot";
"FStar.List.Tot.Base.length"; "FStar.Pervasives.Native.fst"; "FStar.Pervasives.Native.snd";
Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let lowstar_Fsub_normal_t:normal lowstar_Fsub_t =
| as_normal_t #lowstar_Fsub_t lowstar_Fsub | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.mk_arrow | val mk_arrow : ty: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> t: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> FStar.Stubs.Reflection.Types.term | let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 73,
"end_line": 53,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 53
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ty: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> t: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> FStar.Stubs.Reflection.Types.term | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let mk_arrow ty t =
| RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t) | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign | val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits | val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits | let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
false | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 9,
"end_line": 271,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 258
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t ->
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
| let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul && saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul
if b then rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt else false | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.mk_abs | val mk_abs : ty: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> t: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> FStar.Stubs.Reflection.Types.term | let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 71,
"end_line": 54,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 54
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ty: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> t: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> FStar.Stubs.Reflection.Types.term | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let mk_abs ty t =
| let open RT in mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_comments | val fsub_comments:list string | val fsub_comments:list string | let fsub_comments : list string = ["Computes the field substraction of two field elements"] | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 91,
"end_line": 412,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 412
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma'
let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *)
let lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
(* And here's the fsub wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_Fsub : lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
let lowstar_Fsub_normal_t : normal lowstar_Fsub_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_Fsub_t lowstar_Fsub
let fsub out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_Fsub_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
() | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Prims.list Prims.string | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_comments:list string =
| ["Computes the field substraction of two field elements"] | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.debug | val debug (g:env) (f:unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit | val debug (g:env) (f:unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit | let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f()) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 17,
"end_line": 32,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 30
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env -> f: (_: Prims.unit -> FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac Prims.string)
-> FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac Prims.unit | FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let debug (g: env) (f: (unit -> T.Tac string)) : T.Tac unit =
| if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then T.print (f ()) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_names | val fsub_names : n: Prims.nat -> Prims.string | let fsub_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 11,
"end_line": 419,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 414
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma'
let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *)
let lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
(* And here's the fsub wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_Fsub : lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
let lowstar_Fsub_normal_t : normal lowstar_Fsub_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_Fsub_t lowstar_Fsub
let fsub out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_Fsub_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fsub_comments : list string = ["Computes the field substraction of two field elements"] | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | n: Prims.nat -> Prims.string | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_names (n: nat) =
| match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.as_normal_t | val as_normal_t (#a: Type) (x: a) : normal a | val as_normal_t (#a: Type) (x: a) : normal a | let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 46,
"end_line": 31,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 31
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | x: a -> Vale.Interop.Base.normal a | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let as_normal_t (#a: Type) (x: a) : normal a =
| x | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.ve_unit_r | val ve_unit_r (g: _) (p: term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p | val ve_unit_r (g: _) (p: term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p | let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 48,
"end_line": 218,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 217
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post} | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env -> p: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term
-> Pulse.Typing.vprop_equiv g (Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_star p Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_emp) p | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let ve_unit_r g (p: term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
| VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _) | false |
Steel.GhostPCMReference.fst | Steel.GhostPCMReference.share | val share (#o:inames)
(#p:pcm a)
(r:ref a p)
: SteelGhost unit o
(pts_to r v)
(fun _ -> pts_to r v0 `star` pts_to r v1)
(requires fun _ ->
composable p v0 v1 /\
v == op p v0 v1)
(ensures fun _ _ _ -> True) | val share (#o:inames)
(#p:pcm a)
(r:ref a p)
: SteelGhost unit o
(pts_to r v)
(fun _ -> pts_to r v0 `star` pts_to r v1)
(requires fun _ ->
composable p v0 v1 /\
v == op p v0 v1)
(ensures fun _ _ _ -> True) | let share (#o:inames)
(#p:pcm a)
(r:ref a p)
: SteelGhost unit o
(pts_to r v)
(fun _ -> pts_to r v0 `star` pts_to r v1)
(requires fun _ ->
composable p v0 v1 /\
v == op p v0 v1)
(ensures fun _ _ _ -> True)
= P.split r v v0 v1 | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.GhostPCMReference.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 21,
"end_line": 100,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 86
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.GhostPCMReference
(* A ghost variant of Steel.PCMReference *)
open FStar.PCM
open FStar.Ghost
open Steel.Memory
open Steel.Effect.Atomic
open Steel.Effect
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module P = Steel.PCMReference
let ref (a:Type) (p:pcm a) = erased (Steel.Memory.ref a p)
/// Its selector is non-informative (it is unit)
let pts_to (#a:Type u#1) (#pcm:pcm a) (r:ref a pcm) ([@@@smt_fallback]v:a)
= to_vprop (Steel.Memory.pts_to r v)
let alloc (#o:inames)
(#pcm:pcm a)
: SteelGhost
(ref a pcm) o
(fun r -> pts_to r x)
(requires fun _ -> pcm.refine x)
(ensures fun _ _ _ -> True)
= rewrite_slprop emp (to_vprop Mem.emp) (fun _ -> reveal_emp ());
FStar.PCM.compatible_refl pcm x;
let r = as_atomic_action_ghost (alloc_action o x) in
let read (#o:inames)
(#pcm:pcm a)
(r:ref a pcm)
: SteelGhost a o
(pts_to r v0)
(fun _ -> pts_to r v0)
(requires fun _ -> True)
(ensures fun _ v _ -> compatible pcm v0 v)
= let v = as_atomic_action_ghost (sel_action o r v0) in
let write (#o:inames)
(#pcm:pcm a)
(r:ref a pcm)
: SteelGhost unit o
(pts_to r v0)
(fun _ -> pts_to r v1)
(requires fun _ -> frame_preserving pcm v0 v1 /\ pcm.refine v1)
(ensures fun _ _ _ -> True)
= as_atomic_action_ghost (upd_action o r v0 v1)
let upd_gen (#o:inames)
(#p:pcm a)
(r:ref a p)
(x y:a)
(f:frame_preserving_upd p x y)
: SteelGhostT unit o
(pts_to r x)
(fun _ -> pts_to r y)
= as_atomic_action_ghost (Steel.Memory.upd_gen o r x y f) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.GhostPCMReference.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.PCMReference",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Atomic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.PCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Atomic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.PCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | r: Steel.GhostPCMReference.ref a p -> v: a -> v0: a -> v1: a
-> Steel.Effect.Atomic.SteelGhost Prims.unit | Steel.Effect.Atomic.SteelGhost | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let share (#o: inames) (#a: Type) (#p: pcm a) (r: ref a p) (v v0 v1: a)
: SteelGhost unit
(pts_to r v)
(fun _ -> (pts_to r v0) `star` (pts_to r v1))
(requires fun _ -> composable p v0 v1 /\ v == op p v0 v1)
(ensures fun _ _ _ -> True) =
| P.split r v v0 v1 | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.as_t | val as_t (#a: Type) (x: normal a) : a | val as_t (#a: Type) (x: normal a) : a | let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 39,
"end_line": 30,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 30
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | x: Vale.Interop.Base.normal a -> a | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let as_t (#a: Type) (x: normal a) : a =
| x | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.vprop_equiv_typing_bk | val vprop_equiv_typing_bk
(#g: env)
(#ctxt: _)
(ctxt_typing: tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p: _)
(d: vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop | val vprop_equiv_typing_bk
(#g: env)
(#ctxt: _)
(ctxt_typing: tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p: _)
(d: vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop | let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 18,
"end_line": 288,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 284
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= () | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
ctxt_typing: Pulse.Typing.tot_typing g ctxt Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_vprop ->
d: Pulse.Typing.vprop_equiv g p ctxt
-> Pulse.Typing.tot_typing g p Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_vprop | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let vprop_equiv_typing_bk
(#g: env)
(#ctxt: _)
(ctxt_typing: tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p: _)
(d: vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop =
| let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.vprop_equiv_typing_fwd | val vprop_equiv_typing_fwd
(#g: env)
(#ctxt: _)
(ctxt_typing: tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p: _)
(d: vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop | val vprop_equiv_typing_fwd
(#g: env)
(#ctxt: _)
(ctxt_typing: tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p: _)
(d: vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop | let vprop_equiv_typing_fwd (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let fwd, _ = vprop_equiv_typing d in
fwd ctxt_typing | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 19,
"end_line": 329,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 325
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= ()
let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing
let comp_with_pre (c:comp_st) (pre:term) =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with pre }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with pre }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with pre}
let st_equiv_pre (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(veq: vprop_equiv g (comp_pre c) pre)
: st_typing g t (comp_with_pre c pre)
= if eq_tm pre (comp_pre c) then d
let c' = comp_with_pre c pre in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) veq (VE_Refl _ _)
t_equiv d st_equiv
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 2 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_continuation (#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt1)
(d:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt2 =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
let st_d : st_typing g2 st c = st_d in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt2);
let st_d' : st_typing g2 st (comp_with_pre c ctxt1) = st_equiv_pre st_d _ (VE_Sym _ _ _ d) in
k post_hint (| st, _, st_d' |)
#pop-options | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
ctxt_typing: Pulse.Typing.tot_typing g ctxt Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_vprop ->
d: Pulse.Typing.vprop_equiv g ctxt p
-> Pulse.Typing.tot_typing g p Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_vprop | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let vprop_equiv_typing_fwd
(#g: env)
(#ctxt: _)
(ctxt_typing: tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p: _)
(d: vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop =
| let fwd, _ = vprop_equiv_typing d in
fwd ctxt_typing | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.dom | val dom:IX64.arity_ok 3 td | val dom:IX64.arity_ok 3 td | let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
y | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 3,
"end_line": 46,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 43
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64 | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.Interop.X64.arity_ok 3 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let dom:IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
| let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
y | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_regs_modified | val add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool | val add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool | let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 12,
"end_line": 75,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 72
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | r: Vale.X64.Machine_s.reg_64 -> Prims.bool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool =
| fun (r: MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true else false | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.k_elab_equiv | val k_elab_equiv
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2':term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' | val k_elab_equiv
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2':term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' | let k_elab_equiv
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2':term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_continuation k d2 in
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_prefix k d1 in
k | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 3,
"end_line": 359,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 348
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= ()
let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing
let comp_with_pre (c:comp_st) (pre:term) =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with pre }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with pre }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with pre}
let st_equiv_pre (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(veq: vprop_equiv g (comp_pre c) pre)
: st_typing g t (comp_with_pre c pre)
= if eq_tm pre (comp_pre c) then d
let c' = comp_with_pre c pre in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) veq (VE_Refl _ _)
t_equiv d st_equiv
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 2 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_continuation (#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt1)
(d:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt2 =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
let st_d : st_typing g2 st c = st_d in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt2);
let st_d' : st_typing g2 st (comp_with_pre c ctxt1) = st_equiv_pre st_d _ (VE_Sym _ _ _ d) in
k post_hint (| st, _, st_d' |)
let vprop_equiv_typing_fwd (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let fwd, _ = vprop_equiv_typing d in
fwd ctxt_typing
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 1 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_prefix
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt2 #ctxt:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt)
(d:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt2 g2 ctxt =
fun post_hint res ->
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g1 ctxt2 ctxt1 =
let d = VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Unit _ _) d) in
(| tm_emp, emp_typing, d |)
let res = k post_hint res in
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt1);
(| _, _, st_equiv_pre st_d _ d |)
#pop-options | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
k: Pulse.Checker.Base.continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 ->
d1: Pulse.Typing.vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1' ->
d2: Pulse.Typing.vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2'
-> Pulse.Checker.Base.continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let k_elab_equiv
(#g1: env)
(#g2: env{g2 `env_extends` g1})
(#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2': term)
(k: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1: vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2: vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
| let k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2' = k_elab_equiv_continuation k d2 in
let k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' = k_elab_equiv_prefix k d1 in
k | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_post | val add1_post:VSig.vale_post dom | val add1_post:VSig.vale_post dom | let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 96,
"end_line": 68,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 60
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_post Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.dom | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let add1_post:VSig.vale_post dom =
| fun
(c: V.va_code)
(out: b64)
(f1: b64)
(f2: uint64)
(va_s0: V.va_state)
(va_s1: V.va_state)
(f: V.va_fuel)
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg | val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits | val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits | let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
res | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 5,
"end_line": 384,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 363
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
| push_frame ();
[@@ inline_let ]let bits:size_pos = bits t in
[@@ inline_let ]let numb:size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@@ inline_let ]let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
res | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_add1_t | val lowstar_add1_t : Type0 | let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 68,
"end_line": 139,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 126
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let lowstar_add1_t =
| assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([] <: list arg) <= 3);
IX64.as_lowstar_sig_t_weak 3 arg_reg add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified code_add1 dom [] _ _
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_pre | val add1_pre:VSig.vale_pre dom | val add1_pre:VSig.vale_pre dom | let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 62,
"end_line": 57,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 50
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_pre Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.dom | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let add1_pre:VSig.vale_pre dom =
| fun (c: V.va_code) (out: b64) (f1: b64) (f2: uint64) (va_s0: V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.equiv_star_emp_r | val equiv_star_emp_r (p: vprop) : Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p) | val equiv_star_emp_r (p: vprop) : Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p) | let equiv_star_emp_r (p:vprop)
: Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p)
= cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 47,
"end_line": 36,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 31
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off"
let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | p: Steel.Effect.Common.vprop
-> FStar.Pervasives.Lemma
(ensures Steel.Effect.Common.equiv ( p Steel.Effect.Common.emp) p) | FStar.Pervasives.Lemma | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | true | false | true | false | false | let equiv_star_emp_r (p: vprop) : Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p) =
| cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.emp_inames_included | val emp_inames_included: g: env -> i: term -> tot_typing g i tm_inames
-> prop_validity g (tm_inames_subset tm_emp_inames i) | val emp_inames_included: g: env -> i: term -> tot_typing g i tm_inames
-> prop_validity g (tm_inames_subset tm_emp_inames i) | let emp_inames_included (g:env) (i:term) (_:tot_typing g i tm_inames)
: prop_validity g (tm_inames_subset tm_emp_inames i)
= RU.magic() | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 12,
"end_line": 548,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 546
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= ()
let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing
let comp_with_pre (c:comp_st) (pre:term) =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with pre }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with pre }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with pre}
let st_equiv_pre (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(veq: vprop_equiv g (comp_pre c) pre)
: st_typing g t (comp_with_pre c pre)
= if eq_tm pre (comp_pre c) then d
let c' = comp_with_pre c pre in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) veq (VE_Refl _ _)
t_equiv d st_equiv
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 2 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_continuation (#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt1)
(d:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt2 =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
let st_d : st_typing g2 st c = st_d in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt2);
let st_d' : st_typing g2 st (comp_with_pre c ctxt1) = st_equiv_pre st_d _ (VE_Sym _ _ _ d) in
k post_hint (| st, _, st_d' |)
let vprop_equiv_typing_fwd (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let fwd, _ = vprop_equiv_typing d in
fwd ctxt_typing
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 1 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_prefix
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt2 #ctxt:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt)
(d:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt2 g2 ctxt =
fun post_hint res ->
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g1 ctxt2 ctxt1 =
let d = VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Unit _ _) d) in
(| tm_emp, emp_typing, d |)
let res = k post_hint res in
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt1);
(| _, _, st_equiv_pre st_d _ d |)
let k_elab_equiv
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2':term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_continuation k d2 in
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_prefix k d1 in
#push-options "--query_stats --fuel 2 --ifuel 2 --split_queries no --z3rlimit_factor 20"
open Pulse.PP
let continuation_elaborator_with_bind (#g:env) (ctxt:term)
(#c1:comp{stateful_comp c1})
(e1_typing:st_typing g e1 c1)
(ctxt_pre1_typing:tot_typing g (tm_star ctxt (comp_pre c1)) tm_vprop)
(x:nvar { None? (lookup g (snd x)) })
: T.Tac (continuation_elaborator
(tm_star ctxt (comp_pre c1))
(push_binding g (snd x) (fst x) (comp_res c1))
(tm_star (open_term (comp_post c1) (snd x)) ctxt)) =
let pre1 = comp_pre c1 in
let res1 = comp_res c1 in
let post1 = comp_post c1 in
let ctxt_typing = star_typing_inversion_l ctxt_pre1_typing in
// let p_prop = Metatheory.pure_typing_inversion pure_typing in
let v_eq = VE_Comm g ctxt pre1 in
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g (tm_star ctxt pre1) pre1 =
(| ctxt, ctxt_typing, VE_Comm g pre1 ctxt |)
let (| c1, e1_typing |) =
apply_frame ctxt_pre1_typing e1_typing framing_token in
let (| u_of_1, pre_typing, _, _ |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst <| comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness e1_typing))) in
let b = res1 in
let ppname, x = x in
let g' = push_binding g x ppname b in
let post1_opened = open_term_nv post1 (v_as_nv x) in
let k : continuation_elaborator g (tm_star ctxt pre1) g' (tm_star post1_opened ctxt) =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| e2, c2, e2_typing |) = res in
assert (comp_post_matches_hint c2 post_hint);
let e2_typing : st_typing g' e2 c2 = e2_typing in
let e2_closed = close_st_term e2 x in
assume (open_st_term e2_closed x == e2);
assert (comp_pre c1 == (tm_star ctxt pre1));
assert (comp_post c1 == tm_star post1 ctxt);
assert (comp_pre c2 == tm_star post1_opened ctxt);
assert (open_term (comp_post c1) x == tm_star post1_opened (open_term ctxt x));
// ctxt is well-typed, hence ln
assume (open_term ctxt x == ctxt);
assert (open_term (comp_post c1) x == comp_pre c2);
// we closed e2 with x
assume (~ (x `Set.mem` freevars_st e2_closed));
if x `Set.mem` freevars (comp_post c2)
then fail g' None "Impossible: freevar clash when constructing continuation elaborator for bind, please file a bug-report"
else (
let t_typing, post_typing =
Pulse.Typing.Combinators.bind_res_and_post_typing g c2 x post_hint in
let g = push_context g "mk_bind" e1.range in
// info_doc g None
// [prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind e1 = ") (doc_of_string (Pulse.Syntax.Printer.st_term_to_string e1));
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind c1 = ") (pp #comp c1);
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind e2 = ") (doc_of_string (Pulse.Syntax.Printer.st_term_to_string e2));
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind c2 = ") (pp #comp c2)]
// ;
let (| e, c, e_typing |) =
g (tm_star ctxt pre1)
e1 e2_closed c1 c2 (ppname, x) e1_typing
(Some? post_hint)
(| e, c, e_typing |)
module LN = Pulse.Typing.LN
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --fuel 1 --ifuel 1"
let st_comp_typing_with_post_hint
(#g:env) (#ctxt:_)
(ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(post_hint:post_hint_opt g { Some? post_hint })
(c:comp_st { comp_pre c == ctxt /\ comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint })
: st_comp_typing g (st_comp_of_comp c)
= let st = st_comp_of_comp c in
let Some ph = post_hint in
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding ph.g ph.x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term ph.x) tm_vprop
= ph.post_typing_src
let x = fresh g in
assume (fresh_wrt x g (freevars;
assume (None? (lookup g ph.x));
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding ph.g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term x) tm_vprop
= if x = ph.x
then post_typing_src
let open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.Base in
let tt :
(push_binding ph.g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(subst_term (open_term ph.x) (renaming ph.x x))
(subst_term tm_vprop (renaming ph.x x)) =
tot_typing_renaming1 ph.g ph.x ph.ret_ty (open_term ph.x) tm_vprop post_typing_src x
assert (subst_term tm_vprop (renaming ph.x x) == tm_vprop);
assume (subst_term (open_term ph.x) (renaming ph.x x) ==
open_term x);
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term x) tm_vprop
= //weakening: TODO
RU.magic ()
let ty_typing : universe_of ph.g st.res st.u = ph.ty_typing in
let ty_typing : universe_of g st.res st.u =
Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.tot_typing_weakening_standard ph.g ty_typing g
assert (st.res == ph.ret_ty);
assert ( ==;
STC g st x ty_typing ctxt_typing post_typing_src
let continuation_elaborator_with_bind_fn (#g:env) (#ctxt:term)
(ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#c1:comp { C_Tot? c1 })
(b:binder{b.binder_ty == comp_res c1})
(e1_typing:st_typing g e1 c1)
(x:nvar { None? (lookup g (snd x)) })
: T.Tac (continuation_elaborator
g ctxt
(push_binding g (snd x) ppname_default (comp_res c1)) ctxt)
= let t1 = comp_res c1 in
assert ((push_binding g (snd x) (fst x) t1) `env_extends` g);
fun post_hint (| e2, c2, d2 |) ->
if None? post_hint then "bind_fn: expects the post_hint to be set";
let ppname, x = x in
let e2_closed = close_st_term e2 x in
assume (open_st_term (close_st_term e2 x) x == e2);
let e = wr c2 (Tm_Bind {binder=b; head=e1; body=e2_closed}) in
let (| u, c1_typing |) = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.Base.st_typing_correctness_ctot e1_typing in
let c2_typing : comp_typing g c2 (universe_of_comp c2) =
match c2 with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
let i_typing = CP.core_check_term g i T.E_Total tm_inames in
CT_STAtomic _ _ obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let d : st_typing g e c2 =
T_BindFn g e1 e2_closed c1 c2 b x e1_typing u c1_typing d2 c2_typing
(| e, c2, d |)
let rec check_equiv_emp (g:env) (vp:term)
: option (vprop_equiv g vp tm_emp)
= match vp.t with
| Tm_Emp -> Some (VE_Refl _ _)
| Tm_Star vp1 vp2 ->
(match check_equiv_emp g vp1, check_equiv_emp g vp2 with
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
let d3 : vprop_equiv g (tm_star vp1 vp2) (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp)
= VE_Ctxt _ _ _ _ _ d1 d2 in
let d4 : vprop_equiv g (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp) tm_emp =
VE_Unit _ _ in
Some (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ d3 d4)
| _, _ -> None)
| _ -> None | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.LN",
"short_module": "LN"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.PP",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 1,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 4,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env ->
i: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term ->
_: Pulse.Typing.tot_typing g i Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_inames
-> Pulse.Typing.prop_validity g (Pulse.Typing.tm_inames_subset Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_emp_inames i) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let emp_inames_included (g: env) (i: term) (_: tot_typing g i tm_inames)
: prop_validity g (tm_inames_subset tm_emp_inames i) =
| RU.magic () | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.weaken_repr | val weaken_repr:
a: _ ->
framed: _ ->
pre: pre_t ->
post: post_t a ->
req: req_t pre ->
req': req_t pre ->
ens: ens_t pre a post ->
ens': ens_t pre a post ->
f: Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens ->
squash (forall (h0: hmem pre). req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==> req (mk_rmem _ h0)) ->
squash (forall (h0: hmem pre) x (h1: hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1) ==> ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1))
-> Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens') | val weaken_repr:
a: _ ->
framed: _ ->
pre: pre_t ->
post: post_t a ->
req: req_t pre ->
req': req_t pre ->
ens: ens_t pre a post ->
ens': ens_t pre a post ->
f: Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens ->
squash (forall (h0: hmem pre). req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==> req (mk_rmem _ h0)) ->
squash (forall (h0: hmem pre) x (h1: hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1) ==> ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1))
-> Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens') | let weaken_repr a framed
(post:post_t a)
(req req':req_t pre)
(ens ens':ens_t pre a post)
(f:Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens)
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre).
