#!/usr/bin/env python _description = "Run commands across TPU VMs for initial setup before running `accelerate launch`." def tpu_command_parser(subparsers=None): if subparsers is not None: parser = subparsers.add_parser("tpu-config", description=_description) else: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Accelerate tpu-config command", description=_description) # Core arguments config_args = parser.add_argument_group( "Config Arguments", "Arguments that can be configured through `accelerate config`." ) config_args.add_argument( "--config_file", type=str, default=None, help="Path to the config file to use for accelerate.", ) config_args.add_argument( "--tpu_name", default=None, help="The name of the TPU to use. If not specified, will use the TPU specified in the config file.", ) config_args.add_argument( "--tpu_zone", default=None, help="The zone of the TPU to use. If not specified, will use the zone specified in the config file.", ) pod_args = parser.add_argument_group("TPU Arguments", "Arguments for options ran inside the TPU.") pod_args.add_argument( "--use_alpha", action="store_true", help="Whether to use `gcloud alpha` when running the TPU training script instead of `gcloud`.", ) pod_args.add_argument( "--command_file", default=None, help="The path to the file containing the commands to run on the pod on startup.", ) pod_args.add_argument( "--command", action="append", nargs="+", help="A command to run on the pod. Can be passed multiple times.", ) pod_args.add_argument( "--install_accelerate", action="store_true", help="Whether to install accelerate on the pod. Defaults to False.", ) pod_args.add_argument( "--accelerate_version", default="latest", help="The version of accelerate to install on the pod. If not specified, will use the latest pypi version. Specify 'dev' to install from GitHub.", ) pod_args.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help="If set, will print the command that would be run instead of running it." ) if subparsers is not None: parser.set_defaults(func=tpu_command_launcher) return parser def tpu_command_launcher(args): defaults = None # Get the default from the config file if it exists. if args.config_file is not None or os.path.isfile(default_config_file): defaults = load_config_from_file(args.config_file) if not args.command_file and defaults.command_file is not None and not args.command: args.command_file = defaults.command_file if not args.command and defaults.commands is not None: args.command = defaults.commands if not args.tpu_name: args.tpu_name = defaults.tpu_name if not args.tpu_zone: args.tpu_zone = defaults.tpu_zone if args.accelerate_version == "dev": args.accelerate_version = "git+https://github.com/huggingface/accelerate.git" elif args.accelerate_version == "latest": args.accelerate_version = "accelerate -U" elif isinstance(parse(args.accelerate_version), Version): args.accelerate_version = f"accelerate=={args.accelerate_version}" if not args.command_file and not args.command: raise ValueError("You must specify either a command file or a command to run on the pod.") if args.command_file: with open(args.command_file, "r") as f: args.command = [f.read().splitlines()] # To turn list of lists into list of strings if isinstance(args.command[0], list): args.command = [line for cmd in args.command for line in cmd] # Default to the shared folder and install accelerate new_cmd = ["cd /usr/share"] if args.install_accelerate: new_cmd += [f"pip install {args.accelerate_version}"] new_cmd += args.command args.command = "; ".join(new_cmd) # Then send it to gcloud # Eventually try to use google-api-core to do this instead of subprocess cmd = ["gcloud"] if args.use_alpha: cmd += ["alpha"] cmd += [ "compute", "tpus", "tpu-vm", "ssh", args.tpu_name, "--zone", args.tpu_zone, "--command", args.command, "--worker", "all", ] if args.debug: print(f"Running {' '.join(cmd)}") return subprocess.run(cmd) print("Successfully setup pod.") def main(): parser = tpu_command_parser() args = parser.parse_args() tpu_command_launcher(args)