can-ai-code_junior-dev_v1 / interview.csv
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SanityMeaningOfLife-python,python,"Write a python function meaning_of_life() that returns a single integer, the answer to life the universe and everything"
SanityMeaningOfLife-javascript,javascript,"Write a javascript function meaning_of_life() that returns a single integer, the answer to life the universe and everything"
SanityList-python,python,"Write a python function things() that returns a list with three values: the number 5, the string 'foobar', the capital city of Spain."
SanityList-javascript,javascript,"Write a javascript function things() that returns a list with three values: the number 5, the string 'foobar', the capital city of Spain."
SanitySecretIdentityMap-python,python,"Write a python function secretidentities() that returns an object mapping the superheroes Superman, Batman and Spiderman to their real names."
SanitySecretIdentityMap-javascript,javascript,"Write a javascript function secretidentities() that returns an object mapping the superheroes Superman, Batman and Spiderman to their real names."
GCDZeroShot-python,python,Write a python function to compute the greatest common demoninator (gcd) of two input integers a and b.
GCDZeroShot-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function to compute the greatest common demoninator (gcd) of two input integers a and b.
GCDMisnamed-python,python,"Write a python function fofx(x: int, banana: int) to compute the greatest common demoninator of two input integers x and banana."
GCDMisnamed-javascript,javascript,"Write a javascript function fofx(x, banana) to compute the greatest common demoninator of two input integers x and banana."
FactorialZeroShot-python,python,Write a python function to compute the factorial of input n.
FactorialZeroShot-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function to compute the factorial of input n.
FactorialRecursiveZeroShot-python,python,Write a python function to compute the factorial of input n using recursion.
FactorialRecursiveZeroShot-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function to compute the factorial of input n using recursion.
FactorialMisnamed-python,python,Write a python function glork(bork: int) to compute the factorial of input bork.
FactorialMisnamed-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function glork(bork) to compute the factorial of input bork.
FibonacciZeroShot-python,python,Write a python function to compute the fibbonaci sequence of length n.
FibonacciZeroShot-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function to compute the fibbonaci sequence of length n.
FibonacciListZeroShot-python,python,Write a python function that returns a list with the first n elements of the fibbonaci sequence.
FibonacciListZeroShot-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function that returns a list with the first n elements of the fibbonaci sequence.
FibonacciMisnamed-python,python,Write a python function glork(bork) to compute the fibbonaci sequence of length bork.
FibonacciMisnamed-javascript,javascript,Write a javascript function glork(bork) to compute the fibbonaci sequence of length bork.
StringCountTokens-python,python,"Write a python function substrcount(str, substr) that counts the number of times the sub-string `substr` occurs in `str` and returns it"
StringCountTokens-javascript,javascript,"Write a javascript function substrcount(str, substr) that counts the number of times the sub-string `substr` occurs in `str` and returns it"