req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==>
req (mk_rmem _ h0)))
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre) x (h1:hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0)
(mk_rmem _ h1) ==>
ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1)))
: Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens')
= let focus_rmem_refl (r:vprop) (h:rmem r)
: Lemma (ensures focus_rmem #r h r == h)
[SMTPat (focus_rmem #r h r)]
= focus_rmem_refl r h
let equiv_trans (x y z:vprop) : Lemma
(requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z)
(ensures equiv x z)
[SMTPat (equiv x z);
SMTPat (equiv x y)]
= equiv_trans x y z
let cbs (p:vprop)
: Lemma (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))
[SMTPat (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))]
= star_commutative p emp;
cm_identity p;
equiv_sym (p `star` emp) p;
equiv_can_be_split p (p `star` emp)
let epost ()
: Lemma (equiv_forall post (fun x -> star (post x) emp))
= introduce forall x. post x `equiv` (post x `star` emp)
with (
equiv_star_emp_r (post x);
equiv_sym (post x `star` emp) (post x)
equiv_forall_elim post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)
epost ();
Steel.Effect.subcomp_opaque a #framed #framed
#pre #post
#req #ens
#pre #post
#req' #ens'
f | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 26,
"end_line": 93,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 38
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off"
let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v)
let equiv_star_emp_r (p:vprop)
: Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p)
= cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
a: Type ->
framed: Prims.bool ->
pre: Steel.Effect.Common.pre_t ->
post: Steel.Effect.Common.post_t a ->
req: Steel.Effect.Common.req_t pre ->
req': Steel.Effect.Common.req_t pre ->
ens: Steel.Effect.Common.ens_t pre a post ->
ens': Steel.Effect.Common.ens_t pre a post ->
f: Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens ->
Prims.squash (forall (h0: Steel.Effect.Common.hmem pre).
req' (Steel.Effect.Common.mk_rmem pre h0) ==> req (Steel.Effect.Common.mk_rmem pre h0)) ->
Prims.squash (forall (h0: Steel.Effect.Common.hmem pre)
(x: a)
(h1: Steel.Effect.Common.hmem (post x)).
ens (Steel.Effect.Common.mk_rmem pre h0) x (Steel.Effect.Common.mk_rmem (post x) h1) ==>
ens' (Steel.Effect.Common.mk_rmem pre h0) x (Steel.Effect.Common.mk_rmem (post x) h1))
-> Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens' | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let weaken_repr
(pre: pre_t)
(post: post_t a)
(req: req_t pre)
(req': req_t pre)
(ens: ens_t pre a post)
(ens': ens_t pre a post)
(f: Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens)
(_: squash (forall (h0: hmem pre). req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==> req (mk_rmem _ h0)))
squash (forall (h0: hmem pre) x (h1: hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1) ==> ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1)))
: Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens') =
| let focus_rmem_refl (r: vprop) (h: rmem r)
: Lemma (ensures focus_rmem #r h r == h) [SMTPat (focus_rmem #r h r)] =
focus_rmem_refl r h
let equiv_trans (x y z: vprop)
: Lemma (requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z)
(ensures equiv x z)
[SMTPat (equiv x z); SMTPat (equiv x y)] =
equiv_trans x y z
let cbs (p: vprop)
: Lemma (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp)) [SMTPat (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))] =
star_commutative p emp;
cm_identity p;
equiv_sym (p `star` emp) p;
equiv_can_be_split p (p `star` emp)
let epost () : Lemma (equiv_forall post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)) =
introduce forall x . (post x) `equiv` ((post x) `star` emp)
with (equiv_star_emp_r (post x);
equiv_sym ((post x) `star` emp) (post x));
equiv_forall_elim post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)
epost ();
Steel.Effect.subcomp_opaque a #framed #framed #pre #post #req #ens #pre #post #req' #ens' #emp #True
#() #() #() f | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.return_ | val return_ (a:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p:a -> vprop)
: repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x) | val return_ (a:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p:a -> vprop)
: repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x) | let return_ (a:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p:a -> vprop)
: Tot (repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x))
= let k : Steel.Effect.repr a true
(p x)
(fun _ -> True)
(return_ens a x p)
= Steel.Effect.return_ a x #p
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k () () | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 39,
"end_line": 107,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 96
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off"
let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v)
let equiv_star_emp_r (p:vprop)
: Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p)
= cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p
let weaken_repr a framed
(post:post_t a)
(req req':req_t pre)
(ens ens':ens_t pre a post)
(f:Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens)
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre).
req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==>
req (mk_rmem _ h0)))
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre) x (h1:hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0)
(mk_rmem _ h1) ==>
ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1)))
: Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens')
= let focus_rmem_refl (r:vprop) (h:rmem r)
: Lemma (ensures focus_rmem #r h r == h)
[SMTPat (focus_rmem #r h r)]
= focus_rmem_refl r h
let equiv_trans (x y z:vprop) : Lemma
(requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z)
(ensures equiv x z)
[SMTPat (equiv x z);
SMTPat (equiv x y)]
= equiv_trans x y z
let cbs (p:vprop)
: Lemma (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))
[SMTPat (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))]
= star_commutative p emp;
cm_identity p;
equiv_sym (p `star` emp) p;
equiv_can_be_split p (p `star` emp)
let epost ()
: Lemma (equiv_forall post (fun x -> star (post x) emp))
= introduce forall x. post x `equiv` (post x `star` emp)
with (
equiv_star_emp_r (post x);
equiv_sym (post x `star` emp) (post x)
equiv_forall_elim post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)
epost ();
Steel.Effect.subcomp_opaque a #framed #framed
#pre #post
#req #ens
#pre #post
#req' #ens'
f | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | a: Type -> x: a
-> Steel.ST.Effect.repr a
(Steel.Effect.Common.return_pre (p x))
(fun v -> v == x) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let return_ (a: Type) (x: a) (#[@@@ framing_implicit]p: (a -> vprop))
: Tot (repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x)) =
| let k:Steel.Effect.repr a true (p x) p (fun _ -> True) (return_ens a x p) =
Steel.Effect.return_ a x #p
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k () () | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.of_arg | val of_arg (i: IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 | val of_arg (i: IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 | let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 16,
"end_line": 120,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 117
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | i: Vale.Interop.X64.reg_nat 3 -> Vale.X64.Machine_s.reg_64 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let of_arg (i: IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 =
| match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_add1 | val lowstar_add1:lowstar_add1_t | val lowstar_add1:lowstar_add1_t | let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 68,
"end_line": 151,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 142
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_add1_t | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let lowstar_add1:lowstar_add1_t =
| assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([] <: list arg) <= 3);
IX64.wrap_weak 3
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1 | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_code_inline | val add1_code_inline: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML int | val add1_code_inline: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML int | let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 120,
"end_line": 175,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 174
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | _: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML | FStar.All.ML | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
| PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg
add1_regs_modified add1_comments | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.arg_reg | val arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 | val arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 | let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 62,
"end_line": 122,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 122
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | v:
Vale.Interop.X64.arg_reg_relation' 3
{ forall (r: Vale.X64.Machine_s.reg_64). {:pattern Rel?.of_reg v r}
Some? (Rel?.of_reg v r) ==> Rel?.of_arg v (Some?.v (Rel?.of_reg v r)) = r } | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let arg_reg:IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 =
| IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.apply_conversion | val apply_conversion
(#g: env)
(#e: term)
(#eff: _)
(#t0: term)
(d: typing g e eff t0)
(#t1: term)
(eq: Ghost.erased (RT.related (elab_env g) (elab_term t0) RT.R_Eq (elab_term t1)))
: typing g e eff t1 | val apply_conversion
(#g: env)
(#e: term)
(#eff: _)
(#t0: term)
(d: typing g e eff t0)
(#t1: term)
(eq: Ghost.erased (RT.related (elab_env g) (elab_term t0) RT.R_Eq (elab_term t1)))
: typing g e eff t1 | let apply_conversion
(#g:env) (#e:term) (#eff:_) (#t0:term)
(d:typing g e eff t0)
(eq:Ghost.erased (RT.related (elab_env g) (elab_term t0) RT.R_Eq (elab_term t1)))
: typing g e eff t1
= let d : RT.typing (elab_env g) (elab_term e) (eff, (elab_term t0)) = d._0 in
let r : RT.related (elab_env g) (elab_term t0) RT.R_Eq (elab_term t1) = eq in
let r = RT.Rel_equiv _ _ _ RT.R_Sub r in
let s : RT.sub_comp (elab_env g) (eff, (elab_term t0)) (eff, elab_term t1) =
RT.Relc_typ _ _ _ _ _ r
E (RT.T_Sub _ _ _ _ d s) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 28,
"end_line": 784,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 772
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= ()
let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing
let comp_with_pre (c:comp_st) (pre:term) =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with pre }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with pre }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with pre}
let st_equiv_pre (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(veq: vprop_equiv g (comp_pre c) pre)
: st_typing g t (comp_with_pre c pre)
= if eq_tm pre (comp_pre c) then d
let c' = comp_with_pre c pre in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) veq (VE_Refl _ _)
t_equiv d st_equiv
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 2 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_continuation (#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt1)
(d:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt2 =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
let st_d : st_typing g2 st c = st_d in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt2);
let st_d' : st_typing g2 st (comp_with_pre c ctxt1) = st_equiv_pre st_d _ (VE_Sym _ _ _ d) in
k post_hint (| st, _, st_d' |)
let vprop_equiv_typing_fwd (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let fwd, _ = vprop_equiv_typing d in
fwd ctxt_typing
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 1 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_prefix
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt2 #ctxt:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt)
(d:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt2 g2 ctxt =
fun post_hint res ->
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g1 ctxt2 ctxt1 =
let d = VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Unit _ _) d) in
(| tm_emp, emp_typing, d |)
let res = k post_hint res in
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt1);
(| _, _, st_equiv_pre st_d _ d |)
let k_elab_equiv
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2':term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_continuation k d2 in
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_prefix k d1 in
#push-options "--query_stats --fuel 2 --ifuel 2 --split_queries no --z3rlimit_factor 20"
open Pulse.PP
let continuation_elaborator_with_bind (#g:env) (ctxt:term)
(#c1:comp{stateful_comp c1})
(e1_typing:st_typing g e1 c1)
(ctxt_pre1_typing:tot_typing g (tm_star ctxt (comp_pre c1)) tm_vprop)
(x:nvar { None? (lookup g (snd x)) })
: T.Tac (continuation_elaborator
(tm_star ctxt (comp_pre c1))
(push_binding g (snd x) (fst x) (comp_res c1))
(tm_star (open_term (comp_post c1) (snd x)) ctxt)) =
let pre1 = comp_pre c1 in
let res1 = comp_res c1 in
let post1 = comp_post c1 in
let ctxt_typing = star_typing_inversion_l ctxt_pre1_typing in
// let p_prop = Metatheory.pure_typing_inversion pure_typing in
let v_eq = VE_Comm g ctxt pre1 in
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g (tm_star ctxt pre1) pre1 =
(| ctxt, ctxt_typing, VE_Comm g pre1 ctxt |)
let (| c1, e1_typing |) =
apply_frame ctxt_pre1_typing e1_typing framing_token in
let (| u_of_1, pre_typing, _, _ |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst <| comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness e1_typing))) in
let b = res1 in
let ppname, x = x in
let g' = push_binding g x ppname b in
let post1_opened = open_term_nv post1 (v_as_nv x) in
let k : continuation_elaborator g (tm_star ctxt pre1) g' (tm_star post1_opened ctxt) =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| e2, c2, e2_typing |) = res in
assert (comp_post_matches_hint c2 post_hint);
let e2_typing : st_typing g' e2 c2 = e2_typing in
let e2_closed = close_st_term e2 x in
assume (open_st_term e2_closed x == e2);
assert (comp_pre c1 == (tm_star ctxt pre1));
assert (comp_post c1 == tm_star post1 ctxt);
assert (comp_pre c2 == tm_star post1_opened ctxt);
assert (open_term (comp_post c1) x == tm_star post1_opened (open_term ctxt x));
// ctxt is well-typed, hence ln
assume (open_term ctxt x == ctxt);
assert (open_term (comp_post c1) x == comp_pre c2);
// we closed e2 with x
assume (~ (x `Set.mem` freevars_st e2_closed));
if x `Set.mem` freevars (comp_post c2)
then fail g' None "Impossible: freevar clash when constructing continuation elaborator for bind, please file a bug-report"
else (
let t_typing, post_typing =
Pulse.Typing.Combinators.bind_res_and_post_typing g c2 x post_hint in
let g = push_context g "mk_bind" e1.range in
// info_doc g None
// [prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind e1 = ") (doc_of_string (Pulse.Syntax.Printer.st_term_to_string e1));
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind c1 = ") (pp #comp c1);
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind e2 = ") (doc_of_string (Pulse.Syntax.Printer.st_term_to_string e2));
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind c2 = ") (pp #comp c2)]
// ;
let (| e, c, e_typing |) =
g (tm_star ctxt pre1)
e1 e2_closed c1 c2 (ppname, x) e1_typing
(Some? post_hint)
(| e, c, e_typing |)
module LN = Pulse.Typing.LN
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --fuel 1 --ifuel 1"
let st_comp_typing_with_post_hint
(#g:env) (#ctxt:_)
(ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(post_hint:post_hint_opt g { Some? post_hint })
(c:comp_st { comp_pre c == ctxt /\ comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint })
: st_comp_typing g (st_comp_of_comp c)
= let st = st_comp_of_comp c in
let Some ph = post_hint in
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding ph.g ph.x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term ph.x) tm_vprop
= ph.post_typing_src
let x = fresh g in
assume (fresh_wrt x g (freevars;
assume (None? (lookup g ph.x));
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding ph.g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term x) tm_vprop
= if x = ph.x
then post_typing_src
let open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.Base in
let tt :
(push_binding ph.g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(subst_term (open_term ph.x) (renaming ph.x x))
(subst_term tm_vprop (renaming ph.x x)) =
tot_typing_renaming1 ph.g ph.x ph.ret_ty (open_term ph.x) tm_vprop post_typing_src x
assert (subst_term tm_vprop (renaming ph.x x) == tm_vprop);
assume (subst_term (open_term ph.x) (renaming ph.x x) ==
open_term x);
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term x) tm_vprop
= //weakening: TODO
RU.magic ()
let ty_typing : universe_of ph.g st.res st.u = ph.ty_typing in
let ty_typing : universe_of g st.res st.u =
Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.tot_typing_weakening_standard ph.g ty_typing g
assert (st.res == ph.ret_ty);
assert ( ==;
STC g st x ty_typing ctxt_typing post_typing_src
let continuation_elaborator_with_bind_fn (#g:env) (#ctxt:term)
(ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#c1:comp { C_Tot? c1 })
(b:binder{b.binder_ty == comp_res c1})
(e1_typing:st_typing g e1 c1)
(x:nvar { None? (lookup g (snd x)) })
: T.Tac (continuation_elaborator
g ctxt
(push_binding g (snd x) ppname_default (comp_res c1)) ctxt)
= let t1 = comp_res c1 in
assert ((push_binding g (snd x) (fst x) t1) `env_extends` g);
fun post_hint (| e2, c2, d2 |) ->
if None? post_hint then "bind_fn: expects the post_hint to be set";
let ppname, x = x in
let e2_closed = close_st_term e2 x in
assume (open_st_term (close_st_term e2 x) x == e2);
let e = wr c2 (Tm_Bind {binder=b; head=e1; body=e2_closed}) in
let (| u, c1_typing |) = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.Base.st_typing_correctness_ctot e1_typing in
let c2_typing : comp_typing g c2 (universe_of_comp c2) =
match c2 with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
let i_typing = CP.core_check_term g i T.E_Total tm_inames in
CT_STAtomic _ _ obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let d : st_typing g e c2 =
T_BindFn g e1 e2_closed c1 c2 b x e1_typing u c1_typing d2 c2_typing
(| e, c2, d |)
let rec check_equiv_emp (g:env) (vp:term)
: option (vprop_equiv g vp tm_emp)
= match vp.t with
| Tm_Emp -> Some (VE_Refl _ _)
| Tm_Star vp1 vp2 ->
(match check_equiv_emp g vp1, check_equiv_emp g vp2 with
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
let d3 : vprop_equiv g (tm_star vp1 vp2) (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp)
= VE_Ctxt _ _ _ _ _ d1 d2 in
let d4 : vprop_equiv g (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp) tm_emp =
VE_Unit _ _ in
Some (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ d3 d4)
| _, _ -> None)
| _ -> None
let emp_inames_included (g:env) (i:term) (_:tot_typing g i tm_inames)
: prop_validity g (tm_inames_subset tm_emp_inames i)
= RU.magic()
let return_in_ctxt (g:env) (y:var) (y_ppname:ppname) (u:universe) (ty:term) (ctxt:vprop)
(ty_typing:universe_of g ty u)
(post_hint0:post_hint_opt g { Some? post_hint0 /\ checker_res_matches_post_hint g post_hint0 y ty ctxt})
: Pure (st_typing_in_ctxt g ctxt post_hint0)
(requires lookup g y == Some ty)
(ensures fun _ -> True)
= let Some post_hint = post_hint0 in
let x = fresh g in
assume (~ (x `Set.mem` freevars;
let ctag =
match post_hint.effect_annot with
| EffectAnnotAtomic _ -> STT_Atomic
| EffectAnnotGhost -> STT_Ghost
| _ -> STT
let y_tm = tm_var {nm_index=y;nm_ppname=y_ppname} in
let d = T_Return g ctag false u ty y_tm x ty_typing
(RU.magic ()) // that null_var y is well typed at ty in g, we know since lookup g y == Some ty
(RU.magic ()) // typing of (open post x) in (g, x) ... post_hint is well-typed, so should get
let t = wtag (Some ctag) (Tm_Return {expected_type=tm_unknown;insert_eq=false;term=y_tm}) in
let c = comp_return ctag false u ty y_tm x in
let d : st_typing g t c = d in
assume (comp_u c == post_hint.u); // this u should follow from equality of t
match c, post_hint.effect_annot with
| C_STAtomic _ obs _, EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
assert (comp_inames c == tm_emp_inames);
let pht = post_hint_typing g post_hint x in
let validity = emp_inames_included g opens pht.effect_annot_typing in
let d = T_Sub _ _ _ _ d (STS_AtomicInvs _ (st_comp_of_comp c) tm_emp_inames opens obs obs validity) in
(| _, _, d |)
| _ ->
(| _, _, d |)
let match_comp_res_with_post_hint (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st)
(d:st_typing g t c)
(post_hint:post_hint_opt g)
: T.Tac (t':st_term &
c':comp_st &
st_typing g t' c') =
match post_hint with
| None -> (| t, c, d |)
| Some { ret_ty } ->
let cres = comp_res c in
if eq_tm cres ret_ty
then (| t, c, d |)
else match Pulse.Checker.Pure.check_equiv g cres ret_ty with
| None ->
fail g (Some t.range)
(Printf.sprintf "Could not prove equiv for computed type %s and expected type %s"
(P.term_to_string cres)
(P.term_to_string ret_ty))
| Some tok ->
let d_equiv
: RT.equiv _ (elab_term cres) (elab_term ret_ty) =
RT.Rel_eq_token _ _ _ (FStar.Squash.return_squash tok) in
let c' = with_st_comp c {(st_comp_of_comp c) with res = ret_ty } in
let (| cres_typing, cpre_typing, x, cpost_typing |) =
st_comp_typing_inversion (fst <| comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)) in
let d_stequiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv _ c c' _ cpre_typing cres_typing cpost_typing d_equiv (VE_Refl _ _) (VE_Refl _ _)
(| t, c', T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d d_stequiv |)
let apply_checker_result_k (#g:env) (#ctxt:vprop) (#post_hint:post_hint_for_env g)
(r:checker_result_t g ctxt (Some post_hint))
: T.Tac (st_typing_in_ctxt g ctxt (Some post_hint)) =
// TODO: FIXME add to checker result type?
