text,canonical_form_1,canonical_form_2,canonical_form_3,category_1,category_2,category_3,severity_rating,severity_description |
69,69,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
@55,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
@ssfcker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
@ssfucker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
@ssfvcker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
@sshole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
0ral seks,sex,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
0ral sex,sex,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
0rg@sm,orgasm,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
0rgasms,orgasm,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
3jakulating,ejaculation,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.6,Strong |
4r5e,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
4r5ed,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
4r5es,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
4skin,foreskin,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
5h17,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
5h1t,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
5kank,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
a_s_s,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
abbie,abraham,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.2,Mild |
abeed,abeed,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.8,Strong |
aboe,abo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1,Mild |
anal,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
anal hole,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
anal hore,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
anal pirate,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
analingus,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
analplug,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
analplugs,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
anilingus,anal,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
animal fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,3,Severe |
anus,anus,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
anus plug,anus,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
ape shit,ape,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
ape shite,ape,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.6,Strong |
apeshit,ape,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,racial / ethnic slurs,animal references,1.4,Mild |
apeshite,ape,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,racial / ethnic slurs,,1.4,Mild |
ar5e,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
ar5ehole,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
arse,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
arse gobbler,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
arse hole,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
arse-bandit,arse,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
arse-bandits,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
arse-fucker,fuck,arse,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
arse-fuckers,fuck,arse,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
arse-hole,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
arse-shagger,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
arsefuck,fuck,arse,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
arsefucker,fuck,arse,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
arsehole,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
arseshit,arse,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
arsewipe,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
ashole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
ass,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
ass bandit,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
ass eating boiolas,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
ass eating nob jokeys,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
ass fecker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
ass fuck,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
ass fucker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
ass fucking boiolas,fuck,ass,boiolas,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
ass fucking nob jokeys,fuck,ass,knob,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
ass hole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
ass kisser,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
ass licking,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
ass muncher,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
ass-bandit,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
ass-fucker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
ass-fuckers,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
ass-hole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
asses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
assface,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
assfck,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
assfcker,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
assfk,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
assfkcer,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
assfker,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
assfkr,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
assfook,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
assfuccer,ass,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
assfuck,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
assfuck3r,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
assfucker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
assfuckers,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
assfuckerz,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
assfukah,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
assfukka,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
assfukker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
assfukkerz,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
assfvck3r,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
assfvcker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
asshat,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
asshol3,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
asshole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
asshole fucker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
assholes,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
assmunch,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
assmuncher,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
asswhole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
asswipe,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
axe wound,wound,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
azz,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
azzhole,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
b to the inch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
b!tch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b00bz,boobs,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
b0llock,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
b0llocks,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
b1+ch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
b17ch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1otch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1otchs,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
b1tch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1tch1ng,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
b1tch35,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
b1tch3s,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1tchees,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1tches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1tchez,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
b1tchin,bitch,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
b1tching,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
b1tchs,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
b1tchy,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
baby batter,baby batter,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
ballbag,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bangbros,bang,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
bassturd,bastard,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
bastard,bastard,retard,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
bastardish,bastard,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
bastards,bastard,,,other / general insult,,,1.6,Strong |
basterd,bastard,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
bastid,bastard,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
bastinado,bastard,,,other / general insult,,,1.8,Strong |
basturd,bastard,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
bater,masturbate,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
bates,masturbate,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
batshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1,Mild |
batshite,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
bbc,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
bean queen,bean queen,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
beaner,beaner,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
beaners,beaner,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
beat my meat,meat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
beat off,beat off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
beat the meat,meat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
beat your meat,meat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
beeotch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
bell end,bellend,,,mental disability,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,1,Mild |
bellend,bellend,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
bender,bender,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
bewbs,boobs,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
beyoch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
beyotch,bitch,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
bi + ch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
bi+ch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
biatch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
biches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
biotch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
biotches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
biotchez,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
bishes,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
bitch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
bitch3s,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
bitchass,bitch,ass,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,1.6,Strong |
bitchasses,bitch,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
bitched,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
bitcher,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
bitchers,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
bitches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
bitchez,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
bitchfuck,fuck,bitch,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
bitchhole,bitch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
bitchin,bitch,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
bitchin',bitch,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
bitching,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
bitchlike,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
bitchness,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
bitchs,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
bitchslap,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
bitchtits,bitch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
bitchy,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
bitchy ass,bitch,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
bizzach,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
BJ,blowjob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
blacky,blacky,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
blow a load,blow a load,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
blow job,blowjob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
blowjob,blowjob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
blumpkin boy,blumpkin,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
boll0ck,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bollock,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bollockchops,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
bollocks,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
bollocktician,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
bollox,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bondage,bondage,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
boner,boner,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bonk juice,bonk,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
boobs,boobs,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
booty,booty,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