let (| y, g1, (| u_ty, ty_y, d_ty_y |), (| pre', _ |), k |) = r in
let (| u_ty_y, d_ty_y |) = Pulse.Checker.Pure.check_universe g1 ty_y in
let d : st_typing_in_ctxt g1 pre' (Some post_hint) =
return_in_ctxt g1 y res_ppname u_ty_y ty_y pre' d_ty_y (Some post_hint) in
k (Some post_hint) d
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --fuel 0 --ifuel 1 --query_stats"
let checker_result_for_st_typing (#g:env) (#ctxt:vprop) (#post_hint:post_hint_opt g)
(d:st_typing_in_ctxt g ctxt post_hint)
: T.Tac (checker_result_t g ctxt post_hint) =
let (| t, c, d |) = d in
let x = fresh g in
let g' = push_binding g x ppname (comp_res c) in
let ctxt' = open_term_nv (comp_post c) (ppname, x) in
let k
: continuation_elaborator
g (tm_star tm_emp (comp_pre c))
g' (tm_star ctxt' tm_emp) =
continuation_elaborator_with_bind tm_emp d (RU.magic ()) (ppname, x) in
let k
: continuation_elaborator g (comp_pre c) g' ctxt' =
k_elab_equiv k (RU.magic ()) (RU.magic ()) in
let _ : squash (checker_res_matches_post_hint g post_hint x (comp_res c) ctxt') =
match post_hint with
| None -> ()
| Some post_hint -> () in
assert (g' `env_extends` g);
let comp_res_typing, _, f =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion_cofinite (fst <| comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d))) in
// RU.magic is the typing of comp_res in g'
// weaken comp_res_typing
assume (~ (x `Set.mem` freevars (comp_post c)));
let tt : universe_of _ _ _ = RU.magic () in
(| x, g', (| comp_u c, comp_res c, tt |), (| ctxt', f x |), k |)
module R = FStar.Reflection.V2
let readback_comp_res_as_comp (c:T.comp) : option comp =
match c with
| T.C_Total t -> (
match readback_comp t with
| None -> None
| Some c -> Some c
| _ -> None
let rec is_stateful_arrow (g:env) (c:option comp) (args:list T.argv) (out:list T.argv)
: T.Tac (option (list T.argv & T.argv))
= let open R in
match c with
| None -> None
| Some (C_ST _)
| Some (C_STGhost _)
| Some (C_STAtomic _ _ _) -> (
match args, out with
| [], hd::tl -> Some (List.rev tl, hd)
| _ -> None //leftover or not enough args
| Some (C_Tot c_res) -> (
if not (Tm_FStar? c_res.t)
then None
else (
let Tm_FStar c_res = c_res.t in
let ht = T.inspect c_res in
match ht with
| T.Tv_Arrow b c -> (
match args with
| [] -> ( //no more args; check that only implicits remain, ending in an stateful comp
let bs, c = T.collect_arr_ln_bs c_res in
if List.Tot.for_all (fun b -> R.Q_Implicit? (R.inspect_binder b).qual) bs
then is_stateful_arrow g (readback_comp_res_as_comp (R.inspect_comp c)) [] out
else None //too few args
| (arg, qual)::args' -> ( //check that this arg qual matches the binder and recurse accordingly
match b.qual, qual with
| T.Q_Meta _, T.Q_Implicit
| T.Q_Implicit, T.Q_Implicit
| T.Q_Explicit, T.Q_Explicit -> //consume this argument
is_stateful_arrow g (readback_comp_res_as_comp c) args' ((arg, qual)::out)
| T.Q_Meta _, T.Q_Explicit
| T.Q_Implicit, T.Q_Explicit ->
//don't consume this argument
is_stateful_arrow g (readback_comp_res_as_comp c) args out
| _ -> None //incompatible qualifiers; bail
| _ ->
let c_res' = RU.whnf_lax (elab_env g) c_res in
let ht = T.inspect c_res' in
if T.Tv_Arrow? ht
then (
assume (not_tv_unknown c_res');
let c_res' = tm_fstar c_res' (T.range_of_term c_res') in
is_stateful_arrow g (Some (C_Tot c_res')) args out
else None
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
let is_stateful_application (g:env) (e:term)
: T.Tac (option st_term)
= match e.t with
| Tm_FStar host_term -> (
let head, args = T.collect_app_ln host_term in
assume (not_tv_unknown head);
match RU.lax_check_term_with_unknown_universes (elab_env g) head with
| None -> None
| Some ht ->
assume (not_tv_unknown ht);
let head_t = tm_fstar ht (T.range_of_term ht) in
match is_stateful_arrow g (Some (C_Tot head_t)) args [] with
| None -> None
| Some (applied_args, (last_arg, aqual))->
let head = T.mk_app head applied_args in
assume (not_tv_unknown head);
let head = tm_fstar head (T.range_of_term head) in
assume (not_tv_unknown last_arg);
let last_arg = tm_fstar last_arg (T.range_of_term last_arg) in
let qual =
match aqual with
| T.Q_Implicit -> Some Implicit
| _ -> None
let st_app = Tm_STApp { head; arg=last_arg; arg_qual=qual} in
let st_app = { term = st_app; range=e.range; effect_tag=default_effect_hint } in
Some st_app
| _ -> None | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.LN",
"short_module": "LN"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.PP",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 1,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 4,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
d: Pulse.Typing.typing g e eff t0 ->
FStar.Ghost.erased (FStar.Reflection.Typing.related (Pulse.Typing.elab_env g)
(Pulse.Elaborate.Pure.elab_term t0)
(Pulse.Elaborate.Pure.elab_term t1))
-> Pulse.Typing.typing g e eff t1 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let apply_conversion
(#g: env)
(#e: term)
(#eff: _)
(#t0: term)
(d: typing g e eff t0)
(#t1: term)
(eq: Ghost.erased (RT.related (elab_env g) (elab_term t0) RT.R_Eq (elab_term t1)))
: typing g e eff t1 =
| let d:RT.typing (elab_env g) (elab_term e) (eff, (elab_term t0)) = d._0 in
let r:RT.related (elab_env g) (elab_term t0) RT.R_Eq (elab_term t1) = eq in
let r = RT.Rel_equiv _ _ _ RT.R_Sub r in
let s:RT.sub_comp (elab_env g) (eff, (elab_term t0)) (eff, elab_term t1) =
RT.Relc_typ _ _ _ _ _ r
E (RT.T_Sub _ _ _ _ d s) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_regs_modified | val fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool | val fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool | let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 12,
"end_line": 211,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 208
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | r: Vale.X64.Machine_s.reg_64 -> Prims.bool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool =
| fun (r: MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11
then true
else false | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.bind_pure_st_ | val bind_pure_st_ (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] wp:pure_wp a)
(#framed:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req:a -> pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens:a -> pure_post b)
(f:eqtype_as_type unit -> PURE a wp)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed pre post (req x) (ens x)))
: repr b
(bind_pure_st_req wp req)
(bind_pure_st_ens wp ens) | val bind_pure_st_ (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] wp:pure_wp a)
(#framed:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req:a -> pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens:a -> pure_post b)
(f:eqtype_as_type unit -> PURE a wp)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed pre post (req x) (ens x)))
: repr b
(bind_pure_st_req wp req)
(bind_pure_st_ens wp ens) | let bind_pure_st_ (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] wp:pure_wp a)
(#framed:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens:a -> b -> Type0)
(f:eqtype_as_type unit -> PURE a wp)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed pre post (req x) (ens x)))
: repr b
(bind_pure_st_req wp req)
(bind_pure_st_ens wp ens)
= let c
: Steel.Effect.repr b
(bind_pure_steel__req wp (fun x _ -> req x))
(bind_pure_steel__ens wp (fun x _ y _ -> ens x y))
=(Steel.Effect.bind_pure_steel_ a b
#(fun x _ -> req x)
#(fun x _ y _ -> ens x y)
FStar.Monotonic.Pure.elim_pure_wp_monotonicity #a wp;
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c () () | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 39,
"end_line": 231,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 198
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off"
let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v)
let equiv_star_emp_r (p:vprop)
: Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p)
= cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p
let weaken_repr a framed
(post:post_t a)
(req req':req_t pre)
(ens ens':ens_t pre a post)
(f:Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens)
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre).
req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==>
req (mk_rmem _ h0)))
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre) x (h1:hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0)
(mk_rmem _ h1) ==>
ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1)))
: Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens')
= let focus_rmem_refl (r:vprop) (h:rmem r)
: Lemma (ensures focus_rmem #r h r == h)
[SMTPat (focus_rmem #r h r)]
= focus_rmem_refl r h
let equiv_trans (x y z:vprop) : Lemma
(requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z)
(ensures equiv x z)
[SMTPat (equiv x z);
SMTPat (equiv x y)]
= equiv_trans x y z
let cbs (p:vprop)
: Lemma (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))
[SMTPat (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))]
= star_commutative p emp;
cm_identity p;
equiv_sym (p `star` emp) p;
equiv_can_be_split p (p `star` emp)
let epost ()
: Lemma (equiv_forall post (fun x -> star (post x) emp))
= introduce forall x. post x `equiv` (post x `star` emp)
with (
equiv_star_emp_r (post x);
equiv_sym (post x `star` emp) (post x)
equiv_forall_elim post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)
epost ();
Steel.Effect.subcomp_opaque a #framed #framed
#pre #post
#req #ens
#pre #post
#req' #ens'
let return_ (a:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p:a -> vprop)
: Tot (repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x))
= let k : Steel.Effect.repr a true
(p x)
(fun _ -> True)
(return_ens a x p)
= Steel.Effect.return_ a x #p
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k () ()
let bind (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:a -> pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:a -> post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:(a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:(a -> b -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_f:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_g:a -> vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x1: squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame_f))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x2: squash (maybe_emp_dep framed_g frame_g))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pr:a -> prop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash
(can_be_split_forall_dep pr
(fun x -> post_f x `star` frame_f)
(fun x -> pre_g x `star` frame_g x)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash
(can_be_split_post (fun x y -> post_g x y `star` frame_g x) post))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x)))
= let c = Steel.Effect.bind a b #framed_f #framed_g
#(fun _ -> req_f)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x)
#(fun x _ -> req_g x)
#(fun x _ y _ -> ens_g x y)
f g
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c () ()
let subcomp (a:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x1 : squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash (
can_be_split pre_g (pre_f `star` frame)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash (
equiv_forall post_g (fun x -> post_f x `star` frame)))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
: Pure (repr a framed_g pre_g post_g req_g ens_g)
req_g ==> (req_f /\ (forall x. ens_f x ==> ens_g x)))
(ensures fun _ -> True)
= weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
#(fun _ -> req_f)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x)
#(fun _ -> req_g)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_g x)
() () | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
a: Type ->
b: Type ->
f: (_: FStar.Pervasives.eqtype_as_type Prims.unit -> Prims.PURE a) ->
g: (x: a -> Steel.ST.Effect.repr b framed pre post (req x) (ens x))
-> Steel.ST.Effect.repr b
(Steel.ST.Effect.bind_pure_st_req wp req)
(Steel.ST.Effect.bind_pure_st_ens wp ens) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let bind_pure_st_
(a b: Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]wp: pure_wp a)
(#framed: eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]pre: pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]post: post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]req: (a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]ens: (a -> b -> Type0))
(f: (eqtype_as_type unit -> PURE a wp))
(g: (x: a -> repr b framed pre post (req x) (ens x)))
: repr b framed pre post (bind_pure_st_req wp req) (bind_pure_st_ens wp ens) =
| let c:Steel.Effect.repr b
(bind_pure_steel__req wp (fun x _ -> req x))
(bind_pure_steel__ens wp (fun x _ y _ -> ens x y)) =
(Steel.Effect.bind_pure_steel_ a b #wp #framed #pre #post #(fun x _ -> req x)
#(fun x _ y _ -> ens x y) f g)
FStar.Monotonic.Pure.elim_pure_wp_monotonicity #a wp;
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c () () | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_dom | val fadd_dom:IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td | val fadd_dom:IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td | let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
y | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 3,
"end_line": 182,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 179
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.Interop.X64.arity_ok_stdcall | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fadd_dom:IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
| let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
y | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_bn | val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits | val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits | let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
res | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 5,
"end_line": 338,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 310
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t -> modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
| [@@ inline_let ]let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask
(Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen)
(as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen)
(as_seq h0 n)
(as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s)
(v eBits)
(as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true else false)
else false
res | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_lemma | val add1_lemma : Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_sig Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_regs_modified
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_post | let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma' | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 107,
"end_line": 107,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 107
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_sig Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_regs_modified
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_post | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let add1_lemma =
| as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma' | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.bind | val bind (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:pure_post a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:a -> pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:a -> post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:a -> pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:(a -> pure_post b))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_f:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_g:a -> vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _ : squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame_f))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _ : squash (maybe_emp_dep framed_g frame_g))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pr:a -> prop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash
(can_be_split_forall_dep pr
(fun x -> post_f x `star` frame_f)
(fun x -> pre_g x `star` frame_g x)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash
(can_be_split_post (fun x y -> post_g x y `star` frame_g x) post))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x)))
: repr b
(pre_f `star` frame_f)
(bind_req a req_f ens_f pr req_g)
(bind_ens a b ens_f ens_g) | val bind (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:pure_post a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:a -> pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:a -> post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:a -> pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:(a -> pure_post b))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_f:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_g:a -> vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _ : squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame_f))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _ : squash (maybe_emp_dep framed_g frame_g))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pr:a -> prop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash
(can_be_split_forall_dep pr
(fun x -> post_f x `star` frame_f)
(fun x -> pre_g x `star` frame_g x)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash
(can_be_split_post (fun x y -> post_g x y `star` frame_g x) post))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x)))
: repr b
(pre_f `star` frame_f)
(bind_req a req_f ens_f pr req_g)
(bind_ens a b ens_f ens_g) | let bind (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:a -> pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:a -> post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:(a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:(a -> b -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_f:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_g:a -> vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x1: squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame_f))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x2: squash (maybe_emp_dep framed_g frame_g))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pr:a -> prop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash
(can_be_split_forall_dep pr
(fun x -> post_f x `star` frame_f)
(fun x -> pre_g x `star` frame_g x)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash
(can_be_split_post (fun x y -> post_g x y `star` frame_g x) post))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x)))
= let c = Steel.Effect.bind a b #framed_f #framed_g
#(fun _ -> req_f)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x)
#(fun x _ -> req_g x)
#(fun x _ y _ -> ens_g x y)
f g
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c () () | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 41,
"end_line": 153,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 109
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off"
let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v)
let equiv_star_emp_r (p:vprop)
: Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p)
= cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p
let weaken_repr a framed
(post:post_t a)
(req req':req_t pre)
(ens ens':ens_t pre a post)
(f:Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens)
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre).
req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==>
req (mk_rmem _ h0)))
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre) x (h1:hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0)
(mk_rmem _ h1) ==>
ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1)))
: Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens')
= let focus_rmem_refl (r:vprop) (h:rmem r)
: Lemma (ensures focus_rmem #r h r == h)
[SMTPat (focus_rmem #r h r)]
= focus_rmem_refl r h
let equiv_trans (x y z:vprop) : Lemma
(requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z)
(ensures equiv x z)
[SMTPat (equiv x z);
SMTPat (equiv x y)]
= equiv_trans x y z
let cbs (p:vprop)
: Lemma (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))
[SMTPat (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))]
= star_commutative p emp;
cm_identity p;
equiv_sym (p `star` emp) p;
equiv_can_be_split p (p `star` emp)
let epost ()
: Lemma (equiv_forall post (fun x -> star (post x) emp))
= introduce forall x. post x `equiv` (post x `star` emp)
with (
equiv_star_emp_r (post x);
equiv_sym (post x `star` emp) (post x)
equiv_forall_elim post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)
epost ();
Steel.Effect.subcomp_opaque a #framed #framed
#pre #post
#req #ens
#pre #post
#req' #ens'
let return_ (a:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p:a -> vprop)
: Tot (repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x))
= let k : Steel.Effect.repr a true
(p x)
(fun _ -> True)
(return_ens a x p)
= Steel.Effect.return_ a x #p
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k () () | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
a: Type ->
b: Type ->
f: Steel.ST.Effect.repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f ->
g: (x: a -> Steel.ST.Effect.repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x))
-> Steel.ST.Effect.repr b
( pre_f frame_f)
(Steel.ST.Effect.bind_req a req_f ens_f pr req_g)
(Steel.ST.Effect.bind_ens a b ens_f ens_g) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let bind
(a b: Type)
(#framed_f #framed_g: eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]pre_f: pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]post_f: post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]req_f: Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]ens_f: (a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]pre_g: (a -> pre_t))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]post_g: (a -> post_t b))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]req_g: (a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]ens_g: (a -> b -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]frame_f: vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]frame_g: (a -> vprop))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]post: post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]_x1: squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame_f))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]_x2: squash (maybe_emp_dep framed_g frame_g))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]pr: (a -> prop))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]p1:
squash (can_be_split_forall_dep pr
(fun x -> (post_f x) `star` frame_f)
(fun x -> (pre_g x) `star` (frame_g x))))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]p2:
squash (can_be_split_post (fun x y -> (post_g x y) `star` (frame_g x)) post))
(f: repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
(g: (x: a -> repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x)))
| let c =
Steel.Effect.bind a b #framed_f #framed_g #pre_f #post_f #(fun _ -> req_f) #(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x)
#pre_g #post_g #(fun x _ -> req_g x) #(fun x _ y _ -> ens_g x y) #frame_f #frame_g #post #_x1
#_x2 #pr #p1 #p2 f g
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c () () | false |
Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst | Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes | val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code | val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code | let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_CCons (va_code_Pxor
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_CNil ())))))))))) | {
"file_name": "obj/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 25,
"end_line": 60,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 52
} | module Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt
open Vale.Def.Prop_s
open Vale.Def.Opaque_s
open FStar.Seq
open Vale.Def.Words_s
open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Arch.Types
open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl
open Vale.AES.AES_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR
open Vale.AES.GCM
open Vale.AES.GHash_s
open Vale.AES.GHash
open Vale.AES.GCM_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AES
open Vale.AES.GF128_s
open Vale.AES.GF128
open Vale.Poly1305.Math
open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers
open Vale.AES.X64.GHash
open Vale.AES.X64.GCTR
open Vale.X64.Machine_s
open Vale.X64.Memory
open Vale.X64.Stack_i
open Vale.X64.State
open Vale.X64.Decls
open Vale.X64.InsBasic
open Vale.X64.InsMem
open Vale.X64.InsVector
open Vale.X64.InsStack
open Vale.X64.InsAes
open Vale.X64.QuickCode
open Vale.X64.QuickCodes
open Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul
open Vale.X64.Stack
open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s
open Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt
open Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2
open Vale.Lib.Meta
open Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt
open Vale.AES.OptPublic
open Vale.Lib.Basic
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_ifuel 0"
//-- Gcm_extra_bytes
val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Basic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 20,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | alg: Vale.AES.AES_common_s.algorithm -> Vale.X64.Decls.va_code | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
| (va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0))
(va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ())
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11))
(va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9))
(va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg)
(va_CCons (va_code_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0))
(va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_CNil ())))))))))) | false |
Steel.ST.Effect.fst | Steel.ST.Effect.subcomp | val subcomp (a:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:pure_post a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:pure_post a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _ : squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash (can_be_split pre_g (pre_f `star` frame)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash (equiv_forall post_g (fun x -> post_f x `star` frame)))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
: Pure (repr a framed_g pre_g post_g req_g ens_g)
req_g ==> (req_f /\ (forall x. ens_f x ==> ens_g x)))
(ensures fun _ -> True) | val subcomp (a:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:pure_post a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:pure_pre)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:pure_post a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _ : squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash (can_be_split pre_g (pre_f `star` frame)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash (equiv_forall post_g (fun x -> post_f x `star` frame)))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
: Pure (repr a framed_g pre_g post_g req_g ens_g)
req_g ==> (req_f /\ (forall x. ens_f x ==> ens_g x)))
(ensures fun _ -> True) | let subcomp (a:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x1 : squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash (
can_be_split pre_g (pre_f `star` frame)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash (
equiv_forall post_g (fun x -> post_f x `star` frame)))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
: Pure (repr a framed_g pre_g post_g req_g ens_g)
req_g ==> (req_f /\ (forall x. ens_f x ==> ens_g x)))
(ensures fun _ -> True)
= weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
#(fun _ -> req_f)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x)
#(fun _ -> req_g)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_g x)
() () | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/Steel.ST.Effect.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 27,
"end_line": 196,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 155
} | (*
Copyright 2020 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Steel.ST.Effect
friend Steel.Effect
open Steel.Memory
open FStar.Ghost
module Mem = Steel.Memory
module T = FStar.Tactics
include Steel.Effect.Common
open Steel.Effect
#set-options "--warn_error -330" //turn off the experimental feature warning
#set-options "--ide_id_info_off"
let repr a framed pre post req ens : Type u#2 =
Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post (fun _ -> req) (fun _ v _ -> ens v)
let equiv_star_emp_r (p:vprop)
: Lemma ((p `star` emp) `equiv` p)
= cm_identity p;
assert ((emp `star` p) `equiv` p);
star_commutative p emp;
equiv_trans (p `star` emp) (emp `star` p) p
let weaken_repr a framed
(post:post_t a)
(req req':req_t pre)
(ens ens':ens_t pre a post)
(f:Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req ens)
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre).
req' (mk_rmem _ h0) ==>
req (mk_rmem _ h0)))
(_:squash (forall (h0:hmem pre) x (h1:hmem (post x)).
ens (mk_rmem _ h0)
(mk_rmem _ h1) ==>
ens' (mk_rmem _ h0) x (mk_rmem _ h1)))
: Tot (Steel.Effect.repr a framed pre post req' ens')
= let focus_rmem_refl (r:vprop) (h:rmem r)
: Lemma (ensures focus_rmem #r h r == h)
[SMTPat (focus_rmem #r h r)]
= focus_rmem_refl r h
let equiv_trans (x y z:vprop) : Lemma
(requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z)
(ensures equiv x z)
[SMTPat (equiv x z);
SMTPat (equiv x y)]
= equiv_trans x y z
let cbs (p:vprop)
: Lemma (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))
[SMTPat (p `can_be_split` (p `star` emp))]
= star_commutative p emp;
cm_identity p;
equiv_sym (p `star` emp) p;
equiv_can_be_split p (p `star` emp)
let epost ()
: Lemma (equiv_forall post (fun x -> star (post x) emp))
= introduce forall x. post x `equiv` (post x `star` emp)
with (
equiv_star_emp_r (post x);
equiv_sym (post x `star` emp) (post x)
equiv_forall_elim post (fun x -> star (post x) emp)
epost ();
Steel.Effect.subcomp_opaque a #framed #framed
#pre #post
#req #ens
#pre #post
#req' #ens'
let return_ (a:Type)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p:a -> vprop)
: Tot (repr a true (return_pre (p x)) p True (fun v -> v == x))
= let k : Steel.Effect.repr a true
(p x)
(fun _ -> True)
(return_ens a x p)
= Steel.Effect.return_ a x #p
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ k () ()
let bind (a:Type) (b:Type)
(#framed_f:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#framed_g:eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_f:pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_f:post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_f:Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_f:a -> Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pre_g:a -> pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post_g:a -> post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] req_g:(a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] ens_g:(a -> b -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_f:vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] frame_g:a -> vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] post:post_t b)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x1: squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame_f))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] _x2: squash (maybe_emp_dep framed_g frame_g))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] pr:a -> prop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p1:squash
(can_be_split_forall_dep pr
(fun x -> post_f x `star` frame_f)
(fun x -> pre_g x `star` frame_g x)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit] p2:squash
(can_be_split_post (fun x y -> post_g x y `star` frame_g x) post))
(f:repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
(g:(x:a -> repr b framed_g (pre_g x) (post_g x) (req_g x) (ens_g x)))
= let c = Steel.Effect.bind a b #framed_f #framed_g
#(fun _ -> req_f)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x)
#(fun x _ -> req_g x)
#(fun x _ y _ -> ens_g x y)
f g
weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c () () | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Steel.ST.Effect.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Effect.Common",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": "Mem"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Ghost",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Steel.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | a: Type -> f: Steel.ST.Effect.repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f
-> Prims.Pure (Steel.ST.Effect.repr a framed_g pre_g post_g req_g ens_g) | Prims.Pure | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let subcomp
(a: Type)
(#framed_f #framed_g: eqtype_as_type bool)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]pre_f: pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]post_f: post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]req_f: Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]ens_f: (a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]pre_g: pre_t)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]post_g: post_t a)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]req_g: Type0)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]ens_g: (a -> Type0))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]frame: vprop)
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]_x1: squash (maybe_emp framed_f frame))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]p1: squash (can_be_split pre_g (pre_f `star` frame)))
(#[@@@ framing_implicit]p2: squash (equiv_forall post_g (fun x -> (post_f x) `star` frame)))
(f: repr a framed_f pre_f post_f req_f ens_f)
: Pure (repr a framed_g pre_g post_g req_g ens_g)
(requires req_g ==> (req_f /\ (forall x. ens_f x ==> ens_g x)))
(ensures fun _ -> True) =
| weaken_repr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Steel.Effect.subcomp a #framed_f #framed_g #pre_f #post_f #(fun _ -> req_f)
#(fun _ x _ -> ens_f x) #pre_g #post_g #(fun _ -> req_g) #(fun _ x _ -> ens_g x) #frame #_x1
#True #p1 #p2 f) () () | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_regs_modified | val fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool | val fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool | let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 12,
"end_line": 334,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 331
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | r: Vale.X64.Machine_s.reg_64 -> Prims.bool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool =
| fun (r: MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true else false | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_fadd_t | val lowstar_fadd_t : Type0 | let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 73,
"end_line": 265,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 252
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let lowstar_fadd_t =
| assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([] <: list arg) <= 3);
IX64.as_lowstar_sig_t_weak 3 arg_reg fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified code_Fadd fadd_dom [] _ _
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd | false |
Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst | Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes | val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool | val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool | let va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_ttrue ()))))))))) | {
"file_name": "obj/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 25,
"end_line": 73,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 64
} | module Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt
open Vale.Def.Prop_s
open Vale.Def.Opaque_s
open FStar.Seq
open Vale.Def.Words_s
open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Arch.Types
open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl
open Vale.AES.AES_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR
open Vale.AES.GCM
open Vale.AES.GHash_s
open Vale.AES.GHash
open Vale.AES.GCM_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AES
open Vale.AES.GF128_s
open Vale.AES.GF128
open Vale.Poly1305.Math
open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers
open Vale.AES.X64.GHash
open Vale.AES.X64.GCTR
open Vale.X64.Machine_s
open Vale.X64.Memory
open Vale.X64.Stack_i
open Vale.X64.State
open Vale.X64.Decls
open Vale.X64.InsBasic
open Vale.X64.InsMem
open Vale.X64.InsVector
open Vale.X64.InsStack
open Vale.X64.InsAes
open Vale.X64.QuickCode
open Vale.X64.QuickCodes
open Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul
open Vale.X64.Stack
open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s
open Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt
open Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2
open Vale.Lib.Meta
open Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt
open Vale.AES.OptPublic
open Vale.Lib.Basic
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_ifuel 0"
//-- Gcm_extra_bytes
val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_CCons (va_code_Pxor
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_CNil ()))))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Basic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 20,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | alg: Vale.AES.AES_common_s.algorithm -> Vale.X64.Decls.va_pbool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
| (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_extra_bytes ())
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_AESEncryptBlock alg)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_ttrue ()))))))))) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_dom | val fsub_dom:IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td | val fsub_dom:IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td | let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
y | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 3,
"end_line": 305,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 302
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.Interop.X64.arity_ok_stdcall | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_dom:IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
| let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
y | false |
DM4F_layered5.fst | DM4F_layered5.pure_bind_wp | val pure_bind_wp (#a #b: Type) (w1: ID5.wp a) (w2: (a -> ID5.wp b)) : ID5.wp b | val pure_bind_wp (#a #b: Type) (w1: ID5.wp a) (w2: (a -> ID5.wp b)) : ID5.wp b | let pure_bind_wp (#a #b : Type) (w1 : ID5.wp a) (w2 : a -> ID5.wp b) : ID5.wp b =
ID5.bind_wp w1 w2 | {
"file_name": "examples/layeredeffects/DM4F_layered5.fst",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 19,
"end_line": 25,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 24
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2018 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module DM4F_layered5
(* Same as DM4F, but layered over a layered PURE without monotonicity *)
open ID5
open DM4F_Utils | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "DM4F_layered5.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "DM4F_Utils",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "ID5",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | w1: ID5.wp a -> w2: (_: a -> ID5.wp b) -> ID5.wp b | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let pure_bind_wp (#a #b: Type) (w1: ID5.wp a) (w2: (a -> ID5.wp b)) : ID5.wp b =
| ID5.bind_wp w1 w2 | false |
DM4F_layered5.fst | DM4F_layered5.st_monotonic | val st_monotonic (#st #a: _) (w: wp0 st a) : Type0 | val st_monotonic (#st #a: _) (w: wp0 st a) : Type0 | let st_monotonic #st #a (w : wp0 st a) : Type0 =
//forall s0 p1 p2. (forall r. p1 r ==> p2 r) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2
// ^ this version seems to be less SMT-friendly
forall s0 p1 p2. (forall x s1. p1 x s1 ==> p2 x s1) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2 | {
"file_name": "examples/layeredeffects/DM4F_layered5.fst",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 77,
"end_line": 37,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 34
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2018 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module DM4F_layered5
(* Same as DM4F, but layered over a layered PURE without monotonicity *)
open ID5
open DM4F_Utils
let pure_bind_wp (#a #b : Type) (w1 : ID5.wp a) (w2 : a -> ID5.wp b) : ID5.wp b =
ID5.bind_wp w1 w2
(* Simulating state effect in DM4F, hopefully doable by a tactic. *)
type post_t st a = a -> st -> Type0
type wp0 (st:Type u#0) (a:Type u#ua) : Type u#(max 1 ua) =
st -> post_t st a -> Type0 | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "DM4F_layered5.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "DM4F_Utils",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "ID5",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | w: DM4F_layered5.wp0 st a -> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let st_monotonic #st #a (w: wp0 st a) : Type0 =
| forall s0 p1 p2. (forall x s1. p1 x s1 ==> p2 x s1) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2 | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_Fsub_t | val lowstar_Fsub_t : Type0 | let lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 73,
"end_line": 388,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 375
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma'
let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let lowstar_Fsub_t =
| assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([] <: list arg) <= 3);
IX64.as_lowstar_sig_t_weak 3 arg_reg fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified code_Fsub fsub_dom [] _ _
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_lemma | val fadd_lemma : Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_sig Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_regs_modified
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_post | let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma' | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 107,
"end_line": 246,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 246
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_sig Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_regs_modified
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_post | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fadd_lemma =
| as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma' | false |
Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst | Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_code_Gcm_blocks128 | val va_code_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code | val va_code_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code | let va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_CCons (va_code_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_CNil ()))))))))) | {
"file_name": "obj/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 89,
"end_line": 286,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 280
} | module Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt
open Vale.Def.Prop_s
open Vale.Def.Opaque_s
open FStar.Seq
open Vale.Def.Words_s
open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Arch.Types
open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl
open Vale.AES.AES_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR
open Vale.AES.GCM
open Vale.AES.GHash_s
open Vale.AES.GHash
open Vale.AES.GCM_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AES
open Vale.AES.GF128_s
open Vale.AES.GF128
open Vale.Poly1305.Math
open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers
open Vale.AES.X64.GHash
open Vale.AES.X64.GCTR
open Vale.X64.Machine_s
open Vale.X64.Memory
open Vale.X64.Stack_i
open Vale.X64.State
open Vale.X64.Decls
open Vale.X64.InsBasic
open Vale.X64.InsMem
open Vale.X64.InsVector
open Vale.X64.InsStack
open Vale.X64.InsAes
open Vale.X64.QuickCode
open Vale.X64.QuickCodes
open Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul
open Vale.X64.Stack
open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s
open Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt
open Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2
open Vale.Lib.Meta
open Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt
open Vale.AES.OptPublic
open Vale.Lib.Basic
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_ifuel 0"
//-- Gcm_extra_bytes
val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_CCons (va_code_Pxor
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_CNil ()))))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_ttrue ())))))))))
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_mods:va_mods_t) (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq
nat32)) (round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat)
(old_hash:quad32) (completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit
(va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(qblock va_mods (fun (va_s:va_state) -> let (va_old_s:va_state) = va_s in let (len:(va_int_range
1 1)) = 1 in va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 188 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rRax) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 189 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> let
(hash_input:quad32) = va_get_xmm 0 va_s in va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 193 column 22 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_extra_bytes hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash h_LE completed_quads) (fun
(va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qAssert va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 194 column 5 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(FStar.Seq.Base.equal #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s)
inout_b) (FStar.Seq.Base.create #quad32 1 hash_input)) (let (snap:(FStar.Seq.Base.seq
Vale.X64.Decls.quad32)) = Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s) inout_b in va_QSeq
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 198 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 199 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_QBind
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 200 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_AESEncryptBlock alg (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 11 va_s)) key
round_keys keys_b) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 201 column 26 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.AES_s.aes_encrypt_LE_reveal ()) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 204 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 205 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 207 column 24 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial_reveal ()) (va_QEmpty (()))))))))))))))
val va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes : va_b0:va_code -> va_s0:va_state -> alg:algorithm ->
inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) -> round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 ->
hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat -> old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) ->
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel)
(requires (va_require_total va_b0 (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 /\ va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let
(len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b inout_b /\
Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0) inout_b
len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes)))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_fM) -> va_ensure_total va_b0 va_s0 va_sM va_fM /\ va_get_ok va_sM /\
(let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) /\ va_state_eq va_sM
(va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10 va_sM (va_update_xmm 8
va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 4
va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 0
va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM (va_update_ok va_sM
(va_update_mem va_sM va_s0))))))))))))))))))
let va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes va_b0 va_s0 alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes
old_hash completed_quads h_LE =
let (va_mods:va_mods_t) = [va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8;
va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm
1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem] in
let va_qc = va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes va_mods alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
let (va_sM, va_fM, va_g) = va_wp_sound_code_norm (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_qc va_s0 (fun
va_s0 va_sM va_g -> let () = va_g in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 121 column 1 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_ok va_sM) /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 174 column 55 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5
va_sM)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 177 column 95 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b)
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)) /\ label
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 180 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let raw_quads = FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 181 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 182 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let padded_bytes = Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 183 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_quads = Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 186 column 59 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE old_hash input_quads)))))))) in
assert_norm (va_qc.mods == va_mods);
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
(va_sM, va_fM)
[@ va_qattr]
let va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) (va_s0:va_state) (va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0))
: Type0 =
(va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\
Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax
va_s0) inout_b len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes) /\ (forall
(va_x_mem:vale_heap) (va_x_rcx:nat64) (va_x_r11:nat64) (va_x_xmm0:quad32) (va_x_xmm1:quad32)
(va_x_xmm2:quad32) (va_x_xmm3:quad32) (va_x_xmm4:quad32) (va_x_xmm5:quad32) (va_x_xmm6:quad32)
(va_x_xmm7:quad32) (va_x_xmm8:quad32) (va_x_xmm10:quad32) (va_x_heap5:vale_heap)
(va_x_efl:Vale.X64.Flags.t) . let va_sM = va_upd_flags va_x_efl (va_upd_mem_heaplet 5
va_x_heap5 (va_upd_xmm 10 va_x_xmm10 (va_upd_xmm 8 va_x_xmm8 (va_upd_xmm 7 va_x_xmm7
(va_upd_xmm 6 va_x_xmm6 (va_upd_xmm 5 va_x_xmm5 (va_upd_xmm 4 va_x_xmm4 (va_upd_xmm 3 va_x_xmm3
(va_upd_xmm 2 va_x_xmm2 (va_upd_xmm 1 va_x_xmm1 (va_upd_xmm 0 va_x_xmm0 (va_upd_reg64 rR11
va_x_r11 (va_upd_reg64 rRcx va_x_rcx (va_upd_mem va_x_mem va_s0)))))))))))))) in va_get_ok
va_sM /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) ==> va_k va_sM (())))
val va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) ->
round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 -> hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat ->
old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) -> h_LE:quad32 -> va_s0:va_state ->
va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0)
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel & unit)
(requires (va_t_require va_s0 /\ va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_f0, va_g) -> va_t_ensure (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags;
va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5;
va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11;
va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_s0 va_k ((va_sM, va_f0, va_g))))
let va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k =
let (va_sM, va_f0) = va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 alg inout_b key
round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
va_lemma_upd_update va_sM;
assert (va_state_eq va_sM (va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10
va_sM (va_update_xmm 8 va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5
va_sM (va_update_xmm 4 va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1
va_sM (va_update_xmm 0 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM
(va_update_ok va_sM (va_update_mem va_sM va_s0)))))))))))))))));
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
let va_g = () in
(va_sM, va_f0, va_g)
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_quick_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(va_QProc (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10;
va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm
2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem])
(va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE) (va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE))
//-- Gcm_blocks128
val va_code_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Basic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 20,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | alg: Vale.AES.AES_common_s.algorithm -> Vale.X64.Decls.va_code | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
| (va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax))
(va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_buffer ())
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12))
(va_CCons (va_code_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_CNil ()))))))))) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_fadd | val lowstar_fadd:lowstar_fadd_t | val lowstar_fadd:lowstar_fadd_t | let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 73,
"end_line": 277,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 268
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_fadd_t | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let lowstar_fadd:lowstar_fadd_t =
| assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([] <: list arg) <= 3);
IX64.wrap_weak 3
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.add1_lemma' | val add1_lemma' (code: V.va_code) (_win: bool) (out f1: b64) (f2: uint64) (va_s0: V.va_state)
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
(requires add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out)) ME.loc_none)
(VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0)
(VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1))) | val add1_lemma' (code: V.va_code) (_win: bool) (out f1: b64) (f2: uint64) (va_s0: V.va_state)
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
(requires add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out)) ME.loc_none)
(VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0)
(VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1))) | let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f) | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 13,
"end_line": 104,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 80
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
code: Vale.X64.Decls.va_code ->
_win: Prims.bool ->
out: Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.b64 ->
f1: Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.b64 ->
f2: Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.uint64 ->
va_s0: Vale.X64.Decls.va_state
-> Prims.Ghost (Vale.X64.Decls.va_state * Vale.X64.Decls.va_fuel) | Prims.Ghost | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let add1_lemma' (code: V.va_code) (_win: bool) (out f1: b64) (f2: uint64) (va_s0: V.va_state)
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
(requires add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\ ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out)) ME.loc_none)
(VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0)
(VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1))) =
| let va_s1, f =
FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_Fsub | val lowstar_Fsub:lowstar_Fsub_t | val lowstar_Fsub:lowstar_Fsub_t | let lowstar_Fsub : lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 73,
"end_line": 400,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 391
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma'
let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *)
let lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.lowstar_Fsub_t | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let lowstar_Fsub:lowstar_Fsub_t =
| assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([] <: list arg) <= 3);
IX64.wrap_weak 3
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub | false |
Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst | Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks | val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks : alg:algorithm -> offset:int -> Tot va_pbool | val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks : alg:algorithm -> offset:int -> Tot va_pbool | let va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks alg offset =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR13) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRcx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_AddLea64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR9) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR9)
(va_const_opr64 32)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64
rRbx) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 0)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks_auth ()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 8)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRsi) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 16)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 24)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRcx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR13)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 2) (va_op_xmm_xmm 1) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rR8) 0 Public)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRbp) (va_op_xmm_xmm 1) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Load_one_lsb (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_VPaddd
(va_op_xmm_xmm 1) (va_op_xmm_xmm 1) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_AES_GCM_decrypt_6mult alg) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRbp) 32 Secret)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR8) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRcx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 32)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 40)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 48)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR14)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_InitPshufbMask (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 alg) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Stack_lemma ()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Add64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR14) (va_opr_code_Stack (va_op_reg64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 24) Public))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_IMul64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR14) (va_const_opr64 16))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR13)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 64)) (va_pbool_and (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 56)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR10)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR13)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_And64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR10)
(va_const_opr64 15)) (va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)))) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR11) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR15)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Gcm_make_length_quad ()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_register
()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRbp) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Gctr_register alg) (va_ttrue ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) | {
"file_name": "obj/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 89,
"end_line": 581,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 540
} | module Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt
open Vale.Def.Prop_s
open Vale.Def.Opaque_s
open FStar.Seq
open Vale.Def.Words_s
open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Arch.Types
open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl
open Vale.AES.AES_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR
open Vale.AES.GCM
open Vale.AES.GHash_s
open Vale.AES.GHash
open Vale.AES.GCM_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AES
open Vale.AES.GF128_s
open Vale.AES.GF128
open Vale.Poly1305.Math
open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers
open Vale.AES.X64.GHash
open Vale.AES.X64.GCTR
open Vale.X64.Machine_s
open Vale.X64.Memory
open Vale.X64.Stack_i
open Vale.X64.State
open Vale.X64.Decls
open Vale.X64.InsBasic
open Vale.X64.InsMem
open Vale.X64.InsVector
open Vale.X64.InsStack
open Vale.X64.InsAes
open Vale.X64.QuickCode
open Vale.X64.QuickCodes
open Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul
open Vale.X64.Stack
open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s
open Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt
open Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2
open Vale.Lib.Meta
open Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt
open Vale.AES.OptPublic
open Vale.Lib.Basic
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_ifuel 0"
//-- Gcm_extra_bytes
val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_CCons (va_code_Pxor
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_CNil ()))))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_ttrue ())))))))))
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_mods:va_mods_t) (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq
nat32)) (round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat)
(old_hash:quad32) (completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit
(va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(qblock va_mods (fun (va_s:va_state) -> let (va_old_s:va_state) = va_s in let (len:(va_int_range
1 1)) = 1 in va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 188 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rRax) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 189 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> let
(hash_input:quad32) = va_get_xmm 0 va_s in va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 193 column 22 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_extra_bytes hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash h_LE completed_quads) (fun
(va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qAssert va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 194 column 5 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(FStar.Seq.Base.equal #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s)
inout_b) (FStar.Seq.Base.create #quad32 1 hash_input)) (let (snap:(FStar.Seq.Base.seq
Vale.X64.Decls.quad32)) = Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s) inout_b in va_QSeq
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 198 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 199 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_QBind
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 200 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_AESEncryptBlock alg (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 11 va_s)) key