breasticles,breast,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
breasts,breast,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bugger,bugger,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
bugger off,bugger,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
bull shit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1,Mild |
bullshi,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
bullshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
bullshite,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
bum-bandits,bum,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
bum-driller,bum,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
bumhole,bum,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
bung hole,bung,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
butt fuck,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
butt fucker,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
butt hole,butt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
butt pirate,butt,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
butt-fucker,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
butt-fuckers,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
butt-fucking-bandit,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
butt-munchers,butt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
buttermilk,buttermilk,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.4,Mild |
buttfuck,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
buttfucker,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
buttfuckers,fuck,butt,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
butthole,butt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.2,Mild |
butthole boy,butt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
bwc,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
c*nt,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
c*ntface,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
c*nts,cunt,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
c*nty,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
c00n,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
c00nies,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
c0ck,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
c0ckhead,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
c0cks,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
c0cksuccer,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
c0cksucked,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
c0cksucker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
c0cksuckers,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
c0x,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
c0xux0r,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
caaak,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
caca,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
cack,cock,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
cagone,cojones,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
cajones,cojones,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
Camel jockey,camel jockey,,,racial / ethnic slurs,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
cameltoe,cameltoe,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
carpet muncher,carpet muncher,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
carpetmuncher,carpet muncher,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
carpetmunchers,carpet muncher,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
carpetmunching,carpet muncher,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
cawk,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
cawk muncher,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cawkmuncher,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cawks,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
cawksucker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
ch1nk,chink,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
chesticles,testicles,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
china-virus,china virus,,,political,,,2.2,Strong |
chinavirus,china virus,,,political,,,2.6,Severe |
chinese-virus,china virus,,,political,,,2.8,Severe |
chingchong,chingchong,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
chink,chink,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
chinky,chink,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
choad nectar,choad,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
chocha,chocha,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
choke the chicken,choke the chicken,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
cholo,cholo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.6,Strong |
clitlickers,clit,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
closet fuckhead,fuck,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
clusterfuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
clusterfucked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
clusterfucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
clusterfucking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
clusterfucks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cobb knobbler,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
cock,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
cock droplets,cock,,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,2.4,Strong |
cock head,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cock jockey,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cock knocker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cock licker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cock munch,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cock rider,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
cock smoker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cock snot,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
cock suck,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cock sucker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cock sucking,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cock sucking boiolas,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
cock sucking nob jokeys,cock,knob,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
cock tease,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cock-face,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cock-gobbler,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cock-head,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cock-sucker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cock-suckers,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cockboy,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cockeater,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cockface,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cockgobbler,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cockh3ad,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cockhead,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cockheads,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cockhed,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cockless,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
cocklicker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cockmonger,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cockmunch,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cockmuncher,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cocks,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
cockshit,cock,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
cockskin,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
cocksmoker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksucc,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cocksuccas,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksuccer,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksuccers,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksuck,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksuckas,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cocksucked,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cocksucker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksuckers,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksucking,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cocksucking mothafuckers,motherfucker,cock,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
cocksucks,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocksuk,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cocksuka,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cocksukka,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cocsuck,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cokmuncher,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
coksucka,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
coolie,coolie,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.8,Strong |
coon,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
coon1es,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
cooni3s,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
coonie,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
coonies,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
coons,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
coot,coot,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
coot coot,coot,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
cooter,coot,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
cooter shooting,coot,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
cooterpuffing,coot,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cooties,cooties,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
cotton picker,cotton picker,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
crazy mofos,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.4,Mild |
crazy sob,bitch,,,mental disability,,,1.4,Mild |
creampie,creampie,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
crotch,crotch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
crotch fiddler,crotch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
crotchy,crotch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
crow,crow,,,animal references,,,1,Mild |
crows,crow,,,sexual orientation / gender,animal references,,1.4,Mild |
cuksuker,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cuksukka,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cum goon,cum,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
cumball,cum,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.4,Strong |
cumdumpster,cum,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.8,Severe |
cumming,cum,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
cums,cum,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
cumslut,cum,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
cumz,cum,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
cunnilingus,cunnilingus,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cunt,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
cunt ass,cunt,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
cunt fart,cunt,fart,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.6,Severe |
cunt lick,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
cunt licker,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
cunt lips,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
cuntasaurus rex,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
cuntbag,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
cuntbollock,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cuntelope,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cuntits,cunt,tits,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
cuntless,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
cuntlick,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
cuntlicker,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cuntlickers,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
cuntness,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
cunts,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
cunty,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
cuntz,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
cuunt,cunt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
cyberfck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cyberfcks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
cyberfuccs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cyberfucks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
cyberfucs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cyberfukk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
cyberfukks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
cyberfvcks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
d!ck,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
d!cks,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
d!ld0,dildo,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
d!ldo,dildo,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
d0ggy style,doggy style,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
d1ck,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
d1ckhead,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
d1ckheads,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