round_keys keys_b) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 201 column 26 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.AES_s.aes_encrypt_LE_reveal ()) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 204 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 205 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 207 column 24 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial_reveal ()) (va_QEmpty (()))))))))))))))
val va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes : va_b0:va_code -> va_s0:va_state -> alg:algorithm ->
inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) -> round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 ->
hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat -> old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) ->
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel)
(requires (va_require_total va_b0 (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 /\ va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let
(len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b inout_b /\
Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0) inout_b
len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes)))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_fM) -> va_ensure_total va_b0 va_s0 va_sM va_fM /\ va_get_ok va_sM /\
(let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) /\ va_state_eq va_sM
(va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10 va_sM (va_update_xmm 8
va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 4
va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 0
va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM (va_update_ok va_sM
(va_update_mem va_sM va_s0))))))))))))))))))
let va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes va_b0 va_s0 alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes
old_hash completed_quads h_LE =
let (va_mods:va_mods_t) = [va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8;
va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm
1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem] in
let va_qc = va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes va_mods alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
let (va_sM, va_fM, va_g) = va_wp_sound_code_norm (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_qc va_s0 (fun
va_s0 va_sM va_g -> let () = va_g in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 121 column 1 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_ok va_sM) /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 174 column 55 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5
va_sM)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 177 column 95 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b)
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)) /\ label
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 180 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let raw_quads = FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 181 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 182 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let padded_bytes = Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 183 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_quads = Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 186 column 59 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE old_hash input_quads)))))))) in
assert_norm (va_qc.mods == va_mods);
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
(va_sM, va_fM)
[@ va_qattr]
let va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) (va_s0:va_state) (va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0))
: Type0 =
(va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\
Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax
va_s0) inout_b len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes) /\ (forall
(va_x_mem:vale_heap) (va_x_rcx:nat64) (va_x_r11:nat64) (va_x_xmm0:quad32) (va_x_xmm1:quad32)
(va_x_xmm2:quad32) (va_x_xmm3:quad32) (va_x_xmm4:quad32) (va_x_xmm5:quad32) (va_x_xmm6:quad32)
(va_x_xmm7:quad32) (va_x_xmm8:quad32) (va_x_xmm10:quad32) (va_x_heap5:vale_heap)
(va_x_efl:Vale.X64.Flags.t) . let va_sM = va_upd_flags va_x_efl (va_upd_mem_heaplet 5
va_x_heap5 (va_upd_xmm 10 va_x_xmm10 (va_upd_xmm 8 va_x_xmm8 (va_upd_xmm 7 va_x_xmm7
(va_upd_xmm 6 va_x_xmm6 (va_upd_xmm 5 va_x_xmm5 (va_upd_xmm 4 va_x_xmm4 (va_upd_xmm 3 va_x_xmm3
(va_upd_xmm 2 va_x_xmm2 (va_upd_xmm 1 va_x_xmm1 (va_upd_xmm 0 va_x_xmm0 (va_upd_reg64 rR11
va_x_r11 (va_upd_reg64 rRcx va_x_rcx (va_upd_mem va_x_mem va_s0)))))))))))))) in va_get_ok
va_sM /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) ==> va_k va_sM (())))
val va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) ->
round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 -> hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat ->
old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) -> h_LE:quad32 -> va_s0:va_state ->
va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0)
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel & unit)
(requires (va_t_require va_s0 /\ va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_f0, va_g) -> va_t_ensure (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags;
va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5;
va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11;
va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_s0 va_k ((va_sM, va_f0, va_g))))
let va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k =
let (va_sM, va_f0) = va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 alg inout_b key
round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
va_lemma_upd_update va_sM;
assert (va_state_eq va_sM (va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10
va_sM (va_update_xmm 8 va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5
va_sM (va_update_xmm 4 va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1
va_sM (va_update_xmm 0 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM
(va_update_ok va_sM (va_update_mem va_sM va_s0)))))))))))))))));
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
let va_g = () in
(va_sM, va_f0, va_g)
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_quick_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(va_QProc (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10;
va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm
2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem])
(va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE) (va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE))
//-- Gcm_blocks128
val va_code_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_CCons (va_code_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_CNil ())))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_ttrue ()))))))))
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128 (va_mods:va_mods_t) (alg:algorithm) (in_b:buffer128) (out_b:buffer128)
(key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (h_LE:quad32)
: (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)) =
(qblock va_mods (fun (va_s:va_state) -> let (va_old_s:va_state) = va_s in va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 274 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 275 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 276 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 277 column 17 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_buffer hkeys_b in_b h_LE (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_old_s))) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 278 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 279 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 280 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Gctr_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b) (va_QEmpty (()))))))))))
val va_lemma_Gcm_blocks128 : va_b0:va_code -> va_s0:va_state -> alg:algorithm -> in_b:buffer128 ->
out_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) -> round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 ->
hkeys_b:buffer128 -> h_LE:quad32
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel)
(requires (va_require_total va_b0 (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg) va_s0 /\ va_get_ok va_s0 /\
(sse_enabled /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b out_b /\
Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b out_b /\ (Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 in_b
out_b \/ in_b == out_b) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0)
(va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0) in_b (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\
Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRdi va_s0) out_b
(va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0 + 16
`op_Multiply` va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 < pow2_64 /\ va_get_reg64 rRdi va_s0 + 16 `op_Multiply`
va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 < pow2_64 /\ l_and (Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 in_b == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length #Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 out_b)
(Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length #Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 in_b < pow2_32) /\ va_get_reg64 rRdx
va_s0 == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length #Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 in_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 ==
Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\
va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 < pow2_32 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8
va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\ pclmulqdq_enabled /\
Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) hkeys_b)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_fM) -> va_ensure_total va_b0 va_s0 va_sM va_fM /\ va_get_ok va_sM /\
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 out_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 1
va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM) out_b) key
(va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ va_get_xmm 11 va_sM == Vale.AES.GCTR.inc32lite (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)
(va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) /\ (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 == 0 ==> l_and (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM ==
va_get_xmm 8 va_s0) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM) out_b ==
Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) out_b)) /\ (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 > 0 ==>
l_and (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 <= FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) ==> FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) 0 (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0)) > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_s0)) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b)))) /\ va_state_eq va_sM (va_update_flags va_sM
(va_update_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10 va_sM (va_update_xmm 11 va_sM (va_update_xmm 8
va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 4
va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 0
va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR12 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRdx va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR10 va_sM
(va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRdi va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRbx va_sM
(va_update_ok va_sM (va_update_mem va_sM va_s0)))))))))))))))))))))))
let va_lemma_Gcm_blocks128 va_b0 va_s0 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b h_LE =
let (va_mods:va_mods_t) = [va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 1; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 11;
va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm
2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR12; va_Mod_reg64 rRdx; va_Mod_reg64 rR10;
va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRdi; va_Mod_reg64 rRbx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem] in
let va_qc = va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128 va_mods alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b h_LE in
let (va_sM, va_fM, va_g) = va_wp_sound_code_norm (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg) va_qc va_s0 (fun
va_s0 va_sM va_g -> let () = va_g in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 210 column 1 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_ok va_sM) /\ (label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 255 column 53 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 out_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 1
va_sM)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 261 column 95 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM) out_b) key
(va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 262 column 45 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_xmm 11 va_sM == Vale.AES.GCTR.inc32lite (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRdx
va_s0)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 265 column 93 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 == 0 ==> l_and (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM == va_get_xmm 8 va_s0)
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM) out_b == Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) out_b)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 267 column 131 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 > 0 ==> l_and (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 <= FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) ==>
FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) 0 (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0)) > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_s0)) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b))))) in
assert_norm (va_qc.mods == va_mods);
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 1; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 11; va_Mod_xmm
8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2;
va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR12; va_Mod_reg64 rRdx; va_Mod_reg64 rR10;
va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRdi; va_Mod_reg64 rRbx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
(va_sM, va_fM)
[@ va_qattr]
let va_wp_Gcm_blocks128 (alg:algorithm) (in_b:buffer128) (out_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32))
(round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (h_LE:quad32) (va_s0:va_state)
(va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0)) : Type0 =
(va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (sse_enabled /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b out_b /\
Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b out_b /\ (Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 in_b
out_b \/ in_b == out_b) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0)
(va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0) in_b (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\
Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRdi va_s0) out_b
(va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0 + 16
`op_Multiply` va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 < pow2_64 /\ va_get_reg64 rRdi va_s0 + 16 `op_Multiply`
va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 < pow2_64 /\ l_and (Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 in_b == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length #Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 out_b)
(Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length #Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 in_b < pow2_32) /\ va_get_reg64 rRdx
va_s0 == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length #Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 in_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 ==
Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\
va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 < pow2_32 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8
va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\ pclmulqdq_enabled /\
Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) hkeys_b)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret) /\ (forall (va_x_mem:vale_heap) (va_x_rbx:nat64) (va_x_rdi:nat64) (va_x_r11:nat64)
(va_x_r10:nat64) (va_x_rdx:nat64) (va_x_r12:nat64) (va_x_xmm0:quad32) (va_x_xmm1:quad32)
(va_x_xmm2:quad32) (va_x_xmm3:quad32) (va_x_xmm4:quad32) (va_x_xmm5:quad32) (va_x_xmm6:quad32)
(va_x_xmm7:quad32) (va_x_xmm8:quad32) (va_x_xmm11:quad32) (va_x_xmm10:quad32)
(va_x_heap1:vale_heap) (va_x_efl:Vale.X64.Flags.t) . let va_sM = va_upd_flags va_x_efl
(va_upd_mem_heaplet 1 va_x_heap1 (va_upd_xmm 10 va_x_xmm10 (va_upd_xmm 11 va_x_xmm11
(va_upd_xmm 8 va_x_xmm8 (va_upd_xmm 7 va_x_xmm7 (va_upd_xmm 6 va_x_xmm6 (va_upd_xmm 5 va_x_xmm5
(va_upd_xmm 4 va_x_xmm4 (va_upd_xmm 3 va_x_xmm3 (va_upd_xmm 2 va_x_xmm2 (va_upd_xmm 1 va_x_xmm1
(va_upd_xmm 0 va_x_xmm0 (va_upd_reg64 rR12 va_x_r12 (va_upd_reg64 rRdx va_x_rdx (va_upd_reg64
rR10 va_x_r10 (va_upd_reg64 rR11 va_x_r11 (va_upd_reg64 rRdi va_x_rdi (va_upd_reg64 rRbx
va_x_rbx (va_upd_mem va_x_mem va_s0))))))))))))))))))) in va_get_ok va_sM /\
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 out_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 1
va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM) out_b) key
(va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ va_get_xmm 11 va_sM == Vale.AES.GCTR.inc32lite (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)
(va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0) /\ (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 == 0 ==> l_and (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM ==
va_get_xmm 8 va_s0) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM) out_b ==
Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) out_b)) /\ (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 > 0 ==>
l_and (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0 <= FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) ==> FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b) 0 (va_get_reg64 rRdx va_s0)) > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_s0)) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 1 va_s0) in_b)))) ==> va_k va_sM (())))
val va_wpProof_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> in_b:buffer128 -> out_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq
nat32) -> round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 -> hkeys_b:buffer128 -> h_LE:quad32 ->
va_s0:va_state -> va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0)
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel & unit)
(requires (va_t_require va_s0 /\ va_wp_Gcm_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
h_LE va_s0 va_k))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_f0, va_g) -> va_t_ensure (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg) ([va_Mod_flags;
va_Mod_mem_heaplet 1; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 11; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6;
va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0;
va_Mod_reg64 rR12; va_Mod_reg64 rRdx; va_Mod_reg64 rR10; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRdi;
va_Mod_reg64 rRbx; va_Mod_mem]) va_s0 va_k ((va_sM, va_f0, va_g))))
let va_wpProof_Gcm_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b h_LE va_s0 va_k =
let (va_sM, va_f0) = va_lemma_Gcm_blocks128 (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg) va_s0 alg in_b out_b key
round_keys keys_b hkeys_b h_LE in
va_lemma_upd_update va_sM;
assert (va_state_eq va_sM (va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10
va_sM (va_update_xmm 11 va_sM (va_update_xmm 8 va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6
va_sM (va_update_xmm 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 4 va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2
va_sM (va_update_xmm 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 0 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR12 va_sM
(va_update_reg64 rRdx va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR10 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM
(va_update_reg64 rRdi va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRbx va_sM (va_update_ok va_sM (va_update_mem
va_sM va_s0))))))))))))))))))))));
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 1; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 11; va_Mod_xmm
8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2;
va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR12; va_Mod_reg64 rRdx; va_Mod_reg64 rR10;
va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRdi; va_Mod_reg64 rRbx; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
let va_g = () in
(va_sM, va_f0, va_g)
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_quick_Gcm_blocks128 (alg:algorithm) (in_b:buffer128) (out_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32))
(round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode
unit (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)) =
(va_QProc (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg) ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 1; va_Mod_xmm 10;
va_Mod_xmm 11; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm
3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR12; va_Mod_reg64 rRdx; va_Mod_reg64
rR10; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRdi; va_Mod_reg64 rRbx; va_Mod_mem])
(va_wp_Gcm_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b h_LE)
(va_wpProof_Gcm_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b h_LE))
//-- Gcm_blocks
#push-options "--z3rlimit 1000"
val va_code_Gcm_blocks : alg:algorithm -> offset:int -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_blocks alg offset =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR13) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRcx))
(va_CCons (va_code_AddLea64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR9) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR9) (va_const_opr64
32)) (va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Gcm_blocks_auth ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 8)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRsi) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 16))
(va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 24)) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRcx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR13))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 2) (va_op_xmm_xmm 1) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rR8) 0 Public) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRbp) (va_op_xmm_xmm 1) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Load_one_lsb
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10)) (va_CCons (va_code_VPaddd (va_op_xmm_xmm 1) (va_op_xmm_xmm 1)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10)) (va_CCons (va_code_AES_GCM_decrypt_6mult alg) (va_CCons
(va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rRbp) 32 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR8) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRcx))
(va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 32)) (va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 40)) (va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 48)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR14) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_CCons
(va_code_InitPshufbMask (va_op_xmm_xmm 9) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 11) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)
(va_CCons (va_code_Stack_lemma ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Add64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR14)
(va_opr_code_Stack (va_op_reg64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 24) Public)) (va_CCons (va_code_IMul64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR14) (va_const_opr64 16)) (va_CCons (va_code_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR13) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 64)) (va_CCons (va_IfElse
(va_cmp_gt (va_op_cmp_reg64 rR13) (va_op_cmp_reg64 rR14)) (va_Block (va_CCons
(va_code_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp) (offset + 56))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR10) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR13)) (va_CCons
(va_code_And64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR10) (va_const_opr64 15)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) (va_CCons (va_Block (va_CNil ())) (va_CNil ()))))))) (va_Block
(va_CNil ()))) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR11) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR15))
(va_CCons (va_code_Gcm_make_length_quad ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_register ()) (va_CCons
(va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rRbp) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Gctr_register alg) (va_CCons (va_Block (va_CNil ()))
(va_CNil ()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks : alg:algorithm -> offset:int -> Tot va_pbool | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Basic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 1000,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | alg: Vale.AES.AES_common_s.algorithm -> offset: -> Vale.X64.Decls.va_pbool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks alg offset =
| (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR13) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRcx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_AddLea64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR9)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR9)
(va_const_opr64 32))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 0))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks_auth ())
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 8))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRsi)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 16))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 24))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRcx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR13))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet
(va_op_xmm_xmm 1)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rR8)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRbp)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 1)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load_one_lsb (va_op_xmm_xmm
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_VPaddd (va_op_xmm_xmm
(va_op_xmm_xmm 1)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_AES_GCM_decrypt_6mult
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 3)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 11)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRbp)
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (
va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR8)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRcx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp)
(offset + 32))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRsp
(offset + 40))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load64_stack
(offset + 48))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_InitPshufbMask
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pshufb
offset +
offset +
offset +
))))))))))) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fadd_code_inline | val fadd_code_inline: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML int | val fadd_code_inline: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML int | let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 124,
"end_line": 299,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 298
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 50,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | _: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML | FStar.All.ML | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
| PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg
fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments | false |
Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst | Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 | val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool | val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool | let va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_ttrue ())))))))) | {
"file_name": "obj/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 64,
"end_line": 297,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 290
} | module Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt
open Vale.Def.Prop_s
open Vale.Def.Opaque_s
open FStar.Seq
open Vale.Def.Words_s
open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Arch.Types
open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl
open Vale.AES.AES_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR
open Vale.AES.GCM
open Vale.AES.GHash_s
open Vale.AES.GHash
open Vale.AES.GCM_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AES
open Vale.AES.GF128_s
open Vale.AES.GF128
open Vale.Poly1305.Math
open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers
open Vale.AES.X64.GHash
open Vale.AES.X64.GCTR
open Vale.X64.Machine_s
open Vale.X64.Memory
open Vale.X64.Stack_i
open Vale.X64.State
open Vale.X64.Decls
open Vale.X64.InsBasic
open Vale.X64.InsMem
open Vale.X64.InsVector
open Vale.X64.InsStack
open Vale.X64.InsAes
open Vale.X64.QuickCode
open Vale.X64.QuickCodes
open Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul
open Vale.X64.Stack
open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s
open Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt
open Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2
open Vale.Lib.Meta
open Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt
open Vale.AES.OptPublic
open Vale.Lib.Basic
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_ifuel 0"
//-- Gcm_extra_bytes
val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_CCons (va_code_Pxor
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_CNil ()))))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_ttrue ())))))))))
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_mods:va_mods_t) (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq
nat32)) (round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat)
(old_hash:quad32) (completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit
(va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(qblock va_mods (fun (va_s:va_state) -> let (va_old_s:va_state) = va_s in let (len:(va_int_range
1 1)) = 1 in va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 188 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rRax) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 189 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> let
(hash_input:quad32) = va_get_xmm 0 va_s in va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 193 column 22 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_extra_bytes hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash h_LE completed_quads) (fun
(va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qAssert va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 194 column 5 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(FStar.Seq.Base.equal #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s)
inout_b) (FStar.Seq.Base.create #quad32 1 hash_input)) (let (snap:(FStar.Seq.Base.seq
Vale.X64.Decls.quad32)) = Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s) inout_b in va_QSeq
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 198 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 199 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_QBind
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 200 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_AESEncryptBlock alg (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 11 va_s)) key
round_keys keys_b) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 201 column 26 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.AES_s.aes_encrypt_LE_reveal ()) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 204 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 205 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 207 column 24 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial_reveal ()) (va_QEmpty (()))))))))))))))
val va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes : va_b0:va_code -> va_s0:va_state -> alg:algorithm ->
inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) -> round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 ->
hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat -> old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) ->
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel)
(requires (va_require_total va_b0 (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 /\ va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let
(len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b inout_b /\
Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0) inout_b
len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes)))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_fM) -> va_ensure_total va_b0 va_s0 va_sM va_fM /\ va_get_ok va_sM /\
(let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) /\ va_state_eq va_sM
(va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10 va_sM (va_update_xmm 8
va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 4
va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 0
va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM (va_update_ok va_sM
(va_update_mem va_sM va_s0))))))))))))))))))
let va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes va_b0 va_s0 alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes
old_hash completed_quads h_LE =
let (va_mods:va_mods_t) = [va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8;
va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm
1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem] in
let va_qc = va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes va_mods alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
let (va_sM, va_fM, va_g) = va_wp_sound_code_norm (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_qc va_s0 (fun
va_s0 va_sM va_g -> let () = va_g in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 121 column 1 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_ok va_sM) /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 174 column 55 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5
va_sM)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 177 column 95 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b)
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)) /\ label
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 180 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let raw_quads = FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 181 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 182 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let padded_bytes = Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 183 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_quads = Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 186 column 59 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE old_hash input_quads)))))))) in
assert_norm (va_qc.mods == va_mods);
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
(va_sM, va_fM)
[@ va_qattr]
let va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) (va_s0:va_state) (va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0))
: Type0 =
(va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\
Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax
va_s0) inout_b len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes) /\ (forall
(va_x_mem:vale_heap) (va_x_rcx:nat64) (va_x_r11:nat64) (va_x_xmm0:quad32) (va_x_xmm1:quad32)
(va_x_xmm2:quad32) (va_x_xmm3:quad32) (va_x_xmm4:quad32) (va_x_xmm5:quad32) (va_x_xmm6:quad32)
(va_x_xmm7:quad32) (va_x_xmm8:quad32) (va_x_xmm10:quad32) (va_x_heap5:vale_heap)
(va_x_efl:Vale.X64.Flags.t) . let va_sM = va_upd_flags va_x_efl (va_upd_mem_heaplet 5
va_x_heap5 (va_upd_xmm 10 va_x_xmm10 (va_upd_xmm 8 va_x_xmm8 (va_upd_xmm 7 va_x_xmm7
(va_upd_xmm 6 va_x_xmm6 (va_upd_xmm 5 va_x_xmm5 (va_upd_xmm 4 va_x_xmm4 (va_upd_xmm 3 va_x_xmm3
(va_upd_xmm 2 va_x_xmm2 (va_upd_xmm 1 va_x_xmm1 (va_upd_xmm 0 va_x_xmm0 (va_upd_reg64 rR11
va_x_r11 (va_upd_reg64 rRcx va_x_rcx (va_upd_mem va_x_mem va_s0)))))))))))))) in va_get_ok
va_sM /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) ==> va_k va_sM (())))
val va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) ->
round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 -> hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat ->
old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) -> h_LE:quad32 -> va_s0:va_state ->
va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0)
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel & unit)
(requires (va_t_require va_s0 /\ va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_f0, va_g) -> va_t_ensure (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags;
va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5;
va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11;
va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_s0 va_k ((va_sM, va_f0, va_g))))
let va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k =
let (va_sM, va_f0) = va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 alg inout_b key
round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
va_lemma_upd_update va_sM;
assert (va_state_eq va_sM (va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10
va_sM (va_update_xmm 8 va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5
va_sM (va_update_xmm 4 va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1
va_sM (va_update_xmm 0 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM
(va_update_ok va_sM (va_update_mem va_sM va_s0)))))))))))))))));
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
let va_g = () in
(va_sM, va_f0, va_g)
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_quick_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(va_QProc (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10;
va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm
2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem])
(va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE) (va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE))
//-- Gcm_blocks128
val va_code_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_CCons (va_code_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_CNil ())))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Basic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 20,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | alg: Vale.AES.AES_common_s.algorithm -> Vale.X64.Decls.va_pbool | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
| (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_buffer ())
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_ttrue ())))))))) | false |
DM4F_layered5.fst | DM4F_layered5.stronger | val stronger (#a: Type) (#st: Type0) (w1 w2: wp st a) : Type0 | val stronger (#a: Type) (#st: Type0) (w1 w2: wp st a) : Type0 | let stronger
(#a:Type) (#st:Type0)
(w1 w2 : wp st a)
: Type0
= forall s0 p. w1 s0 p ==> w2 s0 p | {
"file_name": "examples/layeredeffects/DM4F_layered5.fst",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 36,
"end_line": 89,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 85
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2018 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module DM4F_layered5
(* Same as DM4F, but layered over a layered PURE without monotonicity *)
open ID5
open DM4F_Utils
let pure_bind_wp (#a #b : Type) (w1 : ID5.wp a) (w2 : a -> ID5.wp b) : ID5.wp b =
ID5.bind_wp w1 w2
(* Simulating state effect in DM4F, hopefully doable by a tactic. *)
type post_t st a = a -> st -> Type0
type wp0 (st:Type u#0) (a:Type u#ua) : Type u#(max 1 ua) =
st -> post_t st a -> Type0
let st_monotonic #st #a (w : wp0 st a) : Type0 =
//forall s0 p1 p2. (forall r. p1 r ==> p2 r) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2
// ^ this version seems to be less SMT-friendly
forall s0 p1 p2. (forall x s1. p1 x s1 ==> p2 x s1) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2
type wp st a = w:(wp0 st a){st_monotonic w}
open FStar.Monotonic.Pure
type repr (a:Type u#ua) (st:Type0) (wp : wp u#ua st a) : Type u#(max 1 ua) =
s0:st -> ID (a & st) (as_pure_wp (fun p -> wp s0 (curry p)))
let return_wp (#a:Type) (#st:Type0) (x:a) : wp st a =
fun s0 p -> p x s0
let return (a:Type) (x:a) (st:Type0) : repr a st (return_wp x) =
fun s0 -> (x, s0)
let bind_wp (#a:Type) (#b:Type) (#st:Type0)
(w1 : wp st a) (w2 : a -> wp st b) : wp st b =
fun s0 p -> w1 s0 (fun y s1 -> w2 y s1 p)
let bind (a:Type) (b:Type) (st:Type0)
(wp_c : wp st a)
(wp_f : a -> wp st b)
(c : repr a st wp_c)
(f : (x:a -> repr b st (wp_f x)))
: repr b st (bind_wp wp_c wp_f)
= fun s0 ->
//let (y, s1) = c s0 in
//f y s1
// GM: argh! using the match above introduces noise in the VC, a true precondition
// that becomes a pain since we don't have monotonicity nor even extensionality
let r = c s0 in
f (fst r) (snd r)
let ite_wp #a #st (b:bool) (w1 w2 : wp st a) : wp st a =
fun s0 p -> (b ==> w1 s0 p) /\ ((~b) ==> w2 s0 p)
let if_then_else
(wpf wpg : wp st a)
(f : repr a st wpf)
(g : repr a st wpg)
(b : bool)
: Type
= repr a st (ite_wp b wpf wpg) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "DM4F_layered5.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Monotonic.Pure",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "DM4F_Utils",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "ID5",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | w1: DM4F_layered5.wp st a -> w2: DM4F_layered5.wp st a -> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let stronger (#a: Type) (#st: Type0) (w1 w2: wp st a) : Type0 =
| forall s0 p. w1 s0 p ==> w2 s0 p | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_code_inline | val fsub_code_inline: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML int | val fsub_code_inline: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML int | let fsub_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fsub" 0 None (List.length fsub_dom) fsub_dom fsub_names code_Fsub of_arg fsub_regs_modified fsub_comments | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 124,
"end_line": 422,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 421
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that fsub_lemma' has the required type *)
let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma'
let code_Fsub = FH.va_code_Fsub ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fsub wrapper *)
let lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
(* And here's the fsub wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_Fsub : lowstar_Fsub_t =
assert_norm (List.length fsub_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fsub fsub_dom [] (fsub_lemma code_Fsub
let lowstar_Fsub_normal_t : normal lowstar_Fsub_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_Fsub_t lowstar_Fsub
let fsub out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_Fsub_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fsub_comments : list string = ["Computes the field substraction of two field elements"]
let fsub_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> "" | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | _: Prims.unit -> FStar.All.ML | FStar.All.ML | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let fsub_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
| PR.print_inline "fsub" 0 None (List.length fsub_dom) fsub_dom fsub_names code_Fsub of_arg
fsub_regs_modified fsub_comments | false |
Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst | Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128 | val va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128
(va_mods: va_mods_t)
(alg: algorithm)
(in_b out_b: buffer128)
(key: (seq nat32))
(round_keys: (seq quad32))
(keys_b hkeys_b: buffer128)
(h_LE: quad32)
: (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)) | val va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128
(va_mods: va_mods_t)
(alg: algorithm)
(in_b out_b: buffer128)
(key: (seq nat32))
(round_keys: (seq quad32))
(keys_b hkeys_b: buffer128)
(h_LE: quad32)
: (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)) | let va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128 (va_mods:va_mods_t) (alg:algorithm) (in_b:buffer128) (out_b:buffer128)
(key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (h_LE:quad32)
: (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)) =
(qblock va_mods (fun (va_s:va_state) -> let (va_old_s:va_state) = va_s in va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 274 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 275 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 276 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 277 column 17 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_buffer hkeys_b in_b h_LE (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_old_s))) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 278 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 279 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 280 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Gctr_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b) (va_QEmpty (())))))))))) | {
"file_name": "obj/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 91,
"end_line": 318,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 300
} | module Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt
open Vale.Def.Prop_s
open Vale.Def.Opaque_s
open FStar.Seq
open Vale.Def.Words_s
open Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Arch.Types
open Vale.Arch.HeapImpl
open Vale.AES.AES_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR_s
open Vale.AES.GCTR
open Vale.AES.GCM
open Vale.AES.GHash_s
open Vale.AES.GHash
open Vale.AES.GCM_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AES
open Vale.AES.GF128_s
open Vale.AES.GF128
open Vale.Poly1305.Math
open Vale.AES.GCM_helpers
open Vale.AES.X64.GHash
open Vale.AES.X64.GCTR
open Vale.X64.Machine_s
open Vale.X64.Memory
open Vale.X64.Stack_i
open Vale.X64.State
open Vale.X64.Decls
open Vale.X64.InsBasic
open Vale.X64.InsMem
open Vale.X64.InsVector
open Vale.X64.InsStack
open Vale.X64.InsAes
open Vale.X64.QuickCode
open Vale.X64.QuickCodes
open Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul
open Vale.X64.Stack
open Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s
open Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt
open Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM
open Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2
open Vale.Lib.Meta
open Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt
open Vale.AES.OptPublic
open Vale.Lib.Basic
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 20 --max_ifuel 0"
//-- Gcm_extra_bytes
val va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov128
(va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_CCons (va_code_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_CCons (va_code_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_CCons (va_code_Pxor
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_CCons (va_code_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_CNil ()))))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_codegen_success_Gcm_extra_bytes alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)
(va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) 0 Secret) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_extra_bytes ()) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_AESEncryptBlock alg) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm
10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Store128_buffer
(va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax) (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret)
(va_ttrue ())))))))))
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_mods:va_mods_t) (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq
nat32)) (round_keys:(seq quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat)
(old_hash:quad32) (completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit
(va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(qblock va_mods (fun (va_s:va_state) -> let (va_old_s:va_state) = va_s in let (len:(va_int_range
1 1)) = 1 in va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 188 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Load128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64
rRax) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 189 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> let
(hash_input:quad32) = va_get_xmm 0 va_s in va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 193 column 22 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_extra_bytes hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash h_LE completed_quads) (fun
(va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qAssert va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 194 column 5 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(FStar.Seq.Base.equal #Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s)
inout_b) (FStar.Seq.Base.create #quad32 1 hash_input)) (let (snap:(FStar.Seq.Base.seq
Vale.X64.Decls.quad32)) = Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s) inout_b in va_QSeq
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 198 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov128 (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 11)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 199 column 11 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pshufb (va_op_xmm_xmm 0) (va_op_xmm_xmm 9)) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_QBind
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 200 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_AESEncryptBlock alg (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 11 va_s)) key
round_keys keys_b) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 201 column 26 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.AES_s.aes_encrypt_LE_reveal ()) (va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 204 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Pxor (va_op_xmm_xmm 10) (va_op_xmm_xmm 0)) (va_QBind va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 205 column 20 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Store128_buffer (va_op_heaplet_mem_heaplet 5) (va_op_reg_opr64_reg64 rRax)
(va_op_xmm_xmm 10) 0 Secret inout_b 0) (fun (va_s:va_state) _ -> va_qPURE va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 207 column 24 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(fun (_:unit) -> Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial_reveal ()) (va_QEmpty (()))))))))))))))
val va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes : va_b0:va_code -> va_s0:va_state -> alg:algorithm ->
inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) -> round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 ->
hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat -> old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) ->
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel)
(requires (va_require_total va_b0 (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 /\ va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let
(len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b inout_b /\
Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax va_s0) inout_b
len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes)))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_fM) -> va_ensure_total va_b0 va_s0 va_sM va_fM /\ va_get_ok va_sM /\
(let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) /\ va_state_eq va_sM
(va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10 va_sM (va_update_xmm 8
va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 4
va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1 va_sM (va_update_xmm 0
va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM (va_update_ok va_sM
(va_update_mem va_sM va_s0))))))))))))))))))
let va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes va_b0 va_s0 alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes
old_hash completed_quads h_LE =
let (va_mods:va_mods_t) = [va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8;
va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm
1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem] in
let va_qc = va_qcode_Gcm_extra_bytes va_mods alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
let (va_sM, va_fM, va_g) = va_wp_sound_code_norm (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_qc va_s0 (fun
va_s0 va_sM va_g -> let () = va_g in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 121 column 1 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_get_ok va_sM) /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 174 column 55 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5
va_sM)) /\ label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 177 column 95 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b)
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0)) /\ label
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 180 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let raw_quads = FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 181 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 182 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let padded_bytes = Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 183 column 9 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(let input_quads = Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in label va_range1
"***** POSTCONDITION NOT MET AT line 186 column 59 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length #Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0)
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental
h_LE old_hash input_quads)))))))) in
assert_norm (va_qc.mods == va_mods);
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_ok; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
(va_sM, va_fM)
[@ va_qattr]
let va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) (va_s0:va_state) (va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0))
: Type0 =
(va_get_ok va_s0 /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in sse_enabled /\
Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 keys_b inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.buffers_disjoint128 hkeys_b
inout_b /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validDstAddrs128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rRax
va_s0) inout_b len (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) Secret /\ len == Vale.X64.Decls.buffer_length
#Vale.X64.Memory.vuint128 inout_b /\ va_get_xmm 9 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Words_s.Mkfour
#Vale.Def.Types_s.nat32 202182159 134810123 67438087 66051 /\ aes_reqs alg key round_keys
keys_b (va_get_reg64 rR8 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_mem_layout va_s0) /\
pclmulqdq_enabled /\ Vale.AES.GHash.hkeys_reqs_priv (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 0
va_s0) hkeys_b) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 h_LE) /\ Vale.X64.Decls.validSrcAddrs128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 0 va_s0) (va_get_reg64 rR9 va_s0 - 32) hkeys_b 8 (va_get_mem_layout va_s0)
Secret /\ va_get_xmm 8 va_s0 == Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32
(Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental0 h_LE old_hash completed_quads) /\ FStar.Seq.Base.length
#quad32 completed_quads == total_bytes `op_Division` 16 /\ total_bytes < 16 `op_Multiply`
FStar.Seq.Base.length #quad32 completed_quads + 16 /\ va_get_reg64 rR10 va_s0 == total_bytes
`op_Modulus` 16 /\ total_bytes `op_Modulus` 16 =!= 0 /\ (0 < total_bytes /\ total_bytes < 16
`op_Multiply` Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes) /\ 16 `op_Multiply`
(Vale.AES.GCM_helpers.bytes_to_quad_size total_bytes - 1) < total_bytes) /\ (forall
(va_x_mem:vale_heap) (va_x_rcx:nat64) (va_x_r11:nat64) (va_x_xmm0:quad32) (va_x_xmm1:quad32)
(va_x_xmm2:quad32) (va_x_xmm3:quad32) (va_x_xmm4:quad32) (va_x_xmm5:quad32) (va_x_xmm6:quad32)
(va_x_xmm7:quad32) (va_x_xmm8:quad32) (va_x_xmm10:quad32) (va_x_heap5:vale_heap)
(va_x_efl:Vale.X64.Flags.t) . let va_sM = va_upd_flags va_x_efl (va_upd_mem_heaplet 5
va_x_heap5 (va_upd_xmm 10 va_x_xmm10 (va_upd_xmm 8 va_x_xmm8 (va_upd_xmm 7 va_x_xmm7
(va_upd_xmm 6 va_x_xmm6 (va_upd_xmm 5 va_x_xmm5 (va_upd_xmm 4 va_x_xmm4 (va_upd_xmm 3 va_x_xmm3
(va_upd_xmm 2 va_x_xmm2 (va_upd_xmm 1 va_x_xmm1 (va_upd_xmm 0 va_x_xmm0 (va_upd_reg64 rR11
va_x_r11 (va_upd_reg64 rRcx va_x_rcx (va_upd_mem va_x_mem va_s0)))))))))))))) in va_get_ok
va_sM /\ (let (len:(va_int_range 1 1)) = 1 in Vale.X64.Decls.modifies_buffer128 inout_b
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) /\ Vale.AES.GCTR.gctr_partial alg len
(Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0) inout_b) (Vale.X64.Decls.s128
(va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM) inout_b) key (va_get_xmm 11 va_s0) /\ (let raw_quads =
FStar.Seq.Base.append #quad32 completed_quads (Vale.X64.Decls.s128 (va_get_mem_heaplet 5 va_s0)
inout_b) in let input_bytes = FStar.Seq.Base.slice #Vale.Def.Types_s.nat8
(Vale.Def.Types_s.le_seq_quad32_to_bytes raw_quads) 0 total_bytes in let padded_bytes =
Vale.AES.GCTR_s.pad_to_128_bits input_bytes in let input_quads =
Vale.Def.Types_s.le_bytes_to_seq_quad32 padded_bytes in l_and (FStar.Seq.Base.length
#Vale.Def.Types_s.quad32 input_quads > 0) (Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8
va_sM) == Vale.AES.GHash.ghash_incremental h_LE old_hash input_quads))) ==> va_k va_sM (())))
val va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes : alg:algorithm -> inout_b:buffer128 -> key:(seq nat32) ->
round_keys:(seq quad32) -> keys_b:buffer128 -> hkeys_b:buffer128 -> total_bytes:nat ->
old_hash:quad32 -> completed_quads:(seq quad32) -> h_LE:quad32 -> va_s0:va_state ->
va_k:(va_state -> unit -> Type0)
-> Ghost (va_state & va_fuel & unit)
(requires (va_t_require va_s0 /\ va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k))
(ensures (fun (va_sM, va_f0, va_g) -> va_t_ensure (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags;
va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5;
va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11;
va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_s0 va_k ((va_sM, va_f0, va_g))))
let va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE va_s0 va_k =
let (va_sM, va_f0) = va_lemma_Gcm_extra_bytes (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) va_s0 alg inout_b key
round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE in
va_lemma_upd_update va_sM;
assert (va_state_eq va_sM (va_update_flags va_sM (va_update_mem_heaplet 5 va_sM (va_update_xmm 10
va_sM (va_update_xmm 8 va_sM (va_update_xmm 7 va_sM (va_update_xmm 6 va_sM (va_update_xmm 5
va_sM (va_update_xmm 4 va_sM (va_update_xmm 3 va_sM (va_update_xmm 2 va_sM (va_update_xmm 1
va_sM (va_update_xmm 0 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rR11 va_sM (va_update_reg64 rRcx va_sM
(va_update_ok va_sM (va_update_mem va_sM va_s0)))))))))))))))));
va_lemma_norm_mods ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10; va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm
7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm 2; va_Mod_xmm 1;
va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem]) va_sM va_s0;
let va_g = () in
(va_sM, va_f0, va_g)
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_quick_Gcm_extra_bytes (alg:algorithm) (inout_b:buffer128) (key:(seq nat32)) (round_keys:(seq
quad32)) (keys_b:buffer128) (hkeys_b:buffer128) (total_bytes:nat) (old_hash:quad32)
(completed_quads:(seq quad32)) (h_LE:quad32) : (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg)) =
(va_QProc (va_code_Gcm_extra_bytes alg) ([va_Mod_flags; va_Mod_mem_heaplet 5; va_Mod_xmm 10;
va_Mod_xmm 8; va_Mod_xmm 7; va_Mod_xmm 6; va_Mod_xmm 5; va_Mod_xmm 4; va_Mod_xmm 3; va_Mod_xmm
2; va_Mod_xmm 1; va_Mod_xmm 0; va_Mod_reg64 rR11; va_Mod_reg64 rRcx; va_Mod_mem])
(va_wp_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b total_bytes old_hash
completed_quads h_LE) (va_wpProof_Gcm_extra_bytes alg inout_b key round_keys keys_b hkeys_b
total_bytes old_hash completed_quads h_LE))
//-- Gcm_blocks128
val va_code_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_code
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_Block (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax)) (va_CCons
(va_code_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_CCons (va_code_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx)
(va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_CCons (va_code_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_CNil ())))))))))
val va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 : alg:algorithm -> Tot va_pbool
[@ "opaque_to_smt" va_qattr]
let va_codegen_success_Gcm_blocks128 alg =
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax))
(va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Ghash_buffer ()) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx)) (va_pbool_and (va_codegen_success_Mov64
(va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12)) (va_pbool_and
(va_codegen_success_Gctr_blocks128 alg) (va_ttrue ())))))))) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Basic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.OptPublic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCMencryptOpt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Lib.Meta",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt2",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESGCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AESopt",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Math.Poly2.Bits_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GF128_Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCodes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.QuickCode",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsAes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsVector",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsMem",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.InsBasic",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Stack_i",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_helpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Poly1305.Math",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GF128_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64.AES",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GHash_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCM",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.GCTR_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.AES_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.HeapImpl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Arch.Types",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words.Seq_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Words_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Opaque_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Prop_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AES.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 20,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
va_mods: Vale.X64.QuickCode.va_mods_t ->
alg: Vale.AES.AES_common_s.algorithm ->
in_b: Vale.X64.Memory.buffer128 ->
out_b: Vale.X64.Memory.buffer128 ->
key: FStar.Seq.Base.seq Vale.X64.Memory.nat32 ->
round_keys: FStar.Seq.Base.seq Vale.X64.Decls.quad32 ->
keys_b: Vale.X64.Memory.buffer128 ->
hkeys_b: Vale.X64.Memory.buffer128 ->
h_LE: Vale.X64.Decls.quad32
-> Vale.X64.QuickCode.va_quickCode Prims.unit
(Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let va_qcode_Gcm_blocks128
(va_mods: va_mods_t)
(alg: algorithm)
(in_b out_b: buffer128)
(key: (seq nat32))
(round_keys: (seq quad32))
(keys_b hkeys_b: buffer128)
(h_LE: quad32)
: (va_quickCode unit (va_code_Gcm_blocks128 alg)) =
| (qblock va_mods
(fun (va_s: va_state) ->
let va_old_s:va_state = va_s in
va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 274 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRbx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdi))
(va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 275 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rR12) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRdx))
(va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 276 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRax))
(va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 277 column 17 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Ghash_buffer hkeys_b
(Vale.Def.Types_s.reverse_bytes_quad32 (va_get_xmm 8 va_old_s)))
(va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 278 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdi) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rRbx))
(va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 279 column 10 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Mov64 (va_op_dst_opr64_reg64 rRdx) (va_op_opr64_reg64 rR12))
(va_QSeq va_range1
"***** PRECONDITION NOT MET AT line 280 column 19 of file /home/gebner/fstar_dataset/projects/hacl-star/vale/code/crypto/aes/x64/Vale.AES.X64.GCMdecryptOpt.vaf *****"
(va_quick_Gctr_blocks128 alg in_b out_b key round_keys keys_b)
(va_QEmpty (())))))))))) | false |
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst | Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_lemma | val fsub_lemma : Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_sig Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_regs_modified
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_post | let fsub_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma' | {
"file_name": "vale/code/arch/x64/interop/Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 107,
"end_line": 369,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 369
} | module Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline
open FStar.Mul
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
module HS = FStar.HyperStack
module B = LowStar.Buffer
module DV = LowStar.BufferView.Down
open Vale.Def.Types_s
open Vale.Interop.Base
module IX64 = Vale.Interop.X64
module VSig = Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig
module LSig = Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig
module ME = Vale.X64.Memory
module V = Vale.X64.Decls
module IA = Vale.Interop.Assumptions
module W = Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper
open Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters
module VS = Vale.X64.State
module MS = Vale.X64.Machine_s
module PR = Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s
module FU = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil
module FH = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid
module FW = Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide
let uint64 = UInt64.t
(* A little utility to trigger normalization in types *)
let as_t (#a:Type) (x:normal a) : a = x
let as_normal_t (#a:Type) (x:a) : normal a = x
let b64 = buf_t TUInt64 TUInt64
let t64_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 default_bq
let t64_no_mod = TD_Buffer TUInt64 TUInt64 ({modified=false; strict_disjointness=false; taint=MS.Secret})
let tuint64 = TD_Base TUInt64
let dom: IX64.arity_ok 3 td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; tuint64] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let add1_pre : VSig.vale_pre dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FU.va_req_Fast_add1 c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2)
let add1_post : VSig.vale_post dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FU.va_ens_Fast_add1 c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let add1_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let add1_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let add1_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
add1_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified /\
add1_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FU.va_lemma_Fast_add1 code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (UInt64.v f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let add1_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig add1_regs_modified add1_xmms_modified add1_pre add1_post) add1_lemma'
let code_add1 = FU.va_code_Fast_add1 ()
let of_reg (r:MS.reg_64) : option (IX64.reg_nat 3) = match r with
| 5 -> Some 0 // rdi
| 4 -> Some 1 // rsi
| 3 -> Some 2 // rdx
| _ -> None
let of_arg (i:IX64.reg_nat 3) : MS.reg_64 = match i with
| 0 -> MS.rRdi
| 1 -> MS.rRsi
| 2 -> MS.rRdx
let arg_reg : IX64.arg_reg_relation 3 = IX64.Rel of_reg of_arg
(* Here's the type expected for the add1 wrapper *)
let lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
(* And here's the add1 wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_add1 : lowstar_add1_t =
assert_norm (List.length dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_add1 dom [] (add1_lemma code_add1
let lowstar_add1_normal_t : normal lowstar_add1_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_add1_t lowstar_add1
open Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers
let add_scalar out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
let (x, _) = lowstar_add1_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let add1_comments : list string =