d1cks,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
d1cksucker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
d1cksukka,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
d1ckz,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
d1ldo,dildo,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
dafuq,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
dago,dago,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
darkass,ass,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
darkfuck,fuck,darky,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,racial / ethnic slurs,,2.4,Strong |
darkie,darky,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
darkshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,racial / ethnic slurs,,3,Severe |
darktard,retard,darky,,racial / ethnic slurs,mental disability,,3,Severe |
darky,darky,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
dick breath,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
dick face,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dick fucker,fuck,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
dick head,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dick licker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
dick milker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
dick nibbler,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
dick smoker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
dick sucker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
dick-face,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dick-gobbler,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dick-head,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dickface,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
dickfucker,dick,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
dickhead,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
dickheads,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
dickjockies,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
dickless,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
dicklicker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
dickmuncher,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
dicks,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dickskin,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dickslapper,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
dicksmoker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
dicksucker,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
dickvag,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
dickz,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
diddle,diddle,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dikhead,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
diks,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
dild0,dildo,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dipsh1t,shit,,,mental disability,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,1.6,Strong |
dipsh1tty,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
dipshat,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
dipshidiot,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,mental disability,,1.6,Strong |
dipshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
dipshite,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
dipshits,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,mental disability,,1.6,Strong |
dipshitter,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,mental disability,,1.6,Strong |
dipshitty,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,mental disability,,1.8,Strong |
dipstick,dipstick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,1.2,Mild |
dirty sanchez,dirty sanchez,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
dix,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dlck,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
dlcks,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dog fuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
dog fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,3,Severe |
dog fucking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
dog shit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
dog-fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
dog's bollocks,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
doggo style,doggy style,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
doggy style,doggy style,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
doggy_style,doggy style,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,1.4,Mild |
dogie style,doggy style,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dogsh1t,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
dogsh1ts,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
dogshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1,Mild |
dogshits,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.4,Mild |
dogstyle,doggy style,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
dolt,dolt,,,mental disability,,,1,Mild |
dong,dong,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
doosh,douche,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
dothead,dothead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
double dick,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
double dicking,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
double pen,double pen,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
double-dong,dong,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
douche,douche,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
douche bag,douche,,,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,,1,Mild |
douche canoe,douche,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.4,Mild |
douchebag,douche,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.4,Mild |
dumasses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,1,Mild |
dumb bastard,bastard,,,other / general insult,mental disability,,1.2,Mild |
dumb fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2,Strong |
dumb@ss,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,1.2,Mild |
dumbarrassed,ass,,,mental disability,,,1.4,Mild |
dumbass,ass,,,mental disability,other / general insult,,1.4,Mild |
dumbass fucker,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.6,Severe |
dumbass mofoes,ass,motherfucker,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.4,Strong |
dumbass mothafuckers,motherfucker,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,other / general insult,2.8,Severe |
dumbass son-of-a-bitch,bitch,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,1.8,Strong |
dumbasses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,1,Mild |
dumbfucks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.2,Strong |
dumbshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
dump a load,dump a load,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
dune coon,coon,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
dyke,dyke,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
erectoplasm,erectoplasm,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
f_u_c_k,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
f'ed,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
f'er,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
f@ck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
f@cker bunny,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
f@g,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
f@gg0t,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
f@gging,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
f@ggot,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
f@gs,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
f@gshit,shit,fag,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
f@k,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
f0ck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
f0cked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
f0cker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
f0ckers,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
face fuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
fack,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
fackuhs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fag,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
fag asses,faggot,ass,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
fag bag,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
fag hag,faggot,hag,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
fag queen,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
fag0t,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
faget,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
fagg0t,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
fagging,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
faggo,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
faggot,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
faggot mofoes,faggot,motherfucker,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
faggot mothafuckers,motherfucker,faggot,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
faggot nob jokeys,faggot,knob,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
faggot nobjockies,faggot,knob,,sexual orientation / gender,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,3,Severe |
faggot son-of-a-bitch,faggot,bitch,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
faggoting,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
faggots,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
faggs,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
faggy,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
fagot,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
fags,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
fagshit,faggot,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
fart-fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
fatass,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,physical attributes,,1.2,Mild |
fatasses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,physical attributes,,1.2,Mild |
fccuker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fck you,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcka,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
fckahz,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fckedup,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fcker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fckin,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fcking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
Fckk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fckked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fckking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fcktard,fuck,retard,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.8,Severe |
fckyeah,fuck,,,other / general insult,,,1.6,Strong |
fcuk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fcuked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcuker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fcukers,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcuking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcukker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fcuks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fcvking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
feck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
feck arse,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
fecker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
feg,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
fellatio aficionado,fellatio,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fellator,fellatio,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
fick,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
finger,finger,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
finger fuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
fingerbanged,finger,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
fingerpop,finger,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
fk bunny,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fkbny,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
fked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
fking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fkings,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
fkker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
flamer,flamer,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
flamers,flamer,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
focker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fook,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.6,Strong |
fooker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
fookuh,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
forked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
fothermuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
fuc,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
fucc,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fucca,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fuccers,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuccing,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
fuccs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
Fuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fuck arse,fuck,arse,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
fuck face,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fuck faces,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuck goblin,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuck head,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fuck off,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fuck up,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
fuck y0u,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
fuck you,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
fuck your,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
fuck your mother,fuck,motherfucker,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
fucka,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuckahs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fuckass,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fuckasses,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fuckaz,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuckbag,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
fuckboy,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
fucked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
fucked up,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuckem,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fucker off,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fuckers,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fuckface,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuckfaces,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuckhead,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuckheaded,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.6,Severe |
fuckheads,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
fuckin,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fucking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fucking A,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
fucking asshole,fuck,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
fucking bastard,fuck,bastard,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
fucking hell,fuck,hell,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,religious offense,,2,Strong |
fucking me,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fucking retard,fuck,retard,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,3,Severe |
fucking shit,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
fuckk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuckless,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fuckmachine,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fucknuckle,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fucks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fuckshit,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
fuckshitface,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
fuckshithead,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.8,Severe |
fuckstar,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuckster,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuckstick,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fucktard,fuck,retard,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.8,Severe |
fucktards,fuck,retard,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.6,Severe |
fuckup,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fuckwad,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuckwhore,fuck,whore,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
fucs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fucx,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fudgefucker,fudge packer,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,bodily fluids / excrement,3,Severe |
fudgepacker,fudge packer,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
fudgepackers,fudge packer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
fudgepackershitter,fudge packer,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,3,Severe |
fudgepacking fucker,fudge packer,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,bodily fluids / excrement,3,Severe |
fugged,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
fugger,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fuggerz,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
fuggings,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fugly,fuck,,,physical attributes,,,1.4,Mild |
fuk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fuk1n,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fuk1ng,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fukcs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fuker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fukheads,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukin,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fuking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukka,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fukked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukkers,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukkings,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fukkuh,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fuku,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
fukwhore,fuck,whore,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
fukwit,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,2.2,Strong |
full of shit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
funbags,funbags,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
fuq,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
futhamucka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
fux,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fux0r,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fvck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
fvck you,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
fvcka,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fvckbunny,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.2,Strong |
fvcker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
fvckers,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fvckin,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
fvcking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
fvckker bunny,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fvckwhi,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fxck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
fxcked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
fxcker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
fxcking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
g@y b1tch,bitch,gay,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
g@ylord,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
g@yshit,shit,gay,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
g0ddamn,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.2,Mild |
g0ddamned,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.6,Strong |
g0ddamnit,damn,,,religious offense,,,1,Mild |
gash-stabber,gash-stabber,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
gay ass,gay,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
gay bitch,gay,bitch,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
gay fuck,fuck,gay,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
gay fucker,fuck,gay,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
gay shit,gay,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
gay wad,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
gayest,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
gaylord,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
gaylords,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
gayness,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
gaysian,gay,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
gaytard,gay,retard,,sexual orientation / gender,mental disability,,2.8,Severe |
geebag,garbage bag,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
get fucked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
gin jockey,gin jockey,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
girlieboy,girlyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
girly bits,girly bits,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
girlyboy,girlyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
go fuck yourself,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
go to hell,hell,,,other / general insult,religious offense,,1,Mild |
gobshite,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
god dammit,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.6,Strong |
god damn,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.4,Mild |
god damn it,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.8,Strong |
god damned,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.2,Mild |
god damnit,damn,,,religious offense,,,2.2,Strong |
god-dam,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.2,Mild |
god-damned,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.4,Mild |
godamnit,damn,,,religious offense,,,2,Strong |
godd@amn,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.4,Mild |
godd@mnit,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.4,Mild |
goddammit,damn,,,religious offense,,,1,Mild |
goddamn,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.6,Strong |
goddamn mothafuckers,motherfucker,damn,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
goddamn son of a bitch,damn,bitch,,religious offense,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
goddamn son-of-a-bitch,damn,bitch,,religious offense,sexual orientation / gender,,1.4,Mild |
goddamned,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.8,Strong |
goddamnit,damn,,,religious offense,,,1.6,Strong |
gook,gook,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
gowl,gowl,,,other / general insult,,,1.6,Strong |
greaser,greaser,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1,Mild |
groid,groid,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2,Strong |
groper,grope,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
gyp,gypsy,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2,Strong |
harry palms,harry palms,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
heeb,hebe,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
higg@,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
higg3r,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
higga,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
higger,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
higgers,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
hoar,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
hoe,hoe,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
hoe-asses,hoe,ass,,sexual orientation / gender,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,2.2,Strong |
hoebag,hoe,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
hoes,hoe,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
holy fuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,religious offense,2,Strong |
homo,homosexual,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
homo asses,homosexual,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
homos,homosexual,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
hooters,hooters,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
horse shit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
horse's asses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,1.4,Mild |
horseshit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.2,Mild |
hustler,hustler,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
injun,injun,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
j-offs,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
j3rk,jerk,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
ja!lbait,jailbait,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
ja1lbait,jailbait,,,physical attributes,,,1,Mild |
Jack off,jackoff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
jack-off,jack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
jack-offs,jack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
jackarse,arse,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jackass,ass,,,animal references,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
jackasses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jackasss,ass,,,animal references,,,1.2,Mild |
jackoff,jack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
jackoffs,jack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
jackoffz,jack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
jagoff,jack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jailba!t,jailbait,,,physical attributes,,,1.6,Strong |
jailbait,jailbait,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jap,jap,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
jerk off,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jerk-0ff,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
jerk-0ffs,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
jerk-off,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
jerk-offs,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jerking off,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
jerkoff,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
jerkoff jerking off,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
jerkoffs,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
jerks off,jerk off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
jewboy,jew,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
jigaboo,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
jigaboos,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
jigga,jiggaboo,nigger,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
jiggaboo,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
jiggabooboo,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
jiggaboos,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
jiggabu,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
jiggas,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
jigger,jiggaboo,nigger,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
jiggerboo,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
jiggerboos,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
jiggs,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
jiggyboo,jiggaboo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
jigro,jiggaboo,nigger,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
jim crow,jim crow,,,racial / ethnic slurs,other / general insult,,1.4,Mild |
jizz,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
jizz eater,jizz,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
jizz licker,jizz,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
jizz-jockey,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.2,Strong |
jizzbags,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.4,Strong |
jizzed,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
jizzes,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.2,Strong |
jizzfucker,fuck,jizz,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,2.6,Severe |
jizzing,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
jizzsacks,jizz,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
jizzstain,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.8,Severe |
jizzy,jizz,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
k!k3,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
k!ke,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
k..!ke,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
k1k3,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
k1ke,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
kid diddler,diddle,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
kiddy touch,kidtoucher,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
kike,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
kikes,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
kiss ass,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
kiss my ass,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
kitty puncher,kitty puncher,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
kkk,kkk,,,other / general insult,,,1.8,Strong |
klan,klan,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.8,Strong |
klitoris,clit,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
kneegrows,negro,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
knickers,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.8,Strong |
knob,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
knob eater,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
knob gobbler,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
knob jockey,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
knob-face,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
knob-gobbler,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
knob-head,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
knob3d,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
knob3nd,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
knobd,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
knobe,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
knobead,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
knobeads,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
knobed,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.4,Mild |
knobeds,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
knobend,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
knobender,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
knobends,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
knobendy,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
knobendz,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
knober,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
knobes,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
knobgobbler,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
knobhead,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
knobheads,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
knobjockies,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
knobjocky,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
knobjokey,knob,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
knobjokeys,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
ku kluxer,ku kluxer,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
kyke,kike,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
l@dyb0i,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
l@dyb0y,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
l@dyboy,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
l3i + ch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
l3i+ch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
l3itch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
l3itches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
ladboys,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
ladboyz,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
ladiboy,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
lady-boy,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
ladyb0i,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
ladyb0y,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
ladyboy,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
ladyboys,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
ladyboyz,ladyboy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
lesbo,lesbian,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.2,Strong |
loose woman,loose,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
m@asterbated,masturbate,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
m@derfaker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
m@derfuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
m@derfuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
m0f0,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
m0f0s,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2.4,Strong |
m0fo,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
m0foes,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2.2,Strong |
m0fos,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
m0ng0l0id,mongoloid,,,mental disability,racial / ethnic slurs,,2.2,Strong |
m0ngoloid,mongoloid,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
m0thafucked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
m0thafucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
m0thafucking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
m0therfuckeds,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
m0therfucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
m0therfucking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
m0therfvcker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
man chowder,man chowder,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
man meat,meat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
man seed,man seed,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
markasses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
meat curtains,meat curtains,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
meat-sword,meat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
mecha fag,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
mega fag,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
mf'er,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
mf'ers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mf'ing,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
mfckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
MFer,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
MFers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mfing,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
mfk,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.6,Strong |
mfs,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
mfukk,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mfukker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
milf,milf,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
mindfuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
mof0es,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
mof0s,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2.6,Severe |
mofcker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mofo,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
mofo ass,motherfucker,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
mofoes,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2,Strong |
mofos,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
mofoshit,motherfucker,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
mofuccers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
mofucckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
mofuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
mofucker,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2,Strong |
mofuckkas,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
mofuk,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2.2,Strong |
mofukkas,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
molester,molest,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
mong,mong,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.8,Strong |
mongoloid,mongoloid,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
mongrel,mongrel,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
motha fucka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motha fucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
motha fuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mothaf@cked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mothafcked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mothafcking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
Mothafucc,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mothafucced,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mothafuccer,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mothafuccing,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mothafuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mothafucka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mothafuckas,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mothafuckasses,motherfucker,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mothafuckaz,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mothafuckazzes,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mothafucked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mothafuckeds,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
mothafucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mothafuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mothafuckin,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mothafucking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mothafuckings,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mothafuckins,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mothafucks,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
mothafuckz,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mothafvcked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
mother effer,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
mother fuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mother fuck you,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mother fucka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mother fucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mother fuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mother fucking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mothercker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
motherf@kka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
motherfacking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
motherfcked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfckin,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfcking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfcks,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfckshit,motherfucker,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,2.8,Severe |
motherfecka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
motherfecker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
motherfk,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfucca,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
motherfuccas,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
motherfuccers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
motherfucked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfuckeds,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
motherfuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfuckin,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
motherfucking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfuckings,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfuckingshit,motherfucker,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.8,Severe |
motherfuckins,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfuckka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
motherfuckkas,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfuckkers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
motherfucks,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
motherfukka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
motherfukker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
motherfukkings,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
motherfvck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
motherfvcked,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
motherfvckeds,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
motherfvcker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
motherfvckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfvcking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
motherfxck,motherfucker,,,other / general insult,,,2.4,Strong |
motherfxcking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mothfck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mothter fuck,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mtherfuker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mthrfcker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
muddafukkas,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
mudderfuk,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
mudderfukker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
mufdive,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
mufdivin,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
muff,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
muffdiving,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
muffdivings,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
muffindivin,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
muffindiving,muff,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
muhfucking,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
mushroom tip,mushroom tip,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
mutha fucka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
mutha fucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
muthafecker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
muthafeckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
muthafucka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
muthafuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
muthafuckings,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
muthafuckker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,3,Severe |
muthafuckkers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
muthafukka,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
mutherfucker,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
mutherfuckers,motherfucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
n0bhead,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
n0bj0cky,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
n1ckker,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
n1g3r,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1g3rz,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1gg@,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1gg@hs,niggger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
n1gg3r,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1gg3rs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1gga,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
n1ggah,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
n1ggahs,niggers,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1ggas,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1ggazes,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1gger,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1ggers,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
n1gguh,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
n3gro,negro,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
negga,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
neggar,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
negr0,negro,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
negro,negro,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2,Strong |
negroes,negro,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
negroid,negro,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
niccer,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
nicka,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
nickas,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nicker,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nickk3r,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nickker,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nig,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nig-nog,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
niga,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
nigah,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigasses,nigger,ass,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigers,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigg@,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigg@hs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigg@s,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigg@z,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
nigg@zzes,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigg3r,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigg3rs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigg4h,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigg4hs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigga,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigga lover,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
niggah,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
niggahs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
niggahz,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
niggas,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
niggass,nigger,ass,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
niggaz,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
niggazzes,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigger,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigger lover,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,3,Severe |
niggers,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
niggerz,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
niggir,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
niggress,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigguh,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigguhs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigguhz,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
niglet,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nignigs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nignog,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigra,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nigre,nigger,nigga,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nigs,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
niguh,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nikk3r,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nikkas,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
nikker,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
nip,nipple,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
nob jockey,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
nob jokeys,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
nobbyhead,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
nobhead,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
nobheads,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
nobj0key,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
nobjockies,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
nobjocky,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
nobjokey,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2,Strong |
nobjokeys,knob,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
nobs,knob,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
nonce,nonce,,,other / general insult,,,1.4,Mild |
nuckas,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
nuggets,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.2,Mild |
nut butter,nut butter,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
nutsack,nutsack,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
nutsacks,nutsack,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
nympho,nymph,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1,Mild |
nymphomaniac,nymph,,,other / general insult,,,1.4,Mild |
octopussy,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
oven dodger,oven dodger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2,Strong |
p3n1shead,penis,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
p3nisfcker,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
p3nisfcukers,fuck,penis,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
p3nisfvcker,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
p3nisfvckers,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
pack my fudge,fudge packer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
packerfudgehead,fudge packer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
packing fudge,fudge packer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
packing fudgehead,fudge packer,,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,1.8,Strong |
packingfudge,fudge packer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
packingfudgefucker,fudge packer,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,bodily fluids / excrement,2.8,Severe |
packingfudgefucking,fudge packer,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,bodily fluids / excrement,2.4,Strong |
packsomefudgefucker,fudge packer,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,bodily fluids / excrement,2.4,Strong |
paki,paki,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
palm jockey,palm jockey,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
pancake face,pancake face,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.6,Strong |
pecker,pecker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
peckerhead,pecker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
pedo,pedophile,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
pedobear,pedophile,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
pedobears,pedophile,,,other / general insult,animal references,,2.2,Strong |
pedophl,pedophile,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
pedos,pedophile,,,other / general insult,,,2.4,Strong |
pedoz,pedophile,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
peen,penis,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
peener,penis,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
penisfcker,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
penisfuccer,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
penisfucker,fuck,penis,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,3,Severe |
penisfuckers,fuck,penis,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
penisfvcker,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,3,Severe |
penisfvckers,penis,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.8,Severe |
penishead,penis,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
peter,peter puffer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
peter puffer,peter puffer,,,sexual orientation / gender,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,1.8,Strong |
ph@ggots,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
phaggot,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
phaggots,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
phagot,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
phags,faggot,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
phuc,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
phucc,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
phuccer,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
phucchead,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
phuccing,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
phuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
phuck3r,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
phucked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
phucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
phuckin,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
phucking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
phuckings,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
phucks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
phucup,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
phuk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
phuked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
phukeds,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