["Computes the addition of four-element f1 with value in f2"; "and returns the carry (if any)"]
let add1_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let add1_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "add_scalar" 0 None (List.length dom) dom add1_names code_add1 of_arg add1_regs_modified add1_comments
let fadd_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fadd_pre : VSig.vale_pre fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fadd c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fadd_post : VSig.vale_post fadd_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fadd c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 50"
let fadd_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rRdx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fadd_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fadd_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fadd_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified /\
fadd_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fadd code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f)
(* Prove that add1_lemma' has the required type *)
let fadd_lemma = as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fadd_regs_modified fadd_xmms_modified fadd_pre fadd_post) fadd_lemma'
let code_Fadd = FH.va_code_Fadd ()
(* Here's the type expected for the fadd wrapper *)
let lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
// The boolean here doesn't matter
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
(* And here's the fadd wrapper itself *)
let lowstar_fadd : lowstar_fadd_t =
assert_norm (List.length fadd_dom + List.length ([]<:list arg) <= 3);
(W.mk_prediction code_Fadd fadd_dom [] (fadd_lemma code_Fadd
let lowstar_fadd_normal_t : normal lowstar_fadd_t
= as_normal_t #lowstar_fadd_t lowstar_fadd
let fadd out f1 f2
= DV.length_eq (get_downview out);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f1);
DV.length_eq (get_downview f2);
let (x, _) = lowstar_fadd_normal_t out f1 f2 () in
let fadd_comments : list string = ["Computes the field addition of two field elements"]
let fadd_names (n:nat) =
match n with
| 0 -> "out"
| 1 -> "f1"
| 2 -> "f2"
| _ -> ""
let fadd_code_inline () : FStar.All.ML int =
PR.print_inline "fadd" 0 None (List.length fadd_dom) fadd_dom fadd_names code_Fadd of_arg fadd_regs_modified fadd_comments
let fsub_dom: IX64.arity_ok_stdcall td =
let y = [t64_mod; t64_no_mod; t64_no_mod] in
assert_norm (List.length y = 3);
(* Need to rearrange the order of arguments *)
let fsub_pre : VSig.vale_pre fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(va_s0:V.va_state) ->
FH.va_req_Fsub c va_s0
(as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2)
let fsub_post : VSig.vale_post fsub_dom =
fun (c:V.va_code)
(f:V.va_fuel) ->
FH.va_ens_Fsub c va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) va_s1 f
#set-options "--z3rlimit 200"
let fsub_regs_modified: MS.reg_64 -> bool = fun (r:MS.reg_64) ->
let open MS in
if r = rRax || r = rRcx || r = rR8 || r = rR9 || r = rR10 || r = rR11 then true
else false
let fsub_xmms_modified = fun _ -> false
let fsub_lemma'
: Ghost (V.va_state & V.va_fuel)
fsub_pre code out f1 f2 va_s0)
(ensures (fun (va_s1, f) ->
V.eval_code code va_s0 f va_s1 /\
VSig.vale_calling_conventions va_s0 va_s1 fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified /\
fsub_post code out f1 f2 va_s0 va_s1 f /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_readable (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1) (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer out) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f1) /\
ME.buffer_writeable (as_vale_buffer f2) /\
ME.modifies (ME.loc_union (ME.loc_buffer (as_vale_buffer out))
ME.loc_none) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s0) (VS.vs_get_vale_heap va_s1)
)) =
let va_s1, f = FH.va_lemma_Fsub code va_s0 (as_vale_buffer out) (as_vale_buffer f1) (as_vale_buffer f2) in
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 out;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f1;
Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers.buffer_writeable_reveal ME.TUInt64 ME.TUInt64 f2;
(va_s1, f) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.MemoryHelpers",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastWide",
"short_module": "FW"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastHybrid",
"short_module": "FH"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.X64.FastUtil",
"short_module": "FU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Print_Inline_s",
"short_module": "PR"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Machine_s",
"short_module": "MS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.State",
"short_module": "VS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.MemoryAdapters",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.Wrapper",
"short_module": "W"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Assumptions",
"short_module": "IA"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Decls",
"short_module": "V"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.Memory",
"short_module": "ME"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.LowStarSig",
"short_module": "LSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig",
"short_module": "VSig"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.X64",
"short_module": "IX64"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Interop.Base",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Def.Types_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.BufferView.Down",
"short_module": "DV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Curve25519.Fast_defs",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": "HS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "LowStar.Buffer",
"short_module": "B"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.X64.CPU_Features_s",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Vale.Inline.X64",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": true,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "native",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "wrapped",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 200,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Vale.AsLowStar.ValeSig.vale_sig Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_regs_modified
Vale.Inline.X64.Fadd_inline.fsub_post | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let fsub_lemma =
| as_t #(VSig.vale_sig fsub_regs_modified fsub_xmms_modified fsub_pre fsub_post) fsub_lemma' | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.check_effect_annot | val check_effect_annot (g: env) (e: effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) | val check_effect_annot (g: env) (e: effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) | let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 50,
"end_line": 94,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 89
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit() | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env -> e: Pulse.Syntax.Base.effect_annot
-> FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac (Pulse.Typing.effect_annot_typing g e) | FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let check_effect_annot (g: env) (e: effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
| match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT | EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens = opens } -> CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.u8 | val u8 : Prims.eqtype | let u8 = U8.t | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 20,
"end_line": 40,
"start_col": 7,
"start_line": 40
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Prims.eqtype | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let u8 =
| U8.t | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg | val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits | val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits | let rsapss_verify_compute_msg #t ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_from_bytes_be k sgnt s;
let b = rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m s in
pop_frame ();
b | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 3,
"end_line": 427,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 411
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame ()
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\ live h m /\
disjoint sgnt skey /\ disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt =
push_frame ();
let h_init = ST.get () in
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let m' = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_bn ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_to_bytes_be k s sgnt;
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st1 (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 eq_m h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(eq_m, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign_ a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st1 t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign_ #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let m = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m;
let eq_b = rsapss_sign_compute_sgnt ke modBits eBits dBits skey m sgnt in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> saltLen:size_t
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h sgnt /\ live h skey /\
disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt msg /\ disjoint sgnt salt /\ disjoint sgnt skey /\
disjoint salt msg /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey))
(ensures fun h0 b h1 -> modifies (loc sgnt) h0 h1 /\
(b, as_seq h1 sgnt) == LS.rsapss_sign a (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)
(as_seq h0 skey) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_st t ke a modBits
let rsapss_sign #t ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt =
let hLen = RM.hash_len a in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 61 32;
Math.Lemmas.pow2_lt_compat 125 32;
//assert (max_size_t < Hash.max_input_length a);
let b =
saltLen <=. 0xfffffffful -! hLen -! 8ul &&
saltLen +! hLen +! 2ul <=. blocks (modBits -! 1ul) 8ul in
if b then
rsapss_sign_ ke a modBits eBits dBits skey saltLen salt msgLen msg sgnt
inline_for_extraction noextract
val bn_lt_pow2:
-> modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits}
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> live h m)
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> h0 == h1 /\
r == LS.bn_lt_pow2 (v modBits) (as_seq h0 m))
let bn_lt_pow2 #t modBits m =
if not ((modBits -! 1ul) %. 8ul =. 0ul) then true
else begin
let get_bit = BN.bn_get_ith_bit (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) m (modBits -! 1ul) in
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb0 get_bit end
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> m_def:lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h pkey /\ live h m_def /\ live h s /\
disjoint m_def pkey /\ disjoint m_def s /\ disjoint s pkey /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m_def) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m_def) == LS.rsapss_verify_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 m_def) (as_seq h0 s))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_verify_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m_def s =
[@inline_let] let bits = size (bits t) in
let nLen = blocks modBits bits in
let eLen = blocks eBits bits in
let n = sub pkey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub pkey nLen nLen in
let e = sub pkey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let mask = BN.bn_lt_mask nLen s n in
let h = ST.get () in
SB.bn_lt_mask_lemma (as_seq h s) (as_seq h n);
let res =
if BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb mask then begin
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (v bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h n);
let h0 = ST.get () in
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m_def;
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m_def)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
if bn_lt_pow2 modBits m_def then true
else false end
else false in
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t (blocks modBits (size (bits t))) ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h ->
live h msg /\ live h m /\ disjoint m msg /\
LS.rsapss_verify_pre a (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies0 h0 h1 /\
r == LS.rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg_st t a modBits
let rsapss_verify_bn_to_msg #t a modBits saltLen msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits == v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let m1 = sub m 0ul mLen in
BN.bn_to_bytes_be emLen m1 em;
let res = RP.pss_verify a saltLen msgLen msg emBits em in
pop_frame ();
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
eBits:size_t{LS.pkey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits)}
-> pkey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)))
-> sgnt:lbuffer uint8 (blocks modBits 8ul)
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h sgnt /\ live h pkey /\ live h m /\
disjoint m sgnt /\ disjoint m pkey /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_pkey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h pkey))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 m) == LS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg (v modBits) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 pkey) (as_seq h0 sgnt))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_verify_compute_msg:
-> ke:BE.exp t
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t -> modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_verify_compute_msg_st t ke modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_verify_compute_msg #t ke modBits eBits pkey sgnt m =
| push_frame ();
[@@ inline_let ]let bits:size_pos = bits t in
[@@ inline_let ]let numb:size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let k = blocks modBits 8ul in
let s = create nLen (uint #t 0) in
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v modBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v modBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v k) numb == v nLen);
assert (numb * v nLen <= max_size_t);
BN.bn_from_bytes_be k sgnt s;
let b = rsapss_verify_bn #t ke modBits eBits pkey m s in
pop_frame ();
b | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing | val comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g: env) (#c: comp_st) (ct: comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c) | val comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g: env) (#c: comp_st) (ct: comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c) | let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 42,
"end_line": 125,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 119
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing } | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ct: Pulse.Typing.comp_typing_u g c
-> Pulse.Typing.effect_annot_typing g (Pulse.Syntax.Base.effect_annot_of_comp c) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g: env) (#c: comp_st) (ct: comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c) =
| let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.t_equiv | val t_equiv (#g #st #c: _) (d: st_typing g st c) (#c': comp) (eq: st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c' | val t_equiv (#g #st #c: _) (d: st_typing g st c) (#c': comp) (eq: st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c' | let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 31,
"end_line": 248,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 240
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'') | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | d: Pulse.Typing.st_typing g st c -> eq: Pulse.Typing.st_equiv g c c'
-> Pulse.Typing.st_typing g st c' | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let t_equiv #g #st #c (d: st_typing g st c) (#c': comp) (eq: st_equiv g c c') : st_typing g st c' =
| match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' ->
(match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq'')
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_bn | val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits | val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits | let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 29,
"end_line": 86,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 61
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ke: Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation.exp t -> modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
| [@@ inline_let ]let bits:size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen)
(as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen)
(as_seq h0 n)
(as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m)
(v dBits)
(as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen)
(as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen)
(as_seq h0 n)
(as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s)
(v eBits)
(as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.post_hint_from_comp_typing | val post_hint_from_comp_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: post_hint_for_env g | val post_hint_from_comp_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: post_hint_for_env g | let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
p | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 3,
"end_line": 143,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 128
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | ct: Pulse.Typing.comp_typing_u g c -> Pulse.Typing.post_hint_for_env g | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
| let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing , pre_typing , x , post_typing |) =
Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p:post_hint_t =
g = g;
effect_annot = _;
effect_annot_typing = effect_annot_typing;
ret_ty = comp_res c;
u = comp_u c;
ty_typing = ty_typing;
post = comp_post c;
x = x;
post_typing_src = post_typing;
post_typing = post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing
p | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.u16 | val u16 : Prims.eqtype | let u16 = U16.t | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 22,
"end_line": 41,
"start_col": 7,
"start_line": 41
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Prims.eqtype | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let u16 =
| U16.t | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.lbytes32 | val lbytes32 : l: FStar.UInt32.t -> Type0 | let lbytes32 (l:UInt32.t) = b:bytes{len b = l} | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 46,
"end_line": 82,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 82
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char
unfold let u8 = U8.t
unfold let u16 = U16.t
unfold let u32 = U32.t
(** Realized by uint8_t in C and int in OCaml (char does not have necessary operators...) *)
unfold type byte = u8
(** Realized in C by a pair of a length field and uint8_t* in C
Realized in OCaml by a string *)
val bytes : t:Type0{hasEq t}
val len : bytes -> u32
unfold let length b = FStar.UInt32.v (len b)
(** representation for specs that need lemmas not defined here. *)
val reveal:
-> GTot (S.seq byte)
val length_reveal:
-> Lemma (ensures (S.length (reveal x) = length x))
[SMTPatOr [[SMTPat (S.length (reveal x))];
[SMTPat (len x)]]]
val hide:
s:S.seq byte{S.length s < pow2 32}
-> GTot bytes
val hide_reveal:
-> Lemma (ensures (hide (reveal x) = x))
[SMTPat (reveal x)]
val reveal_hide:
x:S.seq byte{S.length x < pow2 32}
-> Lemma (ensures (reveal (hide x) == x))
[SMTPat (hide x)]
type lbytes (l:nat) = b:bytes{length b = l}
type kbytes (k:nat) = b:bytes{length b < pow2 k} | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | l: FStar.UInt32.t -> Type0 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | true | let lbytes32 (l: UInt32.t) =
| b: bytes{len b = l} | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.format_failed_goal | val format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) : T.Tac string | val format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) : T.Tac string | let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g) | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 21,
"end_line": 50,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 34
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f()) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env ->
ctxt: Prims.list Pulse.Syntax.Base.term ->
goal: Prims.list Pulse.Syntax.Base.term
-> FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac Prims.string | FStar.Tactics.Effect.Tac | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | true | false | false | false | let format_failed_goal (g: env) (ctxt goal: list term) =
| let terms_to_strings (ts: list term) = Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s =
T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i + 1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts: list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
Printf.sprintf "Failed to prove the following goals:\n %s\nThe remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n %s\nThe typing context is:\n %s\n"
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g) | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.op_At_Bar | val op_At_Bar : b1: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> b2: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> Prims.Pure FStar.Bytes.bytes | let op_At_Bar = append | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 29,
"end_line": 140,
"start_col": 7,
"start_line": 140
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char
unfold let u8 = U8.t
unfold let u16 = U16.t
unfold let u32 = U32.t
(** Realized by uint8_t in C and int in OCaml (char does not have necessary operators...) *)
unfold type byte = u8
(** Realized in C by a pair of a length field and uint8_t* in C
Realized in OCaml by a string *)
val bytes : t:Type0{hasEq t}
val len : bytes -> u32
unfold let length b = FStar.UInt32.v (len b)
(** representation for specs that need lemmas not defined here. *)
val reveal:
-> GTot (S.seq byte)
val length_reveal:
-> Lemma (ensures (S.length (reveal x) = length x))
[SMTPatOr [[SMTPat (S.length (reveal x))];
[SMTPat (len x)]]]
val hide:
s:S.seq byte{S.length s < pow2 32}
-> GTot bytes
val hide_reveal:
-> Lemma (ensures (hide (reveal x) = x))
[SMTPat (reveal x)]
val reveal_hide:
x:S.seq byte{S.length x < pow2 32}
-> Lemma (ensures (reveal (hide x) == x))
[SMTPat (hide x)]
type lbytes (l:nat) = b:bytes{length b = l}
type kbytes (k:nat) = b:bytes{length b < pow2 k}
let lbytes32 (l:UInt32.t) = b:bytes{len b = l}
val empty_bytes : lbytes 0
val empty_unique:
-> Lemma (length b = 0 ==> b = empty_bytes)
[SMTPat (len b)]
(** If you statically know the length, it is OK to read at arbitrary indexes *)
val get:
-> pos:u32{U32.v pos < length b}
-> Pure byte
(requires True)
(ensures (fun y -> y == S.index (reveal b) (U32.v pos)))
unfold let op_String_Access = get
unfold let index (b:bytes) (i:nat{i < length b}) = get b (U32.uint_to_t i)
let equal b1 b2 =
length b1 = length b2 /\
(forall (i:u32{U32.v i < length b1}).{:pattern (b1.[i]); (b2.[i])} b1.[i] == b2.[i])
val extensionality:
-> b2:bytes
-> Lemma (requires (equal b1 b2))
(ensures (b1 = b2))
(** creating byte values **)
val create:
-> v:byte
-> b:lbytes (U32.v len){forall (i:u32{U32.(i <^ len)}).{:pattern b.[i]} b.[i] == v}
let create_ (n:nat{FStar.UInt.size n U32.n}) v = create (U32.uint_to_t n) v
val init:
-> f:(i:u32{U32.(i <^ len)} -> byte)
-> b:lbytes (U32.v len){forall (i:u32{U32.(i <^ len)}).{:pattern b.[i]} b.[i] == f i}
// this is a hack JROESCH
val abyte (b:byte) : lbytes 1
(* admit () create 1ul b *)
val twobytes (b:byte*byte) : lbytes 2
// init 2ul (fun i -> if i = 0ul then fst b else snd b)
(** appending bytes **)
val append:
-> b2:bytes
-> Pure bytes
(requires (UInt.size (length b1 + length b2) U32.n)) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | b1: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> b2: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> Prims.Pure FStar.Bytes.bytes | Prims.Pure | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let op_At_Bar =
| append | false |
Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst | Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn | val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits | val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits | let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
push_frame ();
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
[@inline_let] let numb : size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@inline_let] let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h' m 0ul mLen
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame () | {
"file_name": "code/rsapss/Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst",
"git_rev": "eb1badfa34c70b0bbe0fe24fe0f49fb1295c7872",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "hacl-star"
} | {
"end_col": 14,
"end_line": 136,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 114
} | module Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS
open FStar.HyperStack
open FStar.HyperStack.ST
open FStar.Mul
open Lib.IntTypes
open Lib.Buffer
open Hacl.Bignum.Definitions
module ST = FStar.HyperStack.ST
module Hash = Spec.Agile.Hash
module SB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum
module BB = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base
module SD = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions
module SM = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery
module SE = Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BN = Hacl.Bignum
module BE = Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation
module BM = Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery
module S = Spec.RSAPSS
module LS = Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS
module LSeq = Lib.Sequence
module RP = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding
module RM = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF
module RK = Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys
#reset-options "--z3rlimit 150 --fuel 0 --ifuel 0"
inline_for_extraction noextract
let modBits_t (t:limb_t) = modBits:size_t{1 < v modBits /\ 2 * bits t * SD.blocks (v modBits) (bits t) <= max_size_t}
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_bn_st (t:limb_t) (ke:BE.exp t) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> dBits:size_t{LS.skey_len_pre t (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits)}
-> skey:lbignum t (2ul *! len +! blocks eBits (size (bits t)) +! blocks dBits (size (bits t)))
-> m:lbignum t len
-> m':lbignum t len
-> s:lbignum t len ->
Stack bool
(requires fun h -> len == /\
live h skey /\ live h m /\ live h s /\ live h m' /\
disjoint s m /\ disjoint s skey /\ disjoint m skey /\
disjoint m m' /\ disjoint m' s /\ disjoint m' skey /\
LS.rsapss_skey_pre (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h skey) /\
bn_v h m < bn_v h (gsub skey 0ul len))
(ensures fun h0 r h1 -> modifies (loc s |+| loc m') h0 h1 /\
(r, as_seq h1 s) == LS.rsapss_sign_bn (v modBits) (v eBits) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 skey) (as_seq h0 m))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_bn: #t:limb_t -> ke:BE.exp t -> modBits:modBits_t t -> rsapss_sign_bn_st t ke modBits
let rsapss_sign_bn #t ke modBits eBits dBits skey m m' s =
[@inline_let] let bits : size_pos = bits t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let eLen = blocks eBits (size bits) in
let dLen = blocks dBits (size bits) in
let n = sub skey 0ul nLen in
let r2 = sub skey nLen nLen in
let e = sub skey (nLen +! nLen) eLen in
let d = sub skey (nLen +! nLen +! eLen) dLen in
Math.Lemmas.pow2_le_compat (bits * v nLen) (v modBits);
let h0 = ST.get () in
SM.bn_precomp_r2_mod_n_lemma (v modBits - 1) (as_seq h0 n);
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_ct_precomp n r2 m dBits d s;
BE.mk_bn_mod_exp_precompr2 nLen ke.BE.exp_vt_precomp n r2 s eBits e m';
let h1 = ST.get () in
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 s)
(SE.bn_mod_exp_consttime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h0 m) (v dBits) (as_seq h0 d));
SD.bn_eval_inj (v nLen) (as_seq h1 m')
(SE.bn_mod_exp_vartime_precompr2 (v nLen) (as_seq h0 n) (as_seq h0 r2)
(as_seq h1 s) (v eBits) (as_seq h0 e));
let eq_m = BN.bn_eq_mask nLen m m' in
mapT nLen s (logand eq_m) s;
BB.unsafe_bool_of_limb eq_m
inline_for_extraction noextract
let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st (t:limb_t) (a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}) (modBits:modBits_t t) =
let len = blocks modBits (size (bits t)) in
-> salt:lbuffer uint8 saltLen
-> msgLen:size_t
-> msg:lbuffer uint8 msgLen
-> m:lbignum t len ->
Stack unit
(requires fun h ->
live h salt /\ live h msg /\ live h m /\
disjoint salt msg /\ disjoint m msg /\ disjoint m salt /\
as_seq h m == LSeq.create (v len) (uint #t 0) /\
LS.rsapss_sign_pre a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h msg))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies (loc m) h0 h1 /\
as_seq h1 m == LS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn a (v modBits) (v saltLen) (as_seq h0 salt) (v msgLen) (as_seq h0 msg))
inline_for_extraction noextract
val rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn:
-> a:Hash.hash_alg{S.hash_is_supported a}
-> modBits:modBits_t t ->
rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Keys",
"short_module": "RK"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.MGF",
"short_module": "RM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.Padding",
"short_module": "RP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Lib.Sequence",
"short_module": "LSeq"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "LS"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.RSAPSS",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "BM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "BE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum",
"short_module": "BN"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Exponentiation",
"short_module": "SE"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Montgomery",
"short_module": "SM"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": "SD"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum.Base",
"short_module": "BB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Hacl.Spec.Bignum",
"short_module": "SB"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Spec.Agile.Hash",
"short_module": "Hash"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": "ST"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Bignum.Definitions",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.Buffer",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Lib.IntTypes",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Mul",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack.ST",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.HyperStack",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Hacl.Impl",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 0,
"initial_ifuel": 0,
"max_fuel": 0,
"max_ifuel": 0,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": false,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 150,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false |
a: Spec.Hash.Definitions.hash_alg{Spec.RSAPSS.hash_is_supported a} ->
modBits: Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.modBits_t t
-> Hacl.Impl.RSAPSS.rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn_st t a modBits | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let rsapss_sign_msg_to_bn #t a modBits saltLen salt msgLen msg m =
| push_frame ();
[@@ inline_let ]let bits:size_pos = bits t in
[@@ inline_let ]let numb:size_pos = numbytes t in
let nLen = blocks modBits (size bits) in
let emBits = modBits -! 1ul in
let emLen = blocks emBits 8ul in
[@@ inline_let ]let mLen = blocks emLen (size numb) in
let em = create emLen (u8 0) in
RP.pss_encode a saltLen salt msgLen msg emBits em;
LS.blocks_bits_lemma t (v emBits);
LS.blocks_numb_lemma t (v emBits);
assert (SD.blocks (v emBits) bits = v mLen);
assert (numb * v mLen <= max_size_t);
assert (v mLen <= v nLen);
let h' = ST.get () in
update_sub_f h'
(fun h -> SB.bn_from_bytes_be (v emLen) (as_seq h' em))
(fun _ -> BN.bn_from_bytes_be emLen em (sub m 0ul mLen));
pop_frame () | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.length | val length : b: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> FStar.UInt.uint_t 32 | let length b = FStar.UInt32.v (len b) | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 44,
"end_line": 52,
"start_col": 7,
"start_line": 52
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char
unfold let u8 = U8.t
unfold let u16 = U16.t
unfold let u32 = U32.t
(** Realized by uint8_t in C and int in OCaml (char does not have necessary operators...) *)
unfold type byte = u8
(** Realized in C by a pair of a length field and uint8_t* in C
Realized in OCaml by a string *)
val bytes : t:Type0{hasEq t}
val len : bytes -> u32 | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | b: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> FStar.UInt.uint_t 32 | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let length b =
| FStar.UInt32.v (len b) | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.u32 | val u32 : Prims.eqtype | let u32 = U32.t | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 22,
"end_line": 42,
"start_col": 7,
"start_line": 42
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char
unfold let u8 = U8.t | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | Prims.eqtype | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let u32 =
| U32.t | false |
FStar.Bytes.fsti | FStar.Bytes.op_String_Access | val op_String_Access : b: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> pos: FStar.Bytes.u32{FStar.UInt32.v pos < FStar.Bytes.length b}
-> Prims.Pure FStar.Bytes.byte | let op_String_Access = get | {
"file_name": "ulib/FStar.Bytes.fsti",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 33,
"end_line": 98,
"start_col": 7,
"start_line": 98
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2017 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
A standard library for manipulation of value bytes.
This model is realized by Bytes.bytes in OCaml and by
struct {uintX_t size; char *bytes} (or similar) in C.
This file is essentially a specialized version of FStar.Seq,
with lemmas and refinements taylored for typical operations on
bytes, and with support for machine integers and C-extractible versions
(which Seq does not provide.)