phukhead,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
phuking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
phukings,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
phukk,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
phukked,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
phukkeds,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
phukker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
Phukking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
phuks,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
phukshit,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
phuku,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
phukup,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
phuq,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.2,Strong |
phuqs,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
phvckings,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
pig fucker,fuck,pig,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
pigfucker,fuck,pig,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.6,Severe |
pigfuckers,fuck,pig,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,3,Severe |
pigfucking,fuck,pig,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.6,Severe |
pigfukker,fuck,pig,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
piggyfuck,fuck,pig,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,3,Severe |
pigshit,shit,pig,,bodily fluids / excrement,animal references,,1.4,Mild |
pillow biter,pillow biter,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
pillow-biter,pillow biter,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
piss face,piss,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
piss off fuckhead,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,3,Severe |
piss shit,piss,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
pissoff,piss,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
pissoffs,piss,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,1.4,Mild |
pole licker,pole licker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
pole smoker,pole smoker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
pole sucker,pole sucker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
polesmoker,polesmoker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.2,Strong |
porch monkey,porch monkey,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
prick,prick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
prick-face,prick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
prick-gobbler,prick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
prick-head,prick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
pricks,prick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
pu$sy,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
pu55y,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
pull the pud,pull the pud,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
punani,punani,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
punk ass mofoes,motherfucker,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
punkasses,ass,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
puss,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
pusses,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
pussie,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
pussies,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1,Mild |
pussless,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
pusslicker,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
pussy,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
pussy cat,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
pussy fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
pussy lick,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
pussy licker,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
pussy licking,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
pussylickers,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
pussys,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
pussywhipped,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
puta,punta,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
puussy,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
puzzies,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
puzzy,pussy,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
queerasses,queer,ass,,sexual orientation / gender,,,3,Severe |
queers,queer,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
r3t@rd,retard,,,mental disability,,,2.8,Severe |
r3t@rded,retarded,,,mental disability,,,2.8,Severe |
r3tard,retard,,,mental disability,,,2.6,Severe |
raghead,raghead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
ragheads,raghead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
ragtard,retard,raghead,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
ramrod,ramrod,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
rat bastard,bastard,,,other / general insult,animal references,,1.6,Strong |
rat baztad,bastard,,,animal references,,,1.8,Strong |
reacharound,reacharound,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
rectum,rectum,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
redskin,redskin,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
retard,retard,,,mental disability,,,2.8,Severe |
retardo,retard,,,physical disability,mental disability,,2.6,Severe |
retardotron,retard,,,mental disability,,,1.8,Strong |
rice monkey,monkey,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
rim job,rim job,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
s_h_i_,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
s_h_i_s,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
s-lut,slut,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
s.o.b.,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.2,Mild |
s.o.b.s,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
s/h/i/t,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
S&M,sadomasochism,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
sack,ballsack,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
salad tosser,salad tosser,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
sambo,sambo,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
sand nigger,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
sausage jockey,sausage jockey,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
scamfuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
schlong,schlong,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
scumfuck,fuck,scum,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
scumfucker,fuck,scum,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.8,Severe |
scumfvck,fuck,scum,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
scummy,scum,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
scut,scut,,,other / general insult,,,1,Mild |
sh! +,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
sh!+,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sh1s,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sh1t,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
sh1t3,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sh1td1ck,shit,dick,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
sh1tdick,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
sh1te,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sh1tfuck,fuck,shit,,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.6,Severe |
sh1th3ad,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,mental disability,,2,Strong |
sh1theads,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
sh1ts,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sh1tsome,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
sh1tt,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sh1tty,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
sh3mal3,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
sh3male,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
shat,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
she-male,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
sheeeet,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sheet,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sheister,shit,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2,Strong |
shemal3,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
shemale,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.6,Severe |
shemales,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
shet,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shi+,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shi+e,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shi+y,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shiat,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shiddick,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
shiester,shiester,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2,Strong |
shiesterfuck,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,racial / ethnic slurs,,2.2,Strong |
shiesterfuckface,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,racial / ethnic slurs,,2.8,Severe |
shiesterfuckhead,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,racial / ethnic slurs,,2.2,Strong |
shiesterfucks,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,racial / ethnic slurs,,2.4,Strong |
shipdit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
shit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shit face,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,physical attributes,,1.8,Strong |
shit for brains,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,mental disability,,1.6,Strong |
shit fuck,fuck,shit,,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
shit fucker,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.8,Severe |
shit head,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shit licker,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,2,Strong |
shit stain,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shit-arse,shit,arse,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
shit-ass,shit,ass,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
shit-bandit,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,1.6,Strong |
shit-fucker,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.6,Severe |
shit-stuffers,shit,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
shit3,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitass,shit,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
shitasses,shit,ass,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
shitassfucker,fuck,shit,ass,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.6,Severe |
shitassfuckface,fuck,shit,ass,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.8,Severe |
shitbag,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
shitbird,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shitblimp,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,physical attributes,,1.6,Strong |
shitblimps,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,physical attributes,,1.6,Strong |
shitbrain,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
shitd1ck,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
shitdick,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
shitdicks,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
shitdikk,shit,dick,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
shitdip,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shite,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shiteblimps,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shited,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shitedick,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
shitefuck,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.6,Strong |
shitefulls,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shitehead,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shites,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitey,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shitface,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
shitfaced,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,physical attributes,,1.2,Mild |
shitfacefuck,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.8,Severe |
shitfacefucker,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.6,Severe |
shitfck,shit,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
shitfk,shit,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
shitfreak,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2,Strong |
shitfuck,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
shitfucker,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.4,Strong |
shitfuckhead,fuck,shit,,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.6,Severe |
shitfuckmotherfucker,motherfucker,shit,fuck,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.8,Severe |
shitfucks,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
shitfudgefucker,fuck,shit,fudge packer,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
shitfvck,shit,fuck,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.2,Strong |
shithead,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shitheadfucker,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
shitheadfuckface,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.4,Strong |