@summary Value bytes standard library
module FStar.Bytes
module S = FStar.Seq
module U = FStar.UInt
module U8 = FStar.UInt8
module U16 = FStar.UInt16
module U32 = FStar.UInt32
module U64 = FStar.UInt64
module Str = FStar.String
module Chr = FStar.Char
unfold let u8 = U8.t
unfold let u16 = U16.t
unfold let u32 = U32.t
(** Realized by uint8_t in C and int in OCaml (char does not have necessary operators...) *)
unfold type byte = u8
(** Realized in C by a pair of a length field and uint8_t* in C
Realized in OCaml by a string *)
val bytes : t:Type0{hasEq t}
val len : bytes -> u32
unfold let length b = FStar.UInt32.v (len b)
(** representation for specs that need lemmas not defined here. *)
val reveal:
-> GTot (S.seq byte)
val length_reveal:
-> Lemma (ensures (S.length (reveal x) = length x))
[SMTPatOr [[SMTPat (S.length (reveal x))];
[SMTPat (len x)]]]
val hide:
s:S.seq byte{S.length s < pow2 32}
-> GTot bytes
val hide_reveal:
-> Lemma (ensures (hide (reveal x) = x))
[SMTPat (reveal x)]
val reveal_hide:
x:S.seq byte{S.length x < pow2 32}
-> Lemma (ensures (reveal (hide x) == x))
[SMTPat (hide x)]
type lbytes (l:nat) = b:bytes{length b = l}
type kbytes (k:nat) = b:bytes{length b < pow2 k}
let lbytes32 (l:UInt32.t) = b:bytes{len b = l}
val empty_bytes : lbytes 0
val empty_unique:
-> Lemma (length b = 0 ==> b = empty_bytes)
[SMTPat (len b)]
(** If you statically know the length, it is OK to read at arbitrary indexes *)
val get:
-> pos:u32{U32.v pos < length b}
-> Pure byte
(requires True)
(ensures (fun y -> y == S.index (reveal b) (U32.v pos))) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "FStar.Bytes.fsti"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Char",
"short_module": "Chr"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.String",
"short_module": "Str"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt64",
"short_module": "U64"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt32",
"short_module": "U32"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt16",
"short_module": "U16"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt8",
"short_module": "U8"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.UInt",
"short_module": "U"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Seq",
"short_module": "S"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | b: FStar.Bytes.bytes -> pos: FStar.Bytes.u32{FStar.UInt32.v pos < FStar.Bytes.length b}
-> Prims.Pure FStar.Bytes.byte | Prims.Pure | [] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let op_String_Access =
| get | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.k_elab_unit | val k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt | val k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt | let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 16,
"end_line": 201,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 199
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing } | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env -> ctxt: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term
-> Pulse.Checker.Base.continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | false | false | let k_elab_unit (g: env) (ctxt: term) : continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt =
| fun p r -> r | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.comp_with_pre | val comp_with_pre : c: Pulse.Syntax.Base.comp_st -> pre: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> Pulse.Syntax.Base.comp | let comp_with_pre (c:comp_st) (pre:term) =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with pre }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with pre }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with pre} | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 57,
"end_line": 294,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 290
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= ()
let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | c: Pulse.Syntax.Base.comp_st -> pre: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term -> Pulse.Syntax.Base.comp | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let comp_with_pre (c: comp_st) (pre: term) =
| match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST ({ st with pre = pre })
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost ({ st with pre = pre })
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs ({ st with pre = pre }) | false |
DM4F_layered5.fst | DM4F_layered5.return_wp | val return_wp (#a: Type) (#st: Type0) (x: a) : wp st a | val return_wp (#a: Type) (#st: Type0) (x: a) : wp st a | let return_wp (#a:Type) (#st:Type0) (x:a) : wp st a =
fun s0 p -> p x s0 | {
"file_name": "examples/layeredeffects/DM4F_layered5.fst",
"git_rev": "10183ea187da8e8c426b799df6c825e24c0767d3",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "FStar"
} | {
"end_col": 20,
"end_line": 48,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 47
} | (*
Copyright 2008-2018 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module DM4F_layered5
(* Same as DM4F, but layered over a layered PURE without monotonicity *)
open ID5
open DM4F_Utils
let pure_bind_wp (#a #b : Type) (w1 : ID5.wp a) (w2 : a -> ID5.wp b) : ID5.wp b =
ID5.bind_wp w1 w2
(* Simulating state effect in DM4F, hopefully doable by a tactic. *)
type post_t st a = a -> st -> Type0
type wp0 (st:Type u#0) (a:Type u#ua) : Type u#(max 1 ua) =
st -> post_t st a -> Type0
let st_monotonic #st #a (w : wp0 st a) : Type0 =
//forall s0 p1 p2. (forall r. p1 r ==> p2 r) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2
// ^ this version seems to be less SMT-friendly
forall s0 p1 p2. (forall x s1. p1 x s1 ==> p2 x s1) ==> w s0 p1 ==> w s0 p2
type wp st a = w:(wp0 st a){st_monotonic w}
open FStar.Monotonic.Pure
type repr (a:Type u#ua) (st:Type0) (wp : wp u#ua st a) : Type u#(max 1 ua) =
s0:st -> ID (a & st) (as_pure_wp (fun p -> wp s0 (curry p))) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": false,
"source_file": "DM4F_layered5.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Monotonic.Pure",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "DM4F_Utils",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "ID5",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 2,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 8,
"max_ifuel": 2,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 1,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | x: a -> DM4F_layered5.wp st a | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | false | false | false | true | false | let return_wp (#a: Type) (#st: Type0) (x: a) : wp st a =
| fun s0 p -> p x s0 | false |
Pulse.Checker.Base.fst | Pulse.Checker.Base.check_equiv_emp | val check_equiv_emp (g:env) (vp:term)
: option (vprop_equiv g vp tm_emp) | val check_equiv_emp (g:env) (vp:term)
: option (vprop_equiv g vp tm_emp) | let rec check_equiv_emp (g:env) (vp:term)
: option (vprop_equiv g vp tm_emp)
= match vp.t with
| Tm_Emp -> Some (VE_Refl _ _)
| Tm_Star vp1 vp2 ->
(match check_equiv_emp g vp1, check_equiv_emp g vp2 with
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
let d3 : vprop_equiv g (tm_star vp1 vp2) (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp)
= VE_Ctxt _ _ _ _ _ d1 d2 in
let d4 : vprop_equiv g (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp) tm_emp =
VE_Unit _ _ in
Some (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ d3 d4)
| _, _ -> None)
| _ -> None | {
"file_name": "lib/steel/pulse/Pulse.Checker.Base.fst",
"git_rev": "f984200f79bdc452374ae994a5ca837496476c41",
"git_url": "",
"project_name": "steel"
} | {
"end_col": 16,
"end_line": 542,
"start_col": 0,
"start_line": 529
} | (*
Copyright 2023 Microsoft Research
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Pulse.Checker.Base
module T = FStar.Tactics.V2
module RT = FStar.Reflection.Typing
module Metatheory = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
module CP = Pulse.Checker.Pure
module RU = Pulse.RuntimeUtils
module FV = Pulse.Typing.FV
module P = Pulse.Syntax.Printer
open Pulse.Typing.Combinators
open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory
let debug (g:env) (f: unit -> T.Tac string) : T.Tac unit =
if RU.debug_at_level (fstar_env g) "pulse.checker" then
T.print (f())
let format_failed_goal (g:env) (ctxt:list term) (goal:list term) =
let terms_to_strings (ts:list term)= Pulse.Syntax.Printer.term_to_string ts in
let numbered_list ss =
let _, s = T.fold_left (fun (i, acc) s -> (i+1, Printf.sprintf "%d. %s" i s :: acc)) (1, []) ss in
String.concat "\n " (List.rev s)
let format_terms (ts:list term) = numbered_list (terms_to_strings ts) in
"Failed to prove the following goals:\n \
The remaining conjuncts in the separation logic context available for use are:\n \
The typing context is:\n \
(format_terms goal)
(format_terms ctxt)
(env_to_string g)
let mk_arrow ty t = RT.mk_arrow (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t)
let mk_abs ty t = RT.(mk_abs (elab_term ty) T.Q_Explicit (elab_term t))
let intro_comp_typing (g:env)
(pre_typing:tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(i_typing:effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c))
(res_typing:universe_of g (comp_res c) (comp_u c))
(x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) })
(post_typing:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term (comp_post c) x) tm_vprop)
: T.Tac (comp_typing g c (universe_of_comp c))
= let intro_st_comp_typing (st:st_comp { comp_u c == st.u /\
comp_pre c == st.pre /\
comp_res c == st.res /\
comp_post c == } )
: T.Tac (st_comp_typing g st)
= STC g st x res_typing pre_typing post_typing
match c with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STAtomic _ i obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = intro_st_comp_typing st in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let post_typing_as_abstraction
(#g:env) (#x:var) (#ty:term) (#t:term { fresh_wrt x g (freevars t) })
(_:tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ty) (open_term t x) tm_vprop)
: FStar.Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g) (mk_abs ty t) (mk_arrow ty tm_vprop))
= admit()
let check_effect_annot (g:env) (e:effect_annot) : T.Tac (effect_annot_typing g e) =
match e with
| EffectAnnotSTT
| EffectAnnotGhost -> ()
| EffectAnnotAtomic { opens } ->
CP.core_check_term g opens T.E_Total tm_inames
let intro_post_hint g effect_annot ret_ty_opt post =
let x = fresh g in
let ret_ty =
match ret_ty_opt with
| None -> tm_fstar RT.unit_ty FStar.Range.range_0
| Some t -> t
let ret_ty, _ = CP.instantiate_term_implicits g ret_ty in
let (| u, ty_typing |) = CP.check_universe g ret_ty in
let (| post, post_typing |) = CP.check_vprop (push_binding g x ppname_default ret_ty) (open_term_nv post (v_as_nv x)) in
let post' = close_term post x in
Pulse.Typing.FV.freevars_close_term post x 0;
let effect_annot_typing = check_effect_annot g effect_annot in
assume (open_term post' x == post);
{ g;
ret_ty; u; ty_typing;
x; post_typing_src=post_typing;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction #_ #_ #_ #post' post_typing }
let comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing (#g:env) (#c:comp_st) (ct:comp_typing_u g c)
: effect_annot_typing g (effect_annot_of_comp c)
= let _, iname_typing = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
match c with
| C_ST _ -> ()
| C_STGhost _ -> ()
| C_STAtomic opens obs _ -> iname_typing
let post_hint_from_comp_typing #g #c ct =
let st_comp_typing, _ = Metatheory.comp_typing_inversion ct in
let (| ty_typing, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.st_comp_typing_inversion st_comp_typing in
let effect_annot_typing = comp_typing_as_effect_annot_typing ct in
let p : post_hint_t =
{ g;
ret_ty = comp_res c; u=comp_u c;
post=comp_post c;
post_typing=post_typing_as_abstraction post_typing }
let comp_typing_from_post_hint
(#g: env)
(c: comp_st)
(pre_typing: tot_typing g (comp_pre c) tm_vprop)
(p:post_hint_for_env g { comp_post_matches_hint c (Some p) })
: T.Tac (comp_typing_u g c)
= let x = fresh g in
if x `Set.mem` freevars //exclude this
then fail g None "Impossible: unexpected freevar in post, please file a bug-report"
else let post_typing = post_hint_typing g p x in
intro_comp_typing g c pre_typing
x post_typing.post_typing
let extend_post_hint g p x tx conjunct conjunct_typing =
let g' = push_binding g x ppname_default tx in
let y = fresh g' in
let g'' = push_binding g' y ppname_default p.ret_ty in
let p_post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding p.g p.x ppname_default p.ret_ty)
(open_term p.x) tm_vprop
= p.post_typing_src
let p_post_typing_src''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken, rename
let conjunct_typing'
: tot_typing g' conjunct tm_vprop
= conjunct_typing
let conjunct_typing''
: tot_typing g'' (open_term conjunct y) tm_vprop
= RU.magic () //weaken
let new_post = tm_star conjunct in
let new_post_typing
: tot_typing g'' (open_term new_post y) tm_vprop
= Pulse.Typing.star_typing p_post_typing_src'' conjunct_typing''
assume (fresh_wrt y g'' (freevars new_post));
let new_post_abs_typing
: Ghost.erased (RT.tot_typing (elab_env g'') (mk_abs p.ret_ty new_post) (mk_arrow p.ret_ty tm_vprop))
= post_typing_as_abstraction new_post_typing
{ p with
post_typing=new_post_abs_typing }
let k_elab_unit (g:env) (ctxt:term)
: continuation_elaborator g ctxt g ctxt
= fun p r -> r
let k_elab_trans
(#g0:env) (#g1:env { g1 `env_extends` g0 }) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt0 #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k0:continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g1 ctxt1)
(k1:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2 { g1 `env_extends` g0})
: continuation_elaborator g0 ctxt0 g2 ctxt2
= fun post_hint res -> k0 post_hint (k1 post_hint res)
let comp_st_with_post (c:comp_st) (post:term)
: c':comp_st { st_comp_of_comp c' == ({ st_comp_of_comp c with post} <: st_comp) } =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with post }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with post }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with post}
let ve_unit_r g (p:term) : vprop_equiv g (tm_star p tm_emp) p =
VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Unit _ _)
let st_equiv_trans (#g:env) (#c0 #c1 #c2:comp) (d01:st_equiv g c0 c1) (d12:st_equiv g c1 c2)
: option (st_equiv g c0 c2)
match d01 with
| ST_VPropEquiv _f _c0 _c1 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing eq_res_01 eq_pre_01 eq_post_01 -> (
let ST_VPropEquiv _f _c1 _c2 y c1_pre_typing c1_res_typing c1_post_typing eq_res_12 eq_pre_12 eq_post_12 = d12 in
if x = y && eq_tm (comp_res c0) (comp_res c1)
then Some (
ST_VPropEquiv g c0 c2 x c0_pre_typing c0_res_typing c0_post_typing
(RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq_res_01 eq_res_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_pre_01 eq_pre_12)
(VE_Trans _ _ _ _ eq_post_01 eq_post_12)
else None
| ST_TotEquiv g t1 t2 u typing eq ->
let ST_TotEquiv _g _t1 t3 _ _ eq' = d12 in
let eq'' = Ghost.hide (RT.Rel_trans _ _ _ _ _ eq eq') in
Some (ST_TotEquiv g t1 t3 u typing eq'')
let t_equiv #g #st #c (d:st_typing g st c) (#c':comp) (eq:st_equiv g c c')
: st_typing g st c'
= match d with
| T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq' -> (
match st_equiv_trans eq' eq with
| None -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
| Some eq'' -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d0 eq''
| _ -> T_Equiv _ _ _ _ d eq
let st_equiv_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { freevars post `Set.subset` freevars (comp_post c)})
(veq: (x:var { fresh_wrt x g (freevars (comp_post c)) } ->
vprop_equiv (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c))
(open_term (comp_post c) x)
(open_term post x)))
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= if eq_tm post (comp_post c) then d
let c' = comp_st_with_post c post in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) = Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let veq = veq x in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) (VE_Refl _ _) veq
t_equiv d st_equiv
let simplify_post (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(post:term { comp_post c == tm_star post tm_emp})
: st_typing g t (comp_st_with_post c post)
= st_equiv_post d post (fun x -> ve_unit_r (push_binding g x ppname_default (comp_res c)) (open_term post x))
let simplify_lemma (c:comp_st) (c':comp_st) (post_hint:option post_hint_t)
: Lemma
comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint /\
effect_annot_of_comp c == effect_annot_of_comp c' /\
comp_res c' == comp_res c /\
comp_u c' == comp_u c /\
comp_post c' == tm_star (comp_post c) tm_emp)
(ensures comp_post_matches_hint (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) post_hint /\
comp_pre (comp_st_with_post c' (comp_post c)) == comp_pre c')
= ()
let vprop_equiv_typing_bk (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g p ctxt)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let _, bk = vprop_equiv_typing d in
bk ctxt_typing
let comp_with_pre (c:comp_st) (pre:term) =
match c with
| C_ST st -> C_ST { st with pre }
| C_STGhost st -> C_STGhost { st with pre }
| C_STAtomic i obs st -> C_STAtomic i obs {st with pre}
let st_equiv_pre (#g:env) (#t:st_term) (#c:comp_st) (d:st_typing g t c)
(veq: vprop_equiv g (comp_pre c) pre)
: st_typing g t (comp_with_pre c pre)
= if eq_tm pre (comp_pre c) then d
let c' = comp_with_pre c pre in
let (| u_of, pre_typing, x, post_typing |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst (comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness d)))) in
let st_equiv : st_equiv g c c' =
ST_VPropEquiv g c c' x pre_typing u_of post_typing (RT.Rel_refl _ _ _) veq (VE_Refl _ _)
t_equiv d st_equiv
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 2 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_continuation (#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt #ctxt1 #ctxt2:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt1)
(d:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt g2 ctxt2 =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
let st_d : st_typing g2 st c = st_d in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt2);
let st_d' : st_typing g2 st (comp_with_pre c ctxt1) = st_equiv_pre st_d _ (VE_Sym _ _ _ d) in
k post_hint (| st, _, st_d' |)
let vprop_equiv_typing_fwd (#g:env) (#ctxt:_) (ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#p:_) (d:vprop_equiv g ctxt p)
: tot_typing g p tm_vprop
= let fwd, _ = vprop_equiv_typing d in
fwd ctxt_typing
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --ifuel 1 --fuel 0"
let k_elab_equiv_prefix
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt2 #ctxt:term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt)
(d:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt2)
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt2 g2 ctxt =
fun post_hint res ->
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g1 ctxt2 ctxt1 =
let d = VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Comm _ _ _) (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ (VE_Unit _ _) d) in
(| tm_emp, emp_typing, d |)
let res = k post_hint res in
let (| st, c, st_d |) = res in
assert (comp_pre c == ctxt1);
(| _, _, st_equiv_pre st_d _ d |)
let k_elab_equiv
(#g1:env) (#g2:env { g2 `env_extends` g1 }) (#ctxt1 #ctxt1' #ctxt2 #ctxt2':term)
(k:continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2)
(d1:vprop_equiv g1 ctxt1 ctxt1')
(d2:vprop_equiv g2 ctxt2 ctxt2')
: continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1 g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_continuation k d2 in
let k : continuation_elaborator g1 ctxt1' g2 ctxt2' =
k_elab_equiv_prefix k d1 in
#push-options "--query_stats --fuel 2 --ifuel 2 --split_queries no --z3rlimit_factor 20"
open Pulse.PP
let continuation_elaborator_with_bind (#g:env) (ctxt:term)
(#c1:comp{stateful_comp c1})
(e1_typing:st_typing g e1 c1)
(ctxt_pre1_typing:tot_typing g (tm_star ctxt (comp_pre c1)) tm_vprop)
(x:nvar { None? (lookup g (snd x)) })
: T.Tac (continuation_elaborator
(tm_star ctxt (comp_pre c1))
(push_binding g (snd x) (fst x) (comp_res c1))
(tm_star (open_term (comp_post c1) (snd x)) ctxt)) =
let pre1 = comp_pre c1 in
let res1 = comp_res c1 in
let post1 = comp_post c1 in
let ctxt_typing = star_typing_inversion_l ctxt_pre1_typing in
// let p_prop = Metatheory.pure_typing_inversion pure_typing in
let v_eq = VE_Comm g ctxt pre1 in
let framing_token : frame_for_req_in_ctxt g (tm_star ctxt pre1) pre1 =
(| ctxt, ctxt_typing, VE_Comm g pre1 ctxt |)
let (| c1, e1_typing |) =
apply_frame ctxt_pre1_typing e1_typing framing_token in
let (| u_of_1, pre_typing, _, _ |) =
Metatheory.(st_comp_typing_inversion (fst <| comp_typing_inversion (st_typing_correctness e1_typing))) in
let b = res1 in
let ppname, x = x in
let g' = push_binding g x ppname b in
let post1_opened = open_term_nv post1 (v_as_nv x) in
let k : continuation_elaborator g (tm_star ctxt pre1) g' (tm_star post1_opened ctxt) =
fun post_hint res ->
let (| e2, c2, e2_typing |) = res in
assert (comp_post_matches_hint c2 post_hint);
let e2_typing : st_typing g' e2 c2 = e2_typing in
let e2_closed = close_st_term e2 x in
assume (open_st_term e2_closed x == e2);
assert (comp_pre c1 == (tm_star ctxt pre1));
assert (comp_post c1 == tm_star post1 ctxt);
assert (comp_pre c2 == tm_star post1_opened ctxt);
assert (open_term (comp_post c1) x == tm_star post1_opened (open_term ctxt x));
// ctxt is well-typed, hence ln
assume (open_term ctxt x == ctxt);
assert (open_term (comp_post c1) x == comp_pre c2);
// we closed e2 with x
assume (~ (x `Set.mem` freevars_st e2_closed));
if x `Set.mem` freevars (comp_post c2)
then fail g' None "Impossible: freevar clash when constructing continuation elaborator for bind, please file a bug-report"
else (
let t_typing, post_typing =
Pulse.Typing.Combinators.bind_res_and_post_typing g c2 x post_hint in
let g = push_context g "mk_bind" e1.range in
// info_doc g None
// [prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind e1 = ") (doc_of_string (Pulse.Syntax.Printer.st_term_to_string e1));
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind c1 = ") (pp #comp c1);
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind e2 = ") (doc_of_string (Pulse.Syntax.Printer.st_term_to_string e2));
// prefix 4 1 (doc_of_string "mk_bind c2 = ") (pp #comp c2)]
// ;
let (| e, c, e_typing |) =
g (tm_star ctxt pre1)
e1 e2_closed c1 c2 (ppname, x) e1_typing
(Some? post_hint)
(| e, c, e_typing |)
module LN = Pulse.Typing.LN
#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --fuel 1 --ifuel 1"
let st_comp_typing_with_post_hint
(#g:env) (#ctxt:_)
(ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(post_hint:post_hint_opt g { Some? post_hint })
(c:comp_st { comp_pre c == ctxt /\ comp_post_matches_hint c post_hint })
: st_comp_typing g (st_comp_of_comp c)
= let st = st_comp_of_comp c in
let Some ph = post_hint in
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding ph.g ph.x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term ph.x) tm_vprop
= ph.post_typing_src
let x = fresh g in
assume (fresh_wrt x g (freevars;
assume (None? (lookup g ph.x));
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding ph.g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term x) tm_vprop
= if x = ph.x
then post_typing_src
let open Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.Base in
let tt :
(push_binding ph.g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(subst_term (open_term ph.x) (renaming ph.x x))
(subst_term tm_vprop (renaming ph.x x)) =
tot_typing_renaming1 ph.g ph.x ph.ret_ty (open_term ph.x) tm_vprop post_typing_src x
assert (subst_term tm_vprop (renaming ph.x x) == tm_vprop);
assume (subst_term (open_term ph.x) (renaming ph.x x) ==
open_term x);
let post_typing_src
: tot_typing (push_binding g x ppname_default ph.ret_ty)
(open_term x) tm_vprop
= //weakening: TODO
RU.magic ()
let ty_typing : universe_of ph.g st.res st.u = ph.ty_typing in
let ty_typing : universe_of g st.res st.u =
Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.tot_typing_weakening_standard ph.g ty_typing g
assert (st.res == ph.ret_ty);
assert ( ==;
STC g st x ty_typing ctxt_typing post_typing_src
let continuation_elaborator_with_bind_fn (#g:env) (#ctxt:term)
(ctxt_typing:tot_typing g ctxt tm_vprop)
(#c1:comp { C_Tot? c1 })
(b:binder{b.binder_ty == comp_res c1})
(e1_typing:st_typing g e1 c1)
(x:nvar { None? (lookup g (snd x)) })
: T.Tac (continuation_elaborator
g ctxt
(push_binding g (snd x) ppname_default (comp_res c1)) ctxt)
= let t1 = comp_res c1 in
assert ((push_binding g (snd x) (fst x) t1) `env_extends` g);
fun post_hint (| e2, c2, d2 |) ->
if None? post_hint then "bind_fn: expects the post_hint to be set";
let ppname, x = x in
let e2_closed = close_st_term e2 x in
assume (open_st_term (close_st_term e2 x) x == e2);
let e = wr c2 (Tm_Bind {binder=b; head=e1; body=e2_closed}) in
let (| u, c1_typing |) = Pulse.Typing.Metatheory.Base.st_typing_correctness_ctot e1_typing in
let c2_typing : comp_typing g c2 (universe_of_comp c2) =
match c2 with
| C_ST st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
CT_ST _ _ stc
| C_STAtomic i obs st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
let i_typing = CP.core_check_term g i T.E_Total tm_inames in
CT_STAtomic _ _ obs _ i_typing stc
| C_STGhost st ->
let stc = st_comp_typing_with_post_hint ctxt_typing post_hint c2 in
CT_STGhost _ _ stc
let d : st_typing g e c2 =
T_BindFn g e1 e2_closed c1 c2 b x e1_typing u c1_typing d2 c2_typing
(| e, c2, d |) | {
"checked_file": "/",
"dependencies": [
"interface_file": true,
"source_file": "Pulse.Checker.Base.fst"
} | [
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.LN",
"short_module": "LN"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.PP",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax.Printer",
"short_module": "P"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker.Pure",
"short_module": "CP"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Metatheory",
"short_module": "Metatheory"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.RuntimeUtils",
"short_module": "RU"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.FV",
"short_module": "FV"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing.Combinators",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Typing",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Syntax",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Tactics.V2",
"short_module": "T"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.List.Tot",
"short_module": "L"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.V2",
"short_module": "R"
"abbrev": true,
"full_module": "FStar.Reflection.Typing",
"short_module": "RT"
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Pulse.Checker",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar.Pervasives",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "Prims",
"short_module": null
"abbrev": false,
"full_module": "FStar",
"short_module": null
] | {
"detail_errors": false,
"detail_hint_replay": false,
"initial_fuel": 1,
"initial_ifuel": 1,
"max_fuel": 1,
"max_ifuel": 1,
"no_plugins": false,
"no_smt": false,
"no_tactics": false,
"quake_hi": 1,
"quake_keep": false,
"quake_lo": 1,
"retry": false,
"reuse_hint_for": null,
"smtencoding_elim_box": false,
"smtencoding_l_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_nl_arith_repr": "boxwrap",
"smtencoding_valid_elim": false,
"smtencoding_valid_intro": true,
"tcnorm": true,
"trivial_pre_for_unannotated_effectful_fns": true,
"z3cliopt": [],
"z3refresh": false,
"z3rlimit": 5,
"z3rlimit_factor": 4,
"z3seed": 0,
"z3smtopt": [],
"z3version": "4.8.5"
} | false | g: Pulse.Typing.Env.env -> vp: Pulse.Syntax.Base.term
-> FStar.Pervasives.Native.option (Pulse.Typing.vprop_equiv g vp Pulse.Syntax.Base.tm_emp) | Prims.Tot | [
] | [] | [
] | [
] | false | false | false | false | false | let rec check_equiv_emp (g: env) (vp: term) : option (vprop_equiv g vp tm_emp) =
| match vp.t with
| Tm_Emp -> Some (VE_Refl _ _)
| Tm_Star vp1 vp2 ->
(match check_equiv_emp g vp1, check_equiv_emp g vp2 with
| Some d1, Some d2 ->
let d3:vprop_equiv g (tm_star vp1 vp2) (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp) = VE_Ctxt _ _ _ _ _ d1 d2 in
let d4:vprop_equiv g (tm_star tm_emp tm_emp) tm_emp = VE_Unit _ _ in
Some (VE_Trans _ _ _ _ d3 d4)
| _, _ -> None)
| _ -> None | false |