shitheads,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
shithole,shit,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
shits,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitsdick,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
shitsfuck,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2.2,Strong |
shitsful,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shittastic,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shittasticfuck,fuck,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,2.2,Strong |
shitte,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitted,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shitter,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitterfucker,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.6,Severe |
shitti,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitties,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shittiest,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shitting,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.4,Mild |
shittings,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
shitty,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
shitty mofoes,shit,motherfucker,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,1.6,Strong |
shittydick,shit,dick,,bodily fluids / excrement,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,2,Strong |
shittydicks,shit,dick,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,2,Strong |
shittyfuck,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
shittyfuckface,fuck,shit,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,bodily fluids / excrement,other / general insult,2.2,Strong |
shittyful,shit,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
shlong,shlong,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
shmale,shemale,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
shtfuk,shit,fuck,,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.8,Strong |
shut the fuck up,fuck,,,other / general insult,,,2.2,Strong |
shylock,shylock,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.6,Strong |
shytfeisterfuck,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.6,Severe |
sissy,sissy,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
sixty-nine,69,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
sk@nks,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
sk@nky,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1,Mild |
sk@nkz,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
skank,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
skanks,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
skanky,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
skankz,skank,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
sl@nteye,slant eye,,,racial / ethnic slurs,physical attributes,,3,Severe |
slag,slag,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
slantard,retard,slant eye,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
slanteye,slant eye,,,racial / ethnic slurs,physical attributes,,3,Severe |
slanteye b1tch,bitch,slant eye,,racial / ethnic slurs,sexual orientation / gender,,2.6,Severe |
slanteyes,slant eye,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
slanteyeshit,shit,slant eye,,bodily fluids / excrement,racial / ethnic slurs,,3,Severe |
slantfreak,slant eye,,,racial / ethnic slurs,physical attributes,,2.6,Severe |
slanty,slant eye,,,racial / ethnic slurs,physical attributes,,2.6,Severe |
slit,slit,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
slut,slut,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
slut hole,slut,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
sluts,slut,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
slutty,slut,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
snatch,snatch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
snatch licker,snatch,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
soab,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
son o bitch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
son of a bitch,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.2,Mild |
son-of-a-bitch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
sonna bitch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
sonofabitch,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.4,Mild |
sonofbitches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
sons of b1tches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
sons of bitches,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
sons-of-bitches,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.4,Mild |
sonz of bitchez,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
soppy bollucks,bollocks,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
spanking,spank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
sperm,sperm,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
sphincter,sphincter,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
spic,spic,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
spicfuck,fuck,spic,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,racial / ethnic slurs,,3,Severe |
spick,spic,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
spics,spic,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
spicshit,spic,shit,,bodily fluids / excrement,racial / ethnic slurs,,3,Severe |
spig,spic,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
spik,spic,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
spix,spic,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
spook,spook,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
spooks,spook,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
spunk,spunk,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.2,Mild |
stfu,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.8,Strong |
stump chewer,stump chewer,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
stupid fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.4,Strong |
stupid hoe,hoe,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
stupidasses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,1,Mild |
suck,suck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
suck my cock,cock,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
suck my d,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
suck my dick,dick,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.2,Strong |
suck off,suck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
sum of a bitch,bitch,,,other / general insult,sexual orientation / gender,,1.4,Mild |
sumbitch,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
swine,swine,,,animal references,,,1,Mild |
swine fucker,fuck,swine,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,animal references,,2.8,Severe |
tacohead,tacohead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
tadger,tadger,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
taking the piss,taking the piss,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1,Mild |
tallywacker,tallywacker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
tar-baby,tar-baby,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
tard,retard,,,mental disability,,,2.8,Severe |
tard asses,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,mental disability,,3,Severe |
tart,tart,,,mental disability,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,1.2,Mild |
throat yogurt,throat yogurt,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.8,Strong |
throater,throater,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
tickle the pickle,tickle the pickle,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
timber nigger,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
tits,tit,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
tongue fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.4,Strong |
tongue fucking,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2.8,Severe |
tosser,tosser,,,other / general insult,,,1.2,Mild |
tossing salad,tossing salad,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
towelhead,towelhead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
towelheads,towelhead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
towelshithead,towelhead,shit,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
tramp,tramp,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.6,Strong |
Tranny,tranny,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.8,Severe |
transvestite,transvestite,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2.4,Strong |
trashb1tch,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
trashbitch,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,2,Strong |
trashbitches,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
trashbitchez,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
trashbtch,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.4,Mild |
trasherbitch,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,other / general insult,,1.4,Mild |
trasherbitchs,bitch,trash,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
trashybitches,bitch,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
trouser snake,trouser snake,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
trousersnake,trousersnake,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
turdcutter,turd,,,other / general insult,bodily fluids / excrement,,1.6,Strong |
turdhead,turd,,,bodily fluids / excrement,,,1.6,Strong |
tw@t,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
twa+,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.2,Mild |
twat,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.8,Strong |
twat waffle,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2,Strong |
twatface,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2.4,Strong |
twats,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
twatt,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
twattish,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,1.6,Strong |
twatzilla,twat,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,sexual orientation / gender,,2,Strong |
twink,twink,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.2,Mild |
upskirts,upskirt,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
useless fucker,fuck,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,2.6,Severe |
vag,vagina,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
vajayjay,vagina,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
vulva,vulva,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
w@nker,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.2,Mild |
w@nkers,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
w4nk3r,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1.6,Strong |
w4nker,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wang,wang,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.4,Mild |
wang wrangler,wang,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,2,Strong |
wank,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wank off,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
wank3r,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wank3rs,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wankbastard,wank,bastard,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
wanked,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
wanker,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wankers,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wankies,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.6,Strong |
wanking,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
wanks,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
we1back,wetback,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
weenie,weenie,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
weiner,weiner,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1,Mild |
wet back,wetback,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.8,Severe |
wetback,wetback,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,3,Severe |
wetbacks,wetback,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
wh0r3,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
wh0re,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
whack off,whack off,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.2,Mild |
what the fuck,fuck,,,other / general insult,,,2.2,Strong |
whoar,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
whoars,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
whor3,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
whore,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,1.8,Strong |
whores,whore,,,sexual orientation / gender,,,2,Strong |
wigger,nigger,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.6,Severe |
willy-whacker,willy-whacker,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,,,1.8,Strong |
window licker,window licker,,,mental disability,,,1.8,Strong |
wise ass,ass,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wnker,wank,,,sexual anatomy / sexual acts,other / general insult,,1,Mild |
wop,wop,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |
wophead,wop,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.2,Strong |
zip in the wire,zipperhead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,1.4,Mild |
zipperhead,zipperhead,,,racial / ethnic slurs,,,2.4,Strong |